supernatural-stuffs · 7 years
Coffee Convos
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A/N: I wrote this one-shot for @queen-of-deans-booty ‘s Trope Challenge. My prompt was #30-I see you at the coffee shop all the time, looking beautiful and minding your own business and I see you reading/writing/etc and now I can think of an excuse to talk to you. I may write a part two to this, depending on the feedback I get. Thanks for reading!
Warnings: descriptions of Jensen Ackle’s thighs, swearing
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 3,145
Disclaimer:  Jensen is single for the purposes of this fic. No hate intended towards Danneel or his family-this is purely fiction!!!
Also: Y/L/N’s = the name of the coffee shop
I hurried down the sidewalk, knowing I had only minutes left. My feet pounded on the pavement faster and faster until I was practically running, weaving through various pedestrians and passers-by. It was obvious to anyone that I was running late today. There wasn’t exactly a particular reason for said lateness, except maybe my penchant for hitting the snooze button one too many times. Thank God the building was only a 5 minute walk from my apartment in downtown Austin.
Finally I reached my destination. Peeking through the window of the small coffee shop, I sighed in relief. Not a customer in sight. Despite my belatedness, I had managed to beat the morning rush. I pushed through the glass doors, nearly crashing into a tall stack of boxes as I did so.
“Sorry Sarah! Didn’t see you there.”
A flustered face peeked out from behind the tower of cardboard.
“Oh, hey Y/N. I’ll grab you your usual as soon as I toss these.”
“I’ll grab the boxes,” I offered. “The morning rush will be coming in soon, and you should be at the counter.”
She nodded and handed me her load before hurrying to the counter, throwing on her apron. I saw her get to work on my latte as I left. Though there were other employees that could have made my drink, Sarah was my favorite. I’m not sure exactly how she did it, but somehow it always tasted better when she made my coffee.
Throwing the heap into the dumpster in the back, I returned quickly, the extra promise of caffeine hurrying my movements.
Sarah slid it across the counter to me, bartender style. I took a long drag, savoring the sweet caramel flavor.
“Mmm. God, this is good. Remind me to give you raise or something.”
Sarah quirked her eyebrow. “Is that you or the caffeine talking?”
“Probably the caffeine,” I admitted. “But I can’t be held accountable for anything I say under the influence of this beautiful, beautiful drink.”
I took another big gulp of it, and Sarah just rolled her eyes. She knew better than to contest my coffee addiction.
“You were late today,” she pointed out instead. “Almost got caught in the swarm.” She gestured her head towards the line that was already starting to form.
“Yeah well, I was up late last night.”
“Ooh,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Out partying?”
I scoffed. “Right. Because I have such a corybantic social life.”
“Well you would if you stopped using words like corybantic.”
I scoffed. “Don’t you have work to do?” I looked pointedly at my other employees, frantically trying to fulfill orders as caffeine-starved people jockeyed for their orders.
She sighed and got back to work, mixing drinks while I took my coffee to my regular spot. Getting my laptop out, I started going over the notes my editor had sent me. I had been working my ass off for the past few weeks trying to get my book polished off and edited. Between that and running my little cafe, I had been burning the midnight oil much too late for my liking. I briefly pondered on Sarah’s comments on my social life. Though I knew she was joking, it wasn’t too far from the truth. Sure, I had friends, and it wasn’t as if I was some kind of social pariah, but my double career life did leave something to be desired in regards to the recreational department.
I shook off the thoughts and went back to revising. I could contemplate on the inner workings of my life some other time.
After about three hours, I decided that it was time I took a break. Though I had been there quite some time, it was nearing around nine o’ clock, and people were still bustling about trying to fulfill orders. I thought briefly about jumping in to help out, but then I remembered my last attempt at barista-ing (is that even a word?). Long story short, we were forced to buy three new coffee makers after I attempted a new style of brewing that I had seen on the Food Network. I have since sworn off both coffee making as well as watching Barefoot Contessa.
So I allowed my employees do what I paid them to do, and settled in with Crime and Punishment. It was about my eighth time re-reading it, but what can I say? We all have our guilty pleasures. An old woman being axe-murdered just happens to be one of mine.
I was just getting to Razumikhin’s visit when a voice pulled me out of my reading-induced stupor.
“Crime and Punishment, huh?”
I glared at the book, refusing to look up. I knew it was a customer. Everyone who worked at Y/L/N’s knew not to interrupt me while I was in the midst of reading. As pet peeves go, it was near the top of my list, right up there with loud chewing and people who don’t cover their mouths when they sneeze.
I responded without moving my head in the slightest, turning my page to signify that I was, in fact, reading, and not just staring blankly at a book hoping that a stranger would strike up conversation with me.
“That seems pretty heavy for a coffee shop read, don’t you think?”
Man, this guy really doesn’t take a hint, does he? And who says coffee shop reading has to be light? I certainly had never heard of that social norm. And you know what else I had never heard of? People being overjoyed when a stranger interrupts their reading. So I turned my face up to look at him, ready to tell this guy off for being especially rude and discourteous.
And I stopped dead in my movements. Because it just so happened that Mr. Book Interrupter was incredibly hot. Gorgeous, actually. Some might even call him beautiful. With those green eyes and that light scruff and that sharp jawline. Dear Lord.
Oh, and he was Jensen Ackles. You know, the famous guy? The one who’s on that really popular TV show with the monsters and ghosts and the like? The one that I may or may not have been obsessed with at that current moment in time?
So, naturally, I stared with my mouth hanging open like a fool for…I don’t know, ten seconds? Or maybe it was ten minutes. It felt like ten years, but I knew that was probably unlikely.
He chuckled a little awkwardly, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. This was enough to snap me out of it. I shut my mouth quickly, hoping there was no drool littering my chin, and looked away, embarrassed.
“Sorry, I, um, didn’t mean to stare.”
He nodded, his cheeks a little pink, and I vaguely thought about what it would be like to run my fingers over his blushing cheek, to see if that scruff was as delicious feeling as it looked. Thankfully, my fingers didn’t obey this command. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered reading that he had moved to Austin. But I had never even imagined the possibility that he would be here, in my tiny coffee shop. Why was he here? There were plenty of other, more upscale cafes in Austin. Ones that were surely more worthy of his celebrity status.
My brain suddenly reminded me that he had said something before I so rudely chose to gawk. Ah, right! My book. Even all the glory of Jensen fucking Ackles wasn’t enough to take away from the fact that I was still a little miffed about that. So I decided to treat him as I would any other stranger who had chosen to interrupt my leisure time. I mean, he’s just a person, right? An incredibly handsome, talented, famous person, but a person nonetheless. And it’s not like I was obsessed with him. I was obsessed with the character he played. And that’s totally different.
At least, that’s what I told myself. It was a lie, of course, but it helped me muster up the courage to at least speak in his presence.
“Right, well, Dostoevsky’s writing actually isn’t that complex. Most of his works have overarching themes of nihilism and the natural psychological tendencies of mankind, so once you realize that it’s pretty much just plot analyzation.”
Oh God. I was going for slightly annoyed yet still cool and collected, but instead I did the thing. The rambling thing. Sarah called it my nerd brain purge. Apparently when I get nervous I tend to over inform. God, this interaction was getting more embarrassing by the second.
Jensen looked just as surprised as I did. Maybe he thought I was going to stare at him some more. He sat down in the armchair next to me, wiping his hands on the thighs of his jeans. His glorious, glorious thighs. I had dreamed of those bowlegs before, but TV and my imagination didn’t do them nearly enough justice. Aaand now I was fangirling again. Don’t stare, don’t stare, don’t stare, I repeated like a mantra in my brain.
It was harder to keep my cool than I had previously expected.
“Well, uh, that certainly sounds complex to me. But I haven’t exactly read much Dostoevsky, so I’ll have to take your word for it.”
I smiled slightly and nodded. Maybe that was the approach to take. If I just kept my mouth shut, nothing else stupid could come tumbling out.
He seemed at a loss for what to say next. I saw a light bead of perspiration forming on his upper lip, and he started fidgeting with a tiny thread that was poking out of the sleeve of his jacket. Was he nervous? All the signs seemed to point to that. But what possible reason would Jensen Ackles, TV star and celebrity extraordinaire, have to be nervous around me? In fact, why did he even come over here in the first place?
I decided to abandon my former rule about speaking, my curiosity getting the best of me.
“So, uh, did you need something? I’m sure you didn’t come over here just to discuss the many plot devices of Dostoevsky.”
I let out a little laugh, trying to relieve the tension that hung in the air between us.
Jensen laughed slightly, too, and blushed again. He seemed even more flustered now. I couldn’t understand why.
“Um I wanted to ask you-well actually I was wondering, uh, what your name is?”
I smiled slightly at his stuttering. I didn’t fully understand what was happening at the moment, but I did know that he was extremely adorable when he was ruffled.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
I thrust out my hand for him to shake.
He slid his hand into mine, and I swore I felt a spark of electricity travel up my arm when his rough, calloused hand enveloped mine.
“Jensen Ackles.”
“I know,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. My cheeks instantaneously burned red hot. Why, why did I have to say that?
He grinned. A contemplative look flashed across his face, then, and his brows furrowed as though he was attempting to solve a very difficult math problem.
“Wait, Y/L/N? As in…” he gestured to the area around us, indicating that he was asking about the coffee shop.
“One and the same.” I shook my head in affirmation, my cheeks still uncomfortably hot.
“So you’re the owner of this place?”
I nodded again, starting to feel like a bobblehead.
“That’s cool… that’s really cool.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out where he was headed with all of this. He squirmed a little under my gaze.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked before I stopped myself.
He nodded, leaning a little closer to me as I spoke.
“Why are you talking to me? I mean, you’re a-you’re a celebrity. What made you want to make awkward small talk with me, of all people?”
There. It was out, now. The question that had been hanging in the air since he shad approached me. I may have sounded a little brusque while asking it, but at least I could know now, understand why Jensen had chosen to spend a beautiful Thursday morning in a cramped coffee shop, talking to a girl who had previously had her nose buried in a book.
“Well, um. This is going to sound super creepy.” He took a deep breath, and my eyebrows shot up in question, gesturing for him to continue.
“Well, I’ve kind of been…watching you.”
My eyebrows flew even higher.
“Watching me?” I squeaked.
“Not like that!” He said quickly. “I haven’t been stalking you or anything like that. It’s just… I’ve been coming in here every day for the past two months, and you’re here every day. Sitting in this same spot. And you always look super busy. Like, you’re always either writing furiously on that little notebook,” he motioned to my notepad beside me, which was, indeed, open and full of scribbled words. “or you’re typing on your laptop. And you have this incredible focus. I’ve never even seen you look up from your work. And you do this thing, where you scrunch up your eyebrows and chew on the inside of your cheek when you’re thinking really hard. I guess…today was just the first day I’ve ever seen you look…still. Calm. I don’t know, this probably sounds dumb, but there’s just something about you that made me feel like I had to talk to you. That I had to see what you were working on so furiously every day. And that I had to tell you that-that you’re extremely beautiful.” He said the last part in a big rush of air, like it had been physically painful for him to hold the words inside his chest and they just had to come out all at once.
I stared at him in shock. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. Jensen Ackles was here. In front of me. Telling me I was beautiful and that he had noticed me. He had noticed me. He had been coming here for two months? And I had never seen him? How could I have missed him? He was JENSEN ACKLES. Was it really possible that I had been so wrapped up in trying to get my book finished that I had been completely missing looking up and seeing him all these days?
I hadn’t spoken for a good fifteen seconds, just staring at him numbly, trying to process everything he had said.
“Please, say something,” he begged. He looked a little desperate.
I forced myself to snap out of it.
“I-” I laughed a little, still reeling. “I don’t really know what to say. Thank you, I guess.”
He beamed at me, flashing his bright whites. My stomach flip flopped. That had been the first time he had smiled, really smiled, since we had started this conversation, and it took my breath away. We sat there for a moment, him smiling broadly and me grinning like a fool back at him. I got lost in those piercing eyes and the tiny freckles smattered across the bridge of his nose and continuing on to his cheeks.
The moment was interrupted by a loud ringing. We both jumped, and Jensen snatched his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and his eyes widened.
“Oh shit. What time is it?” he asked frantically.
I checked my own phone. “Umm…almost 10:15.”
He swore under his breath again and answered the call with a swipe of his finger.
“Jared! Look, dude, I’m so sorry I’m late. I got caught up with something.”
He must have been talking to his costar, Jared Padalecki. I was struck again with how crazy and surreal this whole thing was. Not for the first time that day, I wondered if I was in some kind of a dream. Or maybe a drug-induced hallucination. But inwardly, I knew that my subconscious could never have been this creative. This was completely and totally one hundred percent real.
“Look, I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?…Yeah…Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
He ended the call with a jab of his finger, and turned back to me.
“You have to go,” I stated. I hoped my voice didn’t give away my disappointment.
“Yeah,” he said somberly. “I’m really sorry, but I completely forgot I made plans.”
“It’s okay,” I nodded. “I get it.”
He nodded, and started to get up, then seemed to think better of it and sat back down, facing me.
“Could we…could we do this again sometime? Not exactly this, obviously, I was thinking a different location, and a different day, and we would probably be wearing different clothes, and-”
I cut off his rambling, putting my hand on top of his. He looked down at our hands, and then back up at me.
“Yeah,” I smiled shyly. “Yeah, I’d love to.”
He bit his lip and grinned, gesturing to my phone. “Can I…?”
“Oh!” I typed in the password and handed it to him, allowing him to enter his phone number. He punched in some digits and handed it back. Our fingers brushed for a moment as I took it from him, and I felt that flip flop sensation in my stomach all over again. I smiled when I saw that he had saved his number under the name “Jay”.
“I’ve really gotta get going,” he said apologetically.
I nodded, and Jensen turned and started towards the door, dodging over-caffeinated soccer moms and their grabby children as he did. Once he reached the counter, though, he stopped. He swiveled to face me once more.
“Hey Y/N?” he called out through the din of people chatting and orders being yelled.
“Yeah?” I responded hopefully.
“Call me, okay?”
There was a kind of vulnerability in his eyes. It wasn’t a rhetorical question. It was almost as if he needed to hear me say it, that he needed the reassurance that I would actually use the number he’d given me.
So I stared into those emerald eyes and hoped that I looked sincere. “Yeah, Jensen. I’ll call you.” I smiled reassuringly.
He nodded. He looked a little more confident, a little more sure of himself, then, as he winked at me and turned on his heel to stride out the door.
I sighed happily, collapsing against my chair. Now I knew what all those romance novels (which I totally, definitely don’t have a stash of underneath my bed) were talking about when the girl got all swoony. My mind was moving at warp speed, trying to catalog every detail, every flash of those dimples to think back on later. I could not wait to tell Sarah about this.
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mandilion76 · 7 years
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: a glorious 1005 kiddos!
Warnings: Fluffy goodness with a very slight twinge of angst.
A/N: I wrote this for @queen-of-deans-booty Trope/1K Challenge. My trope is friends to lovers. Technically, this didn’t make it to the lovers stage, but I do have a sequel in mind for that, so hopefully that counts! 
Honestly, I am so proud of this one, the words practically poured onto the page.  Never have I been able to go from idea to finished story in less than 24 hours. I hope you all will like how this turned out, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Thanks to @wi-deangirl77 for beta’ing this for me!
Image not mine, courtesy of Google
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It started quite innocently.  She was reading in her room when Sam knocked on her open door. Glancing at Sam over her copy of Jane Eyre, she felt a surge of joy rush over her.  She was always happy to see Sam as he’d quickly become the best friend she’d never had.  She motioned for him to join her on the bed, the book still in her hand. “Mi casa is tu casa, mi amigo,” she grinned at him, taking pleasure in watching Sam’s face light up at her invitation.  
Sam sat down on the edge of the bed and glanced at the back cover.  “Jane Eyre?” he asked, doing nothing to disguise the surprise in his voice.
“Gee, you don’t have to sound so surprised Winchester,” she laughed. “I do read other books beside romance novels, thank you very much!”
Sam had the decency to look sheepish, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from continuing his teasing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with anything but romance novels in all the time I’ve known you,” Sam quipped.  She lived for the friendly banter with Sam. She’d never felt as comfortable with anyone, male or female, than she did when she was around Sam.
She playfully stuck out her tongue. “Guess my secret’s out now, huh Winchester?”
From there they settled into their normal routine of discussing the events of their latest hunt, what had worked well and what could have been done better.   Before either knew it, an hour had flown by.  Sam noticed her yawn and started to get up to leave.  Not wanting to Sam to leave just yet, she blurted out the very first thing that popped into her head.
“Sam, will you read to me please?” She felt her cheeks flame up.  What the hell? 
She could feel the tension in the air and wondered if she had made a mistake.   Before she could analyze things further, Sam took the book from her.  He motioned for her to scoot over.  He propped a pillow behind his back and stretched his legs in front of him. She awkwardly sat next to him, folding her hands in her lap. 
Sensing her discomfort, Sam put his arm around her and pulled her towards him. She turned on her side and rested her head on his chest. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” His voice was soothing and without judgment.   “Yeah, it is,” she spoke softly.  Being with Sam in a way she considered somewhat intimate made her realize how much she missed the comfort of someone’s touch. A man’s touch, she clarified.
As Sam started to read, she watched the scene play in her head.
“I have for the first time found what I can truly love–I have found you. You are my sympathy–my better self– my good angel–I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wrap my existence about you–and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”
A long sigh escaped her lips. This was one of her favorite passages, and one that never failed to make her cry. She hoped Sam didn’t notice, but with Sam being Sam, he picked up on the change in her mood right away.  “What’s going through that pretty head of yours Y/N?”
She shrugged her shoulders, not sure she should elaborate. He was going to think she was crazy, she just knew it.
Sam dropped the book on the bed and gave her a reassuring hug. “You know you can tell me anything, don’t you, Y/N?” The warmth radiating from the well-muscled arms wrapped around her along with Sam’s words of encouragement gave her the courage to put into words how strongly she felt.
“It’s just…well, I’ve always identified with Jane.  She wanted someone to love her for who she was and someone she could in turn give her love to.” She swallowed back a sob, afraid Sam would think she was overreacting. “But unlike Jane…I…I haven’t found my Mr. Rochester and quite honestly, I doubt I ever will.” The last words were rushed in hopes of making it through them without crying.
She nervously played with the buttons of Sam’s flannel, his silence too much to bear.  She fought the urge to take back her words, to tell Sam she was just kidding.  She didn’t want or need his pity.  Inadvertently, her hand brushed over the pocket, the strong beat of his heart steady against her palm. She held her hand there for a few seconds, not daring to breath.  Was it her imagination or did the pace quicken at her touch? “Sam, are you ok? Did I say something wrong?” Finally, you dared to look up.  What she saw in his eyes made her own heart skip a beat.
Sam shook his head no, but still said nothing.  She could see the wheels turning in his head.  With a finger under her chin, he brought up her face at the same time he lowered his head. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?” his voice smoky and deep.
“Sam?” she breathed against his lips.  Was this really happening?
“Let me be your Mr. Rochester, Y/N,” Sam gently pressed his lips to hers, giving her the chance to turn away.
She broke away long enough to kneel next to Sam, then wrapped her arms around his neck.  The longing in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine.  When Sam kissed her again, he cupped her face, his hands gentle despite their size. She sighed into his open mouth, enjoying the taste of whiskey on his tongue. Sam poured all his emotions into the kiss; they poured over her, convincing her that Sam meant every word.  There was no room for doubt.  Sam was destined to be her Mr. Rochester. She now knew this to be true.
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Last chance!
This is the last call for my Trope Challenge. If I gave you an extension, please ignore this message. But I haven’t heard from @waywardsisterwrites, @winchester-smut, @maggster2006 , and @sammy-moo . Just letting you know you have 8 hours until you can post your story.
If you need an extension or to drop out, please let me know and if you participate in future challenges of mine, please don’t make this a habit.
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Jordan’s Trope Challenge
We have finally hit 1,000 Followers! I am beyond grateful for this and I can’t help but thank each and every one of you who supports me. I wish I knew all of you personally and for only a few of you, I do. 
But thank you, for helping me make this happen because I couldn’t truly have done it without you guys. 
So thank you so very much. 
So for this challenge, I will be hosting a writing challenge for you lovely and talented writers! I present to you a Trope Challenge. 
A trope is an often used plot device or a common theme you might see pop up frequently (various AUs, bed sharing, pregnancy, etc.).
Below the cut, I have made a list of tropes that are very common. Also, the rules have been clearly stated below as well! Happy Writing!
1. You don’t have to be following me but It would be much appreciated if you were.
2. Female reader insert only with the characters Dean/Jensen, Sam/Jared, and Castiel/Misha. You can make it a platonic relationship or a romantic one. I am not against anything else, but I think it’s a little easier this way. Of course, you can add as many characters/actors as you want in it but the pairing has to be with the following above.
3. Your fic is your fic. It can be as long or as short as you make it. However, if your fic is over 500 words, I ask that you use a “Keep Reading” because I won’t reblog it if it doesn’t. I will reblog every fic and give feedback to every single one.
4. Your fic can be a one shot or the first part of a series. It makes it easier so that I don’t have to go through multiple parts to get to the trope you decided to write about. 
5. Please tag me @queen-of-deans-booty and have the tag (s) #Jordan’sTropeChallenge AND/OR #Jordan’s1kChallenge in the first three tags!
6. Lastly, your fic can be whatever you please to be! Whether that’s Fluff, Angst, Smut, etc. Remember, this is your fic so you can write whatever makes you happy. 
How to sign up:
Just send me an ASK of the trope you want along with the character/actor you wish to have. Please remember that I am only taking one person per trope. This way, I won’t have a ton of the same fics and people can make it interesting! Also, please provide me with an alternative, just in case the one you want is gone.
When they are due:
All fics are due on October 8th, 2017. I understand life happens and if you need to drop out or need an extension, just shoot me an ask and I will be more than happy to give it to you. 
List of Tropes (One writer per trope):
1. Friends to lovers @mandilion76 2. Asking your best friend to fake date you so that your parents will get off your backs but it turns into something more (or so that your ex gets off your back) 3. Best Friend’s Brother @mrsbatesmotel53 4. Brother’s Best Friend @spn-applepie-imagines 5. Enemies to lovers 6. Body Swap @kdfrqqg 7. Gender Swap 8. You have two beds but 3 people. Who do you share with? @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes 9. College AUs (professor/student, student/student, RA/student, etc.) 10. You’re my new neighbor and you’re so hot but I don’t want to make a fool out of myself but I do it anyways @sammy-moo 11. You act so tough around everyone and I can’t seem to understand why you only show who you really are to me 12. Soulmates AU (writing on the skin, seeing color for the first time, sparks fly, etc.) 13. My child is best friends with your child so I guess I have to hang with you but I don’t mind because you’re pretty awesome 14. Damsel NOT is distress and I end up saving your ass 15. Secret Relationship 16. Plus sized Reader @maggster2006 17. Having sex on a bet 18. Pretend marriage  19. I have no more clothes but it’s okay since I borrow yours all the time 20. Work AU (boss/employee, employee/employee, etc.) 21. Making the guy you know likes you, jealous, so you two can get together @thebikiniinspector 22. The jock falling for the nerd AU 23. Fairy Tale AU 24. I’m the brides sister and you’re the groom’s brother but we end up naked somewhere @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 25. Save me from the drunken man at the bar by pretending to date me 26. Pretending to fake date for a family event 27. Mistaken Identities  28. Best friends who really like each other but don’t know it so someone has to do something to get them together @notnaturalanahi 29. Best friends growing up and now it’s an attraction 30. I see you at the coffee shop all the time, looking beautiful and minding your own business and I see you reading/writing/etc and now I can think of an excuse to talk to you @supernatural-stuffs 31. I am the perfect good girl but I fall for the social outcast 32. I can save myself and I don’t need saving but then you come in and save my ass which then leads to sex 33. We have all this tension between us so we have sex to get it out 34. Friends bet that the jock can’t get the nerd to go out with him @winchester-smut 35. Drunken one night stand that leads to something more 36. We argue all the time, fighting whenever we get a chance then you kiss me out of anger which just confirms the reason why we’e fighting which is because we secretly like each other and it leads to sex 37. Will you marry me? 38. I’m pregnant with your child @wideawakeandwriting 39. Lifelong friends who reconnect on a hunt 40. Everyone thinks we’re together but we’re not! 41. Everyone thinks I am the shy, insecure girl, well, I am about to prove them wrong. @wishedworld 42. Truth or Dare/Never Have I Ever @roxyspearing 43. I love you and your brother but I can’t decide who to choose so why not have a threesome?  44. I like you but he likes me (love triangle) 45. You’re hurt/sick so let me take care of you and stay with you for the night so you’re not alone @waywardsisterwrites
Have fun writing and let me know if you have any questions!
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