#Jumanji trailer 2017
sleeplessdave · 6 years
Top 10: Trailers for 2017 Movies
A great trailer is designed to do one thing: get you back to see the feature.  However, trailers are also an art form unto themselves.  The best ones use music, imagery, mystery, and intrigue to set the stage for the film they’re promoting.  There were some great trailers for the films of 2017, many of which did not live up to the trailers that preceded them.  That doesn’t mean those trailers…
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melworld-blog · 7 years
Quatro adolescentes estão a jogar um jogo cuja ação se passa numa floresta. Eles escolhem avatars para a aventura. Mas um evento inesperado faz com que os jogadores sejam transportados para dentro do universo fictício, transformando-se nos avatars escolhidos. Sequência de Jumanji,filme de 1995.
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professorprophetess · 5 years
Why “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” worked where other video game themed movies fell short”
Jumanii: Welcome to the Jungle was not met with any sort of optimism whenever the sequel to the beloved Robin Williams movie was announced following the actor’s death. Yet despite all misgivings this movie turned out to be better than one might expect it to be, even standing its own and paying many moments of homage to the prior film. It managed to be a video game movie that actually worked, and that mostly comes from how it embraced its concept whereas other game movies tend to try too hard to take those half-real incoherences out of the equation and it more often than not weakens what is being attempted. In contrast I’ll be referencing these other movies: Spy Kids 3: Game Over and Ready Player One as well to compare and contrast how well each films handles their game elements.
First a few definition of terms might help those who are not as versed in the terminology as I am or as other game scholars might be. Whenever I say Incoherence, I am of course referencing Jesper Juul’s Half-Real. In it, these things are basically those parts of video games that are non-diagetic but are part of gameplay. The UI, the menus, the rules, the loading screens, the world maps, etc. It’s one of those reasons straight video game adaptations have such a hard time because a large part of what is going on with the game is those non-diagetic elements (Juul 121-162). I may also refer to certain games as MMO, MMORPG or just RPGs and while I know many know what those abbreviations stand for, I’ll spell them out right now. An MMORPG is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game whereas MMO is just to refer to any large game that is online. RPG is simply a Role Playing Game. Any game that has classes to choose from and the party system are generally RPGs. There are other types of abbreviations for games but for the games being discusses, these are the three most pertinent. The final abbreviation is VR or Virtual Reality.
I will start with the oldest film of the three: Spy Kids 3: Game Over. Its central conceit is child spy Junie Cortez had retired from spy work because he was feeling inadequate and just wanted to do something else with his life. Then the maker of a new VR MMO game turned out to secretly be an evil mastermind. They had sent another spy kid into the game but her mind had been trapped by him somewhere in it. Since the other spy kid is his older sister Carmen, Junie has no choice but to enter the game world and go after his sister and save the world while he was at it. In the end, the villain is stopped by Junie and then the virtual monsters somehow end up in the real world with the climax being that the mecha monsters are stopped by Junie and his family (Spy Kids 3). As far as video game adaptation movies go, this and the other films don’t technically count since the games in their plots aren’t real. However, Spy Kids 3 doesn’t also seem all that concerned as to how its central game’s rules work. Sometimes they’ll throw in the gaming concept of mini-games to advance —the robot fights, the racing game, the duel, I can only think of a few times where they faced monsters. Only three times did their life points count—the robot fight, the duel, and when the guy got blown up—. Emails are mentioned but it’s never shown how they exchange them aside from an awkward mimed handoff. Then there is the power up the bad guy gives Junie’s Grandpa AKA his old friend. These items, and the few elements of game play rules are there but they’re not really anything other than a plot point here or a beat there. They’re not central to how the plot is resolved nor how the story is playing out beyond a few bumps in their path to the climax. In fact the film version of incoherence AKA breaking the fourth wall plays more of a role with the climax as the 3-D glasses are used to see the monsters once they get into the real world. They’re not called those in the film but it is very clear with how they look that they are 3D glasses. Still, while it doesn’t resist the incoherences, it merely accepts them as a fact of a game movie and moves on (Juul 121-162, Spy Kids 3).
The next film I’ll look at is Ready Player One. Unlike Spy Kids 3, Ready Player One’s VR world isn’t actually an MMO. The OASIS is actually an internet interface that has many gameified elements to it (Ready Player One). In this film, the inventor of the OASIS died without any heirs about ten years before the start of the main plot and then added an extra gameified element to the OASIS. He left behind an Easter Egg Hunt for the whole of the OASIS’s user base to find. Winner takes the whole OASIS for themselves. This set off a bunch of people pouring over the things he loved in his life to see what kind of Easter eggs he hid to find the clues to get to that final prize. The hero, Wade, is a major Halliday—the OASIS creator—fanboy and finally manages to crack the code to get through the first challenge. From there, the race is on against his fellow gamers and Sorento the menacing head of a company that—should they get control—would make the VR world of the OASIS a pop-up filled nightmare. For the most part the rules of the game are not as important as the rules of the real world, as Sorento being the generic corporate villain that he is uses in game data to find the offline ID’s of the leaderboard to threaten them or, in one case, kills Wade’s not-all-that-lamented Aunt and Uncle as well as a bunch of innocent people who also lived in his trailer house stack (Ready Player One). Item inventories and passwords play a large role in the movie’s outcome as well as an extra life and the rules of the various mini games and challenges the players go through, but beyond that, I wouldn’t say the incoherences are ever used to anyone’s advantage beyond a plot device moment with that extra life Wade got from the Archivist (who turned out not to be just an NPC but an actual user avatar after all: the ex-best friend of Halliday) (Juul 121-162, Ready Player One). Ready Player One was far more concerned with pop-culture references than it was anything else. This doesn’t detract from things but it is what it is.The gameified OASIS  of the movie with its customizable avatars is interesting but doesn’t seem particularly efficient for anyone just trying to use the internet for data sharing or business. In fact it seems like it has a lot of wasted features to look cool instead of be functional. If it were a straight up VR MMO, that would make sense but here it creates more issues. Ultimately, the incoherences are there but not super important more than item collection—the keys and Wade’s 1-Up—,the moment where they steal Sorento’s password, and the chase scene at the end where the real-world jerking about it making it hard for Wade to get to his goal. Never once do they seem to be anything anyone—except the bad guys—can take advantage of and even then it was more by accident than design (Juul 121-162, Ready Player One).
I saved Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle for last. In the original film, Jumanji was just a board game. A possessed board game but a board game none-the-less. Yet, its rules affected the whole plot of that first film. That first film ends with two of its Protagonists, Allan Parrish and Sarah Williams, throwing it into a river for it to get washed away in the year 1969 (after having been adults in 1995 for most of the film’s plot). There is a post credit scene where two girls speaking French come across it on a beach (Jumanji). Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle opens with a man jogging along a beach and finding the game in the year 1996, one year after a majority of the plot of Jumanji took place. He picks it up, takes it home, and tosses it on his sleeping teenage son, Alex, who remarks “who even plays board games anymore?” While he plays his vaguely Atari 2600-esque console, the game magically changes into a cartridge version of Jumanji. Alex picks it up and puts it in. The next that is seen is a flash of green light. The movie jumps ahead and now it’s 2017. The movie introduces our four new teenage protagonists as four types of teenagers: the wimpy nerd, the lazy too-cool-for-school jock, the introverted awkward girl, and the self-absorbed, selfie-obsessed, popular, pretty girl. Also, the father of the Alex is re-introduced and the consequences of his disappearance have made him a wary, angry man. The four kids all get in trouble and land in detention; pretty girl Beth for being on the phone in class, Awkward girl Martha for mouthing off, and the boys Nerdy Spencer and Jock Anthony “Fridge” are  in trouble because Spencer helped Fridge cheat on his homework. They find the old-quasi Atari console with its very Nintendo looking controllers and decide to turn it on to play Jumanji. It is shown to look like it’s an old school RPG for four players that can each choose from different characters to play. After pressing start, they all get sucked into the game and become their characters. Spencer becoming the handsome Dr. Bravestone, Fridge becoming the comically small “Mouse” Finnbar, Martha becoming the sexy Ruby Roundhouse, and Beth becoming the male Dr. Shelly Oberon (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle). The first instance of game incoherence being part of the actual plot is when they get into the game and Beth dies but comes back because the extra life system. They meet a helpful—to a point—NPC named Nigel who fills them in (enabling a flashback cutscene) which is even explained by Spencer to the others. He gives them the item they need to finish the game as well as warnings about the bad guy they’re running from/racing to the center of Jumanji and drives off repeating his voice lines. A nice touch, as after they’re done with any sort of major speaking, NPCs do repeatedly say the same thing due to programming (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Juul 121-162). The next incoherence is ability UIs that can be displayed by pressing their names on their outfits, and that Bethany being the character who is the cartographer is the only one who can use the map-item. Along the way, Fridge’s back-pack is an inventory for weapons that shouldn’t reasonably fit in it and the group has special attacks they can activate once conditions are met, like Martha using Ruby’s fighting skills or Spencer using Bravestone’s weapons(Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Juul 121-162). Other touches where the game incoherences are woven into the plot are when NPC’s only talk to Spencer’s Bravestone, shortcuts across the whole world from the bazaar to the jungle house of Allan Parrish, and the NPC guardsmen whom Martha has to distract with a radio that conveniently is there for here to use her character’s dance fighting with. Then there is the scene where Alex, who has been in the game since 1996, is almost game-overed permanently but Beth transfers an extra life to him. Finally, there is the climax of the film where Martha as Ruby uses one of her extra lives to get to the top of the giant Jaguar mountain where the stone needs to go to win Jumanji, because characters respawn in this world by dropping from the sky. She purposefully uses her character’s weakness to snakes to get to the sky and she slaps the stone into Spencer’s hand so he can end the game(Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Juul 121-162). This leads to them winning once he yells Jumanji and the kids are free to go. They leave school and see that Alex was sent back to 1996 and his family’s house is no longer the dilapidated mess but is now warm and full of life. The kids move on and the movie ends with them at school the next day smashing the console with a bowling ball and the credits roll. At no point were the rules of the game they were in ever ignored and as mentioned the characters of the movie were even able to use those rules to their advantage whether it be getting through the world faster via a shortcut or using how the characters respawn to get around the bad guy. It wove these in well and that is why, of the three films here, it implemented its game aspects the best. There were still moments where the movie deviated—since we would see what the villain was up-to from time to time—but otherwise it stuck to keeping the rules consistent (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Juul 121-162).
Jumanji: Weclome to the Jungle was a film I had very low expectations for and not only did it exceed those expectations, it very cleverly used parts of gaming that other films ignore —unless they have to deal with them—to their full advantage for the plot line. Spy Kids 3 and Ready Player One didn’t ignore these aspects per-say but they did not fully embrace them as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle did.  By doing things the way they did, the writers of Jumanji were able to side-step a lot of the problems movies with video games in them could run into while attempting to make an engaging video game based narrative. The other two films attempted this same tactic but with varying levels of success. Video games are hard to adapt, and that is just a consequence of their inherent interactive status. The player’s interactivity affects how the game is to them. Adaptations take this out and lose part of the game. What Jumanji ultimately did that the others didn’t was make it feel like this was a game someone could play and showed how it would be played. The others did not. That was why they fell short.
Jumanji. Directed by Joe Jonhston, performances by Robin Williams, Kirsten Dunst, Bonnie Hunt, and Bradley Pierce, TriStar Pictures, 1995.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Directed by Jake Kasdan, performances by  Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart , and Jack Black, Sony Pictures, 2017.
Juul, Jesper. Half-Real. MIT Press, 2005. pg 121-162.
Ready Player One. Directed by Stephen Spielberg, performances by  Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, and Ben Mendelsohn, Warner Bros, 2018.
Spy Kids 3: Game Over. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, performances by  Daryl Sabara, Alexa PenaVega, and Antonio Banderas, Dimension Studios, 2003.
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tracthertrailher · 7 years
Movie TrailHER: Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle
Movie TrailHER: Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle
Movie TrailHER: Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle At first I wasn’t here for the Jumanji remake, but this trailer changed my mind. If you grew up in the 90s, you’d remember the movie Jumanji starring Robin Williams. It was a movie about a magical board game that unleashed a world of adventure for a couple of siblings. Well, of course with the remake, they had to modernize it a little so these present…
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mathismadsen5-blog · 6 years
Bumblebee is an upcoming American science fiction motion movie centered about the Transformers character of the identical identify. It is the sixth installment of the dwell-motion Transformers film collection and a prequel to 2007's Transformers. Directed by Travis Knight and composed by Christina Hodson, and starring Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Ortiz, Jason Drucker, and Pamela Adlon, it is the first stay-motion Transformers movie not to be directed by Michael Bay, however he nevertheless functions as a producer. Principal photography on the movie began on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. Bumblebee is scheduled for release in the United States on December 21, 2018 in Second, Actual D 3D and Dolby Cinema.
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20 several years prior to the occasions of the very first movie, in 1987, Bumblebee takes refuge in a modest California seaside city junkyard, exactly where a teenage girl named Charlie Watson requires him in. Nevertheless, the two of them soon uncover themselves hunted by a federal government company recognized as Sector 7, led by Agent Burns. As they operate from modern society, the two discover that Bee is not the only Transformer on Earth, and that the other people may well not be as pleasant.
On February twelve, 2016, it was introduced that the sixth film in the Transformers series Transformers 6 would be unveiled on June 8, 2018, while later it was revealed that the film would be an untitled spin-off, showcasing Bumblebee. On November eleven, 2016, Deadline described that Paramount Photographs was relocating ahead with the undertaking by revealing that Christina Hodson experienced written the script for the spin-off, and she was one of the feminine writers Paramount and Michael Bay employed in the "writers place." On March 2, 2017, Deadline documented that Travis Knight was employed to immediate the film. In Could 2017, it was exposed that the film's story would be established in the eighties, and that it would have fewer robots. In the identical month, it was declared that it would be titled as Transformers Universe: Bumblebee.
In Might 2017, it was described that Hailee Steinfeld was in talks for the female lead in the movie, and she confirmed her involvement later on in June. On July 11, 2017, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. joined the solid as the male guide. On July twelve, 2017, The Tracking Board confirmed that Rachel Crow experienced been cast in the film. On July 13, 2017, the relaxation of the main forged of the movie was confirmed, which includes Jason Drucker, Abby Quinn, Ricardo Hoyos and Gracie Dzienny. On July 22, 2017, it was noted that Pamela Adlon had been forged in the film to perform Steinfeld's mother. On July 31, 2017, the film added John Cena to its direct cast together with Kenneth Choi and Stephen Schneider in the supporting forged. On October two, 2017, while interviewing in advertising for the home media release of Transformers: The Previous Knight, Peter Cullen revealed he will be in the movie. On December eleven, 2017, it was exposed that actor Martin Short has joined the film's voice operate. On May 31, 2018, Jess Harnell revealed he will be reprising his role as the voice of Barricade from the 2007 movie and The Previous Knight. On July thirteen, 2018, it was declared that Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux would be voicing a pair of Decepticons respectively named Shatter and Dropkick. On August 26, 2018, voice actor David Sobolov, who had previously voiced Depthcharge in Beast Wars: Transformers, Brawl in the 2007 online video sport and Shockwave in Transformers: Key confirmed he will voice Blitzwing.
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Principal pictures on the movie commenced on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vallejo, and Mare Island, California, and was scheduled to finish on November sixteen, 2017, under the operating title Brighton Falls. Filming concluded 6 times forward of timetable on November ten, 2017. Later on, in November 2017, the film was exposed to have transformed its title to Bumblebee: The Movie, as effectively as obtaining wrapped up filming.
Dario Marianelli is established to offer the audio rating for the movie, producing this the very first time Steve Jablonsky has not scored 1 of the films in the franchise.
Bumblebee Plot
Bumblebee is the initial spin-off movie in the Transformers franchise and the very first movie in the sequence to be directed by a person other than Michael Bay. Set in the 1980's, Bumblebee takes spot prior to the earlier Transformers films - maybe even in a new continuity - and is on a a lot more compact scale, refocusing the franchise with a much more character driven tale. Here's almost everything you need to know about the approaching motion picture Bumblebee. If you want to view Bumblebee 2018 film cost-free and without downloading or registration, you must use url https://www.123movies-stream.com/bumblebee-watch-free/, just simply click it and appreciate film night.Hailee Steinfeld's solitary "Again to Existence" was introduced from the soundtrack on November 2, 2018.
Visual outcomes for the film will be supplied by Industrial Gentle & Magic, Catina Innovative and The Third Flooring with Jason Smith and Tony Lupoi serving as the primary visual outcomes supervisors.
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Bumblebee is established to be launched in the United States on December 21, 2018 by Paramount Pictures, getting originally being set for a June eight, 2018 launch. The very first trailer was released on June five, 2018. The new trailer was released on September 24, 2018 even though its worldwide trailer was unveiled on the same day showing that Bumblebee was formerly disguised into an outdated Jeep Wrangler ahead of he turned a Volkswagen Beetle. On November 21, 2018, Paramount introduced it would hold one particular-day previews for the movie on Saturday, December 8, 2018, related to the advertising Amazon Key and Sony Images operate with films like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Hotel Transylvania three: Summer season Trip and fellow December 2018 launch Aquaman.
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tennantlane3-blog · 6 years
Bumblebee is an approaching American science fiction motion movie centered close to the Transformers character of the same identify. It is the sixth installment of the stay-motion Transformers movie sequence and a prequel to 2007's Transformers. Directed by Travis Knight and written by Christina Hodson, and starring Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Ortiz, Jason Drucker, and Pamela Adlon, it is the first reside-motion Transformers film not to be directed by Michael Bay, even though he still acts as a producer. Principal images on the film started on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. Bumblebee is scheduled for release in the United States on December 21, 2018 in 2nd, Actual D 3D and Dolby Cinema.
20 a long time prior to the events of the 1st film, in 1987, Bumblebee normally takes refuge in a little California beach city junkyard, the place a teenage female named Charlie Watson requires him in.
Bumblebee Plot
Bumblebee is the 1st spin-off movie in the Transformers franchise and the first movie in the sequence to be directed by a person other than Michael Bay. Established in the 1980's, Bumblebee normally takes location prior to the preceding Transformers movies - perhaps even in a new continuity - and is on a a lot smaller scale, refocusing the franchise with a much more character driven story. Here is almost everything you require to know about the upcoming motion picture Bumblebee. If you want to observe Bumblebee 2018 movie free and with no downloading or registration, you must use hyperlink https://pediascape.science/wiki/Bumblebee, just click on it and take pleasure in film night time.However, the two of them quickly locate themselves hunted by a authorities agency recognized as Sector seven, led by Agent Burns. As they run from society, the two learn that Bee is not the only Transformer on Earth, and that the other individuals may well not be as friendly.
On February twelve, 2016, it was declared that the sixth movie in the Transformers sequence Transformers six would be launched on June eight, 2018, although later it was revealed that the film would be an untitled spin-off, showcasing Bumblebee. On November 11, 2016, Deadline documented that Paramount Images was moving ahead with the undertaking by revealing that Christina Hodson had composed the script for the spin-off, and she was a single of the woman writers Paramount and Michael Bay employed in the "writers space." On March 2, 2017, Deadline documented that Travis Knight was employed to direct the film. In Could 2017, it was unveiled that the film's story would be set in the nineteen eighties, and that it would have much less robots. In the exact same month, it was announced that it would be titled as Transformers Universe: Bumblebee.
In Might 2017, it was described that Hailee Steinfeld was in talks for the feminine guide in the movie, and she verified her involvement later on in June. On July 11, 2017, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. joined the forged as the male guide. On July twelve, 2017, The Tracking Board confirmed that Rachel Crow had been solid in the film. On July thirteen, 2017, the rest of the core forged of the film was verified, which includes Jason Drucker, Abby Quinn, Ricardo Hoyos and Gracie Dzienny. On July 22, 2017, it was reported that Pamela Adlon had been forged in the movie to enjoy Steinfeld's mom. On July 31, 2017, the movie added John Cena to its lead forged together with Kenneth Choi and Stephen Schneider in the supporting forged. On Oct two, 2017, while interviewing in marketing for the house media launch of Transformers: The Previous Knight, Peter Cullen uncovered he will be in the movie. On December 11, 2017, it was exposed that actor Martin Limited has joined the film's voice function. On May possibly 31, 2018, Jess Harnell exposed he will be reprising his function as the voice of Barricade from the 2007 film and The Final Knight. On July 13, 2018, it was introduced that Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux would be voicing a pair of Decepticons respectively referred to as Shatter and Dropkick. On August 26, 2018, voice actor David Sobolov, who had earlier voiced Depthcharge in Beast Wars: Transformers, Brawl in the 2007 movie game and Shockwave in Transformers: Key verified he will voice Blitzwing.
Principal images on the film began on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vallejo, and Mare Island, California, and was scheduled to complete on November sixteen, 2017, below the functioning title Brighton Falls. Filming concluded six days in advance of plan on November ten, 2017. Afterwards, in November 2017, the movie was revealed to have transformed its title to Bumblebee: The Movie, as properly as obtaining wrapped up filming.
Dario Marianelli is set to supply the songs rating for the movie, producing this the 1st time Steve Jablonsky has not scored a single of the films in the franchise. Hailee Steinfeld's single "Back again to Daily life" was released from the soundtrack on November 2, 2018.
Visible results for the movie will be presented by Industrial Light & Magic, Catina Inventive and The Third Floor with Jason Smith and Tony Lupoi serving as the main visual consequences supervisors.
Bumblebee is set to be unveiled in the United States on December 21, 2018 by Paramount Photos, getting initially being established for a June eight, 2018 release. The first trailer was introduced on June five, 2018. The new trailer was released on September 24, 2018 even though its intercontinental trailer was launched on the exact same date exhibiting that Bumblebee was previously disguised into an aged Jeep Wrangler prior to he grew to become a Volkswagen Beetle. On November 21, 2018, Paramount introduced it would hold a single-working day previews for the film on Saturday, December eight, 2018, related to the promotion Amazon Primary and Sony Photographs run with films like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Lodge Transylvania 3: Summer season Getaway and fellow December 2018 launch Aquaman.
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Bumblebee is an forthcoming American science fiction action movie centered about the Transformers character of the same title. It is the sixth installment of the live-motion Transformers film collection and a prequel to 2007's Transformers. Directed by Travis Knight and prepared by Christina Hodson, and starring Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Ortiz, Jason Drucker, and Pamela Adlon, it is the first dwell-action Transformers film not to be directed by Michael Bay, though he nonetheless functions as a producer. Principal pictures on the film started on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. Bumblebee is scheduled for launch in the United States on December 21, 2018 in 2d, True D 3D and Dolby Cinema.
Twenty many years just before the events of the initial film, in 1987, Bumblebee requires refuge in a little California beach city junkyard, the place a teenage female named Charlie Watson normally takes him in. However, the two of them shortly discover by themselves hunted by a government agency recognized as Sector 7, led by Agent Burns. As they operate from culture, the two discover that Bee is not the only Transformer on Earth, and that the other individuals may possibly not be as helpful.
On February twelve, 2016, it was declared that the sixth film in the Transformers sequence Transformers six would be introduced on June eight, 2018, whilst later it was uncovered that the movie would be an untitled spin-off, showcasing Bumblebee. On November eleven, 2016, Deadline described that Paramount Photographs was relocating forward with the venture by revealing that Christina Hodson had composed the script for the spin-off, and she was 1 of the woman writers Paramount and Michael Bay employed in the "writers space." On March two, 2017, Deadline documented that Travis Knight was employed to direct the film. In Might 2017, it was exposed that the film's story would be set in the eighties, and that it would have less robots. In the exact same thirty day period, it was declared that it would be titled as Transformers Universe: Bumblebee.
In Could 2017, it was reported that Hailee Steinfeld was in talks for the female guide in the film, and she verified her involvement afterwards in June. On July eleven, 2017, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. joined the forged as the male lead. On July 12, 2017, The Monitoring Board confirmed that Rachel Crow had been solid in the film. On July thirteen, 2017, the relaxation of the main cast of the movie was verified, including Jason Drucker, Abby Quinn, Ricardo Hoyos and Gracie Dzienny. On July 22, 2017, it was described that Pamela Adlon experienced been solid in the movie to perform Steinfeld's mom. On July 31, 2017, the movie extra John Cena to its guide cast alongside with Kenneth Choi and Stephen Schneider in the supporting solid. On October two, 2017, whilst interviewing in promotion for the house media release of Transformers: The Previous Knight, Peter Cullen revealed he will be in the movie. On December 11, 2017, it was revealed that actor Martin Quick has joined the film's voice perform. On May possibly 31, 2018, Jess Harnell exposed he will be reprising his function as the voice of Barricade from the 2007 film and The Very last Knight. On July 13, 2018, it was declared that Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux would be voicing a pair of Decepticons respectively named Shatter and Dropkick. On August 26, 2018, voice actor David Sobolov, who had earlier voiced Depthcharge in Beast Wars: Transformers, Brawl in the 2007 video sport and Shockwave in Transformers: Key verified he will voice Blitzwing.
Principal pictures on the movie began on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vallejo, and Mare Island, California, and was scheduled to end on November sixteen, 2017, below the operating title Brighton Falls. Filming concluded 6 times forward of schedule on November 10, 2017. Afterwards, in November 2017, the film was exposed to have modified its title to Bumblebee: The Film, as nicely as obtaining wrapped up filming.
Dario Marianelli is established to offer the songs rating for the movie, creating this the 1st time Steve Jablonsky has not scored 1 of the films in the franchise. Hailee Steinfeld's solitary "Back to Existence" was unveiled from the soundtrack on November 2, 2018.
Visual outcomes for the movie will be supplied by Industrial Mild & Magic, Catina Creative and The 3rd Floor with Jason Smith and Tony Lupoi serving as the primary visual consequences supervisors.
Bumblebee is set to be released in the United States on December 21, 2018 by Paramount Pictures, obtaining initially being established for a June eight, 2018 launch. The very first trailer was released on June five, 2018. The new trailer was unveiled on September 24, 2018 although its international trailer was introduced on the very same date showing that Bumblebee was previously disguised into an previous Jeep Wrangler ahead of he became a Volkswagen Beetle.
Bumblebee Plot
Bumblebee is the very first spin-off film in the Transformers franchise and the initial film in the collection to be directed by somebody other than Michael Bay. Established in the 1980's, Bumblebee normally takes area before the preceding Transformers movies - probably even in a new continuity - and is on a much more compact scale, refocusing the franchise with a more character driven story. This is everything you require to know about the impending movie Bumblebee. If you want to watch Bumblebee 2018 film free of charge and with no downloading or registration, you must use link https://picomart.trade/wiki/Bumblebee, just click on it and get pleasure from film evening.On November 21, 2018, Paramount announced it would hold one particular-day previews for the movie on Saturday, December eight, 2018, related to the advertising Amazon Primary and Sony Images operate with films like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Resort Transylvania three: Summer time Trip and fellow December 2018 launch Aquaman.
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Bumblebee is an forthcoming American science fiction action film centered close to the Transformers character of the same title. It is the sixth installment of the stay-action Transformers movie sequence and a prequel to 2007's Transformers.
Bumblebee Plot
Bumblebee is the very first spin-off movie in the Transformers franchise and the 1st film in the sequence to be directed by someone other than Michael Bay. Set in the 1980's, Bumblebee requires location before the preceding Transformers films - probably even in a new continuity - and is on a significantly scaled-down scale, refocusing the franchise with a far more character driven story. Here is everything you need to know about the impending movie Bumblebee. If you want to watch Bumblebee 2018 movie free and with no downloading or registration, you should use website link Bumblebee Putlocker, just click it and enjoy movie night.Directed by Travis Knight and prepared by Christina Hodson, and starring Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Ortiz, Jason Drucker, and Pamela Adlon, it is the very first reside-action Transformers film not to be directed by Michael Bay, although he nevertheless acts as a producer. Principal pictures on the film commenced on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. Bumblebee is scheduled for launch in the United States on December 21, 2018 in 2nd, Genuine D 3D and Dolby Cinema.
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20 years prior to the functions of the 1st movie, in 1987, Bumblebee requires refuge in a modest California beach city junkyard, exactly where a teenage female named Charlie Watson takes him in. However, the two of them quickly uncover by themselves hunted by a federal government company identified as Sector seven, led by Agent Burns. As they operate from society, the two find out that Bee is not the only Transformer on Earth, and that the other individuals may well not be as pleasant.
On February twelve, 2016, it was introduced that the sixth film in the Transformers collection Transformers six would be unveiled on June eight, 2018, whilst afterwards it was revealed that the movie would be an untitled spin-off, that includes Bumblebee. On November 11, 2016, Deadline described that Paramount Pictures was shifting ahead with the venture by revealing that Christina Hodson had written the script for the spin-off, and she was 1 of the female writers Paramount and Michael Bay employed in the "writers space." On March 2, 2017, Deadline noted that Travis Knight was employed to direct the film. In Could 2017, it was revealed that the film's story would be set in the eighties, and that it would have fewer robots. In the very same month, it was announced that it would be titled as Transformers Universe: Bumblebee.
In Could 2017, it was documented that Hailee Steinfeld was in talks for the feminine guide in the film, and she verified her involvement afterwards in June. On July eleven, 2017, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. joined the solid as the male lead. On July twelve, 2017, The Monitoring Board verified that Rachel Crow had been cast in the film. On July thirteen, 2017, the rest of the main cast of the film was verified, including Jason Drucker, Abby Quinn, Ricardo Hoyos and Gracie Dzienny. On July 22, 2017, it was noted that Pamela Adlon had been forged in the film to perform Steinfeld's mother. On July 31, 2017, the film extra John Cena to its direct forged alongside with Kenneth Choi and Stephen Schneider in the supporting cast. On October two, 2017, whilst interviewing in promotion for the property media launch of Transformers: The Very last Knight, Peter Cullen uncovered he will be in the movie. On December eleven, 2017, it was unveiled that actor Martin Quick has joined the film's voice work. On May possibly 31, 2018, Jess Harnell exposed he will be reprising his position as the voice of Barricade from the 2007 movie and The Last Knight. On July thirteen, 2018, it was announced that Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux would be voicing a pair of Decepticons respectively known as Shatter and Dropkick. On August 26, 2018, voice actor David Sobolov, who had beforehand voiced Depthcharge in Beast Wars: Transformers, Brawl in the 2007 movie game and Shockwave in Transformers: Key confirmed he will voice Blitzwing.
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Principal pictures on the film commenced on July 31, 2017, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vallejo, and Mare Island, California, and was scheduled to complete on November sixteen, 2017, beneath the operating title Brighton Falls. Filming concluded 6 days ahead of schedule on November ten, 2017. Later, in November 2017, the film was revealed to have changed its title to Bumblebee: The Movie, as well as possessing wrapped up filming.
Dario Marianelli is set to supply the audio rating for the movie, producing this the first time Steve Jablonsky has not scored one of the films in the franchise. Hailee Steinfeld's single "Again to Lifestyle" was introduced from the soundtrack on November 2, 2018.
Put up-generation
Visual results for the movie will be supplied by Industrial Light & Magic, Catina Imaginative and The Third Flooring with Jason Smith and Tony Lupoi serving as the main visual outcomes supervisors.
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Bumblebee is set to be introduced in the United States on December 21, 2018 by Paramount Photographs, having originally getting established for a June eight, 2018 release. The initial trailer was released on June five, 2018. The new trailer was launched on September 24, 2018 although its international trailer was launched on the very same date showing that Bumblebee was previously disguised into an previous Jeep Wrangler ahead of he turned a Volkswagen Beetle. On November 21, 2018, Paramount introduced it would keep a single-working day previews for the film on Saturday, December eight, 2018, comparable to the marketing Amazon Key and Sony Photographs run with films like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Trip and fellow December 2018 launch Aquaman.
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cinemadrunk · 6 years
MovieDay (4/29)
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Just Getting Started 2017
Going In Style is a better watch.
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 Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle 2017
Unexplained update aside, it’s not horrible. I laughed a little.
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Boo 2: A Madea Halloween 2017
You could’ve stopped with the first one or before it. Definitely, no need for another.
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Pitch Perfect 3 2017
I’m not mad at it. I actually wish this had been the second one.
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Coco 2017
I was tricked! I know; it’s my fault. Watch the whole trailer next time. I’d rather watch Book of Life on replay.
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trailerscloud · 3 years
0 notes
professorprophetess · 5 years
Lost in Adaptation
Though there have been successful game based movies before, like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, that was about a fictional game coming to life. It worked for a different set of reasons and they all had to do with the concept of half-real Juul talks about in the book of the same name(Juul 121-162). That begs the question, can real games get proper adaptations into film without having their attempts fall flat. The short history of video game movies does not really suggest that this is usually possible. Yet even then exceptions can exist. For the sake of simplicity I will be sticking to movies produced by the West AKA Hollywood that are not animated that feature real game properties being adapted into films. To get the greatest breadth of the attempts to adapt games into movies I’ll pick one per decade since the very first live action adaptation of a video game came out in 1993. That movie is one that I’ve often chosen to pretend doesn’t exist as it was a very disappointing childhood memory: Super Mario Bros. Next I’l jump ahead to the 00’s with 2008’s Doom. Finally, I’ll look at the recent game based movie Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. Where did the previous two movies from prior two decades go wrong where Pokémon: Detective Pikachu got things right is the question I seek to answer by analyzing these games based films from those decades. Please note, I will not be counting any movies made by Uwe Boll amongst adaptations that got things wrong as I am lead to believe he does not care about how far off track he takes his films and it would appear as if he does it on purpose. Therefore, all films he makes are anomalies and should not be counted.
First, the movie that started it all. Super Mario Brothers was a very big deal in the early ’90’s. As a child of that decade, I know first hand how ascendant Mario and Luigi were. My older siblings and cousins all clamored to play as much Super Mario Brothers games on their NESes as they could. Naturally, a movie based on their beloved game was going to be awe inspiring.Oh, it was but for all the wrong reasons. To be fair to Hollywood, games are hard to adapt into a movie because of that half-real element many games have to them, especially story light platforming games of the NES era. However, that still doesn’t fully explain how they went from a fantasy romp where the hero—an everyman Italian plumber— rescuing the princess from a monster into gritty sci-fi dystopia, extra emphasis on the gritty. The set design, cinematography, plot choices, and direction are all bizarre when one takes a step back to just look at it. For instance, their redesign of the iconic Bowser into a man with weird hair. Because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film coming out three years prior, the ability to have made a puppet suit for someone to wear to bring Bowser to life in all his dragon-turtle glory existed. Yet, for some reason, instead of respecting the intellectual property, whomever had purchased the rights handed the project off to writers who clearly were so embarrassed to be adapting a video game that they didn’t bother actually adapting it. As a small child, all I’d cared about was that they’d made Yoshi look weird and the goomba’s looked wrong. Now that I’m older, I’m more perplexed by why they’d choose to go so far a field. Their idea had no business being grafted into the Super Mario Brothers’ universe. In fact, had they not been supposed to be adapting Super Mario Brothers, their idea would have been fun for a Sci-fi B-Movie. Instead they just went so far off to the side that it left a shadow that kept Nintendo from allowing anyone to make movies from their IPs. The actors did what they could but a bad script and bad direction cannot be overcome by anyone. (Super Mario Bros)
The shadow wasn’t just cast by Super Mario Bros but other movies kept the belief that video game movies just would not work alive. Thus we get to Doom. I was far too young to play Doom at its initial height of popularity but I knew what it was. So by 2005, after strings of other not-so-good-to-so-campy-its-fun video game adaptations, it was Doom’s turn. The trailers looks promising. Then what happened was a clumsily cobbled together film that used elements of Doom’s barely there plot, as well as plot threads from Alien and other space horror flicks to produce a B-movie that bears next-to-no resemblance to Doomat all. There’s an instance where the movie switches to first person POV like the game, and the human antagonist has become and alien creature called a “pinky” which is a demon from Doom, but ultimately being PG-13 could not deliver on the gore factor needed to fully capture what it was that Doom was: a bloody maze of gore and violence. In this case, it was likely based on the fact it was Doom that they thought adapting it was a good idea, but in their fumbled and neutered execution they made a so-so space horror that almost utterly fails as an adequate adaptation of the game of the same name’s fame it had tried to cash in on. Again, the set design is questionable as it is set largely on a space ship instead of in a maze of tunnels through Hell, and the tame levels of violence are not reflective of the core part of Doom’s appeal at all. The acting was decent enough, but otherwise the story direction and direction in general are suspect. 2005’s Doom failed because it did not try to be the by proxy gore fest that its source material was and without that gore, the classic Doom doesn’t have enough of an identity to fall back upon (Doom).
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu: A film I’d initially thought would also fail. One reason was because I thought the game it was based on was a silly idea when it came out, but also because it had become an almost accepted maxim that all video game based movies would continue to be awful because when it comes to gaming that Half-real effect I mentioned that Juul wrote about makes it hard to fully adapt a game because we, the players are not just passive watchers but active participants with game play, meaning what we do is projected into what happens so even with highly story based games, like a Final Fantasy title, no two people are going to have the exact same gameplay experience (Juul 121-62). Yet, those games have a higher chance of being adaptable.  Those games prior to Pokémon: Detective Pikachu that most consider to be meh-to-passable all tended to be those based on games that tended to have far more of a narrative world to them than something like Doom or Super Mario Bros which were adapted from a story light FPS and story extra-light platformer. In the case of Pokémon: Detective Pikachu versus the series it spun-off from, until Generation V, there really wasn’t much to the story to speak of, and though it’s still not central to the main games, it’s stepped up to keep with what Generation V did. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu is a point and click adventure the is full of story and characterization that is not dependent wholly on the player, making its world and story far more adaptable into film format. A second thing the makers of Pokémon Detective Pikachu got right was they kept the aesthetics of the Pokémon world whenever they were designing the set design. They only deviated as such to make sure that these things looked coherent and real in that sense but it still reflected the worlds the games had presented. The pokémon were also a huge factor. They had to be redesigned to fit with the humans in the movie, but those redesigns were made with respect to how these creatures would look were they actually real creatures, keeping the uncanny valley at bay. Also, in a start contrast to the Super Mario Bros movie, this world was not only vibrant but it was a live and full the the fantastical creatures people expect to see in a world full of pokémon. Which is to say, we expect to see pokémon and they fulfilled that and then some. The plot is nothing extravagant or especially complex, but it was fun, it had genuine moments of heart and it fit in perfectly with the insanity that can happen within the pokémon universe. It felt like it and the games took place in the same world (Pokémon: Detective Pikachu).
Doom and Super Mario Bros on their own are not actually purely awful films. Doom fits right in with a lot of passable sci-fi horror trying to be Alien—and failing— whereas Super Mario Bros is more like an 80’s sci-fi B-flick that is trying to be cool—and also failing. However, the problem is these movies do not exist on their own, they were in fact adaptations of other intellectual properties that their makers did not respect enough to properly adapt to the silver screen. Whereas the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu film had nothing but respect for the game franchise it was representing into a live-action/CGI hybrid. Pokémon Detective Pikachu fits into the Pokémon World. It feels like it belongs there, and these events could be in that same universe. That, ultimately, is where the other two films failed horribly. Both films, so caught up in trying to be appealing to everyone, lost their identities to the point that they no longer fit in the worlds they were supposed to be adapting.
Works Cited
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. Directed by Rob Letterman. Performances by Ryan Reynolds, Justice Smith, and Kathryn Newton. Legendary Entertainment, 2019.
Doom. Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak. Performances by Karl Urban,Dwayne Johnson, Rosamund Pike. Universal Pictures, 2005.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Directed by Jake Kasdan, performances by  Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart , and Jack Black, Sony Pictures, 2017.
Juul, Jesper. Half-Real. MIT Press, 2005. pg 121-162.
Super Mario Bros. Directed by Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton. Performances by  Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo, Dennis Hopper. Allied Filmmakers, 1993.
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sleepyskunk · 7 years
List of movies / 2017 Movie Trailer Mashup
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0:08 - War for the Planet of the Apes
“What are you waiting for?” - Lars Eidinger in PERSONAL SHOPPER
0:10 - Geostorm
0:12 - The Greatest Showman
“We made this oath. Whoever died first would send the other a sign.” - Kristen Stewart in PERSONAL SHOPPER
0:14 - Annabelle: Creation (double shot)
0:16 - A Ghost Story (double shot)
“A sign. Have you, communicated with spirits before?” - Lars Eidinger in PERSONAL SHOPPER
0:18 - The Blackcoat’s Daughter
0:19 - Wind River
0:20 - Ghost in the Shell
0:22 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
0:23 - War for the Planet of the Apes
“It was quiet, for all these years.” - Miranda Otto in ANNABELLE: CREATION
0:26 - It (double shot)
0:29 - Hangman
“We all knew, something was very wrong.” - Holly Earl in LOVING VINCENT
0:31 - King Arthur
0:32 - The Beguiled
“I saw something.” - Jaeden Lieberher in IT
0:34 - The Devil’s Candy
0:35 - Annabelle: Creation
0:36 - Get Out (triple shot)
“A clown. Yeah, I saw him too.” - Jack Dylan Grazer in IT
0:39 - Lavender
0:41 - A Cure For Wellness (triple shot)
0:44 - The Circle
“You know there’s a sickness. Stops them seeing the truth.” - Vanessa Redgrave in THE SECRET SCRIPTURE
0:46 - Thelma
0:48 - The Secret Scripture
0:49 - Jackals
0:50 - Professor Marsten and the Wonder Women
0:51 - A Cure for Wellness
“There’s something, calling them all here.” - Aaron Poole in THE VOID
0:52 - Annabelle: Creation
0:53 - Mother! (double shot)
0:55 - Flatliners
“Shhh. That’s not me.” - Shae Smolik in THE HATRED
0:56 - The Hatred
1:02 - Mother!
1:03 - It
1:05 - Annabelle: Creation
1:05 - Personal Shopper
1:06 - Polaroid (triple shot)
1:08 - The Bye Bye Man
1:09 - It Comes At Night
1:10 - Berlin Syndrome
1:10 - Wish Upon
“Mister Policeman. You could’ve saved her.” - Jonas Karlsson in THE SNOWMAN
1:11 - Jigsaw
1:11 - Rings (double shot)
1:13 - Happy Death Day (double shot)
1:14 - The Devil’s Candy
1:15 - Jigsaw (double shot)
1:16 - The Lego Ninjago Movie (double shot)
1:18 - The Snowman (triple shot)
1:20 - Flatliners (double shot)
1:21 - The Shape of Water (double shot)
1:22 - The Belko Experiment
1:23 - Breathe
1:23 - Brigsby Bear
“Make it a wonderful day!” - Edie Inksetter in IT
1:24 - Justice League
1:25 - Kidnap (double shot)
1:26 - Collide
“At the end of the day, people are out for themselves.” - Adria Arjona in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT
1:27 - Good Time
1:27 - Gerald’s Game
1:28 - Wind River (double shot)
1:30 - The Belko Experiment
1:31 - The Devil’s Candy (double shot)
1:33 - King Arthur
1:34 - Split
“Death always wins.” - Matthew McConaughey in THE DARK TOWER
1:35 - Ghost in the Shell
1:36 - The Void
1:37 - Paint it Black
1:40 - The Snowman
1:41 - The Mountain Between Us
1:43 - Blade Runner 2049
1:44 - The Shape of Water (double shot)
“We all float down here.” - Jackson Robert Scott in IT
1:50 - It
P  A  R  T     T  W  O
1:56 - Baby Driver
1:59 - The Boss Baby
1:59 - Despicable Me 3
2:00 - Baywatch
2:01 - Ingrid Goes West (double shot)
“Congratulations.” - Aubrey Plaza in INGRID GOES WEST
2:03 - Logan Lucky
2:04 - Going in Style (double shot)
2:06 - Catfight (double shot)
2:06 - Kong: Skull Island
2:07 - A Fantastic Woman
2:07 - The Square
2:08 - Brawl on Block 99
2:10 - The Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature
2:11 - All Eyez On Me
2:11 - Detroit
2:12 - CHIPs
2:13 - How To Be a Latin Lover
“This doesn’t put an end to shit, you f*cking retard, this is just the f*cking start. Why don’t you put that on your ‘Good Morning Missouri’ f*cking wake-up broadcast b*tch .” - Frances McNormand in THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI
2:14 - Pitch Perfect 3 (double shot)
2:16 - The Disaster Artist
2:18 - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
2:22 - Fist Fight
2:23 - Suburbicon
2:23 - T2 Trainspotting
2:24 - Song to Song
2:25 - My Name is Emily
2:26 - Raw (double shot)
2:28 - Patti Cake$
2:29 - A Bad Mom’s Christmas
2:30 - Girls Trip
2:30 - Tragedy Girls
2:31 - T2 Trainspotting
2:32 - Rough Night
“Come on, man.” - Armie Hammer in FREE FIRE
2:32 - Free Fire (triple shot)
2:35 - First Kill
“I got you all wrong, didn’t I? You got me just right.” - Bel Powley and Tye Sheridan in DETOUR
2:36 - Kingsman: The Golden Circle (double shot)
2:37 - Wolf Warrior 2
2:38 - Detour
2:39 - Geostorm
2:40 - War for the Planet of the Apes
2:41 - Wonder Woman
2:42 - The Great Wall
2:43 - American Assassin
2:44 - Thor: Ragnarok
2:44 - Spider-man: Homecoming
2:45 - Monster Trucks (double shot)
2:47 - The Mummy
2:47 - Baby Driver (double shot)
2:49 - xXx: Return of Xander Cage
2:50 - Baby Driver (double shot)
2:52 - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (triple shot)
2:57 - Ghost in the Shell
2:58 - John Wick: Chapter 2
2:58 - Transformers: The Last Knight
2:59 - The Dark Tower (double shot)
3:01 - Transformers: The Last Knight (double shot)
3:02 - Logan
3:02 - Alien: Covenant (double shot)
3:04 - Wonder Woman (double shot)
3:05 - The Fate of the Furious (quintuple shot)
3:08 - The Mummy (double shot)
3:10 - John Wick: Chapter 2
3:10 - Sleepless
3:11 - Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (double shot)
3:12 - Renegades 
3:12 - Colossal
3:13 - Okja (double shot)
3:14 - Baby Driver
3:15 - Ghost in the Shell
3:16 - Outrage Coda
3:17 - Captain Underpants
3:17 - Okja
3:18 - Saban’s Power Rangers
3:18 - The LEGO Batman Movie
3:19 - The LEGO Ninjago Movie
3:20 - The Emoji Movie
3:21 - Atomic Blonde
3:22 - Spider-man: Homecoming (double shot)
3:23 - Blade of the Immortal
3:24 - Thor: Ragnarok (triple shot)
3:25 - Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
3:26 - Justice League
3:26 - Cars 3 (double shot)
3:28 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi
“Jesus Christ! What happened to the seatbelt rule?” - Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson in THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD
3:29 - The Hitman’s Bodyguard (quadruple shot)
P  A  R  T     T  H  R  E  E
3:38 - Golmaal Again
3:40 - A Dog’s Purpose
3:40 - Realive
3:42 - Kedi
3:43 - My Cousin Rachel
3:44 - Downsizing
3:45 - The Snowman
3:46 - Fifty Shades Darker
3:47 - Leap!
3:48 - The Greatest Showman (double shot)
3:49 - Tulip Fever
3:50 - Split
3:51 - Wonder Woman
“Whatever you do, do it carefully.” - Vicky Krieps in PHANTOM THREAD
3:52 - The Book of Henry
3:53 - The Devil’s Candy
3:55 - Hounds of Love
3:56 - Loving Vincent
3:57 - XX
3:58 - All The Money in the World
3:59 - The Bad Batch
4:00 - Lady Macbeth
4:01 - Victoria and Abdul
4:02 - Phantom Thread
4:03 - Polina
4:04 - Coco (double shot) 
“I always told you, you were special.” - Ana de Armas in BLADE RUNNER 2049
4:08 - The Killing of a Sacred Deer (double shot)
4:09 - Jungle
4:11 - Leap! (double shot)
“Because you have something she can only dream of.” - Carly Rae Jepsen in LEAP!
4:13 - The Greatest Showman (triple shot)
4:16 - The Limehouse Golem
4:17 - Battle of the Sexes (double shot)
“Without our passion, it’s very hard for us to find our place in the world.” - Ken Stott in 100 STREETS
4:19 - I, Tonya (double shot)
4:21 - Molly’s Game (triple shot)
4:23 - Professor Marsten and the Wonder Women
4:24 - Worlds Apart
4:26 - First Kill
“If we may find a city, where one was considered impossible to exist, it may well write a whole new chapter in human history.” - Charlie Hunnam in LOST CITY OF Z
4:27 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi
4:28 - Alien: Covenant
4:29 - The Lost City of Z
4:30 - Dunkirk
4:33 - The Battleship Island
4:35 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
4:36 - War for the Planet of the Apes
4:39 - Kong: Skull Island
4:40 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
4:41 - Dunkirk
4:43 - Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
4:44 - Life (double shot)
4:46 - Only The Brave
4:48 - Menashe
4:49 - Before I Fall
“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.” - Sienna Miller in LOST CITY OF Z
4:50 - American Made
4:51 - The Promise
4:52 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
4:53 - The Dark Tower
4:54 - Saban’s Power Rangers
4:55 - Blade Runner 2049 (double shot)
4:57 - Kong: Skull Island
4:59 - All the Money in the World
5:00 - Stronger (double shot)
5:03 - Spoor
5:06 - Your Name
5:07 - Smurfs: The Lost Village
5:08 - The Odyssey
5:09 - Ghost in the Shell
5:11 - A Ghost Story
“I know this is a sacrifice for all of us.” - Charlie Hunnam in LOST CITY OF Z
5:14 - The Lost City of Z
5:16 - My Cousin Rachel
5:18 - Goodbye Christopher Robin (triple shot)
“I’d really like if you wrote a book for me. Should we go for a walk? Aren’t you working?” - Domhnall Gleeson and Will Tilston in GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN
5:22 - The Zookeeper’s Wife
“Why’d you leave my mama? I got lost. But you found your way back, right?” - Abby Ryder Fortson and Alex Roe in FOREVER MY GIRL
5:23 - Worlds Apart
5:24 - Columbus
5:25 - Phantom Thread
5:26 - Darkest Hour
5:28 - Forever My Girl (double shot)
5:31 - Wonderstruck
5:32 - It (double shot)
5:33 - The Big Sick
5:34 - Darkest Hour (triple shot)
“If all of this stopped, even if I were dead, I’d miss it... And i’d miss you.” - Gemma Arterton in THEIR FINEST
5:36 - The Post
5:37 - Megan Leavey
5:38 - Murder on the Orient Express
5:39 - The Shape of Water
5:40 - The Man Who Invented Christmas
5:41 - Okja
5:43 - Table 19
5:44 - Their Finest
5:45 - A Kind of Murder
5:46 - Everything, Everything (double shot)
5:47 - The Florida Project (double shot)
“This is what life looks like. People who love each other. You still have time.” - Patrick Stewart in LOGAN
5:49 - The Children of Chance
5:50 - The Lost City of Z
5:51 - The Shack
5:52 - Goodbye Christopher Robin
5:53 - Call Me By Your Name
5:54 - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri'
5:55 - Breathe
5:56 - Gifted (double shot)
5:58 - The Sense of an Ending
6:00 - Queen of the Desert
6:00 - Lady Bird (double shot)
6:02 - Beauty and the Beast (double shot)
6:04 - The Greatest Showman
6:05 - Wonder
6:06 - The Greatest Showman
6:06 - Coco
6:07 - Murder on the Orient Express
6:08 - The Shape of Water
6:09 - Darkest Hour
Edited by Sleepy Skunk ([email protected])
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darringauthier · 6 years
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Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (2017)
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Comedy
Who’s In It: Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillian, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Nick Jonas
Who Directed It: Jake Kasdan
Plot:  Four teenagers are sucked into a magical video game, and the only way they can escape is to work together to finish the game.
Running Time:  119 Minutes
Rotten Tomatoes Score: Critics 76%   Audience 88%
Why I Watched It: The trailer looked like a lot of fun and then it came out and made a ton of money and also had pretty good reviews and yes I’m a fan of The Rock’s.
Random Thoughts: When I first heard they were doing another Jumanji my first instinct was this was a cash grab and there’s a whole generation that never heard of the first film and that also don’t play board games.  Then I heard The Rock was involved and they were updating it and it was more of a sequel/reboot so I was in.  This is something I wished Hollywood would do more of taking an older idea and doing something different with it.
What I Liked: Pure and simple this is a fun movie, you look up the definition of popcorn movie and you would see Jumanji’s  picture and that’s not an insult.  The film is just a lot of fun and it’s across the board fun, my 8 year old daughter loves it, I liked and the thing is they don’t play down for kids this is a funny action comedy for the whole family, yes I just wrote that.
Dwayne Johnson is truly on the top of his game, he’s not only good in his movies but he’s picking interesting films and films with good scripts, he’s not just gabbing the money he’s becoming a huge movie star.  He’s very good here playing type and against type in the same role, Johnson is very good playing off his imagine and I think the reason he’s so likable is that he has a very good sense of humor not many guys who look like Johnson have as good comedic timing as he does.
I also really liked Jack Black, who really nails playing a teenage girl trapped inside a middle age man and to be honest he gets the best lines and he’s kind of proven he’s back.  Karen Gillan now can put this beside Guardians Of The Galaxy on her resume, she’s a pretty good ass kicker.  I think the reason the film works so well is the four leads have great chemistry and all four are sharing the screen and not competing for it.
The action is solid and also they do a good job of turning a video game into a good action film, oddly Hollywood can’t do it with a real video game but here they capture the fun and style and it was really enjoyable.  The film also looks really good, they nail the tone and also the pacing to keep the story going.  I do think the main key is the humor, I think it what makes the film work without it you pretty much have a Indiana Jones rip off.
What I Didn’t Like: Nitpicks, really didn’t dislike much, Kevin Hart was playing Kevin Hart and it was too bad cause everyone else was playing against type but here Hart is doing very Hart like things, don’t get me wrong he’s funny but I wish he stretched a bit here.
They do a time thing late in the film, kind of a twist and it doesn’t make sense and that’s all i’ll say, but it is something that stands against the game’s logic.
And lastly I’ll say it, it’s a bit long at pretty much two hours, again nitpicks.
Final Thoughts: A fun film, a film you and you’re kids will like and a film that is very rewatchable.  A must watch.
Rating: 8/10
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kiarazuri · 6 years
I finished 2017 by watching the new Jumanji
and I actually really liked it.
I think the actor choices were really fitting and the racial dynamics were interesting.
Spencer was played by Alex Wolff who’s of Jewish descent and he turned into The Rock’s character, who’s Samoan.
Fridge was played by Ser'Darius Blain (whose name is fantastic) who turns into Kevin Hart, both black men with very different body types and personalities.
Bethany was played by Madison Iseman and she turns into Jack Black, a Jewish man’s, character.
Martha was played by Morgan Turner and she turns into Karen Gillan’s character, both of which are white.
Alex played by Mason Guccione as a teen then Colin Hanks as an adult, the latter of which is of Jewish descent, and they turn into Nick Jonas’s character (Nick Jonas is just white, I’m pretty sure)
Of the 11 listed about 6 are PoC or Jewish (I say this separately because not all Jewish people are PoC). Not a bad ratio. The gender ratio is not good, however, of this 11 there are only 3 girls and while in-game there’s only 1. There’s also no LGBTQIA+ representation which is just 🙃 awesome. Thanks, Jumanji.
(Spoilers past here?)
Some things that I really liked:
Yknow that trope of a cisman getting trapped in a ciswoman’s body? It turned that on it’s head and honestly Bethany’s reaction to having a penis is so great
There’s many more guys than girls tho which is an issue and I wish that they would have turned one of the girls into a guy AND one of the guys into a girl.
Getting trapped in bodies that are completely different than their own lets them all learn more about how the world works and not take the other side for granted.
I especially liked Martha
A cute love story between two people who have both had crushes on each other for like 5 years.
Alex’s ending (enough said)
I’m a sucker for the “a group of people are stuck together for an amount of time and then continue to be best friends thereafter” trope
I was annoyed at first by how the girls seemed to hate each other for being the complete opposite of each other but this was also seen in the boys so it was kinda balanced out
the girls don’t fight over any boy
the girls immediately start texting each other after they get out of the game even though they spent days together they’re just like - we need to keep this going it’s great
the boys rekindle their lost friendship
the boys dynamics switch.
in the real world Spencer is doing Fridge’s homework for him because he really wants to be Fridge’s friend again but when they go into the game Spencer is the one now in control of their relationship
Spencer goes from weak to strong and Fridge goes from strong to weak (although . . . whoever looked at Kevin Hart’s arms and thought “weak” is out of their mind)
Some things I didn’t really like:
my biggest issue when i saw the trailer was “why do people always put the girl into skin-revealing clothes” but at multiple points in the movie Martha addresses that she’s not comfortable in the outfit and even covers herself up with a jacket (Bethany’s jacket, no less, which I enjoyed because even though soon afterward Bethany tells Martha that she’s a babe in either body she never actually tells Martha not to cover up. She just tells her not to be ashamed of her body either way but makes it clear that it’s her decision to wear what she wants.)
So, although I like that Fridge and Spencer’s dynamics are fluid and switch from Reality and In-Game, there are issues with Black stereotypes that I noticed. These were kinda addressed with the change between characters but not really. I don’t know how to articulate it well (especially since I’m still half-asleep -- it’s not even 8 am here yet)
Not enough creatures from the original movie (like the flowers)
No LGBTQIA+ representation at all
Gender ratio
A Middle Eastern Bazaar . . . in a jungle (Jumanji) where the main god is a Jaguar . . . Jaguars are native to the AMERICAS.
There are also elephants . . . which aren’t extant in the Americas and which I’m pretty sure never actually lived here so WHERE THE HELL IS JUMANJI LOCATED?!
I know I’m missing some things but overall I did really enjoy it and I loved how some of the game dynamics were handled and a few odes to the original, it was a really good sequel. :)
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agentnico · 7 years
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) Review
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No, this is not the sequel to Dwayne Johnson’s 2003 action film ‘Welcome to the Jungle’. Though I can see why someone might mistake it for that!
Plot: Four teenagers discover an old video game console and are literally drawn into the game's jungle setting becoming the adult avatars they chose.
Everyone loves the original classic ‘Jumanji’. A fun family adventure film with a great concept (a board game that, once you start playing, unleashes various creatures from the in-game jungle and the only way to stop it is to finish the game), add Robin Williams to the mix and you have yourself an enjoyable watch. Now we have a sequel, and yes, it’s a sequel, not a remake, as the film does tie-in to the original in a very subtle but nice way. And at first when I heard about this sequel being made, I thought to myself “Gosh, this is going to be terrible.” Then the casting news came out that Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart were in the lead roles, and the last time they were together was in ‘Central Intelligence’ which I found to be terrible, so again, I thought to myself “Gosh, this is going to be really terrible!” and then the trailers came out and I had the same thought process, and now I’ve seen the film. And to be honest, I am pleasantly surprised. This is in no way shape or form a great film, but it’s a good old silly family film for the festive season. It sets out to give an entertaining enough ride, and it succeeds in exactly that. So in some ways I can’t really fault this movie. Is it as good as the original? No, of course not. But it’s still a good time at the movies. And boy, it looks good also. Sony really did put quite some money into this feature, from the big action set pieces to the stars to the score to the costumes and make-up, this is a fairly good looking movie.
The story is easily the weakest point of this film, as once the characters enter the game, the plot becomes quite simple. However the video game premise works in the film’s favour. Because the main cast members play video game avatars, the actors get the chance to play against their types through the means of real-world to video game body switching. Dwayne Johnson’s a weak cowardly nerd, Karen Gillan’s an insecure shy teen, and Jack Black is superbly cast as a she’s-all-that-pretty girl. The weak link of the mix is Kevin Hart, who in the film’s real world is an all-star jock, however when Hart appears in the game as the avatar, he basically just plays Kevin Hart like he does in all the other movies. And this being a video-game world, you have to take back your sense of disbelief, as some of the things the characters are able to do are physically impossible in reality, but because its a video game environment I can accept it. However the film at time contradicts its own video game rules. For example, Rhys Darby plays the narrator/navigator of the game, and him being a non-playable character, like in an actual game, there’s only so many sentences that he is programmed to say (which is a cause for some nice comedy), however through him the characters see a cut-scene which introduces them to the villain of the game. Which gives an assumption that the game renders around the characters. So then later there is a scene in the film that has the villain do a few things, but how can we see that happening if its not a cut-scene shown to the character’s? I know it’s a nit-pick but it bugged me so I mentioned it. Also, on topic of the villain, he is played by Bobby Cannavale, and this film especially proved to me how much Cannavale gets typecast in Hollywood these days, He always plays the same kind of roles, that by this point it’s just become a bit too boring.
As a whole though, ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ is a fun time at the movies. It has quite a few good silly jokes, the cast performances and the video-game premise are the two best parts of the film, however simply generally as a whole the movie’s just very enjoyable, and surprisingly respectful to the original film!
Overall score: 7/10
TOP MOVIE QUOTE: “There’s literally a penis attached to my body! Martha, come look at my penis!”
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trailerscloud · 3 years
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