#Just for little chibis of originator and eraser
ma-mariarie243 · 8 months
How the erase or zero mv ended in project diva
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this drawing took SIX HOURS because I redrew Peter's expression like four times and I still hate it, but my hand hurts and I'm sick of looking at it lmao
i still like the picture itself and I enjoyed coloring it (sometimes i hate coloring, sometimes it's hypnotic, i can't explain it)
I just don't think his expression correctly conveys his emotional state (dead inside/emotionally wrung out/desperately needs a nap)
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i feel like he looks bored and pouty instead which isn't what i wanted but *waves hand* whatever 😂 let him have his petulant blue steel
this is only 5% a barbie joke, I would never spend 6 hours drawing something purely for the meme; the other 95% is just Peter's actual mugshot when he gets arrested for assault on campus in my AU—
(link to fic)
—thus "ESU — Campus Police Department" and the date being specifically March 9th, 2007 😂
if this was regular 616 Peter getting arrested it wouldn't be by campus police (lol) and the expression would be WAY pissier and less sullen LMAO (ntm less likely to allow himself to be arrested) but the context... Context/extenuating circumstances does change things.
the ID number on the dry-erase placard is just "spidey" converted to numerals LMFAO
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this was the "original" expression (actually like the third expression I drew, i redrew his eyes like six times) before I deleted this one and drew the OTHER version above lmao it does look a little more dead-eyed but it just wasn't working for me idk... chibi expressions are so much easier 😩
anyway he's not doing so hot right now lmao
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S4 Ep37: Return of O R B S
Heyyyyy boy, look who’s back, it’s orbs!
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So we’ve seen a lot of orbs on this show and I fully admit that I kinda started...I started feeling a kinship for the orbs. Something about these mysterious death balls of Yugioh that we see over and over just became really relatable during a pandemic. Being trapped in a bubble and unable to get close to anyone you know is such a 2020 vibe, youknow?
These orbs that are apparently so normalized in this universe that everyone is just max chilling in an orb and just doing their best at not thinking about whether or not they’ll still have to poop in this completely transparent orb in front of all of their friends.
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Also, welcome back, Yugi. Apparently he was just taking a nap this entire time. That’s canon and you know what? Good for him.
And then everyone else just kinda showed up, tired, in an orb, feeling kind of frustrated because there’s literally nothing else they can do to get out of this situation. It’s basically a zoom call in 2020.
(read more under the cut)
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TBH if Pegasus was in a zoom call, you know he’d just be talking about wine. You know he’d just be in a zoom call with a bunch of straight-laced teenagers just going off about the weird wine he got from a subscription box that he bought when he was day drunk a week ago. You know he’d just be like “I mean is it good? Should I keep it? Should I drink it anyway?” While popping the cork on stream and just pouring it directly into a cereal bowl.
I can feel the orb life going on here. I can especially feel Seto Kaiba, who fell asleep during the zoom call without turning off the camera.
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On the other side of the room is people dying as they get sucked directly into their impending doom.
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Long ago, about...last year I think...I recapped an episode from the beginning of the season where Pegasus introduced this blank card--that I assumed was blank.
But that card from that episode--it wasn’t actually blank. It was a symbolic blank card and the show runners were like “our child audience will surely get that we just don’t want to spoil the ending” as I, a full grown adult, completely thought this card was blank.
But like...this is Pegasus. You can’t just be tossing out blank cards like that!
...anyway...it’s fine, because we get a little bit more about the time that Pegasus donned that quantum hat that is sometimes square and sometimes round and then just harassed a bunch of people in Egypt until one guy tore out his eyeball and replaced it with a Christmas ornament.
I freakin have the hardest time believing this guy was married once.
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PS, now I know that when you uh put people’s hair into strips like this, it’s a lot of effort to animate and it doesn’t look anything like hair. Glad Yugioh taught me that none of us ever need to do that. Ever again. Erase that idea from your to-do list, it doesn’t work.
Anyway, Pegasus lets us know that while he was trying to revive his dead wife and putting a cold compress on his new golden eye-socket, he was also like...obsessed with finding these three dragons.
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And he was like “but they didn’t exist anywhere else!” He looked in outer space?? In atoms??? all over the place (this was in the show, PS, he looked on a molecular level for these duel monster dragons) until he was like “ah! That’s because they DID never exist!”
PS...are there...molecular duel monsters?
Just asking for a friend.
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...so they did exist, they just had exactly the same names they do now, but were humans so I guess Pegasus just...didn’t realize that they were the same. Kinda like how when I used to read manga as a kid or watch anime and they’d go into chibi forms I thought those were different people. It’s just like that.
Anyway if dragons are turning into humans please don’t tell that to Kaiba. Blue eyes white dragon wife is much funnier as a dragon.
But like...I get that mechanically, in the game, you have to change them to human to make the cards work but...why do we care if they’re human or dragons anyway? Dartz comes from a world where most people turned into monsters. And like if no one’s trying to date them, not even Kaiba...who cares? Dartz’ wife is a freakin monster and I don’t remember seeing him divorce her at any point.
Anyway, it was an odd thing for the show to throw in there about cards we have no relationship with. It’s a complicated season, and we spent way more time on our minibosses than we ever spent with the three tragic dragon characters that are going to actually save our asses.
Now back in the soul hut, Dartz has decided to do the strategy where he convinces Pharaoh to give up. Which youknow...
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The show acts like Pharaoh has any idea of who he used to be and it’s like do you even know how long Marik spent trying to teach Pharaoh anything about his past? Like Marik stood there with his back exposed and was like “I wrote it down! See? That’s about you!! Read my back scriptures!!!” and Yami kind of squinted at it and was like “Nah...” and then the island exploded.
So anyway, the only way that Dartz can convince Pharaoh to kill himself is to show Pharaoh the invite code to the orb zoom call. And so Dartz like “your friends are having so much fun in death zoom right now, don’t you want to hang one last time? Don’t you want to see what they’re up to? Don’t you want to hear them complain about working from home and how small their orb is and how their back is cramped all the time because the park is closed so they never go on walks anymore? Don’t you want to hear and secretly enjoy how much weight Joey gained from eating Doritos for 8 straight months? Don’t you want that in your life, Pharaoh?”
And then he just...decided to possess his bean because obviously that wouldn't work.
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Freakin Usagi Tsukino over here.
Speaking of:
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I’m also imagining that this scene in the big ol bathtub was probably...longer...in the original version? Just saying that because...what’s the point of putting a shirt on the boy? Unless it was implied that at some point you saw the whole boy? Maybe I blinked and missed a shot of the whole boy?
Anyway this scene felt heavily edited, that’s my hypothesis, if it wasn’t and someone was like “yo put a shirt on the boy” then I...don’t know what to say about that. It’s a pair of shoulders. I’m pretty sure half of their cards are racier than that.
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Do you like the evidence that we have here that Tea and Tristan totally biffed it last episode? I do.
Anyway, as the Orichalcos shrinks and threatens to take Pharaoh’s soul, the puzzle taps into his dark powers, and the power of friendship and also all the minibosses who died kinda formed a ring around him and bumped the orichalcos back into place.
Nice that Mai got added to the friend pile, but only in death. Also, I’m pretty sure Alister is here and Pharaoh never met him? But there’s more of a reason as to why the mini bosses are here, since they have their own agenda outside of Pharaoh and being his best buddy so I won’t question that too much.
This is friendship from Yami’s perspective, and like...Yami kinda wants to be friends with most people. Hell, if Bakura were introduced this season, he’d be here, too. That’s just how Pharaoh rolls.
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Yami decided that, although he’s a huge mess of a human being and screw it at every possible opportunity, his core isn’t made up of a dark magic curse with a crusty soul left over from some kingdom that botched it 5000 years ago. He’s decided that he’s moving on from that sort of anxiety--becoming his own sort of person--separate from Yugi, separate from his past, and separate from the powers that he’s often defined by. And it’s about time. It’s about time he recognizes that he needs to stop clinging to the ancient past (although I’m pretty sure his ancient past will be the entirety of next season)
He should give himself a real name while he’s at it, but youknow, he's not going to. Yami hasn’t quite figured out names yet.
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Nightmare foreshortening, that’s what this is. Like you have to just roll a dice when you do foreshortening, and sometimes you get snake eyes, the rest of the time, you get this.
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So not only are these guys voiced by Seto, Yugi, and Joey, they have faces that are like a blend of Valon, Raphael, Mai and Alister (yes that was four people for three dragon people, just go with it)--but the show doesn’t really focus on that, or at least not in this episode.
But, it does give the three mini bosses a reason to be chosen by the Orichalcos, if it’s inferred that they were some reincarnated version of the original dragons. Especially since Valon had the ability to just punch out the Orichalcos when he was still alive, and apparently that is the same thing this card does.
I can’t believe that him punching stuff was foreshadowing. I should have known. The answer in this show is always punching.
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And so the episode ends with some...something that happened, but don’t ask me about it.
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One of the reasons I don’t go over card games here. I mean...c’mon.
Come the freakin on.
Anyway we have some more episodes before this is over but at least this guy is at 0 hp so like...how long can you draw out one single play of cards? (I say, knowing they can stretch this game out...infinitely)
anyway, here’s where you can read these from the top. Hope y’all are staying safe!
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 7
part 6 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to this quasi-watchalong of Magia Record season 1! Last time, Iroha met a magical girl mercenary called Felicia, and the two ended up caught in the Rumor of the Lucky Owl Water. When our girls went to erase it, a cult group of weirdos called The Wings of the Magius stood in their way and got Felicia to join them promising the extinction of all witches.
Who are these weirdos? What are they up to protecting the Rumors? Is what they promised Felicia true? Et cetera, et cetera. Let's just go to the episode to find out already.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record S1 episode 7
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O-oh... what a way to start an episode, huh.
We get a look into what led to Felicia becoming a magical girl and, like most magical girl backstories, it's tragic. This is the reason why Felicia's obsessed with destroying all witches.
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Continuing from the previous episode, Felicia was taken to a subterranean waterway, that might be their hideout. Wait, didn't Kaede say something about a rumor of a giant underground empire some time back? She might've been right after all hahaha
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After walking a while, Felicia is met by Tsukasa and Tsukuyo Amane, two of the, uh, generals I guess I could say, of The Wings of the Magius.
The weirdo twins explain that their organization's objective is fulfilling the wishes of the Magius, whose objective is the salvation of all magical girls. See, so they are the ones behind the salvation propaganda.
The twins say their objective cannot be completed without the eradication of witches, which... well, is not a lie. Without the witchfication, there would be no witches. It's all fine until there, but then they're also protecting Rumors, who kidnap people, so... yeah.
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...uh, hey, Kyoko? What are you doing here?
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Back to Iroha's group, Iroha is worried about just letting Felicia go like that, to which Yachiyo answers it's fine because she planted a GPS on her... sasuga, Yachiyo. Why in the heck did you have that?
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"Am I being tracked too...?”
Yachiyo says this much is normal (no it's not), since she didn't trust Felicia to begin with, but Iroha just feels bad knowing Felicia's circumstances.
The trio heads towards Felicia's position and find the entrance to the waterway. Waiting for them there was...
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Chibi Kyuubei. For as adorable as he is, he manages to look even more suspicious than the original. And he only shows up when there's a rumor around, too! I don't trust him.
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Back at the underground waterway, Kyoko and Felicia are having a little chat. According to her, Kyoko only just ran into them too. She says that as long as she has Grief Seeds, food and a place to sleep, the rest doesn't matter, but she also seems to be aware that the WoM are fishy. Felicia agrees uneasily, but hearing that they might be behind the witches gathering in Kamihama seems to already have put doubts in her mind.
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The two have a meeting with the Amane twins inside the Rumor's barrier.
The twins explain the logic behind the Lucky Owl Water once again, and Kyoko says this
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There it is! This series' core. Funny hearing that from Kyoko, since I think she doesn't even know how right she is yet.
Kyoko rejects the Water and lays out her terms: as long as she can keep gathering Grief Seeds, she's fine with anything. However, the twins affirm that those are not necessary in Kamihama. Normally, I'd say these two are bonkers, but... well, we saw what happened to Iroha and Kaede. These two must know about that too. At this moment, a black feather comes in and interrupts their little show.
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Iroha's group was making their way through the waterway when the Amane twins block their way and, together with them, Kyoko and Felicia.
The Amane twins tell Iroha to do what they say if she doesn't want to be swallowed by bad luck and Iroha asks them why would they create that Rumor, to which the twins once more say it's for the sake of the Magius and their salvation. See, cult.
Yachiyo cuts to the chase and confirms they're here to battle, and the twins pull out something strange on them.
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So, yeah. There's pocket monsters, and now we have pocket witches too, apparently.
The twins called a witch upon our girls, which, according to them, they are controlling with magic. As the girls begin fighting against their familiars, Yachiyo asks the twins if they have any idea of what exactly they're doing. Tsukasa apologizes, but affirms that witches will be gone if they can realize their plans. The twins (literally) pull the rug on Yachiyo and Tsuruno and chase after them, leaving the (weak) Iroha to Kyoko and Felicia.
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Iroha gets whacked by the familiars and Felicia comes in to help. Iroha then once again dashes in her direction and they do a connect. Upon further thought, I think Iroha's assist is a booster in a more literal sense, since it turned Felicia's hammer into a rocket-hammer. My theory is that it's the same propulsion magic that makes her crossbow work.
Felicia's hammer causes a quake and one of the twins asks what's going on. Well, what did you think would happen if you released a witch in front of someone who notoriously goes berserk when they see witches? The twins might not be very smart.
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Damn, I missed a number.
Kyoko bounces too. She wasn't very convinced with the twins' vague talk of "salvation".
After transforming, Kyoko does her good act of the day, busting a hole in the barrier and telling Iroha to go on ahead. Iroha hesitates to leave her friends behind but obeys when Yachiyo tells her to go.
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With Kyoko guarding her back Iroha manages to make it out of the witch's p*kéball and into the Rumor's barrier. Like it's said, out of the frying pan into the fire. Oh and there's 7-6. I'm really missing numbers left and right today.
No Iroha, don't go chase the Kyuubei towards the light...! Just kidding. Iroha gets out of the tunnel and finds the Rumor's main body. She confirms with her tutorial mascot if she only has to break that, readies her crossbow and... gets swarmed by owls. C'mon Iroha, did you really think it'd be that easy?
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While Iroha's busy sucking at battles, Felicia's not having a better time with her reckless style either. Kyoko saves her ass and tells her she's not winning like that.
This whole sequence is just great in terms of animation, shame I can't really screenshot that T-T
As someone on a similar spot, Kyoko gives Felicia some advice, telling her she's a magical girl for her own sake; that's how it should be when she's betting her own life.
The two cooperate on destroying the witches, with Felicia bonking the whole barrier to smithereens. Nice job, rocket-hammer!
The girls go back to the waterway and the twins' Soul Gem is quite drained. Tsuruno tells them to stop already, but these two weirdos say that's just what they wanted.
Saying that they'll be able to show that Kamihama is a place of salvation, the two do the same thing Iroha and Kaede had done.
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Uhhh... if the salvation that the Magius is preaching is spewing out a witch from your body, that's already super fishy. There's no way there's no downside to this. This is Madoka we are talking about... right...?
While Yachiyo's group learns a shocking and disturbing truth, Iroha's busy getting her ass kicked. Poor Iroha
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and oh god, I don't think anyone would ever catch this number if they weren't pausing as much as I am to write this.
Iroha keeps getting wrecked by the owls, miraculously escaping unscathed thanks to the Lucky Owl Water. As the numbers keep counting down, Iroha starts questioning what happened to her back in the Seance Shrine. Uh, Iroha, is this really the best time to be introspecting?
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No matter how many times I see it, this scene still creeps me out.
While Iroha gets another round of spawning a witch, Yachiyo's group fight the twins', to no avail. Back to Iroha...
Oh no the witch talks now? Eek... oh, wait wait is this still Iroha's voice?
Not that the first thing it said is wrong, but Yachiyo's words really remained in a negative manner, huh? First in the Seance Shrine and now this. Iroha, don't go getting yourself killed trying to become stronger, ok?
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A-at least it's a bit cuter now... if you can call a witch that... rather, why did it change?
Iroha's thing makes short work of the Rumor and the Chibi Kyuubei peaces out. As if it wasn't suspicous enough, it turns into freaking water. Goddammit Chibi Kyuubei.
Iroha just lies there tired.
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Uhh... yeah, sure, if you count an eldritch abomination coming out of you as part of yourself, then yeah you did.
Like last time, Iroha's Soul Gem is pristine clean now.
Back to the twins, thanks to the floating water falling they realize that the Rumor's been defeated , then start panicking.
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"Someone", whose voice we're already familiar with, comes in to check on the situation and the twins apologize for their failure.
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Whelp, this is awkward. Hello there, Mifuyu. So you joined a cult.
Tsuruno gets really emotional. She runs up and hugs Mifuyu. who stops the Black Feathers from attacking her. Tsuruno's really glad that she's back and says they'll have to make a "Welcome Back Party" at her family's restaurant, but Mifuyu says she's not going back, because she's part of the cult The Wings of the Magius now. (couldn't they choose a shorter name for their group? Geez)
Mifuyu shifts her attention to Yachiyo and says she's happy that they went even to Seance Shrine to search for her; Yachiyo says it's thanks to the Kamihama Rumor Files (the notebook Yachiyo carries around) that she left behind.
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Yachiyo asks but Mifuyu implies she's the one that was left behind.
Mifuyu invites Yachiyo to join the cult but Yachiyo, obviously, can't agree with their methods. She questions if Mifuyu hadn't resolved herself as a magical girl but Mifuyu, like we saw in the flashback, really wants to be saved. Yachiyo's the only one who's strong like that.
Yachiyo says she'll stop her by force if she has to and they prepare to battle again, but Mifuyu uses her magic and has her group leave.
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Iroha's group leave the underground waterway (seems Kyoko has gone her way already too). Felicia tries to leave too and says she has nowhere to go back to when Iroha stops her and asks, so Iroha tells her to come over to her place.
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Felicia says she doesn't have to do that for her, but Iroha says she's doing this for herself, that she needs Felicia's strenght. Felicia argues that Iroha will get in trouble again if she's around and all the girls chip in saying they'll help her learn to hold herself back. (I'm not sure what this far framing is doing but I do like how it lets us see the body expression of all the girls at once.)
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Huh, weird, why is the screen so blurry? I can't type like this...
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Iroha apologizes for what they said and insists on having Felicia over, even if just for the day. Yachiyo comes in and tells them to stay over at her place instead.
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*sobs* so beautiful ;-; I wish I knew the name of the ost track here it's really pretty too.
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It really is Kyoko, it really is.
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At Yachiyo's place, Iroha's on the phone with her parents while the others wait for her to eat. It seems like her parents finally decided on where she's going to be moving to, and whatever they said was a surprise.
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There goes the last number! The Rumor's gone so this has to be purely for the sake of finishing the countdown, but I have long given up on trying to find the ones I'm missing in this episode.
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And there's the title card. Don't leave the episode yet, though, as there's still an after credits scene.
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To absolutely no one's surprise besides Iroha's, the place her parents decided on is Mikadzuki Villa, Yachiyo's place. Now, I did say that last number must be purely illustrative, but I'm inclined to agree with Iroha here on it being thanks to the Lucky Owl Water since there is no other way I can rationalize Iroha's parents, from overseas, managing to find the phone number of Mikadzuki Villa, that's not even doing boarding anymore, calling while Yachiyo's around to respond, making an agreement to let Iroha live there, and Yachiyo not even telling Iroha her parents called. So yeah, I say it was the Lucky Owl Water.
Felicia comes with Tsuruno and reveals she's also been living in Yachiyo's place. She's happy she'll be freed from living alone with Yachiyo and her "nagging" and Yachiyo tells her to clean up; Iroha says she's glad to see them getting along.
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“When did I turn into a mom?“
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That's a new type of bishie sparkles alright. Can all models do this? Is it like some special ability like Gabs' censor light rays? We'll never know.
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After the various types of ad, now we have spam too. Magia Record is actually warning us about the dangers of the internet.
...In all seriousness though, that's some mysterious text. How do they, whoever "they" are, know that Iroha's a magical girl? And most of all, how do they have her number? Guess this is going to be the mystery for the next episode. (Also, I never noticed this before but you can hear a veeeery quiet chime when the messages come in. Nice detail!).
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Aaaand with that, we have concluded episode 7! This one also ran on longer than I expected and, surprisingly, managed to surpass the number of screenshots of all others at about 43 images. sugoi
I couldn't catch all the numbers this time, but the ones I did were: 13-12 with Iroha on the bridge; 10-9 when Kyoko "betrays" the WoM; 7-6 when Iroha finds the Rumor; 6 through 1 happen while Iroha's fighting the Rumor and the last 1-0 was in Yachiyo's magazine. With that, I'm missing 12-11; 11-10; 9-8 and 8-7, which I have no idea where they are. Oh well.
I realized partway through that it kinda seems like I'm dissing Iroha every chance I get, but I assure you I don't hate her. In fact, she's my favorite character! This is coming purely from a place of affection, and a bit of frustration at what the anime did to her character, so don't mind me, it's aaall good.
With that out of the way, this was episode 7! We are now over halfway through, with a buckload of mysteries and barely any progress being made towards finding Iroha's younger sister. Poor Ui, if you even existed. Tomorrow, we'll be watching episode 8, so I hope you'll read me again then. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening and see you later!
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loopy777 · 3 years
RE: WIPs game: so, haru-tylee. that's one of my favorite crackships right there. what's that doing in your WIPs folder?
Ah, yes, that one. This is the piece that taught that I'm completely incapable of writing an in-character Haru.
I know, it's a weird character to stumble over, but it's true. He's just so bland in personality that there's nothing for me to grip onto. I have to write an exaggerated comedic personality for him in some way, or else the words just stop flowing from my fingers. Writing this small piece was like trying to lift concrete. I can write Azula in the midst of a depressed breakdown more easily than I can write Haru just being a nice dude.
As for why I made the attempt, it was for an exchange. One of the specified pairings was Haru/TyLee, and my only experience with it was that moment in the Chibi short. I figured it would be something fun to try, with a dash of some Romeo&Juliet tension, and would let me write more Ty Lee.
Fortunately, after I recovered from having my soul sucked out of my body, I was able to use one of the recipient's other pairings and meet the deadline (Long Feng/Song, and it resulted in a piece I'm still rather fond of).
Looking back at what I've written, it's not anything bad (except the part where Haru is given the assignment; woof, that's some first-draft writing), but it feels like it's missing some of the SNAP that I like to think exists in my better works. I dunno, maybe if I'd stuck with it, I'd have been able to revise it into something pretty good. Some of my best stuff lacked the SNAP until a little editing found it.
Once again, since this is a relatively short thing that I'll never finish, I might as well post everything I have:
Haru wasn't comfortable with the situation from the start.
When he and his father set out to help liberate all the conquered villages in the entire province, sure, he had been completely on board. It was difficult leaving Mom, but she wasn't a fighter, and Haru couldn't stay behind while Dad went on to help free all the other villages. The other Earthbenders had lent their aid to Haru's home, and it was only right to put his own skills to task returning the favor. That was good work. Not only was Haru living his dream of finally fighting back against the oppressors, he was doing it with his Dad, and together they were continuing their Earthbending training.
However, it seemed that there was more to a war than just saving people and fighting bad guys. An actual General in the Earth Kingdom military contacted their rebel group. This general, Fong, was maintaining a base right near the coast, and doing everything he could to keep his mountainous territory from being overrun by the Fire Nation. The messenger explained that Fong had heard of the rebel group's actions, and applauded them, and wished to direct their attention to an even more insidious threat than Fire Nation conquerors.
The Fire Nation was also trying to destroy the Earht Kingdom's culture. There was a traveling group, it was explained, devoted to showcasing Fire Culture in a manner designed to appeal to the common people. Fong couldn't spare the resources to track the group down and "discourage" its members, but perhaps a small network of Earthbender rebels could find the time? Such a favor would also be proof of the rebels' reliability.
That's how Haru and his Dad wound up attacking a circus, of all things, and taking all its members captive after a small skirmish that barely qualified as a brawl. Most had been caught in their tents and carts, and seized without a fight. Some of the Firebenders had tried resisting, but they turned out to be mere showmen, and were easily taken by the experienced Earthbender fighters.
Then, the rebels had to figure out what to do with their new prisoners of war. That's where the trouble began.
The noise that night was unbearable. By midnight, the circus animals still hadn't settled down, and no knew what, exactly, to do with them. "We can't just open their cages and set them free," Dad -- Tyro the Indomitable, as most of the rebels called him now -- said to the assembled leadership. "I don't even recognize half these creatures, let alone know if they can survive in this forest."
Haru stepped closer to his dad. "Also, some of them might wander back, and either attack or lead enemies right to us," he said. Around the fire, some of the other rebel leaders nodded in agreement, and Haru had to suppress a smile. He didn't want to give the impression of having a childish need for validation, but after living powerlessly for so long, it was fulfilling to be treated as a man, with respect, by other people that he in turn respected. He had taken to wearing a mustache not to look more adult, but because it felt right.
Back towards the main tent, the screech of what sounded like a Sky Bison-sized bird tore through the night. Everyone around the fire winced. "Well, we have to do something to quiet them," someone said.
One gray-haired woman, part of the original group that had escaped from the same prison rig as Haru and his father, looked at the younger Earthbender. "You're a smart young man. Why don't you pick one of the prisoners and get them to help. Find someone docile who knows what to do with those dusty creatures, and keep an eye on them. You're young and bold, so you can handle it if they try to give you trouble. Maybe one of the captives will be more interested in helping the creatures than escaping."
Haru blinked. He had fought beside all these people, but he wasn't expecting to be handed responsibility for a personal prisoner. That seemed like a job for someone more... ruthless. "How will I know who to pick?"
His dad chuckled. "Look at their eyes. People can hide their intentions, but not their spirit."
Haru nodded, unsure- but ready to accept everyone's faith in him.
All of the prisoners were being held in one of the larger tents, seated on the dirt floor.
Haru hadn't picked the ringmaster, because the man wouldn't stop talking, blustering simultaneously about the troupe's innocence and the coming vengeance of the Fire Nation. He didn't pick the man who professed to be the animal tender, because he was a Firebender who had demonstrated some fine control of his element before he had been dogpiled by a team of Earthbenders in the initial attack; besides, the man had an oily quality that Haru didn't like. He didn't pick the strongman because -- seriously -- the guy was huge!
In the end, it was the trapeze artist who Haru thought was the best bet. She had friendly eyes, seemed well liked by the other prisoners, and didn't seem to quite realize that she was a captive of desperate rebels. Plus, she was just the high-wire act, not even a Bender, so it's not like she could cause much trouble. What could go wrong?
"You," he said, pointing at the girl. "You're coming with me."
She blinked innocently, her gray eyes wide. "Me?" She tilted her head to the side, and the ponytail hanging down her back shifted. She alone in all the circus folk wasn't wearing a straight shade of red; her two-piece tunic used tones of pink, and it somehow made her seem less like an enemy and more like a girl.
Of course, that kind of thinking could lead to trouble. Haru might be a teenage boy, but that didn't mean he had to let his own hormones goose-pigeonhole him as some kind of sap. Dad and the others were counting on him, here. "Yes, you, miss. The animals need to be fed. Do you know how?"
Her face positively lit up with a smile that included her eyes. "Oh! Yes, I know all the animals here! You wouldn't believe how many we have, from all over the world! The bear even knows how to walk the tightrope, just like me!"
Haru frowned. "Bear? What kind of bear?"
She winked. "A platypus-bear, silly. What kind of bear did you think?"
Haru ran his fingers through his mustache. At times like this, he found himself not quite used to the feel of it. "Let's... let's just get going."
"And this is Mister Screechy Feathers! He likes cabbages!" Ty Lee frowned. "Actually, now that I think about it, all these animals like cabbages. Well, except for the meat-eaters. I guess cabbage is the universal animal food? Or maybe we just get cabbage at a discount? I wonder who we buy it from..."
Haru decided that it was a good time to interrupt the acrobat and get her back on task.
"Well, wherever you get it," he said, "let's give some to him and move on. How many heads does he get?"
"Four. I think. Or maybe that was the platypus-bear. Oh well, we have plenty. We'll let him decide." With a giggle, Ty Lee trotted over to the wagon and began piling heads of cabbage under her arms.
Haru watched her carefully, maintaining a chi-connection with the Earth below his bare feet. She seemed harmless enough, but he was ready in case she decided to dash away. Of course, watching her body and her movements so closely, he was acutely aware of what a pleasant image she projected. She was a very pretty girl, and she didn't act like she was a prisoner. Dust, she didn't even act like she was Fire Nation. She was happy, and friendly. She was lighthearted in a way that Haru had forgotten could exist, in any nation.
Was this really the kind of person who could be trying to erase the Earth Kingdom's culture?
Then Haru realized he was staring, and that Ty Lee had noticed. "So, uh, what kind of animal is... Mister... Screechy Feathers?"
"A vulture-griffon," she cooed. "Isn't he cute?"
Haru looked over at the creature -- with a body like a jungle cat, the wings and gangly head of a buzzard -- then back at Ty Lee. He looked over again at the vulture-griffon, then back at Ty Lee. Vulture-griffon. Ty Lee. Griffon. Ty Lee. "Um, I can think of cuter things in this tent, right now," he found himself saying.
"Oh? Like what?" She leaned forward, and gazed right into his eyes.
Haru suddenly had trouble remembering what spoken language was.
That's when she threw a tight fist out at him and punched him hard near his shoulder.
Haru stumbled back, biting back a cry of pain, and tried to raise his hands into a defensive stance. Only one of his arms actually obeyed, and to Haru's growing horror, that came to a quick stop when Ty Lee leaned over and struck again. He stumbled back, more from his continuing state of shock than the pain, but the acrobat stayed with him, swept a leg to catch his own, and pushed at his chest.
Haru fell, and then reality suddenly went away.
Ty Lee felt just awful about the way Haru hit his head. She hadn't meant for him to step backwards and fall like that. Weren't Earthbenders supposed to especially stable, or something? Ty Lee thought she remembered learning something like that, but even if her recollection was correct, who knew if it was actually true? Lots of things Ty Lee had learned at the Academy turned out to be mistaken.
Still, she was nothing if not adaptable! As long as Haru was unconscious anyway, she might as well drag him off where no one could find him. That was part of her original plan, anyway, and she so rarely made plans that she might as well stick with this one.
Of course, her original plan also said she was supposed to tie Haru up and then go tappity-tap all the other Earthbenders by herself, so maybe she could make some changes as she went along. Princess Azula had said many times that it was okay. In fact, Ty Lee was pretty sure Azula said that the best plans were the ones that changed and got better.
Maybe. Or Azula said that her brother, Zuko, was a moron because he always changed his plans as they were happening. One of the two. Maybe both. Actually, this was pretty confusing.
Focus. Ty Lee carefully hoisted Haru up over her shoulders, and quietly carried him over to the back of the tent, where the hay-bales were piled up to make a kind of isolated shelter.
"Rrrrawk!" said Mister Screechy Feathers.
"Shhhhh," Ty Lee hissed. Honestly, that vulture-griffon could be so cranky sometimes. Although, Muzan was a pretty cranky Firewhipper himself, so maybe that rubbed off on all the animals he was in charge of training and feeding.
She got Haru over to her hiding place easily enough, and laid him down on a bed of loose hay. Now, her plan said she was supposed to restrain and leave him, but what if he had a concussion? She didn't want him hurt. Or dead! That would be awful! He was nice enough, for an enemy, and she could tell from his aura that he had a strong sense of family and honesty.
So Ty Lee sat down beside him, and hoped he would wake up soon.
Haru couldn't tell how much time had passed, when he came to. He had a tough time telling that he was conscious at all, actually.
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earlgreymon · 4 years
5 works tag game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
as i am (OR WAS) quite active as both gfx maker and fanfic writer, i decide to pick 5 for each categories. thank you @noctisfishing and @tangledupblue. please do this game if you want to! :D
anyway, it’s all on my tumblr. after all, i only joined in 2020 lol.
sa • ku • ra (taichi/sora)
an early visit (koushiro/hikari)
a walk home (takeru/hiroaki)
iridescent sugar clouds (taichi/sora)
we’d talk/wed-talk (hikari/yamato)
notable mentions: thunderstorm and hell (koushiro/takeru), stuck with me (takeru/hikari), never gonna leave this bed (taichi/sora)
sunhearts (taichi/sora)
e • mo • tion (mimi/yamato)
courage, love, knowledge (taichi/sora/koushiro)
don’t let me drown (yamato)
a very digi christmas
notable mentions: odaiba day 2020, mimi’s youtube channel, digidestined pair table, jyoumimato
commentary below!
sa • ku • ra: what can i say? it’s my otp, first of all, and although the topic is very sensitive, i think i managed somehow. at least i have to appreciate myself for being brave and write something a little bit out of my comfort zone.
an early visit: because koukari needs more love [!!!] i just love the subtleness between the two of them. it’s very natural somehow. they never really mentioned about koushiro’s real parent on the series, so i decided not to explicitly write the surname. but it has been my long-time headcanon that koushiro the diligent son will always clean his parents grave every obon.
a walk home: i’m super into this fic because it’s my first time writing about hiroaki’s relationship with his child!! tbh i’m not really confident about writing a child character because i feel like i have lost all my youth innocence (HAHAHA???) but i think i did chibi!takeru just right.
iridescent sugar clouds: FIRST DRABBLE HERE! have to give a little credit because it’s sort of my first english drabble (i think i wrote hdylyst before this, but anyway...). you can’t just hate taichi being goofy to sora, right?
we’d talk/wed-talk: i’m the advocate of exploring taikeru and yamakari more. i just really wish that da:2020 will give me some of that. anyway, yes i love yamakari dynamic. i like how the conversation flows between them. again, PLEASE GIVE ME THEM MORE TIME TOGETHER... IT’LL PROBABLY A LITTLE AWKWARD BUT PLS...
notable mentions:
thunderstorm and hell: i can just picture the nervousness of koushiro (and tentomon) and devil!takeru... that brat...
stuck with me: i just love picturing the setting. and oh, i’ve been dying to quote that garden of words famous line!
never gonna leave this bed: first attempt to write something a bit... steamy? again, i love my otp being goofy :p
sunhearts: OH ALL THE LOVE I’VE PUT IN THAT GRAPHICS... i love the outcome. the colours. them. i hope i’ve done taiora shipper a justice.
e • mo • tion: if you search for the original picture of them together (I CAN’T STOP EMPHASISING THAT THERE’S A MIMATO OFFICIAL ART), there was a HUGE watermark (ngl, it’s veeeeeerry huge) so i have to erase it (IT’S A CRIME, DON’T DO IT... I’M A LAWSCHOOL STUDENT STUDYING COPYRIGHT AND THIS ISN’T RIGHT LOL). it was hard. very hard. now i know the pain that scanlators have to bear. i think i did a pretty good job cleaning and redrawing the picture.
courage, love, knowledge: i finally submit something for my ot3!!!!!!!! and i love how it turns out!!!! and i love how there’s a fitting quote for them!!!!!!!! please toei give them more screentimes so i can make another one!!!!!!!!!!
don’t let me drown: i love how it turns out, as triggering as it is. i can feel the emotion of drifting away and i love the typography too.
a very digi christmas: i don’t think a comment is necessary. pretty self explanatory :3
notable mentions:
odaiba day 2020: i’m so glad i can make a contribution that people can enjoy too on our important day as a digifan! and it’s so nice getting to know you all <33
mimi’s youtube channel: the coloursssss. yay for takemimato!
digidestined pair table: the coloursssss [2]. PRAYER CIRCLE FOR EVERYONE TO HAVE ONE-ON-ONE INTERACTION BECAUSE THE CURRENT SERIES IS LACKING IT (there’s a lot about this series that i want to complain about since it’s already 25+ episodes but honestly i’m too tired)
jyoumimato: see number 3.
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nikkoleon · 5 years
$10 Chibi Commissions
Yo~! So I’m looking to open up these chibi commissions for only $10 each to help earn a little extra cash since we’ve been cutting it a little close lately.
Each one is $10 and I will take up to five chibis per commission.
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If interested, please either IM me or message me on Discord. Do not reply to this post. My terms and conditions are under the cut.
1) As it says above, please read ALL of my rules before commissioning me. When commissioning me, you are agreeing to all of my terms and conditions along with saying that you have read my rules.
2) I will send you the Paypal invoice once a commission is settled.
3)  I do not do refunds. I will, however, do up to 2 re-do's of your commission at half the price each.
4) Please do not claim credit of the artwork/remove my watermark/anything to erase the fact that I am the artist. If you repost, I'd really prefer you ask me first, but at least post my name and a link back to the original commission.
5) I have the right to take down any commissions from my DeviantART, Tumblr, ect/use previous commissions as examples, ect as I please. The art is still mine.
6) Feel free to use your commission for whatever you wish so long as credit is always given. Reposts are ok so long as credit is given and a link is added that links back to the original commission. If not, I will ask that you either add the link/credit or to remove the picture.
7) I have the right to decline a commission for whatever reason.
8) I will accept fanart commissions so long as they are of a fandom I am familiar with. (Just ask on that one.)
9) I will not do commissions of OCs that do not belong to you unless it is for a gift/the creator agrees.
10) Be patient with me. I may not be able to work on your commission right away, especially if there are other commissions in front. If your commission takes longer than a week and I have not already messaged you on the reason, then you can ask about it politely!
______________________________  Commission Form *Must be filled when ordering a commission* Commissioner Name: *username and/or real name*
Character(s) Name(s) In Commission:
Character Reference(s): *Please provide either one detailed reference sheet or no less than three(3) artwork pieces/must be colored/written descriptions will not be accepted*
Expression In Commission: *State what expression/emotion you'd like for your character(s) to display*
Pose In Commission *Not needed for headshots and avatars*: *what do you want your character(s) to be doing? Ex. taking a walk, sleeping, battle with a dragon*
Invoice Address:
Other Information Needed: *just anything else that you'd like to add that I may have forgotten here*
All Commission Rules and Terms Accepted: *pretty much that you took your time in reading what I do, will not do, the no refund policy, ect and you accept these terms*
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geek-gem · 5 years
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Just saying this was the 2nd picture I took of this. I just took the 2nd because I felt like it and it looked better. Including as I look at this twice, glad I chose this one. I first posted this on DeviantArt so here's the information.
So interesting thing about this drawing. While I did use my 2nd drawing of Charlie as a reference at first. But I decide to scroll through on my Tumblr blog for some reblogs I did featuring this character.
Here's the story behind the drawing. I didn't wanna talk about that I was gonna make a Valentine's Day related drawing. I wanted it to be a surprise. So I thought to celebrate Valentine's Day I wanna draw a character that really means a lot to me. Which is Charlie Magne from Hazbin Hotel.
I did plan on making this on Thursday night. But I slept after working on some algebra work and woke up at 11:58 pm and thought I should just go to bed.
Especially today I was very busy. Such as hanging out with friends and having a picnic with them, then celebrating my cousin's birthday today. After that I took a shower but just decided to chill out on my phone because I was quite busy today. I'm just grateful it's the weekend now.
So I decided originally it was gonna be what seems like a full body draw or some sorts. But I felt like I would be lazy if I drew her in one of her clothes I've drew her in before. Including I really want get this out before February 15th hits in my area.
Well and I'd thought this be cute. I decided to draw her as a chibi in some sorts. Also I decided to just hold the sketch book with my left arm and draw with my right hand.
Gonna be honest when drawing her, I'm thinking I should draw her more in my style of sorts.
Including I feel like this may be the weakest of my arts. But considering the direction I was going for. It's not actually bad. I just really wanted to draw Charlie for today to celebrate because it felt fitting and I really like her. Especially after a day of quite some stress.
So I hope you guys don't mind this drawing. Originally she was gonna be in a big heart. But it looked weird and decided to just draw the heart on the left. I also should try a new pencil with a new eraser or just get a eraser on its own.
Anyway again enjoy this little cute Charlie here. Including happy Valentine's Day to you all. Even though it felt weird and difficult for me to say it today.
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heavensenthearty · 5 years
Nobody ruins my Valentine’s Day
Hey, guys! So, remember my last answer about the evidence for canon Zutara? Well, ever since then a user (who I won’t name or tag) wanted to drag me into a feud with themselves. What for? I have no idea. (And I have even less of an idea what they were doing in the Zutara tag if they were antis in the first place.)
Moving on, I erased the whole incident from my mind ever since I last answered them around a week ago with this caption:
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And they answered me today with this:
That again, is not sufficient evidence that Zutara was even remotely considered. They aren’t saying that it was a 50/50 chance that, during development, it could have been either Aang or Zuko and they went with Aang at the last minute. Frankly, it’s clear that this is a joke, an offhanded comment, definitely not something to be taken seriously. What they were most likely saying is that the fan had a 50/50 chance of picking correctly. There were 3 males in the group: Sokka, Aang, and Zuko. Sokka wasn’t an option (for hopefully obvious reasons), leaving you with either Aang or Zuko to choose from, a 50/50 chance. The idea that this refutes anything about their original plan or other places where they’ve stated Kataang was ingrained into the show just doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.
I have pointed to canon, actually documented interviews, and what I had henceforth presumed to be common sense, and you have since stuck to misconstrued statements, anonymous and unverified reporting, a non-canon short, and deceptive marketing. What else you got?
Well, I can say that I don’t got the need to overanalyze and then justify a 5-word sentence, (or to remain stuck in an argument that ended a week ago), but I got the idea to share some of my favorite posts with hints, info or speculations towards canon Zutara (and a little of Bryke’s poor choices) in the spirit of Zutara month. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!!
Shipping preferences = Bad writing move
Bryke’s trolling
Zutara Easter egg
Debunking anti Zutara arguments
Color symbolism in The Cave of Two Lovers (Part 1)
Color symbolism in The Cave of Two Lovers (Part 2)
Color symbolism in The Cave of Two Lovers (Part 3)
Possible Book 4, possible Zutara
Connecting dialogues between the Blue Spirit and the Painted Lady
Chibi toons and production decisions
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palossssssand · 7 years
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So, Here’s a little progression thingy of my character that I’ve had for over 5 years, Malloy! Despite sticking around for so long he lacks a coherent personality and is the main character of my story, Nazri! I drew him today and realized how much he’s changed from the original design, and I actually gave him a nose after all these years. I most likely have more pictures of him somewhere in the depths of 2014 art....
Personally I really like how he looks in February and November 2016, I like the rounder face compared to the current one which has this cheek bump thingy. I’ll have to figure out how to finalize his design and keep it consistent haha
The individual pictures and thoughts are in the readmore!
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Oof...... 2013.. 5th grade days where I was just an edgy fuck. Malloy actually originated from a small thing I made out of kneaded cocacola scented eraser. I drew him(and god I wish I could find that original picture) and then this was drawn a little later on photoshop! The lil skeleton(which is now an entirely separate character) was inspired by Gary Baseman’s art!
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2015 style was such a weird fucking style because I was just starting to draw people and had this weird anime face proportion face thing, so yeah
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also, a chibi
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February 2016! I actually really like this one because it’s a larger picture of all the main characters! Honestly, he just looks really cool here
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2016 was a really interesting year for me and art in general because I was looking through and I was like, “Damn, my lines are that clean?? I did ok??” This is when I tried to change Malloy to have better anatomy because having straight legs didn’t make sense.
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I really like this late 2016 one because he has a very vampire-like vibe that I can’t explain but it’s there.
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I don’t know how to feel about this where the head shape is round but not so round at the same time
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CSSSA time! I attended an art program over the summer and there was just this drastic improvement in art n’ stuff. Malloy looks fabulous.
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This was drawn in an art dump of some Nazri characters and I went and reread the actual story and Malloy is just the most incompetent protagonist and it’s problematic
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So, We’re back to the present, February 2018, and I honestly don’t know how I feel about him having a nose. He just feels like a totally different character in personality and it’s just so WEIRD. I guess my recent drawings gave me more of an impulse to make anatomically reasonable anatomy. i guess as a design he’s still pretty solid but he’s harder to draw. I feel like the late 2016 drawing encompasses his character the most and I don’t know if I should change back or not.
This was fun! I should probably do a character progression thing for some of my other ocs too!
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certidumbre · 7 years
May’s AnimeStyle interview with YOI’s animation staff (part 2)
I shit you not, this will have three parts. Not one, not two, but THREE. It’s that long. The first part is here, now edited for length! Translated by /a/. Source.
Disclaimer: The anon puts letters in place of names, so here’s a handy key! H -> Hiramatsu S-> Shishido T -> Tatenaka I -> Itou A -> Abiko
(talking about how the work was divided) T: I worked on Yuuri's free skate and things, too. The truth is our roles were supposed to be divided so I'd work on Yurio and Abiko-san would work on Yuuri. A: Partway through, though, it just ended up being the case where if we had our hands free we'd work on whatever cuts we could. T: It was the same for people working on characters. We usually did meetings about things in a hurry, too, so there were times I'd forget. The cuts I was supposed to be working on would completely slip from my mind, and then later I'd get asked, "How's this cut coming along?" and I'd go, "GWAH!" I: Yeah, things like that happened (laughs) (skipping) I: We all had no idea how the other people's jobs were going, and so all we could do was try our best to get our own work done. T: We didn't even have the chance to ask what was going on for other people. Like if we wanted to ask "How's it going?" we wouldn't even get to finish the "how" in the question. I: Looking at the finished product, it's mysterious we were able to find some way to air it without any accidents. Each division found some way to keep things in check. A: Normally we'd know how we wanted to complete everything when we were checking over things because we'd have a grasp of the whole thing, but for YOI we had to do our work without knowing how anyone else was doing. H: Although it was still kind of incomplete, in the end we still did it somehow. It's kind of baffling. T: Maybe that's just because we're so amazing? Everyone: (laughs)
Interviewer: Itou-san, were the characters in YOI easy for you to draw? I: Yeah. I'm not really good at drawing the moe-style characters that are popular now or characters that have a balance too them that's really far from reality. I have a hard time keeping the balance right on characters where the head's the same size as their shoulders, or where the hands and feet are super tiny. It's definitely easier for me to draw characters that are a little closer to reality. H: For me, it was my first time working with all of these people on YOI, including Itou-san, so it kind of felt like I was going into production without having any clue about what kind of images she drew. Since she'd previously worked on "Kono Sekai no Katasumi Ni", I thought that she'd probably be fine drawing everyday imagery if she'd been working for director Katabuchi. It was only much later that I knew she was really good at drawing gag/chibi characters. I: That's right, I've lived this far always drawing SD characters. Ever since I did the blackboard scene from the first episode, every time we had a cut like that come up, all the work went to me. And on top of that, the director would put a couple of these special cuts in every episode. When I looked at the storyboards and thought, "Who's going to do this?", she was like, "It has to be you, right?" (laughs) In the end it'd all come to me.
Interviewer: The parts where the chibi characters explain things. I: That's right. And then at the spot where the Nishigori triplets are explaining things in their drawings. When I asked Sayo-san, "The storyboards say that it's storytelling through pictures, so what should I do for this?" she said, "You have no choice but to just really draw this with crayons." I went out and bought crayons and seriously drew it with them. S: There wasn't any other way. H: Since Sayo-san really likes to experiment. I: There are some cuts on a blackboard, but I really went out and bought a blackboard, drew the images on them one by one, took photos, and composited them. S: She drew them straight on the blackboard without any underdrawing/rough sketch and took photos with a still camera. I: Yeah, yeah. We took the photos in our meeting room. I should've taken a picture of how it looked. And on top of it, when I was reading through the storyboards for the blackboard parts, chibi characters of Yuuri and others appear, right? When I looked closely, it said "It should move in 2 or 3 images." In the end I would draw one picture, erase it, draw a similar picture again and have a picture taken, and repeat that a couple of times. H: Yeah, she did it that way. It would've been much easier to just draw it normally.
(about Yamamoto) S: Her talent is really amazing. As someone in the same position of directing, I have nothing but jealousy because she's such a bundle of talent. She has talent that I don't and the guts to shove other people into doing what she likes, or should I say that she really can't read the mood, but in a good way. I'm really envious of that.
Interviewer: Does she come across as being totally confident in the workplace? S: She's not like that at all. She actually comes across as being really reserved. T: But she's REALLY something else when it comes to pushing for something. S: Yeah. When it comes to something she likes, she'll go all out. She won't break. H: Up until now in my career, I'd maybe do the opening or ending or help a bit with the original production art, something like that, but this is the first time I've ever gotten really involved. If you're an animator, you might think it's impossible, but Sayo-san casually throws it out there, going, "At the least, this is what I want." We're thinking, "WHAT?" but we somehow manage to pull it off, which is funny. S: I really respect Yamamoto-san. If it were me I'd think maybe this is a little impossible, and compromise, but she doesn't know how to compromise, or at the least, she absolutely won't do it. It really makes me think that this is what a director should be.
Interviewer: What do the 2 of you think? What was your impression of the director? T: I want her to get to work a little faster... All: (laugh) H: This was your chance to praise her (laughs) T: Oh, is that so? I want her to start her engine like half a year earlier. H: The same could be said of me.
(when talking about the ED and how he only made small corrections here and there where asked to but left Hayashi-san's art alone otherwise.) H: This is unrelated, but I got a message from the director of Doukyuusei saying, "I bet you didn't make any alterations on the last shot in the ED." When I responded, "I didn't do any," I got told, "I can tell~." What's that about, "I can tell~"(laughs) I: Every time I watch the ending I really think, yeah, this is Hayashi-san's art, and when I see the opening I really think, this is Enoki-san's art. H: The message had the nuance of "Why didn't you fix it up?", but I replied that it's fine the way it is. Maybe it's because I have a stance like that that I'm not really suited for being an overall animation director. Interviewer: Right now it's mainstream to make every effort to have every shot of every episode look uniform. H: I don't really mind if things don't all look exactly the same.
Aki's twitter mentions how Yamamoto says her scheme to get Hiramatsu-san to draw sexy guys was a success but leaves off the next sentence, where Itou says Yamamoto told her that she'd had that plan in mind from the very start and it's why she hired Hiramatsu in the first place. Lady's got a dream. I: I think she probably liked your particular sense of distance from it, or how you don't try too hard to aim for what girls like in your designs. S: Ah, I totally get it. It's not overly concerned with the aesthetics. I like that they don't look too stylish. H: Sayo-san's interesting because she doesn't just totally go for what girls would want. And one of her merits is that she always seems like she's having fun. Even though there are times when I want to say, "This is no time to laugh!" Everyone: (laughs)
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lumilasi · 6 years
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Since I decided to erase the chibis from the few character bios they were in (honestly, it felt weird to have them only with five ocs) I put them together like this as I still liked them enough and didn’t want to just erase them completely.
The ocs in Question: Rashid - A Sphinx oc, a calm dude and a great swordsman. However, I’ve been thinking of maybe redesigning him....
Adam - a Chesire cat boy. Curious little mage that gets in trouble with his best friend Saizo a lot. Has a crush on Rashid
Helias - My account mascot basically. He was originally a Nephilin, and now he is a Light being that’s called “Astrial” (basically I came up with my own specie of sorts, though heavily based on existing lore) who just gets mistaken for an angel or a nephilin a lot. Nonbinary living fluff-cloud basically.
Rayna - The fierce warrior and White Tiger. She’s my fave girl oc, but I rarely draw her, namely because I tend to have million other projects that are more important than the billion other ideas I have. meh
Cain - A bear shapeshifter, HUUUGE ASS dude, but very sweet. Helias’ close companion and friend. 
Art and ocs (C) Me
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ladybuvelle · 8 years
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Hello! I’m Judy! Also known as ladybuvelle here on the Tumblrs. I like to draw! I’ve drawn many things. But I also like to eat, take care of my three cats, and generally try to live. Y’know, the good stuff. So if you’re interested in my work feel free to hit me up!
Additional info under the cut!
Yes: - OCs (original characters) provided I’m given proper reference. I’m willing to work with you to some degree if your reference isn’t the best/very detailed, but helping you design a character from scratch is off the table at the moment. - League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Starbound, Final Fantasy XIV; so long as you can give me reference I should be good, but I’m familiar with all these listed at least. - NSFW? NP! I’ll provide sexy reference links to my work below so you can get an idea of what I’m capable of, but do check my “no” list for limitations. - Chibis! I haven’t listed them because I’m unsure of the interest, but we can discuss them if you like!
No: - Backgrounds. Sorry folks, but the best I can offer right now are very simple backgrounds at best. - Blood, gore, body parts, etc, etc. I’m not a fan of drawing violence or disturbing imagery. - Incest, cross-species, children, and all those sort of things are off the naughty list. If you have a specific kink you’d like portrayed we can discuss it, but generally speaking I’m only willing to portray consensual, loving, of-age couples or solo situations. I will not age a character up just to meet that standard. - I won’t draw Sona for other people to use for their blogs or for NSFW purposes. It makes me a little uncomfortable, and since I run an RP blog I feel it could confuse some people. So if you want me to draw Sona in something harmless just because you’d like to see it that’s fine, but not for your own blog use and such.
Extra Rules? - I reserve the right to turn down a commission if it or the person looking to hire me make me uncomfortable or I simply don’t want to draw the subject matter. Please be respectful and understanding about this. - All color works also come with the lineart and transparent background versions. Just in case you want those for something! - Please, please, please do not erase my signature when using my images. If it’s an icon that’s fine since the image needs to be so small anyway, but at least try to give me credit somewhere. I can’t stop you, but I’d appreciate the consideration. - Please let me know if you would not like your drawing posted here on Tumblr. I’ll gladly comply, but you have to let me know at some point because I always post my stuff when I’m done.
How do I contact you? - You can send me a note via Tumblr, contact me via Tumblr IM, e-mail me at [email protected], or I can give you my Skype name by request. Please note that I don’t like giving out my Skype info openly, so I will only exchange it with those who truly intend to work with me.
How do I pay you? - Via Paypal! Once we get the details all ironed out and pricing is decided, I’ll send you an invoice via e-mail. Once it’s paid I can get to work!
What currency do you take? - USD! So please keep that in mind since conversion rates can vary. I can’t charge the equivalent amount in your local currency since I may end up losing money. Please take that into account before contacting me.
I don’t have a lot of cash, can we negotiate? - Unfortunately I’m not willing to go below the base prices listed here. Prices become more variable the more complex the image becomes, but the baseline will remain the same. Sorry!
Can I have some better quality examples of your work? - Sure! Here are a few (all SFW): 1, 2, 3, 4 - And here are some NSFW examples: 1, 2, 3, 4
You can see more by browsing my #my artwork tag on this blog. Just be warned that some is NSFW.
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cactuarqueen · 8 years
You may have been asked this but which FF is your favorite? also have you played World of Final Fantasy yet? if so how is it, I wanna start it but im torn between that and another FFX replay.
my favorite ff is ffx. i wish i could erase it from my memory as a kid so i could experience everything new again. i love the story, music and characters (yuna will always be my #1). i still love replaying it. ffviii pretty much ties too because i just...... love it so much ahh.
oh and please play World of Final Fantasy!!!! its up there with my favorites honestly. its so good and its sad because i think it got a little overlooked because of ffxv and just because of the chibi look to some characters i guess but i love WoFF’s story. its so funny but it also broke my heart a little. theres so much to do and you run into a lot of original final fantasy characters along the way. i would tell you to play this just to hear the tonberry’s voice lol. i put so many hours into that game, it’s so fun. i’d definitely recommend playing it and then after you should do a ffx replay :)
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shadysadie · 8 years
Sailor Moon 90s Dub Names
So some of the name changes in the Sailor Moon DiC dub really baffle me. (Keep in mind I did not watch Sailor Moon as a kid, I was vaguely aware of it's existence, but I never watched a single episode until I was a senor in high school, so I started with the sub and have no nostalgic ties to the DiC/Cloverway dub. However I did read the Mixx version of the manga so I was exposed to the changed names there and later I heard so much about the dub I went and watched a handful of episode out of curiosity)
Lets start with the title character
Usagi – DiC name: Serena – Mixx name: Bunny
Okay Usagi is weird because she actually has two dub names, obviously Serena in the anime, but a lot of people don't seem to know in the first American printing of the manga she was actually called Bunny. Now I don't know which came out first in America the manga or the anime, and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'm going to guess the manga did just because of this reason. Changing Usagi to Bunny actually isn't too stupid, Anime hadn't quite taken over America yet so a lot of people still got rattled by super foreign names. As I get older I do start to understand localization was the thing in the 90s. Since Bunny is literally what Usagi means I didn't find this too stupid. Plus it shows why Usagi is obsessed with rabbits.
 Serena though? I don't think Serena fits the character AT ALL! Not only does it simply sound like it doesn't fit the character, but look at the name meaning: "clear, tranquil, serene" none of those things could be used to describe Usagi. And yes, I know the same could be said for Serenity but Serenity was Usagi's PAST LIFE, not who she is now. I've gone off on what I think of keeping her Princess name the same a few times on this blog so I won't even go there in this post.
 Now, in fairness, this one I actually was given an explanation for at a con, at a panel with John Stocker (one of the men who originally helped write the dub script) I asked why they didn't just use the name “Bunny” and he said it had to do with syllables, the mouth movement for “U-sa-gi” matched the mouth movement for “Ser-ren-na” better than “Bun-ny” But since everyone but Rei and Chibiusa use honorifics, I'm calling bullshit on this excuse. (Victoria was also in the running for a dub name, which fits Usagi even less than Serena, but at least the syllable excuse would work for that one.)
Mamoru Chiba– DiC and Mixx name: Darien Shields
 I have to admit, I find it hilarious that they do try to capture the name meaning here. Mamoru literally means “Protect”, and so I laugh that they just literally make his last name “Shields”. To be honest, while I find it a kind of boring name, I don't think it contrasts him too terribly much because I kind of find Mamoru to be a boring character. (sorry Mamo) Like I could totally see him as a Darien, that's fine, it's the 90s, whatever. But again, like with Princess Serena, do we really need to make his past life's name “Prince Darien” Seriously? Along with it being lazy. Darien does not sound royal to me, particularly not fantasy/mythology status royal. And Endymion is a great name with a great story behind it! Like why did we have to cut out that mythological tie? In Greek Mythology an astronomer (or shepherd depending on variations) name Endymion fell in love with the goddess of the moon and was cursed by Zeus, that's a great detail that totally gets erased.
Chibiusa (Usagi Small Lady Serenity) – DiC and Mixx name: Rini (No official princess name to my knowledge)
 This one totally disproves the syllables excuse because there's no way in hell anyone thought “Chi-Bi-Us-Sa” was the same mouth movement as “Ri-ni” But I suppose this one makes sense since Chibiusa is a nickname for Usagi, Rini is a nickname for Serena. I suppose the name fits her well enough, though I do think in the Black Moon Arc the enemy kept referring to her as “Small Lady” instead of “Rabbit”. Like, okay, whatever, her name isn't Usagi, Rabbit wouldn't make sense. But then at one point the enemies try to trick her by appearing as Neo-Queen Serenity and she calls her Small Lady, and Chibs is all like “My mommy would NEVER call me Small Lady, you're not really her” like, no bitch, that's your name! It's not a title, Usagi was just that corny when she named you. DiC DON'T CUT USAGI'S CORNINESS!
Ami Mizuno – DiC and Mixx name: Amy Anderson – Cloverway: Amy Mizuno
Okay Ami, Rei, Mina, and Michiru I can't criticize too much because they're just the American translation of the Japanese names so I don't really mind, they're spelled different, but so what? But Ami baffles me because she's the only one of the girls with a different last name. Like, why? Seriously, why? Even Usagi's last name stays the same and that's arguably much more Japanese sounding than Mizuno. I mean, don't get me wrong, Anderson's my last name, it's a good last name, but why is she the only one with an American last name? But what makes it even better is Cloverway then changes it back to Mizuno and no one ever mentions it again.
Just for fun I'm also going to point out that “Blue” was in the running for a dub name for her and I think that's the funniest shit ever. “What should we name this character?” “IDK, what's her color scheme?” “Blue.” “Good enough!” I'd actually like to thank the dubbers for sticking with Amy.
Rei Hino – DiC and Mixx name: Raye Hino
Can't say much about Rei. It's spelled weird, I would have gone with Rae, but whatever. Dana was apparently in the running for her, again, glad they decided against changing it.
Makoto Kino – DiC and Mixx name: Lita Kino
I actually think Lita fits Makoto pretty well. Almost just as well as Mako-chan. Sara was also in the running which I also don't think would have been a too terribly bad choice, Lita's less generic though.
Minako Aino – DiC and Mixx name: Mina Aino
Again, same name, just a different variation of it. Artemis even calls her Mina as a nickname in the original so whateves. Carrie was in the running for her which would have been a fucking awful fit, so I'm glad they stayed with Mina.
Haruka – Cloverway name: Amara – Mixx name: Haruka but also sometime Alex
WARNING: Raging hate boner rant coming up!!!!
This is the name that actually got me to write this whole thing!
Out of all the name changes Haruka's pisses me off the most. It's SUCH a bad fit. I don't hate the name Amara itself, I actually think it's kind of pretty, but it does NOT go with this character! You give the most gender androgynous character one of the most feminine names? It doesn't fit. It sounds weird, it doesn't mesh with her personality, it seems weird every time they call her that!
And what's most baffling to me, THEY STILL PLAY THE 'IS SHE A GUY?' GAME! When Usagi and Minako meet her, they still pad after her thinking she's a guy. Haruka is a name that while typically more common for women, is gender neutral. Amara is definitely not. How can you not hear the name “Amara” and not instantly think, “Oh, shit, that's a chick”
Now the Mixx Manga did something weird, because they introduced the character as Alex Haruka, but only for the panel she was introduced in, then she was Haruka exclusively until one panel in the Dream Arc when she's called Alex again, but that's it. So...great proof reading there guys. Honestly Alex should have been her name in the Cloverway dub. Sure it doesn't fit her as well as Haruka does, but it fits a hell of a lot more than Amara. And more importantly it's one of the most gender neutral names ever.
Also her first draft name was Corinn, can't decide if that's better or worse than Amara. Seriourly dub, why didn't you take Alex? Or another gender neutral name? Riley? Sam? Ash? Jess? Skyler? (BTW I totally just googled “gender neutral American names” to give these examples and had to laugh cuz Skyler would have been the best, corniest pun ever)
Michiru – Cloverway name: Michelle
 Again this one I have no qualms with because I've seen plenty of animes where the name Michiru and Michelle are used interchangeably depending on the dubber and the VA's accent. Again, same name different language.
Nerissa was supposed to be her dub name, which is fucking stupid, I'm glad they stayed with Michelle.
Setsuna – Cloverway name: Trista
Okay, so this is actually the reason I know all the names that were in the running, because I actually had to look up Setsuna's dub name, not cuz I hadn't seen any episodes of the dub with Setsuna in them, but cuz the name Trista to me is really forgettable. I don't know why, it's just a super forgettable name, Setsuna, more than any of the others, even more than Haruka really, I can't see having any name other than Setsuna (other than Plu of course) though that brings me to a little side tangent. Because Chibiusa doesn't call her “Plu” in the dub, she calls her “Luna P” which, no, I'm sorry, no, just no! Luna P is Chibi's toy, not Pluto, Luna P doesn't even remotely make sense as a nickname for Pluto. Yes she does talk with Pluto using Luna P (which I think is called “the Luna Sphere” in the dub) but that doesn't mean we get to degrade a badass character such as Pluto down to the status of a stuffed floating cat's head. Bad dubbers! Bad!
Also, her almost name was Celia, which again, no, sorry. Setsuna is Setsuna.
Hotaru – Cloverway name: Hotaru – Mixx name: Hotaru, but also Jenny just a couple of times.
Last but not least, my favorite character, Hotaru. Now obviously I can't get mad here because they didn't change her name, but I am really confused as to why. Seriously I still can't figure out why they changed ever other name that sounded too Japanese but this one character. Unlike Rei or Mina, this isn't even one that can be an American name too. Hotaru definitely sounds Japanese. Why does just this one character get to keep her super Japanese sounding name? Absolutely no idea. Like Haruka the Mixx seemed to have wanted to rename her but decided against it and not been very good at telling everyone they decided against it because the name “Jenny” pops up a few times in the Manga, but only after Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna adopt her so take that as you will. I'm glad they didn't rename her, but if they would have chose to I don't think Jenny would have been a god awful choice
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zolganif · 7 years
Do you always carry breath mints? No
What is the point of scented pens / pencils / erasers? They smell nice? I don't know, but I like them.
Do you buy / wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? No
Are you amused by celebrity fashion flubs? I don't care.
What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? I'm not sure.
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I do, yes
Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? Minus the flippers, I would wear a tutu and fishnets because I want to. All three I would wear for money.
Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? Never owned those haha
Would you want to travel into deep space? Maybe if it was possible.
Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? No
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? Yes
What are your thoughts on *gasp* Speedos? They're funny looking.
Do / did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? I wish
Does your house have an attic that had stuff in it when you moved in? Yes, it does. I don't know if it had stuff in it when we moved in though
What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? Jupiter Ascending. I was so excited for that movie and it turned out to be a huge disappointment :(. Its okay, but it could have been way better.
Would you like to buy a vowel? No
What is your definition of a hippie? People who are all about peace, love, and happiness for the world. Don't really have a care in the world. Prefer more natural stuff. Love colorful things.
Do you find www.fmylife.com to be entertaining? You should check it out... Oh, yes. I did. haha.
Does / did your school have special dress-up days? It did.
What cartoons did you watch when you were little? A lot the ones from the 90's, 80's and early 2000's. Some from the 70's too.
Do you eat peanut shells along with the peanuts? No
Would you eat a meal cooked by Hannibal Lecter? No
Have you ever gone white-water rafting? No
What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? Eh
Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? I wouldn't know if they did.
This is your chance to get it out! Place random rant here: Okay...here we go again...
I'm starting to get annoyed with the wrestling fandom in general. 1. People argue a lot about the most petty shit. 2. People can be very harsh about what they say, their opinions.
People caring about what other people's preferences are when it comes to shipping. Shipping fictional characters has been around for a long time, and sorry to burst your bubble, but people have different kinks. Certain things they like when it comes to their OTP.
The whole racism thing when it comes to the Shield. If you don't see it, you get shit for it. You don't agree that there is racism when it comes to the Shield? You get shit for it. Write Roman in a certain way, and you're racist.
Thinking your OTP is better, superior, think that there isn't any arguments when it comes to them. Think the other two, Ambreigns, Ambrollins is unhealthy, and Rolleigns is 'perfect'. Fuck out of here.
If you think Dean Ambrose is under appreciated, his character is not used right, congratulations, you're wrong.  Don't like certain things when it comes to your favorites, if you so often as criticize them, you get hate for it.
Example: I wasn't too fond of Roman's cocky behavior when he became World Heavy Weight champion a third time. I'm not hating on him, its just I believed he developed a very big ego at that time. He let that championship get to his head, made it more important than people who were close to him. And because of that, he almost lost a good friendship. Dean wasn't so perfect either. He pushed Roman away, thought he was just another person who would basically abandon him, give up on him. He became more untrusting with Roman, and basically almost ruined their friendship, too.
If you're a fan of Ambreigns or Ambrollins, you're crazy, psycho, etc. A fan of Dean Ambrose acts a certain way that makes others who are fans of him angry, you're basically put in the same category. They'll just say these "oh, these Dean Ambrose fans/fangirls are crazy." Not all of us are. Can't you just say some fans instead? Instead of assuming we're all like that? Same goes for Ambreigns/Ambrollins fans, too.
Oh, another recent thing. Something about chibis...If you like the Shield members as Chibis, or any other wrestlers you're a pedophile...Huh??????????? Now, I don't usually like anything sexual when it comes to chibi versions of characters, but sometimes will laugh if theres anything dirty minded implied. But may I ask, how is it pedophilia if there is? If I see a chibi version of Dean Ambrose, I don't imagine him as little kid, but still as a 31 fucking year old man!
Ugh, explain all this shit to certain wrestling fans and they'll give you shit for it. -_- One time I even got an anonymous message on here, telling me I'm stupid for not seeing the proof where Dean betrayed Roman, wasn't a good friend to him. And telling me I'm annoying for still asking for answers, when I don't get any.
Okay, rant over. But seriously, people need to chill the fuck out when it comes to certain things in this fandom.
How often do you need "me" time? Often.
Was Jim Morrison truly "an American Poet", in your opinion? Sure
Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? Nope.
Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? No
Who is your favorite superhero? Thor
KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? Original
What class in school do / did you secretly love? History
What animal do you most resemble while eating? I don't know
Pop-Tarts vs. Toaster Strudels. Discuss: I prefer Pop-Tarts
Do you believe there are subliminal messages in songs? It's possible there could be.
Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? No
Do you "fake bake"? If so, WHY?!?! D: No
Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? Yes
Name a song lyric you heard wrong the 1st time and what it really said: I don't know.
Does it bother / offend you when someone calls something (not someONE) gay? Not really, no
Do you text / call while going to the bathroom? (Go multitasking!) No
Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? Usually, yeah
Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? No
Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? Yes, I have. It made me feel sad.
What are your thoughts on Chuck Norris? Don't care for him.
Did you answer that last question with a random Chuck Norris fact? No
What is the most annoying sound in the world? People yelling
What would you do if Neil Patrick Harris stole your car? Report him to the police
Do you honestly care about calories and fat content? Yeah, a little
Do you often shift blame towards others? No
Do you ever feel like you're smarter than your boss? Mhm
Your very first best friend: Is he / she STILL your best friend? No
What would you do if a rabid animal was chasing you? Seek out safety, scare it away
Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? Sprinkles, chocolate syrup.
Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yes
What's the coolest personalized license plate you've ever seen? I don't know.
Did you ever have a piggybank that literally ate your money? No
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