#Josie will know it's a strip club at some point
wannabecatwriter · 9 months
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"Your club sounds like such a hassle," Josie noted. "You're the boss. Why can't you find people to lighten your load?"
"Finding good help is hard. Everyone wants to get paid, but no one wants to actually work. At the end of the day, I still end up responsible for everything," Harvey complained.
"That sounds like a drag," Josie sympathized.
"Yeah, well, story of my life."
"Maybe I should help you out?" Josie offered. "I'm very good with people, you know."
"Hmm, I'm sure, but why would you want to spend your time on that?" Harvey paused. He hasn't actually told Josie it was a strip club that he owned yet and he had a feeling she won't take it the best way. And he certainly didn't want her knowing about the other "business" of the club just yet... maybe if things got a little more serious between them?
"So that you'd have more time," she grinned.
"I've got plenty of time now," he smiled.
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
you wrote ‘don’t forget’ on your arm // 2 // charlotte&lola (penny&jupiter)
Summary: The Dirt.
A/N: @misscharlottelee and @local-troubled-writer . warnings for attempted suicide, overdoses, drugs, alcohol, swearing, angst, and everything else in The Dirt movie. Very Long.
Part 2 of 2
Lola’s holding Nikki’s hand. Jupiter’s sitting behind them in the theatre, with Seo on one side and Penny on the other, with their siblings, and various band members’ children filling the row beside them; the band themselves, and the cast, sitting in the row in front.
And Lola’s holding Nikki’s hand in her white-knuckled grip, nervous. She doesn’t speak. The lights go dark. Jupiter doesn’t know quite why they do it, but they take Penny and Seo’s hands too.
“The 1980s. The worst fucking decade in human history...”
Jupiter’s never gone out of their way to learn much about their family history; it’s never done them any favours, and they don’t wanna read about how debauched their family was. Nikki, technically their stepdad, was a base player, and that’s all they cared to know. Love of their mom’s life. Whatever.
“That’s Tommy, our drummer. He makes a lot of bad choices.”
It’s with a huff of amused resignation that both Jupiter and Penny make a noise of agreement, trying to detach themselves from watching Colson as Tommy go down on a girl on the big screen in front of them. After hearing them, Lola casts a quick glance over her shoulder, giving an amused smile.
The first thirty seconds gives Jupiter more information than they’d ever wanted to know about their extended band-family, though they knew Mick was their favourite for a reason.
So it comes as a shock to see Nikki’s life laid bare in the first few minutes, so quickly after that. About shitty boyfriends his mom had had, how he’d framed her for abuse, how he’d been put into the system, how he’d met Lola.
“And then there was her, the only person I’d met who could top my psycho mom origin story.” The film crash-cuts through two second clips of a young Lola arguing with her mother, and her mother shoving her into a candle, followed by young Lola screaming in a hospital bed, her in court, and finally her glaring down at a young Nikki in a group home. She kicks him hard in the shin while he’s asleep on a sofa, contrasting the voice over. “The only person in the world who seemed to give half a shit about me.”
And Jupiter finds theirself with a strange, hollow feeling in their chest; five minutes and they know more about their stepdad than they’d ever bothered to learn in the before.
“Dude! Fuck yeah! Finally my turn!” Tommy’s voice rings out, and the scene shifts.
Jupiter knows Tommy’s story almost too well, but Penny’s grip on Jupiter’s hand turns suddenly painful.
“If I knew you were gonna make me late, I wouldn’t have invited you at all!” Tommy groans as he steps into the kitchen, and the camera whip-pans around to show Charlotte, all dressed up, looking as ready to go out as Tommy, contrasting the rest of the family.
“I’m never going to say no to your mom’s cooking,” Charlotte tells him with half a bread roll in her mouth, before smiling sweetly at Tommy’s mother, thanking her.
“Just keep him out of trouble,” his mother tells her with an amused smile, and Charlotte stands, taking another bread roll and heading to Tommy.
“She can try.” Tommy snorts, clapping her on the back, “come on, I don’t wanna miss them!”
Charlotte, as portrayed by Josie, is bright and cheerful, sarcastic and more earnest than the rest of the band put together, and Penny’s hand in Jupiter’s is trembling as Tommy’s voiceover explains that Charlotte’s his cousin, and the only person in the family who ‘wasn’t a square’.
Nikki and Lola meet Charlotte and Tommy that night in the diner, and Lola’s bleeding, same as Tommy, and Charlotte asks if she’s dead. 
“Charlie’s the only person I’ve known who could talk Lola out of a bad idea,” Tommy’s voice over explains, just as Lola, in the diner, grimaces and spits a mouthful of blood.
“Fuck you,” Lola glowers at Charlotte.
“And Lola’s one of the few who could lead her into one.” Tommy adds candidly in hindsight.
But then Tommy’s twirling his drumsticks, and Lola goes from looking murderous to intrigued; she and Nikki share an impressed look, and the scene cuts to the one of Mick’s introduction.
Surprisingly enough, Jupiter wasn’t shocked by any of Mick’s story, they’d spent a lot of time with him in their early 20s, he’d taught them guitar.
But then there’s Vince’s introduction, his first jam session with the band, and the naming of the band. In the background, there’s Lola, always there, always unexplained, just around, just like Charlotte, the two chatting, forming a fast friendship in the background.
And then the first gig rolls around, the scene starting with Lola kicking in the greenroom door.
“We had only three things that gave us an edge that night;” the voice over of Nikki informed the audience, “our look, our killer sound, and the best roadie on The Strip.”
“House is looking pretty full,” Lola told them, making a beeline for the bottle of JD sitting next to Nikki, who was applying his makeup. Tommy pauses his drumstick twirling to fist pump. “Nice pants,” she tells Vince, who was stretching in a pair of white leather pants, grinning.
“They cost my girlfriend like eight hundred bucks.”
At the end of the scene, she gives Vince a kiss, for luck, followed by a wink, and Jupiter, who knew this part of their mother’s story, still feels a sense of discomfort. This wasn’t just gossip anymore; their mother’s history is public knowledge, now more than it’s ever been.
The fight that ensues during the band’s first gig shows Lola get punched in the face by someone in the crowd, and later, once everyone’s been tended to, Charlotte and Lola can be seen by the bar at the back of the crowd, and Charlotte’s checking if Lola’s nose is broken, both women laughing at the situation. It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, but neither Jupiter nor Penny does, and later letting out a gentle, fond ‘oh’.
A montage follows, of the band getting their act together, writing music, playing at pubs, their names on the marquee, making a backdrop, always with Lola and Charlotte somewhere in the background.
But then Vince’s girlfriend catches him with Lola, and all she does is laugh, while Vince chases after his girlfriend, butt naked. Charlotte takes the photos of the band with the giant hot dog, and she and Lola help dye Tommy’s hair, and generally indulge in the band’s bastard antics.
It’s clear from their body language that the women are close by the time Zutaut is introduced and the band is playing the Troubadour. Charlotte’s given his business card while Lola pack’s up the band’s gear after a gig, while the rest of the band debauch themselves in the crowd.
A record deal comes, then the introduction of Doc McGee, though Mick pauses the film for a moment after Doc is introduced by punching out an unruly guest at a house party.
“This didn’t actually happen. Doc never came to this filthy shithole. That guy? That happened, but it wasn’t Doc.” The scene rewinds to show Lola knocking out the guy, throwing him out of the party. “When she wasn’t fucking or sucking the rest of the band, she did a pretty good job as our security detail, and now, we had the cash to pay her for her,” he cleared his throat pointedly, “services.”
The scene shifts, however, to show Doc McGee and Doug Thaler outside a door labeled ‘STAGE STAFF ONLY’.
“Doc we met at the Santa Monica Civic Center after a show...”
But when we come back, it’s to the version of the story where Doc is the hero in the apartment party, being introduced by Zutaut.
Charlotte is there for their first stadium show, giving them all a pep talk while Lola's nowhere to be found. Tommy makes a point of hugging her tight enough to lift her off the ground.
“You keep me sane, Charlie.”
“Get off me you grub; wash the vomit out of your fuckin’ mouth!” Charlotte exclaims in protest.
Which is a sharp contrast to the reveal a few moments later, after following Zutaut asking after his girlfriend, to reveal Vince and Lola tag teaming said girlfriend. When they emerge, the rest of the band admonishes the pair of them, but Lola just rolls her eyes. When she steps away, Charlotte punches her in the shoulder and Lola blows a kiss to her.
“I found out many years later, and it hurt. Really bad.” Zutaut tells the audience in an aside, “bottom line is, don’t ever leave your girlfriend alone with Motley Crue, ever! Because they will fuck her.”
Another montage, of band rising in fame, posing for magazines, of meeting a then-relatively unknown Guns ‘n’ Roses, including shots heavily implying Charlotte’s burgeoning romance with Duff McKagan, and Lola’s equal parts mocking and supportive.
“How many chicks have you fucked so far?” Nikki asks, reclining, fully clothed, by the pool, enjoying a day off during their tour with Ozzy Osbourne.
“Three,” Vince tells him, eyes still glued to the ass of the girl who had just passed them all.
“No, not today, on the tour,” Nikki enthuses, and Vince’s expression lights up.
“Oh man,” he laughed in a dazed, high sort of way, “I lost count after that gangbang in Salt Lake City.” He chuckled, and by Tommy, Charlotte makes a noise of disgust, “prude.” Vince rolls his eyes at her where she’s sitting at the back of a chair with Lola on the end.
“She’s just mad ‘cos she left her own piece of ass in LA,” Lola snorted, and Charlotte shoves her from the chair.
“Did you ever stop to think that the slobs who fuck you guys probably fuck every other band who comes through town?” Mick cuts in with his characteristic monotone.
Charlotte sticks her tongue pointedly out at Lola, still sitting on the ground.
“I’m a one-band slob!” Lola turns her nose in the air as the rest of the band laughs.
“We’re like pussy brothers with the whole scene!” Tommy exclaims.
Ozzy Osbourne imparts his words of wisdom, snorts ants, and it’s followed by a montage of the band absolutely raising hell, setting fires, smashing up hotel rooms and throwing entire hotel rooms worth of furniture out of windows. There’s cocaine and nudity in abundance, intercut with a remake of the Looks That Kill music video, which featured both Lola and Charlotte.
Then, with the song rising in intensity, it cuts from Vince meeting Sharise, to Charlotte catching Duff cheating on her, and smash-cuts to Charlotte wielding a baseball bat.
“Sucks to suck!” She yells from where she’s standing on top of his car, and smashes his window.
“Fore!” Lola yells, delighting in the mayhem, and takes out his side mirror with a golf club.
And then they’re introducing Razzle; Penny, beside Jupiter, goes still.
His introduction is tongue in cheek and fond as he receives a blowjob under a table when he first meets the Crue.
“I fucking -” the shot cuts mid sentence and his eyes follow a brunette who passes in front of the camera, “ - love America.” And the camera pans out to reveal it’s Charlotte, with freshly died hair and a bloodthirsty expression. He stands, away from his band on the sofa in Vince’s house in the middle of a party.
He follows her to the bar, which Lola’s behind, eating cocktail onions and talking with Charlotte, who’s still mad about Duff.
“Hello, Miss Lee,” he says with a hint of nervousness. Lola watches the interaction with wide, amused eyes, and Charlotte turns, about ready to kill, but she sees Razzle’s earnest smile and unique look, and lets herself relax a little; he’s not Motley Crue or Guns ‘n’ Roses coming to bug her, but she knows him, if only because of Tommy.
“You’re always this proper, Hanoi boy?”
“The rock and roll scene in the eighties has never been known for being a breeding ground for soulmates as much as it had been for various venereal diseases,” Tommy’s voice over cuts in, “but fuck if Charlotte and Razzle weren’t the exception.”
There’s tabloids upon tabloids telling the audience about the hottest new couple, about Hanoi Rocks drummer and Motley Crue’s... well, they always call her something different, never anything nice. 
“Every day blurred into the next back then,” Nikki told the audience over the visuals of a montage of various concerts, of Lola walking in on Charlotte and Razzle getting busy in a dressing room, of drinking and debauched parties in mansions, of Tommy meeting Roxie, “and yeah, maybe we started to loose ourselves, but fuck it, we’d never been happier.”
“Move in with me,” Vince tells Sharise. And the film smash cuts to -
“Marry me,” Roxie tells Tommy, and again, a smash cut -
“I’m fucking pregnant.” Charlotte whispers to herself in a dirty bathroom stall.
“Well,” Nikki’s voice over mused, before it cut to a shot of Lola and Nikki furiously tearing at each other’s clothes in the back of a tour bus, “we’d never been happier.”
After that, they’re on tour; Tommy’s parents meet Roxie, and subsequently Roxie calls Tommy’s mother a cunt since she’d said ‘Roxie’s like Lola; a groupie’. 
The next scene has a tonal shift, a moment of levity as it’s the band meeting Charlotte’s baby, and in the theatre, all grown up, that baby finds herself with tears in her eyes. The band in the film loves her, as does Hanoi Rocks, who also get to meet her, and Charlotte and Razzle look so fucking proud.
They play God Bless The Children Of The Beast over a montage of baby Penelope growing up, of Charlotte finding herself at home while her various families - blood and not - had to go away on tour. She and Razzle call on the phone but there’s a party happening at his end, and she tries to call Tommy but he doesn’t pick up.
Razzle falls asleep in the studio, looking at a photo of Charlotte and Penny from his wallet, clearly still thinking about them, but he’s in Finland, writing music, and Charlotte just can’t leave the life she’s created. He wants to go back to her but he’s under contract. 
Charlotte goes to visit Lola and Nikki, only to find their house trashed from a house party that she clearly hadn’t been invited to. Lola’s asleep on the lawn. Charlotte leaves without waking her.
When Charlotte calls Razzle again, his bandmate, Sami Yaffa picks up, and Charlotte starts crying, starts venting. Sami talks to Razzle about how he should see Charlotte more often, and Razzle, sleep deprived and missing Charlotte like a physical ache, asks why he cares so much.
Razzle flies to see Charlotte and they argue, Charlotte crying, Razzle desperate, both under pressure and acting irrational after not having seen each other for far too long. Penny, all of two years old, hovers in the doorway, watching as Charlotte pulls the engagement ring from her finger and tells Razzle she needs some space if he’s really going to accuse her of things after one phonecall with his bandmate.
“Have you heard from Charlotte?” Tommy’s speaking to Lola over the phone, and when she tells him she hasn’t, asks why, he hesitates. The audience doesn’t hear the rest of what he says, but Lola’s reaction says it all.
“In the years that have passed since this moment, I have become a much different woman, have learned to let go of my anger, have made peace with my past,” Lola’s first and only voice over segment is delivered with a soft, sad tone, “but I don’t think I’ll ever forgive the universe for taking Charlotte from us.”
“What did you do? What did you fucking do?!” Lola’s bawling as she confronts Razzle, who seems clueless, bewildered. Lola punches him in the face. “I know she left because you fought; what the fuck did you say to her to make her leave?” Lola shoves him, and he stumbles back, apologises even though he doesn’t quite know what he’s apologizing for. Lola grabs him by his collar, hollering, “she’s gone! They can’t fucking find her, and now she’s fucking gone!” 
It hits him, the expression on his face changing to devastation, and Lola dissolves into tears, the fight leaving her as she cries against his shoulder.
“Charlotte?” His voice breaks, tears tracking down his cheeks, expression blank and shocked.
“It was never his fault.” Lola’s voice over murmurs.
Lola’s high at Charlotte’s funeral, clinging to Tommy and swaying, and Razzle’s holding baby Penny, who’s asking after Charlotte.
Penny’s full-on crying in the theatre, her face against Jupiter’s shoulder, who’s shocked and shaking beside her. Seo squeezes their hand, and then extracts his hand from theirs to pet Penny’s head. 
Charlotte’s off her fucking face in the next scene, the party at Vince’s house, almost catatonic against Nikki as he snorts another line of coke. Tommy sees Heather Locklear and somehow she’s the most beautiful, most stable girl at the party, and she’s mean to him, and doesn’t say sorry for his loss, and he might be in love. 
Razzle, who’s melancholy drunk, even though it’s been months since Charlotte’s death, goes with Vince to get more booze, even though they’re both drunk, and it all happens so fast, the car crash, making Penny an orphan all within five minutes of screen time. 
“You can’t take her! You can’t fucking take her from me!” Tommy’s drunk and hollering at the older couple who’s picking up Penny; Razzle’s parents.
“Get your shit together, Thomas; if she stays with you people, what happened to- to Nicholas will happen to her, I know it will,” Razzle’s mother says with tears in her eyes, “we can’t let that happen.”
“She’s my niece! She’s Charlotte’s kid! She’s all I have left of her!”
They show Vince’s trial, and Penny’s baby photos from her time back in Finland, while Nikki narrated how he and Lola hadn’t even visited Vince in prison, as they’d discovered the wonders of heroin. Together, the drug had made their love invincible, as long as they never touched the outside world. But they bring Tommy in, and Mick’s tired of them all, and by the time Vince gets out of prison, newly sober, their lives had gone to shit. 
Doc tries to fire Lola, but she laughs hazily and tells him he doesn’t have the authority, so Vince tries to fire her because she’s on heroin, and Lola takes a swing at him, but she misses and topples to the ground.
He calls her a mess and he’s right.
Lola and Nikki get better at acting like they’re not out of it, and Tommy gets his shit together with Heather, and by the time they’re working on their stage show for the Theatre of Pain tour, they’re in some sort of haphazard order. There’s something sad in Lola’s eyes when she tells Tommy that he and Heather are cute together, but they cut away to Vince and Skylar before it can linger too long.
Tommy mentions how he misses Penny when he sees Skylar, how she should be with him, with family, how he’s finally gotten his shit together. 
But then they’re on tour, as narrated by Tommy over Girls, Girls, Girls, his debauched days away from Heather, despite their engagement. He mentions fucking Lola as:
“Two am, renew my mile high club membership by falling back into bad habits... and again at three am, and again at five in the bathroom of the strip club... I’m so fucking weak.”
Nikki sees his mother again after years, and even Lola can’t even bring him out of how hard he’s spiraling this time, self isolating, overdosing after Tommy’s wedding to Heather. Lola’s not at the wedding, but Penny is; she’s a flower girl and Tommy looks ecstatic. 
Instead, we see Nikki flatline in the back of the ambulance, we see Vince watch the news reporting on his apparent death, and cut to a shot of Lola finishing a bottle of JD and letting herself fall into the pool on her and Nikki’s property.
Cutting back, Vince tells his daughter that he loves her, and he holds her tight, before a realization comes over him, and he tells her gently to go back to sleep.
The paramedics revive Nikki with enthusiasm, and then we see Vince running barefoot across Lola and Nikki’s lawn, before seeing her illuminated and floating in the pool. He dives in after her, and pulls her out, performs CPR while crying, telling her that he can’t lose her too. Spluttering to life, Lola, soaking wet and still undeniably drunk, tells him he should have left her in there. The scene fades to black as Vince cradles her to his chest.
Nikki tells the audience that he’s hit rock bottom, that he’d start to make a change to his life... right after he goes back to heroin again.
The band, and Lola, go to rehab, and little by little things start to get better. More than anything, they’re trying, Nikki’s trying to enjoy feelings again, but Lola’s uncomfortable, and everyone’s on each other’s nerves; without the drugs and alcohol, it seems like the music isn’t sounding right. 
“I forget what happened,” Mick tells the audience in an aside, “it’s all a blur. But with Dr Feelgood we got our first number one album,” and the visuals change to that of their various concerts over The Same Ol’ Situation, “and I think we played something like a billion shows to a billion people in a billion cities all over the world, and it was our first tour without Lola, as she was off being having another kid -”
“First kid, you senile fuck,” Lola’s voice over interrupts with annoyance.
Tommy tries to call Heather, but she doesn’t pick up. Vince tries to call Sharise but she won’t let him talk to his daughter. They’re all getting burnt out, it’s clear to see.
“Guys, I really fucked up,” Tommy sits down with the band at an after party, looking conflicted, “Heather’s been all weird and distant, and...” he hesitated, “I’m pretty sure Lola’s kid’s mine.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nikki snaps, leaning forward, teeth bared, “no fucking wonder Heather’s been weird, Lola’s only -”
“Ten weeks along, I know -” and Vince looks almost physically ill.
“How the fuck do you know the kid’s yours?”
“Because,” Tommy hesitated, “it was right before Nikki OD’ed.”
“Right before your fucking wedding,” Mick spat, and Tommy at least had the decency to look guilty. Nikki looks genuinely hurt.
“Fuck you, man, you’ve already got the wife and fucking kid -” Nikki growled.
“Look, I’m not fucking proud of myself!”
“Go fuck yourself.”
Vince ends the argument by announcing bitterly that he needs a fucking drink, that he’s sick of not having any fucking fun, and the whole band deteriorates from there.
They get back to LA; Sharise has left Vince, Heather leaves Tommy, Nikki comes home to a heavily pregnant Lola, but looks at her like he can’t believe she’d betray him.
“What if we gave this a shot,” Tommy asks Lola when she comes to him in tears, and she sniffles, blinks in confusion, “us, me and you and Penny, and baby Lee, what if we gave it a real shot?”
When Jupiter is born, it’s just Lola and Tommy in the aftermath, looking happier than they have in a very long while. Looking hopeful.
They call the baby Jupiter, and in the theatre, Jupiter themselves is shocked.
“You didn’t... deadname me.” They muttered quietly over their shoulder, and Lola gives a small, sad smile, shaking her head. Of course not.
The hope they feel in the film is shortlived, as Nikki and Tommy get into a fight, over Vince, but the tension is more than just his absence. Vince leaves the band, and the world feels fractured. They get a new lead singer, but it doesn’t feel the same, and when Tommy gets home to see her making dinner with Penny helping out, and Jupiter in a bassinet on the kitchen island, his smile is a little sad, a little forlorn. Lola smiles at him, but something about it isn’t quite right. 
Vince sees the band do an interview without him, and while it’s disheartening, it’s overshadowed by his daughter in hospital. He tries to tell her it’ll be okay, but it’s not working, she’s terrified and teary and young, and it’s breaking Vince’s heart.
When the band’s not together, they’re falling apart.
Skylar is dying, Mick’s in pain, reminiscing about the band’s early years, and Nikki gets the rights back to their music as their record label drops them.
“This is what you wanted,” Zutaut tells him, “are you happy?”
Nikki doesn’t answer.
Tommy asks Lola if she loves him. She answers; of course, but there’s something sad about it.
“And Nikki?”
“I’ve always loved him,” her voice is quiet, and Tommy gives her a sad smile.
“I know, Lols.”
The scene cuts, and Nikki’s sitting alone in his backyard, drinking a beer.
“I had our music back, but Zutaut was right; we were better before. Now I just had to get the band back,” he paused in his voice over, and there was a knock on a window near where he’d been sitting. Looking up suddenly, wildly, the camera reveals Lola, looking both nervous and hopeful, “but first I needed her back. The first person I’d given half a shit about.”
“Lola.” He says in the scene, getting out of his chair, voice disbelieving. Lola nods, steps forward, smiles.
“I’ve missed you.”
Then Vince loses Skylar, his whole world falling apart as Sharise sobs, and Nikki goes to visit his father’s. Frank Ferrana is dead, died on Christmas day, and so he leaves, goes back to where Lola’s waiting. 
He needs the band back, and he goes to Tommy first.
“Hey man,” Tommy opens the door, exhaling a lung full of smoke.
“What I did at your wedding,” Nikki starts, swallowing hard, “I didn’t...” he fumbles through his words while Tommy stares him down, waits for an apology, “and... and with the whole thing with Lola, I -”
“What’s up, Nikki?” Tommy grumbles, taking another drag of his cigarette.
“I was really fucking selfish, and I shit on something that was important to you, both times, and I am really sorry.” He explains, sincerity clear in his words.
“I know you pretty well, Sixx, so I kind of get it,” Tommy sighs, before adding, “and it’s okay.” He pauses, before grinning, “but could you say that last part one more time for me?” He snickers.
“Don’t fucking push it, T-bone.” Nikki rolls his eyes with a grin as Tommy laughs, and invites him inside.
“I’m really sorry about... about Lola.” Nikki adds, a little guilty as he steps inside.
“Yeah,” Tommy puts on a show of being a little disappointed, “I’m pretty sure she’s gonna end up the one that got away.” He muses, and Nikki apologises, again, much to Tommy’s delight, “nah, man, it’s all cool, you fuckers have been in love since you were sixteen; I know she loves me, but it’s never gonna be the same.” He gives Nikki a good-natured shove.
There’s no hard feelings, and Jupiter meets Nikki - Uncle Nikki - with delight. 
Tommy and Nikki find Mick after his surgery, pick him up to go find Vince, and with gentle words they get the blonde back. Nikki’s got a speech, because he’s always got a speech, about how they’re brothers in arms, about how their friendship means more than any fucking band, and when he apologises about what happened to Skylar, Vince breaks down. No-one can blame him.
The last shot starts with Lola, a few months pregnant and holding a clipboard, knocking on a door that says Nikki Sixx, calling his name.
He opens the door, smiles at her, and gives her a kiss before she goes to get the rest of the band, one by one, as Home Sweet Home plays. They walk to the stage, the four of them, grinning, back in action, back at home. They walk onto stage, and Nikki gives a smile to the camera.
In loving memory of Charlotte Lee and Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley.
The credits rolls, and the theater bursts into applause, Jupiter and Penny clinging to each other and bawling. 
“You did good, Penny, you did so fucking good,” Jupiter tells her, before moving back, and turning to see their mother, with tear-stained cheeks, watching the pair with pride in her eyes. Without hesitation, Jupiter leans forward to hug their mother tightly, both sobbing.
“I love you, Jupiter,” Lola murmurs against her shoulder.
“I love you too, mom.”
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cottoncandysoul · 5 years
open to m/f/nb. suggested connections: anything, honestly, but bonus points if your muse is older, maybe even a professor, friend’s parent, her own sibling. josie is a sophomore in college. inc*st, stepc*st encouraged.
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          “so, are you finally going to fuck me, or are you still going to play the morality card on me?” her eyebrow ticks upward, curiosity coloring her features as she reaches across the expanse between them. she hadn’t expected to find them in a place like this - there’s a couple fucking in the corner, naked chicks dancing on poles. it’s not quite a strip club, but it’s not your run of the mill night club, either. it’s something darker, seedier, and josie scores some of her best deals in a place like this. her dress is slinky and gold, accentuating her chest, barely covering her ass and her long legs are bare. what doesn’t fit with the atmosphere are the black converse on her feet and the smokey eye she wears, her blonde hair tousled and appearing like she’d just spent the last hour with someone running their hands through it. wouldn’t be wrong considering the cock she’d had in her mouth not thirty minutes before, a complete stranger, someone whose name she doesn’t even care to know. 
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Flutterings & Tequila - Part 8
A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Reader
Summary: you’ve decided to go clubbing with your best friend the last summer before college starts to take your mind off of the Mikaelsons who have invaded your life this summer. Specifically, you’re trying to distract yourself from Niklaus Mikaelson and the flutterings he has caused you. Tequila is your friend tonight. 
Part Summary: An agreement is made
Warnings: typical stuff you’d see in the show
Word count: 2,212
Tags:  elle88531,  violentmommabear42 (let me know if you want to be tagged or I missed you out on the tag list!)
Authors note: remember when I said I’d start posting on a schedule? Haha, me too. I’m going to actually try to do that this year. Anyway, after a lot of requests, I’ve finally been able to continue this! I’m actually really excited for everyone to read this and the next parts to come! Let me know what you think! Feedback means the world!!
Part 1  |   Part 2  | Part 3  | Part 4  | Part 5  |  Part 6  | Part 7
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“Hello,” Jess said with a wide grin as he watched you, the phone to his ear.
You couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end. From the way Jess’s eyes sparked with victory, you could tell he had Klaus on the phone. You hung limply from your restraints as Jess pointed a knife at you. You got the message: make a peep and you’d die.
“No, that won’t do,” Jess said calmly. He listened for a while and shook his head. “You’re not in any place to bargain.” Jess walked up to you and he brought the knife up to your ribcage. “Perhaps, Mr. Mikaelson, you need some motivation?”
The tip of the knife pierced your skin and you screamed in pain just as Jess held the phone up to your mouth. Satisfied, he turned and walked away from you, phone back against his ear as he made his demands. You tried not to give him the satisfaction of crying out again, but the pain was too much. You scrunched your eyes up as tight as you could and bit your lip, focusing on that pain instead.
“Seven o’clock,” Jess was saying as he walked back up to you. He eyed you up. “Any funny business and neither of us get what we want,” he promised, holding the knife up to you. He smiled in delight when you flinched.
He hung up and slipped the phone into his back pocket. Neither of you said anything as he watched you with calculating eyes. He brought a hand to his mouth and rubbed his lower lip in thought as his brother walked in.
He didn’t answer his brother for a moment. You both waited to hear what he had planned. After a long few seconds, Jess flashed a grin and you knew his plan was all thought out.
“Get the hose and some new clothes for her. She needs to be ready for tonight,” Jess told his brother. Once again, he stepped forward and bit into his wrist. There was no point fighting it and you didn’t want to die from the stab wound after freedom was so close. He smiled as you drank down the blood. Once it was done, he made his way to the stairs. “I have to get things in order, but I expect her to be ready by the time I return,” he told his brother. “Oh, and Cooper,” he said, pausing to look back at his brother, “don’t lose your temper,” he warned.
Cooper reluctantly nodded.
When Jess disappeared, you watched a nasty smirk grow on Cooper’s lips. He walked over and picked up the end of a green hose from the floor. You braced yourself for the cold hose-down to come.
You didn’t get a warning. Cooper was standing too close to you and the water packed such a punch that it made you gasp. The cold jet felt like it was made of a million tiny needles. You gasped and squirmed as he hosed you down.
“We told you the water pressure was good,” he laughed.
He moved the jet of water straight onto your face to cut you off. He coughed and spit as the water kept coming. Your clothes stuck to you uncomfortably as you shivered in the constant harsh water hitting you mercilessly. When the jet moved to your hair and Cooper walked back around you to wash the back of you, you opened your eyes, gasping as the water streamed down your face and into your eyes, nose, and mouth. The cement floor of the basement was covered in bloody water as it swirled down the grate underneath you.
You gritted your teeth as he stood too close to you. You’d be black and blue after this.
“Time to get dry,” Cooper said as he turned the hose off and let it fall to the floor.
You shivered and let your head rest on your arm, exhausted and unable to muster up a fight. When you saw the large striped towel he had in his hands as he walked back in front of you, there was a slight bubble of hope in your chest. At least you’d be dry and not covered in dried blood anymore.
Cooper put the towel on the table to his right and picked up a pair of scissors. You frowned. He smiled and stepped towards you with it. You wanted to step back or curl into yourself but you couldn’t move with the restraints.
“Have to get those wet clothes off first,” he told you.
You closed your eyes tightly as he cut away the wet fabric. Even as it fell to the floor with a wet thud, you didn’t open your eyes again. Your lip trembled as you felt his rough hand snake around your back and undo your bra.
There would be no tears or pleas to stop. You wouldn’t do it. To stop your lip from trembling or any tears from escaping, you kept your eyes tightly closed and once again bit your lip to distract you from what was going on.
You were naked before long.
He towelled you dry roughly and quickly. His hands lingered in some places but from the pace he was going, he didn’t have much time before his brother would be back. Thank god.
After you were dried, you were surprised to feel him cut the ties around you. Without your restraints holding you up, you fell to the floor. Your arms ached horribly.
“Get up and get dressed before Jess gets back,” Cooper instructed you with a rough tug to your upper arms.  He held the knife he used to free you up to your face. “Try anything and you’ll be sorry. Jess can always patch you up if he needs to,” he warned you.
You nodded. It wasn’t like you could do anything. You looked up at the spell above you. There was a boundary spell around you, keeping you under the spell that stopped your magic. As you looked around to figure out where the boundary spell’s hold was in the room, you just about caught the clothes Cooper threw at you. A large t-shirt dress, a sports bra, and some underwear. You didn’t know whose they were but you didn’t bother asking. You quickly put them on.
You may be bound, magic-less, and about to be unsuccessfully attempted to be traded for some unknown object before very well being killed, but at least you weren’t naked anymore.
Cooper startled you when he suddenly pushed a hairclip into your hand.  “Have to make you look presentable,” he grunted in annoyance.
If he had his way, you’d probably still be coated in blood and just stripped naked. You took the clip and put your hair up. You didn’t need to see yourself in any mirror to know you probably still looked a mess. You could feel the mass amount of knots in your hair. The blood and cuts all over your body may be gone, but you were sure you still looked like you had been tortured.
A pair of flip-flops were thrown down in front of you. You slipped them on without a word.
A chair was placed in your boundary circle and you were roughly pushed down onto it. He made quick work of tying you back up. You couldn’t help but wonder if they had you mixed up with anyone. Surely they realized you weren’t powerful enough to do anything in this state? They had your magic stripped from you.
Cooper disappeared, leaving you to sit in by yourself in the dark basement. You hung your head and refused to cry over something you couldn’t change.
What happened had happened. You had to look to the future. You didn’t have long before Jess would be back and you didn’t know what would happen when he tried his little plan of exchanging you for his whatever. If you could come up with a plan then that would be something.
You doubt he’d be meeting Klaus here. He’d probably be transporting you in that case and it was unlikely that he was going to take the ceiling with him. If you had your magic, that would be something. Although you weren’t the most powerful witch in the world, you weren’t defenceless and you’d be damned if you didn’t go down without a fight.
You sighed. You wished Josie was here.
But she wasn’t and you’d have to get yourself out of this. Klaus wouldn’t care if it came down to you or the thing he obviously wants considering he seemingly stole it. Whatever it is must be valuable if Jess is willing to go to such extremes. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together tries forcing the Mikaelsons to do anything they don’t want to and Jess seemed like he had more than two brain cells considering his plan managed to work this much.
If you could free yourself while Jess and Klaus fought – which was inevitable when Klaus saw how cocky Jess was that he’d beaten the hybrid – you could run. Cooper would no doubt come after you, but you would have your magic. There was a decent chance you’d get far enough to reach a safe patch where you could call Josie for help. That is if you were smart enough to get your hands or your magic to relieve Jess of his phone that he kept in his back pocket.
Right. You could do this. It was your only hope of survival.
“You’re looking –“
You looked up from your planning to see Jess running down the last few steps, his eyes taking you in. From his expression, you realised looked worse than you thought. He sighed.
“What happened to getting her ready?” he yelled up to his brother.
“Best I could do,” was the response he got.
Jess sighed again with a shake of his head.  “Guess you’ll have to do.”
He walked up to you, dragging a chair behind him. He put it a few feet away from you and sat down in it. He watched you for a while. Neither of you said a word. If you weren’t sure he’d be dead by Klaus’s hand by the end of this, you’d make a point to not run at all and take both he and his brother down. You’ve never killed anyone before but you weren’t above doing it. You wanted them to pay. You already knew the spell you’d use. It was quick so they wouldn’t have any chance of stopping it. But it was painful.
You averted Jess’s eyes. You wouldn’t kill anyone tonight. Klaus would take care of them both most likely.
“Before we head out let’s get you caught up on the plan,” Jess said, bringing your attention back to him.
“What kind of stupid villain tells their hostage their evil plan?” you asked with an arched eyebrow.
“The kind that isn’t stupid at all and needs their hostage to play a role in the genius plan,” Jess said, completely unphased.
You glared at him. As if you’d help him. To hell with your plan the second you felt your magic freed, you’d kill the both of them and save Klaus the trouble.
“What’s going to happen is that you’re going to do exactly what I say,” Jess told you. He sat back in his chair looking unworried with the night’s soon-to-be event. “You aren’t going to try anything with your magic. You won’t even try to run. You’re going to sit quietly in the car on the way there and stay that way until I tell you to get out. Then, you’ll wait until I get what is mine. When I have that, you’ll be free to leave.”
He was deranged if he really thought that was how it was going to go. What was the catch?
“Oh,” he smiled and leaned forward, “you’re also going to be working for me now as a little spy on the Mikaelsons. You’ll tell me what they are doing and planning. You’ll do whatever I say in the future. I’m going to end the Mikaelsons and you’re going to help me. If you try to get out of this, “ he gestured around as if the idea was ridiculous, “somehow,” he laughed before the smile dropped from his face and he locked eyes with you, “I’ll kill you.” he said, ending with a wicked grin.
You felt your eyes prick with tears.
“Ready to go?” Cooper called down.
“Yep,” Jess responded with an extra pop to the word. He untied you and held your right bicep in a tight grip. He pushed you towards the stairs in front of you. Just as you took the first step, he yanked you back. You fell against his chest. He placed his lips to your ear. “One more thing,” he whispered into your ear hotly. He turned your head to look into your eyes. “If anything goes wrong tonight or if they find out and try to turn you against me, you’re going to kill yourself,” he stated.
You could feel the compulsion seeping into you.
“Let’s get going,” he smiled and pushed you up the stairs.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
Truth Set Free: Part 1
Fandom: Marvel (Mob Boss AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
As requested by @elivanah : Hey i have an idea for a request, if you like. Maybe one of seb's character is a mob boss who also owns a strip club. He and reader are dating but she doesn't know what he does. One day she finds out the hard way. Angst ending with a happy ending and maybe smut.
A/N: I decided to write this for Bucky cause I seriously love Mob Boss!Bucky. Also, this is became so unnecessarily long that I’m just gonna make it into a two part story.
You were sound asleep being spooned by your boyfriend, Bucky. Your face started to crinkle when you felt kisses being pressed to your back, making their way to your shoulder, then neck. You giggled when the pair of lips hit your tickle spot. A low chuckle reverberating behind you. 
“Good mornin’, doll.” the low husky voice causing arousal between your legs. 
You turned around to face your husband. Your hands grazing over the stubble along his face, “Mornin’ handsome,” you leaned in and pecked his lips. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you on top of him, “Bucky!” you squealed and he just laughed.
You sat at the kitchen island, going through your emails on your laptop as Bucky worked on cooking breakfast whilst on the phone with his best friend and business partner, Steve.
“Steve, this-” he glances over your shoulder to check to see if you were still there. He clears his throat, “This has to go as smoothly as possible. Nothing can go wrong. You hear me? Make sure everyone is up to speed and get the job done. Bye.” he hangs up the phone and sighs.
“Another business deal?” you ask, your attention no longer on your computer, but on him.
“Yeah. There’s this rival company trying to swoop in on my potential partners. It’s...frustrating.”
“You and Steve will be able to reel ‘em in. You got that authority and charm that no one can say no to.”
He snorted, “Baby, you’d be surprised by how many people have said no to me.”
“I’m sure they end up regretting it in the end.”
“Yes they do..” the way Bucky said those words seemed like there was some underlying meaning to it. But you shrugged it off. Bucky can be weird sometimes You just accepted it. 
After breakfast and a very heated shower, you and Bucky dressed and got ready for work. You and he hopped into his town car and was brought to central Manhattan where you were you worked at the courthouse as a secretary for ADA Tony Stark. 
Before stepping out of the car, Bucky gave you a passionate kiss, “I love you, doll. I’ll see you later.”
You smiled at him, “Love you too. See ya!” Bucky watched as you climbed the steps of the courthouse, a fond smile on his face until you stepped into the building. Once you were out of sight, Bucky’s face changed. 
There was no warmth or love seen. Instead, there was a hard, stern, cold look, “To the club,” he said firmly and car began its journey to the east side of Brooklyn where Bucky’s strip club Winter’s Fair was located. 
Bucky walked into the place with determination, confidence, and intimidation in his eyes, “What’s the status of Rumlow’s partnership with Pym?” he asked as he approached his awaiting men. 
Steve spoke up, “Non-existent...for now. There’s been talk that Rumlow’s trying to get cozy with Pym’s new boss Hope.”
Bucky was confused, “His daughter? What happened to the old man?”
“Stepped down. He’s gettin’ old. His daughter took his place.”
Bucky nodded in approval, “Good for her, but I don’t want her getting tangled in Rumlow’s shit. She may have watched her pops but it’s different from observing to actually doing. Sam,” Bucky pointed to another friend of his. 
The dark skinned man stepped forward, dressed in a dark grey suit, “Yeah?”
“Send flowers to Hank Pym along with a nice note. Something along the lines of Happy Retirement and that if his daughter needs any help, that she could come to us. That will give us a leeway to teaming up with them.”
Steve nodded with a smirk, “Clever.” he then followed Bucky to his office, leaving the rest of the men to their tasks, “So, how’s your girl?”
“Fine. Stark’s really stressin’ her out though.”
“No news on how close he is to catchin’ ya?”
He shakes his head, “Not from what I heard from Y/N. All she says is that Stark’s been working hard on a case for the mob boss, White Wolf,” he snorted, “White Wolf. Not really sure why they call me that.”
“What’re you gonna do when Y/N finds out the White Wolf is you?”
Bucky clenched his jaw, “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, Stevie.” he then sat down at his desk, ready to work.
When you arrived to your desk, your redhead coworker, Cheryl marched up to you looking in distress.
“Cher, what’s wrong?”
“Jo-Josie broke up with me.”
You immediately hugged her, “Oh, honey!”
“I-I thought everything was going okay! And then she says that I’ve become too possessive and she just dumped me! Then I see a picture of her and Reggie two days later!”
You rubbed soothing circles on her back, “Sssshhh. It’s okay. You’ll be okay.” you pulled back to wipe her tears away, “How about this? I take you to a strip club to help get your mind off her. That sound okay?”
Cheryl shrugged, “I don’t know...”
“Toni told me about Winter’s Fair down in Brooklyn. She says it’s really great, even if you’re not there for the strippers.”
The redhead sighed, “Okay.”
You: Won’t be home until later tonight. Gonna comfort a friend after a bad break up. Love you! 
Bucky smiled whenever he received a text from you. He pocketed your phone and looked up to Steve, “Guess I’ll be working the club tonight. Y/N’s not gonna be home until later.”
Five o’clock was when the club opened. A few men and women came spilling in. Business was slow. However, once seven and eight o’clock hit, that’s when the place really came alive. People were getting off work and needed to let off some steam. So they came in for either the booze or the strippers or both. 
Bucky sat at the back of the club where the VIP section is. Him and his men all sat in a booth drinking beer, talking, laughing, and watching the stripper, Melody, dance for them. 
The mob boss’ attention was occasionally taken by you as you updated him on your location and activity. The last thing you sent was a picture of yourself in a more club worth dress. The fabric clinging onto your body, showing all your assets. He licked his lips as he typed out his response:
Bucky: damn! my baby doll lookin’ sexy as Hell!
You simply replied with a kissing emoji and Bucky went back to conversing with his friends.
After stopping by yours and Chery’s apartment to change, you both were dressed and ready to his the club. You and Cheryl sat in the uber, her head resting on your shoulder. When you arrived, you hopped out of the vehicle and waited to get inside. 
Once you entered, the place was booming with music, lights, and the occasional cheers from the audience in front of the stage. You gripped Cheryl’s hand and pulled her to the bar where you bought four tequila shots: two for you and two for Cheryl. 
“Any place you wanna sit?” 
She shook her head, “No. I’m fine here.”
You shrugged, “That’s fine.” after downing your shots, you ordered two watermelon margaritas. You two sat there, drinking and talking, Cheryl’s attention often swaying to the dancers on stage. You were impressed by them, honestly. They must’ve trained a lot for them to use all that upper body strength and make it seem so graceful.
After about an hour, you had to use the bathroom. You excused yourself and walked over to the corner where the bathroom was held. After doing your business, you exited and began to walk back to Cheryl. That is, until you heard an all too familiar laugh. 
You froze and began to look all over the place for your boyfriend. Then you spotted him in the VIP section sitting in a booth with some men and..Steve?
Feeling eyes on him, Bucky looked in your direction. His smile immediately fading. He moves to stand and you’re swiftly walking back to Cheryl, who seems to be in a pleasant conversation with a very attractive woman.
“Hey, Cher, I’m gonna be right back. Just gotta step out. The alcohol is making me feel a bit warm.”
“Oh, you want me to come with?”
You glance over to see Bucky starting to approach you, “No, that’s fine! I’ll be right back!” You then rush past the bar and out the door. The cool New York air hitting your face.
“Y/N!” you hear Bucky call out. 
You briskly walk and head into an alleyway, hoping to lose Bucky. Unfortunately, you don’t and he grabs your wrist, “Baby! Wait!”
You yank your arm from him, “What?!”
“I can explain why I was there!”
You scoffed, “Oh, I’m sure you can understand why and your buddies were drinking and staring at strippers while you’re supposed to be home!”
“This is my job!”
You looked at him confused, “What?! No, it’s not! You work at a business firm!”
“I used to. Not anymore. I-” he nervously rubs the back of his neck, “I own the club, many clubs, actually.”
“I don’t-I don’t get it. Why-Why would you lie to me about that?”
“Well-” Bucky’s explanation was cut off after hearing gunshots. He immediately peered around the corner to see Rumlow and his men waltzing into his strip club, “Shit!” he pulls out his gun from his waistband, “Stay here.”
You stop him before he rushes off, “Wait! No! What the hell! I’m not letting you get yourself killed!”
“Y/N, baby, I love you and I swear I’ll explain everything. But right now, just stay here and be safe. Okay?” he kisses your forehead and runs back to his club, gun in hand.
Part 2
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chonidale · 6 years
Any theories on Peaches n Cream? Did you see the Heather one?
I have a couple, nothing that concrete. I do know that I don’t buy the Heather theory for a second, that’s such a stretch. Just because she comes in during 3x12 and they’re doing Heathers the musical? As if RAS would pick the musical based on a Choni plot, let alone a guest stars name, especially when the plot of the musical has nothing to do with whatever their plot would be.
Peaches N’ Cream is clearly a Serpent name. Like, people acting like that’s such a weird name when we have regular characters named Sweet Pea and Jughead and there are other characters named Jellybean, Hog Eye, Tall Boy, etc. She has also filmed with Gina, Jordan and Drew, so yeah. My only other guess is Veronica and Reggie turn the speakeasy into a strip club for money or something, because that could also be a stripper name.
My first assumption was that she’s from the Toledo Serpents, and she comes to Riverdale with Gladys and Jellybean, since they come back in 3x12, too. And Gina is the only actor on the show she’s following on IG (and she’s filmed with her at least once). I originally expected her to be playing older, but if she’s in the musical, I’m guessing not. Not sure how or why she’d be enrolled at Riverdale High if that’s the case, though; if she comes with Gladys.
Another possibility is that she’s a Serpent that’s been there all along, but is just now getting a name and some lines because they’re down female Serpent characters now, obviously. And maybe she’s a love interest of Sweet Pea’s? Because we know Josie goes to the Serpent camp site in 3x12 (since she’s not in any eps until then), presumably to see Sweet Pea and talk (but all signs point to her getting/spending her time with Archie), so maybe she goes to talk to him, but he’s with Peaches N’ Cream? And she’s just kind of in Serpent scenes and maybe gets a line or two like how Sweet Pea/Fangs do.
As for the theory that she’s related to Toni, that came simply because they were in a group scene together at Pop’s (with Veronica, Gladys and possibly others), so I don’t give it much weight. I could see her being related if she was playing older, but the odds of her having some kind of school age relative (especially that goes to Riverdale High) that we’ve never heard about or seen until now seems very unlikely. The only way I could see her being a relative would be if she’s from Toledo and comes back with Gladys because she hears about Toni getting kicked out or something, but meh. I think they’re just both involved in Gladys’ drug plot to some extent, at least in that episode.
She doesn’t strike me as someone that’s going to be an overly important character, as she doesn’t follow anyone and they don’t follow her or seem to interact with her much at all? I’d say maybe it’s a case of keeping her a secret, but I don’t think she’d be posting about it as much as she has if that were the case, so.
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thatbluegibson · 7 years
CH 28
“So do all your after parties happen at strip clubs or…,” Liz leaned against the bar next to Dave as a beautiful dancer in black platform heels walked by them.
Dave looked over at her and smiled sheepishly as Liz laughed and nudged his elbow with hers. They watched the small stage next to the bar as a dancer climbed a ten foot pole to the rafters of the building.
“I’d like to see Vedder climb his stage rigging in eight inch heels and false eyelashes,” Liz said, impressed.
Dave shrugged, “I’ve seen it and it’s not as hot as you would think.”
Liz’s eyes slid over to him before dissolving into giggles. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to face a gorgeous brunette.
“Oh it is you,” she breathed, her eyes widening, “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that your role as Abigail Adams was brilliant. You really portrayed her as the feminist icon she was.”
“Thank you,” Liz smiled genuinely at her, “I think she’s one of the most interesting people in American political history.”
The brunette nodded earnestly, “Oh, I completely agree! I consider her one of our founding fathers… well, mother.”
Liz’s eyes went wide, forgetting that this woman was topless. “So do I! I firmly believe that she fed all of the ideas for the Continental Congress through John.”
“I’m actually writing my master’s thesis on her,” the woman shrugged, a little embarrassed.
“If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women,” Liz quoted Abigail. “When do you graduate?” She felt Dave’s hand on her back, but ignored it.
“Hopefully in May!” the girl bounced a little in excitement making Liz laugh. “I’m Maddy,” she added, shaking Liz’s hand, “Would your boyfriend like a dance?”
Liz froze for a moment, processing what she said. “Oh, he’s not my…,” she turned to look at Dave whose eyes were fixed on Maddy’s chest. “Yeah, take him,” she laughed, stepping back as Maddy took Dave’s hand.
Dave shook his head a little to clear his thoughts as Maddy pulled him away from Liz. He had been wondering how it was possible for Liz’s breasts to look so much better than this girl’s when she had been through two pregnancies and was at least a few years older. He looked her over again as Maddy tightly held his hand, pulling him towards the back of the club. She had an amazing body, the kind that most women in LA would kill for, with long legs, perfect ass and narrow waist. She had obviously had her breasts done at some point, but they didn’t quite seem to fit her body size making her look a bit cartoonish. She pulled him down into a secluded booth next to her and immediately crawled into his lap. Normally, Dave would have been into it, but he found himself trying to look through to crowd to see where Liz was at.
“You just let him go?”Josie cried over Rami’s shoulder.
Liz laughed and shrugged. “We’re in a strip club, Josie,” she reminded her.
“Yeah but, now she’s rubbing all up on him,” Josie swatted at Rami when he drunkenly bit at her shoulder, “That doesn’t piss you off?”
Liz looked at her, confused. “No… I mean, that’s what strip clubs are all about,” she grabbed her whiskey off the bar and took a drink.
“But you guys are a thing,” Josie insisted causing Rami to turn and look at Liz.
“We are not a thing, Josie,” Liz replied, a touch of warning to her voice. “We’re friends.”
“I’m just saying that if a man left sex bruises all over my body, I wouldn’t let him wander off with some stripper.”
“First,” Liz started, feeling perfectly annoyed now, “he’s a grown ass man and can do whatever he wants, regardless of my presence and our relationship status and second, that girl is working on a fucking masters in political history or political science or whatever. She’s got bills to pay and I’m happy to help her out. Rami? You want a dance?” she linked her arm with his and pulled him back from Josie, who frowned.
“Hell yes!” he slurred, looking down at her.
“Oh, no not from me, dummy,” Liz laughed at his eagerness and walked him towards a group of dancers standing a few feet away.
“You have to relax,” Liz returned to a pissed off Josie leaning against the bar. “Have some fun. Get a dance for yourself or something.”
Josie’s eyes went wide and she turned Liz. “Girls can get dances?”
Liz nodded through her drink, “Of course they can! I bet Maddy would give you one!”
Josie linked her arm with Liz and grinned brightly, “Let’s go get a lap dance!”
Liz rolled her eyes and walked with her to the back of the club where they found an empty booth to wait in.
“That seriously doesn’t bother you?” Josie leaned into Liz when she spotted Maddy straddling Dave in a dark corner booth.
Liz leaned out of the semi enclosed circle of their booth to get a better look. Maddy was leaning over him with her arms around his neck and had discarded her white shorts somewhere, only wearing a pair of Lucite platform heels that were currently resting next to Dave’s knees. Liz smiled when she realized Dave’s hands were pressed so tightly into the seat on either side of him, that his knuckles were white.
“That seriously doesn’t bother me,” she said, turning back to Josie. “Most of these girls are here to pay their bills, not to get a man. It’s a business transaction. And it makes for a better night when I finally get him alone, you know?”
Josie shook her head, “You don’t think they see a famous guy and see dollar signs?”
“I’m sure some of them do,” Liz admitted, “but so do baristas and the checker at the grocery store. Whatever happens next is up to him. If he wants to run off with a stripper, I’d rather it happen now than in six months or whatever.”
Liz paused for a moment then set her drink down. She hadn’t meant to imply that she and Dave would even be around each other in six months and she wasn’t sure what part of her brain those words had emerged from. This is just for fun, she reminded herself, just another few days and then you’ll be home. She nodded resolutely and turned to Josie who was eyeing her suspiciously.
“Did I say that out loud?” Liz asked, wincing.
“You didn’t need to,” Josie muttered as she picked up Liz’s drink and finished it in one gulp.
“He’s so nice!” Maddy gushed as she appeared in the booth with Liz and Josie, “and he wouldn’t stop talking about you! You’re so lucky!”
Liz felt herself blush and Josie’s eyes boring into her. “Oh… well he’s not my-“
“Drinks?” a tall blonde waitress in a black bikini interrupted Liz with a disinterested stare.
“Shots!” Josie squealed, “Tequila!”
“Ooo, yes!” Maddy cried, clapping her hands.
The waitress stalked off before Liz could protest.
“So how long have you been together?” Maddy asked Liz.
“We’re not together,” Liz laughed uncomfortably and shook her head, annoyed that Josie had finished her whiskey.
Maddy looked confused for a moment, “He called you his girl, though.”
Liz felt her heart flutter a little bit and avoided Josie’s stare, “Well we’ve been hanging out, but I go home in a few days so… you know,” she wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence.
“Oh my god,” Maddy leaned over Josie to grab Liz’s leg. “That is the most romantic thing ever!”
Liz looked at her in surprise just as the waitress returned with their shots. Liz didn’t even wait for the shots to be set on the table before she snatched hers up and downed it.
“Several more, please,” she whispered through the burn.
“Have you seen Liz?” Dave asked Taylor over the increasing music in the club.
Taylor shook his head, his eyes not leaving the girl hanging upside down from the pole in front of them. Dave sighed and looked around them. The club was packed now that it was well past midnight and it was so dark he could barely see ten feet on either side of him. He was a few glasses of whiskey in and his buzz was quickly turning to a steady spin. He flopped into the chair next to Taylor and watched the dancer in front of them gracefully spin herself around the pole to a Nine Inch Nails song. He was distractedly thinking he should call Trent to work on an upcoming project when Taylor leaned over to him.
“This one’s been asking about you,” he slurred and jerked his head towards the girl on stage.
Dave noticed she was coyly smiling at him from over her shoulder and he dragged his eyes down her perfect body, forcing himself not to roll his eyes. She was covered in generic tattoos of skulls and roses, her skin was an unnatural tan, her hair was a platinum, almost white blonde and Dave thought she was perfectly boring. She dropped to her knees and crawled to the edge of the stage just in front of him, beckoning him towards her with a single finger. Dave held back an obvious sigh and halfheartedly leaned forward.
“The champagne room is open,” she purred into his ear and slid her arms around his neck.
Dave sat up a little straighter to avoid touching her and politely shook his head. “My boyfriend would be so jealous,” he replied, looking back to Taylor who was watching them with interest. Dave grabbed his knee and rubbed his hand up his thigh.
The dancer shrugged and dropped her arms before crawling back to the pole at the center of the stage. Dave sat back and leaned towards Taylor, who shook his head in mock irritation and grabbed his drink off the table next to him. Just as he took a drink, Rami burst through the crowd around them and skidded to a stop between them and the stage.
His bleary eyes were wide and he was a bit out of breath, “Come see this.”
Dave and Taylor stumbled behind Rami as he led them across the club and down a short hallway with velvet lined walls. They paused in front of a fogged glass door long enough for Dave to press his cheek against the black velvet while Taylor petted the fabric next to him.
“I’m fucking putting this in the studio,” Dave slurred.
“I want my whole house covered in black velvet,” Taylor replied, then met Dave’s eyes. They both belted out the beginning of the chorus to the Alannah Myles song when Rami shoved open the glass door. Loud music drifted out of the room as Rami ran inside, Dave and Taylor stopped their song short and looked at each other before leaning forward to look in the room. The circular room was lit by a strip of red lights mounted behind an upholstered bench that lined the curved walls and a couple spot lights positioned directly above the stage in the center of the room. Dave recognized a couple of their tech guys huddled together on one side of the bench, transfixed by Josie and Maddy who were making out on stage.
“Nice,” Taylor laughed and threw his shoulder into Rami, whose eyes never left the girls.
Dave closed the door behind them and was trying to figure out where Liz had disappeared to when the music faded from Gorillaz to Sneakerpimps. He spotted her laying on the bench opposite the stage and left Taylor and Rami by the door. He kept his eyes on her face and hurried towards her, stumbling a little on the dark stairs. Maddy looked up from Josie as he passed them and tried to grab his arm, but he dodged just out of her reach. He stopped in front of Liz and could see her eyes were closed as she softly sang along to the loud music. Sensing she was being watched, she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards Dave, lazy smile spread across her face when she saw him.
“I fucking love this song,” she said, Dave thinking she sounded as drunk as he felt. “Reminds me of making out with my high school boyfriend in the back of my shitty Civic,” she laughed at the thought and struggled to sit up. Dave took her arm and helped her upright before sitting next to her on the bench.
“Ugh,” Liz rolled her eyes at the sight of Josie and Maddy making out on stage, “Twenty minutes ago she was morally offended by the mere existence of strippers and now look at her.”
“Yeah, they’re kinda like those chips, you know?” Dave leaned back against the velvet bench, “once you pop you can’t stop?”
Liz slowly turned to look at him, then burst out laughing at his analogy. He slipped his arm around her hips and slid her closer to him on the bench.
“I am fucking drunk,” she mumbled, rolling her head onto his shoulder.
“You wanna go make out like we’re in high school?”
He felt her body shift away from his, but only opened his eyes when he felt her insistent tugging on his arm.
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mielikki-austin · 4 years
My imperfect recollection of the pilot episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star
So, Master Pancake did a live mock of the pilot for a show I somehow never knew existed called 9-1-1: Lone Star. JD and I watched it, and told friend Josh about it the next day. Me: I have to describe this show though Josh: please do Me: so this was made recently Rob Lowe is a fireman his son is also a fireman they live in NYC so RL was firemanning when 9/11 happened and he keeps a bit of melted slag on his desk Josh: This already sounds like the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon where he's setting up a huge collision between a plane, a tanker truck, a dinosaur, and whatever other toys he has around. Me: RL is tortured because many of his friends have died from 9/11 cancer, and in the episode he finds out that he has.... LUNG CANCER! (dramatic music!) His son, who is gay (dramatic music!), has a history of drug addiction (dramatic music!), and ODs when the man he proposes to dumps him (dramatic music!) we're like 10 minutes in at this point Meanwhile, in Austin! Josh: Okay, you can cancel the previous statement I made. Me: A security guard puts a foil-wrapped burrito in a microwave, and sets an entire manure plant on fire, which explodes and kills the entire Austin FD except for one guy (dramatic music!) Josh: okay now this is turning into my favorite movie ever Me: Some Official Guys come to NY and ask RL to head the Austin FD, which he initially refuses because he loves NY so much but when his son ODs, he decides he's gonna move to Austin with his son and they're going to whip the FD into shape and he'll live with his son in a gorgeous house with a view of the Hill Country that costs $4500/month to rent Josh: (Checks off "The Refusal Of The Call To Action" from the Joseph Campbell monomyth checklist.) Me: RL gets applications for firefighters "from all over the state" He hires: -a Muslim woman who has 6 citations for insubordination, because she is a loose cannon -a black trans guy -an illiterate Hispanic guy who can't pass the written FD test, but has a heart of gold the one guy who WASN'T killed from the last batch of firefighter guys applies, but is a dick, barely keeps himself from ripping RL's head off in the interview, denies he has PTSD, but loses his shit when RL says he isn't ready to come back (dramatic music!) Josh: This is already a lot. Me: Meanwhile! Josh: WHAT MEANWHILE THERE'S ALREADY TOO MUCH STUFF TO DO A MEANWHILE IF YOU WANNA DO A MEANWHILE YOU GOTTA GET ANOTHER MOVIE Me: Liv Tyler is seen screaming outside of a house, accusing the occupant of murder. Josh: WHYYYY THIS IS TOO MUCH MOVIE Me: she runs out into the street to the crowd of people who've gathered to watch her scream at a closed door, and a kid in the crowd is having an asthma attack! (dramatic music!) Josh: WHAAAAAAA Me: She scolds his dad, who says he can't afford to take the kid to a doctor because he is poor and Hispanic She tells him to come to her vaguely-described clinic or business or something The police show up, and they know her, because her screaming at this door is apparently a regular occurrence Evidently her sister disappeared and she thinks someone in the house (or maybe the house) murdered her sister. (dramatic music!) NEXT, the FD is called out to a spicy food emergency Josh: NO EFFING WAY JD: This is not a movie, it’s a show and this is the first episode Me: a man eats a hot pepper and starts to die (dramatic music!) Josh: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPERS NOPE Me: RL and the multiculture pals show up, and start dick-swinging "clear the area, the FD is here!" Josh: Was this one of those "written by an AI trained on disaster television" scripts? Me: Then Liv Tyler shows up and swings her dick and tells RL &c. to back off, because unlike in NY, the FD has to back off in medical emergencies to her, as head of the PARAMEDIC DEPT (dramatic music!) Josh: How... um... how... how did any of the actors deliver their lines without falling over laughing? Me: RL is skeptical, and she says "You didn't read the Travis County manual, did you?" and throws the spicy food victim on the table, cuts his lung open, and saves his life (dramatic music!) Josh: wait no no no no Me: next emergency! (dramatic music!) Josh: no cutting on lungs that's not a thing you do for spicy food NO MOAR EMERGENCIES EVERYONE GO TO BED NAO Me: a woman is in a car wreck, her car is upside down on the road and we find out that she is PREGNANT (dramatic music!) RL directs everyone to do things, because the water on the road smells like gas, and jaws of life are invoked, and stuff happens Josh: of course stuff happens absolutely everything happens in this thing nothing is not happening Me:  then the woman cries "but my baby!" Turns out, there was another child in the car (dramatic music!)  everyone looks for the baby, who is eventually found 30 feet up in a tree (dramatic music!)
Josh: YOU ARE MAKING THIS UP THIS IS NOT A REAL THING THAT REAL HUMANS MADE FOR SERIOUS Me: he was flung out of the car (still in his car seat) into the tree when the car rolled I AM NOT KIDDING Josh: I KNOW YOU ARE NOT KIDDING BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS THING WAS ACTUALLY MADE Me: Meanwhile! Josh: NO MOAR MEANWHILE I MEAN IT TOO MUCH MEANWHILE MOVIE Me: Guy with PTSD is at home getting shitfaced and continuing to insist to his black wife (dramatic music!) that he doesn't have PTSD she reminds him of his nightmares and stuff he whines that it's not fair Josh: that checks out Me: she reminds him that she is black so he can shove it with this not fair bullshit Josh: new favorite character JD: Seriously this is a 48 minute pilot Josh: it was gonna be toddler-in-a-tree but black wife is my new favorite character Me: she coaxes him to take her out to the apparently one bar is Austin, which is possibly the actual Broken Spoke bar Josh: WHY NOT Me: so they can at least get fucked up in a bar instead of at home like losers turns out, RL and Liv Tyler and their crews are there celebrating after the tree baby incident Josh: this movie needs more Adderall. Or less Adderall. I don't know. Me: Liv dares RL to join her in line dancing, which RL is REALLY GOOD AT (dramatic music!) Josh: YAY RL YOU MIGHT HAVE PICKED A BAD MOVIE BUT YOU'RE STILL AN OKAY DUDE Me: RL explains that country was really popular in NY a few years back Josh: It was. Sigh. He's not kidding. Me: RL also has a touching moment with his gay drug son, who thanks him for making him move to Austin, then gay drug son starts line dancing with, I think, illiterate Hispanic guy with the heart of gold? Josh: BINGO That's a BINGO on the card I just invented for this pilot. Me: black wife confronts RL in the parking lot and tells him to SAVE HER HUSBAND because he SAVES PEOPLE RL agrees to let clearly mentally unstable PTSD guy come back to work THE NEXT DAY Josh: IF THIS THING MEANWHILES AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD Me: PTSD guy comes to the station, and notices all the dead flowers people had left for the dead fireguys at the station in the garbage so he immediately starts giving RL shit about being a city slicker who is a Big Damn Hero because of 9/11 who's coming down from on high to help the FD that was fucked up by exploding poo RL says "I have cancer" (dramatic music!) Josh: YES Me: and PTSD guy is all, okay, but you're still on my shit list for throwing away the dead flowers then he turns the corner, and over the bay where the trucks come out of the station is a thing with the pictures of all the dead poo firemen and a sign that says "WE REMEMBER" or some shit (dramatic music!) PTSD falls down and starts crying Josh: YAAAAAY Me: RL tells him it's going to be okay and PTSD is a bummer and stuff then a little white girl and her white mom show up to give cookies that they made to the new crew, turns out they are the daughter and wife of one of the dead firemen Josh: this show just fires pathos at you like a six-year-old with a t-shirt cannon Me: cue montage of Muslim woman praying, trans guy considering his skin care regimen (I forgot about the part where RL helps trans guy with his skin care regimen), illiterate Hispanic guy is cleaning the firetrucks or something, and roll credits Josh: THREE MORE PATHOS PLEASE FOONT FOONT FOONT Me: I wanted to lay it all out before I forgot, and marvel at the trope-fest Josh: How many people wrote this movie? And how much speed did they have in the writers' room? Me: all of it oh man, check these out; the first episode was a harbinger of trope saturation to come: (Wikipedia episode synopses) "The team responds to a man suffocating in corn within a grain silo" "The team is called to a brawl at a male strip club; Paul helps Josie, who got hit in the eye with stripper glitter." Josh: I like how they have to clear out a rattlesnake infestation with a fire extinguisher. Me: "At a sirloin eating contest a woman collapses" Josh: "Owen gets good news about his cancer while learning that his experimental immunotherapy drug was tested on dogs, some who were abandoned. He adopts Buttercup, a Bernese Mountain Dog who has the same kind of lung cancer, as the 126's new semi-destructive mascot." Me: "On another call at a cow breeding facility, a disgruntled customer sets a fire to distract from his theft of bull semen." Josh: "On another call, a handyman's epileptic seizure is mistaken for electrocution." THIS PAGE IS THE GODDAMN BEST JD: And don’t forget this is all very clearly filmed in Southern California that is standing in for Austin Me: yeah, the trees were all wrong Me: "On another call Grace helps an older man with a flu who ingested a cloud of cremains while disposing of a friend's ashes." "The team responds to a used car lot event where a bull got caught in the side of a vehicle and needs the hydraulic jaws-of-life" "a man hit in the head reveals to the paramedics he has CPPD (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease), a condition characterized as extra painful arthritis. En route to the hospital he goes into cardiac arrest needing defibrillation; the treatment reacts with the man's ingested medication causing a toxic vapor which causes the ambulance crew to pass out, and the vehicle to flip." Josh: THIS IS AUSTIN WHY ARE THERE BULLS EVERYWHERE Me: "The team at 126 deal with a call at a gender reveal party when a man is burned by a grill." TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS JD: Austin is a small town where people ride horses to work Josh: I'm not gonna lie, living in this fucked version of Austin would be awesome. Me: Jesus. Just read the whole last episode.
"Chaos ensues in Austin when a solar storm causes the electricity and power equipment to malfunction. Them 126 team has to rescue the passengers of a light aircraft caught in the lines of high voltage electric towers while transporting a sick man for a liver transplant. During an outing with Carlos, TK questions his relationship with him after Carlos begins asking. When the malfunctioning traffic lights cause several accidents, they rush to help people before the 126 arrives. In the homeless camp, Michelle discovers that her lost sister is alive and living there. Michelle and her mother try to get her back home but she chooses to stay at the camp, despite her schizophrenia. With the lines scrambled, Grace gets a call from the damaged ISS, and manages to connect its last astronaut, dying from radiation poisoning, with his family to say goodbye. Back at the park, TK confesses his addiction to the rest of the team and that he's realized he wants to be a firefighter after all. Later, he also reconciles with Carlos."
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skeletonwoman · 8 years
That’s Crazy (Derek)
a derek fic? what in the world
“You’re pregnant.” Lydia observes as you shove a hoodie into your bag. “Whose is it?”
“Dereks.” You pant, sliding an arm over your counter of makeup and shrugging off what falls on the floor. “It’s no big deal, we hook up sometimes when there’s no one else.”
“Y/N, if it’s Dere-”
“Then I need to go.” You counter, shoving all your items into the luggage bag. “He’d understand.”
“So he doesn’t know, at all.” She groans, crossing the room and sinking onto your bed.
“You’re the only one who does know, and you can’t tell. I have a person growing inside of me, and if I’m gonna keep my little pea safe, then I need to get as far from Beacon Hills as I can.” You exhale a long breath, sweeping your hair from your face. Lydia stares at you and you bite your lip, crossing and sinking into a crouch before her. “You know I’m not to sort to do this if I’m not serious.”
“I know.” She rasps, covering your palm on her knee with her own. “That’s why this sucks so much.”
You beamed at Derek across the sheets and he laughed softly, looking toward the ceiling with a smile brightening his expression.
“Don’t tell me it wasn’t hilarious.” You snicker, sliding closer and pushing yourself into his eye line. “Admit it.”
“It wasn’t really appropriate.” He hedges and you cackle, your finger pressing his bottom lip lightly.
“Anything above bestiality and paedophilia is always appropriate during sex.” You point out, gasping when he nips lightly at the pad of your finger. “A bite from a werewolf! What have you done!”
He laughs, rolling onto his side as you flop backwards off him, your head hitting the pillow with a dramatic sound.
“I like this.” He mumbles softly and you eye him curiously.
“Hanging out together naked? Like without- and when I say without I mean after, sex? I like it too.” You beam and he smiles again, his expression breathtaking. Quite literally so when he kisses you just as you’re about to inhale. “Oh!-” You squeak, pulling back from Derek and earning yourself a glower. “Also, penis to the ear is inappropriate for sex.”
“You are never gonna let that go, are you?” Derek groans, eyeing you disdainfully and you can’t help cackling.
“Der, when I let that go will be the day I’m buried. I’ll hold onto it a few days after death, and when the dirt covers my coffin, will I finally get over it.” You snort, only to glare at the sudden focus in his gaze. “Murder isn’t legal, Der, and really, killing a gal because she keeps telling everyone of the time you prodded her in the ear because you were too impatient? Totally not Zen.”
“It was an accident! It was both our faul- Wait, telling everyone?”
Lydia sighs and stands, crossing to your bag and pulling everything out. For a moment, your lips part to stop her and she spears you with a glare. ‘
“You’re going to need everything you can fit.” She glowers, folding items with military precision and replacing them in the bag, and grabbing other items from around the room. “We’re going to Peters, then you can drop me home and disappear.”
“Peters?” You cringe and she rolls her eyes, unplugging your chargers and stuffing it and the powerboard into the bag.
“Peter has money he’ll give you, since we both know you don’t have enough.” She mutters, zipping the bag and hefting it into her arms. “Grab your things, come on.”
The club music boomed above and you could see Derek fighting the bitter look on his face for you. Resting a gentle palm on his arm, you smile at him and he relaxes, the expression instantly turning sour and you laugh.
“The music.” He explains and you nod easily, eyeing the crowd around the bar where you stand. A girl eyes you and Derek and you look examine her.
“Red hair, four o’clock.” You offer and he glances in the girls direction before turning back to you.
“She smells like drugs.” He sighs, flagging down the bartender.
“You can smell that from here? Jeez.” You hiss, eyeing her and blindly accepting the drink from Derek. Taking a sip, you scan the crowd again, locking on a blonde but discarding her instantly. “This is good, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Derek murmurs, arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you against him possessively. Ignoring whatever’s riled him, you beam up at the dark haired man, running a thumb over his jawline.
“Thank you again.” You smirk and he repeats himself, his thumb rubbing the bare skin of your back minutely.
“You’re pregnant.” Peter says, repeating your words and you nod, swallowing hard. “Okay.”
“Good.” Lydia says, seating herself on his couch and gesturing for you to follow him. Nervously, you do as bid and follow Peter through his apartment, stopping in the doorway to his office.
“How much would you like?” Peter asks, pulling a tablet from a safe and your jaw falls open but no words come. “Two hundred thousand should last you… But with a baby…”
He hums, tapping on the screen before beckoning you closer. “I need your bank details.”
“I- ah-”
“Y/N, it’s okay.” He promises gently, meet your gaze with a serious look. “I don’t think you should run, but you’ve got a Hale inside you. And if Derek is anything like me, he’d have wanted to know there was someone out there helping the mother of his child. If all I can do for you is money, then you can have as much as you like.”
“Thank you.” You croak, not looking at the number of zeros as you type your details into the boxes and hand the device back.
Peter taps the screen a few more times before locking it and setting it in the safe. Locking the box, he crosses the room and pulls open a drawer.
“Here. It has my number in it and you can add Lydias.” He says, offering you a cell phone. “If you’re ever in trouble, something goes wrong, it’ll always be topped up and I’ll always answer.”
“Peter.” You swallow, trying to clear your throat of the lump that’s blocking it.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He smirks, setting the phone into your hand. “Keep it on you and hidden at all times. Okay? Hidden.”
“Okay.” You nod seriously, clutching it to your chest. Peter smiles, his hand gentle as he guides you from the room and back to Lydia.
“I’m glad you brought her.” Peter says and Lydia nods, her gaze level on his.
“I knew you’d help her.” She answers succinctly and he smiles, just slightly. Just as you’re about to move toward Lydia, your phone vibrates in your pocket and something inside you promises that it’s Derek.
“No Josie tonight?” You ask, the phone pressed to your ear and the sound of Dereks rumbly laughter drifts out.
“She wanted to see my place.” He explains and you roll your eyes, glad he can’t see you. Commitment-phobe didn’t even begin to describe Derek.
“I know this argument before so I’m not going to bring it up-”
“I just don’t want some creep girls who can’t move on stalking me. Or leaving things behind.” He cuts in and you groan.
“I said I know.” You whine and he laughs, asking for you to come over again. “Yeah, I’ll be there in half an hour.”
Climbing from your bed, you hang up and strip out of the comfy pyjamas you were wearing and replace them with lacy, gold lingerie.
Slipping a giant jumper over the top and leggings, you gather your things and head for his house.
“Come on, take me home.” Lydia coos, and you offer her the phone Peter had given you and slipping yours from your pocket.
“Thanks Peter, really.” You offer, bidding him goodbye, unconcerned when he doesn’t respond.
Come over tonight?
Chewing your lip, you tap out an answer and slip the phone back into your pocket. “Done?”
“Done.” Lydia answers, handing you the phone back and you smile, unlocking the doors of your car.
the end (it’s gonna have a second part ofc)
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fmf-ff · 7 years
Chapter 1
"Justice," I heard my sister call out to me, but I didn't say anything just to get on her nerves. "Jus!" Rolling my eyes, I shook my head at her yelling through the house like she was crazy. Our mama taught us better than the ratchet shit she sometimes portrayed but that didn't stop her from acting like she knew any better. I couldn't really say much though, cause there were things I knew she wouldn't be proud of me doing. Justice and Justynne Gonzalez born to Richard and Angela Gonzalez just one year apart with me being the oldest. I've always thought it was amazing for us to be carried by the same woman, born and raised by the same parents, live together all those years and yet we could be so different. She was more of the outgoing, love attention type while I could settle for just a few friends and being invisible to the rest of the world. She loved the idea of saving herself til marriage, while I..well, I have a three year old daughter so that should say enough. She preferred weed, while I preferred to drink. She's been in multiple relationships, while for the longest I was with my daughter's father. She has friend after friend, while I've had the same two, outside of her, since middle school. But through it all, she was my sister and we loved each other through our differences. "Okay bitch, I know you hear me. Fuck you at? Niecy pooh tell mama, fuck you a-" "I wish you would Josie," I scolded while stepping out of the kitchen. "Make me hurt you Justynne" I watched as she stuck her tongue out, stepping around me with my daughter in her arms. My daughter, Josie Marie Jones, or Bugz as I called her, is the single most important reason of my being. She's my blessing, my miracle child and my heart. It was because of her I was back home, and able to push aside my ill feelings towards her dad. She had no part in our choices, and deserved to know who helped create her. "You just gone pass me up Bugz? You don't love mama?" My heart fluttered, watching her big doe eyes dart to mines with a smile as bright as day lighten the room. "Juice!" "Yeah, auntie getting her baby some juice." She clapped, waiting patiently on the counter after she sat her down to retrieve the juice. "So, tonight-" "Nope," I wasted no time in cutting her off, already knowing she was only trying to invite me out. "Don't look at me like that, no Nene. I'm not going out" "Oh yes you are hussie! Ma and daddy already said they'd watch Bugz since ya'll are back in town soooo, get over it" Bugz was now humming as she sipped from the juice carton she'd gotten from her auntie, oblivious to the conversation being held before her. Innocence was something I wish I could have back. "Nene, I haven't been out in over a year. I-" "Chile please, that's why ya ass is coming with me. Now feed my niece, give her a nap and take her to the parentals so we can get ready." "I guess me saying I'm not going out means nothing?" "Nope, now chop chop booski" Sighing, I watched her retreating figure before turning to face Bugz. "What we gone eat Bugz?" "Shiken nuggets!" I nodded, returning her smile. "Chicken nuggets it is..." **** Bugz had only been gone an hour and half a bottle of the Crown Apple had been finished along with two blunts. Even though I didn't like to party, it didn't mean I didn't like to or know how to turn up. I could get lit just like the next person could, and could probably hold my liquor better than most. Now when you mix the two substances, I was sure to be live at this club she had dragged me to. Gio's Palace was her choice tonight, a spot for twenty-five and up to enjoy good music and hopefully good people. The parking lot was packed, so when we entered to see the crowded establishment I wasn't even surprised. "Ayyy, -smoke something one time. Drank something one time, tear the club up one time. Smoke something one time-" "Smooooke," I smiled, bobbing my head to the beat while joining in with the adlibs. "Drank something one time-" "Draaaank, ayyyy get it bihhh" I laughed, grabbing ahold of her hand as we made our way up to the VIP section to get to the table she reserved for us. "Let me see stamps" My eyes traveled up the long frame belonging to the security guard blocking the entrance into VIP before sticking out my arm for him to shine his light over my wrist to see the invisible ink that we received upon entry into the club. "Thank you ladies, enjoy your time" We both mumbled a quick thanks before making our way to our table. "Yooo, this shit is live!" I nodded, not speaking a word as I looked around taking in the many bodies around us. "We need more drinks, shots orrrrr-" I turned to face Nene, giving her a knowing look as we both stated. "Bottle" "Be right back," she spoke in my ear then stood and briskly made her way over to the bar with my eyes on her the entire time. I was only alone about five minutes before I felt an intense gaze diverting my attention to that of a beautiful pair of brown orbs. I gasped, truly taken away by the force that hit me once our eyes connected; My heart rate increased, my stomach seemed to turn flips, and my thighs clenched at the sight of the man across from me. He was gorgeous, to say the least. His medium brown skin appeared smooth and scar free, his lips nice and plump, and to top it all off his possibly 6 foot stature screamed of confidence and a self assured boldness that I'm sure had yet to be turned down by anyone he had approached in the past. Which, just by looking at him, who in their right mind would turn him down? The man was sex on legs, a true God given gift for anyone attracted to the male species to ogle over. I've never seen anyone so...damn...sexy before. "Excuse me beautiful," without a care in the world, I took my time allowing my eyes to travel from his feet that were covered by what appeared to be a fresh new pair of white and black retro 12s, to a pair of light gray 501s that hung just right off his waist that led to the white polo fitting his frame before gazing over the strong neck that held up his perfect face. "Yes?" His eyes beamed brightly as the corners of his mouth lifted north, showcasing an award winning smile I'm sure would win any contest. "I've been watching you since you came up these stairs here, and I had to come speak-" "Oh?" My brow now lifted in question. "To say what?" My eyes dropped down to his mouth, watching as his tongue slithered out to moisten his lips, before lifting back to meet his gaze. "Well I was gone get ya name, and usually I don't do this but seeing how you damn near fuckin' a nigga in ya head-" he sat down beside me, getting close enough to let me smell the intoxicating fragrance he wore before leaning over to speak in my ear. "Why don't we head to the back and skip the introductions" What he stated was just that, a statement, and far from a question that he would allow me to answer. Did I mind? No Clearly not since I had allowed him to grab ahold of my hand and assist me up from the couch I was sitting on. And I still didn't mind as he led me past the envious stares of men and women, or even my sister who now held a bottle of apple Crown in her hand as she watched with a curious glare as I walked away with this stranger I had yet to figure out why I was allowing him this control. Control I'm sure he was used to. Control that I wasn't used to allowing a man to have... but I can't say that I would mind submitting to him. The hallway he led me to was dark and empty, probably a sign that I should snatch away from him and head back the way we'd come from. For all I know, he could be a serial killer. Or a rapist even...but I didn't care. Just like I didn't care as he let my hand go so he could unlock the steel door we stood outside of. Or once he pushed the door in and stepped back to allow me to enter the darkened room, and I damn sure didn't care once I felt his hand at my waist, pushing me against the door. Within a second, the light was flipped on but I wasn't allowed a chance to look around because soon as the switch was flipped, the door was locked and his lips were attached to my neck permitting a low groan to escape my own. His body leaned against mines, trapping me between him and the door as he continued to lick and suck on my hot flesh bringing me to a point of no return. There was no turning back now, he had released the part of me I had hidden for months now but this fire he had started needed to be tamed. Quickly "Strip" It was indeed a command he spat out, one I abided by in a matter of seconds. "All of it," he demanded after watching me step out of my black liquid high waist shorts and black g-string. I stood frozen, unable to perform the task I was given. His eyes had me locked in and momentarily stuck. A knowing smirk soon graced his face, his tongue slipping out again to wet his lips as he took two steps to stand in front of me. "I see you need help" I opened my mouth, but nothing came out so I settled for not saying a word..allowing him to take that as his cue to continue on with whatever he chose to do to me. For whatever reason, I trusted him to do as he pleased. "Can't speak now?" No, I thought while watching his hands undo the buttons of my blouse before slipping it off and down onto the floor. "Guess not, s'all good though baby. Imma have that ass screaming in jussst a second," his warm breath caused goose bumps to spread across my skin, or it could've been the feel of his rough yet gentle touch against my heated, awaiting mound. His hand cupped my love, "mm shit," he paused, allowing a finger to slide down the slit of my bare lower lips. "That pussy faaaaaat" I shivered, feeling his lips upon my skin. Fuck me!!! I screamed in my head, I wanted this man now. Right now, but for whatever reason he was taking his time and I wouldn't dare act like the fiend in need of her fix, even though I truly was. I gasped at the feel of coolness beneath me, when did he carry me over to this desk? The question wasn't even of importance, especially not once he stepped back and removed his polo, giving me a glimpse of what I would be scratching up- Hopefully. I watched as he undid his belt, his eyes trained on the task at hand. His movement was slow, now tauntingly unbuckling and unzipping his jeans before letting them drop in a pool around his feet. My eyes darted back to what he held between his legs, the bulge he hid wasn't one I could've guessed he held. It was large. So large my tongue decided to make an appearance, wetting the flesh of my lips as he pulled down the cotton material of his boxer briefs. "Mm" I hissed at my betrayal moan, not wanting him to know just how much I liked what was before me but it was too late now. The smirk he held let that be known. "You moaning?" I know he didn't expect me to answer, he heard me just as well as I heard myself. His body, just as naked as mines, approached me with my eyes still trained on his member standing at full attention. "Grab it," he commanded, and of course I obliged. His bottom lip now prisoner between his teeth, my hand gripping as much as I could of the hardened piece of art. Because that's what it was, art. A flawless; long, thick, slightly curved, and not too dark, piece of art...with a fat head. "Mm," I moaned again at my thoughts, feeling my girl cream at what I thought he could do. "You want it?" I nodded. "Talk to me then, tell me what you want me to do." Fuck me! I screamed again, now only if he could hear inside my head. That's where I was bold and said what I wanted, but since I didn't know him, the shy side of me spoke up. "I-i don't know" "Oh?" I was curious of his tone, it was as if he was quest-ion-ing. "What are you doing?" His lip was still hidden behind his teeth, but his hands...his hands were on my thighs, carefully spreading my legs apart as if they were precious cargo. "You nuttin' for a nigga already, tells me exactly what those pretty lips up top won't say." "Which is?" His head lifted, those pretty brown eyes said enough but what came out next was nothing but the truth. "You ready to get this dick wet" I groaned at the sound of his lust filled voice, definitely ready to do just as he said. "You want this dick?" His questioned went unanswered as I watched him grab ahold of himself and slowly slide it down my slit. "Huh?" I nodded. He smirked, shaking his head. "Guess imma have to teach you how to use ya words, yea?" "N-oooooooo," my eyes closed, my back arched, and my mouth dropped at his sudden invasion between my legs. "Fuuuuuuck," I hissed at the feel of him knocking against what felt to be my cervix. He was just that deep. "There you go baby, words" His hips rocked against me, giving me a chance to adjust to his size. He knew what he was working with. "You ready?" "Mm- for- for what?" "You ready?" My eyes opened at him asking again, gasping once I saw he was already looking at me. "Are...you...ready?" "Ye-yes" There was that damned smirk again, it was a look that made me nervous. His body retreated, but slowly pushed his way back in, adding a roll just before burying himself deep inside. "Remember, words" I nodded feverishly, anticipating his next move. "They can't hear you out there, so let me hear you." I nodded again, watching him pull out a little before his eyes met mines. "Words" Now even though I'm a freak and loved it rough, I wasn't prepared for what he had to deliver. He had my legs spread wide, damn near in a split as he gave relentless strokes to my awaiting core. His pumps were messy, just like I liked it. No use in going slow, my secretions were evidence of my eagerness. "Fuck this pussy tight" My moans sounded loudly throughout the room, each stroke producing a slushing noise showcasing my wetness for him. I tried my hardest to do more than just lay here, meeting about every other stroke of his with one of my own. "Shit, you tryna fuck me back?" His back arched as he continued to fuck me on his desk. He had my right leg perched on his shoulder while he leaned slightly to his right, allowing him to fuck me at angle and hit a spot that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head just a few minutes in. "Ohhhhh fuu-u-u-u, oh shit," I sounded out loud and proud, hell, it felt too good not to. "Yea, keep nuttin' on this dick, baby" He placed my leg back down on his desk only to pick my left leg up and on his shoulder to provide the same attention as he did to the other side. By this point, I was out done with how good he was dicking me down. My hands went from scratching his back, to tryna grip his chest, abs, and even his arms. But even his strong biceps weren't enough for me, my head turned side to side, unsure on what to do with so much pleasure. One hand slid down my face while the other gripped ahold of my hair, grabbing and pulling a handful at the feeling whirling in my toes. His light chuckle could be heard faintly but the wave of heat that rushed my body, seemed to cloud all my senses as I felt myself nearing my peak. Just a few more strokes and I'd be there. "Yo ass bout to cum ain't chu?" I nodded feverishly, letting my body relax so my orgasm could take over. "Fuck you grippin' my shit" "Ahhhh-" My eyes closed, his left hand gripped my neck giving a light squeeze, taking away all sound as he showed no mercy against my pussy. Within seconds I was cumming.. Cumming hard on his shaft. His hand left my neck, now rubbing back and forth against my clit as I squirted my release with him continuing to fuck me through my orgasm. "Yeaaa there it go, baby. Give me some more" His hips kept going, "no-no I can't" He ignored my panting, ignored the pushing of my hands, and when I tried scooting away he only picked me up and did the honors of slamming my body up and down his pole. "Mmhm, you gone do it again?" "I can't" "Oh?" There it was again, that questioning tone from before. "Guess imma have to-" He laid my body back down on his desk, only this time a little further back giving him space to climb up on it with me. "-show you I run this shit" As soon as the words left his mouth, his hands gripped my legs and once again spread them wide before he pushed back inside and picked up the same hypnotic stroke as before. "Got dammit!" "You gone give it to me again?" "I-" my mouth closed, unsure of what to say. Clearly no wasn't what he wanted to hear. "Shit girl" I moaned, hearing him broadcast how good it felt to him. His hand went to my neck, applying the perfect amount of pressure sending me toppling over the edge again with my juices squirting out of me. "Look at that shit, got a nigga soaked-ahhhh" My muscles contracted around him, involuntarily, at the low groan that escaped his mouth. "Fuuuuuck, ahhhh-" my body jerked up and down the smooth surface of his desk as he pumped rapidly against my core. His panting mixed with the sound of our bodies connecting was the only sound heard, my jaw dropped being literally fucked into silence by the handsome figure before me. "A nigga bout to-mm" My eyes shot down between us witnessing his semen shoot out onto my stomach, leaving a trail down to my thighs just as my fluids landed against his desk and I'm sure onto the floor. He kept his head hung low, his hands planted on either side of my face as he hovered over me. Even with my body still jerking beneath his, I could feel the weight of his thick member resting against the lower part of my stomach, just as I could feel the soft kisses he placed across my collar bone. We laid that way for a few more minutes before he slowly moved away from me. I took a moment to sit up, taking my time to slide off the desk with his assistance. "I uhh, got a bathroom right over there-" his hand pointed to the right, "-got some towels in there if you want to freshen up." I nodded my appreciation before moving around him to gather my belongings then headed to the bathroom to take him up on his offer. This stranger had entered my life and made me break a rule I'd created for myself and now stand in front of a mirror, his mirror, and judge myself for what had just taken place a mere five steps away from where I stood. "Look at you," I sighed, giving myself another glance after redressing, turning side to side to fully examine my being. "Turn up wit' a fuckin' thottie, huh Jus" Three quick taps on the door had me whipping my head around. "Yeah?" "You aight in there?" Hearing his voice on the other side, I bit my lip while moving to open the door, giving myself a final few seconds of solitude to prepare. I watched his eyes travel my body, the right side of his face lifting slightly into a smirk as his orbs landed on mines causing me to shift my weight onto my left leg. "I'm good" His brow rose in what I assumed amusement since he now smiled as he took a step closer, putting him directly in front of me with no space between us. "I know you good baby, but say-" He paused, glancing behind him and towards the door before looking back at me. "I gotta get back out there, what's ya name baby?" "Justice" "Justice," he repeated, nodding his head as if he approved. "Sexy ass Justice, I'll make sure you're taken care of but if any problems just let me know, coo'?" Up and down my head went, letting him know I understood. My cheeks heated at the feel of his finger rubbing smoothly amongst my cheek, no chance to hide the blush he produced. "Wait-" I called out as he opened the door. "What's your name?" He smiled, taking his time to respond. "Giovaughni, but call me Gio. Welcome to my club baby" My eyes shot to his, not believing I'd just slept with the owner. But seeing him wink before he turned and opened the door wider, I could see just how serious he was. "Come on, let's go" Slowly, I nodded, making my way towards him and soon out of the door. The sound of the music coming from the end of the hall was much louder on this side of the door, hopefully it was enough to drown out my judgmental thoughts along with a few drinks. Before I could escape the dark hall, I felt someone grab ahold of my hand causing me to turn and face whoever it was. "Biiiiitch, the fuck you go?" My jaw dropped once my eyes connected with my sister's, how could I forget about her? "I need-" my eyes traveled behind her at the tall figure approaching. He was already looking at me, smiling as if he knew something, which I'm sure that something was him adjusting my insides like he didn't have a business to run. He winked at me again, causing me to release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My eyes followed him until I couldn't see him anymore, only bringing brought back to what was around me by the feel of my sister grabbing my hand again. "Justice!" "Huh?" "You said you need something" I glanced behind me, wanting just one final look of the man who called himself Gio but he was long gone. "J-" "Drink, I need a drink. Now!" The look she gave me was a curious one, I'm sure there'd be questions later but for now, I just needed music and drinks. Anything to take my mind off of what had just happened, if not, there would be another meeting taking place behind that steel door of his...
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Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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Name: Michelle Allen Age: 35 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Portrayed By: Yvonne Strahovski (not negotiable)  Availability: Open
“It’s awful, really, but it’s not my problem.”
→ Background
Michelle Allen is Karen’s sister and Gemma’s self-proclaimed ‘cool aunt’. Which, in actual fact, she kind of is. She was always a lot looser with rules than her sister, who spent too much time worrying over Gemma and not enough time just letting her be the kid she is in Michelle’s opinion. She was rather young when her sister had Gemma and didn’t really seem too interested in the baby until she got older. Michelle used to take Gemma on shopping trips all the time when she was around twenty, about the time she had finally started working enough to earn money to spend on all the nice things that she wanted in life. Michelle’s laid back, carefree attitude has gotten her into plenty of trouble in the past and many people didn’t really care for her. She was seen as lazy, flighty, and unreliable. Michelle just said she was a free spirit and had other, more important things, to do with her life. Like hang out with her various boyfriends and group of friends (which included Josie Williamson and Laura Darcy) whom she kept far away from her slightly strict parents thank you very much!
→ Back to Baberton
Michelle didn’t really like Annie Pierce but the girl was barely on her radar. What would she have to say to some sixteen-year-old girl who had her head so far up her own arse it was practically coming back out of her mouth? No, Michelle didn’t have any time for Annie and she certainly didn’t have the time to go to the girls funeral. Though she does know how much Annie may have meant to Gemma, at one time or another, and always tried to be tactful around her niece.
Otherwise, Michelle is pretty much the same as she’s always been. She works nights, continues lives up her cool aunt/nagging sister/awesome friend statuses, and generally sees life as a playground despite being in her thirties now. Who cares if people think she’s childish over seventy per cent of the time? Michelle doesn’t see the point in taking things too seriously. Everybody’s going to end up six feet under one day, after all. Might as well live while you still can.
Her sister, brother-in-law, and niece have all moved away, leaving her pretty much alone though she does have quite a lot of friends since she’s easy to get along with. She spends a bit of time with Josie and Amanda Ford these days, and sometimes Nathan Hope. It doesn’t bother Michelle - while Karen skipped town and hasn’t been heard from since (which is a worry), she speaks regularly with Gemma every week, and has even managed to get David to have normal conversations with her. It’s actually kind of a relief.. no one to look down their nose at her for the way she lives her life. Sometimes she does feel like something’s missing, or a little unfulfilled, but she does her best to ignore that kind of thing.
→ What’s Her Secret?
She tells everybody she works behind the bar in a nightclub but she has worked in a strip club two towns over since she was twenty-four years old and actually really enjoys doing it. She knows some of her family and friends wouldn’t approve and has to keep it secret.
Was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and has repressed the memories. Michelle has no idea this happened to her though she often feels like something bad happened, or that she needs to remember something, and it can scare her very much.
Is still very angry and bitter towards her high school boyfriend Landon Greene. When he went off to fight after joining the army he broke up with her via letter. She hadn’t spoken to him since considering how heartbroken and angry that made her. She resents that he made that choice for her, though now she’s moved on with her life.
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