julerose-zine · 1 year
And the second edition is here as well!!
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Google drive link (pdf)
A very big thank you goes to the contributors for making this zine possible, be sure to check out their profiles and give them the love they deserve!! ❤️
I hope that you all enjoy this edition and thank you all for your continuous support!! Long live the lesbians!! 💜💗
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shadowlorddemon · 1 year
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My drawing piece for @julerose-zine ‘s JuleRose Zine 2023!
I’m incredibly proud of this one.
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miraculosus · 1 year
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I drew this for the @julerose-zine 🖤💜💝 !! Love these girls very much, was happy to participate this year ^w^
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Hey there! This is my comic "How To Unlock Courage" which I drew for @julerose-zine.
Read from left to right and click on the images for better quality.
I hope you'll enjoy it 💕
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Credits to me - please reblog and don't repost.
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team-leo-v · 2 years
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My art piece for the Julerose zine ! It is sunset, and young Juleka and Rose are sitting on an hospital bed. Juleka is touching Rose's cheek <3 I love them your honor (this was accompaniment for my writing piece. The link for the (full, free) zine is in @julerose-zine 's pinned post:)
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bocadelicate · 2 years
flower crowns 
Her breath hitched in her throat as Purple Tigress smiled, interlocked their fingers, wrapped an arm around her waist, and jumped off the balcony. Her hands felt so warm even through the suit, and Rose felt like she was being wrapped in a big, warm, cuddly blanket. The scary part about that was that she liked that feeling. She liked how she was so much smaller than Purple Tigress, who nearly dwarfed her in height and her hands were so much bigger. She liked how she made her cheeks burn at the smallest things. 
But Purple Tigress loved Pigella, not Rose. She loved the superheroine that saved the day, not the ordinary girl who enjoyed gardening and helping her friends at school. Besides, Rose loved Juleka, not her.
Or so she thought.
julerose, fluff, identity reveal, first kiss. 1.2k words, written for the @julerose-zine! also on ao3.
Rose hadn’t been expecting a superhero to knock on her window, but, when did she truly expect any of the strange things that happened to her?
At around one in the morning, she was fiddling with her pen as she attempted — code word: attempted — to do her English homework. She wasn’t the strongest in the class, but she always looked forward to learning new words and phrases to use. She was currently fond of “oh my goodness” and “for the love of chocolate”. 
Rose sighed and set her pen down, leaning back in her chair. The last few months had been rather… rough with all the procedures she’d had to go through, and she was more than ready for a break. 
Knock knock!! 
She jolted and spun around, quickly catching sight of a cat-like heroine tapping on the glass of her balcony doors. “Purple Tigress?” She asked cautiously, biting back a smile at the red tint that bloomed on her partner’s cheeks. “What brings you here?”
“H-Hi,” Purple Tigress said with a small wave, a smile on her face. “I was wondering…” Rose watched as she swallowed and had to hold back the instinct to wrap her hand around her shoulders.
You love Juleka. Not your shy, sweet, lovable, pretty kind partner. Just Juleka. Only Juleka.  
She couldn’t explain the way her heart raced as she felt Purple Tigress’ thumb rub against her arm. No words could fully enunciate every feeling that she felt.
“I was wondering…would you like to have a picnic with me?” She said shyly, and Rose felt her cheeks burn most definitely a bright pink. “I found a rooftop not far from here, and the whole thing can be entirely platonic.”
Rose smiled sweetly. “I’d love to.” 
Her breath hitched in her throat as Purple Tigress smiled, interlocked their fingers, wrapped an arm around her waist, and jumped off the balcony. Her hands felt so warm even through the suit, and Rose felt like she was being wrapped in a big, warm, cuddly blanket. The scary part about that was that she liked that feeling. She liked how she was so much smaller than Purple Tigress, who nearly dwarfed her in height and her hands were so much bigger. She liked how she made her cheeks burn at the smallest things.
But Purple Tigress loved Pigella, not Rose. She loved the superheroine that saved the day, not the ordinary girl who enjoyed gardening and helping her friends at school. Besides, Rose loved Juleka, not her.
Or so she thought.
Rose let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding as their feet touched the ground of the rooftop and Purple Tigress let go of her waist — Rose nearly pouted at the lack of contact between them. Her eyes immediately widened as she took in the scene in front of her, immersed in the endless bouquets of flowers, wire, and floral tape on the table, as well as the fairy garden-esque picnic on the ground. 
“H-How did you have time to set all of this up?” Rose asked softly, admiring the colorful petals of the flowers, then the layout of food on the pink and white checkered blanket. This had most likely taken hours to coordinate and make, and for her? Of all people? She had a hard time believing it.
She looked up as she heard her snort, shaking her head. “I originally made this all for Pigella, you know, the Pig Miraculous Holder?” Rose froze as Tigress continued. “She declined when I invited her earlier today, and, well, this did take me hours to set up. I didn’t want it all to go to waste, and you’re someone I trust, so I thought you might want to enjoy it with me. As friends.”
Rose internally cursed at herself. She remembered when Purple Tigress had asked her — as Pigella — if she was free tonight and she, being ignorant, had thought she was just asking her out again. A small pit grew in her stomach as she wondered: what if she knew this was why Tigress asked her?
“Do you not like it?” Rose heard Purple Tigress ask gently, and she spun around, oblivious to the way her partner’s cheeks turned a vivid red as she wrapped her arms around her torso.
“I love it. Why wouldn’t I? It was made with love, and everything’s beautiful and amazing and it’s so you .”
“How do you know ‘it’s so me’?”
Rose fidgeted with her fingers, quick to look down at her toes. “I’ve seen you on the news with Pigella, and the couple of times you’ve come to visit me, I feel like I’ve gotten to know you well enough to have a somewhat decent understanding as a human being. Call it intuition, I guess.”
And the fact that we save Paris nearly every day together. No big deal, though! 
Purple Tigress smiled widely — genuinely — and squeezed her gently before gesturing towards the table. “Up for a little flower crown making?”
She grinned. “Of course.” 
They walked over to the mini table filled with supplies. Rose couldn’t help the giddy feeling she felt as she picked up some purple flowers — she didn’t know exactly what they were called, Mylène would probably know — and silver wire and sat down on the picnic blanket. She really didn’t have that much of an appetite, but as she watched Purple Tigress sit down across from her with some pink roses and gold wire.
“How do you even do this?” Rose asked, genuinely confused as she stared at the flowers, then the wires.
“Well — here let me show you,” Purple Tigress scooted over towards her, and Rose’s cheeks burned an embarrassing shade of pink again. “First you’re going to connect the two pieces of wire together and measure it around your head,” she said whilst demonstrating with her own.
“Like this?” 
“Yeah! Now, you’re going to trim the flowers — here are some scissors — and we’re going to wire each flower stem. After that, we’re going to wrap it with some floral tape and attach it to the crown.”
It took them around fifteen to twenty minutes to finish their crowns. Rose wasn’t really keeping track of time, but she had finished three whole croissants, so she figured her estimate was accurate.
“You know,” Rose admitted as she put her crown on her head. “I made my crown be based on this girl I love.”
Purple Tigress’s eyes widened. “Really?”
She nodded. “The girl I’m in love with…she’s shy but so lovely. She’s tall, has the most beautiful eyes,  purple hair, and is genuinely so kind and lovely, but you’re so lovely too, of course, and —“
She was cut off by Purple Tigress chuckling lightly. “You’re Pigella?
Rose blinked. “Wha- how’d you know?”
“You’ve told me all of that before.”
Purple Tigress let out a quiet giggle. “If I may ask, who do you love then?”
“This girl named Juleka in my class,” Rose said quietly, suddenly self-conscious about everything she said. “I know, it’s not what you would expect-“
“You know, I happen to know Juleka as well. Pretty well, actually.”
She blinked again. “What?”
“Detransform me.”
Rose froze as the suit disappeared and left Juleka — her crush! — in her place. 
“Rose? Rose?” Juleka asked in a near frantic tone, waving her hands in front of her face. “Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry—“
Rose cut her off with a quick, but sweet, kiss. “Don’t be sorry. I’m processing this, but I promise you, this is more than okay with me.”
Juleka smiled and cupped her cheek — her hand was so gentle, so soft — as she captured Rose’s lips with hers.
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oblivionhold · 2 years
I wrote a piece for @julerose-zine. It is called Salvation and it is one of those 'times the character does X thing' fic. It was one of the many things distracting me from writing other fics so sorry about that but now it is out. You should check it (and the rest of the zine) out.
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Excited to share this fic I wrote for the @julerose-zine!!!
When Ladybug asks Pigella to care for her injured teammate, she wants to refuse. She's not the best person for the job, and she's not sure if Purple Tigress even likes her. But Ladybug insists, so Pigella fights through her fear and tends to Tigress' injury. It doesn't make things any easier that Tigress keeps reminding her of Juleka.
Read on Ao3!! First scene under the cut!
Pigella cowered behind a chimney, wincing as the ground shook below her. Today’s Akuma was a tad more explosive than the usual fare, and even though Pigella felt somewhat guilty hiding up on a rooftop, she was glad to be out of harm’s way. Besides, Ladybug had asked her to stay put until she was needed, so it wasn’t like she had reason to feel bad.
In any case, any relief she might have felt evaporated the second Ladybug dropped down beside her, clutching Tigress’ limp form in her arms.
“I need you to stay with her,” Ladybug said simply.
She tried to pass Tigress over, but Pigella instinctively stepped back upon noticing the smears of red staining Tigress’ suit along the edges of a red cloth bandage—well, Pigella hoped it had been red to begin with. Because, if not…
Pigella shook her head. “I’m not great with blood.”
Her heart thudded as she waited for a response. Was she even allowed to say no to Ladybug? Then again, if a teammate’s safety was at stake, it didn’t seem fair not to be upfront.
The sight of blood reminded Pigella of uncomfortable chairs and impatient nurses. The smell reminded her of emergency room visits where her mother fought back tears. Even the thought of blood made Pigella weak in the knees, and Ladybug really needed to know that she wasn’t the person best for this job.
Except…Ladybug didn’t seem to get it.
“Please,” she said. “Take her someplace safe. She…” Something unreadable passed through Ladybug’s eyes. “I really think she’ll feel safest with you.”
Pigella highly doubted that. She and Tigress hadn’t had many interactions—Tigress was a fairly regular part of the team, but Pigella’s powers weren’t as well-suited to combat. As such, the Akumas they were called upon to face didn’t normally overlap. And whenever they did work together, Pigella had the oddest sense that Tigress didn’t really want to talk to her. She was never rude or anything, just…distant. Which was odd, because Tigress seemed to have a really good time hanging out with the rest of the heroes.
As much as Pigella tried not to take it personally, well…she was used to people liking her. Despite her best efforts, it bothered her when people didn’t, especially when she hadn’t done anything to deserve it. But Pigella wasn’t being spiteful here: she genuinely didn’t think she was equipped to handle this.
She didn’t get a chance to plead her case as another explosion shook the ground.
“I’m sorry,” Ladybug said, transferring Tigress into Pigella’s arms before she could protest. “I’m running out of time—I’ve got to get back to Chat and the team.”
Pigella didn’t miss the glint of fear in Ladybug’s eyes, or the way she separated Chat from the rest of the heroes. It reminded her of the looks Juleka gave Rose on the days she had doctor’s appointments. And that kept Pigella from arguing any further.
She could understand Ladybug’s fear of being separated from someone she loved.
“Okay,” Pigella whispered, trying not to let her arms shake.
“Thank you,” Ladybug said, the relief on her face evident. “Just get her someplace safe and lay low. I’ll call you if we end up needing your power, but I think we’re going to have to change strategies anyways, so don’t worry too much.” She paused. “She’ll need something new to stop the bleeding—I used my Lucky Charm to stop the bleeding, but I’ll have to detransform and recharge my Kwami soon. I’ll…try to give you as long as I can.”
Pigella took a deep breath through her mouth and chanced a look down, noting that the bandage did in fact have black spots on it, and the red wasn’t entirely from blood. The folded cloth was secured to Tigress’ midsection with what looked to be a belt—wait, was that Chat’s belt? This was insane; Pigella couldn’t do this. Nobody had taught her how to handle a situation like this.
But then…she doubted anyone had taught Ladybug or Chat Noir these sorts of skills either. They were about her age, and they dealt with the kinds of things nobody should. And if they were counting on Pigella, just this once, she could do it.
She relaxed a little, her heart squeezing as Tigress let out a grunt and shifted in her arms. She didn’t open her eyes, but shivered and leaned her head closer to Pigella’s chest. Hopefully Pigella’s pounding heartbeat wouldn’t wake her up.
“You can count on me, Ladybug,” Pigella said, trying to sound determined.
Ladybug smiled. “I know I can.”
She tossed her yo-yo and disappeared into the smoke-filled sky. Pigella had to bite down on her lip to keep herself from calling Ladybug back.
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dahoomanprincess · 3 years
If I were to make a Julerose magazine, would anyone be willing to participate in it by drawing or writing??
Nothing is confirmed yet, I just want to know if people will participate if I actually do it 😅
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deryuj · 5 years
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A teaser for the @lgbtqshipszine ! Here's Julerose uwu
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julerose-zine · 1 year
Only 2 more days left till the release of the zine!! 💜
Who's excited?? We definitely are!!
While you wait, here's a veeeery little sneak peak of the cover page!! What do you think the full picture will be like??
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shadowlorddemon · 1 year
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A sneak peek…
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iameuba · 2 years
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finished piece for @julerose-zine !! <3 i luv them
(also yes...name change again ^__^ was tvailu, now euba)
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How To Unlock Courage - Preview
It's almost July and we all know what that means: The Julerose Fanzine is coming!
What might Rose be up to? I drew 7 pages (incl. cover) full of fluff and comfort exclusively for @julerose-zine! Stay updated!
Credits to me - Do not repost
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stellalights · 7 years
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preview of my entry for the miraculous pride zine!
instagram: @stellaights | twitter: @stelllalights
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bocadelicate · 2 years
hi friends !! here's a mini snippet of my fic for the @julerose-zine <3
Her breath hitched in her throat as Purple Tigress smiled, interlocked their fingers, wrapped an arm around her waist, and jumped off the balcony. Her hands felt so warm even through the suit, and Rose felt like she was being wrapped in a big, warm, cuddly blanket. The scary part about that was that she liked that feeling. She liked how she was so much smaller than Purple Tigress, who nearly dwarfed her in height and her hands were so much bigger. She liked how she made her cheeks burn at the smallest things. But Purple Tigress loved Pigella, not Rose. She loved the superheroine that saved the day, not the ordinary girl who enjoyed gardening and helping her friends at school. Besides, Rose loved Juleka, not her. Or so she thought.
the zine comes out july 3rd, 2022! make sure to follow the tumblr account for updates <3
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