#Josuke’s rage is so fascinating to me
signanothername · 8 months
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Yes boy, fule that rage using that suffocating fear that’s clouding your senses
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jojo-reader-hell · 5 years
Haloo bebe. May i request for some ocean man content where shes hes twin and they're both solving mysteries in morioh. Also where josuke and the gang admires her personality (which is a complete opposite of joot's) thankyouuu
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Also forgive me, I couldn’t find any NICE pictures of Jotaro with his Uncle so instead we get a prime example of why you’re the favorite in the family.
For obvious reasons, Josuke really likes how polite and caring you are, and let’s be honest, it really helps that his “little” niece or nephew is this really cute person in their 20s.
The resemblance to Jotaro is uncanny, and by extension to Josuke. At first he was unsure and didn’t need the attachment of more family other than his mother, but when you begin to tear up and hug him tightly saying you’re happy to meet him, he can’t help the swell of pride he has knowing in some way you belong to him. It’s a hard to describe feeling.
“Don’t you think we look alike?” He smiles, pointing to his face. “Especially around the eyes?”
“Haha! Well... I can’t really tell, you see I’m actually kind of really blind at the moment without my glasses, and Bubba crushed them with his fat ass on the way here. But I’ll agree with you, since you kind of sound like me too!”
“My sibling means to say you sound as dorky and plucky as they do.”
“Hey, so, ignore my Bubba, he’s got no manners. But it’s really nice to meet you. If I’m being honest... I’ve always wanted an Uncle, and I hope maybe if you don’t want to take on that role maybe we could be friends? I’ve got a Stand too!”
Queen’s Requiem of Sword looks different when you call her out, sporting a visor over her eyes that echoes your developing blindness and wearing what looks to be a Victorian wedding dress, but that’s to be expected. Since your Stand awakened you’ve been training nonstop with her. She’s learned a lot of neat tricks, and she entertains Crazy Diamond with her new Kulning ability. You told Josuke that you were dragged to Morioh by your brother during a particularly intense training session in the French Alps, so you’re still bundled up like you’re going to fucking Antarctica. Josuke makes a comment about how you’ll never have to hear him scold you for leaving the house without a sweater.
“You live in France?”
He’s positively fascinated when you nod excitedly and tell him about your life in the French countryside with your husband and twin boys. Josuke was unsure about getting to know his new found family, but you make it so easy with your friendliness that he can’t help but encourage you to go on about yourself.
Josuke is a Grand Uncle! He’s got two grand nephews: Thomas and Guillaume Emmanuel Polnareff (you tell him when he struggles over the pronunciation that you can simply call him Guy Manuel, it’s what Grandpa Joseph does), and you produce a small photo album which he flips through eagerly. Amazed to see two little boys with freckles and starlight hair, and even more touched when in some pictures he can see little twin stars on the back of their necks.
“I live in Hautvillers. My momma, your sister Holly, she moved with me when we had the kiddos, I didn’t want her to stay in Japan where she didn’t have anyone. Honestly Bubba isn’t the best at keeping contact, don’t tell anyone that, but this whole thing with the will and upsetting Granny has been the most I’ve spent with him in like, ten whole years...”
“You didn’t want to stay?”
You shake your head, telling him about all the bad memories you had here, the neglect from your father, the death of your first love, nothing tied you down here except your mother. And the second your husband put the deposit down for the ring you asked your Grandpa (his father) to sell the house and give her the money to move into the house next door.
Josuke finds himself asking you all sorts of questions about his grandfather. What kind of a person is he? Why cheat on the love of his life? There are quite a few hurtful ones peppered in there as well that you don’t quite know how to answer, because Josuke is trying very hard to hate his father, and you were practically raised by him your entire life.
“I can answer some questions for you Uncle, can I call you that? But I’m going to be honest with you... all I’ve ever known is that Joseph Joestar is a good man, and that’s the god’s honest truth. If he would have known, he wouldn’t have let your mother pay for anything for you. He would have possibly taken both of you to New York with him like he did when I didn’t want to finish high school in Japan. He all but dragged my mother with me, I know what it’s like, and I can’t imagine what your mom went through. Mine did it with two kids, and there were times I had to keep my mouth shut so my grandpa wouldn’t find out how much my mom was struggling. I know what a deadbeat dad is, my parents were married all nice and proper and he barely gave her enough money to feed me and my brother, let alone her. Greedy bastard didn’t even come home often enough for me to remember what he looks like.”
He’s quiet as you let out your frustrations and rage against your father. It’s familiar, this feeling of abandonment. Underneath that kind exterior he works so hard to maintain he’s just as angry as you are, and for a minute doesn’t want to believe what you’re telling him. He wants to believe he’s alone because it’s easier, you told him you never asked where your deadbeat dad was but he did. Neither he nor his mother aware of the double life Joseph was living at the time, Josuke would see other kids on the playground and cry wondering how come he didn’t have a daddy to push him on the swings.
He’s actually fairly jealous of you, and it doesn’t help that his friends are just as captivated by your enthusiasm and overly friendly nature. You got all the best parts it seems, and now that you’ve told him all the best qualities of Joseph: spending your summers playing with him in Central Park, the times at the Met, or even just the general sweetness, he can’t help but let the resentment bubble that you had the life he wanted.
All of that resentment melts away however, when you casually wrap your arm around Josuke, and he feels your warmth even though your body temperature is unnanturaly low because of your stand.
“Hey, if you ever just wanna get away, you and your momma always have a room in France or a plane ticket. If you don’t have passports I can help with that too. I don’t know if you’d like to, but my boys wanted to meet you. Jean Jean was really excited too, and he couldn’t stop blabbing about how wonderful it was to find my family. Now I’m starting to see how right he was. I’m really glad I came with Jotaro to meet you.”
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peachyduwang · 5 years
Hihi!! I requested this on your last account I think so I hope its okay to request again hhhh, but could I request yandere Rohan with a crush on a fem who has a crush on Josuke instead? It's a mouthful but my favorite trope lmao. And I'm glad you're getting back into writing!! 💕💕
it’s perfectly fine! this was really fun to write, i loooove writing yanderes hhhh
also i assume this is a scenario request? if this isn’t what you wanted pls let me know! :)
!! Warning: yandere, abuse !!
(under cut due to length and triggering content)
Rohan’s Crush on fem!reader Who Has a Crush on Josuke Instead
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Everything about her was perfect. From the way she walked, how she smiled, how she styles her hair, how soft and sweet her voice was. To Rohan, this woman was a walking masterpiece, from the moment he saw her, he finally fell in love for the first time in a long time. This feeling however was foreign to him, how could the great Rohan Kishibe have such soft and vulnerable feelings for another person? For a while, he tried to ignore these feelings and her. He constantly avoided her and pushed her away. He couldn’t let something like this get in the way of his work, a relationship was the last thing he wanted and needed. However, he couldn’t stop himself. She was constantly on his mind, no matter how hard he tried to stop this. Whenever he would daydream, he would always end up doodling her, whenever he saw her his face would feel hot and his stomach would feel strange. This frustrated him to no end, these feelings were truly suffocating to him.
 On the other hand, Y/n saw the mangaka as nothing more than an acquaintance if anything. He was friends with some of her friends such as Koichi who hung out with him often, so she thought since they might see each other a lot, they might as well become friends. However, when she tried to become friends with him, he was rude and stand-offish. He didn’t seem to have any interest in her, which at first offended her until Koichi explained how he’s like that almost with everyone else and that she shouldn’t take it personally. After that, she just avoided him and not really paying any attention to him, only interacting with him when needed; if he doesn’t like her, then oh well. She wasn’t going to be friends with someone who is naturally an asshole like him.
 But unbeknownst to her, Rohan Kishibe has completely fallen in love with her. He was obsessed with her, she constantly haunting his thoughts. The more he avoided her, the more he wanted her. He had to have her, he wanted to spend his entire life with her, he wanted to wake up every morning to her soft delicate face, he wanted to feel her soft skin and hair. Even though they weren’t necessarily friends, he cherished every moment he was around her and the small talk conversations they shared.
 The day finally came where he would try to form a friendship with her, maybe this will make him feel better about everything, plus he just had to be close to her. Rohan left the house, dressing a bit nicer than usual (as if he already didn’t dress nice all the time) to make a good impression when she saw him. Y/n worked at the local café downtown and Rohan was a regular even before she worked there, this has allowed him to observe her and admire her beauty from afar as she worked. Whenever she was the one that served him, his insides felt as if he was on a rollercoaster. He would act completely casual and still a bit stand-offish despite the fact that he clearly looked nervous. Y/n didn’t think much of his strange reactions, instead she just thought he hasn’t slept and consumed way too much caffeine since he is constantly working 24/7.
 Y/n was currently on her usual lunch break, every day she would go on break once the clock hit noon according to his observations. He saw her in the window eating a pastry while reading a book. Oh how beautiful she looked, her eyes lit up in the sunlight causing them to look much brighter than they already were, and the way she was lost in her book was endearing. Rohan took a deep breath before entering the café, the smell of pastries and fresh coffee brewing filled his nostrils as he walked in. He ordered a regular black coffee and started to walk over to the table Y/n was sitting at, until he saw that familiar young adult with the pompadour hair. Just before Rohan walked on over, Josuke walked into the café, greeting Y/n with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
 Rage all the sudden filled Rohan, almost causing him to squeeze his coffee cup and spill the hot coffee everywhere. How could she fall in love with Josuke instead of him, the great Rohan Kishibe? What did she see in that asshole? He wanted to go over and just destroy him, but he couldn’t confront them because how will Y/n see him? He didn’t want her to see him as a bad guy, despite how much of an asshole he already was to her. He just wanted to fix this, he wanted Y/n all to himself and nobody else.
 While walking back home, many thoughts flooded his mind. Part of his thoughts was rage and hatred towards Josuke, but his other thoughts were full of regret. Maybe if he didn’t push her away and be a prick towards her, he would be in Josukes place right now. 
 All the sudden, Rohan got an impulsive thought. What if he used Heavens Door on Y/n? This thought wasn’t new, he thought about this often actually and it felt morally wrong at first; But now, since the girl of his dreams is with Josuke, a person he despised immensely, and not with him, he felt he had no other choice. Rohan chuckled and smiled to himself, thinking about how she could finally be his. He walked home with a subtle dark smile on his face while thinking about how he was going to go about this twisted plan. 
Y/n exhaustingly closed the cafe door behind her, she sighed with relief as she finally got to go home after working a double shift. She looked at her watch to check the time, it was around 10:30 p.m. It wasn’t too late out, but it was late enough where she had to be careful and alert as she walked home. Her house wasn’t too far away, maybe a couple blocks away from the cafe, so she should be okay, right? 
She watched her surroundings as she walked home to make sure there weren’t any creeps following her. Morioh was known to be a town of crimes, despite how small it was. It wasn’t the first time she walked home at night by herself, each time she did she made it home safely. The streets were silent, only to be accompanied by the occasional car driving by and the street lights. 
She finally made it to her house, but before she could make it up to the door, she saw a figure on the porch. She felt scared at first until she realized it was Rohan. What could he be doing here? 
“Oh hey Rohan, what’s up? What are you doing here so late?” she asked in a confused yet concerned tone as she walked up to the porch. 
“Please forgive me, Y/n.” 
“Heaven’s door!”
Y/n fell unconscious all the sudden. Before she could fall and hit the ground, Rohan caught her. He observed her limp body and how beautiful she looked even unconscious. Luckily nobody was out here, so nobody could witness what was happening, everything went according to plan. 
He flipped through her pages, learning every small and big thing about her. How interesting she and her life was, not only was she perfect inspiration for his work, she was perfect for him. She already fascinated him before he truly got to give her a good read, now he feels even more so. After reading her thoroughly, he took out his pen and began writing in commands. 
I only love Rohan Kishibe and I will be his forever. 
Y/n woke up from a deep sleep, she noticed how she was in a big comfy bed that wasn’t hers. She got up and looked around the room, she had no idea where she was. She felt panicked, where the hell was she? Did she get kidnapped or?
All of the sudden the door opened revealing Rohan holding a cup of coffee for her. All the panic disappeared as soon as he entered the room. She felt warm, happy, and safe. Rohan had a warm smile on his face as he handed the hot cup of coffee to Y/n and sat down next to her. What was this feeling? She could of swore she felt nothing for Rohan, she wasn’t even attracted to him. But now, it felt like she knew Rohan forever, she 
“Sleep well, darling? You were out cold last night, you seemed quite exhausted from work,” Rohan said has his hand graced her face.
She couldn’t remember last night what so ever except for walking back from a hard day at work, she must of passed out from tiredness and Rohan took her in.
She didn’t question it, she felt safe and everything felt okay. She smiled and took Rohan’s hand and kissed it. 
This felt right. 
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purelovejosuke · 5 years
first of all let me say im loving your josuhan fic so far! and also i wanted to ask if you have any hc for their first kiss?
Ahhhh thank you!!! I got a lot of work done on the next chapter last night! I finally finished my next chapter of my Devilman fic so I'm able to work on this one now LOL.
Headcanons for their first kiss! Yes!! I actually have a pretty clear idea of how it would go lol.
Rohan's pencil is flying across his sketchpad, his nose right above the paper, almost touching it in his manic focus. Josuke stares in awe when he's finished: at the vision brought to life with Rohan's fingers, an entire building of intricate architecture, complete with a garden of hedges and towering sunflowers out front. It's so realistic, he wishes he could step into it.
He wishes he could step into the mysterious, fascinating mind of Rohan Kishibe, the great manga artist who can't make friends and holes up in his house to avoid the world, but sometimes laughs at Josuke's jokes and rambles excitedly about books nobody else has read.
Josuke suddenly understands: it's as if his drawings are a part of his spirit laid bare before him and he wants to see all of it, every sketch, every panel, every word Rohan's ever written, anything that will bring Josuke closer to figuring him out.
His heart is beating loudly in his ears, drowning out every other sound, as Rohan begins adding little details to the drawing here and there, his face still only about an inch from the page.
"Wow. That's amazing," Josuke utters, his stomach churning.
"I know. It's the Museé d'Orsay. I visited fairly recently to see an exhibit on Impressionism, so it was easy for me to recreate it almost perfectly."
"Yeah, well. I mean, I've never been to Musay d-whatever, but I'm sure it looks just like that."
"It does."
"Okay." Twiddling his thumbs, Josuke sits there for another couple minutes while Rohan adds to his drawing. Then, feeling woozy and out of place, he stands up to leave. "Hey, uh, Sensei? I think I'm gonna go and let you do your thing."
Rohan hums in agreement, but doesn't look up from his sketchbook, a typical response that's somehow more infurating than usual.
"See ya later, Rohan!" he says obnoxiously, hoping his lack of an honorific might catch Rohan's attention, but it doesn't.
So, with his heart still thumping away madly, Josuke steps a little closer to Rohan, who doesn't budge. On a whim, he leans down and plants a quick and very tentative kiss to Rohan's forehead, then immediately turns to leave, as if Rohan is a grenade and he's just taken out the pin.
Before he gets to the door, however, Rohan's hand stills, the absence of the sound of pencil against paper making the whole house overhwlemingly silent.
"Josuke," he says, his voice low and barely audible.
"Uh, yeah?" Josuke responds, preparing for Rohan's inevitable rage.
"You missed."
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jjba-ocean-man · 6 years
On an island surrounded by raging winds and surging seas. Standing on the white sandy shores, a dark blue coat hanging on the man’s shoulders. A red jewel dangled on a necklace that ever so floated in the breeze.
He steps forwards, barely stepping into the water before a sudden gust formed by his side. With arms stretched up and a loud yawn, the man with wild brown hair and piercing green eyes grinned.
???: “Jotaro! Hey quick warning. Don’t mind if family crashes over for a bit right?”
Jotaro: “... How many of you.”
???: “Well. Gramps and Granny. Me. That’s all.”
Jotaro: “Shouldn’t you be watching Josuke, Jiji?”
???: “He’s safe. I can say that. Hope he gets back to his mom soon...”
Rising from the sea, another man smiles at the two. The crown of coral on his head and the gleaming trident in his hand. It all disappears around him. Now donning a black coat with blue accented swirls. 
Jotaro: “Old man.”
???: “Told you. Grandpa Jonathan’s here, means Erina’s coming soon too.”
Jonathan: “Wanted to explore with you for a bit, humans are fascinating after all!”
A woman dressed in white gently descends down onto the water’s surface. Blonde hair forms into a braid, tossing it over her shoulder. Flowing dress becomes a stiff skirt and a white blouse instead.
Erina: “Are the human disguises good? And Joseph! Where’s yours?”
The brown-haired man simply sighs, simple and clean. White and brown. The man had no need to dress up more formally than that. 
Joseph: “Right here!”
Erina: “Let’s not create a ruckus this time.”
Jotaro: “Do you expect me to join you three? I have work to do.”
Jonathan: “Star seems to agree otherwise!”
The colorful little mantis shrimp of a familiar had scurried out from a place, now resting in Jonathan’s hands. Thin trails of green surrounded his ear. Resembling the sea’s vast amount of kelp. Turning to his wife with a smile.
Jonathan: “Dear what would you-”
Erina: “An orca.”
Joseph & Jotaro: “An orca?”
Erina: “Did I stutter?”
Joseph: “... No Ma’am. Er. I’ll just be a shark. Make me fast though!”
Jotaro: “... Alright if everyone’s done deciding what forms to take, leave me be.”
With that. Jotaro dives into the water. The three simply smile before diving in themselves.
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