#John 4:10
coptorthodox · 4 months
Jesus answered and said to her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, “Give Me a drink,” you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.’ John 4:10
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tabernacleheart · 1 year
Christ puts together, as if they were all but contemporaneous, ‘thou wouldst have asked of Me,’ and ‘I would have given thee.’ ...The condition, the only condition, and the indispensable condition, of possessing that water of life– the summary expression for all the gifts of God in Jesus Christ, which at the last are essentially God Himself– is the desire to possess it, turned [towards] Jesus Christ...
But it is not enough that there should be the desire. It must be turned to Him... For they who ask, know their necessity, are convinced of the power of Him to whom they appeal to grant their requests, and rely upon His love to do so. And these three things, the sense of need, the conviction of Christ’s ability to save and to satisfy, and of His infinite love that desires to make us blessed– these three things fused together make the faith which receives the gift of God.
[Yet] remember, brethren, that another of the scriptural expressions for the act of trusting in Him, is taking, not asking. You do not need to ask, as if for something that is not provided. What we all need to do is to open our eyes to see what is there; If we like, to put out our hands and take it. Why should we be saying, ‘Give me to drink,’ when a pierced Hand reaches out to us the cup of salvation, and says, ‘Drink ye all of it’? ‘Ho, every one that thirsteth, come . . . and drink . . . without money and without price.’ There is no other condition but desire turned to Christ, and that is the necessary condition. God cannot give men salvation, as veterinary surgeons drench unwilling horses– forcing the medicine down their throats through clenched teeth. There must be the opened mouth, and wherever there is, there will be the full supply. ‘Ask, and ye shall receive’; take, and ye shall possess.
Alexander MacLaren; Commentary on John 4:10
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tiand · 4 months
Today's Word With Joel and Victoria Osteen - Who Is Speaking To You?
Today’s Scripture John 4:10, NLT Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” Today’s Word In John 4, Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well and offered to give her “living water,” meaning eternal life. At first, she thought He was just talking about ordinary water. But Jesus said, “If you knew who…
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expelliarmus · 9 months
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fanofspooky · 8 months
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If it’s Halloween, it must be Saw
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
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Featuring Fallout 4 characters
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walkswithmyfather · 30 days
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Isaiah 50:4-5 (NLT). “The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me, and I have listened. I have not rebelled or turned away.”
John 10:27 (MSG). “My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me.”
“How to Listen to God” By In Touch Ministries:
“Spend time regularly in God's Word, and you'll learn to hear His voice.”
“Most of us are better at talking than listening, but communicating with God involves both. The Lord intends for His children to hear His voice.
Scripture is one of the main instruments our Father uses to speak to us. For this reason, studying the Bible is incredibly important. When we regularly spend time in God’s Word, we’ll develop a discerning spirit.
Regardless of how loudly God speaks, we won’t hear unless listening is a priority. We must ask the Lord to teach us to hear and then practice having a quiet attitude. An internal “receiver” tuned to the Father develops only through committed prayer, meditation, and practice at listening. In addition, we need a spirit of submission to obey His commands.
God’s goal for us is a lifestyle of sensitivity so we can hear Him in both noisy and calm situations. Listening is a critical skill for ensuring that our hearts are open to divine guidance in every circumstance. Regularly spending time reading and meditating on Scripture has many blessings, including that we more readily recognize our Father’s voice (John 10:27).”
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
ok I'm incapable of being quiet about this so. I'm thinking about how incomprehensible God's love is and. friends. friends. when we say that God is love do you realize what that means? think about the weight of the truest, most intense love you've felt. think about how your heart jumps when you miss someone dear to you so much it hurts. think about how peaceful it is to be near someone you love and trust completely while you both go about mundane daily tasks. think about the joy of an embrace that knows you so well it feels like your soul is singing. now. God's love is more than that. So much realer and truer than our love that what we know now is like seeing in a mirror dimly. I always think of Romans 8 and stand in awe--what can separate us from that kind of love? Nothing!!! Emmanuel, God With Us, Love Incarnate, so much more than our idea of what love looks like and the true reality of what love is. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
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wiirocku · 7 months
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1 John 4:10 (NLT) - This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
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shipperneko · 9 months
I just wooed Hancock and I can assuredly say I have never met anyone more romantic than this man.
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edithmcvalley · 1 year
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Once we'd mopped up, we strolled right into Vic's quarters in the State House, wrapped a rope around his neck, and threw him off the balcony. And there I am, gun in hand, draped in Hancock's duds, looking at all the people of Goodneighbor assembled below. I had to say something. That first time I said 'em, they didn't even feel like my words: "Of the people, for the people!"
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tiand · 1 year
Today's Word With Joel and Victoria Osteen - If You Only Knew
Today’s Scripture John 4:10, TPT  Jesus replied, “If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you, you’d ask me for a drink, and I would give you living water.”  Today’s Word In John 4, Jesus met a Samaritan woman who had been married five times and was living with a sixth man. She’d gone through great rejection and heartache, been taken advantage of, made a lot of mistakes,…
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incesthemes · 7 months
it's so significant to me that do you believe in miracles paralleled all hell breaks loose specifically. because ahbl is the first time dean violates sam's autonomy to bring him back to life. it shows the extreme lengths that dean will go to protect sam, and despite all the other times dean has ignored sam's personhood in his pursuit to keep him alive, this is the moment in the show that fully exemplifies just how codependent these two really are, because there's an entire season dedicated to the consequences of that codependency.
so for dybim to take that imagery and scenario and reverse the roles means that this is supposed to be just as indicative of their codependence. it's a threshold that will have major consequences because sam crossed over the point of no return. there's no going back from choosing unhealthy codependency with your brother, the show is signaling. dean is sam's ultimate decision—he doesn't choose himself, he doesn't choose independence, he chooses dean, and all that that entails. he probably only realizes that all of his posturing about autonomy was a lie at the very moment he says it out loud, but once he's finally honest with himself it's a done deal. just like dean can never go back from his deal for sam's life, sam can never return to any point before this moment. he's in this relationship for good, and he wants to be codependent with dean; that's his decision.
and this is why soul survivor hurts so bad. because dean, like sam in season 9, declares that they're not family, not brothers. the role reversal continues, and sam is now suffering all of the pains he unwittingly put dean through by trying to maintain boundaries between them. now that he's realized he can't handle having those boundaries, any distance between him and dean is too much. here sam is, violating dean's autonomy and saving him against his will, just like dean has done to him so many times before. here he is, listening to dean reject him over and over again, like a parody of all sam's attempts to extricate himself from dean. he's on the other side now, staring down his brother and seeing his past self within him.
9.23 to 10.03 is just a speedrun of the previous 8 seasons but in reverse, with sam enduring the suffering of being in dean's position. and how tragic is it for sam to finally commit to his codependent relationship with dean, only for dean to leave him the moment it happens? how must that feel, for him to finally return his brother's feelings in all their toxic and fucked up glory, only to lose him in the worst way? to have all of his own words shouted back at him with the cruel intent to hurt—jesus christ. how am i supposed to cope with this in any normal way?
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72graves · 2 years
thinking about how arthur shoved a dagger into his own throat to save john from the king because john's his friend and he loves him. and then when arthur finally collapses beneath all of that pain and grief and guilt he's carried for years john saves him from being buried and then saves his life in the mines and arthur believes it's because john feels the same. they're friends and they love each other so of course. of course you would do anything to save the one you love.
so he trusts him. he trusts him all the way to new york and doesn't think for a moment that there could be something amiss. that john, his best friend who killed the last person he loved and whom he himself almost willingly died for, is lying to him. again.
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peachypaddys · 1 year
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ten frames.
john wick: chapter 4 (2023) — dir. chad stahelski
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
oh. i just realised that in the au where both donna and martha travel with 10 in s3, martha gets to be forgotten by donna TWICE, once when the ytnw resets and once when 10 wipes her mind of the doctordonna. hm. ouch.
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