#kaija answers: ask
purpleqilinwrites · 4 months
hope u dont find this creepy but youre so real for saying nanamin smells like leau dissey. have that frag myself and i must say that youre right
hewwo, friend!
it's so nice to see you here, so no, i don't find this creepy at all! please feel welcome to my askbox haha. ❤
i really, really like l'eau d'issey pour homme too!
citrus-forward fragrances are my favourite (except lemon because it reminds me of the antibacterial cleaner i use at home), so i was naturally drawn to it! it's just my biasness talking when i say it's nanami's signature fragrance haha. thank you for indulging me on this!
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goddevouringserpent · 7 months
👾 for Kaija!
Fast Forward, by You Me At Six!
When you feel the fire is gone I'll pour some gasoline on I, I, I'll pour some gasoline on I, I, I'll pour some gasoline on
sooo Kiki is very good at both getting things started and keeping them going. she's a source of motivation in ways that are unexpected to herself even, considering she's spent most of her life worrying about herself only—and paradoxically that's kind of what makes her motivating and inspiring in the context of the Crusades.
she could never give up, she never had anyone to fall back on, someone she could trust to take care of her. it was Keep Going Or Die, & she translated that over to the Crusades pretty seamlessly
not in a threatening way, but like—she doesn't, for lack of a better word, coddle her people (be it her companions or her fellow crusaders or whoever). she doesn't let them give up. if they show any signs of giving up, of surrendering to despair and exhaustion, she takes it upon herself to "pour some gasoline on"; stoke the fire. which isn't necessarily always a good thing because Kaija is stubborn as a mule and arguably made of fucking steel, she can handle the type of pressure she puts on herself, but uh. not everyone can, let's just say. still, somehow, rather than make everyone angry at her, she inspires a surprising amount of them to reach that level of Being Made Of Fucking Steel lol
And I might be down but I'm not fucking out 'Cause I need more hours to turn this one around
see above :3 no matter what happens, she is NOT giving up and you can NOT defeat her. you can NOT get rid of her. roach-ass kinda woman. who would win: the Abyss or Gregor Samsa if, instead of being crushed by existential depression about capitalism & the inherent alienation thereof, he was a big woman with a sharp stick and anger management issues
I scratched the surface yesterday, I I know how this one will play out Let me start you before you start You played yours, I played my part
a lot of the stuff she goes through seems like going in circles over and over, repeating an endless cycle that she's grown to know intimately. the disappointment, the disrespect, being used and played with and ultimately tossed aside. she's lived that, she knows how it works, and she is fucking done with it. when the cycle closes (endgame), her priority is to make sure that everyone else is playing by her rules, and that they eventually learn as much. let them think they've won, that she's played into their hands—she knows she'll get to have the last laugh, the moment of brilliant triumph, because she's been fucking trained for it in ways nobody else has. after all this time, she's one step ahead and she plans to keep it that way.
Both cut from the same cloth
a lot of the people who annoy Kai the most work perfectly as her narrative foils, oops
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sunshinesdaydream · 1 year
So I am throwing a bunch of the romance, slice of life, and fluff first. This is actually a fix it fic, but Amea and Fox are heavily involved. Some plot is hinted at throughout the more fluffy stuff, and I will get to ironing out some of the more plot oriented chapters soon.
Amea Allosun-Link to Character Description
Warnings: None. Fluffy. Middle of the fic sorry if it doesn't make sense.
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It was late evening and she was making her way across the courtyard between the buildings made up of the offices, med bays, and training rooms and the troopers' barracks. Even was meeting her at the entrance to the barracks to walk her to her apartment on his way to see Kaija that night.
“Ms Allosun!” she heard a trooper call behind her. She turned to see the medic Patch jogging to catch up.
“Hello Patch, and it's Amea,” she answered as he got closer.
He gave a short laugh, “Not when I'm already pushing my luck with the commander,”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Patch looked frustrated, “The man won't take a rest, won't listen. Thinks formwork is more important than his health. He needs to at least leave his office. When he's there everyone defers to him and he doesn't get anything done.”
“Don't you outrank him in medical matters? Make him take a break?” she asked.
“Yeah, that only works if I'm willing to report over his head and...” he trailed off. It was fairly well known the guard were no fan of the chancellor.
“So you thought of a different way of going over his head?” she teased.
“Well...” Patch trailed off. She could almost feel the red creeping into his cheeks. “No, but I guess... yeah.”
“I was joking,” she smiled up at the trooper, who visibly relaxed.
“I thought maybe you'd be able to get him to do some of that form work away from his office,” he said. “I'm certain it would shorten his office hours significantly,”
She looked up at the familiar window where she could clearly see him at his desk, datapad in hand. His aid walked in and he set the pad down and walked away from his desk.
Amea frowned, considering. She knew there were nights he grabbed a couple hours sleep in his bunk in the barracks, and nights he came to the apartment and buried his face against the back of her neck long after she had gone to sleep. She herself usually up late working. She knew his duties kept him working late frequently, but not exactly the nature of how.
“So you are saying he could do the formwork anywhere?” she asked.
Patch nodded in response.
“And the things that interrupt him are things that can be delegated to others?” she asked.
“Yes, other command staff are well trained on how to take care of most things that he gets interrupted for. Anything more urgent he can easily be commed for,” Patch explained. “As long as he's not very far away...”
“Like my office or apartment?” she asked.
“Exactly,” Patch nodded enthusiastically. “I'm sure some of the formwork could be delegated as well...”
“That's a battle for another day,” she held a hand up.
“Agreed,” Patch said.
“I'll start tomorrow,” she said. “Get him to walk me home tomorrow,”
“Commander Thire will be on rotation tomorrow night, I'll get him on board with the plan,” Patch agreed. “Thanks,”
“No problem,” she smiled at him. “Just, make sure you are following your own advice,”
Even with the helmet on she could tell he was slightly shocked at that, she crossed her arms and said, “Patch, I mean it,”
“Yeah, okay. Will do,” he answered as he waved at Even, who was just approaching. “Have a good night,”
“Good night,” she said as Even came over to greet her.
“Patch getting you in on the conspiracy?” Even teased as they began walking.
“Conspiracy?” she asked.
“Operation de-caf” he told her.
Amea asked, laughing “And what is your part in this?”
“Well, Locke, Ven, and I are shifting the formwork to the other commanders or taking care of what we can,” he sighed and continued, “But we're trying to do it slow enough that he doesn't notice it.”
Once home she considered her small office. Every room of her apartment was small, the sacrifice one made to be in one of the buildings that was within walking distance of most of the political sector.
The apartment had come furnished, and so had a desk in the office. It could easily fit a second matching desk. However if she ordered a second desk she would have to face Fox being grouchy over her spending money on him. Also he knew damn well she didn't use the apartment office. When she did work at home she was usually sprawled on the plush rug in the living room or laying across the love seat.
So she settled on convincing him, in the long run, to use the apartment office. But she would have to get him coming over first. Which he did not that night.
Amea made her usual stop for caf on the way to her office that morning, along with a cup for Fox, and one for the aid that would be on duty.
“Good morning, Locke,” she said, entering the outer office.
“Good morning, ma'am,” he responded as she handed him the cup of caf.
“Locke, what did I say about the ma'am thing?” she sighed.
He shrugged, “Only the highest respect for the one who brings good caf, ma'am”
She smiled and shook her head, “So what time did he finally go to sleep?”
“Unsure if he has,” Locke looked over his shoulder at the door. “He was here when I relieved Even at 0400. Even said he hadn't gone to bed yet,”
Amea sighed.
“We do try to convince him to get sleep,” Locke defended.
“I know,” she patted his arm, “I'm going to give it a try,”
“Good luck, ma'am,” Locke answered, then pushed the com button to announce her.
As soon as she was through the door Fox took the cup carrier out of her hands, setting it on his desk, before embracing her. He gave her a gentle kiss before murmuring, “Jate vaar'tur cyare”
“Good morning,” she answered. She looked up at him, the circles under his eyes darker, and definite stubble. “You haven't slept,”
“I slept a couple hours,” he answered.
Amea reached up and ran her finger along the stubble. “Not that I'm complaining, but that isn't exactly regulation,”
“I took a two hour nap at my desk,” he admitted.
“Please come over for dinner tonight, get some sleep,” she pleaded.
“I'm so far behind on formwork,” he sighed, his eyes going to the datapad on the desk.
“Everything you need for it is on the datapad?” she asked and he nodded in response. “You can work on it while I make dinner, you can eat something other than a ration bar. I have some notes I need to work on tonight as well, at least you can be comfortable while you work,”
“And if I'm needed here?” he asked.
She leaned back slightly on his desk and reached for the com button, “Hey Locke?”
“Yes ma'am?” he responded.
“Who is on rotation tonight?” she asked.
“Commander Thire and Ven, Ma'am,” he answered.
“Excellent, Thank you!” she answered, looking up at Fox.
He was frowning, “You talked to Patch,” he accused.
She shrugged, “Nothing I wasn't already worried about,”
“You shouldn't have to worry at all,” he said, frustrated.
“We are not going over that again just because you are tired,” she pulled him back to her and murmured directly in his ear. “Look, I'm going to be worried regardless. I'd just rather my worry be directed to something more productive than you killing yourself with formwork,”
He kissed her more intensely than he ever did at work.
When he pulled back she held his face in her hands. “Please, Thire and Ven will have everything more than under control. Even if not you are a com and maybe five minutes away.”
He pressed his forehead to hers, “Alright, we will try it tonight,” he answered.
“Thank you,” she kissed him sweetly.
“I can't believe they got you on their side,” he chuckled.
“Hey, they were my friends before they got us together,” she defended.
“True,” he smiled at her.
“Drink your caf, I'll be by later to walk with you,” she said, leaving.
He was waiting outside when she got to the courtyard in front of the building that evening.
“Thire kicked me out,” he sounded insulted.
Amea laughed.
“No, he actually was calling the patrol to remove me from the office,” Fox insisted, but Amea just laughed harder.
Composing herself she tiptoed and gave him a kiss, “Come home, love.”
A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as he repeated, “Home?”
“Yes, let's go” she nodded.
He smiled as he wrapped his arm around her, tucking her into his side.
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Markiplier characters but with a Finnish soundtrack:
Heck yeah, more Finnish songs for characters!
As always, I've considered not just the lyrics but the general vibe of the songs and interpretations for it. Feel free to ask for explanations on individual songs (includes translations when relevant).
For this one I'm doing a few of the central characters, but giving them all more songs. Because let's face it, Mark has written some deeply interesting characters.
Actor Mark:
Kateus, by Erika Vikman Vapaa, by Mestarit Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä, by Mariska ja pahat sudet
Arrogant, self centered, but also confident and smart. More importantly, he will get things done. No matter how warped his ideas are, he will put them into action down to perfection.
Wilford Warfstache:
Cicciolina, by Erika Vikman Blaablaa (en kuule sanaakaan), by Antti Tuisku Yksinäisen keijun tarina, by Chisu
Definitely a bit lost in this world. Also very much here to have a good time and be free. There is not much that can limit your life when things don't die. But something is wrong with this guy. Like deeply so. It was all a joke, right?
Sielun Kaltainen Tuote, by Apulanta Ei pystyny hengittää, by Vesala Joku raja, by PMMP
Really putting the dark in Darkiplier, huh? Someone who has been hurt and is done with letting people use them. They're here to be the villain in this story, but hey, who cares what others think of you, right?
Nää yöt ei anna armoo, Kaija Koo, feat. Cheek Rafaelin enkeli, by Pekka Ruuska Rentun ruusu, by Irwin Goodman
To me, this character is devoted to those close to him, but he's a bit rough around the edges. Not perfect, certainly a murderer, but endearing and loyal. And hey, totally down to have a good time!
Yksin, by Jonne Aaron Ikuinen virta, by Indica Myrskyn jälkee, by Kari Tapio
When trust is broken, what's left? Uncertainty, scrambling for answers, trying to fix what really just can't be fixed. After it's all over, there is room to heal. To start over.
Pulp Fiction, by Haloo Helsinki! Sabotage, by Chisu Maailma on kaunis, by Irwin Goodman
In love with the danger. Flirting with death. But truly in over their head, just trying to grasp at the last straws of sanity and figure out this mess they've been sweapt up in. Who cares about the slow deaths of the universe, when you are just a character in someone else's story?
So, that's the playlist for now. What songs do you vibe with the most? Also, any suggestions for other characters I should do, send 'em my way! And if you do this for some other language, feel free to tag me, 'cause I wanna check it out!
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krakrac · 5 months
new follower who has not read the oc lore yet but yrsk sounds cool (description w the seafoam and sirens was banging) so 9 and 15 for them
oh thanks so much, i really appreciate it!!! and tbh youre not missing out on anything, i havent posted any extensive lore here because it would be a Lot, so i prefer short snippets and stuff like that
9. What do they regret the most?
His dad always talked about fate and destiny, how everything in the world is driven by these forces and that everything that has happened was supposed to happen. Yrsk found himself influenced by this and has never strongly regretted anything. After all, he might've lived through hell, but at the same time, the hell has brought him moments of joy, love and friends that he will never forget, may they be long gone.
If he were asked his question, he would just laugh and answer something along the lines of "I regret that I didn't punch this one guy way harder" or "I regret I didn't eat more of this Sorkan bread, man it was so fucking good, you wouldn't believe" or "I regret that I didn't stare at Kaija even more often so I can be forever sure I will never forget her face".
15. How do they kill? Do they try to minimize suffering?
The best way to describe it would be efficiently. The martial arts that he uses prioritizes speed, accuracy and perception to quickly slip through enemy's defense. He knows the human body and he knows where to strike to kill, and so he usually chooses the fastest way to bring death since he doesn't indulge in suffering – at least not normally. In extreme cases, he can get overtaken by anger and/or grief and resort to the opposite side of the spectrum, which is a slow death by torture.
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beforethepoison · 6 months
2023 go to hell
I think 2023 was one of the most difficult years of my life. Like really. It's been very hard to deal with my mother, she is growing old, she is becoming a stubborn, she is becoming very reactive...Sometimes I feel stuck at home and I can't do things for me. I feel very dependent of her and she is now sometimes delegating some work for me instead of her doing by herself. (Like, answer her messages for her while she is driving), (like not making dinner but expecting me to clean the kitchen).. and this is not the worst thing....
In January of this year, I lost a friend of mine, a the donnaholic fan. She was the coolest girl ever. She passed away very young and I never could imagine she could die so early. Then, my idol Rita Lee has passed away, my idol Kaija Saariaho passed away.
In January a physio therapist very young asked what I was doing and I said I was a writter and she was like "do you carry your books in the bag?" and I said "no" and she was like..."I wanna see it. How you'll sell it if you dont carry with you?" and she spend days saying this. One day I brought to her the book. She took the book and said: Later on you tell me your pix (bank account). And I was like....??????? After a month, she didnt pay me and the service of my physio therapy was becoming poorly done. She changed her schedule and was no longer my therapist...And didnt pay me until I made a complaining in the company.
March: My dog died.
I started a job in a small restaurant with some jerky people. At the time, I didn't know they were jerks. I was supposed to be the attendent. The son of my boss "taught" me to use ONE phone to deliver people menu of the day. And I did my best but in the end of the day, his brother yelled at me indirectly because his brother didn't mention there was a SECOND phone I should look at. (a smartphone with app requests). When I told the boss that he didnt mention, she said..."If there is a phone there, you should look!" But I dont look at other people's phones without permission!
I got fired 2 days later. Received 80 $
Then, I met this influencer and he was very nice and in his social medias he asked for one of my books. I GAVE to him one of my books through mail and with a fast shipping. And after I sent to him, he asked again "where is my book?" and I was like "I Sent it to you" and after that he didnt say anything. I was very disappointed because I was expecting for him to read my book and he didnt even received or said anything. The book is lost.
I started to have weekly constipation intestine pains. Feeling I was gonna die... Until a couple weeks I was still having. I can't eat poorly.
Matthew Perry passed away. One of my biggest crushes and idols. I never cried so hard for a celebrity. For days.
Since november I don't have a cellphone. First, was my Samsung S8....Died after 5 years. And then my small phone of music only. My Samsung Galaxy whatever from 2013. Was my first modern cellphone. It only worked because I put alot of memory on it and alot of mp3 music. (There was no spotify back then). And now I dont have cellphone.... Because I dont have any money to buy a new one. Not even my mother. She has a crazy Xiaomi and doesnt work very well. (when you listen to music, it works one ear only). Today a friend of her gave her a 2013 phone for her to use but its old that I dont know if its going to work.
So, christmas there probably have no presents...And just meeting with family like okay.
PS: Its been a year since my crush moved out to another state. Not only a crush. a Great friend of mine. He has been so sweet to me. And he gave me THE BEST gift I could ever receive from someone. And thats why I feel a good thing about liking him. Because he is nice and he is gentle, generous. I am very lucky to have meet him. Very lucky. Very blessed. I am always afraid he will get tired of me. But I know that I won't be never tired of him. Thats what I am focus right now. Also, he taught me how love can be light and sweet. It just clean all my awful parents references. I am thankful for that too. Honestly, I HATE the fact he is away. And sometimes I'm afraid that I am feeling all these loving by myself. But its ok I guess.
So, no wonder I tried to k'1ll myself a couple times this year. I was always fetching a knive, putting against my belly or throat when I was alone. But some how I always gave up. I always stayed.
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
Opera IS unhinged in the best way! My sibs and I got to go to a few in person as youngsters thanks to another family getting some group/education discount. For the fanfic trope → opera rec ask thing: this one might be too niche (I've seen it in enough works that I think it DOES qualify as a trope but only barely) but my top favorite is "technically canon-compatible but way more detailed exploration of how the magic system works by way of the characters being enormous damn nerds about it". But as sort of an expansion of that, I always like when fic authors put their special interest/field of academic study into their work—anything you can rec based on that?
For magic and nerdery, I'll recommend Kaija Saariaho's L'Amour de Loin, which riffs on medieval troubadour tales:
I also really love Saariaho's Émilie, which focuses on a woman obsessed with both knowing how the world works and experiencing what it has to offer:
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seagulley · 2 years
Hey there! I am going to get an Aussie next year, and while I am super excited I am also terribly nervous.
Are there any tips / recommendations you would give a new Aussie owner?
Aww congrats on your future puppy! I was super nervous before I got Kaija too. I read about the breed so much and talked to Aussie people on forums, but still had no real idea what it would be like. And that was scary.
I'll do my best to answer this, but I'm still very new to the breed and dog ownership in general, so just keep that in mind!
I think the best tip I can give is to pick a good breeder. Kaija is my first dog that's not a family dog and the first puppy I've raised, and it hasn't been perfect, not even close. But she came from a great breeder and a lot of care went into her breeding, which I think is the reason why we're doing pretty good anyway. She likes new people, likes other dogs (...at least so far), she's confident in new places, doesn't have any major fears, rides very well in the car, is an easy keeper and has so far been very healthy. Also she came to me potty trained and was already able to sleep through the night a few days after arriving, which was awesome. Not to be too self-critical, but I'm pretty sure that none of these things had all that much to do with me lol. I just took what she already had and then did my best not to ruin it. So number one for me is to make sure your breeder is breeding towards goals that match what you're looking for. In my case, that was good temperaments and good health, and I got the overall very solid puppy I was hoping for.
Socialise - plenty but not too much. Keeping the puppy successful is more important than checking off every single box. During the socialisation period I constantly felt like I wasn't doing enough, like I was going to run out of time, but that worry was unfounded. Mostly we just walked around and observed people, dogs, traffic, etc. I set up little courses at home where she got to see a variety of objects/surfaces, we went to hang out with some of Kaija's breeder's adult dogs, had a couple guests over, sometimes I played a puppy socialisation playlist for her... It was a little bit of everything.
Puppy-proof a whole room or set up a large x-pen. I changed up my bedroom pretty significantly before Kaija arrived - rehomed half my plants (the largest ones and the toxic ones), hid all cords and blocked off other stuff. All that + having a crate where she slept overnight meant that I didn't have to worry a whole lot about her getting into stuff she shouldn't be getting into. 
Ask for help if you need it. Having a good relationship with your breeder is great for this. You can also start looking for a trainer you like preemptively, I think I started talking to both our puppy class trainer and to the obedience trainer we're working with now before Kaija was even born - it was nice to feel like I had people to reach out to if I ever needed it. And if possible, make arrangements with friends/family, otherwise in the beginning you can start to feel like you can't even take a shower or go to the store because who will stay with the puppy?? Seriously, even if it's just for an hour - it helps a lot.
And my final tip - remember to enjoy your puppy! They'll be grown before you know it :')
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casualwriters · 3 years
Cupid Love Arrow | Steve Harrington. |
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Summary - You never thought in ten million years that you are going on a date with fucking Steve Harrington, you were never the type who like the little Miss perfect of Hawkins, but one night out of no we're Steve asked you out and maybe you enjoyed it.
Type - Fluff
Paring - S1 Steve Harington X Nonbinary Reader. ( for male or female readers.)
unnecessary Tags - @peakyrogers @princess-kaija @iwannadeletemyself @suchababie @comebackjessica @motherofdicks
A/N - Hope yall enjoy I was in the mood for some cute fluff (:
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Walking up to your Locker the fresh start of your new day in
Hawkins, You and your family moved here only a couple months ago, your mom wanted a fresh start away from the City and away from your old life so now you are here, stuck in this small country Highschool. Shutting the locker after you shoved all the books in your locker you closed it turning around to walk around the hall because there was still some free time before the Bell ring. "New kid watch out!" You heard the screaming and when that happens you turned your head to see what all the commotion was going on and before you could even move the football hit your face gulping for a second, not noticing how embarrassed you have gotten you cover your face "What the fuck?" you question turning around to see a couple boys you wiped the blood that was dripping down your noise the football still in hand, one of the guys was cute but they all looked stupid. "Here you damn ball back" You threw it at the main guy with mid force hitting him in the chest making the other boys chuckled and laugh nudging the Alpha male. "Idiots" You whisper under your breath hearing the Main male walk over to you "What your name?" The male asked he was handsome, but his hair was bigger than most of mine and god his cologne. "What do you want?" You moan hearing the bell knowing that be a good way to ignore him but he was still following you like a stalker. "Steve, um Steve Harrington" Turning around now in front of your class "y/n, now I am going take my noise that is still in pain and leave bye Steve" You scoffed entering your class.
The day had gone fast sitting on the side cigarette hanging on the left side of your lip, you were annoyed and had a shitty day getting hit by a football and all the teacher were just dicks, now putting the cherry on all of it missing your bus your mom would not be off work for another hour, she would not be happy. The door open next to you hearing A male and two females talking Oh speak of the Devil. Stomping out the Cigarette standing up to not be stuck with Prisses and Captian jock Pass for sure. Now I just got to figure out if I want to walk the five miles or call mom and wait. "Later You Two, Hey Y/n Wait up!" He yelled across the parking lot. "What Do you want? The bothersome was clearly shown on your face and You think Steve could tell but it was almost an hour after the buses left so Steve wonder why you were here all alone. "Why you all here alone?" He was actually not trying to be Cocky or an ass which was a shock for both of you. "Miss the Bus," You say swinging your bag over your shoulder Steve followed you as you were walking to head home, he was hot on your tracks and stop in front of you. "Steve do you have anything better than harass me?" You questioned ur folding your arms so you do not end up strangling the poor kid. "Why don't I give you a drive home and in return why don't you let me take you on a date" Taken off guard wasn't the only thing you felt the red crept up on your cheeks now your ending up looking at the top of your combat boots. Looking back up " A month of you being my Taxi driver and then I will go on a date with you" You said bluntly hoping he says yes because you do not want to ride that discussing bus again. Steve was a bit taken back about blunt you were but he thought it was kinda cute He smiled "I pick you up tonight It a deal! let's go" he says making you rolled your eyes "I am fucking coming," You yelled at him.
The snap of the seat belt and looking around in the car was a sweet ride but you did not want Steve's head to get too big. Sitting in there in quiet with glances from Steve part could not stop you from smiling but hid it well the day was long watching Steve pass the trees and watching the Fall leaves get crumpled under the wheels you heard Steve say "When did you come to Hawkins?" Steve asked Sitting up from laying your head down "Couple months ago from the City, mom wanted a new start so dragged me halfway across the state to Hawkins" Steve nodded "it gets a bit lonely here when you do not have any friends." He chuckled " It seemed like you are Mister Popular" Steve turned on your road but he looked at you shaking his head and he said nothing, you decided not to push him so you stayed quiet and just talk about yourself. "Don't need to answer" you smiled at him seeing that he had stopped at your house, You Grinned "see you Later Steve?" you say hanging in the window and walked inside to get ready for the date that was weird to say, maybe you don't hate him that much even if Cupid screw up a bit.
"I will be home at Ten sharped okay" You smiled at your younger siblings brush their hair out of their face and kissing them goodbye walking over to your mom with a worried glance, she has been working night shifts since we moved here and she been passing out every time her body hits the couch. "Love you, Mom." Walking out the door shutting it softly to not wake her up waving to Steve in the car but he was already out there with a bouquet of flowers, they were lovely the shock was on your face smiling "Such a romantic" You say plucking the bouquet out of his hand they were red Roses how cute. "I Adore Roses now hop in were losing the night" He teased.
"Steve, why do I have to keep my eyes closed?" You asked Steve had told you to keep your eyes closed since you got in the car and you were curious why " Oh do not ruin the surprise And no it not a party" He says with a small smile you knew Steve seemed to be Mr. Hot guy, at school and fooled all the woman but this was another side of him that you saw even if you guys just met, it not that hard to pick up on things. "You going to be the death of me" Steve poked your side making you squeaked. "Jerk," you mumbled playfully at him.
Hearing the car stop "Okay just hold on okay?" You were quite confused and wondering if this was gonna be how you die, like in one of those horror movies, you really hoped it wasn't "Is this when I die Steve?" You heard the door open Steve chuckled "If your lucky you won't die." Steve help you out of the car feeling his arms wrapped your race goosebumps came across your arms and He smiled "Open them" You were taken back you could see all of Hawkins from you, "Steve it stunning" you say You Lean on the car saying "My worries seem to be gone when I am up here and of course with you" you teased. "Is your mother okay" Steve could tell it was not just the nerves of the date that was bothering them and the drapes were open. "She been working a lot, Me and my siblings have to take the bus to school I am sorry you did not hear to listen to this.'' A shy whisper came from your lips Jumping to sit on the front of the car Steve shakes his head sitting on the car with you, Looking at you seeing that you were wrapping your arms around your shoulder, "Come here you idiot" He teased taking the demi jacket off and t slipping it over your shoulders. "Tell me what up?" He asked knowing that since you got in the car ride you have been deep in your head he just wanted to make sure you were okay. Taking a large sigh "My mother lost our farther only three years, ago but he always treated her like complete shit" You grew angry just thinking by it your fists curled Steve seeing that has he moved closer putting his hand over your red knuckles. "He drinks too much, I always had to take care of my siblings, my mom was working two jobs and my dad was out at multiple bars." Huffing thinking this was the normal laying On the car. Steve just stared at you in Awe you looking at the stars he was content this way and that was okay. "Steve come lay down" you Snicker at the young man tugging at his hand like nothing you just said bother you. " My Folks are never there I know it was nothing like what happens to you but staying in that big house all alone fucking sucks". Nodding keeping your eyes on the stars pointing to one and another. "It, not a completion every story has a their tragic story" Steve saw you leaning your head on his shoulder seeing you relax in his arms. Wrapping his arm around you nodding and enjoying the silence. "Maybe we should do this again," Steve says looking toward you.
Smiling at Steve " Maybe we should Uh".
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You have probably seen this UMK ig post https://www.instagram.com/p/CWLe9D0tsVb/
What are your thoughts, who are the contestants?
And if Cyan Kicks really is one of them that's interesting.
Ah, cryptic UMK clues my beloved. Year after year exaggerating and/or making no sense at all 😄 This is gonna be a long one, so hold on (for hopeless).
First of all: Robin is NOT one of the UMK contestants. He has a cruise gig booked on the same day. Sorry, everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think the rumour about Cyan Kicks was started on Jodel when someone noticed that they were following UMK and Aija Puurtinen (UMK's singing coach) on IG? This is a band I've actually heard before and really wouldn't mind seeing them competing. To my knowledge they released their second album this year and don't seem to have any gigs booked between February and May 2022. If I recall correctly, someone had asked them about participating in UMK and they'd answered something like "interesting idea", which doesn't mean anything. (Niko and Joonas also follow them on IG, but again that doesn't prove anything since the Finnish music industry is tiny and especially among rock bands everybody knows everybody else.) It is more than likely that we'll get a least one rock band in the contest, but remains to be seen if it's indeed CK.
However, around a week ago UMK IG started following these seven artists: Lxandra Tomi Saario (Aleksi also follows him) Ressu Redford Ursusfactory Saint Aurora (I think I saw someone on tumblr speculating about them as well?) Kaija Koo Shiraz Lane (!!!)
If you ask me, this absolutely does look like a credible line-up. A couple of up-and-coming pop/hipster solo artists, a couple of well-known names to attract the casual viewers and three rock bands because that's what the people want and has now been proven to work in ESC - three times, no less 😄 UMK's media team is also notoriously bad at keeping secrets, as far as I remember there hasn't been a year when the contestant's names, songs or music videos didn't get leaked at some point or another.
Last thing I want to add is that I also saw speculation about an artist called BESS, again based on the fact that she followed UMK and Aija on IG. This is all hearsay, so she could or could not be in.
Edit. I couldn’t be bothered to check if any of the artists on that list have upcoming gigs between February and May, but if someone does it will be much appreciated 🙏
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. || h.k
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╰─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 4k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢.
*𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲*
a/n; 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬/𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥! (p.s i hope ya’ll like this new concept I’m giving the maknaes)
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she slips out of her bathrobe and steps into the steaming shower. the heat of it all somehow lifting this weight off of her shoulders. she had just finished grad school for psychotherapy and god only knows where she’s going from here. she thought things would be easy you know. as soon as she’s done with school she gets to go ahead and get a good paying job, buy a nice home and then her and soobin could finished living their happy life together.
but no. it wasn’t like that at all. 
they were married and struggling. soobin was trying his best to finish up med school and become the surgeon that he wanted to be ever since he was a kid. luckily in the meantime he landed a job as a dental assistant which means they weren’t flat broke. but they also weren’t making enough money to start a life of their own. 
so yes, they were on the edge of getting evicted from their home and struggling with bills. and it stressed kaija out more than anything else in the world. she thought once she got marriage out the way, especially at a young age she’d be alright and living the life of her dreams. but it seemed everything was the complete opposite. 
she slides into her nude colored body con dress,  the long sleeved one with the neck that stopped just above her cleavage and the hem that stopped just below her knees, one that hugged her body the way she liked and made her feel like she was on top of the world. she let her long, sleek and black middle parted hair stop above her lower back. and with no hesitation she also steps into her favorite black suede heels, ones that fit her like socks did almost. 
this is what kaija did. 
every morning she’d dress to impress, swooping her edges with gel, installing her lashes and beating her face with makeup until she looked like a barbie doll. she would blame it all on the company’s “standards”. giving soobin the run around about how she “had” to look like that. but in her heart she knew she didn’t. 
soobin gifts her the daily morning pecks on her cheeks and lips. telling her how good she looked and to not worry because everything was going to be fine. kaija smiled her pretty smile as always and convinced him that she knew everything was okay. it was easy to convince everyone but herself. 
she was handed a file first thing this morning. to which she sat at her desk and looked over it while drinking her morning coffee. what she wasn’t expecting was her client to be so prompt. within just a few minutes of her reading over his file her assistant was opening the door saying, “heuning kai is ready to see you”. and kaija nods giving her the okay to let him in. 
she stopped in her tracks once she saw the man. he dressed in a simple black suit and black slacks. his hair was brown and near shoulder length, parted graciously to the side like so. he wore a white dress shirt beneath it, the collar of it sprawled neatly on the top of his suit jacket and the top buttons were undone giving kaija a clear view of his thin diamond encrusted necklace that fitted him the same way a choker would. milky skin, pudgy pink lips and sullen eyes. and not to mention he was tall with broad shoulders. one of the few things that always were on kaija’s checklist. 
“good morning how are you doing? I’m heuning kai”. 
kaija blinked and quickly stood to her feet to shake his hand. she smiles nervously. “nice to meet you kamal--I meant heun--or heuning kai I’m sorry I just finished reading your file so my mind is all over the place”. 
stupid kaija and her always talking too fast. 
he chuckles a little. oh god, kaija wanted to pinch herself. she couldn’t be acting like this. she’s a married woman.
“it’s alright, any name will do”. he assures. 
“okay then. take your seat if you may. we can get started as soon as possible”.
he sits in front of her desk and scoots his chair in a bit. she plucks up his file. 
“so? I see that you’re a young CEO, looking for someone long term correct?”.
he nods. “absolutely”.
she continues reading. “hm, no kids but you’d like some in the future....you’re religious...you don’t smoke...you drink on occasion---it says here that you wouldn’t want a woman that isn’t the jealous type? do you mind telling me little more about that?”.
“well, I think of jealousy a bit differently. I think jealousy is another form of love. you get jealous in a relationship when you feel as though someone or something is a threat to your connection with your significant other. there’s nothing wrong with that. I want a woman whose jealous even about the small things. it’s comforting to know that she loves and wants me that much”.
kaija never mentioned the hypnotic smoothness he had to his voice that reeled her in. she couldn’t stop looking at him and his sharp jawline and silky hair. she was on the verge of asking him to repeat himself but luckily she heard the important things. 
“and..you don’t think that’s a bit crazy? a woman being jealous over little things?”.
“i happen to think it’s cute”.
kaija nods and gives him a small okay before she continues reading. that was definitely something she’s never heard before. her eyes skim over some of his answers and she finds herself subtly chuckling. 
“oh wow, you have a little attitude don’t you? you don’t like being ignored, you don’t like the silent treatment, you don’t like when your significant other doesn’t give you the attention you want. you don’t like when she isn’t on your side in arguments?”. 
he diligently nods his head. “that’s correct”. 
“heuning? how do you expect to find love with all of these requirements? a woman isn’t going to always be on your side in every argument. and what if the both of you have kids? she can’t always give you the attention you ask for”. 
“and why not?”. he asked, with his face practically made of stone. kaija was expecting to him at least crack a smile or something. but she realized he was serious. and he was genuinely curious as to why he couldn’t have the woman of his dreams. she swallows. 
“well, because it’s unrealistic”. 
“I think there are a lot of things that are unrealistic until they actually happen. though I’m young, I’m a big fan of old time love. and that’s hard to find nowadays. I’d like to send roses to my girlfriend’s place of work at random times. I’d like to write her a whole bunch of love letters telling her how beautiful she is and how she lights up my life. I want to take her to picnics by the river and take pictures of her when she isn’t looking. I want to take midnight drives with the windows down and vibe to music and eat food. we can travel the world together, gambling in vegas or having dates in the pool caves of Greece. I want to give her everything she asks for and everything she doesn’t ask for. but most importantly I want to love her like no one else has loved her. nothing more nothing less”. 
kaija could just cry. half of those things she didn’t even do with soobin. they only went on dates when neither of them were tired or stressed and most times they argued so much that they barely spoke to one another. 
“is everything alright?”. kai asks after the prolonged silence. she snaps out of it. 
“yes--yes everything is fine I’m just a little surprised by your answer there”. 
“I know you probably think I’m too young for all of that but it’s what I really want”. and he was right. younger than kaija and wanting all of that. 
she writes down additional notes. “no it’s fine. It’s just something i wasn’t expecting. you have a fairytale ideal type of love. hopeless romantic. it’s cute”. 
kai chuckles. “you seem to be shocked way too often by all of this. I’m sure looking like that you’ve been wined and dined plenty”. 
kaija smirks a bit while her pen dances along the page. “looking like that?”. she repeats his words. 
“yes you’re gorgeous”. 
she tilts her head to the side trying to stifle a blush. “ i think we’re here to set you up with one of my clients, not to set you up with me. I think we should keep things professional”. 
“if things were as professional as you’re trying to keep it why are you blushing then?”. he smiles and kaija laughs at his boldness. 
“i think we should stop here for today”. she says closing his file. 
“oh good, that gives me time to ask if you’re free tonight?”. 
she crosses her legs and clicks her tongue at the question. “listen here, heuning. I don’t know what you think this is. I’m not some booty call or a one night fling. I’m a grown woman. so don’t come in here thinking just because you’re cute and rich, I owe you something because I don’t”. 
kai oddly grins. he sits up in his chair staring into her eyes like his life depended on it.  “I know, love. you’re right you owe me nothing. but let’s face facts life sucks. but dinner never hurt anyone has it? as friends”. 
kaija smiles a bit and folds her arms on the desk. he was right. her life was a mess right now and friends were okay right? “fine. and life does suck so this better be the highlight of my day”.  
“what time are you off today?”. 
“i’ll be here around that time. is that okay?”. 
“yes that’s okay”.
texting soobin that she would be coming home later tonight was easier than she thought. usually because as soon as he came home from work he slept so he’d barely notice anyways. she was exhausted by the time she locked up her office and she forgot kai was even coming. so of course she was startled to see a black mercedes benz waiting for her outside the building. she sighed once she saw kai opening the passenger door for her. she gave him a small thank you and he slides in the driver’s seat soon after.
she straps on her seatbelt. “boy I’m surprised you have a license”. kai chuckles and he starts driving. “seriously how young do you think I am?”. 
“I have your file I know your age”. 
“so you just like teasing me about it?”. 
she laughs. “pretty much”.
“but if I were to call you a cougar I’d be wrong right?”. kai laughs and kaija laughs along with him, surprised by his humor. “yes you’d be wrong because i’m not that old and I don’t have any kids”.
“so how old are you then if you don’t mind me asking?”. 
“when that becomes your business maybe i’ll tell you”. 
“you’re right. you owe me nothing”. 
she thinks for a moment. “hm. if I tell you my age will you tell me something?”.“something like?”.
“what is someone as young as you doing trying to find love at a firm? you’re rich and good looking can’t you just go out and find someone easily?”.
he laughs while turning a corner. “and find someone who will just use me for my money?”. “how do you know the clients we have won’t do the same?”.
“when you match make you look at all of our attributes. rich, poor, dumb or smart. you analyze the way we think and how we think to see if we would go well with other people. If theres someone who sounds like a gold digger you won’t match them with me. besides, it’s not that I hate gold diggers I just hate if it’s the sole purpose of dating me. it’s hard to deny the fact that people love someone with a little extra money”. 
“that’s true. it kind of makes me want to match you with a gold digger for shits and giggles now”. 
kai laughs and shakes his head. “please don’t. we’re here though”.
she unstraps her seatbelt and like the gentlemen kai was he opens the door for her. all in all though she could safely say she wasn’t expecting kai to take her to a cooking class. kaija didn’t know what to think really, until she actually started doing it. she thought it was kind of fun making messes and trying to cook things she didn’t know how to cook alongside kai. “don’t cut me!”. kai playfully shrieks and she laughs seeing the tip of her knife just centimeters from his arm. she thought he looked stunning even with a messy black apron and his white sleeves rolled to his elbows. she laughs, “I’m not! just move”.  trying to cut the garnish while kai was on steak duty. 
she wasn’t a big fan of asparagus but it was on the menu. that and mashed potatoes which she offered to cook since kai was chopping enough pieces of garlic to kill them both. the teacher cheered them on consistently and was sure to correct their mistakes but kaija still felt a little unprepared for all of this. it wasn’t every day where she went to a cooking class trying to cook gourmet meals. 
she was measuring the cream cheese for the potatoes and kai was measuring the olive oil for the asparagus. she laughed at the way he looked. messy as hell and definitely not the rich boy that walked into her office this morning.
“and what you laughing at?”. he peered down at her with an amused grin.
“you”. she laughed again.
“and what about me is so funny?”.
“a billionaire cooking. a billionaire not taking me out for dinner but taking me to a cooking class to make our dinner. it’s cute”. 
“I thought it would be fun. aren’t you having fun?”.
“yes i am actually. the most fun I ever had while cooking”. 
“I’m glad because I’m having fun too. I can’t wait to see how this turns out”. 
kaija laughs watching him pour the salt. 
“nasty and salty as hell now”. 
kai sits down the salt shaker and laughs trying to dust some of the salt cubes off to spare them both. but he didn’t know if that really worked especially when they sat down to eat. kai tries his hardest to hide his growing pain for his salty vegetables but kaija laughed knowing all he wanted to do was spit them in the trash. 
“I mean-- you did a decent job on the steak”. she compliments stifling a laugh. 
he finally coughed them up in his napkin, “damn I really don’t belong in the kitchen. these mash potatoes are good though. I guess as you get older you get better at cooking”. he teases. she playfully hit him on the shoulder. 
“I’m not old!”. she recites once more. “you’re just young as hell”. 
“if you were so offended by my age you wouldn’t be hanging with me right now”. 
“i don’t know, maybe I just need something different in my life I guess”. she unintentionally confides forking over her food. 
“well, when that becomes my business I’ll ask”. 
she rolls her eyes and laughs. “you’re annoying”.
it was a night kaija definitely wasn’t expecting. especially with a billionaire who had enough money to take her any place she wanted. it was fun though she had to admit. she laughed and smiled more than she had in a long time. and she didn’t want the feeling to end especially when kai pulled up to her house. 
“thank you for hanging with me, buddy”. he jokes. kaija snatches up her purse hoping soobin was still asleep. “thank you. I had a good time”. he smiled a little with his eyes peering at her house. he couldn’t help but notice her lights were on and tv as well. almost as if someone was home. “you live alone? it looks like you have an intruder”, he asks. “I like to leave my things on”. she lies. 
 he was heading to open the door for her but kaija assures him that she has it and that he’d done enough gentleman stuff today. 
he admired her for all she was while she slips out the car. she was so beautiful. “I’d like to do this again maybe? as friends”. 
she sighs. “I don’t kno--”. 
“please? you can’t expect me to have this much of a good time and only do this once”. 
“as friends. have a good night heuning kai”.
she shuts the car door and he sits back in the driver’s seat. satisfied with her answer even if it was sprinkled with a little sass. there was no point in denying the fact that he wanted her. 
and there was something twisted about his brain. when he wanted something he had to have it by any means necessary. even if it killed him.
but she would never know far he’d go just to have her.
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purpleqilinwrites · 1 month
hey hey hey which of chilchuckle's daughters is the tallest? go!!!
i haven't finished the manga yet, so i'm not sure if the three of them ever appear standing in a row haha.
that said, based on vibes and adding in some speculation, flertom is the tallest out of the three of them by a fair bit. meijack and puckpatti are around the same height, but because of reasons, meijack is taller.
i just think it's cute if all three of them inherited chilchuck's height to some extent, so i'm just going to say that they're all at least the average female half-foot height of 95cm.
to answer your question:
flertom (tallest) meijack puckpatti (shortest)
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goddevouringserpent · 9 months
1 and 9 for Yunia and Kaija, from the Edgy Ask :3
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
OOOH this is a fun one because the answers are so different :3
Kaija does not want to forget anything. She's been through some tough shit in her life, but she takes all of it as a lesson—she's very much the "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" type, and that involves remembering everything that hurt her so she can carefully examine it, be it to make sure it never happens again or to be prepared to deal with it if she can't avoid it. (She may not look like it, given her personality, but she's actually quite shrewd and clever.) Moreover, and WATCH OUT HEAVY SPOILERS FOR WOTR AHEAD, Kaija knows forgetting. Worse than that, she knows what it's like to forget crucial parts of yourself, something that makes you you; even worse, she knows what it's like to be forced to forget. As a result, even if she was inclined to lean towards oblivion as a respite, she would lean away out of spite.
Yunia, on the other hand… Yunia is, um. Not in a good spot mentally. So Yunia is deeply, deeply devoted to Ranni—almost obsessively so, in a frankly very funny way because she has designated herself Ranni's Protector, her Knight in Shining Carian Armour, which, let's be honest, Ranni does not need that. Ranni can take care of herself. But Yunia needs to dedicate herself to someone's cause and so she falls at Ranni's feet, runs herself through with her own blade and promises all of me is yours, lady Ranni, my arm and my flesh and my blood and my mind all yours to take. She fights tooth-and-nail for Ranni's vision of an Age of Stars, and ultimately succeeds. But the problem is… in getting there, a lot of people Yunia cared about—people she fought alongside, people she respected, friends of hers—died. And, due to the Way She Is, Yunia holds herself responsible for every single death. There is little truth in that, but she always thinks that there must have been something she could have done to prevent that (even if there wasn't) and so survivor's guilt gnaws at her, with the added pain of knowing that, no matter how much it hurts, she would do it all over again, for Ranni's sake. She would do anything. But the guilt, the teeth on her heart eating her alive, that's harder to deal with. So I feel Yunia, unlike Kaija, would embrace oblivion. She'd want to forget that her friends died. Not about her friends as a whole, mind you—just about their fates. Give her something that'll let her fool herself into thinking everyone's safe and happy back in the Lands Between, and she'll take it without hesitation.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Lyric for Kaija: Either "Drowning madly in deep blue seas / Waves of sadness swallow me / No soul can hear me beneath the weight / No gods or saviors, no hands of fate" (from Only Love Can Save Me Now by the Pretty Reckless) or "My darkest soul unfolds / I embrace this rage / Bad things hurt so good / Bad things dig deep inside you / You still feed the monster / With these endless lies / Gonna crush your empire down / 'Til it fades away" (from Bad Things by Lacuna Coil)
Quote for Kaija: "I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do stop, and then a moment later you are at it again with a knife, like a surgeon." - Anaïs Nin
Lyric for Yunia: "I feel alone in my body / I feel a silence underneath / In these valleys of blood / In these rivers of rust / Shoulder all the blame again / Mirror locked until the end" and "And I've always been ashamed that I want to / Fall into a dream with my honour desecrated / Blood is jaded" (both from Jaded by Spiritbox)*
*fun fact this song came out very recently, I just found out about it today—despite it being by one of my favourite bands, smh at myself—and I am losing my MIND at how good it is and how much the lyrics fits several of my characters for various reasons
Quote for Yunia: "Sometimes I feel skinless, raw, like I don't have a face. How can I be sure that I have any coherence unless I outline it?" - Kate Zambreno
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sunshinesdaydream · 10 months
Hello Sunshine 🥰
I don't know your OCs very well, so if you don't have too many, can you answer these for all of them? 🍕, 🎯, ❤️, and 💀
Please and thank you 💚💚💚
Thanks for the ask! I actually have 11, last I counted. So I'm going to stick to just a few of them that I am actively using. I also have my Mask Squad, but they are part of a future project.
The Corrie Guard OCs that show up in the first chapter of "Clones and Culture" Thrill Sharp Even Thrill also has 2 short drabbles he is featured in.
TCWMatchmaker AU Greatheart (clone oc) and Isa (human Matchmaker oc)
🍕 - What is their favorite food? Thrill- Pizza (fast and simple to eat) Even-Pastries (especially those served at a certain caf shop) Sharp-Not really a food, but he loves hard candies. He likes them because he loves sweets and they aren't messy while he is studying or drafting.
Greatheart-Soups, all kinds Isa-Pasta type dishes
🎯 -What do they do best? Thrill- Dancing, running, anything movement related Even-Writing stories Sharp- Memorization. Whether its Architectural facts or Reg Manuals
Greatheart- Calming people, he is a super soothing presence Isa- Healing, but she dislikes it after the war.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Thrill-"Finding" Music for the first time on a datapad when he was a cadet on Kamino. Even-The first time he saw Kaija Sharp- When he saw the Jedi Temple
Greatheart-Marrying Isa Isa-Marrying Greatheart
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias? Thrill- Fear? What's that? Even-The very thought of Mynocks freaks him out Sharp- being "reconditioned" (sorry, I hate it, but it's his actual phobia)
Greatheart-Heights Isa- bugs, spiders, creepy crawlies
OCs Ask Game
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blessedbywaggle · 4 years
How well do the teammates know each other?
Mikko and Joonas were asked questions about each other and here’s a translation!
From the NHL Suomi twitter
M: Mikko Rantanen from Colorado Avalanche, we are now playing a guessing game.
J: Joonas Donskoi, also from Colorado Avalanche, [agrees that they are playing a guessing game]
Q: What is your teammate’s favourite food?
J: Easy. You say first.
M: [shows his answer ‘chicken wings’] I wrote in English. Is it right?
J: Yes, it’s right.
M: Is it?!
J: I wrote Siipi Weikot [a wing restaurant, several locations around Finland]
M: You got it right.
J: Yeah.
M: Siipiweikot. I wrote in English. Let’s switch to Finnish.
Q: What is your teammate’s favourite band or artist?
M: Easy.
J: Is it?
M: Yeah.
J: I’m guessing you don’t know. ---- Okay, I don’t know but I wrote JVG.
M: Not really, I don’t really have one, maybe Kaija K. [shows his answer] Teräsbetoni? Was it right!? It was quite close!
J: It wasn’t right. Coldplay is my favorite.
[Some mutual mumbling about Teräsbetoni]
Q: What song does your teammate sing at the karaoke?
J: Well there went that guess ‘Taivas lyö tulta’ [which is Teräsbetoni’s best known song]
M: Tsingis Khan. Was it right?
J: It’s right.
M: Was it!?
J: Yes. You said Kaija K, so I guessed Tinakenkätyttö.
M: Tinakenkätyttö, that’s a good one. My favourite is Paratiisi and then I don’t know. Paratiisi. Ville Valo and Agents
Q: What colour are your teammate’s eyes?
M: I really don’t know. I’m not allowed to look at you.
J: Don’t look.
M: I never look you in the eyes. I always look at your nose. Let’s just guess. ---Brown. --- No it’s not!  It’s blue.
J: I guessed blue. --- I’m probably in the lead.
M: [Some mumbling about saying brown] I’m bad at guessing.
Q: How many points has your teammate had during their NHL career?
J: Now that’s tough.
M: That’s tough. --- How many seasons have you played? For me this is 3,5 or this is 4th season.
J: This is my 5th season. --- This is your 4th season?
M: [shows answer 185] Too low? Too high?
J: No, much too high.
M: Is it?
J: Yeah. What do you think? What do you think that I’m some, that I’m some MacKinnon? I answered 237.
M: 237. That’s quite close. I don’t actually know but I guess you are closer. [Right answer 250] How many points do you have?
J: I think maybe 130/140. [Right answer 155].
I left out some of their mumbling that was difficult to understand. Also in many cases most of the things were not said all at one go because they were laughing in between.
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purevodkax · 5 years
20 Questions
(“rules”: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better)
I was tagged by @thegraphitechronicles ♥
1) Nicknames Allu, Homo (as a friendly thing between me and my buddies) Vodka. 
2) Zodiac sign Pisces, and I can relate to most of the Pisces stuff
3) Height 1,62 m
4) Hogwarts house no idea. I’m probably one of those message owls 
5) Last thing I googled “How much water do you have to drink to die”
6) Favourite musicians Rammstein, OOMPH!, King 810, Marilyn Manson, Blues Saraceno, Nick Nolan
7) Song stuck in my head “Tinakenkätyttö” By Kaija Koo
8) Following 88
9) Followers 48
10) Do you get asks Very very rarely :(
11) Amount of sleep  Pretty much always 22.30-8.30 so about 9 hours
12) Lucky number  I think 8 because it shows up everywhere
13) What are you wearing camo pants, non-matching socks and very annoying mint color boxers
14) Dream job Noooooo clue
15) Dream trip urban abandoned places and historical war places
16) Instruments bit of guitar bit of piano bit of drum bit of bass and perfect at triangle 
17) Languages Finnish, English, learning German
18) Favorite songs they change so much i can’t really say
19) Random facts I have problems figuring whats reality and whats not. I change my interests too quickly and it pisses me off. I come off as very nice and friendly for people but after knowing me for 1 month you’re probably gonna say that I’m a bitch but still a good friend. I don’t think I’m a good friend.
20) Aesthetics Simple B&W with some mini succulents and lonely rose, small rooftop apartment with big windows, ear plugs/tunnels/etc. collections, ring collections, gas masks
it wont end
I tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it ♥♥♥
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