#Jordi Turull
danataikoprensa · 5 months
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12endigital · 8 months
Lo siento… este gobierno hace aguas
Creo que el título de este artículo viene del mundo marítimo, un mundo en el que yo no he entrado ni entraré porque me mareo como un pollo sin cabeza en los barcos. No me ha quedado más remedio que utilizar el barco de Dénia a Mallorca varias veces, por aquello de trasladar conmigo el coche o la moto, y en mi vida he pasado peor rato. Prefiero tres entrevistas de hora y media con Txiquierdi o con…
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head-post · 1 month
Puigdemont confirmed returning to Belgium, Catalan policeman suspected of aiding him arrested
Former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont confirmed that he had left Spain and was currently in Brussels, according to Catalan media.
Puigdemont, leader of the Together for Catalonia (JuntsXCat) party, returned to Spain on Thursday, 8 August, after nearly seven years abroad to reiterate his commitment. He confirmed via social media that he was staying in Waterloo, where he has been living since 2017.
After giving a five-minute speech to thousands of pro-independence supporters, Puigdemont left the stage and no one has seen him since. His lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, confirmed that the pro-independence leader had already left Spain and would “address the citizens in the coming days.”
The intention was to become Catalan president, attend the debate, come to Barcelona, and adjust the tactics based on the circumstances. What he had to do was demonstrate that he was not afraid to enter Spain.
The secretary general of JuntsXCat, Jordi Turull, confirmed that the politician had been in Barcelona since Tuesday, two days before his arrival in the city centre. According to Turull, despite fleeing, Puigdemont intended to enter parliament. However, in the face of an “unprecedented security operation” and given that “his safety was at risk,” the leader decided to leave again.
Operation Cage
After leaving the scene, the Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, failed to arrest Puigdemont despite launching Operation Cage and setting up checkpoints at the exits of Barcelona and at the border with France.
The former president reacted to the police attempts in a post on X social media platform.
“Let no one think that all this is just because of the events of this week. If anyone thought that by putting me in prison they would already be satisfied and be more condescending, they are completely wrong. The narrative we are beginning to see would be exactly the same, perhaps less rabid and more paternalistic, but with identical strategic intentions: to trap us and leave the way free for the flattening of all national claims.”
He has also noted that action by the authorities to capture him is ongoing.
Another Cage operation is underway. It is the second phase, which they had already planned in the event that I was imprisoned: the encirclement of independence, its isolation and the media stigmatisation to present it as expendable and annoying in the strategy of the great tour of sheet intended for the tripartite agreement.
Lawyer Boye denies having any agreement with the Catalan police to arrest Puigdemont. He explained that the Mossos offered them such an option, but they refused. Puigdemont also mentioned that the Catalan police were “hunting” for people who helped him.
“I feel sorry for the people that are receiving the anger of politicians and police who know that they did not rise to the occasion.”
Meanwhile, the Mossos d’Esquadra reported the arrest of a police officer believed to have helped Carles Puigdemont flee the city. After the speech, the leader of Catalans in favour of secession from Spain disappeared into the crowd.
During the course of this march and taking advantage of the number of people surrounding him, he fled the place in a vehicle that the Mossos tried to stop but were unsuccessful.
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Os Mossos convocarão Jordi Turull para testemunhar sobre a fuga de Puigdemont #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Os Mossos d’Esquadra convocarão o secretário-geral de Junts, Jordi Turull, para testemunhar nas próximas horas sobre sua atuação na fuga de Carles Puigdemont esta manhã. O líder pós-convergente acompanhou o ex-presidente da Generalitat antes e depois de comparecer perto do Parlamento antes do início da investidura de Salvador Illa. A polícia emitiu um comunicado indicando que os Mossos…
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ocombatenterondonia · 2 months
Líder catalão regressa à Bélgica, após breve aparição em Barcelona
O líder independentista catalão Carles Puigdemont se deslocou para Waterloo, na Bélgica, após ter surgido e discursado em Barcelona, na quinta-feira (8). A informação foi divulgada nesta sexta-feira (9) pelo secretário-geral do seu partido, Junts per Catalunya (Juntos pela Catalunha), Jordi Turull, a uma emissora de rádio catalã. “Ele vai voltar para Waterloo”, disse Jordi Turull à Rac1,…
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Junts se querellará contra el juez Aguirre por los audios en los que presume de haber tumbado la amnistía - Levante-EMV
Tanto Puigdemont como el secretario general de Junts, Jordi Turull, han reaccionado a dicha publicación acusando al juez de prevaricación — Leer en www.levante-emv.com/espana/2024/07/01/junts-querellara-juez-aguirre-audios-amnistia-104737908.html
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adribosch-fan · 10 months
Sánchez se reunirá con el prófugo Puigdemont
Así lo ha anunciado el secretario de Junts Jordi Turull quien ha especificado que la fecha y el lugar están por determinar Amparo Castelló Habrá encuentro. El secretario general de Junts, Jordi Turull, ha anunciado que el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez y el expresidente de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, mantendrán una reunión en una fecha y lugar por determinar, aunque la condición…
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Jordi Turull, Junts: "Tenim una cúpula judicial que es creu amo de l'Est... 
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year
La degradación definitiva del Parlament... La presidente del Parlament de Junts, laura Borràs, se niega a dimitir pese a ser condenada por corrupción... pues, como dijo el secretario general de Junts, Jordi Turull: "nosotros tenemos la presidencia del Parlament: la presidenta del Parlament se llama Laura Borràs"... o sea, es mi caramelo y no se lo doy a ningún abusón, porque es mío y sólo mío... cousas veredes
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informativosevilla · 2 years
Una cuarentena de dirigentes independentistas, beneficiados con la reforma de la malversación
Una cuarentena de dirigentes independentistas, beneficiados con la reforma de la malversación
Jordi Turull dialoga con Carles Puigdemont. / EP Puigdemont, Junqueras, Romeva, Bassa o Jové sacarían provecho del cambio legal Cerca de una cuarentena de dirigentes independentistas confían en la reforma del delito de malversación para sacar provecho desde el punto legal y no ir a la cárcel. A la espera de que cómo acaba el cambio legal, en función de las enmiendas presentadas por los grupos…
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Tweet from Catalan-independentist political prisoner Jordi Turull i Negre (through his team, obviously he doesn't have twitter in jail).
[Link to tweet]
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darkknessbecomesyou · 6 years
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The fight for Catalan Independence, the release of Catalan political prisoners from jail and the return of everyone exiled during these months of oppression, repression and Spanish authoritarianism are some of the ideals the Catalan people protested in favor of, today September 11th, 2018 in Barcelona.
The photos above show the union, support and perseverance of a society that is just getting started and will never give up on their rights, their freedom and the people unfairly jailed that stood up for democracy and against the totalitarian state that is becoming Spain and its corrupted Government.
Thank you to everyone that made today possible and Happy Diada de Catalunya to each one of you reading this! Feliç Diada i Visca Catalunya! Us volem a casa!
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head-post · 2 months
Spain’s Catalonia to elect new leader as Puigdemont faces arrest
Carles Puigdemont, the leader of the Catalan independence movement, intends to return to Spain and continue his political career despite the threat of imprisonment.
Puigdemont is in France after participating in the organisation of the Catalan independence referendum in 2017.
Spain consists of 17 autonomous regions with the right to determine their own budget for education, health care, etc. Catalonia is demanding an extension of its autonomous status up to and including secession from Spain.
Jordi Turull, secretary general of the Junts, told broadcaster 324 on Tuesday that he would demand the leadership vote be suspended if Puigdemont is detained because “it cannot take place in normal conditions” without his presence.
According to the parliamentary speaker, the vote on the candidacy of socialist Salvador Illia, who will be backed by the left-wing separatist ERC party after last week’s bilateral deal, will begin at 10 a.m. on Thursday.
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ferranhumor · 3 years
Votos discrepantes
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Artículo sobre El secretario general de Junts, Jordi Turull, ingresado por un infarto
Jordi Turull, el secretario general de Junts per Catalunya (Junts), ha sido ingresado en el Hospital de Bellvitge en Barcelona tras sufrir un infarto. El incidente ocurrió mientras Turull estaba trabajando, lo que llevó a su ingreso hospitalario y a la realización de un cateterismo.Posteriormente, fue operado de urgencia con éxito.Este evento de salud se describe como una insuficiencia cardíaca,…
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goeighthe · 6 years
La CUP mantiene su abstención y frustra la investidura de Jordi Turull
Jordi Turull no será investido president de la Generalitat este jueves. La CUP ha comunicado que sus cuatro diputados mantendrán la abstención prevista para la investidura. Ni el cambio de candidato ni la cita de Turull este viernes en el…
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from La CUP mantiene su abstención y frustra la investidura de Jordi Turull via La CUP mantiene su abstención y frustra la investidura de Jordi Turull November 19, 2018 at 03:26PM
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