#Panic at the disco music video story
bananapak · 2 years
Panic at the disco music video story
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Panic at the disco music video story movie#
Shortly thereafter, Weekes reverted to being a touring member once again, resulting in Panic! becoming Urie's solo project. In 2015, Smith officially left the band after not performing live with them since his departure in 2013. The duo recruited guitarist Kenneth Harris and drummer Dan Pawlovich as touring musicians for live performances. Prior to the release of the album, Smith unofficially left the band due to health and drug-related issues, leaving Urie and Weekes as the remaining members. Crawford departed once the tour cycle for Vices & Virtues ended in 2012.Īs a three-piece, Urie, Smith, and Weekes recorded and released the band's fourth studio album, Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!, in 2013. The band's third studio album, Vices & Virtues (2011), was recorded solely by Urie and Smith in 2010, produced by John Feldmann and Butch Walker. Weekes was later inducted into the band's lineup as a full-time member in 2010.
Panic at the disco music video story movie#
Ross and Walker subsequently formed a new band, the Young Veins, leaving Urie and Smith as the sole remaining members of Panic! at the Disco.Ĭontinuing as a duo, Urie and Smith released a new single, " New Perspective", for the movie Jennifer's Body, and recruited bassist Dallon Weekes and guitarist Ian Crawford as touring musicians for live performances. Ross and Walker, who favored the band's new direction, departed because Urie and Smith wanted to make further changes to the band's style. That album marked a significant departure from the sound of the band's debut. (2008), was preceded by the single " Nine in the Afternoon". In 2006, founding bassist Brent Wilson was fired from the band during an extensive world tour and subsequently replaced by Jon Walker. Popularized by the second single, " I Write Sins Not Tragedies", the album was certified triple platinum in the US. Shortly after, the band recorded and released their debut studio album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005). They recorded their first demos while they were in high school. It was originally a pop rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2004 by childhood friends Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Brent Wilson. Panic! at the Disco is the solo project of American musician Brendon Urie.
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milligramspoison · 1 year
Timeline of events from December 26th, 2022 to January 25th, 2023
December 26th
Pete Wentz posts of photo of himself baking with a photo of a pregnant Sarah Urie in the background
Pete quickly deletes said photo
Rumors of Sarah being pregnant start
January 10th
Oli from BMTH gets a package from FOB, hinting at the lead single for So Much (For) Stardust
Rumors of a new FOB song start
January 11th
FOB officially announces Love From The Other Side
Promotion for the single starts
January 17th
Snippets from the music video are posted
Cryptic messages once again begin
January 18th
Love From The Other Side officially drops
Bands are referenced in the music video, P!ATD being one of them (despite no longer being a band)
January 20th
Mysterious box is left by FOB at the iconic Field of Dreams house
A fan’s father retrieves said box
The fan and their father reveal the next single, Heartbreak Feels So Good
January 23rd
Snippet of Heartbreak Feels So Good featuring Nicole Kidman
January 24th
Brendon Urie announces the ending of Panic! At the Disco after nearly 20 years together (despite being a solo act for the last few years)
Brendon confirms Sarah’s pregnancy, ultimately confirming that Pete did in fact leak Sarah’s pregnancy
More snippets of Heartbreak Feels So Good
January 25th
Heartbreak Feels So Good officially drops
FOB on twitter confirms more big news coming soon
Moral of the story? All hail Pete Wentz. Pete giveth and taketh away.
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oliverreedmasterass · 7 months
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Starcatchers 1x3 - Meeting the Master
Synopsis: After an incident involving Jake's amp, he's determined to win the cash to buy a replacement. Meanwhile, Josh and Danny choreograph a dance for a music video and Sam's clumsiness makes him see red.
Words: 5.9k
Warnings: violence against amps and nice video cameras, groin injury, Satan
Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny are sitting on the couch in Sam’s living room. Josh has the remote and is scrolling through the options on Netflix so fast, there’s no way he’s registering what he’s passing on. Beside him, Jake, Danny, and Sam are staring at him with growing frustration. 
SAM: Are you gonna choose anything this century or would I be better off walking in circles in the backyard for the evening? 
JOSH: Just, hold on, I haven’t seen anything that stands out yet. 
DANNY: You literally skipped Happy Gilmore. What’s wrong with you? 
JOSH: (under his breath) That’s not cinema. 
JAKE: If you don’t choose something in the next ten seconds, I’m putting on Pirates of the Caribbean. 
JOSH: (scrolling more frantically) No! 
Josh panics and selects Saturday Night Fever.
SAM: (incredulously) The disco movie?! 
JOSH: It’s got a good soundtrack? 
Jake huffs and leaves the room as the movie starts. After the opening credits are done, he comes back with his guitar and a comically large amp. While Josh is trying to get into the movie, Danny and Sam watch Jake struggle to plug his guitar in, and then settle back into his seat. Jake begins playing the Buddy Holly riff over every line of dialogue. While Sam finds this to be hilarious, Danny is into the film alongside Josh, and glares at Jake. 
DANNY: That’s not funny. 
Jake looks at Danny for a long pause, not blinking, and then responds with the Buddy Holly riff. 
From an exterior shot of Sam’s house, Jake’s amp is thrown through the window. 
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica] 
From the fires we emerged anew, 
Singing, playing rock and roll, 
Reviving a genre just for you. 
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace, 
Enchanting crowds with our guitar. 
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature, 
Standing up against a culture of hate.  
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky, 
Discovering words of wisdom to live by. 
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love. 
[end theme] 
Jake, Danny, Josh, and Sam are driving to the set of their upcoming music video for Meeting the Master. 
JAKE: (to Danny) You owe me a new amp. 
DANNY: You owe John Travolta an apology. 
JAKE: I don’t owe that scientology freak anything. 
DANNY: I could hardly watch the movie, you were complaining so much. 
JAKE: I think I had the right to complain after you threw my best amp out the window. 
Danny tsks and shakes his head like he can’t believe Jake would even offer that as a rebuttal. Josh tries to step in to smooth things over. 
JOSH: Even if you didn’t catch most of the dialogue, at least you saw the sick dancing, right? 
DANNY: Oh, absolutely. I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot since last night. 
JOSH and DANNY: (at the same time) We should have a dance number in our music video. 
Josh and Danny gape at each other. 
JOSH and DANNY: Jinx! 
SAM: Absolutely not. 
JAKE: I’d rather you chuck me out the window with my poor, broken amp. 
JOSH: Just picture it though, we build up the dramatic tension and then, once the song crescendos, we tell the story with our bodies in front of a massive bonfire. It’s exactly what the music is begging us to do. 
DANNY: I do think that adding a dance would enhance the message of our song. 
SAM: I think you just want to see if you can move like Tony Manero. 
DANNY: So what if I do? 
JOSH: (starting to eagerly plan) We’ll work on the choreog once we get there. 
DANNY: Choreog? 
JOSH: Yeah, you know, the dance routine and all. 
DANNY: Choreography? 
JOSH: I think choreog sounds cool. 
DANNY: It really doesn’t. 
JAKE: You guys have fun with that. Since Danny is refusing to pay me back for my private property that he decided to destroy, I’m determined to earn the money back to buy a replacement amp. 
DANNY: You have enough money in your bank account to just go out and get a new one, Jake. 
JAKE: It’s about the principle, Daniel. I’m not paying for something that wasn’t my fault out of pocket.
SAM: I would argue that it was your fault. 
JAKE: (growling to Sam) Watch it. (to the rest of the car) I’m gonna win a radio show contest. 
JOSH: There’s got to be a better way.
JAKE: Nope. This is the only way. I know for a fact that I’m gonna be caller ten somewhere. 
DANNY: Do radio shows even have the money to do contests like that anymore? 
Jake reaches over and turns up the volume on the radio. A super cheesy DJ voice comes on. 
DJ: Hey Miss Independent, you wanna Breakaway? In honor of the queen, Kelly Clarkson’s birthday, we’re giving out a big old bucket of presidents to our tenth caller! Ring me up (857)349-2983, tell me your favorite Kelly Clarkson song, and the money’s yours. 
Jake fumbles with his phone. 
JAKE: Drats! What was the number again? 
SAM: 867-5309
Jake starts to type the number in and then stops. 
JAKE: (to Sam) [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]. 
JOSH: You don’t even like Kelly Clarkson, Jake. 
Jake goes to the radio show’s website, finds the phone number, and eventually manages to call it. The rest of the car is fixated on him. Jake starts making clacking noises with his tongue while he waits for someone to pick up. 
JAKE: (excited) Hello? Wha- oh. 
DANNY: What happened? 
JAKE: They hung up on me. 
Sam turns the volume back up on the car stereo from his steering wheel. 
DJ: Congratulations to our tenth caller! What’s your name, and what’s your favorite Kelly Clarkson song? 
CALLER: Uh, my name is Dave. I don’t actually know who Kelly Clarkson is, I just need the money to flee the country. I’ve been on the run from the IRS since 2007. 
DJ: (cutting the caller off) Okay, buddy! Good on ya! 
JAKE: (throwing his hands up) Unbelievable! This is rigged! How was I not the tenth caller? Who calls into these things anyways? 
SAM: You and Dave. 
Jake groans loudly. Sam pulls into the parking lot of the Tennessee State National Park and kills the engine. While they unbuckle their seatbelts, Jake holds his hand out to everyone in the car. 
JAKE: Give me your phones. 
JAKE: (to Danny) You especially. 
JOSH: Just, give it to him, Danny. This isn’t a battle you want to fight. 
JAKE: (nodding his head) I’ll hide in your walls if you don’t. 
DANNY: Are you gonna do anything else, or are you just gonna hang out there? 
Jake doesn’t know how to respond to this, but he doesn’t have to since Danny gives in and hands him his phone. Sam and Josh follow suit. 
JAKE: Now I just need six more cell phones and I can hack this thing. 
Jake takes off for the trailers where they’re supposed to get their hair and makeup done. Sam sighs and shakes his head, following behind Jake, leaving Danny and Josh. 
DANNY: We have about forty-five minutes until we have to get dressed. 
JOSH: That’s plenty of time to get our choreog worked out. 
DANNY: I really wish you would stop calling it that. 
JOSH: Would chor-ee be better? 
Danny sighs and shakes his head. 
On the set of their music video, Sam wanders around the large cameras and lighting equipment. He has his own personal film camera around his neck and starts taking photos of the cameras. 
SAM: (chuckling to himself) Heh. Camera-ception. 
Sam leans in close to a gigantic camera and attempts to take a selfie of it with his film camera. The flash goes off, temporarily blinding Sam, and he stumbles around, knocking into the camera. He watches in horror as the camera topples over in slow motion and shatters on the ground. How a camera managed to get that damaged in grass is a mystery, but it unfortunately happened. 
SAM: Oh [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]!  
Sam snaps his head around in a panic and notes that no one was around to see his accident. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself, and then spots a large branch a few yards away. He grabs it and places it over the broken camera to make it seem like the branch was what caused the damage, even though there are no trees anywhere close by. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he sprints away, waving his hands up in the air in a silent panic, back towards the trailers. 
Jake is sitting in the trailer, surrounded by about twenty five cell phones. Sam can be seen running with his arms flailing around in the background through the window of the trailer. Jake listens intently to a handheld radio that’s set on the table in front of him as a different DJ talks. 
DJ: On this two for Tuesday, I’m giving out two Ks to the 22nd lucky caller! 
Jake hovers over his phone, waiting for the phone number. 
DJ: I’ll be waiting at (483) 273-8273. 
Jake dials the number at the speed of light, his pupils dilated to the point where he looks like he could be possessed by a demon. He holds his phone up to his ear with his shoulder and begins dialing the same number into every other phone around him, putting each of them on speaker phone. While a symphony of phones ring, Jake waits. The DJ speaks over the phones. 
DJ: And we have our winner! Congratulations, what’s your name? 
CALLER: Jennifer. 
DJ: You get a buttload of money that you can use to pay for anything you want, like a new amp to replace your broken one! 
CALLER: Woohoo! 
Jake’s shouts ring through the park. They can still be heard in the distance from the parking lot, where Josh and Danny are covered in sweat. Danny is doing a pelvic thrust move while Josh busts out a two step that would make Fred Astaire cry. 
JOSH: I think I’ve got it! 
Danny stops his subpar dancing to watch Josh’s feet shuffling. 
DANNY: You look like you could be a part of LMFAO. 
JOSH: That was not what I was going for. 
DANNY: Thank god. 
JOSH: What do we have so far? 
DANNY: Well, at the line, “And I’m taken, by the madness,” we do a spin and a half with our arms held in tight and then do some hand waving in front of our face. 
Josh mimes what Danny just described while humming the tune to himself. Danny watches him go and looks to be thinking hard. 
JOSH: Like that? 
DANNY: I hate it. 
JOSH: (growing frustrated) Most of that was your idea! 
DANNY: It’s just missing something, I don’t know. 
JOSH: More hip thrusts? 
DANNY: Yeah, maybe. 
Josh starts to sing the line, “And I’m taken, by the madness” again while Danny embodies Tony Manero’s hypnotizing disco hip thrusts. With joy, Josh starts to join Danny. It looks like they’ve finally singled in on something right. 
JOSH: Oh yeah! 
Sam rushes into Jake’s trailer to find Jake holding his head in his hands following his second failure at winning a radio contest. 
SAM: Oh no, oh no no no no. 
Jake peeks through his hands up at Sam. 
JAKE: (mumbling) I’ll be okay, I’m just feeling a little bit dejected right now. 
SAM: No, oh no as in I just completely obliterated one of the nice cameras on set. 
JAKE: (still into his hands) How did you manage to pull that off? 
SAM: The world is against me. 
Jake nods like he understands where Sam is coming from. 
SAM: (continuing) I planted a tree branch over the wreckage so it looks like I didn’t do it. But, Jake, I feel so bad. 
Jake doesn’t say anything. It’s unclear if he simply doesn’t care, or if he doesn't know what to say in return. Sam looks around the trailer and then lets out a short gasp. Standing in the corner of the trailer, checking out the mini fridge is a man in all red who can only be assumed to be Satan. Satan turns around at the sound of Sam’s gasp, holding onto a carton of 66% milk and takes a long chug. He then wipes his mouth and gives Sam a toothy grin. 
SATAN: Been naughty lately, Samuel? 
SAM: Psh? What? No. 
JAKE: (looking around) Who are you talking to? 
SATAN: (continuing) You really think you can hide from what you did? 
SAM: (to Satan) The tree branch did it, not me. 
JAKE: You’re starting to freak me out, Sam. 
SATAN: We both know that’s an awful cover up. Your fingerprints are all over that broken camera. 
SAM: (realizing Satan is right) Oh [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]! 
Sam books it out of the trailer, determined to cover his tracks before someone finds the camera. Jake watches him go with a frown. 
JAKE: I should probably tell Josh that Sam is talking to the shadow people again. 
Jake looks like he might actually leave his trailer and fleet of phones behind to find Josh, but the DJ’s voice on the radio reminds him of his ultimate mission. 
DJ: You thought I was done handing out free cash that may or may not be super taxed after you get it? No way! Be the sixty-ninth caller, and I’ll send you a check that will make you piss your pants! 
Jake goes back to dialing on all the phones. 
JAKE: (to himself) C’mon, baby. 
The phones ring and beep in an upbeat tempo. The sounds transform into a disco version of Meeting the Master which plays in the parking lot where Josh and Danny are practicing. Josh and Danny have somehow acquired bell bottoms and tight button up tops with impressive collars. The parking lot pavement lights up around them like a disco dancefloor as they practice their routine. Although it isn’t entirely coordinated yet, Josh and Danny dance like their lives depend on it, pointing in all directions with an added flair and wiggling their hips around. They even bust out the lawn mower and sprinkler. 
The song fades out and Josh and Danny try to catch their breaths. 
DANNY: (wiping sweat from his brow) That was magic. 
Josh guzzles an entire yellow Gatorade, attempts to smash the plastic bottle against his forehead, gives up, and walks to a recycling can to toss it. He returns back to Danny’s side. 
JOSH: I’m telling you, it all lives in the pelvis. 
DANNY: Do you think Jake and Sam are gonna get behind our routine? 
Josh has to stand on his tip toes, but he places his hand on Danny’s shoulder. 
JOSH: Trust me, once they see how cool we look, they’ll be begging to give it their all in front of the big and fancy cameras. 
Back on set, Sam stops running towards the broken camera when he realizes the director has discovered the carnage. 
DIRECTOR: The big and fancy camera! 
Sam curses to himself and tries to slowly walk backwards towards the trailers. The director spots him and motions for Sam to join his side. Sam looks like he wants to book it. 
SAM: (thinking aloud) If I run, that will make me look pretty guilty. But I might be able to run fast enough to the airport that I can catch a flight to Argentina without anyone stopping me. But I don’t know Spanish well enough to ask people what their vegan options are at restaurants. I don’t want to be that guy who goes into a country not knowing the language. Talk about embarrassing. 
DIRECTOR: (breaking Sam out of his head) Sam! Someone absolutely obliterated this camera! 
Sam starts to scream but then stops himself. Despite his panic, he pretends to act shocked. He’s a terrible actor. 
SAM: Oh, man! That’s devastating! Are you sure someone did it? I mean, there’s a big branch on it. 
DIRECTOR: There’s not a tree in sight. Unless the branch fell from the sky, I doubt it. 
SAM: (changing his game plan) Well, then whoever did that is an absolute monster. I hope they rot. 
The director stares at Sam oddly. Satan appears behind the director’s back and shakes his head at Sam
SATAN: You’re gonna be the one to rot, Samuel Francis Kiszka. 
Sam chokes on another scream. Satan does a pirouette with a loud cackle and then disappears into a dramatic puff of smoke. Sam shakes his head and widens his eyes. He just had another hallucination. 
DIRECTOR: Boy, you’re taking this harder than I am. 
SAM: I just can’t help but think that whoever did that to your camera isn’t quite right in the head. 
Sam has a large frown on his face. 
You know who else has a large frown on his face? Jake. The poor guy hovers over his handheld radio, staring daggers into it with his phone ready in his hand. The camera zooms out to show that, with the exception of the director, Jake has squished every single crew member into the trailer to help him. 
BOOM OPERATOR: How are we gonna know when to dial the number? 
The Boom Operator holds the mic in front of Jake’s face, whacking him a few times. Jake sputters from the microphone and pushes it away before thinking twice and grabbing it back so he can speak directly into it. 
JAKE: I’ll give you the sign. 
PA: And what’s the sign? 
JAKE: Trust me, you’ll know. 
The radio starts to play sounds that are reminiscent of a Vegas slot machine. This immediately piques Jake’s interest and he shushes everyone so he can listen. 
DJ: Have I got a treat for you today. Sitting right in front of me on my desk, I’ve got - 
Jake is typing furiously away on his computer, searching for the radio show’s phone number. He finds it, lets out an excited cackle, and dials the phone number, hovering his thumb over the “call” button. Everyone else in the trailer is waiting, watching him with intensity while holding their own phones out. 
DJ: Gimme a call at (384)392-2983. 
PA: What? 
JAKE: (more shrill, motioning at the phones) AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA! 
PA: Huh? 
JAKE: Call the number, numbnuts! 
Everyone dials in and waits. The Assistant Director’s face brightens and she motions at her phone and gives Jake a big thumbs up. Jake crosses his arms over his chest and gives a satisfied smirk. He’s finally won. 
Josh maintains a similar position in the parking lot as he watches Danny finalize their dance routine. Danny moves with a stunning grace as he goes through the motions, doing dazzling spins, foot work, and jumps. You can kind of get a sense of the story that he’s trying to tell with his body, and boy is it beautiful. Danny finishes and wipes some sweat from his brow while Josh showers him in applause. 
JOSH: Absolutely stunning work, Daniel. 
DANNY: (gasping) You think? 
JOSH: Just one note. 
DANNY: Of course. 
JOSH: I think we need to do this move at some point. 
Josh stands with his legs concerningly far apart and his knees bent, locks his fingers together and wiggles his arms in front of him, like a wave. Danny watches him with a blank face. 
JOSH: (explaining while he’s still dancing) It symbolizes the tide turning. 
DANNY: I’ll, uh, try to see where I can fit that one in. 
JOSH: Preferably after Jake’s solo when he does the worm. 
DANNY: I don’t remember agreeing to that part of the routine. 
JOSH: When you see him do it, you’ll thank me. 
DANNY: Uhhhh….
Sam makes similar grunting sounds to Danny, sitting on a log on set and staring blankly at the camera that the director is collecting from the ground and moving into a beautiful coffin. The director sniffs back tears and dabs at his eyes with a hankie. Sam looks to his left and sees Satan sitting next to him, cleaning under his long fingernails with a part of the broken camera. 
SAM: Can you please leave me alone? The guilt is bad enough, I don’t need you around too. 
SATAN: On the contrary. I think you need me around to remind you what an awful person you are. I mean, who takes a selfie with a camera? 
SAM: What else are you gonna take a selfie with? 
Satan does not look amused. Sam nervously chuckles. 
SAM: So maybe you have a point. It wasn’t my finest moment, but it can’t be that bad, right? 
SATAN: The owner of that camera sold his dead father’s car to buy it. It was the only way he could make it in this industry.
Sam clutches at his face and moans in despair. 
SATAN: He kept that camera locked in a vault in his basement to make sure no one got their grimy hands on it. But the one time he left it for a second, you went and destroyed it. 
SAM: You know, I am kinda surprised he’s not here with the director, doing whatever that is. 
Sam motions at the director, who is playing a funeral song on a set of bagpipes over the coffin containing the camera parts. 
Jump cut to the cameraman in Jake’s trailer, texting the director “I’ll be back on set in a sec to get the cameras set up. Guitarist dude for the band just won a radio contest - who does that anymore???”
Jake is clutching arms with the Assistant Director, jumping up and down and shouting with glee. The Assistant Director quickly stops jumping and holds a finger up to Jake, pointing at the phone. Jake immediately stops and watches the Assistant Director, soaking in his glory. 
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: (on the phone) No way, that’s incredible! (to Jake) I’m gonna be on the radio in a second, turn it up. 
Jake turns up the volume on the radio so everyone can listen. 
DJ: Congratulations to our lucky caller! Who am I speaking with? 
DJ: Well, Seymour - 
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: (cutting the DJ off) Seymour Buttz. 
DJ: Okay, Seymour Buttz, you’ve got yourself one hell of a prize! 
JAKE: (leaning over the AD to call into the phone) What’s the prize? 
The DJ laughs for an uncomfortably long amount of time on the other end of the line. Jake’s eye twitches. 
Sam’s eye twitches as well as he sits with Satan on the log. 
SAM: (thinking aloud) I need to get money pooled together to buy the poor guy a new camera, don’t I? I can’t run away from this for the rest of my life. 
SATAN: You could steal the money. 
SAM: I could steal the money. From Jake. He’s trying to win a radio contest. 
Satan looks confused. Does anyone participate in radio contests anymore?? Sam ignores his look and hustles towards Jake’s trailer. On his way over, he runs into Josh and Danny, who are slurping down Gatorades to get their electrolytes. 
JOSH: Oh, Sam! Just the person we wanted to see! We gotta teach you the choreog for the music video! I think Daniel and I have come up with something really special. 
DANNY: It’s so good, we might even get invited to join Dancing With the Stars as guest judges. 
SAM: You’re gonna have to put that on hold, I have something really important I need to work out with Jake. It’s literally a matter of life or death. 
Danny snaps out of his euphoria from dancing. 
DANNY: Wait. Sam, what did you do? 
Sam is already gone. Danny grabs Josh and they hurry behind him. The three friends tear into Jake’s trailer to find him on the phone, the entire crew watching him as if they’re in a Renaissance painting. 
DJ BIG BREEZY: Man, I think you’ve got a stick shoved up somewhere where the sun don’t shine. Maybe I’ll pass this off to the forty-third caller. You’re kinda stressing me out. 
Jake sucks in a deep breath, holds it in his mouth with his cheeks puffed out, and then exhales. He looks a smidge calmer. 
JAKE: Sorry, DJ Big Breezy. I’m just really excited. So, how many K’s are we talking here? 
DJ BIG BREEZY: No K’s kid. 
Jake’s face brightens. 
JAKE: Mil? 
DJ BIG BREEZY: Nil. You won two tickets to catch a special screening of Saturday Night Fever at the downtown AMC! 
Jake hangs up the phone. His face progressively turns more red, to the point where he resembles Satan. Sam gapes at Jake with a look of distress on his face as well. He has nothing to steal from this poor man. Josh watches Jake with concern. Jake is going to blow at any second. Danny can’t help but let out a large laugh. 
DANNY: Hah! Serves you right! 
Jake glares at Danny, his face still red. 
JAKE: This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. 
JOSH: Even worse than the time when you had to be Willy Wonka in the school play because I got sick? 
JAKE: Way, way worse than that. 
Josh whistles. 
JAKE: How am I ever going to pay for a new amp? You know what? Tour’s canceled. 
DANNY: Oh, come on, Jake. Get over yourself. 
JAKE: Amp killer! 
DANNY: Hey, let’s not go around carelessly throwing accusations around like that. I could serve time. 
JAKE: (jutting his finger into Danny’s shoulder) You should go to jail. 
SAM: (realizing behind Jake and Danny) I’m gonna go to jail. 
JOSH: (raising an eyebrow at Sam) Why are you gonna go to jail? 
SAM: (the dam has broken) I wrecked a fancy camera on set! I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to take a picture with it, but then I knocked into it and it just kinda went, well, kersplat. 
CAMERAMAN: Woah, wait, what happened to my camera? 
SAM: I was gonna get the money for you to cover the damages. It’s just that Jake is an idiot and screwed everything up with the radio contest. 
JAKE: Wait, what do I have to do with any of this?
SAM: I was gonna snag your winnings to cover my behind. 
JAKE: Sam! 
SAM: It was the easiest way to fix this. 
JAKE: Robbing me??
DANNY: (pinching at the bridge of his nose) What I can’t wrap my head around here is why neither of you are willing to dig into your own stinking pockets. I mean, you both have money for crying out loud. 
Satan appears next to Sam’s shoulder. 
SATAN: I say you punch the curly haired guy in the kneecaps for questioning your plan. 
Sam looks like he’s considering it. 
CAMERAMAN: Dude, there’s literally nothing to worry about. I mean, yeah, it would be nice to have the camera today to do the shoot, but it’s no sweat. I’ve got the thing insured. 
SAM: Insured? 
CAMERAMAN: Yeah, I don’t have to pay out of pocket to fix it. 
Sam looks to be having a hard time grasping this concept. 
JOSH: (softly, to Sam) Do you not know what insurance is? 
Sam shakes his head, embarrassed. 
JOSH: Huh. I thought you did since you really didn’t get too upset about Danny breaking your window last night. 
DANNY: Yeah, that’s mostly why I did it. I knew State Farm would be a good neighbor. 
SAM: I wasn’t worried about the window because I kinda like the draft it makes. It helps air out the place, especially after Rosie rips her massive farts. Boy, can that dog make a stink. 
No one knows what to do with this information. 
JAKE: Let me get this straight, you were going to keep your front window broken like that through the winter? 
SAM: I dunno, maybe? I didn’t really think about it too much. 
DANNY: Oh, Sam. 
SAM: You learn something new every day? 
Satan is back in the room, pinching at the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. 
SATAN: This is way too far out of my pay grade. 
Satan vanishes. Sam waves goodbye to him. To Jake, Josh, Danny, and the rest of the trailer, it looks like he’s waving goodbye to an empty corner in the room. Jake makes a noise like he remembered something. 
JAKE: (to Josh) He’s been talking to the shadow people again. 
JOSH: Aw [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]. 
Danny cautiously approaches Jake and tucks his arm around his shoulders. Jake looks like he wants to slither out of Danny’s grasp, but Danny holds him tight. 
DANNY: I want to strike a deal with you. 
JAKE: I want to strike you in the kneecaps. 
Sam looks at Jake in shock. Is he Satan?!
DANNY: (ignoring Jake) I’ll pay for your replacement amp if you agree to go to the screening of Saturday Night Fever with me. 
Jake opens his mouth to protest. 
DANNY: (continuing) And you have to do the worm on camera during your guitar solo for our music video. 
JAKE: Huh? 
JOSH: This vision, Jake, it’s enough to blow your underwear into the stratosphere. Just picture it: your guitar solo starts, you drop down in the grass, and do the most impressive worm the world has ever seen in slow motion while a fire rages in the background. 
JAKE: I can’t do the worm. 
JOSH: Not with that attitude. 
JAKE: (to Danny) Can I bring in my lawyer to negotiate the terms? 
DANNY: We both know you don’t have a lawyer. 
JAKE: Do too. 
DANNY: Josiah Cockerell is not a real person. You just throw out his name when you want to scare people with a fake lawsuit. 
JAKE: Shoot, I spend too much time with you. 
DANNY: So, are you gonna take me up on this or waste the rest of your life away trying to win cheesy radio contests? 
The camera zooms in on Jake’s face as he tries to make a decision. We see that the perspective is coming from Sam - he’s got his film camera back out and is standing about three feet away from Jake, zooming in so far that the lens nearly presses against Jake’s nose. Jake pushes Sam’s camera out of the way and huffs. 
JAKE: Fine. 
DANNY: Shake on it. 
Jake and Danny spit into their hands, wipe their spitty hands across each other’s faces, play a quick round of patty cake, do a spin, bump their hips together, and then shake. 
DANNY: It’s been nice doing business with you. 
JAKE: Can I at least watch a couple of tutorials on how to do the worm before I go out there? 
JOSH: I think it would be a lot more powerful if you winged it. 
JAKE: You hate me, don’t you? 
SAM: I don’t want to dance. 
DANNY: You can be in the middle. 
SAM: Deal! 
JOSH: Come on, guys. We’ll show you how it’s done. 
Transition to Meeting the Master playing overhead. Josh, Danny, Jake, and Sam are back in the parking lot, dressed in their Meeting the Master music video outfits. Josh and Danny are dancing along to the music while Jake and Sam try to follow along behind them. They’re pulling every dance move out of their pockets - at times it looks like they're copying TikTok dances, at other points they could be on Broadway. They jump, they twirl, they point around, they wiggle their hips, they bust out moves that you would see on the dancefloor at a Father-Daughter dance. It’s a routine for the ages. When the guitar solo starts, Josh and Danny start screaming at Jake. 
Jake chokes in terror and flops onto the ground. His worm looks more like he’s doing reverse crunches, continually planting his face into the grass. When his head retracts, he spits out clumps of grass. Even though his interpretation of the worm is a disgrace to the dance move, Danny, Josh, and Sam cheer him on like he’s killing it. When Jake picks himself back up from the ground, his white suit is covered with grass stains. Their stylist is going to murder him. 
At the end of the song, Josh is really feeling it. He pushes in front of Sam, who was dancing in the middle, jumps up high in the air, and lands with a loud crack in the splits. Danny, Sam, and Jake immediately stop dancing and gape at him. 
DANNY: Josh, that wasn’t a part of the choreog! 
JOSH: (choking from the ground) I wanted to add a little shish boom pow at the end. 
JAKE: The only shish boom pow you did was to your groin. God, I could hear that crack from space. 
JOSH: (still on the ground) I can’t move. 
SAM: No need to worry, you’re insured, right? 
JAKE: You’re kind of getting the hang of it, Sam. 
Danny approaches Josh’s side and lifts him from the ground with a grunt. Josh looks to be permanently stuck in the splits - as Danny lifts him up, his legs are still sticking out in opposite directions. Danny looks to Jake and Sam for help. Jake and Sam both nod: they know what they need to do. 
JOSH: Hey, uh, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. I actually feel fine. I love having my legs out like this. 
Danny, Sam, and Jake ignore him. Danny holds Josh up even higher while he babbles. Jake grabs a hold of his leg in the front and Sam grabs his leg in the back. They both kick up their feet, trying to swing on his legs. Josh hollers as his legs snap back into place. 
JOSH: [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]!
DANNY: (as he puts Josh down) Better? 
JOSH: (brushing himself off) Hardly. I feel awful. 
DANNY: But, Josh, we have to dance! This music video is nothing without our bodies telling a story, just like Tony Manero did in Saturday Night Fever. 
JOSH: I flew too close to the sun, Danny Boy. It’s time for me to strip off the wings before I hurt myself more. I have a yoga class that I can’t miss on Thursday. 
Danny hangs his head. Jake watches him and feels a pang of guilt. He approaches Danny and puts a hand on his shoulder. 
JAKE: Hey, I’ll still do the worm. 
Danny looks at Jake in surprise. 
DANNY: Really? 
JAKE: Yeah. I mean, we made a deal, didn’t we? It won’t be the full dance, but at least you can get a bit of your messaging on screen. 
DANNY: We can work with that. 
JOSH: I told you he would see the light! 
The episode ends with the director, cameraman, and assistant director watching a cut of the Meeting the Master music video. During Jake’s guitar solo, they watch footage of Jake doing his kind-of worm in slow motion in front of a bonfire. There are multiple different angles of him doing this and, with the music, it’s a truly bizarre sight. The crew members gape at the footage and then the director shuts it off. 
CAMERAMAN: We’re not keeping that, are we? 
DIRECTOR: Absolutely not. That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. 
The Cameraman and Assistant Director breathe out in relief. 
DIRECTOR: (continuing) It’s so bad, I want to throw myself out a window. 
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donaviolet · 3 months
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ WELCOME TO MY CHAOTIC SILLY UNIVERSE >:3 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
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Sooo there are a lot of stuff I want to pin but I can only pin one thing at once so I decided to make a masterpost/welcome post!!
first of all here are some cool links :D
Mega Compilation of Cursed Reaction Pics
Site where you can make these heart locker gif thingies
Picrew Database
NASA site with a lot of stuff
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Fonts generator
Some art reference sites
DND Assets
Site where you can download these cursed blue emojis
How to download YT videos without these weird websites
Food Timeline
List of Gemstones
Website for downloading any video
Color Blender
How to find a very specific word you don't know the name of
Video essays about horror
A LOT OF EXTRA LINKS. A LOT. (They're very cool tho <3)
Super Secret Link Do Not Click
Now abt me!!
✧Feel free to call me Donaviolet, Violet or whatever you want to :>
✧INFP, she/her (they/them is fine too!), bi disaster🩷💜🩵 , brazilian, still a minor 💪✌️👍
✧ I speak portuguese, english and german, and I'm currently also learning french, spanish and russian
✧ I love writing, drawing, listening to music, playing games and being silly in general. I also love space and plan on becoming an astrophysicist!!
✧ AND I have a lot of OCs and I am creating an original story called The Day The World Restarted! I haven't posted about it properly yet but I promise one day I'll introduce the characters and explain the plot 🫶🫶 feel free to ask about it I will gladly answer!! (this was originally meant to be an oc ask blog but yea)
✧ If we become mutuals you will be forever my beloved pookie theres no going back /hj
✧ I often queue my reblogs, so if I like your post and then some months later it randomly appears that I reblogged from you, this is what happened :P
✧Some fandoms I'm into: Danganronpa, Bungou Stray Dogs, Undertale, Deltarune, Vocaloid, The Owl House, Omori, Spiderverse, Lord of the Rings, Mob Psycho, FNAF, Goncharov, Studio Ghibli and yes I had a Genshin/Honkai phase lol (there might me some other fandoms too, but I either already left them or forgor)
✧ Other stuff I like: RPGs, space (again) cats, mushrooms, cottagecore stuff, cute stuff (and for some reason creepy stuff too), stories and myths, strawberries, and you! <3
✧ My favorite music bands/musicians: Cavetown, Madilyn Mei, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Will Wood, Melanie Martinez, Panic! At The Disco, Kikuo, Toby Fox, Artic Monkeys, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Kali Uchis, Mother Mother, Jack Stauber, Odetari, Gorillaz, and I guess I could go on for centuries lol, I love music ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
✧ I lied I don't like cats. I LOVE cats. theyre just perfect lil skrunklies. most adorable thingies in the world. I really hope to have one someday
✧ Part of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang
✧ Please DNI if you're a proshipper, homophobic, transphobic or anything of that kind
thats it for now baiii :3
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lola-babylon · 7 months
Ryan Ross does not exist and I can prove it
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Don't worry. He's not.
Ryan Ross fans continue to wait patiently for any sign of new music from him. Some loved his work in Panic at the Disco, some are huge fans of his solo releases and live performances captured on YouTube, And as long as you're into pretty looking guys, there's a Ryan Ross for every bisexual taste. Hold up. Is it not kinda weird that he looked so very different in every six month period?
Where is he, the prodigious beautiful boy whose creative vision propelled an early Panic at the Disco to their early fame? It's like it was never real.
It was never real. Ryan Ross does not exist.
"Ryan Ross" was only ever a dream, an alternative persona Pete Wentz created in 2004. Pete wanted to delve further into his adolescent experiences in song lyrics, but fearing the ridicule that would come if Fall Out Boy, now all well into their twenties, started exploring such themes, he brooded over what to do before deciding he could create a new band. He'd find young, talented performers for the positions of lead singer, drums and bass who would perform as themselves; but Pete would insert himself into the band via an avatar, a brooding, Chuck Palanhiuk reading lyricist who would exorcise Pete's teenage demons through the character of "Ryan Ross".
Pete drafted a back story for Ryan Ross - a young kid from Vegas who'd found solace in words and music - then scouted for young, unknown performers who could embody his Ryan Ross character. Any performer who would play the Ryan Ross character obviously had to be able to sing at least well enough to perform live harmonies, and to play guitar. But there are hundreds of young musicians with these skills. And whilst viewing yet another stack of videos of guitar playing 18 year olds who'd responded to the ad that simply asked for audition tapes from young admirers of Blink 182, MCR and FOB who were interested in playing guitar in a new band, Pete hit on an idea.
After all, if he cast an upcoming new performer as "Ryan Ross" in the new band he was putting together, and the band hit it big, surely that person would demand to be outed to the public as their real selves. The intention was always for any musician performing as Ryan Ross to sign an NDA as part of their contract, but Pete could envision a nightmare scenario two or three years into the hopefully successful career of the band he was putting together; a musician tired of the lie and wanting their own share of glory telling him "hey Pete, sure you write the lyrics, but it's me who is up on stage, playing the music, singing, on the magazines, in the webzines. I want people to know it's me, not this imaginary Ryan Ross character".
If that happened, no NDA would be worth as much as the outcry from the media and fans, as much as a musician who signed a contract as a naive teenager would demand as a seasoned performer with years of touring under his belt.
Realising this, Pete hit on the evil genius element of his whole scheme (and also a lyric for London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines). There wouldn't be one Ryan Ross. Instead, from the time he first hyped up the band in blog posts in 2005, there would be a continually rotating cast of "Ryans": every few months, there would be a new skinny jeans wearing guitarist to take over the role of Ryan, to ensure that no individual "Ryan" would ever believe they had enough star power to pull the whole project down.
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These are all pictures of the same person? Really?
With high school friends Brendon, Spencer and Brent, and the first of the "Ryan"s in place, Pete's Panic project hit the ground running. There's was even an adorable story of how Pete discovered the band when Fall Out Boy fan Ryan sent him his new band's demos via Live Journal - simultaneously an "it might happen to you" moment for the Milennial generation, and prompting baffled takes on what this internet thing means for music from older music journalists.
That origin story was the closest anyone got to pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Emo. The true origins of Panic at the Disco - how and why Pete and Ryan actually made the initial connection that made Pete listen to a fan's demos, drive to Vegas to listen to their band barely able to play their instruments live, then sign said band on this slim basis - was a murky, kalaedoscopic story, "details shifting between each telling of the tale[...] details behind how they made contact, and what was said, are eternally changing and never told quite the same way twice". No wonder, when it entered the record on the basis of a Pete Wentz needing to obscure the truth, and a succession of Ryans reciting for interviewers someone else's memory of what never happened.
But the obvious part of the deception - the fact that "Ryan Ross" never looked like the same person from one season to the next? Pete could barely believe he got away with it, but he did. No one seemed to question it. Fans eagerly took up the myth of Ryan Ross, expanding on an invented history to begin Ryan's story from his birth in Summerlin, Nevada in 1986, despite that before development of the residential community commenced in 1988 Summerlin was empty land. Journalists who slept through the lectures on fact checking on their way through college added this (mis)information to their articles, further obscuring the record.
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Initially shocked he was pulling the deception off, by the end Pete glowered at his success getting in away with it.
For the potential Ryans were not simply a series of lookalikes. Aside from musical skills and a willingness to subsume their identity in the face of endless touring and inane interviews, potential "Ryans" were mostly selected on finger length, and for their noses; every "Ryan" has a beautiful nose.
Each new Ryan was put through an intensive Panic boot camp; several weeks of learning the bands songs, memorising the back story of the band and Ryan himself, studying videos of the "standard" Ryan mannerisms before joining the band for rehearsals. With Pete himself having the final say, producers scouting for potential Ryans generally stuck to contenders from the south west USA to ensure a consistent accent; although vocal coaches worked with each "Ryan" to develop the trade mark mono tone, the brief experiment in hiring a British performer to play Ryan in 2008 nearly ended in disaster when he kept slipping into his native accent, which to Pete's eternal amusement has gone down in fandom history as the "real", American Ryan trying to sound English.
But even though the music press, and even the rabidly devoted fandom, never seemed to catch on to the fake Ryans, problems inevitably arose. It was easy to get 18 year old guitarists to agree to the stringent conditions required to be Ryan Ross; but despite that Pete allowed some leeway from the performers, allowing them freedom in their social lives and styling choices to reflect the maturing of a real young person, by the time 22 year olds were hired to be Ryan, fresh in on the scam they may have lacked the star power to use Panic to launch their own careers but they were still young men exposed to more money and adulation than they'd seen before, and some of them were making questionable choices.
By 2009, Brendon and Spencer were sick of the lies. They just wanted to continue the music. Pete Wentz saw how Brendon in particular had blossomed in skills and confidence through the years. He also saw the way the commercial winds were blowing - the introspective lyricism of "Ryan Ross" was out, to judge from the reception on its release of Pretty. Odd. On top of all this, "Ryan Ross" was now ostensibly 22; too old to sing about the trials of late adolescence, which had been Pete's reason for creating his Ryan alter ego in the first place.
Seeing the potential long term appeal in a Brendon-driven Panic, Pete told Brendon and Spencer to go forth as Panic at the Disco with his blessing...and let's never mention Ryan again.
Pete's scouting skills weren't impeccable. He let the original band bring along their friend Brent as bass player, despite his shaky skills and apparent lack of commitment. Brent may have played little part in the creation of the band's first album and definitely found touring not to his taste, and he was soon replaced with the far more talented and present Jon Walker, who already had a respectable pedigree in the Chicago scene that spawned Fall Out Boy. Jon participated, albeit reluctantly, in the Ryan charade, forming a close friendship and musical kinship with the last of the fake Ryans. When Pete informed the group that his dream of the fake Ryans was coming to an end, Jon decided to follow this last Ryan, forming the group The Young Veins. Whilst they both appreciated the musicianship, Jon grew increasingly frustrated with the Ryan charade, having to continue the lie of Ryan Ross as the last of the Ryans remained bound by the non disclosure agreement. With sales of the Young Veins debut album not matching the hopes of its creators, Jon left and the band split after just one year.
And thus ended the contractual existence of "Ryan Ross", creation of Pete Wentz.
Some think Brendon looks startled when Ryan is mentioned. It's not because Ryden was ever a thing. There was no Ry for Bren to Den with, just an ever changing cast of young musicians hired by Pete Wentz to be his avatar. When Brendon pauses now he's not lamenting his lost love. He's reflecting on the lie he had to keep up for years and thinking "wait, what was the official line again?"
The Ryan Ross character has been occasionally revived in recent years as a conceptual art project by the musician Z Berg, teasing an album that never arrives, with the role of Ryan in occasional public appearances performed by a few of the former Ryans who are in on the joke. The Ryan Ross character made his last public appearance in 2022, joining former Panic label mates Phantom Planet for a live performance of Do the Panic - a wink to long standing fans of PATD/"Ryan Ross" (and a song that sounds like a dual pastiche to Pumping on Your Stereo by Supergrass and Just What I Needed by The Cars; there really is nothing original under the sun).
There will never be a reunion of the original, "real" Panic at the Disco because the original Panic at the Disco was never real. There will never be a Ryan Ross album because there is no Ryan Ross. Maybe in some future memoir Pete Wentz will tell us all how it was done.
This post is satire. Please do not take it seriously. The real Ryan Ross, who is an individual, actual person, is alive and well and researching literature of the transition from medieval to middle English through USC. (Well, who knows but that seems like something he might do)
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acaplaya-musings · 4 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Panic! In Four Minutes - parts 1 and 2
Oh boy oh boy we're getting into the really fun stuff now!
I used to be a fan of Panic! At The Disco (well I still like the music, I just don't like the lead singer anymore), and Voiceplay freaking killed it with this arrangement! But I'm not here to talk about acapella stuff, I'm here to talk about the video/s, which is just as super awesome! (I don't know why it was split into 2 parts, but I guess it works)
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We're given a very quick trio of shots to start us off, giving us a bit of immediate story and context
Also, sort of an audio-visual thing, but the way that the music element starts with some of the guys "yelling" after Earl gets duct tape ripped off his mouth is very funny to me
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The guys being positioned in a circle, facing outwards like so, is an interesting creative choice, but a little bit frustrating right now because it means I can't get any full group shots of them!
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Cool outfit Layne!
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Just wanted to grab screencaps of everyone's outfits for later reference
(Also the kidnappers didn't even bother stealing Geoff's smartwatch then? 😂)
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Man Geoff looks so goddamn pretty in this video. I don't know what he or someone else did to his hair for this one but it seems to have just a bit more of a curl/waviness to it and I love it (also the half-open button up shirt with the popped collar really adds to the look as well 👀)
Also one of the better videos for noticing Geoff's eye colour is hazel (sort of green-brown), not just dark brown like how his eyes usually appear
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I'm guessing the key thing was inspired by the music video for Say Amen (Saturday Night)?
Right, onto part 2! Part 1 was uploaded on the 14th of July, 2018, and part 2 was uploaded a week later, on the 21st (damn, way to keep your fans hanging, Voiceplay!)
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Earl: hang on where are you going? And how did you even get free?
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Obligatory acknowledgement of Layne's little heavy-breathing moment, which is either angry, panicky, or a mix of both, and has definitely found its way into a couple of fanfics.
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Geoff (and his very bouncy hair) to the rescue! Sort of. (The way Geoff throws the key and completely misses, and Earl's mouthing of "what the-?" always makes me laugh 😂)
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The drama! The suspense! The way Layne and Eli are bracing as if preparing for worst-case-scenario!
And as all Voiceplay fans know, VP made a prequel video to this, in the form of a Billie Eilish Medley! That won't be the next post after this one, but I'm gonna go type it up now while this video is still fresh in my mind, and I'll just stick it in drafts for the time being.
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Hi! I was hoping I could get a matchup! I've only seen the first 3 episodes of JJBA part 1 so far so I need a character that I can look forward to rooting for no matter what happens. I don't mind what part they come from.
Name: Eren
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often.
With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes: Reading, writing, anime, video games, Marvel, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring).
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is just below my shoulders.
Extra Info: I'm at university and am majoring in English and Writing. I regularly get distinctions and high distinctions with my assignments and have very high expectations for myself. I want to be a published author and have written several manuscripts.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of the right information and I hope the rest of your day goes well for you!
sorry for the delay here! i hope you've enjoyed jjba so far and this matchup!! @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms also feel free to tell me if you like these characters when you've gotten to their parts! (pt 2 and pt 4)
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☆ caesar would love talking to you! the way you don't talk over him and how you really listen to the deeper things he has to say, as many people stop listening once the bold flirting has concluded. he wouldn't force you to talk either, despite his own extroverted nature, caesar knows how to respect your wishes to be in silence if that's what you want! ☆ you two make a lot of jokes when you chat, and he really likes how you have a witty comment to all his snips. it's like he's met his equal when it comes to clever commentary and it's unfortunate for joseph whenever you two decide to include him in the banter. caesar likes that you're sarcastic and despite making depreciating jokes (which worried him at first) he knows you actually don't believe what you're saying (he does take the time to make sure you know those jokes aren't true) ☆ caesar LOVES that you appreciate music! listen to mamma mia! with him he's so enthralled. isn't ashamed at all to reenact scenes from musicals, especially the ones that involve him getting to be a gentleman. he'd sing along with you after minimal coaxing since he wants you to have to ask, but won't make you beg ☆ if you'd let him, caesar would read to you. it doesn't matter if it's text about how hummingbirds fly or the most eccentric young adult novel, he'd like to share the story with you by reading it to you. his voice is smooth and calming, and he loves the intimacy of sitting besides you while you read together (he's not there for the book, he's there for you) ☆ caesar isn't a fan of bugs but he doesn't actively hate them. he'd rather not deal with them, but he will purely so he can tease you a bit for being scared. he'll play it up, act like he's a hero saving you from a beast, when really he's just trapping it in a bubble before luring it outside
☆ your fears (besides bugs) line up too. caesar understands the fear of being forgotten - the fear of letting people down - too much. if you ever have nightmares about it or just need his reassurance he is there for you. he doesn't just understand, he feels it immensely. it hurts him that you hold the same fears, as it's an intense pain imagining it for himself and he knows it hurts you too. caesar wants to help in anyway he can ☆ he thinks your eyes are the most captivating, priceless, and mystical green eyes he's ever seen. he loves the way that depending on what you wear they look more brown, but caesar always finds himself lost in the shades of emerald, jade, and jasper that always twinkle at him. his favorite body part is likely your eyes, as he loves the expressions that you show him whenever you're together ☆ caesar LOVES your hair. he loves to play with your hair, loves to style it if you let him. you remind him of italy and of nature, with your green eyes and curly hair. caesar loves whenever you cuddle because you're shorter, as he can successfully be the big spoon and whenever he holds you close he can feel the softness of your pretty curls ☆ caesar loves to listen to you read your own stories to him. the way your voice becomes animated, how you may even change your voice when there's dialogue. he views it as you opening up part of your heart to him and he'll be damned if he doesn't take care of it ☆ in conclusion, caesar enjoys how you two differ in interests and behavior but have reached an understanding. you bring out the best in each other, and you accept the worst. it's like your best friends first, lovers second; perhaps evenly split
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☆ he's a shit and he's evil and he LOVES you. loves that he can get a rise out of you but you have something to say back. rohan is so intrigued by your calculated comebacks within seconds. he feels like he's finally met someone who can challenge him ☆ if you make a self depreciating joke he's playing it up most likely. he will do things like agree, or say stuff like "you're being too nice to yourself!" but only once you've gotten closer. close enough where you both know you can throw it at each other, where you both understand you have self worth that isn't impacted by the stupid comments of a smartassy friend ☆ rohan can't stand when you put on musicals and says he'll rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. but you know he's lying and he knows it too. rohan listens to your favorite musicals while he works out since running on a treadmill is a mindless activity for him. it's true he's not into it, but a smile comes on his face whenever he listens to "guns and ships" and he imagines you missing the timing during the rapid rapping ☆ really appreciates your eyes. the color, the shape, the emotion. rohan would convince you to let him do eye studies with them as a reference. likely when he's falling in love with you or when you've begun dating, either way he wants an excuse to sketch every single detail and bring it to life so he'll always be able to appreciate this part of you, even when he's gone (rohan hangs it up because he's "just proud of the drawing") ☆ pokes fun at you being scared of spiders. he doesn't mind them as we've seen, but he'll act like it's a big deal to take care of one that's bothering you. it'd be better off not to tell him in all honesty. with your other fears though, rohan understands and reassures you that no matter what he could never forget you. he tells you often that if you die before him (he just about prays you won't) he'll make the most beautiful art out of your ashes, and rohan truly means that ☆ rohan also loves drawing you, all of you, because of your hair. he likes to try new things and drawing your curls was originally difficult but after sketches upon sketches he's mastered inking your hair texture. you better not doubt if they look as beautiful as they're drawn, because he doesn't lie in his art ☆ makes fun of your height! despite making fun of it, he does love how the difference comes in handy when you're cuddling or when he's trying to annoy you a bit. he's immature, but he does know how to respect whenever you've had enough or how to console you if he goes too far ☆ he loves that you love to read and write. if you're a fan of his he'll be even more elated and have such an ego boost. don't even tell him his head is already inflated so big it's in the clouds. but also do tell him, because he'll sign all your copies and actually leave heartfelt messages (and a few stupid remarks) ☆ cares so much about your manuscripts. if you show him any of them he'll treasure it. he may act like it's not a big deal, but you can tell in the way he listens and provides feedback that he truly does care, and your happiness about it is why he's happy while you read. secretly loves when you give him feedback too, even when he acts like he won't possibly need it ☆ in conclusion, you two make each other better creators. you also keep each other in check, rohan needing it more than you... but still. rohan would go through so much for you and he may be a bit of a smarmy jerk, but he's more of a lovesick artist who's finally found his muse more than anything else
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virusgeist · 9 months
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Isaac/Heaven | he/him | 25yo | aro/ace
big dork | literal angel | artist | disabled
stupid emo twink | sex hater | Dec 2nd 🎂
pacifist | pescatarian | vampire coded
-> i'm very shy and have anxiety so sorry if i'm awkward when we talk lol
-> i love Love and I'm a sucker for romance.
-> i just look a little scary but i'm nice i swear
-> i am super passionate about my OCs... making little guys and stories is my favorite thing to do
My blog will NOT contain NSFW content but have occasional suggestive or dirty jokes.
My blog will also tend to avoid negativity and stay as silly and good vibes as can be.
My art blog!!! -> @virusgeist-art
My hazbin/helluva sideblog -> @loosey-furr
My tags:
I tag most of everything accordingly I think. Sometimes with silly tags.
Me talking bout random shit - #isaac talks
If you wanna talk to me my discord is @/virusgeist !!
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cats and kitties, drawing, art, guitars, video games, horror, spooky things, Halloween, lots of musics, cute stuff, nostalgic things, plushies, cosplay, emo/scene/alt/goth/punk/harajuku stuff, kandi, making DIY clothes and fashion, pizza and soda lover, watching movies, I LOVE cartoons and animation... anime is okay I guess, I get BRAINROT over my OCs
vvv some of my OCs in question vvv
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CORPSE, Ashnikko, Rabbit Junk, Younger Hunger, Paramore, Mother Mother, Marina and the Diamonds, Simon Curtis, Call me Karizma, Crystal Castles, The Hoosiers, Rebzyyx, KAMAARA, New Medicine, Slipknot, Panic! at the Disco, LOTS OF MUSICS!!!
tiktok, stand up comedy, drugs, fighting/arguing, tickling, dishonesty/manipulation
(not necessarily in the fandoms just like it)
Trigun, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, Gravity Falls, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Villainous, Monster High, Animal Crossing, Batman, Danganronpa, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, Your Turn to Die, Panty and Stocking, Sonic, Overwatch, Cuphead, Pokemon, Arcane, Bloodborne, The Evil Within, Silent Hill, Death Note, Soul Eater, Five Nights at Freddy's, MySims, Trolls, LOTS OF STUFF.
Jerma985, Corpse Husband, Ashnikko, Kitboga, Call Me Kevin, DigitalNex, The Click, Rebal D, Film Cooper, Oompaville, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, BENOFTHEWEEK, courtreezy, Spilling the Milk, Naomi Jon, Gabi Belle, kallmekris
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(I do NOT support; heavy Christians that push beliefs, pro-life, pro-ship, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-lgbtq+, TERFs, pedophila, beastiality, incest, looking down on homeless people/sex workers/retail or fast food workers, belittling serious topics, not liking a person based on media they enjoy, anti-fun, generally hateful folks and bullying)
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strawbearydreams · 1 year
Viva Las Vengeance Review
Before I start this, I just wanna say that I am in no way a music critic. I'm not usually very picky when it comes to music, if I listen to it and I like it, then it's good! Same thing with movies. As long as I'm entertained than I'm happy. But there are certain things that, no matter how much I try to get into them, I can't get myself to like them. And one of those things that we'll be talking about today is Viva Las Vengeance, the latest Panic! At The Disco album.
I think the main point I'm going to make throughout this entire review is that it all sounds exactly the same. There's a consistent sound throughout every song, and that's not necessarily a bad thing! But it isn't a very good thing when I can't differentiate between each song. I couldn't even tell when the first song transitioned to the second song until I looked at my phone. The sounds blend in with each other so much that it's hard to tell which song is which.
I like to compare my media taste to food a lot of the time. Listening to this album is like binge eating a shit ton of donuts and ice cream and candy. It sounds good on paper! And it tastes good for the first few bites, but when you're chowing down over and over again it's gonna make you sick. The music is just empty calories, it doesn't actually give you any substance. No sustenance whatsoever.
I just, feel like it's nothing. It's a nothing album. I feel like I wasted forty five minutes of my time listening to it, and that's not a good thing to think when listening to music. It certainly is an album! There are songs, with instruments and singing. But it's nothing more than that. There's no story, most of it doesn't make sense. It doesn't have anything to say, and I know that its not like all art has to have something to say. But it really helps the experience you're trying to gain from it. And this album is not an experience.
Fun fact, I tried listening to it when it first came out, but I just couldn't get through it. The only reason I'm making this review in the first place is for one of my friends. I just thought it would be fun to express my opinion. And that's all this is, an opinion. Art is subjective, and I'm not going to act like I'm better than anyone just because I don't like it. But that also means that people shouldn't act like they're better than others just because they do like it. This is a very important lesson in 'to each their own', and I hope you got something out of it. If people like this review enough I might just make a YouTube video!
Again, I hope you liked reading about my silly opinions. Remember to eat some food, drink some water, and that you are loved. <3
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leelee120000 · 5 months
Looking Back On: Panic! At The Disco, “Vices and Virtues”
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April 27, 2020
“Vices and Virtues” is pure steampunk in aesthetic and sound. It was the newest Panic! At The Disco album when I got into them in early 2011. It’s so good but I should stress that these articles cover my favorite albums – not the albums I think are technically the best – because If that were the case, I’d be writing about “Pretty. Odd.” (2008). Nothing else in emo can compare to it and most fans cite it as P!ATD’s best work. 
The album even received a short film! (Source: Youtube/Fueled by Ramen)
The album “Vices and Virtues” starts with “The Ballad of Mona Lisa” with its dark, moody tone and strong strings it sets the bar for new-wave baroque pop and immediately shakes away any fears of this being a basic album. The music video is wonderful and only builds upon the aesthetic as it takes place at a funeral. I won’t spoil the twist ending but it’s great. 
“Let’s Kill Tonight” is one of my all-time favorite P!ATD songs, placing among my top three. So everything has to be perfect when it comes to that level of my standards. The strings, the lyrics, the speed, the story is all breathtaking and accompanied by the music video, it is a song that well-defines the album. 
“Hurricane” is so good. I love the elevator-music-style intro right before the song shifts into high gear, it’s such an appreciated change of pace before such an intense song. The following track, “Memories” being next to “Hurricane” is so natural; they fit so well together. The lyrics in “Memories” talk of a young love that burnt out fast and the “Hurricane” is song about a fast young love.
Next is “Trade Mistakes.” If I haven’t gushed enough about the strings on this album, here, I have to. They fit so well. The chime noise is so weirdly creative but works so well. Perhaps it’s because of my own orchestra background, but the string work makes this album for me. 
“Ready To Go (Get Me Out of My Mind)” is next. Hot take here: the music video is amazing with its time travel storyline and isn’t too crazy for the album. I know that it got a lot of hate when it came out for “breaking” the narrative and I get that but I think that it works! Honestly, I used to hate it but I’ve grown to appreciate it.
“Always” makes me want to cry but in a good way. It was the first album released after the band split up which makes the emotion behind the post-split hit so hard. “Always” feels like it was written for the other bandmates. The emotion of “The Calendar” is so good. The ending acts as an intermission for the album. 
“Sarah Smiles” was written to woo Sarah, the woman who eventually became Brendon’s wife. It is so cute. I adore it with such romantic lyrics like “Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn’t care, She lives in her world, so unaware. Does she know that my destiny lies with her?” and “Oh Sarah, are you saving me?”
“Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met…)” is such a good song. The demo version, remixed with the final cut became my ringtone for years. Nothing beats the intro after the choir singing and the strings. It feels the most like a Bohemian Rasphody echo with the multiple songs in one song. The transition between the intro to the bass really makes this song. 
Now onto the bonus tracks. “Kaleidoscope Eyes” is a great song but it ranks lower than the rest. It feels the most basic with generic lyrics and it would’ve tanked the album if it wasn’t a bonus.
“Oh Glory (Demo)” is amazing and clicks with the album but I understand why it wasn’t included as it feels uncompleted. 
“Stall Me” is such a bop, but I think the emotions around the break-up explain why it stayed as a bonus having two split songs would’ve been excessive.
The last few rapid-fire thoughts, “Bittersweet” is so well known, so I don’t even think of it as a bonus. “I Wanna Be Free” fits really well with “Ready To Go.” I think it was cut due to similarity. “Turn Off The Lights” should have made it to the album; it’s too good to have been a bonus.
LeAnne McPherson
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firstdivisiongirl · 10 months
Hi! Could I please get a male romantic matchup?
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 20
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth). I set very high standards for myself but I also usually meet those standards. People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it. People also say I look like someone who "knows what they're doing".
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking/eating good food, anime, video games, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring). I want to be a fantasy writer and I am currently studying an English major at university.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is  down to the middle of my back
What I look for in a partner: Someone honest and caring. Someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I don't really have a preference on appearance; personality is far more important to me.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
Hi Eren! Thanks for the matchup request. Usually, I do a which character are you most like matchup. But for you, I’ll do your boyfriend/soulmate/whatever else you may call it.
You got: Usopp
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He would be the one to start conversations with others if you needed anything.
we all know Usopp loves a good story and he’d love to listen to yours
He would love how sarcastic you are. He seems like the guy to love and even use sarcasm with you.
He also struck me as a video game kind of person so video game dates would be common
He’d be the guy to get rid of spiders for you because they don’t bother him
He always felt unloved and never good enough at some point or another, so he’d be the first to know if you’re having a bad day with your fears consuming you. Because of that he’d do whatever to make you feel better
I hope you like it!
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thoughts on making animatics / have you ever wanted to make one / if you did what song do you REALLY want to make one for
okay so I think about animatics a LOT. the only thing that really stops me from making them is a lack of time/focus
some of the songs I'd love to animate for:
Elsa's Song - The Amazing Devil
I can see it as the opening to an animated fantasy movie. The aftermath of a battle, and the affected survivors
Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
I tried to use this for a fake "trailer" back in 2016, about a group of kids who end up having to take on a criminal organization, kind of ala Die Hard
Bubblegum Bitch - Marina
I have a team of characters that are all female elves on a road trip to save the world and I want to make a video for them someday I love them
The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
Druids destroying a corrupt magic school where they were held captive and trained, and freeing the current students. Everyone's a super powerful druid with unique nature powers and even just drawing it would be hell for me lol but it may be worth it
If you want to talk about it more or share anything I'm super super down, I love music, and pairing music and stories will always be a powerful thing :)
Putting the last animatic I made below the cut. (from two years ago 😶)
this piece has been living in my head for like 7-8 years, and it's meant to be set to My Demons, by Starset, but the timing wasn't right, so I just did House of Memories by Panic! At the Disco
I'm still fond of this story concept, and one day I want to make another animatic that follows the original idea. The story follows a team of what are basically space superheroes, investigating the spike of reported superpowers, and the apparent corruption that comes with them
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
Episode four of The eX-Files podcast hosted by Jenny Owen Youngs and Kristin Russo is out now
Episode four, “Conduit,” of The eX-Files, an “X-Files” rewatch podcast from acclaimed podcast hosts Jenny Owen Youngs and Kristin Russo, is out now. New episodes follow every Wednesday and are available on all major podcast platforms.
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The eX-Files is created under Russo and Young’s podcast collective Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure—part of the ongoing collection of rewatch podcasts under the duo’s creative direction.
“Conduit” follows episode three, “Squeeze,” which featured Song Exploder host/creator Hrishikesh Hirway. Future season guests will be announced soon.
On The eX-Files, Youngs—who grew up on a steady diet of Mulder and Scully—and Russo—who’s never seen it—dig into every episode of the seminal 90s sci-fi, “The X-Files,” spoiler free, one at a time. The podcast’s namesake—The eX-Files spelled with an “e”—is a credit to the duo’s relationship: in addition to being longtime business partners, Youngs and Russo are also ex-wives. The new series finds Youngs and Russo at their very best, as they engage in critical discussions on aliens, actors and ’90s nostalgia through a queer and feminist lens. Youngs and Russo’s first project—what started as a podcast venture between a married couple to explore every episode of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”—turned into a pop culture phenomenon that sold out live shows across the country. Their infectious chemistry, coupled with their joyful and empathetic exploration of story, earned Buffering the Vampire Slayera spot on the top of rewatch podcast lists from The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Esquire, TIME and more.
Singer-songwriter Jenny Owen Youngs has released numerous albums and EPs, including last year’s It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, and has toured worldwide with the likes of Regina Spektor, Frank Turner and Aimee Mann, among others. She recently co-wrote the chart topping, five-time platinum single “High Hopes” by Panic! At The Disco, as well as co-writing songs with Ingrid Michaelson, Pitbull, Briston Maroney, Shungudzo and others. Her solo music has been featured on TV shows such as “Weeds,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Nurse Jackie” and “Bojack Horseman” and has seen praise from The AV Club, The New York Times, Stereogum and NPR.
Kristin Russo is a writer, educator and consultant with a focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) issues. She is the author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids (Chronicle, 2014) and founded the educational website My Kid Is Gay. She also worked as host and producer of “First Person,” a video series on gender and sexuality from PBS Digital and WNET. She holds a Masters in Gender Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center, has spoken at hundreds of universities nationwide—Harvard, Stanford and NYU included—and works with large-scale companies like Hyatt, Virgin Galactic, and Toyota on allyship & inclusion.
You can listen to Episode four, “Conduit,” of The eX-Files HERE.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Meet Phoebe Anne-Marie Gothel;
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Fc: Kathryn Newton.
Fic Title: The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook.
Nickname(s): Peachy, 'Ebe, Pho, Peaches, Peachy Gothel, Peachy Flynn, Phoebe Flynn, Peachy Anne-Marie, Anne-Marie Gothel, Anne-Marie Flynn, Annie Flynn, the 3rd mate of Stormbringer, the boatswain of the Stormbinger, and P.
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Pronouns: She/her.
Birthday: November 7th, 13 years ago.
Height: 5"5.
Hair Color: Dirty blonde/Hey blonde.
Eye Color: Greenish-bluish-grey.
Place of Birth: Isle of the Lost.
Hobbies: Writing, teaching, sailing, playing card games, playing board games, playing video games, listening to music, playing with her pets, gardening, role playing, watching movies, occasional potion making, sparring with a pitchfork, swimming, exploring, and reading.
Likes: Hanging out with her friends, any varation of the color green, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, pies, movies, cats, dogs, teaching, games, gardening, exploring, stories, writing, pitchforks, mild piracy, etc.
Dislikes: Dishonesty, disloyalty, abandonment, yellow, bugs, wearing long sleeves with shorts, wearing short sleeves with long pants, her friends in danger, her mother trying to hurt people, her siblings trying to hurt people, her friends' violent tendencies, etc.
Favorite musicians: The Dalmatians, Aladdin and the Lamps, Panic! At The Disco!, Cavetown, Imagine Dragons, Against The Current, League of Legends, and M.A.K.O.
Physical Quirks/Scars: Freckles.
Family: Captain Flynn (father), Mother Gothel (mother), Cassandra Gothel (half sister), Ginny Gothel (half sister), Mason Gothel (brother), Glenn Gothel (brother), and Hannah Hook (niece).
Honorary Family: Her crew and the Hooks.
Friends: Her crew.
Pets: A black cat and a black dog.
Love Interest: None at the moment.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.
Occupation: High school student and 3rd mate of Hannah Hook's crew.
Extracurriculars: Writing Club, the Netball team, and gardening club.
Favorite Animal: Butterflies.
Favorite Color: Green.
Favorite Book: Detective Conan books.
Favorite Food: Apple Pie.
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk.
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Spiderman into the spider verse and Detective Conan.
Once upon a time, Captain Flynn and Mother Gothel had a one night stand.
Phoebe Anne-Marie Gothel was the result.
She grew up the youngest of 5 siblings (Cassandra, Ginny, Mason, and Glenn) and quickly befriended Remi de Vil.
Eventually, when she was 7, she and Remi joined one Hannah Hook's crew—becoming the 3rd and 4th mates respectfully of said crew, and have been best friends ever since.
She's also the unofficial teacher of the group and one of the more responsible ones.
"I promise I'm trying" by Cavetown.
"Legends Never Die" by Against The Current, League of Legends, and M.A.K.O.
"High Hopes" by Panic! At The Disco.
"Must have been the wind" by Alec Benjamin.
"Mind is a prison" by Alec Benjamin.
"I built a friend" by Alec Benjamin.
"I'll Be There for You" by The Rembrandts.
Inspired by @thecaptainsgingersnap and @theinnerworkingsofoc .
Requested by @cleverqueenchild .
Suggest names for the pets in the comments down below.
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midnighthangintree · 10 months
Eras Tour Setlist and Surprise Songs - International Leg (as of August 25, 2023)
Taylor Swift
Tim McGraw
Picture to Burn
Teardrops on My Guitar
A Place in this World
Cold as You
The Outside
Tied Together with a Smile
Stay Beautiful
Should’ve Said No
Mary’s Song
Our Song
I’m Only Me When I’m with You
A Perfectly Good Heart
Fearless (Taylor’s Version)
Love Story
Hey Stephen
White Horse
You Belong With Me
Breathe (feat. Colbie Callait)
Tell Me Why
You’re Not Sorry
The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always
The Best Day
Jump Then Fall
Come In with the Rain
The Other Side of the Door
Today Was a Fairytale
You All Over Me (feat. Maureen Morris)
Mr. Perfectly Fine
We Were Happy
That’s When (feat. Keith Urban)
Don’t You
Bye Bye Baby
If This Was a Movie - June 23
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
Sparks Fly
Back to December
Speak Now
Dear John
The Story of Us
Never Grow Up
Better than Revenge
Last Kiss
Long Live (added to setlist on July 7th for the release of Speak Now TV. Performed on the same koi fish guitar from the Speak Now Tour)
Electric Touch (featuring Fall Out Boy)
When Emma Falls in Love
I Can See You (music video released to concertgoers on July 7 and online on July 8)
Castles Crumbling (featuring Hayley Williams) - July 28
Foolish One
Timeless - July 14
Red (Taylor’s Version)
State of Grace
I Knew You Were Trouble
I Almost Do
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Stay Stay Stay
The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol)
Holy Ground
Sad Beautiful Tragic
The Lucky One
Everything Has Changed (featuring Ed Sheeran)
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Come Back… Be Here
Girl at Home
Better Man
Nothing New (featuring Phoebe Bridgers) (added to the setlist on May 5, only to be performed when Phoebe Bridgers is one of the opening acts.)
Message in a Bottle
I Bet You Think About Me (featuring Chris Stapleton)
Forever Winter
Run (featuring Ed Sheeran)
The Very First Night
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Eyes Open
Safe and Sound
1989 (Taylor’s Version) - Announced August 8th, 2023. TBR on October 27, 2023
Welcome to New York
Blank Space
Out of the Woods
All You Had to Do Was Stay
Shake It Off
I Wish You Would
Bad Blood
Wildest Dreams
How You Get the Girl
This Love
I Know Places
You Are in Love
New Romantics
…Ready for It?
End Game (featuring Ed Sheeran and Future)
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
So It Goes…
Getaway Car
King of My Heart
Dancing with Our Hands Tied
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Call It What You Want
New Year’s Day
I Don’t Want to Live Forever
I Forgot That You Existed - August 24
Cruel Summer
The Man
The Archer
I Think He Knows
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
Paper Rings
Cornelia Street
Death by a Thousand Cuts
London Boy
Soon You’ll Get Better (featuring The Chicks)
False God
You Need to Calm Down
Me! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco)
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Beautiful Ghosts
Only the Young
All of the Girls You Loved Before
The 1
The Last Great American Dynasty
Exile (featuring Bon Iver)
My Tears Ricochet
Seven (spoken transition part of setlist)
This Is Me Trying
Illicit Affairs
Invisible String
Mad Woman
The Lakes
Champagne Problems
Gold Rush
‘Tis the Damn Season
Tolerate It
No Body, No Crime (feat. Haim)
Coney Island (feat. the National)
Cowboy Like Me
Long Story Short
Evermore (feat. Bon Iver)
Right Where You Left Me
It’s Time to Go
Lavender Haze
Snow on the Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey)
You’re on Your Own, Kid
Midnight Rain
Vigilante Shit
Sweet Nothing - August 24
The Great War
Bigger Than the Whole Sky
High Infidelity
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
Dear Reader
Hits Different
Karma (featuring Ice Spice) (Music video released for concertgoers on May 26 and online on May 27)
You’re Losing Me (From the Vault)
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daxwritesstories · 1 year
Dire: Story Playlist
Spotify Link
Track list under the cut
12 Through 15 - Mayday Parade
“You said the problem’s in your heart, but the problem’s who you are”
Carnival - Ghost Town
“I want the bad, the worst in you. You disgust me but I still want some. I wish it didn’t have to be this way”
Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench
“For a first effort this feels kinda last-ditch, I guess this just got kinda drastic”
Devil Town - Cavetown
“We’re all dead in devil town, that’s fine ‘cause nothing’s gonna scare us now”
Ever After - Marianas Trench
“I would make a better liar, I never face the music when it’s dire”
Fucked Up World - The Pretty Reckless
“No mountain made of money could buy you a soul”
Haunted - Laura Les
“I’ve been up for three days, everything is haunted, everybody’s evil”
House Of Wolves - My Chemical Romance
"You better run like the devil 'cause they're never gonna leave you alone"
Lonely Road To Absolution - Billy Talent
“Conscience had been cast away, evil has been blessed with praise”
Monsters - All Time Low
“Why do I run back to you like I don’t mind if you fuck up my life?”
Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks - Panic! at the Disco
“With the way you’ve been talking every word gets you a step closer to Hell”
Oil - Gorillaz
“I was on my own there in the psychic silence”
Pretty When You Cry - VAST
“I didn’t wanna fuck you but you’re pretty when you’re mine”
Smoke - PVRIS
“You make your way into my veins, course right through my limbs and dig your way into my brain”
The Horror Of Our Love - Ludo
"Love I'd never hurt you, but I'll grind against your bones until our marrows mix"
Try Honesty - Billy Talent
“I’m insane, it’s your fault”
Tsunami - Finana Ryugu
“Fire, wind, and earth can’t stop me, I’m a natural disaster”
Video Kid - The Birthday Massacre
“I know we’re just pretending, there’s no window for mistakes”
x2 dose - dynastic
“I did something wrong today and I meant it in the right way”
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