#Jude Jazza Fluff
judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
Should Be
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Teeny Jude drabble. Enjoy ♡︎ WC: 192 ┃Cuddling ┃Fluff┃Jude POV CW: None Pairing: Jude Jazza x Reader Pronouns: You Dividers: @/natimiles
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In the early hours of the morning, Jude trudges through the door of his chambers covered in blood and smelling of coppery sweat. He stands at the foot of the bed for a moment and watches you sleep as your chest slowly rises and falls, and a sense of relief floods him because you’re exactly where you should be.
After bathing he cautiously sinks down into the bed next to you trying to avoid your waking up. Still, a corner of him deep inside secretly wishes you would wake up, so you’d greet with him with a blissful kiss. Pushing that vain wish aside he curls up next to you. Nimbly kissing the back of your neck, he buries himself as closely as he can to your warmth like a kitten wanting to be cuddled.
Wrapping his arms slowly around your waist, he pulls you even closer to him, inhaling your comforting scent, quietly drifting off as he listens to your breathing. Exactly where I should be. Shrouded in your peace, Jude is lulled to sleep as he feeds on hazy glimpses of the cute and frustrated expression he plans to tease out of you tomorrow.
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missaengg · 1 month
Bite Me
Characters: Jude Jazza x Fem!Reader Tags: mdni, light nsfw, teasing, silly, fluff Word Count: 411
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“Did– did ya just bite me?”
You suppressed the giggle that threatened to escape at Jude’s bewildered face. “Maybe. What if I did?”
Jude continued to stare at you for a few moments before a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes. ��Oh? Is that how ya wanna play, princess?”  He stepped forward and twirled a lock of your hair between his fingers. 
You felt your face flush at the sudden intrusion, especially as his scent overwhelmed you, a combination of cigarette smoke and spice. Your breath caught in your throat as heat began to flood your core. Jude’s mouth twisted at your reaction, and he bent forward until his nose was mere inches away from your own. His eyes gleamed with a mischievous wickedness, and you gulped at his predatory gaze.
“I don’t let just anyone bite me. How are ya plannin’ on repayin’ me for this… indecent assault on my body?” 
You shivered at his husky voice, his purple eyes pinning you in place with their ferocity. Jude released your hair and trailed his long, slim fingers ever so lightly and ever so agonizingly across your collarbone, starting from your shoulder to the center of your neck. His fingers left traces of electricity on your skin, your skin burning in the wake of his touch. 
“Or, since ya enjoy it when I bully ya,” he purred, fingers continuing down your sternum to the ribbon on your blouse between your breasts, “I suppose I could bite ya back right… here.” He palmed your breast rubbing his thumb along the small, hard bump that formed beneath the fabric.
You felt the heat rush to your sex, a damp sensation growing between your legs. He began to pull on the ribbon, and you trembled, your hands tightly clutching your skirt. Your eyes widened at Jude’s hungry grin, and as your eyes darted around searching for an escape, only one thought crossed your dizzy, cigarette smoke addled mind. 
Without any warning, you crashed your lips onto his for a quick kiss, startling the sadistic man before you into gawking at you for the second time that night.
“I’m sorry!” you squeaked as you pulled back, and taking advantage of Jude’s momentary pause, you dashed for the door, face – and lady bits – on fire.
You didn’t look back, but you could’ve sworn you heard Jude chuckling after you. 
He wasn’t going to let you live this one down for days, you just knew it.
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nightghoul381 · 4 months
Ikemen Villains Translations Masterlist
Category key: Fluff- ☁ Angst- 💔 Spice- 🌶 Smut-🔞
Main Route Translation
Ellis Twilight-Masterlist
Black Wedding Event
William Rex:
Black Wedding Event Epilogue 🔞
Luxury Liner Event
William Rex:
p1 ☁ | p2 ☁ 🌶 | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue 🔞
Jude Jazza:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁|Premium End ☁ | Epilogue ☁ 🌶
I Want to Know Every Inch of You
Ellis Twilight 🔞
No Room to Breathe
Ellis Twilight:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁🔞| Epilogue 🔞
Harrison Gray:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue 🔞
Mirror Mirror, Who Will Fall into a Lewd Dream
Jude Jazza 🔞 William Rex 🔞 Ellis Twilight
Dead or Love
Ellis Twilight:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Bitter End ☁ | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue ☁
Elbert Greetia:
Dark If
Jude Jazza:
Prologue ☁ | Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ 💔 | Bitter End ☁ 💔| Premium End ☁ 💔 | Epilogue ☁
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Mean Kiss
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Characters: Jude Jazza x reader/mc
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff (if you squint)
Rating: pg13 (?)
Length: ~400 words
Warnings: mentions of violence (not active), mentions of blood/injury, jude being jude, established relationship (and bickering), brief name-calling from both sides (re: bickering) + the usual ikevil crimes (as per queen's orders)
💜 Full credit goes to @natimiles for the images! 💜
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After returning to our side of palace, Jude rambles on about how I could've gotten killed, about how I'd carelessly been kidnapped, and all the dangers I'd put myself in this past mission. You'd think we were married, the way he's scolding me.
As he comes closer, all up in my face, cigarette dangling on his lips, I grin smugly, further irritating him.
"The hell ya makin' that face for, princess?" Jude sneers.
"You talk too much," I retort.
"Oughta have yer ass pay me back for all 'a this. Tch, so annoying," he groans, running a hand through his hair as he takes another drag, exhaling as he tries to calm himself down.
"Hey Jude?" I start.
"What?" He asks, an edge to his voice as he comes closer again, amethyst eyes inspecting my body for any further damage. "Speak up, I can't hear you," he teases, done with his ogling.
"Would you just shut the fuck up-"
"Listen here you little-"
"-and kiss me already?"
"Hah?" Jude's eyes widen, cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes then narrow, looking at me smugly. "Always knew you were a little harlot."
"Only for you, Jude." I grin, legs dangling off the corner of the infirmary table, hands slowly letting go of their grip on it. "Now are you gonna kiss me or not?"
"Why should I?" Jude retorts, but still moves in closer anyway.
"You gonna make me actually have to pay you or something? So stingy."
"Princess," he warns.
Jude laughs, leaning in with an expression so minutely different, you'd have to squint to see the way it softens when he looks at me. But I can tell, I can always tell.
"Damn right I am. An' don't you forget it."
He pulls me close into a brusing kiss at last, tasting like the cigarette that had just been on his lips, and the dried blood still on mine. Just as bitter as our cursed love will always be, even amid the sweeter moments. But I wouldn't have it any other way, even when the time comes when we're inevitably dragged to hell together.
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✦✧✦✧ 𝗔 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗿𝘆
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ɪ ᴋ ᴇ ᴍ ᴇ ɴ ᴠ ɪ ʟ ʟ ᴀ ɪ ɴ ꜱ JUDE × READER 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞-𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬
✦✧✦✧ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 Jude, Ellis 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘 fluff, crack, slice-of-life 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗧 2300+ 𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗢 Dominika Roseclay 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢 Enrique Silva
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ONE OF THE BIGGEST CLICHES IN THE BOOK is falling asleep out in the open—you know, a hallway, a dining room, or in this case, a drafty library inside a secluded castle—and then waking up all nice and wrapped-up in the hero's coat. Swaddled like a baby.
But Jude probably hasn't acquainted himself with those types of books, or he doesn't care for what is or isn't cliché. Or, chiefly, he knows that neither of you would consider him to be a hero, not in a million years, or in a million-million.
Truth be told, he probably doesn't care. About you, that is. After all, there's an inverse relationship between caring and carrying coin. Something that London teaches you right off the tit, even if one does pride themselves on being an optimist. So while Jude may have seen it within some realm of personal etiquette to toss his coat on you (it looks like he placed it gingerly…), as well as half-heartedly attempt to pin it around your shoulders (most likely to keep those godforsaken sleeves from dragging on the ground; why else would he drape one of them over your eyes?), you would be a fool to fish for any other meaning.
In fact, you'd do well to remember that you've known Jude and his dodgy colleagues for less than forty-eight hours. Forty of which you've spent embroiled in equally-dodgy encounters. Being alive is truly something you've been taking for granted.
But of course, you fish for that other meaning anyway, and you smile like the proper fool that you are. A pleasant warmth dawning over your mouth and cheeks until your upper teeth sit flush against your bottom lip. A delightful spot of sun that eases the stiffness from your jaw, and eases the pressure boiling to temperature in your temples (half the reason you dozed off in the first place). All very welcome side-effects after the horrendous nightmare of the past couple of days. Whether you're wrong about Jude and this one, tiny, insignificant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things gesture, you needed this win.
Without fully understanding the implications of your decision to believe in him, you sit up in your armchair and watch Jude, who is at present perched on one of the library ladders on the landing across the atrium.
A faint glint focuses your attention on something you only vaguely registered in your waking state. It appears Jude donned a pair of reading glasses sometime during your nap. Peculiar, small, round lenses locked into a frame most noteworthy for how ordinary it is. But the overall effect of the glasses is even more striking. They sit on Jude's canted cheekbones with little fanfare and fuss, all the while annihilating the gangster from him and sanding his rough edges down into something almost innocent.
Except for that nasty glower he's hurling back your way. So pointed and menacing that you can feel it shoot up through your sinuses and all the way to the back of your skull.
Jude shifts his weight on the ladder. "That's one hell of a stare," he grumbles to himself, just on the edge of audible from where you're seated. "Right creepy, innit."
"Not really, Mister Jazza," answers Ellis, on standby two meters to his right.
"Rhetori—" Jude turns his back to you, flounders for something, grabs a sheet of paper off a shelf, and flings it at Ellis. "It was a rhetorical question!" The paper barely gets within a meter of Ellis before beginning a lilting descent to the floor, with all three of you watching on in awkward silence, until finally Ellis crouches and delicately pinches it just before contact with the wood.
The young man uprights himself, then gently blows on the paper as if to clean off any dust it accumulated during its brief flight. After, with just one of his gangling strides, he covers the distance to his employer. But before handing the paper back, he jerks to a stop, hesitating, his mouth giving a curious spasm. The picture is clear from your vantage point. Ellis is no doubt amusing over how even whilst mounted on a ladder, Jude fails to reach his height. How one day Ellis might even discover a bald spot on Jude's head long before the man himself does. But the moment passes and Ellis fixes his mouth before dutifully presenting the paper. "You dropped this, Mister Jazza."
"I bloody well see that!" Jude snatches the paper as Ellis withdraws his hand the way one might flinch from fire. The library railing blocks most of your view of the next bit, but you can assume from the crinkling sound that Jude is smoothing over the wrinkles on the sheet (for which he is to blame) against his thigh. His hand and paper come back into view before he slaps the paper back onto the shelf. Whether he realizes or not, the adventurous little sheet slips off the edge anyway.
Watching this entire exchange you can't help the bubble of mirth building in your throat. After a second or two of trying to seal the laughter away behind silent, chest-thumping hiccups, the entire library fills with your bright cackle, during which Jude's overcoat slides from your quivering shoulders, hitting the floor in a whump of weighty fabric. Well, at least that weight is no longer turning you into a human furnace. The library draft actually feels refreshing.
But even a cheated-on wife would lose against the utter carnage of Jude's expression toward you. If his stare breaches bone, his glare outright disintegrates it. You think he might hawk a spit when he goes to say "I ought to yank your pretty little teeth out for that."
You sit forward in your seat, hands latching onto the armrests as your laughter tapers off. "An upstanding gentleman like you has only one coat now, has he?"
"He has two," answers Ellis, helpfully.
"Rhetorical. Question." Jude sighs, a line of shadow falling over his eyes as he descends the ladder. The glasses come off. Get tucked into a breast pocket. Without them, Jude's glare is truly biblical, and like casting judgement he points a finger you could swear he's been dying to point at you ever since he first laid eyes on you. "Pick that up before I get me pliers. And need I remind you that this library here's for reading? Reading, researching, studying"—he withdraws his hand and holds up a finger for each item—"or pretending to read, research or study. Now. Did you at any point hear me list 'taking a fucking nap' amongst these noble activities?"
You stare.
Jude stares.
Ellis stares.
Jude snaps his head to Ellis. "Well then, did you?"
Ellis shimmies, startled. "Uhm, did you want me to answer that one, Mister Jazza?"
"Please and thank you, Mister Twilight."
"You're welcome, but I haven't done anything yet."
Jude flares his nostrils and huffs past Ellis without another word.
You assume the conversation to be over until Jude takes the corner and suddenly begins bounding toward you. For a second the thundering clack of his shoes overtakes all other sensory input. Mid-stride, he grabs a book off a shelf to his side without looking. In fact, his eyes refuse to leave you, holding your sight with such electric intensity that you start to worry the whole coat thing might be a greater faux pas than you initially thought.
Another part of you worries about the part of you fixating on Jude's eyes. That shock of purple, like anemones, but also not unlike the glaze off a bruise. Every step he advances encroaches onto your world the hues of violence and vitality, the hues of…
Jude clicks to a stop before your chair, hair disheveled, lips drawn into a line. He stands backlit, chest out, muscled legs astride, holding himself larger-than-life in a way no ordinary man would even think to. Maybe it's borderline parody, even, but you're the one still looking at him, the one taking fervent inventory of his motley collection of scents; London in the springtime, London in the dark, London drowned in smoke, and like an eye-catching garnish, the citrusy tang of bergamot.
Look upward and you're trapped in the pistil of his gaze, where running away feels like it'd invite certain death, and where running is somehow not exactly the thing you want to do.
What changed in the last five seconds? Him? Or you?
Jude extends his hand, the open cuff on his sleeve framing his slender wrist like dove wings.
Without thinking, and with your heartbeat suddenly flooding the entire room, you lower your hand onto his surprisingly soft palm.
What is happening? You—
Jude's shapely brows suddenly look like they're about to strangle themselves. He flicks your hand away as if swatting a fly. "Me coat, damn you! Hand over me coat!"
"I got it, Mister Jazza!" Ellis darts around the atrium, slides onto the floor, skids under Jude's arm, snatches up the coat and uprights himself in the smoothest sequence of movement a set of human limbs has ever executed. But when he holds the coat out for Jude, all he's met with is a scowl that makes vengeance look like affection. Ellis tilts his head. "...?"
Jude's response isn't immediate. A troubled sheen glosses his gaze. He works his jaw, casting his eyes to you for enough of a fleeting second for you to understand that you and his hesitation are inextricably (and damnably) tied. And that's how you know his next words to Ellis are a lie. "Aren't you going to blow the dust off it like you did with the paper?"
Ellis smiles suddenly, throwing you a sidelong glance as well, one of joyful knowing. "I was going to, but I remembered the look you gave me last time, so I didn't."
That very look gets directed at Ellis anyway. Jude rips the coat from the young man's grasp. "Get the carriage ready. Let Victor know not to wait up."
"He's going to wait anyway."
"Tell him anyway." Jude surprises you by placing the book he's holding in your care. Before you can react, he turns partially away to don his coat. The motion is grand and showy, and again you're struck by that captivating impression, of this little man being much larger-than-life than he seems. The library seems too small for him, for his ambitions. The castle is a pit-stop, an outhouse, on his map to greatness. You can't take your eyes away, but you do roam them, examining the whole of Jude, just a little closer, with a little more care, and a little more curiosity. Far more than you would have before. And again, you ignore the implications.
Only now that Jude has his coat back on do you realize how diminutive and almost frail he looked without it. Not weak. Grand. But frail. And only then do the needles of guilt arrive, writhing up from your stomach and stopping up your throat. All for letting that damned coat sit on the floor for so long.
Just because Jude is a villain doesn't mean you have to be an ass.
Jude settles the errant creases over his chest. Whatever sour mood had seized him only moments earlier is nowhere to be found, and this is after you take into account that is default expression is a mild scowl.
Does Jude know how to smile sweetly? Just as you think it, his gaze intersects with yours. Again that anemone, that bruise-like hollowness. For an instant, you two stare at each other, nakedly, across a space you just happen to occupy with the trappings of reality. Something in your heart changes shape, for the second, maybe third time, in the last few minutes.
Then just as quick, his sour look descends on his brow twofold. "God, how many creepy expressions can one person have?"
You kick his shin. You don't even realize it until you've done it. You kick it again.
"Bloody—what is your problem?!"
Ellis bends down to your level. "Is your foot okay?"
"Foot?! What about my leg!?"
"I'll stop by the good doctor on my way to Victor."
Jude rubs his face and heaves a sigh worth a thousand words. "Oh, don't bother." Then a smile cracks over his features. "I'll just be adding this," he gestures to his shin while heckling with you a smug grin, "to the running tab."
You hang your head. Was it too late to stomp the hell out of that stupid coat?
Ellis pats the top of your hand. "Don't worry." He stands up and holds his hand out for you to take.
Jude swats it away. "I ain't done talking here. I gave you a job, go fucking do it."
Ellis shrugs and imparts a rueful smile to you before making his exit. Once you're alone with Jude, he nudges his chin to indicate the book he gave you.
It's a well-worn volume, leather cracked and binding frayed. The title seems familiar to you but you can't pinpoint why. When you look up at Jude for some sort of hint, he rolls his eyes and turns around with a swish of his coat. "I ain't got any use for a fucking narcoleptic. Even someone as daft as you should be able to read this." Saying nothing further, he walks out the way Ellis went.
Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Ru—
The answer comes to you. The book in your hand is on the same subject as the book you'd fallen asleep while reading. The book that's oddly nowhere to be found now.
You flip through the pages on a hunch. Jude was right. The words are simpler. And there's notes, tons of them, crowding the margins.
"You stupid ass," you hiss into the empty library as you throw your head back against the chair with a thunk. But your anger dissipates with your next breath, replaced by something almost serene. Something you don't want to assess the implications of. "I didn't fall asleep because the words were too hard."
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Thank you for reading! I own literally 0% of the jokes in this, and my characterization is based on what I've seen others in the fandom produce.
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adreaminthesea · 1 month
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I’m a little late with posting this, but better late than never. This is for one of my best friends, @atelierquinn. She was the one who introduced and inspired me to the OC world (pre-tumblr days). If it weren’t for her and her girls, Violetta & Mallory, then neither Isla nor Estella (& a couple more TBA), would have ever come into existence.
It’s her OC’s (Mallory’s) birthday, and this is a little gift to celebrate Mallory & Jude’s relationship. Happy Birthday, Mallory 🪡 Jude loves you so incredibly much!
Pairing: OC Mallory x Jude Jazza WC: 1,327 SFW, Fluff, Surprises Summary: Jude’s birthday gifts for Mallory.
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From a private box in a darkened theater, Mallory sat in quiet anticipation as the whispers of the audience rose up from below. Smoky sandalwood wafted into her nostrils from the man sitting next to her, the one who orchestrated the very unexpected surprise.
The lights of a grand chandelier slowly illuminated the stage below, and the fashion show that she’d been dying to attend finally started. Her eyes lit up as she watched the models strut elegantly down the walkway, and filled with gratitude she turned to her fiancé and said, “Thank you, Jude!”
Twinkling amethyst eyes darted over to his beloved as she smiled at him radiantly, it was a rare sight for her to show so much emotion, but that was repayment enough…for now.
“Tch, ya wouldn’t quit yappin’ ‘bout it. Figured I wouldn’t get any peace ‘til ya attended.”
Crossing her arms she snipped back playfully, “Liar. I only mentioned it to you once, unless you heard it from Ellis, and you didn’t have to come did you? You could’ve just handed me the entry ticket and went back to work, but you tagged along because you wanted to be with me. Isn’t that right?”
“If that’s what ya wanna think, princess,” Jude dodged the question with a sip of his cognac.
”Yeah, yeah,” she chirped back before she returning her focus on the stage, knowing Jude of all people would never own up to it, but that’s one of the things she loved about him.
He watched her as she observed the models astutely, jotting down notes and quick little sketches into her small notebook that she always carried around.
A thin lock of hair fell in front of her face accentuating her loveliness, this moment was no different from when he watched her working so diligently in her tiny shack she called a studio. She’d often get lost in her own world, bringing her fashion designs to life into the early hours of the morning, as if nothing else mattered.
“Such a mess,” Jude sighed as he twirled the loose lock of hair around his finger before kissing it and pinning it back in place.
When her concentration finally broke, she lifted her head up only for the tips of their noses to touch, her breath hitched at their closeness, and soon the craving to taste his lips bubbled up inside her. The feeling of Jude’s long fingers creeping along her jawline beckoned her to lean into him, but she suddenly found her gaze facing the stage again.
“Pay attention. I don’t wanna hear ya whinin’ later on that ya missed somethin’ important,” he ordered.
“Ugh, asshole,” she affectionately mumbled as she obeyed him.
After the show ended, they left the theater, but they weren’t heading back to Crown.
“Where are we going?”
“Anyone ever toldja ya talk too much?”
Mallory rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand holding it tightly, “Yep. You. At least once a day.”
He looked at their clasped hands and recalled the time when he once chaffed at the idea of being in a relationship, being loved or loving in return, and now there was no turning back. He was in too deep to go back living without her, he’d never let go of her, even if the world had to burn he’d make sure she’d never get away. Even so, he knew that she’d never run from him, that she’d never be one that he’d have to take revenge upon; if he smoked cigarettes to fuel his rage, then she was the source of his peace, and for that….
I’ll give you anything to see you smile.
Once they reached their destination, Jude and Mallory stood in front of a large ornate building in the heart of London, her heterochromatic eyes stared with curiosity in the dead of night.
“Hurry up,” he commanded has he unlocked the door of the darkened building.
After they entered, Jude turned on the lights that revealed a large empty storefront with several rooms, and as they reached the back of the building a staircase guided them up to higher floors.
They ascended the spiral staircase until they reached the third floor, halting in front of the door, Jude turned to Mallory and handed her a gold key with a brilliant ruby set in it’s head.
Jude rolled his eyes, took her hand and placed the key in it, “Open it.”
She stepped forward, unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, “Where’s the light switch?”
Her fingers fumbled around until she found it, and after flipping the switch on she gasped at the sight of the room, her mind went blank as she covered her mouth in disbelief.
Jude lit a cigarette and leaned against the doorframe as her purple and pink eyes brimmed with excitement at the walls lined with numerous bolts of high quality fabrics, mannequins, shelves lined with a plethora of laces, threads and buttons; catalogs of the latest textiles available to order, books about fashion from around the world, design tables, and the latest sewing machines.
Mallory spun slowly towards Jude with tears in her eyes, she didn’t need to ask because she knew that he was giving it to her, but she couldn’t understand…..
“Why?” she asked with a cracked voice.
“Ain’t it your birthday?”
“What,” Mallory asked with a perplexed expression. She looked down at the key again, and recalled that ruby was her birthstone.
She had completely forgotten it was her birthday, because her parents…..well, her past wasn’t exactly an affectionate one, so she never received much other than ridicule.
She’d celebrated Jude’s birthday last year, but never thought much about hers. Clenching the key tightly she held it to her chest completely speechless.
Jude isn’t the type to say, “I love you,” but he never fails to express it in his actions.
“Three floors,” Jude finished his cigarette and started walking towards her.
“This’ll be your atelier,” he grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the design table.
“The second’ll be your business office. I’ll send someone with brains from Raven to help ya keep the books,” he picked her up and sat her on the table, trapping her between her his arms.
“The bottom floor’ll be your boutique or whatever ya call it. I’ve got suppliers on standby, so make your decoration choices by the end of the week, or I’ll choose ‘em for ya.”
“My….own business? But what about the danger you say I’m constantly in for being with you? A-are you sure about this?”
“Lookin’ down on my ability to protect ya know matter what, huh? Think I ain’t competent enough to keep ya safe ‘n make your dreams come true?” His face scowled defensively, but all Mallory could do was smile as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Of course not,” she sniffled as Jude’s face softened, wiping away her tears gently.
“Then let me keep cursing ya like I promised,” he said with a low voice, his lips eagerly locking with hers like he wanted to do earlier in the theater. His hand snaked down her waistline before pinching it in his favorite place, causing her to let out a soft moan, “Jude.”
“Now, how’re ya gonna repay me, princess?” he snickered as he bit onto her earlobe. The sweet sting moved Mallory to grab a fabric tape measure near herself, which she wrapped around Jude, pulling him closer to her. There was no way she was letting him escape from her. Ever.
He chuckled and whispered hotly into her ear, “Happy Birthday, Mal.”
In the middle of night, they threaded their bodies together, creating the most beautiful design of cursed love.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
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WC: 1,745 Writing Prompt: Play Fighting/Playing with Hair Pronouns: She/Her Tags: SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Road Trip ┃Fluff ┃Slice of Life ┃Pinching Kisses┃Established Relationship┃Teasing Dividers: @/natimiles This may potentially have a part two! Part 2: Here. [Master List] [Invitation to Crown]
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Arid desert air swept through the hair of three beautiful Crown members riding in a black convertible as it sped down the blacktop that stretched for miles beneath them, just as the boundless blue sky did above them. The static of an FM radio played even though no one was listening to it, and a cloud of smoke that breezily escaped Jude’s lips, quickly disappeared into the air. Lying reclined in the passenger seat with his feet propped on the dashboard, he finished the cigarette he smoked right after he woke up from a rare nap that he usually wouldn’t take.
As Ellis drove them towards their destination that was still a few hours away, Jude had intended to review his prospective business partner’s profit and loss statements they’d submitted to him one more time, but the hot climate had relaxed his tense muscles into a much needed slumber. Jude lifted his black, round sunglasses and massaged his eyes in order to rid himself of his last bit of drowsiness, when he started to wonder if she had gotten any rest herself?
She hadn’t slept since departing from London for their overseas trip. It was like she was hardwired the entire flight. If she wasn’t looking out the window snapping pictures of the clouds or of the food that was served to them in the first class cabin, she was hard at work, arranging Crown’s ever-growing missions itinerary, along with his own work schedule. She was skilled and diligent, but this was concerning.
Subtly turning his his head to find her laying down in the back seat, Jude found her typing away on her tablet and check her watch for messages.
“That damned princess is going to work herself to death,” Jude grumbled under his breath.
Ellis said, “She’s been awake the entire time. What’s wrong, Jude? I thought you liked it when we work hard for you, it makes you happy doesn’t it?”
“The hell it does. I may wanna work ya both to the bone, but if ya work yourselves to death, then I just lose out when ya both die of exhaustion.”
The entire point of inviting her to tag along on this trip was to get her away from Crown for a while. Yes, while it was her choice to be a part of it’s darkness, and by extension, the darkness of his world due to the enemies he’s accumulated along the way of growing a successful business. But, Jude still felt disgusted at himself for grabbing hold of her and keeping her in his clutches when she offered herself and her love to him.
Poor lil’ bird. He’d often think this since she had no one who could save her from him now, but every once in a while, he simply wanted her to experience a somewhat normal life - one she would’ve had if she hadn’t chose him and Crown. And this business trip for his first overseas venture afford the perfect opportunity to do just that.
After a short while, Jude felt her wrap her arms around him from behind, and looking up at her as she looked down at him, he watched her hair dance wildly in the wind.
“So, how much longer before we get there?” she asked him.
Jude grabbed her face with his hand and slightly shook it, “What are ya, five? Get off me.”
“No.” she snapped back playfully while sticking her tongue out at him.
“Careful princess, I’ll clip that tongue off if ya get too sassy with me.”
She laughed at him and shifted her head around the head rest to place her face closer to his, and asked him, “Really? Ya promise? Remember, contract’s a contract, even if it’s just a verbal agreement.”
Imitating his accent and snarky attitude, she kissed his cheek and chuckled at him. The sweetness of her kiss spreads over his skin, prompting him to return her love with his own by pinching her cheek hard.
Jude snickers evilly at her pain, “There’s more where that came from princess. Keep it up.”
She pulls her face back and rubs her cheek when Ellis speaks up, “Kate, it’s not safe to be moving around without your seatbelt on. Jude would be unhappy if something happened to you, please put it on, or do I need to hand the wheel over to Jude to go back there and restrain you myself?”
A pair of twilight eyes teasingly peek at her through his sunglasses with a slightly mean smile, and before she could even be attracted to drown in their wicked sweetness, Jude shoved Ellis’ face away.
“Quit makin’ eyes at my woman, ya nutcase and keep ‘em on the damn road instead.”
“Yea, okay,” Ellis smiled and turned his attention ahead of himself.
Turning her attention back to Jude she asked again, “No, but really, why did you have to rent a mansion in the middle of the desert, hours from the city when there’s a perfectly suitable hotel 10 minutes from the business meeting?”
He let an exasperated sigh, “’Cause I can afford to, that’s why. Now, sit back ‘n get some sleep. I don’t want my woman lookin’ haggard for our meetin’.”
Jude puts another cigarette in his mouth, but she grabs it from his mouth and puts it in her own as she goes back to her seat with a triumphant grin on her face.
“I’m not tired, and I’ve rested plenty. Oh! We should pick up some items from the market after the meeting….let’s see….we’ll need a cooler for the cold items, bags of ice, meat, vegetables, fruits…..”
No sooner had she lay back down on her seat had she started making lists and researching local markets.
“Oh, Jude, can you please confirm the tasks that I sent you while you were sleeping? I need to coordinate them with your schedule when we return to London, and - Oh, Victor just sent us more missions that require intelligence gathering, and Ellis there is another scheduled assassination for yourself….”
Growing weary of his love’s constant prattle about work and irritated that she stole his cigarette, Jude climbed into the back seat.
“Hey, Jude! That’s not safe!”
“Can it, Ellis.”
Jude steps into the back seat, grabs his love’s arm to pull her off the seat, and seats her on top his lap.
“Woah, Jude!” The unlit cigarette that she chewed between her teeth fell to the floorboard.
“What? Don’t trust me? ‘Fraid I’ll toss ya out the car?”
“No! But you scared me. What did you miss me that much?”
“Ha!” Jude pinched her thigh through shorts.
“Ouch! Stop pinching me!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her forehead to his.
She looks so tired. The silvery, thin bags under her eyes were worse than he thought, and all of a sudden he felt a pang of guilt for falling asleep while she stayed awake. How was that protecting her well-being? Feeling frustrated at his self-proclaimed failure, Jude determined that he was going to kill that guilt right now.
“C’mon princess, we both know ya love a little pain. Like when I do this….”
His lips caress her earlobe sending a tingly spark through her as he slowly sucked on it for the some time before he bit down on it hard.
“That’s for stealin’ my cigarette and droppin’ it on the floor.”
Hearing her soft moan-filled apology blend into the wind, Jude gently kisses her all over her face, the tip of her nose, her eyelids, and brow bone. Saving her forehead for last he planted the most tender kiss there.
His eyes found her smiling at the shower of love he had just poured onto her, and when she opened her eyes, he said, “’Night, princess.”
Poking her on the forehead, Jude caught his beloved and laid her head to rest in his lap, rolling his eyes that he had to go to such lengths in the first place, but at least now she’s resting.
“That was mean, Jude.”
“Hah? Do ya not see the bags under her eyes? She’s been actin’ like a hyper-active lemur since we left Crown, and now she looks like she damned exhausted panda with circle under eyes!”
“That’s not what I meant….I meant the lie you told her. Aren’t you going to tell her the real reason why we’re staying in the desert? You know about toni-”
“Shuddup, or I’ll shove tumble weed down your throat, ya idiot!” Jude kicked Ellis’ seat as if she would over hear their conversation, though that wouldn’t happen due to the strength of Jude’s ability.
Jude’s nerves chaffed when he thought of the real reason why they were staying in the middle of nowhere, so he tried to distract himself from that any way he could. Jude stared down at his other half, both stroking her cheek and pinching it to his satisfaction now that she couldn’t protest. Noticing her fly away hairs whipping around, he decided to braid her hair to prevent them from hitting her face, and he did just that. In the heat of this quiet desert, he carefully separated and twisted her hair until everything was neatly in place.
She truly was like the Sleeping Beauty of his cursed fairytale, the only good thing about it, the blessing that offset his curse. Lifting her hand to lips for a kiss, he gently mumbled against her warm skin, “Love ya, helpless princess.”
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Tag List: @judejazza @ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
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A tiny drabble featuring Jude's carrying you "style" based on his recent 95k bonus story from the recent IkeVil S-Rank SE. WC: 413 ┃Carrying you ┃Tension┃Fluff CW: None Pairing: Jude Jazza x Reader Pronouns: You Dividers: @/natimiles
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In the coolness of a misty evening, Jude and Ellis marched their way back towards the carriage from a mission, only the sounds of their heels could be heard against the pavement, which prompted Jude’s ears to prick up at the lack of a third set of steps that should’ve been next to them. Turning around he saw you slowly walking in the distance almost at a snail’s pace. Exhaling his cigarette’s final smoke, he made his way to you, and after a few strides his icy amethyst eyes met yours with roll in annoyance, but you ignore it and attempt to gloss over the pain you’re enduring.
That night the mission had been at a banquet, and just by looking at your feet, he surmised that you must’ve injured yourself while trying to keep up with them as they chased down the culprit. Without a word he turns his back towards you and kneels on the ground waiting in silence.
“Whadda ya waitin’ for? Get on, idiot.”
“Me?” You point at yourself in disbelief at what you’d just heard.
“Are ya daft? Just who else am I speakin’ too ya half-wit.”
“Uh, well….if you’re sure.”
You carefully climb onto his back feeling suffocated by the awkwardness of your body clinging so closely to his. Sensing his hands slide around your legs to grasp you, you bury your head into his shoulder out of sheer embarrassment. The air felt heavy and tense as other feelings unexpectedly bore sparks inside your core. Swallowing hard in hopes it would extinguish the flickering heat, you let out a shaky breath that tickles Jude’s ear.
“Oy, don’t breathe on me!”
Jude’s ear tingled at the heat of your breath, painting it a pinkish hue. He too was already feeling an uncomfortable tension as the heat that from your lower half pressed itself into his back, so he cleared his throat in an attempt to rid himself of unnecessary thoughts, and warned you not to squirm unless you wanted him to drop you on the pavement.
Holding onto him tighter in fear of him making good on his promise you nod, “Understood.”
Both of you remained silent as he carried you piggy-back to the carriage. Had it not been for the cool mistiness of the evening, the heat of both of your suppressed desires may have erupted, but that left you wondering, would it be so bad if they did erupt?
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
A Briar Dream - Chapitre Deux
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Please Note: This is a series. Please read Chapitre Un first. WC: 1,782 CW: Brief mentions of assault and torture Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Series, Love Bites, Kissing, Tending to wounds, First morning together. Pronouns: She/Her Pronouns Summary: He noticed the strap of her nightgown had slipped from her shoulder, and before placing it back in its proper place, he leaned over he gently bit it. “You’re nothin' but a pain in the ass, ya know that?”.....“That's right, lil' lady. I need specimens for my experiment. See you later.”.......Spiteful and to the point, at least that's how it seemed on the surface, but knowing Jude, he likely wanted her to rest at the castle safely. Dividers: @/natimiles
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In the first breath of morning, a pair of warmly woven bodies could be found buried under layers of sheets. Jude's body stirred first as it was accustomed to waking up long before the dawn ever broke. Slowly opening his eyelids, his sight gradually adjusted to the darkness, which finally brought her into his view. He blinked for a moment, recalling the previous night's events, and exhaled in relief that she was safe - for now. Her sweet scent continued to pervade him and the comfortable atmosphere start to lull him once again. This was when a new feeling was born within him – reluctance.
He never had an issue springing from bed no matter how worn out his mind and body were, but for the first time in his life he wanted to linger in this moment and never surrender it. He wrapped his long arms around her waist and pulled her in closer to his body, nuzzling himself into the back of her hair. However, he was soon fighting within himself at how ridiculous he was acting for wanting to stay in bed with her. The fact that his resolve to leave for work had weakened for just a moment caused a wicked grin to creep on his face.
“You'll pay for makin’ me feel like this princess,” he whispered as he kissed the back of her head. After which, he removed the hair covering her neck so he could check the bruising. The violent bruising was now mixed with numerous marks of his love bites from last night; he was disgusted at himself for almost failing to protect her, so he did what he could to carve out that bastard’s marks he left behind. But Jude knew that could only do so much because the mind scars differently from the flesh. Still, she would face worse dangers in the future for being with him, and she accepted it wholeheartedly. So, he promised her something other than, “I’ll always protect you,” though he'd do his best to do so.
“Anyone who touches you, I’ll torture the bastards so slowly that they’ll wish I was strippin' their flesh from their bones instead.”
The back of his forefinger stroked her cheek, and after lighting a lamp, Jude crossed the room towards a desk that held all sorts of medicines, salves, and bandages - things that had become a staple in his life - and now will become one in hers too. He hated that thought so much that he slammed the desk drawer shut to vent his feelings, but this was now her life and there was no way she'd ever escape from him. Her option to be free to live in peace and happiness was gone, but just as that self-righteous Earl is always going on about being honest about one’s desires, Jude decided he was going to be honest with his and keep her by his side. Nothing was going to prevent him from dragging her along for the rest of their lives, no matter how disdainful, bleak or sinful his actions would be. He wanted to be with her, to see how far she could grow, to watch her light move him in ways he never thought possible, and to see those eyes overflow with determination and fearlessness.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he skillfully rubbed the salve on her neck, carefully dressed it with bandages, and then got dressed himself. Strapping on his sword, he started walking for the bedroom door, and that's when another feeling that had been absent in his heart was born – apprehension.
Will you be all right waking up by yourself after you were attacked last night? Would it be so bad to just wait another hour….but what if she doesn’t wake up then?
“Tch, this is stupid,” he says while turning back towards the bed.
He noticed the strap of her nightgown had slipped from her shoulder, and before placing it back in its proper place, he leaned over he gently bit it. “You’re nothin' but a pain in the ass, ya know that?”
“Nnng-Jude?” she groggily called out his name and when Jude saw her smiling happily at him, he pinched her cheek and told her to keep her voice down.
“Nnn….oouch.” Jude snickered at her and then soothed the pinched area with his thumb. Pretty cute when she whines in pain. Ha, I’m gonna make ya cry out more than that just ya wait. Watching her lean her cheek into his palm with a slightly provocative look on her face, Jude commanded her, “Back to bed princess.”
“Work....hard”, she mumbled.
There were many things that he expected you to say to him, but “work hard”, was not one of them. He had half expected her to ask him to stay with her since she was still probably still shaken up from last night, but that’s just who she was - someone who was as resilient as she is bold.
“Just who do ya think you’re talking to? 'Course, I will.”
Jude gently scoffed at her with a sweet smile when she quickly shot up up on her knees, swung her arms around his neck, and kissed him goodbye. Jude was taken by surprise, but the small current of electricity from her soft lips urged his hand to trace the small of her back and return a sweet kiss. The tips of their tongues tickled and teased at the each other for a few moments longer, filling the dimly lit room with sounds of intimate morning greetings, as it would be for many days to come…….
Later that morning she joined the other members of Crown for a lively breakfast, greeting them with an even brighter smile than usual. Everything was as it should be and as every one chatted, she learned that not only had Jude almost kicked Liam’s head in with his foot while hurling abuses at him for putting her in danger, he also threatened William for assisting Liam, and demanded restitution from them both before he left the castle that morning.
Naturally, both men gladly offered to pay Jude for the trouble, Liam with the most regretful countenance, and William with a most unaffected one. Apparently, Jude was so angry that he grabbed William by the collar, which shocked almost everyone who walked in on the scene, but no one dared to intervene.
Alfons laughed as the recounted the entertaining memory to her, “Ahaha, guess how much Liam has to pay Jude?! Up to half of his earnings from both Crown and La Scala for the next six months! And our dear king of Crown has to invest in Jude's business for the next half year as well!”
“It's not very nice of Jude to threaten someone like that......but I can understand his anger.....when something beautiful is almost stolen from you," said Elbert as he finally took a bite of an apple slice that Alfons had been trying to force feed him.
Liam couldn’t take it anymore and decided to throw himself at her feet begging for forgiveness, as he explained his motive to her and berated himself at the same time for making yet another mistake. Looking at him with pity, she gently stroked his head that was laying on her lap.
“It’s….not your fault Liam. You didn’t know he’d do something like that to me, and because of you and William, Jude and I are together again, so thank you.”
Teary rose-colored eyes looked up at her as he was soothed by her words of reassurance, and although he still lamented that Jude probably hated him, the dramatic spectacle over. Although, deep down she quietly wondered if William really had no inkling at all. Roger stood up from the table and slung his gun on his back to leave, “Well, I hope you've learned your lesson. I'm off to go hunting.”
“Hunting?” she asked.
“That's right, lil' lady. I need specimens for my experiment. See you later.”
No sooner had Roger left did Victor come bursting through the door with a basket of aromatic pastries, and crescent smile on his face.
“GOOOD MORNING, my beloved cursed ones!!!! And our lovely Robin too! Now, now Liam none of that! You weren't tortured and you're still alive, so that means that Jude doesn't totally hate you. Now, eat up.”
Liam obeyed Victor with little push back, and was soon back to his whimsical self as he munched on the buttery scones given to him. Asking one of the maids in her elementary version of sign language, she received a copy of the newspaper and began to scan over the financial section. She thought that it would be best to become more knowledgeable about the trends of the market now that she would be working more closely with Jude. Unable to make any sense of it, she gave up and decided to should study up on business first prior trying to understand foreign jargon. Turning her attention to the front page she began to peruse it. After studying her for a bit, William asked if there was anything of interest printed on it, so skimming the front page a little more quickly.
“Hmm, I don't think so. Let's see....there's reconstruction taking place at a nearby park........the amount of stray dogs in London are recently at an all time low.......Hmm. Oh! I almost missed this, “Soon to Open: Deux's Emporia – A Collection of Curiosities, Baubles, and Wonders from Around the World.”
“How exciting! When does it open? We should take a field trip, and then go shopping at Harrods!” Victor's eyes were shining, but soon lost their luster, “Ah, well. That shall have to wait I'm afraid.” He takes a small note card from his breast pocket and gives it to her, and after recognizing Jude's script she quickly read’s it.
“Was late to work ‘cause of ya, Princess. There's a pile of contract renewals that need to be retyped. Start with those, ‘n don't even think ‘bout leavin’ the castle for the time bein’, ‘specially without a Crown member. - Your Beloved Jude Jazza.”
Spiteful and to the point, at least that's how it seemed on the surface, but knowing Jude, he likely wanted her to rest at the castle safely. Although, the contracts are probably payback for delaying him this morning, they're also probably meant to help keep her mind busy. She let out a slight sigh and replied to Victor with a smile.
“It seems you're right. I'm going to be quite busy for the time being.”
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[Chapitre Trois] [Master List]
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
Moon Garden
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Summary: She must’ve sensed how agitated he was because he felt her hand slowly grasp his. Interlocking their fingers she brought his hand to her lips for a kiss and then held it against her chest, not letting go of him.
This is Part 2. Please read Part 1 here. WC: 2,807 ┃Pronouns: She/Her ┃ SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Suggestive┃Fluff┃ Relationship Progression┃Suggestive Dividers: @/natimiles
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She felt the sandy earth shift beneath her feet as Jude roughly guided her by hand from the car, the fabric of the blindfold started feeling itchy because she wanted to know where they were, but she was obedient and left it on. Using her other senses she tried to discern clues from the surrounding environment, but there were no other scents or sounds to provide the details she sought besides the fresh desert air at dusk time. Thinking back to their road trip into the city a few days ago and what led up to this moment, she was perplexed as to what Jude was up to……
After arriving to the hotel Jude had booked in order to freshen up for the business meeting, he had left her behind to sleep in the large suite since her body was still clearly exhausted from relentlessly pushing herself to stay awake. When she woke up she found that Jude had confiscated all of her electronic devices…..
“Don’t bother lookin’ for your shit ‘cuz it’s with me. Call concierge if ya need somethin ‘n drink up. Be back by two. Be ready.”
Sitting down on the bed she felt dejected because she made him worry about her again instead of helping him, and now she couldn’t even be of use to him at the meeting. Letting out a sigh she takes a sip of the water he left her, and almost spewed it out of her mouth the moment she realized it was already 1:30 pm. Jumping to her feet she ran to take a quick shower, and after a few moments she returned to the main room to dress, unaware that he had already returned. Looking at the large clock on the wall she sighed in relief that she still had about 10 minutes before he returned.
“Thought I told ya to be ready by two?”
“Ahh!” she screamed. Whipping around she found him in the recliner that was situated in the corner of the room with a black glossy bag sitting next to his feet.
“Jude?! Don’t do that! And I still have a few minutes…”
He walked over to her leaving the bag behind, staring at the water droplets gliding down her skin like glistening jewels on her body. She was so beautiful that he wanted to devour her then and there, but due to time constraints he refrained. Still, he wasn’t satisfied with just leaving her alone, so he decided to tease her a little. Backing her up against the wall with no where to turn, he propped one arm above her head and slowly dragged a single fingertip with his free hand against her exposed leg, provocatively slipping it just beneath the edge of her towel.
Staring into his eyes her body quivered as his finger slowly made it’s way up her outer thigh, and as he closed the distance between them, she caught a glimpse of his slightly exposed collar bone which tempted her to kiss it.
His nose touched hers as he taunted her with the expectation of ravished by a kiss.
“My, my what a naughty princess. Look at ya, ready to be eaten. But I told ya to be ready by -”
Ding. “Not tonight.”
Jude was cut off by an alert from his watch and after he read the notification banner from the unknown number his face skewed into a scowl.
“Tch. Dammit…..waste of time.”
Jude withdrew from her now in a soured mood, and gathering the black glossy bag from the floor he left the suite.
“Hey, Jude! What the hell? What’s wrong?” She called after him. but he didn’t respond, so she quickly changed and ran downstairs to meet him at check out. What did he mean by that? Did the meeting go wrong because I wasn’t there to assist? Did the deal fall through?
However, those questions were soon replaced with another one as Jude hopped into the driver’s seat of the polished, black convertible they’d been driving around while overseas.
“Where’s Ellis?”
“Had him take a rental to run some errands. Get in.”
Jude wasn’t in the mood to answer questions and she didn’t want to add to his burden more than she already had, so she slid into the passenger’s seat and they sped out of the valet area to return to the desert house he was adamant they stayed at. Smoking cigarette after cigarette in disappointed silence, he clicked his tongue every now and then when he felt like he was reaching his wits end. She must’ve sensed how agitated he was because he felt her hand slowly grasp his. Interlocking their fingers she brought his hand to her lips for a kiss and then held it against her chest, not letting go of him.
Knowing it’s difficult for him to express himself or that he can find it troublesome to explain things, this was her way of telling him not to forget that she was there for him no matter what. Watching her look at the rocky landscape zooming past them, he rubbed her hand with his thumb to let her know that he got her message. Seeing her smile in response settled his nerves a bit, and they enjoyed the rest of the drive talking about the success of the business deal, and playing a ridiculous word game that he now hated with a passion.
However, even after they returned to the rental house, Jude refused to return her phone, watch and tablet as an extension of her punishment for overworking herself. In addition, she was not allowed to go for a drive or leave the immediate property, which only frustrated her when she noticed Ellis come and go several times a day at Jude’s orders.
“Ellis, do you need any help? I can go with-”
“No, thanks. Best stay here like Jude said.”
“What’s going on with him anyway?” Ellis’ face became dejected and she discerned that Jude had most likely forbade him to say anything. Knowing this was a bit below the belt, she told Ellis that it’d make her very happy if he told her what was going on. Ellis hesitated deeply before the desire of making her happy won out.
“Well, it wasn’t the right-”
“ELLIS!” Jude walked into the room and interrupted him before he could spill the truth.
“Shuddup ‘n send out the memo about our trade deal.”
“Right.” Ellis quickly left the two of them alone. Jude turned his attention to her and it was clear that he was still mood was on edge again. He tossed the black glossy bag he had with himself the other day in the hotel over to her.
“We’re leavin’. Ya got five minutes, princess.”
Turning his back on her he left to start the car. When she peered into the bag her pupils widened when she saw it contained an identical outfit to the one he was currently wearing - a black, loose-fitting, boyfriend-style shirt, and stone-colored shorts. She didn’t understand why he was so on edge or why she was to wear a matching outfit, but she quickly dressed and ran out to meet him in the car.
Once inside the car he tossed out a cigarette butt and pulled a long black sash out from his shirt pocket, “Turn ‘round.”
Getting annoyed he spun her around tied the sash around her eyes without explanation.
“Wh- hey! I can’t see Jude.” He snickered at her as he started pulling out of the garage, “That’s the point, idiot.”
“I’m not an idiot! Where are we going?”
“Find out soon ‘nuff, won’t ya? What, ‘fraid I’m takin’ ya out to the desert to hack ya up and leave ya to the birds?”
“That’s- No, of course not!”
He could tell that he took his joke too far, so he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and chuckled at her indignant cute face, “Then shuddup ‘n behave for me princess.”
His gentle touch put her at ease and a short time later they had reached their destination. She felt the sandy earth shift beneath her feet as Jude roughly guided her by hand from the car, the fabric of the blindfold started feeling itchy because she wanted to know where they were, but she was obedient and left it on. Using her other senses she tried to discern clues from the surrounding environment, but there were no other scents or sounds to provide the details she sought besides the fresh desert air at dusk time.
After a few minutes they stopped walking and Jude hesitated before he walked behind her and removed the blindfold revealing the most unexpected scene - it was a large open-aired glamping site. There was a huge bell tent that was fully furnished, a wooden outside shower, a hot tub and many other amenities. It was incredibly chic, and to find a place like this out in the middle of no where, she was stunned to silence. Jude watched her reaction closely for a moment before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her after him as they started walking towards the tent.
“That nutcase almost ruined months of plannin’. ”
“Ellis? But, why did you have to -”
Jude whipped around the back of the tent and quickly released her with a swing. She stumbled forward and was met with the most beautiful sight. There was a large bed in the middle of a patio that was surrounded by all manner of night-time botanical blooms, but the most unique of these were these plants she saw with elongated leaves and bulbous pods on them. There were dozens of them, some potted, some growing naturally from the surrounding ground, others towering high upon trellises.
“Queen of the Night.”
“What?” she turned to him and waited for further explanation. Jude took a breath while shoving his hands in his pocket to grab his cigarettes, his nerves were finally coming to the fore.
“They’re called ‘Queen of the Night’.”
“Oh, these?” She walked up to them and upon looking closer she noticed that some of them were starting to bloom.
“They only bloom once at night in the summer usually for only a few hours. All the flowers here are night blooms…..it’s a….moon garden.”
He watched her gentle touch the leaves of each plant like she was thanking it for it’s beauty, but she was the beautiful one. She was the heart the filled the rotted cavity in his chest.
“The business deal just so happened to coincide with the season they bloom, ‘n while I took brought ya on the trip for business…I wanted to show ya how I….”
He ruffled his hair as he took a few steps closer to her, he knew that she was listening, but didn’t face him because it would be easier for him to expel his feelings. Still, it was difficult.
“That’s why you wanted to stay out here? Because it’s closer to the moon garden?” she asked to help him explain more easily. As usual, she was quick to pick up on things.
“Owner of the house we’ve been crashin’ at owns this place ‘n they can only give us a window of a few hours when they bloom. If we stayed in the city, it’d be too big of a drive to make it out here in time, wouldn’t it?”
“So, that’s why you wanted me to be ready to leave at the hotel the other day….then that message you got on your phone was to let you know that they weren’t blooming that night?”
“That’s right, ‘n I kept ya on the property so ya didn’t drive around ‘n find this place.”
Little by little, the pieces fell into place, and she guessed he probably kept her phone and things so she would look up local tourist attractions. The pods slowly opened more and more gradually revealing white petals, the scent from the other flowering plants filled the air as she continued to look around.
“Why did you want me to see these so badly, Jude?”
Why? How can I even begin to answer that?
“Ya weren’t meant to live in the festerin’ shadows of Crown or in the darkness of my life….but ya willingly chose to live in ‘em. You’re not wicked, cruel or merciless, and yet under the claws of night, ya bloom like this flower….and still remain clean ‘n unblemished….I wanted to show ya what ya reminded me of….that’s the real reason…”
A full glowing moon shed it’s silvery blessing over the two of them and the rare blossoms of these flowers called Queen of the Night, finally graced them with their beauty. The light of the moon pranced among them and the ethereal garden seemed to glow just for him and her. Jude had gone silent, and so she turned around to find him in the middle of an awkward position that sort of looked like squatting. She stifled a chuckle and, “What are you doing?”
Scowling at her he straightened himself up, walked over to her and then smirked.
“Gotta good laugh, yeah?”
Falling onto the ground her jerked her down with him onto his lap like a demon dragging the angel he fell in love with into hell with him.
“Hey, there’s a perfectly good bed right th-”
“Shuddup.” He shifted her on his lap to face him and he pulled her head to his and rested against it. She walked into his life and messed him up, leaving behind pieces of her light in the dank mire that he was sinking into, something he’d been envious of other people having for a long while now. Many times she extended her hand to him and he rejected it, but finally he threw in the towel and grabbed hold of the tip of her angelic wings, welcoming her into his madness.
“Till your bone ‘n dust, you’re mine. So -”
He stared into her eyes an gently gripped her neck, running his thumb down the mid-line of her throat.
She pecked his lips and smiled, “I love you, too.”
“That’s not what I’m tryna say.”
Not one to be defeated he yanked her even closer to him and glared, “I’m askin’ ya to marry me, dammit!”
The entire world was silent. She made no reply and just stared at him dumbfounded. He knew it was crazy, binding himself to her in a promise he’d never be able to keep, but he’s never going to give her up, not unless he’s dead. Still, her pause was making his anxiety spike. There’s no reason to refuse. She can’t. He wouldn’t allow it, but he still wanted her to accept him willingly. She was his relief and peace, and the only who could keep up with him. He didn’t want to live in a world that existed with out her now.
A single tear fell down her cheek and he immediately wiped it away, the same hands that shed so much blood was able to caress and comfort her gently.
“Hey, princess…-”
“What?” Not sure he heard her correctly he stared in search for those words again. She licked her lips and swallowed before she replied again, this time more clearly than the first time.
“Jude….yes, I’ll marry you.”
Her tears didn’t stop, but they didn’t need to. These tears were exactly the kind he wanted to see pour from her. Relief and satisfaction cascaded over him. He'd been so tense while planning this, wasn't sure he'd get to show her this rare sight, nor even properly say what he wanted, but regardless he was going to ask her to marry him anyway. He pulled her into a tight hug, and after a few moments he placed a gorgeous ring on her finger.
A large, pear-shaped amethyst nestled between briar thorns and roses decorated her finger, it was the same shade as his eyes, and out of sheer joy, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Now she understood everything and just how much he loved her. Their tongues teased and tickled each other as their hunger for each other could no longer be abated. Crawling atop the bed with out detaching from each other, they stripped themselves bare of their matching outfits and poured into each other underneath clusters of stars that witnessed their love bloom in the darkness like the Queen of the Night.
Don’t worry lil’ bird. I’ll show you heaven before I plunge to hell.
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@ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to my tags list. ♡︎
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Highway Kisses
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Apparently, it's international kiss day or something like that, so I thought I'd write a tiny drabble. It was supposed to be a fic inspired by a chat the IkeVil server about theme parks, so I intended it to be longer, but it turned out this way. Maybe I'll write a follow-up to their misadventures at the theme park one day. WC: 269┃Fluff ┃Kisses ┃Love Bites CW: Mild cursing Pairing: Jude x My OC - Isla
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On their way back from an intel mission, a large theme park came into sight as they were driving on the highway. Noticing her eyes brighten as she caught sight of the lights, Jude expected Isla to mention that she wanted to go, but she didn’t say anything. It was probably because she knew he had a business meeting the next day that he wanted to prep for once they returned from their mission.
“Tch….if ya wanna go then say so.”
He suddenly swerved the vehicle into the next lane just barely merging onto the exit needed to get to the theme park, leaving Isla to feel like her heart was going to leap out of her chest.
“Jude, what the hell?! You’re such a jerk.”
He snickered at her while enjoying every bit of the expression on her face. Picking up her free hand he bit down on the top of her knuckle, quickly grazing the sore spot with his hot tongue before gently kissing it, a sweet tingle traveled up her arm before it settled in her heart.
As he locked his fingers with hers, she lifted his hand to her mouth biting him back with as much strength as he bit her with. With a sweet peck over the mark she left she responded, “And I love you.”
Those words wrapped around his heart like a returning promise.
“Ya better, if ya know what’s good for your ass, princess.”
With a warm summer night ahead of them, the dangerous pair continued onto their destination, enjoying sweet kisses throughout the evening.
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Dividers: @/natimiles I have a taglist, but I don't usually include that for my OC fics/drabbles, but if you want to be tagged for this or any of my writing, then please comment or DM me.
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
A Briar Dream - Chapitre Trois
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Please Note: This is a series and while chapter 3 may not be to everyone's tastes, it is a very important chapter to this series. Please read click her for the series master list. WC: 3,543 CW: Death, Human & Animal Experimentation, Mentions Of Assault, PTSD. Tags: Angst, Trauma, Fluff, Established Relationship, Series, Kisses, Science. Pronouns: She/Her Pronouns Summary: ...suppress her urge to vomit as the chirping song of the birds began to blur in the background, and meld into the...which means there’ll a lot of sacrifices needed for this experiment in order for you to record data, make adjustments to the formula and test...The milky twilight was finally caving into the darkness of night, and the soon the moon and stars appeared above them, with small fireflies starting to glow around them in the gazebo. He slowly lifted her head and kissed her chastely on the forehead. Dividers: @/natimiles
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After the noisy breakfast, she made her way to Jude’s study, which smelled of sweet and smoky sandalwood, a scent that she’d previously been pining for. It’s comforting warmth enveloped her like a blanket as she sat down at the typewriter and began to work away. A few hours later it was nearly lunch time, so with all the contracts typed up, she stretched arms and decided to take a break.
Her neck had been throbbing all morning, not so much from the bruising left by the bastard who choked her, but from Jude’s bite marks. Gently touching her neck, she closed her eyes imagining how he held her the night before, but she just as she recalled that sweet memory, flashes of her assault flitted into her mind, moving her body to bristle at the thought. It made her feel grotesque, but before her thoughts could sink into the mire any further, the grand clock in Jude’s study chimed a beautiful melody.
Drawing in a sharp breath she decided that she’d take a walk in the garden for a bit of fresh air before joining the others for lunch, she thought it would help, but while in the garden admiring a beautiful patch of snowdrops, those revolting feelings began to overwhelm her again. Quickly walking towards a large tree, she leaned against it and tried to suppress her urge to vomit as the chirping song of the birds began to blur in the background, and meld into the clamor of the performance from the night before. The heat and stench from his breath could be felt against her skin as he demanded that she entertain him. Ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous.
She reminded herself that she was with Jude Jazza, the notorious President of Raven, he had a fearless and powerful reputation, and no matter what tragedy may have struck him in his life, he overcame it, and if he could do it then so could she. She had to because being strong and resilient was necessary if she wanted to stay by his side forever. Her thoughts raced and jumbled together as she began to break into a cold sweat, but she was determined not to be defeated. She had been in other terrible situations related to Crown missions before and she overcame those terrors. I will defeat this. Breathe. Just Breathe.
“Hey,” a large hand grabbed her trembling shoulder which caused her to jump and fall backwards.
“Ahh!” Tears that she’d been holding back - that she thought had dried up from the night before -began to pour down her cheeks like a fountain.
“Woah, calm down, little lady. It's just me. What’s the matter?”
He observed her condition for a moment before offering his hand to help her up. Reaching for it her trembling hand hesitated mid-air, but Roger did not rush her, he waited patiently until she finally she managed to grasp it. After he pulled her to her feet she apologized to him.
“That's alright, but you're looking a bit peaky to me. Follow me inside.”
“Are you finished hunting?”
“Finished early. The snares that I laid out already had enough specimens in them, so I didn't even need to use my gun. Haha, it was easy labor.”
Wiping her tears away on her handkerchief, Roger’s easy-going manner calmed her, and in a way it felt like Jude was standing next to her. Was it because they’d known each other for so long? In the end, it didn’t really matter as long as those memories and feelings never came back again. Upon arriving at the basement, Roger puts the sack of game on his lab table, washed his hands and began to examine her reflexes, eyes, ears, nose and throat, being careful not to overlook anything, and once he completed that he placed more salve on her neck and re-bandaged it.
“You seemed sick earlier, do you feel dizzy, short of breath or nauseous?”
“No. I was just -”
Her tongue curled up making it difficult to put into words what happened to her, and in reality, she didn’t want to relive that memory by explaining it, but since he was being considerate of her she managed to admit that she was experiencing a difficult memory when her body starting reacting the way it did.
“Of last night? I heard what happened. It’s a good thing Jude was able to reach you before it went further.”
“But isn't it pathetic? Out of all the things I've seen and heard while here at Crown - the blood that's been shed and even spattered on me - that something so trivial like that could haunt me?”
He pondered her question carefully, one wrong word could make things worse and that’s not something he wanted to be responsible for.
“This field of medicine isn’t in my expertise, but either way, remember this little lady: It's not pathetic to feel the way you feel. It's okay to feel grieved and afraid about what you’ve been through, so don't bottle those feelings up. Find a healthy way to express that anger, fear or sadness and don’t let the trash that made you feel that way control you anymore. Easier said than done, but not impossible.”
She listened to him intently, locked onto every word.
“You’re here and he isn’t, and just because one scenario didn’t bother you doesn’t mean another won’t. Don’t compare apples to oranges. And since your bound to that vindictive prick for the rest of your life, maybe think of a way to deal with future situations that you’ll face, because it’s not a matter of if, but when you face them.”
She mulled over his words for a moment, and though she still felt a numb inside, his words struck her heart, “You're right, thanks Roger. Um, so am I clear otherwise?”
“A clean bill of health. You're free to go.”
Hopping off the examination table she got curious at the bag of game that Roger had brought back to the castle, and when she asked him what they were for his amber eyes lit up. Beckoning her to another part of the room he opened the doors to a large hutch that was lined with several labeled shelves. The shelves were filled with the carcasses of dead woodland animals of various stages of decay. Rabbits, squirrels, foxes, birds……and oddly enough there wasn’t any foul odor. However, it wasn’t the prettiest sight, and covering her mouth she hekd back the urge to gag, wondering how this man could be the same man whom had just examined her and given her advice.
“I've been working on a regeneration serum! Aren't I brilliant?”
What she heard shocked her ears and she’d soon forgotten all about the grotesque in front of her as she looked at him with surprise. A large proud grin painted his face.
“A regen- what?! Is that even possible?”
He chuckled, “Hah! I started 13 months ago, check the dates.”
She focused solely on the labels with the dates marked on them starting from 13 months, 9 months and so on up until one month ago. This was both amazing and maddening, how was it even possible?
“Just a hobby, actually I was inspired by Elbert's taxidermy collection. It’s still in the early stages, but it has to do with cellular research. The first stage consists of being able to perfectly preserve a specimen that has died without any further decomposition. For example, if I were to shoot someone dead with my shotgun, I’d immediately introduce the serum into their bodies, and then make as many surgical repairs as I could prior to rigor mortis setting in. This would keep their bodies in their current state of decomposition and eliminate the need for the embalming process.”
“If that’s the first stage, then what's the next?” Her mind was so enraptured at his crazy idea that she was no longer dwelling on the pain of last night, and Roger couldn’t help but be pleased that someone wanted to listen to his research banter.
“While the first stage ensures preservation of the corpse, the tissues still can not regenerate. So, the next stage would be to reactivate the dead cells within the body, which will allow for tissue repair, at which point two things will be needed.”
She looked at him quizzically unsure as to what he meant by that.
“Ever read Mary Shelley?”
Her eyebrows arched high in surprise, “You don’t mean……electricity? Like Frankenstein?!”
“That's right. There was a brilliant doctor by the name of William Harvey who studied the body’s circulatory system - or blood flow - and how it stems from our hearts. In order for a dead heart to pump it needs a stimulus, and I like Shelley’s idea of using electricity. If I want to reactivate dead cells, I to produce blood, and to do that I need electricity.”
“Are those the two things you said you needed?”
“Not quite. Blood and electricity go hand in hand, but even if I can channel electricity into someone and revive them, they will still be suffering from the fatal wound they died from. That’s when the next step takes place. I will introduce a second serum into the specimen immediately as a continuous current of electricity flows into their body temporarily keeping them alive and giving the tissues time to regenerate, blood volume to expand etc.”
She stared at him for a moment trying to take it all in. Preserve the corpse so it doesn’t decay, reactivate cellular production by means of blood production. Blood production requires electricity, which you get by stimulating the heart with an external electrical source, but if the person still has a fatal wound and an enormous amount of blood loss, they’d need rapid tissue regrowth, otherwise, they’d just die again. So, he’ll keep them on a continuous electrical current as he administers the second serum to the body. The second serum…..
“Roger, have you developed the second serum?” There was an edge to her voice as she asked the question she already knew the answer to.
“No, but it will be based off the first serum’s formula. Still, I won’t know how to further develop the regeneration serum until I can test it on subjects whom I’ve successfully brought back. That's why I'm testing it on animals first since it's too risky for humans.”
“Their bodies would only be able to last so long even if you use electricity to get their heart beating again, which means there’ll a lot of sacrifices needed for this experiment in order for you to record data, make adjustments to the formula and test it over and over again.”
“That’s very true, and that’s why I’ve got Jude to rely on. He’s got plenty of extra bodies slaving away for him at the coal mine or are already being played with in his lab. First and foremost, is stage one and then I can move on to developing the correct type of conduit, and voltage strength needed.”
This man, he truly was egotistical, it was like he was playing God in such a situation, and it made her shiver.
“Oi! Don't drag her into your disgustin’ experiments, ya quack!”
At the sound of Jude's verbal lashing she quickly turned around and found him finishing up his cigarette. Her heart raced because she wanted nothing more than to be held by him, but she fought back the urge because she knew he probably wouldn’t like such a thing. Even though he was sweet when he wanted to be, Jude was still Jude, and she didn’t want to annoy him with her problems. Roger closed the hutch doors and pushed the bridge of his glasses up as he continued to explain the experiment to you while ignoring Jude.
“Like I said, it’s just a hobby I picked up a while ago, but I’ve made great strides. The first seven months weren't as successful as I would've liked them to be, but starting at the eighth month, the decay slowed dramatically, and I’m confident that this new batch of critters will be the key I need to start researching phase two. Just think, if I’m successful, then no matter how many times this guy gets injured, he can just swallow down the serum and he’ll be good as new.”
“Really? I wish you the best then, Roger!”
Letting out a hearty laugh Roger asked her if she wanted to be his assistant, but before she could respond, a hard yank on her shoulder pulled her back with Jude now standing in front of her, “She doesn't have the time since she works for me and Crown, so back off ya quack.”
“Fine, fine. Since you’re here, take off your shirt and sit on the table, I’ll give you an exam since you’re here. I've got things to do too besides worry over you both.”
Before Jude could even turn to nag at his lover, she was already saying her goodbyes, and telling Jude that she had completed all the work he’d given her.
“Oi!…Tch. Dammit.”
“You idiot. If you're so worried about her all you have to do is say so, isn’t that why you returned to the castle so early in the day?”
“Shuddup, who said I’m worried?” Roger brought a cold stethoscope to Jude's bare chest causing him to shiver violently at the cold metal.
“Ya could've warmed it up, ya asshole and do ya even need to use that with that hyper-hearin’ ya have?”
“I just felt like pissing you off, and it’d be better if you listened to her when the time comes.”
“Whatta ya mean by that, huh?”
“Figure it out yourself. Now, about that spare labor at your lab......”
Jude made is way back to his study, but found it empty other than the neatly stacked contracts sitting on his desk as she said they would be. Making his way to his room he didn’t find her either, nor her room, the common room, the dining room, nor the grounds. None of the servants seemed to know where she was either. In fact, her assigned maid was nowhere to be seen, which made him assume she left the castle. I told her to stay here.
He and Ellis had a mission tonight, but he wouldn’t be able to focus if he couldn’t find her before then. Swiftly lighting a cigarette, he walked menacingly towards the entrance of the castle, as he recalled the Crown guys telling Jude that she never even showed for lunch. Which means she left immediately after I returned. Jude wasn’t stupid, he knew something was wrong with her, she avoided him after all, and he could see tear stains on her cheeks, but that apparently wasn’t due to Roger. Jude had interrogated him after all, and the only answer Roger would give him was that Jude needed to speak to her about it.
“Shit, where are ya?”
Dusk was approaching and he needed to see her before he left. He needed to know that she was safe. The only place she could possibly go is back to her tiny home in town. No. That wasn’t her home anymore, Crown is her home. He is her home now, and if she so much as dared to leave him without killing him first, then he’d hunt her down and drag her back no matter how many times she ran away. Never again would he endure a loss and be left to deal with the brunt of it’s grief alone. As he exited the front entrance, he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of her walking towards the castle - towards him.
Relief and anger swarmed his body all at once and tossing his cigarette down he marched up to her, grabbed her shoulders and demanded to know where she’d been.
“The hell were ya? Huh? Do ya know how-”
Ceasing his yelling he pulled her into his arms squeezing her with all his might, but she couldn’t say anything to him in return. She just allowed him to be her solace in that moment, and after a time he grabbed her chin searching her face for answers.
“I’m….sorry I made you worry, Jude. But, I need to tell you something.”
After telling her servant who was following behind her to leave he took her to the gazebo in the garden and sat her down onto his lap. She looked dejected and was at a loss for words, so he asked her, “Where were you?”
“The servant’s quarters.”
“What? What were ya doin’ in a place like that?!”
Her expression became skewed as she tried to explain what was locked in her heart, but at the same time, she didn’t want to. She wanted to run away and not burden him, she wanted to be strong and fearless, but she also didn’t want the foundation of their relationship to have cracks in it from the very beginning either. She could tell that he was livid with her, but that was simply because he cared, and his the glow of his amethyst eyes were a reminder of how much he loved her.
“Jude, please listen to what I have to say……”
Proceeding to tell him everything from start to finish, he listened intently to her, his hand tightening little by little around her waist as the tears once again flowed from her eyes. He scowled for thinking that she’d be alright with the aftermath of the events by simply keeping her in the castle to rest, and keeping her mind busy with work. The afterglow of the night before and the sweet kisses from earlier that morning can only numb pain for so long, and he was a dumb ass for thinking otherwise. This is what Roger was talking about? He knew before I did? She feels like she isn’t qualified to be my side? Should she receive treatment? What can he do for her now?
Her arms link around his neck and she buries her face in the crook of his shoulder, as she whispered a thank you to him. Out of all the things she could say to him, he didn’t believe he deserved to be thanked. He wasn’t quick enough and she was hurt because of that, his guilt festered inside of him and he regretted killing that guy too quickly.
“Thank you, for listening. I feel better now. I don’t feel as dirty anymore and I-”
He placed his hand on her head and stroked it lovingly, he couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. The milky twilight was finally caving into the darkness of night, and the soon the moon and stars appeared above them, with small fireflies starting to glow around them in the gazebo. He slowly lifted her head and kissed her chastely on the forehead.
“You’ll never be dirty to me. You - never run from me. Never let go. You’re more than deservin’ to be my woman, or do ya think I’m a man with bad taste?”
“Then never think that way ‘bout yourself again, and talk to me first ‘bout your feelin’s or whatever - I’ll listen to ya.”
Her puffy eyes glistened at his gentle whisper and she couldn’t help but to kiss him back softly on his lips. This quiet moment felt like it could be shattered if even the wind blew too strongly, but nothing disturbed them as he cradled her in his arms. It wasn’t a natural thing for him to do, this was somewhat awkward and uncomfortable, but he was hopeless when she began to cry or felt pain that wasn’t inflicted by himself.
“I’m going to become stronger, you’ve protected so much, and I promise that one day, I will be strong enough to protect you too. I don’t want to always be like this. So, will you agree?”
“To what?”
“Let me learn how to fight.”
They locked eyes again and the fiery determination her eyes exuded excited him. It would be a good thing for her to learn how to use various weapons and basic self-defense since she always had a knack for landing into trouble anyways. The sad little princess was nowhere to be found anymore, but a rather fierce one was sitting in his lap. He smirked at her and after biting down on her bottom lip hard he answered her.
“Then, fight as hard as ya can for me princess, I look forward to ya keepin’ your promise.”
Biting her again, she protested in pain, but the two soon were lost deep in each other’s throats until Jude had to leave for his mission, and after waving him off she made her way to each of the Crown members to enlist their help with her training.
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@ichigostellaglynn @mrslelouch @atelierquinn @sapphire-323
Please let me know if you wish to be added to the tags list by DM or commenting.
"A Briar Dream" will have a Chapitre Quatre.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
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WC: 1,472┃Pairing: Jude Jazza x You┃Pronouns: You┃SWF (Mostly) Tags: Linked Fingers ┃Fluff ┃Gelato ┃Finger Licking ┃Kissing ┃ Established Relationship┃Mild Angst Dividers: @/natimiles
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Standing together with Jude on a bridge overlooking a river, you both take a break from the long day of business meetings and collections work he had scheduled. Ellis was on an assignment with the other Crown members, so you offered to assist Jude with his work, and since he was more busy than usual lately, your heart swelled with joy and contentment. Even so, the sting of the late afternoon sun beat down on your head interrupting your rosy though. When you see a gelato shop at the corner of a plaza near the end of the bridge your eyes widened at it, but you choose to stay silent since you don't want to be a bother to Jude.
Noticing your silent reaction, Jude rolls his eyes with a small sigh and tells you, “Wait, right here and don't talk to anyone.”
He throws his coat over your head, and you assume it's to hide your face from any of his potential enemies while he's gone. Realizing that he picked up on your desires and didn't want any harm to befall you while he was away, you bite your bottom lip with a smile because you know just how much Jude loves you. Prickly and cruel, he often struggles to admit and voice his feelings towards you, but it something he is slowly trying to change. Still, a part of you likes this kind of Jude, the one whose affection, kindness and compassion is exhibited through his actions. Enveloped in his smoky sandalwood scent you ponder over how much you love him for who he is, and you cherish these scarce moments.
“Here,” he shoves the gelato up to your face and removes his jacket from around you, interrupting your thoughts.
“Gotcha peach this time 'round since ya kept wantin' a bite of mine last time.”
You take the cone of gelato and it's sweet citrus scent tickles your nose when you bring it to your lips for a bite. It was just the ticket. The heavenly taste cascades and melts across your tongue, instantly relieving th fatigue from the heat of the day.
“Mmmm.... thanks Jude. What kind of flavor did you get this time?”
Looking over at Jude you see him lapping up the pinkish gelato that was rapidly melting due to the heat. Immediately, you wondered what Jude's tongue tasted like with gelato covered on it, and your breath hitched at the thought. Still slurping on his dessert Jude's gaze catches yours, and you immediately avert your eyes clearing your throat.
“Ha, it's raspberry you naughty princess,” he licks his thin lips of the sticky residue, leans toward you and asks tauntingly, “Wanna taste?”
“No, thank you. I have my own to eat,” you say coyly turning your attention back to your own treat.
“Fine job you're doin' with that. Look at ya. It's meltin' everywhere because ya can't keep your indecent thoughts in check, can ya?”
A welcome breeze blew past you both as you stare your lover in his beautiful gem-like eyes that hold a smoldering heat in them. You swallow before you attempt to confess that he was right, but before you could open your mouth, his tongue was already licking up the melted gelato in your hand, and more shocking than anything was that his warm tongue slid it's way down to lick your fingers. Tingles stimulated your core and you draw in a small, sharp breath. His lips curl into a sadistic smile.
“Ha, I knew it. C'mere princess.”
He entwines his fingers with your free hand twirling you into him, your back up against the wall of the bridge with the river behind you. The sudden movement made you drop your gelato, but before you could even feel a moment of disappointment, Jude offers his to you in a whisper, “Lick it.” His body was almost completely pressed into yours, the fingers of his left hand locked with your right, his knee was pinned between your legs, and the tips of your noses were just lightly touching each other.
“Ya wanna think naughty things in public, then ya should be prepared to do 'em in public, huh?”
His breath was laced with the sweet fragance of the cold treat and it made you want to catch a taste of his tongue even more. The heat of the day seemed to be making your blood boil with sweet lust, but you know he is just teaching you a lesson by teasing you like this, until you feel his thumb gently caress your hand. A shiver runs down your spine beckoning you to tell him what you really wanted from him.
“I - I was wondering if the gelato would be sweeter if I licked it from your tongue.” Watching your cheeks flush red for admitting such a wanton thought, he smugly smiles at you.
“That so? Then let's put it to the test. Lick it.”
Staring at him you knew he meant what he said, and there was no way to escape in your current position, so you licked the gelato he held up to your mouth, the tartness lingering on your palate. Amethyst eyes traced your every movement as your tongue dug into the the cream, and your lips pressed into it. Jude took his turn, licked up a scoop with his tongue, dropped his cone and shoved it into your mouth with his tongue.
The cold sensation blanketing your mouth is soon makes it's way down your throat, while Jude's aggressive tongue wraps and twists with yours. Gradually, the cold kiss your shared warms up and you both swallow the last remnants of the creamy dessert, completely forgetting that you're in public. He spins you around to face the river and entwines his fingers again on your one hand, picks up the hand you held your gelato with and licks your fingers, one by one, cleaning them as much as he could from the stickiness. Your core heated deeply inside and a small moan escapes your lips, making him scoff.
“How lewd. So, was it any sweeter?” He finally stopped licking your fingers and then bit your ear lobe trying to illicit another reaction from your body, but you were able to suppress it this time.
“More than I thought it'd be. You? Was it sweeter for you too, Jude?”
These moments – ones in which you both didn't have to fight for your lives and could act freely as lovers – they were rare. Guilt often washed over Jude for loving the determined look in your eyes so much that he couldn't give you up, that he would vow his eternity to you and plunge you into a darkness that seemed greater than the moon's shadow. But, there was no helping it, there was no way he could let this beautiful light that wanted to dance around him like a pure fairy of her own volition to escape now. Therefore, these moments were all the more precious, just as precious as your life was to him.
Resting his head on your shoulder as his mind grew plagued by these thoughts, he clenched your linked hands even tighter, not being able to help loving their softness as he stroked them with his thumb. Staring at them your fingers and his he notices the difference in size and appearance. His were etched with small scars from his line of work and his past, but yours were almost ethereal to him. You were unequivocally opposite of him – he was sharp, cruel, aggressive, merciless and filthy – but you were soft, illustrious, kindhearted, understanding, and pure. It was annoying as hell that he out of all people would be worried about such things now, but that just means that he'd -
“Jude? Are you alright?” Not aware that you were interrupting his ruminations you turn your head slightly to make sure he was alright, but your concerns were flushed away when he opened his mouth.
“Yea, yea. Quit yer yappin'.”
He rests his chin on your shoulder looking out to the river, and with his long fingers interlaced with yours, he wraps his arms around you and whispers, “Was sweet. Sickeningly so, Princess.”
A gentle kiss fall onto your temple lulling you to close your eyes and cherish this rare quiet moment. Allowing the love of your sadistic fairy to coat you like the sticky gelato still coating both his and your fingers, you watch the river together under the blazing sun. Unbeknownst to the other, you both silently renew your promise to each other - to be together like this for as long as your eternity can last.
“Dammit, now we need a bath,” he grumbled.
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Tag List @ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag lists and for which suitor from IkeVil or IkePri.
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missaengg · 25 days
A Promise for a Kiss
Characters: Jude Jazza x F!Reader Tags: Fluff and Humor, One Shot, Kissing Word Count: 2297 Note: Inspired by Jude's Secret in the My Wicked Little Secret Event and of course, Jude's O_O face.
You discover through a chance encounter that Jude has weak lungs. But... how do you get him to quit smoking!?
ao3 link here.
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You didn’t mean to overhear Jude and Roger that day in Roger’s infirmary. You were down there because you had burned yourself while baking scones for tea and wanted to dress the burn before it became infected.
Their footsteps echoed off the stone walls as they came down the stairs, the sound overshadowed by Jude’s dry hacking coughs. He was hunched over, chest heaving as coughs racked his body, struggling to breathe between fits with ragged breaths.
“Tch… Give it to me already,” Jude rasped, his voice strained from the friction and lack of air.
“Talk about a bad temper. You sound like someone demanding a beer at the pub.” Roger taunted the irate man next to him, amusement dancing in his eyes when he noticed you standing by the bookshelf. “Oh hey, lil lady. You hurt?”
You startled, feeling like you had just been caught red-handed with your hand in a cookie jar at Jude’s piercing stare, though you knew you had done nothing wrong. “Ah, yes. Sorry, I borrowed some ointment from you.” You motioned to the jar on the desk before you and your arm that was half-bandaged at this point.
While you continued to wrap the bandage and secure it into place, you noticed Roger reach into a cabinet where he pulled out an unlabeled bottle along with a syringe. Jude glared at the former doctor, but quickly rolled up his sleeve exposing his upper arm as coughs continued to violently seize his body. Your mouth dropped open at the sight of Roger roughly stabbing the syringe into Jude’s arm without any warning, who closed his eyes and sighed in relief without a single retort as the coughing dissipated. 
“What kind of injection is that?” you couldn’t help, but ask, finding the whole scene before you bizarre.
“A dangerous drug that ain’t been clinically tested or approved,” Jude muttered rolling his sleeve back down, his voice hoarse. 
You blinked. You wondered if you heard him correctly. Did he just say a dangerous drug, a dangerous untested drug? 
Based on Crown’s stance on the illegal drug trade, you were fairly certain it was not an illegal drug of any kind. Nor did Jude seem to be the type who would dabble in such activities. Was it an experiment of Roger’s, then? But if that were the case, you highly doubted Jude would be such a willing participant to the point of demanding the injection himself.
Roger chuckled at your expression, ruffling your hair with his big hand, which you swatted away. “I like that suspicious look on your face.” He turned to Jude who glowered at the both of you from where he stood. “Aw, you have someone to worry about you. Good for you, Jude."
Jude narrowed his eyes at Roger as if he were telling him to ‘watch it’, but said nothing, instead choosing to adjust his long coat that had fallen askew during his fit.
Roger snorted derisively before turning back to you. You couldn’t help, but think he may be having too much fun poking at Judes ire. “I’ve tried all kinds of things, and this is the most effective way to manage his symptoms.”
Symptoms? You felt your heart lurch at the word. You bit your lip, brows wrinkling at the thought of Jude being ill. Not that you would admit you were worried, though you weren’t sure why you would be worried about him in the first place.
“Symptoms? Is he ill?” You kept your voice light, but it tumbled out at a higher pitch than normal. You glanced at Jude whose attention was on the floor with his arms crossed, back against the wall. During your time at Crown, you had experienced Jude’s sharp tongue both directly and indirectly, and his silence was deafening to the point you wondered if he was even listening.
“They’re better now with treatment, but his lungs used to be real weak.” 
Oh. You snuck a glance at Jude, but couldn’t picture him as weak in any manner despite having witnessed his coughing just moments before. Your heart throbbed at this new revelation.
Jude raised his eyes to meet yours, something flashing in his eyes before scowling at Roger, confirming that he had indeed been following the conversation. “Oi, ever hear ‘bout doctor-patient confidentiality?” Jude pushed himself off the wall, but faltered, swaying on his feet. “Ah, damnit. Dizzy spell’s comin’ on again. Ya gave me the wrong dose, didn’t ya?” he accused Roger, taking in a sharp breath and slamming his hand against the wall to steady himself.
Roger replied with an air of nonchalance, shrugging at Jude, “Even if I did, the correct answer is still, I don’t know what the right one is, because I’m still gathering data from your body.”
You gaped at Roger’s admission. Not only was he treating Jude with a medicine that was being tested as it was being administered, he didn’t even know the correct dosage Jude needed. A chilling thought occurred to you sending a shiver down your spine. “Would Jude die if you injected him with too much?”
Roger contemplated the question for a second before bursting into hearty laughter. “Maybe!”
You continued to gape at the guffawing man in stunned silence. You couldn’t understand, for the life of you, how he remained so unbothered at the idea that he might accidentally kill his patient because he didn’t have enough data. Surely, Jude himself would be concerned at the insanity of the current situation, but when you looked to Jude, he also appeared nonplussed, though slightly irritated and much less amused than his counterpart, despite continuing to steady himself against the wall.
How were they both so damn calm about this?!
A few days later as you were passing by the parlor, you caught a glimpse of Jude smoking a cigarette and reading a book with a complicated-looking title in the large bay window.
You sighed. Roger had mentioned that he had weak lungs. Breathing in combusting paper and tobacco couldn’t possibly help. You approached the smoking man, who made no move to acknowledge your presence.
You paused, debating if he would snipe at you as he normally did, and if you were okay with that. “Is it okay for you to smoke?” you finally asked, strangely bothered at the sight of him having his cigarette.
Jude briefly glanced up at you, and then returned his attention to the book, ignoring you completely.
God, this man just had a way of annoying you, and yet knowing what you now knew about his lungs, you couldn’t help, but genuinely worry about him, fully knowing that you were wasting your time. You turned around to leave, but your heart began to throb once again, stopping you from walking away. Letting out a frustrated huff, you balled your hands into fists and turned back around to face him.
“I know in the past they thought smoking was good for you, but lately doctors are saying it can actually be harmful,” you stated, observing Jude for any indication he was listening, of which there was none. Internally, you fumed at his silence, but you also felt a sliver of desperation, a need to get through his thick skull. “Since Roger is treating you, I thought maybe–”
“Not a treatment, is it? It’s an experiment,” Jude commented.
You blinked at his interruption. Technically, that was true. You watched as Jude brought the half-burned cigarette to his lips, taking in a long drag and listlessly exhaling a puff of smoke while continuing to keep his eyes on his book. His long fingers tapped the ash into the ashtray next to him. There were six cigarette butts in a pile of ash in the tray. Just how many had he smoked in one sitting over how many hours?
Truth be told, you didn’t know Jude well. In fact, you only knew three things about the man. One, that he loved money. Two, that he loved other people’s misery, the sadistic prick. Three, that he was always sarcastic. And now, with this new information, you knew four, that he had weak lungs which required experimental treatment.
However, today, Jude seemed to have lost his usual edge, and he looked exhausted. Your heart clenched. This was not the man you had come to know during your time in Crown, and you loathed that it worried you… greatly.
“If ya keep starin’ like that, ya might burn a hole right through me,” Jude mumbled.
His words were missing their usual punch, and it threw you off-balance. You clasped your hands together scrutinizing Jude’s uninterested profile. If he wasn’t going to be forthright with what was ailing him, you would have to drag it out of him.
“Are you busy with work?” you asked. 
It had been a great surprise to you to learn that Jude was actually quite intelligent when you discovered him reading various books on complex topics in the library. According to Victor, Jude not only ran a trading company, but was also trying to branch out into the financial sector. Occasionally, he and Ellis would go out to collect debts directly themselves, and on top of running essentially two businesses, he also participated in missions for Crown.
No wonder he was so tired.
“None of your business,” Jude snapped.
You noted the dark bags under his eyes and the dull sheen of his skin. “Are you not getting enough sleep?”
“That ain’t none of your business neither.”
His reply had some bite, but his usual sharp voice was still slightly hoarse. While he wasn’t currently coughing, you wondered if he was still coughing occasionally in private, and if warm honey lemon tea might soothe his throat. On that note, you realized you didn’t know if Jude liked honey. You couldn’t recall if he had ever reached for the honey pot during meals.
“You sound rough. It really might be better to stop smoking.” This time when you shared the sentiment, your voice was much softer, and you winced, hoping that he wouldn’t pick up on the gentle concern.
“Tch…” Jude finally moved from his position. He stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray, and making eye contact with you, his eyes blazing with a strong emotion you couldn’t identify, he reached over to grab your chin. “I’ll quit if ya kiss me instead.”
Your mind went blank. “What?” was all you could muster at his question, and you internally cursed as a warm flush began creeping up your neck and then your face. His face was unnervingly close, and you could smell the cigarette on his breath, which you were surprised to find wasn’t unpleasant coming from him. His merciless glare bore into you. You held your breath, overwhelmed by his scent of cigarette smoke and spice, the heat radiating off of his body, and the intensity of his stare.
Jude narrowed his eyes, then quickly let go of you like a child who had tired of playing with his toy.
“Not my fault if ya dunno how to take a joke,” he muttered.
You let out the breath you had been holding, rubbing where Jude’s hands had been, still burning from his lingering touch. You berated yourself for worrying about him. Of course he was just fine. What had you been so worried about? Yet, a dull ache settled in your chest.
“Couldn’t die even if I wanted to ‘cuz of that shit promise anyway. Like hell are some damn cigs gonna do me in.”
You heard Jude grumble to himself under his breath, piquing your curiosity. “What promise?” you asked without thinking.
“Tch…” Jude grimaced, realizing that he had expressed his thoughts out loud. “Got nothin’ to do with ya, does it? Forget it.” You furrowed your brows. To whom did he make a promise? Did he mean the promise he made with Ellis, or was there another promise that you hadn’t heard about? And what did he mean, he couldn’t die even if he wanted to? 
The questions swirled around in your brain. Despite the sting of Jude’s sharp sarcasm, the desire to learn more about this man smoldered deep within you, but he would have to remain alive in order for you to continue learning about him. Chewing on the inside of your bottom lip, you slowly came to a conclusion, the only conclusion. He would have to quit smoking.
You grabbed Jude by the collar, dragging him down until his face was almost level with yours. Closing the rest of the height difference by standing on your toes, you pressed your lips to his. 
His lips were thin, but surprisingly soft and warm. He parted his lips in surprise, and you took advantage of the opening to deepen the kiss, tasting the cigarette smoke still left in his mouth on your tongue. You pressed into him, dizzy from his firm body against yours. For a moment you wondered how it would feel to run your hands over his lean, muscular body.
You pulled away, softly panting to catch your breath, releasing his crumpled shirt from your hands. Jude’s purple eyes looked down at you, open wide, his mouth agape.
“You said you’d quit if I kissed you,” you breathlessly murmured. You beamed at him, lips curving upwards into a cheeky grin. “Now you have one more promise to keep.”
You softly pressed your lips to his again, once more for good measure, to ensure he would keep his promise and not for any other reason, of course, and then promptly spun around on your heel, exiting the parlor.
There were many questions you wanted to ask Jude. He would just have to stay alive and healthy until he could answer all of them.
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nightghoul381 · 6 months
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Bound Together ~ Jude Jazza x Reader
Posting this one as another Happy Birthday celebration for @judejazza I love you!!!!!
Genre: Fluff CW: none WC: 2k
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“Juuude!” you shout, bursting into his bedroom. It’s dark and you nearly stumble over the corner of the rug as you make your way over to the couch where he sits, reading.
When he doesn’t acknowledge you, you throw your arms over his shoulders and whisper in his ear, “Pssst, Jude… guess what…”
Letting out a quiet huff, Jude slips a bookmark in between the pages and closes the book, setting it on the table in front of him. The next thing you know, firm hands are wrapped around your upper arms and you find yourself tumbling over the back of the couch and onto Jude’s lap.
“You’re so loud,” he grumbles, looking down at you with no hint of the annoyance he’s trying to feign. You smile up at him and move to sit up, only to be held down against his taught legs.
“Juuude…” you whine, squirming in his grasp to no avail. “I wanted to show you what I got us.”
“That’s the last time I let Liam take you anywhere,” Jude sighs, his grip finally relenting and allowing you to sit up.
“Just how much did he give you to drink?” He added, cocking his head in concern.
“Oh, just five,” you reply happily, digging your hands into the pockets of your jacket.
“Yep… Last time.”
“Ooh! I found them!” you shout, pulling a couple of tangled chains out of your pocket and holding them up triumphantly.
Jude just looks at you, as though expecting an explanation.
You frown at the way the metal links seem to grab at each other while you’re attempting to untangle them, mouth twisting in a disappointed pout. Your fingers aren’t behaving either, each time you think you’ve found a good point to free the knot you’re working on, your fingers just seem to pull it tighter.
“Dammit,” you mumble, trying to get your eyes to focus more clearly.
Jude suddenly gets up from the couch and stalks over to the windows.
“Hey, wait! I’m almost done,” you insist, disappointment welling in your chest. You’re trying to keep your head from spinning when a sudden cool breeze blows past your face.
“Just opening the window, princess. Ought to help sober you up.”
With that statement, Jude reclines on the couch, closer to you than before and he offers you an open palm.
You reach out and return the high-five, or at least so you thought, only for Jude to scoff and grab your other hand, relieving it of the bundle of chains.
“Oh…” you giggle, feeling the crisp night air settle your nerves and bring you some peace as you watch Jude’s long fingers meticulously unwind each chain until both are completely free of each other.
“Necklaces?” He asks, glancing over at you.
“Mmhmm!” you declare proudly, “I saw them paired together at a cute little vendor’s stall and they said that they bind lovers together when shared. So I got us some! I made sure it wasn’t something too cutesy and girly, so you can still look cool, and we can match now.”
Jude stares down at the silver chains, simplistic in style, yet elegant and refined. You wait for his reaction with bated breath, only to exhale sharply when he doesn’t respond promptly.
You feel heat creeping up your cheeks—he must think you childish for wanting to wear matching necklaces. Why would a businessman like Jude ever wear a necklace?
You let your head hang, trying to mask the disappointment and shame that’s gnawing at your every nerve when you feel the gentle brush of fingers against your neck. The next moment, cool metal hangs around it.
“I… Jude, you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, I know it’s a stupid idea. I should never have—” your words are silenced by the firm grip of fingers turning your head to face him.
“It’s not stupid.”
“But it’s childish and you’re a man who has an image to maintain…” you start to protest, but the stern, pointed look that Jude gives you shuts you up instantly.
“If this little chain will make ya happy, it’s not stupid. You went outta your way to find something that would suit me even. Plus, it’ll be nice to be able to do this,” he smirks, hooking a finger under the chain and giving it a firm tug. Your lips meet briefly and you feel the tension in your body begin to melt away as his familiar smokey scent washes over you.
“Put it on me.” Jude’s command is quiet but you know better than to refute him, taking the metal, now warm from his hands and fumble to get the clasp secured.
When he sits back, the look on his face is heart wrenchingly tender and you feel your breath catch.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, binding yourself to me forever like this,” he grins, flashing you a smug look and letting his fingers continue to toy with the chain at your throat.
You nod your head excitedly, reaching your arms out and wrapping yourself around Jude, pressing kisses to his cheek and neck and chest. “Tch… Princess, you’re leaving lipstick marks all over my shirt,” He mutters, lifting your face to meet his gaze. The gentle affection so clear in his expression gives you all the reassurance you need to know that he’s not upset with you.
He helps you sit up before getting to his feet and offering you his hand once again.
“Come on, it’s bedtime.” You reach out and take his hand, letting him guide you over to the bed.
When you’re seated on the edge he begins to take off his shirt, tossing it haphazardly away. He slips into the bed and motions for you to do the same.
Happily, you oblige, ridding yourself of your jacket and dress before giggling to yourself.
“What’s so funny, princess?” Jude asks, cracking one eye open from his reclined position on the bed.
You reach down and pick up his discarded shirt, pulling it on and turning around with a flourish.
“Ta-da! I’m Jude now.” Jude lets out an uncharacteristic bark of laughter, shaking his head and hopping up before making his way over to you. “Well, Jude. It’s bedtime, and this Jude wants to hold his girl while he sleeps, so I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” Jude’s voice is low and husky, sending a shiver through your body.
His hands slip around your waist, and he leans his head in. “You’re my princess now, right?” he whispers.
His warm breath ghosts over your lips and you let out a small squeak in reply. He smirks briefly before closing the remaining distance, pulling you close to his body and capturing your lips with his own.
The heat of his body draws you in, prompting you to cling to his arms. Despite how eager you are to deepen the kiss, Jude continues to move at a slow pace, savoring your mouth as though committing it to memory.
When you finally part, he rests his forehead against yours, rubbing his hands up and down your arms tenderly.
“I love you.”
His whispered words are nearly faint enough to miss but you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him briefly in response.
“I love you too, Jude.”
Lifting you into his arms, Jude moves the both of you back over to the bed, pulling the covers up snugly around you before doing the same for himself.
Once he’s settled on his pillows, he reaches out an arm, inviting you to move closer. You lay your head against his chest, the beating of his heart lulling you into a trance like state.
Absentmindedly, you move your fingers to begin toying with the silver chain resting against Jude’s collarbones. There’s something about seeing the necklace against his bare chest that makes your head feel light. The metal is warm under your fingertips and you feel the soft rumble of laughter followed by Jude’s murmur.
“Are ya happy, princess?”
You hum happily in response, pressing a kiss against his chest and then letting out a contended sigh. Jude’s arms tighten around you and you feel his breath ruffle your hair before his lips press against you.
“Me too.”
~Four Days Later~
Today marks the fourth day in a row that you’ve seen Jude around the castle but haven’t seen the necklace you had bought. You tried to not let the disappointment show, but of course, everyone else was able to tell right away that something was wrong.
“You were so happy a couple nights ago, did something happen?” Liam asks that morning. He’s sat next to you in the dining hall, shoveling forkfuls of his omelet into his mouth between questions.
“Nothing happened,” you hurriedly reply, picking mindlessly at your own breakfast.
“You do realize you’re not hard to read, right? Maybe I can help you learn how to school your expressions a bit better if you don’t want people to know…” Liam muses.
Your attention turns to the door as it’s thrown open and Jude strides in confidently, Ellis at his heels. As your eyes meet his, you quickly look away, avoiding his gaze. You knew it was no use, you could already hear Jude’s scoff before slender fingers tug at the chain around your neck and you feel your patience snap.
“What are you doing?” You growl, glaring up at Jude pointedly. Taken aback, Jude gives you a dubious look before sighing.
“Figuring out what the hell crawled into your bed and died. You’ve been moping and avoiding me all week. Speak.”
“No thank you,” was the only reply you afforded him, instead shaking off his grip on your chain and leaving the room.
How could he not realize what was making you upset? Sure, he may find it childish and stupid, but he could at least have told you he wasn’t ever going to wear it. Your mind is racing as you stalk into Jude’s room, heading for the end table he surely would have left the necklace on.
However, you’re not able to find a trace of the gift anywhere in his room. You hear the door click closed behind you and swift footsteps approach you.
“You lookin’ for something, princess?” Jude grumbles, staying a few paces back and granting you the space he knew you would need right now.
“I was going to take the necklace back since it was a dumb idea anyway. It’s just a useless object collecting dust so I figured I could at least get my money back for it,” You choke out, trying desperately not to let your emotions take control.
“That’s what you’re mad about?” Jude asks, his voice is laced with genuine surprise and when you turn to glare at him you see him shrug out of his jacket.
Slowly, his hands move up to his shirt and begin unbuttoning the top few buttons. Tugging the collar to the side, you see the familiar glint of silver against his pale skin and feel your breath catch.
“You’re wearing it?” You whisper incredulously, fingers trembling slightly with confusion and relief.
“’Course I’m wearing it. Kinda pointless for you to be the only one wearing part of the set.” Jude’s words, while cold, are clearly full of affection as he watches you tentatively walk toward him.
You reach out a hand and feel the metal, warm from his body heat, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
“I ain’t giving it back, princess. A gift’s a gift and this is mine. You’re bound to me forever, remember?” Jude murmurs, fixing you with his deep amethyst stare.
“I…” words escape you and all you can think to do in that moment is wrap your arms around him and hug him closely.
“What am I gonna do with you?” Jude sighs, chuckling softly as he embraces you, holding you against his body and smoothing your hair with one hand.
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Taglist: @judejazza @aquagirl1978, @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys
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nightghoul381 · 9 months
The Night is Far Too Long Without You ~ Jude Jazza (POV) x Reader
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A little something I made for @judejazza a little while back because soft Jude
Jude Jazza x Reader Genre: light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff WC: 682
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Another day passes and my head is filled with thoughts of you once again as I try to drink enough to get to sleep. I know I’d sent you away. Your month was up, you were meant to live in the light, not be tainted by my darkness; and yet I can’t seem to stop the ache in my heart when I remember your smile, your laugh, your voice.
I throw back the rest of my drink, roughly thumping the glass onto the table before moving to the window and finding a bright star you’d pointed out one night while we were cuddled together. It was your star now, at least in my mind. I would look to it whenever I needed reassurance that there was a chance we were doing something together. We could possibly be looking at the star at the same time.
I light a cigarette, eagerly inhaling the dark smoke and letting it pervade my body. I’m mad at myself and that has turned into being angry with the world. Why couldn’t I just tell you the truth. Why couldn’t I tell you that I selfishly wanted to keep you by my side for the rest of your life and never let you go despite knowing what would be best for you is anything but me.
A quiet knock at the door made the anger boil just a little hotter. Can’t even get a moment’s peace in the middle of the night now could I.
I stalk over to the door and throw it open, freezing in my tracks, eyes wide.
“Fuck, I’m hallucinating.”
I close the door again and shake my head attempting to clear the fog. Another set of knocks followed by the sound of a voice calling my name fills my ears and I can feel my lifeless heart roaring back to life as I once again open the door and find you standing there.
“What are you doing here?” I grumble, trying desperately to keep my excitement down, to keep my hopes from rising on the chance that you’re here to smash them down.
“Ellis told me everything, Jude.”
God I missed the sound of your voice saying my name, I hardly processed what you’d said, instead focusing on the way just seeing your face, the way you awkwardly fidget with your sleeves and chew on your lower lip.
“I missed you so much, and when he told me that you had become miserable since I’d left I had to come back, I needed—!”
I cut off your words with a firm kiss, pulling you into my arms and clinging tightly to you. I could feel emotions choking my throat—an entirely unfamiliar experience in my adult life. Is this real? Am I dreaming? I honestly don’t care, I just know I have you in my arms, my lips on yours and your soft moans flooding my ears and making everything stir to life.
“I was an idiot.” I say, finally releasing you from the kiss. Your lips are swollen and wet from my ravenous attack but the intense hope in your eyes breaks the last of my restraint.
Between kisses I tell you how angry I was with myself for pushing you away. I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off you, trying to memorize every curve and line of your body in case this dream was to end abruptly.
“I missed you too,” you whispered, breath heavy and panting as I pull you into my room and shut the door behind me.
I lead you over to the couch by the window and marvel at the sight of you once again in my room with the silver moonlight framing you like the most delicate painting.
Never again, I vow to myself. I will never again push you away.
I settle onto the couch and you don’t hesitate to curl up beside me, resting your head against my chest and moving my arm to drape across you.
I hear the contented sigh you breathe out and I finally feel at peace again.
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Taglist: @judejazza @aquagirl1978, @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady
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