#KIU random convos
dragonsdomain · 1 year
Random Convo: Holding character weapon
Pit: It's a little weird holding a weapon based off someone I know. Who's making these?
Palutena: Someone probably commissioned them, maybe from Dyntos.
Pit: I mean, I get that for the ones based off gods. But what about the Magnus Club? The Gaol Blade? And how did Dark Pit get a staff named after him?
Palutena: Jealous?
Pit: Well, yeah, a little!
Palutena: If you had a weapon made for you, which kind would it be?
Pit: Ooh... maybe a bow 'cause that's classic... or a blade 'cause I'm versatile... but I'm strong and reliable, like a club or cannon...
Palutena: Or constantly feeding off of things, like a palm.
Pit: Hey! It takes a lot of energy to fight all these enemies!
Palutena: No comeback?
Pit: I know who I'm not comissioning for my weapon.
Palutena: Oof. That was a good comeback.
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dragonsdomain · 11 months
Random Convo: Holding Aurum weapon
Pit: I feel kind of uncomfortable fighting with an Aurum weapon.
Palutena: If it's any consolation, they're not actually from the Aurum. Dyntos just copied their technology.
Pit: That doesn't really make me feel better. Dyntos has done some weird stuff.
Palutena: ...If it's alright for me to ask, why do these weapons in particular make you uncomfortable? You haven't had trouble with other weapons based off your enemies.
Pit: Well, that whole Aurum situation was really weird. You remember what happened to Pyrrhon? He tried to control the Aurum, but...
Palutena: ...They ended up controlling him instead.
Pit: And I had to watch. He's somewhere out in space now. Not in control of his own body.
Palutena: I can see why that would have been disturbing.
Pit: Yeah...
Palutena: This isn't just about Pyrrhon, is it?
Pit: Maybe we can talk about the rest some other time. After I've switched to a nicer weapon.
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dragonsdomain · 1 year
Random Convo: Never learned how to read
Dark Pit: So... how was the Aurum invasion?
Pit: Oh, it was great! They had such cool jazz music! If only you'd bothered to show up.
Dark Pit: Nobody told me about it!
Pit: Oh.... sorry.
Palutena: We managed without you, but next time there's a world-ending invasion, we'll be sure to ring you up.
Pit: "Managed", huh? That's an understatement. I almost died!
Palutena: I doubt you would've wanted what you yelled as you were falling to be your final words. You might want to workshop that.
Pit: You heard that?
Palutena: You yelled it, Pit.
Dark Pit: What did you yell?
Pit: Nothing important.
Palutena: Aww, are you getting shy about it? Come on, tell him.
Pit: ...I said ...”I never learned how to read.”
Dark Pit: Wh‒ huh?
Palutena: I admit, I was a little confused too.
Dark Pit: You know how to read.
Pit: Yeah. But I wanted someone to teach me.
Dark Pit: But you know how.
Pit: I just wanted to learn it! It sounds nice! Like, practicing making my letters pretty in a book with lines, reading about a girl saying “go, Spot, go!” and getting praised for doing a good job!
Palutena: Oh, Pit! That's so adorable!
Pit: Augh! Stop! Let's talk about something else!
Dark Pit: You don’t want to learn how to read, you want a childhood.
Pit: Well, just lay it bare, why don’t you?
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dragonsdomain · 1 year
Random Convo: Holding default weapon
Pit: This weapon is great! Can't go wrong with the classics!
Palutena: You're right! That weapon is a staple of its kind, isn't it?
Pit: Mmhm. Cool special abilities are great, but sometimes it's nice to just have something reliable.
Palutena: Just like you!
Pit: Aww, thanks-- wait, are you saying I'm reliable, or that I don't have any cool abilities?
Palutena: I just said you're like that weapon.
Pit: But what did you mean?
Palutena: Hmm...
Pit: I have cool abilities! I can run fast!
Palutena: Hmm...
Pit: I'm good at fighting monsters!
Palutena: Ah, just like your weapon.
Pit: No! I'm special!
Palutena: Just as special as a weapon that's unique among its peers as the default.
Pit: You're so cold...
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dragonsdomain · 1 year
Random Convo: Chimichangas
Palutena: I wonder why Medusa has snakes on her head.
Viridi: I know, right? They don’t match her brand at all. If she’s trying to be scary, why’d she pick such an adorable creature?
Pit: Snakes are adorable?
Viridi: Of course! Just look at this picture I’m projecting into your brain:
Pit: Uh… okay…
Palutena: Unfortunately it is a statistical fact that many humans find snakes frightening.
Viridi: Ugh, humans! So there’s another thing to add to the list of reasons all humans need to die.
Pit: That’s not fair, you’re biased. Why don’t you listen to some of the items on our list of reasons all humans don’t need to die?
Viridi: This oughta be good.
Pit: Reason 1: Humans are great.
Viridi: I’ve already lost all respect for your list.
Palutena: Reason 2: Chimichangas.
Viridi: I don’t know what that is, but it sounds awful.
Pit: You’ve never had a chimichanga?
Palutena: Of course… How could someone possibly hate the human race if they’d ever had a chimichanga?
Viridi: Okay, now you’re just messing with me. Chimichangas sound like something you just made up on the spot.
Palutena: Someone sounds a little hangry. You should have a chimichanga.
Pit: Lady Palutena might be joking, but I mean I could totally bring you a chimichanga if you want to try one.
Viridi: Try that and I’ll hit you with a moon laser.
Palutena: Now where would you get one of those?
Viridi: I’d build another one just so that I don’t have to hear about your stupid human chimichangas!
Pit: Oh, by the way, that’s what Medusa’s snakes were for. Lasers.
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