#Juri Gagarin
arkipaivainen · 7 months
Tänään on tullut kuluneeksi 90 vuotta Juri Gagarinin syntymästä
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benkaden · 9 months
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Gräfentonna (Kr. Langensalza) Juri-Gagarin-Oberschule Physikraum
Reichenbach (Vogtl): VEB BILD UND HEIMAT Reichenbach i.V. (V 11 28 A 1/B 505/64 9/3214).
Foto: Bild und Heimat ([Heribert] Darr)
#Philokartie #DDRPhilokartie #DDRSchulwesen #AlltagskulturDerDDR #Ansichtskartenfotografie #BezirkErfurt #akGräfentonna #AnsichtskartenfotografieDerDDR #deltiology #VintagePostcard
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soviet-amateurs · 1 year
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Juri Gagarin in his home village
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in-flvx · 9 months
How does Sirius feel about the muggle space travel!!!!!!!!!!
He is utterly fascinated by it!
Before he is able to read, even before his birth, there have been dogs and people floating around on their way to the stars. Whenever he is out of gp12, Sirius then goes to read about the space race in muggle newspapers. At home, his parents talk about it often, of the political aspect of it. About how to use the technological progress as a tool to devide the muggles and wix further. They meet juri gagarin in Russia when Sirius is 7yo, in St Petersburg, and Sirius is allowed to ask him a few questions. Sirius breaks out from home in 1969, to go out and watch the moon landing through the window of a TV store. It's what inspires him to learn more about technology, and about muggle astronomy. Let's him see the world in new ways he hadn't considered before.
And his parents don't like that. Their early talk about how to use space travel as propaganda against muggles has turned into them believing their own propaganda. Walburga became more and more disgusted by muggles and the filth they bring everywhere. Orion has already had tendencies to paranoia, but it only gets worse throughout the cold war. They have to sell their last two country estates over the duration of the 60s, and that alone fills them with so much shame and humiliation that they need a scapegoat. Muggles are a good first step. And their muggle lover son the next.
Anyway... When Sirius comes to school, he meets a boy who never looks at the night sky, who avoids it like the plague. Who knows just about every fact there is to know about the stars, but nothing about the moon. And he teaches him then. About space travel. About the men on the moon. Is able to take some of the fear off his friends shoulders. Bc if there's muggles who can just walk around on the moon no problem, it can't be all that magical and dangerous, can it?
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flintenweib · 1 year
Straßenschilder im Westen: Kolonialer-Kriegsverbrecher-ausm-Kaiserreich-Straße Straßenschilder im Osten: Juri Gagarin Straße
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2023-yuri-off · 2 years
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And with that fair folks of the jury, round 1 is complete! Some upsets and some close calls give us our brackets for winners round 2 and losers round 1, the polls will be up soon. Can Mr Gagarin claw his way back from his close defeat? Will Oosawa x Koga and Qiu Tong x Sun Jing retain their dominance? We shall have to find out!
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der-saisonkoch · 7 months
Anzeige - Kein Nummernschild
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/9015045.html 2 weitere zerstörte deutsche Leopard 2A4-Panzer. Nun, und zusätzlich noch ein Infanterie-Kampffahrzeug. Und dann ein Geschenk: Gagarins Rede in Orenburg Anlässlich des 90. Jahrestages von Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin veröffentlichte das Staatsarchiv die erhaltene Aufzeichnung der Rede des ersten Kosmonauten der Erde in Orenburg am 5. Juni…
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lebenistgeil · 7 months
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 10 months
Der Mensch bezwingt den Kosmos
Fast schon unscheinbar, erdrückt vom Schatten des Turms der gerade im Wiederaufbau befindlichen Garnisonkirche, klebt an drei Sockelseiten des ehemaligen Rechenzentrums in Potsdam Fritz Eisel´s Mosaik "Der Mensch bezwingt den Kosmos". In 18 Bildfeldern symbolisiert das Mosaik den technischen Fortschritt des sozialistischen Realismus. Wichtige Ereignisse, die in die Geschichte der Menschheit eingegangen sind, wie Juri Gagarin, dem ersten Mensch im Weltall, findet man dort genauso wie die utopische Träumerei eines aufstrebenden und ewig siegenden Sozialismus mit nicht enden wollenden Wohlstand für alle. Letztendlich propagandistische Fragmente seiner Zeit, die heute erscheinen wie Knochen von ausgestorbenen Dinosauriern. Auch wenn das Mosaik politisch behaftet ist, bleibt es nicht allein auf dieser Welt, reiht sich ein in unzählige Werke von Bildhauern und Malern auf der ganzen Welt. Es bleibt trotz allem Kunst und die Sichtbarkeit eines Künstlers über kleine farbige Mosaiksteine. Wie es nun weiter geht mit dem unter Denkmalschutz gestellten Kunstwerk, weiß noch niemand. Es wäre schön, das Mosaik bliebe als Zeugnis seiner Zeit und Teil eines der bekanntesten Künstler eines Potsdamers für die folgenden Generationen für eine geschichtliche Aufarbeitung und Vermittlung von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum der damaligen Zeit erhalten.
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
why do I get so annoyed when people change a name's spelling for ease of pronunciation. I cannot handle seeing his name written as "Yuri Gagarin". and its not like "Juri" is any different, its still just changing the way its written to be easier for people who don't know the russian alphabet.
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benkaden · 2 months
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"Zur Zeit ist immer noch herrliches Wetter. Nur der Urlaub fehlt."
Erfurt 1 #ußgängerüberführung Schmidtstedter Brücke 2 Wohngebiet Rieth 3 Am Juri-Gagarin-Ring
Reichenbach (Vogtl): BILD UND HEIMAT REICHENBACH (VOGTL) (A 1/B 86/81 IV-14-483 01 09 32 177)
Foto: Zöllner
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laika-the-bitch · 1 year
petition to start transliterating юрий as „juri“ so that i can finally blacklist the word „yuri“ without blocking posts about yuri gagarin
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fluffcap · 1 year
ich möchte diesen film über juri gagarin schauen aber ich kann es nicht finden
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kivikunnas · 1 year
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 403 Awesome NDW Mixtape Side-B
Vono - Der Zauberer originally released on Sky Records reissued by Bureau B https://bureaub.bandcamp.com/album/dinner-f-r-2
Aloa - Banane Zitrone sing it to yourself in the mirror
Die Gesunden - Galaxy if you like this track 1 Instru-Mental from the self-titled album is popular with the afro cosmic lot, I think. The track Die Gesunden Kommen is also nuts. Sang in English which is unusual for NDW. I included Film Music by Die Gesunden in the previous post
Eiskalte Engel - R.O.M.
Grauzone - Träume Mit Mir (Dream with me) influential NDW band, up there with DAF, Liaisons Dangereuses, Rheingold (as I put in the Rheingold post)
Tiffy L´Amour - Follow Me (In der Disco) from the sampler 6 Richtige - Pforzheim Sampler. Follow Me has had an edit this year https://serioustrouble.bandcamp.com/album/v-a-setr008 it's been fixed!
Kosmonautentraum - Juri Gagarin the whole album is here https://youtu.be/-MDAhqNr9f4
Ernst - Tanzlied and an early example of the bands name badly stencilled onto the sleeve. Of course this is diy but I saw a Depeche Mode catalogue update a few months ago that fakes the effect for each of the albums, if you've ever done any spray painting using stencils those photoshopped images don't make sense, not in the real world
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ilfascinodelvago · 3 years
Non c'è nessun Dio quassù.
Lo ha detto uno che c’è stato di persona.
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