#Joanna Higashikata
mysticjourneys · 11 months
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Delicious and Sexy~
Joanna is pulling off some Bayonetta poses in sexy outfit.
Art done by Taku
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gazkerber · 8 months
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Patreon sketch requests from January 2024 ❤
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risquefanfics457 · 2 years
The kiwi
“Today is the day.” I toss open the curtains.
“Ughh…” Josuke rolls over in bed, “The day for what?”
I put my hands on my hips, “Joanna is 22 months old! Today is the day we start potty training!”
Josuke shields his eyes from the sun, “It’s so early… oh well, have fun.”
“Fun is not the objective today, sweetheart! Today is about progress!”
“You’re right. My objective today is to get up.”
I giggled, “But you’ve done that a thousand times before.”
“Yeah, but it’s still pretty hard to do.”
I lean over the bed and kiss his forehead, “Good luck then.”
“Good morning, sweetie pie!” I lift the blind from her window.
Joanna blinks sleepily from her crib.
“I made such a yummy breakfast for you! I’ve got some breakfast sausage, apple juice, and cereal and today we are trying kiwi!”
I reached my arms out to her. She looked at me and reluctantly pulled herself up.
“I’m so excited for you, Jojo. We’re going to do so much today!”
.She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
I took her downstairs and plunked her into her highchair before setting the tray out for her. As she always does, she grabbed her juice first. 
“Don’t be scared to try the kiwi, you’ve had to before in puree, but you’ve never tried it on its own.”
She put down the bottle and looked skeptically at the fruit.
I smiled expectantly at her. “Yummy, yummy!”
She glanced back down at her food again and ate the other stuff but stayed clear of the kiwi.
Once it was the only thing left on her tray, she lifted her arms to let out, 
“All gone.” She exclaimed.
“Uh, hey, why don’t we try this?” I nudged it toward her.
She pulled away as much as she could and pouted, “No dank you.”
“But it’s my favourite, and you’re my duaghter.” I pleaded, I took a piece and ate it, smiling, “It’s so good! Yum!”
She pushed the remaining pieces toward me. 
“Uh, no no. I don’t want it. It’s for you!”
“Is for you.” She replied, copying me.
I mentally kicked myself. If breakfast was going to be a battle, what was the rest going to look like?
“Yeah, just sit down and go pee.”
She looked totally perplexed.
“It’s easy, it’s just like your diaper, but cleaner and I don’t have to change you,” I said wistfully.
She looked as lost as she did a minute ago
“You know what? You probably don’t need to go.” I pulled her pants up and let her go. She got up and ran excitedly down the hall to go find something to play with.
I watched her as she went, and with every step, it seemed her diaper got more full and saggy.
I threw my arms up, exasperated, “Oh come on!” 
“How many tries is that?”
I looked up exhausted at my husband Josuke who stood against the frame of the bathroom door.
“5 now.”
He laughed with his cup of coffee in hand. “Wow, you are determined.” He reached his other arm toward me to help me off of the bathroom floor.
“Not as much as I was earlier.” I dusted myself off.
“Well, it isn’t easy.”
“Well, it should be.” I crossed my arms defiantly, “It’s not hard to do.”
“Maybe that’s because she’s more like me than we first thought.”
“Why do you say that?” 
He took a sip of his coffee, “Because it took me ages to finally get out of bed, and because this is my second cup this morning.”
I looked at him, confused as to how they related.
He laughed, “Maybe it’s because it’s too early. Let her do things at her pace.”
“But, some parents said that she should be starting potty training now.”
“Yeah, sure. But a lot of other people say that children all run their own race. She’ll do it when she’s ready.”
I lean against him, “Okay.”
“By the way, you left Kiwi on the counter, can you move it? I hate the way it feels if I touch it. So slimy.” He shuddered
“God, you really are her dad.”
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freeusemuses · 2 years
Now I want to know what Nadur thinks of Joanna. X3
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"Oh yeah, our little war crim'nal. Heh, jokes aside, Joanna has t'be th' only person who could take me in a fight. An' I think she'd win if'n I'm bein' honest."
"I might give her some guff 'bout her penchant fer blowin' shit up, but half the fights we find ourselves in'd be that much harder if'n she didn't make shit go boom."
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legacysagas · 2 years
Loose Ends : Open RP
Joanna sat at a lone table in a bar, her drink of choice being a starwberry lemonade. The scenery had warm colored lights with a smooth jazz number playing off the radio. It wasn't a busy day as others mind their own business or had idle chit-chat.
At Joanna's table, along with her drink, was a list of locations with some having names. Some had been scratched out by a pen to show she had been there and had no success.
"Bounty Hunters make money, they said. You get tons of info, they said. Yeah right," Joanna sighed before finishing her drink. She would get up to approach the bar before crashing into someone she didn't notice. "Oh sorry! I didn't see you there."
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Save or Enslave: Joanna Higashikata, OC
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…I feel like, as your DM, I shouldn’t say this. It wouldn’t be right to say, I feel, and I should keep such thoughts away from a character in a game that I run.
…having said that, Enslave~
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
For Zebes
Maria Azamat
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Joanna Higashikata
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Zebes approves!
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unwrittentens · 2 years
Pinned post
As a Canadian teaching graduate, my uncle sent me to work in Japan for a year with another school board so I could teach English to Japanese students in high school. After I arrived in Japan, specifically S-city. My job fell through before I could even start. I had an apartment in a small town nearby called Morioh, but I didn't have income. I went to a bar one night and bumped into a woman by the name of Tomoko. She remarked on my Japanese and asked where I was really from. After Tomoko spoke to the school board, she asked me if I would apply to be a substitute teacher at their school there in Morioh.
I did not get the job doing that, but Tomoko had been watching for a teaching assistant to help her in the classroom. After being approved by the board I became Tomoko's protege of sorts. Once in a while on our breaks, we would discuss home life. Her son and the love of her life. Her grandfather. And I told her about my family too. She became a sort of mother figure while I was away from home and stopped by to offer me a homemade meal at my apartment one night.
After some accident, Tomoko sprained her wrist. After the school day as I was grading some papers, she told her son to help her get some boxes into the back of the car. That was when I met Josuke.
Josuke asked me to join him at the local cafe. We hit it off pretty well. We tried to keep it on the down low. Tomoko was skeptical about the relationship at first but slowly warmed up to it. She just knew her son was going to cause trouble.
Very early on, I learned that Josuke was a lot like how Tomoko had described her grandfather. Right down to the occupation. Josuke wanted to become a police officer and work right in Morioh much like his maternal grandfather, Ryohei Higashikata.
Josuke was applying to be a recruit but needed to finish a college credit first. Some nights, we stayed up pretty late to finish some homework and some innocent kisses were shared to motivate each other.
As Josuke and I continued our relationship the school year ended, and I worried that I would have to leave everything to go back home, but I managed to stay as Tomoko’s assistant for another year. 
In the new year, Koichi and Yukako got married and Josuke and I began to wonder where our now 9-month-old relationship was going. Sometime after we discuss children and if that is something we both want. I want kids, but Josuke thinks it’s too soon. He wants to make sure he’s with the right person, not to mention ‘daddy issues’. We agree to wait and see.
Yukako and Koichi announce that they are having twins just after Josuke’s birthday. Soon we find out they are 2 fraternal girls. The girls are born that next January. Josuke and I talk about buying a house and renting the apartment out, but we make no decisions yet.
The next year in March I find out that one of the condoms we used must have broke because I am pregnant. Josuke is nervous but excited and insists we need to find a new house for the baby because the apartment is cramped. We move into a nice home and Joseph helps us with some of the expenses. I don’t like that we are using somebody else’s money but Josuke says that he deserves it in return for not having his father in his life. It is here I really notice a grudge he holds for his father.
Our baby is born. A baby girl we called Joanna. The name was in my family and it holds up nicely so I can call our baby, Jojo. Just two months later, I get pregnant again, but I miscarry within 2 months. It’s devastating but it gives us time to focus on Joanna and our careers.
I finally become a full-time teacher at Morioh’s elementary school and teach the 2nd grade. That December I am pregnant once again and I surprise Josuke for Christmas. We finally get engaged and a few months later we got married. Our second baby was born in early September, which was before the due date. He was taken quickly to the NICU. But when Josuke and I held our baby boy, he started to recover. We named him Ryohei after Josuke’s grandfather.
We have yet to have any more kids at the moment. Joanna is 4 and her brother is 2. Joanna is enjoying kindergarten at a newer school
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mysticjourneys · 2 months
A steamy art piece of Joanna Higashikata under the cut.
Credit: stunnsfw
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gazkerber · 8 months
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Patron sketch requests from November 2023 ❤
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♧ (bastard-80's-jojo, Joanna)
♧ : Your muse playing with their hair
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“Uh, please don’t touch my hair!”
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purenonsens · 7 years
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Josuke! the sparkles in the bg didn’t make it orz
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legacysagas · 2 years
Thanks @rubbarband
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"That's fair. At least they got the important parts right."
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anamneseverge · 4 years
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Beaumont Yañez
Chiaki Nanami
Fushiguro Megumi
The Hollow Knight
Hubert von Vestra
Jeanne d’Arc Alter (Avenger)
Joanna Greenleaf
Josuke Higashikata
Merlin (Caster)
Ming Yi
Sumire Yoshizawa
Yami Yugi
Younger Toguro
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irenetheeadler · 1 year
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lipstick lover
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