#KB Chronicles
einsteinsugly · 1 month
Hey Megan, I have a question for you.
If you had written season 8 of T7S (and the entirety of That 90s Show), what would you have done?
Season 8:
Donna: Goes back to being a redhead. Applies to UW Milwaukee, but is in community college in the meantime. She starts interning for the Point Place Chronicle, while still doing WFPP sometimes. She deals with a nightmare boss. She and Eric are still together, obviously.
Eric: He's about the same, minus breaking up with Donna and he doesn't get shit on all the time. He gets kicked out of the program, after questioning apartheid. He and Donna now plan to go to UW Milwaukee together.
Fez: Laurie is his new roommate, and it's revealed they never really divorced. They both go to cosmetology school, and hijinks ensue. Fez, slowly but surely, returns to his season 4 self.
Hyde: He and Jackie reconcile, and at some point, they get engaged. Hyde wants to wait for a wedding. Jackie is impatient. He still lives with the Formans, but he's about to move out with Jackie. He and Jackie are going to move to Milwaukee together. Kitty suffers with imminent empty nest syndrome.
Jackie: Also applies to UW Milwaukee, and is in community college in the meantime. She and Donna are studying journalism together. She still has a disastrous internship (this time) with Christine St George, and she tries to come to terms with essentially wasting her semester. But she wants to continue, as someone who is way better than Christine St George.
Kelso: He's about the same, but he's a cop, and he and Brooke officially get together.
That 00s Show: With no irl constraints, obv.
It'll take place in the early-mid 00s, when the gang's gang are most likely to be teens. Y2k nostalgia is definitely more prominent, atm, anyway. Anywho.
Eric and Donna live next door to Jackie and Hyde, in Chicago. ED, JH, and the kids are the main focus, as well as KB's son Jay (16).
Eric is a history teacher, ala Mr Feeny, at the school where the kids attend. ED's eldest kid is constantly humiliated. Donna works for the Chicago Sun Times.
Eric and Donna have two daughters (16 and 12), one of which is a tween and is the Matt McGuire nuisance type. The tween crushes on the older Hyde boy. The older ED daughter has been best friends with JH's daughter for the longest time, but she doesn't like Jay, and they're beginning to drift apart.
Jackie has her own TV show, and Hyde owns a Grooves. Grooves, like The Hub, is a default hang out spot for the kids. Hyde imparts his wisdom, sometimes.
Jackie and Hyde have a daughter (16) and a son (14). The daughter is interested in Jay, and Hyde is overprotective and annoyed.
So, the gang includes...
Jay Kelso. Jackie and Hyde's son and daughter, William "Will" and Sarah. Eric and Donna's older daughter Alexandra "Allie." Fez and Rhonda's LGBTQ son Julian (15), and his black boyfriend Tony (15). Plus, there's ED's daughter Lucy on the fringes.
It's not that far off from my verse, obviously. I just had to do some things to make it less drama-filled and more comedic. Aka, omit Laurie and her brood, and the seriously troubling behavior of my OC Leah (ED's younger daughter).
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kawaoneechan · 2 years
Why I don't like Unity
There's three reasons, basically, besides my personal inability to get any custom character assets into Unity, Unreal, or Godot.
Let me tell you below the readmore.
Reason #1: it managed to fucking bluescreen my system just trying to start.
How do you fuck that up? I download an installer and run it. This gives me a launcher. From there, I'm supposed to install the actual product I wanted to begin with. That's bad enough, to be honest. But then the fucking launcher managed to break so badly, I had my first BSOD in several months. With all I do to my poor laptops, I so very rarely got crashes like that it honestly threw me the fuck off.
If the launcher is gonna play like that, forget about installing the actual product.
Reason #2: CPU pegging up the ass.
On my previous laptop, attempting to run basically any Unity-based game would peg the CPU, all cores, until the poor thing ran so hot within mere minutes, it'd commit preventative sudoku. Maybe if I was lucky, I'd get a chance to set all the things to "lowest", and that might let me, I dunno, play long enough to get through the goddamn tutorial?
And I'm not even talking about state-of-the-art 3D games, but simple 2D games with low-resolution pixel art. Why would those run a dual-core at 200% until it fucking kills itself? Makes no sense.
Now, Phil Fortier of Icefall Games is an acquaintance of mine via SCI shenanigans, and when he released Snow Spirit (soon to be rereleased as part of Chronicles of Cascadia), I lamented to him about how his use of Unity would mean I couldn't run any of his stuff. So Phil looked into it and found a Big Fucking Thing to optimize. This basically makes Phil's SCI games the only things made in Unity that I can personally trust won't Do That.
Reason #3: About those 2D games...
I'm gonna dip into my Twitter archives for a bit and repost some stuff for this part.
*wavy flashback effect*
This is Angel Jump, a simple little arcade jumping game that's available on itch.io:
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It's delightfully low resolution and has like four seconds of audio all added up. Can't be more than a few MB, depending on which sane development framework they used, right?
33 MB, actually. Because Unity. Let's see how it breaks down:
Unity main exe: 623 KB
Main game assets file: 1.19 MB together
A folder full of support DLLs like terrain and cloth: 7.17 MB, 90% or more of them never called because this is a 2D pixel-art game.
Unity's default resources: 3.41 MB. Mind that of these, only the splash logo is actually used because Angel Jump was made in the free edition.
Mono embedded runtime: 2.61 MB, and each game gets its own copy, much like how Electron apps each have their own copies of Chromium.
And another 17 MB for the Unity Player.
All in all, 33 MB of files for a game like that. Why? Because Unity is a bloated crapsack, I'd conclude from a cursory study like that. Let's compare that to some other games.
This is Elevator Girl, which is not on itch.io.
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It has a lot of different animations and three fairly long background music tracks. It's only one file, 18.7 MB. I'm willing to bet most of that is the BGM, but I can't confirm it because it's just the one file.
And just for some historical perspective, the entire Crystal Caves trilogy is 1.31 MB, including some chaff. Commander Keen 4 on its own is 740 KB. Now, Keen and Elevator Girl both have OPL soundtracks, but the latter's is probably streamed.
Noxico is only 1.25 MB to download as a .7z file. Its only optimization that I myself actively apply is that I crunch the PNG files. The rest is text, and since the game uses a .zip file by another name as a game data source... yeah. That's a cheap win.
Now, back to Angel Jump. I went through the game's own resources to see what size it could conceivably have if it was not made in Unity. 54 textures, ten of them actually used. Tiny font stored in a weird way, possibly for distance field trickery which has no business in a 2D pixel game if you ask me. 921 KB of WAV files, high-quality bleepity-bloops, two of them jingles. 4.22 KB of PNG files, crunched like Noxico, for all but the creator's logo and the font. 973 KB for a copy of SDL, and I'd estimate at worst two MB for the main EXE.
The entire Angel Jump game could be no more than 4 MB and a half-dozen files, It's actually 33.2 MB, 92 files.
There's a more general computer programming issue that this reliance on Unity for even the simplest, smallest games seems to spring from: the bigger and better the computers get, the more lazy the developers get. Only have like four MHz, 640 KB of RAM and, what, 720 KB of diskette space, and no guarantee of an HDD? Better make the most of it, developers! But now the pressure's off and there's no more reason to exert any effort into keeping small games actually small.
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mikubilliards · 8 months
I think these two have an uncanny similarity…
Mentally ill girl struggling to deal with the weight of expectations that is put on them by society and tries to cope with some art form only to end up…not coping with it…
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(Link for the Shania art)
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nitta86 · 2 years
Mit olvastam a télen II.
Annyi mindent olvastam a télen, hogy inkább két részre bontottam. Szóval ezeket olvastam január második felétől kb. :
Matt Haig: Éjfél könyvtár
Karácsonyra kaptam, magamtól nem került volna a kezembe, de szórakoztató volt. Nem tudom, hogy jó könyvnek tartom e. Egyrészről olvasmányos volt és érdekes, csomó egész progresszív üzenettel. Másrészről ugyanaz a bajom vele, mint az Everything Everywhere All At Once filmmel, hogy egyrészt nagyon felszínes, másrészt hazugság, hogy csak a döntéseinken múlik, hogy mi lesz belőlünk. Csomó lehetőséghez nagyon jó helyre kell születni. Azt se hinném, hogy reális, hogy a főszereplőnő annyira tehetséges, hogy lehetett volna belőle olimpiai bajnok, világhírű énekes és sarkkutató is.
Ursula K. Le Guin: A megtalált és elveszett I.
Írtam róla korábban is, mert még az ősszel kezdtem el, de januárban fejeztem be. Nekem az első novellák, pl. a Buffalo lányai… is tetszettek, pedig sokan panaszkodnak rá, hogy nem erre számítottak a szerzőtől. Az I. kötet második felében a Haini ciklus novellái vannak, ez már megszokottabb stílus. A segrik ügyét emelném ki, mert az a legjobb és legreálisabb nőuralmas scifi amit valaha olvastam. Figyelembe veszi a biológiai különbségeket is és reálisan nyomasztó világot alkot.
Az első kötet utolsó történetei a Werel bolygón játszódó rabszolgafelszabadításos scifik és összefüggnek. Ezeket nagyon szerettem. Legjobban az Egy nő felszabadulása tetszett. Ez a kisregény kiválóan bemutatja, hogy mi történik a nőkkel a forradalomban, vagyis hogy ugyanannyit kockáztatnak, és ugyanúgy áldozatot hoznak, mint a férfiak, de kevesebbet nyernek vele, mert az új berendezkedés is el fogja nyomni őket. Ilyen szempontból nagyon jó tanmese is.
Ursula K. Le Guin: A megtalált és elveszett II.
Szintén novellák és egy kisregény. A novellákat igazából most nem olvastam el, mert már ismertem őket az Óceánföld meséiből.  Szóval ebből csak az Elveszett paradicsomok című kisregényt olvastam, ami egy baromi jó űrutazós scifi. Szerintem nagyon reálisan ábrázolta az évtizedekig tartó űrutazás társadalmi hatásait és a valláskritikával is tudtam azonosulni.
Ilona Andrews: Clean Sweep
Ilona Andrews: Sweep in Peace
Ilona Andrews: One Fell Sweep
Az Innkeeper Chronicles első három kötete. Minőségi urban fantasy vámpírokkal, vérfarkassokkal, alienekkel, fordulatos cselekménnyel. Imádom, nagyon olvastatja magát. Az One Fell Sweep végén egészen meghatódtam és bőgtem, pedig ezt pont nem várnám ettől a műfajtól.
Annie Erneux: Évek
Ez szintén egy baromi jó könyv, de valószínűszeg még jobban élveztem volna, ha jobban értenék a francia politikához. Még szerencse, hogy Jókain edződtem, mert így úgy is tudtam élvezni, hogy alig valamelyik politikusról vagy francia televíziós személyiségről tudtam, hogy kicsoda. Egy nő életét meséli el, úgy hogy közben a 40-estől az 2000-es évekig tartó időszak politikai eseményeiről és társadalmi változásairól is ír. Ilyen szempontból nekem Marilyn French: Nők (The Women’s Room)-ére hasonlít, csak ott külön fejezetben volt a korrajz és a cselekmény, itt meg egymásra úszik. Nagyon érdekes könyv, szerettem olvasni még úgy is, hogy néha nem volt egyszerű.
 A felénél tartok:
Ilona Andrews: Sweep of the Blade
Szintén Innkerper Chronicles, csak ebben a kötetben más a főszereplő és sokkal vámpírosabb, mint az eddigiek. Izgi, de már visszatérnék Dinához és az Inn-hez.
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mykpopwire · 2 months
media release: K-drama star Lee Joon Gi to meet fans in Malaysia for the first time at 2024 LEE JOON GI ASIA TOUR in Kuala Lumpur
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Multitalented South Korean actor and singer Lee Joon Gi is set to hold his first ever fan meeting in Malaysia that also marks his debut appearance in the country!
Jointly organised by Lo-Fi Entertainment and Hit Maker Entertainment, with Sliding Doors Entertainment as Co-Organizer, 2024 LEE JOON GI ASIA TOUR in Kuala Lumpur will make 22 September a Sunday to remember at Mega Star Arena, KL from 6pm onwards.
Fans that have been watching the K-drama and movie star on screen finally have the chance to see him in person. Apart from memorable interactions, the crowd will get to enjoy exciting performances from Lee Joon Gi, who is also known for his impeccable dance moves and impressive vocals.
Lee Joon Gi started out as a model with only small acting roles before he rose to fame on his first leading role in the film “The King and the Clown”, followed by the romcom series “My Girl” that further boosted his name in the industry.
He has been named as the “King of Sageuk”, or “King of Historical Dramas”, having played the lead role of many such popular series, including “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” alongside “Scholar Who Walks the Night”, “Arang and the Magistrate” and “Iljimae”.
True to his reputation as a versatile actor, he has starred in K-dramas of various genres such as “Arthdal Chronicles”, “Again My Life”, “Flower of Evil” alongside Moon Chae Won, “Lawless Lawyer” with Seo Yea Ji, and more. He made his Hollywood debut in the film “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter”.
Throughout his acting career, Lee Joon Gi has won multiple awards, from South Korea’s Grand Bell Awards, SBS Drama Awards, KBS Drama Awards and more to the world stage at Hawaii International Film Festival and Shanghai International Film Festival, among others.
As a singer, Lee Joon Gi has released a number of songs that showcase different styles. He is also skilled in martial arts with a black belt in taekwondo, hapkido and taekkyeon.
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Tickets with exclusive fan benefits will be available on www.ticketingtix.com from 12 noon, Friday, 26th July 2024!
For more information, follow Lo-Fi Entertainment on Instagram and Facebook.
*photos courtesy of Lo-Fi Entertainment
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mykpoplovers · 2 months
Tickets on sale 26th July with exclusive fan benefits up for grabs !
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KUALA LUMPUR, 19 July 2024 – Multitalented South Korean actor and singer Lee Joon Gi is set to hold his first ever fan meeting in Malaysia that also marks his debut appearance in the country!
Jointly organised by Lo-Fi Entertainment and Hit Maker Entertainment, with Sliding Doors Entertainment as Co-Organizer, 2024 LEE JOON GI ASIA TOUR in Kuala Lumpur will make 22 September a Sunday to remember at Mega Star Arena, KL from 6pm onwards.
Fans that have been watching the K-drama and movie star on screen finally have the chance to see him in person. Apart from memorable interactions, the crowd will get to enjoy exciting performances from Lee Joon Gi, who is also known for his impeccable dance moves and impressive vocals.
Lee Joon Gi started out as a model with only small acting roles before he rose to fame on his first leading role in the film “The King and the Clown”, followed by the romcom series “My Girl” that further boosted his name in the industry.
He has been named as the “King of Sageuk”, or “King of Historical Dramas”, having played the lead role of many such popular series, including “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” alongside “Scholar Who Walks the Night”, “Arang and the Magistrate” and “Iljimae”. True to his reputation as a versatile actor, he has starred in K-dramas of various genres such as “Arthdal Chronicles”, “Again My Life”, “Flower of Evil” alongside Moon Chae Won, “Lawless Lawyer” with Seo Yea Ji, and more.
He made his Hollywood debut in the film “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter”. Throughout his acting career, Lee Joon Gi has won multiple awards, from South Korea’s Grand Bell Awards, SBS Drama Awards, KBS Drama Awards and more to the world stage at Hawaii International Film Festival and Shanghai International Film Festival, among others.
As a singer, Lee Joon Gi has released a number of songs that showcase different styles. He is also skilled in martial arts with a black belt in taekwondo, hapkido and taekkyeon.
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Fan benefits are up for grabs with a ticket purchase, available on www.ticketingtix.com from 12 noon, Friday, 26th July 2024 at the following prices, subject to RM4 processing fee:
VIP ZONE - RM798 (Fan Benefits: Personal Signed Poster for 23 fans; Signed Poster for 80 fans; Individual Photo (1:1) for 30 fans; Group Photo (20:1) for 280 Fans; Soundcheck and Goodbye Session for all.)
CAT 1 – RM668 (Fan Benefits: Signed Poster for 70 fans; Group Photo (20:1) for 20 fans; Goodbye Session for all.)
CAT 2 – RM538 (Fan Benefit: Goodbye Session for all.)
CAT 3 – RM358 (Fan Benefit: Goodbye Session for all.)
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For more information, follow Lo-Fi Entertainment on Instagram (www.instagram.com/lofi.entertainment) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/lofi.entertainmentkl).
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chants-de-rome · 5 months
Elegance de Muse
Name: Kim Ji Won (김지원) Birthday: October 19, 1992 Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 164 cm (5’5″) Instagram: @geewonii Facebook: OfficialKimJiWon1
Kim Ji Won Facts: – She was born in Geumcheon District, South Korea. – She has an older sister. – Education: Dongguk University. – She is a former actress under Agent Lionmedia. – She is now currently under King Kong Entertainment. – Her nickname is “Little Kim Tae Hee” as she is alike to her. – She would like to shoot a household appliance commercial in the future. – She made her acting debut in Japan in 2012. – She is friends with actress Park Shin Hye. – She likes to listen to 70s and 80s music. – Kim Ji Won’s ideal type: Someone who makes sacrifices for their significant other.
Kim Ji Won Movies: Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead (조선명탐정: 흡혈괴마의 비밀) | 2018 – Wol YoungHorror Stories 2 (무서운 이야기 2) | 2013 – Sa Tan Hee Horror Stories (무서운 이야기) | 2012 – Herself Romantic Heaven (로맨틱 헤븐) | 2011 – Choi Mi Mi
Kim Ji Won Drama Series: Arthdal Chronicles (아스달 연대기) | tvN / 2019 – Tan Ya Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인) | tvN / 2018 – Hui Jin (cameo ep. 1)Fight for My Way (쌈 마이웨이) | KBS2 / 2017 – Choi Ae Ra Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) | KBS2 / 2016 – Yoon Myung Ju Hidden Identity (신분을 숨겨라) | tvN / 2015 – Min Tae Hee (cameo) Gap-dong (갑동이) | tvN / 2014 – Ma Ji Wool The Heirs (상속자들) | SBS / 2013 – Rachel Yoo To The Beautiful You (아름다운 그대에게) | SBS / 2012 – Seol Han Na What’s Up? (왓츠업) | MBN / 2011-2012 – Park Tae Yi High Kick 3: Revenge of the Short Legged (하이킥: 짧은 다리의 역습) | MBC / 2011-2012 – Kim Ji Won
Kim Ji Won Awards: 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (“Fight for My Way”) 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Female Netizen Award (“Fight for My Way”) 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Best Couple Award with Park Seo Joon (“Fight for My Way”)2016 KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 KBS Drama Awards | Best New Actress (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 KBS Drama Awards | Best Couple Award with Jin Goo (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 APAN Star Awards | Best Supporting Actress (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2013 SBS Drama Awards | New Star Award (“The Heirs”)
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] With the advent of sound, Hindi songs acquired a grammar of their own, thanks to the introduction of songs as a part of the narrative - a tradition that is unique to Hindi cinema. This gave rise to a class of professionals who acquired a star status that was in the league of the actors themselves - the lyricists. Rajiv Vijayakar's book chronicles the journeys of leading film lyricists - from D.N. Madhok and Pandit Pradeep to Amitabh Bhattacharya and Irshad Kamil, including stalwarts like Shakeel Badayuni and Sahir Ludhianvi, Majrooh Sultanpuri and Anand Bakshi, Gulzar and Javed Akhtar - who have woven magic with the written word. Filled with trivia and never-before-heard-of anecdotes, Main Shaayar Toh Nahin is an introduction to the contribution made by some of the finest wordsmiths to the Hindi film industry. ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07KZDTLZ2 Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins India (30 January 2019) Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 681 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 351 pages [ad_2]
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truepdf · 2 years
Description: “There’s a whole chapter on my son Beau… He was co-located [twice] near these burn pits.” –Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States of AmericaThe Agent Orange of the 21st Century… Thousands of American soldiers are returning from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan with severe wounds from chemical war. They are not the victims of ruthless enemy warfare, but of their own military commanders. These soldiers, afflicted with rare cancers and respiratory diseases, were sickened from the smoke and ash swirling out of the “burn pits” where military contractors incinerated mountains of trash, including old stockpiles of mustard and sarin gas, medical waste, and other toxic material.
This shocking work, now for the first time in paperback, includes:
Illustration of the devastation in one soldier’s intimate story
A plea for help
Connection between the burn pits and Major Biden’s unfortunate suffering and death
The burn pits’ effects on native citizens of Iraq: mothers, fathers, and children
Denial from the Department of Defense and others
Warning signs that were ignored
and much more
Based on thousands of government documents, over five hundred in-depth medical case studies, and interviews with more than one thousand veterans and active-duty GIs,The Burn Pitswill shock the nation. The book is more than an explosive work of investigative journalism—it is the deeply moving chronicle of the many young men and women who signed up to serve their country in the wake of 9/11, only to return home permanently damaged, the victims of their own armed forces’ criminal negligence.
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otakusmart · 2 years
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relationstoday · 2 years
Implode: An Epic Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Completionist Chronicles Book 8)
Implode: An Epic Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Completionist Chronicles Book 8)
Price: (as of – Details) ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BFM9J6CG Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mountaindale Press (October 5, 2022) Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 5, 2022 Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 3827 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 390 pages
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hkaffilates · 2 years
Implode: An Epic Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Completionist Chronicles Book 8)
Implode: An Epic Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Completionist Chronicles Book 8)
Price: (as of – Details) ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BFM9J6CG Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mountaindale Press (October 5, 2022) Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 5, 2022 Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 3827 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 390 pages
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koutlou · 2 years
The Gadget: The Rondon Chronicles Book One https://koutlou.com/product/the-gadget-the-rondon-chronicles-book-one/?feed_id=141791&_unique_id=634318999d286
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tonkicop · 2 years
Dragon keeper audiobook free
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The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. No subscription needed to get the best DragonKeeper.
The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Discover bestselling DragonKeeper Chronicles audiobooks for up to 95 off with our free audiobooks app. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". But too much time has passed, and the newly hatched. In return, the Traders promised to help her serpents migrate up the Rain Wild River after a long exile at seato find a safe haven and, Tintaglia hopes, to restore her species. But they could not have staved off invasion without the powerful dragon Tintaglia. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For years, the Trader cities valiantly battled their enemies, the Chalcedeans. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Komodos have a legacy of independence, something that Meg understands all too well. Jata brings the exotic to Megs Minnesotan life: an ancient, predatory history and stories of escaping to freedom. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Meg Yancy knows she may be overly attached to Jata, the Komodo dragon that has been in her care since it arrived at the zoo from Indonesia. Thank-you for some beautiful writing.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It is not often that everyone in our family has enjoyed a book so much. “Last night I finished reading the Dragon Keeper to. She is sold to the Emperor of Chinas Dragon Keeper when she is two and soon is responsible for the. “dragonkeeper is the crappiest story i’ve read” - Frank P Wus young gentle tones are perfect for the slave girl Ping, who initially does not know her name or age. “During the whole of the story, my eyes were glued to the book, not even stopping to eat! I recommend it to any reader of any age.” - James G “… an ambitious novel, marrying ancient Chinese history and culture with magic and fantasy… the sights, smells and tastes of this fantastic ancient China are fully realised.” - Bookseller & Publisher (Children's Supplement), November 2003 Reader reviews It is a story that informs as it delights and leaves the reader with a yearning to know more.” - Judges’ Report 2004, Children’s Book Council of Australia, 2004 “The story explores themes of trust, courage, power, greed and love in a meticulously researched setting. This is the story of a young slave girl who believes she is not worthy of a name but finds within herself the strength and courage to make this perilous journey - and do what must be done. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon make an epic journey across China carrying a mysterious stone that must be protected. A slave girl saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master. Read the chapter ‘The edge of the empire’ (533 KB PDF)Īncient China, Han Dynasty.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The Watchers are always watching. After Magister Thaddeus Blackwood of Temple of the Magi boasts of necromancy and spirit traps, Neal and Aaron, leaders of The Watch, have no choice but to investigate. They are the Chroniclers of the Thirteen, and the ones who will herald in the coming of The One. Their investigation, however, uncovers far more than they bargained for, revealing a sinister plot that could throw Thirteen Covens into chaos. Now they must stand by their ethical codex: Be vigilant. Are you ready to choose a side? ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0722CB3XS Publisher ‏ : ‎ Darkerwood Publishing Group (20 April 2017) Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 805 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 48 pages [ad_2]
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myfavoriteskdramas · 3 years
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The tale of Nokdu, KBS, (2019).
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