trouvelle · 5 years
Emogust 15.08 — Twisted Fairytale
A/N: I don’t know if I twisted this right! As always, its KaiAo and HeiKazu and (mentioned) ShinRan. I’ve been longing to write something about Kaito and someone else aside from Aoko, Saguru, Shinichi, etc. So here ya go, platonic KaiZuha! :D Also idk the thought of him losing his cool is just overall comedic @mintchocolateleaves @sup-poki
"Fear not, for I am here to rescue you from your deadly slumber!" exclaims Kaito in triumph as he stands at the foot of the tower with one foot up on a tree stump, his dashing white cape billowing majestically in the breeze.
He’s not exactly expecting anything, but he certainly isn’t expecting a response. So when a girl with her hair up in a ponytail soon pokes her head out the window while stifling a yawn, he is majorly shocked.
"...Who are you?" shouts the girl in response, staring down at him with an eyebrow raised. 
Kaito flinches as he takes in the sight of his princess, who has been known worldwide as Sleeping Beauty, but is very much awake. "Uh," he says lamely while squinting up at the window, "You're already awake?"
 "Of course—I wake up every morning," she deadpans. "I've been doing that for the past eighteen years, in fact. Is there supposed to be something wrong with that?"
"Oh, good Lord, the spell was broken that early?" Kaito frowns, positively bewildered. "Does this mean… another prince got here earlier than me?"
"Well, I haven’t been getting any visitors at all, but Mother comes to visit once in a while. Actually, I shouldn't even be talking to strangers. Who the hell are you, anyway?" the girl questions warily.
"I should be asking you the same question," Kaito sighs in exasperation. "In fact, I have a lot more to ask. If you don't mind, I'll be coming up now. We need to talk."
He proceeds to spend the next half hour inching his way up the side of the tower with the help of a grappling hook fashioned from some rope and the metal frame of his father's old parasol, as the ponytailed princess watches rather amusedly from the window. (Wait, why is he even carrying his father's parasol again?) 
Just as Kaito clambers onto the window sill, panting, the girl lunges at him and yanks him inwards into the tower, knocking him to the floor with an impressive martial art-like move and pinning him down with all her body weight.
"What the hell?" Kaito gasps, completely taken aback. "Is that really necessary? I'm here to rescue you!" 
The girl leans down to take a good look at his face, still keeping a strong hold and him. He curses Fate for giving him such a violent princess. 
"Oh, I'm sorry," She finally says after a rather long and awkward stare-down. She lets go of Kaito and stands up, dusting her skirt, looking a little sheepish. "It's just that...I've never had anyone aside from Mother in my tower before, it's a little... intimidating. Had to make sure you weren't going to kill me or anything." She adds, "Plus, I have a lot of spare time up here, so I've been practicing aikido."
Kaito winces as he slowly gets up from the floor, rubbing his elbows and knees. "That was a bit of an overreaction, if you ask me. Anyway, now that you know I'm not out to assassinate you, I'm Kaito, otherwise known as Prince of the Moonlight. And judging by the look on your face right now, you don't like the second name, so just call me Kaito."
"Very well. I'm Kazuha, but you might’ve heard people use my birth name—Rapunzel. Why do you need to rescue me, anyway?"
He vaguely gestures to the room they’re in. And for the first time, he notices her hair. More specifically, the length of her hair. It’s literally in a loop, occupying each corners of the room. "Well, I was sent here to rescue a sleeping princess, but right now, I'm just thoroughly confused by everything. And why the hell is your hair that long anyway? Your head must weigh a ton!”
She wisely chooses to ignore his last remarks. "Oh, Princess Aurora, you mean? Although we don’t call her that here, we call her Ran, because Aurora is a little bit too twisty of a word. She's in the next kingdom. I believe you've come to search in the wrong place." There's amusement written all over Kazuha's face at this point.
“No—wait. Sleeping Beauty is the princess that Prince Shinichi is tasked to find. I’m supposed to rescue the princess from the kingdom of Far Far Away, who like, transform as a human only between sunrise and sunset. If I remember correctly, her birth name is Fiona or something.” exclaims Kaito in desperation.
Kazuha walks to the window—the only window in her whole tower room, and points at the greenery even further away. “Then I think you’re looking for Princess Aoko!”
“What’s up with you princesses and your code names? Honestly you’re confusing me even more.” Kaito shakes his head in despair. Aurora, Ran. Fiona, Aoko. And what was Kazuha’s birth name again?
“That’s kind of the goal here, actually. We have to come up with a plan to throw off the bad guys. It’s worked pretty well so far! People come here bellowing things like ‘We’re here to kidnap you, Rapunzel’ and I simply tell them that I’m Kazuha, not Rapunzel. They’d always leave feeling very confused.” She laughs, obviously proud of her own accomplishment.
“Makes sense. So about Princess Aoko—”
“Right! She’s the only one who becomes an ogress during nighttime.”
Kazuha laughes lightly. She’s having fun teasing this strange prince with his equally strange, messy hair. “Nope, I was joking. It’s just that she has poor eyesight, so she doesn’t really venture out during the night. Also, her tower is two more kingdoms over in that direction.”
"Are you kidding me?!" Kaito continues to talk to himself as he takes out his map to check his location. He proceeds to pull out his monocle from his breast pocket and puts it over his right eye to get a good look at his map. "I must’ve gotten the wrong map. Didn’t even notice it when it got switched. What kingdom are we in anyway? ... This is why I should start wearing my monocle more often."
Kazuha can see how compatible Aoko and Kaito would be. Heck, Kaito even has his own set of monocle. She wonders why Aoko is so adamant about revealing the fact about her eyesight to anyone.
Kaito rubs his temples. "I am so, royally, screwed. How am I supposed to reach there in a week? It took me a whole month to even get here!"
Kazuha honestly doesn't know what to say to this, so she just leans against the windowsill, tapping her foot while Kaito paces back and forth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thinks and thinks. 
“The Council of Kings won’t be pleased.” He murmurs to himself, angry at how he could’ve gotten his map switched. And to think that he’s not even a real prince! He’s just a thief with big ambitions, following in his father’s footsteps as the renowned KID. If the Kings find out that he’s failed his mission and the fact that he’s not a prince, he’s doomed to spend the rest of his life in a dungeon.
Kazuha woefully suggests, rubbing her eyes in an act of weariness. “Listen, I have an idea. Why don’t I just go back with you, and when we meet the other prince and your supposed princess, we can switch places. Aoko and I are pretty close, we often send letters to each other. I’m sure she will understand. Hm?”
"That might actually work, provided if Princess Aoko and whoever rescues her don’t get the castle first before we do." He agrees a little reluctantly.
"It’s settled then!" Kazuha cheers adorably, excitement very evident in her voice. “I’ve never been out of this tower before. Mother always says that the outside is full of evil and selfish people, but look at how it’s just so, so beautiful out there.”
Kaito smiles back at her. He’s heard that out of the three Tower Princesses, Rapunzel is the one who has been in the tower the longest, since she was taken away when she’s still a baby. “It is,” He agrees, making his way to the door, “I can guarantee you that you’re gonna love it.”
“Wait, Kaito! This tower doesn't have any stairs, in case you didn't know.”
"Okay. Easy, no worries. I have my most trusty grappling hook for us to use." He says with a dismissive wave of his hand. Years of being a thief gave him experience in climbing and maneuvering. He walks over to the window sill, peering outside. The grappling hook lies on the grass below.
“On second thoughts… you were saying something about no stairs?"
There’s a brief moment of silence as Kaito slumps his shoulders forward, like he’s giving up dealing with his life at this point. Seriously, when he volunteered for the Tower Princesses Rescue Mission, he didn’t think it’s going to be this challenging.
Kazuha sighs. "That’s what my hair is for.”
She joins him by the windowsill and attempts to throw her hair off her right shoulder and down the side of the tower. She’s pulling and pulling, and pulling, then pushing and pushing and pushing. And as Kaito watches in awe, he can’t help but notice how her hair seems to have a life of its own. Her hair is superbly smooth and silky, and he simply slides down with ease.
Far better than using his grappling hook.
“Also, your prince is a total dumbass. Good luck—you’re gonna need it when you finally meet him.” 
For what it’s worth, he thinks, this Princess is quite entertaining. Their journey back will be fun.
Part II
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
when I saw u said u liked shiho/kaito and hakukai I got excited bc I like to ship kaito with like everyone? the weirder the person the more excited I am like have u read the KaiZuha fic??? gold (I'd rlly like to hear more about either of those from u too bc I esp like hakukai :o)
I actually kind of ship everyone with everyone in DCMK, as long as it’s not abusive or underage! Shiho/Kaito is my recent little addition that I hadn’t thought about and now really love.
HakuKai is really fun, and I think I first got drawn into it because of @itsashowtime ‘s Magic Saguru AU.
I have not read the KaiZuha fic, can someone please show me this KaiZuha fic?
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pumicexmagician · 8 years
[3:51:54 PM] Actual IRL Edgar Allan Poe: 
Heiji: yer fuckin' Kaitou KID Kaito: yeah Kazuha: yeah
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omakuba · 9 years
kaito and kazuha for the otp thing pls !!
Well, I mean, obviously you did, considering, like, three people in the fandom ship it and I’m, like, the only one who’s written for it (but not anymore because there’s a super cute ShinRan KagePro AU fic that features KaiZuha as a side pairing!!)
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs)
The only reason it’s not my mega OTP is because I’m still HakuKai trash tbh
How long will they last? - Forever tbh. Nah, but probably a really long time. Kaito doesn’t exactly handle rejection/loss very well, so he’d probably stay close to her. Not to mention we all know how loyal Kazuha is when she gives somebody her heart.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Slowly. Probably very slowly, considering Aoko and Heiji are/will be priority for them for a while before they get to understand their feelings for each other.
How was their first kiss? - I WANT TO IMAGINE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT LMAO. Probably terrible. No experience whatsoever. Really clunky and awkward but with the “well obviously practice makes perfect” trope at the end.
Who proposed? - Kaito. Old-fashioned loser, on one knee and everything. Maybe cracks a KID pun, while he’s at it. Probably gets slapped for it, too. And then kissed, so it’s worth it. (She says yes and then cracks a joke about him stealing her heart, so it’s more than worth it.)
Who is the best man/men? - Oh god. As much as Kaito doesn’t want to admit it, probably Hakuba. He doesn’t exactly have many close male acquaintances, and Hakuba is about as close to a brother figure as Kaito’s ever going to get. You know, if your brother wanted to arrest you for grand larceny.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Ran and Sonoko, for sure.
Who did the most planning? - Kazuha. Kaito probably YOLO’ed out of the way while Kazuha kind of steamrolled the planning.
Who stressed the most? - Kazuha. Like I said, Kaito “YOLO” Kuroba.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
I can see Kazuha wanting a traditional Japanese wedding, but that might be tricky if she went head-to-head with Chikage’s spending habits. I can see Momma Kuroba wanting a big Western-style wedding.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - I can’t see anybody not being invited to the wedding. AES-verse, Kaito might joke about not wanting Heiji to show up, but regular canon-verse? I don’t really know.
How many children will they have naturally? - One, maybe two. I can’t see Kazuha wanting more than two, especially if they’re anything like their parents. (”I love ya, Kaito, but two a’ ya ain’t gonna fly.”)
How many children will they adopt? - Maybe one if they don’t want natural children. But if Kazuha has a kid, then none.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Kazuha. Kaito’s a big baby himself and gets whiny about changing the little one(s).
Who is the stricter parent? - Kazuha, because Kaito hasn’t exactly had a strict parental figure in his life so he doesn’t know how to adult.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Kazuha. Considering she’s married to Kaito “I’M GONNA TEACH MY CHILD HOW TO HARDCORE PARKOUR” Kuroba.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Kaito,surprisingly. He’s an early waker, so he gets up and makes the lunches. But everybody thinks Kazuha does it because “obviously, Kaito can’t cook.”
Who is the more loved parent? - They’re both loved equally, but probably Kaito because he’d let them get away with a lot more, let’s be real here.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Kaito, surprisingly enough. Despite not being strict, I feel like he’d want to be a large part of his child(ren)’s life(s), and that includes (background) checking out the school/committee.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Kazuha, considering it’s more likely that her parents attended graduation so she would know how emotional it can be (Kaito’s just used to leaving the nest early, gestures at Chikage).
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - SNORTS LOUDLY. Kaito probably has “preventive measures” to make sure his kids don’t get caught in the first place.
Who does the most cooking? - Kazuha, probably. Kaito’s generally a little too lazy to cook dinner, or he’s wrapped up in his work and doesn’t even realize it’s time to eat until Kazuha nudges him to take care a’ yerself, ya idiot.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Kaito probably, and that’s only because of his ichthyophobia.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Kaito! He probably goes shopping while Kazuha watches after the kids/makes sure they don’t accidentally set something on fire.
How often do they bake desserts? - oh god. oh god. They’ve both got sweet teeth, what more can I say.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Probably a mix of both. I can’t see either of them particularly favoring one or the other.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Kaito. Kazuha probably thinks he’d forget, because even idiots with eidetic memories can forget important dates (but not Kaito).
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Kaito. I can imagine he’d do it every time he was about to tell Kazuha something that she’d be mad at (and Kaito does a lot of questionable things tbh).
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - As much as he cooks, probably Kaito. He’s reckless, even in the kitchen, and might accidentally go wander off to do something like plan a heist or pester Kazuha and forget to turn the burner off.
Who cleans the room? - Both of them. They kind of have their “sides” of the room (Kaito’s has a bunch of magic devices that may or may not explode in people’s faces, while Kazuha probably has lowkey gym equipment so she can stretch or do light workouts when she has no time to go out) that they keep clean.
Who is really against chores? - Neither of them! Kaito whines by default, but he’s naturally a tidy person so cleaning is kind of an automatic. Kazuha just enjoys the feel of a clean house.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Kaito; he’s used to taking care of his doves, so it’s really become second nature to him.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Actually, neither of them, surprisingly enough. Kazuha probably expects Kaito to do it, considering his reputation as a troublemaker, but he’s extremely neat and tidy.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Kazuha! Kaito is very que sera sera, whereas Kazuha would want to make a good impression, no matter how long they’ve known the guests.
Who found a dollar money between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Kaito! He is Lady Luck’s favorite child after all. (They probably have a jar of “Lucky Kaito Yen” where they just keep all the money Kaito finds between the cushions. There’s a lot of yen in that jar.)
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Kazuha! She tries to look her best every day, because Kaito always teases her about her clothes or makeup or something. (He doesn’t really mean it, though. He thinks she looks best when she’s all sleepy and just woken up, with bird’s nest hair and heavy-lidded eyes.)
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Kaito, no, hang-gliding does not count as “a walk”.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Christmas, and that’s about it. Kazuha probably gets really excited about other holidays, too, but it’s a lowkey excitement because she doesn’t want Kaito to think she’s a child or something (but he knows how excited she gets, which is why he always does something special for/with her even if they don’t decorate).
What are their goals for the relationship? - Hm. Probably just to make it through everything life throws at them. After all, they had to overcome so many obstacles (Kaito being KID, Kazuha getting roped into Heiji’s shenanigans, both of them probably having to deal with the aftermath of Conan’s Black Org escapades), and they still don’t know how many more are left.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Kaito, but only because he stays up so late, probably working on heists or, post-KID, magic tricks. Kazuha goes to sleep at a reasonable time (and Kaito is forced to work in the bed so that she can curl up next to him).
Who plays the most pranks? - Kaito, honestly.
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trouvelle · 5 years
Emogust 21.08 — Time Travel
A/N: lmao ok so I didn’t realize that I accidentally skipped this one. DCMK Emogust 2019 — Time Travel! It’s a continuation of the Kaizuha Twisted Fairytale / tangled!AU :’D @mintchocolateleaves @sup-poki
Kaito can feel the sweat beading on his own forehead and trailing down his temples and neck, and prays that the white collar of his shirt won’t be stained. Even so, he will persevere; he refuses to give up just because he’s tired—he’s supposed to either bring the princess back or die, not stop just because he’s tired. So he continues his walk down the dark and jagged pathway. He’d heard from some villagers about this magical cave that is supposed to take them immediately to the Enchanted Lake. That’s the equivalent of a day worth of journey up and down several valleys and through one very horrifying Spooky Forest, of which is reported to be where beastly wolves reside. He had already went through the terrible experience of walking in the Spooky Forest on his way to rescue his princess, and now on his way back, he would do anything to avoid that forest at all costs. The princess, however, refuses to go through the cave and insists on taking the route based on the map.
“We don’t know what kind of magic is in the cave!” Kazuha argues, but Kaito is determined to never take a step into the cursed forest ever again. 
“Well,” Kaito says after a moment of consideration, “We can just meet at the Enchanted Lake.” 
Kazuha groans, “Aw, come on. I’m sure the Spooky Forest ain’t all that spooky!” 
“I’m supposed to be protecting you here, okay? And I can’t protect you if we go in separate ways!” Kaito puts a hand on Kazuha’s shoulder, trying to reason with her. Really, this headstrong princess has been doing nothing but test his patience all journey long.
“I don’t need you and your protection anyway. I can take care of myself.” Kazuha huffs and turns around to start making her way down the other path, threatening to leave Kaito at the mouth what seemed like a dimly lit cave. “Just don’t come crying to me if you had turned into a.. a frog or something inside the magical cave. See ya later at the Enchanted Lake.” are her last words to him.
Okay, 1) No one mentioned how the pathway inside the cave seems to be narrowing down with each step he takes. It’s dark and tiny and he feels like he’s being crunched inside. 2) Everyone says that it’s cold inside a cave. But why the Hell is it so warm in here? Not only is it small, narrow and dark in here, it’s also frustratingly hot and humid. He’s suffocating.
As he recalls what he’s been through the past few weeks, his mood just became more sour. He’s been plagued with all the bad luck one could have in a lifetime. It probably would’ve been easier if only he wasn’t alone in this dark, dingy cave. It’s all that stubborn princess’ fault, he complains, why couldn’t she just be more agreeable? Why did he have to be stuck with her anyway? She’s probably the reason for all his recent misfortune.
His steps are getting slower and weaker,  the humidity of the cave intensifying his fatigue. Just before he reaches his breaking point, when dark spots are clouding his vision, a sudden gust of wind came from the back, effectively throwing him forward. A shocked scream rips out of his parched throat. The last thing he saw is nothing but darkness.
Kaito’s eyelids flutter open and he sees a huge, golden chandelier overhead as he blinks his haziness away. Finally some light, he thinks, before his eyes widen and he scrambles to his feet immediately. How is that even possible? Is this part of the cave’s magical power? He whips his head around only to realize that his surroundings are different. He’s no longer in that cave with total absence of sunlight. Instead, the room is illuminated by sunshine streaming in from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. It looks almost ethereal. 
He looks down at his body and notices that he’s been stripped of his all-white knight suit; he’s wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with a blue sleeveless tunic over it, grayish blue pants and brown boots with their cuffs folded. Whoever gave me this change of outfit has taste, he whistled. But where is this?
He stands up, almost stumbling from the vertigo that hits him, before he discovers he’s not alone in the room. It’s someone’s bedroom, he realizes, or a nursery. Because instead of any beds in sight, there is only one single golden crib. His curiosity got the better of him and he wobbles his way down the room. Once he gets there, he finds for himself the tiniest baby he’s ever seen, comfortably bundled up underneath a tiny lavender blanket. However, he notices another strange fact: he doesn’t even reach the top frame of the crib. 
“So I’m the size of a toddler now?” he laughs humorlessly. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s getting pretty freaked out by now. Based on his height, he supposes he’s not even five yet. Well, at least he’s not a frog, so Kazuha is wrong.
A high-pitched wail pulls him away from his thoughts. Kaito peers in between the rails to see that the baby now has its tiny mouth wide open and emitting powerful cries, eyes and nose scrunched up. He extends his arm through the railing in an attempt to maybe touch and soothe the baby back to sleep. But.. his arm is now too short. 
He looks all around him panickedly, looking for anything that can help calm the baby down. He fears for his sanity. All the crying and wailing is going to drive him deaf. He freezes in his tracks when the giant double door is pushed open from the outside. And before he knows it, he is swept off the floor and is now dangling in the air. He spins his head around to see who is holding him so high and he is prepared to kick, wriggle, anything to get back down to the ground—what he’s not prepared for is to stare right into his father’s face. Which he does, in shock.
“Dad?!” he breathes.
“I see you’ve found your sister.” says his father with a smile. 
Wait, a sister?
He whips his head around with bulging eyes to look at the baby, who is now cradled on a woman’s arms. 
By now, the baby has stopped crying. Kaito quickly uses this precious moment to clear his head and sort out everything that’s happening because his mind is in an absolute state of frenzy. Father is here, he lists first, and I’ve been transformed into a child... “I’ve traveled back in time!!” he exclaims in horror. Either that, or the magical cave sent him to a ridiculous alternate universe, he concludes.
The woman who is gently rocking the baby back and forth looks at him strangely, “What are you talking about, son?”
Son?? She—wa, wait—what? 
He’s lived with his father his whole life and never once has he seen his mother. Not in any pictures or painting, not even through any stories. He used to find it strange that his father claimed he didn’t have any pictures of his mom, but he just ever questioned it. He thought he might just be adopted. But if this woman here is actually his mother, then..?
That is a lot of information to get in thirty seconds.
He doesn’t even know if he remembers to blink or breathe. He has also forgotten that his father is still holding him. Soon, he is gently brought down to the floor as the woman who might be his mom crouches beside him, bringing down the baby in her arms. 
“Kaito, say hi to Rapunzel.” Rapunzel? 
“Rapunzel?!” He yelps, but it comes out more like a shriek instead.
“Yes, that’s the name of your baby sister.” says his mother, and she’s beaming with pride as she directs her focus back to the baby.
And at that exact moment, the baby’s eyelids flew open, revealing two bright green orbs that bore into his. Maybe there’s more than one Rapunzel out there, maybe this is a different Rapunzel and Kazuha is another Rapunzel. But he knows those lively eyes quite well by now, and they look exactly like Kazuha’s. 
This is Kazuha? The bloody-minded, iron-willed princess whom he falsely rescued from her tower a few days ago? Very well, he can see the similarity. The way baby Rapunzel was crying earlier shows just how difficult she’s going to grow up to be. But wait wait wait—so Kazuha is his sister?
Kaito feels like screaming at all the newfound information he just received. He is just about to, when he sees from the corner of his eyes that baby Kazuha is raising her chubby hand at him. Instinctively, he shows baby Kazuha his pointy finger, which the latter grasped enthusiastically. Babies are freakishly tiny, he thinks. But from the way baby Kazuha’s enormous, doll-like eyes light up as she plays with his finger and the occasional high-pitched laughter she produces, he decides, that babies are extremely adorable. Or maybe just her. Well that is, until baby Kazuha reaches up to rub her tiny hand all over Kaito’s face.
“Kaito,” his mother says, as his father’s hands comes to rest on both his shoulders, “You’re a big boy now. And as Rapunzel’s big brother, you have to protect her, can you do that for me?” 
Before he gets the chance to say anything, there are sharp footsteps coming from the hallway, rapidly approaching the door. His father quickly pulls him up to his arms, holding him over his shoulder. Meanwhile, his mother swings baby Kazuha away from him to set her down in the crib, and turns to face Kaito and his father. “That must be the King. You have to leave now!”
After pressing a kiss to his forehead, his mother rushes to one of the windows and pushes it open. “Go,” she orders, “I’ll see you soon.” His father nods, gives her one last longing look and jumps off. 
The last thing he remembers is the clear blue sky outside.
Kazuha stops just outside of the Spooky Forest, ignoring the tremor in her feet. She tries to ignore her increasingly fast heartbeat and disappointment in her chest when she realizes that there’s no way around the forest.
Perhaps she should’ve listened to Kaito and went into the cave with him instead. 
“No. I can survive just fine without him,” she mutters to herself as she marches into the forest. Most of the trees in there are quite old, some barely having any leaves on their branches. They look like bony hands, she thinks. And their shadows are worse, they look like they could extend to grab her from every direction.
She clicks her tongue and listens carefully for any indication that there might be another person in there. “So much for being courageous,” mumbles Kazuha to herself as she sprints further into the forest, eager to find the exit as soon as she can. She doesn’t need anyone. She can survive just fine. And she definitely don’t need anyone to protect her.
It turns out, she does need Kaito, Kazuha realizes with a rumbling stomach as she slowly scales the ground for any food to be eaten. Growing up, she had food brought over by Mother all the time. Sometimes she brought ingredients to be cooked. But she was never taught to look for food by herself. That, and due to her lack of experience being outside the tower, Kazuha doesn’t know which things are safely edible and which are not. All these time, Kaito has been the one in charge of getting them food. When they aren’t near villages or towns, he hunts for food in the wilderness. He knows which fruits and berries are poisonous and which are safe. Kazuha, unfortunately, does not.
It’s not as sunny as when she enters the forest, now that the sun is already starting to go down beyond the mountain. The shadows all around the forest have been amplified and Kazuha is feeling really uneasy by now. Another growl from her stomach decides for her; she hasn’t eaten since the pie they had in the village yesterday, and it’s now been a full day. 
Suppressing her hunger, she shuffles along the trail as fast as her feet can take her. Maybe I can go to a nearby village where I can ask for dinner once I get out of this forest, she determines. While the forest is scary enough in the daytime, now once the sun is beginning to set, there are loud growls seemingly from all directions around her. Kazuha is undoubtedly spooked.
In the midst of ignoring the growls, and the scary swaying of the tree branches, and the long wolf-like howls that would’ve otherwise sent chills down her spine, she sees a clearing in front of her. That must be the exit, where the Enchanted Lake is! Kaito must’ve been waiting for a long time, she realizes guiltily.
She screeches to a halt right by the lake and collapses down to her feet, trying to regain a steady breathing. After composing herself, she scans around her surroundings and sees no one else in sight. Strange, she thinks, if Kaito took the shortcut through that cave, he should’ve already been here for many hours. Did he leave?
Kazuha plops back down to the soft grass by the bank in devastation as her fatigue finally catches up to her. It is getting really dark now, and she’s not sure if she can continue to walk any further without getting lost. She tries to will herself to crawl to a nearby tree as a shelter just in case it’s going to rain later in the night, but to no success. Instead, she feels her eyelids growing heavier and heavier, and her mind goes blank.
Kaito’s eyes soften when he spots the princess nestled up on the grass. The sight reminds him of baby Kazuha in the crib, sleeping soundly like he’d witnessed earlier. The whole ordeal might or might not have been real. He could’ve been really sent back in time, or it could’ve just been an illusion that the cave has him trapped in. After all, the cave isn’t called the magical cave for nothing. Maybe he’ll be able to think about it with a clearer head tomorrow. Or better yet, not think about it at all and simply forget everything.
With a sigh, he crouches down next to her and lies on his back, eyes up facing the dark sky. They’ve had a long and exhausting day, both of them. Within minutes, he too, falls asleep under the tender light of the moon, the soft night breeze ruffling their hair like a lullaby.
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trouvelle · 5 years
∫ Masterlist ∫
Heiji x Kazuha
Accusations and Equations  
(fantasy, romance) Seriously. Kazuha is not a vampire.
(angst) Kazuha couldn’t comprehend why Heiji’s ignoring her like this.
(angst) Heiji found a crumpled letter inside his coat pocket.
Caught in the Act 
(humor) Shinichi walks in on Heiji and Kazuha. Ran and Sonoko catch them from the window.
(Soulmate!AU) His mother told him that the dreams would go away, that the dreams would stop. They never did. The dreams never stopped coming.
Furry Vexations 
(Kittens!AU, fluff, literal fluff)  DCMK Emogust 09.08 — Stubbornness
(comedy, post-Ebisu bridge canonverse) Kendo practitioners are known for having defined biceps.
No Cure for the Wicked 
(horror/thriller, Psychopath!AU) “Whenever you die in my dreams, it’s always in the sweetest and utmost beautiful of ways. I will always hold you dearly.”
Time’s Up 
(hurt no comfort, canon-divergence) “Have you used the Pandora Gem?” Kaito’s eyes betray his confident body gestures. “Are you interested in using it?” Shinichi offers no reply, his only response is his unfaltering stare at the magician, “I know you’ve found it, and I know you’ve used it.”
Stop Moving 
(Pets!AU: fox!Heiji, bunny!Kazuha) DCMK Emogust 2020 — 13.08: “Stop moving!”
Shinichi x Ran
All the Signs
She nods and says too, out loud, “I love you.”
Shinichi signs, “I love you.”
(angst/tragedy)  He gambled with the risks, and he thought he had made the right choice when their happiness outweighed everything else by a trillion.
Red-Hearted Tragedy 
(domestic fluff, humor, Family!AU) Having a good time on Valentine’s Day? For them, it’s not possible anymore.
Time’s Up 
(hurt/comfort) “Have you used the Pandora Gem?” Kaito’s eyes betray his confident body gestures. “Are you interested in using it?” Shinichi offers no reply, his only response is his unfaltering stare at the magician, “I know you’ve found it, and I know you’ve used it.”
(angst) How Shinichi wishes things were different.
Heiji x Shinichi (brotp)
Shinichi wants to give a memorable best man speech
(HeiShinKai, humor) Shinichi has never dropped his phone before. Until today
Murphy’s Law
HeiShinKai, HeiShin (humor) Kaito Kid’s latest plan: kill the Great Detectives of the East and West.
HeiShinKai (friendship)
Kaito x Aoko
(angst/tragedy)  He gambled with the risks, and he thought he had made the right choice when their happiness outweighed everything else by a trillion.
You Might Melt Me 
(HeiKazu, humor) “So what?” Kaito asks, “Do you watch her eat and stuff?” “It’s like a ritual,” Shinichi tells Kaito helpfully.
Let Me Make It Up To You → Part 2 
HeiKazu (smut, pwp) Kazuha feels bad for abandoning Heiji after a busy and tiring week, so she tries to make up for it.
ShinRan, HeiShinKai brotp (humor) Heiji and Kaito are forces of evil.
PB & (Alcoholic) Punch 
HeiKazu, KaiAo, side ShinRan, MakoSono (crack) Sonoko throws a party and when a Truth-or-Dare game takes off, certain things comes into light. (a.k.a Kaito and Aoko finally kiss and Kazuha finds out about Heiji’s daddy kink)
Highway to Hell 
HeiShin+Kai (brothers, SPN!AU) Shinichi and Heiji are two brothers who hunt supernatural beings, more often than not with the aid of an angel named Kaito.
Flight of Dread and Delight  
ShinKazu friendship (fantasy, wings!AU) He doesn’t know when it began, but one day he noticed the shine in his wings has worn off.
Striking Balance: Part I , Part II , Part III
ShinRan, HeiKazu, KaiAo, MakoSono (adventure, ATLA!AU)
Twisted Fairytale 
KaiZuha friendship (fantasy, Tangled!AU) Kaito is here to rescue his assigned princess, the Sleeping Beauty. But she is feisty and sure as hell ain’t asleep.
The Dead Don’t Cry: Part I , Part II
ShinRan, HeiKazu (tragedy, angst, horror, Zombie!AU) Nothing is fair when you’re living in a world full of the living dead.
When Tomorrow Comes 
ShinKazu friendship, hints of ShinRan and HeiKazu (angst/tragedy) Just close your eyes, you’ll be alright Come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound.
Heiji and Kazuha’s morning routine
Heiji and Kazuha: Quarantine
Shizuka and her boys a.k.a Hattori Family
Quarantine Edition: ShinRan, HeiKazu, MakoSono
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
I'm not that anon, but I'm open to shipping Kaito with everyone too, so yeah. As for KaiZuha fic, I know about Ama Ergo Sum by Gallifreyan Annihilator (FanFiction) and while I found that pairing pretty random at the time, it turned out really good? Definitely worth reading!
My motto with shipping is, as long as they’re happy, I’m all for it.
Also, I just finished reading that fic. Oh my god. It’s so GOOD. It makes me itch to write more Kaito oneshots, especially one starring Kazuha. xD
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