lunastarhawk · 4 months
You can just have it
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“You don’t need to earn affection, Julian.  You can just… have it.”
I tripped and 2300 words of fluff fell out, oops.
Part of the Between the Deep Blue Sea and the Devil collection of Altheia-flavoured rewrites of particular scenes in Julian's route. This is the scene at Portia's cottage in Book VIII chapter 3. Wasn't sure whether to post it as it feels personal to me but the collection wouldn't be complete without it, so here it is.
Important note! This is angst-scented fluff but the full collection on AO3 contains scenes that are very 18+, please don't go there if you're a minor.
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For a while, as Altheia had sat with Julian and Portia, listening to Julian’s tales of adventure and Portia’s childhood stories, the light-hearted bickering between the siblings, and tentative thoughts of the future, she almost forgot why they were there.  That they’d had to escape from the library after nearly being caught there by the Countess; that Julian had a key in his pocket that he couldn’t remember but which he knew was important somehow ; that he was a fugitive, on the run for murder.  That she, hired by the Countess to bring Julian to justice, was instead helping him; and if they were caught, she could hang on the gallows alongside him.  
But here, sitting on benches outside Portia’s cottage, laughing and eating in the warm evening air, that all seemed distant.  They were family.  They were home.  And Julian was happy .  With every smile, every laugh, every pantomimed offence taken at Portia’s stories, and every theatrical gesture accompanying his stories, the fondness and affection that Altheia felt for him grew, her heart swelled.
Eventually, Portia left them and went to bed.  Altheia looked over at Julian.  Leaning back against the wall of the cottage, the soft light of the fireflies dancing over his features, his hand running idly over Pepi, Portia’s cat, curled up on his lap.  The corners of his mouth were slightly lifted in a smile of contentment as he, too, just for a moment, forgot the truth of their situation.  The auburn curls of the forelock of his hair drifted down over his right eye, his eyelids were dark and heavy, the breeze ruffling the collar of his shirt against his long, pale neck.
He was beautiful.
With a sigh, he turned to look at her, the back of his head still against the wall.  He looked into her eyes for a moment, contemplatively, and then he lifted his arm towards her in tentative invitation.  Pepi stretched and jumped off his lap as Altheia sat beside him, he draped his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close, and she slipped her hand inside the open front of his shirt, spreading her fingers through the soft hairs, feeling the slow rise and fall of his breathing, the strong and steady beat of his heart.  She felt his nose brush along the centre part of her hair, his lips press a kiss there.
“This is nice,” she said eventually.
“Mmm.  It is.”  His hand moved to her thigh, and a heat rose up in her.  But that heat was quenched as quickly as it had risen when he said, “Shame it can’t last.”
“Can’t it?”
“Can it?”
Altheia pushed back from him, rest a hand on his cheek and turned him to face her.  A shadow of sorrow had passed over his countenance, and she sighed softly as his gaze dropped.
She slid slightly along the bench away from him, then patted her lap.
“Come here.  Lie back.”
He blinked at her in surprise, then smiled and twisted around, pulling up his legs to rest booted feet on the bench and laying on his back, resting his head in her lap and wriggling in until he was comfortable, one leg bent up, the other dangling off the edge of the bench.  Altheia returned her hand to his chest, the other in the thick waves of his hair.  Silence fell between them, as Altheia slowly ran his hair between her fingers, lightly scraped his scalp with her short nails, looking down fondly as his eyelids slid shut.
“If I was a cat, I’d purr,” he murmured sleepily.  And then, despite not being a cat, he made a sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth that did sound remarkably like a purr, and Altheia laughed.
After a few minutes, he quietly said,
“I wish it could.”
“Last.  I wish it could last.  I wish… I wish I was a better man.  Someone who deserved it.”
A lump of sorrow rose to Altheia’s throat, and she brushed Julian’s hair back from his forehead.  She ran her forefinger along the top edge of his eye patch, eyebrows raised questioningly when he looked at her.  He nodded with an uncertain smile, and she gently removed the patch.  Julian blinked and rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand as it adjusted to the light.  Now, when he looked back at her, she could see the depths of both of his eyes, the crimson sclera that many feared or found shocking but which she saw as a scar of a battle he’d fought and won, of his strength.
“What do you want?” she asked.  “When this is all over, when we’ve found the truth, proved that you didn’t kill the Count, proven to you that you didn’t do the bad things that you think you did.  What then?”
“What do I want?  What does it matter what I want?”
Altheia ran her finger down Julian’s jaw, along his bottom lip.  “You’ll have to do something .  Go somewhere.  Be someone.”
A faint frown touched his brow.  “I uh.  I don’t know.  I've never thought about it.  I was sure I'd hang , and there's not much of a future after your neck snaps, you know.”
Altheia tutted disapprovingly.  And then waited, her fingers lightly tracking the sharp contours of his face, watching the thoughts running behind Julian’s eyes as he looked up at the stars.
Eventually, he tentatively started,
“Do you think…”  He shook his head as if frustrated with himself.  “No, I couldn’t.  No.  I can’t think like that.”
“Humour me.”
“Hmm?”  He looked up at her, puzzled.
“Pretend that you think you can .  What do you want?”
“This.”  His voice was very small, strained, as if he didn’t dare to hope.  “I want this.  With you, and… and what Pasha has.  A…  a home.”
He closed his eyes, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. 
Altheia smiled gently, resting her palm over his cheek.  He sighed and nuzzled into it.  Her heart pounded with a kind of excitement, a surge of nervous happiness that he’d said he wanted her .  Almost without thinking, so self-absorbed that he hadn’t even realised the effect his words could have on her.
“Why can’t you have it?”
“I don’t deserve it.  I’ve done nothing to earn your… your affection, your feelings, for me, whatever they may be.”
“You don’t need to earn affection, Julian.  You can just… have it.”
One corner of his mouth lifted in a small, sad smile.  “Is that so.”
It wasn’t a question, not really.  It was a statement that she was wrong, that it wasn’t so, that he couldn’t just have affection.  Altheia looked down at him, at his head cradled in her lap.  His gaze drifted, breath exhaled in a soft sigh through his nose.
“Yes, Julian.  It’s so.”
He turned his eyes back up to her with a slight shake of his head, almost as if pitying her naivety.  The fingertips of his left hand brushed over the backs of her knuckles, of the hand resting on his chest.  There was a wistfulness to his tone as he quietly said,
“My dear, everything has to be earned one way or another.”
Her heart ached for him.  She turned her hand over and curled her fingers around his.  Only then did she realise how rare it was for one or other of them to not be wearing gloves.  Of course, his were to cover the murderer’s brand on the back of his left hand; but he didn’t need to hide it from her.  Now, she ran her fingertips in slow circles around his large, cool palm, tracing the lines, creases and callouses of a life lived.  With another faint sigh, he brought her hand to his lips.  Seizing the moment, with one eyebrow raised, she said,
“Do I have to earn it?”
Julian froze with his lips against her knuckles, eyes wide as he looked up at her.
“N-no?  No!  No of course you don’t.”  His lips moved against her skin.  “You deserve it, unconditionally.  And… from someone better than me.”
She shook her head, lips curving in a slight smile as she combed her free hand through his thick hair.
“Better?  Who would be ‘better’?”
His eyes dropped, his expression melancholy.  “Anyone.”
“I don’t want ‘anyone’.”  It was her turn now to raise his hand to her lips.  She couldn’t convince him that there wasn’t anyone better , not for her.  But she wanted to make him see that she saw all the things that he perceived as his flaws and imperfections, and she didn’t just want him in spite of them, but because of them, because there were many other facets to him, many things that were perfections , and every little part of him, the good and the bad, were what made him, him .  There was no shadow without light.
His gaze turned up to hers again, surprised, confused, but… hopeful .  
“You… you want…”
Altheia smiled, nodded.  There were probably words she should say, something affirming, reassuring.  But instead, she placed his hand over her heart, and placed her hand over his heart, feeling its pace pick up in sync with hers.  A kind of wonder came to Julian’s grey eyes, and Altheia bent and brushed her lips over his, feeling his shuddering breath.  
“Yes, Julian.”  Her voice was low, velvety.  “I want you to have my affection.  All of it.  And the only thing I ask in return…”  She pressed her lips more firmly against his.  “... is yours. ”
“You have it,” he said on a gasp, his voice and eyes earnest in their promise.  He seemed to choke a little, and then repeated her words back to her.  “All of it.  All of… of me .”
His hand hooked around the back of her neck as she bent down the rest of the way to kiss him with as much affection as she could manage.  His body trembled beneath hers, small noises escaped his lips and tripped over her tongue as she swept it gently over his.
Eventually she pulled up, looking down into dusk-grey eyes as her thumb stroked his cheekbone.  She was suffused with warmth, a feeling that they’d ignited something , committed themselves.  
A lump rose to her throat as Julian held onto her hand over his heart, as if he thought that if he let her go, he’d lose her.  
“I’m not going to leave you,” she told him with a warm, reassuring smile.  “I…”
I love you .
The thought came to her from a pulse of her heart that flooded every part of her with a warmth and certainty that the embers burning between them since they’d met, had ignited into something more, but that it wasn’t new .  It was right .  It was a coming home after a long journey.  It was waking up in strong arms after a nightmare.  It was a love that had always been, and always would be.
But she couldn’t say it.  It was too much, when Julian had only just accepted affection , to expect him to believe that she loved him.  More, she couldn’t expect him to return her feelings.
So all she said was,
“I want to be with you.  I haven’t felt myself for three years.  And I don’t know who I was before.  But what I do know is that this…”  She laced her fingers with his, their hands over his chest, feeling the rapid pounding of his heart.  “This is right .  There was something between us before.  I don’t know what it was, and I don’t know why we can’t remember it.  But I think… I belong with you.  I did then.  And I do now.  If you’ll have me.”
Julian looked as if he wanted to speak, taking a deep breath but letting it out soundlessly.  He bit his lip, his eyes shimmered.  Suddenly he sat up, and Altheia panicked that she’d said too much, that he’d push her away, repeat his assertion of the night before, that he was a terrible person who’d only hurt her.
“I’m sorry…” she said hastily.
But Julian only shifted so he sat beside her, his hip and thigh pressing against hers, and his arm wrapped around her front, gently tugging her to twist at the waist to face him.  He was still trembling, little whimpers and fragments of words escaping him, and the fingers of his left hand entangled in her hair and held her as his mouth moved against hers.  She leaned into him, one hand snaking up into his hair, the other around his back, pulling him close.  His right hand rested in the curve of her waist, slender fingertips pressing against her flesh and making a spark of pleasure ripple through her.
“Altheia…”  His voice was a hoarse, shuddering whisper against her lips as he pulled back just an inch, just enough that his eyes could meet hers.  “I’m yours.”
She felt a hot flush rise to her cheeks, couldn’t stop a delighted smile.  
“And I’m yours.”  She laughed softly.  “And you’re mine?”
“Yes.”  Julian’s smile was unreserved, the corners of his eyes crinkling.  “I’m yours, and… and you’re mine.”
“You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
They laughed together then, eyes closing, foreheads resting against each other, arms wrapped around them, shirts gliding over skin beneath restless hands.  Altheia didn’t know how long it would take to solve the Count’s murder.  She didn’t know exactly what their future looked like.  Much was uncertain.  But she did know that her feelings ran deep, she believed that Julian’s did, too, and that their future, whatever and wherever it may be, would be together .  Even if he didn’t quite believe it yet, she knew it.  
She loved him.
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It's Them.
(Altheia's full sprite)
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ofstarsandskies · 9 months
.hack//G.U. AU -- Jude & Leia Bios
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Leia Rolando (Leia Swaglando) -- Lord Partizan Jude Mathis (Jude Rolando) -- Tribal Grappler
A pair of high schoolers and friends who've known each other since before attending school. Despite Leia being two years older, Jude accelerated to her grade level thanks to his extensive studying (and Jude proofreading Leia's homework).
When Leia's grades start dropping, Jude asked why, and that's due to Leia spending a lot of time in The World R:2. With some goading (and a bit of strong-arming that she won't touch homework until she finishes a quest), Jude signs up as co-leader of Leia's newbie support guild, Leronde.
The two happen upon Rudonya after Chronos Data Drains him and resets him to Level 1, both of whom agree to teach Ludger the basics. Though once they find out he's actually the reset Scion of Kresnik, they still don't abandon him and aim to help him level back up to his former glory. Ludger also becomes their guild leader to help promote that even PKKs can want to help newbies.
People often mistake Jude for the Demon Palace's Emperor, Final Fury✧, due to their similar character models; the difference is their colors and Final Fury✧'s hair is spiky while Jude's is flat.
Leia never uses her spears like a spear, opting to use them like pointed clubs. Despite this, she has a decent career in the Arena as team Beauty Girls with her friends Driselle and Nova.
Before Ludger joins, Leia used to handle getting items for the shop while Jude sold them. But when Ludger joins, Jude suggests Leia run the store since her bubbly attitude is a plus, and maybe it'll teach her the patience she needs in school.
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Your Sweetest Sounds
by JuLeia
Set in a modern universe, where Caitlyn Kiramman is a famous pianist in Piltover City. Vi is from the Undercity of Piltover, the poorest district in town. To afford her flat with her little sister and to pay for Powder’s university tuition, she works a nighttime serving job at a fancy Uppercity bar. When Caitlyn plays there for the first time, Vi decides she may like piano music after all. At least when Caitlyn plays it.
“Remind me how we ended up here so quickly,” Caitlyn whispered in between their kisses. “I don’t know,” Vi responded, placing kisses on her lips, some longer, some shorter. “You impressed me a lot…your fingers seem to be very capable.” Vi could hardly believe she said that as soon as it came out of her mouth. “Oh?” Caitlyn shuddered and kissed her harder, “I can show you that they are.”
Words: 4206, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Jinx (League of Legends), Unnamed Added Colleagues, Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Strangers to One Night Stand to Potentially More?, Admiration, Admiring a Pianist's Fingers as a Lesbian is Valid, Teasing, Cunnilingus, Sweet, Flirting, hinted happy ending, Vi provides for Jinx' University, Wholesome, Alcohol, Cuddling & Snuggling, Consent
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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mclibunghts · 3 years
Brody Elijah Sullivan - Richard Madden (Sara) | ship name: scardy | TBD
Emmett Nathaniel Sullivan - Jack Falahee (Sara) | ship name: celett | TBD
Jacques Marcel Vivier  - Matthew Daddario (Jordanne) | ship name: zaddox | TBD
Eric Nicholas Villan  - Dominic Sherwood (Sara) | ship name: stellan | TBD
Douglas Alexander Vivier  - Arthur Gosse (Jordanne) | ship name: colter | TBD
Selene Isabelle Villan - Zoey Deutch (Jordanne) | ship name: rhysley | TBD
Nova Marie Sullivan - Zhenya Katava (Sara) | ship name: linnova | TBD
Jude Christopher Haywood - Joseph Cannata (Jordanne) | ship name: judelise | TBD
Rhys Theodore Haywood - Tyler Cameron (Sara) | ship name: rhysley | TBD
Braxton Scott Haywood - Chase Mattson (Jordanne) | ship name: braye | TBD
Dawn Marie Monet - Adelaide Kane (Sara) | ship name: zaddox | TBD
Lincoln Marshall Haywood - Arthur Benedetti (Jordanne) | ship name: linnova | TBD
Stephen Wyatt Abernathy - Christopher Mason (Sara) | ship name: stephinn | TBD
Dexter Tate Abernathy - Jeff Kasser (Sara) | ship name: colter | TBD
Camilla Rose Sutton - Nicola Peltz (Jordanne) | ship name: stellan | TBD
Jasper Blake Powell  - Michael Yerger (Jordanne) | ship name: samlotte | TBD
Donovan Blake Calloway - Philippe Leblond (Sara) | ship name: dolene | TBD
Georgia Adelaide Calloway - Olivia Karina (Jordanne) | ship name: lougia | TBD
Summer Eileen Calloway - Niamh Adkins (Jordanne) | ship name: goodway | TBD
Elise Renee Calloway - Daisy Keech (Sara) | ship name: judelise | TBD
Matthias Emmett Baker - Janis Danner (Sara) | ship name: matthey | TBD
Michael James Baker - Jay Gould (Sara) | ship name: mauden | TBD
Piper Joelle Baker - Abby Rao (Jordanne) | ship name: paaron | TBD
Hunter Waylon Armstrong - Ben Barnes (Jordanne) | ship name: dawstrong | TBD
Travis Clement Armstrong - Casey Deidrick (Jordanne) | ship name: lanis | TBD
Darrel Josiah Armstrong - Andrew Biernat (Sara) | ship name: daleanor  | TBD
Leia Magdalene Armstrong - Jessy Hartel (Sara) | ship name: juleia | TBD
Ian Jericho Henderson - Elia Cometti (Sara) | ship name: everliam | TBD
Scarlet Victoria Henderson - Hannah Brown (Jordanne) | ship name: scardy | TBD
Saffron Aurelie Henderson - Romaneinnc (Sara) | ship name: satticus | TBD
Anthony Cooper Dawson - Chris Curtis (Sara) | ship name: opheny | TBD
Julietta May Dawson - Dakota Johnson (Sara) | ship name: dawstrong | TBD
Davis Alfred Dawson - Ken Bek (Jordanne) | ship name: tavis | TBD
Jolene Loretta Dawson - Barbara Palvin (Jordanne) | ship name: dolene | TBD
John Logan Goodwin - Franky Cammarata (Sara) | ship name: goodway | TBD
Aaron Gareth Goodwin - Pietro Boselli (Sara) | ship name: paaron | TBD
Faye Cordelia Goodwin - Cindy Kimberly (Sara) | ship name: braye | TBD
Tally Beatrice Goodwin - Melanie Martinez (Sara) | ship name: lachlly | TBD
Atticus Beckett Doherty- Christian Hogue (Jordanne) | ship name: satticus | TBD
Everleigh Rose Doherty - Madi Teeuws (Jordanne) | ship name: everliam | TBD
Lana Rosalie Doherty - Marina Laswick (Sara) | ship name: lanis | TBD
Louis Nathaniel Buchanam - Lucas Bloms (Sara) | ship name: lougia | TBD
Celia Rae Buchanam - Shelley Hennig (Jordanne) | ship name: celett | TBD
Eleanor Lorraine Buchanam - Hannah Sluss (Jordanne) | ship name: daleanor  | TBD
Tatum Eileen Buchanam - Triz Pariz (Sara) | ship name: tavis | TBD
Duke Ellis Norwood Chad Hurst (Jordanne) | ship name: duvere | TBD
Julian Marcus Norwood - Stephen James (Jordanne) | ship name: juleia | TBD
Katherine Adele Norwood - Ana de Armas (Sara) | ship name: mine | TBD
Charlotte Louise Norwood - Madelyn Cline (Sara) | ship name: samlotte | TBD
Aysel Karacan - Ayça Aysin Turan (Sara) | ship name: kaysel | TBD
Kerem Budak - Alp Navruz (Jordanne) | ship name: kaysel | TBD
Zhang Wei Zhao - Sinqua Walls (Jordanne) | ship name: zhaura | TBD
Milo MIDDLE NAME Fuller - Sebastian Stan (Jordanne) | ship name: mine | TBD
Quinn MIDDLE NAME Fuller - Bryana Holly (Jordanne) | ship name: stephinn | TBD
Ophelia MIDDLE NAME Fuller - Florence Pugh (Jordanne) | ship name: opheny | TBD
Lachlan MIDDLE NAME Campbell - Jorge del Rio Romero (Jordanne) | ship name: lachlly | TBD
Tinsley MIDDLE NAME Campbell - Kelianne Stankus (Jordanne) | ship name: matthey | TBD
Guinevere June Campbell - Anna Klinski (Sara) | ship name: duvere | TBD
Auden MIDDLE NAME Jennings - Alexis Ren (Jordanne) | ship name: mauden | TBD
Laura Grace Jennings - Ester Exposito (Sara) | ship name: zhaura | TBD
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utaprifanzine · 5 years
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Thank you everyone for applying and waiting patiently while admins carefully combed through everyone’s applications. Emails have been sent out and confirmations received, we can now release our contributor list.
While we could only accept a small portion of applications, we’d like to encourage everyone who didn’t get accepted to not get disheartened! Each application was special and very much appreciated for this zine, and it’s unfortunate we couldn’t accept each one.
We did our best to include as many people as possible and extended our list of contributors. We currently have an amazing 52 contributors taking part in the Shining Live Zine! Our zine is comprised of 39 artists (18 page, 11 print, 7 chibi and 2 cover!) and 14 writers.
When we began this project we only intended to have approximately 37 contributors, but from the sheer number of applications it was decided to expand how many we could take on. New roles were created to include as many as possible; print and chibi artists were introduced!
Again, we’d like to thank everyone who applied and apologise to those who weren’t selected – we wish you luck in the next zine you apply for!
Below the cut is our list of contributors, writers and artists.
Phantom Thief
Artist: Anh Writer: Melanie
Detective Case Files
Artist: Roux Writer: Lana
Viridian Crystal
Artist: Tammyna Writer: Juleia
Autumn Memories
Artist: Adryan Writer: Taylor
Hero of Justice: Light W. Wing
Artist: Brisa Writer: Xenon
Deep Dark Rival: Dark W. Moon
Artist: Cloverchan Writer: Bri
Crimson Crystal
Artist: Minty Writer: Raine
Lavender Crystal
Artist: Cayadroid Writer: Ishnia
Onmyoji Apprentice
Artist: Bib Writer: Levi
Wandering Soul Blues
Artist: Silver Writer: Lesley
Seaside Sumer Live
Artist: Kira Writer: Melanie
Enjoy Idol x Amusement Park
Artist: Emily Writer: Sack-of-rice
Magical Halloween Live
Artist: Ana Writer: Echo
Sweets Café Live
Artist: Kami Writer: Levi
Artist: Kyuu Writer: Velvet
Christmas Live
Artist: Gwen Writer: Annie
New Year’s Party
Artist: Mae Writer: Maddy
Idol’s MV Shooting
Artist: Raimy Writer: Raine
• Prints are bonuses included with physical zine copies. Prints will be single-character A5 cards featuring Starish and Quartet Night in their Shining Super Stars UR outfits.
Otoya Ittoki: Yuumira
Tokiya Ichinose: Koto
Masato Hijirikawa: Isete
Ren Jinguji: Roll
Natsuki Shinomiya: Looba
Syo Kurusu: Anhi
Cecil Aijima: Abby
Reiji Kotobuki: Spooply
Camus: Mildew-way
Ai Mikaze: Rose
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Esther
• Physical and digital zines will have different covers.
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b1a4seeyou · 4 years
Tale of Xillia for the Ship Ask
From this ask!:
I guess JuMilla is cute!!!!
Favorite canon pairing:
Still JuMilla!! But JuLeia ipand Alvin x Leia are cute too TwT
Worst pairing ever:
Hmmmm I dont have any hatred for the ships in Xillia so none!!
Guilty pleasure pairing:
Can I say Muzet and Gaius? Their interactions are just ADORBS
A pairing you want to see more:
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”:
Nope! There arent any!!
Favorite non-romantic pair:
I HAVE A FEW!! The sister bonding, Milla and Muzet; Elize and Alvin, Rowen and Gaius, Leia and Alvin... All the buddy buddy platonic pairings!!!
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findme-by-the-beach · 4 years
Kintay ib caribou juleia ams?
0 notes
eunoiaa-s · 4 years
Bitroo7en bnaider wala juleia?
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prosouthmind · 5 years
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#clubremix #deephouse #poolside #soulful #electrohouse #remix #edmmusic #tomorrowland #djworld #festival #futurehouse #dancemusic #producerlife #musica #spotify #music #bigroom #clubbing #digitaldjpool #djcharts #electronicmusic #housemusic #itunes #playlist #edmlifestyle https://hearthis.at/rbm6dtjg/landscape-and-juleia-over-you-southmind-edit/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BzH62cei1QP/?igshid=hoi4r1wn7n1d
0 notes
lunastarhawk · 20 days
WiP (or proof of life) Wednesday
Summer was not conducive to finding time to write, but I'm nearly done with Tides 27 😊
This is essentially one loooonnnnggg rewrite of the epilogue scene from Julian's route. Here's some of it.
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They’d already moved some home comforts onto their ship over the past few days, so there wasn’t much to take besides a few changes of clothes. Julian took one last look at the map laid out on the desk; it was the one that he’d once marked the places he wanted to visit, to pick up original pieces of treasures and trinkets he’d once had a collection of copies of. They’d plotted this Nevivon trip upon it, marking the port towns they’d stop off at - including Altheia’s apparent hometown of Port Tremaire.
But that wasn’t their reason for taking the map, and Julian’s lips curved into a soft smile to himself as he carefully rolled it up and placed it in his knapsack. They’d be travelling with Mazelinka, and she certainly didn’t need a map to guide her between ports. They were taking Julian’s map - their map - as a symbol.
It was the same reason that Altheia carefully wrapped Julian’s model ship, which looked remarkably like The Southern Cross, in a sheet of fabric and placed it in a box padded with balls of tissue. A symbol.
The same reason that they had packed Julian’s old coat, black and weather-beaten and oversized, that they’d discovered had been bought by Altheia once upon a time.
A thin folio containing the reports they’d found in Julian’s dungeon office, written in Altheia’s hand, from her time as his apprentice, forgotten.
A small glass jar of bath salts - Nevivon’s finest, scented with vanilla, bergamot and sea salt, a decorative blue ribbon around its neck.
Altheia’s favourite seashells, collected from the beach where they’d spent so much time together, then and now.
Void quartz, the purest quality that Selina could find, a key component in a medicine they’d formulated together that eased the suffering of plague victims.
The gently glowing jade weed, still in its simple pot that Julian had planted it in all those years ago for Altheia, a forgotten gift.
Symbols, all of them. To be used in a ritual to restore Julian’s memories. All packed away in a sea chest, made of varnished mahogany with their initials painted in gold on its lid - A. F. in her neat cursive, J D in his best effort.
One thing remained. Altheia’s hand trembled as she opened the desk drawer and took out the rolled scroll, tied with a red ribbon. On the back of it, something as mundane as a shopping list, one that even Julian himself couldn’t read. But hidden within its tightly spiralling sheet of yellowed notepaper, a promise. Written playfully, signed as a commitment, it seemed. Forgotten, yet fulfilled even so. And since added to.
Altheia was reluctant to unroll it, worried that it might spark Julian’s pain as it had before. But as she turned her eyes to him, she knew she didn’t need to. They both knew what it said, what it meant. It would take on its role as a symbol, a component in a ritual. And Julian would remember it.
Altheia didn’t know if she would ever remember any of these things. But Julian would. These symbols of the life she’d taken from him would give those memories back.
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Commissioned @sketchycrowz a while back for a cg of Altheia the opposite to Julian's from the prologue, and I love how it turned out 🥰
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italicmite · 6 years
"I Miss Who I Used To Be"
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Your Sweetest Melodies
by JuLeia
Vi is trying everything to support her little sister Powder's college education. She works at an Undercity bar in modern Piltover every night, but she still doesn't quite have it together. They're poor as shit, and while Vi is trying to change that, her methods are not always legal and her intentions not always pure. All while trying to keep her budding addiction a secret from her little sister, she meets the famous, rich pianist Caitlyn Kiramman who seems to have taken an interest in Vi. Vi admires her, and they spend steamy nights at Caitlyn's concert venues as it becomes more and more apparent that the pianist is battling a growing unhappiness in her profession. However, Vi's way of helping her doesn't seem to make things better for any one of them...
  Vi put one hand on her hip, carefully and gently. “Is that why you called me back here, though, to talk about music?” Caitlyn smiled. “I actually wanted you to wait here with me until everyone left.” “Why? You scared someone might come in?”
Words: 3472, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The CaitVi Symphonies Series
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), League of Legends
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, pianist, Music, high society - Freeform, Escape from High Society, Lesbian Sex, Admiration, Drug and Alcohol Use, Rich and Poor Love Interest, Crimes & Criminals, Pianist Kink I guess, Different Worlds, bad influence
Read on A03. from AO3 works tagged ‘Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)’
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utaprifanzine · 5 years
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4 Days Left Until Pre-Orders Close!
Heres some more of our lovely contributors! More incoming tomorrow!
Today, we have JuLeia (@/soulstokespin) who is our writer for the “Viridian Crystal” page, as well as the page artist for the same event Tammyha (@impulsivekiddo)!
We also have one of our chibi artists Ray (@shockyky)who drew chibis for the Halloween Live. Phantom Thief, and Crimson Crystal pages.
The print preview for today is Cecil’s print drawn by artist Abby (@newroyaloceans).
You can see previews of their pieces above. Check out their social media if you want to give any of them a follow!
Pre-order a copy of the zine here!: http://utapriidolhell.storenvy.com/collections/1781118-fanzines
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