lunarreaper-ut · 2 years
Here i am again xD
I know about the Cast now but...
what are the KV! Maincast (killer, cross, nightmare, dream) favorite flavor pallette (dishes and Snacks)??
The main cast have that kind of info in their references, but I'll put them here for you >w< I'll also write down the main cast's alternate names! (To differentiate them from their original counterparts)
King (KV!Nightmare) He likes Tea and Coffee, mostly preferring Killer's blends of both, but he doesn't mind a good chai tea or dark roast coffee! He has a bit of a sweet tooth, so he likes pastries and chocolate, but his favorite food is Black Forest Cake!
Majesty (KV!Dream) His Majesty likes a good wine actually! He likes sweeter wines, but white wine is also a favorite. His favorite meal is French Onion Soup, but he loves breads (Specifically croissants), and Sun Apple Tarts! (Sun Apple Tarts are made with a specific species of apple found only in the Kingdom!)
Faris (KV!Cross) He's a sucker for sweets, macarons and white chocolate being his favorites! He also loves chocolate milk, but he rarely drinks it because it seems a bit childish. His favorite meal would be a rare steak!
Kane (KV!Killer) He likes most alcohols honestly, but he prefers a good beer or ale over most wines. He likes spicy foods more than others, and has a preferences for meat dishes. He also has a soft spot for cinnamon candies!
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karineverse · 1 month
Lil guy!!!!
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sukugo · 1 year
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had a dream about naivash handjob and my first thought when i woke up was "i have to draw it" so here they are!
uncensored here
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elalalune · 1 year
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Opening pre-orders for ORV and TRIGUN prints!
UPDATE: ⏳PO ends at March 25, 10 am EST
📝 Form: (x)
[Reblogs appreciated 🙇‍♀️]
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insinirate · 1 year
stampede kv are out to get me man why did they do that to their music
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Honkai: Star Rail | Character Sprites From Version 2.0 "If One Dreams At Midnight" Trailblaze Mission Menu
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kitafter · 1 year
Okay excuse my plantcest babbling but KV where the twins were separated at birth, adopted by two very different families in very different parts of the city at an age so young Vash doesnt remember Nai at all and Nai only has a vague inclining of his baby brother. Vash is an impression in Nai's memory nothing more.
So Vash grows up so happy in a family of all teachers and he grows up loud and sweet and such a bookworm. Nai is different, because of course he is. Nai grows up in a family that is cold and distant, a family of billionaires and CEOs who are ruthless in every aspect of life. He learns early and often that money is everything and money can get him anything he wants. And he wants it all.
There is no reason they should ever cross paths, except it's raining one afternoon and Nai runs into the nearest Cafe, cursing and waiting for the car he called and Vash is there. He's sitting by the window reading and Nai is stunned. Knocked stupid. Everything clicks and he knows Vash, deep in his bones where Vash has always lived as just an impression, just a memory.
It's clear from the politely confused look Vash gives him that he doesn't remember Nai, doesn't know who he is, and Nai finds he's relieved. He can tell already Vash grew up soft and Nai needs him in such a way that it's just easier if Vash thinks he's a handsome stranger, attracted to him just by chance.
Nai needs him more than anything and he always gets what he wants.
Cut to one month later and Nai is draping jewels around Vash's neck despite his boyfriend's many protests. It's clear Vash is uncomfortable in the splendor Nai occupies, in the way he shows Vash off with a possessive hand on his back, his wrist, his neck. But Vash also sees the small, satisfied smile Nai has when Vash let's him play dress up without complaint and it really is no trouble at all. So he gives in and it doesn't hurt at all.
Two months later Nai is putting in vacation days for Vash at work and whisking him away to places Vash has only heard about, not even dreamed about. And yes, it's annoying and a little tiresome that Nai thinks he can control Vash's schedule like that, but then Nai calls him over to look at the view of the Eiffel Tower from their suite and Vash can't help but kiss him and kiss him and kiss him.
Three months later their engaged.
It's when they apply for the wedding license that the whole truth comes out.
Vash is devastated, worried by the ethics, by what they had done just that morning that left Vash limping and warm and feeling oh so adored and owned. He's worried by how much he's given in, and by how much he doesn't want to give this up.
It's a shock when Nai only shrugs. It's even more alarming when he just says he always suspected they were twins. When later Nai holds Vash's chin, forcing them to stand side by side, to look in the mirror and see...Vash feels like a fool.
Nai has no interest in calling off the wedding or telling anyone at all. So it won't be legal? Nai has more money than anyone can comprehend.
He'll make it legal.
And yes, there is a period of time where Vash protests and cries and runs away for a month because they "shouldn't be doing this, not when they know now," and yes, it's aggravating, but Nai is just as unsurprised when Vash shows back up again, sobbing, and begging for Nai to take him back.
And Nai may be cruel and heartless, but he's never been that way with Vash, so of course he takes him back.
They get married on a beautiful spring day on a little private island Nai bought just for the occasion. Vash doesn't even protest the luxury and Nai knows from that that he really has him now.
Nobody knows their secret but Vash and Nai, and it's utterly utterly perfect. Nai takes Vash's hands with a grip just shy of too tight, crushing the rings against their fingers enough to bruise.
This is all his, Nai's. His husband. His brother. His. Forever.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 month
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kirbyvolt · 2 months
The One-Hundred Percent Factual KV Lore
Welcome friends and not friends and not friends that may someday be friends to the official KirbyVolt/KV lore post about the very bright entity himself! Even though I've shared much of myself through my commentary on my videos, I've never properly sat down to explain my full story. 'Tis a shame it's taken me nearly 10 years to do so within this social platform, but nevertheless and here we are. Right off the bat I was born in the 80s but raised in the 90s, so my pop culture lexicon has an approximate ratio of 80/90 on a scale of 200%. Ending my scholarly years sometime in the mid to late aughts or whatever people call them—I say let's just call them the Secret Agent Years—I befell an accident of my human form. Now for most this would've been very non-lethal, but the amount of surgery upon my teeth required that my consciousnesses be transported to a more ideal body despite my human one functioning fine otherwise. Obviously the form you see me in the most, the orange Kirby with green hair, was the new form I settled on as carried out by the KSA or the Kool Secret Assembly, if you want to get technical. Starting the 10s... teens... 2010s... one of those anyway, it was found my original form could still function as necessary, and as such a new space was carved out in my belly in order for my true form to pilot the original form's mech-like persona. Technically, my old form still works just fine now that the teeth have been fixed, but I prefer my more compact self though it does make traversing the world a bit harder. Reading up on the trends in the early 2010s I became fascinated with Let's Plays and playthroughs, so I began right then in there of the summer of 2010 uploading silly videos to Youtube. As it happens though, not many know about this time as a recording in early 2013—the unlucky year—had me so infuriated and cursing that I hated it and never aired it, vowing to do better instead of just get mad. Now about a year later, I effectively “nuked” my original content and began to upload in earnest in 2014 starting with the StreetPass Plaza series of videos... which I never technically finished! Getting footage off the 3DS was something I was excited to do though, as Kirby Triple Deluxe was just about to release on my birthday! Emboldened to play a Kirby game blind on the channel once again (I technically did in the nuked videos with Return to Dream Land), Triple Deluxe became my first official complete Let's Play under the new umbrella where I promised to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never ever ever ever ever curse. Regrettably, as much as I think it would be fun to get the nuked footage back and upload as a sort of “KV after Dark” type series of videos, the videos themselves got corrupted both in my files and on Youtube somehow, creating this very annoying loud static sound every 3 seconds. So instead I've focused my efforts to provide new content since the Triple Deluxe days, working with wonderful artist friends and commissioning much channel art of myself!
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liquorisce · 9 months
it’s been so long since i’ve hung out here. i miss my anonymous friends, i hope u guys are well and thriving!
since this is still my writing blog, i figured i would write here about my writing and what i’m working on, and what i’m not working on.
i recently posted boy next door, which i am actually really in love with, and have completed 75% of, so for the first time ever i have SOME confidence in finishing it. i feel like it is the type of story that is so natural that there will never really be a perfect conclusion. But some meaningfully literary conclusion is plausible, lol, so i will attempt it. i am also really floored by the comments I’ve received. they’ve been really encouraging and kind, and some felt like I was being congratulated by a group of peers who have grown with me and seen changes in my writing style that i thought no one apart from me would ever notice or care about. in that way, fandom is kind of amazing because it feels like we are all in some sort of cohort together, and even in this vast space of chaos I have found some friends, and some kind souls who I can chat with in corridors, who peep in occasionally and see what I’m doing and encourage me positively in a personal manner. I am able to return this to others too. That’s pretty cool.
i had a tough situation with my health, or rather my inability to handle my health problems in an adult manner, but after many weeks of deleting social media apps and forceful grass-touching (extensive physiotherapy), i am trying to visit the online areas of my life again in moderate frequencies, because this is where I get to feel like a writer. I do not get to feel like a writer in my 40h a week IT consultancy job LOL. There are no artists for miles, unfortunately and it feels like I’m going insane sometimes, being around normies. (jk, maybe… not)
people have asked if i’m giving up on idily and i’m really not, the next chapter is just a tricky one, so it’s taking a while. We are now moving into a really plot-heavy part of the story, which is definitely new territory for me as far as my skills are concerned, so I’m doing a lot of writing ideas and staring at unmoving pages etc. It’s fine, I’m not despairing, as long as I’m still in love with the general story we’ll get somewhere. I will post chap 10 after I have written Chap 11 as well I’m thinking, so that I can be a bit more certain of how we’re moving with this story. Either way, expect rewrites and detail revisions bc I’m unreliable.
Darling - which is largely just a personal project that I envision in the shape of Ymir and Historia (and Rod Reiss) - will also resume. The way Darling gets updated is like so: it feels like a fever dream of craziness, all tinted red and then I get desperate and open my gdocs and blurt out some melodramatic shit. It’s an interesting process and maybe I can make it work bc the whole point is that the story is told through the form of “love letters” from an unreliable narrator. It’s fun, and kind of crazy, and I hope I can finish it this year.
as the life of a fic writer is constantly burdened by wips, i decided to try @/ betts’s method of triaging wips. (her writing advice is amazing, gospel). so realistically these are the three stories i will update this year (and hope foolishly to complete): Darling, IDILY & Boy Next Door. If I finish even one, I’m throwing a party fr. But I will try my best at all 3, regardless. Oh, and I’m participating in a KV Mini Bang (Trigun), so I will be posting an absolutely filthy one shot by the end of the year. But this means ALL other stories are either Rolled off to next year or abandoned. I will make another post about the specifics once I am done with the diagnosis part of the triage. But I feel kinda happy that I am limiting my scope to this for the year (it’s still a LOT, lol).
In terms of original writing: I have quite some ideas floating around… some have made it onto their own google docs, some are flowing via rewrites (bylb for example) and have made moderate progress, another is vaguely brewing in my mind in a way that makes me want to write a short story of it first and try to submit it somewhere first… or post it on ao3 lol, idk. but the idea is exciting: it is an indian sapphic love story which goes strong on the forbidden love themes (and infidelity). it’ll be the first time i’m writing something that is so close to my experience growing up, so i am curious to see how that turns out.
anyway, i’m going to try to do this more often, i.e, at least once more before the year ends :)
(if anyone is reading) see u next time!
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karineverse · 2 months
Drem Snas
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thesimplicityofchance · 10 months
Was tagged by @daisiest-daisy
Are you named after anyone? Nope I think my mom just picked some names she liked.
Do you have any kids? Nope, but I do eventually want one or two. But that all depends on my partner.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes but I feel like I'm bad at it so I hold back 😂
When was the last time you cried? Like two days ago rewatching a scene from a show. Because this person suffered such a shit fate and only in death did their spirit get to go where it wanted.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Hands and mouth.
Eye color? Blue sometimes people say it's almost grey.
What sports do you/have you played? I played basketball and was attempted to be recruited like 6 times by football coaches in school.
Any special talent? I'm really good at remembering pathes, I'm usually the one in charge of leading the way on hikes.
Where were you born? The mountains, I'm the only one from my generation in the family that wasn't born at the beach.
What are your hobbies? Woodworking I love it I'm building a new custom shelf for my room I can't wait to show it off! And gaming love me those survival crafting games.
Do you have any pets? I have two dogs, a snake, and just got a new fish tank set up.
How tall are you? 6'2
Favorite subject in school? Science.
Dream job? Lego brickmaster or one of those people that gets paid to walk around and observe national parks!
I will tag some of y'all if you wanna do it! @sarraaaa @t0astedpeach @endlesslyanya @orphicdays @amee-in-wonderland @m-kv @s1ayer
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vashtxt · 1 year
Type: Drabble
Characters: Vash the Stampede / Millions Knives (mentioned)
Ship: Plantcest / KV
Background: Angst
" Hey, are you listening? "
Weird, who was that voice from? Vash looked around. At first everything was a blank space and when he looked at his hands, he noticed he was a child.
"You rarely space out, what's wrong?"
That voice again. Who was talking to him? Where was he? Was it a dream maybe? 
He began to walk around that empty space. There was nothing to do more than walk and see if there was an exit. 
But the more he was walking, the more he was feeling anxious. Why was that? Did he forget something? Did he forget someone?
"It 's alright. Don't be scared. I'll protect you."
Vash stopped walking after those words. Slowly, he approached his right hand on his chest. The anxiety was still there, he was feeling a great pain there, and he did not know why. 
But, at the same time, he got a thought, a simple thought that said "I miss you".
Tears started to fall around his cheeks, the pain was getting worse and worse.
"It's okay. I'll find you again."
The man woke up immediately from his bed. He looks at himself, he only has his right arm. No left arm, his hair was straight down, maybe a bit messy after that weird dream.
He looked around, he was feeling the dream disappearing slowly from his memories. He started to sob, lowering his head. His right hand went to hide his own face, while he heard a door open.
A woman opened the door and went to him, she had listened to him.
"Eriks? Eriks… are you okay?" 
Silence. Eriks forgot who he was, but at the same time was missing someone so bad. Someone who can't remember. Someone who would do whatever for him.
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insinirate · 7 months
You posted on twt about giving people psychic damage and then last night I had a dream that you mailed all of your followers a giant KV brochure that contained obscure, non-existent memes referencing the fact that their birthday is on the 21st. Like that number meant something. In my dream I assumed the psychic damage was mass mailing your followers but now I think the damage was the dream itself. Anyway. Keep it up.
i think the actual psychic damage was saying id inflict it but never follow up on it
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kylermalloy · 6 months
Ghosts of Lovers Past, Present, and Future, Chapter 16
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Fandom: Trigun Stampede
Characters: Millions Knives/Vash the Stampede, Tesla, Rem Saverem
Chapter Word Count: 5322
Vash’s free hand flails, batting Nai away. His head strains back from Nai, pulling as far as his restraint will allow. “Nai, you—you’re…”
“Nai, you’re sick. You’re hurting me.” Vash’s voice shakes.
“No. No. I love you. Vash, I love you.”
“I don’t want your love, Nai. This isn’t love.”
Yes, it is. I’m saving you.
Read more
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Honkai: Star Rail Character Sprites From Version 1.4 "Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream" Main KV
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