#K’rasu’s Christmas Advent 2022
anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Mammon
Day Two of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Mc becomes worried when they notice Mammon’s absence following a conversation about Christmas traditions in the human world.
Category: Gen
Language: English
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Mammon & Main Character, Mammon & Reader, Mammon & You
Characters: Mammon, Main Character
Additional Tags: Satan (briefly), Asmodeus (briefly), Beelzebub (briefly), Belphegor (briefly), mentions of Christmas/ Christmas traditions, advent, advent calendar, worried MC, gender not specified for MC, they/ them pronouns used for MC, MC has no name, no Beta, Day Two of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Mammon
Day Two of K’rasu’s Winter Advent
“... Christmas trees, carolling, making decorations, stockings, yule logs, movies…” Belphie listed them off on his fingers.
“They also said nativity plays, exchanging cards, eggnog, and gingerbread houses.” Asmo continued the list with an excitable nod. “Oh! And giving gifts, of course!”
“What was the difference between Santa Claus and secret Santa again?” Beel mused aloud in a thoughtful voice.
“Are ugly sweaters really a tradition in the human world?” Satan asked curiously.
“Humans have this many traditions just for Christmas, huh?” Mammon said with a thoughtful hum.
“Oh!” A thought suddenly crossed your mind, “I forgot about advent calendars!”
You were met with five blank stares.
“What’s an advent calendar?” Mammon asked.
“It’s a calendar that’s used to countdown the twenty-four days until Christmas from the first of December,” you explained, “you open one door each day and receive gift, usually it’s just a piece of chocolate or a small toy, but nowadays the gifts inside advent calendars vary depending on which company makes them.”
You glanced at each of the demons only to see their confusion deepen.
“Some companies will offer advent calendars that contain stuff like perfume or candles, depending on how expensive the calendar is.” You elaborated. “And some even only have twelve doors rather than twenty-four.”
“So whoever has an advent calendar gets a present everyday for twenty-four days?” Mammon murmured to himself with an awed expression. “Man, humans are real lucky.”
“There’s loads of other traditions too,” you steered the conversation back to its original topic again, “how about we write our list down and then vote on which human world traditions you guys want to try? We can get Lucifer and Levi to vote too…”
In the days after your discussion about Christmas traditions with the brothers, you noticed that Mammon spent less time at the House of Lamentation and was quick to leave RAD after classes, even going as far as chancing Lucifer’s fury and skipping out on student council duties and meetings.
You soon found yourself staring at Mammon’s empty seat at the dinner table during mealtimes while a worrying thought began to surface in your mind.
“Mammon’s absent again?” Asmo pointed out as his eyes followed your gaze to the vacant seat.
“He’s been doing shifts at Hell’s Kitchen in the evenings nearly every day this week,” Beel said.
“Hell’s Kitchen?” Levi blinked at his younger brother with a confused expression. “I saw him working in Electric Demon after RAD this week.”
“I swear he was working on the checkout at Devilmart when it was my turn to do grocery shopping yesterday,” Asmo murmured to himself.
“I’ve heard that he’s been picking up consecutive shifts all over the Devildom,” Satan said as he shook his head with a sigh, “and he hasn’t been coming home until late at night. He must’ve ran himself into debt again and he’s trying to pay it off before the bills fall into Lucifer’s hands.”
“Don’t look so worried,” Asmo chuckled as his eyes returned to you, “Mammon’s doing stuff like this all the time, I’m sure he’s fine.”
You tried to push your worrisome thoughts to the back of your mind as you set aside a meal for the second-born demon and tried to turn your attention towards your RAD homework instead, but you couldn’t help growing more concerned as the hours ticked away and Mammon still had yet to return home.
Later that night, you gave his bedroom door a soft knock and peered inside, only to frown when you found that the room was dark and vacant before you closed the door again and headed back to your own room where you found yourself listlessly checking the time on your D.D.D every so often before you eventually drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
“Hey, Mc.”
You woke up to the sound of a whispered voice and someone gently shaking your shoulder.
“Wake up for a sec, will ya?”
“Mammon?” You asked in a groggy voice as you slowly propped yourself up on your pillows and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “What time is it?”
“It’s about half past twelve.”
“In the morning?” You yawned as you felt around your bed for your D.D.D.
When you finally located the device, you pressed the wake button and turned your unfocused gaze towards the homescreen, you recoiled slightly as the brightness of the D.D.D screen made your eyes sting and squinted while you waited for your eyes to adjust before you tried to look at the screen again.
Tuesday 13th December
“Have you just got home?” You asked as you became more aware of your surroundings and turned your attention towards the Avatar of Greed with a frown.
“I got home not long ago,” Mammon nodded earnestly, “I was gonna wait until morning, but I wanted to give ya this as soon as I could!”
Mammon held out a handmade advent calendar.
Mammon watched you with a tentative expression as you took the calendar into your own hands to inspect it closely before you found the first door and opened it to find a slip of paper inside.
You carefully unravelled the slip of paper to find a note scrawled across it in Mammon’s handwriting that read:
A candlelit dinner with the great Mammon at Ristorante Six
You stared down at the words written across the paper.
“There’s a different surprise just for you written on a note behind each door,” Mammon’s voice pulled you from your stupor, “some of them are gifts and some of them are… well… you get the idea…” he let his sentence trail off as he averted his eyes and a deep blush crossed his cheeks.
You felt your eyes widened as realisation dawned upon you, “wait, so all of those shifts you’ve been working—?”
“Yeah…” Mammon nodded sheepishly as he ruffled his hair nervously and refused to meet your gaze, “...I wanted to treat ya to summin’ special. I know this calendar only has twelve doors, so…” he paused for a moment before he forced his eyes to meet yours and continued, “let’s celebrate the full twenty-four days together next year, okay?”
You felt a smile spread across your face as you nodded at the demon.
“I bet ya don’t get advent calendars like this in the human world,” the demon returned your smile with his usual grin but the blush that still tinted his cheeks gave him away, “so… uh… what d’ya think?”
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Beelzebub
Day Six of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Worried that Mc might be missing the human world, Beel tries to surprise them with a gingerbread house.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Beelzebub & Main Character, Beelzebub & Reader, Beelzebub & You
Characters: Beelzebub, Main Character
Additional Tags: Lucifer (mentioned only), Mammon (mentioned only), Leviathan (mentioned only), Satan (mentioned only), Asmodeus (mentioned only), Belphegor (mentioned only), Luke (mentioned only), slight reference to Luke’s birthday ‘22 event, reference to Mammon’s story, baking, baking together, gingerbread, gingerbread house, sweets, candy canes, icing, worry, worried Beel, Beel is bad at drawing… I keep forgetting this, I’m sorry Beel, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Six of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Beelzebub
Day Six of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
After feeling thirsty, you walked into the kitchen for a drink.
You stopped as you crossed over the threshold and found Beel standing at the kitchen table that was littered with various packets and covered in a light dusting of flour and sugar while the demon froze midway through mixing something in a large bowl to stare back at you with widened eyes and a panicked expression.
Your eyes flitted between Beel and the mess on the table, and back again. The silence in the kitchen was only broken by the found of a rolling pin slowly rolling off of the table before it loudly clattered to the floor.
“I… uh… I thought that Satan was on cooking duty today?” You spoke up as your eyes finally settled on Beel.
“Ah…” Beel shuffled on the spot with a guilty expression as he cast his eyes about the kitchen for an excuse.
“These aren’t the ingredients that Satan bought for dinner today, are they?” You asked, already feeling your stomach sink at the thought of the Avatar of Wrath’s impending rage when he inevitably caught Beel redhanded.
“No,” Beel shook his head quickly.
You heaved a sigh of relief as the panic that had been slowly rising in your chest quickly ebbed away.
“So what is all of this?” You motioned towards the packages and ingredients that had been strewn over the kitchen table as you curiously eyed the mixing bowl in Beel’s hands and stepped closer to the table.
“Well…” Beel stared at you hesitantly for a moment before he continued to speak, “... do you remember when we were talking about the human world with the others?” He prompted your memory.
You nodded.
“I wanted to try to make a gingerbread house.” Beel explained with a frown as he carefully set the mixing bowl down on the table. “You seemed so happy when you were telling us all about the stuff you used to do in the human world, I was worried that you missed it all. I thought that making something like this would remind you of the human world and then you would be happy again.”
Beel cast his eyes down at the mixing bowl with a crestfallen expression before he shook his head and looked back towards you with a bright smile.
“I found the recipe we used for Luke’s birthday, so the gingerbread should be delicious,” Beel mused aloud in a happy tone, “I can’t wait for you to try it, Mc.”
“Why don’t we make it together?” You suggested as you rolled up your sleeves and grabbed an apron to wear before you moved towards the sink to wash your hands. “Food always tastes better when you make it together,” you added with a chuckle.
You and Beel worked together to measure and mix the remaining ingredients before you rolled out the gingerbread dough, planned and cut out the pieces for the house and prepared a baking tray.
You noticed that Beel had prepared additional pieces of gingerbread, but before you could see what he had cut out, he had already taken the baking trays and placed them in the oven and set a timer.
While you both waited for the gingerbread to bake, Beel mixed the icing in another bowl while you found and sorted packets of sweets as the air became heavily scented with the sweet aroma of ginger and cinnamon.
You soon found Beel’s hand sneaking across the table to retrieve a sweet or two, until you were encouraging each other to throw the sweets into the air and catch them in your mouths, turning your game into a competition until you were forced to stop messing around when the timer sounded.
You donned a pair of oven gloves and took the gingerbread from the oven and took it over to the table where Beel transferred the baked goods onto the cooling rack on the table.
When the gingerbread was ready, you and Beel assembled a house, securing each piece in place with a generous amount of icing before you both turned your attention towards the decorations as you carefully piped intricate icing patterns, iced and placed red and green jelly sweets as christmas lights and used peppermint circles to make a stone path, while red and white candy canes were used to decorate each corner of the house.
“We can use these marshmallows as snowmen,” Beel suggested as he offered you the sweet treats to use.
“And if we have a sieve, we can add a dusting of icing sugar as snow,” you added.
You continued adding more details to the gingerbread house, finally finishing with piped icicles along the roof and a green wreath on the door before you took a step back to admire your and Beel’s hard work.
You glanced towards the end of the table where you saw Beel hunched over as he iced more pieces of gingerbread.
You tilted your head to one side and stared at Beel curiously as you set down the piping bag in your hand and moved towards the demon to get a closer look.
“What are you making, Beel?” You asked.
“I made us,” Beel replied with a proud smile as he stood up straight to show you several gingerbread men, “see, there’s you and me, and there I’ve made Belphie, and Lucifer—”
Your gaze followed as Beel pointed at each gingerbread man in turn, finding each character crudely drawn in the icing.
“—I’m working on Mammon and Levi,” Beel motioned towards the two gingerbread men in front of him, one of which had a white blob and the other a purple blob so far for what you assumed was their hair, “and those two over there will be Asmo and Satan,” he added as he pointed towards two more gingerbread men that were still resting on the cooling rack. “I hope they look okay,” he added with a low hum.
“I think they’re great, we should display them with the gingerbread house when they’re finished,” you said as you nodded encouragingly at Beel
You watched as he continued to decorate the Mammon and Leviathan gingerbread men while something that Beel had said earlier played on your mind.
“Hey Beel, you know that I’m happy that I’m here in the Devildom with you, right?” You asked.
You gave the demon a genuine smile as he stopped his icing and turned to meet your gaze with a quizzical stare.
“I’m happy that you’re here too, Mc.” Beel said as he returned your smile with one of his own.
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anon-karasu · 2 years
K’rasu’s Christmas Advent 2022 Masterlist
Twelve days of Obey Me! Christmas one-shots/ Headcanons for December 2022
Winter Moments Day One — Lucifer
Winter Moments Day Two — Mammon
Winter Moments Day Three — Leviathan
Winter Moments Day Four — Satan
Winter Moments Day Five — Asmodeus
Winter Moments Day Six — Beelzebub
Winter Moments Day Seven — Belphegor
Winter Moments Day Eight — Diavolo
Winter Moments Day Nine — Barbatos
Winter Moments Day Ten — Luke
Winter Moments Day Eleven — Simeon
Winter Moments Day Twelve — Solomon
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Leviathan
Day Three of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Levi and Mc share a sleigh ride in the Devildom.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Leviathan & Main Character, Leviathan & Reader, Leviathan & You
Characters: Leviathan, Main Character
Additional Tags: Diavolo (mentioned only), Mephistopheles (mentioned only), sleigh ride, abyssbred horses, sharing a blanket, spending time together, gender not specified for MC, MC has no name, no Beta, Day Three of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Leviathan
Day Three of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You gave a small start as something white fell across your vision before you turned your eyes up towards the dark sky above you and watched as more white flakes began to fall.
“It’s snowing,” you said more to yourself as you held your hand out to catch a few snowflakes in your palm before you let your fingers curl around them with a small smile before you dropped your arm back down to your side and instead turned your gaze to watch as the snow began to fall thicker and heavier onto the already snow covered street around you.
“Just great…” Levi muttered in a bitter tone, “my feet are already killing me and now we’ve got to walk home in the snow too?” He heaved a sigh and shook his head before he readjusted his grip on the carrier bags in his hands and began to walk through Dogma Street. “Remind me to just order games from Akuzon next time.”
“What if there’s exclusive merch that you can only buy in-store?” You pointed out in a playful voice as you fell into step beside the demon.
Levi gave a low, thoughtful hum as you both turned onto the main street, “I’ll make an exception for that, but otherwise I think I’ll stick to Akuzon for a while. Especially if it means I don’t have to leave the house, I wish more gaming stores in the Devildom would opt for online checkouts and shipping too—”
Levi’s words soon fell on deaf ears as your attention was stolen away by a small queue of demons nearby. Your eyes followed the queue until they finally found a black A-board that had been skillfully written on in large silver letters;
Devildom Sleigh Ride
7,500 Grimm
Beneath which, in the same silver penmanship, read;
Experience the Devildom in an abyssbred horse drawn sleigh!
Each tour lasts forty to forty-five minutes and includes a warm blanket for your comfort!
Passing sights such as:
- The Demon Lord’s Castle
- The Mausoleum
- Hell Dome
- Devil’s Coast
- Siren Beach
With your interest now piqued, you quickly found the large black sleighs that were being pulled by magnificent Devildom horses at the roadside.
“— some sort of delivery service from the human world too. What do you think, Mc?”
You barely registered Levi’s words as your pace slowed to a stop so that you could admire the abyssbred horses, it wasn’t long before the Avatar of Envy noticed your absence from his side and whipped his head from side to side until he found out staring at the sign.
“Hey, were you even listening to me?” He grumbled as he backtracked his steps until he was at your side. “What are you looking at anyway?”
Levi’s eyes flitted between the sign and abyssbred horse drawn sleighs for a few moments.
“You know, I think Diavolo mentioned something about this to me a few nights ago when we were playing Reaper Crush.” Levi said. “I’m sure that he said that he managed to hire the horses from Mephistopheles,” he added in an afterthought.
“Do you want to check it out with me?”
You watched as Levi shuffled his feet on the spot and glanced about himself, taking in the sign and the sleighs again before his gaze slowly met yours.
“But… i–isn’t that something that normie couples would do?” Levi asked in an unsure voice.
“You said that your feet were hurting, didn’t you? A sleigh ride will give you a chance to rest your feet for a while before we head home,” you pointed out, “and it’s something that we can enjoy together IRL,” you added with a chuckle.
You were sure that you could see his mind whirring behind his frantic eyes as they shifted between you and the sleighs, and a blush slowly crept onto his cheeks.
Levi eventually stuttered out a barely audible, “y-yeah, okay,” before he slowly guided you over to join the queuing demons, where you both hovered slightly further back to avoid standing too close to anyone else.
“Are you sure that you're okay with this, Levi?” You asked with a frown as you saw the Avatar of Envy lower his head to avoid eye contact with strangers. “We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do,” you added with a small but reassuring smile.
“Actually…” Levi finally met your gaze again, the blush on his cheeks deepened but his eyes were filled with determination. “I want to do this, I want to share IRL with you too.”
Before long, you found yourselves near the front of the queue where you saw a coachman taking payments and guiding other patrons over to the vacant sleighs before he gave the occupants a blanket and checked the connections of the reins before signalling to the abyssbred horses to pull the carriages and turning his attention towards the next customer.
“There isn’t a coachman on the sleighs?” You asked as you watched the horses pull the occupied sleigh further away. “How do the horses know where to go?”
“If they’re Mephistopheles’s horses, they’re probably well trained for this kind of thing.” Levi replied as his gaze followed the departing sleigh too.
“Is it just the two of you?” The coachman asked you and Levi as he returned to the queue.
You nodded as you reached for your pocket, but stopped as you felt Levi’s hand on your shoulder and cast a questioning glance back at him instead.
“I’ve got it,” Levi murmured to you as he handed the Grimm over to the coachman.
“Right this way,” the coachman nodded as he led you both over to a vacant sleigh at the roadside and motioned for you to climb into the sleigh before he disappeared.
“Here,” Levi held out his hand for you to steady yourself as you climbed into the sleigh before he clambered in behind you and you both took your seats.
Seconds later, the coachman returned to hand a thick, fleece blanket to Levi before signalling to the horses and calling out, “enjoy the ride,” to you and Levi as the sleigh slowly began to move forward.
“D-do you want to move closer?” Levi asked shyly as he began to unfold the blanket. “T-to share this blanket, I mean.” He adds in a quick, flustered voice.
You smiled at Levi as you huddled closer to him while he draped the blanket around you both to share the warmth and you both settled back into your seats to watch as you watched the snow drift down over the passing Devildom.
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Barbatos
Day Nine of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Mc is surprised to find Barbatos when they return to the student council room.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Barbatos & Main Character, Barbatos & Reader, Barbatos & You
Characters: Barbatos, Main Character, Asmodeus
Additional Tags: Diavolo (mentioned only), Simeon (mentioned only), Raphael (mentioned only), references to Asmo’s story in the beginning, sewing, Christmas stockings, arts and crafts, giving gifts, making gifts, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Nine of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Barbatos
Day Nine of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
“Wow!” Asmo gasped as he scrolled away on his D.D.D. “It really looks like that ice rink we went to is really taking off on Devilgram after I posted that selfie we took together!”
“Really?” You gave Asmo a surprised look before you continued to pack your textbooks away into your bag.
“Yeah, I heard that it became so popular that Diavolo has actually expanded the park into something of a winter wonderland until New Year,” Asmo nodded earnestly as he showed you his D.D.D so that you could see the various pictures that had been posted on Devilgram.
“That’s great,” you smiled as you glanced through the pictures, “I hope I can go back before it closes.”
You frowned as you counted through your textbooks again and again.
“I can’t find…” you murmured under your breath before you checked under your desk for the missing textbook, “hey Asmo, have you seen my hexes and curses textbook?”
“Nope, sorry hon.”
“I think I might have left it in the student council room,” you sighed as you slung your bag over your shoulder, “I’m going to go back and grab it.”
“I’ll go on ahead,” Asmo nodded, “I promised to meet up with Simeon after RAD today, we’re going to check out the new haunted gingerbread houses and ghastly yule logs at Madam Screams. I’ll see you at home~!”
You smiled as you waved Asmo off before you headed back to the student council room, you automatically knocked on the doors out of habit despite the student council meeting being long over and was shocked when you heard a familiar voice issue from within.
“You may enter.”
You opened the door and peered into the room to find that Barbatos was sitting at the long table alone and with his back to you, judging from his posture you could only assume that the demon was concentrating intently on something that was in his hands.
You hesitantly stepped into the room and let the door swing shut behind you before you slowly drew closer to Barbatos, you cast your eyes across the table with a confused expression as your gaze fell upon cases of sewing needles, and a vast array of colourful threads and materials that has been strewn about the tabletop in front of Barbatos.
“Good evening, Mc.” Barbatos greeted you without looking round at you or away from his task as he threaded a needle with incredible.
You blinked at him with a surprised expression.
“How did you know it was me?” You asked.
“I wouldn’t be much of a butler to the young master if I wasn’t able to distinguish one presence from another,” Barbatos chuckled as he flashed a smile in your direction. “Am I correct in assuming that you have returned for your textbook?” He added as he nodded towards a textbook that was resting on the table beside your student council seat before he began to line up the material on the table. “I was about to send you a message to let you know that it was here.”
“Thanks,” you gave the demon butler an appreciative nod as you moved towards the end of the table, grabbed the textbook and stowed it away in your bag while watching the demon closely as you did so, “what are you making, Barbatos?” You asked as your curiosity finally got the better of you.
“A stocking.”
“A stocking?” You stared at him in confusion as you slid into the seat opposite him.
“I heard that you helped with the Christmas decorations at the Demon Lord’s Castle the other day, and it seems that the young master has taken a keen interest in Christmas traditions this year, so I thought that I should look into some of these traditions too.” Barbatos explained. “I’ve read that some humans hang their stockings by the fireplace on Christmas Eve and their stockings will be full of presents when they wake up on Christmas morning, but festive stockings are hard to come by in the Devildom, so perhaps a handmade stocking will be more meaningful.”
“It’s looking great already,” you grinned as you watched Barbatos carefully stitch a variety of gold and silver snowflakes onto a black stocking with a white fur cuff.
“I have plenty of materials and threads, and Raphael was kind enough to lend me some sewing patterns and sewing kits” Barbatos gave you another smile as he nodded encouragingly towards the coloured fabrics, “you’re more than welcome to use them if you would like to join me.”
“I’d love to.”
“Please, allow me to show you how to sew your stocking together.” Barbatos said as he got to his feet, moved around the table and sat down beside you. “Raphael taught me a particularly strong stitch that should hold nicely.”
You picked out the fabrics for your stocking, carefully cut around the sewing patterns and watched intently as Barbatos showed you how to sew and stitch patterns and even letters into your fabrics.
You had barely noticed how much time had passed by the time you finally finished your stocking and held it up so that you could admire your hard work.
“Oh? Have you finished it already?” Barbatos glanced up from his own work as he saw you move out of the corner of his eye.
“Yeah,” you nodded proudly as you turned to show Barbatos your work, “I made this one for you,” you added as you held out your stocking towards him.
“For me?” Barbatos stared at you for a moment before he slowly took the emerald green stocking from you and traced his fingers over his name that was stitched into the cuff in silver thread.
“It’s not as detailed as the one you made, but I wanted to make something for you.” You confessed in a sheepish voice.
“I think it’s wonderful,” Barbatos smiled warmly at you, “thank you, Mc. I will always treasure this gift… although, I must apologise,” his smile faltered a little.
“Apologise for what?”
“I think I’m going to need a little more time to finish the gift I’m making for you,” Barbatos chuckled as he motioned towards the stocking that he was halfway through making, “seeing as we might be here for a little while longer, why don’t I serve us some tea?”
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Diavolo
Day Eight of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: After agreeing to run an errand for Lucifer, Mc finds themself helping Diavolo with festive decorations at the Demon Lord’s Castle.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Diavolo & Main Character, Diavolo & Reader, Diavolo & You
Characters: Diavolo, Main Character, Lucifer
Additional Tags: Satan (mentioned only), Barbatos (mentioned only), Luke (mentioned only), Simeon (mentioned only), slight reference to Satan’s story, running errands, Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, tinsel, mistletoe and holly, candy canes, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Eight of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Diavolo
Day Eight of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You passed through the RAD corridors with Lucifer, having a much needed catch up as you told him about the various activities and outings you had shared with his brothers throughout the first two weeks of December while Lucifer shuffled through the papers in his hands and offered you warm smiles and nods to show that he was listening intently to your every word.
“It sounds like you’re making the most of the fest— hm?” Lucifer’s sentence fell short and his footsteps faltered as he picked out an envelope from the papers in his hand and stared at it with a perplexed expression.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you eyed the envelope in Lucifer’s hand.
“It’s an envelope addressed to Lord Diavolo,” Lucifer said with a weary sigh and shook his head, “he must have accidentally mixed it in with the paperwork for the RAD winter festival. I’m worried that it may be something important.”
“Why don’t you head back to the council room?” You suggested. “You might find him there.”
“Lord Diavolo left RAD earlier today to attend to important royal duties, I’m actually taking over detention in Barbatos’s place today so that he didn’t have to return to RAD.”
“In that case, why don’t I deliver the letter to Lord Diavolo for you?”
Lucifer stared hesitantly between you and the envelope for a moment before he finally extended it towards you and watched as you carefully stowed it away in your bag.
“Thank you, Mc.”
You ascended the stone steps that led to a set of large, wooden doors with iron forgings.
You gave the dark wood three heavy knocks, giving a startled jump as the door opened quicker than you expected and Diavolo peered out at you rather than the familiar demon butler you were expecting.
An excitable grin spread across the demon prince’s face as he spotted you.
“Ah, Mc!” He greeted you in his cheerful voice. “You’re just in time!”
“I’m just in time for what?” You asked with a bewildered expression. “Wait, where’s Barbatos?”
“Come in! Come in!” Diavolo opened the door wider and beckoned you inside without answering your question.
You did as Diavolo instructed and stepped over the threshold into the Demon Lord’s Castle only to find that the usually spacious entrance hall was now occupied by a large fir tree that stood in the centre of the room, you glanced up and felt sure that the top of the tree almost reached the high ceiling.
“What do you think?” Diavolo asked as he folded his arms across his chest and admired the tree proudly. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
“It sure is,” you replied, despite your confusion deepening.
“I’m glad that you agree,” Diavolo chuckled as he turned to you, “I overheard Satan talking to Luke and Simeon about the Christmas tree that you saw in the human world, so I thought that I’d try to recreate that magic here in the castle,” Diavolo explained as he then motioned towards heaps of colourful tinsel, strings of lights, and boxes of baubles and other festive ornaments that had been set down on the floor nearby, “I’m about to put the lights on the tree, if you’re not busy you’re more than welcome to help me with the decorations.”
You gave Diavolo a warm smile and nodded before you set about sorting through the boxes of baubles and ornaments while Diavolo began to unravel the lights.
“Did you have a specific colour scheme in mind or did you want to…?” You let your question falter as you turned towards Diavolo to find that he had somehow managed to tangle himself up in the Christmas lights in the few minutes that your back was turned.
Diavolo gave a sheepish chuckle as he stared at you helplessly while you tried to stifle a laugh.
“Here, let me help you,” you said, you tried your best to keep the mirth out of your voice as you stepped towards him.
You and Diavolo loosened the tangled wires of the Christmas lights and stepped around each other, laying the lights out to keep them from becoming entwined again and slowly freeing the demon prince as you shared laughter and directed each other’s next movements.
After you finally unravelled the last of the Christmas lights, you carefully wrapped the lights around the fir tree, letting Diavolo tackle the highest, harder to reach branches using his magic.
You helped Diavolo pick out the colours of the tinsel for the tree as well as the placement of the baubles and ornaments before you turned your attention towards making green bows that you attached to red and white peppermint candy canes.
“They look great!” Diavolo enthused as he admired your handiwork. “Do these candy canes go on the Christmas tree too? I think we should put one right… here!” Diavolo took one of the candy canes and hung it on the branch between the tinsel and a bauble before he turned back to you for your opinion.
“It looks too cluttered there,” you pointed out, “try moving it over a little more.”
“How about here?” Diavolo asked with a playful smile as he barely moved the candy cane. “Or here?” He moved it back to its original place. “Maybe I should put it on top of the tree?”
“That’s where the star goes,” you returned his smile as you shook your head.
Before you both knew it, your decorating had expanded to the rest of the entrance hall. Large, red ribbon was entwined between each bannister of the grand staircase complete with bows while garlands of mistletoe and holly were hung above every doorway or archway that was connected by Christmas wreaths.
After darkening the room so that the only source of light was from the bulbs on the Christmas tree, you and Diavolo sat cross-legged on the marble floor of the entrance hall and watched the twinkling lights.
“This truly is a marvellous tree,” Diavolo said in an awed voice, “even more so because I got to spend time and decorate it with you,,” he added as he flashed a grin in your direction, “I hope that I can share more memories just like this with you in the future, Mc.”
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Asmodeus
Day Five of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Asmo surprised Mc with a trip to the Devildom park.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Asmodeus & Main Character, Asmodeus & Reader, Asmodeus & You
Characters: Asmodeus, Main Character, Mammon
Additional Tags: Lucifer (mentioned only), Leviathan (mentioned only), Mephistopheles (mentioned only), references to Leviathan’s story, ice rink, ice skating, holding hands, selfie, Devilgram, spending time together, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Five of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Asmodeus
Day Five of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
“Abyssbred horses?” Mammon said as he lowered his hell sauce noodles away from his mouth and back into his bowl with a thoughtful expression. “I bet hiring those out makes a lotta grimm… d’ya think Mephisto’ll let me take some of those off of his hands? Wait, that’s not the important thing here! Levi took you on a sleigh ride?” He burst angrily as he banged his clenched fist on the cafeteria table before he turned away from you to address the demon in the seat opposite him. “Hey Asmo, haven’t you got anything to say about this too?”
“Hm?” Asmo hummed as he pulled his eyes away from his D.D.D to give Mammon a bewildered stare. “Oh Mc,” the Avatar of Lust turned to you instead, “are you doing anything after RAD today?”
“I haven’t got anything planned,” you said as you shook your head.
“Great,” Asmo’s face lit up, “keep your schedule open for me, okay?”
“Why?” Mammon narrowed his eyes at his younger brother. “What are you planning?”
“It’s a surprise for Mc, so it’s none of your business.” Asmo said with a teasing smile as he winked in your direction. “I’ll meet you after our last class, Mc!” He added as he stood up from the table and grabbed his school bag.
You and Mammon shared a confused glance as you both watched Asmo leave for his next lesson with a noticeable spring in his step while he hummed a cheerful tune.
You watched Asmo closely during your final class, your curiosity was piqued every time you saw him scroll through something on his D.D.D rather than paying attention to the lesson and it wasn’t only your attention that he had caught given the disapproving glare that Asmo had received from Lucifer across the classroom, which made Asmo slowly stow his D.D.D away with an apologetic grin in his eldest brother’s direction.
You noticed that Asmo was quick to pack his belongings away and headed towards your desk as a bell rang throughout RAD to signal the end of lessons.
“Are you ready?” Asmo asked in a playful voice.
“Sure,” you nodded as you finished putting your Devildom history textbook away into your bag before you got to your feet, “but where are we going?”
“I already told you that it’s a surprise, didn’t I?” Asmo said with a mischievous chuckle. “Make sure you wrap up warm though.” He added as he nodded towards your jacket and scarf on the back of your chair. “I don’t think my brothers will be so forgiving if you were to catch a cold on my watch.”
Asmo chatted with you about the new nail polish that he had been dying to try out with you and about a new dessert cafe that had recently opened as he led you through the hallways of RAD, out of the school entrance and across the grounds.
You raised a curious eyebrow when you saw him retrieve his D.D.D from his pocket every so often as though he was checking something and you had tried to steal glances at the screen in hopes to catch a glimpse or a clue at whatever it was that the demon was looking at, only for Asmo to quickly lock the device and return it to his pocket with a chuckle when he caught you.
“Ah, here we are!” Asmo announced excitedly as steered you towards the Devildom park and pointed towards a large outdoors ice rink. “I saw it trending on Devilgram,” he explained as he spotted your bemused expression, “it’s only a temporary attraction, so how about we grab a pair of skates and give it a go?” He suggested with a grin.
You let Asmo guide you over to the ice rink before he disappeared to approach a booth and returned moments later with two pairs of skates.
“I booked an hour-long session for us,” Asmo told you as he held out a pair of ice skates for you.
You both changed into your ice skates and stepped onto the ice.
Your legs wobbled and you felt yourself nearly slip a few times as you slowly and steadily made your way towards the edge of the ice rink where you held onto the walls for security before you cast your eyes around to find Asmo skating towards you with ease.
You gave a nervous laugh as you nearly slipped on the ice, but felt relief wash over you as Asmo caught you in time to help you find your footing again.
“Try to relax a little otherwise you’ll just tense up and fall over,” Asmo suggested as he fell into step beside you, “here, I'll help you get your bearings,” he said with a sweet smile as he offered you his hand.
Asmo stayed close to your side, he offered you advice and encouragement until you were able to adjust yourself to the ice, and it wasn’t long before you found that you were able to let go of Asmo’s hand and skate around the edge of the rink with only your hand on the wall of the rink to steady yourself.
“You’re doing great, hon.” Asmo beamed at you and gave you an encouraging nod as you grabbed his hand when you felt your legs give a little wobble again.
As soon as you felt ready to leave the edge of the rink, Asmo took your hands in his own and helped you glide across the ice. He even taught you some footwork, and cheered you on when you tried some basic figure skating sequences.
“Why don’t we take a selfie for Devilgram?” Asmo suggested as he pulled his D.D.D out of his pocket and beckoned you to move closer to him.
You linked your arm around Asmo’s as he held up his D.D.D and you both smiled as he pressed on the shutter button.
“We look as adorable as ever!” Asmo enthused as he showed you the picture before he tapped at the screen of his D.D.D. “Let me send this to you too! Oh,” Asmo stared at the screen with a surprised expression, “looks like our hour is over already, time sure flies when you’re having fun.”
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Lucifer
Day One of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Lucifer wants to show his appreciation for Mc and their gift.
Category: Gen
Language: English
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Lucifer & Main Character, Lucifer & Reader, Lucifer & You
Characters: Lucifer, Main Character
Additional Tags: Diavolo (mentioned only), Barbatos (mentioned only), giving gifts, spending time together, cursed vinyl/ cursed record, mulled demonus, eclipse mince pies, piano, spending time together, gender not specified for MC, MC has no name, no Beta, Day One of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Lucifer
Day One of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Lucifer arched an inquisitive eyebrow at you before his eyes fell towards the brightly wrapped gift that you held out in your hands.
“Is this for me?” He asked with a surprised expression as he slowly unfurled his crossed arms to accept your present.
You watched in anticipation as he carefully unwrapped the gift before a small smile tugged at your lips as his expression changed from surprise to joy as soon as his eyes fell upon the classical cursed vinyl within the wrapping paper.
“Thank you, Mc.”
“You’re welcome, Lucifer.” You said, your smile widened and relief coursed through your body at the demon’s words.
You watched as Lucifer turned the vinyl over in his hands and took his time to carefully study the names of the musicians and the compositions of music, but Lucifer’s smile slowly faltered as he stared down at the cursed vinyl in his hands.
“Is there something wrong?” You asked as your own smile began to disappear as your apprehension from before quickly returned.
Lucifer gave a small start as your voice pulled him out of his stupor.
“No, it’s nothing,” Lucifer assured you and his smile quickly returned, but you noticed that it didn’t seem as genuine as it had before, “this really is a wonderful gift, Mc.”
“Are you sure?” You asked as you eyed the vinyl in Lucifer’s hands, worried that you had somehow picked the wrong music or that Lucifer already had that particular record in his vast collection.
“Of course, I truly couldn’t be happier, thank you.”
As the winter holidays approached in the Devildom, you noticed that Lucifer’s workload hadn’t lessened and the hours that he spent cooped up in his study increased.
You quickly noticed that the Avatar of Pride often shut himself away shortly after breakfast without emerging again until the early hours of the morning.
Before long you found that you saw Lucifer less and less around the hallways and corridors of RAD between classes, and Lucifer was unusually quick to leave after student council meetings. You had even overheard Diavolo mention to Barbatos that he had not seen much of Lucifer outside of meetings in a disheartened voice.
You had become accustomed to Lucifer’s unusual behaviour, but your interest was piqued one day when you returned home from RAD to find a small black parchment envelope resting against your bed.
You picked it up and inspected it closely to find your name written across the front of the envelope in silver ink before you turned the envelope over in your hands to find that it had been sealed with dark blue wax and pressed with a familiar sigil.
You prised the envelope open to find a note inside on the same black parchment and written in the same silver ink.
Dear Mc,
Please come to the music room at 11.00pm tonight.
You raised an eyebrow and a smile played on your lips at the formality of Lucifer’s invitation as you returned the letter to the envelope, but you retrieved your D.D.D from your uniformed pocket and set a reminder all the same.
When eleven o’clock came around you found yourself standing outside the music room. You knocked on the door as you peered inside, finding that the music room was bathed in the soft glow of many candles that gave the room a warm and cosy atmosphere.
“Mc, I’m glad you came,” Lucifer greeted you with a welcoming smile as he offered you his hand before he guided you further into the room, “your hands are freezing,” Lucifer noted with a chuckle as he let go of your hand and turned away for a moment to grab something from the coffee table before he turned back towards you and offered you a glass of steaming liquid.
You gave the glass in his hand a curious stare.
“It's mulled demonus,” he explained, “I prepared some as a treat, but it should warm you too. Are you hungry? I bought some eclipse mince pies from Madam Screams, feel free to help yourself to some,” he added as he gave an encouraging nod towards a plate of sweet pies on the coffee table beside a large decanter that was full of mulled demonus.
You accepted the glass of hot demonus from Lucifer and took a sip of the liquid as you watched the demon prepare his own drink before you asked the question that had been burning in the back of your mind.
“So… what was with the invite?”
Lucifer remained silent for a moment as he finished pouring his own drink and gently placed the decanter back down on the coffee table.
“I wanted to say thank you to you for giving me that cursed record,” Lucifer finally replied, “I thought that listening to it together would be a wonderful way to spend time together and to show you how much I truly appreciate your gift, I felt that a formal invitation would be appropriate for the occasion.”
You gave the demon a perplexed stare.
“But humans can’t listen to cursed records,” you pointed out in a hesitant voice.
“You’re correct and I couldn’t find a copy of the record that would be safe for humans to listen to either.” Lucifer gave a disheartened sigh and frowned before he continued to speak. “I decided to learn how to play the music myself so that we could enjoy it together. Will you listen?” He asked as he motioned towards the piano.
You nodded earnestly and watched as a genuine smile returned to Lucifer’s face.
Lucifer guided you towards the piano, motioned for you to sit down beside him on the piano stool and set his own glass of mulled demonus on top of the piano before he began to move his hands skillfully across the keys and a mesmerising tune filled the room, leaving you feel relaxed and content.
You shuffled closer to Lucifer and felt the demon lean into your slight touch as you took another sip of the mulled demonus and let the warmth from the spiced drink wash over you.
“Thank you for sharing this with me, Lucifer.”
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Satan
Day Four of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Satan asks Mc to accompany him to the human world to experience Christmas traditions.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Satan & Main Chatacter, Satan & Reader, Satan & You
Characters: Satan, Main Character
Additional Tags: Diavolo (briefly), Barbatos (briefly), Mammon (mentioned only), Asmodeus (mentioned only), The Twins (mentioned only), references back to the beginning of Mammon’s story, reference to Devilgram story - A Pair Of Ornaments, human world, Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Christmas market, Christmas traditions, Corvo Hotel, snow, snowing, spending time together, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Four of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Satan
Day Four of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You gave a small jolt and glanced up from the screen of your D.D.D as Satan entered the common room and approached you with a serious expression.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, given the demon a questioning stare as you locked the device in your hand and sat up on the sofa to give Satan your full attention.
“I’ve just received special permission from Lord Diavolo to go to the human world,” Satan’s expression softened as he spoke and he took a seat beside you, “I was just wondering if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me?”
You stared at Satan in confusion for a moment.
“Why the sudden trip to the human world?” You asked. “Is there a specific book that you want or something?”
“No,” Satan replied with a small chuckle, “do you remember what we were talking about the other day?”
“You mean when we spoke about traditions in the human world with Mammon, Asmo and the twins, right?” You said in a thoughtful voice as you cast your mind back.
“That’s right,” Satan nodded, “I was interested in learning more about human traditions but I can only learn so much from books,” a frown formed on his face as he explained before he shook his head and continued, “anyway, I wanted to experience some of these traditions for myself, so I spoke to Lord Diavolo and he granted my request to visit the human world as part of the human exchange program… so, what do you say, Mc? Will you come to the human world with me?”
“A room has already been booked for both of you in Mc’s name at the Corvo Hotel as per the young master’s request so there is no need for you to worry about your accommodation during your trip,” Barbatos explained as he handed a black and gold key card to Satan before he guided you and Satan towards a door, “this door will take you straight to your hotel room in the human world, I will close the portal as soon as you have left. Please send me a message when you are ready to return to the Devildom and I will prepare another portal.”
“Don’t forget to enjoy your time in the human world and have fun!” Diavolo added with a wide smile.
“Thanks,” Satan said as he gave Diavolo and Barbatos an appreciative nod.
Barbatos held the door open.
“Are you ready, Mc?” Satan asked as he turned to you and offered you his hand.
You readjusted your grip on the travel bag in one hand before you took Satan’s hand in the other before you both stepped through the door, only to find yourselves in a room full of bright sunlight.
You blinked until your eyes finally adjusted to the light before you cast a glance around the hotel room, you noted the light streaming through tall windows that overlooked the snow blanketed human world.
You felt Satan let go of your hand and move away from your side as you stared back at the door that you had stepped through mere seconds ago, that now resembled nothing more than an ordinary door, before you slowly moved across the room.
“So what’s first on your list of human world experiences, Satan?” You asked as you set your travel bag down on the bed before you turned to watch the demon as he stared out of the window.
“How about the Christmas market?” Satan suggested with a grin as he pointed out of the window.
You moved closer to his side to see the throng of people gathered around market stalls that lined the street below.
“Sure,” you returned his grin.
As soon as you were both sure that you had wrapped up warm, you left the Corvo Hotel and quickly found yourselves among the bustling christmas market.
You wasted no time in walking through the market with Satan, you both had fun as you browsed through novelty Christmas gifts and decorations, laughed at the puns and designs on ugly sweaters, tried hot food from the street vendors, and picked out matching Christmas ornaments — you had even been able to convince Satan to don a pair of festive antlers.
“Do you remember when we made our own Christmas ornaments?” Satan mused with a reminiscent smile as he stared down at the baubles you had both picked out.
As the evening drew in and the sky began to darken, you and Satan began to head back to the Corvo Hotel, taking a detour through a small park as snow began to fall around you.
“Mc, look!”
Satan tugged on the sleeve of your jacket to get your attention before he pointed towards a crowd of people that was forming around the large Christmas tree in the middle of the park.
“It looks like a Christmas lights switch on,” you said as you watched more people gathering excitedly around the tree, “do you want to check it out?” You asked as you noticed Satan’s curious expression.
You guided Satan towards the tree, making sure that you stood close together as you joined the crowd as the countdown started.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…”
You joined in with the crowd and smiled at Satan as you gave him an encouraging nod as he too began to countdown despite his bemusement.
“... five, four, three, two, one, zero!”
As soon as the countdown reached zero, the crowd began to cheer and as hundreds of multi-coloured LED lights flickered into life on the Christmas tree and around each lamppost in the park too,it was only now that you had noticed the garlands of mistletoe and holly that has been strung between each lamppost too.
You joined in with the clapping and cheering before you turned to Satan, only to find the demon staring transfixed at the colourful lights with an awed expression.
“Are you okay, Satan?”
Satan gave a small jolt as your voice pulled him out of his stupor before he returned your gaze with a warm smile.
“I’m sorry, I was just lost in thought.”
“What were you thinking about?” You asked curiously.
“I was just thinking that we should do this again next year.” Satan said with a cheerful hum. “What do you say, Mc?”
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Solomon
Day Twelve of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Solomon invites Mc to the Devildom park on Christmas Eve.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Solomon & Main Character, Solomon & Reader, Solomon & You
Characters: Solomon, Main Character
Additional Tags: Asmodeus (mentioned only), Diavolo (mentioned only), references to Asmo’s story, winter wonderland, amusement rides, ice bar, ice, cold, ferris wheel, Christmas Eve, Christmas, does this count as a confession?, lonely Solomon, this was supposed to be a cute fic but then I gave Solomon depression instead…, I’m sorry Solomon, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Twelve of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Solomon
Day Twelve of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You made your way down the path of the House of Lamentation and felt a smile spread across your face as your eyes quickly found the familiar figure waiting for you just outside the garden gates.
“Mc,” Solomon greeted you in a cheerful voice and gave you a small wave as he watched you step through the gates, “I see you got my last message,” he nodded towards the scarf and gloves that you were holding in your hands, and at the warm coat you were wearing.
Solomon beckoned at you to follow him as he began to lead the way through the Devildom streets and you quickly complied as you fell into step beside him.
“I’m sorry to take up your time so late on Christmas Eve like this,” Solomon said with an apologetic smile, “but I couldn’t let everyone else have all of the fun now, could I?” He added with a mischievous chuckle.
“So what have you got planned?” You asked curiously.
“I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you’ll just have to wait and see.”
You instantly recognised the route as you followed Solomon, but you were taken by surprise when you finally reached the Devildom park only to find that it had changed drastically since your last visit.
Your eyes trailed over detailed ice sculptures of reindeers that had been illuminated by light-up bases and lined the park pathway. Further ahead, you could see a tall fir tree that adorned blue and while lights along with large silver baubles which was at the centre of many food stalls and amusement rides alongside the ice rink that you had visited earlier that month.
“Lord Diavolo has really expanded the attractions since you were last here with Asmo,” Solomon said in an amused voice as he watched your awed expression, “it’s just like a human world winter wonderland here in the Devildom. Stay close, Mc, we don’t want to get separated.”
You stuck close to Solomon’s side as you both walked down the path and joined the slow moving throng of demons within the winter wonderland.
“Ah, here we are.” Solomon pointed towards one of the attractions.
Your gaze followed Solomon’s gesture until they found a wooden hut that had a large sign mounted above the glass double doors.
“Ice bar?” You read the sign aloud in confusion as you eyed the wooden hut.
“Don’t let the exterior fool you, everything inside is made of ice and the temperatures are kept below freezing,” Solomon explained as he guided you through the crowd towards the hut, “so don’t forget to put your scarf and gloves on, and be sure to keep yourself wrapped up warm.”
He waited patiently as you donned your scarf and gloves, before he held the door to the ice bar open for you to enter.
You stared around in amazement as you stepped into a room that was bathed in blue lights and that was full of tables and chairs, a bar and decorative pillars that were all made out of ice.
“Take a seat, Mc. I’ll grab some drinks from the bar,” Solomon said as he followed you inside and closed the door behind him before he flashed a smile in your direction and disappeared towards the bar.
You marvelled at the ice furnishings around you as you slowly moved towards the closest available table and perched yourself on one of the ice seats.
Solomon returned moments later with two glasses that were made of ice and had been filled with blue liquid.
“I think a toast is in order,” Solomon said as he took the seat opposite yours and offered you one of the ice glasses before he held up his own with a smile on his face “to winter memories together in the Devildom.”
With a grin of your own, you accepted the drink from Solomon before you carefully tapped your glass against his, “to winter memories together in the Devildom.”
After leaving the ice bar, you and Solomon strolled around the winter wonderland. You both enjoyed going on as many rides as you could, admiring ice sculptures, and trying out games of ring toss, pick a duck, and balloon darts.
“We still have a bit of time left before the park closes,” Solomon told you as he checked the time on his D.D.D, “why don’t we go on the ferris wheel before we head home?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
You followed Solomon as he guided you towards a short queue and after a short wait, you both clambered into a carriage and sat down opposite each other as you slowly began your ascent.
You watched as the winter wonderland and the rest of the park shrank further away below before you lifted your gaze towards the glittering lights of the Devildom instead.
“You know, I can’t really remember when I stopped celebrating Christmas,” Solomon confided in you with an amused hum.
Taken aback at Solomon’s sudden admission, you turned towards the sorcerer only to find that he had been staring out at the view of the Devildom too.
“When you’ve lived a life as long as mine, Christmas just becomes another day that blurs into the rest,” he continued with a thoughtful expression, “or… at least… that was up until recently.”
“What changed?” You asked curiously.
“I met you, Mc.” Solomon answered simply as he finally met your gaze with his own and a warm smile.
You were unable to tell if the red tint on his cheeks was from the cold weather or if he was blushing.
“Every day was the same, so I threw myself into my experiments as a way to distract myself, before I knew it months, years, decades all came and went so fast with little to no relevance and I felt so alone, but when I met you it was as though a switch had been flipped and suddenly my life became so colourful,” Solomon confessed with a small chuckle as his eyes flickered back towards the view beyond the carriage, “somehow you made a place that seemed as dark as the Devildom become so vibrant. I hope I never lose this feeling again.”
You stared at Solomon in astonishment before you both gave a small jolt as somewhere beyond the carriage the chime of a bell echoed throughout the Devildom and thick snow began to fall.
“Is it midnight already?” Solomon asked in a surprised voice before he looked back towards you with that same warm smile as before. “Merry Christmas, Mc.”
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Simeon
Day Eleven of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Mc agrees to help Simeon shop for presents at the Devildom mall.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Simeon & Main Character, Simeon & Reader, Simeon & You
Characters: Simeon, Main Character
Additional Tags: Lucifer (mentioned only), Leviathan (mention only), Beelzebub (mentioned only), Luke (mentioned only), Solomon (mentioned only), Thirteen (mentioned only), a slight reference to Luke Birthday 2022 event, this angel is useless with technology, shopping, shopping together, wishing tree, making wishes, wishes, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Eleven of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
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Winter Moments — Simeon
Day Eleven of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You stared down at the screen of your D.D.D.
I’ll meet you at the Devildom Mall at 11:00am. See you soon, Mc.
Your eyes slowly shifted from the text message to the time displayed at the top of your screen.
“Quarter past eleven,” you murmured to yourself as your eyebrows knitted with worry, “did he forget?” You glanced about yourself with a frown to look through the bustling crowd in search of the angel in question before you turned back to your phone and flicked through your contacts to find Simeon’s number. “Maybe I should call him.”
“Hey Mc!”
You gave a small, startled jump and spun around on the spot to find Simeon weaving his way through the crowd as he approached you.
“I’m sorry that I’m late,” Simeon gave you an apologetic grin, “I tried to text you, but… uh… my D.D.D kept crashing whenever I tried to send you a message,” he explained as he withdrew the device from his pocket to show you with a weary sigh, “I might have to get Leviathan to look at it for me.”
“I can take a look for you,” you suggested as you took his D.D.D into your own hands and began to scroll through his home screen and apps to find the issue.
“You left all of your apps open,” you said as you closed each app, showing Simeon how as you did so, “and you’re getting a lot of text messages from Lucifer, Luke, Beel and Thirteen,” you gave a quizzical frown as the device began to vibrate in your hands and several messages flashed across the top of the screen in a banner notification.
“Am I?” Simeon asked as he tapped on the most recent banner notification to open his messages to find a string of texts.
I’m rinnung a bit ltae but I’ll be three soon
You’ll be three soon?
What does that mean?
It’s probably a mistake.
Rinnung a bit ltae?
That’s definitely a mistake.
“It looks like I’ve accidentally made a new group chat when I tried to text you earlier,” Simeon chuckled sheepishly as he read the incoming messages over your shoulder before he took his D.D.D back and began to type, “I should apologise for worrying them and explain what happened. Thanks for your help, Mc, you’re a lifesaver.”
He gave you a warm smile as he sent his message, locked his D.D.D and slid the device back into his pocket, before you both began to wander aimlessly through the mall together.
“Do you really still have gifts to buy?” You asked as you stared at the angel with a bemused expression. “Christmas is only two days away, I’m surprised that you’d leave your shopping so late.”
“Oh, I’ve already bought most of the gifts I need. I just need to buy something for Solomon and Luke now, but I’ve been struggling to find something that I think they’ll like,” Simeon confessed with a sigh as he turned to you with a frown, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you think you could help me out, Mc?”
You smiled at Simeon and nodded.
The hours quickly ticked by as you and Simeon walked up and down the mall, point out different shops to each other or browsing wares that caught your eye in the festively decorated display windows as you passed by until you were finally able to find an antique apothecary set and some crystal potion vials for Solomon, and a cake turntable and a cake decorating kit for Luke.
“This will be great for Luke, especially as we got him those cooking utensils for his birthday this year,” Simeon chimed happily as he adjusted his grip on the shopping bags in his hands, “thank you for all of your help today, Mc. I really appreci— hm?”
You watched as Simeon’s gaze wandered just past your shoulder as something behind you caught his attention.
“Is something wrong, Simeon?” You asked as you followed his gaze to find a fir tree standing in the centre of the mall.
“I’ve just noticed that that tree isn’t decorated like a usual Christmas tree, it looks like it’s covered in… tags?”
You both watched as a pair of demons approached a table beside the tree, wrote something down and then moved towards the tree together where they tied their tags onto one of the branches.
“I’ve seen this before in the human world,” you said as you and Simeon watched the demons walk away while they chatted excitedly, “it’s a wishing tree.”
“A wishing tree?”
“We write our hopes, wishes or prayers down on one of the tags or we can use other offerings like coloured ribbons or fabric in hopes that they'll be granted,” you explained, “the type of tree that we use can also vary too.”
You turned your gaze back to Simeon to find him staring at the many tags on the tree with a fascinated expression.
“Did you want to write a wish down?” You asked.
Simeon gave a small jolt as your voice pulled him from his own musings.
You led Simeon over to the table near the tree, watching him place his shopping bags on the floor beside the table before you offered him a paper tag and one of the pens that had been left on the table before you took one of your own.
You pondered for a moment, wondering what your wish should be.
I hope the brothers and everyone at the demon lord’s castle and Purgatory Hall have a great Christmas.
It was simple, but it conveyed your wish clearly enough.
“I’m ready when you are,” Simeon said, he held his own tag close to his chest as he watched you finish writing across your own tag.
You nodded as you picked up your tag and walked up to the wishing tree with Simeon.
You found one of the more vacant branches to tie your tag to and smiled to yourself as you admired it amongst the rest of the wishes.
“All done,” you grinned as Simeon rejoined your side.
“Same here,” he nodded, returning your smile.
You helped Simeon carry his shopping bags before you both headed towards the mall’s exit.
“So what did you wish for, Simeon?” You asked.
“It’s a secret,” Simeon replied with a chuckle, “what about you?”
“It’s a secret.”
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Luke
Day Ten of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Mc finds Luke trying to make a sled outside Pirgatory Hall.
Category: Gen/ Friendship
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Luke & Main Character, Luke & Reader, Luke & You
Characters: Luke, Main Character
Additional Tags: Barbatos (mentioned only), Simeon (mentioned only), Solomon (mentioned only), Raphael (mentioned only), Thirteen (mentioned only), Ozzie Octopus, making/ building, snow, sledding, snowballs, snow angel, cold, shivering, friendship, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Ten of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Click Here for Series Masterlist
Winter Moments — Luke
Day Ten of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You treaded carefully as you trekked through the snow covered Devildom, but your pace soon quickened as you drew closer to your destination, knowing that soon you’d be relieved from the snow even if it was only for a short while.
You were forced to slow your pace as you began to ascend the steps, having to concentrate on each step so that you didn’t accidentally slip on the icy surface.
A voice issued from somewhere below you, making you jump and have to grab the railing to prevent yourself from falling before you cast your gaze over the railing to find Luke staring up at you from the ground.
“Simeon and Solomon didn’t tell me you were visiting today,” Luke murmured more to himself as he tilted his head curiously at you.
“I’m only dropping off Raphael’s sewing kit and fabrics, Babarbatos asked me if I could do it for him.” You explained with a smile as you descended the steps again and lifted up a small bag in your hand to show Luke before your eyes trailed over the young angel who was crouched down in the snow with various tools and pieces of wood strewn around him. “What are you up to, Luke?” You asked with a quizzical frown.
“I’m making a sled!” Luke told you with a bright smile that lit up his face. “... or at least I’m trying to,” he added as his smile quickly faltered and he stared down at the tools and wood with a disheartened sigh, “you see, I was thinking about going sledding, but none of the sleds on Akuzon would arrive in time so Thirteen said that I should try to make my own instead,” he explained as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and passed the paper up to you, “she even gave me some of her tools to use and drew up this blueprint for me.”
“Thirteen is the best person when it comes to building stuff, she makes all of her traps by herself after all.” You nodded as you took the paper and unfolded it, only to widen your eyes in shock as you saw that every inch of the page was covered in Thirteen’s handwritten instructions along with a detailed sketch of a sled design.
“I don’t really know where to start,” Luke confessed as he watched your eyes skim over the page.
“Is… is that an Ozzie Octopus attachment?” You asked in disbelief as you spotted the familiar trap drawn into the design on the front of the sled with a note scribbled beside it.
To use against that sorry excuse of a sorcerer.
“She said that it was the most important part of the design,” Luke said with a low hum as he stood up and moved closer to your side to read the blueprint too.
“I’m sure we can work this out together,” you reassured Luke as you knelt down on the ground and began to sort through the wood and tools.
You both set to work together. You made sure that you were the one to saw any wood that needed to be cut down to size and supervised Luke while he used nails and glue to ensure that the wood was securely joined together.
“We should make sure that the wood is properly sanded,” Luke reminded, “we don’t want to get any splinters when we’re sledding.”
After hours of hard work, the both finally found yourselves admiring Luke’s finished sled — minus the Ozzie Octopus attachment.
“It looks great!” Luke said gleefully as he beamed at you. “Can we head over to the Devildom gardens to try it out?”
You nodded and smiled at Luke.
“I’ve just got to let Simeon, Raphael and Solomon know where I’m going,” Luke said as he began to scoop up Thirteen’s tools in his arms, “I better put these away too,” he added with a small nod as he turned to you, “I can take Raphael’s sewing kit too.”
You handed Luke the sewing kit and watched as he ascended the steps and disappeared over the threshold into Purgatory Hall, only to reappear moments later while he called out his goodbyes over his shoulder before he rejoined your side and picked up the sled.
“I can’t wait to try our sled out,” the young angel chimed excitedly as he led the way towards the park.
As you walked along the Devildom streets, you and Luke playfully scooped up snow from the ground to throw at each other as you dodged and ducked away from each others’ snowballs between your laughter until you finally reached the gardens.
“Let’s try that hill, Mc!” Luke pointed excitedly at the largest hill before he ran off ahead of you.
“Hey! Wait for me, Luke!” You called after him.
You both lost track of time as you sledded down hills over and over again, laughing together as you fell off of the sled at the bottom of the hill. Luke enthusiastically showed you his snow angels and you both continued to play in the snow until you were shivering, aching all over and you clothes were soaked through
“Y-y-you should come b-back to Purgatory Hall with me,” Luke suggested through chattering teeth as you both left the gardens, “i-it’s Raphael’s turn to cook t-tonight, he said he was m-making stew. Then Simeon and S-Solomon promised that we could all watch s-some Christmas movies.”
“Sounds great,” you grinned as you pulled your jacket tighter around yourself to conserve what little body heat you had left.
“Th-thanks for helping me today, M-Mc,” Luke smiled brightly at you as he hugged his sled closer to his chest, “I’m g-gonna make you some sweets as a th-thank you.”
Luke hummed happily to himself as you both headed back towards Purgatory Hall.
“I should m-make some sweets for Thirteen too,” Luke added before he turned to you again, “hey Mc, I think we should in-invite Thirteen to come with us n-next time we go sledding together.”
“I think we should too,” you nodded with a chuckle as you took off your scarf before you stopped the young angel in his tracks and wrapped your scarf around him to keep him warm
You both then continued your trek back to Purgatory Hall as you chatted excitedly about your upcoming adventures in the snow.
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Belphegor
Day Seven of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Belphie turns to Mc for help when he struggles to warm up.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Belphegor & Main Character, Belphegor & Reader, Belphegor & You
Characters: Belphegor, Main Character
Additional Tags: Asmodeus (mentioned only), Beelzebub (mentioned only), Solomon (mentioned only), mentions of snow, cold/ freezing, shivering, sleep, sleeping, cuddling, sharing a bed, holding hands, sharing blankets, warming up, fire, fireplace, cosy, hot chocolate, spending time together, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Seven of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Click Here for Series Masterlist
Winter Moments — Belphegor
Day Seven of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You were sitting on your bed as you scrolled through Devilgram on your D.D.D, you smiled to yourself and tapped on the heart button on the screen as you came across a selfie that Asmo had taken with Solomon during their walk in the snow earlier that day when you heard your bedroom door creak open.
You glanced up from your D.D.D to find Belphie peering at you through the gap between the door and its frame.
“Hey Belphie,” you greeted the demon as you set your D.D.D aside, “I thought you would’ve been asleep in the attic by now.”
“I tried,” Belphie said as he let your bedroom door swing open and stepped over the threshold before he crossed the room and sat down beside you on your bed with a defeated sigh, “but I couldn’t sleep.”
“Why couldn’t you sleep?”
“Beel said that he wanted to try working out in the snow so he gave me a piggyback home from RAD today,” Belphie explained, “he said with my added weight and the traction from the snow he would be able to get a decent workout to build up more muscle.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion at Belphie’s explanation.
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” you pointed out.
“That’s what I thought too,” Belphie nodded with a small laugh, “only I fell asleep and Beel lost track of time and it turns out that we were out in the snow for hours. It’s ok for Beel, he was keeping warm with the exercise, as for me…” he shook his head with a sigh, “well in any case, it doesn’t matter what I do, I just can’t get warm again,” he added with a frown as he rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them up.
You reached out towards him and touched his hands, only to quickly cup your own hands around his.
“Your hands are like ice!” You said as you stared at the demon in shock.
It was only now that you were holding his hands in your own that you realised how much Belphie was shivering too.
“Come closer,” you instructed as you pulled your duvet back and tugged on the sleeve of his jacket.
Belphie gratefully accepted your invitation as he climbed into your bed with you and let out a content sigh as you both fell back onto your pillows before you tucked your duvet around you both.
“You feel so warm,” Belphie murmured as he pressed himself closer to you with a yawn, “I think I’ll be able to fall asleep now… thanks… m… c…”
“Belphie?” You blinked at the Avatar of Sloth only to find that he had already fallen asleep.
You tried your best to warm the demon in your arms by pulling him in closer and wrapping as much of your duvet around him as you could, but you soon felt yourself drifting off too.
You woke up with a start as you felt something beside you shake.
You were sure that you were imagining it at first, that was until you remembered that Belphie was still wrapped in your arms. You were even more surprised when you realised that the demon beside you was shivering even more than he had been earlier.
“Belphie,” you shook him awake, frowning as you noted that you could still feel how cold he was.
“Mm?” Belphie stared at you through groggy eyes as he gave another violent shiver.
“Belphie, you’re still freezing cold.”
“It’s no use,” he heaved a sigh as he sat up and shook his head, “even my fingers still feel numb,” he added in a murmured voice as he tried to bend and stretch his fingers before he hugged himself and tried to suppress another shiver, “maybe I’ll never feel warm again.”
You gave him a sympathetic smile and squeezed his shoulder.
You gave a small jolt, “I have another idea!”
Belphie watched with a bemused expression as you quickly got out of your bed and began to cross the room.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“Come with me, you’ll see.”
You offered Belphie your hand and waited for him to stand up and take it in his own before you led him out of your bedroom and through the House of Lamentation.
You squeezed his hand, hoping that he would feel some of your warmth despite your futile attempts to warm him up so far as you guided him into the common room.
You let go of Belphie’s hand as soon as you had both crossed the threshold into the common room, but you could still feel the coldness lingering in the palm of your hand in the absence of his touch, and you approached the fireplace instead. You carefully stoked the glowing firebed in the grate before you grabbed a log from the basket that was beside the hearth of the fireplace and added it to the firebed.
You beckoned at Belphie to move closer and watched for a few minutes as he held his hands close to the firebed to warm them while the log began to crackle and smoke, and before long you both found yourself kneeling in front of a roaring fire.
“It’s still no good,” Belphie shook his head again as he turned to you, “but I have another idea, would you mind keeping an eye on the fire for a minute?”
You nodded and watched Belphie leave the room before you cast your gaze towards the sofas near the fireplace, where you quickly spotted some cushions and a pile of neatly folded blankets before your eyes wandered towards the coffee table that stood between the sofas.
By the time Belphie had returned to the common room with two steaming mugs in his hands, you had already moved the coffee table out from between the sofas and laid out the blankets and cushions in front of the fire in its place, where you were sat waiting for him with another blanket ready in your arms.
You watched as Belphie’s confused expression was slowly replaced with a soft smile as he crossed the room to join you.
“Good thinking, Mc.” Belphie chuckled as he sat down on the cushion beside you and lifted the mugs in his hands up higher so that you could drape the final over both of your laps. “Here, this is for you,” he added as he offered you one of the mugs, “nothing warms you up like a hot chocolate, right?”
You shuffled closer to Belphie and leaned into each others’ touch as you both took sips of hot chocolate while you watched the dancing flames, enjoyed the sound of crackling wood and took turns to add another log to the fire every so often.
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