#Maria Victoria Hernandez
tina-aumont · 8 months
Los Orígenes de la família Gracia
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[Joaquín Gracia Anadón y María Antónia García Martín bisabuelos de Tina Aumont]
Joaquín Gracia Anadón - bisabuelo de Tina Aumont por parte de madre -, nació el 23 de mayo de 1841 en el municipio de Estercuel (Teruel), hijo de Pablo Gracia González, de la misma naturaleza, y de Tomasa Anadón Andrés, nacida en La Mata de los Olmos (Teruel). Sus abuelos paternos fueron Pedro Pablo Gracia y Ramona González, los maternos, Joaquín y María Teresa Andrés. Era bisnieto de Francisco Gracia e Isabel Ana Luño y de Francisco Anadón e Isabel Julve. Tomasa Anadón Andrés murió en Muniesa (Teruel) el 8 de mayo de 1867.
María Antonia García Martín - bisabuela de Tina Aumont por parte de madre -, nació en Garafía (La Palma), el 28 de septiembre de 1842. Era hija de Francisco Agustín García Medina y de María Antonia Martín Sánchez.
Cuando Joaquín Gracia Anadón tenía quince meses falleció su padre y junto a su madre se trasladó a casa de unos tíos en La Mata de los Olmos (Teruel), donde vivió durante su infancia y juventud. A la edad de 21 años fue llamado a filas e ingresa en el Batallón de Alcaníz. Más tarde fue enviado a la guerra de la isla de Santo Domingo y, terminada esta pasó a la isla de Cuba.
En Cuba conoció a María Antonia García Martín, que era natural de Garafía (las Palmas), ella era la mujer que sería su esposa.
Ambos contrajeron matrimonio, en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Luz de Garafía, el 17 de junio de 1872, inscrito en el Registro Civil del mismo municipio el 22 de abril de 1875. Establecieron el domicilio familiar en la Lomada de Santo Domingo, en el municipio de Garafia, lugar donde aún hoy se conserva la vivienda familiar.
El matrimonio del aragonés y la canaria tuvo seis hijos:
1. Isidoro, nacido el 3 de abril de 1873 2. Aquilino, nacido el 3 de enero de 1875 3. Tomasa, nacida el 31 de diciembre de 1876 4. Joaquín, nacido el 9 de mayo de 1878 5. Gaudencia, nacida el  12 de febrero de 1882 6. Agustín, que falleció menor
María Antonia García Martín, murió en Garafía el 21 de marzo de 1904, a los 61 años.
Joaquín Gracia Anadón, murió en Garafía, el 28 de febrero de 1913, a los 72 años de edad, de hemorragia cerebral.
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[Isidoro Gracia García, abuelo materno de Tina Aumont, fotografiado en su juventud]
Isidoro Gracia García nace en Garafía el 3 de abril de 1873, hijo de Joaquín Gracia Anadón, natural de Estercuel (Teruel), y de María Antonia García Martín, natural de Garafía, en la isla de La Palma.
Cuando Isidoro sólamente tenía diez años de edad fue sometido a un interrogatorio judicial, respecto del incendio de la Casa Consistorial de Garafía, cuyos cargos habían sido imputados a su padre. Este hecho, debió marcar de por vida a Isidoro Gracia García.
Las dificultades económicas de la familia obligaron a Isidoro y a su hermano Joaquín a emigrar en busca de fortuna, primero a Cuba y posteriormente a la República Dominicana, donde fijaron su residencia en la localidad de Barahona alrederores de 1904.
Isidoro se estableció como «comerciante de mucho crédito». Se dedicó a los prósperos negocios del textil y a la exportación de madera guayacán (Lignum vitae).
Su capacidad empresarial y sus facultades humanas le valieron el nombramiento por el entonces ministro de Estado (hoy, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores) como vicecónsul honorario, previa solicitud del Real Consulado de España en el país.
En Barahona fue donde Isidoro conoció a la que se convertiría en su compañera y, tras casi 16 años de convivencia, en su esposa, María Teresa Vidal Recio. Fruto de esta unión nacieron diez hijos. Isidoro y María Teresa contrayeron matrimonio el 7 de enero de 1925, para entonces ya habían nacido la mayoría de sus hijos. La segunda de estos fue María África Gracia Vidal, más conocida como María Montez en la gran pantalla, y los dos últimos vendrían después: Jaime, en 1927, y Teresa, en 1930.
A parte de esta numerosa descendencia, Isidoro tuvo otros dos hijos extramatrimoniales (Orbito y Gaudencio), y acogió a Antonio López (Toño), huérfano de un gran amigo. Se trataba así, de una gran familia.
Isidoro Gracia García fallece en Barahona en 1933.
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[María África Gracia Vidal fotografiada en 1930 antes de dar su salto a la fama]
A la orilla del mar Caribe, en Barahona (República Dominicana), nació, el 6 de junio de 1912, María África Gracia Vidal, hija del canario Isidoro Gracia García y de Teresa María Vidal, natural de Baní. Según sus biógrafos dominicanos, su nombre de pila fue deseo de su padre «en homenaje a su tierra natal, la Isla de la Palma (una de las Islas Canarias), que aunque pertenezca a España está localizada en el continente africano».
María fue la segunda de once hermanos: Isidoro, María África, Aquilino, Joaquín, David, Ada, Consuelo, Luz, Luis, Jaime y Teresita.
Desde pequeña, la futura actriz mostró interés por el teatro y el cine. Llegó a escribir pequeñas obras dramáticas que representaba ante sus amigos y familia. Aprendió inglés sin profesor alguno, contando sólo con asiduas lecturas en revistas y periódicos. Aún con estudios básicos, se atrevió con la publicación de tres libros y varios poemas sueltos, que firmaba con su verdadero nombre, María África Gracia.
Durante su vida María Montez mantuvo correspondencia con su primo Armando Gracia San Fiel (1913-1997) que residía en Madrid; las cartas muestran la personalidad sencilla de la actriz, próxima, comunicativa y curiosa por sus familiares palmeros coincidiendo con el momento en que ya se encontraba en la cumbre de su carrera cinematográfica.
La estrella también tuvo siempre presentes sus raíces aragonesas. En una carta de 1944 a su primo residente en Madrid, María contempla como posibles destinos para darle un hogar confortable a su madre "Barcelona o Teruel". En otro documento, afirma que está "muerta de curiosidad" por conocer todos los detalles posibles de la familia Gracia, un apellido "muy aragonés", según explica la investigadora María Victoria Hernández.
Entre los documentos analizados por la investigadora, Maria Victoria Hernandez, destaca una carta de 1944 en la que se puede leer: "Tan pronto se acabe la maldita guerra -la II Guerra Mundial-, mamá piensa ir a vivir a España, tal vez a Barcelona o Teruel para formar un hogar donde esté nuestra familia". En otra misiva de 1945 se interesa por "si hay buena universidad en Zaragoza" ante la expectativa de que estudien allí tres hermanos pequeños de la artista. También pide información sobre cuánto costaría en la capital aragonesa "alquilar un apartamento chico", y pregunta "cómo es el clima y qué tal es la vida allí".
María Montez se sentía orgullosa de su sangre paterna. Cuando en 1949 le preguntaron, en el Festival de Cine de Venecia, su verdadera nacionalidad, respondió:
«Pero, hijo mío, ¿de dónde cree usted que soy? ¿Acaso turca? Mi padre, palmero, y mi madre, dominicana, y mi verdadero apellido, Gracia. Esto de “Montez” es el postizo para el cine y el teatro»
El cariño por sus orígenes lo demuestra cuando, unos días antes de su muerte, el productor español Cesáreo González le ofrece hacer la película “La maja de Goya”. María declara a la prensa que la filmaría con su auténtico apellido, Gracia, y responde a un periodista francés: «Me eduqué en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y he tenido siempre para todo lo español verdadera admiración. […] estoy segura que allí todos verán muy bien que yo trabaje con mi verdadero nombre, pero a nadie le habrá de satisfacer tanto como a mí».
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Foto de la inauguración de la exposición de María Montez, con la presencia del Sr. Alcalde Yeray Rodríguez, y de dos primas segundas de María Montez, Pilar García Pombrol y Pilar Cabrera Pombrol. Garafía, octubre de 2012. Del blog Garafia@s.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Fuentes consultadas:
Las raíces Turolenses de una diva (Heraldo, 26.10.2008)
Los Orígenes palmeros de la actriz María Montez (October/November 2009)
Personalidades Garafianas (12.2012)
La Exposición de María Montez viaja a Gran Canaria (El Apurón, 21.11.2013)
Dos Actrices Internacionales descendientes de un Luño (Plenas Zaragoza 14.12.2016)
Fotos del libro "María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor", de Antonio Pérez Arnay (Filmoteca Canaria 1995) - Las fotos de este libro no están sujetas a ningún copyright.
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alldancersaretalented · 2 months
Dancers attending P21 Intensive
Olivia Elise Victoria Nikolovva
AM Dance
Aurora Monroe
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Balbina Cueva
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova Bella Verbera-Hernandez
Aspirations Dance Company
Lola Nelms
Avanti Dance Company
Hayden Goren Eva Graziano Mia Menji Kaylee Randeniya Rosie Zahoul Sans Blair Tennant
Capitol Dance Company
Malia ?
Center Stage Performing Arts
Tommie Milazzo
Club Dance Studio
Brooklyn Besch Emma Kleve Claire Pistor
Dance Alliance of Camarillo
Shiloh Lark Farrah ?
Dance Dimensions Performic Arts Center
Victoria Safahi Serena Wilcox
Lyla Haider
Dance Collective DC
Janelle Liu
Dance Edge Studios
Antonia Zanin
Dance Magic Performic Company
Savannah Lee
Dance Makers of Atlanta
Nola Paulina
Ella Bustillos Hudson Hensley Ella Nani Knight Ella Koehnen Soleil Lynch Aria McCrea Cheyenne Ringerman Sydney Swinehart
Dance Republic
Graisyn Clare
Dansé Escuela de Danza
Alexa Ahumada Marielisa Portillo Isabella Trabucco
DC Dance Factory
Pay Lynch
Dolce Dance Studio
Brixtyn Cappo
École de dance Louise
Léonie Macorig
Edge Studios
Sienna ? Aria Giusti
Encore ELite
Leona Zariel
Epic Motion Dance Studio
Maria Sofia Rodríguez Mia Sofia Covarrubias Tinoco
Essence of Dance
Ava Killam Makena Killam Briar ?
Eternal Dance Company
Maddie Kronenberg
Evoke Dance Movement
Emmy Claire
Evolution Dance
Scarlett O'Neil
Evolve Dance Center
Maria Belen Salido
Evolve Dance Centre
Izabella Modarresi
Excel Performing Arts
Emma Sheff
Fusion Dance Omaha
Gigi Murray
Glass House Dance
Eden Cui
Groove Studios WA
Kaiden Koths Abby Mae
Hart Academy of Dance
Lydon Thach
Havilah Dance Company
Caitlyn Marie Malea Jade Moore
Inferno Dance Co
Maizie Smith
Instyle Dance Company
Jacilynn Mar
Janet Dunstans Dance Academy
Adeline Glenn
K2 Studios
Neriah Karmann Lennon Reign Jessica Sutton
Larkin Dance Studio
Matinly Conrad Palmer Petier
Legacy Dance Productions
Sophie Boonstra Paisley Clarke
Legacy Studio of Performing Arts
Brynne Smith
McKinley School of Dance
Teodora Narancic
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera Gracie Gilroy
N10 Dance Studio
Claire Avonne Kingston Madison Ng
No Limits Dance Academy
Ayanna Voulgaris
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Aria Davi Aubrey Paz Olyvia Reza
North Calgary Dance Centre
Ellie Blakley Georgia Blakley
Libby Haye
Onstage Dance Center - Los Alamitos
Adalyn Nicole
Pave San Diego
Eleanor Bullock Aryanna La Fontaine Cooper
Pave School of the Arts
Sofia Cuevas Stella Fisk Livi Matson
Perception Dance
Mabel James
Project 21
Ellie Anbarden Olivia Armstrong Lilly Barajas Sienna Carlston Kami Couch Katie Couch Kenzie Couch Airi Dela Cruz Stella Eberts Gracyn French Regan Gerena Richie Granese Mady Kim Brooklyn Ladia Leilani Lawlor Chloe Mirabel Savanna Musman Madelyn Nasu Avery Reyes Berkeley Scifres Bristyn Scifres Sara Von Rotz Leighton Werner
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn ? Karli Heim Sasha Muratalieva
Queen City Dance
Annabel Speck
Seattle Storm Dance Troupe
Claire Clark
Shooting Stars Dance Studio
Karsyn Hernandez Malani Maliya
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak Catherine Clayton Fabiana Pierleoni Elie Rabin
Starstruck Performing Arts Center KS
Kinley Winn
Steps Dance Center
Emmie Pitt
Studio Fusion
Harley Gross Juliet Anne Wydo
The Collaborative
Addison Cullather
The Company Space
Piper Perusse Stella Marcordes Vivian Marcordes
Isabella Tamayo
The Dance Collective DC
Eva Rogachevsky Quincy Thomas
The Dance Collective MD
Lyla Urban
The Dance Company of Los Gatos
Scarlett Blu Chloe Rose
The Vision Dance Alliance
Emily Polis
Utah Ballet Festival
Ruby Taylor
West Coast Dance Complex
Mila Barnett
Xtreme Dance Studio
Jocelyn Longroy
YYC Dance Project
Kinsley Oykhman
23 notes · View notes
softiedancers · 1 year
P21 Intensive
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Ruby Salinas (junior)
Balbina Cueva Toussaint (teen/senior)
Loreto Perez Robles (teen/senior)
Paloma Wise Hernandez (teen/senior)
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova (mini)
Art & Soul Dance Company
Domenica Mauti (junior, 12)
Base Dance Studios
Kit Swaddling (teen/senior)
Bella Dance Academy
Ava Fryer (teen/senior)
CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen (mini, 10)
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Stella Brinkerhoff (mini, 9)
Brooklyn Ward (mini, 11)
Ruby Taylor (junior, 11)
Vivienne Mitchell (teen/senior, 14)
Class Act Dance and Performing Arts
Jaklyn Woodland (teen/senior, 15)
Club Dance Studio
Finley Nielson (mini, 9)
Navy Forrest (mini, 9)
Brooklyn Besch (junior, 11)
Kendyl Miller (junior, 11)
Soleil Lynch (mini, 9)
Ella Nani Knight (junior)
Dance Concept
Jacilynn Mar (junior)
Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center
Victoria Safahi (mini, 10)
Sophia Hasson (junior)
Dance Expressions Dance Studio
Kiersten Mcbride (teen/senior)
Dance Nation
Jaelynn Walls (mini, 9)
Summer Schilling (mini, 9)
Dance Precisions
Brooklyn Ladia (teen/senior, 13)
Jasmine Sison (teen/senior, 15)
Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Bella Salcedo (mini, 9)
Evoke Dance Movement
Tayah Klimuck (junior, 12)
Evolve Dance Studio
Sienna Hoover (mini, 10)
FootNotes Dance & Acrobatics
Alexis Ratliff (teen/senior)
Fusion Dance Force
Abby Rodriguez (mini, 10)
Sophia Bianco (junior, 11)
Ava Rodriguez (teen/senior)
Hudson Dance Academy
Lauren Piepel (teen/senior, 17)
Imagine Dance Academy
Maria Moreno (mini)
JDI Dance Company
Adelynn Muesse (mini, 10)
Just For Kicks School of Dance
Cooper Makowski (teen/senior)
K2 Studios
Jessica Sutton (mini, 9)
Eva Wright (mini, 10)
Leilani Lawlor (junior)
Larkin Dance Studio
Evie Mccune Barrett (mini, 9)
L.A. Dance Arizona
Kate Summers (teen/senior)
Main Street Dance Company
Jaklyn Woodland (teen/senior)
Momentum By Dellos
Rozene Edino (junior)
Motion State Studios
Harley Gross (junior, 11)
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera (mini)
Nadines Dance Company
Angel Imani Wood (teen/senior)
Lily Straughan (teen/senior, 15)
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Mika Takase (mini, 11)
North Alabama Dance Center
Lana Hinchman (junior)
N10 Dance Studios
Carissa Hsu (teen/senior)
Claire Kingston (teen/senior, 14)
Oddity Dance College
Elizabeth Lara (junior)
Ivanna Canob (junior)
Julieta Marroquin (junior, 12)
Katherine Carranza (junior, 12)
Orange County Preforming Arts Academy
Olive O'Connell (junior, 12)
Pave School of the Arts
Addyson Paul (mini, 11)
Premier Ballet Conservatory
Graisyn Clare (junior)
Premiere Dance Center
Avery Dowling (mini, 10)
Project 21
Cece Chung (mini, 9)
Hadley Schulz (mini, 10)
Madelyn Nasu (junior, 11)
Madison Ng (junior, 11)
Olivia Armstrong (junior, 11)
Berkeley Scifres (junior, 12)
Bristyn Scifres (junior, 12)
Chloe Mirabal (junior, 12)
Ellie Anbardan (junior, 12)
Jilly Mahan (junior, 12)
Regan Gerena (junior, 12)
Sara Von Rotz (junior, 12)
Savanna Musman (junior, 12)
Airi Dela Cruz (teen/senior, 13)
Cali Cassidy (teen/senior, 13)
Makeila Bartlett (teen/senior, 13)
Leighton Werner (teen/senior, 14)
Lilly Baraja (teen/senior, 14)
Brielle Lieberman (teen/senior, 15)
Brooklyn Lieberman (teen/senior, 15)
Mady Kim (teen/senior, 15)
Richie Granese (teen/senior, 15)
Rylee Young (teen/senior, 15)
Stella Eberts (teen/senior, 15)
Kami Couch (teen/senior, 16)
Katie Couch (teen/senior, 16)
Lexi Blanchard (teen/senior, 16)
Kenz Couch (teen/senior, 17)
Loila Rhee (teen/senior, 17)
Sammi Chung (teen/senior, 17)
Sienna Carlston (teen/senior, 17)
Jojo Jessen (teen/senior, 18)
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn McLeod (mini)
Pulse Dance Centre
Olivia Toneguzzo (junior)
Renner Dance
Tinsley Wallace (mini, 10)
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak (teen/senior)
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
Remi Hilson (mini, 9)
Studio X
Tate Bisono (junior, 12)
Summer's DanceWorks
Lyla Sitrin (junior)
The Academy
Francesca Jen (junior, 12)
Kinsley Oykhman (teen/senior, 13)
The Base Dance Center
Roxie Onellion (junior, 12)
The Company Space
Piper Perusse (junior, 12)
The Space TV
Nevaeh Chanel (teen/senior, 17)
To The Pointe Dance Centre
Caitlyn Paik (junior, 11)
Triple Threat Performing Arts
Daniella Usa (teen/senior, 16)
Varient Movement
Mila Vishnevski (mini)
Yaya Dance Academy
Renee Liu (junior)
Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet
Emma Walters (mini, 8)
Mayyah Barajas (mini, 8)
300 Dance Studio
Filippa Kavalic (teen/senior)
Arina Bryzgunova (Allegro Performing Arts Academy)
Aliya Yen (CA School of Classical Ballet, 10)
Stella Brinkerhoff (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 9)
Brooklyn Ward (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 11)
Finley Nielson (Club Dance Studio, 9)
Navy Forrest (Club Dance Studio, 9)
Soleil Lynch (Danceology, 9)
Victoria Safahi (Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center, 10)
Jaelynn Walls (Dance Nation, 9)
Summer Schilling (Dance Nation, 9)
Bella Salcedo (Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts, 9)
Sienna Hoover (Evolve Dance Center, 10)
Abby Rodriguez (Fusion Dance Force, 10)
Maria Moreno (Imagine Dance Academy)
Adelynn Muesse (JDI Dance Company, 10)
Jessica Sutton (K2 Studios, 9)
Eva Wright (K2 Studios, 10)
Evie Mccune Barrett (Larkin Dance Studio, 9)
Khloe Cabrera (Murrieta Dance Project)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal Dance Arts, 11)
Avery Dowling (Premiere Dance Center, 10)
Cece Chung (Project 21, 9)
Hadley Schulz (Project 21, 10)
Adelynn McLeod (Project 520 Dance Studio)
Tinsley Wallace (Renner Dance, 10)
Remi Hilson (Starstruck Performing Arts Center, 9)
Mila Vishnevski (Varient Movement)
Emma Walters (Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet, 8)
Mayyah Barajas (Yorba Linda Academy of Ballet, 8)
Ruby Salinas (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Domenica Mauti (Art & Soul Dance Company, 12)
Ruby Taylor (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 11)
Brooklyn Besch (Club Dance Studio, 11)
Kendyl Miller (Club Dance Studio, 11)
Ella Nani Knight (Danceology)
Jacilynn Mar (Dance Concept)
Sophia Hasson (Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper (Dance FX, 11)
Tayah Klimuck (Evoke Dance Movement, 12)
London Davi (Evolve Dance Company of Fresno, 11)
Sophia Bianco (Fusion Dance Force, 11)
Leilani Lawlor (K2 Studios, 11)
Rozene Edino (Momentum By Dellos)
Harley Gross (Motion State Studios, 11)
Lana Hinchman (North Alabama Dance Center)
Elizabeth Lara (Oddity Dance College)
Ivanna Canob (Oddity Dance College)
Julieta Marroquin (Oddity Dance College, 12)
Katherine Carranza (Oddity Dance College, 12)
Olive O'Connell (Orange County Preforming Arts Academy, 12)
Graisyn Clare (Premier Ballet Conservatory)
Madelyn Nasu (Project 21, 11)
Madison Ng (Project 21, 11)
Olivia Armstrong (Project 21, 11)
Berkeley Scifres (Project 21, 12)
Bristyn Scifres (Project 21, 12)
Chloe Mirabal (Project 21, 12)
Ellie Anbardan (Project 21, 12)
Jilly Mahan (Project 21, 12)
Regan Gerena (Project 21, 12)
Sara Von Rotz (Project 21, 12)
Savanna Musman (Project 21, 12)
Olivia Toneguzzo (Pulse Dance Centre)
Tate Bisono (Studio X, 12)
Lyla Sitrin (Summer's DanceWorks)
Francesca Jen (The Academy, 12)
Roxie Onellion (The Base Dance Center, 12)
Piper Perusse (The Company Space, 12)
Caitlyn Paik (To The Pointe Dance Centre, 11)
Renee Liu (Yaya Dance Academy)
Balbina Cueva Toussaint (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Loreto Perez Robles (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Paloma Wise Hernandez (Ale Mancillas Dance Studio)
Kit Swaddling (Base Dance Studios)
Ava Fryer (Bella Dance Academy)
Vivienne Mitchell (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, 14)
Jaklyn Woodland (Class Act Dance and Performing Arts, 15)
Kiersten Mcbride (Dance Expressions Dance Studio)
Brooklyn Ladia (Dance Precisions, 13)
Jasmine Sison (Dance Precisions, 15)
Alexis Ratliff (FootNotes Dance & Acrobatics)
Ava Rodriguez (Fusion Dance Force)
Lauren Piepel (Hudson Dance Academy, 17)
Cooper Makowski (Just For Kicks School of Dance)
Kate Summers (L.A. Dance Arizona)
Jaklyn Woodland (Main Street Dance Company)
Angel Imani Wood (Nadines Dance Company)
Lily Straughan (Nadines Dance Company, 15)
Carissa Hsu (N10 Dance Studios)
Claire Kingston (N10 Dance Studios, 14)
Airi Dela Cruz (Project 21, 13)
Cali Cassidy (Project 21, 13)
Makeila Bartlett (Project 21, 13)
Leighton Werner (Project 21, 14)
Lilly Baraja (Project 21, 14)
Brielle Lieberman (Project 21, 15)
Brooklyn Lieberman (Project 21, 15)
Mady Kim (Project 21, 15)
Richie Granese (Project 21, 15)
Stella Eberts (Project 21, 15)
Rylee Young (Project 21, 15)
Kami Couch (Project 21, 16)
Katie Couch (Project 21, 16)
Lexi Blanchard (Project 21, 16)
Kenz Couch (Project 21, 17)
Loila Rhee (Project 21, 17)
Sammi Chung (Project 21, 17)
Sienna Carlston (Project 21, 17)
Jojo Jessen (Project 21, 18)
Hannah Burak (Stars Dance Studio)
Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy, 13)
Nevaeh Chanel (The Space TV, 17)
Daniella Usa (Triple Threat Performing Arts, 16)
Filippa Kavalic (300 Dance Studio)
60 notes · View notes
cowgurrrl · 1 year
So This Is Love
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: this came to me in a fever dream
Summary: A Beach Day [1.5k]
Warnings: time jump kinda (Sam is 17 and the girls are 13), me giving Dina and Jesse last names (Caradonna and Pierce) because Neil Druckman couldn’t, Lucy is Tommy and Maria’s daughter 🥸, family life, fluff
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If there's one thing you've realized about your family, it's that they love nothing more than a beach day. Sam will almost immediately ask when you're going to the beach when temperatures get past the eighties. His follow-up question is always, "And can Penelope's family come with us?" Because it can never just be a Miller beach day, it has to be a Miller-Hernandez-Garcia-Long-Caradonna-Pierce beach day. As the kids have gotten older and your lives more hectic, it's nice to have a chance to get away every once in a while. Sarah, Ethan, and Isaac will drive in from Sacramento, and Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and JJ will meet you guys there since they don't live far from you, Joel, and the kids. Joel and Ryan inevitably become pack mules because they refuse to let you or Carolina carry anything, and you've both learned not to argue with them. 
That's what today has consisted of. You, Sarah, Carolina, and Maria sit in the sand as you watch your husbands unload beach chairs, towels, coolers, sand castle molds, and more. It took Sam all of ten seconds to break into Fun Uncle Mode and start a game of football with Isaac and JJ, Penelope, and Lucy joining the boys. Elizabeth, Victoria, Sophia, and Violet sit in a circle with supplies to make bracelets and whatever books they're reading at their feet, gossiping just out of earshot of their uncool parents. Ellie, Dina, and Jesse have given up on arguing with Joel about helping to unpack and have settled on wading through the water, splashing each other when they're not looking. They make a sweet little family. Unconventional, sure, but loving and amazing, nevertheless.
Once the Hernandez-Miller-Long boys unload all their stuff, they join the football game Sam started, in which nobody keeps score because they're all laughing too hard. It's fun to watch Joel and Tommy play on separate teams, the sibling rivalry coming out just enough to entertain you and Maria. You would think Joel would slow down or get tired faster than he used to, but something about the summer sunshine makes him twenty-five years old again. He goes from playing football and playfully tackling Isaac to teaching JJ how to surf, holding his hands as they stand on the board together, to bounding over to Ellie in the waves, picking her up, and throwing her in the water. "Mom!" She complains when she breaches the surface with a big smile. She laughs when you throw up your hands to let her know you can't control him. 
All the moms end up running around with sunscreen, water, and snacks to make sure nobody gets neglected, no matter who they actually belong to. You once joked with Carolina that, at this point, you basically have a commune of parents who take care of all the kids. Jesse will send birthday cards and money to the twins on their birthday. When Elizabeth got too drunk at a college party, she called you instead of her parents. Not because she didn't trust them but because she knew you'd pick up the phone even though it was two in the morning. And when Sarah gave birth to Isaac, you, Lucia, Maria, Carolina, Ellie, and Dina descended upon her home to take care of the laundry and dishes, prepare food, and ensure Sarah and Ethan slept. It's like having a huge family without the drama or strained relationships. 
After Joel has all but run himself ragged and the sun is casting purple and golden rays across the sky, he pulls you onto his lap, and you sit with him as you watch your kids. Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and JJ sit nearby, munching on sandwiches and listening to JJ's latest science fair project about space. Sarah and Ethan build sand castles with Isaac, and Ryan, Carolina, and Victoria nap together in a too-small beach chair. The only ones still up and being rowdy are Sam, Penny, and the twins. Sam is trying to teach Penny how to throw a baseball, and the twins are surfing along the coastline. The sound of the waves and the heat from Joel's body makes you sleepy as you rest against his chest, his hand drawing patterns into your thigh. 
"D'you have fun today?" He asks quietly as he kisses your temple. 
"I always have fun at the beach with you."
"Cheesy," he shakes his head, and you slap his chest. "You can't even get mad at me 'cause you know that was cheesy."
"You married me for my cheesiness."
"No, I married you for the money. Obviously." He says, and you laugh. Penelope and Sam's laughter overlaps yours, and you both turn to see them leaning against each other with big smiles. Sam's eyes twinkle familiarly in the sunset as he looks at Penny again, holding up his baseball.
"Be serious about this! When I go pro, you're gonna be the one to throw out the first pitch!" He urges, and she rolls her eyes.
"If you go pro, you'll have much bigger things to worry about than me throwing out the first pitch." She teases, and he raises his eyebrows, hiding the baseball behind his back and stepping into her. You'd have to be fucking blind not to see the way they flirt with each other. 
"Oh, yeah? Like what?" 
"Like controlling your roid rage."
"I'll have you know I've never done steroids in my life!"
"You're still young, Miller. I give it three years."
"You think that little of me?" He asks and collapses to the sand dramatically when she nods. You laugh, and Joel adjusts so your ear is by his mouth.
"They remind me of us." He whispers, and you furrow your brows as you face him. He smiles sleepily and reaches out to push your hair out of your face.
"How so?" 
"Other than the fact she just called him 'Miller,'" he says, and you smile. "'M not sure. He just... seems lighter around her. And they're always together. They have their own little language and dynamic. Not to mention, anyone with eyes in a twenty-mile radius can see how hopelessly in love he is with that girl."
"I thought you married me for my money."
"I mean, that was a plus, but I married you 'cause I couldn't imagine spendin' another moment without you as my partner and 'cause I wanted to be with you every day," he says as he kisses your jaw. "'Cause I was and still am hopelessly in love with you." You take a deep breath as you wrap your arm around his shoulders and lean back to look at him in all his sunburnt nose, heavy, happy-eyed glory. 
He's aged in the years since you've been together. His hair is a little more gray than brown, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes have deepened through late-night feeds, early-morning school drop-offs, tours, movies, albums, everything. You've aged too. You're not the same twenty-something you were when you met Joel, but you love this version of yourself. You love this version of your marriage and family and can't wait to see what joy the next version will bring you. You lean down and kiss him. He tastes like sea salt and beer and him. His beard scratches your face, but his hands on your skin are soft and heavy. You remember an old song from the original Cinderella film. She hums it after meeting her Prince Charming and goes home utterly in love with him. You swear, if this moment were a shot from a movie, that song would play over this moment.
"Cheesy." You mumble against his lips.
"Oh, that was cheesy?" He asks, and you hum. In one movement, he secures you in his arms and stands. You squeal and hold onto him for dear life as he starts walking through the sand. "I'll show you cheesy." 
"Joel!" You yell as he walks into the cold water and dunks the both of you under within two seconds. You don't see or hear it happen through the salt water in your eyes and your laughter, but your family rushes into the water after you—all of them. Ryan picks up Carolina, Ethan picks up Sarah, Jesse, and Dina work together to grab Ellie, and Sam picks up Penny, and they all run into the water. The kids follow suit, and before you realize it, all your favorite people are in the water with you, laughing and smiling as they cling to each other amidst the waves. Sophia jumps on Joel's back, and he goes underwater with all three of you as the sun sets overhead and the moon slowly appears over the cliffs. You're shaking from the cold and clinging to Joel, but you can't stop smiling. There's no place you'd rather be than here, freezing in the water with your family as the sun sets on another perfect Miller-Hernandez-Garcia-Long-Caradonna-Pierce beach day.
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entrelac · 4 years
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  
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I'm done with you!
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dcydrecmings · 1 year
There's a few of my muses that are connected, so for ease of the people who play against them - the 'groups' of joint muses are under the cut!
The Hale's
Michael Hale Jr. - Evan Roderick - NPC - Eldest child
Wilhelm Don Hale - Austin Abrams - Second eldest/Eldest triplet
Odette Odile Juliet Hale - Peyton List - Middle child/Middle triplet
Clara Maria Masha Hale - Natalie Alyn Lind - Second youngest/Youngest triplet
Giselle Martha Hale - Emily Alyn Lind - Youngest child
Sydney Hale - Tilly Keeper - Biological cousin/Adopted daughter
Olympia Turner - Mary Mouser - Illegitimate child.
Group One
Lilly Kane - Natalie Alyn Lind
Veronica Mars - Meg Donnelly
Rebecca Mars - Ashley Puzemis
Paige Echolls - Hunter King
Louise Grant - Hannah Kepple
Amba Laghari - Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
Adella Hernandez - Isabella Gomez
Fabiana Gonzalez - Daniela Nieves
Harrison Hart - Jaren Lewison
Edward Karev - Alex Fitzalan
Samuel Tien - Ben Levin
Group Two
Cora Lewis - Natalie Alyn Lind
Lexi Lewis - Natalie Alyn Lind
Alyvia Lewis - Renee Rapp - Cousin to Cora/Lexi
Camila Gomez - Cierra Ramirez
Benjamin Sutherland - Milo Manheim
Camille Williams - Madison Bailey
Harlow Jennings - Peyton List
Willow Jennings - Victoria Konefal
Anthony Reyes - Froy Gutierrez
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
you know what. maybe i'll finally make an oc list thing.
Grementine Mewton (28-37, she/her or they/he [pronouns go to the latter set once grem is 32])
Merell Morgan (29-38, she/her)
M0u5e Mewton (4-13ish, he/she/it)
Cr1ck3t Akdow-Mewton (6, she/her)
Al4baster Akdow-Mewton (1, they/them)
Jack Harris (28-37, he/him)
Bunny Harris (nee Hopper) (28-37, she/her)
Easton Harris (2-11, he/him)
Minnie Harris (1-10, she/her)
Natalie Harris (couple months old-8 1/2, she/her)
Beans Akdow-Harris (7 mo, she/her)
Lionel Mewton (55-64, he/him)
Lupus Mewton (55-64, he/him)
Leslie Mewton (2, she/her)
Lopsy Shepherd (24-33, all pronouns)
Rolando Rojas (baby, he/him)
Raymond Rojas (baby, he/him)
Lucy Rojas (5, she/her)
Tony Rojas (3, he/him)
Quillin Mewton (6-15, he/him)
Jane Welker (37, she/her)
Willow MacDonald (nee Jerseytail) (37, she/her)
Lewis Flores-Little (37, he/him)
Dorina Whittebaker (nee Wong) (57, she/her)
Louise Whittebaker (26, she/her)
Finnley/Finn Whittebaker (23, he/him)
The Harris family
Keith Beaston/Rock Monster (22, he/him [later he/she])
Maria Wayne/Fame Monster (25, she/her)
Virgil Beaston (19, he/him)
Addison/Addie Blair Fogle (22, they/them)
Mabel Fogle-Beaston (14, she/her)
Lime Beaston (13, she/her)
Nicolas Beaston (11, he/him)
Kendall McCormick (21, he/they)
Ferrel Williams (22-41, he/him)
Wendy Tiburóna (22, she/her)
Reese Beaston (nee Wayne) (46, she/her)
Frank Beaston (46, he/him)
Roger Nulling (22, he/him)
Pixel Hernandez (19, it/they)
Jodi Milch (19, she/they)
Holland/Holly Watanabe (19, she/her)
Kevin Ryan (20, he/him)
Mason Keller (24, he/him)
Amira Gutierrez (24, she/her)
James Lytton (24, he/him)
Maxie Dawson (16, they/them)
Charlotte/Lottie Cumberdale (15, she/her)
Chamberlain/Lain Cumberdale (15, he/him)
Ashwyn Toa (129, he/him)
Derik Strangern I (25, he/him)
Marisel Peters (22, she/her)
Carrie von Sensenmann I (23, she/her)
Martin Vulcaton (24, he/him)
Victoria Strangern (nee Crossica) (50, she/her)
Barnabas/Barny Dawson (47, he/him)
Morana Strangern I (23, she/her)
Auric Strangern I (dead, he/him)
Janice Watterson (nee Lytton) (24, she/her)
Chloe Dawson (nee Sasaki) (39, she/her)
Jericho Weber (29, they/she)
Nero Strangern II (19, he/him)
Katrianne le Clerk (nee Allard) (dead, she/her)
Elise Keller (nee le Clerk) (54, she/her)
Almorte (immortal, it/he)
Vajasi (immortal, she/he)
Paulina Moore (16, she/her)
Dion Morgan (7, he/him)
Bronach O'Byrne (28, he/it)
Mother Helena Sullivan (24, she/it)
Champagne Stirrwell (30, they/them)
Help Mii/Helamea (17, she/her)
Lime and Nick
MP/Minus!Plumeria (26, she/her)
MG/Minus!Guzma (26, he/him)
MK/Minus!Koko (15, they/them)
8-Byte (juvenile, it/its + she/her if ur close)
A-Body (adult, he/bit)
Strawberry/Strawbei (23, any pronouns)
Partridgeberry/Party (23, he/him)
Tomato/Tom/Tommy (23, he/she)
Golden Delicious/Goldie (23, she/her)
Red Delicious/Red/Rouge/Rosie (22, he/she/they [depends how he feels])
Spherekhail Davies (29, he/him)
Fumonis but only because they and Strawbei are dating
John Jonn/Mr. Bland/"Osteorachnid" (looks early 20s, he/him)
Laurel/"Amedusa" (looks early 20s, he/she)
Fumonis (looks mid 20s, he/she/they)
Spirece (30+ but demons age differently so they're around 18-19 in human years, they/them)
Beetle (baby, she/rot)
Abalain/Abbie (old, she/they)
Plasma (old, he/him)
Scorpent (not as old but still old, ve/ver)
Help Mii/Helamea
Trianna Isomer (25, she/her)
Angulaure Arithmette (22, she/they/ze)
Pentylle Murphy (32, she/xe/it)
Ryoshi Mao (16, he.him)
Meowlentine Mao I (14, she/her)
Hanna Keys (11, she/her)
Vinnie Mao (6, he/him)
Nia Mao (5, she/her)
Lennie (15, he/him)
Koherna/Koko Addleson (15, she/her)
Noir Bellin (13, she/her)
Mohna Aether (14, she/her)
Blanca (11, she/her)
Lexi Lox (16, she/they)
Reya Smith (17, she/her)
Robyn Decker (12, she/they)
Kagome (scrafty, she/her)
Inari (scrafty, he/him)
Chihiro (scraggy, he/him)
Trixie (tinkaton, she/it)
Sneaks (salandit, he/him)
Professor Merlin Mahogany (30, he/they)
Emerald (she/her)
Yukonite/Yukie (she/her)
Blue Sandstone/Blue (he/him)
Calypso Barriga (15, she/her)
Kira Mori (16, she/her)
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Panini Swaps
This is all I’ve got to swap. Currently looking for Marta.
World Cup
New Zealand
Rebekah Stott
Ria Percival
Betsy Hassett
Caroline Graham Hansen
Sofia Harrison
Noelle Maritz
Ramona Bachmann
Mary Fowler
Niamh Fahey x 3
Diane Caldwell
Heather Payne x 2
Abbie Larkin
Glory Ogbonna
Rasheedat Ajibade
Kailen Sheridan
Jessie Fleming
Christine Sinclair
Maite Oroz
Costa Rica
Maria Coto
Raquel Rodriguez
Shirley Cruz
Priscila Chinchilla
Agness Musase
Mary Wilombe
Misozi Zulu
Barbra Banda
Fula Nagano
Saki Kumagai
Moeka Minami
Fuka Nagano
Rachel Daly
Tabita Joseph
Claire Constant
Kethna Louis x 2
Melchie Dumornay
Sherly Jeudy x 2
Roselord Borgella
Batcheba Louis x 2
Simone Boye
Rikke Marie Madsen
Wang Linlin
Yang Lina
Xiao Yuyi
Wang Shuang x 2
Beyond Greatness
Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic
Barbra Banda
Carolina Mendes x 2
Lindsay Horan x 2
Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy
Victoria Pelova
Danielle van de Donk
Havana Solaun
Marta Cox
Erika Hernandez
Riley Tanner
Yenith Bailey x 2
South Africa
Janine van Wyk x 2
Lina Magull
Ghizlane Chebbak
Daniela Arias
Son Hwayeon x 3
3 notes · View notes
evermorehqs · 1 year
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Victoria Hernandez is based on Vicky from The Fairly Odd Parents. She is a 27 year old human, entrepreneur, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Vicky is portrayed by Maria Pedraza and she is open.
If you were to ask Victoria, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a boss babe and that is exactly what she's going to be. Sure, she was rude and mean and ruthless but how else were you supposed to get into the 1% and rule the world? From a young age, Vicky was terrorizing every child she babysat while schmoozing all the parents for a higher paycheck and it was worth it. She didn't care if the kids hated her as long as she was building her mini empire. An empire that would continue to grow as she got older. No one could ever say that Vicky didn't have ambition, she was overflowing with it and she didn't care how many people she had to double cross or piss off to get ahead. One day, it would all be worth it. Friends weren't at the top of her list but that didn't mean there weren't days when she realized how lonely she was. Yes, she was mean but she didn't always mean to be. Of course, living in Evermore her whole life minimized her influence; she couldn't exactly take over the world when she couldn't leave the boundaries of her town but that wasn't going to stop her. That's what online stores were for! And she had a lot of them. It wasn't that any of them failed, per se, she simply lost interest when they weren't as lucrative as she wanted them to be. Vicky was an entrepreneur at heart with one goal in mind - money. It didn't matter how many ideas she had to come up with or steal, she was going to make it. Nothing would distract her from having her name on the cover of Forbes magazine...except maybe someone extremely talented and attractive. What? Could you blame her? It wasn't just her little sister who knew how to fangirl, it ran in the family and now that more people were arriving in Evermore, she saw it as an opportunity to sell more of her wares, grow her business and then find the person of her dreams that would change her entire life. Oh and maybe hop onto some of those insane ideas as to how to get out of here and finally take over the world.
❀ Sheila Guox: Vicky cannot deny that Sheila has this incredibly cool vibe that she's, let's be real, incredibly jealous of. She wants to be her friend but can't always help the barbs to try and bring her down ❀ Trevante Powers: She cannot believe that Trevante is here?! Not many people know Powerline by his real name but Vicky is what one would call a super fan and there's no one around as talented as him ❀ Madonna Tremaine: The one and only Lady Tremaine is terrifying but she is the kind of woman Vicky wishes she could be. Money, power, beauty - what more could you want?
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evermorehqspromos · 6 months
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“If you were to ask Victoria, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a boss babe and that is exactly what she’s going to be.” [ READ MORE ] / [ MAIN ]
------------------------------------- WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY
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Codex Familia: sweet visitor
"So is there a particular reason we need to trek through the jungle to get to your house?" Valentina asked Ed, as they trudged through some of the forest of the Yucatan.
"Well because I live pretty deep in the jungle. And I wouldn't say it's that bad a trek, the path is pretty wide I'd say." Ed tried to explain to his new girlfriend. The two held hands as they walked down the path.
"Is there a particular reason your family decided to settle down in the jungle?" Valentina asked him. As she started to notice the end of the path, and part of the clearing the home was set in.
"I think it's because of mama? She said she used to live in this sorta area. Papa said they used to live in Mexico city." Ed answered Valentina's question.
Eventually they enter the clearing that the house was located in. It was quite a large clearing, tho very small relative to the jungle itself. But Valentina's gaze was more focused on the house that was in the center of the clearing. Her mouth was agape, and she stood silent while looking up at the huge building.
"Amor? You okay? Why are you just staring?" Ed asked his girlfriend as she just stood there staring.
"Th-this house is HUGE!!!!" She finally exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me you lived in such a big house?!" She questioned Ed, all the while pointing towards the house and getting in Ed's face. The house was In fact, huge. At least in comparison to more average houses. But it wasn't anything fancy either. It was more like if you took a normal suburb house and scaled it up, with some interesting extra bits too.
"It is…?" Ed questioned with a noticeable tilt to his head. He had a very curious look on his face. "I didn't think it was that big."
Valentina then gave a frustrated look. "Don't tell me you've never seen someone else's house before?!" She questions.
"Well a couple, tho most visit us. I've visited mi tia's home and it's even bigger." He commented.
Valentina gave a somewhat shocked look when he said that, but their conversation was cut short by a voice yelling from the house.
"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING JUST STANDING THERE?! GET IN!" Yelled out Maria from the doorway of the house. She then went back in, as the couple finally started walking towards the house.
When Valentina saw the inside of the house, she immediately noticed the person who just yelled at them. Thinking to herself, "that must be his sister. Looks like how he described her." Maria was laying on a couch facing a TV, eating some cake. "She has very striking green eyes" Valentina thought.
Eventually Ed's mother, Quetzalcoatl walked in to greet Valentina. "Oh you must be Valentina! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She exclaimed while walking towards Valentina. She immediately hugged Valentina in a greeting before letting go. "I'm Eduardo's mother, Victoria. But just call me Mrs. Hernandez." She introduced herself, using her human name in place of her true name.
"O-oh! It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Hernandez!" Valentina said. Immediately Valentina noticed Quetz's height. "She's very tall! The only other person I've seen so tall was Mama." She thought.
"Oh! And what beautiful blue eyes you have! And your hair, it's gorgeous!" Quetz started to compliment Valentina suddenly. "Your eyes look quite familiar actually!" She commented.
"Oh really?! That's cool!" Valentina responded back. She noticed that Quetz's hair was the exact shade of golden blonde that Ed's was. She also even noticed her body was very fit, and you could tell she was very athletic. It didn't take much for Valentina to connect the dots there.
Another voice was heard from a different room, a deeper male voice. "Is that her?!" The voice asked. It was quickly deduced that this must be Ed's father. A very large man came out into the living room. He had deep, obsidian black hair and a large beard. The hair matched Maria's also deep black hair.
"Well there she is! You must be the girl, Mijo has spoken so much about!" Rex commented as soon as he sees Valentina.
Ed immediately blushed as soon as he heard his father's words. "Papa!" He exclaimed, already getting embarrassed.
"Mijo, you're the most obvious person about this. She's bound to already know." Rex says. Somewhat speaking from experience with his own love life.
Ed's face blushed a scarlet red from the embarrassment. "Aaawww! It's okay! I really like that you talk about me!" Valentina interjected, while trying to somewhat comfort Ed and giving him a small hug.
"Oh! I almost forgot, we've still got dinner to get ready! Mijo, come help us." Quetz said to Ed, with a pretty insistent tone.
"Uh, do you really need my help tho? I was kinda hoping I could stay with Va-" but before Ed can finish, Quetz makes a face that tells him plainly that he's not getting out of this. "Okay then, I'll help out. Uh, sorry Valentina I need to leave for a little bit" Ed tells his girlfriend.
"Oh it's okay! I don't mind it!" She reassured him.
"Thanks so much!" Ed responded back.
Then after Ed left with his parents, Valentina and Maria were alone together in the living room. Maria seemed to almost not acknowledge Valentina's presence at first. Her mind was completely fixated on the TV.
"So uh, you're his sister right?" Valentina asked awkwardly to Maria. In an attempt to try and start a conversation.
"Si… and what about it?" Maria responded. You could hear that she wasn't exactly very interested in talking at this moment.
"O-oh uh, it's just that uh I wanted to maybe ask a question or so about him maybe?" Valentina stated somewhat nervously. "I'm sorry if I've annoyed you."
Maria sighed. "Sorry, just not one for talking with strangers." Maria said.
"Oh yeah I get that. Sorry, I'm just kinda used to talking with folks often." She responded back.
Then suddenly Maria's little Corgi dog, Marshmallow, came up to her. "Oh Marshmallow! What are you doing here?!" Maria said when she saw her small companion.
"Oh! That's Marshmallow?! I remember Ed telling me you how much you love the lil guy" Valentina said to Maria.
Maria had picked up the small dog and held him in her arms. "Si, he's my precious baby!" Maria said in an uncharacteristically soft voice.
Valentina's eyes widened in surprise at how she acted.
Maria noticed this and realized what just happened. She let the dog back down on the ground, before speaking again. "Don't tell ANYONE about what you just saw. Okay?" Maria said in probably the most intimidating voice Valentina had ever heard.
"S-si! Of course! I'll never tell anyone about that!" Valentina said in a small panic.
"Girls! Dinner is ready!" Quetz yelled out to the girls.
The girls went to the dining room, where the others were waiting. Before them was a decent spread of food. Steak tacos, nachos, quesadillas, taquitos, tamales and many more. "Oh my goodness! This is a lot!" Valentina exclaimed when she saw all the food.
"Ehehe, sorry about that. It was a funny coincidence that I brought you when we were planning this dinner." Ed tried to explain to his girlfriend.
"Oh I don't mind. It's a special day anyways so I might as well dig in!" She said a lil excitedly.
The group sat down to eat. You could also notice the various dogs the family owned joining them, asking for any leftovers. Maria tried to put Marshmallow on her lap, only to be scolded by her mother.
"So uh Valentina, how is your relationship with mi hijo?" Quetz asked their visitor. "I'm hoping you two make each other happy."
"Oh si! He's been a very good boyfriend! Not to sound too forward, but he's a really good kisser!" Valentina said suddenly.
Ed suddenly spit out his drink at hearing that. "Valentina!" He exclaimed.
"No one needed to hear that." Maria stated, while eating.
"Oh don't worry about it Valentina, dear! I'm happy mi hijo is treating you well! And don't be afraid to share those things! I said the same to mi amor's family plenty of times too!" Quetz explained to Valentina.
Rex noticeably blushed when Quetz commented about that.
The group had a very nice dinner that night. With plenty of lively conversation, mostly about the nature of Ed and Valentina's relationship. The family seemed really approving of their relationship.
"I had a very good night with you all! I'm happy you're all approving of our relationship!" Valentina exclaimed before leaving.
"It was our pleasure dear! Glad you liked your visit!" Quetz said.
"Come back anytime! You're more then welcome to visit again!" Rex said.
"Shall I take you back?" Ed asked Valentina.
"Yes, you may!" Valentina answered.
Then after that, the pair left to take Valentina back home.
A/N: so there's another story! Hope you guys liked it! Having fun developing this relationship!
@exmeowstic @akampana @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskiaradoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @chaldeamage-neo @littleminxthings
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nxmuzluv · 3 years
mexican empire — trivia
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The empire (that is more formally known as the Second Mexican Empire) was started in 1864 by Emperor Armando, Jacqueline’s great-great-great-great grandfather. He was a lieutenant general within the Mexican army, and after he forced French forces out of Mexico and ordered their surrender, due to his wealth and influence (as he hailed from a Cuban-Mexican old money family), he declared himself emperor of Mexico due to his desire for the Mexican empire’s restoration.
During the reign of Jacqueline’s great-great grandfather—Emperor Gustavo Hernando—a socialist and wannabe dictator named Álvaro Angel Hernandez created an anti-monarchy “party” that wished to abolish the Mexican empire due to seeing the (then current) imperial family as corrupt. The party gained members, notoriety, and infamy throughout Mexico, and Álvaro had even gained some power over Mexico City and its neighboring territories. Álvaro seemingly went mad and randomly decided to storm the palace in an attempt to overthrow Emperor Gustavo. That attempt was unsuccessful, and Álvaro was tried with heavy treason and sentenced to death by hanging. His execution sparked the Guerra del Palacio (the War of the Palace), and the conflict lasted for three and a half years.
With the empire’s power, and with the help of Brazilian, Cuban, and later American troops, the Mexican empire defeated Álvaro’s party and prevented being replaced with an authoritarian, socialist regime. Since then, the War of the Palace has been the only civil war that the imperial family has had to face.
Mexico has one of the wealthiest imperial families in the world, having a net worth of $10.5 billion, and placing them at 5th on the list of wealthiest monarchs in the world. All of that money belongs to the emperor, and it stems from Mexico’s investments in the oil industry and agriculture, their various exports (such as beer, chocolate, chilis, and tomatoes), the support from the Mexican citizens, and from the emperor’s own investments into large scale banks around the world. The $10.5 billion will be split between the emperor’s immediate family (his daughters and his eldest daughter’s three children) upon his death.
Mexico became the first monarchy in the world to implement absolute primogeniture (meaning any child can assume the role of heir apparent to the throne regardless of their gender) in 1914. It was proposed by Emperor Gustavo after the birth of his three daughters after the birth of his eldest son. He was worried about the potential extinction of the dynasty if his son either died or was unable to marry or produce a male heir, and Gustavo’s own lack of another male heir only increased his worries. To ensure that the dynasty would live on, he proposed the idea of absolute primogeniture to the Mexican government.
His proposal was taken into question, as back then, women were seen as “unfit” monarchs and were seen as incapable of ruling a country. However, due to much pushing by the emperor over the course of eight months, by a vote of 71–63, absolute primogeniture was officially adopted in Mexico in regards to the empire’s line of succession. The empire received its first female heir apparent upon the birth of Crown Princess (now Empress) Victoria in 1967.
Since 1873, the empire of Mexico has also been known as the United Empire of Mexico (or the Imperio Unido de México) due to the numerous conquests ordered by Emperor Armando. Countries under the United Empire of Mexico include the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. From 1891 to 1959 (68 years), Cuba was also a part of the United Empire, and monarchs and their consorts held the titles of Emperor and Empress of Cuba.
The Second Mexican empire started off with a rather large amount of wealth, as its founder, Lieutenant General Armando José Enrique Velasco, hailed from a Mexican-Cuban old money family that was worth $16.4 billion ($302.5 billion in today’s money) by Armando’s father’s death in 1867. Upon his father’s death, the money was split between Armando and his brother, with both of them receiving $8.2 billion ($151.2 billion in today’s money). That fortune has been slightly diminished and restored over the years.
The Second Mexican Empire is an absolute, hereditary, and self-proclaimed monarchy. It was originally a semi-constitutional monarchy during Emperor Alphons’ reign, and during Emperor Fernando’s reign, it became a complete constitutional monarchy. The empire only became an absolute monarchy after its restoration. It is a self-proclaimed monarchy due to Emperor Armando declaring himself the emperor of Mexico after defeating the French.
Emperor Alphons—Armando’s eldest son—had the shortest reign of any Mexican monarch ever, as he only reigned for 11 years. He was known to be somewhat sickly from birth, and his sickness worsened later in his life, resulting in his early-ish death. Alphons was also said to be attractive during his youth and was quite the notorious playboy before he met his wife and consort, Josefina Ivette Isabel Correia, Lady Salvaterra, to whom he was distantly related to.
In his youth, Emperor Gustavo had quite the large selection of noble and royal ladies to choose from for marriage (or rather, for his parents to choose from). From that selection, he had wed Princess Helena Dorothea Maria Anna of Greece and Denmark, Viscountess Württemberg, a member of the Greek royal family and of the German noble House of Württemberg. However, they’re relationship was rocky and they seemed more like acquaintances than husband and wife, and just a year later, Gustavo and Princess Helena divorced. However, their marriage did bring the Mexican, Greek, and Danish royal/imperial families closer together, and it solidified their relationship for the next four generations. Princess Helena was never given the title of empress. A few months later, Gustavo married Agustina Natalia Sophia, Baroness of San Luis de la Paz, and the daughter of the Duke of Guanajuato.
Emperor José Manuel established the most international connections for the Mexican empire, ranking just below his son, Fernando. His marriage to Yoo Hyeryun, a middle class Korean native, was one of them, as well as his ally-ship with India, his friendships with the British, Greek, and Spanish royal families, and his push for exports and the offering of support to foreign allies. José Manuel also has the second longest reign of any monarch in Mexico, placing behind his son.
Emperor Fernando became the first Korean-Mexican to ascend to the imperial throne after his father’s death in 1960. He also has the longest reign of any Mexican monarch, and will uphold that title until his daughter can manage to surpass him.
Empress Victoria became Mexico’s first female regent in all its 139-year history, which caused her to also have the most viewed coronation since her father’s in 1960, amassing a total of 81.5 million people in Mexico and 24 million people worldwide. Meaning, a total of 105.5 million people had watched Victoria’s coronation. She also became the second mixed Korean to ascend to the Mexican throne.
Empress Agustina was known for introducing a lot of foreign customs to Mexico during her husband’s reign. She was known for her love of travel and for her interest in other (specifically European) cultures. She introduced the Scottish Lomond waltz to the Mexican imperial court, and had also introduced the concept of debutante balls to the country, as she established Empress Agustina’s Debutante Ball (Baile de Debutante de la Emperatriz Agustina) after attending Queen Charlotte’s Ball in London.
Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa (or Yoo Hyeryun) became the first Korean woman to assume the title of empress (consort) of Mexico upon her husband’s ascension to the throne in 1928. She achieved massive notoriety due to this (and also due to her beauty), and further established positive connections between Mexico and South Korea. She also became known as the first commoner to marry into the imperial family, and became the first commoner to assume the title of empress consort. She is also the longest living empress in the empire’s history, being 102 years old by the events of Trigger Happy Havoc.
There had actually been a empress regent of Mexico prior to Victoria, although she wasn’t officially counted as a reigning empress like Victoria. Her name was Princess Josefina Maria Lupita, and she was Emperor Alphons’ older sister, and Emperor Armando’s first born child. Due to Mexico’s male preference primogeniture at the time, Josefina was misplaced at heir to the throne once her brother was born. She didn’t see it as an issue until she was in her thirties. Just a few months after Alphons was crowned, Josefina secretly mobilized a part of Mexico’s military, and had ordered them to storm her brother’s apartments within Chapultepec Castle
A few dozen were injured during that attempt of a “coup,” and two had died due to their injuries. Alphons originally thought that the attack was ordered by anti-royalists, but he later found out that it was ordered by his own sister. He was quick to declare war on Josefina, who was forced to flee to Costa Rica with the remainder of her troops. The war—which was named the “War of the Chrysanthemum”—lasted for only seven months, before it eventually came to a stalemate due to the intervention of the siblings’ mother. Alphons wanted to keep Josefina in Costa Rica, but was advised not to. After the war, the siblings never even looked at each other again, and Josefina moved out of Chapultepec Castle and into a separate estate
During the war, Josefina had triumphed over her brother for a short period of time (about a month or two) and had become Empress Josefina, and was “ruling” from Costa Rica. However, as she had never had a formal coronation and as she had an incredibly short reign, historians do not count Josefina as a true sovereign, and the title of “first empress regent of Mexico” officially goes to Victoria. Technically, however, it goes to Josefina
Emperor José Manuel’s brother, José Ramón, Jacqueline’s great-great uncle, had married Princess Alexandra-Beatrice of Battenberg, the youngest daughter of Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine, and of Prince Louis of Battenberg. Alexandra-Beatrice—Jacqueline’s great-great aunt—was the great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, making the former queen of the United Kingdom Jacqueline’s great-great-great-great-great grandaunt.
Jacqueline’s great-aunt—Princess Valentina of Spain—is married to Prince Georgios of Greece and Denmark, Jacqueline’s uncle, and her title upon her marriage became Crown Princess Victoria of Greece and Spain. Crown Prince Georgios was formerly King George III of Greece, while Princess Valentina was Queen Valentina of Greece, the country’s first Spanish queen consort. However, Georgios only ruled for two years, and he abdicated the throne in favor of his younger brother, the now King Constantine II of Greece. Due to the marriage between Valentina and Georgios, however, that makes the Mexican imperial family relatives to the Greek royal family.
King Constantine II is Jacqueline’s great-uncle and his wife, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece and Denmark, is her great-aunt. Crown Prince Pavlos is Jacqueline’s second cousin, once removed/uncle, and his wife—Crown Princess Marie-Chantal—is her aunt. Pavlos and Marie-Chantal’s five children are all Jacqueline’s second cousins. Furthermore, that makes Crystal Bienvenu (Jacqueline’s classmate) and her siblings Jacqueline’s third cousins (and they had no idea that they were that closely related).
The Mexican imperial family is incredibly popular among its citizens, and is said to be well loved. They are known to be a very progressive, casual, down-to-earth, and friendly family to the Mexican public, royal watchers, and to foreigners. They are also known for their close relationship despite their large number of members.
Despite their close relationship now, the Mexican imperial family was known as very rigid, somewhat cold, and had a nearly distant family life up until Emperor Gustavo’s marriage to Baroness Agustina Natalia Sophia.
Although the empire was previously abolished in 2003, after society was restored following the events of The Tragedy, Mexico was significantly affected by the world’s societal collapse and by a devastating war between the country and Cuba caused by The Tragedy, and in an overwhelming 125–9 vote, the Mexican empire was restored, the imperial family was allowed back, and Emperor Fernando got his political power restored. However, six months later, he abdicated the throne in favor of his eldest daughter and Jacqueline’s mother, Victoria.
During the holiday season and before Christmas, the imperial family sends out cards with a portrait of the entire family—both the Mexican imperial family and the extended Bourbon-Perez/Spanish royal family—on the front. 1,000 cards are sent out to random households in Mexico and around the world every year, and all of them are personally signed by the emperor and empress. Only 50 cards are signed by other members of the family. This tradition started during the reign of Emperor Alphons in the late 1800s, and had increased in popularity during the reign of Emperor José Manuel.
Christmas portraits of the emperor’s immediate family and individual portraits of members of the imperial family are also released before Christmas, as well.
The children of the family also make Christmas cards, write messages in them, and sign them for the palace staff. The messages usually thank the staff for their hard work throughout the year. Jacqueline is known for tying each of her cards with gold, red, or green ribbons, and she’s known for gifting the staff with homemade cookies, as well.
There is a Christmas tree located in one of the imperial family’s winter residences, and before Christmas, the family makes decorations to hang from the tree, and they also hang home baked cookies—that are mainly baked by Jacqueline—from it, as well. Additionally, the oldest or youngest child gets to place the star/angel on top (it depends on the year).
On Christmas Eve, a formal dinner is held at the family’s winter residence and includes only the family members and their close guests (such as friends and government officials with close connections to the imperial family).
Also on Christmas Eve, the imperial family usually plays soccer/football on the grounds of their winter residence. This tradition was started by Emperor Gustavo in the early 1900s. Currently, Prince Alejandro and Empress Victoria have won the most games. The imperial family also plays Monopoly on Christmas Eve, which was started by Prince Alejandro.
Alejandro and Jacqueline also skate on the pond on the grounds of the family’s winter residence on Christmas Eve, which was turned into an ice skating rink at Emperor Daniel’s request when his children were young. Additionally, the imperial family also plays ice hockey. In regards to that, Jacqueline and her teams have won the most games.
The Mexican imperial family usually attends church service at the Catedral Metropolitana on a Sunday before Christmas. On Christmas Day, they attend church again, no matter what day it is, and that service is a much more public event due to it taking place on Christmas Day. During service, the emperor and empress’s Christmas speeches are broadcasted throughout the country, and tens of millions of Mexican citizens either watch or listen in. After service, the imperial family has a carriage procession through Mexico City, and that night, a final Christmas ball is held. Following the ball, the family usually watches Christmas movies at their winter residence, as well as a late night rerun of the emperor and empress’s Christmas broadcast.
Christmas is one of the imperial family’s favorite holidays, along with Independence Day, Day of the Dead, and Chuseok.
The imperial family combines a lot of Christmas traditions from different countries during the holiday season. Of course, there are mainly Mexican, Spanish, Korean, and British traditions, but there are also German and Scottish traditions mixed in, as well.
Mexico is known for sending numerous equestrians, sailors, surfers, soccer players, and runners to the Olympics, most of which have medaled. Members of the imperial family who have competed in the Olympics include: Emperor Alphons’ second son, who competed in equestrianism and won bronze, Emperor Gustavo’s youngest son, who competed in sailing and placed fourth, Empress Victoria, who competed in equestrianism and tennis and won silver and gold, Princess Luisa, Victoria’s younger sister, who competed in swimming and won gold, Prince Alejandro, Victoria’s eldest son, who competed at both the summer and winter Olympics and won gold in figure skating and gold in equestrianism, Princess Jacqueline, who competed in figure skating and won gold, as well, Princess Isabel, Victoria’s other younger sister, who competed in snowboarding and won bronze, and Princess Catalina Anita, who competed in gymnastics and track and won gold and bronze.
Like the United Kingdom, the Mexican empire has an established social season as well. It starts on February 1st with the state opening of Parliament, and it ends on December 9th with Empress Agustina’s Debutante Ball. In between, events like flower shows, opera performances, sports tournaments, society galas, a dog show, and an imperial derby are held. A five month break also occurs in between July and December. The social season was also introduced by Empress Agustina, but it didn’t become widespread until Emperor José Manuel’s reign.
Mexico is also known for its classic original operas, productions, and various opera singers. The annual opera performance at the Gran Teatro Nacional is one of the most anticipated events during the social season, and it is one of Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa, Emperor Fernando, Empress Catalina-Beatriz, Empress Victoria, and Victoria’s children’s favorite event during the season.
Mexico also has quite the large amount of painters and photographers. Two of the most renowned painters and photographers are Lady Magdalena de la Cerda, a member of the aristocratic la Cerda family and a famous landscape, surrealist, and portrait artist, and Guillermo Hernandez-Mendez, a photographer famous for his landscape shots and creativity. Both of them work for the imperial family, and they usually create the family’s portraits.
Mexico is also known for its incredibly strong military. It’s head is, of course, the current monarch of the empire. Emperor José Manuel had extensive military knowledge and training, which he passed on to his sons, the future Emperor Fernando included. Fernando passed that military knowledge onto his eldest daughter and heir apparent, the future Empress Victoria, who further strengthened Mexico’s military just like her father and grandfather had done.
Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa introduced the Korean holiday of Chuseok and the celebration of doljanchi to the imperial family upon her marriage to Emperor José Manuel. Since Emperor Fernando’s doljanchi in 1937, almost every member of the imperial family has also had one. Unlike other holidays, banquets are not held for Chuseok. Instead, smaller family dinners/potlucks are held in the family’s summer palaces, and they also get the chance to speak to their extended family in Korea.
The family’s main residence—Chapultepec Castle—is lit up with colored lights for various occasions. Some of those occasions include Independence Day, the birthdays of members of the imperial family, the births of members of the imperial family, and coronations. The lighting of Chapultepec Castle was introduced by Empress Catalina-Beatriz and started after the birth of Empress Victoria in 1967, and it has been done ever since.
Other traditions include the public lighting of the Christmas tree in front of Chapultepec Castle, and the ringing of the Catedral Metropolitana bells once an imperial baby has been born and during an imperial wedding.
The title of Prince/Princess of Tijuana is a title given to the heirs to the throne of Mexico. It was created in the early 1900s by Emperor Alphons as an 18th birthday gift for his eldest son, the future Emperor Gustavo. Since then, there have been five Princes of Tijuana and two Princesses of Tijuana. The title of Duke/Duchess of Bourbon-Perez is a title given to the current monarch and their spouse, and it was created by Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa upon her eldest son’s ascension to the imperial throne. The title of Earl/Countess of Bourbon-Perez was created by Emperor Fernando upon his eldest daughter’s marriage in 1988.
Upon Victoria's ascension to the Mexican throne, Prince Alejandro—Jacqueline’s older brother—became the new crown prince of Mexico, and he also received the titles of Prince of Tijuana (a title given to the heirs to the imperial throne) and Earl of Bourbon-Perez. Jacqueline also moved up a spot in the line of succession, going from fourth to third.
Most of the members of the imperial family have married/have been engaged to people with noble/aristocratic titles. Only five members have not done so, with those being: Emperor José Manuel, who married Yoo Hyeryun, a Korean woman hailing from a middle class family, Crown Prince Alejandro, who got engaged to Vivienne Young, a woman hailing from an old moneyed Peranakan family, Princess Isabel, who married Stephanos Alexander Onasis, a Greek commoner, Prince Maximilliano, Emperor Fernando’s younger brother, who married Bianca Rosalia Rodriguez, a Cuban commoner, and Princess Alejandra of Spain, who married Hernando Enrique Torres, an Ecuadorian commoner hailing from a wealthy oil family.
The Mexican imperial family has a total of 19 residences. They have nine residences in Mexico, and 10 residences in other countries (such as Cuba, the United Kingdom, and Spain).
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true-reality · 4 years
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San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre
The San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre occurred at a McDonald’s in the town San Ysidro of San Diego,CA on July 19, 1984. The perpetrator was 41 year old James Huberty, who fatally shot 21 people and wounded 19 others before being killed by police.
His wife, Etna, asked where he was going with a small arsenal of weapons and he replied with “I’m going to hunt humans.” He had been at that same Mcdonald’s with his wife and children earlier that day before the massacre. James walked into the Mcdonald’s with a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic pistol and a 12-gauge pump shotgun. He told his family, “Goodbye, I won’t be back”.
On that day 45 people were in that Mcdonald’s. He then started killing and wounding many others inside and outside of the San Ysidro Mcdonald’s. Police then interfered and 27 yr old police SWAT sniper named Charles Foster sniped James and killed him instantly. Huberty shouted things about fighting in the Vietnam War but was never actually part of the military.
A permanent memorial to those killed in the massacre was unveiled on December 13, 1990. The victims were:
Killed inside restaurant:
•Elsa Herlinda Borboa-Firro (19)
•Neva Denise Caine (22)
•Michelle Deanne Carncross (18)
•María Elena Colmenero-Silva (19)
•Gloria López Gonźalez (22)
•Blythe Regan Herrera (31)
•Mateo Herrera (11)
•Paulina Aquino López (21)
•Margarita Padilla (18)
•Claudia Pérez (19)
•Jose Rubén Lozano-Pérez (19)
•Carlos Reyes (8 months)
•Jackie Lynn Wright Reyes (18)
•Victor Maxmillian Rivera (25)
•Arisdelsi Vuelvas-Vargas (31)
•Hugo Luis Velázquez Vazquez (45)
•Laurence Herman Versluis (62)
Killed outside restaurant:
•David Flores Delgado (11)
•Omarr Alonso Hernandez (11)
•Miguel Victoria-Ulloa (74)
•Aida Velázquez Victoria (69)
•Juan Acosta (33)
•John Arnold (16)
•Anthony Atkins (36)
•Astolfo Cejundo (26)
•Joshua Coleman (11)
•Guadalupe del Rio (24)
•Astolfo Félix (31)
•Karlita Félix (4 months)
•Maricela Félix (23)
•Ronald Herrera (33)
•Albert Leos (17)
•Francisco López (22)
•Aurora Peña (11)
•Imelda Pérez (15)
•Maria Rivera (25)
•Mireya Rivera (4)
•Keith Thomas (12)
•Juan Tokano (33)
•Kenneth Villegas (22)
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European Championships Varna 2021
The nominative list is out and there are some changes in the individual competition!
ARM goes 4-3-1 with Silva Sargsyan, Meri Poghosyan and Edita Hovhannisyan
AUT - 4-4 with Nicol Ruprecht and Valentina Domenig
AZE - 4-4 with Zohra Aghamirova and Arzu Jalilova
BIH - 4-4 with Nejla Muradbegovic and Sara Bejdic
BLR - Halkina is off the list; they decided for 4-4 with Harnasko and Salos
BUL - 4-4 with Kaleyn and Taseva
CRO - 3-2-3 with Lana Sambol, Barbara Selendic and Tamara Artic
CYP - 4-2-2 with Anna Sokolova, Laura Hernandez, Neofyta Mavrikiou
CZE - 4-3-1 with Gaia Garoffolo, Barbora Kafkova and Nela Pochyla
ESP - 4-4 with Polina Berezina and Natalia Garcia
EST - 4-2-2 with Viktoria Bogdanova, Polina Murashko and Melany Keler
FIN - 4-4 with Sofia Egorova and Emilia Helin
FRA - 4-4 with Maelle Millet and Kseniya Moustafaeva
GBR - 3-3-2 with Gemma Frizelle, Marfa Ekimova, Alice Leaper
GEO - 4-3-1 with Salome Pazhava, Ketevan Arbolishvili and Nutsa Janashvili
GER - 4-4 with Margarita Kolosov and Melanie Dargel
GRE - 4-4 with Kelaiditi and Magopoulou
HUN - 4-4 with Fanni Pigniczki and Hanna Panna Wiesner
ISR - 4-4 with Ashram and Zelikman
ITA - 4-4 with Agiurgiuculese and Raffaeli; Milena Baldassarri is off the list and replaced with Sofia
LAT - 4-2-2 with Jelizaveta Polstjanaja, Santa Stepulane and Anna Murikova
LUX - 4-4 with Elena Smirnova and Sophie Turpel
MDA - 4-4 with Anastasia Guz and Ella Crijanovschii
MKD - just Rejchl Stojanov
NOR - 4-3-1 with Josephine Juul Møller, Ingrid Bratsberg and Fredrikke Tynning-Bergestuen
POL - Malgorzata Roszatycka
ROU - 3-3-2 with Andreea Verdes, Denisa Mailat and Annaliese Dragan (a very weird choice, given that both Verdes and Mailat are in contention for an Olympic quota)
RUS - 4-3-1 with Dina Averina, Arina Averina, Lala Kramarenko
SLO - 4-4 with Podgorsek and Vedeneeva
SMR - 4-2-2 with Lucia Castiglioni, Giulia Casali and Matilde Tamagnini
SRB - 4-2-2 with Andrijana Blazic, Nikolina Lekovic and Jovana Jeftic
SUI - Livia Maria Chiariello
TUR - 4-2-2 with Kamelya Tuncel, Victoria Sidorova and Nilgun Sariouglu
UKR - 4-3-1 with Viktoria Onoprienko, Khrystyna Pohranychna and Polina Karika
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faedawayyy · 4 years
next generation list. if i've removed a character you loved or really liked, i'm sorry! i just feel like i need a restart.
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BRETT JACKSON, only son of dallas. 
- intp  - musician  - heterosexual  - moved from the springs to gold coast to be closer to ally - starting his singing career slowly  - definitely still has financial struggles thanks to dallas fc: jack gilinsky  >> ALLY, his girlfriend. very much in love with her. he’s moved academy’s so that they can work on their relationship.  >> HALEY, ally’s sister. they’re good friends and brett feels responsible for her in a weird way.  >> AMY, loaned money to him after finding out that he was broke, especially after quitting his job at sloan’s. however, he has no idea how he’s going to pay her back, especially from half way across the world.  >> ROMAN, an old friend of his. he used to work at sloan’s and the two boys got closer but then brett moved away. they’re still really good friends and brett sees him as a little brother.
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PETER CARMICHAEL, son and youngest child of mason and kendall 
- entj  - athlete - heterosexual  - liberty academy, mason secretly paid for him to get in  - long distance relationship with bianca  - still kind of an asshole  fc: neels visser >> BIANCA, his girlfriend. things have got tougher since they’re living on different continents and going to different universities. he still loves her but is starting to realise it isn’t as amazing and easy as he thought it was at gallagher.  >> LOTTIE, a frenemy. he always knew of lottie but didn’t have much to do with her until they ended up in liberty together. he made a move on her while drunk at a party and she flat out rejected him. it’s definitely awkward now. >> VICTORIA, his sister. he can’t stand her. >> ADDY, his friend. peter has always felt bad about the treatment addy used to get with their friendship group and towards the end of high school, he always made an active effort to make her feel looked after and included. >> AMELIA knew that peter cheated his way into liberty and was going to get him kicked out, but he beat her too it. desperate for her not to have something over him, he found out about how she cheated her way into diamond bridge and they now go back and forth with blackmail.
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FLEUR CARMICHAEL, daughter of disney and brody 
- estj  - model and designer  - heterosexual  - burgundy academy, dixie sabotaged her rosewell acceptance  - her sister is her biggest rival but also best friend  - plans to transfer to LA or paris  fc: kendall jenner >> ROMAN is one of fleur’s best friends and she always had a crush on him. however, so does dixie and they’re VERY competitive for his attention.  >> MADDIE is her best friend and roman’s ex girlfriend. fleur always tried to keep her feelings secret because she didn’t want to get in between the two of them. >> DIXIE is her twin sister. the two of them are so competitive and have always fought like sister’s do. the older they’ve grown, the worse it’s got. they’re constantly trying to outdo one another but weirdly enough, they’re also really good friends.  >> LOUISA is one of her best friends but they have a very competitive friendship and get jealous of one another easily.
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JUDAH CRUZ-MENDOZA, middle child of blake and christelle 
- infp  - actor and model  - bisexual  - st judes, he’s really proud of his parents/how they met  - signed a contract with disney channel  - he’s just came out as bisexual (male pref) to his family  fc: booboo stewart  >> AVERY is his ex-crush. judah was completely infatuated by avery and had his first experience with a guy with him. avery always kept it secret, though, which was fine. however, he now feels like he’s actively avoiding him and trying to distance himself which hurts.  >> WHITNEY is his sister and probably the sibling he’s the closest with. he would have come out to her first and trusts her with everything. he’s definitely missing being as close to her because they’re getting their own identities and lives but he loves her all the same. >> AURORA is his best friend. the children of hensley, christelle and soraya had no choice but to grow up close and aurora is like an honorary sister to him.  >> ELIJAH is a new love interest of his. elijah hasn’t come out yet and can be slightly homophobic while judah is freshly open about his sexuality and enjoying it, so even though there’re feelings there, it is definitely a bit messy.
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THEA CRUZ-MENDOZA, oldest child of blake and christelle 
- esfp  - singer (vc: jhene aiko)  - heterosexual  - west ivys, she wanted to be close to family but not too close LOL - she’s like the mum when christelle’s not around. way too bossy with her siblings but is also kinda the blue print. she was a mischievous kid for sure. - a third year, she graduated from springs park a while ago  fc: christina nadin  >> CAM is a good friend of hers, that she definitely feels something for and he feels something for her too. neither of them have admitted it to themselves, let alone each other. 
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ETHAN HARWOOD, son of nate and imogen 
- entj  - athlete - heterosexual  - liberty academy  - he’s a fuckboy and still a fuckboy. some people peak in high school - he did - but he’s still riding out that peak. he’s also fallen out with jay, his old best friend. - addy’s ex; they still sometimes speak  fc: xavier serrano  >> ADDY is his ex-girlfriend. their relationship was quite manipulative and not good for either of them. he knows he still has a little bit of power over her though and really doesn’t want to see her move on.  >> JAY is a frenemy. the two of them have started to drift and fight over the smallest of things. their friendship has quickly fallen apart and it’s clear they’re not the same as they were in high school. >> YOUI he’s lowkey been flirting with her for ages now and it’s only intensified since he and addy broke up, but it’s always been touchy since she’s addy’s old best friend.
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KITTY-LEE HENSHAW, youngest daughter of natasha and anthony 
- isfp  - actress and model  - lesbian  - academia burgundy  - she’s making a transfer to be closer to victoria, who she’s infatuated with - she transitioned at an early age and her whole family has always been accepting, there’s no secrets around it.  - she has a tendency to get jealous  fc: hunter schafer >> VICTORIA is her best friend and crush. kitty has had feelings for victoria for as long as she can remember. they’ve always been best friend’s but it’s always gone deeper than that for kitty. deep down, she knows victoria doesn’t feel the same but she’s going to keep trying.  >> ADDY is a frenemy. kitty really doesn’t like addy and it’s purely because of the group she was in at gallagher. kitty has never clicked with the popular kids and would actively go out of her way to avoid them, so when victoria took a liking to addy at the end of high school, it threw her world upside-down a little and she’s definitely jealous. 
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ROWAN WEST, son of hensley and evan 
- esfp  - director and athlete - heterosexual  - gold coast academy - he’s kind of like, reformed. he’s still not the softest but he’s definitely grown a lot since high school and the bad rep he got for himself post-ally.  - always in trouble. always. he has the worst of both parents in him LOL  fc: chase stokes  >> MADDIE is his new love interest. he’s really invested in getting to know her even though they live quite far apart. he does his best to keep his past with ally a secret from her.  >> DAPHNE is an old friend of his. they used to clash quite a lot but have grown to really like each other.  >> ALLY is his ex-girlfriend. the two of them have a complicated history and that’s exactly where rowan wants her to stay - in his history. he realises where he went wrong with her but is ready to move on. the only problem is they go to the same school and both study sports, it’s only a matter of time before he has to confront her.  >> HARLOW was a rebound ex-girlfriend. after ally, there was harlow. he feels bad for calling her a rebound but that’s exactly what she was. he just needed to feel *something* after the mess and poor harlow was the first in-line. >>WHITNEY AND AURORA are his childhood friends. 
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NICOLAS CASTILLO-HUGES, only son of natalie and ezra 
- intj - writer (for screen)  - bisexual  - diamond bridge academy - very bright and intuitive. despite the difficulties ezra and natalie went through raising him, he loves them both and thinks very highly of them. he’s very focused on his dreams.  fc: rome flynn 
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YASMINE HERNANDEZ, daughter of yulia 
- infp - singer/actress - bisexual  - liberty academy  - yulia became infamous for being a home-wrecker and sleeping with lots of influential men when she left st judes. she quickly gained a bad reputation and people disregarded her talent because she was a ‘gold digger’. yasmine is often treated the same by students her age. fc: selena gomez  >> LOTTIE is her best friend. they met on the first day of liberty and are roommates. yasmine definitely clings to lottie and is one of the only friends she trusts due to her anxiety.  >> NOAH has an unrequited crush on her. yasmine finds it hard to trust people and is nervous with any form of romantic attention. even though noah’s crush is innocent and she likes him as a friend, she’s not sure how she feels about him yet. 
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CALLIE CASTILLO, oldest daughter of maria 
- estj  - model  - heterosexual  - st judes academy  - she’s getting used to not having her former clique around her and doesn’t really know what to do now that her popularity hasn’t translated over into university. she’s really struggling tbh  fc: sofia jamora   >> CARTER is her boyfriend. for a long time, she still had feelings for peter - his younger brother - but she’s trying so hard to push those aside and focus on them. he’s always been understanding of her, no matter how bitchy she gets.  >> BIANCA AND YOUI are her best friends. even though they’re all doing their own things, she considers those two her best friends and it’s been that way since the beginning of high school.  >> ADDY is a frenemy. callie used to relentlessly bully addy throughout high school and she still treats her like a bit of an outsider. she lowkey hates seeing addy thriving in LA while she’s still stuck in her hometown.  >> PETER C is her ex boyfriend. they’re messy as heck and she’s still not quite over the fact he ultimate chose aurora, her distant cousin. 
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TAMMY CASTILLO, youngest daughter of maria 
- enfp  - singer (rosalia)  - bisexual (female pref)  - gold coast academy  - sick of living in calie’s shadow, she’s branched out to get an identity all of her own. she’s your typical party girl type.  fc: val mercado  >> ALLY is her best friend. they’ve got really close at gold coast and are practically inseparable.  >> they were in a long term relationship until he found out that he was a father. this really hurt her and she hasn’t forgiven him, despite still being in love with him. 
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DELILAH CALLOWAY, daughter of eloise 
- istj  - actress  - bicurious  - wilow house academy - she’s the opposite of eloise. eloise let herself be pushed around by her sisters and forgotten about to an extent. delilah has made it clear that she’ll be the trailblazer for the ‘calloways’ in this generation and will happily walk all over her cousins if she has to.  fc: sommer ray  >> AALIYAH is her best friend. they both met at willow house and delilah took a shine to her confidence. the girls really got along well and they’ve also started to hook up. delilah is bicurious and unsure of her sexuality so relies a lot on aliyah to take the lead.  >> ADDY is her cousin. they never grew up in one anothers lives but delilah has always known of her aunts and cousins. the girls have reunited through the talent academy competition and are getting to know each other.
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AIDEN NILSEN, son of kristofer - REVAMPED bc i feel like he only existed as haley’s on/off bf.
- infj - model  - bisexual  - st judes  - kristofer moved the family out to los angeles, so aiden is now based there. he still has an incredibly addictive personality. after haley moved out to gold coast, he kind of wiped his hands of her from the time being and has taken on a more artsy/friendly persona but that doesn’t mean he is.  fc: willy cartier 
>> HALEY is his on-again and off-again girlfriend. their relationship is toxic and when he found out she transferred to gold coast, he’s mainly just looking to rub her face in the fact he’s not with her anymore. 
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CHESTER JACKSON, son of margo 
- esfp  - actor  - bisexual  - blossom bell  - he has the same chaotic energy that margo has, but he’s not as much of an asshole :’) he just loves the attention. he was diagnosed with ADHD quite late in life but at this point, he can’t even put it down to that. he went to gallagher and got kicked out in his third year so he probably hasn’t been around for a bit.  fc: dylan o’brien  >> DIXIE AND FLEUR are family friends. he’s been good friends with dixie for a while and is like a brother figure to her.
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SABRINA HUGHES, daughter of ezra 
- infp  - singer/actress - bisexual  - burgundy academy  - she was never the cool girl in high school and has always struggled to find her place in social settings. she’s trying to grow her confidence and make an identity for herself but she does get jealous when friends and people close to her get more attention or something that she wanted. fc: halle bailey (i’ll write more when i cbb)
>> BRIELLE is her girlfriend. the two of them are trying to balance a healthy relationship and achieve their own personal dreams.
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