deinausflug · 5 months
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Josephinum Wien - Eine Reise durch die Medizingeschichte Das Josephinum in Wien, benannt nach Kaiser Joseph II., ist nicht nur ein beeindruckendes historisches Gebäude, sondern auch ein Schatz für die Medizingeschichte. In diesem Blogeintrag werden wir die faszinierende Geschichte, die vielfältigen Ausstellungen, die einzigartigen Besonderheiten und die spannenden Veranstaltungen des Josephinums erkunden.Geschichte:Das Josephinum wurde im Jahr 1785 von Kaiser Joseph II. als Medizinisch-Chirurgisches Josephs-Akademie gegründet. Der Kaiser beabsichtigte, eine modernisierte medizinische Ausbildung zu fördern und die Praxis mit der Theorie zu verbinden. Das Gebäude selbst, entworfen vom Architekten Isidor Canevale, spiegelt den Geist der Aufklärung wider und ist ein architektonisches Meisterwerk.Ausstellungen:Eine der beeindruckendsten Ausstellungen im Josephinum ist zweifellos die Pathologisch-Anatomische Sammlung. Hier werden Präparate und Modelle gezeigt, die einen einzigartigen Einblick in die menschliche Anatomie und Pathologie geben. Dieser Bereich des Museums fasziniert nicht nur Mediziner, sondern auch Kunst- und Geschichtsinteressierte.Die Pharmakologische Sammlung ist eine weitere Perle des Josephinums. Hier können Besucher historische Instrumente, Geräte und Rezepte entdecken, die die Entwicklung der Pharmazie im Laufe der Jahrhunderte dokumentieren. Von alten Heilkräutern bis hin zu den ersten pharmazeutischen Präparaten gibt es viel zu bestaunen.Besonderheiten:Ein Höhepunkt des Josephinums ist zweifellos die Büste von Kaiser Joseph II., die im Vestibül aufgestellt ist. Diese Statue verkörpert die Vision und den Geist des Kaisers, der die medizinische Ausbildung revolutionieren wollte. Das Josephinum beherbergt auch das Josephinische Konvolut, eine Sammlung historischer Bücher, Manuskripte und Briefe, die einen einzigartigen Einblick in die medizinische Forschung und Lehre des 18. Jahrhunderts bieten.Ein weiteres Highlight ist der Josephinische Saal, ein prunkvoller Raum, der für besondere Veranstaltungen genutzt wird. Die kunstvollen Deckenmalereien und die historische Atmosphäre machen jeden Besuch zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.Veranstaltungen:Das Josephinum ist nicht nur ein Museum, sondern auch ein lebendiger Ort, der regelmäßig Veranstaltungen anbietet. Von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen bis hin zu temporären Ausstellungen gibt es immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Besonders beeindruckend sind die Führungen durch das Gebäude, bei denen Besucher die Geschichte des Josephinums aus erster Hand erleben können.Persönliches Fazit:Das Josephinum in Wien ist mehr als nur ein Museum, es ist eine Reise durch die medizinische Geschichte und Innovation. Die beeindruckende Architektur, die einzigartigen Ausstellungen und die faszinierenden Veranstaltungen machen es zu einem Muss für jeden, der an Medizin, Geschichte oder einfach an beeindruckenden Orten interessiert ist. Der Besuch hinterlässt nicht nur einen bleibenden Eindruck, sondern auch ein tieferes Verständnis für die Entwicklung der medizinischen Wissenschaften. Das Josephinum ist eine wahre Perle in der kulturellen Landschaft Wiens und ein Ort, der dazu einlädt, Geschichte lebendig zu erleben.
Heute, den 30. November 2023, ist Donnerstag. Das Josephinum hat an Donnerstagen von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Der letzte Einlass ist 45 Minuten vor Schließung.Da es heute Donnerstag ist, hat das Josephinum von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Der letzte Einlass ist um 17:15 Uhr.Hier sind die allgemeinen Öffnungszeiten des Josephinum:Dienstag: 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Mittwoch: 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Donnerstag: 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Freitag: 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr Samstag: 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Sonntag: 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Januar Jänner Ostermontag Mai Pfingstmontag DezemberBitte beachte, das die Öffnungszeiten hier nicht immer ganz aktuell sein könnten. Daher benutze bitte unten den Link "Offizielle Homepage" um genauere und aktuelle Öffnungszeiten zu erhalten.
Benutze bitte den direkten Link oben "Routenplaner" um Infos für die Erreichbarkeit usw. zu erhalten.
Weitere Infos
- Weitere Angebote für Wien - Weitere Museen in Österreich - Offizielle Homepage - Adresse:Josephinum - Medizinhistorisches Museum WienWähringer Str. 25, 1090 WienOder suche hier weitere Vorschläge für dich Wetter Wien Über einen Kommentar würden wir uns sehr freuen. Erzähl uns wie es dir dort gefallen hat, oder ob es vielleicht ein Reinfall war. Read the full article
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lurkerlaine · 2 months
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eopederson2 · 1 month
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Josephinum, Bellltown, Seattle, 2015
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2022-mmac · 7 months
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Sundays at 2pm at MMAC Center
Three Sunday concerts of original music composed and performed by local musicians
Events made possible by funding from the New Mexico Music Commission https://www.newmexicomusic.org/
November 5: James Yeager
James Albert Yeager moved to New Mexico in 2009. He has performed regularly as conductor, organist, harpsichordist, and choral accompanist. He retired as Professor of Sacred Music at the Josephinum College in Columbus, Ohio (1984-2009). James has done numerous compositions and arrangements, including music for two short films. His orchestral works have been performed in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. At present, his primary musical interest remains as a composer
Program: The program will center on James’ three recent compositions: Passacaglia for Organ & Orchestra (2022), Fugue for Piano and Chamber Orchestra ”Mystical Desert”(2023), and Sonata for Piano Quintet (2023). Since the Passacaglia and the Fugue require large ensembles, they will be performed using recordings from Ravel Virtual Studios (NYC) . The Sonata will be played by New Mexico musicians - Flutist Ms. Hyorim Kim, a string quartet of Eric Sewell, Grant Hanner and Lisa Donald, and pianist Natalia Tikhovidova. - as a premiere performance. James will also play short pieces from his film scores. The program will last one hour and is free to the public.
November 12: Michael Hays
Mike Hays is a retired English teacher who has been playing music, especially on bass, since he was a young teen. In the last ten years, he has taken his interest in songwriting more seriously and has been creating jazz-based both vocal and instrumental compositions for the group he is working with. The current group (to whom Mike is deeply grateful) is more classically based, and the audience of the November Concert Series will notice his current compositions reflect this.
Program: Basement Dancing is a group that performs music written by Michael Hays. The group comprises Luis Delgado on clarinet and flute, Juli Palidino on viola and violin, Katie Harlow on cello, mandolin and accordion, Joseph Sabella on drums, and Michael Hays on bass and vocals. . Vocal songs at this concert will include musical portraits of the lonely soul waiting for his lost love in the Plaza de los Arboles Muertos, of the longing that hapless Señor Sapo feels as he watches a lovely circus acrobat, and of the nocturnal activities of Groany Bones, a skeleton who leads a danse macabre.
November 17: Kathleen Ryan + Exhibit Opening of "Masks & Metal"
Composer/pianist Kathleen Ryan is a Whisperings Solo Piano artist. She was the Professional Music Teachers of New Mexico commissioned composer in 2008, for which she composed a set of 24 piano left-hand-alone preludes titled Verbs. Several of her piano solo pieces were featured in the Emmy Award-winning Iowa Public TV special, The Seasons. Ryan lives near Mountainair with her husband and two quirky but inspiring cats.
Program: Composer/pianist Kathleen Ryan's piano solo performance will illustrate aspects of her composer’s life: being inspired, becoming ambitious, recovering from writer’s block, making money, and recycling teenage angst songs into piano solos. She will finish with some premieres, including music that’s not quite composed just yet! The full range of her 21st century impressionist style will be heard, from silly to soothing, from complex to simply serene.
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berattelse · 11 months
I went to the Josephinum for the same reason I go to any museum of medicine: because I am fascinated by the absolute repulsiveness of the human corpus, and the way it is so often elevated to the realms of history and art. These museums both celebrate and thumb their noses at mortality. Most of us rot, but the Soap Woman at the Mutter Museum is still hanging around in Philadelphia, making people a little uncomfortable. The anatomical Venus, who was never alive but who represents the shocking grossness held in every beautiful form, spills her guts inside her glass box in perpetuity. The body is dead. Long live the body.
Zimmerman, Jess. Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology. Beacon Press, 2021.
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Little Rosa's announcement
J.T. gave Dag a moving eulogy, stating his brother was among those of the highest moral character. The Mass was followed by a procession of close family members for his burial at Guardian Angels Catholic cemetery.
Back at the Kerker home, young Rosa pulled her Aunt aside. "Rosa, I'd like your help to enroll in the Josephinum Academy in Chicago. Aunt Rosa, you've been an inspiration to me. I believe I've heard God's calling as you have."
Sister Lucia was eager to help. "Mother Philomena Schmittdiel's determination is what helped build Josephinum. I'll talk with her immediately when I return to Wilkes-Barre."
Marie and Christina knew this moment would come for their little Rosa, and suspected Rosa was awaiting Sister (Rosa) Lucia to come to Chaska to talk. "We'll have two Rosa's as nuns," Marie said joyfully. "My dear granddaughter, I give you my warmest blessing. You'll get a top-notch education at Josephinum."
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chicagochinesenews · 3 months
(芝加哥時報快訊) 聖心若瑟學院(Josephinum Academy of Sacred Heart)是芝加哥最古老的全女子天主教高中,宣布將為今年秋季入學的新生提供全額獎學金。這項措施得到了一位慷慨捐贈者的支持,旨在吸引來自不同郵編區的學生,並通過提供優質的大學預備課程、社會情感學習計劃以及豐富的藝術和戲劇項目,培養她們的溝通技巧和自我表達的熱情。 Continue reading 芝加哥最古老全女子高中今年新生學費全免
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kunstplaza · 1 year
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wakeofourbetters · 3 years
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Titulado “Statua Nervosa. Veduta anteriore”, el dibujo coloreado muestra el cuerpo femenino. En esta representación, se presta especial atención a los vasos sanguíneos, nervios, músculos y vísceras.
El dibujo clasicista fue creado en Florencia en el taller de Felice Fontana en 1781-1786 y corresponde a un modelo de cera de pie de tamaño natural de la colección Josephinum.
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ganzmuenchen · 2 years
Wien 2022: Celebrate Life. Experience Vienna.
Wien 2022: Celebrate Life. Experience Vienna.
Wien ist in all seiner Pracht zurück. Die Stadt präsentiert sich noch lebendiger, moderner und prächtiger als vor der Krise und wartet mit zahlreichen (neuen) Gründen auf, das Leben hier wieder zelebrieren zu können. Denn Wien hat kontinuierlich an seiner Zukunft gearbeitet. Genauso wie man das eben in einer Metropole macht. Hinter den imperialen Kulissen der Stadt wird stetig Neues…
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acornprincesshead · 6 years
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body behind glass
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BBC Culture
Why these anatomical models are not disgusting
by Fiona Macdonald
26 May 2016
Nightmares in wax
A tiny foetus, its foot kicking out of a womb; an intestine piled up next to a lifeless figure, her torso ripped open from the string of pearls on her neck to her abdomen. Our natural reaction is to recoil with disgust, to dismiss these eerie waxworks as freak show objects. Yet to do so is to misunderstand them, says the author of a new book. “They do say something different to us today from what they meant at the time,” says Joanna Ebenstein, co-founder of the Morbid Anatomy Museum in New York. Her book The Anatomical Venusreveals how a figure that provokes an uneasy reaction in viewers now was once a popular tool for instruction. This Anatomical Venus, produced by the workshop at La Specola in Florence between 1784 and 1788, is displayed in her original rosewood and Venetian glass case at the Josephinum, Vienna, Austria. (Credit: Josephinum, Collections and History of Medicine, MedUni Vienna/Photo Joanna Ebenstein)
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lurkerlaine · 1 month
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kindaeccentric · 2 years
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Of saints and organs
glorification of the feminine as inherently dehumanising, beauty as a tool, bastardisation of faith, obsessive worship, mangled bodies and bloody sacrifices, crude social constructs and crude constructions, elevation understood literally
[images description with further explanation under the cut]
a picture from the promo photoshoot of season 4 of 'Killing Eve' featuring Jodie Comer as Villanelle, beautiful blonde assassin, posed as a saint in a white dress on a dark background filled with flowers and candles
'Vanity' by Frank Cadogan Cowper, a Romantic painting in Pre-Raphaelite style depicting a blonde woman, posed similarly to Renaissance depictions of Madonna with child, with a headdress imitating a halo and in rich clothing, dark background
'Bittern's Wings: study showing both sides' in the manner of Albrecht Dürer, too sides of a water bird's wing shown alongside each other symmetrically, watercolors
'Section of the Lungs' anatomy drawing from 'Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche' (tr. Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms) by Franz Sträßler - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888, the two lungs resemble wings
Venus medici (anatomical venus) by Josephinum – Collections of the Medical University of Vienna, a model of a blonde woman with pearls on her neck in a languid, relaxed pose with an open chest and stomach area showing visible lungs and other internal organs, but due to lack of breasts or visible outer genitals she appears modest and pure, white satin sheet, pink pillow, black background
a film frame from 'Hereditary' showing the nearly triangular candlelit interior of the treehouse with Peter/Paimon surrounded by believers, either naked or partially clothed in white, on a black background
a screenshot from the game Disco Elysium, the dark interior of the small wooden church is brightened up with the triangular stained glass window depicting Dolores Dei, a blonde woman, known war criminal, declared an ‘Innocence’, in a white dress in a saintly pose, her lungs are glowing through her body and dress, the window is badly damaged, at the bottom in front of the window – a man, tiny in comparison, kneeling
a film frame from ‘Midsommar’ depicting a dead naked body of a man, suspended by strings inside a wooden shack, his lungs have been pulled out from his back to resemble wings (legendary torture known as the blood eagle) as part of a ritual (the film’s main character is a blonde woman crowned the ‘May Queen’ by the believers and takes part in a further part of the ritual), light is seeping through the boards of the walls
a screenshot from Disco Elysium of the same, now even more visibility unkept, church interior, but with the character of a devotee known as either ‘crab man’ or Tiago climbing the wooden beams
a film frame from the series ‘Hannibal’, season 1, episode 5 ‘Coquilles’, night, Will looks up at a dead body of a man whose back was skinned to create ‘wings’ from the flaps of skin and make him similar to an angel, the body is suspended on a building’s scaffolding, there is light coming through the canvas hanging behind it
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2022-mmac · 8 months
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Sundays at 2pm at MMAC Center
Three Sunday concerts of original music composed and performed by local musicians.
November 5: James Yeager
James Albert Yeager moved to New Mexico in 2009. He has performed regularly as conductor, organist, harpsichordist, and choral accompanist. He retired as Professor of Sacred Music at the Josephinum College in Columbus, Ohio (1984-2009). James has done numerous compositions and arrangements, including music for two short films. His orchestral works have been performed in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. At present, his primary musical interest remains as a composer
Program: The program will center on James’ three recent compositions: Passacaglia for Organ & Orchestra (2022), Fugue for Piano and Chamber Orchestra ”Mystical Desert”(2023), and Sonata for Piano Quintet (2023). Since the Passacaglia and the Fugue require large ensembles, they will be performed using recordings from Ravel Virtual Studios (NYC) . The Sonata will be played by New Mexico musicians - Flutist Ms. Hyorim Kim, a string quartet of Eric Sewell, Grant Hanner and Lisa Donald, and pianist Natalia Tikhovidova. - as a premiere performance. James will also play short pieces from his film scores. The program will last one hour and is free to the public.
November 12: Michael Hays
Mike Hays is a retired English teacher who has been playing music, especially on bass, since he was a young teen. In the last ten years, he has taken his interest in songwriting more seriously and has been creating jazz-based both vocal and instrumental compositions for the group he is working with. The current group (to whom Mike is deeply grateful) is more classically based, and the audience of the November Concert Series will notice his current compositions reflect this.
Program: Basement Dancing is a group that performs music written by Michael Hays. The group comprises Luis Delgado on clarinet and flute, Juli Palidino on viola and violin, Katie Harlow on cello, mandolin and accordion, Joseph Sabella on drums, and Michael Hays on bass and vocals. . Vocal songs at this concert will include musical portraits of the lonely soul waiting for his lost love in the Plaza de los Arboles Muertos, of the longing that hapless Señor Sapo feels as he watches a lovely circus acrobat, and of the nocturnal activities of Groany Bones, a skeleton who leads a danse macabre.
November 17: Kathleen Ryan + Exhibit Opening of "Masks & Metal"
Composer/pianist Kathleen Ryan is a Whisperings Solo Piano artist. She was the Professional Music Teachers of New Mexico commissioned composer in 2008, for which she composed a set of 24 piano left-hand-alone preludes titled Verbs. Several of her piano solo pieces were featured in the Emmy Award-winning Iowa Public TV special, The Seasons. Ryan lives near Mountainair with her husband and two quirky but inspiring cats.
Program: Composer/pianist Kathleen Ryan's piano solo performance will illustrate aspects of her composer’s life: being inspired, becoming ambitious, recovering from writer’s block, making money, and recycling teenage angst songs into piano solos. She will finish with some premieres, including music that’s not quite composed just yet! The full range of her 21st century impressionist style will be heard, from silly to soothing, from complex to simply serene.
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berattelse · 11 months
In the middle of one of the rooms of the Josephinum, laid out in a glass coffin like Snow White, is the figure of a beautiful nude woman. She lies on her back, in a pose suggesting intoxication or orgasm more than sleep: one knee slightly bent, hands rucking the silk sheets beneat her, her had tilted back in abandon or ecstasy. She has been slashed open from throat to groin. Her breasts hang to the sides, just flaps of wax, and her guts are a bulbous dark mass against her alabaster skin, coils of intestine resting on a pristine hip. On top of her long blonde hair, which spills prettily around her shoulders, is a delicate circlet of gold. Next to her, in a similar glass and rosewood box, lies another lounging blonde figure, this one wearing a string of pearls. Her torso, too, is open, but not in the manner of a crime or an autopsy. The front of her torso has simply been sliced off in a neat, bloodless curve and deposited elsewhere. Instead of breasts, she has smooth expanses of light brown lung underneath her pearls. Under that, her diaphragm folds like a wing over her stomach and a neat tongue of pancreas. Something, maybe a kidney, lies by her side. Her eyes are open, and her expression is not exactly orgasmic; it is, more than anything, resigned. Tucked inside her pelvis is a fetus the size of a fist. These are "anatomical Venuses", an eighteenth-century innovation in medical display: lovingly detailed wax models of ideal feminine beauties with real eyelashes and human hair and jewelry and abdomens full of gore. The Josephinum Venuses, and a number of other surviving Venuses of Europe, come out of the wax workshop of a Florentine museum: the Museum for Physics and Natural History, also known as La Specola. La Specola, like the Josephinum, is full of models depicting aspects of human anatomy -- "an encyclopedia of the human body in wax," as Joanna Ebenstein puts it in her lavishly photographed book The Anatomical Venus. Unlike dissection, wax was sanitary, odorless, and stable over a long period of time. It was also, potentially, beautiful. Wax models could be rendered placid and pain-free, their otherwise lovely faces and bodies drawing the mind away from death and towards higher (and lower) things. Like the Renaissance anatomical illustrations that preceded them, the La Specola waxworks were intended to show the hand of God in the human design. The luminous wax sculptures even called to mind earlier religious figurines. But they were also meant to be visually, even sexually, appealing. (This is why, despite the preponderence of male anatomical illustrations and models and cadaver dissections, there was no male equivalent of the Venus.) Ebenstein quotes eighteenth-century anatomical illustrator Arnaud-Éloi Gautier d'Agoty: "For men to be instructed, they must be seduced by aesthetics, but how can anyone render the image of death agreeable?" The anatomical Venus was the answer: the instructional realism of human innards, leavened by the seductive aesthetics of feminine beauty.
Zimmerman, Jess. Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology. Beacon Press, 2021.
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