#Joaquín Gracia Anadón
tina-aumont · 4 months
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~* Family *~
These days I'm working on finding information from the Gracia/Montez Family starting by Tina's great-grandparents, her grandparents and then her mum and sisters and her cousin María.
Everything I'm finding I'm posting it here in this page called FAMILY.
Please notice that this page is under construction but little by little I will be adding biographies and timelines (when available) from the Gracia/Montez Family as I think it's a very big and interesting family with great history that deserves to be known by the general public.
Enjoy and remember that anything that you find or know is always welcomed (and credited) here!!
Eleni xxx
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tina-aumont · 5 months
Los Orígenes de la família Gracia
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[Joaquín Gracia Anadón y María Antónia García Martín bisabuelos de Tina Aumont]
Joaquín Gracia Anadón - bisabuelo de Tina Aumont por parte de madre -, nació el 23 de mayo de 1841 en el municipio de Estercuel (Teruel), hijo de Pablo Gracia González, de la misma naturaleza, y de Tomasa Anadón Andrés, nacida en La Mata de los Olmos (Teruel). Sus abuelos paternos fueron Pedro Pablo Gracia y Ramona González, los maternos, Joaquín y María Teresa Andrés. Era bisnieto de Francisco Gracia e Isabel Ana Luño y de Francisco Anadón e Isabel Julve. Tomasa Anadón Andrés murió en Muniesa (Teruel) el 8 de mayo de 1867.
María Antonia García Martín - bisabuela de Tina Aumont por parte de madre -, nació en Garafía (La Palma), el 28 de septiembre de 1842. Era hija de Francisco Agustín García Medina y de María Antonia Martín Sánchez.
Cuando Joaquín Gracia Anadón tenía quince meses falleció su padre y junto a su madre se trasladó a casa de unos tíos en La Mata de los Olmos (Teruel), donde vivió durante su infancia y juventud. A la edad de 21 años fue llamado a filas e ingresa en el Batallón de Alcaníz. Más tarde fue enviado a la guerra de la isla de Santo Domingo y, terminada esta pasó a la isla de Cuba.
En Cuba conoció a María Antonia García Martín, que era natural de Garafía (las Palmas), ella era la mujer que sería su esposa.
Ambos contrajeron matrimonio, en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Luz de Garafía, el 17 de junio de 1872, inscrito en el Registro Civil del mismo municipio el 22 de abril de 1875. Establecieron el domicilio familiar en la Lomada de Santo Domingo, en el municipio de Garafia, lugar donde aún hoy se conserva la vivienda familiar.
El matrimonio del aragonés y la canaria tuvo seis hijos:
1. Isidoro, nacido el 3 de abril de 1873 2. Aquilino, nacido el 3 de enero de 1875 3. Tomasa, nacida el 31 de diciembre de 1876 4. Joaquín, nacido el 9 de mayo de 1878 5. Gaudencia, nacida el  12 de febrero de 1882 6. Agustín, que falleció menor
María Antonia García Martín, murió en Garafía el 21 de marzo de 1904, a los 61 años.
Joaquín Gracia Anadón, murió en Garafía, el 28 de febrero de 1913, a los 72 años de edad, de hemorragia cerebral.
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[Isidoro Gracia García, abuelo materno de Tina Aumont, fotografiado en su juventud]
Isidoro Gracia García nace en Garafía el 3 de abril de 1873, hijo de Joaquín Gracia Anadón, natural de Estercuel (Teruel), y de María Antonia García Martín, natural de Garafía, en la isla de La Palma.
Cuando Isidoro sólamente tenía diez años de edad fue sometido a un interrogatorio judicial, respecto del incendio de la Casa Consistorial de Garafía, cuyos cargos habían sido imputados a su padre. Este hecho, debió marcar de por vida a Isidoro Gracia García.
Las dificultades económicas de la familia obligaron a Isidoro y a su hermano Joaquín a emigrar en busca de fortuna, primero a Cuba y posteriormente a la República Dominicana, donde fijaron su residencia en la localidad de Barahona alrederores de 1904.
Isidoro se estableció como «comerciante de mucho crédito». Se dedicó a los prósperos negocios del textil y a la exportación de madera guayacán (Lignum vitae).
Su capacidad empresarial y sus facultades humanas le valieron el nombramiento por el entonces ministro de Estado (hoy, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores) como vicecónsul honorario, previa solicitud del Real Consulado de España en el país.
En Barahona fue donde Isidoro conoció a la que se convertiría en su compañera y, tras casi 16 años de convivencia, en su esposa, María Teresa Vidal Recio. Fruto de esta unión nacieron diez hijos. Isidoro y María Teresa contrayeron matrimonio el 7 de enero de 1925, para entonces ya habían nacido la mayoría de sus hijos. La segunda de estos fue María África Gracia Vidal, más conocida como María Montez en la gran pantalla, y los dos últimos vendrían después: Jaime, en 1927, y Teresa, en 1930.
A parte de esta numerosa descendencia, Isidoro tuvo otros dos hijos extramatrimoniales (Orbito y Gaudencio), y acogió a Antonio López (Toño), huérfano de un gran amigo. Se trataba así, de una gran familia.
Isidoro Gracia García fallece en Barahona en 1933.
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[María África Gracia Vidal fotografiada en 1930 antes de dar su salto a la fama]
A la orilla del mar Caribe, en Barahona (República Dominicana), nació, el 6 de junio de 1912, María África Gracia Vidal, hija del canario Isidoro Gracia García y de Teresa María Vidal, natural de Baní. Según sus biógrafos dominicanos, su nombre de pila fue deseo de su padre «en homenaje a su tierra natal, la Isla de la Palma (una de las Islas Canarias), que aunque pertenezca a España está localizada en el continente africano».
María fue la segunda de once hermanos: Isidoro, María África, Aquilino, Joaquín, David, Ada, Consuelo, Luz, Luis, Jaime y Teresita.
Desde pequeña, la futura actriz mostró interés por el teatro y el cine. Llegó a escribir pequeñas obras dramáticas que representaba ante sus amigos y familia. Aprendió inglés sin profesor alguno, contando sólo con asiduas lecturas en revistas y periódicos. Aún con estudios básicos, se atrevió con la publicación de tres libros y varios poemas sueltos, que firmaba con su verdadero nombre, María África Gracia.
Durante su vida María Montez mantuvo correspondencia con su primo Armando Gracia San Fiel (1913-1997) que residía en Madrid; las cartas muestran la personalidad sencilla de la actriz, próxima, comunicativa y curiosa por sus familiares palmeros coincidiendo con el momento en que ya se encontraba en la cumbre de su carrera cinematográfica.
La estrella también tuvo siempre presentes sus raíces aragonesas. En una carta de 1944 a su primo residente en Madrid, María contempla como posibles destinos para darle un hogar confortable a su madre "Barcelona o Teruel". En otro documento, afirma que está "muerta de curiosidad" por conocer todos los detalles posibles de la familia Gracia, un apellido "muy aragonés", según explica la investigadora María Victoria Hernández.
Entre los documentos analizados por la investigadora, Maria Victoria Hernandez, destaca una carta de 1944 en la que se puede leer: "Tan pronto se acabe la maldita guerra -la II Guerra Mundial-, mamá piensa ir a vivir a España, tal vez a Barcelona o Teruel para formar un hogar donde esté nuestra familia". En otra misiva de 1945 se interesa por "si hay buena universidad en Zaragoza" ante la expectativa de que estudien allí tres hermanos pequeños de la artista. También pide información sobre cuánto costaría en la capital aragonesa "alquilar un apartamento chico", y pregunta "cómo es el clima y qué tal es la vida allí".
María Montez se sentía orgullosa de su sangre paterna. Cuando en 1949 le preguntaron, en el Festival de Cine de Venecia, su verdadera nacionalidad, respondió:
«Pero, hijo mío, ¿de dónde cree usted que soy? ¿Acaso turca? Mi padre, palmero, y mi madre, dominicana, y mi verdadero apellido, Gracia. Esto de “Montez” es el postizo para el cine y el teatro»
El cariño por sus orígenes lo demuestra cuando, unos días antes de su muerte, el productor español Cesáreo González le ofrece hacer la película “La maja de Goya”. María declara a la prensa que la filmaría con su auténtico apellido, Gracia, y responde a un periodista francés: «Me eduqué en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y he tenido siempre para todo lo español verdadera admiración. […] estoy segura que allí todos verán muy bien que yo trabaje con mi verdadero nombre, pero a nadie le habrá de satisfacer tanto como a mí».
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Foto de la inauguración de la exposición de María Montez, con la presencia del Sr. Alcalde Yeray Rodríguez, y de dos primas segundas de María Montez, Pilar García Pombrol y Pilar Cabrera Pombrol. Garafía, octubre de 2012. Del blog Garafia@s.
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Fuentes consultadas:
Las raíces Turolenses de una diva (Heraldo, 26.10.2008)
Los Orígenes palmeros de la actriz María Montez (October/November 2009)
Personalidades Garafianas (12.2012)
La Exposición de María Montez viaja a Gran Canaria (El Apurón, 21.11.2013)
Dos Actrices Internacionales descendientes de un Luño (Plenas Zaragoza 14.12.2016)
Fotos del libro "María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor", de Antonio Pérez Arnay (Filmoteca Canaria 1995) - Las fotos de este libro no están sujetas a ningún copyright.
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tina-aumont · 1 month
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“The Gracia Family what we inherit is both Grace, beauty and intelligence and a lot of gifts and on the other side of that, almost as if we have to pay a price for it, here comes this sense of fate or destiny which means that we can die early”...
Raïna Paris ("Maria Montez, Mysteries and Scandals", 26th April 1998)
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Joaquín Gracia Anadón - This story begins with Joaquín Gracia Anadón's father, Pablo Gracia González, little is known about him, but he died when he was 20 years old, leaving a young wife and a baby boy who was Joaquín Gracia Anadón, aged only one year and a half. Joaquín Gracia Anadón was a very smart and clever man, he worked as primary school teacher, secretary of the Peace Court, official and Secretary of the Town Hall in Garafía but in 1884, when he was 43 years old he was processed and sentenced to prison for a fire in Garafía's Town Hall. He served the entire sentence in prison and was released after 16 years and 7 months, in july 1900. He claimed always his innocence and in 2005, after a long investigation by his great granddaughter Pilar Cabrera Pombrol, his innocence was proven and the autorithies had to apologize to the family. He passed away in 1913 at 71 years old.
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Isidoro Gracia García - He was born in 1873 and was the eldest of Joaquín Gracia Anadón's children. When he was ten years old he was subjected to a judicial interrogation, today totally unlawful, regarding the fire at the Garafía Town Hall, the charges for which had been brought against his father. This is, unfortunately, the manifestation of a minor, without procedural guarantees, which was included in the sentence and which should have marked Isidoro Gracia García for life. He settled in Baraona in 1904 as a very creditable merchant. He dedicated himself to the prosperous textile business and the export of guayacán wood. His final residence in the Dominican Republic must have been influenced by the advice of his father, who had known first-hand the possibilities of the Latin American country when he was young. His business capacity and human abilities earned him the appointment by the then Minister of State (today, Minister of Foreign Affairs) as honorary vice-consul, upon request of the Royal Consulate of Spain in the country. He died in 1933 in Barahona at 60 years old.
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Gaudencia Gracia García - She was the youngest child of Joaquín Gracia Anadón who lived until adulthood as she had a younger brother, Agustín, who died when he was very young. She was born the 12th February 1882. She married José Pedro Pombrol Hernández and had eight kids: María Adoración, Araceli, José Antonio, Gaudencia, Enrique, María del Pilar, Mario and Antonina "Nina" Pombrol Gracia. She passed away in 1921 aged 39.
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Isidoro Gracia Vidal - He was Isidoro's Gracia García eldest son and he was born in 1911 and passed away in 1956 at 45 years old leaving a fatherless girl who was only five years old.
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Maria Montez - She was Isidoro's Gracia García's first daughter and was called María África for his dad's Country of Origin - The Canary Islands belong to Spain but are located next to Africa - . She was born in 1912. Since her childhood, María was different from other girls and boys her age, she created her own theater stages, and always said from a very young age that she would succeed in the world of cinema. Many children made fun of her for what she said, Maria then complained to her mother that others laughed at her but her mother encouraged her to go ahead, so she would sit under the palm trees and do her plays. On June 3, 1939, Maria arrived in NY for the first time. At that time it was very difficult to climb positions, especially if you came from the rural world. She used the resource of provocation to be able to do it. She not only used her beauty, but also her intelligence. She decided to go scouting, hired two designers to make her the most spectacular dresses ever seen. She begins to frequent night clubs and doesn’t go unnoticed so she begins to appear in the press. In July 1940 she arrived in Hollywood, there she changed her name (until then she was called Marie McFeeters) and also completely reinvented herself. After a successful carreer in Hollywood, she decided to travel to Europe to make some dramatic roles and she was receiveng very good reviews from the chritics and the public. Sadly, she passed away in 1951 at 39 years old leaving a motherless girl aged five...
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Adita Gracia Vidal - She was María's younger sister and was born in 1924. Although María put big efforts in her younger sisters to succeed as actresses, they prefered a more classic way of life. In 1949 Maria with her husband and daughter left Hollywood to live in France, Adita went to live with them and so did Teresita. Is not known if Adita ever married or had children. At the time of María’s passing (1951) she was an unmarried woman and María gave her a big sum of money from her will as a way to protect her. Then Adita went to live with Consuelo and her family in Southern California. She passed away at 69 on 8th February 1993.
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Lucita Gracia Vidal - She was María and Adita's younger sister, she was born in 1926. Lucita married Frech photo-journalist Jean Roy the 12th April 1946 and had three children: Yves, Jean-Pierre and Marcos. Jean Roy's real name was Yves Leleu and was a war photo-journalist. He was killed in Egypt on an assigment in 1956. Lucita was a young mother with three little kids on her own. She never remarried. Lucita passed away in 1979 in Paris at 53 years old due to cancer.
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Jaime Gracia Vidal - He was María, Adita and Lucita's youngest brother and was born in 1927. In 1954, when he was 26 years old, he went to Hollywood to start a career was an actor and with his tall height and green eyes, he was quite a sensation there. After trying luck in Hollywood he went to the US Army and fought in Corean war and ended up having the grade of Sergeant. Regarding his personal life, he dated Merle Oberon while in Hollywood but later married Rosmery Didonato from whom had his only child Jimmy. They eventually separated. In 1977 he married again with Janet González in Santo Domingo. He died at 51 of a heart attack in 31st May 1979.
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Teresita Gracia Vidal - She was María's youngest sister, born in 1929 or 1930. Teresita began her modelling in 1949 in France after taking modelling lessons. The photographers who mainly worked with her were Willy Maywald and Georges Saad and she was regularly seen in fashion spreads in magazines like L'Officiel, L'Art et la Mode and Vogue. She usually modelled Jacques Heim designs. She had a very successful carrer as a model in the 50s. In the early 50s, Teresita and Yves Manuel started dating and by February 1952 they got married and years later, by 1956/57 they had their daughter Raïna Manuel Paris Gracia. By 1959 Teresita had a strong and passionate relationship with Italian actor Maurizio Arena that meant the ending of her marriage with Yves Manuel and she settled in Rome as some italian producers spotted her, sadly, her relationship with Maurizio Arena didn’t last as he fooled her. Teresita passed away on January 17th 2023 at 93 years old.
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Tina Aumont Gracia - She was María Montez only daughter. She was born in 1946 and when she was only five years old she lost her mum. She lived with her father and aunties but when he married Italian actress Marisa Pavan, aunties and uncles had to flee the house. The relationshio she had with her step-mother was very difficult and at the time she was 17, she married a friend of her dad just to get away from that crazy house. In 1964 a stillborn girl was born. One year later she separated Christian Marquand and went to live with Frédéric Pardo, the love of her life according to their closest friends. After breaking up in 1972, Tina started to use hard drugs and she became hooked to heroin. Although she had great success in cinema, by March/April 1978 Tina travelled to Thailand and send back to home two deities statues filled with opium, Frabrizio Lori received the statues at home and went directly to jail although he didn’t knew a thing. That meant the end of their relationship. Tina was arrested in Italy, and charged with illegal importation of 400 grams of opium. She was eventually sentenced to three years imprisonment, which she managed to reduce on appeal to nine months. Then she was banned from Italy, her country of adoption. Leaving Italy had broken her heart. She moved back to France. In the mid 80s her lifestyle was of partying everynight with her fiend Alain Pacadis and with her partner in crime actor Jean-François Ferriol who she married in January 1985. In the late 1990s Tina couln’t afford pretty much. After her glory days, her father’s heritage was in the hands of her stepmother and she was reduced to living in a minuscule apartment located in a modest Parisian quarter full of penniless immigrants, and the rent was paid by the city’s social services. In the year 2000 Tina’s health was failing as she suffered from a major stroke and had to live with medication for her lungs although she never gave-up smoking. She eventually cut loose from the metropolis and settled in Port-Vendres near the Catalunyan border. After a quiet couple of years she died in her sleep at home in late 2006. She was 60 years old.
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María Montez Gracia Fiallo - She was born in 1951, two weeks after her famous auntie's passing, that's why she was called María Montez as name. Her dad Isidoro, passed away in 1956 when she was 5 years old, just as her cousin Tina. Since she was a little girl, María Montez Gracia Fiallo showed she had talent for performing. As a teenager, she earned a scolarship from the Fundación de Crédito Educativo, and with it she was able to travel to Madrid, Spain, in order to study dramatic art. She moved with her mother Safo. Later, she appeared in Spanish TV shows and films, and she was also very active in theatre for many years there too. Maria also starred in international productions from films, TV and the stage from the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and France. For years she was part of the Roy Hart Theatre company in London. She stopped her artistic career when she was expecting her first child, daughter Desiree D'Alessandro, who was born with down syndrome, and two years later she had a son, Ricardo D'Alessandro. She lives in Dominican Republic.
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Raïna Manuel-Paris Gracia - She is Teresita's only child and she was born between 1956 and 1959. Her parents divorced when she was little. Fairy tales and Legends were her refuges. They helped her understand the difficulties of her childhood. By the age of twelve, she had read most of the myths and legends of the world. From Ireland and Russia to Arabia. Her love of transformational story telling has taken her from an MFA in Film from Columbia University to a Ph.D. in Mythological studies and Depth Psychology. She is a published writer of non-fiction, poetry, and several scholarly articles, as well as a documentary filmmaker. Her understanding of what gives meaning to daily life has led her to her work with dreams, and to include meditation practice in her classrooms. She is a lecturer and scholar who speaks on several subjects. Nowadays, she lives in Ojai, California with her husky mix Numen and her horse Quincy.
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tina-aumont · 4 months
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I want to thank my friend @74paris who contacted the Canarian Authorities and sent him these digitalized photos from the exhibit that Garafia and La Palma had about Maria Montez back in 2012 (more than ten years ago!!)
Maria Montez dad, Isidoro Gracia García was born in Garafia (La Palma) in April 3rd 1873 and by 1904 he settled in Barahona (Dominican Republic) with his brother Joaquín. They left Carany Islands due to economic struggles and they dreamt for a better future, which eventualy came.
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These photos show Joaquín (left) and Isidoro (right) pictured in Barahona in 1908. Next we can see Isidoro Gracia pictured in Barahona in 1906. Under these two photos, Isidoro is pictured, again in Barahona, this time in 1909 and the last photo shows Joaquín in an undated photo, but my guessing is that it was taken in Barahona as well aroung the time the other photos were taken (1906-1909).
These photos were displayed in "María Montez, de la Palma a Hollywood" exhibition celebrated in Garafia and La Palma during the celebrations of MAría Montez birthday centenary.
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Joaquín Gracia Anadón, who was born in Estercuel (Teruel-Aragón-Spain), in 23rd May 1841 and María Antónia García Martín, who was born in Garafia, (La Palma, Canary Islands) in 28th September 1842 were also remembered in this exhibition.
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This beautiful photo taken in 1942 celebrating Doña Justa's birthday was also in the exhibition. Doña Justa Recio Sánchez was María Montez granny and Regla María Teresa Vidal Recio's mother. In this photo we can see at the left Adita with her mother, and at the right we can see Consuelo. In the front row, at the right we can see a very young Teresita. It's beautiful to see that in this exhibition, also the maternal side of María was important although there were no Canarian roots in them (as far as we know).
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María Montez most intimal side was also shown in this exhibition, here we can see her pictured in 1943 at her wedding day to Jean-Pierre Aumont.
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While Jean-Pierre Aumont was away fighting in II World War and María was at the highest point of her career, she invited her sisters to Hollywood as she wanted them to have a successful career. Although all of them tried, only Teresita (not shown here as she was still very young) succeed but as a High Couture model working in France in the 50s hired exclusively by Vogue magazine.
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These photos are from the banners displayed in "María Montez, de la Palma a Hollywood" exhibition held in La Laguna, Tenerife (Canary Islands) in 2012, they show María's family, sisters, daughter Tina and places where her family came from. These photos come from this blog: Personalidades Garafianas
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These screencaps from this video show two banners from the exhibition "María Montez: De La Palma a Hollywood" with Maria Montez and Jean Pierre Aumont and Maria's dad Isidoro, her granny María Antónia and on the left Isidoro and his brother Joaquín.
The other screencaps show Joaquín Gracia and María Antónia García's home in Garafia where Isidoro, Joaquín and their siblings were born.
This house is still standing, now I wonder... could a María Montez museum will be made here and be permanent so everybody could visit it? I vote for it, but I don't know if it will ever me made, it would be beautiful if ever that happen...
Here you have the Villa de Garafia website where is explained the exhibition.
Photos shown here are courtesy of Armando Gracia Sanfiel, the Spanish cousin María was always writing. He gave these photos to Antonio Perez Arnay to be published in his book "María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor" (Filmoteca Canaria, 1995).
Banners courtesy of "Cabildo de la Palma", the governing and administrative body of La Palma.
Muchas gracias de nuevo @74paris por todo el trabajo que has hecho contactando con la administración del Cabildo de la Palma para que te enviaran este material tan precioso y muchas gracias por compartirlo conmigo para que lo publique.
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tina-aumont · 24 days
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Joaquín Gracia Anadón (Tina's great-grandfather) was born on May 23, 1841.
To honour his birthday, here you have a little page I've done for him. His estensive biography has been possible thanks to my friend @74paris who shared a precious document "Los orígenes turolenses y canarios de la actriz de Hollywood María Montez" written by historian and researcher María Victoria Hernández Pérez and it's courtesy of "Cabildo de La Palma".
The other family members are displayed here, at the Family section of this site :)
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