#Kaija OC
chainandfeather · 9 months
I have no idea how hard/easy it is to see these but have some crappy character concept sketches I did
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May add more later, we’ll see
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skipblebee · 1 year
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Shula and Kaija r best friends they told me themselves
@soxendanso :] <3
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goddevouringserpent · 21 days
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tagged by @miseryscrowned to do this picrew 💜! still in WOTR mode after the DLC release date announcement so have some Wrathful and Righteous creatures~
left to right: Irenni*/Daeran, Demon-path-Kaija/Camellia (also known as: nasty cannibal girlfriends licking and kissing blood off of each other's faces, like a couple of freaks 💖), and post-game-Kaija/Woljif!
*speaking of Irenni, I've decided to change her from a tiefling to a dhampir. having both Commanders be tieflings felt... like a bit much lol—as much as I adore tieflings, I wanted some variety—and whereas being a tiefling is a central part of Kaija's character, Irenni's whole "manifold identity crisis" thing can work just as well with. several races, really. dhampir, aasimar, half-elf, half-orc, etcetera, etcetera. dhampir just worked really well thematically and drew interesting parallels with Daeran for several reasons, so :3
not tagging anybody in specific because I think most people have done this already, so I'm open tagging instead, feel free to say I tagged you & to mention me in the post if you'd like!
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krakrac · 1 year
sketched kaija and im like dang she is dead!
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arrow90-art · 11 months
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Turned friends' wotr/km ocs into animals!
characters and their owners: top to bottom left to right
Siavash @dujour13, Agria @lairiend, Sparrow @cassynite, Balthazar @outeremissary, Ariadne @turbulentpumpkin43, Grushankaya @three-of-crows, Taro @desnas, Luthais @gutterspeak, Zrise @hauntedolly, Knave @iwoszareba, Ven @angrygoatwoman, Salvadore @dmagedgoods, Kadira @spyridonya, Lenarius @undyingembers, Tristo @molochka-koshka, Minovae & Jesyll @silversiren1101, Kaija @goddevouringserpent, Theoven @offsidekineticist
Yall have amazing character designs! ^^
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sunshinesdaydream · 11 months
A Night at 79s -
If your favorite clones were all at 79s, what would their drink order be? What's everyone up to (dancing? drinking? brooding?)? Who gets the most drinks bought for them?
Or, if you'd prefer, what would a night out with the Trooper (of your choice) be like?
Really glad that I saved this for today! Coming up with head canons always makes me feel better. So I answered both, because I needed to talk about my Beloved Hardcase.
I did a bunch of the guys. If anyone wants others let me know!
Headcanons below the cut because this got LONG.
501st Guys
Captain Rex- Jameson and Ginger Ale – One eye on his boys while he talks to the commanders. Is interrupted by interested parties frequently. He is awkward and Wolffe ends up distracting them for him.
Fives- Mojitos and Dancing and Flirting as a team with Echo
Echo-Classic Daquiri (not the tropical frozen variety)-Dancing and Flirting as a team with Fives
Jesse-Why do I feel that this guy drinks beer? Probably a half decent one. Not bothered enough to be picky about it. Flirting and very occasional dancing.
Kix-Gin and Tonic- Holds down the table unless someone pries him away from it
Hardcase-Cycles through sweet cocktails. Along the lines of Taquila Sunrise, Mai Tai... Dancing, general running around talking to EVERYONE.
Tup- much like Hardcase he likes the sweets. Cycles through a few, not totally on purpose but because he is the one getting the most drinks bought for him. Being flirted with constantly.
Dogma-Club Soda with lime. He's the “DD” nevermind that no one has to drive. Brooding and having some people tentatively flirt with him.
Our Commanders
Commander Wolffe- Mint Julep – Broods at the “Commanders table” Glares at anyone he thinks is out of line. Very courteous to women, to the point it borders on flirting.
Commander Cody -Old Fashioned – Spends most of his time talking to Rex.
Commander Fox- Cosmos and Exhaustion. Talks to Wolffe and the others, has a few people flirt with him. Turns down dancing because he feels awkward. Ends up staring off into the middle distance actually asleep with his eyes open at the club.
The Bad Batch
Hunter-Another beer drinker. He kind of screams micro brew to me. Sits at the bar and talks to the bartender (Pre-order 66) Broods (Post-order 66)
Wrecker-”Whatever's good!” Will happily take the special. Dances and talks to people. Flirts without knowing he's flirting.
Crosshair- Bourbon on the rocks. Flirting or conversation with someone. Like a quieter more focused Wrecker, more teasing with his flirting. Post order 66 brooding, talking to a brother (batcher or reg), or simply sitting watching everything happening. He likes to have someone to sit with, but not HAVE to talk.
Tech-Moscow Mule. None he is on his datapad.
Echo (BB Era)-Has adopted Rex's Jameson and Ginger Ale choice. Usually hanging out at the bar/table. Has a few people hesitantly approach him. Depending on his mood he might indulge in some light flirting.
Bonus : My Corrie OCs Even- Sidecar -Will be watching to see if Kaija shows up, but will happily talk to anyone. Light flirting is likely.
Sharp- Bloody Mary with plenty of spice - broods/babysits Thrill.
Thrill- Margarita (he has a thing for the color green)- Mostly dancing, finding people to dance with, more dancing.
A Night at 79's with My Beloved Hardcase.
-When he sits at the table with his brothers he has you sit on his lap. More to keep him grounded than anything. Keeps him from getting up and wandering off mid conversation, helps keep him focused. Will be talking to one of his brothers while you talk with another.
-Does want to dance with you. Does not care if you or he even can dance. You are moving on the dance floor. He whisper-yells jokes and compliments in your ear on the dance floor.
-Frequently grabs your hand to pull you with him to whatever he is off to next. Back to the table, over to some guys he met from a different part of the GAR, an interesting civilian he's met before, another drink from the bar, back to dancing.
-When the club shuts down you go with everyone to an all night diner for food. Talking, and being much too loud for that time of night your tables are a haze of happiness. Eventually you start to doze on Hardcase's shoulder and he takes you home, gets you comfy and snuggles you to sleep.
Reblog it if you like!
Love & Wrecker Hugs
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year
14, 5, 21 WIP meme!
Ooookay (yesss thank you for the questions (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)
I think I'll answer for both of the fics I've touched within the week
The universe took its time on you:
14. For this chapter? Just took ages to figure out what I wanted next. For the entire fic? I keep trying to make LGQ too thinky - he's an action guy, not someone who wallows inside their head like me or Shen Jiu.
5. Some OC for sure! My original plans called for Shi Yang to be a part of it. But since that has stalled, I might instead do something else involving the yet unnamed Zhi JI succeeding disciple and some ex-brothel women. Shi Yang is cool, the others barely have a personality inside my head, let alone on the page.
21. I don't really do playlists, but let's see... for the whole whole fic Kaunis rietas onnellinen by Kaija Koo
The lyrics are not that fitting except in a few places but the vibes. The vibes are immaculate.
To give you an idea, the song begins like this:
You've already once seen how this world collapses And still from somewhere among the ashes [you've] risen up again You've already once thought you'll never recover And still there with everyone you shout louder So I can promise that always in the end you'll survive anything
On the other hand, if I think about lyrics Puhu äänellä jonka kuulen by Haloo Helsinki might as well be written by LQG about SJ (if he had a smidge of poetry in his soul). The song's name means Speak with a voice I can hear and the lyrics. are just so accurate. all the way thorough.
For third let's go Valot pimeyksien reunoilla by Apulanta - the song name means Lights at the edges of darknesses.
(if anyone is curious about the lyrics for any of these please enble me. I think translating is fun.)
That which is bright rises twice:
14. Figuring out what über genius Mei Changsu would do ( ╯□╰ )... Why did I decide to write about geniuses... And also figuring out how much info to give out about the power system? It's lived in my head for so long it's hard to remember that no-one else knows, and I'm not a natural infodumper. I think I give too little info if anything usually.
5. All the people from other sects are OC's but honestly, they're not even important enough to be named. I like the sect leader for the small local sect but I don't think she'll show up much after this chapter.
21. uuuh, chinese music with wuxia vibes cos it's the jianghu chapter. I have some of that on my playlists but all of it gives me WoH vibes instead of NiF vibes. this is the anthem of Nirvana in Fire in my head:
(there was a tumblr post with the lyrics translated once upon a time but I've apparently lost it 🥺)
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cantd-lete · 5 years
okay now tell me about epwirs. are they into any sort of mythology? / what's their morning routine, if any? / where/when are they happiest? / any irrational fears or phobias? / how did u come up with them and their design? / what's their relationship with the duwang gang? / any cool quotes from them?
Wow this turned out uhhh…. WAY longer than I thought it would. I’m so sorry dude. 
Epwirs isn’t into any one specific mythology, but whenever they do go poking around into the stories that come with mythologies they always fall in love with and idolize the characters that fall under the general archetype of being the background player that quietly schemes and successfully accomplishes their goals in secret while the main antagonist brashly plays in the foreground and fails at accomplishing whatever they had set out to do.
Morning routine! Thank you SO much for asking about this. Well, this might be a bit more in-depth/boring than you were hoping for, but I have a very specific routine in mind that they complete every day without fail for fear of starting the day off on the wrong foot. You could say they’re a bit superstitious.
05:45 - Epwirs wakes up and does their morning stretches.
06:05 - Epwirs showers, brushes their teeth, and gets dressed.
06:30 - Epwirs prepares two eggs, one toast, and a bagel for breakfast and eats it with a glass of orange juice.
07:00 - Epwirs leaves their house and starts their 25 minute walk to their place of work.
07:30 - Epwirs opens shop at Café Deux Magots
The answer to this question is a bit more on the simple side, but Epwirs is happiest when they are working at Café Deux Magots because it is the optimal place for surveillance of all the other stand users in Morioh and Epwirs is calm and at peace when they know EVERYTHING that is happening around them. You could say the instinct is that of a cat who always wants to be very high up and in the corner of the room so that they can survey and be aware of the entirety of their environment.
I briefly mentioned this before but Epwirs has an irrational (or maybe… not so irrational? :) *eyes emoji as the fact that [Smooth Criminal]’s substand is called loose thread….*) fear of getting caught just like Kira was. Because of this, they have every single aspect of their life planned out down to the minute. They meticulously planned out their routine and follow it to a T. They fear if they stray even one little bit from the routine they will suddenly have unknown variables introduced into their life, and this is highly undesirable for them. They freak out whenever they are not in FULL control of the situation they are in.
This is a VERY long story, but essentially Epwirs stems from the fact that the song Smooth Criminal is ALWAYS stuck in my head. ALWAYS. And so I thought to myself, “Hey, I should make a stand for this song cause it doesn’t seem like that’s been done all that much before.” And the rest is history. Yeah, the stand did come before the user, not the other way around. I can go into more detail on other aspects of how I eventually settled on Epwirs’ design later if you want, but this answer to the ask is already long enough as it is h
Relationship to the duwang gang? Well, Epwirs strives to make sure there IS no relationship and that NONE of the duwang gang are even slightly suspicious of them. After all, after having gone through the immense effort to avoid all the events and drama of part 4 with a 39 and a half foot pole, Epwirs is NOT ready to be brought down by something so ridiculous and moronic as slipping up in front of the rest of the stand users in Morioh at their own place of work. All the duwang gang know Epwirs as is “that one eccentric American waiter with a heavy accent at that one café that we always visit.”
Quotes!! I’ve never thought about them, but now that you mention it, here are a few. They’re not particularly “cool,” but they sum up their character pretty well!
“Hey, it’s that idiot again. Doesn’t he know he’ll get caught if he keeps acting like that?”
“Hello and welcome to the Café Deux Magots. May I take your order?”
“What a fool. He had it coming.”
“Only imbeciles allow themselves to be caught.”
“No one suspects me! My routine is immaculate; perfect; no traces left behind! I’ll never be caught!!”
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reina-morada · 2 years
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Kaija salem Samar
Pair to her Mother Samar
More OC things.... 
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misseljebel · 6 years
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A witch OC for my Mirabelle universe! Her name is Kaija Tervo and she's from Finland!
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uniquemekylieb · 6 years
You 👏 know 👏what👏 you 👏gotta 👏do 👏for Kylia (or Kaija, take your pick. Or both!)
Hmmm, I think I’ll do Kylia first and do Kaija (my poor girl, I still love you 😭) in another post~ Another few hours, annnnnd go!
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
- Her full name is Kylia Lucis Caelum. Her name was chosen from her father liking one name (Kylis) and her mother liking another (Ilia), and instead of choosing between the two, they decided to mash them together. Luckily, it turned out well.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
- She does; Her Royal Highness, Princess of Lucis. She acquired it by being born to royalty.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory of it?
- Her childhood was rather tumultuous. It was good overall, but her being a princess didn’t help it any. Fond memories include numerous times her mother would brush her hair, any times she and her brother played together, being able to be with her parents at all. A bad memory would be her mother’s passing.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
- Her relationship with her parents was a little strained, but otherwise really good. One of her good memories of them together are any of the times they would be able to put her to bed or otherwise spend time with her before bedtime when she was young. She has a particularly bad memory of when she was young; she was five and really wanted to spend time with her parents, playing, reading, dress up, tea parties, anything. However her parents, being the King and Queen of Lucis, were incredibly busy and burdened with their duties. They had told her they couldn’t at that moment, as they had many times before, and she just snapped at them, yelling how they were always too busy for her and she would never important enough. They ultimately postponed any other duties for the rest of the day and spent with her and her brother.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
- She has one older brother; Noctis Lucis Caelum. Her relationship with him in the present is not where she would like it to be, and she tries her hardest to make it better. When they were kids they were extremely close (they are roughly 11 months apart in age), but as they grew up and their responsibilities grew and changed with them, they haven’t been as close as they once were, which Kylia wishes weren’t the case.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
- She was an excellent student in her tutoring sessions and ultimately at the Royal Academy. She thoroughly enjoyed her studies, and she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in only a year and half after her high school education at 19 due to the college classes she took during high school. She enjoyed most of her classes, some favorites being the fine arts classes, history, and english. She was okay with math and most sciences, but she absolutely despised chemistry.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
- Being the princess, she wasn’t given the opportunity to have too many friends a child. However, in her small circle of friends, she has kept all of them into adulthood; Lunafreya nox Fleuret, Ravus nix Fleuret, Trinity Lasitene, her brother, and Gladiolus Amicitia.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
- Unfortunately, she was able to have pets as a child as she wasn’t responsible enough to care for one on her own; as an adult she is now unable to own one due to her duties and responsibilities. However, she loves animals, and she love to own a dog someday.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
- Animals like her rather well, however, for some reason cats do not tend to be fond of her.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/etc?
- She likes children well enough. She isn’t fawning over them all the time, but she will be kind and gentle with them and try to be a good role model for them. She doesn’t have any children, but she would want them if she was married and deeply in love with her spouse. She worries sometimes that she wouldn’t be a good mother, but in reality she would be much like her own mother, gentle and patient and always loving. If she were anything other than a parent, however, she wouldn’t be as confident in her nurturing abilities.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
- She isn’t a vegan or vegetarian, but she tries her best to eat as healthy as she can. But sweets are a thing, so she has some trouble with being consistent. She doesn’t have any allergies.
12. What is their favourite food?
- She loves many kinds of food, so it’s hard for her to choose. However, some of her tops are noodles of any kind, spicy foods, many Galahdian dishes, and cakes.
13. What is their least favourite foods?
- She tends to dislike certain ingredients; cherries, sour cream, whipped cream, pudding, mushrooms.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/ a restaurant/meal?
- Yes; during her secret relationship with Nyx, he introduced her to the packaged noodles that were from Galahd and she absolutely fell in love with them. After that he would bring her freshly made noodles when he could and they would picnic in her room together.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
- She isn’t the worst at cooking, considering she’s only cooked a handful of times, but she’s enjoyed it when she has. Only Trinity has tried her cooking, and she gave her a few tips to improve for the next time.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
- She doesn’t actively collect anything; the things that would come closest to being collected would be clothes and video games. She loves playing and wearing them. Video games are in her media center and clothes are in her massive walk-in closet.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
- Kylia hadn’t been interested in it too much until she met Prompto. As they became friends she became more interested in it. When she does take photos, she takes photos of what seems like everything, including selfies sometimes. However, she loves taking aesthetic photos the most. She doesn’t really do anything with them currently, but she’ll show Trinity and the guys.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, TV shows, films, video games and anything else?
- Books: YA, Romance, Poetry Music: All kinds except rap TV shows: Comedies, Dramas, Reality shows, Anime Films: Rom-coms, Dramas, Sci-fi Video Games: First person shooters, JRPG style, 3D platformers, Action, Thrillers
19. What’s their least favourite genre?
- Books: Most nonfiction Music: Rap TV shows: She isn’t sure yet. Films: Horror Video Games: Horror, bit games, side scrollers
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes on?
- Kylia absolutely loves musicals (she wishes she could be in one), and she loves music. If her favorite song comes on, she either dances or sings like she’s performing it.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
- She doesn’t really have to much of a temper, because she can be pretty patient. If she ever does lose her temper, her become sharp and can cut like a knife. A quiet rage kind of temper because she knows she can go on a tangent if she speaks.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
- She doesn’t have a particular favorite; sometimes they don’t even make sense. If she insults someone, it’ll be about their character. She will be harsh and sarcastic to their face, but prefers to actually insult them and bitxh behind their back.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
- She has a great long term memory, not so much with her short term memory. She is, however, really good with names and faces.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
- Her sleeping pattern is overall pretty good, but it can get pretty awful if any circumstances come into play. She doesn’t tend to snore, but if she does it’s really quiet. She likes to sleep on her stomach, one of her legs bent out to the side, the other straight out, and cuddling her pillow. She prefers a decently hard mattress with a little softness in it.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
- Kylia finds many things funny; videos, photos, people, situations. She has a good sense of humor most of the time. She tries to be funny, but it doesn’t always work. However, when she isn’t trying, she tends to be much funnier than when she is.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
- She can hide her emotions rather well, but around those she trusts, she will just tend to be in a really good mood and act accordingly. Occasionally, she’ll sing.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like when they’re sad?
- Before the Fall, not much made her sad, just not being able to see her father and brother too often and the weight of her title and what came with it, with an occasional sad video or picture. After the Fall, the entire situation of what Lucis now is. She absolutely does not cry regularly. When she cries, she will try her best to hide it or hold it so she doesn’t bother others with it. When she’s sad, she will be much quieter and mope more.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
- She has a lot of fears; death, falling from heights, rats to name a few. After the Fall, she seems to be afraid of more things than usual. When she’s scared, she’ll tend to freeze or tense up, her breath will quicken, and she’ll try to get away from what’s causing her fear. She’ll also talk a lot and very fast, and depending on its proximity to her, she may squeal or shout.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
- If she finds out someone else’s fear, she will do her best to keep it away from them or not cause it. She will be over protective of them if someone tries to use it against them or tease them about it.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-workout and post-workout?
- Before the Fall, her exercise was regular with her weapons training. After the Fall, her exercise has turned into a lot of cardio from running and strength from fighting. Gladio will help her with her exercise sometimes. Pre-workout tends to be her regular self; post-workout, though, she will be tired and not nearly the same as usual.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
- She does drink, more than she did before the Fall, which was only on special occasions. When she’s drunk is much more outgoing and fun, talking easily and without trouble but definitely concentrating when she tries to walk. She hasn’t ever had a hangover, amazingly. If people she doesn’t know are drunk around her, she’ll be extremely uncomfortable, but if it’s those she trusts, she’ll be a mix of kind and teasing.if they’re hung over, she’ll be much kinder.
32. What do they dress like? What sort of shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
- Kylia dresses in all sorts of things, from ballgowns to sweats. If she buys any clothes, she’ll get them from all sorts of stores from low to high-end. She’s always worn whatever fashion she wanted, considering it’s appropriate for where she’s going and the occasion. When she sleeps she will wear shorts and a camisole in the summer, and in the winter she will wear fleecy pajama pants and some sort of thermal shirt with fuzzy socks. Before the Fall, she would wear more makeup than she does after the fall, which is now just mascara, tinted moisturizer, minimal eyebrows, the slightest bit of blush, and a tinted lip balm. Her hair before the Fall was always exquisitely done in some sort of hairstyle, but now it’ll either be just brushed and down, or in a low maintenance ponytail or braid.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
- Kylia has sorts of underwear (none of the male kind). On a regular basis, she’ll wear cotton cheeky or hipster panties with a bit of lace on the edges, and if she’s trying to impress someone (😏) they’ll be lacy all over and possibly a thong. However, if she’s on her menstrual cycle, it’s granny panties all they way.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
- Kylia is 5'7" with thin build. She really doesn’t have any kind of opinion on her body, but at times when her mental health takes a dive she won’t be the most comfortable with it.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
- Guilty pleasures: Self pleasure 😏👀 (she tries not to indulge too much), certain songs, daydreaming of the past and what could have been Unguilty pleasures: Too many to list.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
- Kylia has many hobbies she enjoys when she can do them, which includes, dancing, singing, drawing, playing video games (with or without Noctis), and sewing. She can sing very well, and anyone who has heard her hasn’t been disappointed. During their relationship, Nyx would have her sing quietly to him sometimes during their rendezvous’.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or nonfiction?
- She does like to read, and she’s a rather fast reader. She does like poetry and fictional novels, with an occasional nonfiction here and there.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
- She wishes she could do a lot of different things, most notably garden and drive. She admires others ability to motivate themselves in a snap; she needs to work up to that motivation a little.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
- She does like letters; she thinks it’s much more personal being able to see the senders handwriting. While she likes messaging, she hates emails.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary foods? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
- Kylia doesn’t really like energy drinks, but she does like sugary foods and has been gradually been warming up to coffee (thanks to a certain advisor). However she can stay awake and alert most of the time without those things.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
- She considers herself to be straight (although the slightest bit curious) and polyamorous. Physically, there’s not too much, but she does like a tall stature, toned muscles, a 👌 voice, and an overall nice face. Mentally, she likes if they are stable, just as (if not a little more) intelligent than she is, well-read, and mature (though still with some childlike attributes). She wants to be able to laugh and have fun with her partner, to be able to lean on and rely on them if she’s struggling, to feel secure and loved by them always, and they have to see eye to eye with her on certain political and other topics.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
- Her main goal is to live the happiest life she can, and whatever that entails. She would sacrifice anything for those she loved to be safe and happy. Her not-so-secret ambition is to save and restore Lucis.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
- She has an odd relationship with religion. While she does pray to the Astrals, she doesn’t live her life by the “religion”. She doesn’t mind religion, as long as people don’t let it consume their lives and force it on others. She doesn’t have any certain opinions on people who are and aren’t religious.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
- Kylia loves the fall the most, hands down. She loves every single aspect of it. She loves either cool rainy days or when the sun is out but the air is crisp and cool. She’s much better in the cold than she is in the heat, which is why she is insufferable in the late spring and summer.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
- Considering she is a public figure, there are people who see her one way or another, but overall the people of Lucis adore her. There is just a select few who actively try to take her out (garbage jesus). In a way, it is both similar and not to the way she sees herself.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
- Kylia does her best to make a good first impression, especially as she is a royal. Her first impression always reflects herself accurately. She will tend to introduce herself with a smile; any other interactions depend on the person.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
- Kylia acts with the utmost etiquette of a princess as she has been groomed to throughout her whole life. She doesn’t mind black tie wear at all; she absolutely loves getting dressed to the nines and wearing gorgeous gowns. As for how she enjoys the event, it depends. If her depression or anxiety flare up, she struggles to get through it, but if they don’t, she will be just fine and enjoy the occasion.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so, what kind? Do they organize the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged Long by a friend?
- It��s hard to say, seeing as she’s never been to that kind of party. But hypothetically, she would probably just show up, maybe organize on occasion. She would most likely mingle with her closest friends and occasionally mingle with new faces. If she were dragged along, she would stay with that friend most of the time or leave.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
- Kylia has one thing she treasures the most: a music box with a beautiful glass unicorn inside that has gold accents. It was given to her by her mother, and she loves it more than any other thing. She can be very sentimental with her things. One thing that’s always on her is a beautiful pendant necklace her father gave her for her 16th birthday. Other than that, it would be her phone.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them, what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
- She would take the essentials to live: clothes, shoes, toiletries, hair brush, feminine products, medical supplies. She would take her phone charger, a blanket and small pillow, and a few sentimental things for her to feel a little more at home.
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goddevouringserpent · 26 days
tagged by @miseryscrowned to take the "Which D&D class suits your personality?" (or, in this case, your OC's personality) quiz. took me ages because I have been so busy & stressed out I am starting to lose track of time, but wat ever we stay silly and take things as best as we can take them~
putting it under a cut because I chose not one, but two OCs for this, and as is often the case with me I started rambling and this got long as hell, lol.
in light of the DLC release date announcement, I'm back in WOTR mode and rotating my beloved wrathful girlie at washing machine speed, so!
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Kaija (she/they), my most developed Knight Commander. who, yes, has a canon class, or... sort of canon? IDK, she's a Sword Saint/Vivisectionist, but I've been contemplating a different build for the run I'll do once the DLC comes out—probably will still be martial heavy, but we'll see... anyway, I just wanted to see what class she got assigned based on her personality LOL
and the result was:
You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
Arcane Trickster subclass
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. You’re an adaptable person who likes to cultivate a range of skills and interests. Once you decide to pick up a new skill or hobby, you’re more than willing to put in a little time and effort to learn how to do it well. You like to feel competent and powerful. You’re not always the most direct person and you may sometimes hide your true thoughts and feelings behind lies or misdirection. Some people might not know what to expect of you, or you might be a bit misunderstood, but you’re capable of a lot more than some people give you credit for.
and I'll admit the result really surprised me at first because I've never seen them as the roguish type—she is quite literally built like a wrestler, roughly 190cm tall, contains multitudes of rage & does not have a single subtle bone in her—but upon reflection I can definitely see it, especially considering how the test openly states that it assigns a class based on personality, not mechanics. the descriptions given match really well, too; INSANELY resourceful, ambitious, materialistic, selfish, chaotic, adaptable, hates feeling powerless/needs to feel like the strongest and most powerful person in the room at any given time, rarely if ever shows her true feelings, often underestimated or not taken seriously despite being more than competent enough to deserve a different treatment... so yeah, fair, she would make a really good rogue! might keep that in mind for the aforementioned new build plans hehe
also: fun result considering one of the characters I ship Kai with—and who is essentially her "endgame" pairing in terms of being a healthy, loving, long-term relationship—is Woljif... who is an Eldritch Scoundrel 🤭 meant for each other~
then, because I am equally as excited about Shadow of the Erdtree releasing soon (June release dates for both DLCs, in fact... I'm gonna eat GOOD this winter break 😌), my Tarnished Yunia! aka the other she/they I have been spinning in the vortex of my thoughts 24/7, and who hilariously enough could not be more different from Kaija if they tried lol
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art credit (and also sick as hell modern fit design credit)
Yunia got:
You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
Nature domain
Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves. You feel comforted by nature and you’re drawn to the outdoors. You want to do as much as you can to take care of our world and you wish other people would take environmental concerns more seriously. You might come across as a calm and easygoing person most of the time, but you can have a surprisingly vicious side when someone violates your principles. You’re not afraid to confront harsh truths and you generally have a practical and realistic outlook on life.
Cleric tracks, it's a ridiculously good fit for her thematically—their entire Character Thing is passionate devotion towards the House of Caria (and later, to Ranni & her ideal for the Age of Stars) which overrides even their most basic self-preservation instinct at times and is pretty much, like, the core of their identity. so in a D&D AU, Yunia being a cleric of the Moon goddess Ranni would work out extremely well: following her dogma to a letter, doing everything in Ranni's name and to serve her earthly purposes, drawing from that very faith and dedication to find their own power and way in life, hopelessly in love with Ranni but shh don't tell anyone
Nature domain, on the other hand, I did not see coming, but the description works... ish? like, I'm not sure Yunia is particularly concerned about environmental issues in their source material LOL (even if there is quite a lot of shit to be concerned about, but that's probably on account of the Lands Between being an absolute shithole at the best of times <3), but in a modern AU I could definitely see her going for something like Environmental Sciences, yeah. being a protector-type with very firm beliefs is, again, a core part of their personality, & it's more likely they'd find themself working with flora or fauna because she is just Not good with people at all lol
(the part about having a "surprisingly vicious side" is 100% true though and I hope one day I can write any of the fics involving her I have planned, because that would be SO much fun to delve into :3)
tagging @hate-not-wanting-a-name (Zimka and/or Fixer? Zimka and/or Fixer maybe? my beloved little guys perhaps? 👀), @takers-flames, and UUHHH whoever else wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you / mention me in your post so I can see! I'd tag more but I'm pretty sure that most of my mutuals' OCs already have assigned classes lmao 😭
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purpleqilinwrites · 2 years
Hi, Kaija! If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any works in progress atm? Stay safe and take care!!
hewwo, friend!
right now, i'm working on finishing the remainder of my au-gust 2021 masterlist. it's been a while since august of last year, and i still have 6 fics left on it that i haven't posted. 2 out of the 6 are close to completion so they'll be out soon. i hope i'm not jinxing myself with this.
other than that, i have 2 genshin ocs that i'm fleshing out. it's just the bare bones for the two of them for now.
thank you for your well-wishes! aaa, please stay safe and take care of yourself as well. have a big sip of water and a snack after you see this, please and thank you!
thank you for stopping by! ❤
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sunshinesdaydream · 11 months
Clones & Culture Chapter One: Meeting
Commander Fox/OC Amea Allossun
Warnings: None, SFW
Word Count: 1152
I haven’t ever used a beta, so... sorry! (It's me, I'm the beta)
How Amea and Fox meet. Yes I finally wrote out the opening I'm shocked myself.
Notes: The planet names are made up. According to all sources in universe they use a standard 24 hour day. I'm basing time off of a 24 hour clock instead of the 12 hour split. It doesn't make any plot impact.
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Amea walked as quickly as she dared through the senate hallways. It was urgent for her to arrive at her destination quickly, but she still had to have a level of decorum as she moved through the building.
In the months since war was declared and the arrival of the clones she was fielding a lot more avoidable squabbles than usual. Tensions were high and no one seemed to agree on anything. And no one seemed to want to bring their protocol droids in for needed maintenance and updating.
Especially the Obdorians, who thought they were far more important for such things. She was rushing to their senate chambers to calm a dispute over custom between them and their guests from Aertos. One that could have been avoided if either party had actually done their part and brought their droid in for updating. Or had done even the most basic learning about the other party.
Amea hoped that the dispatcher she had spoken to had managed to find someone that would be willing to work with her in this situation. The man was a new friend of hers, Even. He sounded a bit teasing when he ended the call.
Her experience with the men had been positive over all. Quick to warm up to those kind to them.
She had a few that made sure to speak to her when she passed through security into her office building or passed her on the way to one guard station or another. Amea did her best to remember their names and armor patterns.
Some of them becoming very familiar, like Even. Their schedules were synced as such he was usually walking from the barracks building to the offices when she passed through those courtyards.
More recently he had begun meeting her at the cafe she usually stopped at and was flirting with Kaija, her friend that worked there. Kaija was definitely already enamored with him.
The armor of the man awaiting her outside of the senate chambers was unfamiliar, though the two behind him wore armor that looked familiar. Thrill and Sharp.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm Amea Allossun,” She said as she approached.
“CC-1010, ma'am,” he responded.
A commander, then, she considered. She had already met Thorne once by way of Thrill.
She was slightly out of breath from rushing, “And your name, please, sir?” Trying to be aware of the emerging culture of the clones themselves. Chosen names were important, as well they should be in her opinion.
There was a pause, but Sharp gave a tiny nod.
“Marshall Commander Fox, ma'am,” He finally responded.
Amea was slightly taken aback, she thought that her trooper friend had been joking. Evidently not since somehow he had managed to get one of the highest ranking men in the GAR to come and help her settle a squabble between two minor delegations.
“I'm sorry to have to ask, sir.” she said, “I wouldn't if it wasn't part of the reason we are here. Could you three remove your helmets. I wish I had more time to explain...”
As soon as she requested it he made a short motion to the other two and removed his own. She had expected him to look much more severe than he did. But his hair was slightly longer than the regulation cut, falling in dark curls accented with silver strands into his eyes. His neutral expression was just this side of a small smile. Fox was somehow soft and stern at the same time.
Sharp without his helmet was more what she would have expected from Fox. A precise regulation cut, immaculately groomed, lips set in a tight line. Sharp was one of the ones she had never seen without the helmet before Fox's order.
Thrill on the other hand had a bright green mohawk and smiled broadly at her. He was one that frequently removed his helmet when he greeted her.
“We'll follow your lead, ma'am,” Fox said.
She nodded and went into the chamber, where there was definitely a dispute happening. Both were yelling in their native tongue, and the protocol droid had backed up against the wall.
Amea took the small translator droid, M87, from her bag and set it on the table in the middle of the room. The protocol droid for the department, L3L4 or LELA, wasn't fast enough to keep up on the rush through the corridors.
Fox stood behind her and slightly to the right, but very close she noted. As she tried to gain the attention of the delegations she could see Sharp and Thrill conferring with the room and corridor guards before approaching and easing the delegations guards away to make the report.
It took some time, but Amea was able to settle the room and have the Aertons return to their chambers. A temporary truce in place until a negotiator could work with both groups.
The entire time she felt like Fox was watching her in particular, but could not see him without turning around and giving her suspicion away.
The delegation from Aertos was to receive a formal notice that a protocol droid was needed to accompany them and the Obdorians would receive a third and final warning to send their droid for updating. In other words, a lot of form work would be needed at her office.
At some point the personal guards returned to the room, the room guard probably back at his post at the door and the one meant to be patrolling the corridor back where he needed to be.
Sharp and Thrill waited on either side of the door for Amea to wrap up,and for the Aertos delegation to retreat from the room back to their own suite. They preceded her from the room, while the commander followed.
“Thank you, Commander,” she smiled up at him once the door closed behind them.
“My pleasure, ma'am,” he returned.
“Please, it's just Amea,” she shook her head. “I'm no senator,”
“Only if you call me by my name then, Amea,” he answered. “Next time, meet us by the security entrance. We'll bring you up with us, it's a shorter walk,”
“Thank you, Fox,” she said, ignoring Thrill's grin and glint of mischief in his eyes.
He gave a slight bow, just a bit more than a nod of the head, his expression slightly closer to a smile. Then the three of them turned nearly in unison replacing their helmets and went towards the other end of the corridor.
Her com went off as they walked away.
“Yes?” she answered.
“Senator Organa of Alderaan would like an appointment to speak with you this afternoon at 15:00 hours.” the assistant on the line said.
“I'll be there,” Amea turned and hurried down the corridor. She had a lot to do, and little time.
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tillythehyena · 7 years
Which of ur OCs would literally kill for someone? (And who would they kill for?)
Sam for PoppyBentley for KaijaConner for his entire familyOscar for his momCorva for his mamaCrassus for any reason at all ever lmao
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goddevouringserpent · 7 months
👾 for kaija!
Handshake with Hell, by Arch Enemy! possible CW for flashing lights, didn't affect me but my photosensitivity is a bit weird regarding screens (as in, it's most often triggered by stuff I see IRL instead) so better safe than sorry.
And after all is said and done Since the moon eclipsed the sun Can you feel the wrath of truth? Does it burn you like abuse?
so a lot of Kaija's character arc involves the fact that being the Knight-Commander of the Fifth Crusade is… kind of an emotional rollercoaster, to put it mildly.
she craves independence, she hates commitments and being tied down and having things expected of her, but she's also not above a good old power trip; and being in a position like that, where people look upon her with respect, with awe, makes her feel—not good, per se, but validated in a way that is born entirely out of jaded bitterness. like, "ha, you idiots spent so long treating me like shit because I'm a tiefling, and now that I'm of use to you somehow, now that you see my 'true' potential, you're falling over yourselves to worship me." it annoys her as much as it makes her unbearably smug.
she wants people to look at her and see not just the Knight-Commander but someone they would've spit on in the past, and she wants them to feel burning shame and regret. can you tell why she gets along so well with Woljif lol
in this case, despite her overall personality not fitting the Moon archetype, she'd be the moon that eclipsed Galfrey's sun—Kaija is the morally questionable, ethically reprehensible tiefling that took over the Crusade and made it work.
And after all is said and done When the dark delays the dawn Walk your path towards the reaper Learn that hell is other people
Kaija, uh. does not get along with most council members she's assigned, lol. as well as the whole deal with Galfrey sending her into the Abyss, which breeds a resentment so deep that the only reason why Kai doesn't go apeshitt and attack Galfrey upon meeting her at Iz is that at that point in her timeline she is extremely high on the "I AM BETTER THAN YOU" juice and thinks Galfrey is not even worth her time, lol. (and also because Irabeth is there and, differences aside, Kai has a lot of appreciation and respect for Irabeth, and she wouldn't want to strike her down after everything they went through together.)
but also this particular lyric is heavily heavily related to Areelu—at her worst moments Kaija sees Areelu as some sort of twisted mirror of herself, and the later revelations about the source of her mythic power do not help at all, hence why she drops them as soon as she gets the chance
Fool me once and I'm numb Twice and I'm dumb Thrice, I won't be fooled again Fool me once and I'm done Twice I succumb To a handshake with hell
so remember the emotional rollercoaster I mentioned above? the power trip is there sometimes, and other times it feels like she's just a pawn on a chess board, being dragged around according to someone else's will. and it pisses her off very, very badly. and when Kaija is pissed off, she, uh. takes drastic measures, so to speak.
at first it just leads her to antagonise people and get all belligerent when she really shouldn't, then in the Abyss she gets actively violent and indulges in her worst desires and impulses, then in Act V/post-game she declares Drezen's independence out of spite. #girlboss.
In the end, we only reap what we have sown Can't leave well enough alone
and lastly, although still related to the above—she's a firm believer of "fuck around and find out", lol. "we only reap what we have sown" is just the more diplomatic way of putting that. 😌
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