#John Lamarr x reader
geeky-politics-46 · 5 months
Are you still open to Orville requests?
I am! If you have any Orville requests please send them. Especially if they have to do with our dear captain, although I will of course write for others too, my Seth McFarlane crush is going hard at the moment.
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wicca-wicca-whack · 3 months
Care, pt 2
Gordon Malloy x Reader
Word Count: 2229
PT 1
Shockingly, making out with Gordon didn’t lead to anything.
Well, at least, you were shocked.
After hanging up on Kevin, you’d maybe made out for ten more minutes before he gently peeled himself from you, laughing awkwardly at the way you grabbed for him.
“You should go to bed,” he reasoned, sitting back on his knees, eyes drawn to the pout on your lips.
“I don’t wanna go to bed yet.”
“Come on. It’s been a long night.” He stood, taking your hands and pulling you up.
“Come with me.”
“I’ll put you to bed.”
“And lay with me.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“No.” You grinned, pulling him along towards your bed.
“No funny business,” he tried, watching you let go of his hands and scramble into bed.
“Mmhm.” You waved him down, and he’d shed his shoes before joining you, arms open in offering, which you’d taken, pressing your face into his shirt with a sigh.
He’d been gone when you woke up. And you haven’t seen him since.
Which, in such a big ship, you hadn’t been too worried about. At first. But a day turned into two, which turned into a week, and you were a little worried. You were starting to think he didn’t actually want to kiss you.
But Talla had waved that concern away when you brought it up. “Oh, come on, the way he was looking at you? Of course he wanted to kiss you!”
It had made you feel better for a day until you decided you must have done something else wrong. He was obviously avoiding you. Sure, he was stationed on the bridge, and you were always in the lab, but to not even spot him in passing, or in the mess?
Gordon figured it was for the best. Really, while you two had never really been close, like ever, he’d heard from people who knew you better how on and off you and D’Acunto had been. 
The pair of you were never broken up long, and he’d definitely seen the dozen messages from him waiting for you when he’d woken up the morning after. He didn’t read them, though he desperately wanted to, only seeing the preview of a message that looked to be some kind of apology. 
Regardless of how shitty D’Acunto was, there was no way he could compete with an on-and-off over ten-year relationship. He cursed himself for even thinking D’Acunto would let someone like you go, grabbing his jacket on his way out your door that morning.
Avoiding you felt like it was burning him a little, a feeling he wasn’t really used to. But it made it easier for him, not having to hear you tell him it was a mistake.
Your quarters weren’t on the same deck as his, so coming and going from the bridge to his quarters, there was little risk of overlap. He could get just about anything he got in the mess from the synthesizer in his own quarters.
Ed told him he was stupid after about a week, showing up at his door to hang out and have a drink.
“You don’t even know if she’s actually going to forgive him,” he’d pointed out, beer bottle in hand.
“Except that she always does,” Gordon returned with a sigh, taking a long drink.
“Didn’t you say you made out even after he called? That doesn’t feel like someone who’s gonna take a guy back.”
“She was drunk.”
“She was barely tipsy, according to Talla.”
“Talla made her spill half her drink down her shirt, dude.”
“Yeah, which she’s saying she did on purpose.”
He groans, rubbing his forehead. “I know what she said, man.”
“She also said she’s been asking about you.”
He feels himself freeze up, glancing at his dark-haired friend. “Yeah, well… It’s not a big deal,” he tries.
“Dude, do you hear yourself? If the roles were reversed, you’d be on my ass about it!”
He snorts, setting down his empty beer bottle. “Good thing for you that they aren’t. How’s Lieutenant Q-”
“Don’t change the subject, dude.”
He puts his hands up defensively. “Fine, fine. But it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Gordon,” Ed sighs, resting his beer bottle on his knee. “It’s been years since you’ve been interested in, like, an actual person. She seems nice.”
“She’s cool,” he admits slowly, picking at his pants idly.
“I still don’t get why you’re avoiding her.”
They ended up going in circles about it almost the whole time he was there, saying their goodbyes at nearly 0100 hours.
Another week passes before he braves the mess, John’s arm over his shoulder as he loudly regales him with a story about him flirting with one of the newest additions to the science lab.
He can feel the moment your eyes light on him, nearly burning through his skull as he takes a seat with his friend.
You can feel rage bubbling in your chest when you spot him, annoyed that he’d almost met eyes with you before he sat with his back to you.
Ada- the Lieutenant you’d seen with the Captain at Lamarr’s party- clicks her tongue, waving a hand. “Ignore him. Seriously. He’s been super weird lately.”
You’d become quick friends in the time following the party, making an effort to branch out and find your own friends, hoping to distract yourself from the way Gordon had been ignoring you.
“Seriously. He’s missing out,” Talla agrees easily, glancing over her shoulder at the pair. “He needs to get over himself.”
You sigh, pulling your eyes from him. “I just don’t get what’s going on. I thought-”
“You thought correctly, really,” Talla assures. “He’s just being an idiot.”
“Should I say something?” You question, as Kelly returns to your table with a few shots.
“I wouldn’t,” she advises.
“I probably would,” Ada scrunches her face up a little.
“Kevin still blowing you up?” Talla peeks at you as you all grab a shot, clinking the small glasses together and tossing it back.
“No, thankfully.” You sigh, setting the glass down. “I think he’s finally accepted that it’s over.”
“Good. I don’t know how he thought he was gonna get you back after all that mess.”
“Yeah, an argument and breaking up is one thing, but no contact for that long is just insane,” Kelly adds.
“Time to get back out there!”
You can’t help but glance at Gordon again. “I’m gonna go say something.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kelly sounds concerned. “In front of LaMarr?”
“Yup.” You hop down from the tall chair, heading towards the table.
LaMarr’s eyes find you first, and he gives you a friendly grin as Gordon slowly turns to peek back, and he looks like he nearly bites his tongue when he sees you stalking towards him.
“We need to talk.”
He flounders a little, looking nervous. “I’m bus-”
“That’s my queue,” John gives you a nod, raising a hand towards the girls you’d just left and standing from his seat, heading towards them. “I’ll see you later, man.”
“...Busy,” he finishes lamely, eyes on the other man’s retreating form.
You take the seat right next to him, and he jumps a little as his eyes refocus on you. 
“I know-”
You start talking at the same time, voices dying off quickly. You can’t help but think he looks like he thinks you’re going to execute him, and you sigh, all too aware the nosy group at the previous table you occupied is probably watching you.
“Come on.” You stand, hauling him by the collar. He yelps, but follows, finding your grip dragging him along to be too firm.
It’s silly, he knows, but he tries slyly to shirk his uniform jacket, only for you to turn on him and grab his hand instead.
“You’re not getting away from me that easy, Malloy.”
You drag him all the way to your quarters, punching in your code and sort of pushing him in. He lets another yelp out but doesn’t fight, seemingly resigned.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You stand in front of your door, arms crossed, watching him deflate a little.
“I’m not.” You don’t even have to know him very well to know he's lying.
“You haven’t been in the mess for two entire weeks,” you argue.
“Taking some personal time.” He stumbles back when you step towards him, and if you weren’t angry, it would probably make you laugh.
“You haven’t answered any of my messages.”
That earns you an awkward laugh. “I’ve, uh… been busy.”
You sigh. “Look, Gordon, if you’re not interested in me-”
“Not interested?” He looks at you like you’ve grown an extra head.
“-you just have to tell me that. I won’t hold it against you.”
“Woah,” he lets out another awkward laugh, “that's not- No! You’re cool. I’m definitely interested.” He isn’t looking you in the eyes at all anymore, and you deflate a little.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No! No. I just… I don’t wanna get in the way.”
“In the way of what?”
“You and D’Acunto.”
You feel like everything stops for a minute, confused. “Gordon, you don’t even like Kevin.”
“No, I don’t.”
You scoff. “Gordon, me and Kevin aren’t together anymore.”
“No, I know you weren’t-”
“We aren’t. Still aren’t.”
You watch the gears in his brain whirr.
“Did you think I was going to take him back?”
You can see him wince. “Maybe.”
“Well, I know you guys were pretty… off and on to start with. When I left, you had, like, 20 messages from him.”
“You read my-”
“I didn’t read them!” He defends quickly. “Your desk just kept pinging.”
You sigh, rubbing your forehead and moving to sit on your couch. “Yes, Kevin was messaging me. He was going back and forth between calling me a cheater-”
“A what?”
“-and pleading with me.” The couch dips as Gordon takes a seat next to you. “I told him we were done. It’s over. I’d already wasted 10 years of my life waiting for him to show me some kind of concern or care. It took me, what, a few months to find friends who care about me more than Kevin does. I didn’t realize how low the bar was.”
He’s silent, just watching you like he doesn’t know what to say. 
You take your uniform jacket off, folding it over the back of the couch. “Kevin never even walked me back from a party. Granted, we all stay on a Union ship, it's generally safe,” you concede, “but you offered to walk me home just because my drink got spilled down my top.”
He flushes. “Well, that was-”
“-A setup, I know. But still. You were right. Kevin is a massive jerk. I liked hanging out with you. I was hoping we could do more of that, you know?”
There’s a few beats of silence before he shimmies his own jacket off, tossing it haphazardly over the back of the couch. “Okay.”
“I don’t wanna pressure you, I mean, I know it’s been a while since you’ve dated-”
“Who told you that?” He sounds fully embarrassed.
“Captain Mercer.” 
He’d come into the lab, in fact, urging you to give Gordon grace, just not too much.
“I’m here… unofficially,” The Captain started, taking a seat in one of the chairs in your office.
“Oh… kay.” You gave him a wary look. “Have I done something?”
“No! No. I just…” He looks uncomfortable, crossing his legs. “It’s about you and Gordon.”
You flush quickly, clearing your throat.
“Not anything serious! Just… he hasn’t had a girlfriend or anything in, like… a long time.”
“Why are you telling me this?” You tilt your head at him, curious.
“Just… asking you to give him a little time. Grace, even. Just not too much. He’s no good at this kind of thing.”
“Women?” tumbles from your mouth, unbidden, but thankfully, he just laughs as he stands.
“Yeah. It’s definitely good to give him a couple of days, but… he gets in his head a lot.” 
He’d headed for your office door. “I’m sure I’ll see you around, Lieutenant.”
He groans, putting his head in his hands. “Of course he did.”
“Your friends like to meddle.”
“Some of those people are your friends, too,” he points out, sighing as he raises his head.
You hum an acknowledgment, leaning into his side. “If it helps, it’s not like I’ve had a new relationship in a long time, either.”
You can feel him relax just a little, hands dropping from his face. “This is still mortifying.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“I should kill him.”
“Murder is a little far,” you chuckle, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his scruffy cheek before patting his knee and moving to stand. “Come on. I booked some sim time to decompress, let's go together. I’ve got this really cool hack-and-slash sim based off a 21st-century video game we can do.”
He looks excited, which is a relief to you, quickly moving to follow. “Sounds like a plan. I love that kind of stuff.”
You grin, shaking your head. “I know. It’ll be our first date.”
His grin widens, and you have a feeling this will be the most fun first date you’ve been on… probably ever.
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jimothystu · 3 years
John LaMarr - Take It from Me
Fandom/pairing: The Orville; John x female reader Word count: ~1.3k Notes: @texasthrillbilly requested anything to do with John, so here ya go! It's based on Jordan Davis' song Take It From Me which has been stuck in my head all day. Lmk if you'd like to be tagged in future fics for The Orville, and if you have any requests :) Rating: 14+ (mild intimacy/suggestive language)
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I think me and you should blow this off / So much for the after-party / Let's tell everybody we got lost
Your hips swung to the beat of the upbeat song that played through Ed’s quarters. Bodies were crowded into the small living area of his quarters like sardines, all chatting and laughing and drinking. You yourself had a drink in your hand and had a smile plastered on your face as you listened to Gordon finish telling some ridiculous story from his youth to you and a few others.
You felt a hand brush against the small of your back and you turned your head to smile at your boyfriend. “Hey,” you said.
“Hey,” John murmured, peppering a kiss to your temple.
“Want me to get you another drink?” you asked, noticing his empty hands.
John shook his head slowly. “Nah, I’m good.” He lowered his voice so only you could hear him. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to get our of here.”
You raised your eyebrows and smiled softly. “Not in a partying mood?”
His hand snaked around your waist. “I just want to be alone with you right now.”
Your stomach flip-flopped. “What do we tell people?”
“Nothing,” he murmured. He pressed his hip against your bum. His breath fanned against your ear as he spoke; shivers being sent down your spine with every word he said. “Let’s just slip out of here. If people ask in the morning we can say we got lost.”
You laughed lightly. “On our own ship?”
“Could happen. You have been drinking.”
You smirked.
Luckily, no one was paying the two of you much mind. Gordon had moved off to tell his story to other people and everyone else was too engrossed in the party to notice you and John getting a little handsy in the corner.
I think me and you should do our own thing / Our own way, at my place, far away
You moved yourself to the music still, feeling your bum pressing against John as you did. His breath hitched in his throat and you smiled to yourself. “And what would we do if we left?” you asked. You brought your glass to your lips and took a sip.
“Our own thing,” John said. His hands held onto your hips, fingers greedily sneaking up under the hem of your shirt.
“Yeah?” You bit down on your lip to stop the smile from spreading. You didn’t want to be seen smiling like an idiot while you danced with your boyfriend at the captain’s party. It was bad enough that your cheeks felt like they were on fire, what with John literally breathing down your neck and being pressed right up against you. No one was really looking your way, but still.
“And where would we go?” you asked quietly.
“My place. Far away from here,” he replied.
You turned to face him and stole a quick kiss.
John smiled against your lips, hands pulling you closer to him.
You pushed on his chest. “We’re still in public,” you reminded him. “Wait ‘till we get home.”
John smiled wider when you called his place ‘home’. He nodded. “Let’s go.”
You finished your drink and set the empty glass onto a table on your way out. Both of you checked over your shoulders a few times as you exited, but no one noticed.
You giggled as John took your hand and pulled you down the corridors of the ship.
You were at his place in no time. When the door was shut behind you, John kissed you deeply and quickly.
Take it from me if you want a t-shirt to sleep in / It's my favourite but you can keep it
“If you want to stay over, you can sleep in one of my t-shirts,” he murmured, hands moving to your waist. His chilly fingers slipped under your shirt and traced shapes against your bare skin beneath.
You shivered slightly and smiled. “Okay. Can I change into it now?”
John grinned and nodded. He brought you to the bedroom and handed you one of his favourite shirts. “Here.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, taking the worn cotton shirt from him. “Isn’t this your favourite?”
He just shrugged and smiled. “My favourite girl should be allowed to borrow my favourite shirt. You can even keep it if you’d like.”
You smiled widely and pulled your shirt off over your head.
John whistled and sat on the bed, admiring your body as you changed into nothing but his shirt and your panties.
Looks good baby you should leave it / Hanging off your shoulders
“Damn, Y/N,” John said, eyes wide with lust as he took you in. “You should wear my shirts more often.”
You laughed, a faint blush heating your cheeks. “Yeah?” You did a little twirl and the stretched-out collar slipped halfway down your shoulder.
“Yeah,” he said definitively.”
Now give them bare feet dancing down the hallway / Smiling at me running your finger down the wall
“Like what you see, Lieutenant Commander?” you asked in a sultry tone, moving across his room to run your fingers across the wall next to you.
“Looking at you? Always,” he replied.
You smiled and held out your hand to him.
John stood and took your hand. “Dance with me?” he asked.
“We don’t have any music,” you replied, but smiled nonetheless.
“Do we need any?” he asked softly.
You laughed as he pulled you close to him. “No, I guess not,” you said, looking into his dark brown eyes that shone in the dim lighting of his quarters.
John’s hands went to your waist and you wrapped yours loosely around his neck. The two of you swayed slowly in what could only be described as an attempted waltz.
You stole kisses from one another every other moment, lips being placed on nearly every exposed part of skin.
You know what I want, I got what you need / Take it from me
“Hey John,” you murmured while his head was ducked into the crook of your neck, lips peppering teasing kisses at its base.
“Mm,” he hummed.
You gently dragged your nails against the back of his neck and to his shoulders. “Are we going to dance all night?”
“For as long as we like,” he replied. He lifted his head and kissed the corner of your lips.
You caught him in a longer kiss, leaning as close to him as possible.
Baby, you should stop right now, right here / Right where we wanna be I'll spin you around and let's just see / Where this thing goes, all I know is that I'm all yours, all night / I've got nothing but time
“Mm, alright,” he murmured against your lips. “I think I’m ready for a different kind of dance.”
You laughed and moved back slightly. “Yeah?”
He held your hand firmly and spun you around.
A surprised, but delighted, yelp left your lips. You laughed loudly as John caught you, dipping you in his arms.
He kissed you, softly and slowly. Nearly teasingly slow.
You cupped his face in your hands as you kissed him, your body being securely held by him.
He then stood upright and pulled you with him.
“I didn’t know you knew how to do that,” you said, taking in a breath.
“I’m full of surprises,” John replied.
You grinned. “That you are.” You ran a finger down his chest. “So, is that the only ‘different kind of dance’ you had in mind?”
John took a step back towards his bed. “Oh there are several kinds of dances I’d like to try with you,” he murmured. He kissed you softly. “But I’m in no rush.”
As his legs hit the bed, he sank onto the mattress. You went down with him, settling yourself onto his lap.
“Me, neither,” you replied. You kissed his jaw.
“We’ve got nothin’ but time tonight,” he said. “Nothin’ but time and each other.”
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Imagine being Yaphet’s best friend that tries to stop him from bugging Claire. But when Lamarr starts to show his interest in you, Yaphet gets protective.
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Gif is not mine(I could not find a gif with Yophet). If you wish to write an imagine based on this, go ahead. Just please tag me in it so I can read and reblog it :)
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-13 01 MOVIE now
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jimothystu · 3 years
The Orville Fanfictions
Ed x Alara
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
Gordon x Talla
Crash Landing
John x Alara
Budding Romance
"It appears that we are dating."
John LaMarr
Take it From Me
Gordon Malloy
Dating Gordon Malloy Would Include...
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jimothystu · 4 years
Isaac - “It appears that we are dating.”
Fandom: The Orville Pairing: Isaac x female reader Requested by an anon: About Isaac, something about them acting like in a relationship without realizing it and it's someone in the crew that points it out to Isaac and he confronts her?
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You touched Isaac’s arm as you laughed.
He tilted his head. “I did not intend for my comment to amuse you.”
You smiled and shook your head. “I know. That’s what makes it funny.”
“Fascinating,” he said. “I am pleased I can make you laugh.”
“After the long day I had, I really needed a good laugh,” you said with a soft smile. “So, thanks.”
“You are welcome.”
You stood up from your seat in the mess-hall. “I should get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He nodded and stood with you. “Affirmative. Shall I join you for breakfast in the morning?”
“That’d be great. Does 0700 sound good?” you asked.
“That is an acceptable time,” he said. “Should I walk you to your quarters?”
“That’s all right, but thanks.” You shot him a smile and walked out of the mess-hall, turning in the doorway to give him a wave.
When you were out of ear shot, John and Gordon went over to Isaac.
“Dude,” Gordon said, “are you and Y/N a thing?”
“A thing?” Isaac asked. “What do you mean?”
“He means an item,” John said, then added, “you know, like a couple?”
Isaac looked at the two of them with his head tilted slightly. “Are you asking if Y/N and I are dating?”
“Yes, obviously,” Gordon said impatiently. “Are you?”
“We are just friends,” the Kaylon replied. “What gave you the impression that she and I are romantically involved?”
John smirked. “Come on, seriously? It’s so obvious. You’re always spending time together, she laughs at all your jokes—as lame as they might be—and you’re both constantly looking for excuses to be near each other.”
“Plus, you two make googly eyes at each other from across the room all the time,” Gordon added.
“My eyes are neither real nor googly,” Isaac said.
The two men laughed.
“He means you both stare at one another a lot,” John clarified.
“I see.” Isaac processed the information. “Perhaps she and I are dating. Is it not customary for one party to inform the other of their changing relationship?”
“Sometimes relationships just happen,” Gordon replied. “If the two people are friends first it can be an easy shift. Besides, these aren’t exactly normal circumstances.”
Isaac nodded. “I will consult Y/N on the matter.”
John patted Isaac shoulder. “Go get her.”
“Y/N just left for her quarters, why would I get her and bring her back here?” Isaac asked.
“Never mind,” John said with a sigh. “Just go talk to her.”
Isaac nodded and made his way to your quarters. Once there, he rang the doorbell and awaited your response.
“Come in!” you called out.
He opened the door, stepped inside, and looked around for you. “Y/N?”
“Isaac?” you asked, appearing out of your bedroom. You had a hairbrush in your hand and you were dressed in your pyjamas. “What’re you doing here? Is something wrong?”
“Lieutenants LaMarr and Malloy talked to me,” he said. “And it appears that we are dating.”
Your eyes widened and an amused smile broke out on your face. “What?”
“They informed me that you and I act as though we are in a romantic relationship,” he told you. “Their logic was sound.”
“Their logic?” you asked. “Since when is Gordon logical?”
Isaac stared at you. “I merely meant that their explanations made logical sense.”
“I know what you meant, I was making a joke,” you said.
“I see.”
“So, they really think that we’re dating?” you asked after a few moments of silence.
You rubbed at the back of your neck. “Who else thinks that?”
“I do not know,” Isaac replied. “They did not say.”
You sighed softly. “And uh… how do you feel about them thinking that?”
“I do not feel anything,” he said, though you knew that wasn’t true. Deep down, he felt emotions. Just differently than you did.
You put your hairbrush down on your coffee table and approached him. “Does the idea of being in a romantic relationship with me interest you?”
He thought about that, then said, “Humanoid relationships are fascinating to me. Though for some reason I find the idea of experimenting with a romantic relationship with you to be… especially intriguing.”
You smiled. “I feel the same way.”
“Then am I correct to assume that Lieutenants LaMarr and Malloy are correct?” he asked.
“Maybe,” you replied. “Maybe let’s just see where things go from here.”
Isaac nodded. “That sounds like the logical course of action.”
You smiled. “I really need to get some sleep, but let’s talk about this more over breakfast tomorrow, okay?”
“That will be acceptable.”
You kissed his cheek softly, the metal of his face cold against your lips. “Goodnight Isaac.”
125 notes · View notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-12 10 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Cinema Blend
Black Panther Box Office: Disney Beats Disney As A Wrinkle In Time Takes Second Place
Why Netflix Isn't On The Nintendo Switch, According To Netflix
Why Black Panther's Killmonger Is Definitely A Villain, According To Sterling K. Brown
Fortnite Is Gaining Cross-Platform Play, But Not Between Consoles, Obviously
The Originals Spinoff Has Added A Vampire Diaries Star And More
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
Why Hawkeye Is Possibly Missing in 'Avengers: Infinity War' Revealed
New 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Theatre Standee Lets You Sit in the Cockpit of the Millennium Falcon
'Black Panther' Screenwriter Thinks Disrespectful Iron Man May Get a Different Response Today
'Avengers: Infinity War': Josh Brolin Has Seen 30 Minutes of the Film, Calls It Amazing
Josh Brolin Says 'Deadpool 2' Is Very Different From First Film
Film Comment Magazine
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Deep Focus: A Wrinkle in Time
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Film Inquiry
Shawn’s SXSW Diary – Saturday: Odd Dissonances, Nice Surprises
DEATH WISH: A Poorly Timed, Generic Remake
Away From The Hype: GHOSTBUSTERS (2016)
“It Takes Me Right Back To Those Early Days; I’m Living It Again.” Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall
Art Vs. Artist: What Do We Do When Our Heroes Fail Us?
Film School Rejects
‘What Keeps You Alive’ Review: Never Celebrate In a Remote Cabin
‘Fast Color’ Review: A Superhero Movie for a Broken World
‘Rise,’ ‘For The People,’ ‘Jane,’ and More TV You Must See This Week
‘Blockers’ Review: Not Even John Cena Can Outshine This Film’s Young Stars
‘The Strangers: Prey at Night’ Review: Now With Even Stranger Strangers
Reddit Movies
SORRY TO BOTHER YOU | Official Trailer (Tessa Thompson, Lakeith Stanfield)
What is the very first movie you can remember hating all the way through (though you didn't walk out or stop watching)?
SXSW: Barry Jenkins Shares Oscars Acceptance Speech He Would Have Read
The Ultimate Sci-Fi and Space movies list
“If anything, this is what the stand alone Star Wars movies should feel like.” - Variety
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “What Keeps You Alive,” “Unfriended: Dark Web,” “Upgrade,” “Wildling”
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Fast Color,” “A Vigilante,” “Galveston”
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "Wobble Palace"
Screen Rant
Scorsese’s Joker Can Make The Killing Joke Relevant Again
Dragon Ball: 15 Goku Vs Vegeta Memes That Prove Who The Better Saiyan Is
X-Men Actor Says Dark Phoenix is More Drama Than Superhero Film
8 Celebrity Couples That Split For Crazy Reasons (And 7 That Stayed Together)
The Walking Dead Star Promises ‘More Death’ to Come in Season 8
Slash Film
‘Sorry to Bother You’ Trailer: All Hail One of 2018’s Strangest (and Best) Films
‘Upgrade’ Review: ‘Her’ as a Gory Action Movie – And It’s Terrific [SXSW]
Christopher Abbott To Star In George Clooney’s ‘Catch-22’ Hulu Series
Sterling K. Brown Loves ‘Shrek’ a Little Too Much in ‘Saturday Night Live’ Debut
‘Barry’ is a Bloody Great Showcase for a Killer Bill Hader [SXSW]
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-11 22 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Cinema Blend
Super Smash Bros. Creator Masahiro Sakurai Is Back For The Switch Version
How Many Dune Movies Denis Villeneuve Plans To Make
Why A Wrinkle In Time Cut One Of The Book’s Weirdest Scenes
Why Enchanted 2 Has Taken So Long To Get Made
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
Disney's 'A Wrinkle in Time': What People Are Saying
'Avengers: Infinity War' Exclusive Airing on Entertainment Tonight
'Avengers: Infinity War' Fan Poster Adds Hawkeye and Other Missing Marvel Characters
'Black Panther' Sequel Confirmed by Marvel Studios Head
'Black Panther' Director Ryan Coogler Writes Tribute to 'A Wrinkle in Time' Director Ava DuVernay
Film Comment Magazine
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Deep Focus: A Wrinkle in Time
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Film Inquiry
DEATH WISH: A Poorly Timed, Generic Remake
Away From The Hype: GHOSTBUSTERS (2016)
“It Takes Me Right Back To Those Early Days; I’m Living It Again.” Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall
Art Vs. Artist: What Do We Do When Our Heroes Fail Us?
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
Film School Rejects
‘The Strangers: Prey at Night’ Review: Now With Even Stranger Strangers
The Unexpected Cinematic Universes of SXSW 2018
Dimitri Logothetis on Pitting Jean-Claude Van Damme Against Mike Tyson in ‘Kickboxer: Retaliation’
The Inanity of Technobabble
With ‘Thoroughbreds,’ First-Time filmmaker Cory Finley Explores the Concept of Privilege Through Satire
Reddit Movies
Karl Urban Confident New 'Star Trek' Movie Will Start Filming Within the Next Year
Taika Waititi pretends to sleep during "Best Short Film" category at the 2005 Academy Awards.
Guillermo del Toro Launches Scholarship for Aspiring Mexican Filmmakers
72 years later and the Donkey transformation from Pinocchio is still one of the most horrifying scenes in film.
New International Poster for Spielberg's 'Ready Player One'
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "Wobble Palace"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Shotgun,” “1985”
A Quiet Place
A Wrinkle in Time
Screen Rant
Dragon Ball: 15 Characters Whose Power Levels Are Off The Charts
16 Hilarious Deadpool Vs X-Men Memes
Marvel Pokes Fun At Batman’s Proposal To Catwoman
9 Character Demises That Hurt Superhero Shows (And 6 That Helped Them)
White House Video Game Violence Reel Is Absolutely Ridiculous
Slash Film
‘Unfriended: Dark Web’ is a Cruel and Clever Evolution of the First Film [SXSW]
‘Andre the Giant’ Trailer: A New Documentary Examines The Famed Wrestler
‘A Quiet Place’ Sees John Krasinski Deliver a Majorly Effective Monster Movie [SXSW]
Theme Park Bits: Life-Size ‘Star Wars’ Vehicles, Giant Pixar Ball Action, and Disney Parks on Google Street View
This Week In Trailers: Beast, RBG, Take Your Pills, Perfect, Lowlife
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-10 22 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Cinema Blend
To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right A Wrinkle In Time Ticket
Super Seducer Game Won't Be Sold On PlayStation 4
Fortnite Update Adds New Game Mode
How Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Just Confirmed A Huge Fan Theory In The 100th Episode
Sea Of Thieves Final Beta Is Now Playable
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
Star Wars: John Boyega Wants to See Finn in a Relationship With Rey in 'Episode IX'
Star Wars: Daisy Ridley Doesn't Believe Rey Has Any Weaknesses
Avengers: Infinity War - Gregg And Loeb Tease Coulson Return To Marvel Cinematic Universe
Samuel L. Jackson's 'Captain Marvel' Behind-The-Scenes Photo Has Fans Speculating He's A Skrull
'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' Set Photo Reveals New Costumes
Film Comment Magazine
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Deep Focus: A Wrinkle in Time
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Film Inquiry
DEATH WISH: A Poorly Timed, Generic Remake
Away From The Hype: GHOSTBUSTERS (2016)
“It Takes Me Right Back To Those Early Days; I’m Living It Again.” Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall
Art Vs. Artist: What Do We Do When Our Heroes Fail Us?
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
Film School Rejects
Gorgeous New ‘Suspiria’ Restoration Comes Home to Blu-ray from Synapse Films
Here’s Your Chance to Experience Westworld at SXSW
The Spirit of ‘Black Dynamite’ Lives On in ‘The Outlaw Johnny Black’
The Academy Needs to Wrap its Head Around Mo-Cap Performance
Netflix Goes Extreme for Rob Liefeld
Reddit Movies
‘A Quiet Place’ Getting Positive Reactions Following SXSW Screening
Emily Blunt, John Krasinski Scare SXSW With ‘A Quiet Place’
Todd McFarlane's 'Spawn' Film To Start Filming In May
Tommy Wiseau's Next Film, 'Scary Love', is “a science fiction tale told in the style of classic B-movies and outfitted with practical special effects, laser beams and lunatic idea"
73-year-old Jack Palance celebrates his first Oscar win (1992, City Slickers) by doing one-handed pushups and a speech cracking jokes about masculinity, crap, and prostitution.
Roger Ebert
A Wrinkle in Time
The Strangers: Prey at Night
The Death of Stalin
The Hurricane Heist
Screen Rant
15 Marvel Memes That Will Ruin MCU Movies
Dungeons & Dragons Movie Reboot Might Be Headed to the UK
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds 2018 Plans Revealed As Fortnite Overtakes
Star Wars: Who Mark Hamill Would Cast As Young Luke Skywalker
Agents of SHIELD’s 100th Episode Finishes What The Avengers Started
Slash Film
/Filmcast Ep. 457 – Red Sparrow
Daily Podcast: Visiting Westworld, Contemplating The Art of Magic, Bloodshot, Call Me By Your Name 2, Marvel, Black Panther, Infinity War, His Dark Materials, VHS Rental, Dune, Spider-Man
Superhero Bits: Spider-Woman Rumors, Metallo Concept Art, Batman: The Animated Series Art Show & More
‘The Director and the Jedi’ Documentary Will Show Us the Making of ‘The Last Jedi’
Superman is Immortal in DC Comics Now
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-10 19 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
DVD Review: La Prisonnière
Oscars 2018: The Shape of Water wins Best Picture, Best Director
Film Review: Annihilation
Cinema Blend
To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right A Wrinkle In Time Ticket
Super Seducer Game Won't Be Sold On PlayStation 4
Fortnite Update Adds New Game Mode
How Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Just Confirmed A Huge Fan Theory In The 100th Episode
Sea Of Thieves Final Beta Is Now Playable
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' Set Photo Reveals New Costumes
Star Wars: Daisy Ridley Doesn't Believe Rey Has Any Weaknesses
Kristen Wiig Cast as 'Wonder Woman 2' Villain Cheetah
Samuel L. Jackson's 'Captain Marvel' Behind-The-Scenes Photo Has Fans Speculating He's A Skrull
Fans React To 'Christopher Robin' Trailer
Film Comment Magazine
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Deep Focus: A Wrinkle in Time
Film of the Week: Montparnasse Bienvenüe
Readers’ Poll 2017: Your Comments
Interview: Ashley McKenzie
Film Inquiry
DEATH WISH: A Poorly Timed, Generic Remake
Away From The Hype: GHOSTBUSTERS (2016)
“It Takes Me Right Back To Those Early Days; I’m Living It Again.” Chimps, Oscar Snubs & Favorite Films With Dr. Jane Goodall
Art Vs. Artist: What Do We Do When Our Heroes Fail Us?
Anarchic Cinema: The Anti-Film & Why I Hate Andy Warhol
Film School Rejects
Gorgeous New ‘Suspiria’ Restoration Comes Home to Blu-ray from Synapse Films
Here’s Your Chance to Experience Westworld at SXSW
The Spirit of ‘Black Dynamite’ Lives On in ‘The Outlaw Johnny Black’
The Academy Needs to Wrap its Head Around Mo-Cap Performance
Netflix Goes Extreme for Rob Liefeld
Reddit Movies
‘A Quiet Place’ Getting Positive Reactions Following SXSW Screening
Emily Blunt, John Krasinski Scare SXSW With ‘A Quiet Place’
Todd McFarlane's 'Spawn' Film To Start Filming In May
Tommy Wiseau's Next Film, 'Scary Love', is “a science fiction tale told in the style of classic B-movies and outfitted with practical special effects, laser beams and lunatic idea"
Netflix Subscribers Streamed Record-Breaking 350 Million Hours of Video on Jan. 7
Roger Ebert
A Wrinkle in Time
The Strangers: Prey at Night
The Death of Stalin
The Hurricane Heist
Screen Rant
Dungeons & Dragons Movie Reboot Might Be Headed to the UK
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds 2018 Plans Revealed As Fortnite Overtakes
Star Wars: Who Mark Hamill Would Cast As Young Luke Skywalker
Agents of SHIELD’s 100th Episode Finishes What The Avengers Started
Agents of SHIELD Confirms Major FitzSimmons Fan Theory
Slash Film
/Filmcast Ep. 457 – Red Sparrow
Daily Podcast: Visiting Westworld, Contemplating The Art of Magic, Bloodshot, Call Me By Your Name 2, Marvel, Black Panther, Infinity War, His Dark Materials, VHS Rental, Dune, Spider-Man
Superhero Bits: Spider-Woman Rumors, Metallo Concept Art, Batman: The Animated Series Art Show & More
‘The Director and the Jedi’ Documentary Will Show Us the Making of ‘The Last Jedi’
Superman is Immortal in DC Comics Now
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