#Judaism Yes
chanaleah · 2 months
it’s pretty ironic how much anti-zionists quote Emma Lazarus
“None of us are free until all of us are free!” Like yes girl that quote is generally accredited to Emma Lazarus, who was a Zionist and ALSO was speaking about Jewish refugees fleeing antisemitic violence in Russia
Anyways Emma Lazarus is my favorite poet so here’s some facts about her while I wait in an airport for my flight to take off
She was descended from Sephardic Jews who fled the inquisition and settled in the Americas in the 1600s
Most of her poems revolved around Jewish themes
She wrote the famous poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty, “The New Colossus”
She volunteered with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society helping Jewish refugees from Russia get settled in the US
She was a Zionist over a decade before the modern Zionist movement was founded, and advocated for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Eretz Yisrael and wrote essays against antisemitism
And here is a passage from my favorite Emma Lazarus poem, “In Exile”
Strange faces theirs, wherethrough the Orient sun / Gleams from the eyes and glows athwart the skin. / Grave lines of studious thought and purpose run / From curl-crowned forehead to dark-bearded chin. / And over all the seal is stamped thereon/ Of anguish branded by a world of sin, / In fire and blood through ages on their name, / Their seal of glory and the Gentiles' shame.
Freedom to love the law that Moses brought,/ To sing the songs of David, and to think / The thoughts Gabirol to Spinoza taught, / Freedom to dig the common earth, to drink / The universal air—for this they sought / Refuge o'er wave and continent, to link / Egypt with Texas in their mystic chain, / And truth's perpetual lamp forbid to wane.
If you want to read more here is an article I can recommend you: https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/emma-lazarus
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screamingfromuz · 1 year
Listen. LISTEN, the longer I spend in the academic world, I am more convinced that describing Judaism and Jews as a religion/ethnic grope/ethnoreligion is unhelpful outside of Academic circles.
The best way to explain Judaism is using the tribe model. A lot of times Judaism is a community first and a religion second, i.e., your level of religiousness is rarely a thing that alienate you from the community.
Think of other tribes, like the Sámi, Aboriginal Australians, Māori, Yurok, Inuit ect. Each have their own unique religion, but we do not think of them as a religious group, because the tribal identity is more important, and the religion is considered part of the culture, not the opposite.
IMORTANT SIDENOTE: I am aware that many of those tribes, and other tribes have a big chunk of Christians in them, usually more Christians than those who follow the indigenous religion of the tribe. BUT for the sake of discussion, I am equating Judaism to the section that does follow the indigenous religion of the tribe.
So, despite the fact that the religious structures of Judaism is very integral to Judaism, it is partly because of the community based focus of Judaism. The most basic example is the Minyan, the fact that prayer is preferred to be done in a group. Or the fact that the Sader is meant to be a celebrated in a group. and so on.
SO, ethnoreligion is a great academic term, but for outside that world? A tribe is a much better term to explain Judaism.
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t4toro · 1 year
hey sorry but they goyified your inherently jewish written character. yea. yea no they tried catering to a wider audience. yea they made him scorf down a pile of bacon. i’m so sorry
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hindahoney · 1 year
Maybe it's just a jumblr thing but I do get annoyed at the portrayal of Jews being constantly mad at God. If you didn't know anything about judaism tumblr would really convince you that all Jews either hate God or don't believe in Him. It's the same thing for Jews in media as well, I've never seen a Jewish person portrayed who talks proudly about their culture. There is so much more to being jewish than having a culture that encourages questioning and disagreement with God.
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jewishconvertthings · 11 months
Honestly can I just say: all of y'all who are starting or continuing your conversions right now, even in these terrible times, and experiencing and embracing Jewish joy at a time when it is very hard to be Jewish? You are such a miracle and a blessing. There is a special kind of ahavat Yisrael - love for the Jewish people - that gerim bring to the table, and it's so life-giving always. But especially in dark times. Especially now.
May your light be a blessing on all of us!
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
Thank g-d for jewish punks who make music explicitly about being jewish 🙏🥰
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bonyassfish · 2 years
Idk maybe I’m just a bitter queer Jew but it is entertaining to me how many Christians will trip over themselves to be like “our church isn’t like that!!” Which is like…yeah, it probably is like that.
What are the largest christian sects in the world? The Catholic Church? Long history of antisemitism. Protestantism? Long history of antisemitism. The Orthodox Church? Long history of antisemitism. The church of latter-day-saints? A younger religion with its own history of antisemitism. Jehovahs witnesses? Another younger religion with its own history of antisemitism. And all of these, broadly, are still mostly hostile to queer and trans folks.
So yeah, it is you. It is your church. My ancestors in the former Russian empire experienced pogroms that we’re actively encouraged by the Orthodox. Catholic Churches stole thousands of Jewish orphans during world war 2 and forcibly converted them. Protestantism was founded by a guy who wrote a book called “on the Jews and their lies”. The Mormon church was, as recently as a few years ago, posthumously converting victims of the holocaust. And pretty much every single Christian denomination, with a few exceptions, still actively proselytize to Jews, still view us as either primitive Christians who need to be brought into the fold or as an evil cabal that has to be killed and sent to hell, or (in the us especially) a politically convenient group that needs to be exported to Israel ASAP so as to begin the resurrection of Jesus or whatever.
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menlove · 9 months
man the other thing that drives me crazy abt the whole "claiming judaism is an ethnicity and religion is race science just like the NAZIS" is that like....
what the nazis believed in was a mythical race of white europeans who were stronger and better than everyone else. they had 0 scientific, historic, or archeological proof of this. it was just a crackpot theory proposed to explain why white europeans were "better" than everyone else and provided an ideal for them to strive back to bc they thought that "pure" race had been tainted by racial "interbreeding"
jews saying judaism is an ethnicity is not bc it's in the fucking tanakh that they came from judea. it's bc there's MOUNTAINS of historical and archeological proof that jews came from that area. there's historical proof of people encountering jews in the middle east. there's firsthand accounts from jews themselves that survived diaspora that lived in that area. jewish DNA, regardless of other race, has a great deal of similarity w arabic DNA. there's MOUNTAINS of historical and archeological evidence that traces the movement of jews OUT of the area and into the rest of the world and the subsequent movement of jews for the next few thousand years as they kept getting kicked out or murdered
does any of that mean that israel should have displaced the people already living there and subjected them to decades of inequality and atrocity? fucking obviously not. but 1) denying historical and archeological fact to throw around your pet antisemitic conspiracy theory makes you sound like a qanon fuckass and 2) comparing that to white supremacists making up a mythical pure white race is just fucking insane and incredibly deeply antisemitic
like you don't have to make shit up to condemn what israel is doing, I promise you. you can acknowledge the nuance and hardship of history without condoning what israel does. israel doesn't need to be made up of pure europeans for you to criticize it. bc believe it or not, europeans are not the only people on earth capable of committing atrocities or having enough autonomy to do so.
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I've been trying and trying and trying to get back into fandom shitposting and metas and writing—escaping and finding some enjoyment in being here, but I just… can't. Fandom seems so unimportant now. What's the point of getting invested in any it? None of it's real, none of it truly affects our lives. And it doesn't change the real world; it doesn't change that so many people have died and are dying still—or that those I thought would protect Jews are engaging in the very tactics the Nazis and so many before them used to justify their genocides against us. I'm struggling to find the motivation to do anything besides wallow in the pain of losing family members, the slaughter of my people, and the danger posed to me, personally, within the diaspora. To be honest, finding any joy in life feels futile and wrong.
And this is why I'm so angry at all the random goyishe fandom blogs posting about how evil white Israeli colonizers control the world and are lying about what happened to them (but also how it would totally okay if had happened, since they deserve it). Because these supposed progressives? It's all performative bullshit for them. It doesn't affect their lives in any actual way. They can post about how (((Israelis))) are the real baby killers; they can deny the murder of Jewish children and rape while in the same breath claiming it would be justified if it was true. They can parrot every Nazi talking point in all but name, from Blood Libel to Holocaust Denial to the Elders of Zion, and still believe they are on the side of social justice. Then they can go back to their petty fandom drama feeling good about themselves and forget all about it, while everyone I love and everyone like us suffers the consequences of their actions for years to come. We'll live with the trauma and the pain and the loss—and they'll go on with their lives feeling morally superior to the people they intentionally, callously hurt.
Just... fuck them.
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istodayajewishholiday · 4 months
22 May 2024 - 14 Iyyar 5784
Today is Pesach Sheni, “Second Passover,” observed most prominently among Hasidic groups. It marks the day that (in the days of the Temple) people had a second chance to make Passover offerings if for some reason they were ritually impure during Passover.
Those who observe will mark the day typically by eating matzos in remembrance of the Passover offering. Today is Day 29 of the Counting of the Omer. Tonight: Count 30.
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jewish-culture-is · 20 days
Some of my fav Jewish pickup lines....
Can I blow your choffar?
Are you Jewish? Cause your Israeli hot
You think my nose is big?..... Just you wait.
You can can me shin cause I wanna put one in
these are all terrible I love them so much
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sakura-chan-25 · 4 months
I'm gonna lose it omg☠️
So for everybody not knowing yet, I'm writing about angels and demons in Christianity, Islam and Judaism for school related stuff.
Angels are basically done, now I need demons. Islam is done with that too, Christianity has to be shortened because I found too much and now I don't know what to put in and what not.
And Judaism... Well, I'm searching, but I can't find anything, so if anyone is jewish here could you please answer a little question?
Do you guys even believe in demons? Do they even exist for you? I know that Satan is kind of an angel too I guess, therefore, you know, I'm really questioning if there even are demons and if they are, where are the goddamn SOURCES FOR IT???
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slyandthefamilybook · 3 months
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hindahoney · 1 year
Wild and revolutionary concept: maybe don't treat converts like trash just because they're converts? And also don't ask someone if they're a convert in a public setting?
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nonsenseofyesteryear · 5 months
alright kings let's get rid of this bread!
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
This isn't, like, the biggest deal, but I do find it funny when people are almost... surprised or shocked that converts unironically believe in judaism and also unironically align themselves with jewishness. It's just something I've seen a small handful of times and it's like... of course I (and others!) unironically believe in this stuff. I'm not putting in this work because I don't have enough going on in my life
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