#Johnny starts training kids to do karate
gemini-sensei · 10 months
Baby | Hawk Moskowitz x Teen Mom!Reader
Chubby!Reader - Blurb - based off of this POST
I'm still uncertain about writing Johnny, so I hope this is alright. @sensei-venus <3
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It was an average day for Johnny; wake up, eat breakfast, teach karate, then buy groceries before going home. It wasn't supposed to be a long trip, just getting the essentials and something for the night, including a pack of Coors. He planned to be in and out of the store in five minutes. However, the last thing he expected to find inside was his student who had ditched class that day.
Hawk was a great student; he took every lesson and perfected it flawlessly. He was a great fighter, a champion even. Before that, he was a nerd, a rule follower, a nice kid, and some part of that old Hawk still lived somewhere inside of him. So it wasn't within his character to suddenly miss training for any reason.
So when Johnny saw the tall mohawk down an aisle, he wanted to know what was up. But someone blocked his path and the kid was gone before he could walk up to him. He looked for him for a little bit but it was as if he disappeared into thin air. He gave up after just a couple of minutes so he could go home and started making his way to the coolers, telling himself he'd deal with Hawk tomorrow - tear into him for missing an important lesson.
As he walked through the aisles, a child started crying and Johnny rolled his eyes. He asked himself why people brought kids to places like the grocery store when they and everyone else weren't going to enjoy it. The crying grated on his ears and he thought it was about time he got out of there.
The beer coolers were only a few feet away from the dairy section and by the time he got there, the crying had stopped. As he made his way to the Coors section, he heard a familiar voice carry over the aisle. However, it was strange and like he'd never heard it before; bubbly and kid-like.
"What do you think she'll like, this one?" the voice asked in a baby-ish tone. "I think so."
Johnny couldn't help but peek around the corner to see what was going on. He was flabbergasted to see Hawk - the most recent ATV champion and one of the toughest kids he knew - holding a chubby baby on his hip as he looked at yogurt. The baby held onto his shirt collar while chewing on her other hand with her gums. Hawk put whatever kind of yogurt he'd picked out into a shopping cart and smiled at the baby.
"Mission accomplished," he said, as if the baby understood him. She laughed anyway.
Hawk turned and took the shopping cart with one hand, holding the baby girl on his hip. He carried on down the aisle, turning the corner.
"What the Hell?" Johnny asked himself.
He couldn't help following behind, momentarily forgetting his beer. When he reached the end of the aisle, he peeked around the corner to see where Hawk had gone with the baby, seeing them looking at a little display of toy cars. The bubbly baby girl reached out and tried to grab one of the packaged toys, to which Hawk grabbed it and handed it to her.
"You want this one? I'm sure Mama won't mind if you get one," he said. She squealed happily, shaking the toy in the air with a tight grip. He nodded along as if agreeing with her happy screams. "Yeah, that's lots of fun, isn't it?"
He set her down in the shopping cart now that she had something to entertain herself with. Not two seconds later, a girl around his age came up to the cart and placed some cereal boxes inside. Then she smiled at the baby and Hawk before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He put his arm around her thick waist and pulled her into his side, returning the kiss on the cheek. Johnny could just barely see the baby between them, but she watched them with big, enamored eyes.
It was at that moment that Johnny realized that the baby looked like the girl and that she was the girl's mother. And if that was the baby's "Mama", did that mean Hawk was the baby's father? How the Hell did that happen?
When did that happen?
How had he kept all of this to himself?
As the couple moved on through the store, Johnny had seen enough and ducted back between the shelves. He slowly moved himself back to the beer coolers, body on autopilot as he took a deep dive into what he had just witnessed. He grabbed his Coors and then carried himself to the checkout line. He hated self-checkout and wished someone would come around to do this for him as he scanned barcodes whilst he tried to piece together how Hawk of all people had had a baby with someone, gone to school, gone to karate practice, and won the All Valley. It was mind-boggling to him.
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It was another day of training. Everyone was going through their stretches to start the day off right. Everyone except for Hawk, who wasn't there at all. It was another day of training without Hawk.
Johnny was a little peeved until he remembered what he had witnessed. But instead of letting it be, he walked over to Hawk's closest friends while they were stretching and chatting about whatever.
"Hey, did any of you know Hawk has a kid?" he asked. Not even a hello.
"What?!" "-are you talking about?" "Are you drunk?"
He glared as they all talked over each other, not appreciating their attitudes and questions. Though it answered his. "Oookay. So none of you knew about that?"
"What are you even talking about?" Miguel asked, giving him a questionable look. If anyone were going to know about a Baby Hawk, it was going to be him and Demetri first and foremost. "Hawk doesn't have a kid."
"Affirmative," Demetri said.
"I saw him just yesterday with a kid on him, talking all that baby talk crap," Johnny said. He crossed his arms over his chest, firm in his belief given what he'd seen. "His girlfriend even looks like she popped a kid out, ya know. All wide and still has the baby fat."
Sam's jaw dropped. "That's no way to talk about Hawk's girlfriend-"
"That we have no idea about," Robby interjected.
"That's just rude," Sam finished.
Johnny looked at her weirdly. "What? She isn't here?"
"That doesn't matter," Miguel clarified, then quickly moved on to the next - and more pressing - topic of conversation. "Hawk has a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, and a baby," Johnny said, becoming tired of running in these circles. He'd said what he said, told them the truth. Why wasn't that enough for them? "I saw what I saw, man. Hawk is with this... chubby" he cut a look at Sam and she didn't look totally annoyed by him, "chick, and they were all over each other and they had that baby. The baby looked just like her too."
"That doesn't necessarily mean that's her baby," Tory said, rolling her eyes and walking away. "This is literally too dumb for me to keep listening to."
"Yeah, maybe that's her sibling or something," Miguel suggested. He looked at Johnny. "Are you sure you're not jumping to any conclusions?"
"No way," Johnny told him. He racked his brain to make sure he hadn't overlooked anything, only to remember the cutesy talk between Hawk and his girlfriend that he'd overheard. "He called her 'hot mama' and shit like that, so I'm sure. I know it. That's his little family or whatever."
Demetri was unconvinced. "Not possible. If I was an uncle. I'd know it."
Sam crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "I don't know. Hawk has been pretty secretive lately."
"And he's missing a lot of training without telling us why," Robby added.
"But before all of that started, everything was normal," Miguel said. He was also unconvinced, sure that his best friend would tell him about something so life-changing. "If he got someone pregnant, he'd wanna be there with her. Nine months and then some is a long time to even hide something like that, ya know?"
The group of teens stood divided and Johnny was proud of it for some reason. He was just happy to be right, leaving the teens to mull over the situation he had brought to them, sure of himself that he'd made the right call. They were ready to text Hawk and ask questions but before one of them could retrieve their phone, Daniel came out and started the class by calling everyone together.
It was a strange day after that. No one could focus, their thoughts all on Hawk and the unknown girlfriend and baby Johnny have brought their attention too. Except for Tory, who didn't let it bother her because, as she said, it was too dumb to pay attention to.
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to be continued?
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angelflms · 1 month
Okay, so I have been thinking so much about this (I have been talking aloud to myself for like ten minutes bc I've invested myself wayyy too deep into this), but I think I know why Miguel bothers me so much despite being my favorite character.
The writers suck.
Now, I know I don't have screenwriting credibility and I'm merely just a girl and I know that perhaps they can't cram all of this shit into the show and make room for literally everyone else, BUT I think the reason why so many people don't like Miguel as a character is because he doesn't have much of a character to work with. So whenever he does something that shows character (the Mexico storyline, the Stanford storyline), no one feels bad for him. I think that maybe if he had definitive arcs for each season, while weaving it better into Robby's arcs (since they're foils and tethered to each other), he would actually be likeable. So I wanted to show you what I feel like I would do to write Miguel's post school fight arc. Feel free to tell me your opinions. (buckle up, this is a long one)
similar to what we see
but we actually get to be more into Miguel's mental response to the aftermath
I dont' think they went enough into his feelings with everything and that everything went a bit too fast (for Miguel) during the season.
perhaps they could've gone deeper into his PTSD, similar to what they did with Sam.
but instead it preventing him from going to school, it prevented him from doing karate all together.
it was clear early on that karate and Johnny slowly became all that Miguel cared about.
Johnny was sending mixed signals and Kresse's entry into CK was conflicting as their ideals were different.
Johnny made it clear that CK's mottos are a way of life, so Miguel was moving the exact way one would in karate irl.
Karate was his life. And it nearly ended it as well.
I don't believe Miguel would immediately still want to be so gung-ho about joining karate again after nearly dying from it.
Johnny would lose Miguel's trust and would fight for it back. He already lost Robby. He can't lose Miggy too.
Miguel doesn't want to be around him for now, despite feeling bad for pushing him away
When finding out he was paralyzed, it hurt to find out, but at the same time, with his conflicited feelings about karate, he would feel a bit relieved.
I like to think that when the surgery worked, everyone was happy but Miguel because now people are going to expect him to want to go back to doing karate.
Eventually he and Johnny have a heart to heart and make up, though he's still a little bit hesitant on trusting him
he does reluctantly join Eagle Fang and he tries to make an effort to train again and get past his fear
Though things still feel like what it was like at CK, which isn't something Miguel is enjoying
Plus him being the only shot they have for the All Valley is putting presure on him, mainly due to Johnny
The scene where he tries to kick but fails happens
He falls and flashbacks of the school fight happen
He gives up and says he isn't doing karate anymore
That is until the finale fight when CK comes in and fights the EF/MD kids and Kyler beats him up
he remembers why he started karate in the first place and starts fighting again
He chooses to do karate again
Again similar to what we see (Johnny and Carmen, the intro to Kenny, etc)
I think he still feels weird about being back in the world of karate and latches onto Daniel more as a sensei now with the conjoint dojos situation (he's a lot softer on him knowing his situation)
Which pisses Johnny off and makes him jealous (he just misses his kid ya know?)
He tries to make an effort with Miguel but he grows more distant after hearing Daniel's side of the events during TKK
This season could heavily parallel s2 with Kiaz as they're on the opposite sides of the coin now with Robby being with CK and Miguel learning more Miyagi-Do techniques
This could also bring more tension with Lawrusso because of how they're both treating and training him and how Johnny thinks Daniel is taking Miguel away from him
(maybe a fight scene about this idk)
Perhaps Miguel starts feeling bad about pushing Johnny away as he very much still cares about him and sees him trying
Daniel does talk to Miguel about how Johnny does care about him and how he's beaten up about everything and how he wishes he could change everything
This will make the whole "I love you" "I love you, too Robby" scene a lot worse
Miguel feels lost again
The sprain he gets during the All Valley was the final straw for him as he has a panic attack and in a heap of emotions, he leaves for Mexico, not just to find his dad, but to genuinely run away from everything
Also throughout this season, I really wanted to see more of Robby being guilty for what he did during the fight but pushing it away until he sees what Kenny does to Anthony and realizing that history is already about to repeat itself
Also also we do see Miguel talk about collage but brings up that he wants to become a PT (did I take this from someone who reblogged my other rant, yes) and probably want to go Boston University (they have a PT degree program)
Same as we see for the most part
I was hoping Miguel would bring up the whole "I love you" situation but he never did and I wonder why
I wish we saw bits of the car ride home from Mexico and the awkwardness between the boys (there's a good ao3 fic that does this pretty decently)
Perhaps Robby can tell that something is off with Miguel though and tries to spark conversation but the latter refuses to talk to the former because of the school fight
I think the break up should still happen
Both because with everything going on with him, the breakup would just be another stab in the chest, but also because that fucking scene was so good!! Like idk if Mary and Xolo get their flowers for that scene but I'ma need them to get their flowers for that scene
Now he's just this ball of emotions
Johnny still wants to push for the boys to be close since he's caring for both of them now (and ofc the baby) so like in the actual s5, he still tries to get them to talk
Now I would've preferred a heart to heart reconciliation (similar to samtory s6) but since the dudebros would think that's too soft and this is a fighting show, the balcony scene would be fine
Though I do think in a later scene, Kiaz should have a more emotional talk with each other
Miguel just talks about how hard it has been since the school fight and how everything keeps on changing and everything gets a lot for him
Robby tells him that he gets it and confesses how guilty he feels for being the one to put him in the hospital
And then I feel like the rest of s5 can go the way it did
i don't know. maybe this is too convoluted but I do think that the lack of characterization and constant mischaracterization of miguel diaz is due how poorly the writers went about him post s3a imo. i think they could've done something great with him in a way people felt for robby you know? they always randomly bring things up as a way to say "hey he has trauma too" but it's always at the most inopportune times and it always comes off half-assed instead. i love miguel so much because of his happy-go-lucky energy but he has so much wasted potential which is wild to say when he's the main character.
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
We always talk about the Curtis bros, but do you have any Johnny hcs? ❤️🎞️
Oh absolutely!
(tw for suicide and s/h mentions)
He used to feed the stray animals of the lot-he’d be walking to the Curtis’ house and there would be an army of kittens and puppies following him
He names them all too, he has favorites but he won’t admit it
His favorite is a black lab he named Mocha and a dark brown cat with green eyes that he named Cinnamon (he loves his food related names)
He has the biggest appetite out of everyone in the gang-when the Curtis brothers would host thanksgiving they would make two turkeys for that reason alone
He’s very light footed and will sidle people by mistake
He hates bio because he hates dissecting things (more so after bobs death- i refuse to accept that Johnny died)
He knows karate because he would watch through a window (tying together Ralph Macchio’s roles lol)
His hair is canonically super fluffy not greased back (in the movie at least) and he secretly loves when people play with it but will never let anyone actually do it unless it’s a gang member
He always makes sassy little quips under his breath and no one gets mad because they’re actually kinda funny and original
Before their deaths, Johnny was super super close to Mrs. Curtis
Like she would leave slices of cake or leftovers from dinner on the windowsill because she knew he was too prideful (and too worried about bothering anyone) to actually ask
He doesn’t get bloated no matter how much he eats. Soda is insanely jealous
He’s not big on cuddling because he’s just jumpy but sometimes he’ll snuggle up with Pony in the lot
He’s one of the shortest in the gang, right after Sodapop (i’d say he’s 5’10’’ or so)
‘He is undefeated in burping contests and he’s proud of it (unless he’s in public then he gets all shy. Dally gives him shit for it like “come on we’ve all heard you before! don’t get all chicken on us now!”)
He isn’t subtle about being hungry either. He by far has the loudest stomach in the gang (coincidental for him being so quiet)
Him and Pony were inseparable as kids and Soda was insanely jealous (he got over it after Mrs Curtis explained Johnny doesn’t have anyone at home like Pony and that Soda has him all the time while Johnny doesn’t)
He never drinks. Ever. Even when he’s of age because he’s seen what it’s done to his parents and it scares him
The rest of the gang know this and they don’t drink around him or come near him when they’re actually drunk
He’s the prettiest crier you’ll ever see
He was an oops baby and his parents have no shame in telling him so. Because of this he often feels like a mistake and takes it out on himself in very bad ways
He has an older sister but she ran away and left him behind. He used to resent her for it but then started wondering if he would’ve gone through with it if she had gone with him
He loves croissants
He isn’t a fan of chocolate and swears sour/gummy things are better (him and Pony have bickered about this)
He has no problem standing up for himself against the gang if he thinks they’re being unfair to him
He’s not really competitive but he’s oddly good at making bets
He doesn’t bother taking a lunch period in school because he never has food anyway
He gets easily embarrassed when people know he’s hungry because he feels like he’s being a burden or something
His mom is Hispanic and his dad is Native American
He’s fluent in Spanish because of this and knows a bunch of insults (mainly because his mom used them on him)
He has a high spice tolerance but spicy stuff makes him burp and hiccup like crazy
He’s a quiet crier. Like he’ll just put his head down and you’ll hear teeny tiny gasps. He kinda trained himself to be quiet though
He loves ducklings. He’s rehabilitated a number of animals because he has genuine care for them but ducklings and birds were always his favorites
He’s on the ace spectrum (Demisexual)
He has the biggest brownest eyes imaginable and knows when to use the puppy eyes to get what he wants (even Dally can’t so no to those puppy eyes)
He often makes jokes absolutely degrading himself and the gang always sits him down for a “101 reasons why we love Johnny” session
He made a joke about offing himself one time. Did not end well. The gang panicked and wouldn’t let him be anywhere alone for months because they were so worried
Speaking of, he’s attempted a number of times but was obviously never successful
He always feels a lump in his throat when he sees anyone with s/h scars because it means they’re hurting in a similar way to him
His parents tried to institutionalize him once but the gang got there before anything could actually happen
His response she to fear tends to be snap back. It’s all he knows. So if he’s afraid or feels threatened he will snap and yell at you
He hates feeling like a pet. The soc girls at school would treat him like a quiet shy pet until he snapped back at them
He despises nearly every soc (before he met cherry and expanded his thought process)
He has a pine allergy and once Darry had a pine scented candle and he almost died (Darry felt awful because he didn’t know)
Whenever the gang roughhouses they go light on him and make a point to not insult him because they don’t want it to turn into something his parents would do
I kinda like to headcanon that he has vitiligo but on his arms and back and such but he’s really insecure about it so he hides it
He has pretty bad PTSD and his panic attacks are intense
He has told the gang to “shut the fuck up” when they got too loud
Coincidentally he despises johnnycakes (he melts when it’s used as a nickname for him tho)
He’s kinda big on pet names because he didn’t get that a lot as a kid from anyone besides Mrs. Curtis. But he also doesn’t like to feel babied
That’s all I have for now-really went on the angst train…woof-anyway-hope you enjoy!
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sensei-venus · 1 year
@gemini-sensei , I might try doing something for this but-
Chubby!Reader who has been with the original group of students from cobra kai. She only ever defected to Miyag-Do after Kreese took over and then she went to Eragle-Fang. 
She's always been in the background, but so far back that not even the other background kids see or talk to her. It's almost like she's not there most of the times. For a long time she tries really hard to get some of any attention at that, but nothing worked. Nothing seemed to get her in the spot light, or even noticed for that matter.
So she just goes to class for her own benefit. Only to go home right afterward. She doesn't bother to stick around after practice, it's not like anyone wants to talk to her or hang out. No one makes a move to get to know her, they hardly even look in her direction most of the time. One of the only times she is noticed is when she's paired up with someone. Then right after they don't say a word to her.
Daniel is the only one who seems to care enough to notice her. He's the only one who tends to talk to her, asking about training, how she's doing, and how's school. More than Johnny ever has with the time she's been learning under him. She feels grateful that he at least takes a liking to her. One of the only reasons she keeps showing up.
But things change quickly one day and she snaps.
One day after a long hard trading session most of the students are talking. Everyone has changed out of their workout clothes before muddling around the dojo. Reader is checking out her bag just to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything important. While she is looking she over hears Miguel and Sam talking to the other students. They are all in tight circle having a conversation, Reader decides to walk over. She gets into hearing range to hear them saying how they should all meet up.
The other students get excited about the new idea.
“Can you just send the info to the group chat? So we can all know the time and place to show up?” solemn says. Everyone nods which has Reader stumped.
Group chat? What group chat?
Moments later the huge group starts to split up leaving Reader confused. She quickly tries to flag someone down before they can all leave.
“Hey so you have the group chat info-”
“Can you by chance send me the group chat-”
“Can you add me-”
Every single one of them seem to ignore her. Walking right past her, paying no mind to her or any of her questions. They just leave her standing there, hurt and clueless. Clearly, all of them were part of some dojo group chat. One where they shared group plans and hung out together. Maybe they even talked about things besides what went on at the dojo. What real friends did.
But now it was crystal clear to her, she wasn't their friend and they weren't hers either.
Her attempts at trying to be nice where useless. When she tried to talk to them during class or before, when she offered to help with school work, even when she tried her best to be a shoulder to cry on. None of it seemed to be enough for them to notice her. To care that she was trying to be apart of their friend group.
Even the slight crushes she developed on some of them.
There was no use in trying anymore.
This was the final straw.
That day she left the dojo with a heavy heart and a mind full of deep honest questions about what she needed to do. The dojo was no longer much of a comfort. Being there only made her feel like a outcast, out of place and cold. Why keep going if she could not build any relationships with her peers? While karate itself kept her busy and happy, the environment she was in did not. It only brought her down. 
Days passed and time ticked along with all of her thoughts about the dojo. Until one afternoon she decided on her final decision.
She folded up her gi and drove to the dojo.
She looked at Daniel’s face as he sadly took the crisp gi from her hands.
“I don't think I should be in an environment where I'm invisible to those around me. It's not fair to me or them. I'm sorry Sensei.” she bowed lowly to Daniel.
His lips draw down into a slight frown, brows knit as he watches the girl bow.
“I understand, not feeling as if your peers are behind you can be difficult. She shouldn't feel the pain of not fully knowing if they would stick behind you as you would them. I would hope that this is not the last time I see you. I can only hope you don't give up karate over this. You are a great student Reader.” his words priced her heart a little. Standing up she looked at him, her own eyes filled with sadness. She did her best to hold back the tears that slowly started to well in her eyes.
“I promise Sensei, I won't forget all the things you taught me. Maybe one day I can come back. Maybe then I will have a bit more confidence.” her voice cracks a little. With one final nod she turns around and walks away. She gives one last look around, knowing this might be the last time she ever sees the beautiful yard. Sighing she walks back to her car in silence, leaving the small lot without even a second glance.
When the next class comes around, no one notices anything missing. Everyone gets into their respective groups and stands ready for the days lesson.
“So we are going to pair up for today's lesson. So let's all get into pairs and start.” Johnny booms from the front of the group of teens. Quickly everyone starts to team up. Already knowing who they want to be paired with.
“Uhh sensei, I don't have a partner. I think everyone is paired up but me.” its Bert who speaks up.
“What so you mean you don't have a partner?” Johnny questions. They had never has a odd am out of students before. There has always been a even amount among the dojo.
Who wasn't there today? He looks around finding all the familiar faces he knows. He accounts for all of them which has him scratching his head.
“Shit that's my fault Johnny, I completely forgot to tell you. Reader quiet last class, I should have told you as soon as she came to me.”
There was a long pause between the two men. Even the teens stopped to listen in.
“Reader? Last Name? Do you seriously not remember your own student? Now that I'm thinking about it she was a part of your dojo before mine. I would have thought you would have noticed her missing.”
“Still blanking.”
Daniel doesn't even want to keep talking to the man. It's like talking to a brick wall with him.
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This idea started to die, but I like to think Poly! Hawk, Sam, Demetri, Robby and Miguel start to feel bad about not paying attention to Reader. They end up following her around school, trying to figure out what they can do to make her come back to the dojo.
But it quickly goes from just trying to get an old teammate to come back to “Oh no we might have started to develop a crush on the girl.”.
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After seeing Season 5 and the way Miguel beat up three different guys to protect Robby in the fight at the Cobra Kai dojo, I need more of protective Miguel over Robby, so here! It’s not a fic, more an outline xD
4 Times Miguel’s Protective Of Robby And 1 Time He Realises Why
1: Robby and a former Cobra Kai are sparring and the ex-Cobra gets way too aggressive and nearly crushes Robby’s leg. Miguel immediately intervenes and knocks him to the ground and really digs into him until Robby has to tell him to cool it and the guy apologises. Tory and Sam snicker in the background and Demetri hands Eli money. Robby spends the rest of the week thinking about that because no one’s ever protected him like that before, except Miguel. For Miguel it’s just another Tuesday xD
2: Miguel finds out Johnny didn’t tell Robby the purpose of the Mexico trip until they were already there and that leads to the loudest fight the entire apartment complex has heard, and that’s saying something. Miguel thinks it’s unfair to Robby that Johnny put him in that position without even telling him and yet again made him feel second to Miguel. Eventually he calms down after Robby pacifies him and Johnny’s impressed and kinda proud that his two sons are getting along so well that Miguel is even protecting Robby from JOHNNY. Yaya gives Miguel a knowing look and Robby a wink and they don’t know what she means but they oddly feel like they’ve been found out.
3: One of the guys from school asks Robby out and he’s so far removed from karate and Carmen tells him it’ll be nice to have a break from the constant training for the Sekai Taikai, so he accepts. Miguel doesn’t know why but he feels weirdly betrayed by his mom. He ends up recruiting Eli and Demetri to follow Robby on the date “just in case”, citing their newly formed friendship and brotherhood meaning he wants to keep him safe. Eli and Demetri exchange that look they always do when they’re communicating in their own way that no one else understands, but Miguel’s one-track mind lets it go. The date does end up going badly cuz the guy is really disrespectful and too touchy and the next day Miguel’s on TikTok for beating the guy within an inch of his life before Robby, Eli, AND Demetri all had to hold him back. The video shows up on Daniel’s For You page on his newly made TikTok and he can’t help but be glad that someone’s looking out for his mentee, because if anyone knows how rough Robby had it it’s Daniel.
4: It’s movie night at the Diaz-Lawrence household and, after an exhausting game of Monopoly where Johnny nearly throws the board out the window when he starts losing, Miguel and Robby end up on the kitchen table together once everyone’s gone to sleep. They start talking about their childhoods and Miguel learns things about Robby’s that he half-figured but never wanted to think about when he was supposed to hate him. But now, seeing the kid who spent his childhood cooking for himself in dingy apartments and having to sweep up broken shards of the bottles of beer his mom or her newest boyfriend would leave on the ratty carpets, the kid who fell in with the wrong crowd too many times and got taken advantage of, the kid who was alone and didn’t have Johnny around…Miguel can’t help himself, he hugs Robby, a full-body hug, for the first time, and says he won’t let anything or anyone hurt him again. And Robby’s pretty sure he forgets how to breathe.
+1: Of course they don’t figure it out on their own. It takes separate interventions from their friends AND their senseis (yes, even Johnny figured it out eventually….ok, Daniel may have had to give him an intervention first) for Miguel to figure out he has feelings for Robby. And maybe that overprotectiveness wasn’t just brotherly love and friendship. And when he comes to this epiphany, it takes another full week for him to stop babbling nonsense when he sees Robby and finally ask him out. Fortunately for him, Robby likes him back, and fortunately for everyone else, they can finally exchange their money for the bets for when they’ll start dating😌
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purpleheartskies · 4 months
Around the time that s1 came out, Ralph said about the first Karate Kid movie: "It's a story about a boy who needs a mentor, needs a father, and he’s got all the odds against him."
This statement makes me think of Robby. Robby, when he was introduced in s1. Robby, when he ended s1. Robby, each season. Robby, at the end of s5.
Miguel doesn't fit this description for most of the story. In s1, he started out like this, but by the end of s1e5, he was no longer the underdog with the odds against him. In s3, he started out with odds against him. But, by the end of s3, there were no more odds against him. Each time, him beating the odds was marked by him beating Kyler, his only bully in the story.
And, between the two boys, Miguel is the bully---specifically Robby's bully.
Last night, for the first time ever, I watched the s1 trailer. I remember another fan once said that the part in the trailer that says "Get ready for a new karate kid" is followed by Miguel's introduction in the trailer, and that's why some fans have thought of Miguel as the new karate kid since s1. The trailer introduced Miguel using the scene that Kyler throws Miguel onto Johnny's car, and Johnny gets mad that they hurt his car. After that, the trailer set up Johnny becoming Miguel's sensei, called Johnny and Daniel's rivalry a "legendary rivalry", introduced "a new generation", said that the "Cobras are back", and ended with Daniel saying that this rivalry... they aren't done. Robby is only shown for a moment. He's looking angrily at the flier for Cobra Kai. There's no context for who he is, though.
The trailer is interesting. It's definitely not the kind of trailer that tells you the whole story. Though, if you look at it from the fan perspective of s1 and the story so far, it seems to do just that. If you watched s1 without your brain shut off, though, you would have realized that there's way more to the story than the trailer showed. The kid with flier is Johnny's actual son who Johnny abandoned and who needs a mentor and a father and has all the odds against him. By the end of s1, Daniel has given Robby the OG Miyagi-Do training. Robby fought as the sole, underdog Miyagi-Do in the tournament. Robby was injured by a Cobra and fought his final match, injured, against another Cobra, his new bully. Robby got the new, memorable Miyagi-Do move. Robby is clearly the Daniel in the story. Even the night at the beach, Robby was trying to defend Sam, and Miguel hit Robby, starting their rivalry. s1 itself is so true to the trailer's promise: "Get ready for a new karate kid"
s1 also ended with Robby setting out with Daniel to journey into the "special world", fitting with the Hero's Journey story structure. Meanwhile, Johnny's season ended with Kreese's return and him saying, "Everyone closed the book on us. They thought we were done, but now they see... that the real story's only just begun." This clearly indicated the expansion of the story into the "special world". Miguel is in neither of these scenes.
s1 also delivered on the promise of the story being from the bully's perspective. Though this isn't stated in the trailer, the story is pitched this way in interviews. Even now, the story is still pitched this way in interviews. The Cobras came back in s1 and believed that they're the heroes in the story. By the end of season, Johnny realized that they aren't the heroes. By the end of s5, it still hasn't sunk in for Miguel that he wasn't the hero in s1.
5 seasons later, going into the final season, Robby is still the kid whose story fits the description that Ralph gave for the Karate Kid story: "It's a story about a boy who needs a mentor, needs a father, and he’s got all the odds against him."
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80s4life · 1 year
No Time For ‘What If’s?’*
Word Count: 5,096
Status: Requested!
Ask: can I get a SFW/NSFW whatever. Cobra Kai John Kreese x f! reader student (who's 20+ and not in highschool) who sometimes looks at him a certain way but always looks depressed and Kreese took notice... {There's more, but I'm not giving away all the goodies}
@: @harlequinautumn​
Summary: I decided to make this somewhat of a song inspired prompt. This is based off of the song "Daddy Issues" by The Neighborhood. I think you can see where this us going...
Warnings: some angst, fluff, smut, dd/lg type of energy, age-gap, master/sensei/daddy kink, teacher/student kink, READER is in her 20′s, self-consciousness, self-hate, uncomfortable with body issues, appearance, etc.
Masterlist Karate Kid Masterlist Cobra Kai Masterlist
{Gifs are not mine, credits go to @sensei-venus & @danlarussc​}
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Had to put this last gif here because GRAND DADDY...
Scribbling in the notebook, you try to hide the blush on your face with the final thought you write into it. ‘He touched my arm during practice to help me keep my balance. His hand was warm and comforting, yet strong and held the promise of security,’ you smile. It’s childish, you know that, but unlike most of the kids in Reseda, Kreese, or better known as Master Kreese in your diary, was a man. He held a great promise with his status and a stern maturity in his movements and emotions. 
What’s more, he can manage to keep it in his pants, to both your comfort and frustration.
You look up, feeling his eyes on you and your smile instantly drops into a numb pout. You’ve loved him for as long as you could remember. It wasn’t your fault however, as it was never planned. 
He was your Sensei in the beginning, knowledgeable and strong, stoic with knowledge. Somehow, you’d find as the more time you’d spent in his class and in the higher rankings, you grew tired of his teachings and more interested in him as a person. He kept his personal life private and away from public eyes - most certainly the cool teacher you could sneak into a bar or eat at a fast food restaurant with just to hang out. Soon your innocent interest had faded into something carnal, sinful. There was nothing you could do to stop the mind of a young adult, much less one that still held the feelings of her teenage years.
He made you feel like that little 15 year old girl every time he looked at you, unable to see his feelings through any aspect of his body. You could never tell if he was scrutinizing you or just plainly looking. 
“Break’s over guys. Back to the mats!” he commands, eyes sliding from yours to encase the room through a tactical sweep.
Clasping the tiny lock through its metal bearing, you lock your diary with a click and shove it into your drawstring back, hurriedly shuffling back onto the mats to endure your next beating.
After about an hour of endless training without any breaks, Kreese glanced at the watch embracing his veined, muscular wrist, checking the time. Without a word, the class is ordered to do another set of push-ups before he calls it a day. 
Huffing, you grab your tiny towel and lay it across your shoulders, using one of the ends to dab at your forehead. The boys pat you on your back as they start to gather their things, some heading to the showers to wash up quickly, others complaining about the homework they haven’t gotten to yet.
“God am I glad I don’t have to do that shit anymore,” you murmur, giggling as you could hear Tommy groan.
“Can I give you a call later, Y/N? Help me go over my essay for Mr. Whees?” Johnny asks, breathy and miserable.
“Sure Johnny Boy, but you’ll owe me an ice cream cone next time we head to the beach.”
“Sweet! Deal!” he punches your shoulder, speeding out of the dojo to get a headstart on finishing said writing that’s due tomorrow morning.
Giggling, you wave your goodbyes to some of the other guys as you grab your bag, walking slowly towards the showers, feeling the extent of your workout in your calves and knees. Stopping just short of the room, you peer into Kreese’s office, “Sensei?”
“Y/L/N,” he answers, the rumble of his voice sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m gonna head to the showers. It’s going to be a while, so if you need me to lock up, I can.”
“No, you’re fine, Y/L/N. I’ll be working on some paperwork for a while also.”
“Okay, thanks,” you blush, a small smile spreading on your lips as you slink off of the doorframe and continue your way to the showers. 
In your drunken haze of lust, you had seemed to miss Kreese’s eyes slip to your bag, shiny pink diary having poked through the jagged holes in the old drawstring bag. He couldn’t help his curiosity, having taken notice to your attachment to the small object, always writing, always peering over its covers to see if anyone was watching. It was peculiar, and though he had been caught a few times, your reaction and apparent nervousness is what made him want to know exactly what was in that book.
Hearing as the soft hums of pleasure radiates with the heat of the streaming water, Kreese keeps a close eye on where your book lied, checking to see if any of the boys were left in the dojo. Walking towards the chairs at the front of the dojo - where you had last left your drawstring bag - Kreese closes the blinds of the dojo; the appearance of it being closed a small comfort and reassurance of another day spent and gone. No one else will try to come back in, no one will bother him.
He turns to leave and go back to his office, but his feet won’t carry him. Peering down at the loose drawstring bag, pink book still peeking out of its covers, he debates whether or not he should satiate his curiosity or infiltrate your personal space. Choosing the latter, he pulls the book slowly as to not mess with the bag’s positioning too much.
Walking back to his office, he leaves the door open a crack, the sound of the shower humming prompting him to see what’s been eating at him. What has been making you look so enthralled and sad at the same time. What’s been making you so mysterious. 
Kreese almost doesn’t even want to open the book. He knows everything about his students, but you? You’re a mystery. A chase. He almost doesn’t want the high of the cat and mouse game to end. However, he just rolls his shoulders, prying the key to the lock from the bindings you had not-so-subtly tried to hide.
‘Silly Girl. So mature yet so naive,’ he thinks, unlocking the small metal that kept him from his answers.
Leaning back in his chair, he props his feet on his desk, opening the book at last. Shuffling through some pages, he comes to find this pink book as your diary. Delving deeper, he flips through some random pages, the headers and dates catching his eyes and honing in.
January 21st: The Reckoning
This date isn’t far different from any other day, just a date. However, the header is what piques his interest.
‘Another day at the dojo. Another array of cuts and bruises. Johnny and the boys are just finishing their first year as freshmen in highschool and I’m stuck here. 22, young, single, graduated, andddd no life plan ahead of me. I realized that my interest in Sensei Kreese is starting to feel different. I no longer want to know about him, I want to know everything. What type of coffee he likes, if he even likes coffee, what he does in his freetime, what does he like most in a partner? Ugh.’
January 22nd: The Realization
‘Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! Rereading what I was feeling yesterday and watching it bloom tenfold has finally made me come to my senses. 8 years of practicing with this man and I finally catch whiff of what my so-called “interest” was and I finally come to my senses now? “Stupid Girl” as Kreese would say. Stupid Girl is right!’
A bemused smile perches on Kreese’s lips. It’s like high school all over again, and he’s the center focus. He flips a few pages more.
February 3: Valentines Sluts
‘February has just came around and so has my birthday. However, I keep seeming to find myself going into a Valentines craze. Almost as bad as high school. I stared at Master Kreese for a while during break today (thank God we got one). He was wearing his signature black gi with yellow accents, his arms string with veins of hard labor drawn into them. His hair was a bit scruffier and his eyes were a tired blue. God, how I could get lost in them. My eyes trailed down a bit though. Sorry...not sorry. I used an excuse that I rolled my ankle and needed to rest for a bit, but I only ended up watching him. How he helped the boys stretch and train. He worked so hard that his skin turn a light shade of red, sweat droplets sliding down his forehead to his cheekbones, jaw, down his neck, on his collar bones, and sadly, disappeared down his shirt. Oh what I would give to be that droplet of sweat. Almost as exciting as it would be if I could get him that riled up. Happy almost Valentines Day *winky face with heart eyes drawn on the side of page*’
Kreese lets out a low whistle, chuckling a bit. Suddenly, things were getting steamy. He’s a bit surprised by your diary; such a pristine, put together, grown woman, and here you are, displaying your thoughts like a horny teenager. 
Skipping through more dates, Kreese finds more and more sinful readings, something small turning much greater. However, there were undertones of regret, sadness, and...lack of self worth. Not only have the thoughts gotten increasingly dirtier, but they also grew more insecure and sad. And, as the dates grew closer to present day, it seemed that all confidence and harmless thinking were starting to take a toll. You were no longer happy with yourself, however, you kept writing all your fantasies as if they would make you feel any better.
Finally, Kreese nears the end of your diary. 
Today: Confusion
‘Again, I found myself staring at him. Again, I snuck away to write about him not even 10 feet away. And, again, I find myself no closer and so much farther away from the man I thought I was getting to know. I’m 25 now and still have the mental and physical strength of the lowly 14 year old that met him in high school. I’m starting to fear I will never get to tell him how I feel. Never get to live and explore. Never be enough for him. I almost got caught writing about him today and I couldn’t care less. If anything,  maybe it would be a gateway to romance? Those hot scenarios I’ve built up, gotten off to, and scribbled down in these old pagers. But, those are all just more scenarios and fantasies never lived. Maybe it’s time to move on.’
You go on to think of your past, future, and present, and how any of it was either worth or waste of time. He wants to keep reading - wants to delve deep into your wondrous mind.
He didn’t hear the shower stop, too caught up in the insecurity you call yourself.
“Sensei?” your light voice calls out, hair damp and pinned in a clip. Rugged jeans with rips, converse, and a white cropped tee with black sleeves adorning your delicate features. Your brows are furrowed, a mixture of confusion, loss, and fear flashing in your E/C orbs; rounded by the initial surprise and emotions that cross you in such an unexpected predicament. “W-What are you doing?”
For a moment, Kreese just sits, book still open with the presence of his thumb on the page he’s left off on. He’s silent, studying you as he recounts all that he’s read from your book and more. “Reading your diary,” he states plainly, obviously. Truthfully.
You crumble on the spot, wanting to dig a hole and die in it. “Where’d you find it? Wait - How’d you unlock it?” you all but screech, going straight for your bag. 
Kreese slings out of his chair and around his desk instantly, catching your wrist in the middle of the dojo. 
“What are you doing, Sensei? Can’t you see I’m already embarrassed enough? You’re just making it worse-”
“Is all of this true?” he asks, holding the book up, now closed. His thub no longer holding his place. ‘Shit,’ he thinks, shaking his head.
“It’s a diary, isn’t it?” you try to lighten the mood, scratching the back of your neck and nodding to the front cover plainly stating, ‘DIARY’.
“Yes, but everything inside?”
“Every page, every day, for the past 8 years.” You figure it’s time to come clean, no matter the consequences. This has gone on for long enough, and by the looks of it, he’s not too mad at you. Or happy, or sad. In fact, now that you look at it, he looks as if he feels nothing.
You take a step back, your hand limply being allowed out of its hold, and briskly walk for your bag. Just as you go to walk for the door this time, the same warm, calloused hand wraps itself around your much tinier wrist, yanking you back the other direction. “Sensei, please,” you beg, “Just let me go home! I’ll never bother you again, and you can forget all about this ordeal. It’s really not that big of a deal!”
Pulling you through to his office, he turns and locks the door with a key. To ensure your inability to get out, he takes the key and places it in his front jean pocket and sits down on his side of the desk. Motioning for you to follow his lead, you just stand there.
Almost annoyed, he states, “Well, I’m not going to tell you again,” pointing to the chair opposite him.
Eyes rounded, you stare blankly from his face to the chair and back again. ‘Is he serious?’
Sitting down, you watch in horror as Kreese opens the book back up again, finding a specific page in your novelty of recountments. “Ah, here it is,” he chuckles.
Reading the page out loud, he starts with the header:
“June 11th: Midnight Blues
‘I took some time alone today. It seems everyday is getting harder and harder. Not only am I trying to finish my senior year, but I’m trying to find my way - my path. Sitting on the hood of my car, somewhere tucked behind the Hollywood sign (my hiding spot), I looked up and watched the stars and tried to get my plans in order. 
Mom wants me to go to college in Charleston, SC with her, but Dad wants me to stay somewhere close and doesn’t care if I go to college or not. Mom’s got family down South, Dad has just me. Both are choices I don’t want to make; I don’t want to hurt either or’s feelings.
Then there’s Kreese. God how I love him. If I were to choose to leave or which parent, it would be a choice solely on where he will be or how he feels. But, then again, what does he feel? I mean, he would never look at a little girl like me. It’s disgusting, though I’m legal, and a big inconvenience. A little girl following a man who has seen all parts of the world with her tail wagging and eyes bugging out of her head at the sight of him. He’s grown, experienced, and independent. He would look for someone way older than me for sure. It’s only right, given they would share similar aspects to him. 
No one ever looks at me. And neither will he.’”
“Ring a bell?” he asks, finishing off the page.
“It was the end of senior year and there was a whole ton of shit going on. I don’t remember much, i-it was 4 years ago. All I remember was being diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression sometime afterwards. Though, if I can add to that, I’d had it for years, but neither mom nor dad wanted to get me examined since I was 14. It was a shitshow that summer.”
“Do you really think such heinous things of yourself?” he asks, brows furrowing as he stands, looping around the desk slowly as he assesses you.
“Yes. There’s always been that little voice in the back of my head...” you trail off, fingers interlocking and fiddling to try and ease said stress, eyes locking with his in a trance. 
“Where do you get that shit from?” he almost snarls, making you bow your head in shame. “Ah. Ah. I want to see those pretty eyes.”
“Why’s you read that page to me?”
“I wanted you to feel exactly as you felt then and try to sum up your thoughts and emotions. You see, I study you, and now, I’ve read you. Those feelings were never resolved...Why do you hate yourself so much, Babygirl?”
“I-I.” you stutter, trying to form some sort of answer. “I’ve never sought the validation I’ve needed.”
“And, why not?” he asks, arms splayed behind him and hands propping him up as he leans on his desk before you. Staring down at you.
“Because the only person I’ve ever needed validation from was you.” This time, you stand to meet his level, “I’ve never cared for what my parents thought because they only cared to one-up each other with me as their weapon. I never sought the validation of teachers because they only said what would get them more money in the end - once again, using me. I never sought validation from the girls or the guys at school because I’ve always been the odd one out. The only person I’ve ever sought validation from was you. You because you treated me as equal with the rest of the boys. You saw something in me that made me feel like I shined like a brand new corvette. So, you tell me: why have you always done that, knowing damn well I could’ve gone without it?” You got so close to him that you hadn’t realized the inches between you two, breath heavy with the long-held exasperation. 
“That,” he points at you, “That fire. You’ve always had it. You shined through everyone else and paved your own way without making any noise, or causing any destruction. You’re a strong, beautiful force that somehow has managed to fall over and over again, yet always got back up and never sought anyone’s help.”
Tears well up in your eyes as you’ve finally heard what you’ve always waited for. He’s watched you all along, guided you. He’s ensured your safety since he had met you - 14 years old, scared, weak, and hopeless. You thought you’d never get out of that shithole you were stuck in, but you had Kreese.
Sniffling you couldn’t help your actions, hand grasping his black T-shirt and pulling him in. Your other hand goes for his cheek, cupping it and pulling him down to your height. Slowly, you allow yourself the reprieve of almost a decade with this man, lips just hardly touching each other. You’re waiting - waiting for him to turn his back and pull away, but it doesn’t come. 
His huge hands grasp your waist to pull you in close, one hand leaving your hip to brace the back of your head, connecting his lips to yours. He pulls you as close as he can, your body getting up to straddle him on his desk, his arms crushing you chest to chest.
Your tears mix in to your kiss, the salty droplets of water mixing with the dancing of your tongues and you feel him squeeze. You grab at his shoulder, neck, chest, and soon grasp the hairs at the nape of his neck tenderly; starved for the attention and connection you’ve wished for ever since your teenage years.
He happily obliges, his own hand tangling in your hair at the base of your head and yanking it back - not hard, but strong enough to make you gasp at the excitement, sudden movement, and slight pain it had caused. His lips are on your neck now, suckling and licking at the coloumn of it, growling like a crazed animal about to eat its next meal.
You moan out, the action causing you to gasp again, eyes wide and mortified.
You can feel his cheshire grin on your neck, suckling a huge hickey into your collar bone with pride. Pulling back, he takes a good look at you, breathless, chest bouncing at the force of it, straddling his hips with your slimmer, toned ones - both from young age and practicing in the dojo. 
His hands move from you head and back down to lay on your hips, “Tell me how you want me to take you. Or should I look at one of your excerpts? Hm?” he teases, hazely green eyes turning to dark, mossy embers.
“I’m sure you’ve read enough,” you tease back, breathing out with defeat and humor.
“I can think of something,” he assures.
Standing up, his hands supporting your weight by your thighs, he loops around the desk, placing you to sit on it. Slowly, he traces your thighs, then your hips, waist, outline of your breasts, collar bone to your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Your eyes are glued to him, his arm slipping from your hand back up to the sleeves of your T-shirt, tugging at them, signaling for you to lift your arms.
He pulls your shirt off slowly, tantalizingly, taunting you as it is lifted over your head and thrown to the floor. He sucks in a breath, the sight of you leaving him silent. No words were spoken, but his lips were on your once more, forcefully taking you in like it’s his last time. ‘Impossible.’
Unbuttoning your jeans, he helps you off the desk to shimmy out of them, pulling you close to him once they’re thrown somewhere, too. He kisses in between your thighs, one for each, going to trace up your stomach. You stop him. 
Looking at him with uncertainty, you’re hit with embarrassment and uncertainty.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”
“It’s not you... I-It’s me.”
Deeply, he searches your eyes, already knowing the answer but searching for the confirmation. Sighing, he places a knuckle under your chin, lifting it so your eyes meet his. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’re gorgeous, Baby Girl.”
You still look at him hesitantly, which causes him to sigh again.
“Let me show you what I see,” he smirks, a softness in his eyes that tells you there’s nothing to be scared of. Just as he had throughout your highschool years: the drama, bullying, home life, and all.
You nod, hands grasping both sides of his face and pulling him in, kissing him sweetly. He whimpers a little bit, hoping you wouldn’t catch it, but you did. It ignites a fire deep within your gut.
He teases you, a finger sliding your underwear over to the side, fingers playing with your clit. You suck in a deep breath, back arching as you support your weight behind you, on your hands. His hands lays on your sternum, pushing you down further until your resting on your elbows.
Refusing to be pulled down, you sit back up, allowing him to play with you while you attempt to lift his shirt above his head, shakily. He watches you with amused eyes, liking the struggle your body portrays under the heat of his pleasure. He allows you to fumble around a bit more before he helps you out, lifting the bottom of his shirt and taking it off over his head. Hands going back to what they were doing prior.
Your eyes are glued to him, drinking him in as the fire burns brighter and hotter within your core. Greedily, you go for his belt, able to take it off with want and newfound strength as you grow more impatient.
You can hear him chuckle under his breath, pressing you back down by the sternum again, helping finish your goal. He removes the belt with one hand, pulling you off the desk and forcing you to face it. Taking the belt, he ties it around your wrists, tucking it into a drawer like a leash, too thick and sturdy to be able to pull it back out. 
Whining, you look at him over your shoulder, begging him with your eyes.
“You’ve been a bad girl. Good girls don't get tied if they do as they’re told. You keep moving without permission, so I had to limit you. Now. If you use your words, you’ll get what you want.”
You moan in frustration, head spinning back to lay against the desk, arching your back and attempting to wiggle your ass against his crotch. But, to your disapproval, he takes a step back, watching you squirm.
You groan again, giving in, “Please, just fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Pulling your panties down to your ankles, Kreese teases and taunts you with a finger, sliding it through your folds and occasionally at your entrance, but as quickly as the finger is there, it’s off and somewhere else less needy. 
“Goddammit! Fuck me, please!!” you grit out, growing antzy and frustrated with your head laid against the hardwood. If you weren’t tied down to the fucking desk, you’d take matters into your own hands by now.
He yanks your hair by the back of your head, pulling you up, the back of your head against his shoulder. His mouth nips your earlobe, whispering, “I’d watch your tone if you want me to give you what you want.”
“Yes, Master,” you grit out, smiling as you feel his whole body grow still.
Letting go of your hair instantly, his pushes your head down into the desk, taking his member in one hand as the other makes sure you are fully prepared. Without warning, he plunges in about halfway, giving you time to adjust, although surprised by the intrusion. 
You groan loudly, your voice echoing off the desk with force. You can feel him shake with pleasure within you, a loud, breathy moan releasing from his lips. Nodding your head weakly, he starts to set a pace within you, making sure he’s arched enough to tease your G-spot. 
You moan again, hands clutching the vice he’s got you trapped in. “Say it again,” he yells, starting to thrust deeper, the pleasure building.
He’s starting to go off the edge quickly, but you can’t let him. Not yet. “Untie me first,” you order plainly, refusing to give him what he wants just yet. “It’s my turn.”
He shuckles with a little annoyance, but otherwise pulls out, slightly shoving you out of the way so he can quickly untie the belt. Because of the force he’d given you at a simple command, you decide to give him just as much of a hard time. 
Once untied, you turn to face him, a sultry smile on your face, a devilish look in your eye. Using the same force he had applied, you shove him into his desk chair, forcing him to sit when the chair hits the back of his knees. Slowly, you go to straddle his hips, your raises above him, teasing him. 
“Masters aren’t supposed to be so mean if they are promised to get what they want, are they?”
“N-No,” he stutters, the change in demeanor so delicious to soak in. You have him wrapped around your little finger.
“’No’, what?”
“No, Ma’am.”
“Good enough,” you giggle, grinding down into him, bottoming out inside of you.
He whimpers out again, the sound music to your ears. Slowly you set a pace, his hands coming down to grasp your hips and help you grind in perfect tandem. Together, you bounce, while he charges up to meet you, slowly grinding you forward and backwards a bit, too. The motion makes you gasp, the perfect mixture of friction and being full of him. You moan out, your hands laying on top of his tightly as you feel the edge creeping slowly.
“Call me again,” he groans out, head leaning back onto the headrest of the chair. 
“Look me in the eyes.”
Doing as you asked, he looks at you fully, a bit of heat rising to the surface and making him a tint of red from the chest up. A sheen of sweat covers the both of you, making you both shine in the dim lighting of the room. “Master.”
His head throws back into the shair again, his thrusts intensifying in speed and force. You whine out, grabbing his biceps now, nails digging. “Master, make me finish. Please.”
His hands dig into your hips, forcing your body down as he charges faster, the chair squeaking. Your moans get louder and louder, more frequent with the force applies. “I-I’m gonna cum,” you warn, too close to wait for permission.
Just as you feel the tight knot snap, you’re filled with his warm seed, one hand moving from your hip to yank your hair again, his lips capturing the colum of your neck as he bites down, a deep growl releasing as he fills your with his potential kids.
You ride your high until there’s nothing left, jumping at the overstimulation or any contact at all. Finally releasing his hold, his hands lay on your thighs as yours rest on his shoulders, catching your breath. 
You giggle, opening your eyes after a moment to look at him. You kiss his lips sweetly, a grin on his face as well as he admires you. “I love you, Kreese. Always have.”
He chuckles as he tucks your head in the crook of his neck, hands rubbing your back, fingers playing with the clasp of your bra. “I love you, too, Y/L/N.”
“John,” you mimic.
“Y/N,” he copies, chuckling as he plays with your hair.
“’February 14th: Valentines Day’,” Kreese recounts the page he had engraved in his head. That was one of your dirtiest of fantasies.
You gasp, swatting his shoulder as your cheeks burn with the reminder, “You Devil!”
May 28th: When Two Hearts Intertwined.
148 notes · View notes
silverusso · 3 months
Not people saying that Mike is sooo much worse than Johnny and Chozen...like yeah he was more extreme maybe but have they even watched Karate Kid 1 and 2???
At least Mike apologized RIGHT AWAY to Daniel after seeing him again!
Some poeple just inexplicably hate him for the same things they like or at least excuse the other characters for. Like I say this as a Silver fan myself, but how are you gonna simp for Terry and hate Mike? Specifically for the things he was literally hired by Terry to do, no less. Make it make sense. And before anyone wants to twist my words, I'm not saying that liking Terry or Johnny or Chozen or whoever else means you have to like Mike. No. Hate him to your hearts content. But be consistent. If you're gonna trash Mike, keep the same energy for everyone else or stfu about it maybe.
I've seen people having mental breakdowns over this FICTIONAL man and what he's supposedly going to do, when the season hasn't even dropped yet. I've seen people say he has no redeeming qualities, when he was the only normal, well adjusted adult who actually moved on with his life and wanted to stay out of the this whole mess. He was forcibly dragged back into it. He even says in the teaser "you came to me" which just proves he was STILL just minding his own business and was yet again pulled back in. Like this man's whole story arc started with him being flown in by Terry and paid to stalk Daniel, or he never would have had anything to do with him or the Valley at all. Mans was out in the sticks for all we know. Compare that to everyone else who took one look at Daniel and basically decided on the spot that they wanted to commit violent homicide.
And if we analyze Mike in kk3 further (despite the fact he was supposed to be "the worst" by virtue of being the last) in practice, he really wasn't. Johnny could have killed Daniel twice in kk1. I'm not faulting him for this, since he was under Kreese's extremely bad influence, and was young so perhaps not able to fully grasp the consequences his actions could have had. I think Chozen was a bit more aware than Johnny, but he was also kinda lead astray by Sato, and was obviously very emotionally stunted, since after failing to kill Daniel he wanted Daniel to kill him instead. Mike on the other hand, just made threats. He made a rather nasty one to Jessica, but they were only verbal threats he never intended to carry out. Remember the endgame was to beat Daniel at the AVT and get his pay out. He even says to Daniel "You don't enter and that affects my financial future and I'm not gonna let that happen." So he just said whatever he had to, to scare Daniel into signing the application. He put the fear of God into Danny, but he never did significant harm. The most harm done to him in kk3 is emotional and self inflicted injuries he got training with Terry. Contrast that to kk1 where Daniel was bruised and battered throughout the film and legitimately injured at the AVT almost to the point of having to forfeit. Or left bloody in his death match against Chozen. Mike practically handled him with kid gloves.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
I would love to hear your opinion on what you think/hope will happen in the tournament!
The karate kid universe is built on a kid who trained for like 3 months beating someone who trained for years, so I don't think that can be used as a determining factor when making predictions. Otherwise, literally every American character would get beaten by new characters we've never met before, lol.
I think the show did a good job setting Sam up so that no matter the outcome, she'll be okay. She's the character who has been solidly Miyagi-Do from the beginning, so it's possible that if she doesn't win, she will embody that philosophy in some other way. Mr. Miyagi didn't like tournaments, so her finding a way to embody his teachings outside of fighting may be satisfying. But her winning could also be a way to leave a legacy of Miyagi's teachings for future students.
Tory obviously has a very compelling reason to want to win, but I think if she does, her philosophy will have to change. Someone on here pointed out that in her fight with Sam to decide the captain, she went into the bouncy cobra kai stance rather than the solid Miyagi-Do stance. Cobra kai for her has always been about externalizing her anger or sadness, stating that she uses her anger as power while fighting. If that philosophy is rewarded, then she will continue doing that for the rest of her life and have no need to change. If she wins, I think it'll be because she embraces some Miyagi-Do teachings and becomes balanced.
Miguel obviously wants to win to get into Stanford, and he could use the prize money for his family. Some people have theorized that Robby will get injured and Miguel will take over for him, which I think doesn't really serve any purpose for Miguel or Robby's character journeys. Miguel wildly succeeded in the past, it might be interesting for his character to experience a "golden child syndrome" arc, where he feels pressured by his past successes, but the resolution to that would need to be him losing and accepting it.
Robby obviously touched on the fact that he is always second place and that motivation is compelling. I also think that if Robby wins, he has to find balance within himself rather than relying on Tory or Kenny or Johnny or someone else. If he's always relying on an external source there's never going to be a conclusion for his story because there's no guarantee that whatever source he's relying on at the end of season 6 will stay around forever. If he wins, it has to be because he found strength in himself.
Some bonus thoughts: Robby and Tory's promise to stand on the podium together could be fulfilled in a twisted way, with Robby winning for Miyagi-Do and Tory winning for Cobra Kai. Whichever teens don't win the individual tournaments will probably have a big win in part 3. If there's a tie between the two dojos, whichever teens don't win the first time, could win if there's a rematch fight. If there's no rematch or second tournament in part 3, Robby and Miguel's Sekai Taikai performance might mirror Daniel fighting Silver while Johnny fights 5 people at once to do justice to both characters abilities.
I would love to hear your thoughts and if you have different opinions on what might happen or what you think should happen!
So I’m gonna evaluate the core four teens first from my POV in terms of feats, and then answer (taking narrative into consideration too, because both matter in a show like this). Under a cut for spoilers (and because it’s a bit on the long side):
Starting with Miguel: won his first All-Valley, was beating Robby in the 2x10 fight until Robby kicked him over the railing, multiple characters have commented on his fighting prowess (even more than any other character). He did lose the captaincy, but he was also emotionally fraught at the time…but also Robby has been improving, so maybe they really are on an even field now. Hard to say when they haven’t had a fight without emotions running high. Compared to Sam and Tory…he’s only really fought Tory, managing to pick her up and restrain her, and she tries unsuccessfully to escape. But once they’re on the ground, she probably could’ve gotten out of it. Hard to say
On to Robby: he has been runner-up in both tournaments. This is notable, because none of the teens have scored highly in a tournament more than once—Miguel won his first AVT but didn’t place highly in his second, Sam and Tory have both only fought in one tournament (more on them later), Eli/Hawk only won his second tournament and didn’t place highly in his first. So I feel like that should be commended. He’s accomplished something no other character has. He also beat Miguel to the captaincy fair and square…though as mentioned, this could be due to emotions running high for Miguel in particular. Hard to say…but in every fight, Robby has become more skilled, so it could be that he is truly the better fighter between them now. Hard to say for sure, but regardless, I feel people are counting him out unfairly. Although, also notable to say that between the girls, he’s only fought Sam, and that was for like…2 seconds. She restrained him, but he could’ve escaped that easily if he wanted to.
Sam: she was runner-up in her only AVT. However, those results were skewed, and it’s shown that if not for the cheating ref, she would’ve won the whole thing—she does earn three points in her fight against Tory, they’re just not counted fairly. So there’s that. There’s also the fact that she also beats Tory in 2x10* and 3x10…and the latter is while she’s still dealing with residual PTSD
*Tory cuts her arm with the bracelet, but Sam then kicks her away, therefore winning the fight
If she’s put up against Tory, I’d say she should win. Compared to Miguel and Robby though…well, she does fight Robby during the prom fight briefly and manages to subdue him, but Robby could get out of that if he tried. She’s a quicker fighter than him, but a better fighter overall…hard to say. And we also never see a proper fight between her and Miguel.
Tory: she is a fierce fighter, there’s no denying this. Won her first AVT, but that was due to Silver’s cheating, and as mentioned in Sam’s section, it’s likely Tory would’ve lost that fight if it had been fair. Tory herself even admits this:”you didn’t lose the All-Valley.” Sam also wins every fight they have (and no, 3x5 doesn’t count because Sam ran from that fight due to a trauma response)
Despite this, there’s no denying that Tory is an incredibly effective fighter—getting to even runner-up position is no easy feat, and she fights no-holds-barred and is recognized for it (you can tell by how people react when she goes in to fight them). She’s never seriously fought either of the boys—Miguel did manage to restrain her during the prom fight, and she couldn’t escape at first, but she might’ve been able to on the ground. It’s hard to say.
Taking narrative into consideration, I can see them leaning more towards a Robby and Tory win, for the reasons you mentioned—“both of us up on that podium”, Miguel already ceded the crown to Robby anyway so let’s keep that up**, and Tory should really get a win after all the bs she’s been through***
**however, I do think if they do this, they give Miguel another path to go to Stanford. Maybe the LaRussos pay for it or something, some kind of narrative “good karma” as this story often has—the whole moral of “do good and good will return to you”
***that said, I think her winning the tournament with Cobra Kai isn’t the best idea. That’s letting Kreese win, in a sense. If she does win, I want her to do it in a Miyagi-Do gi, smiling and proud with her supportive friends beside her, knowing she won the right way with people who truly care about her (ofc that means they’d have to apologize for letting her just walk away in the midst of her grief, but that’s an easy fix)
And also as mentioned, Sam doesn’t need a win narratively right now. No matter what happens, she’s set. She’s beaten Tory in a fight every time though, so flipping that now would be strange.
All that considered:
I think Robby is definitely a strong contender to win Sekai Taikai, and he’s my pick (I did think Miguel is the stronger fighter, but having evaluated all of this, I think they’re at least on an even playing field, if not skewed towards Robby).
If there are gender divisions, my girl champion pick would be Sam, but Tory is a strong narrative option (however, I’d like her to win for Miyagi-Do, not Cobra Kai, because that would complete her arc more satisfyingly imo)
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creepiecreator · 10 days
Dog Day
Here you go @cobra-wives ! It took forever but I still got it done! I definitely gotta post this to my ao3 too if that is okay with you! ______________
John knew that Cobra Kai didn’t have the best reputation thanks to his teaching methods, and thanks to some of his students' behavior. The solution was clear, community service. It would help boost the community's view of his dojo, and it could help his students learn discipline. It seemed like a good idea. He didn’t think they’d have many options at first, but after looking into it more to see what they could do, he realized exactly how many charities around the valley needed volunteers. But only a few would provide what he needed. He needed something that could bring in plenty of positive attention, something that wasn’t controversial for once, and something that involved exercise for the kids.  The solution was clear: pet shelters. They were always looking for people to walk and care for the dogs, so they always needed people, and it involved at least some kinds of exercise. Dogs were always well-loved by practically everyone. It seemed perfect. He had ended up selecting one that seemed to be the most desperate for people. It was a little bit of a drive, but he knew the boys he taught could make it out there. Especially since Johnny often drove his friends around, which would make things easier. Really, in his opinion. It was perfect.
So he wasted no time in getting a slot scheduled for the group. Informing each of the boys that they would be heading out to get some out of the box training in by beginning to donate their time to the local humane society. The boys were, understandably, confused. But he wasn’t about to explain jack shit to these kids. They’d understand it once Cobra Kai started to be seen as better than it used to be, and they’d understand the work ethic that got put into them over this down the line.
The day arrived only a week later, John ended up leaning against his car while he waited for the Cobra’s to arrive, keeping a sharp eye on his watch. He had already decided that if they were late whatsoever that they would have to clean up the shelter’s yard after practice and do laps around the building. Luckily for them, however, the cars rolled into the parking lot two minutes before the set deadline. He glanced up once a familiar head of blonde hair popped out of the driver's seat. “You were cutting it close. Mr. Lawrence. Three minutes later and you and your friends would have been on cleaning duty.”
“Sorry Sensei!” Johnny called, genuinely a bit apologetic. “We would have been here sooner if it wasn’t for someone taking forever to get ready-” He glanced towards one of his friends. Bobby Brown. Who rolled his eyes and began to respond. “Hey! I would have been faster if-”
“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is.” John interrupted, giving the group of boys a stern look. “Inside, let’s go.” He started inside without another word, knowing the boys would follow behind him. After so many years of training underneath him in the ways of karate, they were well-trained. He never wanted to have to order them to do something twice, and they knew that well. It made plenty of moments easier than they would have been otherwise. Kreese checked in at the desk, making sure each of the Cobra’s did the same before they were led out to the yard by a member of the shelters staff, the dogs were waiting out in the yard for them, supervised originally by a wimpy looking guy who was wearing a volunteer badge. Once they arrived though, the scrawny little shrimp had left pretty quickly. Probably to go do something else around the shelter. That was good. If he had to deal with a guy like that while training his students, it would probably just add another stressor to his day. He looked like he would be the type to whine about everything. He hated people like that.
The metal door leading back into the shelter shut behind them after a moment, John turning on his heel to face his students. Most looked awkward. Lawrence seemed to be watching one of the labs, Dutch, one of the goofy pit bulls, and god help him, Tommy was completely lost in his own world. That is, they were doing that until John cleared his throat. “Well? The hell are you waiting for? We’re here to volunteer with the dogs. Get to work.” It wasn’t often that he gave such vague instructions. He liked things done a certain way, and that was always his own way. But now, unfortunately, wasn’t the time for such things. So long as some type of exercise was involved that wasn’t like that pansy-ass stuff like ‘Zumba’ or yoga and that shit, it was fine.
After a chorus of “Yes Sensei’s!” The group dispersed into the yard, each ending up with one or two dogs to attend to while John took over the supervisor role. Or at least. That was how it started. He had been just observing the group, walking around some while doing so to make sure they weren’t trying to laze around. Jimmy was playing with one of the smaller mutts, running around the sides of the yard with the dog chasing him, right on his heels looking like it was having the time of its life. Johnny had ended up with the lab he had been eyeing, getting it to jump to try to catch a Frisbee, which looked like…ah, yeah. One of the times he had thrown it, it had hit Bobby directly in the head. Kid had it coming if he wasn’t paying attention. His attention had been about to turn to the others when a white and brown pit bull had ended up wandering over to his side, sitting and simply just…staring at him, mere inches from his leg. So John stared back. Then, the four legged creature just.stuck its paw out and hit his leg.
Now that was odd.
John knelt down beside it, beginning to supply gentle scratches behind her ear.  “This what you want?” It was dumb to question a dog, he knew that they couldn’t respond. But he seemed to get an answer anyway, in her own way. Considering how she leaned into it so heavily she almost fell over. He almost chuckled at that, moving to go and check the temporary caller that hung around her neck. Mittsey, huh? Fitting, considering the little white paws. She held his attention for a lot longer than he had intended, as mere moments later he heard Brown’s voice nearby him. “Uh…sensei?”
“Yes, Mr. Lawrence?” He looked over to him, raising one brow as he observed Bobby, Johnny next to him and still leading the dog around using the Frisbee. “I was thinking- if we come back here again and this dog is still here-he’s pretty tough so-” Oh goddammit. John knew exactly where this conversation was going to go. And he had no doubt that Brown had been the mastermind behind this. Or at least he hoped he was. There was a reason why Lawrence was his top student, and Brown was simply just second best. “No. We are not getting a dog for the dojo.” He started immediately, cutting him off. It was best to not let that stupidity go on for long. “I was just-”
“I said no. Mr. Brown. Do I make myself clear?” If he had to say it one more time - luckily the boy at least had the brains to back off at that. He nodded his head. “Yes Sensei!” He was upset, but getting a dog for the dojo was just a plain stupid idea, and John wasn’t about to entertain such ideas. He had turned his attention back to the dog, only to hear the unmistakable voice of Johnny Lawrence. “Sensei…?”
“Now what. This better not be about the damn dojo dog thing again.” He warned, annoyance clearly displayed in his tone as he looked to his top student once more. At least Bobby had actually gone back to working out with the dog he had been working with earlier. That was one less child to deal with. “No, Sensei. It’s just. You’re holding that dog pretty hard, sir.”
Kreese glanced down to the pit bull, she seemed perfectly fine, tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth with the dumbest expression written all over her face. Then he looked back at Johnny. “Her name is Mittsey, Mr. Lawrence. And she’s a damn fighter,” That much he had decided on already. She was a tough dog. Even if she looked about as smart as a chicken without a head was. He had a damn good feeling that she was smarter than she let on. “20 laps around the yard with that lab of yours. Now.” He supposed the look on his face was more than enough to get Johnny to stop questioning him, glaring at the eighteen-year-old until he had started his laps before he went back to giving Mittsey some much deserved attention.
By the end of that day, all the boys were completely tired out thanks to each of the dogs seemingly having boundless energy, Kreese dismissed them when the sun started to show signs of setting soon. It was safe to say that this shelter would have a group of consistent volunteers now. John waited for that red Avanti with five of his students to leave the parking lot before he went back to his own truck to start his way back home. But for once, this was a drive he wouldn’t make alone. The white and brown pit bull shoving her head out the window to enjoy her first tastes of freedom as the two of them headed to their now shared home.
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hwangjins00 · 2 months
Johnny Lawrence and the self-fulfilling prophecy
so i've been thinking about this for a while and also because s6p1 just came out but i think that johnny is one of the best examples of a self-fulfilling prophecy in ck.
SO we've seen multiple times that johnny's been told he ruins people, by danial, robby, shannon, and carmen, even terry. And i'm not gonna disregard his actions, i agree that he has done a lot of stuff that negatively affected himself and those around him, not limited to becoming a functioning alcoholic, teaching kids aggression, drunk fights, being an absentee father, etc
BUT we also see him try a lot of times to get his act together and do better for the people around him, such as teaching miguel mercy, cleaning up his apartment and trying to limit drinking for carmen, and trying to get along with daniel for the sake of his students, but he's still criticized even for trying his best, the only character to consistently have been on his side through his highs and lows has been miguel.
out of all the characters the one who refuses to see johnny's change the most is probably daniel, and this is NOT a daniel hate post, i love daniel and he's one of my favourite kk and ck characters but that doesn't disregard the fact that he tends to have knee-jerk reactions and gets unbalanced easily when it comes to johnny. A lot of the characterization in the show can be attributed to writing choices but i'm going to try my best to not make that my main focus.
alright lets start!
when johnny first opens up his dojo its partly because of the anger he feels towards daniel for succeeding in life but mainly because he doesn't want miguel to keep getting beat on and miguel probably reminds him of himself before he met kreese. Daniel is the one to come to johnny and tell him to close cobra kai and this is completely valid seeing as how daniel's experiences with cobra kai were in his youth, however its also been 30 years and its reasonable to assume that johnny isnt still a high school bully. He tells miguel that if he doesnt leave the dojo he'll end up 'just like' johnny. Right off the bat we have someone insinuating that johnny is a terrible role model. Then when daniel starts training robby and discovers robby's homelife he goes to talk to johnny just to immediately turn on him the second he sees kreese, he doesn't talk to johnny to clear up the situation and he doesn't tell him about his son, and yes johnny has been a shitty dad but he deserves to know that his kid is going to be living with someone else (i honestly thought it was crazy that daniel never mentioned that he had johnny's SON IN HIS HOUSE??)
when robby takes sam to johnny's apartment when she was drunk daniel literally kicked down his door and got into a physical fight with johnny because he couldn't believe that johnny was being considered a safe space for his son to bring his crush to in order to sober up and wouldn't listen to johnny rationally asking him to calm down. and S6 SPOILERS but i think that out of the two of them johnny was trying much harder to be accomodating to daniel, he gave up the name cobra kai and eagle fang for miyagi do, worked kata into his teaching and geniunely tried to not be so hard headed and quick to fight. He tried to get a job (daniel making him switch from using karate as a job was honestly crazy, that was literally how he was paying bills and putting food on the table, johnny asking to be paid for his time and effort wasnt an insane ask especially considering that daniel owns multiple dealerships and chozen comes from a rich family as well, johnny is the only one that actually needed the dojo as a way to make money) and just overall be there, im not saying hes a great dad right away but its obvious that he's trying to be there for both miguel and robby without making either one of the boys feeling forgotten. (ex, telling them both he's proud win or lose, tying robby's headband, listening to miguel's college essay)
HOWEVER, it seems that no matter what he does, johnny is almost never seen positively by anyone other than miguel and devon. daniel switches up on him instantly (he drops people at the first sight of their flaws, as soon as johnny takes even a single step backwards instead of acting rationally and looking at the situation + offering support he tells johnny he'll never change and drops him immediately, he did the same thing with robby and doing that to a teenager dependent on you for food and shelter is honestly crazy), carmen has been pretty much sidelined due to the baby (i have THOUGHTS on this), kreese is his only supporter and he was literally tripping balls and snapped hallucination johnny's neck like a stale breadstick so johnny doesnt really have much in the way of a good support system
now for those that have somehow stuck around lol lets get to the actual point (i realized here that i literally just blabbed for so long without making my point lmfao)
a self-fulfilling prophecy is essentially: you become what you are told. if i told you everyday that you will never amount to more than what you are right now, ive 'prophesied' your future and to self-fulfil it you would just stop trying because you know that nothing you do will ever change my mind.
in a similar vein i believe that deep down johnny DOES believe that no matter what he does or how hard he tries he'll never be able to move past the image of him thats already been made up in peoples minds (society for all it talks about rehabilitation does not tend to actually support those who want to rehabilitate- more thoughts below) and so he goes through a constant cycle of disappointing those around him again and again because no one believes he can be any better and he's internalized that, i honestly have soo many thoughts about johnny's character in kk1 and ck and i would love to chat with anyone interested about it
re: society and rehab
so people talk the good talk about how rehabilitation is important and necessary, in the show daniel is able to form good friendships with both chozen and mike who were arguably much worse than johnny was to him (chozen fought in a literal DEATH MATCH against him and mike harassed him, dangled him off a cliff, forced him to compete in a rigged match where he pretty much just whaled on him on the mat), why was daniel able to forgive these guys but not johnny? my theory is that its because to him chozen and mike have their lives together and have also properly apologized for their actions (JJ&H im still waiting on that johnny apology where we address the 'you're alright larusso' line) meanwhile johnny has obviously gone downhill since HS, but daniel never takes his attempts to get it together seriously and along with a lot of the toxic ideals put into him by kreese, johnny doesn't take his rehabilitation seriously either, he can't afford rehab for his alcohol dependency (plus rehab isnt viewed positively by him either) and he doesnt have a very steady support system so that makes it even more difficult. unlike daniel he's never had a positive father figure in his life which makes it difficult for him to act as a father without fear of becoming kreese, i just wish that the show would take johnny's journey to becoming the man he wants more seriously
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
now haaaving watched the next three episodes of Cobra Kai
while the going was good with Sam and Tory it sure was good. I do kinda like that their thing isn't related to boys anymore (not that it ever really was, but now it definitely isn't) (instead it's related to the plot psychologically torturing Tory beyond any other character) + Mary Mouser and Peyton List have chemistry out the ceiling. is that a saying? out the chimney. through the roof. out the window. defenestrated chemistry
I quite liked a lot of the training stuff as a general
I also quite liked Devon's plotline -- I like that she was ruthless in that way, she takes the lessons she learns at face-value + she's not great at Peopleing, I liked that (although... let's look at the cons...)
liked the Demetri and Hawk narrative, they were brought a little more to the fore and it was a realistic break that follows up on some threads I fully thought they'd just... forgotten. lol
okay this was actually in the earlier eps, but I like that the show had Chozen go "uh fuck you, Miyagi-do is a super important cultural space and you can't just come waltzing in and demand it fits your specifications" (altho it is a shame I feel like Johnny respects Chozen more than Daniel... this down in my cons generally about Johnny)
Cons below, but I will say I will say! there's nothing super unexpected down there. I am chill about this show, I'm just. noting it. I'm watching the show as wholly braindead, while thinking about what a non-wholly-braindead show could look like
Gender Reveal Party. at least it was over with quick
Okay so like. the elephant in the room (shockingly not the fact that Johnny is having a baby and is woefully terrible at parenting) -- Miyagi's deep dark secret. I think it's not even like. That tarnishing, that's not exactly its issue. it's that it's such an incredibly boring idea compared to his actual backstory, which I'm trying to remember rn if the TV-show ever properly mentioned (not the Okinawa part of it, but the internment camp). There's really no need to create this drama, other than it seems like the writers can't quite figure out what to do with Daniel and don't understand what made Miyagi an interesting, flawed character to begin with and why Daniel might struggle with having him on a pedestal. That being said, I'm mostly just. meh. this might as well happen. Miyagi punched some guy in the face, stole something expensive, fled America for a bit to avoid the cops (?) and fought in the karate killer tournament I guess
I've gotta be honest withya. I just. no longer enjoy Cobra Kai's Johnny. he just ain't it anymore. he was increasingly not it as the seasons went on, but he is simply a merry-go-round of being a dick who is also never going to change, and it being ok by the plot at this point because he needs to fulfill some idea of masculinity and clash with Daniel. there were a fair few moments I could go on and on about buuuut. I'm chill about it. Fanfic Johnny: blows u a kiss. Show!Johnny: it's not on sight, but certainly it's a wide berth. u kinda suck as a person. you're like the dad that someone doesn't ever bring their friends round to see, because he's not a nice guy and it's embarrassing and they know he'll never change and so you drift apart over the years
which -- the show is still trying to make claims about Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do as Equal, while also showing that every kid who went through Cobra Kai (including Johnny) is Fucked Up. Kenny is traumatised and doesn't trust anyone. Devon is fucked up and doesn't know how to be with people. Tory is... my sweet angel who does nothing wrong ever. Hawk and Demetri's break started here. and it's like. Johnny you were a part of this! Take one accountability pls, ever
similar to many things related to Show!Johnny a lot of the kids dramas came outta nooowhere. I can buy Demetri and Hawk's, I actually think that worked (see above), but Robby getting at Miguel for needing the win more? I mean. Yeah? the stakes are higher? be a bro about it? clam down? help your guy get into university? what's the problem here? similarly Sam's "I've just got to prove myself for... reasons." it's a struggle with balancing stakes I think
Chozen is still in love with Kumiko I guess *siiiiiiiiigh*
There's just. everything with Kreese taking over Korean Cobra Kai further eroding the whole idea of the original movie, in tandem with the Miyagi-plotline, we're just off on a whole other journey at this point vs earlier seasons where it was like. "got the spirit." the spirit has left the building. there's definitely a sense of either "we think we can do Better than the original" or "we completely missed the point of the original in the first place." a mix of both I imagine
I noticed how Carmen and Amanda appeared almost only to push the Johnny and Daniel into their arcs. there are things one can do with it ofc, one can build on the crumbs. Carmen questions how Miguel and Robby might be at odds with one another if having to fight -- and they sort of are, and it's the thread again of Carmen bringing up Very Reasonable Concerns, Johnny waving them off and... then she's right, but nothing happens. I think Carmen deserves compensation at this point. vs Amanda who gets one neat bit with the hospital calling her to reveal that Tory's mother has died (suggesting she's continued to support Tory between seaosns), but otherwise she's like "oh look a Miyagi Mystery. Daniel are you thinking about the Miyagi Mystery again? how do you feel about the Miyagi Mystery?"
I'd say they did my boy Kenny dirty, but I'm waiting to see where they go with all of thiiiis. but they did. that was really really cruel and the show doesn't always know what it's saying about bullying and Kenny has been hurt more than most by other characters (including Anthony who didn't do that to him, but does laugh about it... my guy...)
they really do have Tory in a whole other narrative, she's got a thousand yard stare!!!!!!
Mike Barnes homophobia moment (Twice). Me @ the writers: listen, I know "cream puff" is a thing that was iconically yelled in the first movie, but I think your including it here says so much about how you're all about referencing Cool Moments without caring at all about like. the plot of the original film/s. like a big example of everything this show is
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zappedbyzabka · 9 months
i don’t know why but that last picture you posted makes me think of ex!pageant johnny who did beauty pageants when he was a kid/teenager (maybe because of his mom? or because of sid?) and now is super disillusioned with them and kind of doesn’t want to talk about them UNTIL he has to because (maybe) sam? gets into the idea of winning the valley pageant (probably to maybe make a statement about it and johnny kind of is into that idea too) and he starts training her for it and anyway this is my long way of saying i think daniel should witness johnny doing pageant training and lose his mind
- landslided
So, I don’t know if any of you have seen Insatiable but that is what popped up in my mind
It’s about a girl (Debby Ryan) who used to be a big girl and lost weight after surgery (I think) and becomes “hot”. Her lawyer was an ex pageant coach who shows her how to do everything.
(Spoiler) he was lifelong rivals with this one dude for in the show before it was revealed the rival had secretly been in love with him the whole time and they make out in a bathroom BUT I do not care for an AU of this because I much prefer Johnny being an ex pageant queen beauty who helps his non-blood daughter and they bond (instead of everything Patty does to her coach YIKES.)
Johnny shows her everything he can remember—including the tips he got from the beauty queens around him despite not having the opportunity to use most of said tips.
Dark lipstick makes your teeth look whiter. Double sided tape and safety pins are your best friend. Don’t forget your rollers. The higher the heel the longer the leg but the harder it is to have the perfect walk.
One foot in front of the other, good posture, delicate hands, big smile for the judges.
It’s all a performance that you have to be great at or you have no chance at winning.
He usually wore suits as what was expected of him, sometimes themed outfits depending. He would have liked to get to wear all the pretty dresses the girls wore to see if he’d win that competition too. He is, after all, extremely competitive.
He put on some high heels to be silly once when he was cozying up to the judges before the pageant began and got told it was a shame he wasn’t a girl because otherwise he would have been snatched up by a big agency with those perfect visuals.
It pissed him off that he couldn’t do everything.
The creeps that ran the pageants and the annoyance of guys at school teasing him for his forced girly hobby had him bitter and over all of it. The sashes and dainty trophies fit beautifully next to his All-Valley trophy, but had to go. (he couldn’t bring himself to throw them away. It’d be like throwing away his accomplishments. They’re somewhere buried in a box.)
But when Sam brought it up, Johnny jumped to offer his help—cutting off Daniel’s pondering over where they’d find a coach.
Sure, Johnny had to explain to about 4 adults and 12 or so kids that he was in beauty pageants but it only dampened his excitement a little.
Daniel was…really interested in watching him demonstrate for Sam. Really interested—enamored.
He can’t believe Johnny knows nothing about makeup! No wonder his hair was always styled.
Poor Sam had to learn to strut in a room filled with tension between her dad and coach so thick you could cook it in the microwave
Johnny was all “Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel” in his mind and Sam rolled her eyes so many times they hurt.
Watching Sam thrive and use her beauty to her advantage was a gift for Johnny. He knows she’s had trouble with people not taking her seriously for it and it genuinely made his heart ache with understanding -he’s also had issues his looks. ‘Pretty boy’ always seemed to be a way of pushing him down.
They don’t let her karate skills go to waste. There are so many things she could do as a talent that it was hard to pick, but they settled for the ice chopping that she knew would make her father happy as a surprise. (idk if they would actually allow that, but that would never stop Johnny or her lol.)
cough cough catch Daniel smitten with the man that helped his daughter and kissing him in the dressing rooms after she wins. Anyone that makes his little girl that proud of herself is a goodie in his book. And MAYBE Johnny had been feeding Sam advice on how to get the angry blond girl so very similar to him and Sam’s ALSO kissed silly in a dressing room until Tory’s face is stained with all her makeup.
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wicked-jade · 5 months
F, O, T for the Fanfic Ask Game
Thanks for the asks!! 💗💗💗
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This one's hard, because writing dialogue is my favorite thing. I feel like I could post the entirety of 'I Ain't Evil (I'm Just Good Lookin')' because that whole thing is basically all banter, and I love it dearly. But Daniel's whole drunken 'teenage karate biker gang' rant still stands out in particular:
“Well, maybe if God doesn’t want to be called a crackhead, he should put down the fucking pipe!” Daniel argued, his voice getting louder and his gestures wilder. It was a good thing Johnny was mostly sober and had excellent reflexes, because he had to duck to avoid an accidental black eye. “Like, what even is my life?” Daniel continued, warming up to a full-blown rant. “There I was, just an innocent kid from Jersey, minding my own business –”
“Oh please, like you’ve ever minded your own business!” Johnny muttered darkly, rolling his eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest and settled in for the incoming tirade.
“Bite me, Johnny,” Daniel snarked back, though without any heat. “Like I was saying, there I was, minding my own business, when my Ma up and forced me to move to this place. And what was the very first thing that happened when I got here? I became the mortal enemy of a teenage karate biker gang.”
Johnny burst out laughing. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? A teenage karate biker gang? Really, LaRusso? That’s what you think we were? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”
“Do you know how ridiculous you guys looked?” Daniel countered. “Look, you were teenagers. You knew karate. You rode motorbikes. And you ganged up on people you didn’t like,” Daniel reasoned, poking Johnny in the chest with each point. “Teenage. Karate. Biker. Gang.”
“I mean, to be fair, we didn’t really gang up on people in general. Mostly just nerdy little girlfriend stealing pipsqueaks from Jersey,” Johnny argued with a sly grin.
It was Daniel’s turn to roll his eyes. “You even had leather jackets with a special little club patch. You were definitely in a teenage karate biker gang, John.”
“Okay, okay!” Johnny held up his hands, conceding the point. “Biker gangs are badass, so I’ll take it as a compliment,” he added graciously.
Daniel frowned, like he was trying to figure out his train of thought before Johnny so rudely derailed it. “The biker gang isn’t the point. The point is that I attract karate psychos at an alarming rate. First it was you –”
Johnny opened his mouth like he was about to take offense, but then he just snapped it shut and shrugged, like, ‘fair point.’
“Cool. So you’re saying I was your first?” He smirked instead, with a smug bounce of his eyebrows.
“Then there was Okinawa,” Daniel stressed, not quite drunk enough to take that bait, no sir. “Getting sucked into Mr. Miyagi’s whole blood feud situation. Being forced into a deathmatch with a knife-wielding karate maniac –”
“I thought you only honked his nose?” Johnny interrupted again, barely suppressing his laughter. “And Chozen’s like, your karate cousin now. He sends you weird Japanese KitKats, and lovingly hand-crafted copies of ancient scrolls and shit.”
“Shut up, Johnny! You ate like, all the Sake and Strawberry Tiramisu flavored ones, you dick.”
“Are you going somewhere with all this?” Johnny chuckled, hiding his shit-eating grin behind his hand.
“Yes!” Daniel insisted, though he honestly had no fucking clue anymore. He took another drink to buy some time but was still at a complete loss. “Umm, where was I?”
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I would say it usually starts with the characters. Most of my stories are more character-driven than plot-driven, anyway. Usually it's some random image or scenario or snippet of dialogue that pops into my head and won't leave me alone, and I end up building around that.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
There are some I'm ambivalent too, but I can't think of anything that I just outright despise. Like, just as an example... omegaverse stuff doesn't really do much for me, but I'll give a story a chance if the premise sounds interesting, or if it's written by an author whose work I already like and trust. As long as it's well-written and in-character, I'm pretty open minded to giving most tropes a chance.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Had this idea where Poly! Alpha!Hawk and Alpha!Miguel end up falling for a pregnant karate sensei at a karate convention or competition.
The dojo ends up going to a karate convention where a whole bunch of dojos and professional karate masters are doing a big meet up. It’s part con and part competition, but it’s all fun. It’s just to show off different styles and teaching methods.
Hawk is so excited about it because it’s going to be his first competition and meet up as a full fledged sensei beside Johnny and Daniel. He’s so pumped to get to show off not only his moves but also his teachings with the kids he has been helping to mentor.
Miguel comes along as a guest, for medical aid. Because he’s doing all of his physical therapy work these days. He was able to get time off to come out and join the dojo. He’s just as excited as Hawk because it’s been a while since he has been on the floor before. Plus he gets a vip pass for being with the dojo.
When the event happens they show up at the convention building with all the kids. It’s hectic at first as they usher in all the bouncing pups. Their in awe as they enter the huge building. It’s crowded with people from all over the world. All of them coming out to join up to talk and show of their skills. The two guys are impressed as they walk around.
But the whole time the two of them can’t shake off this weird feeling they have. Something is off, not in a bad way but in a overly strange way. As they walk around the huge room they smell something that has their noses up in the air. They can’t seem to pin point where it is coming from. The scent is sweet, maybe even overly sweet. There is even a hint of creaminess to it that has their mouth threatening to drool. They have to shake it off after a while because they have no luck in finding it and the main event is about to start.
They bring all the pups to the locker room to change into their gi’s and they get a big wife of that lovely scent again. Clearly the people or thing giving it off had been in there recently. They quickly help the kids change out as well as themselves. A few minutes later they get all the pups out and ready to go up on the floor. With a small announcement all the kid’s file out onto the floor. The adults close behind. Miguel and Hawk stand at attention behind them as they wait for the next few dojos to be called out.
As soon as the next few dojos are called, something starts to happen. The last dojo is called and a set of pups file out bringing a huge wave of that lovely sweet scent with them. It’s like they had been bathed in it.
But when they all finally make it out of the small tunnel from the locker room, they understand.
The cutest little chubby omega is right behind them.
But with a huge prominent bump underneath her gi. It stands out as she jogs behind her own students.
Both of them are on full alert as they watch her jog up to the stage, ruffling a few of the pups hair, hand resting on her bump as she watches them line up in front of her. She seems so proud of her students. She has the biggest smile on her lips as they stand at attention.
Both alphas are in awe as they watch her students step up to the stage and show off some of their moves. All of them are in complete sync as they work. It pretty clear that they are on the more defensive type of training, only showing a few different offense moves.
They are especially on edge when the omega takes her own stance after her kids and does a few poses and moves. She's calm and driven as she finishes her demonstration. She ends with a small bow and everyone in the arena claps. She gracefully walks off to be with her group, congregating them on their great work. They seem to suck up her praise like little flowers to the sun.
(I have more to this but I don't know if I should write more on it)
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purpleheartskies · 8 months
Some of my thoughts about Robby for s6...
First, I wonder if Robby will start out the season having quit karate again. At the beginning of s4, he had told Kreese that he didn't care about a stupid trophy after everything that had happened. He didn't want to be part of the dojo war, but he ended up joining Cobra Kai and eventually fighting in the avt. At the end of s4, he was more upset about what he'd done during his match with Kenny and about his struggle with his trauma/"hate" than about his loss in the tournament. He quit karate again. He didn't want to be a part of Cobra Kai, and there was no indication that he wanted to rejoin Miyagi-Do if it were open. In s5e6, he re-joined Miyagi-Do and the fight against Cobra Kai, along with the Miyagi Fangs, but he clearly told Daniel that there are people he cared about in Cobra Kai and that they (Miyagi Fang) all needed to take down Silver.
At the start of s6, maybe he'll be focusing on himself and his future, without karate in the mix. Although Robby is really talented, karate has brought him nothing but more trauma. I also don't see Johnny paying much attention to him or encouraging him as the Sekai Taikai champion as much as Johnny will focus on Miguel and his future. Robby was just staying with Johnny for the summer. s6 picks up after the start of the school year. Shannon should have returned by then, which means that Robby could be back living with her. Robby may not even be in Johnny's vicinity at the start of s6, and that would be good for him as his situation with Johnny is toxic. This would also open up storyline potentials for Robby. He has no real family (I assume Shannon is more like a roommate), no real friends except for Tory (and maybe Kenny), and no school, so Robby also being away from Johnny gives the writers a more open canvas to work with for Robby. Of course, at one point something would happen and Robby would re-join Miyagi-Do and continue with karate and training for the Sekai Taikai.
Next, in a recent q&a, Hayden said that the dojo will have to select team leaders from each dojo. Johnny would no doubt back Miguel for the boys and Daniel would back Sam for the girls, regardless if more girls joined. Daniel may show some support for Robby to lead the boys, but that remains to be seen. Hawk is in Miyagi-Do and won the avt. If anything, Miguel and Hawk would be supported by the senseis over Robby, and Hawk would definitely step aside for Miguel to lead.
So, most likely Miguel would be the leader for the boys, at least starting out. But, would Robby actually follow his lead completely? In s5e9, Robby went on his own to the CK dojo without the Miyagi Fangs knowing. It shows that Robby would still operate independently if he needs to. Also, in the brawl, when Miguel yelled protect the egg, everyone gathered around Anthony. But when Miguel yelled "Ais!", no one moved. Then Robby yelled it and everyone got into defensive stance. When I saw Hayden's tweet, I realized that my Robby as a leader post actually has some relevance after all. Narratively, Robby has been built out as a leader compared to all the other kids.
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Of course, if my first thought above about Robby is true, then at the start of the season, Robby wouldn't even be in the dojo, so Miguel starting out as the leader for the boys would be a given anyway. However, eventually Robby would become the leader at some point because narratively he's been built out to be.
Finally, there's a certain payoff that I'm hoping we'll see. In s3e3, Bobby encouraged Johnny to be there for both boys. Bobby then arranged a visit for Johnny with Robby in juvie. Johnny missed the visit. In s3e4, Johnny was on the phone with Bobby and told him to tell Robby that he's going to make things right with Robby. Bobby obviously refused to do that for Johnny, so Johnny said he'd tell Robby himself.
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Since this scene, Bobby hasn't come back. But I think it stands out that Robby specifically met Bobby. Bobby had done a pure act of kindness for Robby and for Johnny. In turn, Bobby himself experienced first hand that Johnny chooses Miguel over Robby. This was after Bobby had told Johnny to be there for both boys. Fans like to quote Bobby saying this, but they always leave out the phone call that followed after Johnny blew off the visit. After this, Bobby doesn't know that Johnny continued to choose Miguel over Robby, abandoned Robby for months, and eventually left Robby with Kreese after Johnny had a violent confrontations with both of them and Kreese tried to kill Johnny. In s2e6, Bobby was not happy with Johnny's decision to let Kreese back into his life. So, Bobby definitely wouldn't approve of Johnny leaving Robby with Kreese.
I don't think Bobby would approve of how Johnny treats Robby overall. And I think Bobby having this first hand experience may influence Bobby to be on Robby's side if Bobby were to learn more details. I've seen fans say that they want Bobby to return to officiate a Johnny-Carmen wedding, but fans ignore that Bobby wasn't happy with Johnny for blowing him and Robby off. Silver can see the Johnny-Robby situation for what it is: that Johnny screwed up Robby. Kreese even told Johnny that he should have been with his "real" son. Bobby would definitely not blindly support Johnny's behavior as is. Bobby also didn't approve of drunk Johnny disrupting his sermon. He wouldn't have approved of Johnny's dumbass drunk move at the end of s5. Bobby would encourage Johnny to work on himself and his behavior with Robby. In s3, Bobby had Johnny promise himself that he would do positive things, be a better person, and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Johnny didn't keep that promise. Johnny at the end of s5 is worse than at the end of s3.
Robby needs at least one consistent supportive adult, and so far, none of the adults have been that. Bobby would be a great support system for Robby. Bobby has a history with Johnny, but would still put Johnny in his place. Bobby did this act of kindness for Robby, so Robby knows of him now and knows his kindness. Bobby is also not involved in the dojo war. For Robby's story and the story overall to be complete, Robby's side of the story has to be told, which Bobby can also help do.
It's the last season, and it would be thoroughly disappointing if Bobby didn't make an appearance again. If Bobby is in s6, I would like to think that Rob Thomas himself wouldn't want Bobby to just overlook everything that is wrong with the Johnny-Robby situation and cheer on a wedding for a man who clearly needs help and who continues to traumatize his son. (Besides, in an interview, Hayden was dismissive of the idea of Johnny and Carmen getting married. Makes sense, cause nothing in the story indicates that the baby plotline (aka the "Johnny screwing up another kid" plotline) or the toxic blended "family" are part of Johnny's endgame. Johnny and Robby's story has to conclude now, and the baby plot device was obviously used to place Johnny at the top with everything to lose and Robby at the bottom with nothing to lose, including himself (which he gave up to appease Johnny after hearing the baby news). s6 will be Act 3, the final stretch of Johnny's redemption story. Robby is the person that Johnny has wronged the most overall and throughout the series. Now is the point in the story that Johnny gets the wake-up call he needs (and should have gotten a long time ago, honestly). Johnny's redemption will only come if he make things right with and for Robby.)
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