thegoldenelite · 5 months
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teewritessmth · 11 months
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~~Fragmented Affection (Part 01)~~
Kenny x f! reader
Summary : After splitting with your shitty ex, you seek comfort in your best friend Kenny. But are you two just friends?
Warnings : Drugs, alcohol, exes, glass shattering, mentions of abuse
You've never had the best relationship with Marcus, not only was that man the biggest liar on the face of the planet, he was also an alcoholic.
You two met in high school and he had asked you out. Unfortunately, things took a turn and turned your relationship very toxic.
He'd leave in the middle of the night, god knows who he partied with all night and returned at 3 in the afternoon. He'd come home drunk out of his mind and try grabbing you, when you wouldn't comply with him, he'd throw plates or cups to the ground. All the nice dishes you owned, all those beautiful china plates you collected were shattered to bits by him. You never tried stopping him, what if he ever did something to you?
Out of all this, you took solace in your best friend. Kenny had tried a million times to convince you to leave that shit of a man but you were in too deep. Breaking up with him would only cause complications.
Though how long? How long would you have to convince yourself that this is what you wanted? How many more times were you going to hurt yourself picking up those broken pieces of glass?
You decided to give Marcus an ultimatum.
"If you don't stop fucking drinking Marcus, expect to see me out the door by tomorrow".
"Where the fuck will you go, bitch. Last time I checked you weren't the one who owned the apartment". He gives you a bored look and takes a swig from his bottle.
You. Have. Had. Enough.
You grab the tablecloth and pull it harshly, throwing all the dishes to the floor and breaking them into fragments, some of them hit him. Marcus looks at you with wide eyes, you were never the one to initiate violence.
"I'm not playing around, expect me gone from your life". You walk towards the storage room for some privacy and call Kenny.
"I am so sorry for calling you this late into the night, Ken. But I did it, I broke up with him. I had enough of this..." You're voice breaks as you feel hot tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm so glad that you understood what was right for you. Would you like me to come pick you up? I'm pretty sure you're not staying with that creep tonight". Kenny lets out a relieved sound, happy that you finally let him go.
"if that's okay with you, then can you please come here and pick me up". You whisper into the phone, a glass bottle in hand incase Marcus tries to come in and do something.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes, pack all your stuff. You still have the keys to your apartment right?"
"Yeah, I kept them cause I had a feeling we wouldn't last". You cut the call with a sigh, you were really going through with this after all.
You pack all your stuff in a suitcase and find your Marcus unconscious on the ground, probably due to all the shit he drinks. You don't pay him much attention and leave the house that had once been the start to your dreams, but I guess dreams come true at the correct time and the correct place. Marcus was never meant to be your forever love.
Time Skip
Kenny drives you to your last apartment, without saying a word he holds your hand and offers you a reassuring smile. You smile back at him and hug his arm, he stiffens up a little bit but doesn't react otherwise.
"I'm glad I have you Kenny, so so glad". You kiss his cheek and stare out the window.
"Well, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon so no need for the formalities m'lady". He winks at you and you two break into laughter. Only he knew how to pull you from the obstacles life hurled at you.
Time Skip
It had been 3 months since you moved into your apartment again. Marcus had been arrested for the possession and ingestion of drugs, it was safe to say that you wouldn't be hearing from him for a very long time. The friendship between you and Kenny only got stronger and you would be wrong if you said you didn't start having romantic feelings for him.
That man had the body of a Greek god, the most beautiful eyes and the cutest of smiles. He was smart, soft and so terribly sweet. He was calm, patient and everything you ever needed him to be. Would he ever reciprocate your feelings for him?. Your thoughts get disrupted by a call from the man himself -
"Hey Ken, what's up?".
"Nothing much Y/n, except for the fact I made extra food for dinner tonight. Mind joining me?". You can hear him shuffling around, most presumably still in the middle of cooking.
"If this is your way of asking me to a dinner date, then I gladly agree Ken". You make kiss sounds through the phone and bid him goodbye, he laughs on the other side of the phone and cuts the call. You have a good feeling about this.
Requested by the loveliest @sexybarkbark
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letdibtravel · 8 months
Put The Dib in a microwave Cook the child
The microwave, Google images
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treyparkinglot · 1 year
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did i upload these? no?
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fletcherfluid · 11 months
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everything i got for my birthday!!!!!!!! i’m so blessed and thankful <333
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Pokes Cartmans in the boobs without his CONSENT
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brainrot-stitch · 6 months
Gang. Sos
I need fics so bad but idk how 2 find them 😭 😭 😭
So!! If yall have any fics like these I'm abt to say or fics relating to the fandoms u rlly like lmk or send a link 😈 😈 😈 😈
-mysterion/kenny in Gotham and/or interacting with the bat family
-guh...desert duo.... save me desert duo.......
-grian and joel stuff, I find their reactions very silly and also I'm wondering if there's a fic about when joel was literally threatening him w a sword
-any good mysterion/kennny or js kenny fic... I'm going insane..... there's like 600+ on ao3 (of mysterion. Soooo much more of just ken) and I've scrolled through that whole thing before but I might go back
-honestly any good grian fic, either hermitcraft or traffic light series'
-good old wiwi (William wisp) dying, being dead, or his good buddy pals finding out about him being dead
-or just.. any good will fic...
- Robin/dick grayson (tt/ttg) angst :333
I mainly use ao3 but also know of and sometimes use wattpad and fanfiction.net, but if there's any others u know of/use lmk 😈
Also!!! I am an angst lover :33 that shit draws me in like a moth w a lamp and also I'm ok w gore. So basically any fic is ok as long as there's no nsfw!!!
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codyrhodey · 1 year
Sweetheart | Kenny Omega x Male Reader
all fluff !!
Kenny and y/n grew up together. Both having a shared dream of becoming professional wrestlers one day.
Kenny was a year older than y/n, and when he graduated high school in 2007, the two slowly drifted apart.
Kenny went straight into wrestling, he tried going to college but quickly realized it was not for him. So he dropped out to pursue his dream.
Y/n decided to go to college, pursuing a degree in creative writing. His dream of being a wrestler had faded over time, but his love for wrestling didn’t go away.
Y/n’s last year of high school was definitely hard. He wasn’t the coolest guy by any means, and Kenny was usually too busy for him. He was traveling all over the world, meeting new people, and didn’t have as much time for y/n.
So when y/n went to college, and wasn’t at home when Kenny came to visit. The two drifted further and further.
There was the occasional call, to ask how the other was doing. But besides that, it was nothing like before.
There was no late night calls that lead to all nighters, or rewatching their favorite glee moments and giggling. There was no more cuddling and getting a little too close for two guys who are just supposed to be friends. No more “i love you, drive safe”s.
They became like strangers. It hurt both of them at first, even though neither would say it. So instead they just disappeared from each others lives.
Y/n had been writing his ass off for years. He’s had a few books published and helped write on a sitcom for a while, but that’s it. So when he was reached out to by Cody Rhodes to come be on the creative team for his new wrestling promotion, he jumped at the opportunity.
Y/n was sitting in his apartment in jacksonville. He moved in last week and hasn’t done much. But his first day was today, he’d be meeting with Cody, Tony, and some of the top wrestlers in the promotion.
Meanwhile as y/n was getting ready to go, Kenny was putting away his stuff in the shiny new locker room.
“Cody,” Kenny sighed putting his hands on his hips, “this is amazing.”
Cody smiled placing a hand on his shoulder, “i couldn’t have done this without people like you by my side.”
“And tony’s money” Kenny cut in.
Cody chuckled, “yes and tony’s money.” He rolled his eyes beginning to walk away, “oh-“ he stopped turning around, “don’t forget, we have a meeting in uh” he checked his watch, “15 minutes, with everyone and some new people in creative.”
Kenny nodded pulling out his phone, mindlessly scrolling as he followed behind Cody.
Y/n got out of his car grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat. He took one last deep breath before closing his door and making his way into the building.
Cody gave him incredibly vague directions on where to go.
“Fucking shit” he mumbled to himself pulling out his phone.
“Hello?” Cody answered.
“Hey cody! It’s y/n, um i just got here, i’m just not really sure where to go.” you trailed off, looking around the large room.
“Oh hey y/n! yea sorry about that, i’m kind of shit at directions, i’ll send someone out to get you, are you still by the front door?”
“mhm” you said rocking back and fourth on your heels.
“Alright give me like 2 minutes and i’ll have someone grab you.” Cody hung up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket.
He looked around at the people around him, before his eyes landed on kenny, “Kenny, kenny kenny kennny” he sang.
Kenny looked up at him raising an eyebrow.
“One of the new writers is here, he’s at the front door and lost. Can you go grab him for me?”
Kenny nodded standing up from the chair he was in.
“Be back.” He said walking out the door.
He pulled his phone out again, going into him and Matt jackson’s messages.
🏳️‍🌈Kenny: You almost here? We’re about to start.
🍗Matty: Yea yea i’m about to pull up, sorry.
(sent with voice text)
Kenny nodded to himself putting his phone in his pocket looking back up at his surroundings.
He didn’t know what this guy looked like or what his name was, but there was only one person standing in the lobby looking lost so he thought it was a safe assumption.
“Hey,” he tapped the guy on the shoulder. Causing y/n to jump a bit dropping his phone.
Kenny giggled, “sorry did i scare you?”
“N-no i knew you were coming.” He huffed bending over and grabbing his phone before turning around to face Kenny.
Y/n’s breath hitched in his throat as he locked eyes with the other man.
“Kenny?” He whispered, almost too quiet to be heard.
Kenny was staring back at him, wide eyed.
“Oh my god-“ Kenny started still in shock.
It had been 10 years since the two had seen each other and 9 years since they last spoke.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Kenny broke the silence, the biggest smile forming on his face.
Y/n smiled back, excitedly pulling Kenny into a hug.
Kenny immediately hugged him back squeezing him tight. He missed him a lot, but assumed due to the lack of calls, he forgot about him. There was always something more with y/n but at the time Kenny couldn’t admit that to himself. He wasn’t out as bisexual at the time. While y/n was always out as gay, so even if at the time Kenny did know he liked him, he didn’t want to make y/n deal with being with someone still in the closet.
He continued to hold y/n close to him, rocking the two of them back and forth.
“Oh my god i missed you so much!” Kenny basically screamed.
“I missed you too Kenny but you’re crushing me.” Y/n giggled
“Oh shit sorry,” Kenny let go but not all the way, keeping his hands on y/n’s shoulders, “i’m just so strong” he smirked.
Y/n rolled his eyes, “so strong and still a sarcastic little bitch.”
Kenny brought his hands up to his chest, acting fake hurt, “how could you! I am incredibly offended, I don’t know how we’ll move on from this.”
“Whatever will i do without Kenny in my life, maybe the same thing i’ve been doing for the last 10 years.” Y/n said walking past Kenny.
“Hey! You don’t even know where you’re going!” Kenny shouted after him.
“Gonna follow this dude,” He pointed at Matt who had just walked in, “he looks more important than you.”
Kenny gasped running after the two of them as they all made their way to the conference room.
The meeting lasted longer than it needed too, Kenny almost fell asleep a few times. Listening to Cody speak for longer than 5 minutes was a chore, he felt like he was in a classroom. Cody’s choice of words perfectly matched his egotistical personality.
Kenny was sat next to y/n who was sat next to Adam Page. Y/n was taking a bunch of notes that Adam was very interested in. The two of them scooted closer to eachother halfway through the meeting, giggling at stupid jokes one of them would make.
Kenny was slightly annoyed but he didn’t know why. He didn’t wanna listen to Cody’s long drawn out speech, but he also didn’t wanna listen to y/n and Adam giggle to eachother.
When the meeting finally came to a close, Cody thanked everyone for coming and walked out of the room, Brandi following behind him.
“That was tiring.” Nick said, stretching in his chair, “I feel like i’ve been here for 13 hours!” He yelled dramatically slamming his head down on the table.
Everyones heads snapped over to him, “Nick, bud, it was maybe 2 hours.” Adam laughed out.
“Shhhh, let me sleep.” Nick responded.
Adam shrugged and stood up, “Well y/n it was very nice to meet you,” he smiled, “i have alot of trust that you will write amazing stories for us all.”
Y/n smiled, “thank you Adam, i appreciate it.”
Adam nodded at him before exiting the room as well.
“Sooo,” Kenny began scooting his chair closing to y/n’s, “you and Adam huh?” He nudged y/n’s shoulder.
“Shut up kennert.” Y/n groaned
“You like him?”
“I do not actually, he’s not really my type” Y/n responded shrugging.
“not your type? he’s beautiful!” Kenny said shocked.
“You’re sounding a little fruity there Kenny,” y/n giggled turning toward him so they were facing eachother, “maybe you have a crush on him.”
“Eh been there done that.” he responded in a non-chalant way.
“What?” y/n responded eyes wide, “you’re?” he brought up his hand and bent it at the wrist.
Kenny froze, y/n didn’t know he was bi, he totally forgot. Everyone he interacts with knows he ‘swings both ways’ so he didn’t even think about it.
“um, i- uh” Kenny stammered, “is it hot in here?”
“kenny, i’m literally gay” y/n chuckled, “i don’t care if you are”
“yea yea it’s just-“ he stopped, “it’s been a while since a new person found out about it, ya know?”
y/n nodded, “so if you’ve been there done that,” he mocked, “and you’re fruity,” he did the hand thing again, “then are you jealous mr omega?” He teased laughing softly.
Kenny stopped for a second. He used to have feelings for y/n, and he will admit he still looked absolutely amazing. But that bridge had already been crossed. There was no way there could be anything between them now.
“Kenny, i’m kidding,” y/n cut in, “but i would be very flattered if you were.”
Y/n stood up out of his chair, “so” he stared down at the still sitting Kenny, “wanna hang out?” He didn’t know why he was nervous to ask but he was. He felt his palms start to sweat and he was avoiding eye contact with kenny.
“mmmm,” kenny drummed his fingers on the table, “watcha wanna do?”
y/n let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, “wanna come over? play some mario kart?”
Kenny nodded with a smile standing up out of his seat as well.
“Shall we?” He asked holding out his hand to y/n.
“We shall,” y/n took his hand and the two walked out together hand in hand.
They had been at Kenny’s for a few hours. Y/n insisted they went over there since he hadn’t unpacked anything yet.
The two were sitting on Kenny’s love seat, both of their legs up on the ottoman, y/n’s on top of kenny’s.
“Can we be done playing now?” Kenny whined throwing his arms up in defeat.
“You only wanna be done because you’ve lost the last 8 races” y/n teased.
“You’ve kept track?” Kenny’s voice went high. He pulled his legs up onto the couch crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well when you’re a winner,” y/n pretended to dust off his shoulders, “you wanna know your record, not that you’d know what being a winner is like.”
“Oh that’s it” Kenny lunged forward at y/n, tackling him onto the couch.
“Noo nooo” y/n yelled.
Kenny straddled y/n staring down at him, “any last words?”
y/n squinted his eyes, “you suck at mario kart.”
“you’re gonna get it now.”
Kenny started tickling y/n, squeezing his sides, expecting him to erupt in laughter but instead there was silence.
Kenny stopped, staring at y/n. He cocked his head to the side, “what?” he questioned, out of breath from his attack.
Y/n took this as his opportunity to strike back. He lunged forward causing kenny to lose balance and fall down onto his back. Y/n began to squeeze his sides, reaching under his shirt to make sure he got the ultimate tickle.
Kenny erupted into a loud unrestrained laugh. Wriggling from side to side, “y/n stop stop” he begged between laughs, “can’t breathe” he continued laughing.
Finally, y/n stopped, “i win again” he said smugly.
“I think i won” Kenny said softly gazing into y/n’s eyes.
Y/n was laughing so he didn’t hear Kenny.
Finally y/n stood up off of Kenny, offering a hand to help him up.
Kenny took it and stood up, the two of them stood dangerously close to eachother.
Kenny’s mind was racing. He felt like no time had passed between him and his old friend. He still felt that spark between them. He sighed, continuing to stare into y/n’s eyes, wishing he could read his mind.
Y/n stood there, staring back at Kenny. He was so beautiful. When they were younger y/n always had the biggest crush on him but Kenny was never anything but straight, atleast that’s he thought. Knowing now that he was some kind of gay, y/n thought about all of the moments they shared when they were younger and if maybe they meant more than he thought.
Kenny reached up, cradling y/n’s face in his hands, “you are the most breathtaking person i have ever seen in my entire life.”
Kenny couldn’t believe he just did that, but it was 20+ years of pent up feelings for the man standing across from him and his brain was no longer functioning.
“I’m sorry,” Kenny stopped himself going to remove his hands but y/n stopped him. Placing his hands over kenny’s.
“Just kiss me kenny.”
And so he did. Kenny pulled y/n into a kiss. Kenny’s chest felt like it was going to explode. When people described feeling fireworks, he knew this is what they meant.
Y/n gasped when their lips connected, his knee’s immediately went weak. This was something he had been waiting for for years. Kenny’s lips were soft and warm and he felt like home.
Y/n pulled away first, resting his forehead on kenny’s.
“Should’ve done that a long time ago huh” Kenny giggled, placing another short peck to y/n’s lips.
“Mmm not my fault.” Y/n reached his hands under Kenny’s shirt, for nothing more than to feel his warm skin, Kenny felt safe.
Kenny chuckled pulling y/n into his chest, “nothings ever your fault is it sweetheart?”
Y/n nuzzled his face into Kenny’s neck, shaking his head which caused Kenny to squirm. He pressed small gentle kisses to his shoulder.
“Can’t get enough of me huh?” Kenny asked quietly, continuing to hold him. He may have asked the question to poke fun at him, but he couldn’t get enough of y/n either.
“Making up for too much lost time omega.”
The two of them stood there in each others arms until their legs got tired. They then retreated back to the couch. Their limbs tangled together, doing whatever they had to do to remain touching.
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elitehoe · 1 year
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timecryptid · 1 year
Stan: So like which one of you is the girl in the relationship?
Kyle: *Goes on a long rant about how just because their gay doesn’t mean that only one of them is the guy. That they’re both men blah blah blah, Stan quickly stops listening*
Cartman: He’s the bottom
Kyle: What the fuck is wrong with you Cartman!
Kennny: He didn’t deny the bottom allegation
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
“Kisses that have them hiding their face in your shoulder” from the kissing prompts for HangKenny :333❤️❤️❤️
Everything stays [But it still changes]
Wordcount: 4039 words Ship: Hangkenny, Golden lovers Characters: Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, Don Callis, "Hangman" Adam Page, Matt and Nick Jackson Triggers: non-con drug use, child abuse, blood, drinking, hair pulling Authors Note: I just thought Id write something from Kennny perspective growing up under Callis' abuse and how he doesnt really get what love is. Theres a running theme of Kenny loosing hair and theres talk of Callis drugging Kenny with injections- a refrence from Kenny's promo from all in. This came out a lot more upsetting and angsty that I meant it to be… Read on ao3
There's always been some sort of fire brewing just below Kenny’s skin. A strength and a fire that's kept his feet warm as he skates through the ice, balanced on skates. He grits his teeth when his hands hit against the floor and when he tastes blood in his mouth, he just swallows and presses his knees hard enough into the ice that he feels the chill through his knee pads. Afterwards, he waits for his uncle, shifting the weight of his shoulder bag over to his other shoulder, and feels the bottoms of his hockey stick pressing against his heels through the thin fabric of his bag. Don rolls the car up a few moments later and Kenny can tell by the way his lips sit, thin, that he somehow did something wrong. The car door handle cracks open and Kenny throws his bag into the seat next to him, leaning against it as he puts on his seatbelt and stares at Don from behind a mess of still-damp blond curls. Don simply says nothing and Kenny lets his head rest against the chilled window, blue eyes following scenery outside his window, he imagines jumping off the roofs of the buildings, rolling through bushes.
He bumps his head against the window when Don stops the car at a red light. He stares at Kenny, glaring at him through the rearview mirror and over the purr of the engine he goes. “Kenneth.” His fingers grip against the steering wheel when Kenny makes a small sound, rubbing grazed palms against his forehead. "Do you know how disappointed in you I am?"
Something in Kenny's eyes dims while something in Dons brightens. "Why? I won.." Kenny picks nervously at the holes in his jeans, looking up at Don when he clicks his tongue, shaking his head like Kenny has missed something. He tilts his head against the window again, eyes staring down at his feet as the car starts again and he swallows.
Kenny is silent for the rest of the trip home.
When they get home, Kenny hauls his bag upstairs and drops it beside his bed. He curls up at his desk and does his homework, old videos of wrestling playing in the background while he scribbles away in his notebook, trying to figure out algebra. There's cheers from the TV, loud enough that it cuts through the buzz of electricity and Kenny sees his face reflected in the glitching tape. "One day." He whispers, pressing his fingers against the glass.
It stings a little and Kenny soaks into the pain; letting it wrap around his bruised arms and scabbed palms as the wrestling pulls him in. The crowd cheer his name as Kenny bounces on his toes in the middle of the ring, he twists his body through the air and the crowd explode, chanting his name. Quietly at first like he's simply a whisper backstage, a ghost that flits through the spotlights until they get louder and louder, screaming. Their voices, echoing with the buzzing of the TV, burn Kenny's ears as he stands across the ring from a faceless opponent.
He swallows and steps forwards, ducking a clothesline. He sweeps the legs and soon Kenny is the one on top. He basks in the glow of the sun, feeling the warmth on his shoulders. Until there's a pain in the back of his head and he's yanked backwards. His small frame doesn't hit the canvas; just the rough, worn down carpet of his bedroom with Don standing over him, anger warming his cheeks and freezing the look in his eyes. "I thought you were doing your homework, but instead you're daydreaming. Do you want to be a failure Kenny? Do you want to ruin all the hard work I've put into you?"
There stands of Kenny's hair between his uncle's fingers, dancing in the summer breeze that twists through his open window. It's warm against Kenny's cheeks like a mothers hand, wiping away his tears. "No uncle Don...sorry."
"You should be." his uncle grumbles down at him before something softens in his eyes, his frown deepens and his knees crack a little when he bends down, picking Kenny up. His arms are heavy around the boy's trembling frame and he sighs, kissing Kenny's forehead, tucking his head under his chin. "You are gonna do good things Kenny, but you can't keep up with these foolish daydreams."
The Tv clicks off overhead Kenny and he listens to Don's heartbeat, a part of his mind wondering if it's even possible that Don has a heart. His head hurts and Kenny can taste blood just under his tongue. "I know...I'm sorry." He whispers again, twisting his lips together, biting into his tongue hard enough that the tears stop. Don pulls away and pats Kenny on the head.
"I have something for you Kenneth." Don uncurls his fist and Kenny stares at the needle and vial, trying to make sense of the letters on the side. They're so small that Kenny can barely make them out. "It's going to make you strong. Like vitamins."
"Oh." Kenny twists the vial between his fingers, squinting at it under the glow of his flickering bedroom light. "Why can't I just eat it? Like normal vitamins."
"They are special vitamins, they're going to make you strong. Just take them. Come here.” Don sounds tired and Keny shifts off his knees and stands, unsteady on the balls of his feet as his uncle rolls his shirt up. Kenny holds it between his teeth, biting into the fabric.
He cries the first time the needle stabs through the fat of his stomach. Late at night it starts to ache, the ever so familiar burn of a bruise pushing through his skin nibbles at the side of Kenny's brain and he stares at the old TV in the corner of the room and sighs, pulling the blanket over forehead. It is barely light out before he closes his eyes and sleep slowly creeps over his small body. In the morning, Don makes him swallow pills over breakfast and Kenny rolls the taste around his mouth all morning.
Kenny doesn't remember if he graduates or not, school becomes a blur. Eight hours away from Uncle Don and the sting of a needle, he climbs the ranks in hockey, picking up head injuries and scars on his knees as he grows. He finds and loses friends, finds a love for anime and doodling wide-eyed cartoons in the back of his science textbook. He meets a boy during English, with bright brown eyes hidden behind the twirl of short blond hair and Kenny lets him haunt the corner of his heart when he holds a girl's hand at prom. He gets thrown out of hockey after being caught behind the bleachers, lips kiss swollen and smelling of the Midfielders cologne.
He finds and loses himself in labels and questions. He finds and loses the desires of love. He sits on his bedroom floor, staring up at the TV above him, listening to the sound of the thundering rain and pushes everything away for a few hours. Wrestling takes over his mind during the nights where he isn't sure who he is. He keeps a tab open on his browser as he looks up terms after terms, staring at the words until they blur in front of his eyes and the screen turns black, the screensaver bouncing from corner to corner.
Don doesn't like when he comes out. So Kenny goes home. He settles back into his childhood home, running his hands across the height dents in the wood outside. He stops taking the vitamins that Don started, replaces them with enough coffee and energy drinks that Kenny watches more sunrises than sunsets.
It's one late night when Kenny's watching wrestling instead of working on his college entrance exam. He stares wide-eyed and flooded with admiration. He shuts off his college exam, resting his chin on his hands. Nothing in the world matters anymore. He mumbles along with the Japanese under his breath, feeling the words press against his lips. Joy wraps around his brain and he nods.
"Japan?" Don says, hands thrown up in the air. Kenny doesn't flinch this time, he simply folds his arms around his middle and nods. "Why?"
"I want to wrestle." Kenny states, fingers creating small crescent moons in the fat of his arm. "I'm gonna wrestle Kota Ibushi."
"When will you stop with these foolish fantasies Kenneth? You think Japan wants you? Do you think anyone wants you?" Don slams his hands down on the table when Kenny stares at him through the fluttering of his eyelashes. "Fine, do whatever you want. Just don't expect me to take you back when you're groveling. Nobody cares about you Kenny."
“Why don’t you go to hell Don? It won't be me who is suddenly begging for attention again. It's going to be you! I’m gonna wrestle and I’m going to Kota Ibushi and…” Kenny pauses, the breath warm and thick in his throat. What is he going to do afterwards? He swallows, eyes glued to the kitchen floor. There's still the smell of coffee in the air and Kenny breathes in a little heavier, trying to lose himself in the smell but it doesn't work; Don is still standing there, looming over him from the other side of the table and Kenny feels small again, shoulders hunched over and curls shifting to hide the nerves growing in his eyes. “I’ll show you. I am someone.”
“I am someone.” Kenny repeats, staring up at the ceiling of a poky Japanese apartment three months later. It's raining and Kenny listens to it hammering against his window, counting the thunder between the beats of his heart. His muscles hurt, his stomach burns and there's a bruise that's just barely poking out from under the hem of his boxers. He didn't win against Kota but something inside Kenny is still proud of himself, he found something in Kota that night under the warm sleepiness of the Japanese nights and he rolls over, arm hanging over the end of the bed as runs his fingers across the faded pokemon stickers on his tape recorder. The tape hums and Kenny closes his eyes. Sleep barely brushes the corner of his mind before there's a knock against his door, a tune that Kenny feels like he should know. For a few seconds, he lays eyes open staring at a cobweb, wondering just if he stays still enough the person on the other end of the door would go away.
Unfortunately, Kenny isn’t being hunted by a T-rex so the person knocks again, a little more impatiently again and Kenny huffs, letting his body drop to the floor, he rolls a little onto his feet and carefully unlocks his door. “Kota?” He stares up at the other man, swallowing the smile in his voice as Kota nods his head politely, pushing wet hair off his face. Kenny simply nods back, a little too hard because he feels dizzy when Kota shakes rain drops off his face and slips his shoes off, brown eyes darting for somewhere to put them. “You uh…You can put them…”
Kenny tries his best to ramble away in the small amount of Japanese he knows and for the most part, Kota seems to understand, laughing when Kenny almost trips over his controller wire. “You look cold…”
“Yes…The uh…” Kota points at the raindrops now sliding slowly down Kenny’s window, nose wrinkling as he tries to place the word in English. “Ame”
“Rain! Yes!” There's butterflies of pride in Kenny’s stomach when Kota smiles at him proudly. His cheeks are warm and when turns, he catches the blush across his face in the cracked mirror Kenny keeps propped up to hide the peeling wallpaper at the bottom of the poky living room. “I think…I think my clothes may fit you…” Kota blinks at him for a few seconds, shivering against the garish pattern of Kenny’s hand-me-down couch, Kenny glances down at himself, pointing at his boxers. Kota’s eyes widen and his mouth forms a small line, almost like he’s considering an option that Kenny has not even considered until Kota stands again, pressing his wet forehead against Kenny’s.
Kenny’s face brightens enough that he’s pretty sure that it’s drying Kota off with the heat that's radiating off his face. He breathes a little deeper, searching for the warmth of the taller man's eyes. “Yes,” He whispers, voice gentle enough that Kota has to tilt his head for it to hit his ears. The two of them chuckle, a little nervous, a little breathless before something deep in Kenny’s brain snaps and he leans forwards to press his lips timidly against the plushness of Kota’s bottom one.
The kiss feels like Kenny is glowing; the heat of holding the golden star between his fingers. His hands run carefully, shaking against Kota’s hip and he winces a little and Kenny’s the first to pull back, blue eyes wide and faint eyebrows pinched in concern. “hurt?…uh- Kizutsuku?”
Kota’s eyebrows press together as his head shakes, raindrops trailing down the curve of his jaw. “No.” He leans in for more of a kiss, one that has his tongue sliding across the dented skin of Kenny’s lips and into the small part of his mouth. Kenny gasps, the whimper that slides against Kota’s lips would make a pornstar feel apologetic and Kota pulls away to chuckle. “Mazushī”
Kenny doesn’t know what that means. So he simply rubs the blush off his chest and points haphazardly towards his bedroom. Kota seems to not understand so Kenny sighs, a smile bordered on lovestruck as he takes Kota’s hand and tugs him into the room, stubbornly pointing at the clothes scattered in the corner closest to Kenny’s bed.
“Ah!” Kota nods his head like he's figured something out, arms outstretched as he shrugs off the wet shirt. Kenny finds it a little comical that Kota folds it and sets it beside the closet. Kenny’s saw Kota naked before; between wrestling matches and showers but as Kota slides his legs out of his pants, Kenny feels his breathing deepen, almost like he's seeing something that he shouldn’t be looking at, hes gazing at something magical like the cherry blossom bursting open, releasing their sweet scent off into the air or the the roar of a fire, brushing against his skin. “Lovers.”
“Excuse me?” Kenny asks, a little too loud. His neighbor bangs against the wall, yelling something that makes Kota shake his head, clicking his tongue in disappointment before he reaches over, squirming into a clear pair of Kenny’s boxers. “Lover?” He points between the two of them and Kota nods, raising his fists. “Oh in wrestling?” Kenny makes it sound like he understands, looking out his bedroom window confused when Kota pulls the shirt over his head.
Kenny doesn’t understand anything else for the rest of the night. Kota stays over because Kenny worries about the storm that still threatens to roll over the city and Kota agrees, smiling when Kenny bounces on his toes giddily. They sit on the floor of Kenny’ living room, trying their best to fit conversations together with the help of google translate and crudely drawn pictures in biro on kenny’s thighs. Kota accidentally gets his hand stuck in Kenny’s hair, when he goes to draw a line down his face.
They spend the night kissing, leaving Kenny breathless, his face tucked securely into the crook of Kota’s neck.
There’s strands of hair sitting between Kota’s crossed legs
Kenny learns to love the burn of the golden star, and feels calluses grow over his soft skin. The glow of the golden sun melts the wax of Kenny’s wings against his skin and Kota runs his fingers across the scars, picking the wax off the points of Kenny’s shoulders, smoothing the pain over as he fashions his golden lover a different set of wings. They settle arguments with kisses and sex, foreheads pressed together and lips kiss swollen and sweet. Kenny feels like he’s part of a terrible romance novel. And then, in the blink of an eye and the crack of the ground beneath his feet, Kenny falls from grace sobbing and screaming.
Something inside Kenny turns bitter and evil, his heart grows thorny and angry; he pushes any thoughts about Kota out of his mind with the smell of leather jackets and the sting of English against his tongue. Kenny hides his hurt in black leather hair dye and the stroke of a broom. He makes friends, but he scares them away. Kota becomes a pyer; a burning man for Kenny to stand over, watching the flames reflect in the rose coloured glasses of first love, he grips his hands so tightly into fists that his knuckles go white, but they never lose the itch to touch and kiss and hold Kota’s scarred frame.
Soon it's more than just emotions that separates Kenny from Kota. He watches Hangman from the corner of the locker room, blue eyes squinting under his aviators. “Adam huh?” He whispers to Matt, pretending to ignore the familiar look in the man's brown eyes when he nods and leans his arms against his knees. "You think he’d be a good fit for the bullet club?”
“Kenny I kn-”
“We.-” Nick interrupts from the floor, raising his head from his leg, Kenny rolls his eyes and pushes Nick over with his foot. Chuckling when the blond goes slipping over the floor under his brother's feet.
“Fine. We. We know he’s not exactly…” “Prime material..But just look at him!” Nick raises his arm, pointing at his spot from the floor. Kenny raises his eyes slowly to stare at Adam, repressing the urge to press his face into his hands when Adam knocks over a bottle of water; there's silent panic that crosses his face and Kenny chuckles a little when he throws the shirt in his hands over the spillage. Adam looks at the shirt on the floor before glancing at his hands before back over at his bag. Like he’s trying to finish a complicated question that he challenged himself too. “So he’s a little stupid.”
“He’s cute.” Kenny says eventually, his voice edging upwards in a way that makes the Bucks look at one another, excitement glowing in their eyes. “Go ask him then, or has the cat got ya tongue huh?”
“Yeah Matt, go ask Adam!” Nick shoves his brother off the bench and into standing and Matt wobbles unsteadily on his hands, spinning around to kick his brother in the leg.
“Why me?”
“Because you’re the big brother dumbass.”
Matt huffs, and Kenny is almost quietly thankful that he never had a baby brother to deal with. He’s a little happy that it was only him pressed under the thumb of Don Callis. A small part of him is almost thankful for Don, all the pressure and the anger pushed Ken into where he is now. An even smaller part of him misses the hands that he doesn’t flinch away from. Matt flips his hair and it catches Kenny’s attention, glancing over the rim of his sunglasses when Matt flutters his eyelashes and he simply nods when Adam’s eyes follow over the tanned arm of Matt and over towards the Bullet club leader.
Kenny’s see that look before; the downwards twisted smile of surprise and the redness of a crush growing over the corner of his cheeks. Adam follows behind Matt obediently and Kenny simply smirks.
He likes this one.
Adam settles into the Bullet Club slowly, like a river wearing down the banks. Kenny stands behind him all the time, tugging the strings as Adam chokes another man out. He dubs him the Hangman and seals his new name with a kiss. One that leaves Adam with a red face and puckered lips, leaning forwards to let Kenny dart his tongue into the waiting pinkness of his mouth. Kenny pushes his hands through the blond curls of Adam’s hair and pushes his face forwards, tucking it into the crook of his neck. Adam leans against his shoulder breathing slowly, hands trembling as they undo Kennys’ belt buckle.
Adam sheds the suit and tie for patterned shirts and jeans with faded patches on his knees. Kenny trades new Japan for the familiarity of American soil and he clambers the ranks in AEW, fingers itching to find gold again, Hangman following him behind, the idiot thinking that Kenny’s golden touches are anything more than modeled fools gold. They win the tag titles with the burning of sea salt in their lungs and Adam rides away on the crowd while Kenny stares at him, watching him lose himself in the taste of whiskey.
The rocking of the boat barely compares to the unsteadiness of Adam’s feet when he wanders into the hotel just before sun-rise, giggling at a joke that Kenny is sure he hasn’t even heard. He keeps his eyes closed, listens to the thud of Adam’s boots hitting the floor, the ever so common huff as he fights off his jeans and then the sound of the bed creaking as Adam slumps beside Kenny, pressing whiskey drunk kisses against Kenny’s skin. “Y’smell like the sea.” Adam whispers, alcohol painting his words. It burns Kenny’s skin in a way he hasn't felt in a while, like someone pressing small needles through his skin. He feels the needle-prick bruises brush against his skin as Adams tongue licks at the beats of sweat that building against the dent in his collarbones.
“I went swimming after the show…It was fun, I wish you were there…” Kenny says instead, letting Adam shift their hips together. He feels the weight pushing his hips into the mattress and Kenny can't help the way that he wraps his arms around Adam’s bare chest, squeezing at his pecs, thumbs rolling over his nipples. “Where did you go?”
“Bar…” Adam answers through a pant and Kenny feels like he’s making Adam glow.
Adam glows, bright and golden and Kenny knows who he’s pretending Adam is as he presses a kiss against Adam's neck. Leaving his head tucked against the racing pulse against Adam’s neck.
They kiss tiredly and sloppily, Kenny lining their dicks up so Adam can grind until he’s spilling against Kenny’s bare legs.
They both know who Kenny pretends Adam is while he kisses his neck. Tucking his head snugly under Adam’s chin as he paints him in gold, setting Adam on fire.
Kenny sets Adam on fire with a love that's meant for someone else. He snaps at Adam and pulls his friends back against his heart, refusing to let Adam look them in the eyes while changing. He makes Adam the lost outcast; replacing the warmth of Adam’s body with title after title. Each one sealing a gap in Kenny’s heart with a bandaid that frays around the edges. Adam finds himself in a dark place with dark friends, who hold him with a gentleness that lights a fire under Kenny’s chest. Don comes back to him and Kenny settles into what he remembers; Don voice being the driving force that pushes Kenny though injuries, makes Kenny climb to the top rope and not look back when he leaps backwards. Adam catches him foolishlessly, breathes out his name as softly as the ending of a love song and Kenny chuckles, pushing his face deeper into the ring mat, watching him grit his teeth.
His hands map the shape of someone else's body. He quells the itch to touch his golden lover by plunging his fingers deeper down the wound on Adam’s head, soaking his fingers in his blood. It's so red that Kenny almost thinks that he’s holding Adam's heart again. He follows the drops as they run down his fingers, staining the cuff of his shirt, he licks at the taste of metal and salt off his fingers as he signs the contract in Adam’s blood.
There’s strands of Adam’s hair under his nails.
@smallestsnarkestgirl @skyqueen3 @josiewrites @itsnoosetome @jacedoe
@golden-disaster @sincyrlee @glitchaxolol @daddywrasslin @bikenny
@katries @thegizardofmars @motorcitygem @miru-has-thoughts @powderflower
@miserablecreachur @afterdarkprincess @mobiblackout @pinksuperkliq @harvey-dent
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muttsterion · 10 months
The way you love Kenny is so wholesome and adorable. I love seeing you talk about him so lovingly. He deserves love and I'm glad he has someone like you giving him so much. I just know he can feel how much you love him and it makes him smile.
Thank you! I really appreciate this comment and certainly would like to think there's some way Kennny could feel this love from both me and the other fans that adore him as well. He deserves it for making me/us happy that's for sure. :D
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groggiie · 2 years
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kennny <3 once i get back to medibang im gonna up the quality so hard :') for now here is the boy in all his glory
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mugco · 1 year
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kennny eats kids too
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kagender · 11 months
GIVE ME YOUR 💌 (hi again.)
KENNNY LUUUUCA MY BEST FRIEND LUUUCA. im so glad to have met you because you are just so awesome in general. but i especially adore the uniqueness of your art and how fun you can get with writing infodumps like i ALWAAAYS love reading them. need me a kenny essay once a week at least.
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seanhowe · 2 years
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Future surveillance technologist Kennny Schaffer in his days promoting the Amazing Spider-Man: From Beyond The Grave album, 1972.
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