#Kaiserin Zita
what you think sissi was lady diana in 19th century
Hello anon! I actually already talked a bit about this in another ask, but basically no, I don't think so. However, instead of repeating why I don't agree with it, I decided to do something different: look up one of the "Sisi was like Princess Diana" articles and do a counter argument. Just for funsies.
The first article that popped up when I googled "princess diana empress elisabeth" was this one from Vanity Fair, written by Nell Scovell and published in 2015. The main purpose of the article is to boost Allison Pataki's novel about Elisabeth "The Accidental Empress" that I believe was also published around that time. All the quotes going forward are from said article.
Allison Pataki’s latest historical novel, The Accidental Empress, makes a compelling argument that Sisi (as the last Habsburg Empress was known) belongs in the exclusive clique that includes Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, and Princess Diana.
First I'm gonna be extremely annoying and point out that she was the second-to-last empress of the Habsburg empire (herself being born a Wittelsbach). The last empress was Zita of Bourbon-Parma. Second, the only thing in common that those women have is that they became pop icons, but they all lived over a century apart from each other and could not have had more different lives. Well, that's my opinion at least.
“Sisi was arguably the first modern celebrity who operated on a global scale,” Pataki said on the phone recently. “She captured peoples’ hearts and imaginations the way Diana did, and yet, she’s become a footnote in history.”
I'm sorry I can't pay attention to anything else in this quote because "she's become a footnote in history" is INSANE. Like actually crazy. ELISABETH. A FOOTNOTE. ELISABETH!!! One of the most famous women in history!!!! What is she talking about!!!!!
Sorry I needed to get that out of my chest. Moving on. The article actually provides us with a side-by-side list that compares Diana, Princess of Wales and Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Let's break it down and see what parallels we got!
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This one has a mistake on Diana's side, she was not royalty, she was from nobility. Elisabeth was a royal highness tho, so that is correct.
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Fun fact: Elisabeth and Franz Josef did not meet at Ischl in 1853! Until some weeks ago I thought that they had met for the first time in 1848, when Ludovika went to Innsbruck with her two eldest daughters and her son Karl Theodor, to visit her sister Sophie, who was staying there with her sons to escape the unrest in Vienna (because of you know, the revolution and all that). However, I read in Mythos Kaiserin Elisabeth (run by a blogger that absolutely knows what they are talking about when it comes to Sisi) that their first meeting was in 1843, when Archduchess Sophie visited Possenhofen with Franz Josef. Elisabeth was then only five years old and Franz Josef thirteen. But yeah this comparison feels forced.
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The first one is correct, but I don't see anything worth comparison: royal women tended to marry young. The second one is lowkey gross so I'm ignoring it. I don't have anything to add to the third one other than royal weddings are just Like That, again there is nothing particularly special about either of them to merit a comparison. The last one is super forced jgjgk Franz Josef had mistresses they could've put one of them there instead of Sophie lol.
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Ok so I started to do this in a sort of "jaja how funny some of these comparisons are" way but that was before I read this and now I'm writing with anger. Not only this is an absolute reach because these two things are LITERALLY NOT THE SAME AT ALL, LIKE NOT EVEN SIMILAR, comparing prince An*rew, who was accused of terrible crimes and was involved with truly horrible people to Archduke Maximilian on the basis of them being "dicey" is incredibly tasteless. Also, Max did not "declare himself" emperor, he was chosen to be emperor!! There was a plebiscite!!! Ok the plebiscite was rigged but he and Charlotte didn't knew that!!! They truly thought that they were helping the Mexicans!!!
I'm skipping the next two because one can be summoned to "rich women wear jewels" and the other is about their eating disorders, wich is a sensitive subject that I rather not discuss so casually.
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No you see Diana and Sisi are super similar because, hmm *rolls dice* Elton John made The Lion King theme song and hmmmm *throws dart* Johann Strauss composed waltzes! This is a totally logic comparison that makes perfect sense and it isn't a reach at all!
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I... I don't get this one. Are they saying that John Travolta is like the Shah of Persia or that the Shah of Persia was like John Travolta??
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I believe the first one is from an interview. The second one is a private poem Elisabeth wrote soon after she got married. These are two completely different things that should not be compared.
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First one: again two different things that have nothing to do with each other at all. Second one: ok I'm not super versed in Diana lore but I'm pretty sure that she was dating Dodi right? Like it wasn't "a fling" they were a couple. And Andrassy was just Elisabeth's friend, in fact she was very proud that their relationship wasn't "poisoned by love". Third one: 19th century journalism was completely different to 20th century journalism and I don't think it should be compared. Last one: I don't recall Elisabeth being called that during her lifetime, although she did like to compare herself to Titania so maybe that's what it's refering to??
Ok we are done! I had put a disclaimer at first about how I didn't want to come off as arrogant or know it all and that this was just me joking, but the list got so stupid that I was like, "actually nevermind I want to be mean", and deleted it jgjdk. But this pretty much sums up my problem with this comparison: Diana and Elisabeth are not really that similar, so people just forces connections between them so they can title their article/video/whatever "learn all about the Diana of the 19th century!!". It's plain clickbait. And worse of all, no one mentions one of the actual connections between them: during her hunting trips in England, Elisabeth stayed at the house of the Earl Spencer, Diana's great-something-grandfather. I believe that that is more worthy to be put in the list than the ridiculous Elton John/Johann Strauss parallel.
Sorry for the rant!
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gazetteoesterreich · 1 year
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sakrumverum · 2 years
Nur der Wille Gottes zählt
Der selige Kaiser Karl und die Dienerin Gottes Kaiserin Zita sind bis heute ein leuchtendes Vorbild für Christen, besonders Paare. https://www.die-tagespost.de/kirche/aktuell/nur-der-wille-gottes-zaehlt-art-233115
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arcimboldisworld · 2 years
Thomas Hürlimann - Der rote Diamant.
THOMAS HÜRLIMANN - DER ROTE DIAMANT. #roman #sfischerverlag #leseempfehlung #lesen #literatur #buch #bücher #rezension #derrotediamant #schweiz #klosterleben
Man kann es eigentlich sofort auf den Punkt bringen: “Der Rote Diamant”, der neue Roman des Schweizer Autors THOMAS HÜRLIMANN ist einfach wunderbar, klug, amüsant, spannend – ein absoluter Pageturner und grossartige Literatur… (more…)
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suedtirolerfreiheit · 7 years
21. April 2017, 19.30 Uhr: Filmvorführung über Besuch des Kaiserpaares in Bozen und Kriegsfront in Welschtirol – mit Vortrag des Archäologen Rupert Gietl.
21. April 2017, 19.30 Uhr: Filmvorführung über Besuch des Kaiserpaares in Bozen und Kriegsfront in Welschtirol – mit Vortrag des Archäologen Rupert Gietl.
Am 22. April 1917 besuchte das österreichische Kaiserpaar Karl und Zita Bozen, um die Ausstellung „Kaiserjäger im Felde“ zu eröffnen. Der Besuch wurde fotographisch und filmisch festgehalten.
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royaltyandpomp · 7 years
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H.I.R.M. Empress Zita of Austria and H.I.R.H. Archduke Rudolf of Austria  
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soldiersofthequeen · 3 years
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Undated photograph of Kaiser Karl and Kaiserin Zita looks like getting blessed with Holy water from His Eminence Friedrich Gustav Piffl. Both devout Catholic, you can see their humility in the face of a representative of the Church. Two Pious Royals that many Politicians and even so called Catholic Monarchs can learn from today !
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“Kaiserin Zita deserved better.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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sakrum1 · 3 years
Österreich: Seligsprechungsprozess für Ex-Kaiserin Zita kommt voran
Der Seligsprechungsprozess von Zita, der letzten Kaiserin von Österreich, schreitet voran. Er gehe davon aus, dass das Untersuchungsverfahren auf Bistumsebene in zwei bis drei Jahren abgeschlossen sei, sagte der Postulator Alexander Leonhardt am Dienstag der Katholischen Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA) in Straßburg. Allerdings habe Zita eine „extrem umfangreiche Korrespondenz“ geführt, die es auszuwerten gelte.
Alles lesen
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I think I saw it on your blog but I am not sure if it was your set or something you reblogged. However, in the tags or description the OP mentioned that they only found that footage at Karl's and Zita's wedding (I think it was of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie) as a clip on youtube and probably colored by AI. The OP would have liked the original black & white version, if I recall correct. Well long story short, I think they can find it in the Austrian documentary "Zita - Letzte Kaiserin von Österreich." I'm currently watching it and it looked like the same scene I recently saw as gif.
Hello! Yes, the gifset you're talking about is mine: is this one of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie at Karl and Zita's wedding. I made that and this other one for the wedding anniversary when I was just learning how to do gifs. I wanted to use the original in black and white but the footage that I found of it was shorter than the colored by an AI video - that shot of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, the only image of them together at the wedding, wasn't in the black and white videos. Thank you for the heads up!!
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acrimperi · 6 years
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🌪️Con l'inizio dei moti che portarono alla rivoluzione francese, Maria Antonietta decise di inviare alla madre, Maria Teresa alcuni dei suoi più preziosi gioielli. . 📦Questo scrigno dei tesori fu consegnato a mano da Madame Royale al suo arrivo alla corte di Vienna, seguito ad uno scambio di prigionieri politici con la Francia rivoluzionaria e ad una garanzia di una pensione per la Delfina. . 💎Diamanti e rubini: una parure composta da diadema, orecchini, collier e spilla da corsetto. . 👸La montatura originale è perduta: le pietre furono rimontate in occasione del matrimonio di Elisabetta con Francesco Giuseppe in quella che è rappresentata in questa foto ed è presente in molti ritratti dell'imperatrice. . 🤷‍♀️Dov'è oggi questo capolavoro? Perduta: l'ultima proprietaria, l'Imperatrice Zita la affidò ad un banchiere svizzero affinché la vendesse nei giorni del duro esilio. Da lì, ad oggi se ne sono perdute le tracce. . 🤥Ah, queste in foto sono dei falsi, riproduzioni fatte di Swarovski sulla base di disegni e raffigurazioni. . 📖La Storia di un prezioso: una storia di nazioni, persone, politica. . 🤩Seguiteci per altre storie e curiosità. . 👉Www.acrimperi.it #acrimperi #juweley #crowntreasure #swarowsky #marieantoinette #sissi #kaiserin #elizabeth #wittelsbach #bayern #franzjosef #rubini #diamond (presso Associazione Cultura e Rievocazione Imperi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5DMfLA5wf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wi81pok0e8os
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korrektheiten · 7 years
Habsburgs Kaiserinnen - Fünf Jahrhunderte an der Seite der Macht
Unzensuriert:Habsburgs Kaiserinnen Foto: unzensuriert.at Unzählige Bücher wurden über Kaiserin Sisi oder Maria Theresia (die übrigens nie offiziell zur Kaiserin gekrönt worden war) geschrieben, über die zahlreichen anderen Frauen der Habsburger-Kaiser weiß die Allgemeinheit aber ziemlich wenig. Kultur Von Eleonore bis Zita: Habsburgs Kaiserinnen http://dlvr.it/Q2cfNJ
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carolathhabsburg · 11 years
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"Dinner with the Habsburgs"
1)Archduchess Regina, spouse of Archduke Otto, Archduke Robert, Kaiserin Zita
2)Archduke Otto chatting with brother, Archduke Robert
3)Archduchess Margherita, neé pss Savoia-Aosta (YAASSS!!! Waffles Grandmother), spouse of Archduke Robert and brother in law, Archduke Karl Ludwig (Imre ´s grandfather).
Late 1950s.
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sakrum1 · 7 years
Papst an Kaiser-Karl-Gebetsliga: „Ich zähle auf Ihre Hilfe"
Papst Franziskus hat die Angehörigen der Kaiser-Karl-Gebetsliga für den Völkerfrieden dazu eingeladen, mit persönlichem Einsatz und Gebet auch an seinen Friedensbemühungen teilzunehmen. „Die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit erfordern die Zusammenarbeit aller Menschen guten Willens und insbesondere das Gebet und Opfer“, sagte der Papst an diesem Samstag bei einer Audienz für rund 130 Mitglieder der Liga. „Ohne die Unterstützung durch das Gebet der Gläubigen kann der Nachfolger Petri seine Sendung für die Welt nicht erfüllen. Ich zähle hier auch auf Sie“, sagte Franziskus.
Die Kaiser-Karl-Gebetsliga tagt derzeit in Rom zur Jahreshauptversammlung. Thema ist der 100. Jahrestag der Friedensinitiative Benedikts XV. im Ersten Weltkrieg. Der selige Kaiser Karl habe diese päpstlichen Friedensbemühungen als einziger politischer Verantwortungsträger seiner Zeit unterstützt, würdigte Franziskus den letzten österreichischen Kaiser.
Präsident der Kaiser-Karl-Gebetsliga ist der emeritierte Erzbischof von Luxemburg Fernand Franck. Er fasste bei der Begegnung im Vatikan die drei Ziele der Liga mit ihren rund 5.000 Mitgliedern zusammen: Gottes Willen zu suchen und zu befolgen, sich für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit einzusetzen sowie das Unrecht der Geschichte zu sühnen. Diese drei Anliegen, so der Papst, „waren sozusagen das Hauptmotiv im Leben des seligen Karl als Staatsmann, als Ehemann und Familienvater sowie als Sohn der Kirche. In der Ergebenheit in den Willen Gottes nahm er sein Leiden an und gab sein Leben als Opfer für den Frieden hin.“ Unterstützung erfuhr Karl durch die Liebe und den Glauben seine Gemahlin. Für Kaiserin Zita läuft ein Seligsprechungsverfahren.
Die Kaiser-Karl-Gebetsliga für den Völkerfrieden entstand 1895, noch zu Lebzeiten ihres Namensgebers, im ungarischen Sopron (Ödenburg). Nach seiner Ausreise aus Österreich wurde der Kaiser mit seiner Familie 1919 dauerhaft des Landes verwiesen. Er verstarb 1922 auf Madeira im Alter von 35 Jahren. 1949 begann auf Veranlassung der Gebetsliga der Seligsprechungsprozess, 2004 sprach Papst Johannes Paul II. Karl aus dem Haus Österreich auf dem Petersplatz selig.
(rv 14.10.2017 gs)
from Radio Vatikan http://ift.tt/2ynJYIR
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