nyashykyunnie · 8 months
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hellonerf · 5 months
Draw America in heat 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Make him a lil omega kyyaaaa~
pondering if this is someone trying to request omegaverse under the guise of an ironic cringe ass joke or if its just a cringe ass joke
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gladosluver · 7 days
yui samidare: kyyaaaa!!! how are we supposed to "black" this "challenge" if the summoned detective wont call out the criminal already?!?!!?!?
the gluttonous suisei nanamura:
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residentevillover · 3 months
KYYAAAA!!! Just saw the donna drawing, you so talented my pookie boo 😻😻😻 thankyou!!
-Pookie anon
Anytime for a fellow Donna enjoyer
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starkissedblade · 6 months
im saying “kyyaaaa! ( > ō < )/“ in my head every time i boop someone
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
Kyyaaaa, omg I love your story of Apollo x reader, I screamed with emotion, I laughed at the literal Percy part, the poor thing is one of the children who cry at the wedding
Percy is definitely one of those who cries at weddings, he was so angry and afraid to let his sister go. BUT LET'S GO AS IF HE WERE NOT DOING THE SAME WITH ANNIE BOO NAH
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lumimis · 8 months
kyyaaaa >_<
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benexpy · 1 year
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kyyaaaa!! damn you len...........
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karmagrind · 5 years
Hhhhhhh I will miss you ;v; even if we didn't really talk, I think you are a really cool person and I hope you have a great time ahead~ 💖🙏 Thank you for making me smile with your art.
Thank you dear! Hope you don’t mind this scribble of Ada because mischievous Ada is literally my brand™ and I love seeing your comics✨
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Sorry for all the missed opportunities because interwebs interaction is personally very difficult (jk i’m really just awkward) and my social/work schedules always took priority over Tumblr ahahargh… (TuT) But thank you so much for sending this message~ you truly are the most awesome and amazing person between us. Cheers!
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haechan-sshi · 8 years
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lemonjelloarts · 3 years
Love Letters
[2.5k Reguri (Red x Blue/Green Oak) one shot.]
The Kantonian Gym Trainers on Ula'Ula Island absolutely LOVE Green. And Red loves Green, too- that's something that they just so happen to have in common.
[Established relationship, set in Alola. Domestic hijinks and fluff- but has use of strong language/cursing in passing!]
“There’s all the Choice stuff down there, too.” Green had been babbling for about half an hour now about the contents of the Battle Point exchange shop down at the Tree’s base, informing Red of its contents with piqued interest as if the two of them weren’t the ones who placed the very orders to stock it a few weeks prior. “I’m thinking of picking up an extra Band for Aerodactyl. He always seems to wear through them as soon as he gets them, the little bastard.”
The Pokémon in question was far from little, and actually one of Green’s favorites, but Red tactfully chose to refrain from correcting that. In fact, he hardly participated in the conversation at all, having mentally checked out of it about twenty minutes ago; he and Green had the rest of their lives to share in their mutual passion for battle strategy, so he was confident that whatever he was missing now would be regurgitated in multiple conversations throughout the next few days anyways. Green liked to talk in circles after all- he did more than enough talking for the both of them, and Red wouldn’t have him any other way. It was a trait of his former rival’s that he’d always found incredibly stupidly endearing, all the way from the moment it first become apparent that Red was a particularly quiet child.
So instead of investing himself into the BP talk, Red focused his attention on the small yellow Pokémon sprawled on its back in his lap, smiling toothily to himself as he flopped the little rodent’s paws up and down in a playful way.
“Kyyaaaa!” His Pikachu cooed, interrupting Green and seemingly jump-starting the spiky haired young man into remembering a point he’d meant to drive the conversation towards.
“Oh!” Green poked his head out from behind the open fridge door, tossing a bottled Roserade Tea at his husband’s head. He hadn’t offered or indicated before throwing it, nor had Red requested it- Green just knew he’d want it. Red loved tea of all kinds, and he caught it from his spot on the couch with surprising ease, as if he knew it was coming. It was a small, unspoken act that really demonstrated just how well they knew each other’s habits, after all the cumulative years shared in company. “Did you get the mail from the P.O. box today?”
Red tore his lips away from the brim of the drink he’d already opened, extending a finger and using the bottle like a prop to gesture over the back of the couch to the corner of their open living space. A plastic container of letters and packages sat there, dutifully retrieved by the silent man while his lover had been busy finishing up his last battle for the day. Green shut the refrigerator with more force than necessary before he hurried over to it, hoisting up the whole bin with an (excessive, Red thought. Overdramatic,) series of grunts. He carried it over to drop unceremoniously on the coffee table with a huff, explaining his sudden interest as he nearly flattened both his precious Eevee and Red’s kicked-up legs by crashing his ass carelessly onto the couch cushion next to him. “I ordered more Ribbons for us to give to victors,” he breathed the words out laboriously, but with an underlying happy tone Red that was able to pick up on despite the exasperation of a long day.
Only the two of them would choose to spearhead and host ambitious and intricate battling competitions during what was supposed to be a celebratory vacation to kick off being newlyweds. Nobody else would be stupid enough to do so. Nobody else would enjoy the tamped exhilaration underneath all the work required in the same way they both did. “I just hope they didn’t fall off the boat somewhere between Akala and Poni.”
Red smiled, and he was grateful for the fact Green was too busy digging through the envelopes looking for the bubble mailer of ribbons to see it, because it was one that let on knowing a bit more than he should. Gingerly dumping Pikachu onto the rug beneath them, Red leaned forward and put his tea down on the table, reaching into the bin and pushing two envelopes in the pile back with his finger before grabbing hold of the thin letter beneath them. It was addressed to Legendary Gym Leader Green, with postage from Malie. Red let out a huff of amusement from his nose as he shoved it into his husband’s point of view, insistent on bringing his attention to it before he’d even gotten the chance to find what he’d been looking for. Impatient as always.
Sitting up a little to see what was pushed into his face, Green quickly and unsurprisingly took the bait. His grin stretched so wide across his cheeks that his eyes drooped to a confident squint, practically gleaming under the written praise. He rolled back his shoulders languidly in the same manner his Pidgeot did when it was freshly preened, and it took everything in Red to not laugh at the predictability of it. Green was never, ever one to pass up being adored, after all.
“More fanmail from the Malie Gym, huh?” His words dripped with cockiness, and he tore into the corner of it with his teeth, ripping it open from the side, entirely just for the sake of being flashy. Red couldn’t help but roll his eyes, but it was full of fondness- although Green’s ego had once been the bane of him, it was now just a part of his life, and a guilty pleasure that he secretly enjoyed indulging.
For this instance in particular, the adoration came from a group of trainers that resided in Malie City over on Ula’Ula: there was a unique training establishment there, a self-proclaimed ‘Kantonian Gym’. They paraded around- pretending to be gym trainers, and even had a stand-in ‘Leader’, who gave out knock-off badges that were clearly supposed to resemble Vermillion’s. So, you can only imagine how crazy that group had gone when they learned a real, actual Kanto Gym Leader was on the archipelago. Ever since the word had spread of the Battle Tree’s Legends to other islands, the letters had been steadily coming in in small bursts, inviting him to the facility, inviting him to dinner, fawning over his expertise and general prestige.
It was nice, honestly. Red liked the fact that for once, strong trainers were seemingly glossing over himself, and instead throwing themselves all over Green, vying for his attention. It was how it should be. It was almost like finally some people saw him for all the wonder, and awe, and respect that Red saw him with. And also felt so relieving, to break the usual burdening tether of comparison for things that happened so many years ago between them. He knew Green liked it too.
He also liked the swell of confidence that burned in his husband’s chest for the rest of the night whenever he saw the fanmail. He loved the permanent full-of-himself smile that he didn’t wipe off until they were ready for sleep, the prideful way he caressed his beloved winner Pokémon after dinner, the impulsive kisses that chased down the burning amber sunsets… So, if Red had maybe started slipping fake letters of his own into the bins when he collected the mail just to puff up the pile even bigger, well, who could blame him?
Deftly weaving his fingers through the miscellaneous mail, he plucked out another, and another, and another, at a rapid and practically frenzied speed, shoving them all into Green’s lap. Photos, free (fake) honorary badges, written out team compositions asking for input or advice on movesets or items to run, and countless scribbled notes of just how much he inspired them all. Green snickered, his eyes shining like a kid in a candy shop as he read the first few, a beaming smile unfurling onto his face.
Red somehow found one on his, too.
“They really love me,” Green breathed, before shooting his spouse a side eye. “Obviously. I mean, I am the best of the Kanto Leaders. It’s just plain fact, not even an arbitrary opinion. Of course they would be obsessed with me, I’m the absolute top of what they’re trying to be.”
Red nodded, placing one of his hands on Green’s knee and giving it an encouraging squeeze. He pointed to the bottom of the letter Green was currently holding, where there was a crudely doodled layout of members from his typical team. Whoever it was seemed to be biased to psychic types, though, as his Alakazam looked most certainly more impressive than all the rest.
“It’s cute,” Green agreed, practically in a whisper, leaning over to take advantage of how close they were sitting to press a kiss to the tip of Red’s nose. Just to see him scrunch it and screw his face back in a huffy fluster- which he did, and that only goaded Green to do it again later. “This one in particular is funny. Look, the handwriting’s so horrible- and actually, I’ve noticed it seems like multiple of them there have this Arceus awful Torchic-scratch.”
He didn’t look up at Red as he feigned interest in the letter, but took great pleasure in watching out of the corner of his eye as his husband sat up a little straighter, his ears wiggling ever so slightly. That was his tell: the one that revealed his attempts to keep an unreadable poker face. He should know better by now. Green would always be able to read him, no matter how stoic he tried.
“I mean, seriously. Who taught these Alolans how to write?” Green huffed out laughter that he could no longer keep back, but not for the reasons he was trying to pretend it was for. “It looks like a grade schooler wrote it. I could probably teach my Pokémon to write better than that.”
Internally, Red was sweating bullets- but none of it showed on his face. Or, at least, none of it showed to anyone who could have tried to discern him except for Green. It wasn't out of offense, either: he didn’t write any of the letters he’d faked- his husband would have recognized his scrawly handwriting in a heartbeat, blowing his cover immediately. He realizes now that he shouldn’t have pointed out the drawings; of course that pompous son of a bitch drew himself sexier than the rest of his teammates. Furling his fingers into a stressed fist, Red simply stared at Green and gaped, praying to every Legendary above that he didn’t see the way his irises constricted at the implication of exactly what happened.
Much to his demise, Green went on. “It’s also wild, too, the messy ones always have these stamps. You know, they sell them down in the Seafolk Village PokéCenter! I’ve seen them on the stands there. I didn’t realize Ula’Ula had them too, I could have sworn it was supposed to be of the Poni Coast…”
Finally, he lifted his eyes to meet those of his best friend on this earth, the one he’d sworn to share his life with, the one he loved. And he relished in the sweet, delicious panicked expression he saw quaking in the twitchy, curt tugs at Red’s mouth in attempt to keep it flat. His own smile grew wide and knowing, and he watched as Red’s facade broke, his shoulders heaving and head dropping from where he’d been so attentively sitting.
The black-haired man raised his hands to sign the sentiment of ‘How’d you know?’ in KSL, but Green didn’t even give him the chance. Before he got the words out, the Viridian Gym Leader reached over and enveloped Red’s hands to hush him by draping one of his own over them, shaking his head with a small snicker. He knew him well enough to know exactly what he’d been about to say, and leaned over to press a taunting kiss to his red-handed husband’s cheek. He lingered there as he answered the unasked question, voice low and full of cockiness of having caught Red, of all people, off guard. This was like a battle, and he won. “Found one of the twisted spoons you bribed him with on the counter yesterday. His mega form does not need any more of them, you know.”
Red’s face was burning in embarrassment from getting caught, and it only amplified tenfold when Green freed the gentle hold on his hands to instead tuck an unruly black streak of hair behind his ear. His voice had grown almost husky, and was sickeningly full of love. And even though they’d well passed the schoolgirl crush stage of feelings ages ago, it still made Red’s heart skip three beats. “You know, I would have preferred if the love letters actually were from you.” Green leered forward just enough to close the gap, catching a real kiss from his beloved before all-but giggling against his lips and sitting more upright again. “You don’t have to go in kahoots with ‘kazam and pay him off to help you pretend to be a buncha Malie City Gym trainers just to stroke my ego.”
‘Not all from me!’ He was quick to clarify and remind the fact, his hand motions fluid and fast. His brow furrowed down deeply in insistence, and Green just laughed, finding him so stupidly adorable in a way only Red could be. It was that same fighting fire within him that made him fall in love with him in the first place.
“So you admit it?” Green teased, shooting him an inquiring look under a singular raised brow as he folded the letter back up. “You know, I could have been baselessly accusing. I bet you could’ve just convinced me Alolans were absolute shit at calligraphy.”
Okay, so it was a lie. He’d had him practically holding the smoking gun. But who was he if not maddeningly infuriating Red back to running circles in his defense of himself? Who was he if not just pissing him off a little, as a treat?
Red’s cheeks darkened, and his eyes darted around as he was backed into the confessional, shaking his head at first just out of instinct to prove Green was wrong, but the movement stopped as quickly as it had came. Instead, Red opted for shoving at his shoulder with a huff, and that was exactly the kind of reaction he’d been looking for. His howling laughter made that much painfully clear.
‘They make you happy!’ Red signed with a strong defensive vigor, and his adamant stance on fighting for something that just made Green smile and feel good about himself was more attractive to him than anything in the world. He loved Red. He really did.
“You like me when I’m all high and mighty. It’s okay. You can admit it.” Green’s tone of voice veered into more of a sing-songy kind of cadence, taunting and teasing and met with a sneer that had no malice behind it in return.
‘Worst.’ He signed, having grown more curt with being flustered- and it wasn’t hard to tell what he was trying to say was the worst. It only made the look on Green’s face even more smug.
“And yet, you love me.” His words were a statement above anything else- he knew it to be true. It had been proven time and time again, and would be proven over and over once more every day until they were senile and in rocking chairs, overlooking whatever great estate they were bound to settle in.
Red just huffed, and indignantly signed the more derogatory version of the word ‘idiot’ at him. And Green knew just how to read in between his lines- he meant: ‘Duh. Obviously.’
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espresseo-cafe · 2 years
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just imagine:
this fine man picking you up for prom because he’s your date 🙈🤗🥹🤪
the video is him asking you to stop playing around and take a better photo of him kyyaaaa my heart 🫶🏻
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fungal-wasted · 2 years
Au in which everything is the same, except the Radiance has the vocal range of an anime girl.
Imagine the Hollow Knight, the VOID soldier deemed strong and pure enough to contain the Infection, now tarnished and damaged by the maddening plague, letting out a mighty "KYYAAAA~!"
I mean her range is pretty high already so you're not that far off BSFJDKFN
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sessrin-eternity2 · 3 years
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Towa looks so much like her mother, Rin, kyyaaaa! I can't! Just so adorable!! I can't wait to see them both on screen together along with Setsuna and Papa Sesshomaru.
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Imagine jikook in the kitchen. Jimin doing the dishes and jungkook hugging him from behind giving him soft kisses on his neck and shoulders.. ahhhhh☺️
Keep writing
(Is your "ahhh" more like a "kyyaaaa" or "ahhh...satisfied"?)
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Kyyaaaa~~~~ where can i find someone who looks at me like that?
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