#Jon Walker Dallon Weekes Ian Crawford
rubbish78 · 1 year
Let’s drop all former Panic! At The Disco members in wresting cage ring and drop in Brendon Urie last
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warning brendon mention + also excessive usage of brackets and like no punctuation/formatting except for paragraph breaks iM SORRY
sick and tired of ppl saying panic went to shit after ryan and jon left like yes it downgraded (compared to afycso my fave album from them) B U T ian (even tho he was only there for a few years) and dallon (who stayed on til 2017 oh how he put up with a lot of bs over the years) rlly kept it from tanking in those key years imo
like dallon is credited w writing most of v&v (with the exception of "nearly witches" - ryan wrote that) and all of twtltytd (is that even the album name idk i dont rlly listen to post ryan panic sorry not sorry) and he played bass not only for the end of pretty odd touring but also as part of the band til 2015 and then continued touring til 2017 (plus apparently brendon stopped him from releasing a song w 21 pilots which is actually why im writing this lmfao) like
dallons writing was on a similar level to ryans and it feels mean/unfair to reduce those albums that he did write to "shit" bc ryan wasnt there
and yes doab has a couple of bops (crazy = genius and also la devotee imo) but overall they dont cancel out what is mostly a shit album (ok yes dont threaten me w a good time is okay too but he did NOT make those high heels work good lord) esp cause there were literally none of the ogs except brendon on that)
and ofc pftw is ass if i ever hear high hopes or hey look ma i made it i actively try and leave wherever i am (they fucking played high hopes at a skate night i went to WHEN I WAS COSPLAYING RYAN ROSE VEST)
also side note fuck u brendon for continuing to play camisado after ryan left even tho it was like the one song he asked you to stop performing it cause it was rlly personal to him AND YOU DIDNT LISTEN (ofc all the songs were personal to him but camisado was one of the ones that he specifically drew on his experiences w/ his father to write)
also side note 2 imo panic died when spencer left (2013) but was temporarily revived til dallon left (2017) and brendons been dragging its corpse around for the last 6 years. and idc what anyone says the touring artists he played with do not count as panic cause no offence but like their title says theyre TOURING ARTISTS (like how dallon didnt consider himself a part of panic when he was touring w em til they asked him officially and then when he "stopped contributing creatively" - his words) like i rlly doubt ppl can name them off the top of their heads (altho theyre underappreciated for dealing w brendon)
if you've read this far PLEASE feel free to comment (? is taht what its called here) and/or reblog w ur additions/opinions im fairly open-minded abt others ideas!
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frnkieroismydaddy · 2 months
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And I meant everything I said that night, I will come back to life
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saturninemartial · 1 year
I'm a casual listener. Why does everyone hate Panic? Or rather Urie?
I was an OG fan back in 2005/06 but tapped out after the second album, so I wasn't fully aware of all the drama, so I had to look some of it up.
P!ATD was started by childhood friends Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith; Urie wasn't invited until later. The original lineup was rounded out with bassist Brent Wilson, although he was later replaced by Jon Walker. It was Smith, Ross, Urie, and Wilson on their first album; and Smith, Ross, Urie, and Walker on their second. In 2009, Ross and Walker decided to leave the band, mostly on creative differences with Urie. So there goes one founding member, Ross, and another core member, Walker.
Dallon Weekes, whom you might know from IDKHOW, joined as bassist after this; with Ian Crawford on guitar. Smith, Urie, Weekes, and Crawford recorded and released an album in 2011. During the recording, Crawford left bc he wanted to create "real, genuine music."
Smith, Urie, and Weekes recorded another album that was released in 2013 and soon went on tour. Smith left for a bit for addiction reasons; and in 2014, Urie said it didn't look like Smith was coming back; and in 2015, Smith confirmed he wasn't coming back. So Ross and Smith, the original two creators of the band, are now gone; and Urie is the only one left from the original lineup.
In 2017, Weekes announced he was leaving so he could focus on his own band, IDKHOW. That's the final "replacement" member, and from then on, it's just Urie. Since then, Urie has used the Panic! name for what is essentially a solo career, creating music that is so far gone from the original vision and slapping someone else's name on it. The creators of Panic!, Smith and Ross, left a long long time ago, and Urie has essentially acted like nothing happened and hasn't really given them credit. It's been the Brendon Urie Show for ages; more than one person left because of creative differences with him specifically. The Panic! name was never his to use yet he kept on using it, I guess for clout?
Then we get into the allegations against Urie. I'm on mobile and at work so I don't really have time to add receipts, but googling Brendon Urie allegations will bring up a ton of links. Basically, there are allegations of him sexually abusing fans, possibly minors. He's also publicly made some nasty rape jokes, and used the word tr*nny. I think I'm just scraping the surface here.
Overall he's an intensely unpleasant person who's been happily profiting off someone else's concept and name without credit for years. He's used Panic! as a vanity project, and the shit he's put out isn't even good.
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Ngebahas Seputar Brendon Urie, hanya satu member Panic! at the Disco yang dulunya dipuja dan kini menjadi munafik, istilahnya Brendon is cancelled
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Brendon Urie merupakan salah satu vokalis dari band rock Panic! at the Disco yang dibentuk pada tahun 2004. Band ini dahulu terdiri dari empat member, yaitu Ryan Ross (gitaris dan vokalis), Jon Walker (bassist) dan Spencer Smith (drummer). Sayangnya, setelah pengumuman di tahun 2009, Ryan dan Jon dikabarkan telah meninggalkan bandnya lalu pindah ke band baru yaitu The Young Veins, sisanya hanya dua orang saja.
Kemudian, ada penggantinya Ryan dan Jon yaitu Dallon Weekes dan Ian Crawford. Dallon pemain bass sedangkan Ian pemain gitar dan backing vocals yang tugasnya tampil di panggung sampai Dallon dianggap sebagai band resminya tahun 2012 yang diumumkan lewat akun resminya di Twitter, tetapi Ian tidak. Akhirnya, Ian memutuskan keluar dari band tahun yang sama seperti Dallon dinyatakan resmi jadi band Panic! dengan alasan ingin mencari ide musik yang baru.
Selanjutnya, pada bulan Agustus 2013, pemain drum, Spencer dikabarkan ingin meninggalkan band karena masalah kecanduan alkohol dan obat-obatan, dan dua tahun kemudian, dia resmi keluar dari band Panic!. Sementara, di tahun yang sama, Dallas resmi juga meninggalkan band Panic! karena fokus membuat band baru yaitu I Don't Know How But They Found Me pada 2016. Sisasnya, Brendon yang menjadi tanggung jawab pada band Panic!. Menurut dia, Panic! at the disco dianggap sebagai solo proyeknya, karena dia merasa belum ada kepikiran untuk membuat solo baru proyeknya sendiri selain Panic!.
Band Panic! at the disco sudah comeback tahun ini merilis single baru yang berjudul Viva Las Vengeance pada 1 Juni lalu, tetapi netizen malah ingin ngeblock akun medsosnya Brendon Urie dengan alasan apapun. Tak hanya itu, band akunnya juga termasuk yang harus diblock oleh fans. Yang jadi dipertanyakan mengapa Brendon kerap menjadi sorotan oleh para netizen yang dulunya fans yang kini berubah menjadi anti-fans. Permasalahannya yaitu kejadian Brendon sudah lama yang dituduh rasis, pelecehan seksual dan transphobia.
Beginilah reaksi cuitan netizen lewat Twitter:
"My Chemical Romance belum merilis album tahun ini, jadi gue memutuskan untuk ngeblock Brendon."
Lanjut, ada juga reaksi cuitan netizen tersebut:
"Tanpa mengingat secara spesifik, gue ngeblock Brendon demi kesehatan mental diri gue"
Netizen menganalisis video flashback Brendon yang sedang bicara di depan penonton yang mayoritas perempuan remaja menggunakan kalimat yang rape jokes seperti, “If I see you after the show, I’m gonna f**k you. And I don’t care if you want it. I more care if you don’t want it because then I really want it.”
Setelah itu, Brendon juga bercanda di depan fans dengan bernada rasis seperti "I wish I was born Black, so I could wear the clothes I wear without getting made fun of." Sekaligus, dia sengaja sedang ngerap sambil mengucapkan n***a yang menyinggung orang kulit hitam di videonya.
Adapun fans yang ngetweet tentang meet and greet Brendon Urie di Twitter ketika tour di tahun 2015. Dia pernah bercerita bahwa Brendon menyentuh bokongnya membuat dia terkejut waktu umur 18 tahun. Ternyata fans sadar bahwa dia alami itu termasuk bentuk pelecehan seksual, lantas membuat dia tersinggung.
Sudah saatnya ngebahas fans, istri dari mantan bassis Dallon Weekes, Breezy mengekspos tentang mantan bodyguard Panic! at the disco, Zack Hall yang diduga pernah melakukan pelecehan seksual secara verbal lewat akun pribadinya di Twitter. "Kelakuan abusif semacam itu seringkali dianggap bercanda itu mesti aku abaikan. Jika aku menyutujuinya, ini bakalan lebih buruk," curhat Breezy.
Hashtag #BrendonUrieshouldspeakup menjadi trending dua tahun lalu meskipun itu sudah lama. Fans Panic! at the Disco ingin Brendon Urie harus mengakuinya bahwa dia merasa bersalah karena dia rasisme, homophobia dan pelecehan seksual. Namun, Brendon belum ada respon sama sekali pun. Apakah dia sekarang tingkah lakunya masih sama atau sengaja vakum dari media sosial dan fokus untuk mengerjakan album selanjutnya sejak pandemi?
Sumber: wikipedia, paper mag, sports keeda, distractify
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bananapak · 2 years
Panic at the disco music video story
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Panic at the disco music video story movie#
Shortly thereafter, Weekes reverted to being a touring member once again, resulting in Panic! becoming Urie's solo project. In 2015, Smith officially left the band after not performing live with them since his departure in 2013. The duo recruited guitarist Kenneth Harris and drummer Dan Pawlovich as touring musicians for live performances. Prior to the release of the album, Smith unofficially left the band due to health and drug-related issues, leaving Urie and Weekes as the remaining members. Crawford departed once the tour cycle for Vices & Virtues ended in 2012.Īs a three-piece, Urie, Smith, and Weekes recorded and released the band's fourth studio album, Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!, in 2013. The band's third studio album, Vices & Virtues (2011), was recorded solely by Urie and Smith in 2010, produced by John Feldmann and Butch Walker. Weekes was later inducted into the band's lineup as a full-time member in 2010.
Panic at the disco music video story movie#
Ross and Walker subsequently formed a new band, the Young Veins, leaving Urie and Smith as the sole remaining members of Panic! at the Disco.Ĭontinuing as a duo, Urie and Smith released a new single, " New Perspective", for the movie Jennifer's Body, and recruited bassist Dallon Weekes and guitarist Ian Crawford as touring musicians for live performances. Ross and Walker, who favored the band's new direction, departed because Urie and Smith wanted to make further changes to the band's style. That album marked a significant departure from the sound of the band's debut. (2008), was preceded by the single " Nine in the Afternoon". In 2006, founding bassist Brent Wilson was fired from the band during an extensive world tour and subsequently replaced by Jon Walker. Popularized by the second single, " I Write Sins Not Tragedies", the album was certified triple platinum in the US. Shortly after, the band recorded and released their debut studio album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005). They recorded their first demos while they were in high school. It was originally a pop rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2004 by childhood friends Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Brent Wilson. Panic! at the Disco is the solo project of American musician Brendon Urie.
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a new version of grit!
Just for fun. :D
I got the the template from a blog who also made one :) check them out!
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flawlessbrencer · 5 years
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“the last time I had this many cameras on me, I was naked and there was a donkey in the room”
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wckdlttlsnnrs28 · 4 years
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Idk what the fuck this is but there’s brendon lol
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leslyyyi · 4 years
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I hope this is better for you guys. It took me a while to do it.
You guys can make a playlist if any of you guys going to make a story of this and gimme some credits pls 🥺.
Gimme some credits pls. I still couldn’t find a good picture of Zack and Panic!.
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i made this?? not bad tbh (you can dm me for one without the watermark ig)
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bandomgay · 6 years
King of the clouds has a fever and vices sound with the tone of doab and the feel of a twtltrtd sound wow iconic
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hunky-dory-rat · 6 years
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luffystamp · 6 years
dancing’s not a crime is SUCH a jam, fight me.
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kissingmyeyez · 6 years
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idkhowryanseaman · 6 years
someone at school asked me since when i like panic! at the disco because their new album is “so modern”
bitch i have been listening to them for years, you literally only know high hopes
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