#Johnny Tek
meteor752 · 2 months
The Double Life Kids headcanons 3
A whole lot has happened since the last of these headcanon posts, like, a whole lot. The last post was before the kids even went to the Empires server
So, I thought I’d do one of these again, cause I like making headcanon posts
All the kids except Liana share the same birthday, since Liana spawned as an egg and hatched like, a month later. They wouldn’t usually celebrate their birthdays in anyway, especially after their parents deaths, but when they were separated it became a tradition on both ends to get a cake and blow out their candles, celebrating both them and the ones on the other server, counting down the years until they could see them again. Liana gets a cupcake on hers
Zee (The Lizzie + Skizz child) uses She/He pronouns
Skim uses They/Them
Liana, Jekiv, and Gertrude are girlbosses while Johnny, Novo, and Jassy are boylosers. Wes is somewhere in between
Johnny brought Lily the Warden with him to Empires, and later to Hermitcraft, and then back to Empires. She’s his little sister, and where he goes, she goes
Gertrude bites in her sleep. It’s not always aggressive, usually it’s just lil love bites, but if she’s having a particularly vivid dream or is very stressed out, then she can leave pretty extreme chomps. It’s usually just her pillow or blanket, but sometimes Novo falls victim to her sleep biting. He doesn’t mind
Johnny hates using a bed to sleep, and exclusively sleeps in a hammock.
Through trial and error, and many years of work, Wes, together with Jassy, BDubs and one of his many steeds, managed to overcome his fear of horses. He even got his own, an Ardennais named Dweller
Jekiv also got his own horse, but instead of breeding one he kinda, made one. Virgil was his first successful resurrection, that didn’t just crumble into dust immediately. He’s not very friendly and struggles with obeying him, but he’s (mostly) fully alive which is all that really counts
fWhip was the one who made Liana’s prosthetic, and Doc later made improvements to it so it would hold better and be more comfortable. She has many stickers on it, just for funsies
In the good ending, where the kids all got a happy ending together, Gertrude and Jekiv were finally able to meet their other dads. Jek was thrilled to get another chance to bond with his dad, and Gert was just happy to have her dad back
Jassy also got to reunite with her little brother, Hermes
Johnny is very face blind. It usually isn’t a problem since everyone around him dresses and look very distinctively, but in Empires where everyone he knows wore entirely different outfits in varying aesthetics, he struggled a lot. It just became a habit of the kids that if you wore something different than you usually wore around him, you’d immediately tell him who you are and let him inspect you for a bit
Wes has little control over his volume. It’s kinda strange for him, as he doesn’t really take notice of it himself. When talking to him, he can go from almost whispering to straight up yelling without even realizing it. The rest of the kids are used to it, but it’s usually a surprise to any new people
Liana drinks exclusively expensive whiskey, Jassy loves tequila, Novo is a huge fan of cheap wine, Gertrude likes rum cocktails, Jekiv drinks straight Vodka, Wes sticks to cider, and Johnny makes his own moonshine. Drink nights are a mess
Speaking of which, Liana is the messiest drunk to every messy. She has absolutely zero filter, and for some reason loves to spit out random pretty miserable and dark facts that she’s read about. She tends to clonk out after like two hours though, so it’s just to put up with it
Nobody ever calls Johnny Johnathan. Nobody, except Keralis
Liana and Jassy’s first wedding was less because of love and devotions, and more because they were 14 years into life on the double life server and everyone was fucking miserable, so they thought an event could help cheer people it. It did, but like barely
This is why they remarried, to have an honest chance to express their love for each other. Also an excuse to wear fancy clothes
Jekiv and Wes, in the good ending, got married shortly after reuniting with each other on their new server. It was a very quaint ceremony, but still lovely
Gertrude and Novo are still waiting for the other to propose, and they will just keep on waiting
Also, since this will be posted on the two year anniversary of my first ever post about the kids, I thought I’d share some scrapped ideas and other bts stuff. It’s not a lot since I’m one person using Hero Forge and posting stuff on Tumblr, but there’s some things lol
Jassy was first meant to be a set of twins. It was scrapped for many reasons, one of them being the “one child per couple”, but when I was still working on their first designs I had two wips. The original idea was that one of them was going to take inspiration from some other Naruto character, I think Hinata is who I settled for, and the other was going to have more of a fantasy vibe, to fit the theme of Shrek. This was another reason this was scrapped lol, but for a short while the idea of twin sisters Hinata and Princess Fiona excited
The kids were originally going to go to Hermitcraft. This was before we knew the portal led to Empires, so I was planning of having them enter the portal and exit in Grians base. The main reason this got scrapped was of course that we found out that the portal led to Empires, but also because I knew next to nothing about the Ren The King storyline during season nine, which I was planning to have be a big part of it, with Gertrude and Liana taking center stage as the main characters
To piggy back of the last one, I was planning to make a part two to Logbook, Jekiv’s fic where he wrote journal entries throughout their 20 year stay at the Double Life series. The premise of the sequel was that Liana was to have found the journal before he left it behind, and that she was going to keep on writing in it during their time on Hermitcraft. I even started a rough first draft of it, but as the Hermitcraft storyline was scrapped, so was the journal entry sequel.
Novo and Jekiv are both based off of dnd characters I’ve used in the past, a Bard who can’t play any instruments, and a character who picked up and slowly mastered necromancy halfway through a campaign. It wasn’t planned at the beginning, but it felt fun to pay homage to it, even if I would be the only one who understood the reference.
Some scrapped design ideas is that Liana was gonna be part Vex (Scrapped because it was too messy), Novo was gonna have more of a purple shade in his hair (Scrapped because it didn’t look right, but his signature colour is still purple), Johnny was gonna have a blue fire motif (Scrapped because I like the red fire vibe more, fit him better), Jekiv was gonna have red hair (Scrapped because he just looked exactly like Cleo that way), and Jassy was gonna be entirely green (Scrapped because it looked weird and didn’t fully fit since Joel isn’t green and like no one designs him like that, she does still have some green to her tho).
I mentioned this in a previous post but Liana went through many names before I settled on Liana (The first one I came up with lol, it just stuck). These names (Sharina Ace Sage Aurelia Francesca Octavia Monroe) along with Xelqua and Jellie became her middle names
Not a fucking day goes by where I don’t regret having Jassy constantly change her hairstyle. I painted myself into a corner for that one, and by god am I suffering
And, as a final little thing to celebrate my two year anniversary of not knowing peace because of these fucking kids, I thought I’d show you all a little comparison of the first ever hero forge design I made of the kids, and the most recent one, both to show how they’ve grown but also how I’ve gotten better at using the site lol
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Ah, my babies
The funny thing is, that while yes they have changed and evolved over these two years, they canonically have not grown at all lol
Anyways, happy two year anniversary kids
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borrelia · 8 months
for the record, post-exit cometmode sonic isn't settled down on the island. here's there a lot and hes got like a studio space in mushroom hill (and also he just stays with knuckles) but hes off the island as much as hes on it. hes originally up there specifically for kintobor. (he also crashes on the floor/on a couch in kintobors lab). everything else is just a bonus reason to be there
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herkonular · 11 months
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Viski fiyatları çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde değişiklik gösterebilir. Viski fiyatlarını etkileyen en önemli faktörlerden bazıları şunlardır:
- Marka: Popüler ve köklü markalar, daha az bilinen markalara göre daha pahalı olma eğilimindedir.
- Yaş: Daha uzun süre yıllandırılmış viski genellikle genç viskiden daha pahalıdır.
- Tür: Tek malt, harmanlanmış veya burbon gibi farklı viski türleri de farklı fiyatlara sahip olabilir.
Ancak fiyatın her zaman kaliteyle aynı anlama gelmediğini unutmamak önemlidir. En pahalı viskilerden bazıları olağanüstü kalitede olsa da, harika bir tat ve deneyim sunan birçok uygun fiyatlı seçenek de vardır.
Piyasada her biri kendine özgü özelliklere ve lezzet profillerine sahip çok sayıda viski markaları bulunmaktadır. En popüler viski markalarından bazıları şunlardır:
- Jack Daniel's: Kendine özgü tatlı ve dumanlı bir tada sahip bir Tennessee viskisi.
- Johnnie Walker: Bir dizi farklı karışım ve tada sahip harmanlanmış bir İskoç viskisi.
- Jameson: Pürüzsüz ve yumuşak bir tada sahip bir İrlanda viskisi.
- Chivas Regal: Zengin ve karmaşık tadıyla bilinen bir İskoç viskisi.
Her markanın kendine ait sadık takipçileri vardır ve çoğu, farklı fiyat noktalarında farklı ürünler sunar. Viski tutkunları, farklı marka ve tatları keşfederek kendi zevk tercihlerine ve bütçelerine en uygun olanı bulabilirler.
Farklı alkol markaları arasında fiyat ve kalite karşılaştırması söz konusu olduğunda, fiyatın her zaman kaliteye eşit olmadığını akılda tutmak önemlidir. Bazı pahalı viskiler olağanüstü kalitede olsa da, harika bir tat ve deneyim sunan birçok uygun fiyatlı seçenek de vardır. Bireyler web sitemiz ile araştırma yaparak ve farklı alkoller tadarak çeşitli alkol fiyatları noktalarında yüksek kaliteli seçenekler bulabilirler. Ek olarak, her alkolün kendine özgü tat profilini ve özelliklerini dikkate almak önemlidir, çünkü bunlar aynı marka içinde bile büyük ölçüde farklılık gösterebilir. Alkol meraklıları, 35 lik viski, volim fiyat gibi farklı seçenekleri keşfederek, kendi zevk tercihlerine ve bütçelerine en uygun olanı web sitemiz ile bulabilirler.
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stellewriites · 3 months
pre/poly141 summer thoughts mdni
simon who’s skin is sensitive to the sun, burns after just 15 minutes unless he’s got a factor 50 on, but usually he just layers up to avoid having to reapply. that is until johnny manages to drag him ‘round to his for a bbq with all the lads one sunny day.
after drinking a couple of luke-warm beers. simon’s easily cajoled into taking his shirt off instead of suffering and sweating through it.
“what kind’a numpty wears black, an’ long sleeved at tha’, on a day like this, si? jesus wept, tek it off a’ready.”
the others are all shirtless too, it’s fine simon tells himself as he drapes it over the back of his chair, ignoring the hungry glance price sends him from beneath the rim of his hat.
simon soon feels himself nodding off in one of the lawn chairs next to kyle after filling himself to the brim with john’s cooking - burgers, steaks, ribs, sides; the lot. john price doesn’t fuck around when it comes to showing off behind the grill.
johnny nudges simon slightly as he steals the other empty seat next to him, asks softly if he wants a bit of sunblock on and si can only nod sleepily, knowing he’ll be red raw and sore as fuck in less than ten if he doesn’t. already feels the tingle across his nose warning him to reapply.
he relaxes further at the feel of johnny’s capable hands on his chest, diligent and focused on their task though the odd finger strays to brush his nipples when in reach. he doesn’t mind, sighs in fact when he feels kyle’s hands join johnny’s, petting at his thigh through his too-thick jeans.
“dressed like it’s not 32C, simon. expecting sleet or summat, mate? you do know it’s july, right?”
he slowly blinks his eyes open, lids heavy as he stares at the pair of handsy sergeants; too tired to sharply ask what they were playing at, too tired to pretend to want them to stop. just smiles back across at his captain as he watches, satisfied, from the chair opposite.
simon gets used to the repetitive, firm massaging motions and closes his eyes again when no one speaks. despite his best efforts to soak up the feeling of skin on skin, he nods off feeling comfortable and safe and low-level horny.
wakes up 20 minutes later with sunburn just creeping in on his shoulders and tummy, and when he looks down the crude shape of a sports bra has been blocked out on his chest using the cream leaving the rest of him to burn and tan around it.
johnny and kyle are run ragged for the next month during training, even when they do their very best to make it up to him in their spare time (he hisses without fail every time they drift from licking at his cock to kissing at the irritated red line across his tummy from where his jeans stopped the burn in its tracks).
price only gets off lucky because he has aloe on hand immediately and rubs it in without getting distracted. though as soon as simon’s skin isn’t so raw he’s brushing bristly kisses across his shoulders and down his chest every chance he gets.
simon considers starting to wear his heavy, buckle-laden gear outside of missions over his shirts unless he wants john to continue dragging him into his office to yank up his loose layers to lave at his skin for ten minutes at a time and giving him beard burn in a suspiciously similar pattern to what the sergeants left.
“can’t help m’self when i know what your hidin’ under here, lieutenant. be a shame not to show my appreciation, ‘specially with such easy access.”
photo insp: ‘heat stroke’ by wintam for gqchina
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normal-enderman · 1 month
I know it is the oldest of takes but Johnny Mnemonic is such a brilliant story. It sets up this world which is deeply cynical and dystopic, priming the reader to expect a tone of cynisism to remain consistent throughout. Then the main character, in the course of a very short story, experiences a display of humanity in Nighttown and the Killing Floor that he finds so genuinely beautiful and moving that it provokes a paradigm shift in his character, motivating him to question and change everything about his life and recover his agency. And it ends with what is essentially a "and everything worked out and they lived happily ever after", which is radical for a dystopia, especially when that happy ending does not involve disrupting the status quo of the dystopia, but instead finding personal fulfillment and emotional belonging through an alternative way of living within it. In many ways, it is so much more inspiring and hopeful than modern dystopia stories, in which improvment cannot be made by personal changes in values and the choices you make, but only by a complete restructuring of the system. There's no question that Johnny makes choices that improve his life, but the unavoidable conclusion one must come to is that the changes he initates lead to him being a better person in his life after the story, too - by which I mean he becomes someone who benefits the people around him, even if that circle is small. He improves Jones's tank, he helps Molly make money, and he becomes one of the Lo Teks, engaging and participating in their society.
It's such a delightful change from modern cyberpunk, which has become so focused on capturing the atmosphere of the dystopian cities of stories like Johnny Mnemonic, that it has forgotten that the stories are about the humans who live within it.
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thitaeva · 2 months
Entarisi kırmızı
Hollywood'un yıldızı
Kalbimin tek(şüpheli) hırsızı
Niye gittin Johnny Depp
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lorabeyc · 1 year
Selena Thatcher, My OC 🌊🌊
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Selena Maeve Thatcher (or Just Selena) 
First Name: Selena
Last name: Thatcher ( Her Earth family name) 
Name Origins: Greek Origin, Goddess Of the moon, From Selene Goddess of moon 🌕
Date of birth: 15 June 
Age: 38 Y.O
Gender: Female 
Siblings: Morgana (younger sister) 
Sexuality: Heterosexual. 
Zodiac: Gemini. 
Species: Embophidian, Hydromancer. 
Skin colour: Medium
Body type: Slim woman, Slender too. 
Phobias: Thanatophobia (fear of losing someone you care about) 
FOMO: Fear of missing out.
Ambiguphobia: fear of being misunderstood. 
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders. 
Fear of Water being polluted or dirty. 
Thalassophile: lover of the sea. 
Aquaphilia: Lover of water 
Lover of quietness (sadly that has no term) 
Lover of Aquariums. 
Lover of sea-creatures. 
Caeruleaphile: lover of blue colour. 
Porphyrophile: lover of purple colour. 
Hair colour: Pink.
Eye colour: deep Blue.
Current location: Moirvdonne, UK.  
Face claims: Noami Scott.
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VA: Esmé Bianco, (The VA of Eclipsta in svfoe)
Alignment: Good.
Status: Alive.
Moirvdonne Police, Sheriff. 
Wartb Gang. 
playing chess set
watching TV
reading a book.
Mediating in water.
Casual clothes, Grunge too. 
Water aesthetics, sea aesthetics, and such.
Fighting crimes.
Helping others.
Healing others.
Stand and fight for justice. 
Friends and family.
Water, everything that is water-form.
Loving, compassionate, Understanding, and helpful if others need her. 
Loves  to play Video games with Selviya.
Loves to Learn Magic with Aliyaa. 
Glamours gowns.
Glamours tiaras. 
Sushi, Pesto Pasta.
Using religion for one’s profit. 
Bad manners.
Hates Slither to the core.
Hates autumn. 
Her friends and loved ones getting harmed or killed.
When someone is rude.
using magic for evil purposes.
She is quick to anger and she hates it. 
Hates bobba tea, don’t ask her why. 🤫
Speed: 9.5/10.
Agility: 10/10.
Intelligence: 9/10.
Strength: 10/10.
Stamina 9/10.
Stealth: 10/10.
Cooperation: 10/10.
Durability: 10/10.
Flexibility: 10/10.
Reflexes: 10/10.
Instincts: 10/10.
Kung Lao (Alive).
Thomas Lao Older son (Alive).
Layla Lao's second child (Alive).
Friends and Allies:
Aliyaa Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Selviya Levsloky @aliyaaaepel3
Scylla Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Arouj Roman @aliyaaaepel3
Hadi Aepel @aliyaaaepel3
Derek Monrik @aliyaaaepel3
Eveie Al’shayle. @aliyaaaepel3
Layla Buyunii. @aliyaaaepel3
Sailor Mona. @monapome
Jayce Nilson @kyd35
Sphinx. @aliyaaaepel3
Sarah @alexapenz
Heynois. @aliyaaaepel3
Mila. @mollyb9
Molly. @melissalix
Lana. @noelle9
Eliena De Vil. @lisadelise
William Mo’lain (Mayor of Moirvdonne) 
Cecila Smith. 
Anthony Mccbride. 
Cassie Cage.
Johnny Cage.
Sonya blade.
Jacqui Briggs.
Jax Briggs.
Kuai Liang.
Kung Lao (Husband). 
Liu Kang.
Takeda Takahashi
Hydro (Malibu Comic Character 😭) 
Not Friends or enemies: 
Scorpion/ Hanzo Hasashi.
Kung Jin.
The Oshh-tek Guards
The Kahn-Guards. 
Rain (Arch-enemy, In MK)
Silther (Arch-enemy, In Moirvdonne)
Shao Kahn
Kotal Kahn
Erron Black
Shang Tsung
In relationship with Kung Lao. 
Status: Married to Kung Lao (Canon, Because I Said So 🫸) 
Wave manipulation.
Water manipulation. 
Water generation. 
Water detection.
Water purification. 
Whirlpool generation. 
Water absorption.
Can control Water and Sea, If she is angry the sea is becoming rough and angry too like her. 
She caused a horrible Tsunami once because she was angry and she is still regretting this. 
Levitation, (Can fly only in her magical girl form) 
She can easily heal people, any type of illness, and damage. 
She is very skilled in Muay Thai and Judo. 
Has magical girl abilities
She is a very strong and skilled Hydromancer, that’s why Rain is after her. 
Create whips out of the water and they are dangerously sharp. 
Creates Storm blades too.
magical girl outfit:
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Selena is nice to people who are nice to her, she helps anyone in need, she is generous, and kind, she is very monstrous when it comes to fighting, she is humble, loving, and understanding of others, she is a stylish woman, she likes etiquette too. And a huge consumer of coffee ☕️. 
Finally, it took from me forever to finish this! That’s all of Selena Thatcher 🌊
@aliyaaaepel3 @lisadelise @melissalix @alexapenz @noelle9 @loryeenb @monapome @florafoom @kyd35 @kuaifan
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fireguy-tournament · 1 year
The Fireguy standoff
The votes have all been counted, with over 250 submitted characters, up to 400 submissions in total. That’s pretty crazy ngl
But, of course, not everyone can make it to the final round, but these guys did!
Round 1
Match 1:
Enji Todoroki (MHA) vs Beatriz Da Costa (DC comics)
Match 2:
Uncle Iroh (Atla) vs Blaze the cat (Sonic)
Match 3:
Pokémon fire types (Pokémon) vs The Flame Princess (Adventure time)
Match 4:
Rei Hino (Sailor Moon) vs Princess Azula (Atla)
Match 5:
Heat Miser (The year without a Santa Claus) vs St. John Allerdyce (X-Men)
Match 6:
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place) vs Johnny Storm (Marvel Comics)
Match 7:
Firestar (Warrior Cats) vs Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Match 8:
Sunset Shimmer (MLP EG) vs Agnes Montague (TMA)
Round 2
Match 1:
That one solider from Mulan (Mulan) vs Blackfire (TT)
Match 2:
Toya “Dabi” Todoroki (MHA) vs Guy Fieri (IRL)
Match 3:
Tango Tek (MCYT) vs Ashes O’Reilly (The Mechanisms)
Match 4:
Grillby (Undertale) vs Bloom (Winx Club)
Match 5:
Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) vs Warren Peace (Sky High)
Match 6:
Prince Zuko (Atla) vs Fireboy (Fireboy and watergirl)
Match 7:
Kai (Ninjago) vs Calcifer (Howl’s moving caste)
Match 8:
Mr Keglevich (IRL) vs Heath Burns (Monster High)
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strangledwires · 11 months
If someone from the MK series came to Tekken as a DLC character, who would you want to have be the character?
Either Sub-Zero 'cos he's my main/favorite, or Johnny Cage. Just because Johnny is funny, so seeing the jokes they can do with him and the Tek characters would be entertaining, aaaand... I feel like he'd "fit" more than Sub. Just because other than his green energy balls (does he even do those in MK1 ?) he doesn't have as many projectiles or weapons. Which, even tho Tek8 seems to be embracing those two now, I still see Johnny as more fitting! lol!
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Passages  -  M*A*S*H 
Johnny Haymer  (January 19, 1920 – November 18, 1989)
McLean Stevenson   (November 14, 1927 – February 15, 1996) 
John Orchard   (November 15, 1928 - November 3, 1995)
Larry Linville (September 29, 1939 – April 10, 2000) 
Roy Goldman  (March 3, 1932 - September 1, 2009)
Wayne Rogers   (April 7, 1933 – December 31, 2015)
Edward Winter   (June 3, 1937 – March 8, 2001)
Allan Arbus   (February 15, 1918 – April 19, 2013)
Harry Morgan   (April 10, 1915 – December 7, 2011) 
Marcia Strassman   (April 28, 1948 – October 24, 2014)
David Ogden Stiers   (October 31, 1942 – March 3, 2018)
William Christopher   (October 20, 1932 – December 31, 2016)
Kellye Nakahara    (1948 – February 16, 2020)
Soon-Tek Oh  (June 29, 1932 – April 4, 2018)
Judy Farrell (May 11, 1938 – April 2, 2023)
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meteor752 · 1 year
Actual Baby children who have no idea what they’re in for
So the Double Life anniversary is coming up, which is insane, and I thought I’d celebrate it! Kinda ish I guess?
I just did more designs of da kids
Buuuuut, this time I took it one step further to show them as actual children, together with their favorite parent (Apart from Johnny cause he loves both)
It was incredibly fun and I had a blast trying to make the lil block men in Hero Forge, maybe I’ll do it again some other time just by themselves lol
Baby Liana and Scar
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Scar is the favorite parent cause he’s more chill and also he didn’t betray the family. Had a blast making him and his ranger outfit, I tried my best to get it as accurate as possible and I think I turned out great. Baby Liana’s outfit is really cute, it reminds me of the lil suit for the toddlers in The Sims 4. Also Jellie <3
Baby Wes and Impulse
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Impulse is the favorite cause BDubs is…well he’s BDubs. Impulse was also a lot of fun, especially the more non human features, but the stupid I on his T-Shirt tripped me up, It's literally just a yellow blood stain lol. Seeing Baby Wes is also so strange, cause he's like without his shaggy stubble, dyed hair, and thicc af body. Now he's just a lil guy.
Baby Gertrude and Ren
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Ren is the favorite because...well he didn't cheat. Very easy answer there. I've said this with everyone so far, but Ren was so fricking fun, I love his shirt and its colors, had a fricking blast. Gertrude is just a precious baby in a full princess costume, getting read a bedtime story, just an absolute gem. Also this is pre-sunglasses, mainly cause it looked weird with the plastic tiara she’s wearing.
Baby Johnny and both his dads :D
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They good parents. Also, FUCK Jimmy, FUCK his bland generic looking ass skin, and FUCK hero forge for making it so hard to translate it. Zero enjoyment in the making of it, but Tango was hella fun. Baby Johnny is honestly just my lad but smaller. He probably has a lil tooth gap too. Prime boy.
Baby Jassy and Etho
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Etho is the favorite because Jassy finds him very cool lol. Etho was more difficult than I first thought, mostly because I wanted to make him more than just Kakashi so I avoided the Anime hairstyle and customed the hell out of the patchy hair, but he looks great! Baby Jassy was a huge Etho fangirl (The OG Ethogirl lol), so her look is Just Him but smaller.
Baby Jekiv and Cleo
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They’re the favorite because she didn’t fucking leave, Martyn. Cleo was surprisingly easy honestly, but that shouldn’t really have shocked me. Just any green skinned person with red hair kinda looks like Cleo. Wanted to make them look a little different from Jek, but yeah I guess Zombie genetics are just that strong. Baby Jek is without the hood, that’s a later development, so his patchy hair is in plain sight. He hates it.
Baby Novo and Pearl
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Pearl is the favorite because she’s more fun. Pearl has a really easy outfit to make, and I thoroughly enjoyed it honestly. Baby Novo doesn’t have the runny makeup yet, so he looks…surprisingly normal. Just an ordinary child honestly. I really liked making his outfit too, especially the colors.
I enjoyed this, hope you did too
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smallhatlogan · 1 year
I can’t tell if that “im gonna Johnny Depp them so hard” line in Gen V is Tek Knight saying he’s intending to do what Depp and his team did to Heard to an innocent student or if the writers are seriously fucking saying Depp was the victim and it is stressing me out so bad
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smokeys-house · 1 year
TOP!! 5 favorites sonsg rn…
It's so so impossible for me to pick favorite anything tbh but the ones that I've put on repeat most often are as follows in no particular order
Cafuné - Tek it
Leave her Johnny (the shanty but specifically the AC black flag version)
In the shadow of the valley - lost weekend western swing band
Passion pit - hideaway
The mountain goats - up the wolves
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oh yeah i finally watched johnny mnemonic last night. my god is this one of the movies of all time. list of thoughts
- why he got the forest gump haircut
- i understand why people say the acting in this movie is “bad” but i think it’s mostly apt (especially in keanu reeves case) for characters living in an information-saturated state of society. like effectively most of them are on near mentally disabling amounts of stimulants at all times (just like celebrities in the 90s). ice t and henry rollins are the only ones who sound anything like normal human beings to me if i’m being honest. actually now i’m thinking about the scene where he flips out at the end and i think keanu reeves is a very good actor and he doesn’t get enough credit for shit like this
- they really did molly dirty, i guess i can’t be surprised she’s just reduced to a typical 90s action movie female lead exposition sidekick forced romantic interest, but it’s still a bummer. this was a decade after neuromancer was written, there’s so much more of her character to draw on, even if only to foreshadow, than was shown in the original short story. and instead they changed her character so much she doesn’t even have the same name
- i’m glad they included the bionic lesbian bodyguards in some capacity even though they’re not dog girls and there’s several predictably transphobic stereotypical moments
- everything overall seems much more low tech than the sprawl as originally described by my main man willy gibby, i understand how this is mostly a constraint of budget and the actual technology that could exist at the time, but it’s fascinating how it intersects with more broadly popular 90s grunge aesthetic, for example the lack of visible cybernetic augmentation on the previously mentioned lesbians. and switching the lo-tek hideout to a bridge instead of the underside of a city dome is less cool, but i can’t think of second choice that better fits the near-post-apocalyptic-wasteland shabby vibe going on. even the yakuza don’t look very rich or clean or put together
- very fascinating to look back at 30 year old ideas of what cyber society would be like, untethered from the contemporary ubiquity of banal surveillance. i feel like it would be relatively trivial now to find his brain code by looking up some semi-public record or archive of the tv broadcast they used to generate those key frames, but no one in the 90s saw that coming. i’m also thinking about how in watch dogs (video game) in fucking 2014 “corporate interests are gathering seemingly trivial data about your life, especially habits of consumption, especially media consumption” is portrayed as a thing that normal people often think is crazy or outlandish
- i’m also thinking about this quaint outdated view of information saturation contrasted with my real life avoidance of watching movies due to reliance on a different style of video entertainment that prioritizes breadth and volume, drop-in drop-out pause and switch between a dozen tabs at once style, compared to the often much more focused and intentionally continuous format of A Film, which is much harder to fully understand unless you watch it straight through in one sitting, which i rarely feel like i have time or mental dedication for
- do you have parents and stuff!?
-overall i’m not upset by the massive changes to the plot, i think for a movie it’s much better paced than a 1:1 of the original story would have been. i think they did a pretty good job expanding the original premise into a story with some actual stakes, even if cyber seizure disease and mommy ghost in the machine is a little on the nose. 8/10 movie but i might have to try watching it sober too
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Episode 050 - The Chosen Few
Les Lullies - Savage (Fun Things)
The Rezillos - Top Of The Pops Ramones - High Risk Insurance
Sex Pistols - Silly Thing Sex Pistols - C'Mon Everybody (Eddie Cochran) Sex Pistols - Something Else (Eddie Cochran)
UK Subs - The Harper UK Subs - I'm Waiting For The Man (Velvet Underground) Anti Nowhere League - Let's Break The Law Peter & The Test Tube Babies - Bike (Pink Floyd) Peter & The Test Tube Babies - Banned From The Pubs
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Deathwish - The Red & The Black (Blue Oyster Cult) Deathwish - You Really Got Me (Kinks) Deathwish - Hell Bent On Death Deathwish - Paranoid (Black Sabbath) Deathwish - Cold Feet (Chook)
Deathwish - Roll Over Lay Down (Status Quo) Eddy Current Suppression Ring - There's A Lot Of It Going Around (The Chosen Few)
The Chosen Few - The Joke's On Us The Chosen Few - T.A.L.O.I.G.A. The Chosen Few - Adolph You Beauty The Chosen Few - Disco Tek Wreck The Chosen Few - (Do The Manic) To Kill Or Maim Honey The Chosen Few - Terminal Rock
The Chosen Few - No Fun On The Beaches The Chosen Few - Won't You Make Up You Mind (Lobby Loyde) The Chosen Few - Hard Lovin' Man (Johnny Moped) The Chosen Few - He's Waiting (Sonics)
The Chosen Few - Hot Generation (The Sunsets) The Chosen Few - Slimy Characters The Chosen Few - Exercise Your Rights The Chosen Few - Son Of Sam
The Chosen Few - Ramblin' Rose (MC5) The Chosen Few - Search & Destroy (Stooges) Fearless Dog Killers - Let's Go (JAB)
Stiff Richards - No Fun On The Beaches (The Chosen Few)
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bebegi · 3 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞? ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
genre: forced confession [?] | fluff — gn!reader
warnings: kys jokes ♡
series: jonathan — joseph — jotaro — josuke — giorno — jolyne — johnny — gappy — jodio
🎵 — tek it by cafuné
notes: inspired by my own accidental confessions but with a twist, hehe, hope you enjoy it <3
notes²: ignore any misspellings please ;(
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˙⋆.˚ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳:
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© bebegi 2024. do not crop the tag or claim it as yours in any way please, do not repost in other sites without asking for permission + credit, thanks !! reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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