#Just hang a sign on kohga
Okay you mentioned Kohga having the hots for king Rhoam. I'm sorry, but can we see something with that???
I make ONE fucking joke, and Ya'll take it to the next level. Fuck you, let's get this over with.
"Kingie! Long time no see big guy!"
Kohga was planning on just hanging out at the hideout today, when he was given a summon by the king. Not that Kohga minded a trip to the castle, he was always fed pretty well. He dove in for a high five with the king, but from the way he glared, he could tell he was NOT in the mood. Even the blade master he brought with him had to cringe at the rejection. Sooga joined him too, but seemed unfazed by the rather cold attitude.
"I'm glad you came at such short notice. I have something very important to discuss with you."
"Oh is it about the fact that we're buying up all the bananas? Look, we still gotta do SOMETHING evil to-"
"It's NOT."
His voice was steely, firm. Someone was NOT happy. His glare was so menacing, his boys took a step forward, as if the king was about to try to beat his ass. Kohga patted their shoulders, making them ease up a bit.
"Easy boys, easy. Look, you two wait out here, imma have a chat with Kingy here."
Sooga of course held protests, but Kohga held his hand up, silencing him.
"Trust me. You two hunks can dash in and protect me at any time. Not that I need it. Though I DO like the attention."
His men bowed, keeping their place. Kohga followed King Rhoam, right to his secret study, in the library, beyond the metal book case. He hated royals, but he had to hand it to Rhoam, there were so many sneaky spaces to hide and explore (and coming from the chief of the Yiga clan, that was high praise). Rhoam shut it behind them both, and Kohga took a look around. This was way different from the main rooms in the castle. Much more personal, snuggly even. A few crates of supplies, a desk full of scattered books, a few chairs, and even a few weapons hung on the wall besides them.
"Nice spot. How many people know about this little place?"
"The ones who built it, and my daughter."
"Well, aren’t I special?"
Kohga chuckled, pulling up a seat and helping himself to the surprisingly comfy chair. He might steal this, honestly. King Rhoam took a seat in front of him, clearing his throat.
"I suppose you're wondering why I summoned you?"
"If it's not about the bananas, then no not at all."
Kohga was already kinda bored, and he started to hum, playing with his hands. He found it easier than just sitting there and looking someone in the face.
"It's about my daughter, Zelda. She complained about you."
Kohga stopped, finally looking at his face. He was about to ask if he was serious, and apparently he was.
"Whaaaat? ME? What did I do?"
He sighed, before folding his arms across his chest.
"She is growing tired of your men. Apparently you give them permission to try to court her."
Kohga wanted to argue with that, but then he thought about it. He was kinda at fault, getting whatever clan member interested to hit on her. Flowers, treats, poetry, even just getting a few smooth talkers to try their hands at getting her attention. He just shipped Mipha and Link so hard, he decided to boot out the competition. Not that he hated her, of course not. Kohga shrugged.
"How is that a problem? I'm throwing HUNKS at her! No clue how that makes ME the bad guy! It’s because they’re Yiga, isn’t it?”
“It’s because she’s already in love with her knight. I’m already planning on giving him my blessings, should they finally decide to wed.”
Kohga should’ve expected it honestly, this old fashioned kinda ranting. Sure they were both kinda up there in age, but they were NOT alike. Kohga shook his head, standing up from his seat.
“Look, I don’t have kids, so I dunno what it does to ya, but you’re taking things WAY outta proportion here. You’re already ready for your daughter, seventeen, to get married.”
King didn’t seem to get it, as if this was a totally normal thing.
“Well yes. Royals marry around this age, why dawdle?”
Kohga put his hand on Rhoam’s shoulder, who didn’t seem to love it, but didn’t exactly push Kohga off.
“Look, let the girl have a little FUN before she gets hitched! She’s got the rest of her life for that stuff, if anything I’m just giving her choices.”
“I’m...not following.”
“For the love of- look. If she wants me to back off, I’ll tell my guys to heel. But I don’t really think she’d complain about me. She only really clams up about you. So it’s why I’m thinking SHE’S not complaining. YOU are.”
He knew by the look in his face that he was right. Kohga chuckled, hands on his hips.
“You don’t gotta lie like that! Makin’ me think I was a bad guy here! If YOU have problems, say you do. Doesn’t mean I’ll listen, but at least you wouldn't be a liar.”
His brows furrowed, but Kohga found it hard to take him seriously at this point.
“I am saying this for the sake of my daughter. If she is to remain pure-”
“Oh great, purity culture bullshit. Look, Kingy, don’t blame her for the fact that you haven’t gotten any lately.”
He put his hand over his chest, as if he had something just terribly hurtful.
“I beg your pardon?!”
“You heard me! You know If I didn’t know any better, you’re just mad because everyone’s gettin’ some lovin’ but you.”
Kohga leaned against the King’s chair. This was some juicy shit, you bet your bananas he was gonna milk it for all it was worth.
“When WAS the last time you got off? Few months?”
King Rhoam looked at him as if he had gone insane, before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Almost nineteen years, roughly.”
“Holy-you haven’t nutted since your kid was born? Fucks sake, I’d be grumpy as hell too, no wonder.”
He wasn’t even expecting him to answer, honestly. King Rhoam scoffed, as if regretting giving him a response.
“We’re derailing the topic at hand-”
“Now now, I’m not done yet.”
Kohga moved in front of him, one hand at the chair, and pinning Rhoam between the seat, and Kohga’s face.
“Look, I get it. You wanna take care of what you have, you’re constantly stressed, I can only imagine how bad you have it. And knowing I was the cause of some of that stress? Selfish of me really. Let me make it up to you there, Kingy.”
Rhoam looked perplexed at his choice of words, like he figured he would be. Kohga always did have the hots for the clueless ones.
“I’m saying, let me end your streak.”
Still nothing. Holy hell, he forgot he loved idiots. He sighed, pointing down to the king’s crotch.
“Let me polish the royal scepter. Take a gander at the royal jewels. I’m essentially saying let me get you off.”
THAT seemed to get a rise out of the king, given the way he damn near jumped out of his chair.
“That is NOT why I summoned you here! In the SLIGHTEST! The AUDACITY!”
Kohga let go off the chair, putting his hands on his hips.
“One, you have the audacity to NOT immediately say yes, I’m a goddamn treat. Two, why the hell not? You ever fuck anyone that WASN’T the Queen?”
No response. So that was a no. Oh this was going to be some fucking fun. Kohga put his hands on his knees, leaning in so his mask was so close to touching his face.
“Tell you what, because I like newbies. You let me do my thing. And if you don’t like it, you just say the word. In exchange, I’ll tell my guys to heel. Eh? Cool offer?”
King Rhoam didn’t immediately say no, like he expected him to. He seemed stunned at first, but hey, you miss every shot you don’t take. He was going to get a no any-
“Alright. Fine. So long as this does NOT leave this study.”
Holy SHIT. This guy did NOT just say yes. Kohga fumbled a bit, clearly not knowing how to react. He wasn’t bluffing in the slightest, he just had no clue that the king would ACTUALLY take him up on that. He chuckled, poking Rhoam on his nose.
“Well look at you! Growin’ outta that royal shell, color me surprised! Alright, stays between us. Now, you just sit right there, and let ol’ Kohga do his thing.”
He made the king tilt his head up a bit, so he couldn’t see him. Not letting him see what he was doing would make him freak out a lot less, and he could be in denial about the fact that a dude was gonna suck him off. Kohga pushed aside his mask, just enough to reveal his lips, before he got down on his knees. He parted the King’s legs, taking but a moment to massage them. Lot’s of clothes made the guy look almost fat, but Kohga knew better. Those were some toned muscles under that, just how Kohga imagined. He kept massaging for a moment longer, getting him used to being touched, before he un did his belt, and pulling him free of his cloth confines. And holy. Shit. King Rhoam was a dilf dream down here. He wasn’t absolutely massive, but he certainly wasn’t a pipsqueak. He was long, thick, with plenty of white pubic hair. Kohga softly stroked the length of it, and watched as Rhoam seemed to freeze upon the contact.
“Right right, been a while. I’ll go slow, I’ll go slow. Easy does it.”
He had a rather lovely curve downward, and Kohga could only picture how well it’d go down his throat. He kept his motions nice and slow, till he noticed the King’s grip on the armrests loosen. Then he started to up the ante, just a little bit. With his other hand, he cupped his balls, lightly rubbing them in his palm. Then he heard him groan. It was faint, but Kohga caught it. That was the sound of a man who hadn’t been touched in a long, long time. Even by himself, apparently. He was already getting stiff in his hand.
“You’ve...done this before.”
“Not with a royal at least. But yeah, Kohga’s seen a few bananas in his day.”
Rhoam clearly had some kind of retort, before he seemed to jump upon feeling Kohga kiss the head. Kohga tried not to snicker, finding his sensitivity just hilarious. His age seemed to not affect his need for attention. Especially given that a few kisses around the base was enough to get him nice and hard in his hand. He made his touch a bit firmer on his balls, and his stroking a bit quicker on his length. And Rhoam was LOVING it. His head was tossed back, his breathing got all nice and fast, and he could see, past that beard, him biting his bottom lip.
“There we go, all nice and comfy. Any chance you want me to stop here?”
Rhoam was so out of it, he couldn’t do anything but shake his head. Kohga chuckled. He was gonna love this. Feeling him start to throb in his hand, he decided to really wow ol’ Kingy here. He pulled his hand away, using it to palm at himself, before he put the head right in his mouth. Rhoam’s breath hitched, and Kohga loved that. Love how he was making a royal so weak. He pushed himself to make more, stopping shy of halfway down his length. It was enough to make Rhoam squirm in his seat, and even put his hand right on top of Kohga’s head. How cute. Kohga groaned as he pushed his head back and forth, really getting a feel for that thick cock. Then he pulled away, nice and slowly, drool still connecting them. 
"Why did you-"
"You were about to cum. I could tell. I want this to be REALLY good for you, so you're going to wait."
"I DEMAND you-"
He was halted when Kohga took a hold of his balls. Nothing too hard, just enough to get him to shut up.
"No no no. You don't get that attitude with me. You rule Hyrule, I rule your cock. I decide when you cum. And because you wanna act up, you get a punishment. Look at me."
Rhoam looked, despite not wanting to, at all. Kohga kept massaging him, tediously and slowly.
"You wanna cum? You wanna shoot your load down my pretty throat? You gotta ask for it like a grown up. No tantrums. Go on. Ask."
Rhoam clearly didn't want to, but Kohga’s lips (and throat) was a blessing, not a right. So he sighed, and made himself obey.
"I...would like to orgasm-"
"Try again. Cum. Make me WANT it."
Rhoam swallowed, before trying again.
"I would...like to cum. In your mouth."
"There we go, much better. Knew you could be a polite boy."
He took a minute to suckle at his balls, really coating them in drool, before taking Rhoam fully in his mouth. That's right, every bit of that royal cock found it's way into his mouth, and Kohga gagged. It was intentional, and it made Rhoam moan desperately. So close. Kohga wasted no more time, and acted like the perfect dick sucker he knew he was.
Kohga was relentless. He groaned loudly as he bobbed his head back and forth, practically fucking his own mouth from the force. Rhoam was really getting into it now, cursing and panting under his breath, especially when Kohga pulled away to aggressively suck at his tip. Kohga was absolutely, and positively cock hungry, and he wasn’t afraid at all to show it. Kohga slurped, and gagged, slurped and gagged, grumbling as if he was an animal, greedy for the chance of tasting cum. Then he got it.
King Rhoam came, and Kohga gulped it down, only pulling away to smear it against his throbbing length. It was a big load, just how he thought it'd be. Ribbons and ribbons of cum littered their clothes, the floor, and the insides of his stomach. He pulled away once he knew no more would be cumming, feeling no more reason to. King Rhoam was a SIGHT to behold. A shaking, panting, cum covered mess. Kohga chuckled, taking a quick second to clean up. A good cock sucker could clean himself up in a flash, as if nothing ever happened. He stood back up, pulling King Rhoam’s face by his beard, and he kissed him. Not because he liked him, nor did he think he was cute. It was because there was something humiliating about making the King himself, taste his own load. He pulled away, wiping his lips, and putting his mask right back down. He could see that little bit of cum on his lips, and it was so goddamn funny to him.
“Glad we had this little chit chat, Kingy wingy. You ever need to get a load of your chest, you know who to send for. Though, I don’t do anything for free. Can I take the chair?”
Rhoam just sat there, looking bewildered, before he gently nodded. Kohga clapped his hands a bit, grabbing the chair, and giving Rhoam a little bit of a wave. He managed to meet up with Sooga and the Blade master, who didn’t even get to say hello before he made them carry the chair he was holding. Sooga looked at it curiously, turning to Kohga.
“Are we stealing this?”
“Nope! Said I could have it! It’s a real nice chair.”
“Why would he give it to you?”
“We had a nice long chat. Wasn’t something I saw...comin’”
Kohga grinned behind his mask. He was an absolute STUD, no doubts about that.
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sheikah-simp · 3 years
I was actually just starting to think about how yeah Astor’s cutscene doesn’t give us shit but in a way it may nicely recontextualize a couple moments we see of him in the game.
for example, in the cutscene after the yiga clan mission where kohga and sooga confront Astor:
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Astor does not even flinch here. Kohga and Sooga clearly want to fuck him up for “missing” a part of their prophecy. He just limply hangs there and smiles while Sooga manhandles him, and while I’m sure we all just took this before as a sign of Astor’s arrogance, his total trust in the vision that they will prevail, but the thing is,
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Astor has already seen and been surrounded by death. He was the last one standing and chosen by Ganon to help bring about the end of the world. This moment could perhaps be read as that he was confident that no matter what, Ganon would keep him alive again. So likewise, in his final cutscene
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Astor calls not just on the spirit of Ganon, but on the literal thing that selected him in the first place to strike down and kill the ones remaining. Harbinger Ganon had already killed in front of him before. He can’t understand why he isn’t doing it again. So that brings us to my favorite still in the game, when Astor faces betrayal for the first time
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So in this context, this image becomes not just of Astor being betrayed by his lord Ganon, but by the very thing that spared his life in the first place. And I think that’s kind of neat.
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
Coming Home After Being Away (I’ll Be Home)
Day Seven of the 12 days of Christmas prompts orchestrated by @zelink-prompts
Incarnation: Breath of the Wild 2 a couple years post-caves
It was easy for Link and Zelda to drift off into a sound sleep when enraptured in each other’s arms. They cooed peacefully where they lay, Link’s fingers entangled in Zelda’s shoulder-length blonde hair and his other arm secure around her waist.
Zelda had turned over in her sleep so that her pillow was Link’s warm chest, a habit so common that Link subconsciously wrapped his arms around her. The rising and falling of Link’s chest was a reassurance that, after all these years of being reunited, still relaxed her.
Link was breathing. Link was alive. Link wasn’t passed out in Blatchery Plains with no discernible sign of life. Link, her love, was right here and he was alive.
And thus the couple slept soundly, even as an intruder crept into the house like a dark shadow, careful to make no creak as the mysterious figure snuck up to the loft.
In the larger bed was, of course, Link and Zelda, yet the dark, sinister figure instead focused on the two tiny cribs by the window, the small bundles of life that slept just as soundly as their parents.
With a slither, a vicious sickle was unsheathed from it’s hilt, glimmering in the moonlight. The masked figure showed no mercy as he prepared to cut the newborn’s life short, and consequently move on to his twin sister.
The baby on the right stirred and, somehow sensing the threat to his life, awoke with screaming cries.
Link woke immediately, his eyelids peeling apart with reluctance before he sat up slowly. Yet as soon as he saw the Yiga hovering over his son’s crib, Link’s eyes widened and his heart lurched with panic.
“Hey!” He exclaimed as he lunged towards the Yiga, grabbing the sword by the bed. “Get away from my son!”
The clang of the sword meeting the vicious sickle woke Zelda, and yet she stirred much more gradually.
“Link,” she asked, half-asleep as Link battled the Yiga, crossing blades as Link forced the Yiga foot soldier downstairs and away from laying a hand on his children. 
Zelda opened her eyes slowly, realizing Link’s warmth was in the blankets she clutched and yet he was nowhere to be found, Zelda only seeing her own hand glide along the soft covers.
“Link?” She asked again with a creased brow, sitting up slowly and finally hearing the clamor of weaponry downstairs.
“Link!” She exclaimed as she hurried downstairs, her flowy white nightgown drifting smoothly and elegantly as she did. Link afforded a quick glance at Zelda as she neared the bottom of the stairs.
“Stay back!” He exclaimed, pushing back the Yiga before attempting a horizontal slice, but the Yiga disappeared in a puff of red smoke. Link looked around himself desperately for a reappearance when he heard the window of the loft completely shatter.
Both Link and Zelda were alerted by the troubling noise, rushing up the stairs to see no Yiga Clan member in sight and yet their daughter was nowhere to be found either.
Zelda was on the verge of a panic attack, her chest heaving as she nearly crashed into the desk behind her.
Link in contrast was on the verge of tears, fisting the hilt of his sword until it turned white. He soon realized he didn’t even have the time for his anger.
He quickly strapped on the sheath to his sword, securing the buckle and ties with fingers that moved so fast that they were messing up, but Link didn’t care to do it neatly.
Link picked up his infant son quickly and approached Zelda, whose gaze was a million miles away with panic.
“Zelda,” Link insisted. “Zelda, look at me. We don’t have time for this.”
He placed their son in her arms, Zelda not quite over her shock but holding him securely. Link placed a hand on her cheek.
“Take Elyjah and run as fast as you can to Fort Hateno,” Link said. “The soldiers there will protect you as you head to Kakariko. You will be safer there.”
Link gave her a quick peck on the lips as she nodded.
“I’ll get her back,” he said. “I promise.”
And before Zelda knew it, Link was a cloud of dust, darting out of their Hateno home in pursuit of the Yiga Clan member who meant to harm his daughter for her blood, that shared the blood of the hero and the blood of the goddess incarnate, and would surely reanimate Calamity Ganon with twice the speed.
Or worse, the Yiga Clan meant to avenge their former Master Kohga by killing the daughter of his “murderer”.
Link kept up his frantic run across the width of Hyrule, constantly on the Yiga’s tail at such a distance that the Yiga had only time to run with the infant. By this point, the Yiga Clan knew that crossing blades with Hyrule’s hero meant that they would likely never cross blades with anyone ever again. Over the years, they made innumerable attempts to assassinate Zelda, who carried the blood of the royal family of the former kingdom of Hyrule, or Link, who not only killed Master Kohga but, as increasing evidence suggested, was to marry Zelda and father children who also carried the blood of the royal family. Those attempts, however, failed again and again, Link being too great of a swordsman for the Yiga Clan to get anywhere near either them.
Tired of losing men and frankly at a loss, the Yiga Clan stopped. However, once spies confirmed that the former princess was indeed pregnant with twins, the Yiga Clan decided to wait until they were born. Once that occurred, and once Link and Zelda felt safe enough to let their guard down, the Yiga Clan would assassinate the infants. Only three weeks old, their lives were already in danger. 
And thus Link chased the Yiga who held his daughter all the way to their hideout in Gerudo Desert. He only got to the first circular room before he was surrounded by Yiga archers, arrows drawn and ready to release.
The Yiga foot soldier handed the bundle to a blademaster who stood across the room from Link. Link quelled the jolt of fear in his heart that came from seeing his daughter held by them and instead clenched his fingers tighter around the hilt of his sword.
He moved his arm in order to ready his sword for an attack, but he only heard the creak of bending arrows. 
Link took the auditory sign of threat seriously, sheathing his sword against his better judgement of his capabilities. Taking on all these Yiga was a type of chaos that would be messy, and thus too risky when his daughter was in the same room. Although Hyrule’s hero could take them on any day, creating a massacre and fighting with a sword in one hand and baby in the other arm was probably not the best idea. Link thought perhaps that was not this day, nor any day to come.
“Wait,” Link said as they were about to harm his daughter right in front of him, holding out his hands palm first. The Yiga turned their attention to him. “Hold on,” Link pleaded, as slowly and calmly as he could. “Please. Let’s just talk this out. I’ll give you anything for her safety. I’ll even give you my life.”
“We’re listening.”
“Kill me,” Link implored desparately. “Right here. Right now. I won’t put up a fight. You just have to promise to return her safely to my wife in Kakariko Village.”
“You would trust us to do that?” The blademaster asked, slightly surprised.
“You are still people,” Link reasoned, his arms lowering to hang by his sides. “I don’t see why you couldn’t be reasoned with.” Link gave a nervous chuckle. “I’m honestly depending on it.”
“Enough of this!” Another Yiga said, stepping forward. “Hylians don’t care about us! It’s a trick! He killed our Master and so many others. He saved Hyrule. I bet he’s leading us right into an ambush.”
“It’s not a trick,” Link said with shakes of his head. “It was only ever out of self-defense that I hurt your clan. Perhaps I shouldn’t have gone so far, but please let my wife and children live on. Zelda has already abdicated the throne. The kingdom of Hyrule is no more. Whatever grudge there is between us can be settled with my death at your hands.”
There was a silence that paused the conversation, a tentative silence that Link feared more and more. The chances were very slim that Link would get out of this, and yet he feared more for the tiny bundle in the enemy’s arms.
“You know not of the grudge you wish to settle,” the Yiga Blademaster said. “And yet you would give up your life to settle it. All to save your offspring.”
Link’s brow furrowed. Was this about more than just Master Kohga?
But Link was even more surprised at the Yiga’s first instance of mercy, the Blademaser walking forward slowly and gently returning the baby to Link’s arms. Link breathed a shaky sigh of relief feeling the warmth and yet did not understand the gesture. He looked up at the Blademaster.
“We know you could have taken us even with our archers at the ready,” the Blademaster said. “It is obvious you hold no ill will towards us. You only want your offspring safe and to live on past what was once the kingdom of Hyrule. Is this correct?”
Link nodded, slightly afraid of this odd behavior. 
“Then go and live,” the Blademaster said, Link’s lips parted. “We will not threaten your family any longer.”
But Link didn’t move, although in the back of his mind he thought he perhaps should have, should have gotten out before they changed their mind. The Blademaster had already turned around to head back into the hub of the Yiga Clan hideout.
“I don’t understand,” Link said, the Blademaster stopping in his tracks. “After all these years, you show me mercy in return for mine, but…how does that so suddenly erase your bloodlust? And how can your grudge have nothing to do with me if…if you tried to kill Zelda and I for years?”
“We assumed you were like your ancestors,” the Blademaster answered. “That you would villianize us and see us as a threat. You swore fealty to the kingdom that ruined us. That was enough for us to seek you out. We had to protect ourselves.”
“My ancestors?” Link asked. “What are you talking about?”
Another silence fell and Link started to regret asking the question. Had he pushed too far? Would they be angered?
“There is a tale among Hyruleans,” the Blademaster started. “Of when Sheikah technology was successful in defending the kingdom from Calamity Ganon. I gather you know it well. How did the story end?”
“The princess and the hero sealed away Calamity Ganon,” Link answered. “Because of the protection of the Divine Beasts and the Guardians. The calamity didn’t return for ten thousand years.”
The Blademaster gave a small laugh.
“Easy to write a happy ending when you are the victor,” he said. “But it seems Hyrule was too cowardly to truly detail what happened in the end.”
“Was Calamity Ganon not sealed?” Link asked.
“Calamity Ganon was sealed,” the Blademaster said. “Just as you described. Because of that, Hyrule saw a great era of prosperity. Sheikah technology was blooming and the Sheikah were very proud of their usefulness.”
“One day,” he continued. “Divine Beast Vah Naboris misfired. Because it was aimed at the castle, it devastated a portion of it, and killed the Queen. The King was furious and blamed the Sheikah. He banned all Sheikah technology, ordered everything to be buried and forgotten. The Sheikah were to make do in a small village to the east, in fact, soldiers forced them there. If any Sheikah refused these orders, they were imprisoned, some even put to death. And the Hylians, your ancestors, simply let it happen. Some Sheikah, knowing these dangers and angry against the royal family for their misplaced blame and their foolishness, disbanded completely, flocking to Gerudo Desert. You see, hero, the Yiga Clan are the descendants of those Sheikah, with every generation growing to hate the royal family more and more. For ten thousand years we have been festering, threatening each new member of the Royal Family.”
The Blademaster turned around to face Link.
“It’s easy to find someone new to blame,” the Blademaster said. “It took me until now to realize that we are just like that King and that you just want to move on. I think it’s time we do too.”
The Blademaster walked forward and as he did, he took of his red and white mask, Link’s eyebrows showing his surprise.
The man was likely in his late forties, his eyes sunken with fatigue, shadowed by the mask strapped to him his entire life. Link saw the rest of the Yiga do the same, as if on his command, even the younger ones looking incredibly tired, dulled red eyes and, upon removing their hoods, heads completely shaven.
“To moving on,” Link said offering his hand forward, his baby safe in the nook of his other elbow.
“To moving on,” the Blademaster repeated, shaking Link’s hand.
“What’s his name again?” Paya asked, smiling down at the little baby boy.
“Elyjah,” Zelda answered, and yet she didn’t look away from the hill leading down to the Dueling Peaks stable. Paya often tried to convince her to come in for a break, but Zelda had insisted on being ready for the very moment Link arrived ever since she did.
Paya looked up from the baby she held, concern etching upon her face at the way Zelda looked desperately at the road that lead outside the village.
“He’s going to be okay,” Paya assured her. “They’ll both be back safe and sound.”
Zelda shook her head as she looked over to Paya.
“I should have gone with him,” Zelda said. “I don’t know how much longer I can—”
Zelda’s voice broke as she began to cry, her hand going to her mouth and her eyelids clasping. Paya immediately embraced her with her free arm.
“There there,” Paya said. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Why is he taking so long?” Zelda blubbered. “It’s been days. What if he’s hurt? What if…”
Her words trailed away as she sobbed into Paya’s shoulder more, the Sheikah giving a small smile.
“It’s okay,” she said in a soothing voice. “You can just cry. That’s all you have to do right now. Just stay right here with me and cry.”
And yet the baby boy took the advice instead, starting to wail himself. Zelda’s crying turned into a chuckle as she withdrew, taking her son into her own arms and soothing him with a soft finger on his cheek and tears rolling down hers. Zelda gently bobbed him until he quieted down.
“He’s hungry again,” Zelda said, looking to exterior of Kakariko once more. “Wendie must be starving.”
Paya inhaled to assure Zelda that Link could likely purchase milk on the road, but Zelda interrupted her.
“I’ll feed him inside,” Zelda said as she headed back into Kakariko, Paya nodding before following Zelda’s stride.
“He has your eyes,” Paya said. “Green, as bright as yours.”
“Yes,” Zelda said looking down with a proud smile and a slight laugh. “Wendie got Link’s blue eyes. It really has been quite the miracle. I never thought it would come to this.”
“Come to what?”
Zelda lifted her gaze to Paya.
“Let’s just say that when I was sixteen, I didn’t like my knight attendant very much. If you told me back then that we would end up married with children in a small house in Hateno, I wouldn’t have believed it. I—“
Zelda was suddenly distracted by a skirmish they were approaching in the middle of Kakariko. Upon seeing Link’s horse, she took no hesitation running forward.
Link did the same once he saw her, them surging into a deep and desperate exchange of their lips.
“I’m so glad you are okay,” Zelda whispered as she withdrew. “You were taking so long that…”
Zelda’s gaze moved downward, crying tears of joy seeing her daughter Wendie sleeping in Link’s arms.
“Oh goddesses she’s okay.”
“Of course she is,” Link said with a smile. “If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s rescuing princesses.”
Zelda laughed.
“Link, she’s not a princess. We talked about this.”
“True,” Link said in replied. “But she’ll always be my princess.”
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loruleanheart · 4 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 9
Read on FF.net
Read on AO3
Astor stood at what had been the entrance to the Yiga Hideout. Along the way, he’d passed piles of debris where there had once been a network of walls built along the canyon of Karusa Valley. The entrance itself, which had once been neatly cut into the rock, was now an angry burning hole. There wasn’t anyone in sight, the hideout was not only destroyed but desolate and abandoned.
The princess’s warning briefly crossed Astor’s thoughts. Astor’s blank expression changed into a haunting sneer, almost smiling in a deranged way.
Well played, Your Highness…. Only a minor setback… Although, I wonder if any of those banana worshiping degenerates are still alive...
Astor vanished and reappeared near his own hideout in the Gerudo Highlands. Some ways off he spotted two familiar silhouettes sitting on the edge of the canyon. Of course, the two most useless members of the Yiga Clan had retreated, the prophet mused.
Still, Astor approached the two apprehensively, knowing he was sure to get an earful.
Kohga and Sooga took notice as the Hylian neared, the two imposing figures being clearly irate as they stood.
“Why didn’t you tell us we’d get walloped? I would expect you to warn us that the Gerudo Chief is going to come trampling into our hideout to attack my men! Why were you conveniently missing today of all days?” Kohga shouted, exasperated.
Astor was smiling inside, where they can’t see it, but maintained a straight face.
Sooga was the one to approach Astor, towering over the much smaller man, and that's when Astor knew he’d overplayed his hand. He tensed as Sooga grabbed him by the collar of his robes and lifted him, Astor’s feet barely making contact with the ground.
“I’m afraid we cannot overlook this failure, ‘seer’.”
“Can’t do it!” Kohga chimed in.
Astor gave Sooga a dismissive smirk, already knowing what to say to retake control of the situation. “Fate decides all… Even this defeat. As you well know, if you decide to turn against me you will make an enemy of Calamity Ganon.”
“You slimy -” Kohga began, but before he could finish his sentence, Sooga’s fist collided with Astor’s face. The seer collapsed to the ground, looking up at Sooga in disbelief.
Kohga cheered, “Yeah! Knock his raggedy ass out! How dare he try to use our devotion to Lord Ganon against us. Thinks he’s chosen or something? You’re not special!”
Sooga leaned down, taking Astor by the collar again. Astor weakly held a hand out in an attempt to defend himself, but it was of little use against a man twice his size. 
“The Yiga Clan has served Lord Ganon for nearly 10,000 years. You can’t turn Calamity Ganon against us, especially if we kill you first.” Sooga slammed Astor’s head against the ground, followed by a swift roundhouse kick in the ribs. 
Astor gasped for air. The wind had been knocked out of him twice. He could barely breathe.
“You deserve whatever Lord Ganon has in store for you in the next realm...” Sooga drew one of his blades at his hip.
The prophet was in too much pain to move, let alone summon his orb.
“C-calamity Ganon... Avenge me…” Astor closed his eyes.
A blinding light consumed the three men and the two Yiga disappeared into puffs of smoke, scrolls featuring the inverted eye raining down in their retreat. Astor shielded himself from the light, lying prostrate on the ground, lacking the strength to rise and a little bit fearful of the presence he could sense was the antithesis of Calamity Ganon.
“Prophet of Doom, your fate is in my hands.” Hylia entreated him gently.
Astor remained very still. She came to stand in front of him, but still, he didn’t look up to meet her gaze. The goddess perceived his confusion and fear of her.
“You’re wondering why I’ve come… I’ve seen your ultimate fate, Prophet of Doom, and I know you will call out to me when confronted with the reality of Calamity Ganon’s betrayal. But it will be too late for you.  And, as proof that my words are true, already you are questioning why the Calamity would allow you to endure such humiliation.”
Astor finally answered the goddess, his voice weak and wavering with defeat. “Calamity Ganon is… going to betray me? That cannot be…” If he had any confidence left after being beaten down so horribly, then her words had ripped that away as well.
Hylia knew he believed her, but his denial and grief were so great. “Your gift of foresight is no match for mine.” The goddess reiterated.
“The grand fate I thought I had was all a lie…? Am I really just a nobody? Put me out of my misery then… I have no desire to continue an existence where I have no purpose.”
“You’re still a young man, Astor. You can still have a meaningful life.”
Astor scoffed trying to hide his tears. “The goddess is apparently dumb and blind. If Calamity Ganon is to betray me, then I have no reason to be...”
Hylia sensed his anger at her. She had revealed a truth he wasn’t ready to confront, but she knew it had to be said if he was to be saved from his terrible fate.
“I wouldn’t spare you just to leave you without a purpose.  I know all about you, Prophet of Doom. You’ve had unfortunate circumstances, but you are not inconsequential. You were a veiled birth. This was a sign of your gift, but it was viewed with suspicion, and you were abandoned. I willed that you be found. You grew up in an orphanage where you went unnoticed. They sent you away at 15 years of age. You managed to make a living with fortune-telling using a Sheikah relic you recovered. People would come to you with all sorts of questions that concerned important matters in their lives, people wanting to know the identity of their soulmate, a look at their unborn child, whatever they wanted to know could be seen in that orb. You were the same age my current descendant is now that you gathered the courage to look upon your own future. But there was nothing. You threw that orb across the room and wept. Your heart darkened and you turned to Calamity Ganon. You suffered much and you wanted to bring Hyrule to its knees. You invested yourself in serving the Calamity with such intensity it greatly diminished your desire for anything else. But, that’s what you wanted. Anything to not have to remember that you’d always be alone. You abandoned me long ago, but… even the princess’s faith in me hangs by a thread.”
Astor tensed at the mention of the princess, knowing the goddess could read him so easily, but there was nothing he could hide from her. It was all kind of amusing to Hylia.
“You… You’re the one that’s been meddling with my visions? Why are you doing this? Why would you bend fate itself to spare me? What’s wrong with you? Go mind that wretched girl who bears your blood and leave me be.”
“I’m helping her by helping you. You have the gift of prophecy, which my current descendant is sadly lacking as my lineage is weakening.”
“I’m well aware…” Astor said irritated. And then, fearful of what the goddess might read his thoughts he lashed out.  “Your lineage can rot… The only intention I have towards that girl is to ensure she never unlocks that awful power.” The prophet said, defensively.
A soft smile crossed the goddess’s lips as she knelt to whisper in his ear, and what she said frightened him so badly he, at last, gathered the strength to raise his voice and try to stand and confront her face to face, but Astor could only lift his head and raise an arm to try to summon his orb. “Hear me, Calamity Ganon, rain down your destruction on this… this…”
Hylia’s blue eyes regarded him with pity. The resemblance to the princess was uncanny, though the goddess’s appearance could only be described as otherworldly and ageless. She began to fade away. “There is no destruction, Astor. There is only…”
The goddess’s voice faded out as Astor finally lost all ability to remain conscious.
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
Okay but, I love the idea that after the events of AoC that Master Kohga, Robbie and Purah hang out sometimes because they're all freaking chaotic and goofy. There's even a little sidequest that talks about how the Yiga clan gave some supplies to the lab.(So it seems like they're on good terms now.)
Poor Impa, she's probably like "Oh no, now I have to deal with three of them..". 😂
Chaotic uncle Kohga? He tries teaching little baby Jakahl how to spawn the spiky metal balls and Purah and Robbie have to tell him "He's a baby, teach him when he's older."
While Impa is the overprotective aunt and is like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! That's dangerous! Why are you encouraging him?!"
okay admittedly i had never considered it but like.............u might have SWAYED ME.
like. i'm in the middle of cleaning, saw this ask while waiting for the sink to fill, and as i was mopping i just. this silly scenario came to mind ignore me i'm just riffing but like.
Purah, Robbie, and Impa are with a group going to the Yiga Hideout to like. idk. Work on stuff with them as a part of continuing to mend the relationships and whatnot.
All three of them were probably on the fence about even bringing Jakahl with them in the first place, but with the yiga having done nothing nefarious in YEARS and no signs of them returning to Ganon, they figure the best way to break the cycle is to not hide things from the next generation.
Jakahl is supposed to at the very least stay with Impa for the main part of the day. Seeing as Purah and Robbie are probably going to be dealing with who knows what kind of machinery, Impa insisted he stay with her. (he's maybe. 7 or 8 at this point?? idk a younger child but not helpless)
Jakahl...gets bored. Impa's work being more of a historian, it's not that Jakahl doesn't like spending time with her, he'd just...rather be doing something a little more exciting. In his boredom, he. Accidentally. Teleports himself away. (with purah having very limited powers and robbie having none, nobody really eXPECTED HIM TO HAVE THEM? SO??)
The others she's with try to calm her down like, "it'll be fine. nobody here will hurt him, and if he gets too close to something that could hurt him, he'll end up near his parents anyways"
But she says, "Nothing here will hurt him, but his parents???? will LEVEL this place trying to find him if we tell them we LOST HIM"
And half the yiga have probably had their asses handed to them by Purah and Robbie so like. Instant search party. Research can wait whERE IS THE CHILD-
Tearing up the place, they can't find him. Everywhere they look, they just. Can't find him.
Eventually, Impa, in her own teleporting frenzy, falls down in front of Purah and Robbie, absolutely frazzled.
Purah laughs at first. "You good?"
She stays kneeling on the ground. "Can't find him..."
Robbie hears her clearly, and is instantly like "uh-oh".
"Can't what?" Purah asks, kneeling down in front of her.
"Jakahl- he poofed away, I didn't know he has powers- he poofed away and i can't find him- I can't find him-"
And there is just. A noticeable TENSION in the air as Purah stands up and looks at Robbie. A bit of a. Manic. Smile on her face. "Robbie," she says, her voice strained and up an octave.
He grabs her hand. "It's gonna be okay- he's our kid. He's smart- he won't get hurt. We raised him-" (and don't be mistaken, he is JUST AS WORKED UP AS SHE IS. he just knows oNE of them has to be rational in this moment)
She ignores him, turning on all the scientists they were working with. "If anything happens to my baby- if anyone lays a single hand on him I will level this place!!!" and poofs away with Robbie in tow before anyone can say anything else.
Hell hath no fury like a mother who can't find her child.
Jakahl is having the time of his life. Poofing in and out of places, getting further and further away, stirring up a little trouble before poofing away again.
But then he exhausts himself. On his last poof, he ends up at that back arena area where you meet Kohga for the first time in BoTW.
Falls right on top of a sleeping Kohga, bouncing off him almost comically, landing in the sand.
and then he just. sees this small child, who is exhausted and about to start crying bc. It's finally caught up to him that he can't poof around anymore AND that he has NO IDEA where Aunt Impa is.
A crying kid is the laST thing Kohga wants so he's just. He kneels down. "Whose kid are you??"
Jakahl has clammed up, and won't talk.
Looking him over. "Well. White hair. You're a Sheikah kid...didn't those scientists come visit today or somethin'?"
Jakahl nods.
Looking at his face, Kohga puts together who he is. "Oh, yeah. You're those wack job's kid. Jack Fruit, right?"
He shakes his head.
"Close enough, though?"
He shrugs.
Kogha hums, sitting across from him. "How'd you get out here?"
Jakahl finally answers him, and at least now that he's got him talking, Kohga relaxes.
"Can you help me get back to my mom and dad, or aunt impa?" Jakahl asks.
Kohga shakes his head. "Nah, kid, that's work! They'll come lookin' for you. You're exhausted from all that poofin' around. Take it easy."
Eventually, Sooga comes to find Kohga, intent on telling him that Purah is essentially, tearing the place apart looking for her son.
Needless to say, he's surprised to see that Kohga is just. Entertaining the kid. He doesnt' have a large spike ball out, but he's got a few tiny ones and making them float around, and it's absolutely got Jakahl entertained.
"Master Kohga..."
"Oh, hey Sooga! Check this out!"
"His parents are looking for him. His mother is tearing the base apart-"
Kohga just laughs, not taking his focus off Jakahl. "Bring 'em here! he's fine." More quietly, just to Jakahl, "See, told you they'd come get you. Way easier."
Barely a few seconds after Sooga is gone, Purah poofs in the arena, right behind Jakahl, scooping him up. She poofs away again, handing him off to Robbie and Impa who arrived a fraction of a second after she did, and then she is BACK in front of Kohga, snatching him up by the collar as the mini spike balls fall around them.
He's nOT looking for an ass beating from her, Robbie, or IMPA (bc if he thinks about it too hard, he can sTILL feel how walloped he got by her back before the calamity [in the Destroy The Yiga Clan mission]) but he's able to play it cool.
"Relaaaax, Purah. Was keepin' the kid entertained till you lot showed up. He was poofin' around too much and exhausted himself."
"I was having fun!" Jakahl yells from across the arena.
"Promise?" Purah asks.
She can see him nodding, and can tell that Robbie and Impa are confirming with him again.
Her anger is just. Instantly gone. "Guess you get to live another day, Kohga," Purah says, letting go of him. He falls to the ground, and she just. Plops down in front of him. "Damn, I'm worn out. Big base, you got here."
And just like that, tensions are resolved, and now that it's over, it's easier to laugh at. (impa tho...is gonna need a Minute to recover)
Kohga, "Some promising powers on that kid! Should let me teach him how to summon the spikes!"
Jakahl instantly looks at both his parents, "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE"
They shake their head, looking at one another, Impa breathing a sigh of relief.
Purah, "He needs to be a little older."
Robbie, "Wait 'till he's like...ten."
and impa is just like "NOOO W H Y"
and thus Uncle Kohga is a regular in their life, much to Impa's chagrin. (she'll come around to him eventually, but the poor woman has probably gotten a few stress ulcers from their combined shenanigans)
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botwriter · 6 years
A New Normal, Chapter 9
FF.net and Ao3
Zelda, Day 16
Slowly but surely, Zelda’s life began to settle into something of a groove in Hyrule castle. The number of unpacked boxes in her room was gradually decreasing. It had only been a few days, but she was beginning to finally feel at home. But something was missing. She hadn’t seen Link in days. Symin had let her know that Link’s work with the royal guards was going well enough, but still, Zelda wondered why he hadn’t bothered to come and say hello. She noticed that there were guards posted in more places now; two outside of the royal quarters, two at each of the gates, and there were more patrols around the city. They had even found and tailored all of the old knights uniforms. But still, no Link.
Oh Hylia, fine. She’d spent long enough pacing back and forth in her room, had enough sleepless nights thinking of him and what he was up to, and finally he’d won over her patience. She couldn’t stand it any longer. As soon as she was dressed, she headed to the training grounds, ignoring her hunger and the fact that she’d missed breakfast already.
The training grounds were connected to a labyrinth of tunnels within the castle, namely the guards quarters and the headquarters for whoever the captain was at the time, but also some storage, showers, and dining areas. Where they actually trained was in a large courtyard that could be looked down at from two stories above. When Zelda finally arrived, she rested her hands on the stone wall - already warm from the sun - and peered down. Her eyes found Link immediately.
He was shirtless, and this alone caused heat to rise in her chest. In his hand was just a wooden training sword, and around him, several guards. The training seemed a little more intense than she’d expected; the guards were holding very real weapons compared to the wooden sword in Link’s hand, but he dodged all of their attacks with ease, save for the occasional close scrape here and there. One by one, he gently dispatched the trainees, but Zelda watched worriedly as one he seemed to have forgotten about readied herself for a surprise attack. The sword swiped upwards, and Zelda gasped as she saw blood on the tip of it, but Link seemed to have only taken a very shallow scrape. He disarmed his opponent quickly, sword falling to the ground as the trainee staggered backwards and then fell onto her back.
Her hand was still at her mouth when Link suddenly looked over his shoulder, straight at her. His blue eyes were always so piercing, so knowing - like they were asking questions that Zelda had no choice but to give all the answers to.
Her heart may as well have stopped. She’d been found out. Even from such a distance, she could see the sweat glistening on his brow, his messy blonde hair sticking to his face, his shoulders lifting with each heavy breath. Colour filled her cheeks. Shit.
He turned fully to face her then, threw the training sword over his shoulder, and grinned at her. He looked happy to see her, and she couldn’t help but admit to herself that the feeling was mutual. She’d missed him.
“It’s been a while since we talked,” Zelda called back down, smiling. “Can you come up to see me?”
Link dropped the training sword to the ground, gave a pat on the shoulder to a couple of the trainees, and then waved briefly at her before disappearing into the shade below. Zelda turned, focusing her gaze on Hyrule field stretched out ahead of her (hoping the colour on her cheeks would fade in time), and didn’t have to wait long for him to show up at the top of the nearby stairs. She tried to hide her disappointment considering he had since put on a shirt.
“Long time no see, Zel- da,” he greeted her, correcting himself quite quickly. “...Princess?” he asked carefully, looking at her curiously. She frowned a little and shook her head.
“Zelda is fine. Z- Zel is fine,” she stammered, her nerves briefly getting the better of her, but seeing Link’s eyes light up a little was worth it.
“I never apologized for leaving so abruptly the other day. I-”
“You don’t need to say sorry for that,” Link interrupted her, but Zelda was adamant.
“No, I do. I’m really, really sorry, Link. You’ve done nothing but be helpful and caring to me since I woke up. I just didn’t know what else to do in the moment! I should have talked to you first, really.”
She could tell he wanted to argue, but he said nothing instead, and instead walked towards her until the distance between them was closed. Her heart jumped as he cupped the side of her face gently - for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he simply leaned down to press his forehead against hers.
“I missed you.”
Those words gave her such relief and comfort that she let her eyes fall shut, content to be in the moment with him, and then wondered how she’d managed any days without him. Her stomach was doing flips.
“I missed you too,” she admitted, finally flicking her eyes open and meeting his only inches away. The way he looked at her still gave her butterflies, and she swallowed in some attempt to calm herself, but it didn’t seem to be working very well.
Link leaned forwards a little bit - like he wanted to kiss her - but Zelda backed up just a bit, and so he stood back as well, sighing.
“I’m sorry-”
“It’s okay. I’m trying to be patient. It’s hard,” Link admitted, and he smiled at her, but his eyes looked quite sad.
Zelda stared up at him, almost in disbelief, but she could see in his eyes it was the truth. After all this time - over a century and then some - he was content to wait for her.
“Wait for me a little bit longer,” she requested, voice soft. “I’m still getting in the hang of things. But I- I still want you near me.”
He gave her a knowing smile then, one that caught her by surprise.
“I’m always near.”
 Link, Day 16
Zelda had left not long after their rendezvous to go and continue her work at rebuilding the castle, and as Link watched her go, his smile gradually disappeared. Five, ten minutes, an hour with her, wouldn’t be enough. But at least he had a little more hope now. And she didn’t seem to notice the fact that he’d basically been spying on her since arriving to the castle.
“Oi, Link!”
He’d spent some time staring at the scenery before a voice caught him by surprise. When he looked up, one of the trainee guards was poking his head up from the top of the stairs.
“I guess there’s some new trainees here or something? Sam let ‘em in to the training grounds already.”
“What?” Link replied, a little confused, and took a peek over the walls of the training ground courtyard. Sure enough, a new group of guards were there - a lot of them. He smiled a little. It was great that so many people were so enthusiastic about signing up as guards, especially since the job was surprisingly boring.
When he got downstairs to meet them, he stopped dead in his tracks at the door, eyes slowly widening as he got a better look at the new trainees. No- this can’t be right-
They were unmistakably yiga clan. He knew too well what they looked like in their disguises. Any normal citizen might not be able to tell the difference, but Link had had too many run-ins with them to not realise that the clothes, the hair, the faces, even, were all lies. His other guards didn’t notice. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were drastically outnumbered, Link would have considered this a pop quiz, but trying to fight them here would cause too many deaths. He couldn’t risk it. And the yiga seemed to know it, by the way they smirked at him.
“Oh wow! You’re Link, right? The one that defeated Calamity Ganon?”
“Of course that’s him. He’s training all the new guards now to help keep the castle safe,” one of the others snapped back, but Link remained silent. The act wouldn’t last long. Some of them were bigger than others; these weren’t just the small lanky ones. They’d brought in some of their bigger hitters. Shit.  His mind was racing. The other guards had to get out of there, fast.
“Guards! I’m going to spend some time briefing the newcomers. Get to your posts for now and meet back with me here before dinner. Drinks on me tonight,” he called, surprising the group of yiga, who watched restlessly as all of the other guards in the area slowly filtered out. It was quiet at first, with Link and the group squaring off against each other, but then one of their voices broke the silence.
“Do you really want to be alone here with us?”
“Do you really want to be alone here with me?” Link was calm, but bluffing. Sure, he could take down probably more than half of them by himself, but it would be a close one, and their sheer numbers - not to mention the close quarters of the courtyard - would go in their favor. The yiga shuffled impatiently until one of them stepped forward, pulling a sickle out from his waistband and pointing it at Link’s neck.
“We’re willing to sacrifice as many lives as it takes to avenge Kohga,” he sneered. Link narrowed his eyes, unperturbed by the cold blade that pressed softly against his skin.
“That’s not why you’re here,” he replied; it couldn’t be.
“I’ll admit, we didn’t expect you nor the Princess to actually be here. Bonus,” the man smirked.
“What do you want with the princess?” Link asked, trying to look genuinely curious, but his stomach was sinking as he anticipated their answer.
“What’s the word I’m looking for?” the yiga asked, turning to look back at the group. One of the girls piped up.
“We’re going to dethrone her.”
“That’s a nice way of putting it,” the yiga said decidedly, grinning as he turned his attention back to Link. “We heard you two might be wanting to make babies at some point. Unfortunately, the royal bloodline is stopping here.”
The blade pressed tighter against Link’s neck, and he winced, taking a hesitant step backwards. He didn’t have much time to think about how much he hated the term ‘making babies’ or what on earth the rumor mill was spreading about him and Zelda at this point. All he had to do was stall for time.
“You might find that easier said than done,” he said, choosing his words carefully. The yiga in front of him tilted his head. “I know the citizens can’t tell you apart. But don’t think I’ve left the princess defenseless. You’ll never get your hands on her.”
Now the yiga looked upset. He clenched his teeth, sliced a thin cut along Link’s neck, and then barked a sinister order at the others: “Find her. Bring her here. Don’t let anyone else in.”
Blood dripped from Link’s neck, but the cut was shallow, and a moment later the yiga jumped him. He tried to dodge, tried to take any of them out of he could, but they weren’t fighting him; they were trapping him. Although he stole a sickle from one, and managed to push several others away, the fight was short-lived. They tripped him, kicked him, and finally, held a sword above his chest as he lay on his back, hands and legs pinned down.
“Hard to believe a weakling like you bested Master Kohga,” one of the yiga spat.
“Easy to believe it needed twenty of you to take me down,” Link replied, keeping his eyes on the blade that hovered only inches above his chest.
“There won’t be any shrine of resurrection for you this time around, Hero.”
Wait, resurrection? Link almost started laughing; the corner of his mouth twitched, but he stopped himself short.
“Question for you,” he said suddenly, as the large yiga above him began to lift the sword in preparation to draw it down; he paused, the tip inches from Link’s heart. “Have you ever killed me before?”
The yiga exchanged glances before the larger yiga scoffed.
“What sort of a question is that? You’re already pinned down. We’ve got you this time.”
Link’s mind was still racing. He was desperately thinking of every interaction he’d had with any yiga members. He couldn’t think of one where things went really bad. The fights had always been quick and simple. They’d never killed him before. Good. He let his eyes fall shut, preparing for the pain.
Zelda’s voice caught him by surprise; his eyes flew open. No, no, no, she couldn’t have been there, the guards were supposed to take her to safety - desperately he searched for her, only to finally spot her at the top of the courtyard. Three of his guards were fighting with her to pull her back, but still she resisted.
“Zel - no - run! Go!” He yelled at her until his voice strained, but the yiga had had enough waiting.
“There she is! Quick - get up there and get her! Just get him out of my sight,” one of them yelled, and all around him the yiga were running, and the sword came down, plunging through his chest as smooth as he would have expected considering the yiga were meticulous about having incredibly sharp blades. At least the pain wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but it was still more than unpleasant, and Link coughed up blood as the sword withdrew from his chest. Zelda screamed - god it was a horrible sound, one that would haunt him if he wasn’t in the process of dying. She wasn’t supposed to be there. She wasn’t supposed to see this.
He rolled as his vision began to blur, blood draining from his front and his brain beginning to shut down. In his last few conscious seconds, he lamented how familiar of a feeling this was, how many times he’d felt it or come close to feeling it during his time fighting through Hyrule. Everything hurt, his heart hurt, his head was burning, and all he could think of was her. When will this be over?
 Zelda, Day 16
“No - no he can’t be, they can’t have - Link!”
She was fighting against their grasp. Some sort of blue light had surrounded Link after he finally fell still, but the yiga seemed to have not noticed in the chaos as they all ran from the courtyard or began to scale the wall. She realised just in time. She was next.
“They’re coming up here! We have to go now,” one of the guards urged, and though he clearly looked upset as well, Zelda finally turned, running back towards the door with them. The guards were surprisingly well organized; they’d come to her to tell her that Link had given them some sort of code to know that it was an emergency, but she hadn’t listened to them and wanted to make sure he was okay.
But now, her mind was blank. She was too shocked for tears. She felt angry. Angry at him, angry at the guards, angry at everyone.
“Who were they?” were the first words out of her mouth, when finally two of the guards brought her into a secluded tower. She hadn’t even turned to look back at them.
“I think - yiga clan,” one of the guards suggested, and as Zelda finally turned to look at them, brow furrowed, heart broken and chest on fire, they took a small step back: a male guard with blonde hair like Link, and a brunette girl who seemed young but capable.
“Yiga clan. They didn’t look like yiga clan,” Zelda continued, voice dripping with a quiet fury.
“They can disguise themselves,” the girl said, “which is why we couldn’t tell at first, but that must be it.”
“And what are we planning to do here? Who’s going to fight them?”
Her words were biting, her eyes narrowed, and the guards looked nervous simply being in her presence.
“The other patrols will be notified, but we’re here to keep you safe. Link’s orders,” said the man, though his voice cracked on the name.
“Link is dead,” Zelda replied bitterly, “so whose orders will you take now?”
The guards exchanged awkward glances.
“Our primary goal is to keep you safe, Princess,” the girl tried to explain, but it was clear Zelda was having none of it. She tilted her head quizzically.
“Safe from what? From my own castle as it’s infiltrated? From being there for my people? Let me out.”
“Princess, we can’t do that, you’re sure to be found-”
“I think we’re about the same size. Switch clothes with me,” Zelda interrupted, staring hard at the other girl.
“Seriously?” the guard asked in disbelief, but Zelda was already stripping off her dress, leaving just her undergarments on. The male guard turned promptly, standing at attention and staring hard at the wall.
“I’ve hid away and failed this kingdom before - too many times before,” she said sternly to the guard, who reluctantly began to take off her hat and uniform. “ I can’t just sit idly by. I refuse to be some damsel up here in the tower! Just please, put this on and stay here as if it’s me. Keep your sword, so you can fight. I’ll figure something out.”
The guard shook her head, and pulled out a small dagger from within her waistcoat.
“I can give you this, at least,” she said, putting it on top of the guard’s uniform and handing both to Zelda. “But I hope you don’t have to use it. If something happens to you, I’ll never forgive myself for doing this,” the guard added, beginning to awkwardly put the royal dress on as Zelda hopped into the guard’s uniform. It was surprisingly comfy, and easier to move in.
“Link - he really loved you,” the guard said suddenly, as Zelda had already begun to leave. She paused at the door, her hand resting hesitantly on the handle.
“He said everything we do, we do for you, because that way it was for the kingdom as well. He talked so highly of you. It gave us all a lot of hope for the future. He said as long as you’re safe, Hyrule will be safe.”
Zelda bit her lip, breathing in heavily and trying to suck back the emotions that were boiling and festering within her. She turned to look at the guard, who was blushing and staring at the ground.
“Thank you,” Zelda said softly, and the girl looked up in surprise. “I’ll be careful.”
“Oh- Princess!” the guard suddenly said, as Zelda began to leave, “you should put your hair up.”
Zelda smiled at her gratefully and tucked most of her hair into a bun beneath the guard’s hat, though some of her bangs fell to frame her face. She slipped the dagger up into her right sleeve, nodded to the male guard outside the room, and left down the winding stairs of the tower.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Future | Chapter 67
Finding the Yiga Clan hideout was no easy matter, and would have been impossible if Kohga hadn’t unknowingly revealed their location to Rusl when he gave him the Sheikah Slate. Rusl recalled the coordinates that flashed on the screen when it briefly came to life before promptly disappearing once more. It was all he had to go by, but it was enough. Traveling unprepared through the desert proved to be the most difficult part of his journey (aside from the ambush of Sheikah when he tried to leave), but he moved quickly, stopping as little as possible, making it to the valley within a day’s time.
He kept in the shadows of the cliffs above the valley, keeping a watchful eye for any activity, but the valley seemed desolate. He could not clearly find anything that would suggest a hideout lurked below him - no entrance or exit or any other markers otherwise. This wasn’t a surprise to him, as surely the Yiga were smart enough not to leave any possible clues, but still, it frustrated him. He couldn’t be sure if Link had already been there or not, and all he could do was search and wait.
He was several hours into his watch when activity caught his attention; a small and brief rockslide - pebbles really - that tumbled down a cliff face. The disturbance caused a small cloud of dust to form, blocking his view of any sign of what could have caused it. His gaze narrowed, and he moved quickly and carefully around to that spot. Still seeing no sign of life nor sensing a presence, Rusl took a moment to look around. He followed the trail down the slope, only catching then a shadow that stretched briefly before disappearing completely.
Rusl made his way down the slope, careful not to leave any sign of his approach, and into the valley. He pressed himself against the outer wall of the rock formation, noticing then what could have only been the entrance to the Yiga Clan hideout. He peered carefully around the corner, but there was no sign of life, never mind the presence of whatever had seemingly just entered the hideout.
He moved into the hideout, immediately greeted by the cool, damp air. His eyes scanned the room and he held his breath, waiting and listening. There was only one other doorway across the room, so he moved to it quickly and quietly. When he neared, he kept himself against the wall, listening once more before he turned to peer inside.
Link was oblivious to his presence. He wanted to shout at him for being so careless. So stupid. So rash. So stubborn. For fuck’s sake, Uli was right. He should have told Link about his destiny. He should have better prepared his son, because now he was running around the damn Yiga Clan hideout, unaware that he was even being tracked, and by his father, no less.
His anger toward his son, however, was just an irrational response to the relief he felt as his eyes settled on him. His brow furrowed as watched Link for a moment. He was noticeably older than the last time Rusl had seen him, which was to be expected. But it seemed the years were hard on him, a permanent scowl on his face and rage in his eyes. He was worn and beaten, and Rusl’s heart ached for him.
He wasn’t going to let his son throw everything away, though. He quietly made his way to Link, then gripped his wrist, twisting it behind Link’s back as his other hand moved over to cover his mouth. Before Link had a chance to fight back, Rusl pushed his son forcefully into the wall and kicked at the back of his legs, causing him to stumble.
“Don’t make a damn sound,” Rusl hissed. He loosened his grip and Link spun around to meet his gaze.
“What the fuck,” Link muttered.
Rusl’s gaze narrowed on him. “The fuck did I just say?” he hissed.
Link continued to stare dumbly at him.
“Idiot,” Rusl spat. He started to pace before his son. “I fucking knew you would be here. I fucking called it. And here you fucking are. This is fucking suicide, you know that, right?”
Link watched his father pacing, his mouth hanging open.
“Snap out of it,” Rusl growled. He pushed Link back against the wall. “I would rather not have to drag your ass out of here, got it?”
Link nodded stupidly, still at a loss for words.
Rusl gripped Link’s shirt and pulled him forward. “Let’s go,” he hissed. “Get your head in the game or we’ll both be dead.”
Link opened his mouth to speak, but only uttered intangible nonsense.
“I’ll answer everything later, alright?” Rusl said in a frustrated tone.
Link swallowed. His gaze hardened on him, and he raised his gun.
Rusl’s eyes narrowed on his son. “What are you doing?” he hissed.
“You’re working with them.”
His gaze softened for a moment. “Don’t be an idiot,” he said. “Why would you think that?”
Link hesitated, the doubt flashing across his face in a moment of weakness, but he quickly regained himself. “I saw you,” he said through gritted teeth. “This is all you’re doing. You tried to have me killed!”
Rusl stared blankly at his son, then his gaze narrowed once more. “You really are an idiot. Put the fucking gun down; you’re not gonna kill me.”
Link’s expression softened as he studied his father. His arm relaxed, and though he lowered his weapon, his expression still showed that he was torn between his decisions.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing here,” Rusl continued. He pulled his gaze away and looked around them. “But it’s suicide.”
“I know.”
Rusl glanced at his son angrily. “We don’t have time to waste,” he said, stepping forward. “Let’s move.”
Link followed his father as they ran as quietly as they could, keeping close to the wall and peering around corners as they navigated the Yiga base.
“Where are we going?” Link hissed.
Rusl pressed his back against the wall as he heard voices. “We’re getting out of here.”
Link readied his weapon. “No way,” he whispered. “I’m not done here.”
“Well I am,” Rusl snapped. “I’m not letting you do something stupid.”
Link opened his mouth to argue further, but Rusl threw himself against him and they both fell to the floor as a blade rushed passed, striking the wall behind them where it stuck. Rusl pulled his son to his feet and they broke into a sprint to dash across the round room where Link first stumbled in. But as they neared their exit, Yiga foot soldiers flashed before their eyes, blocking their path. They quickly circled around them.
Rusl and Link stood back to back, their eyes darting around them as the Yiga soldiers closed in. Rusl’s mind raced frantically as he tried to find their escape, but before he could come up with any kind of plan, Link was pushing him down forcefully.
Rusl instinctively ducked down, looking up and catching Link’s gaze as his eyes flashed red. He watched as Link turned his attention to the Yiga soldiers who were no longer pressing in toward them. They stepped back cautiously, and in that moment, Link sprang into action. He thrust his palm to the ground, causing the world to tremble beneath their feet. The ground exploded suddenly, the force of the attack sending the Yiga flying backwards. Many of them, however, were quick to return to their feet, and they lunged at Link with everything they had.
The first few Yiga came at him simultaneously with their weapons. Though he was quicker and stronger in his darkened state, he couldn’t possibly avoid their quick and sudden onslaught. He reached for the closest Yiga as they dropped on him, ripping the blade out of his hand and throwing him into the ground with a great force. He spun on his heels as a few of the other blades sliced across his body, but he brought his own blade with him, slicing upwards at his attackers. The Yiga that took the brunt of his attack dropped to the ground, then quickly sprang backwards as his blade came down once more on the other Yiga that had lunged at him.
When the first round of Yiga soldiers had cleared out of the way, the rest were quick to step in, relying not on their weapons, but instead resorting to their own powers. They rushed at him with incredible speed, and Link could only manage to avoid the first two before their hidden blades struck him as they rushed around him. Link thrust his palm to the ground once more, but the Yiga were quick to dodge his attack, lunging backwards and throwing their palms out toward him.
Their unified assault came in the form of tiny, shadow-like daggers that rushed toward Link suddenly. Unable to avoid the attack, the daggers tore through him, bringing him to his knees. But as he stumbled forward, he thrust his arm to the side, and the shadowed daggers came to a sudden stop as if hitting a wall. They dropped to the ground and instantly disappeared. Link pulled himself to his feet, but the darkness was starting to weaken. He thrust his palm out in one last attempt to pull all his power through him, and the Yiga soldiers were sent flying backward against the far wall. With his other arm, he mimicked their shadowed attack, and they dropped to the ground. Those that survived disappeared quickly, leaving Link and Rusl alone for the moment.
Rusl watched as the red faded from his son’s eyes and he promptly dropped to the ground, gasping from the pain of the wounds he sustained in the fight. Rusl dropped to his side, pulling him into his arms as Link drifted in and out of consciousness. He groaned as he came to once more, and Rusl pushed Link’s hair out of his face. Link’s gaze met his briefly before his eyes closed and his body fell limp in Rusl’s arms.
“No! Come on, kid,” Rusl muttered as he held his son. “Stay with me.” His gaze hardened as Link returned to a conscious state and Rusl dragged him up onto his feet.
“I don’t even want to fucking know right now,” Rusl muttered, allowing Link to balance himself on him. For the moment, it seemed he would stay conscious. Hopefully long enough for them to escape. “Can you move?”
Link nodded weakly and pushed himself away from him. He stumbled slightly, but otherwise moved forward, and Rusl quickly followed. They quickly made their way out of the Yiga hideout and into the valley of the desert, but their escape was cut short once more as several more Yiga soldiers appeared to surround them.
Rusl pushed Link behind him. His fierce gaze moved around the Yiga soldiers as they began to close in. There was nothing either of them could do to defend themselves, now. Their fate was at its end.
Dorian stood in the shadows of the high walls and mountains that surrounded the Yiga Clan hideout. His brows knit together angrily as he watched the Yiga soldiers surround Rusl and Link. He cursed them under his breath. “Fucking Hylians,” he muttered to himself. “You both will be the death of me.” He raised an arm, his palm out in their direction, and in a snap, they were gone.
Dorian stared at the space they had occupied, watching as the Yiga turned their gazes around quickly in search of them. He pulled his phone out and quickly dialed a number before bringing it to his ear.
“I have the location of the shrine,” he said, his voice even.
“Excellent,” Kohga’s voice hissed. “Bring a team to it. Kill anyone who interferes and take the Sheikah Slate back.”
0 notes
Cil and Von pls???
Funny enough, that's what @bi-julius-caesar wanted for their birthday! The exact prompt they asked for was 'Von humiliating Cil in front of Kohga and Sooga and Cil tries to hate fuck him but ends up getting fucked instead'. So, hope both of ya'll like it!
"With pleasure, Master Kohga."
Kohga loved having beefcakes to do what he said. And Cil was one of the many who were eager to obey. Like a show pony, he was eager to perform. In this case, he insisted on having him go head to head with Sooga. Not with weapons, but with their bodies, and bodies alone. Master Kohga was frisky today, it seemed. He watched angrily as Kohga held Sooga’s face, cooing in such a sugary sweet voice. The words fell on deaf words, lost in his frustration. Then he looked at him, and made a 'come here' motion with his finger. Cil damn near skipped over, but kept his proper form.
"I don't want you to go easy on him, understand? He needs to earn his prize."
"Understood. But pray tell, what IS the prize?"
Kohga thought about it for a second, before Cil saw that smirk of his (well not really SAW, but he felt it).
"Tell you what. Winner gets a kiss."
"...any kiss?"
"Eh what the hell, why not? Sure."
Oh he was going to murder him. Cil nodded, holding onto Kohga’s hand in his own, as a sign of respect.
"It shall be done, my Master. He will have to pry this trophy from my cold, lifeless corpse."
And he meant it. He doubt Kohga would let their match get that far, but if it came down to it, he absolutely would. Anything for that kiss he needed oh so badly. For that kiss he deserved. He stepped in front of Sooga, and drew his blade. He double checked his hair in the reflection of the blade, before digging it into the floor. Sooga followed suit, both blades wedging into the wooden floors.
"I appreciate your seriousness, Cil. You and I both know that we strive to please our Master."
"Of course. He deserves nothing but the best. As in, me."
Sooga huffed. Good, he was getting under his skin. Cil stretched for a moment (maybe showing off a bit for Kohga), making sure his body was ready. Sooga followed suit, before nodding. He was ready.
"You recall the rules."
"No weapons, no yiga special techniques. Just our body's strength, and our wits. And of course, mask stays on. On our Master's mark, if he may grace us."
Kohga loved this part, they could tell. He was about to start, when Von joined him, clearly excited.
"Aye my BOYS! Master Kohga, I can watch right?"
"Long as you don't interfere again."
"Oh. Right. Sorry. Shutting up right after this-good luck guys!"
He gave them a thumbs up, and Cil rolled his eyes. Ugh. Ever supportive, Von was. Kohga helped himself to a drink, before sitting up in his chair.
"On three. One. Two. Three!"
Cil was so motivated by the idea of getting his prize, he leapt for it first, bringing his fist down right into Sooga’s chest. Sooga got pushed back a bit, but didn't hesitate to grab Cil's arm, yanking him into a nasty headbutt. It was a cheap move, unlike him honestly. It was weird, until he heard Kohga holler behind them. It was a show for their master, not effiencity. Oh the cheek. He felt himself snarl at such a cheap trick.
"Oh you kiss ass!"
"You're just upset that he prefers looking at me."
Cil grit his teeth, before he dove for him in essentially a tackle. These little sprawling sessions were really just 'beat the shit out of someone until they're either unresponsive, or quit'. So tackling, although it was a bit barbaric, was pretty acceptable. Given how loud Von swore, it was quite a spectacle as well. He kept himself on top of him, starting to bring his fists down onto him. He aimed for his chest, his shoulders, even his head. Sooga kept trying to block, and Cil was happy he did.
"That's it, give me more of you to hurt!"
He wanted to bruise him. Wanted to walk away from this in absolute shame. Like a wounded street dog. He clasped his hands together, about to bring the combined force of his fists, when he was suddenly forced onto his back. Sooga had damn strong legs, and he often used them to his advantage.
"Your fury shall be the end of you, Cil."
He grabbed him by his head, about to slam it onto the floor, when he was interrupted by a very loud, VERY annoying Von.
It was annoying, and just the distraction he needed. He brought his fist up to his stomach, giving him just enough time to squirm out of his grasp. He managed to get Sooga’s head in his arms, in a headlock if you will. Sooga squirmed so adorably, he could pop his head like a cherry.
"That's it. Thrash. I'll crush your head like a fucking egg. I could watch the blood trickle down your ears as I make your brain mush. Or you could give up, and I could claim my prize. The one I d-"
He didn't get to finish. See, there was an issue with Von being both of their friends. He never picked a side, and always wanted things to be even. So, of course, it was his turn to help Sooga.
Too late. Sooga had reached up, dug his fingers into his hair, and pulled. It undid all the hard work it took to get it looking so pretty, and it made Cil moan. Loudly. He had just pulled it so hard, his blood was already pumping- it just happened. The cheers from everyone watching suddenly became a confused silence, and Cil hated that when he looked down, Sooga was obviously very uncomfortable. Cil let go of him, and turned to look at Von. Good. He knew he was in more shit than a horse stable.
He walked away, grabbing his blade on the way out. A foot soldier, their little referee, cocked his head to the side.
"Is this a forfeit?"
"...yes. Unfortunately, I yield."
He tucked his sword away, and as he walked out of the arena, and grabbed Von by his shoulder. Once they were out of the ring, and into Cil's room, Von FINALLY started to panic, hands up in defense.
"Cil don't be mad I didn't think you were gonna-"
"You made him ruin my hair. You made him humiliate me in public,"
Cil stepped towards him, slowly, and Von stepped back, clearly trying to get away from him. He made it a good distance away, before his back was against a wall. Cil put his hand up, keeping Von trapped. He wasn't going anywhere, they both knew it.
"You made everyone realize WE do things together. You made me come off as some sort of whore. You not only brought shame to me and me and our Master, but you made me LOSE. I deserved that prize. But thanks to you, I lost. LOOK AT ME."
Cil grabbed him by his throat, and listening to his choked up words of protest were music to his ears.
"I'm going to make you regret having a voice. I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to use you until I decide I'm not fucking mad at you anymore."
He threw Von onto his bed, crawled on top of him, and just when he was about to peel those clothes off, Von coiled some of his hair in his hand, and pulled. Like a a horse, he turned docile under his hand, suddenly not feeling so angry. Von laughed, pushing their masks aside, just enough to reveal their mouths. Never enough for their faces.
"Aye...so angry and so bitter, buddy. Easy does it. I know how you get when you don't get what you want. Come here. I'll give you a kiss."
Was it Kohga? Absolutely not. But after getting all riled up from a fight, he'd take it. He pressed his lips against his, swearing under his breath. Him and and Von have had a few...choice encounters, so this wasn't new. But Cil still hated it. There was still that shame, that bitter taste of defeat, not getting who he wanted. And Von knew it. It was silent, yet obvious. Yet, Von acted as if that awkwardness didn't exist. Cil sighed. He was still angry, but his cock was taking away some of that stress.
"You're a pest. And I'm still angry."
"You're always angry. Now come on, clothes off."
He waited till Von let go of his hair, before he sat up, removing everything but his mask. Von gave a loud, headache inducing whistle.
"Dunno why you had to strip, you could've just flexed this off, god damn."
Cil was about to insult him for such mindless flattery, when Von held his cock in his fingers. He toyed with the tip with his thumb, watching as Cil melted on top of him. Cil huffed in his face, annoyed still.
"You shouldn't make me feel good. But you know what I need."
"I've known a few cocks, my guy, they more or less need the same thing. But yours is the cutest!"
"Not this again..."
Cil smacked his mask with his hand, groaning. Von laughed, clearly finding it funny.
"I'm sorry but it's such a cute lil cock! It's like a wittle itty bitty carrot! You know how sometimes it doesn't grow right but you love it anyway because its special?"
"I'm going to kill you. I'm going to hang your corpse on-"
He was silenced when Von scooted down, and put his cock past his lips. He stiffened up for a minute, before relaxing, digging his fingers through Von's mop of hair.
"Ugh. So messy. Your stupid hair. You should let me fix it properly. If I have to hold it while I use your mouth, it should at least not look sloppy."
"Aw, is that a date?"
Von looked up at him; kissing at his tip. Cil scoffed, pushing himself back into his mouth. Much better use of his lips than the constant smart mouth.
"It isn't. It's a standard that I want...met."
He could tell Von knew. He was already getting close. That's what fighting did to a true yiga. Made them aroused, eager for more. Von peeled away, watching as the little cock ached for more.
"Well I want MY dick to meet that ass, so on your front, princess."
"I grow weary of that nickname."
He complied however, trading Von spots. He laid on his stomach, letting Von apread his ass, and rub his thumb over his asshole.
"But you're SUCH a pillow princess! You lay there, pushing against me and waiting for me to help you cum. And you look pretty too. Nice hair, a damn nice back. You take care of yourself, I REALLY can't believe you don't get fucked more often. Think its the attitude. But I like it."
Cil grabbed onto one of the pillows, tensing once Von dragged his tongue against his asshole.
"Don't....say that while you're doing such things. It's...v...vile."
It was gross. He kissed the same lips that kissed his asshole, and he loved it. Von's tongue moved in little circles, drool cascading down and meeting his aching cock. Von chuckled, pulling away after a second.
"You just mad because it's not Kohga saying it. Ease up big guy, you're gonna get what's comin' to you."
He was about to bark at him, recalling why he was mad to begin with, when he felt goosebumps at his skin. Right. Von was...well equipped, unlike himself. It felt good grinding against him.
"Just...ugh. Be silent and put it in already."
"Such a grumpy wumpykins. Fine."
He leaned down to kiss his jaw, before he adjusted his clothes, and pressed his bare cock against his ass. Cil tried not to, but he found himself pressing against against him, body needing SOMEONE to touch him.
"You remember the rule."
"Right right, finish on the ass, not inside, and tell you so you act like you don't like it- I know I know."
Cil didn't want to admit that he wanted him to just fuck him already. But thankfully, Von let him get away with that one, and pushed his cock inside his ass. He held him still, as his size was STILL a bit much for him. He groaned as his body tried to accommodate, trying not to tear open the pillow in his hands.
"SLOWLY, you fucking moblin."
"This IS slow, you just don't get fucked enough to be used to it."
He was going to back talk further, when Von grabbed some more of his hair, giving it a gentle pull as he started to slowly roll into his ass.
He hated the sounds he made when he felt stuffed. But it felt so...good. Von chuckled, hand roaming from his hip, up his back.
"That's it. You've got no dick, and ass is pancake flat, but when you finally get tamed...damn you sound so pretty. You like it when you get a good stretch, eh?"
"I DESERVE a cock. The fact that it's yours is unfortunate."
"Sharp tongue for a man with a thick dick in his ass. Lemme taste it."
He laid on him again, pressing his lips against his, and letting his tongue roam over his. Von knew he hated kissing so much, but this time he was grateful, as it helped keep his moans muffled, if only slightly. They sat there for a moment, sweat glistening off their bodies and swears filling the air. Then Von started to move properly. He started to buck his hips into his, balls smacking against his own as their hips bucked together.
"Shit Von...You’re throbbing inside of me. It's shameful."
"Funny way of saying you really like my dick. It's fine, I like this ass of yours. Looks good when you're taking it. Don't think I've fucked someone so big and delicate."
"I'm NOT deli-"
He was cut off when Von yanked his hair, starting to pound into his ass.
"Not delicate? Look at you fumblin' over yourself as I fuck that ass like a toy. My cute, baby dicked princess~"
He couldn’t even scold him. His vision was too hazy, his mouth was too busy biting into the pillow. It felt just. So good, letting this man use him to please his cock.
"I'm gonna fucking cum. I'm gonna bust a FAT fucking nut because of you. Come on, let's see what kinda load those little balls of yours can give me."
Cil was the first to cum, whining loudly once he finally hit that peak. He sat there in his mess of sweat and cum, before Von joined him. He pulled his pretty hair, pulling out just in time to cum on his ass, and on his back. Von still kept moving, albeit much slower, snearing his thick cream in between his cheeks. Von grumbled against his sudden mouth full of feathers.
"They're...not small."
"Size of chickaloo tree nuts. But I love 'em anyway, princess."
Von finally got off of him, laying right next to him. Cil sat there, trying to recover. He silently listened as Von lit up one of his cigarettes, helping himself to a nice smoke, blowing rings into the air. Cil inhaled, before slowly exhaling.
"Why I insist on entertaining you, I have no clue."
"Because I got a fat dick. And I'm funny as hell."
"Funny looking, you mean."
Cil didn't move as he shifted his gaze to meet his. Von grinned, taking another puff, before leaning over and smacking his ass. Least, what was supposed to be his ass.
"Ha! After all this time, my guy still got jokes! I love it! Good to see I took a...load off."
"Even though it was very HARD."
Von grinned like the idiot he was. Cil hated to admit it to himself but...well. he did get the gold medal, but silver was just as good. For now.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Future | Chapter 45
The days following were relatively quiet for the people of Hyrule, though for Dorian, there was no such peace. In fact, he spent most of his time away from the city, plunged into the heart of Kohga’s own plans. There were only a few things he was certain of. One; Kohga had given up on the search for the final portal. And two; he was still set on finding Rusl and using him to lure Link out of the city. And because he was set on this plan, Dorian came to the conclusion that he had not yet achieved the ability to lift the ward on the city, though he did not know how long that would remain true.
But for the first time, Dorian caught a glimpse of the strength and power that Kohga did have. Dorian had known for a while that Kohga was working on something big, and for a long time, that something was the extent of Dorian’s knowledge. But now that the portals were no longer a priority, Kohga focused his efforts elsewhere, preparing for either the rise or fall of Ganondorf. For years, he had devised plans that would cover a variety of scenarios, no matter the outcome, and the most recent plan of his was, by far, the most disturbing that Dorian had witnessed.
Over the years, Kohga had captured various men, human and Hylian alike, and used them as his test subjects. Up until now, Dorian knew nothing more except that all of his test subjects had died in the end (though not without some very disturbing results that Dorian had only seen himself a handful of times). Now, however, Kohga did not bother to keep his experiments quiet, and their torturous screams rang loudly through the Yiga Clan hideout.
Dorian was all too accustomed to keeping himself calm and composed, even in the most dangerous and terrifying situations. Keeping the appearance of being loyal to Kohga depended heavily on the expressions that showed on his face and the tones of his voice. But the experiments he had witnessed became the true test of his abilities as a triple agent, and he had to fight against every instinct that told him to react negatively. The urge to be sick twisted in his stomach as he watched the dead test subjects rise to their feet as a new, dark power took over.
The images haunted him. Kohga would stop at nothing, and Dorian could only stand by and let it happen.
Dorian turned his gaze to Impa. Her unanswered question rang loudly in his mind. Is there anything else? He had told her everything but the bit about Kohga’s experiments, and though his loyalties lay with Hyrule and the Royal Family, it was his duty to make judgement calls as necessary. And his judgement was that now was not the time to tell Impa about the experiments. In truth, there wasn’t much that could be done about it. Shutting it down completely could only be done by shutting down the entire Yiga Clan and ending Kohga’s life; all things that could not simply be accomplished in their current state. In truth, it likely could only be accomplished by Link himself, and to his knowledge, Link had no clue that the Yiga Clan even existed in the first place. The war was much deeper than Link could have possibly known, and he couldn’t risk Link being aware of any more than was necessary. If he knew the threat Kohga posed to Hyrule, he was sure Link would try to take action. They would be fortunate if he could survive against Ganondorf, never mind the Yiga Clan.
Not only that, but his success against the Yiga Clan likely depended on his father’s death. And that was not something Dorian was ready to admit to.
Dorian answered her without further hesitation. “No.”
Her eyes narrowed on him, but he held her gaze. He was sure Impa was skeptical of him, and though she typically let Dorian do what he thought was best, she looked as if she were about to push the matter further.
But the ground shook suddenly and violently, nearly throwing them off their feet, causing just the distraction Dorian needed. Dorian and Impa ran out of the shrine, their gazes turned toward the center of the city. After a moment, the shaking ceased, but was quickly followed by a dark, strangely blinding light that split the sky like an explosion. They shielded their eyes, and when the light subsided, the sun had seemingly disappeared altogether. The sky had turned a dark, eerie shade of purple twilight, though no stars shone through. Curtains of sheer darkness seemed to move ominously over the sky like the northern lights would do high in the mountains.
“Ganondorf,” Impa muttered. “It is time.”
Rusl was at the base as soon as he saw the darkness that seemed to flash across the sky, and before Impa could even think to summon him, though they both he knew what needed to be done.
He hadn’t expected to see his son, but he distinctly heard the voices of the Champions from one of the offices inside, and he made his way quietly to them. He poked his head in as they spoke, but there was no sign of Link or Zelda.
He leaned against the frame of the door, his arms crossed, as Revali complained.
“What are we waiting for?” he muttered. “We need to get out there!”
“Don’t like missing out on all the fun?” Rusl chimed in, making his appearance known. He noticed Mipha studying him, her brows furrowed, and he met her gaze.
“Does Link know you're here?” she asked.
“Hello to you, too,” he said.
Mipha rolled her eyes at him. “He's not going to be happy.”
“My deepest apologies,” he said. “I didn't realize he ran this country. Hero or not, I don’t take orders from him.”
Mipha frowned, but said nothing more. She turned her gaze back to the live news coverage.
“What are you doing hanging back here, then?” Revali asked. “Missing out on all the fun.”
“None of your business,” he said coolly. He stepped out of the doorway and back into the hall as Zelda and Link made their return. He met his son’s angry gaze and frowned. “Why is no one ever happy to see me?”
“What are you doing here?” Link snarled.
Rusl said nothing for a moment. He sighed softly through his nose, then turned away from his son. “Let’s talk.”
Link hesitated, then followed him around the corner. When he stopped, he turned back to face him.
“What are you doing here?” Link repeated.
“Same thing as you,” he said dryly.
“This doesn't involve you,” Link hissed.
“Look; when the king calls, you answer.”
“You're retired.”
“Not anymore.”
Link hesitated. “You can't do this,” Link said, beginning to panic. “What about Aryll?”
“I'm not going anywhere,” he said. “King Roham was kind enough to keep me around here. Besides, Aryll’s fine. She’s safe with Riju.” He hesitated for a moment.
“Well, probably in more trouble than if she were home alone.” He shrugged. “But Riju said I could pawn her off on her.”
Link's lips twisted into an annoyed snarl, but Rusl only grinned.
“That look was more terrifying on your mother,” he commented.
“This isn't a joke,” Link hissed. “She’s not safe. No one is safe. And you're not supposed to be a part of this.”
“The whole world is a part of this,” Rusl said. “This is a war, Link. You cannot possibly end this by yourself. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.”
“And when did you plan on telling me this?” Link muttered.
Rusl hesitated and his voice softened. “Never.”
“Never?” Link repeated, growing more enraged with him.
“See, that's how this parenting job works; I don't have to tell you shit.”
“And what happens if you get yourself killed?” Link hissed.
“You underestimate me,” he said. “I have a lot more experience under my belt than you do.”
“No,” Link said. “I have enough on my plate. I can't be saving your ass, too.”
“You're the one that's going to need help.”
“I'm the one that's going to lose a father!”
“Well I won't lose a son!”
Link stared blankly at him for a moment, then pulled his gaze away. Rusl fumbled with one of the weapons at his side. He pulled out the small handgun, slipped in the clip, and handed it to Link. Link turned to look at the gun questioningly, then up at him.
“That's useless to me,” he said.
Rusl shrugged. “Never know when you'll need it.”
Link took the weapon slowly, turning it over in his hands.
“That's the trigger,” he said with a smirk, pointing to the trigger on the weapon.
“I'm not an idiot,” Link hissed. He pocketed the weapon regardless.
They stood facing each other wordlessly for a moment.
“You know,” Rusl started. “I did alright.”
Link blinked at him. “What?”
“Your mother said I couldn’t do it, but,” he crossed his arms, “I showed her. I raised a decent kid.”
Link rolled his eyes. “Right,” he muttered. “Keep telling yourself that.”
Rusl pulled him into a hug. Link wrapped his arms around him, but just as soon as they embraced, Rusl pulled back and forced a crooked smile.
“Go kick some ass,” he said. He hesitated at his name, and glanced over his shoulder. He turned his gaze back to his son and saluted him playfully. “Come back alive, k?” He held his gaze on him a moment before turning away to join his comrades.
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