kenweiweigher · 2 years
Dried Fruit Filling System
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souravsikder · 2 days
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Guangdong Kenwei Intellectualized Machinery Co., Ltd. is devoted to the R&D and manufacturing of multihead weighers, linear weighers, check weighers,combination weigher, metal detectors with high speed and high accuracy. With the continuous exploration, research, and application of advanced technology, we developed more than 30 different models made of different materials including the mini weigher, counting weigher, noodle weigher, frozen food weigher, feeding control weigher, salad weigher, hardware weigher, anchovy fish weigher, screw feeding weigher, mixing weigher, linear weigher, check weigher, metal detector, printer, electronic counting machine, manipulator, conveyor, etc., which are widely used in food, pharmaceutical, chemical, hardware, household, and other fields to meet various requirements of our customers. Kenwei makes unremitting efforts to help global customers and partners save costs and improve their production efficiency. Visit now on: https://www.kenweigh.com/
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pandaaaaaaaaxd · 10 months
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🎉Happy birthday to our dear Master Kenwey🎉 but I'm late 😵
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the-sleepysiren · 10 months
💌 Kenwei n Lady Ombre? 0w0
Ohhhh 💌My + Your oc = How my character would feel about them
Uh othan his flirting she would ignore that /lh But she would be able to read him I think if he tried get his way and try to manipulate him - she had her many years in black spade to read people and be doing favors, anyway-
BUT IF HES NICE TO HER probably would mother him too much - young good looking guy - GOTTA TAKE CARE OF HIM :V
Boost his ego a bit more than it is already you know?
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r0ugarou-lore · 2 months
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Kenweian Katori
Kenwei is the island that the Katori people originally inhabited, and as such, it has the most temperate climate of all the landmasses on Sunea. This is the most standard Katori body type, basically unchanged from the forms they had when the Katori were first created. Many groups of Katori left Kenwei thousands of years ago to settle on the other islands across Sunea, though Kenwei remains the largest and oldest settlement of Katori on the planet. Most of this information is going to be true of every single Katori, so I would recommend starting here since I likely won't be repeating redundant information in the other posts.
More info under the cut.
Kenweian Bodytype
Avg. Height:
Avg. Weight:
Avg. Lifespan:
1. Arms and Legs - Strong limbs for powerful running, climbing, and swimming. A Katori's long arms allow them to switch between bipedal and quadrapedal locomotion with ease. Katori are pretty much universally faster while quadrapedal, though many Katori spend the majority of their lives bipedal due to their job, lifestyle, or personal preference. For example a Katori handling a lot of food, or tending to wounded or sick individuals will stay bipedal most of the time, to keep their paws clean. Hunters favor quadrapedal locomotion for their jobs, and children favor quadrapedal locomotion for their mischief.
2. Vertebrae - All Katori have extremely strong and flexible vertebrae, which allows them to move both bipedally and quadrapedally without issue. Their strong back keeps them stable in both orientations and a flexible neck let's them adjust their head position according to their posture. Specialized structures of soft cartilage along the vertebrae further support strength and flexibility and also help reduce wear. As an added bonus all of this makes it so the Katori backbone is incredibly hard to break or even injure severely; the strength makes it resistant to trauma and the flexibility gives it a wider range of motion before things become dangerous.
3. Joints - All of the Katori's major joints (hips, shoulders, wrists, etc.) also boast incredible strength and flexibility for the same reasons listed above. Most of these joins also have the same specialized cartilage that the vertebrae do.
4. Tail - A Katori's tail is extremely important to them, both physically and culturally. It acts as a counterweight for both bipedal and quadrapedal movement, and also aids in climbing and anchoring. All Katori tails are semi-prehensile, meaning they can wrap around things like tree branches but lack the fine motor skills needed for complex manipulation. Tails are also a prominent part of Katori culture. Both their tails and ears are very expressive and thus make up the majority of the Katori's nonverbal communication. Touching another Katori's tail or intertwining tails is considered an intimate action (though not necessarily a romantic one). Very young Katori hold their tails while they sleep, and for many Katori this persists into adulthood.
It is, of course, possible for a Katori to lose all or part of their tail, either due to a congenital deformity or injury. The severity of the effect this has on their life depends on how much of the tail is missing. Shorter tails will cause issues with balance in one or both postures. Katori with little to no tail will find it difficult, even impossible, to perform some nonverbal gestures. Very simple prosthetics do exist, but they are only effective up to a certain point, and the more tail that is missing the less a prosthetic will be able to do.
5. Hands and Feet - A Katori's hands and feet are both usually referred to as paws. All four paws have pawpads and retractable claws. Their front paws have three fingers and an opposable thumb and their back paws have three toes and a dewclaw (not pictured).
6. Eyes, Ears, and Nose - Katori have exceptional sight, hearing, and senses of smell. Their sense of smell is comparable to a dog's and their sight is comparable to a cat's, including nightvision. A Katori's ears are also very expressive and utilized heavily in their nonverbal communication.
7. Mane - All Katori possess a ridge of fur starting at the top of their head and ending at about their mid back. This fur is longer and a different texture than the fur on the rest of their body. A Katori's mane is always a different color than their body fur. Like human head hair, their mane grows continuously and requires trimming to keep it short. The style and length of a Katori's mane depends on the individual's preferences, though each island has certain styles that are popular there for climate related reasons. Manes can be dyed and accessorized.
8. Tusks - All Katori have two small protruding tusks. When Katori are born their tusks are receded into their gums like the rest of their teeth and they will emerge and grow with age. Tusks are the only teeth that a Katori will not lose and regrow during maturation (i.e. kid loses baby tooth, adult tooth replaces it). Tusks continue to grow for a Katori's entire life, but the growth rate slows considerably once they reach maturity. Decorating their tusks is a big part of Katori culture, and symmetry of the decor is extremely important. The most common adornment is a set of tusk caps made from metal and sometimes decorated with engravings.
Other popular accessories include:
- Tusk rings. Like the tusk caps they are also made of metal. Rings are often used in sets with two or three on each tusk.
- Painting. Pretty self explanatory, they paint the tusks. This is a very impermenant option and requires frequent touch ups, but some Katori prefer it and don't mind the extra work. This method is basically non existent on Dowei (the fishing island).
- "Piercings". This involves drilling a small hole through the tusk and attaching jewelry. Tusks only have nerve endings very close to the base of the tooth so if done correctly this procedure is completely painless.
- Chains and leather wraps. Sometimes the tethers will connect the two tusks, other times each tusk will have its own tether connecting somewhere else, it just depends on the individual.
- Sharpening, carving, and shaping. Like with "piercings" these procedures shouldn't cause pain if done correctly. A Katori may simply choose to sharpen their tusks, either just the tip or, less commonly, down the length a little. Some opt for intricate carvings over part or all of their tusks, and may also choose to rub dye over their tusks to fill the impressions with color. Another option is "shaping" which involves carving off a large portion of the tusks to give them a different shape, like spiral, zigzag, etc. It is quite uncommon to see a Katori with "shaped" tusks, as the process takes a long time, requires a professional, and more often than not weakens the tusks to some degree.
Edgy rebellious teens will sometimes intentionally decorate their tusks asymmetrically. Asymmetry has been getting slightly more popular in recent years, but most Katori still consider it very unattractive.
A Katori's tusks are strong, but not invincible. Tusks can crack, chip and break under the right circumstances. Cracks and small chips are usually repaired with clay or glue. If the entire tusk breaks off the tooth could be repaired in any number of ways depending on the situation and preference of the Katori. Popular options are metal and clay. A Katori choosing not to repair or replace a tusk is inconceivable.
9. Reproduction - The Katori people consists of only one sex that has both reproductive systems. All Katori are capable of both impregnation and gestation once they reach sexual maturity. Which role a Katori plays in baby making is up to them and their partner(s). Katori do not have genders, and as such they do not have gendered pronouns. Pronouns are determined by age and/or rank. Children have a different pronoun than adults, Guild Masters have a different pronoun than apprentices.
A bit of meta info: For the sake of simplicity just refer to all Katori with they/them pronouns. In a theoretical AU where the planet Sunea exists in a universe with earth and has contact with humans, most Katori would choose to use they/them pronouns. Some individuals who spend a lot of time around/working with humans may eventually choose to go by a gendered pronoun (i.e. he or she), but cases like this would be the minority.
Kenweian Clothing
As mentioned above, Kenwei has the mildest climate out of all the Sunean islands, which means its inhabitants don't have to worry about extreme weather or temperature. Kenwian fashion is thus very simple and versatile, and utilizes both leather and cloth. Most Katori on Kenwei opt for outfits with low coverage (as seen above) for comfort and maneuverability. Footwraps are not necessary to traverse the terrain, but are relatively common notheless.
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qocsuing · 11 months
The Revolution of Packaging: Multihead Packing Machines
The Revolution of Packaging: Multihead Packing Machines In the fast-paced world of manufacturing and packaging, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. One innovation that has significantly improved these aspects is the multihead packing machine.To get more news about multihead packing machine, you can visit ft-pack.com official website.
A multihead packing machine, also known as a multihead weigher, is a sophisticated device designed for high-speed weighing and packaging of products1. It comprises a hopper, multiple weigh heads, and a discharge chute1. Each head weighs a predetermined portion of the product and discharges it into a bucket. This process ensures precise measurement and quick packaging, making it an indispensable tool in both food and non-food industries. Multihead weigher packing equipment usually consists of a multihead weigher and collar-type packing machines. The multihead weigher weighs the filling materials and puts them into a lapel packing machine used for forming bags, filling, sealing, and cutting3. Common combination weighers include ten head weighers and fourteen head weighers.
Companies like Kenwei and Ishida are leading manufacturers of multihead weighers. Kenwei offers a variety of weigher machines, including meat weighers, hardware weighers, and mini weighers. They also provide a two-year warranty for all customers who purchase their multi-head weighers4. On the other hand, Ishida, with over 120 years of experience, offers the RV Series Multi Head Weigher, known for its speed, toughness, and intelligence.
These machines are not only efficient but also customizable to meet the individual needs of different customers4. By accurately calculating and controlling the time of the hopper motor, the delay time of the linear vibrator, and the running time of the vibrator, various interference factors on the weight reading are avoided as much as possible4. This results in high accuracy and strong stability.
In conclusion, the multihead packing machine has revolutionized the packaging industry. Its ability to weigh and package products at high speeds with remarkable accuracy has made it an essential tool in various sectors. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more improvements and innovations in this field, further enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the packaging process.
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We are a professional multihead weigher and packaging machine manufacturer for 13 years.
Could you please contact with us when you feel free?
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sapphic--kiwi · 4 years
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Douxie Appreciation Week Day Four: Ash Dispersal Pattern
Meet Ash Dispersal Pattern, a punk-rock band comprised of three immortal young adults with a penchant for varying forms of magic.
Standing members: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan (lead guitar/frontman), Zoe (bass/vocals), and Kenwei "Kenny" Opeyemi (drums/backup vocals)
(More about Kenny under the cut)
@ohfuzzbuckets @moppetwithamanbun
Kenny was born somewhere in West Africa in the 15th century. She has always loved music in many forms as the centuries passed, especially percussion instruments. When she was 20, her mentor and mother figure taught her the spell for immortality. Several years later, she earned her reputation and rightful place as her village's protector after a changeling assassinated said mentor and she hunted them down.
She met Douxie (and Archie) in the 1700s when they were tailing a rogue troll and ended up (literally) running into her just outside her village as she was practicing her nature magic, and after confirming they were friendly and meant no harm, she offered them some food and a place to sleep while they were in the area. During their stay in Kenny's village, Douxie and Kenny became fast friends, and they swapped spells - Douxie taught her his translation spell so she could use it in the future. About 50 years later, Douxie visited Kenny again, bringing his best friend Zoe along, and the three of them spent several weeks developing a friendship.
After a couple hundred more years, countless major world events, and many more cross-continental visits from Douxie and/or Zoe, Kenny finally moved to Arcadia, California in 1950, and the three wizards started a garage band on a whim. After a lot of late nights writing songs, they came up with the name "Ash Dispersal Pattern" while having brunch (cooked by Kenny).
More facts about Kenny:
- her favorite color is purple
- she has a magical bracer like Douxie only hers is a dusty red color
- her magic is nature/water oriented mostly and tends to be blue-green in color
- her favorite thing to wear is crop tops, especially in bright colors and "retro" patterns
- her oldest piercing is her nose piercing - she's had it since she was about 30
- she doesn't have a staff but does have magical drumsticks that double as wands - much like Douxie and his spellcaster guitar, she stores them as a spell in her bracer when she's not using them
- sexuality: bisexual
- she shares an apartment with Zoe
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evgeny1984 · 5 years
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Блок от компании #kenwei который позволяет подключить к #видеодомофон до 4 вызывных панелей. Совместимость с производителями других марок надо проверять. #ProfConnect #установкавидеокамер #установкаБолид #установкасистембезопасности #монтажслаботочныхсистем (at Moscow) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcYzw6JkIs/?igshid=dejvt7em8922
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souravsikder · 2 days
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Guangdong Kenwei Intellectualized Machinery Co., Ltd. is devoted to the R&D and manufacturing of multihead weighers, linear weighers, check weighers,combination weigher, metal detectors with high speed and high accuracy. With the continuous exploration, research, and application of advanced technology, we developed more than 30 different models made of different materials including the mini weigher, counting weigher, noodle weigher, frozen food weigher, feeding control weigher, salad weigher, hardware weigher, anchovy fish weigher, screw feeding weigher, mixing weigher, linear weigher, check weigher, metal detector, printer, electronic counting machine, manipulator, conveyor, etc., which are widely used in food, pharmaceutical, chemical, hardware, household, and other fields to meet various requirements of our customers. Kenwei makes unremitting efforts to help global customers and partners save costs and improve their production efficiency. Visit now on: https://www.kenweigh.com/multihead-weighers
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pandaaaaaaaaxd · 11 months
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There are many forms of the word '操纵' in English, and I don't know which one would better fit the meaning of 'manipulating others and influencing people's hearts' used to name this painting. However, as the' godfather ', Haytham himself is also a person who has been manipulated by another person since childhood and cannot get rid of it. He needs to first possess the courage and ability to match the identity of' godfather ', and must first learn and then become proficient, To replace someone (or to completely recycle them from someone would be more appropriate), one would have to frequently use various abilities that have been distorted and forced to learn to manipulate others - Edward did not teach young Haytham that way, using them for the right things would make a better contribution, and would not bring many man-made disasters. Therefore, he never enjoyed being addicted, and even grew tired of being distorted with his own age and experience, even if all of it was owned by him. Just like Haytham in the original game and novel: I am proficient in killing and swordsmanship, but I never take pleasure in it. Because that was not the path of life he wanted decades ago, nor was it Eduardo's wish. However, he could no longer start over and could only completely end this period of life so that his only remaining family members would not be involved again. That was the only way he could express and convey his family affection. (The above is my current understanding and second interpretation of the Kenwey family. If there are any shortcomings, please forgive me.)
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gdkenwei-blog · 5 years
The combination weighing technology represents the highest level and development direction of today's weighing technology with its high precision and high speed. In the past, China mainly relied on imports from Japan, Australia and other countries. Due to the high price, it hindered the wide application of computer combination scales. popular. However, with the rapid development of China's commodity packaging in the direction of high speed and high accuracy, computer combination scales will quickly enter China's commodity processing and packaging industry. It can be said that the development of the packaging industry has promoted the development of weighing technology. At the same time, weighing technology has also improved the packaging level and promoted the development of the packaging industry. Guangdong Kenwei Intellectualized Machinery Co.,Ltd.has become a professional manufacturing base for large-scale combination scales in China. It is the first in China to receive the “Guangdong Province Industry-University-Research Technology Project Combination Award” in the field of combination scales. "In honor of the company, in 2017 relying on the support of more than 800 new and old customers from 87 countries and abroad, to achieve sales of more than 5,000 sets of weighing packaging equipment, 2018 Kenwei company layout semi-automatic production mode, refine the sub-components The specialized production mode can achieve 7,000 sets of production capacity while accelerating the production cycle. Kenwei has undoubtedly become a brand that the packaging machinery industry relies on.
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It is suitable for weighing slice, roll or regular shape products such as sugar, salt, seed , rice , sesame, glutamate, milk powder, coffee, and season powder, etc.
Email address: [email protected]
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kenweigh2 · 3 years
Looking for checkweigher manufacturers? Guangdong Kenwei is a professional check weigher supplier. Contact us now!
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