historysnapped · 9 months
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Navajo Woman Weaving Blanket, Santa Fe, New Mexico Photographer: Christian G. Kaad 1900
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sweettee18 · 2 years
The Hobbit Imagines
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Under The Stars
Imagine, during your journey to help the dwarves reclaim the home, Erebor, that was the first time in a long time you and Elrond seen each other since you were a child. He asked you to go for a ride with him, and where he had professed his feelings toward you.
During the events of your adventure, with the dwarves to reclaim their homeland, Erebor, Evelina was among them, along with a hobbit Bilbo Baggins. Evelina, was a seraphim, a celestial being that’s able to live peacefully among others besides her kin. During their travels, they were ambushed by orcs and wargs.
Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the group, thought of her to be someone of distraction and Thought she will slow them down, but was proven wrong when he saw how skilled she was with the blade that can converse into a whip.
Gandalf the Grey was able to lead them into a secret passageway that lead to Rivendell, The House of Elrond. As soon as they entered the place, Evelina’s memories begin to come back to her when she was a child. Her father will take her there while he would speak to the Lord Elrond and she would go play with Elrond’s daughter, whom she considered as a sister figure, Arwen. But, alas, she wasn’t there at the time, because she was living with her grandmother, Elrond’s mother-in-law, Galadriel.
As soon as they got to the platform, they were greeted by one of the elves named Lindir. Gandalf asked to see Lord Elrond, but was told that he was not there. When he asked where he was, the sound of an Elf horn was heard in the distance. The dwarves began to gather them selves around in defense as the elves begin to surround them on horseback. The dwarves began to come together to defend themselves, only to have Evelina tell them to calm themselves.
Elrond dismounted his horse and greeted Gandalf. As they spoke, he turned to see Thorin when he was told that his father spoke about him, and said harshly, quoted that his father never mentioned Elrond to him. Elrond said something Elvish and the dwarves were a little offended.
Dori asked, “What did he say?” Gloin asked also, “Is that some sort of insult?” At this time, the dwarves were getting aggressive until Evelina spoke in Khuzdul, the language of the dwarves.
“DWARVES!” All the dwarves stopped what they were doing, and look straight at Evelina.
“He’th offeruroz othok ruk dine ulro Kaad.”
(He’s offering you to dine with him.)
The dwarves were shocked, for they never heard her speak their language before. “You speak Khuzdul?” Fili asked. Evelina replied, “Yes, I’ve been learning ever since I was four, and no, it was not easy.” Gloin asked her, “Who taught you?”
“Tilly, she’s a beardless dwarf, you’ll meet her later.” She said with a smile on her face, as Gandalf chuckled in the background. Elrond approached her, and almost immediately, he recognized her. “Evelina?”
Thorin and the dwarfs looked at her and then looked back at the elf Lord. “It has been a while since we last saw each other, my Lord.” Ori asked, “You two know each other?” Evelina replied, “Yes, My father and he go way back. I’m also friends with his daughter.” Lord Elrond couldn’t believe how much she’d grown since the last time he saw her. Last time he saw her was when she were only seven years old, her father first brought Evelina to Rivendell.
“Indeed it has been a long time, my lady. I have been in touch with your father. He was absolutely right about you, you do resemble your mother and her personality.“ Evelina lowered her head and replied, “I will take that as a compliment.”Both her and Elrond smiled at each other as they walked up the stairs, along with the group to dine with the elves.
After dining with the elves, Evelina was getting ready to retire for the night. Before she could do that, there was a knock on the door. She puts down the pillow that she was puffing up and opened the door to reveal Lindir behind it. “Good evening, Lindir. For what do I owe this pleasure you coming by?”Lindir smiled as he lowered his head and looked back up to her. “My Lord Elrond, request your presence” “ Tonight? As in, right now?” She asked in shock. Lindir nodded. “Well, then, let’s not keep him waiting.“ She said as she went to get her shoes.
Lindir lead Evelina to the stables, which she found very strange as to why he was taking her there, only to find Elrond waiting for her. “ I hope I didn’t disturb you of what you were doing…” “Oh, no, you did not disturb me at all.” She said as she looked at Lindir with a half raised eyebrow, and a*You owe me*look. “ I’ll take it from here, Lindir.”Elrond said to him as he brought out his horse from one of the stalls, already prepped up and ready. Lindir bowed his head and descended from the stables.
Eveline approached Elrond and said to him, “You said you wanted to see me.” “Yes, I did. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you this…” Evelina waited patiently for his question. “ Would it be any trouble if I asked you to ride with me?“ Evelina loved riding horses ever since she was little alongside Elrond’s children. And not once she is turned down the offer to ride with them. But this occasion was different.
Why would he ask her to ride with him? Was it that he wanted to be alone with her? She was taken out of her thoughts when Elrond asked her.“Is everything all right, Evelina?”“Oh yes, I’m fine. I would love go riding with you.” She said, as she went to go get her horse, Starlight, a beautiful white Mare.
They rode out on the starry night near the lake, which was her favorite place for her and Arwen to hang out at whenever they wanted get away from it all their problems. The lake is gorgeous in the morning, but it is more beautiful in the nighttime as the stars sparkled on the surface, as if they were to be diamonds on ice. As they reached the destination, he dismounted his horse, helped her down from hers and offered her his arm as they walked toward the lake.
She began to remember when she was 16, that her and her friends will come out there and spend the whole night near the place and that’s when they all decided it would be to hang out place whenever they have problems, they were always come there and talk it out. She was deep, thought until Elrond interrupted her. “My lady…” She snapped her head toward his direction and answered, “Yes, Lord Elrond?” “Please, just Elrond.”
Evelina looked away and back at him. “Very well then, Elrond.” He looked at her as they walked toward the The bridge over the lake, and Evelina was looking straight ahead, trying to avoid eye contact. Finally, they stopped at the edge and walked in front of her. He takes her hands and his and said, “You’ve been awfully quiet since we got here. Is there something on your mind?” Evelina looked at Elrond and smiled at him and replied, “I’m fine, I’m just remembering the times I would come here, I would spend time with my friend, your daughter. But I know that she’s not here because she’s with her grandmother, Lady Galadriel.”
Elrond smiled when she mentioned his mother-in-law‘s name. “My daughter speaks of you all the time, including your father. Your mother did write to me to check your well-being.” “ My mother worries too much. She should know that I will be back before she knows it, including my sisters as well.” She replied, with much of assurance. Knowing what she was about to get herself into down the line of the quest.
Elrond again took her hand in his, and only this time, he begin to squeeze them gently as he looked into her eyes. “The reason why I brought you here since this is your favorite place to go, there’s something very heavy I want to get off my chest.” Evelina was nervous on what Elrond was about to say. Did something happen to one of his children or was it that he was very uncomfortable with her being in the company of dwarves to help them out the quest reclaim their homeland?
But all that came to a cease when he says this to her, “Ever since my beloved wife departed to the undying lands, it has been hard on me to raise my children by myself. It even took a while for my daughter to get used to the fact that her mother was never coming back. After everything that happened to her in Middle Earth, I thought I would never love again.…” as he was saying this, Evelina‘s eyes begin to water, doing her best, not to cry, knowing how hard it has been since Celebrian had left.
“That was until you came along. You became the light when my children were in a dark place, you brought up their laughter and their able to enjoy life the way they want to. But most importantly…” Evelina braced herself for what he was about to say. “You made me feel alive again. You brought light back into my life and I have a fantastic bond with my children and everyone else that cared because of you.”
Evelina‘s tears begin to fall from her eyes, and she would lower her head, for she did not wish for Elrond to see her cry. But he lifted her head up to look at him and he wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “Which lead me to tell you that I am in love with you, and I wish for you to stay here with me in Rivendell.” Evelina was shocked to hear what he just said to her. She didn’t know what to say or think, other than if her parents or Gandalf knew about this and they didn’t tell her.
But what Evelina said was a shock to him as well.“Well, this is a surprise. Because the funny thing is…. I too, have feelings for you…” Elrond’s eyes widened at the last part, she said. But then, he began to laugh, and she joined him. “ what’s even more funny is that your children already know about this.” Elrond stop laughing and looked at Evelina. “They know?” she nodded and replied, “Arwen already caught wind of this before I told her and her brothers. And they happen to be fine with it and they’re very happy that you finally found someone that will make you happy.”
Even though he didn’t show it, deep down, he was overjoyed that his children had excepted her in their life. But then, her smiled disappeared, and looked away into the distance “What’s wrong?” And he asked. Evelina looked back at Elrond and said, “This will have to wait until I return from my quest. I promise that I will come back.”
Of course Elrond knew that it was too soon since she just got there with the dwarves. “Take all the time you need. I will be waiting for you if you choose to return. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like. My door is always open to you.” He said as he and Evelina embraced in a hug. “I must return back to my room so I can rest up for tomorrow. We’ll speak more when I return.”
She said as she was just about to leave. Before she could, Elrond, who still had her hand in his, didn’t let go. She looked back at him and asked, “Elrond, is there something else you want to say?” But there are no words to say, instead, he pulled her toward him and kissed her. She was surprised, but she melted into it. As he gave her another hug, he asked her again in her ear, “You do promise that you will come back?” Evelina looked back Elrond and nodded. With that said, they both mounted the horses and rode straight back to Rivendell.
Note: in this version, Thorin, Kili and Fili did not die. 😊
After the battle of the five armies, Evelina and her people helped the dwarves, and the people of Laketown rebuild their home. And Thorin became known to be the wisest and greatest king in Erebor that ever lived. And, of course, Bilbo Baggins returned back to his home to the Shire. After some time, she remembered her promise to Elrond and immediately rode straight back to Rivendell, where Elrond waited for her by the gate with a smile.
Not long after, Evelina and Elrond married, with his three children, her family and friends and the citizens of Rivendell attending to the event. A while later, they welcomed two children. A boy named Aaron and a girl named Anna.
Hope you guys enjoy the story. Please feel free to like, comment and follow. He may you all enjoy your day.
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remy2fang · 2 years
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What did I do this year of 2022?
There were a lot of things I did, but I’ll list some of the things I’ve done as Remy2FANG :
- Learned to mod Mortal Kombat 11, King of Fighters XV, Soul Calibur 6, Resident Evil 3 Remake (my first RE Engine I modded)…and most importantly, Street Fighter 6 (beta).
- Made a K9999 mod, and that was essentially my reason for buying and modding KOFXV lol
- Made a few more SFV mods.
- Made a modding tutorial for Mortal Kombat 11 Texture Modding and was actually recognized by both thethiny and SHAAR (awesome!!)
- Learned how to make some basic renders and animations on Blender.
- Helped funded F.A.N.G main, Metalqueersolid, from the UK to EVO with my shirt design with the aid of Serroto.
- Met the F.A.N.G gang at EVO 2022 and had an incredible time. Got to hangout with Minaree3 too ^_^
- In collaboration with Mono, KAAD, Quasimodox, and HavikTV, I got to take part in making T-Shirt designs for First Attack 2022 10th Anniversary, which took place in Puerto Rico.
- Contributed to the Street Fighter 35th Anniversary Art Tribute.
- Because of prior knowledge on DDS formatting from MK11 modding and fresh RE Engine modding, I learned SF6 modding VERY QUICKLY. I am not the first, I’m actually the 2nd SF6 modder, but I made a total of about 8 different mods before the 1st Beta ended. Actually, I modded all those in 1 day because I came back from vacation on October 8 at night.
- Again, I wasn’t the first mesh modder, but I was the first swap modder—Luke over Juri…and that got waves through EventHubs and Justin Wong, Maximilian, and Matt McMuscle.
- Made SF6 modding tutorials and I’ll say…it’s easier than modding SFV ;D ;D
Thanks for reading this lol. Wishing for an exciting 2023!!
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filmyypeople · 1 year
From a 6-year old child artist to Swiggy Uncle!
This Vadi Bro has come a long way !!
03 May, 2023 I Richa Devesar I FilmyPeople
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If you have passion for something and keep on working towards that, you are surely going to get it, one day! Now its up to you whether you  call it Destiny or your Dedication…Swiggy Uncle has proved it both ways! How? Lets rewind his journey as an actor and get to know how he did it all?
Naresh Gosain, a mechanical Engineer by profession was passionate about acting since childhood. He started acting on stage when he was just six years old. It took him 50 years to reach where he is today. Hours, days, months and years’ of work could not give him what a 20 Sec Silent TVC did. It was not just a matter of chance that even after doing dozens of serials, hundreds of Street plays, and so many appearances in Big Budget Bollywood movies, he could not get the appreciation he had been looking for but he feels ‘God has been kind to have given me all this at this age because if he had given all this earlier, who knows I might have got vanished from the scene by now.’ Now, that is what we call positive attitude!
Before getting to know the Gulab Jamun Waale Uncle’s journey (as he’s fondly known), let me share few things which I remember of him as a child. In those days, he was acting in Doordarshan Serials Dil Dariya, Doosra Kewal and Phir Wohi Talaash. We felt really proud of the fact that my Maasi’s son is coming on Television. Unlike today, those were the Doordarshan days when everyone was watching the same thing at the same time, unlike today when the audience is segregated.
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We are basically a very filmy family and I give all the credit to my Daddy and Mummy for this. Music, movies all this has been part of our lives since the time, I was not even born. So when Babbu Bhaiya (as we call him) got in to acting , we would look forward to hear all Filmy Stories from him. Infact, I got to know about Shahid Kapoor’s existence as a 10 year old when bhaiya was working in the serial  Phir Wohi Talaash (way back in 1990) with actress Neelima Azeem who had this very happy-go-lucky , jovial type youthful, college going girl’s character. He told us that she is a 28 year old woman and has a 10 year old son which was unbelievable.  We just could not believe that! And yes I do remember his dialogue in one of the episodes which was  ‘Kaad diya…..unko kaad diya’ (they have been thrown out).
And now…everyday we are seeing him in new TVCs be it Bisleri, Dr. Fixit, Netmeds, Goldie Masaale and so on. Success did come to him but after giving 50 dedicated years of his life. Does he have grudges or he is smiling the way he smiles while eating Gulab Jamun in Swiggy TVC? Before we ask him about his journey, how about having a look at some of his best TVCs!
Lets rewind and talk to him from where it all  started!
When did you first realize that you wanted to act?
It was not that I realized or something. Initially, it just happened, as my father was a theatre actor and a writer too, I would often accompany him during his rehearsals and one fine day he asked me to act..and with that began my acting journey. I acted in a lot of plays as a child artist. And this I’m talking about 1968 when I was hardly six years old and now that I’m talking of my childhood days, I can recall that I got my first award in 1972 in a theatre festival in Delhi which was quite motivating for me in that young age, although I didn’t understand the seriousness of acting that time.
In 70s and 80s, Doordarshan was the only channel we had and coming on Television was not a small thing. What memories do you have of your initial days?
In those days, actors got much more popularity because Doordarshan had the monopoly. If I talk about myself, I was working regularly with DD for various types of shows and family and friends used to appreciate that because it was a big thing back then. It reminds me of an incident, Doordarshan would telecast one Special New Year Show every year which used to have audience just the way we have now in reality shows. So whenever I got a chance to be there in that new year show, as an audience my friends would get very excited..Arrey tujhe dekha tha! And afterwards when I started acting in serials, though in small roles, I always got a positive response from family and friends.
And how and when did acting in Doordarshan happen?
Doordarshan was the only Channel we had back in 70s and 80s and I was lucky enough to have bagged my first Telefilm in the year 1981. In those days, it wasn’t easy to get a break but I got a chance to show my talent when Doordarshan started Morning Transmission somewhere in mid 80s and I did, mostly comedy serials like Hamaare manager, Popat lal Jasoos, Jeena Yahaan Marna Yahaan and few more. Then  I happen to meet Director Lekh Tandon who after directing some very big movies like Agar Tum Na Hote, Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Man Bhaae, Professor, Aamrapali, Jhuk Gaya Aasmaan and so many more, came to Delhi to make serials for  Doordarshan.  I met him during that time only when he was directing Dil Dariya and Doosra Kewal for Doordarshan.
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If I remember it correctly Dil Dariya was Shah Rukh Khan’s debut serial although the one that got aired on TV was Fauji, Right? How was the experience? Any incident of those days you can recall?
Absolutely right! Although I got to play a small role in that serial but as I was involved in production too, I was there on the sets everyday.  And you just asked about any incident. So I have an interesting thing to tell…I remember we were shooting for Doosra Kewal. We had to shoot a song and were looking for a particular location so I asked Lekh Tandon ji to shoot the same at my terrace. As soon as we finished the shoot, Shah Rukh said that his serial Circus is going to be telecast just now and he wanted to see it. We all came downstairs and he watched that episode of Circus with my whole family and that too sitting on the floor. He was already a big TV star by then and so humble was he…I offered him chair…but he said ‘No..I am Okey here.’ And we were all very friendly with each other be it Shah Rukh or other actors  like Arun Baliji, Vinita Malikji and Alka Amin (who was seen in Kedarnath as Sushant Singh Rajput’s mother) and I also remember that Arun Bali ji and Vinita Malik ji were the highest paid actors of this serial.
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So, the shooting of all these serials was being done in Delhi only and did you continue with theatre also while doing DD serials?
While I was working in DD serials, I was also doing Public Awareness Campaigns because in those days, we used to have lots of such Govt campaigns running on Doordarshan. I continued doing theatre too but this time it was Ramleela and starting from year 1993, I continued playing Kumbhkaran for over 25 years at the Ramleela of Model Town 2, New Delhi. Then in the year 2000, I started doing Street Plays for private as well as Govt Sector and these kept me busy for years.
When did you first come to Mumbai for an acting assignment? What was that about? And which directors you worked with, initially?
I went to Mumbai for the first time in 1989. It was for the shooting of a TV serial called Sadbhaavna again for Doordarshan which was directed by Raj Tilakji who had already directed films like Mukti starring Shashi Kapoor, Sanjeev Kumar and Vidya Sinha and 36 Ghante starring Raj Kumar, Sunil Dutt and Mala Sinha and many more. After doing Sadbhavna,  I started coming to Mumbai frequently. Although it was one scene or two and the first movie I did was Manorama Six Feet Under.  Then I got a chance to work with Subhash Ghai ji in Kanchi.
Rajat Kapoor was another director, I got a chance to work with in the movie Aankhon Dekhi.  Then Dibaakar Banerjee..with whom I worked in Oye Lucky Lucky Oye, then Vicky Donor happened with Shoojit Sarkar. Infact, I was in all 3 projects of Mirzapur Director Gurmmeet Singh - What The Fish, (in which I had a good role but unfortunately the film didn’t do well at the box office)Warning and Sharaafat Gai Tel Lene and years later I got a chance to work with him in Mirzapur too.  Roles were small but good thing was that I was getting work.
What made you decide to permanently move to Mumbai? Did you get family support?
When I was doing serials Chidiya Ghar and Laapata Ganj that time, I seriously thought of moving to Mumbai. It was around 2012 that I started getting regular work…all the films that I just mentioned. But yes, permanently I decided to shift my base here was after Swiggy TVC happened, that has been the biggest turning point in my career. And yes, when I decided to move to Mumbai permanently, my family did support me. And moreover,  I could afford to be away from home and give it a shot as my kids were grown up and busy in their own lives and I had my mother and wife Meenu’s full support to go ahead with my decision of giving it a shot.
How did you get Swiggy TVC? Did you have any idea that it would be the biggest turning point of your career? Any big complements you received from your industry friends?
I still remember I was in Delhi doing my awareness campaigns and in between that, I got a call for audition of this Swiggy Ad. I recorded my audition video there only on my mobile and sent it. Although I wanted to get selected but wasn’t sure. But I was selected and there I was shooting for that Ad which changed my life and there has been no looking back since then.
I got lot of popularity because of the Swiggy campaign. The thing is that nowadays the audience is divided..in a way that some people watch only movies, some…crime thrillers, some like to watch family shows, some…news but Ad is one thing which everyone watches and it comes on every platform and this Swiggy TVC came during IPL season and that’s the reason it got even more visibility. The Ad campaign really helped Swiggy and their sales increased by 45%.
My friends Vinay Pathak and Saurabh Shukla gave me complements. They said the way you hold your expressions and smile, is amazing. Kya kamaal ki ad ki hai tuney. I have been doing like this for so many years now but the only thing is that when God’s blessings come, things just change and the same thing happened with me.
How easy was it shifting to TVCs? How do you look at the whole thing?
Doing TVCs was not a planned move, first of all. It just happened. The thing is that when you are doing theatre, reaction is instant. One story is told in 2 hours in a film, in a series it takes 10-12 episodes but when it comes to an ad, you have to tell the story in just 15-20 secs which is not an easy thing. I got to learn so much while doing TVCs. On other hand all my experience came in handy when I started doing ads. I have not had any formal training in Acting, but I have hands-on experience of 55 years. Everyday, I am doing something new which is challenging and satisfying at the same time.
You have worked in some Short Films also, how was that experience?
So far working in short films has been one of the best experiences and I enjoyed working in The Honeymooners and Shagun. I am emotionally attached to The Honeymooners, actually. There is whole variety of roles that I am doing now and it is very surprising that at this age I’m doing things that I never thought, I would ever do, especially after crossing 60. Bojh was another short film that I did. Also I did few bigger Ads which had a storyline especially the ones done for Valentine’s Day and Father’s Day.
You have worked in some Web Series also. Tell us about that experience? And your upcoming projects also?
Yes I have done few Web Series like Mirzapur, Inside Edge, Illegal and few more to come. Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper is the next Web Series I’m waiting for then there’s one more Jhaansi ka Rajkumar. Plus TVCs are going on. One with Ranbir has just started coming and Vadilal campaign also started recently and after Swiggy Uncle they’ve shown me as Vadi Bro…it has that youthful touch with lots of colours. I’m loving every bit of it.
Your experience of working with actors like Akshay Kumar, Virat Kohli , Anushka, Alia and Ranbir Kapoor?
The experience has been great. They’ve all been very nice. Ranbir Kapoor is one humble actor I have worked with. I had a great time shooting with Virat and Anushka too. One of the ads we did together was about eating  and they brought Rajma Chaawal from their home. Since he is also from Delhi I told him it has this typical DIlli-wala taste and we ll enjoyed shooting as well as eating.
Do you have any grudges that all this success and fame came your way very late or you are enjoying it?
I am grateful to God. I feel that if I had got success some 20-30 years ago, I might not have been in the industry today. God has really been kind and I have no grudges at all.
How does it feel living your childhood dream?
Although I have been acting for so many years now and I have always given my 100 % whether it was  serials or movies or street plays but the kind of stuff I got to do after my Swiggy TVC is something I am really enjoying. I never imagined that I would get such amazing roles to play and trust me God has really been kind and there’s much more to come. Its all God’s grace. I have been working consistently for last 50 years but got showered with all the name and fame now and its all God’s blessing.
I would personally recommend you all to watch these two Festival Spl TVCs and you will have an idea how good Swiggy Uncle is with his facial expressions.
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brann i rosenes leir
stort opptsyr på et (tilsynelatende) rolig og idyllisk sted a big mess in an (apparently) quiet and idyllic place
Det er tydelig tegn på brann i rosenes leir. Ingen av partitoppene viser seg i media, med få unntak om gla-nyheter og sløyfeklipping. There are clear signs of trouble in paradise. None of the party leaders have appeared in the media, with a few exceptions about fluff news and ribbon cutting.
Dette uttrykket stammer fra Henrik Wergelands eventry Røde og graa Dompaper, som ble trykt i 1844, altså året før Wergeland døde. Det er en av Wergelands mange barnefortellinger som ble utgitt. Eventyret handler om tilhørighet, mobbing og offermot, og om 'kaade Skabninger' som forstyrrer paradisets harmoni og fred. Uttrykket brukes fortsatt i tilfeller der det oppstår splittelse og uro i en tilsynelatende idyllisk og harmonisk situasjon.
This expression originates from Henrik Wergeland's eventry Røde og graa Dompaper, which was printed in 1844, i.e. the year before Wergeland died. It is one of Wergeland's many children's stories that were published. The adventure is about belonging, bullying and sacrifice, and about 'bad creatures' who disturb the harmony and peace of paradise. The expression is still used in cases where division and unrest arise in an apparently idyllic and harmonious situation.
*Source: Prikken over i-en og andre uttrykk av Kjell Ivar Vannebo
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lyricsssdotin · 3 months
Vanilla Lyrics
Singer:Diljit DosanjhAlbum:Drive Thru Badami jehe jattan te phiran dulliyanSadde picche lag duniya eh bhulliyanKehndi kaad mercedes bodega jaan nuTainu saheli naal milauna aaj main shaam nu Jadon hello ladies aakh ke bulayaJadon hello ladies aakh ke bulayaMarjaniyan kivein sangiyan Pindan deya mundeyan te mar diyanKudiyan vanilla rangiyanPindan deya mundeyan te mar diyanKudiyan vanilla…
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ir kautkada scena, kur no virszemes jalaizhas pazemee. ir ari kautkada kompanija, varbut 2-3 vel tur cilveki, varbut divataa. tada ka ekspedicija, kaads (varbut es) atradis ka ir ala vai kautkas lidzigs akai, kur var nolaisties riktigi dzilji pazemee. ieeja ir kautkur tada kaa lauku ainavaa, pie krumiem kautkas tads, varbut kapi hvz. laizhoties lejaa kustiba pa vertikali, taka karajoties strikjii vai laizhoties gar sienu un turoties klaat. siena ir no graniita gabaliem, tadam ka plaksnitem, kjiegeljiem. liekas ka aiz tiem ir betons, pie kura tas plaksnites piestiprinatas, liekas ka tas ir dzelzsbetons, tads ka majas fasade kkada, ideja ir ka tas ir kautkas sens vai neparasts, nosleepts, ko neviens nezoina, ka tur taada siena ir, taka izbuveta aka. lejaa kadus paris metrus virs zemes ta siena beidzas, paveras tada kaa telpa. uz emes ir udens. es ar vienu kaju meginu nostaties uz zemes un piesmelju gumijas zabaku, pacelju kaju un izleju ara udeni. telpa ir taka ala, man liekas ka griestu nav vai ari ir tumshs un griesti ir tadi kaa varetu but alaa. udens ir visur, bet nav dziljs, lidz celim varbut. taka pa kreisi pa diagonali ir neliela salinja. apalja, tada ka pussferiska, ar tadu kaa gropi apkaart, taka iestaigata taka vai kkas tads, bet maza salinja. tur stav kautkadi teeli, tie varbut nav cilveki, kautkados apmetnjos vai kautkas tamlidzigs, vinji taka aicina uz to salu. es ar kaajaam tur neejeju bet aizlidoju pa gaisu leenaam. uz salas var nolsaisties un man liekas ka es tur taka apguulos vai varbut apsedos.
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Varafaku, Sranovichu, Dicktatoru, Aligaatooru noliegtais, slepeni pieluugtais, no sveetajiem rakstiem cenzeetais, paarveidotais un beigu beigaas beigu laikos no sveetajiem rakstiem izrautais, iezemieshu mutvaardu dailjradee ieaustais, no apkalpojoshaa personaala sleeptais, no paaudzes paaudzee nodotais (nodeveeji dziivo labaak), no no no.
Par Shakaalja Evangjeeliju vieniigo ir vairaak jautaajumu nekaa atbilzhu. Atbildes - visiem zinaamaas (Juus uznjematies atbildiibu). Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais uzdod jautajumus un nosaka toni.
Shakaalja Evangjeelijaa vieniigajaa atrodami visi jautaajumi iezemieshu labi zinaamaam atbildeem. Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais uzdod jautaajumus, iezemieshi uznjemas atbildiibu. Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais iesaka taa, ka nevar izteikt aaraa.
''Darbs Dara Briivu'' - tas ir dariits zinaams mums, bet kaads ir iezemieshu jautaajums? Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais vieniigais piepilda jautaajuma trauku liidz malaam:''EU WTF?''
''Jo sheit ir SIA La TV i Jaaaaa!'' - to jau pat pamatiigaa paali uz skatuves ir dziedaajushas dazhas labas mini stervas, bet kaapeec? Kaads ir jautaajums? ''Kapeec aizgaldees cuukas kunga praataa? Par ko dirshana uz skatuves un suuda slaveeshana?'' - SHakaalja Evangjeelijs atceert.
Kursh iezemietis gan nav dzideejis vai pats teikdams spaarnoto: ''Tu buusi mans vergs! Tu dariisi visu, ko Tev likshu! Tev nav izveeles! Zvani!'' Jautaajumam jaabut gatavam veel pirms sniegta atbilde, un Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais jautaajums: ''A kas man par to buus?'' - ''Tu sanjemsi uz pastu manas biksiites!" - tie jau ir nopietni argumenti.
''Zagu alumiiniju, lasiiju pudeles!'' Retrospektiivai atklaasmei tiek piekaartots jautaajums Shakaalja Evangjeelijaa vieniigajaa ''Ar ko saaki biznesu? Kaa kljuvi tik biezs? Iesaki kautko!__''
''Shodien piedaavaajumaa cepts rubenis, aaboliem pildiits vanags, kuupinaats eerglis'.' ''Bet vai Jums ir arii kautkas pagatavots no sirds?'' - Shakaalja Evangjeelijs vieniigais izmelj jautaajuma trauku tukshu.
''Kas ir shiis cikliskaas dualitaates esiibas pamats, kas ir shiis transcendentaalaas eksistences epitomas defineejoshais faktors? Izskaidro shiis objektu orienteetaas materialitaates projekcijas eeterisko vibraaciju matricu formaa!''. Shkjiet, ka atbilzhu ir vairaak par jautaajumiem Shakaalja Evangjelijaa vieniigajaa, bet atbilde uz visiem shiem jautaaajumiem ir viena vieniigaa:''Kam nav pohuj, tam ir pizdjec''.
"Ainars, Aigars, Aivars, Ivars, pidars, pidars, pidars pidars!" - taa sachukstas sabiedriskajaa transportaa, virtuvees un taa staav rakstiits uz iires dziivoklju koridoru sienaam. Bet jautaajums ir:''Kursh ir Tavs miiljaakais oligarhs?"
''Kas buuus? Kas buuus?'' Shaads jautaajums tirdiijis muus. Shakaalja Evangjeelijaa vieniigajaa uzdots jautaajums par septiitaa baushlja labojumiem, paarfraazeeto no ''Tev nebuus zagt'' uz ''Tev nebuus KO zagt''.
Kam nav ko eest tam nav ko dirst. Kam nav ko dirst, tam jaanomirst!
Debesiis, kur nebesiis
Kas lasiijis Shakaalja Evangjeeliju, tas dziivos muuzhiigi. Kas nav lasiijis Shakaalja Evangjeeliju - tas 100% nomirs.
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KAAD Scholarships in Germany 2023-24
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barsane101 · 1 year
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Is bedelka Nolosha: Shinbirihu waxay cunaan quraashada, Goorta shimbiruhu dhintaan waxaa cuno quraajada Duruufaha waa sidaa oo kale way is bedelaan, waxa laga yaabaa maanta in aad tahay mid awood badan balse beri lama oga. Qofna awoodaada ha u isticmaalin hana ku dulmin, ee xusuusnaaw in uu waayuhu kaa awood badan yahay oo beri noqon kartid qof daciif ah waayo dunidu wa wareegto, laga yaabee in ay berri kaa hiiiliso una hiiliso kaad shalay ciishey ستدور الدائرة يوما ويلقي فاعل فعله NOLOSHU way is rogi doontaa maalin maalmaha ka mid ah, qofwalbaana wuula kulmi doonaa wuxuu jilaayay/Sameeyey Ramadan Mubarak 🌹 Let us connect: #LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/eq6Kj8dw #Facebook: https://lnkd.in/evjxjh4B #Instagram: https://lnkd.in/ern2GwXS #Twitter: https://lnkd.in/eqmygaTj #kindness #humanity #empathy #dhowrsanaaw #dulmi_diid #naxariis_fal https://www.instagram.com/p/CrF6VCXtZ_9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🎂🎉Glorious Birthday to my BLOOD SISTER AKUA KAADE🎂🍾 I pray for More LIFE, STRENGTH and PROSPERITY, Amen. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpE4jJWM8Qi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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remy2fang · 1 year
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A special mod I made back in December 2021. F.A.N.G in traditional Puerto Rican attire.  This was for Puerto Rico Esports Representative & F.A.N.G main extraordinaire Mono (twitter.com/Monopr). The idea initially came from Ryanverse's fanart where F.A.N.G wears a Pava : (https://twitter.com/Monopr/status/1471302520899317761?s=20 ). I decided to try my hand on this idea.  The pava hat was made from scratch since there's no 3D model of it online.  
I made this mod some time after Mono’s 1st place win at CEO 2021. His victory was a big deal and placed him on the spotlight, especially for using a character like F.A.N.G to do so. And of course, the entire FANG GANG rejoiced.
I’m happy Mono enjoyed this mod. Every time I see him streaming SFV on PC, he always use this mod. I’m so honored!
Also, long time F.A.N.G fan and amazing artist KAAD made a few fanarts based on my mod:
B-Day present to Mono: https://twitter.com/_kaad_/status/1522849396462743552?s=46&t=iEGeYIIN_aP028wRnoVcUQ
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With Neco Drop’s Poison Tongue: https://twitter.com/_kaad_/status/1645289041611620353?s=46&t=iEGeYIIN_aP028wRnoVcUQ
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A mix between my Summer Swimsuit FANG mod and him wearing a pava hat. This is also a shirt design for First Attack 10th Anniversary, also hosted by Mono 💜💜.
Also also, Mono wore this during Halloween time. Awesome!
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VIDEO PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/kpN6XvfsSzI
DOWNLOAD MOD: https://www.deviantart.com/remy2fang/art/F-A-N-G-Puerto-Rico-Costume-Mod-Street-Fighter-V-901451680
Thanks for reading! 💜💜
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subhashchandra · 2 years
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Ve Shama Pai Gaiyan Sawada Mukh Watteya
Tu Vi Russ Ke Pata Ni Ki Khateya
Tu Vi Russ Ke Pata Ni Ki Khateya
Madak Deya Patteya
Kaade Sajjna Ve Rause Ae
Ve Phoolan Jehi Jindadi Meri
Ve Phoolan Jehi Jindadi Meri
Ve Basss Tere Hi Bharose Hai
Check Full Lyrics on LyricsGoal: https://www.lyricsgoal.com/akhiyan-2-harbhajan-mann/
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lyricsssdotin · 3 months
Gunday Hain Hum Lyrics
Singer:Dilpreet Dhillon, Karan AujlaAlbum:Karan Aujla Dilpreet Dhillon!Karan Aujla!Desi Crew!Rehaan Records! Daru peeke machhre ni sofi kite kaad neJatt de tan yaar saare high ni command neDesi Crew… Daru peeke machhre ni sofi kite kaad neJatt de tan yaar saare high ni command neLaapta karunga, laapta karunga Ho laapta karunga jehde tainu chhed deSaale akhan pher deNi gallan na ni…
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oneonenightwithphysics · 10 months
Zarinjpraat, zinatnju majaa vajadzetu aizliegt eksperimenteet. Taapat uzskata ari LU ''vadiiba'' Shirantes personaa. Kaads augshaa, taads apakshaa. Bet pec butibas abi shie lemumi naak no apakshas, no galda apakshas, kur vienam darbs ir pievilkt skrūvi, otram - būt patīkamam tam, kas aizgaldē
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anlongdo · 2 years
Sinh hoạt võ thuật KAAD: Tập luyện tháng 10/2022
Sinh hoạt võ thuật KAAD: Tập luyện tháng 10/2022
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