#John Martin McDonnell
ianchisnall · 4 months
Parliament may close down for much of June
Today is Spring Bank Holiday which many of us enjoy including Parliament which will go to have a week’s break. However, given that a few days ago last week that the Prime Minister announced the General Election for Thursday 4th July it is possible that Parliament may be closed down during most of June. Prior to the decision from the Government last week there have been a number of comments about…
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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How F-14 and F-15 pilots trained to take down the legendary Blackbird
Image created by Alex Hollings using U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin graphics.
Despite flying into the sunset nearly a quarter-century ago, Lockheed’s legendary SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance plane was so far ahead of its time that even today, some 59 years since its first flight, there has yet to be a single aircraft to challenge its position atop the podium of fastest crewed jets in history. Throughout its three decades of service, the Blackbird famously had over 4,000 missiles of all sorts fired at it, and managed to outrun every single one.
But no aircraft is invincible and the Blackbird was no exception. With looming concerns about high-speed Soviet fighters closing the capability gap that insulated the SR-71 from intercept, the Air Force decided to pit its Mach 3+ Blackbird against America’s own best fighters, both of which have also become legends in their own right: the U.S. Navy’s Grumman F-14 Tomcat and the U.S. Air Force’s McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.
And while no Soviet fighter or missile ever managed to catch up to the sky-storming Habu (a name pilots gave the Blackbird due to its aesthetic similarities to the pit viper of the same name), the same can’t be said for the simulated AIM-54 Phoenix and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles notionally lobbed its way by America’s top fighter pilots. Like any prizefighter with an undefeated record, the SR-71’s official tally may show only victories, but its unofficial training record is actually littered with defeats at the hands of its slower-moving (but highly capable) American fighter siblings.
But don’t let those simulated defeats fool you… because taking on the Blackbird and winning required a fair bit of meddling that stacked the deck in the fighter’s favor.
Related: How hypersonic drones could defeat missiles the same way the SR-71 did
The truth about air combat exercises (and what we can learn from their outcomes)
As Sandboxx News has covered at great length in the past, training exercises are rarely organized in a way that allows the superior platform to flex its distinct advantages to their fullest extent. Those sorts of exercises do occur in the form of platform and system testing, but the rules of engagement in complex combat training operations usually aim to level the playing field to some extent in order to give all pilots and crews involved some experience working from a tactical deficit.
In other words, commanders intentionally set the rules to give pilots experience fighting or surviving in uncomfortable circumstances, even if their aircraft are so capable that uncomfortable situations are unlikely. F-22 Raptor pilots, for instance, are regularly disallowed from beyond-visual-range engagements during training exercises against other fighters and are sometimes even required to keep their heavy drop tanks underwing when scrapping in close quarters – both conditions set by operational planners in order to nerf (or diminish) the Raptor’s greatest combat advantages.
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(FLIR image from an F-16 of an SR-71 flying alongside an F/A-18)
But if you think the F-22 is often forced to fight with one wing tied behind its back, you’ll be downright shocked at the lengths SR-71 pilots would go to just to make themselves a viable target for America’s premier fighters. And when the fastest pilots in the sky got tired of losing and started breaking those training rules, not even the F-15 Eagle – the fastest fighter in American history with an unmatched modern air combat record of 104 wins and zero losses – could touch the legendary Blackbird.
Related: The King is dead: Why would America want to retire the F-22
Pitting the SR-71 against the Air Force’s F-15 Eagle
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An F-15 Eagle from the 142nd Fighter Wing takes off from Portland Air National Guard Base in Oregon. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman John Hughel)
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle program might be described as an American overreaction to alarming assumptions made by the Defense and Intelligence communities about the Soviet MiG-25. When the first images of this high-speed new fighter reached the Pentagon in 1967, its massive turbojet nozzles, vast wing area, and broad, gulping intakes led many to believe it was the most capable fighter ever seen to that point. In response, the U.S. redoubled its development efforts for a new air superiority fighter that might be capable of standing toe-to-toe with what certainly seemed to be a new Soviet juggernaut.
Of course, the MiG-25 was nothing close to the high-performer the United States feared it to be, but by the time American officials found that out in 1976 (when Soviet pilot Victor Belenko defected with one), the monster they built to take it on – by then known officially as the F-15 Eagle – had already entered service eight months prior.
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Victor Belenko’s MiG-25 (DoD Image)
However, as dominant as the F-15 would prove to be in air-to-air combat, even it struggled against the Habu’s elusive combination of speed, stealth, and electronic countermeasures.
In the books, The Complete Book of the SR-71 Blackbird: The Illustrated Profile of Every Aircraft, Crew, and Breakthrough of the World’s Fastest Stealth Jet, and, SR-71 Revealed: The Inside Story, former Blackbird driver and retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Richard H. Graham discussed his time flying high-speed sorties against the legendary F-15 over the Nellis Air Force Base training range, not far from the clandestine installation many of us know today as Area 51.
The intent of these exercises, which the pilots took to calling Eagle Bait sorties, was to give F-15 pilots valuable practice intercepting high-altitude and fast-moving targets that only the Blackbird could simulate.
“To maximize scare, high-altitude/high-speed intercept practice for the fighters against the SR-71,” Graham wrote. “We stacked the deck in their favor to avoid a multitude of missed intercepts, and consequently, wasted time.”
But as powerful as the F-15 was, it faced all the same challenges as the Soviet MiGs. In fact, in order to give the Eagle a shot at scoring a kill against the Habu using the longest-range air-to-air missile available to it at the time, the AIM-7 Sparrow, the Eagle drivers had to be given special permission to exceed the jet’s safety envelope.
“In order to get high enough to take a reasonable shot at us, F-15 crews were given special permission to do a zoom-climb to 50,000 to 55,000 feet before a simulated AIM-7 launch against the SR-71,” Graham recalled. Flying to these altitudes in an F-15 wasn’t just a question of power, however. It also raised concerns about pilot safety inside the cockpit. “They had permission to be above 50,000 feet for a maximum time of 90 seconds without wearing a pressure suit.”
As they’d soon learn, the Eagle also struggled with approaching the Habu from head-on because its targeting systems weren’t designed to be able to see something closing with them so quickly. As former SR-71 pilot Dave Peters would later recall, the speed gate (a filter set to narrow down radar returns to only legitimate threats) had been set to 1,500 miles per hour.
“We were casually warping along from 1,850 to 2,000. So, for them, we didn’t exist,” Peters said. Yet, even once that issue was sorted out, the F-15s still had a steep hill to climb.
As part of “stacking the deck” in the Eagle’s favor, the SR-71 crews were instructed to fly along a specific flight path at altitudes no higher than 70,000 feet and speeds no greater than Mach 2.8. They even began executing fuel dumps, leaving a massive streak of jet fuel in the sky to help the F-15s find them overhead.
Similar to the F-22’s dogfighting conundrum, these rules rounded off the sharper edges of the Habu’s capability set, giving the Eagle a fighting chance.
When that proved not to be enough, Blackbirds were instructed to fly over a designated point in space (called the intercept point) and even call out their approach to it over open radio frequencies at one-minute intervals starting five minutes out. This approach, however unrealistic, gave the Eagle drivers the window of opportunity they needed, rapidly scoring simulated kill after kill against the SR-71 as it zoomed by.
“After each mission, we would debrief by phone, and the F-15 drivers would report ‘four AIM-7s launched, four kills on the HABU,'” Former SR-71 pilot, Capt. Steve “Griz” Grzebiniak later recalled.
Related: Project Oxcart: Why you had to be married to fly the CIA’s fastest jet
Teaching the air-to-air champ a lesson
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(Lockheed Martin)
Even with all of the allowances the Blackbird drivers made for their competition, just shaking one of the notional AIM-7 Sparrows launched by the F-15s was simple. The now-dated AIM-7 carried only a semi-active radar guidance system onboard, meaning it needed target information to be relayed from the launching aircraft all the way until impact.
The SR-71 carried an advanced electronic countermeasures system onboard that, among other things, has been said to be able to discern between radar transmission and even broadcast phantom returns that would force the engaging fighter to re-acquire the real target. Because of the Sparrow’s semi-active homing guidance system, the Blackbird could dismiss an inbound Sparrow with the flip of a switch.
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F-15A “Eagle” of the 110th Fighter Squadron, 131st Fighter Wing, Air National Guard, Lambert-St. Louis IAP, Mo., launches an AIM-7 “Sparrow” missile, during a Weapons System Evaluation Program. (U.S. Air Force photo)
But as the F-15s racked up victories, the competitive spirit of the Habu drivers began to take hold… and finally, they decided to break a few rules to inject a bit of humility back into the fighter pilots below.
This time, they didn’t execute a fuel dump at five minutes out like usual… mostly because they were flying 16,000 feet higher (now at 86,000 feet) and much faster than before… now cruising at Mach 3.2. The F-15s never had a chance.
“In the phone debrief after the mission, the F-15 flight lead reported ‘four shots and four kills’ on the first pass and mumbled something about radar problems and no kills on the second pass,” Grzebiniak said. “Even with the world’s best planes, pilots, and missiles, it would take a golden BB [a lucky blind shot by the enemy] to bring down a Habu.”
Related: Sea Eagle: America’s plan to put the F-15 on aircraft carriers
The F-14’s AIM-54 Phoenix Missile may have been the real Top Gun
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F-14 flying alongside SR-71 during refueling (Image via Haburats SR-71 on X/Twitter)
The F-15 wasn’t the only top-tier fighter in the U.S. arsenal at the time, and the truth is, the Navy’s famed F-14 Tomcat of Top Gun fame was actually better equipped for these sorts of high-speed intercepts.
While the Eagle’s AN/APG-63 was a highly capable radar, it fell well short of the massive power output and multi-targeting capability of the Tomcat’s AN/AWG-9 radar and fire control system. With around double the detection range of the Eagle’s radar and the ability to track 24 targets simultaneously, the F-14 could guide six separate missiles into six separate targets at the same time. Despite being based on a fairly dated design, there wouldn’t be a more powerful radar installed in a fighter until the F-22 Raptor entered service.
But perhaps even more important was the Tomcat’s armament, because the F-14 came equipped with the now-legendary AIM-54 Phoenix missile – the longest-ranged air-to-air missile on the planet at the time that flew with a combination of a semi-active seeker to take cues from the F-14’s radar and an active radar-homing seeker for terminal guidance. In other words, once the Phoenix was close enough to a target, it could rely on its own onboard radar to close in, rather than needing the launching pilot to maintain a lock until impact.
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AIM-54 hits a QF-4 target drone during testing. (U.S. Navy photos)
Training intercepts that pitted the F-14 against the SR-71 were known by insiders as Tomcat Chase sorties, and were usually carried out over the Pacific, rather than the Nevada desert, thanks to the presence of F-14-hauling aircraft carriers at sea. As with the F-15, Habu drivers did their best to give the F-14 a fighting chance, flying along straight, predetermined flight paths at lower altitudes and speeds than they would normally do. They also maintained open radio communications, allowing the SR-71 pilots to guide the F-14s into their relative positions so they’d have a chance to fire their notional AIM-54s.
The Blackbird flew with its transponder on, and again, without its defensive electronic countermeasures engaged. But, again, even in these very favorable conditions, Tomcats struggled to find their mark.
“The 14s could find us but they couldn’t do anything until we modified and gave them times, route of flight, speed, and altitude beforehand so they could have a pre-planned setup,” Pilot Dave Peters recalled. “The 15s didn’t do that well for quite some time.”
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A Fighter Squadron 211 (VF-211) F-14A Tomcat aircraft banks into a turn during a flight out of Naval Air Station, Miramar while carrying six AIM-54 Phoenix missiles. (U.S. Navy photo)
Tough as it was to spot the Blackbird zooming past, once the Tomcats did, the Phoenix missile was capable enough to pose some real problems for the Blackbird. With a top speed in excess of Mach 4 (except when put into a ballistic flight path into the ground, where it could exceed Mach 5), the AIM-54 had the speed and the range required to close with an airborne Habu, and thanks to its onboard radar seeker, it would be tougher to shake than the Eagle’s Sparrows.
However, there remains some debate about whether or not even the Phoenix could have found its mark in the Blackbird’s high-altitude domain.
“Another factor in our favor was the small guidance fins on their missiles,” Graham wrote. “They are optimized in size for guiding a missile to its target in the thicker air from the ground up and around forty thousand feet. At eighty thousand feet the air is so thin that full deflection of the missile’s guidance fins can barely turn it.”
Related: The best fighters America *almost* put on aircraft carriers
Tomcats, Eagles, and Habus… Oh my!
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This picture of an SR-71 flying alongside F-4s and F-14s was too cool not to include, so just pretend those F-4s are F-15s! (DoD image)
At the end of the day, the Tomcat Chase and Eagle Bait sorties flown throughout the late 1970s and into the 1980s were about far more than the pilots’ pride. These exercises were about identifying technical limits (like the Eagle’s speed gate), assessing aircraft capabilities in circumstances outside the norm, and helping pilots gain the experience they need to exercise complex problem-solving in the heat of a high-stakes situation.
These exercises, like a great deal of military training, weren’t about finding winners and losers, they were about making everyone involved, from the ground crews, to command and control, to the pilots better at some of the most difficult, arduous, and complex jobs in warfare.
But that doesn’t mean fighter pilots didn’t take their chance to down a Habu seriously… and as you might expect, they took losing just as seriously.
“There was some animosity at first with both the Eagles and the Tomcats because they kept accusing us of not showing up,” Peters recalled about the times the fighters couldn’t find his fast-moving Blackbird. Listening in on the open radio lines, Peters couldn’t help but enjoy their frustration a bit. “They got a little huffy because nobody told them we weren’t coming.”
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wankerwatch · 12 days
Commons Vote
On: Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 (SI, 2024, No. 869): motion to annul
Ayes: 228 (49.3% Con, 31.7% LD, 4.4% Ind, 4.0% SNP, 2.2% DUP, 2.2% RUK, 1.8% PC, 1.8% Green, 0.9% SDLP, 0.4% Lab, 0.4% APNI, 0.4% UUP, 0.4% TUV) Noes: 348 (100.0% Lab) Absent: ~74
Day's business papers: 2024-09-10
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agape-philo-sophia · 7 months
➝ The Shadow Government.
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Much like the ‘Official” government we are aware of, this shadow government can be dissected into functional branches. The Executive Branch, The Intelligence Branch, The War Department, The Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.
These compartments are just a fraction of the whole, and in the United States alone.
• Executive Branch would be the most obvious, being that this is where all the control is. It would consist of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Tri Lateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, National Security Council (NSC), Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), National Program Office (NPO), Federal Emergency Management Agency.
• The Intelligence Branch consists of a very well known government agency the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), as well as the FBI, National Security Agency (NSA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO), NSA’s Central Security Service, The CIA’s Special Security Office, U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), U.S Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), U.S Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), NASA Intelligence, Air Force Special Security Service, Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), Defense Investigative Service (DIS), Naval Investigative Service (NIS), Air Force Electronic Security Command, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence, Federal Police Agency Intelligence, Defense Electronic Security Command, etc
• The War Department – CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology, Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO), Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), Department of Energy (DOE), Edwards AFB, CA, Area 51 – Groom Lake and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base) , U.S Special Operations Command, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), The Jason Group, Aquarius Group, Defense Science Board, Defense Nuclear Agency, U.S Space Command, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Air Force Office of Space Systems, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), etc.
• Weapons Industry Branch – Stanford Research Institute, Inc, AT&T, RAND Corporation, Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation, Wackenhut Corporation, Bechtel Corporation, United Nuclear Corporation, Walsh Construction Company, Aerojet (Genstar Corp), Reynolds Electronics Engineering, Lear Aircraft Company, Northrop Corporation, Hughes Aircraft, Lockheed-Martin Corporation, McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, BDM Corporation, General Electric Corporation, PSI-TECH Corporation, Science Applications International Corp.
• Financial Branch – Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Federal Reserve System (FRS), Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), US Department of Treasury, Banks, Private investors.
Other Important Institutions:
• Tri lateral Commission – David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc
• NSC – National Security Council – The military and intelligence policy-making and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President, Its secret 5412 Committee (which directs covert operations) and it’s PI-40 Subcommittee (MJ-12 which exercises policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-up.)
• CIA – Central Intelligence Agency – Commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT) and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as country-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents, engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S political process in the “National interest” in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary “false front” companies for profit, conducts and major share of international trans-shipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity, and cooperates with NSA’s UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA and worldwide.
• JCS – Joint Chiefs of Staff – Special Operations compartment, the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC’s 5412 Committee, utilizing Special Forces Command.
• NPO – National Program Office – Operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG) an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication, and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders.
• FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA’s black project compartment, which operates preventative-detention camps, and secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms. Also could possess complete control by president Executive Orders in the case of a national emergency.
• NSA – National Security Agency – Monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave and satellite communications and electromagnetic fields of “interest” around the world, and orchestrates information control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations. Fort Meade, MD.
• NRO – National Reconnaissance Office – Controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth’s atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy beam weapons for orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, Virginia.
• NRO – National Reconnaissance Organization – aka MJ-TF. The military/intelligence operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee (MJ-12) Conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and their extra-terrestrial occupants for intelligence and “International Security” purposes, “interacts” with close encounter experiences, including occasional physically and sexually assaulted mind control kidnappings disguised as abductions for psychological warfare and dis-informational purposes, headquarters unknown, probably compartmentalized and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations units.
• The Jason Society – President Eisenhower secretly commissioned a group of scholars, known as The JASON Society to review the conclusions of the ’57 symposium. The members of the JASON Society are in fact part of a secretive Illuminati group known as the Order of the Quest. The same individuals who formed the JASON Society were also key members on the Council on Foreign Relations. Not surprisingly, the Jason Society agreed with the symposium’s conclusions and drafted three proposals for Eisenhower’s consideration. The three proposals were labeled Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3. Eisenhower rejected Atlernative 1 because it involved the use of nuclear weapons. However, Eisenhower did approve the implementation of Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 (as did the Soviet Union).
• FBI – Federal Bureau Of Investigations – Branch which investigates, uses surveillance and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.
• DOE – Department of Energy – Aside from its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of more specialized nuclear weapons, compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam, and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility “cloaking” technology, etc.
Funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Information Awareness Office’s stated goal was to collect as much information on everyone and everything as possible. This drew much flack to them and the IAO was discontinued. However, its core projects still continue under different names. The logo depicts the Illuminati pyramid with All Seeing Eye shining its light over a globe.
• DOE-INTEL – Department of Energy Intelligence – Conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation.
• INSCOM – U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command – Whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfar (PSYOPS) and para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT) and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT) Ft. Meade, MD.
• DIS – Defense Investigative Service – Conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense.
• DEA – Drug Enforcement Agency – Intelligence center conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations unless exempted under “National Security” waivers
• DARPA – Defense Advanced Researched Projects Agency – Coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons.
• The Jason Group – Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.
• Aquarius Group – UFO technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings.
• NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command – Operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO.
• NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Operates covert space defense, ET research, and space weapons compartments, in additional to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches.
• Stanford Research Institute, Inc. – An intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, para-psychological and PSY-WAR research.
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
A young man leaves Ireland with his landlord’s daughter after some trouble with her father, and they dream of owning land at the big giveaway in Oklahoma ca. 1893. When they get to the new land, they find jobs and begin saving money. The man becomes a local barehands boxer, and rides in glory until he is beaten, then his employers steal all the couple’s money and they must fight off starvation in the winter, and try to keep their dream of owning land alive. Meanwhile, the woman’s parents find out where she has gone and have come to America to find her and take her back. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Joseph Donnelly: Tom Cruise Shannon Christie: Nicole Kidman Stephen Chase: Thomas Gibson Daniel Christie: Robert Prosky Nora Christie: Barbara Babcock Danty Duff: Cyril Cusack Mary Kay: Eileen Pollock Kelly: Colm Meaney Dermody: Douglas Gillison Grace: Michelle Johnson Bourke: Wayne Grace Joe Donnelly: Niall Tóibín Paddy Donnelly: Jared Harris Colm Donnelly: Steven O’Donnell McGuire: Barry McGovern Gordon: Gary Lee Davis Farmer: Peadar Lamb Peasant: Mark Mulholland Peasant: P.J. Brady Landlord: Wesley Murphy Priest: Jimmy Keogh Villager: J.G. Devlin Villager: Gerry Walsh Tavern Keeper: Brendan Cauldwell Peter: Derry Power Matthew: Noel O’Donovan John: Macdara Ó Fátharta Lady: Eileen Colgan Lady: Kate Flynn Lady: Joan O’Hara Map Vendor: Frankie McCafferty Hat Vendor: Poll Moussoulides Irish Vendor: Pat Kinevane Flag Vendor: Donncha Crowley Fruit Vendor: Tim McDonnell Thug: Todd Hallowell Thug: Ken McCluskey Rebel Leader: Brendan Ellis Flynn: Clint Howard Coniff: Jeffrey Andrews Glenna: Judith McIntyre Olive: Rynagh O’Grady Lamplighter: Martin Ewen Social Club Policeman: Brendan Gleeson Doctor: Frank Coughlan Crew Boss: Hoke Howell Old Man: Arnold Kuenning Immigrant: Rocco Sisto Immigrant: Michael Rudd Railworker: Donré Sampson Derelict: Harry Webster Officer: Mark Wheeler Tomlin: Rance Howard Blacksmith: William Preston Prostitute: Pauline McLynn Prostitute: Joanne McAteer Prostitute: Cara Wilder Prostitute: Aedin Moloney Piano Playing Prostitute: Helen Montague Boxer: John-Clay Scott Boxer: Clay M. Lilley Boxer: Cole S. McKay Boxer: James Jude Courtney Boxer: Jeff Ramsey Boxer: Anthony De Longis Boxer: Carl Ciarfalio Bigoted Man: Tim Monich Boston Maid: Alecia LaRue Turner: Ian Elliot Social Club Thug: Bobby Huber Social Club Woman: Julie Rowen Social Club Woman: Louisa Marie Henchman: Brian Munn Honest Bob: Bob Dolman I.M. Malone: Phillip V. Caruso Immigration Policeman: Tom Lucy Dancing Girl (uncredited): Kris Murphy Film Crew: Original Music Composer: John Williams Producer: Brian Grazer Costume Design: Joanna Johnston Producer: Ron Howard Editor: Daniel P. Hanley Editor: Mike Hill Animal Coordinator: Greg Powell Screenplay: Bob Dolman Stunts: Tony Brubaker Stunt Coordinator: Walter Scott Director of Photography: Mikael Salomon Stunts: Corey Michael Eubanks Stunts: Gary Powell Movie Reviews:
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alexlacquemanne · 9 months
Décembre MMXXIII
Chef (2014) de Jon Favreau avec Scarlett Johansson, Jon Favreau, Sofía Vergara, Emjay Anthony, John Leguizamo, Robert Downey Jr. et Dustin Hoffman
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver Hollywood ? (The Naked gun 33⅓: The Final Insult) (1994) de Peter Segal avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, Fred Ward, O. J. Simpson, Anna Nicole Smith, Kathleen Freeman, Ellen Greene et Ed Williams
Quai des Orfèvres (1947) de Henri-Georges Clouzot avec Louis Jouvet, Simone Renant, Bernard Blier, Suzy Delair, Pierre Larquey, Claudine Dupuis, Henri Arius, Charles Blavette, René Blancard et Robert Dalban
Maintenant, on l'appelle Plata (…più forte ragazzi!) (1972) de Giuseppe Colizzi avec Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Cyril Cusack, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Riccardo Pizzuti, Ferdinando Murolo et Marcello Verziera
Moi, Michel G., milliardaire, maître du monde (2011) de Stéphane Kazandjian avec François-Xavier Demaison, Laurent Lafitte, Laurence Arné, Xavier de Guillebon, Guy Bedos, Patrick Bouchitey e Alain Doutey
Noël blanc (White Christmas) (1954) de Michael Curtiz avec Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen, Dean Jagger, Mary Wickes et John Bascia
Rendez-vous avec la mort (Appointment with Death) (1988) de Michael Winner avec Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall, Carrie Fisher, John Gielgud, Piper Laurie, Hayley Mills, Jenny Seagrove et David Soul
Bridget Jones : L’Âge de raison (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) (2004) de Beeban Kidron avec Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Jacinda Barrett, Shirley Henderson et Sally Phillips
Les Trois Mousquetaires : Milady (2023) de Martin Bourboulon avec François Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris, Pio Marmaï, Eva Green, Lyna Khoudri et Louis Garrel
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver le président ? (1991) (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear) de David Zucker avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O. J. Simpson, Robert Goulet, Richard Griffiths, Anthony James et Jacqueline Brookes
Wallace et Gromit : Le Mystère du lapin-garou (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) (2005) de Nick Park et Steve Box avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Jeanne Savary, Philippe Catoire, Frédérique Cantrel, Patrick Messe et Mireille Delcroix
Rivière sans retour (River of No Return) (1954) de Otto Preminger avec Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, Rory Calhoun, Tommy Rettig, Murvyn Vye et Douglas Spencer
L'Ange de Noël (Christmas Magic) (2011) de John Bradshaw avec Lindy Booth, Paul McGillion, Derek McGrath, Kiara Glasco, Teresa Pavlinek et Tricia Braun
Joyeux Noël (2005) de Christian Carion avec Benno Fürmann, Guillaume Canet, Diane Kruger, Gary Lewis, Daniel Brühl, Dany Boon, Lucas Belvaux, Bernard Le Coq et Alex Ferns
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941) de Christian-Jaque avec Harry Baur, Raymond Rouleau, Renée Faure, Marie-Hélène Dasté, Robert Le Vigan, Fernand Ledoux et Jean Brochard
Danse avec les loups (Dances with Wolves) (1990) de et avec Kevin Costner ainsi que Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, Rodney A. Grant, Floyd Westerman, Jimmy Herman, Nathan Lee, Tantoo Cardinal et Wes Studi
Noël en trois actes (Christmas Encore) (2017) de Bradley Walsh avec Maggie Lawson, Brennan Elliott, Art Hindle, Tracey Hoyt, Mercedes de la Zerda, Mika Amonsen, Sherry Miller, Sabryn Rock, David Tompa et Erin Agostino
La Souffleuse de verre (Die Glasbläserin) (2016) de Christiane Balthasar avec Luise Heyer, Maria Ehrich, Franz Dinda, Dirk Borchardt, Robert Gwisdek, Max Hopp et Ute Willing
Le père Noël est une ordure (1982) de Jean-Marie Poiré avec Anémone, Thierry Lhermitte, Gérard Jugnot, Marie-Anne Chazel, Christian Clavier, Josiane Balasko et Bruno Moynot
Le Lion en hiver (The Lion in Winter) (1968) de Anthony Harvey avec Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Terry, Timothy Dalton, Jane Merrow et Nigel Stock
Les Mystères de Paris (1962) d'André Hunebelle avec Jean Marais, Raymond Pellegrin, Jill Haworth, Dany Robin, Pierre Mondy, Georges Chamarat, Noël Roquevert et Jean Le Poulain
Derrick contre Superman (1992) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Patrick Burgel et Évelyne Grandjean
La Classe américaine : Le Grand Détournement (1993) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Christine Delaroche, Evelyne Grandjean, Marc Cassot, Patrick Guillemin, Raymond Loyer, Joël Martineau, Jean-Claude Montalban, Roger Rudel et Gérard Rouzier
La Grande Course autour du monde (The Great Race) (1965) de Blake Edwards avec Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn, Arthur O'Connell, Vivian Vance et Dorothy Provine
Life on Mars Saison 1, 2
Bienvenue en 73 - La Loi selon mon boss - Le Pari - Corruption - Rouge un jour, rouge toujours - Compte à rebours - Cas de conscience - Mon père - Meurtrier en puissance - La Chasse aux ripoux - Peur sur la ville - Pièges pour jeunes femmes - Kidnapping - Héroïne - Recherche du coupable - La Promesse
Doctor Who
La Créature Stellaire - Wild Blue Yonder - Aux confins de l'univers - Le Fabricant de Jouets - The Snowmen - A Christmas Carol - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - The Return of Doctor Mysterio - The Church on Ruby Road - Eve of the Daleks
Les Enquêtes de Vera Saison 12
À contre-courant - Un homme d'honneur - Au nom de la loi - Une soirée funeste - Marée montante
Coffre à Catch
#144 : La Draft 2009 : Les bonnes affaires du mercato ! - #145 : La ECW débarque à Londres et l'Undertaker à Strasbourg! (avec Carole) - #146 : Christian enfin champion de la ECW ! - #147 : Un coffret à Noël, ça c'est une idée !
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - La Ronde II - Mission - La Baliste - La Baraka - La Veillée - Le Tourment III - La Potion de fécondité II - L’Attaque nocturne - La Restriction II - Les Défis de Merlin II - Saponides et Détergents - Le Justicier - La Crypte maléfique - Arthur in Love II - La Grande Bataille - La Fête de l’hiver II - Sous les verrous II - Le Vulgarisateur - Witness - Le Tribut - Le Culte secret - Le Mangonneau - La Chevalerie - Le Mauvais Augure - Raison d’argent II - Les Auditeurs libres - Le Baiser romain - L’Espion - Alone in the Dark - Le Législateur - L’Insomniaque - L’Étudiant - Le Médiateur - Le Trophée - Hollow Man - La Dispute première partie - La Dispute deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Gérald Thomassin : l'étrange disparition d'un coupable idéal
Top Gear
Spécial Nativité
La Voie Jackson
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Meurtres au paradis
L'étrange Noël de Debbie
Le Muguet de Noël (2021) de Sébastien Blanc et Nicolas Poiret avec Lionnel Astier, Frédéric Bouraly, Jean-Luc Porraz et Alexie Ribes
Sinatra (1969) avec Frank Sinatra, Don Costa & son Orchestre
Le Professeur Rollin a encore quelque chose à dire (2003) de François Rollin
Alain Souchon : J'veux du live au Casino de Paris (2002)
La Bonne Planque (1964) de Michel André avec Bourvil, Pierrette Bruno, Robert Rollis, Roland Bailly, Alix Mahieux, Albert Michel et Max Desrau
André Rieu : White Christmas (2023)
Michael Bublé: Home for Christmas (2011) avec Michael Bublé, Gary Barlow, Gino D'Acampo, Dawn French et Kelly Rowland
Michael Buble's Christmas in the City (2021) avec Michael Bublé, Leon Bridges, Camila Cabello, Jimmy Fallon, Kermit the Frog, Hannah Waddingham, Dallas Grant, Jarrett Johnson, Julianna Layne et Loren Smith
Michael Bublé's 3rd Annual Christmas Special (2013) avec Michael Bublé, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Red Robinson, Jumaane Smith, Patrick Gilmore et Cookie Monster
Un fil à la patte (2005) de Georges Feydeau avec Thierry Beccaro, Marie-Ange Nardi, Valérie Maurice, Églantine Éméyé, Ève Ruggiéri, Tex, David Martin et Patrice Laffont
Vintage Getz (1983) The Stan Getz Quartet live at the Robert Mondavi Winery, Napa Valley, California avec Stan Getz, Victor Lewis, Marc Johnson et Jim McNeely
James Brown : Live at Montreux (1981)
Le seigneur des anneaux, Tome 3 : Le retour du roi de J.R.R. Tolkien
Détective Conan, Tome 18 de Gôshô Aoyama
Lucky Luke, Tome 27 : L'Alibi de Morris et Claude Guylouïs
Détective Conan, Tome 19 de Gôshô Aoyama
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
These people are damn nightmare they're going to take over a ton of stuff huge numbers of things are going to come in it's starting today we're taking over
*Boeing and we are taking over all aspects of their operation defense industry commercial industry and Private industry and it's jet building making an assembly and parts and repairs and all be under us Lock stock and barrel and we're finding John remillard and company and DJ and company today for their request and specifications mostly they say don't hold our hands invite us to the meeting but don't expect us to show up if we don't you can release warrants it will help us so we're prepared to release the information to the max so they'll release warrants and we don't care if we do we like to and don't need them there they're disruptive and their juveniles. The meeting is today it's a large meeting and it's held in Los Angeles California there's several other big meetings and we're having it in a convention center and the scanned and we pulled stuff out all night long it's finally clear
*Lockheed Martin this is a giant jet company and they build big jets all of them are stealth most of them are structural meaning they have armor and they are large platforms to bomb from and it's our company now and we build what we want and you can order stuff if you like if not we're going to build for ourselves only. We're also firing John remillard and company completely and BJ and company they don't actually don't want to part in it and they want to try and steal stuff and we're rounding them up right now and destroying them they are trash
*Lockwood green it is an engineering firm and they do a lot of designing of spaceships and airplanes and jets and space Jets and more for space space stations docking stations transfer stations cargo ships in space mostly space we're taking them over Lock stock and barrel and most likely use your old designs if you want to ship or something and we have them on file and will hold them all on file and you can pay for the designs you probably won't design anything for you that's new and nobody's asked and they don't want it and we're not interested in providing it you have huge attitude problems about what you've already done and what you think you're going to do and we are taking over large areas even on your Islands you're running to and we can have a fun time with you when you try and flood it and it's in her order we will have controls and his order. This is a large company they've been designing everything that you've ever done they stopped paying will and Bill and will and Bill are on a class action as is our son and once you guys leave we're going to pay them
*there's another airliner company and they make jets as well but McDonnell Douglas, it's actually a huge firm and mac daddy is letting it go because he can't fight the clones the foreigners and the retards all at the same time and he's going to buy stuff that's fine and things will be tenderized and we won't be haven't gotten tenderized yet. It's a very large company they moved Jets all over the world and yes for commercial airliners no building them for JetBlue and allegiant and stopped because of the abuse of behavior and talk and demeanor and attitude towards Max they have this huge attitude they're massive assholes. And they have a huge parts division we're taking that over we're going to sell only to those who actually purchase Jets from the company. You'll not be making a makeshift jet company BGA and if you want to have airports and commercial airliners you better stop bothering us about it as a matter of fact you have two out of three airports shut down cuz you won't shut your mouth about not having enough Jets and nobody wants to work, as you insist on finding the customers for your people so you're stupid already. This company is very large it has 1 million parts depots in every area it has two million shops and that means that they repair Jets and most of them are on the airport and that's per area no that's in total and they have about 700,000 airports globally that they own and we are now and we also know that they have about 16 trillion square feet of construction space for their Jets and we're going to add to it not detract. We have a real plan and has substance and we have tons of manpower and people and he and she are in charge but they always run stuff by me and then Olympus and you can see why it's because of you people mostly
there's a few more airliner companies and also defense contractors and they're coming into our possession today fully. And they're in the United States and we went over the names before and it is necessarily remember all of them. There are a couple more and we'll come back to it
I don't say this the ones that are going to be mentioned or not that big and you people don't know what he's been doing is you're watching these small companies
Thor Freya
It says oops sorry to mislead you no but okay
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tempting-seduction · 2 years
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Born on September 8, 1951 in Liverpool, United Kingdom, John Martin McDonnell is a British politician who served as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2015 to 2020. A member of the Labour Party, he has been Member of Parliament for Hayes and Harlington since 1997.
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calciopics · 2 years
The Hillsborough 97
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Ninety-six men, women and children lose their lives with hundreds more injured. The oldest victim was 67, the youngest, Jon-Paul Gilhooley, aged just 10, was the cousin of Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard. 
The name of the 97th Hillsborough disaster victim, who died last year, has been added to Anfield's memorial. Andrew Devine suffered life-changing injuries in the crush at the 1989 FA Cup semi-final in Sheffield, but survived until his death in July 2021.
Jon-Paul Gilhooley - 10 yo Philip Hammond - 14 yo Thomas Anthony Howard - 14 yo Paul Brian Murray - 14 yo Lee Nicol - 14 yo Adam Edward Spearritt - 14 yo Peter Andrew Harrison - 15 yo Victoria Jane Hicks - 15 yo Philip John Steele - 15 yo Kevin Tyrrell - 15 yo Kevin Daniel Williams - 15 yo Kester Roger Marcus Ball - 16 yo Nicholas Michael Hewitt - 16 yo Martin Kevin Traynor - 16 yo Simon Bell - 17 yo Carl Darren Hewitt - 17 yo Keith McGrath - 17 yo Stephen Francis O'Neill - 17 yo Steven Joseph Robinson - 17 yo Henry Charles Rogers - 17 yo Stuart Paul William Thompson - 17 yo Graham John Wright - 17 yo James Gary Aspinall - 18 yo Carl Brown - 18 yo Paul Clark - 18 yo Christopher Barry Devonside - 18 yo Gary Philip Jones - 18 yo Carl David Lewis - 18 yo John McBrien - 18 yo Jonathon Owens - 18 yo Colin Mark Ashcroft - 19 yo Paul William Carlile - 19 yo Gary Christopher Church - 19 yo James Philip Delaney - 19 yo Sarah Louise Hicks - 19 yo David William Mather - 19 yo Colin Wafer - 19 yo Ian David Whelan - 19 yo Stephen Paul Copoc - 20 yo Ian Thomas Glover - 20 yo Gordon Rodney Horn - 20 yo Paul David Brady - 21 yo Thomas Steven Fox - 21 yo Marian Hazel McCabe - 21 yo Joseph Daniel McCarthy - 21 yo Peter McDonnell - 21 yo Carl William Rimmer - 21 yo  Peter Francis Tootle - 21 yo David John Benson - 22 yo David William Birtle - 22 yo Tony Bland - 22 yo Gary Collins - 22 yo Tracey Elizabeth Cox - 23 yo William Roy Pemberton - 23 yo Colin Andrew Hugh William Sefton - 23 yo David Leonard Thomas - 23 yo Peter Andrew Burkett - 24 yo Derrick George Godwin - 24 yo Graham John Roberts - 24 yo David Steven Brown - 25 yo Richard Jones - 25 yo Barry Sidney Bennett - 26 yo Andrew Mark Brookes - 26 yo Paul Anthony Hewitson - 26 yo Paula Ann Smith - 26 yo Christopher James Traynor - 26 yo Barry Glover - 27 yo Gary Harrison - 27 yo Christine Anne Jones - 27 yo Nicholas Peter Joynes - 27 yo Francis Joseph McAllister - 27 yo Alan McGlone - 28 yo Joseph Clark - 29 yo Christopher Edwards - 29 yo James Robert Hennessy - 29 yo Alan Johnston - 29 yo Anthony Peter Kelly - 29 yo Martin Kenneth Wild - 29 yo Peter Reuben Thompson - 30 yo Stephen Francis Harrison - 31 yo Eric Hankin - 33 yo Vincent Michael Fitzsimmons - 34 yo Roy Harry Hamilton - 34 yo Patrick John Thompson - 35 yo Michael David Kelly - 38 yo Brian Christopher Mathews - 38 yo David George Rimmer - 38 yo Inger Shah - 38 yo David Hawley - 39 yo Thomas Howard - 39 yo Arthur Horrocks - 41 yo Eric George Hughes - 42 yo Henry Thomas Burke - 47 yo Raymond Thomas Chapman - 50 yo Andrew Stanley Devine -55 yo John Alfred Anderson - 62 yo Gerard Bernard Patrick Baron - 67 yo
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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ITV ha renovado McDonald & Dodds por una tercera temporada
FOX ha renovado Duncanville por una tercera temporada
CBS ha cancelado MacGyver tras su quinta temporada
Noticias cortas
Tatiana Maslany (Sister Alice) no estará en la segunda temporada de Perry Mason.
Jodie Turner-Smith abandona The Witcher: Blood Origin debido a un retraso en las fechas de producción.
Netflix adquiere The 39 Steps, la adaptación de la novela de John Buchan (1915) protagonizada por Benedict Cumberbatch.
Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Hateful Eight, Single White Female) se une a la segunda temporada de Hunters. Será Chava, cazadora de nazis.
Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Devs) será Uncle Miltie, quien ayuda a Rand (Seth Rogen) a distribuir la sex tape, en Pam and Tommy.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) protagonizará y producirá el drama The Second Home, la miniserie adaptación de la novela de Christina Clancy (2020) que sigue a dos familias separadas a raíz de un fatídico verano en Cabo Cod, Massachusetts.
Samantha Morton (Harlots, The Walking Dead) será Catherine de Medici en The Serpent Queen.
T'Nia Miller (Years and Years, The Haunting of Bly Manor), Charlotte Riley (Trust, Peaky Blinders), Alex Hernandez (UnREAL, The Son), JJ Feild (Turn, Lost in Space), Eli Goree (Riverdale, Pearson), Gary Carr (The Deuce, Death in Paradise) y Adelind Horan (The Pioneers) se unen a The Peripheral.
Renée Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist) se une a She-Hulk. Interpretará a un personaje llamado Amelia.
Hayley Squires (Adult Material, The Miniaturist), Frak Dillane (Fear The Walking Dead, The Girlfriend Experience), Clémence Poésy (Genius, The Tunnel) y Jamael Westman (Anne Boleyn) se unen a The Essex Serpent.
Wayne Brady (How I Met Your Mother, Colony) será Del Cooper, un comediante convertido en productor y el nuevo interés amoroso de un personaje aún no desvelado, en la quinta temporada de The Good Fight.
Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery) y Calam Lynch (Mrs. Wilson) serán Mary Sharma, la madre de las hermanas Kate (Simone Ashley) y Edwina (Charithra Chandran); y Theo Sharpe, ayudante de un impresor; en la segunda temporada de Bridgerton.
Sebastian Roché (The Young Pope, The Originals) y Michelle Ventimilla (Seven Seconds, Gotham) serán recurrentes en Big Sky como Wagy, el sheriff de Lochsa County; y Rosie Amaya, hija de Gil Amaya, el gerente del rancho de los Kleinsasser.
Adepero Oduye (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, 12 Years a Slave) y Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal, God Friended Me) serán Karen Wynn, enfermera jefe en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y líder del comité ético; y Bryant King, especialista en medicina interna y uno de los pocos doctores negros del hospital; en Five Days at Memorial.
Karen Robinson (Schitt's Creek, Tiny Pretty Things) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de A Million Little Things como Florence, una dulce viuda con sentido del humor.
Kareem Green (It's Showtime at the Apollo) será recurrente en Flatbush Misdemeanors como Kareem, padrastro de Dan (Dan Perlman).
Patricia Hodge (Miranda, A Very English Scandal) sustituye a la fallecida Diana Rigg en el papel de Mrs. Pumphrey en la segunda temporada de All Creatures Great and Small.
Ebonee Noel (FBI, Wrecked), Karen LeBlanc (Ransom, Departure), Yaani King Mondschein (Saving Grace, Blood & Oil) y Rance Nix protagonizarán The Kings of Napa.
Peta Sergeant (Snowfall, The Originals) se une como regular a la sexta y última temporada de Supergirl. Será Nyxly, una prisionera de la Phantom Zone.
Max Osinski (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Last Ship) será recurrente en la segunda y última temporada de The Walking Dead: World Beyond como Dennis, un soldado dedicado y disciplinado que trata de recuperar su vida.
Tom Kenny retomará su papel de narrador en Powerpuff. Robyn Lively (Twin Peaks, Light as a Feather) será Sara Bellum.
Sinéad Keenan (Being Human, My Left Nut), Lola Petticrew (Bloodlands, My Left Nut), Amy James-Kelly (Gentleman Jack, Safe), Genenieve O'Reilly (Tin Star, The Honourable Woman), Colin Morgan (Humans, Merlin), Owen McDonnell (Killing Eve, The Bay), Prasanna Puwanarajah (Doctor Foster, Patrick Melrose) y Kerri Quinn (Come Home, Coronation Street) protagonizarán Three Families, antes conocida como When It Happens To You.
Nicholas Burton (Dave & Theo) y Aaron Jeffery (Wentworth, McLeod's Daughters) se unen como recurrentes a Pieces of Her. Serán Andrew Queller, el hijo pequeño de Martin Queller (Terry O'Quinn); y un misterioso y potencialmente peligroso personaje que aparece en la vida de Laura (Toni Collette) y Andy (Bella Heathcote).
Barbara Alyn Woods (One Tree Hill; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show) será recurrente en Chucky como la alcaldesa Michelle Cross.
John de Lancie (Star Trek: The Next Generation) volverá a interpretar a Q en la segunda temporada de Star Trek: Picard.
Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine (The Chi, Treme) será recurrente en The Lincoln Lawyer como Raymond Griggs, un intenso y tenaz detective de Los Ángeles que investiga un asesinato.
Osy Ikhile (The Feed) y Caoilinn Springall (The Midnight Sky) se unen como regulares a Citadel. Stanley Tucci (Feud, The Lovely Bones), Nikki Amuka-Bir (Avenue 5, Luther), Susan Lynch (Happy Valley, Apple Tree Yard), Sara Martins (Death in Paradise), Leo Woodall (Cherry), Gráinne Good (The Other Lamb) y Leo Ashizawa (A Discovery of Witches) serán recurrentes.
Raff Law (Twist) será el sargento Ken Lemmons en Masters of the Air.
Tammy Townsend (K.C. Undercover) se une como regular a la sexta temporada de Queen Sugar. Paula Jai Parker (A House Divided, Family Time), Marquis Rodríguez (When They See Us, Iron Fist) y McKinley Freeman (Hit the Floor, Samantha Who?) se unen como recurrentes.
Thomas Barbusca (The Mick, Chad) y Adrienne Wells se unen como recurrentes a la tercera temporada de Black Monday. Serán Werner, un joven republicano del equipo de Blair (Andrew Rannells); y Nomi, una joven talentosa que pronto se convierte en la joya de la corona en el nuevo negocio de Mo (Don Cheadle).
Vic Mensa será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Chi como Jamal, alguien que quiere ayudar a su novia y a su hermana pequeña.
Eugenio Mastrandrea (All Cops Are Bastards), Keith David (Greenleaf, Future Man), Danielle Deadwyler (P-Valley, Watchmen), Kellita Smith (Z Nation, The Bernie Mac Show), Judith Scott (Snowfall, Dexter), Lucia Sardo, Paride Benassai y Roberta Rigano se unen a From Scratch.
          Nuevas series
Peacock ha encargado un reboot de Queer as Folk centrado en un grupo diverso de amigos de Nueva Orleans cuyas vidas cambian tras una tragedia. Creada, escrita y producida por Stephen Dunn (Little America, Closet Monster), que además dirigirá el piloto. Produce Russell T. Davies (Queer as Folk, It's a Sin).
Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Homecoming, Lo imposible) protagonizará y producirá la primera temporada de The Crowded Room (diez episodios), antología de Apple TV+ que contará historias reales de personas que aprendieron a vivir con enfermedades mentales. Esta primera tanda, basada en 'The Minds of Billy Milligan' (1981), la biografía escrita por Daniel Keyes, trata sobre la primera persona absuelta por su desorden de personalidad múltiple, conocido ahora como trastorno de identidad disociativo, en los años 70. Escrita por Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind, Fringe).
Justin Timberlake (Inside Llewyn Davis, The Social Network) interpretará al productor y presentador de concursos de televisión Chuck Barris. Según sus memorias, publicadas en 1984, esta profesión era una tapadera para ocultar su verdadero trabajo como asesino de la CIA en los años 60 y 70. Creada y producida por Jon Worley (Justified, SEAL Team). Escrita y producida por David Hollander (Ray Donovan, The Cleaner). Hubo adaptación cinematográfica en 2002.
HBO Max encarga King Shark, spin-off de The Suicide Squad. Escrita y dirigida por James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, Scooby-Doo).
HBO Max encarga diez episodios de Minx, comedia ambientada en Los Ángeles en los años 70 y protagonizada por una feminista joven y formal (Ophelia Lovibond; Elementary, W1A) que se alía con un editor de poca monta (Jake Johnson; New Girl, Stumptown) para crear la primera revista erótica para mujeres. Con Idara Victor (Turn, Rizzoli & Isles), Jessica Lowe (Wrecked, Miracle Workers), Lennon Parham (Lady Dynamite, Bless This Mess), Michael Angarano (The Knick, This Is Us) y Oscar Montoya (Bless the Harts). Escrita y producida por Ellen Rapoport (Desperados). Produce Paul Feig (The Office, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist).
HBO Max desarrolla Deeds, comedia negra sobre una agente inmobiliaria desesperada (Kristin Davis; Sex and the City, Melrose Place) que se embarca en un camino cada vez más oscuro cuando se ve obligada a aliarse con una pareja de sociópatas jóvenes y drogadictos que pronto descubren que en el mundo de los bienes raíces de Los Ángeles, en lo que se refiere a inmoralidad y comportamientos despiadados, les llevan ventaja. Escrita por Michael Davidoff (Working) y producida por Kristin Davis (And Just Like That...) y Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy).
HBO Max desarrolla una comedia ambientada en un campamento de verano en la que cuatro amigas de toda la vida que se preparan para ser monitoras jurarán mantener su amistad tras la llegada de una chica nueva desde otro campamento. Escrita por Lauren Herstik (American Vandal, Pearson).
Showtime desarrolla Mabel, serie precuela de Madea en la que Mabel Simmons se muda a Atlanta en 1972. Escrita por JaNeika James y JaSheika James y producida por Tyler Perry.
The Downstairs Girl, la novela de Stacey Lee (2019), tendrá adaptación televisiva. Ambientada en Atlanta en 1890, sigue a una joven que vive con su guardián en un sótano y trabaja como criada para una de las familias más adineradas por el día y escribe anónimamente en un periódico por la noche. Escrita por Aminta Goyel (Ghostwriter).
La décima temporada de Call the Midwife se estrena en BBC One el 18 de abril
El estreno de la 2ª y última temporada de Selena: The Series se adelanta del 14 al 4 de mayo
Girls5eva se estrena en Peacock el 6 de mayo
Run The World se estrena en Starz el 16 de mayo
La quinta y última temporada de The Bold Type se estrena en Freeform el 26 de mayo
Panic se estrena en Prime Video el 28 de mayo
La tercera temporada de Sistas se estrena en BET el 9 de junio
La undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead se estrena en AMC el 22 de agosto
Tráilers y promos
Selena: The Series - Temporada 2 y última
Run The World
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Temporada 2
The Mosquito Coast
Pose - Temporada 3 y última
The Chi - Temporada 4
Jupiter's Legacy
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ianchisnall · 2 years
The Government must follow up the P&O issues
The Government must follow up the P&O issues
Last Thursday in the House of Commons a series of questions from a range of MPs took place on the theme of P&O. The title was P&O Ferries: Staff Rosters which can be found here. It seemed very clear that the Government is not responding anywhere as much as they need to. The people who asked the questions were Labour, SNP and Conservative MPs. The Conservative was Huw Merriman who is the Bexhill…
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maaarine · 5 years
MBTI Typing Index: INFP
Isabelle ADJANI
Armande ALTAÏ
Aurora / Aurora AKSNES
Julien BAKER
Bat for Lashes / Natasha KHAN
Christine and the Queens / Héloïse LETISSIER
Graham COXON
Guillermo DEL TORO
Brendan FRASER
Domhnall GLEESON
Laura Janes GRACE
Cameron GRANT
Imogen HEAP
Charlie HEATON
Christopher ISHERWOOD
Angelina JOLIE
Felicity JONES
Miranda JULY
Amanda KNOX
Adrianne LENKER
Lykke Li / Lil Lykke ZACHRISSON
Evanna LYNCH
May-Britt MOSER
Anaïs NIN
Georgia O’KEEFFE
Joyce Carol OATES
Sylvia PLATH
Damien RICE
Ransom RIGGS
Winona RYDER
Oliver SACKS
Andrew SCOTT
Salvador SOBRAL
Rebecca SOLNIT
Michael STIPE
Vincent VAN GOGH
Simone WEIL
Florence WELCH
Chelsea WOLFE
Virginia WOOLF
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wankerwatch · 2 months
Commons Vote
On: King's Speech (Motion for an Address): Amendment (d)
Ayes: 103 (63.4% LD, 7.9% SNP, 6.9% Lab, 5.9% Ind, 4.0% DUP, 4.0% Green, 3.0% PC, 2.0% SDLP, 1.0% APNI, 1.0% UUP, 1.0% TUV) Noes: 363 (99.7% Lab, 0.3% Con) Absent: ~184
Individual Votes:
Liberal Democrat (64 votes)
Adam Dance Al Pinkerton Alex Brewer Alison Bennett Andrew George Anna Sabine Ben Maguire Bobby Dean Brian Mathew Calum Miller Cameron Thomas Caroline Voaden Charlie Maynard Charlotte Cane Chris Coghlan Christine Jardine Claire Young Clive Jones Daisy Cooper Danny Chambers Ed Davey Edward Morello Freddie van Mierlo Gideon Amos Helen Maguire Ian Roome Ian Sollom James MacCleary Jamie Stone Jess Brown-Fuller John Milne Josh Babarinde Joshua Reynolds Layla Moran Lee Dillon Lisa Smart Liz Jarvis Luke Taylor Manuela Perteghella Marie Goldman Martin Wrigley Max Wilkinson Mike Martin Monica Harding Munira Wilson Olly Glover Paul Kohler Pippa Heylings Rachel Gilmour Roz Savage Sarah Gibson Sarah Green Sarah Olney Steff Aquarone Steve Darling Susan Murray Tessa Munt Tom Gordon Tom Morrison Victoria Collins Wendy Chamberlain Wera Hobhouse Will Forster Zöe Franklin
Scottish National Party (8 votes)
Brendan O'Hara Chris Law Dave Doogan Graham Leadbitter Pete Wishart Seamus Logan Stephen Flynn Stephen Gethins
Labour (7 votes)
Apsana Begum Ian Byrne Imran Hussain John McDonnell Rebecca Long Bailey Richard Burgon Zarah Sultana
Independent (6 votes)
Adnan Hussain Alex Easton Ayoub Khan Iqbal Mohamed Jeremy Corbyn Shockat Adam
Democratic Unionist Party (4 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Green Party (4 votes)
Adrian Ramsay Carla Denyer Ellie Chowns Siân Berry
Plaid Cymru (3 votes)
Ann Davies Liz Saville Roberts Llinos Medi
Social Democratic & Labour Party (2 votes)
Claire Hanna Colum Eastwood
Alliance (1 vote)
Sorcha Eastwood
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
Labour (361 votes)
Abena Oppong-Asare Abtisam Mohamed Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Alan Campbell Alan Gemmell Alan Strickland Alex Baker Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Davies-Jones Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Norris Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alison McGovern Alison Taylor Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Hack Amanda Martin Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Angela Rayner Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna McMorrin Anna Turley Anneliese Midgley Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Bayo Alaba Beccy Cooper Becky Gittins Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Bridget Phillipson Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Cat Eccles Cat Smith Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Catherine West Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Bryant Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Webb Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Clive Lewis Connor Naismith Connor Rand Damien Egan Dan Aldridge Dan Jarvis Dan Tomlinson Daniel Francis Daniel Zeichner Danny Beales Darren Jones Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Baines David Burton-Sampson David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor David Williams Dawn Butler Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Diana Johnson Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Ed Miliband Elaine Stewart Ellie Reeves Elsie Blundell Emily Darlington Emily Thornberry Emma Foody Emma Hardy Emma Lewell-Buck Emma Reynolds Euan Stainbank Feryal Clark Fleur Anderson Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Gareth Snell Gen Kitchen Georgia Gould Gerald Jones Gill German Gordon McKee Graeme Downie Graham Stringer Grahame Morris Gregor Poynton Gurinder Josan Hamish Falconer Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Henry Tufnell Hilary Benn Ian Murray Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Murray James Naish Janet Daby Jas Athwal Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jenny Riddell-Carpenter Jess Asato Jess Phillips Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Jonathan Reynolds Josh Dean Josh Fenton-Glynn Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Josh Simons Julia Buckley Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Kanishka Narayan Karin Smyth Karl Turner Kate Dearden Kate Osamor Kate Osborne Katie White Keir Mather Kenneth Stevenson Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kevin McKenna Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Leigh Ingham Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lilian Greenwood Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Lisa Nandy Liz Kendall Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lloyd Hatton Lola McEvoy Lorraine Beavers Louise Haigh Louise Jones Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Luke Pollard Margaret Mullane Maria Eagle Marie Rimmer Marie Tidball Mark Ferguson Mark Hendrick Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Marsha De Cordova Martin McCluskey Martin Rhodes Mary Creagh Mary Glindon Matt Bishop Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maureen Burke Maya Ellis Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Miatta Fahnbulleh Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Welsh Mike Amesbury Mike Kane Mike Reader Mike Tapp Mohammad Yasin Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Naushabah Khan Naz Shah Neil Coyle Neil Duncan-Jordan Nesil Caliskan Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Nick Thomas-Symonds Oliver Ryan Olivia Bailey Olivia Blake Pam Cox Pamela Nash Pat McFadden Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Foster Paul Waugh Paula Barker Paulette Hamilton Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Kyle Peter Lamb Peter Prinsley Peter Swallow Phil Brickell Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill
Rachael Maskell Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Rachel Taylor Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rupa Huq Rushanara Ali Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Edwards Sarah Hall Sarah Russell Sarah Sackman Sarah Smith Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Seema Malhotra Shabana Mahmood Sharon Hodgson Shaun Davies Simon Lightwood Simon Opher Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephanie Peacock Stephen Doughty Stephen Morgan Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Reed Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Tahir Ali Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Terry Jermy Tim Roca Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tonia Antoniazzi Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Tulip Siddiq Uma Kumaran Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Wes Streeting Will Stone Yuan Yang Yvette Cooper Zubir Ahmed
Conservative (1 vote)
John Hayes
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blasanaya · 5 years
John McDonnell se ofrece para salvar al Castrismo
John McDonnell se ofrece para salvar al Castrismo
John Martin McDonnell (nacido el 8 de Septiembre de 1951) es un político británico que se desempeña como Miembro del Parlamento (MP) para Hayes y Harlington desde 1997. Miembro del Partido Laborista, ha sido Canciller en la Sombra del Exchequer desde el 2015.
ReporteroCubano.Net – Redacción Servicios de Información LinCu
John McDonnell, político marxista Británico Miembro del Parlamento por el…
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atheistcartoons · 6 years
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Thanks to the heroic work of Catherine Corless, here are the names of the seven hundred and ninety-six children who died in a Tuam mother and baby home run by the Catholic Church in collusion with the government in Ireland, and whose bodies were thrown into a septic tank at the site pictured above. 
This was one mother and baby home. There is evidence to suggest that we can expect similar results from the many other Irish mother and baby homes (and this is without talking about Magdalene Laundries).
I’m not putting any of this under a Read More link. I’m just not.
Patrick Derrane 5 months Mary Blake 4 months Matthew Griffin 3 months Mary Kelly 6 months Peter Lally 11 months Julia Hynes 1 year James Murray 1 month
Joseph McWilliam 6 months John Mullen 3 months Mary Wade 3 years Maud McTigue 6 years Bernard Lynch 3 years Martin Shaughnessy 18 months Bridget Glynn 1 year Margaret Glynn 1 year Patrick Gorham 21 months Patrick O’Connell 1 year John Carty 21 months Madeline Bernard 2 years Maureen Kenny 8 years Kathleen Donohue 1 year Thomas Donelan 2 years Mary Quilan 2 years Mary King 9 months Mary Warde 21 months George Coyne 2 years Julia Cummins 18 months Barbara Fola/ Wallace 9 months Pauline Carter 11 months Mary Walsh 1 year Annie Stankard 10 months John Connelly 9 months Anthony Cooke 1 month Michael Casey 3 years Annie McCarron 2 months Patricia Dunne 2 months John Carty 3 months Peter McNamara 7 weeks Mary Shaughnessy 4 months Joseph Coen 5 months Mary Murphy 2 months Patrick Kelly 2 months Martin Rabbitte 6 weeks Kathleen Quinn 7 months Patrick Halpin 2 months Martin McGuinness 6 months
Mary Kate Connell 3 months Patrick Raftery 7 months Patrick Paterson 5 months James Murray 1 month Colman O’ Loughlin 5 months Agnes Canavan 18 months Christina Lynch 15 months Mary O’Loughlin 6 months Annie O’ Connor 15 months John Greally 11 months Joseph Fenigan 4 years Mary Connolly 2 months James Muldoon 4 months Joseph Madden 3 months Mary Devaney 18 months
Michael Gannon 6 months Bridget Cunningham 2 months Margaret Conneely 18 months Patrick Warren 8 months James Mulryan 1 month Mary Kate Fahey 3 years Mary Mahon 1 month Martin Flanagan 1 month Mary Forde 4 months Patrick Hannon 20 months Michael Donellan 6 months Joseph Ward 7 months Walter Jordan 3 years Mary Mullins 1 month
Peter Christian 7 months Mary Cunningham 5 months James Ryan 9 months Patrick O’Donnell 9 months Mary Monaghan 4 years Patrick O’Malley 1 year Philomena Healy 11 months Michael Ryan 1 year Patrick Curran 6 months Patrick Fahy 2 months Laurence Molloy 5 months Patrick Lynskey 6 months Vincent Nally 21 months Mary Grady 18 months Martin Gould 21 months Patrick Kelly 2 months
Bridget Quinn 1 year William Reilly 9 months George Lestrange 7 months Christy Walshe 15 months Margaret Mary Gagen 1 year Patrick Moran 4 months Celia Healy 5months James Quinn 4 years Bridget Walsh 15months
Patrick Shiels 4 months Mary Teresa Drury 1 year Peter O’Brien 18 months Peter Malone 18 months Carmel Moylan 8 months Mary Burke 10 months Mary Josephine Garvey 5 months Mary Warde 10 months Catherine Howley 9 months Michael Pat McKenna 3 months Richard Raftery 3 months
Margaret Doorhy 8 months Patrick Leonard 9 months Mary Coyne 1 year Mary Kate Walsh 2 years Christina Burke 1 year Mary Margaret Jordan 18 months John Joseph McCann 8 months Teresa McMullan 1 year George Gavin 1 year Joseph O’Boyle 2 months Peter Nash 1 year Bridget Galvin 3 months Margaret Niland 3 years Christina Quinn 3 months Kathleen Cloran 9 years Annie Sullivan 8 months Patricia Judge 1 year Mary Birmingham 9 months Laurence Hill 11 months Brendan Patrick Pender 1 month Kate Fitzmaurice 4 months Baby Mulkerrins 5 days Angela Madden 3 months Mary McDonagh 1 year
Mary C Shaughnessy 1 month Mary Moloney 11 months Patrick Joseph Brennan 1 months Anthony O’Toole 2 months Mary Cloherty 9days Joseph Fahy 10 months Mary Finola Cunniffe 6 months Martin Cassidy 5 months Francis Walsh 3 months Mary Garvey 4 months Kathleen Gilchrist 8 months Mary Kate Walsh 1 months Eileen Fallon 18 months Harry Leonard 3 years Mary Kate Guilfoyle 3 months John Callinan 3 months John Kilmartin 2 months Julia Shaughnessy 3 months Patrick Prendergast 6 months Bridgid Holland 2 months Bridgid Moran 15 months Margaret Mary Fahy 15 months Bridgid Ryan 9 months Mary Brennan 4 months Mary Conole 1 months John Flattery 2 years Margaret Donohue 10 months Joseph Dunn 3 years Owen Lenane 2 months Josephine Steed 3 months Mary Meeneghan 3 months James McIntyre 4 months
John Joseph Murphy 4 months Margaret Mary O’Gara 2 months Eileen Butler 2 months Thomas Molloy 2 months James Joseph Bodkin 6 months John Kelly 2 months Mary Walshe 6 months Mary Jo Colohan 4 months Florence Conneely 7 months Norah McCann 1 months Mary Kelly 9 months Rose O’Dowd 6 months Mary Egan 4 months Michael Concannon 4 months Paul Joyce 10 months Mary Christina Kennedy 4 months Bridget Finnegan 2 months Mary Flaherty 3 months Thomas McDonagh 4 months Joseph Hoey 1 year Sheila Tuohy 9 years Teresa Cunniffe 3 months Joseph Clohessy 2 months Mary Kiely 4 months Thomas Cloran 6 months Mary Burke 3 months Mary Marg Flaherty 4 months John Keane 17 days Luke Ward 15 months Mary O’Reilly 5 months
Ellen Mountgomery 18 months Mary Elizabeth Lydon 4 months Brigid Madden 1 month Mary Margaret Murphy 4 months Mary Nealon 7 months Stephen Linnane 4 months Josephine Walsh 1 years Kate Cunningham 2 months Mary Bernadet Hibbett 1 month Thomas Linnane 4 months Patrick Lane 3 months Mary Anne Conway 2 months James Kane 8 months Christopher Leech 3 months Elizabeth Ann McCann 5 months Margaret Mary Coen 2 months Michael Linnane 15months Bridget Glenane 5 weeks
John O’Toole 7 months John Creshal 4 months Mary Teresa Egan 3 months Michael Boyle 3 months Anthony Mannion 6 weeks Donald Dowd 5 months Peter Ridge 4 months Eileen Collins 2 months Mary Brennan 2 months James Fahy 5 months Mary Bridget Larkin 8 months Margaret Scanlon 3 years Brian O’Malley 4 months Michael Madden 6 months
Mary Kate Cahill 2 weeks Mary Margaret Lydon 3 months Festus Sullivan 1 month Annie Curley 3 weeks Nuala Lydon 5 months Bridget Collins 5 weeks Patrick Joseph Coleman 1 month Joseph Hannon 6 weeks Henry Monaghan 3 weeks Michael Joseph Shiels 7 weeks Martin Sheridan 5 weeks John Patrick Loftus 10 months Patrick Joseph Murphy 3 months Catherine McHugh 4 months Mary Patricia Toher 4 months Mary Kate Sheridan 4 months Mary Flaherty 19 months Mary Anne Walsh 14 months Eileen Quinn 2 years Patrick Burke 9 months Margaret Holland 2 days Joseph Langan 6 months Sabina Pauline O’Grady 6 months Patrick Qualter 3 years Mary King 5 months Eileen Conry 1 year
Mary Nee 4 months Martin Andrew Larkin 14 months Mary Keane 3 weeks Kathleen V Cuffe 6 months Margaret Linnane 4 months Teresa Heneghan 3 months John Neary 7 months Patrick Madden 4 months Mary Cafferty 2 months Mary Kate Keane 3 months Patrick Hynes 3 weeks Annie Solan 2 months Charles Lydon 9 months Margaret Mullins 7 months Mary Mulligan 2 months Anthony Lally 5 months Joseph Spelman 6 weeks Annie Begley 3 months Vincent Egan 1 week Nora Murphy 5 months Patrick Garvey 6 months Patricia Burke 4 months Winifred Barret 2 years Agnes Marron 3 months Christopher Kennedy 5 months Patrick Harrington 1 week
Kathleen Devine 2 years Vincent Garaghan 1 month Ellen Gibbons 6 months Michael McGrath 4 months Edward Fraser 3 months Bridget Lally 1 year Patrick McLoughlin 5 months Martin Healy 4 months Nora Duffy 3 months Margaret Higgins 1 week Patrick Egan 6 months Vincent Farragher 11 months Patrick Joseph Jordan 3 months Michael Hanley 1 month Catherine Gilmore 3 months Baby Carney 1 day Annie Coyne 3 months Helena Cosgrave 5 months Thomas Walsh 2 months Baby Walsh 1 day Kathleen Hession 4 months Brigid Hurley 11 months Ellen Beegan 2 months Mary Keogh 1 year Bridget Burke 3 months
Martin Reilly 9 months Martin Hughes 11 months Mary Connolly 1 month Mary Kate Ruane 1 month Joseph Mulchrone 3 months Michael Williams 14 months Martin Moran 7 weeks Josephine Mahony 2 months James Henry 5 weeks Bridget Staunton 5 months John Creaven 2 weeks Peter Lydon 6 weeks Patrick Joseph Ruane 4 months Michael Quinn 8 months Julia Coen 1 week Annie McAndrew 5 months John Walsh 3 months Patrick Flaherty 6 months Bernadette Purcell 2 years Joseph Macklin 1 day Thomas Duffy 2 days Elizabeth Fahy 4 months James Kelly 2 months Nora Gallagher 4 months Kathleen Cannon 4 months Winifred Tighe 8 months Christopher Williams 1 year Joseph Lynch 1 year Andrew McHugh 15 months William Glennan 18 months Michael J Kelly 5 months Patrick Gallagher 3 months Michael Gerard Keane 2 months Ellen Lawless 6 months
Mary Finn 3 months Martin Timlin 3 months Mary McLoughlin 1 month Mary Brennan 5 months Patrick Dominic Egan 1 month Nora Thornton 17 months Anne Joyce 1 year Catherine Kelly 10 months Michael Monaghan 8 months Simon John Hargraves 6 months Baby Forde 1 day Joseph Byrne 2 months Patrick Hegarty 4 months Patrick Corcoran 1 month James Leonard 16 days Jane Gormley 22 days Anne Ruane 11 days Patrick Munnelly 3 months John Lavelle 6 weeks Patrick Ruane 24 days Patrick Joseph Quinn 3 months Joseph Kennelly 15 days Kathleen Monaghan 3 months Baby Quinn 2 days Anthony Roche 4 months Annie Roughneen 3 weeks Anne Kate O’Hara 4 months Patrick Joseph Nevin 3 months John Joseph Hopkins 3 months Thomas Gibbons 1 month Winifred McTigue 7 months Thomas Joseph Begley 2 months
Kathleen Heneghan 25 days Elizabeth Murphy 4 months Nora Farnan 1 month Teresa Tarpey 1 month Margaret Carey 11 months John Garvey 6 weeks Bridget Goldrick 4 months Bridget White 3 months Noel Slattery 1 month Mary T Connaughton 4 months Nora McCormack 6 weeks Joseph Hefferon 5 months Mary Higgins 9 days Mary Farrell 21 days Mary McDonnell 1 month Geraldine Cunniffe 11 weeks Michael Mannion 3 months Bridget McHugh 7 months Mary McEvady 18 months Helena Walsh 3 months William McDoell 2 days Michael Finn 14 months Mary Murphy 10 months Gertrude Glynn 6 months Joseph Flaherty 7 weeks Mary O’Malley 4 years John P Callanan 13 days Baby McDonnell 1 day Female McDonnell 1 day Christopher Burke 9 months Stephen Connolly 8 months Mary Atkinson 6 months Mary Anne Finegan 7 weeks Francis Richardson 15 months Michael John Rice 6 months Nora Carr 4 months William Walsh 16 months Vincent Cunnane 14 months Eileen Coady 10 months Female Roache 1 day Male Roache 1 day Patrick Flannery 2 months John Dermody 3 months Margaret Spellman 4 months Austin Nally 3 months Margaret Dolan 3 months Vincent Finn 9 months Bridget Grogan 6 months
Thomas Patrick Cloran 9 weeks Catherine Devere 1 month Mary Josephine Glynn 1 day Annie Connolly 9 months Martin Cosgrove 7 weeks Catherine Cunningham 2 years Bridget Hardiman 2 months Mary Grier 5 months Mary P McCormick 2 months Brendan Muldoon 5 weeks Nora Moran 7 months Joseph Maher 20 days Teresa Dooley 3 months Daniel Tully 7 months Brendan Durkan 1 month Sheila O’Connor 3 months Annie Coen 6 months Patrick J Kennedy 6 days Thomas Walsh 2 months Patrick Rice 1 year Edward McGowan 10 months Brendan Egan 10 months Margaret McDonagh 1 month Annie J Donellan 10 months Thomas Walsh 14 days Bridget Quinn 6 months Mary Mulkerins 5 weeks Kathleen Parkinson 10 months Sheila Madeline Flynn 4 months Patrick Joseph Maloney 2 months Bridget Carney 7 months Mary M O’Connor 6 months Joseph Geraghty 3 months Annie Coen 10 months Martin Joseph Feeney 4 months Anthony Finnegan 3 months Patrick Coady 3 months Baby Cunningham 1 day Annie Fahy 3 months Baby Byrne 1 day Patrick Mullaney 18 months Thomas Connelly 3 months Mary Larkin 2 months Margaret Kelly 4 months Barbara McDonagh 4 months Mary O’Brien 4 months Keiran Hennelly 14 months Annie Folan 4 months Baby McNamara 1 day Julia Murphy 3 months
John Rockford 4 months Vincent Geraghty 1 year Male O’Brien 2 days Anthony Deane 2 days Mary Teresa O’Brien 15 days John Connelly 3 months Bridget Murphy 3 months Patricia Dunne 2 months Francis Kinahan 1 month Joseph Sweeney 20 days Josephine O’Hagan 6 months Patrick Lavin 1 month Annie Maria Glynn 13 months Kate Agnes Moore 2 months Kevin Kearns 15 months Thomas Doocey 15 months William Conneely 8 months Margaret Spelman 16 months Mary Kate Cullen 22 months Kathleen Brown 3 years Julia Kelly 19 months Mary Connolly 7 years Catherine Harrison 2 years Eileen Forde 21 months Michael Monaghan 2 years Mary Frances Lenihan 3 days Anthony Byrne 6 months Jarlath Thornton 7 weeks John Kelly 6 days Joseph O’Brien 18 months Anthony Hyland 3 months Male Murray 1 day Female Murray 1 day Joseph F McDonnell 11 days Mary Walsh 15 months Baby Glynn 1 day James Gaughan 14 months Margaret Walsh 4 months Mary P Moran 9 days John Francis Malone 7 days
Michael F Dempsey 7 weeks Christina M Greally 4 months Teresa Donnellan 1 month Rose Anne King 5 weeks Christopher J Joyce 2 months James Mannion 8 months Mary T Sullivan 3 weeks Patrick Holohan 11 months Michael Joseph Keane 1 month Bridget Keaney 2 months Joseph Flaherty 8 days Baby Mahady 3 days James Rogers 10 days Kathleen F Taylor 9 months Gerard C Hogan 7 months Kathleen Corrigan 2 months Mary Connolly 3 months Patrick J Farrell 5 months Patrick Laffey 3 years Fabian Hynes 8 months John Joseph Grehan 2 years Edward O’Malley 3 months Mary Fleming 6 months Bridget F McHugh 3 months Michael Folan 18 months Oliver Holland 6 months Ellen Nevin 7 months Margaret Horan 6 months Peter Mullarky 4 months Mary P O’Brien 4 months Teresa Francis O’Brien 4 months Mary Kennedy 18 months Sarah Ann Carroll 4 months Baby Maye 5 days
Mary Devaney 21 days Anthony McDonnell 6 months Vincent Molloy 7 days John Patrick Lyons 5 months Gerald Aidan Timlin 3 days Patrick Costelloe 17 days John Francis O’Grady 1 month Bridget Mary Flaherty 12 days Josephine Finnegan 20 months Martin McGrath 3 days Baby Haugh 1 day James Frayne 1 month Mary Frances Crealy 14 days Mary Davey 2 months Patrick Joseph Hoban 11 days Angela Dolan 3 months Mary Lyden 5 months Bridget Coneely 4 months Austin O’Toole 4 months Bernard Laffey 5 months Mary Ellen Waldron 8 months Terence O’Boyle 3 months Mary Frances O’Hara 1 month Martin Dermott Henry 43 days Mary Devaney 3 months Bridget Foley 6 months Martin Kilkelly 40 days Theresa Monica Hehir 6 weeks Patrick A Mitchell 3 months John Kearney 5 months John Joseph Kelly 3 months John Conneely 4 months Stephen L O’Toole 2 months Thomas A Buckley 5 weeks Michael John Gilmore 3 months Patrick J Monaghan 3 months Mary Teresa Murray 2 months Patrick McKeighe 2 months John Raymond Feeney 3 months Finbar Noone 2 months John O’Brien 21 days Beatrice Keane 5 years Mary P Veale 5 weeks Winifred Gillespie 1 year Anthony Coen 10 weeks Michael F Sheridan 3 months Anne Holden 3 months Martin Joseph O’Brien 7 weeks Winifred Larkin 1 month
Patrick Thomas Coen 1 month Mary Bridget Joyce 8 months Geraldine Collins 13 months Mary Flaherty 5 days Vincent Keogh 5 months John Francis Healy 10 days Martin J Kennelly 1 month Patrick Keaveney 2 months Philomena Flynn 2 months William Reilly 9 months Margaret N Concannon 1 year Patrick J Fitzpatrick 14days Joseph Cunningham 2 months Mary J Flaherty 13 months Kathleen Murray 3 years John O’Connell 2 years Alphonsus Hanley 21 months Bridget P Muldoon 11 months Patricia C Higgins 5 months Catherine B Kennedy 2 months John Desmond Dolan 15 months Stephen Joynt 2 years Catherine T Kearns 2 years Margaret Hurney 2 years John Patton 2 years Patrick J Williams 15 months Nora Hynes 8 months Anthony Donohue 2 years Brendan McGreal 1 year Anthony Cafferky 23 days Nora Cullinane 18 months Kathleen Daly 2 years Nora Conneely 15 months Mary Teresa Joyce 13 months Kenneth A Ellesmere 1 day Mary P Carroll 4 months Thomas Collins 17 months Margaret M Moloney 3 months Josephine Tierney 8 months Margaret M Deasy 3 months Martin Francis Bane 3 months Bridget Agatha Kenny 2 months Baby Kelly 1 day Mary Teresa Judge 15 months Paul Dominick Bennett 3 months Mary Bridget Giblin 18 months
Kathleen Madden 2 months Mary P Byrne 8 weeks Joseph Byrce 4 months Joseph Byrne 11 months Kathleen Glynn 4 months Augustine Jordan 9 months Michael F Dwyer 18 months Noel C Murphy 14 months Margaret McNamee 6 months Patrick Grealish 6 weeks Bernadette O’Reilly 7 months John Joseph Carr 3 weeks Paul Gardiner 10 months Simon Thomas Folan 9 weeks Joseph Ferguson 3 months Peter Heffernan 4 months Patrick J Killeen 14 weeks Stephen Halloran 7 months Teresa Grealish 5 months John Keane 4 months Mary Burke 9 months Brigid McTigue 3 months Margaret R Broderick 8 months Martin Mannion 3 months 1949
Mary Margaret Riddell 8 months Thomas J Noonan 7 weeks Peter Casey 10 months Michael Scully 3 months Baby Lyons 5 days Hubert McLoughlin 4 months Mary M Finnegan 3 months Nicholas P Morley 3 months Teresa Bane 6 months Patrick J Kennedy 5 weeks Michael Francis Ryan 3 days John Forde 2 years Mary P Cunnane 3 months Margaret P Sheridan 4 months Patrick Joseph Nevin 3 months Joseph Nally 5 months Christopher Burke 3 months Anne Madden 7 weeks Bridget T Madden 7 weeks Thomas Murphy 3 months Francis Carroll 2 months Bridget J Linnan 9 months Josephine Staunton 8 days Mary Ellen McKeigue 7 weeks
Mary J Mulchrone 3 months Catherine Higgins 4 years Catherine Anne Egan 3 months Thomas McQuaid 4 months Dermott Muldoo 4 months Martin Hanley 9 weeks John Joseph Lally 3 months Brendan Larkin 5 months Baby Bell 1 day Mary J Larkin 7 months Annie Fleming 9 months Colm A McNulty 1 month Walter Flaherty 3 months Sarah Burke 15 days Mary Ann Boyle 5 months John Anthony Murphy 5 months Joseph A Colohan 4 months Christopher Begley 18 days
Catherine A Meehan 4 months Martin McLynskey 6 months Mary J Crehan 3 months Mary Ann McDonagh 2 months Joseph Folan 22 days Evelyn Barrett 4 months Paul Morris 4 months Peter Morris 4 months Mary Martyna Joyce 18 months Mary Margaret Lane 7 months
John Noone 4 months Anne J McDonnell 6 months Joseph Anthony Burke 6 months Patrick Hardiman 6 months Patrick Naughton 12 days Josephine T Staunton 21 days John Joseph Mills 5 months
Baby Hastings 1 day Mary Donlon 4 months Nora Connolly 15 months
Anne Heneghan 3 months Mary Keville 9 months Martin Murphy 5 months Mary Barbara Murphy 5 months Mary P Logue 5 months Margaret E Cooke 6 months Mary Ann Broderick 14 months Ann Marian Fahy 4 months Anne Dillon 4 months Imelda Halloran 2 years
Joseph Gavin 10 months Marian Brigid Mulryan 10 months Mary C Rafferty 3 months Nora Mary Howard 4 months Joseph Dempsey 3 months Patrick Walsh 3 weeks Francis M Heaney 3 years
Dermot Gavin 2 weeks Mary C Burke 3 years Patrick Burke 1 year Paul Henry Nee 5 months Oliver Reilly 4 months Gerard Connaughton 11 months Rose Marie Murphy 2 years
Margaret Connaire 4 months Stephen Noel Browne 2 years Baby Fallon 4 days
Geraldine O’Malley 6 months
Dolores Conneely 7 months Mary Maloney 4 months
Mary Carty 5 months
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nsula · 6 years
Honor List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand one hundred thirty-one undergraduate students at Northwestern State University were named to the Honor List for the Fall 2018 semester.  Students on the Honor Roll must be enrolled full-time at Northwestern State and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49.  Students named to the Honor List, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville – Kyle Baudoin, Skyler Guerra, MaKayla Lewis, Kayla Marceaux, Julie Melancon, Zabrinia Spates;
 Atlanta – Jamie Wagley;
 Alexandria -- Aleisha Allen, Lili Bedoya, Samantha Bergeron, Madeline Blake, Morgan Brame, Jasmine Brown, Jamie Broussard, Angel Christophe, Mydacia Conaler, Karly Constantino, Noel Cusick, Deshod Dixon, Joshua Dorsey, Kaylie Edwards, Brittany Franklin, Bailey Gaspard, Mallory Halford, Chelse Hayes, Gustov Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Breonna Jones, Kristina Langley, Naya Loyden, Katelyn Maggio, Aaron Martin, Dean Mayeux, Shauntae Perry, Sadae Polk, Kylah Porter, Carmen Rachal, Zachary Roberts, Mary Sampson, Savannah Sices, Taijha Silas, Kiaijah Thomas; Kirstyn Thomas, Erin Vandersypen, Cherell Wallace, Tameia West, Alaina Williams, Mikayla Wright;
 Allen, Texas – Nautica Grant;
 Alpine, Alabama – Courtney Willis;
 Anacoco – Lindsey Alligood, Jacob Bennett, Kinsley Blakeway, Angela Guy, Christopher Guy, Connor Higgins, Kayli O’Toole, Cayla Roberts, Kaylee Runnels;
 Arcadia – Deniesha Davis, Alliyah Murphy, Hannah Tinsley;
 Arlington, Texas – Mariah Denson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd;
 Athens, Texas – Jessica Dubose, Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta, Texas – Madison Hamson, Meredith Mcmanus, Jackson Teal;
 Austin, Texas – Jennifer Jacob;
             Avondale – Roger Jones;
           Belcher – Loriann Long;
             Boyce – Lane Robinson;
             Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Brittany Breland, Christopher Constance, Mackenzie Owen, Will Salinas, Bryan Sayes, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Katelynn Chain, Kimberly Robinson;
 Baton Rouge – Brianna Alumbaugh, Chloe Castello, Lydell Emerson, John Guillot, Brooke Harbin, Samantha Hebert, Mckane Kinchen, JeBreanne Morgan, Jennifer Normand, Katie Pham, Ashleigh Rumby, Kori Thomas, Jharon Whitfield, Jordan Williams;
 Baunatal, Germany – Yannik Gerland;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Belcher – Victoria Herbert;
 Belle Chasse – Madison Hewitt, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones;
 Benton -- Chasity Catanese, Bryanna Cooper, Sarai Fanene, Makayla Goff, Ali Hedgepeth, Leanna Plunkett, Blaine Reeder, Lilly Roach, Maegan Ross;
 Berkshire, New York – Alexis Andersen;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Blanchard – Ashlynn Hartley;
 Bossier City – Shelby Ansley, Cassie Bailey, Lauryn Bakalis, Kaylan Beloso, Amanda Billieu, Shelby Booth, Quintin Braley, Katie Briggs, Megan Cathey, Kendall Corkern, Colby Cranford, Daniel Dial, Kasey Dice, Courtney Dismuke, Farrell Dulle, Jonathan Edie, Marissa Gardner, Margaret Gates, Nawal Gazawaneh, Adrianne Hampton, Andrea Haynes, Christian Henley, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Jared Jarrell, Haley Joncas, Shane Kaiser, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Anthony Mulrenin, Dylan Nash-Browder, Shelby Peeples, Jordan Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Nigmeh Rahman, Jenna Rambin, Sierra Richard, Emily Rideout, Nickolas Rizzo, Jasmine Roberson, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Kaylee Stewart, Giselle Trejo, Bobby Trichel, Chandler Vascocu, Lacey Velasquez, Madeline Webb, Pamula Whicker, Vikki Wolf;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
             Boyce – Hannah Aslin, Tiffany Barnhart, Savanna Budnik, Natalie Dear, Devin Hilliard, Anna Lacombe, Kaitlyn Miller, Sydney Yerby;
 Breaux Bridge – Dylan Davis, Mickayla Love;
 Broussard – Matthew Buteau;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Burnet, Texas – Marshall Skinner;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Cottonport – Jared Seaver;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine, William Malone;
 Campti – Adam Calder, Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kortney Greer, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Chaney Dodge, Jhonae Thibodeaux;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Sebastian Alfaro Fontalvo, Samantha Arellano Chavez, Elias Castro Caballero, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Julieth Maturana Orozco, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Priscilla Harrell;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Centerpoint – Marissa Skursky;
 Cheneyville – Laiken Haggart, Shelbie Moriarty;
 Chicago, Illinois – Irene Frangos;
 Choudrant – Krislyn Mardis;
 Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer, Kristin Byone;
 Clinton – Christopher Sanders, Joshua Taylor;
 Colfax – Michael Dupre, Paidin Luneau, Angela McCann, Peyton Ryder, Katilyn Slayter;
 Colorado Springs – Rossana Potempa;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk;
 Converse – Haleigh Sharrow, Triston Waldon;
 Copperas Cove – Patrick Murphy;
 Corinth, Texas – Madison Walford;
 Corsicana, Texas – Sasha Ballard;
 Cotton Valley – Taylor O’Rear;
 Cottonport – Shelie Canoe, Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs,;
 Coushatta -- Journi Brown, Brandon Gay, Erikka Johnson, Aston Lester, Tianna Rock, Deja Sibley, Mikailah Smith;
 Covington – Kenneth Sears, Crystal Tucker;
 Creston – Madison Alexander;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps, Travon Jones;
 Cut Off – Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Cypress, Texas – Shemar Bartholomew, Jacob Farrell;
 Dayton, Texas – Jerry Maddox;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, Jenson Wall;
 DeRidder – Amie Ashworth, Samantha Barr, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, John Ham, Genna Higginbotham, Latresha High, Alexis Holland, Jordan Mack-Mcnair, Casey McGlothlin, Jessica McManus, Mary Rabalais, Morgan Smith, Madison Tilley, Gavin Watson, Katie Wisthoff, Siaerphin Wolfe;
 Destrahan – John Domangue;
 Deville – Emily Biddle, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Jessica Horton, Colton Johnson, Alyssa Kline, Ashtyn Knap, Hannah Lewis, Jordan Paul, Garrett Sellers, Haley Spilker, April Thomas, Destiny Zito;
 Dodton – Micah Broomfield, Melanie Thomas;
 Downsville – Abby Fordham;
 Doyline – Billi Jones, Joshua Kirkhart;
 Dripping Spring, Texas – Bryce Potter;
 Dry Prong – Joshua Christopher, Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Olivia Hancock;
 Dubberly – Jared Bryce, Audrie Dison, Alex Robles;
 Duson – JoBeth Caswell;
 Edgard – TaiJhun Louper;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Jiyoon Lee, Ravon Nero;
 Edwards, Mississippi – Taylor O’Bannon;
 Effie – Jacey Dunbar;
 Elizabeth – Kolby Friday, Hannah LaCaze;
 Elm Grove – Camryn Sessions, Jacob Dunn;
 Elmer – Courtney Baggett, Victoria Coleman, Garrett Holt, Brennan Mays;
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Elverta, California – Erika Avery;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux;
 Evergreen – Miracle Oby;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Connor Arthur, Whitney Byles, Cullen Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Megan Wagley;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Cody McGee, Randall Ruffner;
 Forest Hill – Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Celina Thrasher, Leslie Winners;
 Fort Bliss, Texas – Brittany Passi;
 Fort Polk – Nadia Charlot, Amber Ferguson, Jayla Hart, Amanda Kuhn, Jesica Mattson, Genesis Rondon Torres, Sarah Sullivan, Hannah Sweeney, Nohora Valencia Camacho;  
 Franklin – Shelley Bell, Zabreana Daniels, Jalena Kelly;
 Franklinton – Brittany Sanders;
 Friendswood, Texas – Malik Sonnier;
 Frierson – Austin Barnes, Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Madison Locke, Nicholas Parham;
 Frisco, Texas – Kalee Williams;
 Gibsland – Dianna Pearson;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Gadsen, Alabama – Damian Thompson;
 Gainesville, New York – Ray Anikwue;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde, Nia Ranall;
 Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins, Brenna LeGlue, Elijah Jon-Baptiste;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde;
 Georgetown – Joci Harris, Kaleb Hudson;
 Georgetown, Indiana – Elisa Rohlf;
 Gibsland – Madison Shidiskis;
 Glenmora – Phillip Bullitt, Jacob Dunson, Kerstyn Johnson, Ashton Swanson, Derrick Welch;  
 Gloster – Emmaleigh Cleary, Paris Gillum;  
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Malayah Currie, Courtney LeJeune, Harlee Melancon, Jennifer Enloe;
 Grand Cane – Cassiah Davis, Sandra Kimble;
 Grand Couteau – Alesia Francis;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Carrett;
 Grant – Tyler Stanco;
 Gray – Lori Anthony;
 Grayson – Sabrina McKeithen;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot, Micah Fontenot, Ashleigh Klein, Madison Szekely;
 Greenwood – Tamera Harris;
 Gretna – Kayla Anderson, Terralyn Schram;
 Harvey – Jesse Coats;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hagerstown – Stacy West;
 Hahnville – Imani Butler, Cierra Puryear;
 Hall Summit – Ashley-Kate Roberson;
 Hallandale Beach, Florida – Ralph Boereau;
 Hallsville – Emma Hawthorne;
 Hammond – Joseph Martin;
 Harker Heights, Texas – Khalil Corbett-Canada;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Taylor Breed, Darius Brock, Kyler Burns, Sarah Carroll, Haylee Douglass, Dakota Hawkins, Megan Hobgood, Jasmine Jackson, Nathan Johnson, Luna Karkar, Mackenzie Langen, Alana Lewis, Hannah Robertson, Taylor Trombely, Katherine Weeks, Chase Woltz;  
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Cody Robinson;
 Hessmer -- Carly Barrere, Daren Dauzat, Lakken Lemoine, Gabrielle Savoy;  
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll, Cheyanna Crane, Chase Powell;
 Homer – Madison Cain;
 Hornbeck – Emma Dubose Rogers, Torri Hollis, Joshua Hughes, Ariel Rodgers, Amber Stanley;
 Hosston – Qanisha Thomas;
 Houma – Rhiannon Dean, Jennifer Doiron;
 Houston – Luis Cervantes, Levar Gumms, Jennifer Hitt, Natashia Jackson;
 Inkster, Michigan – Kanesha Price;
 Jacksonville, Florida – Destinee Christie;
 Jacksonville, Texas – Donovan Trent;
 Jamestown – Kristen Campbell, Ieshia Thomas;
 Jasper, Texas – Kylee Dominy;
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Jasmine Furlow, Mercedes Farris, Parker Fink, Hannah Spicer, William Tradewell;
 Jennings – Kelsey Fitzgerald, Mallory Martinez;
 Jolon, California – Abigail Vallery;
 Jonesboro – LaVonna Lawrence;
 Jonesville – Adrian Johnson, Sidney Spinks;
 Keithville – Kaylee McDuff;
 Kinder – Kelsey Frank;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittany Cecil;
 Keatchie – Katelyn Hicks;
 Keithville – Taylor Hughes, Latavein Kennedy, Erin McDonnell, Maya Porter;
 Kenner -- Emily Bennett, Isabel Jemison, Ryan Johnson, Nicole Lala, Willie Soniat;
 Kerens, Texas – Richard Brumbelow;
 Kinder – All Lorin, Micaela Autin, Nicholas Moldovsky;
 Lacey, Washington – Shana Sweeney;
 Lafayette – Rachael Bryant, Sasskia Chassion, Madison Duplechine, Jeffrey Elkins, Justin Guillory, Michele Kramer, JaKayla Lee, Paul Martin, Melissa Pesacreta, Dana St. Julien, Julia Towry;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Arthur – Gabriell Landry;
 Lake Charles – Holly Bray, Khristina Croker, Kennedy Fontenot, Haleigh Gates, Karley Hebert, Kathleen Hilliard, Adam Lindstrom, Jordan Mulsow, Jessica Newell, Shelby Rodrigue, Michael Thomas, Destany Washington;
 Lancaster, Texas – Deohjia Henderson;
 Laplace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 League City, Texas – Blake Tessitore;
 Lecompte – Linzey Evans;
 Leesville – Patricia Adamson, Kyle Ashley, Jebediah Barrett, Hannah Blackwell, Hailey Brantley, Katrina Brinson, Jonathan Bruce, Victoria Butler, Charlotte Cassin, Charity Childress, Amy Eckerle, Ashley French, Brittany French, Brandon Furlow, Payton Gordy, Gabriella Haymon, Taylor Helton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Justin LeBleu, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, James Magee, Xavier Mccarty, Malcolm Mitchell, Marguerita Moffett, Stefanie Peters, Jessica Ramirez, Morgan Richard, Samantha Richard, Claudia Rouleau, Cesar Santos, Brett Schmidt, Rachel Smith, Payton Soto, Joyce Stevick, Grant Stolfi, Britnie Stroud, Daija Taylor, Devin Toups, Mackenzie Vincent, Tyler Vincent, Shelby Welch, Cheyene Wise, Michael Zschach;
 Lena – Bettina Doty, Juan Gonzales, Taylor Nichols, Justin Williams;
 Leonville – Lauren Briscoe;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Liberty, Texas – Trevor Powell;
 Livingston – Cody CAmbre;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Courtney Cedotal, Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Susannah Cox, Amanda Hill, Jessica Thompson, Shelby Woods;
 Lone Oak, Texas – Kaylee Isenburg;
 Longview, Texas – Robdrick Halton, Deja Moore;
 Lynwood, Washington – Meghan Castille;
 Morgan City – Wykema Morse;
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Jensen Volz;
 Magnolia, Texas – Ray Tenninty;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell;
 Mansfield – Rowdy Burleson, Cheyenne Free, Trevor Garrett, Hannah Hughes, Emily Jilg, DeAsia Maxie, Meliyah Mitchell, Demetric Preston, James Sowell, Devin Vanwinkle, Madison Welborn, Stanley Woodley;
 Mansura -- Phillip Augustine, Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Kate Losavio;
 Many – Madilyn Armstrong, William Branam, Jocelyn Cannon, Kyle Elliott, Alison Garcia, Savanah Hall, Kelsi Horn, Clayton Kelley, Charles LaFollette, Johnathan Medine, Brianna Miller, Matthew Peace, Tanner Rains;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Madison Bordelon, Andre Boyer, Miracle Fourcha, Kayla Gaspard, Makayla Laborde, Rachelle Lair, Nehemayeaux Smith, Kylie Spivey;
 Marrero -- Luis Escobar, Lorena Martin;
 Marshall, Texas -- Alexis Balbuena, Khari Jenkins, Sierra Smith, Tristian Zamora;
 Maurice – Nicole Levine;
 McKinney, Texas – Jasmine Dansby, Jameria Smith, Jocelyn Scott;
 Melville – Alexis Barker;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel;
 Mesquite, Texas – Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Trevor Brown, Madysen Norra;
 Minden – Shatarrius Batton, Angelina Carlin, Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Lauren Holland, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Monroe – Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Brianna McKinney, Ashley Murphy, Jameelah Sanaany, Kia Williams;
 Montegut – Nicole Cohen;  
Montgomery – Miranda Bartlett, Laryn Graves, Raygan Lecroix, Hailee Skains;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mooingsport – Jo Anna Fisher;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander;
 Morgan City – Kriystina Pitre;
 Morganza – Sydney Beauvais;
 Morrow – Kiante Mouton;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith;
 Napa, California – Jordan Greenlee;  
 Natalbany – Kierra Cooks;
 Natchez – Hailey Courville, Madison Holmes, Amberlyn Metoyer, James Rougeou;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Alissa Addison, Sharlexus Addison, Adrian Alfaro-Fontalvo, Rayshaughn Armant, Cass Arnold, Kayla Arnold, Jose Arrieta Cuesta, Abbie Atwood, Black Bechtel, Megan Berry, Kacy Bonds, Andrew Boyd, Dania Briceno Vaxquex, Keyana Brown, Dustin Burns, Thomas Celles, Valerie Chadick, Gilda Chan, Kaleb Chesser, William Coffey, Donna Cooper, acob Dahlhoff, Catherine Davis, Cieara Davis, Richard Duncan, Franchesca Forest, Rachel Formeller, Fernando Gonzales, Peyton Graham, Jasmine Hall, Deshon Hayes, Michael Hernandez, Saul Hernandez, Ashlyn Hogan, David Holmes, Jacob Horton, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Holly Jenkins, Brittany Jordan, Deylon Key, Cristofer Larcarte, Robert Lee, Lacy Martin, Lamarr McGaskey, T’Onna Mcfarland, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Amber Minor, Joshua Minor, Destiny Moody, Donovan Ohnoutka, Eden Parker, Zachary Parker, Meredith Phelps, Rekeithia Pier, Keator Poleman, Darian Raymond, Jeffery Remo, Devin Reyes, Taylor Rutledge, Daniela Sala Ricardo, Dante Samuel, Christopher Sanders, MacKenzie Settle, Trayvon Snow, Blake Teekell, Rebecca Thomissee, Aaon Trichel, Kaleb Usleton, Barbara Vercher-Smith, Deja Vercher, Kayven Victor, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Alex Wade, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolan, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Deondra White, Mary Whitehead, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shatney Winslow, Alasia Young, Ashtin Youngblood,
 New Iberia – Taylor Freyou, Destinee Leger, Caitlin Melancon, Kira Tobias, Madison Willett;  
 New Llano – Trey Anderson, Bailey Glaze, Alexis Harbin, Reaz Khan;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Rayna Brantley, Marquise Davis, Maya Dolliole, Darlene Fairley, Felicia Franklin, Matthew Gonzales, Jacqueline Gross, Mia Jackson, Karrington Johnson, Raphael Jones, Seven Joseph, Jamilah Pelrean, Phallon Robinson, Julian Shum, JoeNee Smith;
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Ethan Morgan, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 Norwood – Ty’Dashia McElwee;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech;
 Oakdale – JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Ayana Jones, Brooke Viscardis, Sarah Wharton;
 Oberlin – Kaitlyn Fontenot, Haily Wade;
 Oil City – Maegan Allborty, Chaddrick Thomas;
 Opelika, Alabama – Ceaser Stephens;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Kescheler Guillory, Juwan Manuel, Lashante Richard;
 Otis – Joshua Poston, Sabrina Thiels;
 Paris, Texas – Emily Essary, Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tabitha Averitt, Tabetha Caldwell;
 Pflugerville, Texas – Kamika Ward;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Emily Bordelon, Tabatha Bowlin, Kurt Burkett, Payten Collins, Brendan Day, Zachary Desselles, Sara Dorsey, Selena Ferguson, Hannah Gaspard, Taylor Holloway, Alissa Joseph, Trey Joseph, Corey King, Matthew Koepke, Santana Mount, Abby Nichols, Kaylie Parsons, Judith Peek, Christina Rachal, Relen Sanders, Elizabeth Shuler, Glynn Sillivan, Chloe Solomon, Peyton Spurgeon, Robert Tabor, Tyler Thompson, Gage Ulrich, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
 Pitking – Hannah Johnson, Jessica Jones, Logan McClure, Emily Odom;
 Plain Dealing – Dormesha Noble, Ja-Mela Williams, Hunter Horton;
 Plaquemine – Ma Kayla Washington;
 Plaucheville – Philip Pepiton, Kimberly Poret, Brittany Taylor;
 Pleasant Hill – Montana Binning, Mickayla Brown;
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Alara Faulkner, Allie Frost, Christina Kendrick, Julie McGehee, Mary Robinson, Kari Taffi;
 Ponchatoula – Chaule Saing;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Kaleb Gauthier, Ishmael Lane;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Andrew Lalonde;
 Prairieville – Haley Beason, Sarah Bishop, Alicia Boudreaux, Samantha Daigle, Whitney Duplantis, Bailey Mohler, Kristen Prettelt, Caleb Ricca, Madeleine Sheets;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson, Leann Willls;
 Princeton – Jacorious Jeter;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Raceland – Megan Parks;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Cameron Desselle;
 Rayville --  Alana Odom, Frederick Lee;
 Reserve – Rianna Russell;
 Rhinehart – Bethany Russell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, British Columbia – Jalen Donaldson;
 Richmond, Texas – Sidney Harris;
 Ringgold – Alora Bryant, Jered Cook, Martin Gould, Arvionne Reliford;
 Robeline – Candice Adcock, Arica Ammons, Keira Huff, Kristal Lachney, Angela Mitchell, Kacy Morace, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Terra Schulze, Christopher Taylor, Candace Thompson, Seth Woodel;
 Round Rock, Texas – Ana Ruiz;
 Rowlett, Texas – Daniel Miner;
 Roxton, Texas – Aleckse Mikeuchey;
 Ruston – Karenthia Crosby Onwudebe, Jalen Garrison, Reagan Lee, Phynecha Richard, Aujani Richburg, Joshua Riggs;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot, Kayley Naquin;
 St. Barthelmey d’Angers, France – Salome Gledel;
 St. Francisville – Ellie Wheeler;
 St. James – Keionne Octave;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Shelby Savell;
 San Antonio – Matthew Aguilera, Hilton Brown, Anthony Renteria;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Meredith Corrales;
 Scott – Danaysia Senegal, Tayla Soileau;
             Scottsboro, Alabama – Jessica Provenza;
 Shreveport – Phillip Adams, Kendall Allen, Trayveon Allen, Laurie Basco, Tylar Bedford, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jordan Bogan, Alyssa Bonacci, Kevin Branch, Leta Broome, Tiffany Brown, Tamika Kate Cang, Kathryn Carroll, Myjoycia Cezar, Christina Clark, Audrey Copeland, Derienne Copeland, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Takea Dorsey, Melissa Dragon, Hannah Ellis, Candice Faith, Sierra Foster, Meghan Fry, Dejohn Garrison, Jameala Ghazawneh, Cassidy Giddens, Hallie Glick, Ellen Grappe, Brekendria Graves, Andrell Green, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Ricci Haltom, Jesamin Huff, Brittany Jefferson, Matthew Jensen, Deaveon Jones, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Tradeya King, Elysia Lanier, Hannah Lee, Tra’Kyrin Lemons, Grandon Lewis-graham, Katherine Lind, Christopher Markham, Katelyn Martin, Samantha Metoyer, Mollie Millen, Destiny Mitchell, Maria Moreno Ponte, Armani Nation, Yasmin Newman, Doine Ngwen, Reondrick Owens, Tara Pair, Cristina Peterson, Elizabeth Peterson, Panasia Peterson, Patrick, Pierce, Sierra Prelow, Falon Prentiss, Caleb Rounsavall, Zachary Sanders, Johnathon Schluter, Tyler Sears, Devonne Seelig; Jackiesha Simmons, Kariah Sisk-Shaheed, John Slocum, Adrianna Smith, Kayla Smith, Kaylin Smith, Asia Stevens, Jamie Stewart, Gabrielle Thomas, Bailey Thompson, Magen Tucker, Terran Turner, Jessica Ursua, Rhiannon Venable, Earnestine Walker, Ilyanna Warlen, Jasmine Washington, Gaylin White, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, Shamolia Williams, Chad Wilson, Debriar Wilson, Morgan Woodall;
 Sicily Island – Shawn Perry;
 Sieper – Emily Goerge, Loren Robinson;
 Silsbee, Texas – Carson Fuller;
 Simmesport – Kimani Batiste, Michael Canal, Lexi Gremillion, Demi Williams;
 Simpson – Carleigh Standifer;
 Simsboro – Andrea Coon;
 Skiatook, Oklahoma – Anna Bonham;
 Slidell – Juliana Garcia, Noah Glass, Ashley Henry, Kierston Jackson, Maci Walgamotte;
 Spring, Texas – Elyssa Hernandez, Madelyne Mangum;
 Springfield – Kattie Bankston;  
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Alana Bankson, Alexa Barron, Hailey Compton, Dawson Cranford, Madison Parker, Kirsten Sanders, Heather Schiller, Chase Slater, Christy Washington;
 Sugartown – Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur – Darisu Ardoin, Bralyn James;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Charlie Milton;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Teneha, Texas – TaKameria Barnes;
 Terrytown – Roshane Brown;
 Texarkana – Daphne Hammett, Emily Landers;
 Thibodaux – Terrance Johnson, Tierra Johnson, Landon Olivier;
 Tickfaw – Brittany Culotta;
 Tomball, Texas – Nicole Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Trout – Hayley Lisenby, Jacie Paul;
 Tullos – Kendall Normand;
 Van Alstyne, Texas – Kevin Hendricks;
 Vidalia – Evandria King, Kaitlyn Randall, Shanerria Squalls;
 Ville Platte – Christopher Casey, Hannah Gallow, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Toby Stanley,
 Violet – Julia Verdon;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott;
 Washington – Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Jonas Richardson;
 Welch – Macala Broussard, Misty Compton;
 West Monroe – Michael Dailey, Austin Dodson, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford;
 Westlake – Baleigh Derouen;
 Whitewright, Texas – Jearld Battles;
 Wilmington, North Carolina – Noelle Cox;
 Winnfield – Harli Austin, Landon Creel, Trenton Dill, Kerry Fitzgerald, Dezani Fountain, Kara Grantadams, Trinity Homan, Madisyn Hubbard, Saquan Jenkins, Jacob Jones, Michaela Maloy, Trakita Rainwater, Fatima Rodriguez, Katreiona Starks;
 Wisner – Jordan Price;
 Woodworth – Taylor Henry, Linzay Hunnell, Brandon Michot, Lexus Weston, Derek Wilson;
 Youngsville – Shaneda Armstrong, Randall Blair, Devin Forestier, Lorin Prejean, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary – Laney Davis, Neil Ahldwin Garcia, Caitlyn Thibodaux, Alaijha Trim, KeAra Thie;
 Zwolle – Kamryn Bedsole, Kirstyn Meshell, Samantha Rivers, Chyna Sepulvado, Rylea Sepulvado, Autumn Wyatt;
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