#Kaku's record is 21/25
mofffun · 7 months
Farmers of Chikyu, I present Kaku So + archery
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The Shinsengumi’s Finances
I’ve previously posted about the The Gold and Silver Expenditure and Receipt Book (金銀出入帳) containing the Shinsengumi’s financial records from the 11th month, 1867 to the 3rd month, 1868. 
Here’s a translation of the entire document with commentary from the book 新選組史料集. The original Japanese text is available here. (warning: it’s very long)
Seventh Month, Year of the Rabbit (1867)
Gold and Silver Expenditure and Receipt Book
(There are seals owned by Miyagawa Ryuji and Ryugenji Temple, but these were stamped later.)
November 28, 1867 20 ryo Nakamura withdrawal stamped with seal (Nakamura refers to Nakamura Gendo, the accountant)
December 3 62 ryo 2 bu Yasutomi withdrawal to pay Fukubayashi (Yasutomi refers to Yasutomi Saisuke, an investigator)
5th 72 ryo Same person’s withdrawal for hakama expenses
11th 250 ryo To Kishijima (Kishima refers to Kishijima Yoshitaro, a Shogun's advisor)
11th 100 ryo Yasutomi withdrawal
50 ryo Same person
50 ryo Same person
100 ryo Same person
December 21 50 ryo Yasutomi withdrawal
100 ryo Same person
300 ryo Same person Distributed equally
150 ryo Same person
100 ryo Same person Distributed equally
In Fushimi 200 ryo Nakamura Gendo Deposit
200 ryo Same person On board a ship
Shinagawa 200 ryo Yasutomi withdrawal
100 ryo Nakamura withdrawal
January 23 100 ryo Same person In Shinagawa
January 23 500 ryo Yasutomi withdrawal Expenses for fabrics
28th 50 ryo Same person
For various payments in Osaka 222 ryo Nakamura withdrawal
February 6 100 ryo Yasutomi withdrawal
8th 630 ryo Same person
11th 100 ryo Same person
15th 100 ryo Same person
23rd 50 ryo Same person
27th 50 ryo Otani (Otani means Otani Isao, the accountant)
29th 200 ryo Yasutomi
100 ryo Otani
February 29 50 ryo Kishima withdrawal
March 1 200 ryo Travel expenses, Otani
Salary Receipt and Distribution (The label has now been removed and the first three characters are unknown.)
November 14 357 ryo 3 bu November salary distribution (Monthly salary for November)
7 ryo Lecturers from the same school, 3 people (Payment for lecturers)
15th 5 ryo Sumiya payment (payment to Sumiya, a brothel in Shimabara)
17th 10 ryo Yamada Ichiro Payment for sword repair (A sword sharpener at Nijo Ogawa Kaku, thought to be payment for repairing swords of the Shinsengumi members)
100 ryo Sato Yasujiro Transfer (Also written as Hojiro, he had various contacts with the Shinsengumi since Bunkyu 3. This record shows a close relationship with the Shinsengumi, but the actual situation is still unclear. Grandson of Sato Kiuchi, whose father was Sozaburo)
17th 25 ryo Fushimi offical duties
10 ryo for Harada Harada, Kishima
12 ryo 2 bu For 2 people (This is an official business trip to Fushimi by Vice-Commander Assistant Harada Sanosuke, Kishima Yoshitaro, and others. Due to the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma, the Kaientai and others came up from Osaka to Fushimi, and from there they dispersed and infiltrated Kyoto on the 17th. It is said that they were aware of this disturbing movement and immediately dispatched men to the city.)
19th 17 ryo Shichijo incident, 17 people are dispatched. (A special payment was given to the fighters who were sent to attack Itou Kashitaro and members of the Goryo-eiji at Shichijo Aburanokoji. One ryo was given to each of them. (The personnel known to have been mobilized according to the records include Nagakura Shinpachi, Harada Sanosuke, Oishi Kuwajiro, Kishijima Yoshitaro, Miyagawa Nobukichi, Shimada Kai, Yokokura Jingoro, Miura Tsunejiro, and Shibaoka Gozo, and the injuries of Harada, Oishi, Kishijima, Miura, and Shibaoka can be confirmed.))
November 19 10 ryo Payment to hardware store Seibei
November 19 1 ryo Men dispatched to the Shichijo incident
21st 20 ryo From Yamada Ichiro to the other party
22nd 1 ryo 2 bu Fushimi travel expenses used for sake
On the 22nd 5 ryo (returned) Osaka travel expenses for Miyagawa (This entry has been canceled by stamping.)
23rd 10 ryo Same as above, paid to Karashima (Allowance for Karashima Shoji to go to Osaka. This Karashima later deserted the Shinsengumi in Osaka)
23rd 5 ryo Araki Shinzaburo dispatched (Also written as 信三郎. He is said to have died of illness in Edo)
26th 16 ryo 2 bu Three Yamatonokami swords (Purchased three swords from Aizu swordsmith Yamatonokami Minamoto Hidekuni)
November 23 1 ryo 2 bu Necessary offical duty expenses
29th 16 ryo Two Muneyasu swords
5 ryo Cotton expenses
December 2nd 2 bu 2 shu Nishinomiya offical duty travel expenses (Expenses for a Shinsengumi member who went to Nishinomiya on the night of the 2nd to investigate the condition of Choshu samurai on their way to Kyoto. The report made upon their return on the following day, on the 3rd, still exists)
2th 1 ryo 2 bun 2 shu 1 kenjutsu gauntlet for Hijikata ("古手" is a misnomer for "籠手" meaning gauntlet)
5 ryo Used by Hijikata
6th 15 ryo Yamada Ichiro withdrawal
9th 10 ryo Harada withdrawal
2 ryo Miyamoto (Refers to Miyamoto Touta, the Commander's assistant)
December 10 6 ryo Kimono expenses, Yoshimura withdrawal
11th 200 ryo Foot soldier salary transferred to the foot soldier manager (heyagashira)
344 ryo 3 bu Salary (Monthly salary for December)
39 ryo To the Commander (Monthly salary for December distributed by the Commander. According to the testimony of Commander Assistant Ikeda Shichisaburo, "In December, one ryo was given to me," which means that the amount was for 39 people.)
3000 ryo Debt repayment for the ten families of the Yamanaka clan
13th 227 ryo At Nijo Castle, to the same people (Paid as special bonus)
200 ryo To the foot soldier manager
10 ryo Yoshimura Kanichiro's kimono (Yoshimura, whose real name was Kamura Gontaro, deserted the Morioka domain in Oshu and joined the Shinsengumi.)
15 ryo Chusuke and Fukuda's withdrawal for catering (Chusuke refers to Sawa Chusuke)
4098 ryo 2 bu (Statement of the total expense for necessary offical duties as of November 23)
45 ryo Yamazaki Susumu withdrawal (Yamazaki is an Vice-Commander Assistant)
25 ryo Payment for official purchases made by Sensei at Iwaki in Osaka (The Shinsengumi followed Genbaryo Nagai to Osaka on the 14th, and were stationed at Tenma Tenjin in Osaka. "Sensei" refers to Kondo Isami. Iwaki is a kimono shop)
10 ryo Sensei's travel expenses, withdrawn by Karashima
In Osaka 16 ryo Remaining portion of salary paid to Yamazaki by the Commander
15th (Night) 100 ryo Yamazaki and Yoshimura's travel expenses to Fushimi (The Shinsengumi was assigned to guard Fushimi, and this is the first group to go to Fushimi to scout and make preparations)
15th 10 ryo Withdrawn by Karashima at Osaka
16th 25 ryo Obtaining land use in Fushimi (pending) (On the 16th, the Shinsengumi leave Osaka and arrive in Fushimi in the evening, entering the Fushimi Magistrate's Office.)
10 ryo Necessary expenses for Fushimi foot soldiers, paid to their manager
10 ryo Distributed to laborers at Osaka Castle
4 ryo Okawa Shichiro withdrawal
50 ryo Sensei's travel expenses to Osaka with Yamazaki (On December 18, on his way back from Fushimi Magistrate's Office to Nijo Castle, Kondo was shot in the right shoulder with a gun by remnants of the Goryo-eiji and seriously wounded. The Shogunate doctors from the Aizu Clan and Osaka Castle were said to have arrived, but they were unable to treat him adequately, so Kondo went to Osaka on the 20th. Okita Souji accompanied him and continued his recuperation at the Osaka Magistrate's residence. (The money was entrusted to Yamazaki Susumu, who escorted him at this time.)
20 ryo Fushimi foot soldier manager withdrawal
8 ryo Araki Kashiwamura and Okada Nakamura withdrawal
3 ryo Inoue Genzaburo withdrawal (Inoue is a Vice-Commander Assistant and the Captain of the Third Squad)
49 ryo Fushimi foot soldiers withdrawal
11 ryo Paid to 11 people (Special allowance for the incident with the Miyakonojo soldiers on the night of December 21. The amount is one ryo per person) (More info: https://japan-castle-guide.com/column-236/, http://www.bakusin.com/shosai5.html)
30 ryo Fushimi heyagashira withdrawal
December 28 185 ryo In Fushimi (Paid as special allowance)
Official... (illegible)
December 28 300 ryo Heyagashira loan transferred
6 ryo Fukuda Heima withdrawal (He was a student of Kondo Shusuke of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, and was the Kanagawa Magistrate's office holder. It was because of this relationship with Fukuda that Kondo expected support from Kanagawa's Nappa Corps during the Koshu-Katsunuma War. In the Meiji era, he becomes a regular in the Suruga Magistrate's Office.) (More info: https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12363753148.html)
29th 4 ryo Obata Saburo transferred (Given to him when he infiltrated as a counter-intelligence agent to investigate the movements of Satsuma soldiers)
1 ryo 2 bu Paid to Osaka envoys
January 7 155 ryo Salary distribution at Osaka Castle (Monthly wages for January)
18th 585 ryo Paid to Shinagawa inn for 39 people (The Shinsengumi, who were defeated in the Toba-Fushimi War, left for Edo aboard the Fujisan Maru and the Jundo Maru from Tenpozan, Osaka. The injured were disembarked at Yokohama, and the main body of the Shinsengumi took up lodging at Kamaya Han'emon's inn in the Shinagawa district. A special allowance was distributed at this time, and 15 ryo was given to each man.) 
240 ryo Paid by the Commander to 24 people (Ten ryo was given to each person)
105 ryo Obtaining land use in Fushimi for seven people (Each of them received 15 ryo) 
One hundred and five ryo Paid to footsoldiers (Seven ryo per person, for 15 people)
Sixty-five ryo Paid to laborers (5 ryo per person, for 13 persons)
January 18 90 ryo Paid to officials
January 15 100 ryo Paid to injured men in Yokohama by Shimada (Corporal Shimada Kai is dispatched as a go‐between for troops receiving treatment at a hospital converted from a French language school in Yokohama)
In Shinagawa 20 ryo Paid to carpenter Senzo (A person associated with Kondo's Shieikan dojo)
18th 25 ryo Payment for Hijikata's purchases
22nd 35 ryo Hijikata's payment to Ebisuya (Payment for purchase of weapons)
23rd 25 ryo Paid to carpenter Senzo (On this day, they moved from Shinagawa to the Wakadoshiyori Yakuyashiki residence in the Kajibashi Gate, so I guess they paid for the repair of this residence.) 
5 ryo Various payments by Hijikata (Vice-Commander Hijikata Toshizo seems to have been making various purchases on his own recently.)
5 ryo 1 bu 2 shu Daily necessities and Seto-ware inkstone, various items (The "子儘者" probably means "daily necessities") (More info: https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12351345576.html)
1871 ryo, 3 bu, 2 shu (Statement of the total loan to the heyagashira as of December 28)
400 ryo Portion paid by Sensei in Osaka
26th 15 ryo Carpenter Senzo
27th 320 ryo Paid to those staying in Yokohama
Sixteen Shinsengumi members and six Commander assistants Population: 4 (15 ryo for each Shinsengumi member, 10 ryo each Commander assistant, and 5 ryo for each foot soldier. This was given to those who had been treated in Yokohama on the day Kishijima Yoshitaro and Ozeki Izumi went to pick them up and transfer them to a medical center in Izumibashi, Edo, in accordance with Kondo's instructions. Since the medical center could not accommodate them all, only Hata Saburo, Nakayama Shigezo, Omachi Dori Nantaro, Ohashi Hansaburo, and Adachi Matoro, entered the medical center. (Incidentally, those thought to have been wounded in the Toba-Fushimi War include Kondo Yoshisuke, Obara Kozo, Kumebe Masachika, Yamano Yasohachi, Matsubara Ikutaro, Numajiri Kobungo, Chujo Tsunehachiro, Kogamihara Eisaku, Ikeda Shichisaburo, Wataka Kotota, Soma Hajime, Isshiki Zennosuke, Kobori Seiichiro.))
28th 50 ryo Of which 38 ryo was returned Sensei brought with him to Yokohama (Kondo went to Yokohama to receive medical treatment from a French doctor. There is a surviving account from Tajima Ochika, who met with Kondo at this time.)
29th 6 ryo Sent to tailor Otojiro (More info: https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12350925398.html, https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12684655311.html)
February 2 30 ryo Carpenter Senzo
3rd 10 ryo Kondo Hayao, Hara Jonoshin
3th 25 ryo Harada and Shimada's children, putting affairs in order
3th 100 ryo 5 breech-loading rifles (Each rifle was valued at 20 ryo)
February 6 10 ryo Kishima Yoshitaro's wakizashi
8th 8 ryo Sato Yasujiro's katana
10th 6 ryo 3 bu payment for purchases
13th 50 ryo Sensei's expense (Kondo's monthly salary according to Nagakura's testimony)
164 ryo 1 bu Salary (Monthly salary for February.)
15th 64 ryo Salary for the hospitalized
14 ryo Salary for the same as above (Monthly wages for February given to the Shinsengumi members in the hospital and the Commander's assistants. It's thought that the 64 ryo was for the hospitalized members and the 14 ryo was for the Commander's assistants. If there were 16 in the hospital, each would receive 4 ryo, and the 7 Commander assistands would each receive 2 ryo)
43 ryo 7 sets of daisho (katana + wakizashi pair) paid to Nakashimaya
15 ryo Same as above
20 ryo Carpenter Senzo, Terao-san (Terao-san refers to Terao Yasujiro, a retainer of the Tayasu family. He was a prominent figure in the Tennen Rishin style who took care of Kondo's dojo after Kondo went to Kyoto. He also gave instructions for the exhumation of Kondo's corpse, which was executed in Itabashi.)
16th 30 ryo Handed over to Yozo and Kosuke at Hino inn (According to Tani Haruo, Yozo refers to Amano Yozo, the younger brother of the wandering vigilante Koganei Kojiro)  (More info: https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12358335945.html?frm_id=v.home-multi-recommend0)
February 17 300 ryo Travel funds to Koshu for 3 men (This may be funds for preliminary work to go to the Koshu to pacify the region)
7 ryo Nagakura's two-time withdrawal (This refers to Vice-Commander Assistant Nagakura Shinpachi)
18th 21 ryo Obtaining land use in Fushimi for 7 men (Each person will receive 3 ryo)
75 ryo 3 bu 5 katanas and 3 wakizashi
24th 6 ryo 2 bu
25th 20 ryo Paid to Nakamuraya Kin
20 ryo 2 payments to Ishiya
1000 hiki Shiba incense fee (1000 hiki = 2 ryo 2 bu) (It may be from a visit to Kondo Shusuke's grave at Kinji-in Temple in Shiba, or the tomb of Tokugawa Iemochi at Zojoji Temple)
26th 6 ryo 2 bu Paid to Nakamuraya Kinbei
7 ryo2 Horse for Okubo Takeshi (It is said that Kondo was already named Okubo Takeshi at this time. According to one theory, he was promoted to the rank of Wakadoshiyori (Junior Councillor))
February 26 20 ryo Carpenter fees paid by Okita (Vice-Commander Assistant Okita Soji)
10 ryo Sato Yasujiro horse fee payment
27th 10 ryo Oishi Kuwajiro's journey to Koshu (The 10 ryo is a special allowance to Koshu. Oishi was the first to go as the advance guard of the Koyo Chinbutai)
100 ryo Matsumoto Ryojun's fees (This is payment to Matsumoto for medicine)
28th 595 ryo 49 men, 21 men Koshu travel allowance (A special allowance for going to Koshu, ten ryo each was paid to 49 men and five ryo each to 21 Commander Assistants)
28th 300 ryo Withdrawal for Nijuki (Ushigome district, where Kondo's wife and child lived, was commonly called Nijuki (廿騎). The house was purchased from a monk and had a newly built kitchen and about three rooms. Soon after this, the house in Ganki was given to Heima Fukuda, who evacuated to Seigan-ji Temple in Nakano)
50 ryo Miyagawa altar offering (Offered to the god of Corporal Miyagawa Nobukichi, who was killed in the Tenmaya Incident)
10 ryo Okita withdrawal (This is the same amount as the special allowance to Koshu, which suddenly makes it more plausible that Okita accompanied the Koyo Chinbutai on the way to Koshu)
3 ryo Tadasuke's wife
February 29 7 ryo Children's salary (These were Kondo and Hijikata's pages, who served as sword-bearers and the like. At one ryo each, there were seven of them; at three ryo each, there were four of them. They included Inoue Taisuke, Numajiri Aijiro, Watanabe Ichizo, Ichimura Tetsunosuke, Ueda Umanosuke, Tamaki Ryozo, Tamura Ginnosuke, etc.)
31 ryo Nakashimaya Yaemon’s fee
13 ryo 2 bu Trousers from Nakamuraya Sahei (In a testimony from Ikeda Shichisaburo (later Hieda Rihachi), he describes his clothing at the time of the Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma: "I was wearing a cotton Western-style jacket and trousers, and I was also wearing a kendo breastplate and straw sandals.")
6 ryo 2 bu Okita's use
40 ryo Tanaka, Fukuda, Kageyama, Shimazaki (Refers to Tanaka Kotaro, Fukuda Heima, Kageyama Shinnojo, Shimazaki Yuzaburo or Genya. Since the amount is the same as the special allowance for comrades going to Koshu, it is thought that these men also participated in the Koyo Chinbutai)
10 ryo Fushimi government official's use (This is also considered to be a special allowance for going to Koshu)
20 ryo Matsubara and Ohashi's withdrawal (Special allowance for Matsubara Ikutaro and Ohashi Hansaburo to go to Koshu. Both were given 10 ryo. Both were wounded in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi and were delayed because they were receiving medical treatment)
20 ryo Allowance for three persons (A special allowance to Koshu, paid to two Commander Assistants and Kondo Yoshisuke)
Money received
(The sticky note has been removed and some of the text is unclear.)
November 14 63 ryo 1 bu The same amount is borrowed for November
19th 20 ryo Funeral reimbursement for 4 persons received from Aizu ("会" refers to the Aizu Clan. Receipt of funeral fees for Itou Kashitaro, Todo Heisuke, Hattori Takeo, and Monai Arinosuke, who were killed at Shichijo Aburanokoji)
23th 3 ryo Entering Higashi-ichi
December 1st 200 ryo Received from Mokubei (This is the same person who is identified in Nagakura's records as Wakamatsu Mokunosuke, a heyagashira)
5th 1000 ryo Same person
7th 1400 ryo Received from Aizu Otake
600 ryo Received from Aizu
13th 2000 ryo Received from Kazuma Kobori (A Kyoto deputy under the control of the Shogun. He was also in charge of the Imperial Household. The amount of office was 600 koku, and the offical fee was 1,000 tawara)
42 ryo Miyakawa, from Kishu (Condolence money from the Kishu clan for Corporal Miyagawa Nobukichi, who was killed in action while escorting Kishu clan official Miura Kyutaro)
20th 20 ryo Get-well gift for Sensei from Aizu (Condolence money for Kondo, who was attacked by remnants of the Kodaiji party and seriously wounded in the right shoulder)
January 7 500 ryo Received from Osaka Castle
4,200 ryo Catering receipt from the same place
200 ryo Sensei received from Osaka
In Edo 2000 yen Received from Aizu
December 8 4000 ryo From 10 wealthy merchant families in the Osaka (It seems that they forgot to enter this information in the account book and wrote it down later) (More info: https://ameblo.jp/tosi0531/entry-12339887465.html, https://kajimaya-asako.daido-life.co.jp/column/06.html)
February 3 300 ryo Government offical Shitara-dono (thought to be from Shitara Iwajiro (Bishu governor), the shogunate's official advisor)
February 27 2394 ryo 1 shu Received from government offical
29th 1200 ryo From Aizu
3000 ryo From Matsumoto Ryojun
23141 ryo remaining (This was written separately)
(Figures in parentheses are notes by Koga Shigesaku)
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posthumanwanderings · 6 years
Nintendo DS - Relaxing Video Game Music (Vol.1)
Playlist: 00:00 Trace Memory / Another Code - Awakening Dream 01:36 Mario & Luigi Partners in Time - Starhill 04:16 Dragon Quest VI - Saint's Wreath 07:00 Pokemon Black & White - Emotion 08:48 Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - Wandering the Crystal Blue 11:20 Golden Sun Dark Dawn - Home 13:48 Trace Memory / Another Code - Searching for Truth 14:49 Dragon Quest VI - Inviting Village 16:52 Mario & Luigi Partners in Time - Toad Town 18:53 Animal Crossing Wild World - Café 20:13 Nintendogs - Naptime record 21:55 Noora to Kaku no Koubou - A Little Visitor 24:17 Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - Sapphire Elegy 25:24 Dragon Quest IV - Homeland 26:58 Golden Sun Dark Dawn - An Adept's New Home 29:57 Pokemon Black & White - Undella Town 32:21 Advance Wars Dual Strike - Grit's Theme 34:24 Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Xion's Theme 38:08 Mario & Luigi Partners in Time - Holli Jolli Village 40:40 Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs - Mitonge Village 43:26 Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Trading City Vulpes Urbeth (Night) 45:33 Pokemon Black & White - Professor Cedric Juniper 46:37 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - Snowpoint City 48:31 Radiant Historia - Where the Wind and Feathers Return 50:48 Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Adelle 53:01 Okamiden - Yakushi Village 56:45 Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings - World Map (Cerobi Steppe) 59:55 Final Fantasy III - Ancient Village
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nanabeats · 7 years
Stealing a thing!
Stealing this from @a-kitsuneet-and-a-cybele, but instead just answering things down the list that I can or feel comfortable enough answering
1:Full name Alice Armstrong.
2:Age 22, last I checked
3: Fears? Mostly anxiety-related things, but something you might not expect is a fear of silence. Better dead than deaf, imo
4: 3 things I love I’mma be a dork and list @daxreythaak here. Also, music and good  food
5: 4 turns on Nope! Try again later.
6: 4 turns off Bad grammar, low intelligence, persistent clinginess,  and big egos.
7:My best friend Not answering this because it’s not a competition
8:Sexual orientation Yes.
9:My best first date Uhm. Dates? Right, people do those...
10:How tall am I 6′3
11:What do I miss Headshots. Every time. 
12:What time were I born Grammar o’clock. 3:44 AM, I think?
13:Favourite color Purple
14:Do I have a crush No, though I might go get one from the gas station. Orange sounds tasty right about now
15:Favourite quote This changes based on the day. Give me a topic, I’ll come up with something quotable for it
16:Favourite place My bed
17:Favourite food Knowing that Dax is reading this right now, General Tso’s chicken is fucking delicious
18:Do I use sarcasm? Never. Is there any other answer to this?
19:What am I listening to right now: Ga1ahad and the Scientific Witchery by Mili. @grexion just put it on in Plug. https://plug.dj/makais-shipyard
20:First thing I notice in new person: Hair
21:Shoe size Big
22:Eye color Blue with hazel flecks, or hazel with a blue ring around it. Depends on who you ask
23:Hair color? Very very brown
24:Favourite style of clothing? Simple.
25:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “R”? No/
27:Meaning behind my URL I wanted Foxy-thoughts but it was taken. Also foxes. And thoughts. And personal blog. Pretty self explanitory
28:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “M”? Teeeeeeeeeechnically?
29:Favourite song: At the moment, Zenmajikake no Kami wa Kaku Katakiri by Automata Girl. If I haven’t posted it yet, I will tomorrow
30:Favourite band: Depends on the day, but Alstroemeria, Shibayan, and RD-Sounds are my top three
31:How I feel right now? On a scale of 1-10? Ask Ana mains how they feel about onetrick Genjis stuck in low Silver, and convert that to a number. 
32:Someone I love: Already tagged @daxreythaak
33:My current relationship status Taken by ^
34:My relationship with my parents? FUCK NO
35:Favourite holiday: yule/Winter Solstice 
36:Tattoos and piercing i have: None
37:Tattoos and piercing i want: None
38:The reason I joined Tumblr: Long story short, @the-cursed-swordsman is a fucking cool blog.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? Normally? No. Presently? Fucking pissed at him for something that happened an hour ago
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? The latter, occasionally
41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? EW NO! She has 44 years on me and I could go on for ages ranting about why that’s a bad idea
42:When did I last hold hands? Either this morning, 8:30 AM or last night, 8:00 PM
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends on how long I’m given. On a day where I have nothing to do? Three to five hours. Emergency? Three to five seconds, depending on how quickly I can get my legs over the edge of the bed 
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? No
45:Where am I right now? Work
46:If I were drunk &; can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? The morgue. I don’t drink.
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable. Normally.
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? I’d murder the former and the latter hasn’t been in my life for twelve years now. Thank god. No.
49:Am I excited for anything? POP|CULTURE 6, Alstroemeria Records
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? Nope!
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? Today, 9-ish AM
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I’d be confused as hell...
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Probably
55:What is something I disliked about today? Everything but Plug and so far, this list
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Nah, I’m content as I am
57:What do I think about most? Anxiety things!
58:What’s my strangest talent? I guess I can kick myself in the face if I want to? Don’t ask how I learned that or where I got a prize for it?
59:Do I have any strange phobias? Silence
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind.
61:What was the last lie I told? “Fine, I won’t drag you into this discussion”.
62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Chatting online. I hate phone calls.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? If they exist, they exist. If they eventually matter, they eventually matter.  However, they do not matter to me at this moment, therefore they are not something I am concerned with
64:Do I believe in magic? To an extent
65:Do I believe in luck? Aye
66:What’s the weather like right now? Cloudy
67:What was the last book I’ve read? The Iron Druid Chronicles book two, Hexed, I think?
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? No?
69:Do I have any nicknames? Plenty
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Rolled my ankle once. Hurt worse than the road rash from ditching my bike when a car cut me off, so probably more severe. I don’t get injured. I get sick.
71:Do I spend money or save it? Spend...
72:Can I touch my nose with a tounge? With someone else’s, yes
73:Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Grammar. And no.
74:Favourite animal? DO YOU HAVE TO ASK?
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Getting ready for bed. The night before that? Talking to people
76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Zhou.
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7xai5u_tnk
78:How can you win my heart? Nope!
79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Something that other people will see as fitting
80:What is my favorite word?
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83:Do I have any relatives in jail?
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
86:What is my current desktop picture? I have entire folder of these that I could share sometime if anyone wants me to.
87:Had sex? Yes
88:Bought condoms? Yes
89:Gotten pregnant? No
90:Failed a class? Only once, when sabotaged by my mother. I was still one of the best students in that class
91:Kissed a boy? Aye
92:Kissed a girl? Yup
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? I think so?
94:Had job? Kinda
95:Left the house without my wallet? Who needs a wallet when you’re broke?
96:Bullied someone on the internet? Yes
97:Had sex in public? Kinda
98:Played on a sports team? No
99:Smoked weed? Not actively, though my stepdad was a dealer and the house always smelled of it
100:Did drugs? HELL no
101:Smoked cigarettes? Nope
102:Drank alcohol? Kinda, leaning no.
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No.
104:Been overweight? Aye
105:Been underweight? No
106:Been to a wedding? Once
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Frequently
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When younger
109:Been outside my home country? Yes
110:Gotten my heart broken? Kinda?
111:Been to a professional sports game? Twice
112:Broken a bone? No
113:Cut myself? Never intentionally. I’ve cut myself ON things, but I’ve never self-harmed
114:Been to prom? And hated the picture from it
115:Been in airplane? No
116:Fly by helicopter? No
117:What concerts have I been to? I’d rather not...
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? What part of “Sexuality? Yes.” do you not get? Yes.
119:Learned another language? Partially
120:Wore make up? Yes
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? No, actually
122:Had oral sex? Yes
123:Dyed my hair? It would kill me
124:Voted in a presidential election? No, the only one that I’ve been old enough to vote in was the most recent one, and at that point I was stuck in legal limbo between two counties and couldn’t get to where I was registered
125:Rode in an ambulance? No
126:Had a surgery? Not yet
127:Met someone famous? Kinda?
128:Stalked someone on a social network? Kinda
129:Peed outside? Yes
130:Been fishing? Yes
131:Helped with charity? Yes
132:Been rejected by a crush? Kinda? But not really.
133:Broken a mirror? Yes
134:What do I want for birthday? A “my” in this question. Also for people not to pay attention to it. Or maybe a new laptop would be nice
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Five. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not gonna happen. Never. And Fat Chance. Really though, please no kids
136:Was I named after anyone? No
137:Do I like my handwriting? No
138:What was my favourite toy as a child? I don’t remember
139:Favourite Tv Show? Presently? Rick and Morty, though I watch it online.
140:Where do I want to live when older? Somewhere peaceful
141:Play any musical instrument? No
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? Set my hand on a broken mirror.
143:Favourite pizza toping? Topping. Bacon?
144:Am I afraid of the dark? No
145:Am I afraid of heights? Kinda?
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Gotten caught? Almost. Once. Though it wasn’t “bad”, per-se. My mother walked into my room unannounced during my first ever orgasm. That was... Interesting. She still doesn’t know about this.
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Aye
148:What I’m really bad at: Lots of things
149:What my greatest achievments are
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I don’t really hold on to things like that
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery Invest
152:What do I like about myself: Well, I’m a fairly influential person when I choose to be, and I’m fairly good at pulling through tough spots
153:My closest Tumblr friend Not a contest, so not answering
154:Something I fantasise about: [REDACTED]
4 notes · View notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS - October 9, 2018
USA Today Sports Images
October 9, 20185:56AM EDT
Giovinco’s return to Italy, Paraguayan youngsters highlight top MLS international call-ups
FC Dallas Homegrown Cannon ready for pressure with U.S. MNT call-up
D.C. run evokes similarities to 2016 MLS Cup-winning Sounders FC
MLS academy products look to lift Canada to new heights
MLS Week 33: Match Notes
Giovinco’s return to Italy, Paraguayan youngsters highlight top MLS international call-ups
Stars across Major League Soccer have been recognized for their quality in league play this season to earn call-ups to their respective national teams, ranging from young players representing their countries for the first time to veterans reentering the international fold.
Toronto FC forward Sebastian Giovinco returns to the Italy National Team thanks to a successful individual 2018 season with a combined 26 goals and assists, ranking as one of only three players across the league in the top 10 of both categories. Giovinco receives the call from new Italy boss Roberto Mancini. Giovinco, the 2015 Landon Donovan MLS MVP and 2018 Concacaf Champions League MVP will face Ukraine and Poland in this window and U.S. Men’s National Team fans should keep an eye on his performance, as repeat call-ups in the November window could see the Atomic Ant face Toronto teammates Michael Bradley and Marky Delgado, both called in for the U.S. camp.
Sporting Kansas City midfielder Johnny Russell has seen a resurgence with Scotland, having played in both matches during the September international window. With nine goals and nine assists for SKC, Russell will look to continue his strong production with Scotland when facing Israel and Portugal this week.
Young players across the league have also used their club play to break through for the first time in international play. Paraguay has seen three young MLS stars enter the program with high hopes for the first time this year, including 24-year-old Héctor Villalba (Atlanta United), 23-year-old Kaku (New York Red Bulls) and 20-year-old Cristhian Paredes (Portland Timbers). Kaku and Villalba have been instrumental to their squads, which are fighting for the top spot in the Eastern Conference and could each break the record for most points ever in an MLS season. Combined with fellow star Miguel Almirón (Atlanta United), the Paraguay National Team has three players age 24 or younger that have combined for 24 goals and 37 assists in MLS play this season.
FC Dallas Homegrown Cannon ready for pressure with U.S. MNT call-up
From virtually unknown to anchoring one of the best defensive units in MLS, 20-year-old FC Dallas Homegrown Player Reggie Cannon is bound for his first U.S. Men’s National Team camp as the USA prepares for No. 14 FIFA-ranked Colombia on Thursday in Tampa (7:30 p.m. ET / FS1, UniMas, UDN).
Cannon’s emergence under FCD head coach Oscar Pareja has helped catapult the club to the top of the Western Conference. After playing just one minute in 2017, Cannon this year has played in 31 games (all starts), logged 2,741 minutes and tallied a goal and three assists. He also was voted No. 7 on MLSsoccer.com’s 22 Under 22 rankings. Alongside the rising defender will be a former teammate, Colorado Rapids midfielder and former FCD Homegrown Player Kellyn Acosta.
“I’m looking forward to heading into this camp with solid confidence,” Cannon said. “Kellyn’s really going to help me with that. He’s my roommate and my best friend. He’s going to help me a lot with getting integrated into the system. It’s going to be a good trip.” (LISTEN HERE)
“I like to play the players when I know they’re going to have a good scenario,” Pareja recently told the Dallas Morning News. “With Reggie’s situation, that probably happened more than with anyone else.”
“You have that national team call-up, people are looking at you differently,” Cannon said. “People are expecting you to always be at that level. That bar you set, you always have to go above it.”
U.S. MNT roster:
Current MLS Homegrowns: Kellyn Acosta (Colorado Rapids), Reggie Cannon (FC Dallas), Mark Delgado (Toronto FC), Wil Trapp (Columbus Crew SC)
Former MLS Homegrowns: Matt Miazga (New York Red Bulls), DeAndre Yedlin (Seattle Sounders FC)
Additional MLS youth products: Aaron Long (New York Red Bulls), Tim Weah (New York Red Bulls)
D.C. run evokes similarities to 2016 MLS Cup-winning Sounders FC
D.C. United (11-11-8, 41 points) could be one step closer to the Audi 2018 MLS Cup playoffs this week with a potential slide into sixth place, moving the club above playoff line for the first time this regular season. With potential postseason qualification in view and a couple games in hand, D.C.’s turnaround is showing signs of mirroring the memorable U-turn of 2016 MLS Cup champions Seattle Sounders FC.
The 2016 Sounders went 6-12-2 (20 points) through July 24 of that season, then went on to post an 8-2-4 record (28 points) the rest of the way to advance to the postseason. This year’s United team posted a 3-9-5 record (14 points) through July 25 of this year and has since sported an 8-2-3 record (27 points) heading into Week 32.
2016 MLS Cup winners Seattle Sounders FC:
March 6-July 24, 2016: 6-12-2, 20 points
July 31-Oct. 23, 2016: 8-2-4, 28 points
2018 D.C. United:
March 3-July 25: 3-9-5, 14 points
July 28-present: 8-2-3, 27 points (4 games remaining)
The 2012 LA Galaxy were the trendsetters of comeback MLS champions. Through July 4, 2012, LA went 6-10-2 and was out of the postseason picture, but then went 10-2-4 over the remainder of the regular season, then would go on to defeat the Houston Dynamo in MLS Cup.
A postseason berth still needs to occur for D.C., which collides with Western Conference-leading FC Dallas this Saturday (4:55 p.m. / Univision, UDN) at Audi Field, where United have gone 4-0-1 in their past five home matches.
Since Sept. 1:
D.C. United: 4-0-2 (4-0-1 in past five matches at Audi Field)
FC Dallas: 3-0-2 (defense has posted three shutouts)
“Give credit to the team and all the fans, and the new stadium, for bringing in a new type of energy and feel to the organization,” D.C. midfielder Paul Arriola said. “It’s been fun, and the more that we can continue to win now, the easier it is for us to push ourselves into the playoffs.” (LISTEN HERE)
MLS academy products look to lift Canada to new heights
With nine current players called into the Canada National Team, Major League Soccer’s influence on coach John Herdman’s squad is undeniable. The strong contingent of particularly young players developed through MLS academies and features a world-class attacking trio that rivals the excitement and potential of any in North America.
Ballou Tabla, the 19-year-old midfielder who transferred to Barcelona from the Montreal Impact, could make his national team debut on Oct. 16 when hosting Dominica in Toronto. Tabla forms a talented attacking unit including 17-year-old Vancouver midfielder Alphonso Davies who is headed to Bayern Munich next year in a record transfer. Former Orlando City SC forward Cyle Larin also has emerged as a starter for Turkish power Besiktas and is the focus of Canada’s attack up top.
Along with Toronto FC midfielder Jonathan Osorio, the 2018 Concacaf Champions League Golden Boot winner, Canada has a wealth of MLS-produced attacking talent that is set to lead the country in its quest to secure a spot in the 2019 Concacaf Gold Cup.
MLS Week 33: Match Notes
Friday, October 12, 2018
Los Angeles Football Club vs. Houston Dynamo, 10 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
LAFC became the fifth expansion team to clinch a playoff berth in its first season, following a 3-0 win against the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening. It was LAFC’s seventh away win of the season, matching the all-time record for expansion teams, set by the Chicago Fire in 1998.
Adama Diomande netted a pair of goals, now with 11 goals for the season. LAFC now have three goalscorers with 10 goals or more, including Carlos Vela (11) and Diego Rossi (10), and is the first expansion team ever to achieve that feat.
The Dynamo had their three-game winless streak put to an end, falling 4-1 to Seattle Sounders FC at CenturyLink Field on Monday evening. With the defeat, the Dynamo were eliminated from playoff contention. DaMarcus Beasley scored the Dynamo goal, his first in MLS since 2016.
The teams are meeting for the second time ever. LAFC held a two-goal lead as the clock hit 90:00, but stoppage-time goals from Mauro Manotas (94+) and Philippe Senderos (96+) hauled the Dynamo back into a 2-2 draw July 3 at BBVA Compass Stadium.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Minnesota United FC vs. Colorado Rapids, 2 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
MNUFC saw their two-game winning run come to sudden halt, falling 5-1 to the Philadelphia Union at Talen Energy Stadium on Saturday evening. Darwin Quintero netted his 11th goal of the season (to go with 13 assists).
The Rapids saw their losing streak reach seven games, falling 3-0 to the Los Angeles Football Club at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening. The losing slide is one game away from the club record, set earlier this season (April 21-June 9).
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Tommy Smith netted the game-winner deep into second-half stoppage time as the Rapids came back for a 3-2 win on June 23 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.
The teams met twice in Minnesota United’s inaugural campaign. They reached a 2-2 draw in the first encounter on March 18 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park; MNUFC then claimed a 1-0 win on April 18 at TCF Bank Stadium.
D.C. United vs. FC Dallas, 4:55 p.m. ET (Univisión, UDN, Twitter)
D.C. United extended their undefeated streak to six games with a second consecutive win, coming back for a 2-1 win against the Chicago Fire at Audi Field on Sunday afternoon. The six-game unbeaten run is United’s longest of the season and their longest since 2015; they now have a five-game undefeated streak alive at Audi Field.
Wayne Rooney scored both United goals vs. Chicago and now has nine goals in 16 appearances since coming to the club. It was a second consecutive two-goal game and his third in MLS; Rooney has goals in his past three contests.
FC Dallas extended their undefeated streak to five games with a third win in that time, defeating Orlando City SC 2-0 at Toyota Stadium on Saturday evening. The win extended FCD’s home undefeated streak to four games, a second consecutive shutout in Frisco.
FC Dallas have won the past three meetings between the clubs, including a 4-2 win on July 4, 2017, at Toyota Stadium in their only matchup. D.C. United last won in Frisco on Sept. 1, 2007, a 4-0 victory. FC Dallas have won five of their seven home meetings since, with two draws.
FC Dallas concluded their RFK Stadium history with a 3-0 win there on March 26, 2016, FCD’s first win in the nation’s capital since 2010. United’s last win in the series came on East Capitol Street, a 4-1 win in 2014.
New England Revolution vs. Orlando City SC, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Revolution saw their winless streak extended to four games with a second consecutive defeat, falling 2-1 to Atlanta United at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Saturday afternoon.
Orlando City SC had their club-record winless run stretched to 11 games with a fourth consecutive defeat, falling 2-0 to FC Dallas at Toyota Stadium on Saturday evening. OCSC has not scored a goal in its past four matches, the 360-minute goalless drought the second-longest in the club’s MLS history.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Orlando City’s Scott Sutter hit for the equalizer three minutes into second-half stoppage time, leaving the teams in a 3-3 draw on Aug. 4 at Orlando City Stadium.
The away team has never won in the all-time series, in eight meetings. The Revolution have won two of the three meetings at Gillette Stadium, including a 4-0 win in the last matchup there, last Sept. 2. Orlando City had won their last two home matches vs. New England, before this year’s draw.
Stay connected: The all-new, completely redesigned, FREE official MLS app is your best mobile source for scores, news, analysis and highlights. Download:  App Store  |  Google Play
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – October 9, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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0 notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years
EA Sports reveals the top 30 MLS players in the upcoming FIFA 19
September 15, 201812:29PM EDT
EA Sports FIFA has the immense task of rating and ranking every single player in the world, inciting debate and outrage aplenty. With FIFA 19 nearing its full release, Sept. 28, they have made official their top 30 MLS rated players. Here they are:
No. 30 – No. 26
Kaku | EA Sports FIFA
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 30. Leandro Gonzalez Pirez ATL CB 75 29. Ike Opara SKC CB 75 28. Kaku RBNY CAM 75 27. Alberth Elis HOU RW 75 26. Andre Blake PHI GK 75
A pair of defenders kicks us off, as Opara and Gonzalez Pires are given equal ratings of 75. Their athleticism will make render their cards more useful than the average 75. Dynamo star Elis gets a 75 and ever-important four-star skills while current MLS assists leader Kaku comes in with a 75 as well. Blake is the first – and only – keeper in FIFA’s top 30 MLS players.
No. 25 – No. 21
Darwin Quintero | EA Sports FIFA
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 25. Darwin Quintero MIN CF 75 24. Raul Ruidiaz SEA ST 76 23. Maxi Moralez NYC CAM 76 22. Guram Kashia SJ CB 76 21. Osvaldo Alonso SEA CDM 76
Quintero, with 10 goals and 9 assists in 20 matches, rounds out the 75s with Ruidiaz being the first entrant as a 76 alongside NYCFC’s Moralez. All of Ruidiaz, Quintero and Moralez have four-star skills. Alonso is the first defensive midfielder in the top 30 and Kashia takes the crown of highest rated defender in MLS according to FIFA.
No. 20 – No. 16
Jozy Altidore | EA Sports FIFA
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 20. Haris Medunjanin PHI CM 76 19. Jonathan dos Santos LAG CM 77 18. Jozy Altidore TOR ST 77 17. Nicolas Lodeiro SEA RM 77 16. Giovani dos Santos LAG CF 77
Medunjanin is the highest rated Union player while Altidore gets a slight upgrade with a 77, up from the 76 he started with last year. Both dos Santos brothers are given the same 77 rating, both down from last year. Jona was an 80 and Gio a 79. Lodeiro joins them, crashes the top 20 and is given four-star skills, as does Gio dos Santos.
No. 15 – No. 11
Romain Alessandrini | EA Sports FIFA
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 15. Victor Vazquez TOR CM 77 14. Michael Bradley TOR CDM 77 13. Federico Higuain CLB CAM 77 12. Bradley Wright-Phillips RBNY ST 77 11. Romain Alessandrini LAG RM 77
When Alessandrini got an in-form card in FIFA 18, he immediately became a favorite in the Ultimate Team community. This year, he starts at a 78, keeps his four-star skills and 89 pace but just misses out on top 10 in the league. Behind him, TFC duo Vazquez and Bradley are level at 77, Higuain gets a slight bump from last year and so does Wright-Phillips, who jumps from a 75. 
No. 10 – No. 6
Wayne Rooney | EA Sports FIFA
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 10. Miguel Almiron ATL CAM 80 9. Wayne Rooney DC ST 80 8. Diego Valeri POR CAM 80 7. Ignacio Piatti MTL LW 80 6. Bastian Schweinsteiger CHI CM 80
Into the top 10, each player is rated an 80 or above. Almiron gets us started. Like Alessandrini, Almiron may well be one of the more valuable cards with his 89 pace and 80 dribbling. A new entrant to the league, Rooney is no stranger to top-rated FIFA lists and comes in at No. 9 thanks to his balanced 81 shooting and 81 passing. Reigning MVP Valeri hits the top 10 again and is given a boost on last year’s card. Piatti stays at an 80 like last year and Schweinsteiger drops from an 81, though is still the highest rated non-attack-first player in the game.
The Top Five
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 5. Josef Martinez ATL ST 81
Josef Martinez | EA Sports FIFA
MLS’ record breaker, Martinez comes in at fifth in the league to kick off FIFA 19. With 29 goals and counting, Martinez gets a deserved boost from the 76 he started with last season. His card will be a must for any MLS team with his pace, skill moves and weak foot. An added bonus: high work rate.
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 4. Carlos Vela LAFC RW 81
Carlos Vela | EA Sports FIFA
Vela’s card may not be shiny and rare as the others, but it’s still as effective. Four-star skills, workable pace for a winger as well as well-rounded technical ability. Also: expect the finesse shot train.
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 3. Sebastian Giovinco TOR CF 82
Sebastian Giovinco | EA Sports FIFA
Giovinco has been one of the premier players in MLS since joining the league and that has always been reflected in FIFA. Again, Giovinco’s card will be quality with his skill, weak foot, pace, dribbling and shooting.
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 2. David Villa NYC ST 82
David Villa | EA Sports FIFA
Villa, an ageless wonder, retains his 82 overall rating again. His card is nearly identical to last year, as his pace, dribbling, shooting and passing are all the same as last season.
Rank Name Team Pos. Rating 1. Zlatan Ibrahimovic LAG ST 85
Zlatan Ibrahimovic | EA Sports FIFA
Zlatan is king.
The highest rated MLS player, Ibrahimovic’s card is lower than it’s been in years but it’s still a must-have for MLS fans. He doesn’t have much pace, but standing at 6’5″ with a 78 physicality and 86 shot, he doesn’t need to do much sprinting.
Stay connected: The all-new, completely redesigned, FREE official MLS app is your best mobile source for scores, news, analysis and highlights. Download:  App Store  |  Google Play
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MLSsoccer.com News
EA Sports reveals the top 30 MLS players in the upcoming FIFA 19 was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
DC United vs. New York Red Bulls | 2018 MLS Match Preview
July 24, 201810:38AM EDT
DC United vs. New York Red Bulls 2018 MLS Regular Season — Week 22 Audi Field — Washington July 25 – 8 pm ET WATCH: ESPN+, MLS LIVE on DAZN (Canada)
After opening Audi Field in style with a 3-1 win over Vancouver Whitecaps FC, D.C. United look to rebound from a loss at Atlanta United by the same scoreline when they welcome their Atlantic Cup rivals the New York Red Bulls to the nation’s capital for a midweek clash.
The Red Bulls have won back-to-back games and five of their last six games after knocking off the New England Revolution, 2-0, at Red Bull Arena Saturday night.
Since D.C. United pulled off a 2-0 win at home against the Red Bulls in May 2016, New York is 2W-3D against D.C., averaging 2.2 goals per game, per Opta.
DC United
Wayne Rooney earned his first MLS start, but D.C. United (3-8-5) were unable to carry the momentum from the Audi Field opener with them to Mercedes-Benz Stadium, losing to Eastern Conference-leading Atlanta United on Saturday afternoon.
Zoltan Stieber opened the scoring in the 8th minute with his fourth goal of the season, but Josef Martinez equalized on the half-hour mark before tacking on two more goals after the break for his record-breaking sixth MLS hat trick.
“I think we played OK, but OK doesn’t cut it against Atlanta,” Ben Olsen said. “You have to make plays that matter in both boxes, defensively and offensively, and I didn’t think we did that enough to get points out of tonight. They are a dynamic and well-coached team and they’re in the spot they are for a reason.”
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: D – Taylor Kemp (labrum surgery), D – Nick DeLeon (knee injury); PROBABLE: D – Chris Odoi-Atsem (compartment release surgery), M – Ulises Segura (knee injury)
Projected Starting XI (4-1-4–1, right to left) GK: David Ousted — Oniel Fisher, Frederic Brillant, Steve Birnbaum, Joseph Mora — Chris Durkin — Zoltan Stieber, Paul Arriola, Luciano Acosta, Yamil Asad — Wayne Rooney
Notes: D.C. United have allowed an average of 17.1 shots and 5.7 shots on target this season, the most and third most in MLS, respectively. … D.C. United are unbeaten in their three MLS home games (2W-1D), one of five MLS teams without a home loss this year – though their three home games are the fewest of any team. They have won just one of their last seven MLS games overall (3L-3D).
New York Red Bulls
The Red Bulls (12-5-2) broke through for a pair of late goals to defeat the Revolution on a rainy Saturday night at Red Bull Arena, where they improved to 8-1-1 this season. 
Danny Royer tapped in a perfectly-placed free kick by Marc Rzatkowski at the back post to open the scoring in the 69th minute and Bradley Wright-Phillips latched onto a floated ball into the box for the 80th-minute insurance goal. It was his career goal No. 99 and the league-leading 12th assist for Kaku.
“We’ll be ready to keep the momentum going,” Chris Armas said. “Every game is important, and of course, against DC. We know that they’re always a difficult opponent, and in our minds, in a really good way right now, so we’ll have our work cut out for us.”
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: D – Tim Parker
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: M – Florian Valot (torn left ACL), D – Kyle Duncan (torn right ACL), M – Vincent Bezecourt (MCL sprain)
Projected Starting XI (4-2-3-1, right to left) GK: Luis Robles — Michael Murillo, Tim Parker, Aaron Long, Kemar Lawrence — Tyler Adams, Sean Davis — Danny Royer, Kaku, Marc Rzatkowski — Bradley Wright-Phillips
Notes: With his next goal, Wright-Phillips will become the 11th player in MLS history with 100 goals in his career. He has six goals in 12 league appearances against D.C. United. … The Red Bulls have won five of their last six MLS games (1L), conceding just four goals and keeping three of their seven clean sheets in 2018 in that time.
All-Time Series
Overall: D.C. United 34 wins, 132 goals … New York Red Bulls 27 wins, 110 goals … 13 draws
At D.C.: D.C. United 21 wins, 77 goals … Red Bulls 11 wins, 57 goals … 6 draws
Last meeting at D.C.: D.C. United 1, New York Red Bulls 2 (Oct. 22, 2017)
Referee: Armando Villarreal Assistant Referees: Oscar Mitchell-Carvalho, Jeremy Kieso 4th Official: Silviu Petrescu VAR: Fotis Bazakos
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Stay connected: The all-new, completely redesigned, FREE official MLS app is your best mobile source for scores, news, analysis and highlights. Download:  App Store  |  Google Play
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MLSsoccer.com News
DC United vs. New York Red Bulls | 2018 MLS Match Preview was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS - July 16, 2018
USA Today Sports Images
July 16, 20183:35PM EDT
MLS All-Stars Davies, Piatti square off in first leg of Canadian Championship
Bradley, expansion LAFC make serious push for U.S. Open Cup
MLS, Liga MX champions to battle for North American crown at Campeones Cup
MLS Week 21: Match Notes
MLS All-Stars Davies, Piatti square off in first leg of Canadian Championship
A pair of MLS All-Stars go head-to-head in the semifinals of the Canadian Championship when the Montreal Impact host Vancouver Whitecaps FC on Wednesday in the first leg of the round (7:30 p.m. ET). Led by 17-year-old Homegrown phenom Alphonso Davies, Vancouver travels east to Montreal to take on a red-hot Impact side headlined by Ignacio Piatti.
Piatti, who notched his 10th goal and eighth assist of the season during Montreal’s 2-0 win against the San Jose Earthquakes on Saturday, has led the Impact to five wins over their past six regular-season games. Montreal now sits in sixth place in the Eastern Conference – in a playoff position – thanks to the three-time MLS All-Star’s dominance this season.
Davies, who is a Commissioner’s Pick for the 2018 MLS All-Star Game presented by Target in Atlanta, leads Vancouver with eight assists. He also netted his third tally of the season on Saturday during Whitecaps FC’s road match at D.C. United’s Audi Field, a stunning left-footed strike in stoppage time (WATCH GOAL).
On the other side of the semifinal bracket, defending Canadian Championship winners Toronto FC begin their defense against the United Soccer League’s Ottawa Fury FC (7:30 p.m. ET). The Reds are winless over their past six league games, but can this tournament help them regain the form that led to a Canadian Championship, Supporters’ Shield and MLS Cup just last year?
Bradley, expansion LAFC make serious push for U.S. Open Cup
Los Angeles Football Club head coach Bob Bradley is no stranger to the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup, having enjoyed championship success with an MLS expansion side before. Now, Bradley is just three wins away from replicating that feat with 2018 newcomers LAFC. Bradley’s side hosts the Portland Timbers for the second time in four days when they prepare for Wednesday’s Open Cup quarterfinal at Banc of California Stadium (10:30 p.m. ET). All quarterfinal matches will be shown live on U.S. Soccer’s Open Cup Match Center.
LAFC and Portland played to a scoreless draw on Sunday in league action, but Wednesday will produce a victor to advance in the U.S. Open Cup. The former Chicago Fire head coach took the 1998 expansion Fire to a tournament crown.
The Timbers, led by an improving defense, have produced some high-level road results over the past month with Sunday’s 0-0 draw at LAFC and a 1-1 draw at Eastern Conference-leading Atlanta United on June 24. Portland is unbeaten in 14 games across all competitions (8-0-4 over its past 12 league games), setting the table for a tightly contested showdown Wednesday.
Seven of the remaining eight U.S. Open Cup teams are represented by MLS, with four-time Open Cup champions Chicago and Sporting Kansas City still in the thick of this year’s race.
2018 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
Wednesday’s quarterfinal schedule
Philadelphia Union vs. Orlando City SC, 7 p.m. ET
Chicago Fire vs. Louisville City FC (USL), 8:30 p.m. ET
Houston Dynamo vs. Sporting Kansas City, 8:30 p.m. ET
Los Angeles Football Club vs. Portland Timbers, 10:30 p.m. ET
MLS, Liga MX champions to battle for North American crown at Campeones Cup
The inaugural edition of the Campeones Cup, the annual clash of champions between the winner of MLS Cup and the winner of Liga MX, will take place on Sept. 19 at BMO Field in Toronto. The first edition will see 2017 MLS Cup champions Toronto FC face off against Tigres UANL, the winners of the 2017 Apertura and the 2018 edition of Campeón de Campeones, in which they beat out Santos Laguna 4-0 to crown themselves outright as Liga MX champions.
The Campeones Cup, a competition created to crown the absolute champion of North American soccer, is part of a larger initiative between the two leagues designed to bring fans together from the U.S., Mexico and Canada in a show of unity while fueling a rivalry between two of the world’s most competitive soccer leagues.
MLS Week 21: Match Notes
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Minnesota United FC vs. New England Revolution, 8 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
MNUFC won a second consecutive home game, defeating Real Salt Lake 3-2 at Rio Tinto Stadium on Saturday evening.
Darwin Quintero played a part in all three Minnesota United goals, scoring one and assisting on two. Quintero has four goals and two assists over the past three games, involved in six of MNUFC’s last seven goals.
The Revolution saw their seven-game undefeated streak put to an end, the LA Galaxy scoring the game-tying and game-winning goals in stoppage time to come back for a 3-2 win at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
Diego Fagundez scored a goal and added an assist, the second time in the last four games he’s had a goal and an assist in the same game, and the 14th time in his MLS career he has had at least one goal and one assist in the same game. Fagundez has three goals and four assists in the last six games.
The teams met once in Minnesota United’s inaugural season, with the Revolution rolling to a 5-2 win on March 25 at Gillette Stadium.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Atlanta United vs. D.C. United, 3:30 p.m. ET (Univisión / UDN)
Atlanta United extended their home undefeated streak to four games, reaching a 1-1 draw with Seattle Sounders FC at Mercedes-Benz Stadium before a crowd of 72,243, the record single game attendance in MLS history.
Josef Martínez scored his 19th goal of the season, a fourth consecutive game with a goal. Martínez has 11 goals in the past nine games, dating back to May 30.
D.C. United made the opening of Audi Field one to remember, defeating Vancouver Whitecaps FC 3-1 in the inaugural game at their new stadium. The victory put an end to a five-game winless run.
Paul Arriola netted two goals for D.C. United, while Yamil Asad scored the opener – the first goal in Audi Field history, in the 27th minute – and also added an assist.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Miguel Almirón and Hector Villalba netted goals two minutes apart in the second half to give Atlanta United a 3-1 win on March 11 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
D.C. United won all three meetings between the teams in Atlanta United’s inaugural season, taking a 3-1 win in the first matchup on April 30 at Bobby Dodd Stadium, then claiming wins by 2-1 (June 21) and 1-0 (Aug. 23) at RFK Stadium.
Seattle Sounders FC vs. Vancouver Whitecaps FC, 4 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
Sounders FC extended their undefeated run to three games with a second consecutive draw, reaching a 1-1 result with Atlanta United at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Sunday afternoon.
Whitecaps FC weren’t able to build upon a first win in three games, falling to D.C. United 3-1 in the opening of Audi Field in Washington, D.C. on Saturday evening.
The teams evenly split their season series a year ago, each winning on their home ground. Whitecaps FC took a 2-1 win on April 14 at BC Place; Sounders FC claimed a 3-0 win on Sept. 27 in the only encounter at CenturyLink Field. The third meeting was a 1-1 draw on Aug. 23 in Vancouver.
Before last season, the away team had won six of the previous nine league meetings between the clubs. Sounders FC have won the past two meetings in Seattle, over the last two seasons.
The teams have met the most times of any rivalry in soccer history in the USA and Canada. Since the clubs first met at Empire Stadium on June 9, 1974, in the old North American Soccer League, they have played 133 times over all competitions. The Sounders have won 63, the Whitecaps 49, and there have been 21 draws.
New York Red Bulls vs. New England Revolution, 7 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Red Bulls won for the fourth time in the past five games, defeating Sporting Kansas City 3-2 at Red Bull Arena. Marc Rzatkowski scored a pair of goals, his first two in MLS; Kaku collected his league-leading 11th assist.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Teal Bunbury scored the game-winner in the 78th minute as the Revolution came from behind for a 2-1 win on June 2 at Gillette Stadium.
The Red Bulls won both meetings a year ago. Their win in the second encounter ended a seven-game winning streak for the home team in the I-95 rivalry, also snapping a three-game winning streak for the Revolution in Foxborough against the Red Bulls. When the Red Bulls won 2-0 at Gillette Stadium on June 8, 2014, it was the first for New York in New England since 2002. The Revolution had won 13 of 19 meetings in league and MLS Cup play since that previous New York win.
The Revolution have never won at Red Bull Arena in league play. Since the stadium opened in 2010, the Red Bulls have won nine of 10 regular-season games there, with one draw. When the Revolution won 2-1 in Harrison in the first leg of the 2014 Eastern Conference Championship, it was their first win of any sort in New Jersey since 2007, ending a 10-game winless streak there in all competitions.
Philadelphia Union vs. LA Galaxy, 7 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Union put an end to a two-game losing run in their last match, with David Accam scoring the game-winner in stoppage time to give his new club a 4-3 win against his former club, the Chicago Fire, at Toyota Park on July 11. Cory Burke also netted two goals for the Union.
The Galaxy became the fifth team in MLS history to score the game-tying and game-winning goals after the 90th minute of play for a regulation win, defeating the New England Revolution 3-2 at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening. Chris Pontius scored the game-winner in the 93+ minute, his second of the game.
The teams have reached draws in each of the last two seasons, including a goalless result April 29, 2017 at StubHub Center in the only meeting between the clubs.
The Galaxy have a five-game undefeated streak alive in the series, having outscored the Union 15-5 over that time.
The Galaxy have won six of the 10 meetings all-time between the teams, with three draws. The Union have never defeated the Galaxy at home, losing twice with two draws in four all-time meetings in Chester. The Galaxy have won four of the six meetings all-time at StubHub Center; the lone Union victory in the series came July 4, 2012, a 2-1 in Carson.
Chicago Fire vs. Toronto FC, 7 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
The Fire suffered a third consecutive defeat, falling 3-1 to FC Dallas at Toyota Stadium on Saturday evening. Brandt Bronico scored his first MLS goal for the lone Fire goal.
TFC saw their winless streak in league play extended to six games with a fourth loss in that time, falling 2-1 to Orlando City SC at Orlando City Stadium on Saturday evening.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Alan Gordon scored the equalizing goal for the Fire four minutes deep in second-half stoppage time, leaving the teams in a 2-2 draw April 28 at BMO Field.
Toronto FC had a six-game winning streak in the series before the draw in the first meeting this season. The Fire’s last victory in the series came April 4, 2015, a 3-2 win at Toyota Park, which capped a 12-game Fire undefeated streak in the series (6-0-6), dating back to 2010.
TFC have won the last two meetings at Toyota Park, their only wins ever there. The Fire had come away with five wins and five draws in the first 10 meetings all-time in Bridgeview. TFC are undefeated in the five encounters at BMO Field.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Orlando City SC, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Crew SC suffered a second consecutive loss, both by shutout, falling 2-0 to New York City FC at Yankee Stadium on Saturday evening. It was their fourth loss in the past five games, all by shutout.
Orlando City SC put an end to their nine-game losing streak, equaling the fourth-longest in MLS history, by defeating Toronto FC 2-1 at Orlando City Stadium on Saturday evening. Dom Dwyer scored his eighth goal of the season for the eventual game-winner.
The teams are meeting for the third time this season. Justin Meram scored goals in each half as Crew SC took a 2-0 victory April 1 at Mapfre Stadium. On Aug. 19 in Orlando, Lalas Abubakar gave Crew SC the first-half lead, but Giles Barnes netted a second-half equalizer to leave the teams in a 1-1 draw.
Crew SC have a five-game undefeated streak in the series, including three wins, over the last two seasons. The last OCSC victory in the series came Aug. 1, 2015, a 5-2 win at Orlando City Stadium.
Crew SC have not lost to Orlando City in three meetings on their home ground, including a 2-0 win last April 1 in the only meeting in Columbus a year ago. Crew SC have two wins and a draw in their last three visits to Orlando City Stadium.
Houston Dynamo vs. FC Dallas, 9 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Dynamo extended their undefeated streak to three games with a second draw, playing to a goalless result with the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening.
FC Dallas remained undefeated on their home ground this season, their unbeaten streak at Toyota Stadium now at 17 games, following a 3-1 win against the Chicago Fire on Saturday evening.
The teams reached three draws in three meetings a season ago. They first reached a goalless result on May 28 at Toyota Stadium, then a 1-1 draw on June 23 at BBVA Compass Stadium, then played to a 3-3 final on Aug. 23 in Frisco.
The Dynamo have defeated FC Dallas just once over the past five seasons. Since the start of 2013, FC Dallas are 6-1-4 in league play against Houston, and have won the three meetings between the teams in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup.
The Dynamo haven’t won in Frisco since 2011, but the last three meetings there have ended in draws. FCD has won five of the past eight matches in all competitions between the teams at BBVA Compass Stadium.
The clubs play for “El Capitán,” the 19th-century Mountain Howitzer cannon to be awarded to the winner of the season series by supporters groups for both clubs.
Real Salt Lake vs. Colorado Rapids, 10 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Real Salt Lake had their two-game winning streak put to an end, falling 3-2 to Minnesota United FC at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday evening. Joao Plata scored both RSL goals, his fifth career multi-goal game in MLS.
The Rapids snapped a two-game losing run, reaching a goalless draw with the Houston Dynamo at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Real got three goals in the final eight minutes plus stoppage time for a 3-0 victory April 21 at Rio Tinto Stadium.
Real have a 16-game home undefeated streak alive vs. Colorado. Since the Rapids last win in Utah, a 2-0 victory April 30, 2007 at Rice-Eccles Stadium, Real have won 12 games with four draws. Colorado has never won at Rio Tinto Stadium (0-10-4 all-time in league play).
Real Salt Lake have won three of the past six visits to Commerce City, over the last four seasons.
The rivals play for the Rocky Mountain Cup, a trophy awarded by the supporters groups of both teams.
Portland Timbers vs. Montreal Impact, 11 p.m. (TVA Sports, ESPN+)
The Timbers stretched their undefeated streak to 12 games – the longest in MLS this season – with a goalless draw with the Los Angeles Football Club at Banc of California Stadium on Sunday afternoon.
The Impact returned to their winning form with a fifth win in their past six matches, claiming a 2-0 win against the San Jose Earthquakes on Saturday evening at Stade Saputo. Ignacio Piatti scored his 10th goal, his fifth in the last six games; Saphir Taïder scored his third goal in the past three games.
The Impact won the lone meeting between the teams a year ago, a 4-1 victory on May 20 at Stade Saputo.
The Impact win last year snapped a three-game winless streak in the all-time series. The Timbers had won on their previous two trips to Montréal.
The Impact have come away with points on both visits to Providence Park, last a 1-1 draw July 13, 2016. The Impact won 2-1 on March 9, 2013 in the first meeting in Portland.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Minnesota United FC vs. Los Angeles Football Club, 7 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
LAFC remained undefeated at home in their inaugural season, extending their undefeated streak to seven games with a scoreless draw with the Portland Timbers at Banc of California Stadium.
With a win, LAFC will have posted the best record of any MLS expansion team after 20 games in league history. Following the draw with Portland, LAFC has a 10-4-5 record for 35 points, sitting in second place in the Western Conference.
The teams have met once in LAFC’s inaugural MLS campaign. Eduard Atuesta and Mark-Anthony Kaye netted goals six minutes apart in the first half to lead LAFC to a 2-0 win May 9 at Banc of California Stadium.
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Stay connected: The all-new, completely redesigned, FREE official MLS app is your best mobile source for scores, news, analysis and highlights. Download:  App Store  |  Google Play
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – July 16, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS – May 7, 2018
Jaime Valdez/USA TODAY Sports
May 7, 20184:17PM EDT
This Week in MLS – May 7, 2018
Sounders, Timbers square off for 100th all-time meeting
Seattle’s Svensson is clutch for club and country
Timbers open Cascadia Cup defense
Golden Boot leaders, hottest teams in MLS square off as Orlando hosts Atlanta
FIFA World Cup 35-player provisional rosters to be named next Monday
Newcomers among MLS statistical leaders at quarter-mark of the season
MLS Week 11: Match Notes
Sounders, Timbers square off for 100th all-time meeting
For more than four decades the Portland Timbers and Seattle Sounders FC have represented North America’s historic rivalry out of the Pacific Northwest. On Sunday, the two sides square off for the 100th occasion when Portland plays host at Providence Park (4 p.m. ET / ESPN, ESPN Deportes, DAZN). Seattle maintains a strong series lead over Portland with the advantage all-time (50-35-14), during MLS regular season action (9-5-6) and in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup play (4-2-1), while the Timbers have posted a 2-0-0 record against the Sounders in the MLS Cup Playoffs.
MLS regular season (2011-present)
MLS postseason (2011-present)
U.S. Open Cup (2005-present)
2010: SEA penalty kick win
USL regular season (2005-08)
USL postseason (2005)
A-League regular season (2001-04)
A-League postseason (2004)
NASL regular season (1975-82)
POR: 1 shootout win; SEA: 2 shootout wins
NASL postseason (1975)
Other league competition (1985-90)
The rivalry has had plenty of drama-filled affairs over the years, including unique settings such as the 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. Seattle, in the midst of its second MLS season, visited a Portland team competing in its final USL season before making the move to MLS the next year. The Sounders played the entire second half and overtime of the Round of 16 match down a man, and after a 1-1 draw, Seattle prevailed 4-3 in a penalty kick shootout. The Sounders went on to repeat as U.S. Open Cup champions, with this Cascadia match serving as the most difficult road block.
Seattle’s Svensson is clutch for club and country
With starts in every MLS game this season, Sounders FC’s Gustav Svensson is the defensive stronghold, who has proven his reliability for both club and country over the last year. In the second round of World Cup qualification, Svensson was Sweden’s game-saving substitution, helping to not only preserve a 1-0 scoreline in the last 15 minutes of Leg 1 over Italy, but he also replaced a severely injured teammate in the 19th minute of Leg 2 to secure a 0-0 result and Sweden’s spot in Russia this summer.
For his club, Svensson’s defensive efforts for Sounders FC last year contributed to 13 wins, 12 Seattle clean sheets, and a 13-game unbeaten streak from June 21-September 16. He scored a game winner in the Audi 2017 MLS Cup Playoffs Western Conference Championship series, and was an influential part of the Sounders FC 3-1-1 postseason record, playing the full 90 minutes in the final three games, including MLS Cup.
Timbers open Cascadia Cup defense
This Sunday, the Portland Timbers begin their Cascadia Cup defense when they host Seattle Sounders FC in the first Cascadia matchup of the 2018 campaign. Last year marked Portland’s second MLS-era Cascadia Cup crown (the Timbers also won in 2012) and fourth overall, having won the 2009 and 2010 editions against fellow United Soccer League side Vancouver Whitecaps FC. The Timbers rallied for a 2-1 victory against Vancouver on MLS Decision Day 2017 presented by AT&T (Oct. 22) to clinch the Cascadia Cup, with goals from defender Liam Ridgewell and current D.C. United striker Darren Mattocks.
Seattle also has won four Cascadia titles (two in MLS and two in the USL). Vancouver leads the way with six Cascadia Cups – three times in MLS and three times in the USL. In the 2017 edition, the Sounders posted a 1-0-2 record against the Timbers, with Seattle midfielder Cristian Roldan scoring a goal in two of those matches.
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
United Soccer League
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
United Soccer League
Seattle Sounders FC
United Soccer League
Seattle Sounders FC
United Soccer League
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
United Soccer League
Portland Timbers
United Soccer League (SEA in MLS: DNP)
Portland Timbers
United Soccer League (SEA in MLS: DNP)
Seattle Sounders FC
Major League Soccer
Portland Timbers
Major League Soccer
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
Major League Soccer
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
Major League Soccer
Seattle Sounders FC
Major League Soccer
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
Major League Soccer
Portland Timbers
Major League Soccer
Portland (3-3-2, 11 points) enters the match on a three-game winning streak, having turned around a slow start to the season the included a five-game winless stretch. The Timbers are coming off a dramatic 1-0 road victory against the San Jose Earthquakes, highlighted by Diego Valeri’s free kick game-winner in the 88th minute. Seattle, the 2017 MLS Cup runner-up and 2016 champion, has a two-game set this week that includes a Wednesday match against defending MLS Cup winners Toronto FC (7:30 p.m. ET / FS1, TSN). Saturday’s Portland-Seattle matchup features a number of potential 2018 FIFA World Cup representatives, including the Timbers’ David Guzman (Costa Rica) and Andy Polo (Peru) and the Sounders’ Nicolás Lodeiro (Uruguay), Gustav Svensson (Sweden) and Kim Kee-hee (South Korea).
Golden Boot leaders, hottest teams in MLS square off as Orlando hosts Atlanta
The two hottest teams in MLS will face off when Orlando City SC hosts Atlanta United on Sunday in a battle of foes hailing from the Southeast (6 p.m. ET, FS1 / FOX Deportes / FOX Sports Go / TSN). While Atlanta sits atop the standings with the best record in the league and carrying an MLS-best eight game unbeaten mark, Orlando enters the matchup with a franchise-best six game winning streak, the longest of any team during the 2018 season. In three tightly contested matchups last season, Orlando fell 1-0 in its lone home match followed by a pair of draws in Atlanta.
Players from both clubs are in the race for the Golden Boot, as Atlanta United forward Josef Martínez leads the league with seven goals, while Atlanta’s Miguel Almirón and Orlando’s Dom Dwyer are tied for second with six scores this season. Almirón and Peruvian World Cup hopeful Yoshimar Yotún also tie for third place in MLS with five assists.
Scoring a sensational first MLS goal last week was Atlanta’s 19-year-old Ezequiel Barco to help Atlanta secure a 2-1 victory in Chicago. More goals could be in store between the two regional foes as Atlanta leads the league with 23 goals, while Orlando’s 19 scores are tied for third.
FIFA World Cup 35-player provisional rosters to be named next Monday
The MLS contingent of players and clubs will be eagerly awaiting next Monday, the deadline for countries to name their respective 35-player provisional rosters for the 2018 FIFA World Cup (final 23-man rosters must be finalized by June 4). At the 2014 FIFA World Cup, there were an MLS-record 21 players among an MLS-record six countries at the tournament in Brazil. As is the case for a major tournament, there is a mix of players who have firmly established their spot for a trip to Russia, while others could be on the bubble but are making their case stronger thanks to their league productivity.
The LA Galaxy’s Giovani dos Santos is heating up at the right time to validate his worth for Mexico’s national team. The Galaxy’s 28-year-old Designated Player has posted two goals and an assist over his past two league matches. Before his first two goals of 2018, he hadn’t found the goal since May of 2017. Seattle Sounders FC and South Korea defender Kim Kee-hee, 28, who had missed a stretch with a calf injury, is acclimating himself with Seattle’s back line, coming off a second straight start and his first full 90-minute game this past Saturday to earn a shutout against Columbus Crew SC. Los Angeles Football Club 26-year-old defender Omar Gaber, reunited with former Egypt head coach Bob Bradley, had dealt with a knee injury at the start of the year, but has been much more involved over the past month. He has a start and four games since mid-April, and LAFC has posted a 3-0-1 record in matches in which he has appeared.
Newcomers among MLS statistical leaders at quarter-mark of the season
Some of the most dangerous and prolific players in MLS this season are newcomers that rank among the league leaders in goals and assists. With last week’s close of the Primary Transfer Window and the season officially at the quarter-mark, the newcomer class is rounding into form, accounting for nearly a quarter of all goals (72 out of 311) and assists (77 out of 314) during the 2018 season.
Three of the top 10 goalscorers in the league are new to MLS, as Carlos Vela (Los Angeles Football Club), Johnny Russell (Sporting Kansas City), and FelipeGutiérrez have all scored five goals this season. Additionally, five of the top 18 leaders in assists are in their debut MLS seasons, with New York Red Bulls 23-year-old Young Designated Player Alejandro “Kaku” Romero Gamarra leading all players with six assists. Los Angeles Football Club’s 20-year-old forward Diego Rossi and New York City FC’s 21-year-old midfielder Jesús Medina also rank in the top five with five assists this season.
Overall, 111 newcomers, with an average age of 25 years old, and hailing from 38 different countries, signed to MLS during the Primary Transfer Window. Over half of the newcomers (56 out of 111) have at least one cap for their senior national teams, showing their skills for both club and country.
MLS Week 11: Match Notes
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Atlanta United vs. Sporting Kansas City, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Atlanta United tied their club record in extending their undefeated streak to eight games with a 2-1 win at the Chicago Fire at Toyota Park on Saturday afternoon. Atlanta United went eight games without loss in their inaugural campaign, last year from Aug. 29-Sept. 30.
Miguel Almirón recorded an assist and has now gone five consecutive games with a goal and/or an assist, with five goals and three assists over that span.
Sporting returned to their winning ways after a seven-game undefeated run was put to an end the week before, recording a 1-0 victory against the Colorado Rapids at Children’s Mercy Park on Saturday evening.
Tim Melia was credited with two saves in recording his league-leading fourth shutout of the season for SKC, all coming over the past six games.
The teams met once in Atlanta United’s inaugural season, playing to a 1-1 draw on Aug. 6 at Children’s Mercy Park.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Philadelphia Union, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Crew SC extended their undefeated streak to three games, reaching a goalless draw with Seattle Sounders FC at CenturyLink Field on Saturday afternoon.
The Union saw their road winless streak extended to 15 games, falling 3-0 at Toronto FC at BMO Field on Friday evening. The Union still have yet to score a goal away from Talen Energy Stadium this season, the last team without an away goal this year, now 347 minutes since scoring on the road.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season, after playing to a scoreless draw on March 17 at Talen Energy Stadium.
Crew SC put an end to a two-game Union winning streak at Mapfre Stadium in the last meeting in Columbus, a 1-0 victory last July 22. The Union had won two home meetings in a row with Crew SC before the draw in the first match this year.
Toronto FC vs. Seattle Sounders FC, 7:30 p.m. ET (FS1, TSN)
Toronto FC put an end to a three-game winless run in league play, gaining a second consecutive result with a 3-0 victory against the Philadelphia Union at BMO Field on Friday evening. Victor Vázquez scored a goal for a second consecutive game, making a second consecutive start in league play after missing four consecutive matches.
Sounders FC extended their home undefeated run to two games, reaching a goalless draw with Columbus Crew SC at CenturyLink Field on Saturday afternoon. Sounders FC have been shut out at the attacking end in back-to-back games, now without a goal in five of seven league matches this season.
It’s a rematch of the past two MLS Cup Finals, with each team having won once. TFC took a 2-0 victory last year, while Sounders FC won on penalty kicks following a goalless draw in 2016 MLS Cup, both games at BMO Field. It marked the third time in MLS history the same teams had met in back-to-back MLS Cups.
The teams met once in regular season play last year – a 1-0 TFC win on May 6 at CenturyLink Field. Sounders FC were undefeated on their past four visits to Toronto in league and MLS Cup play before last year’s championship match; the MLS Cup win was TFC’s first vs. Seattle at BMO Field since April 25, 2010.
Chicago Fire vs. Montreal Impact, 8:30 p.m. ET (TVA Sports, ESPN+)
The Fire had their brief two-game undefeated run put to an end, falling 2-1 to Atlanta United at Toyota Park on Saturday afternoon.
The Impact snapped a four-game losing run, defeating the New England Revolution 4-2 on Saturday afternoon at Stade Saputo.
Ignacio Piatti scored a goal and added three assists – the three assists his single-game career-high in his five MLS seasons, the three assists also equaling the Impact’s club single-game record in MLS, set twice previously.
The visiting team has won three times in the last five meetings between the clubs, over the last two seasons. The Fire have won on two of their last three visits to Stade Saputo, winning once each of the last two seasons, including a 1-0 win their last Sept. 2 in the last meeting in Montréal.
The Impact have come away with points on their past two visits to Toyota Park, including a 2-2 draw in the lone Bridgeview meeting last year, on April 1. The Impact’s 2-1 win there April 16, 2016 was their first ever at Toyota Park; the visiting team had never won in the series before that season.
Los Angeles Football Club vs. Minnesota United FC, 10 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
LAFC saw their three-game winning streak put to an end but still extended their undefeated streak to four games, reaching a 1-1 draw with FC Dallas at Banc of California Stadium on Saturday afternoon.
Steven Beitashour scored his first goal with LAFC, his first in MLS play since Aug. 24, 2013, when he was with the San Jose Earthquakes.
MNUFC won a second consecutive game for the second time this season, getting the game’s only goal from Miguel Ibarra for a victory against Vancouver Whitecaps FC at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday afternoon. The two-game winning run matches the club’s record in their MLS history, achieved now on three occasions.
This is the first meeting between the clubs. They will play a return match July 22 at TCF Bank Stadium.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Vancouver Whitecaps FC vs. Houston Dynamo, 10:30 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
Whitecaps FC weren’t able to build upon a first victory in four games, falling 1-0 to Minnesota United FC at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday afternoon. It was a third consecutive away defeat for the ‘Caps.
The Dynamo won for a second time in three games – both coming at BBVA Compass Stadium – getting a late winner for a 3-2 win against the LA Galaxy on Saturday evening.
Romell Quioto scored a goal and added an assist, the second time in the last three games he’s had a goal and an assist in the same game. Quioto has a goal and/or an assist in three consecutive games, with two goals and four assists in that time, playing a part in six of the Dynamo’s last nine goals.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Kei Kamara scored the opening goal then set up the game-winner by Brek Shea for a 2-1 Whitecaps FC win April 10 at BBVA Compass Stadium.
The Vancouver win in the first meeting was the first ever by the road team in the all-time series. The ‘Caps are 6-0-1 vs. the Dynamo in B.C.; Vancouver’s win came after four defeats and a draw in Houston.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Minnesota United FC vs. San Jose Earthquakes, 2 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
MNUFC have won their past two games at TCF Bank Stadium following their 1-0 win against Vancouver Whitecaps FC, matching the club’s longest home winning streak in their MLS history (set twice previously).
The Quakes saw their winless run extended to seven games – the longest in MLS this season – following their 1-0 loss to the Portland Timbers at Avaya Stadium on Saturday evening.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Vako Qazaishivili scored one goal and set up two others – both coming from Danny Hoesen, including the game-winner – as the Quakes claimed a 3-2 victory in the season opener March 3 at Avaya Stadium.
The teams met twice in Minnesota United’s inaugural campaign, the Earthquakes winning both. The Quakes took a 1-0 win on April 29 at TCF Bank Stadium, then on Decision Day, Marco Ureña scored the game-winning goal in stoppage time to give the Quakes a dramatic 3-2 victory that secured their place in the 2017 MLS Cup Playoffs.
Montreal Impact vs. Philadelphia Union, 3 p.m. ET (CTV, TVA Sports, ESPN+)
The teams met three times a season ago, and the Impact won the final two, once at each ground – a 2-1 win on July 19 at Stade Saputo, and a 3-0 victory Aug. 12 at Talen Energy Stadium. The teams also reached a 3-3 draw April 22 in Chester.
The Impact win in the final meeting last year was just the second for the visiting team in the all-time series, after a 1-0 Union victory in 2015 at Stade Saputo. The Impact have won six of the eight meetings all-time at Stade Saputo. The Union have won two of the eight matchups in Chester, with five draws.
Ignacio Piatti’s goal and three assists vs. New England came in the second game following a hat trick vs. Los Angeles FC on April 21 at Stade Saputo – his first hat trick in his MLS career. Piatti played a part in seven of the Impact’s eight goals over a three-game span (four goals, three assists).
FC Dallas vs. LA Galaxy, 3:30 p.m. ET (Univision, UDN)
FC Dallas concluded their two-game road swing with a draw – the seventh time they’ve taken points in eight games this season – following a 1-1 draw at Los Angeles FC on Saturday afternoon. Maxi Urruti scored the FCD goal, assisted by Santiago Mosquera; the pair combined on the FCD goal in the 3-1 loss at New York City FC the week before (with Mosquera scoring and Urruti assisting).
The Galaxy suffered their third consecutive defeat, falling 3-2 to the Houston Dynamo at BBVA Compass Stadium.
Giovani dos Santos scored for a second consecutive game and added an assist, his first of the season, while Zlatan Ibrahimović collected his third assist in MLS, all over the last two games. Ibrahimović has played a part in four of the Galaxy’s last five goals scored (one goal, three assists), since April 14.
The teams met twice a season ago, and FC Dallas won both. FCD claimed a 2-1 win in the season opener on March 4 at StubHub Center, then in the season finale on Decision Day on Oct. 22, FCD rolled to a 5-1 victory at Toyota Stadium as Roland Lamah scored twice and Mauro Diaz netted one and set up two others.
The win in the first meeting last year ended a nine-game home undefeated streak in the series for the Galaxy, their first loss to FC Dallas in Carson since Sept. 12, 2009, having gone 7-0-2 over that stretch.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Chicago Fire, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Nemanja Nikolic scored the game’s only goal after 27 minutes for a Fire victory April 7 at Toyota Park.
The Fire have won two of the past three meetings between the teams, after going 10 games winless against Crew SC, dating back to a 2-1 victory in Columbus on June 22, 2013. Crew SC had won five of the meetings in between, with five draws.
Crew SC are undefeated in their past seven home meetings in the series (5-0-2), the last win for the Fire in Columbus coming in 2013. The Fire have won the last two meetings in Bridgeview, following a four-game home winless streak in the series.
New England Revolution vs. Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
Sebastian Giovinco scored his first league goal of the campaign and also added his third assist of the year in MLS (his second game in a row with an assist), in TFC’s 3-0 win vs. Philadelphia. It was the 15th time in Giovinco’s MLS career he’s scored at least one goal and added at least one assist in the same game.
The Revolution saw their brief two-game undefeated run come to an end, falling 4-2 to the Montréal Impact at Stade Saputo on Saturday afternoon. Wilfredo Zahibo scored both Revolution goals, his first two-goal game since coming to MLS and the Revs.
The teams met three times a season ago, each winning on their home ground. The Revolution won twice, both at Gillette Stadium – a 3-0 win on June 3, and a 2-1 victory Sept. 23. TFC claimed the lone meeting at BMO Field, a 2-0 triumph June 23.
The Revolution are undefeated in the past six meetings in Foxborough, with four wins and two draws in that time.
TFC has won the past two meetings between the teams at BMO Field. TFC’s win there on Aug. 6, 2016 snapped an eight-game Revolution undefeated streak in the series, dating back to 2013. It was the first home win in the series for TFC since 2010, snapping a six-game winless streak (and three-game losing streak) vs. New England at BMO Field.
Real Salt Lake vs. D.C. United, 9 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Real suffered a second consecutive loss for the first time this season, falling 3-1 to Orlando City SC on Sunday afternoon at Orlando City Stadium. Homegrown Player Corey Baird scored his second goal of the season.
D.C. United return to action after a week off, suffering a 3-2 loss to the Philadelphia Union at Talen Energy Stadium on April 28. It was a fourth consecutive road defeat for United, their away winless streak now at nine games dating back to last season, tied for the fourth-longest in the club’s 23-year history.
Real Salt Lake completed their history at RFK Stadium with their only win there ever – a 1-0 victory last Aug. 12 in the only meeting between the teams. United had won six of the first nine league encounters on East Capitol Street, and also claimed a U.S. Open Cup play-in match there in 2010. Their last meeting in Washington was a wild 6-4 D.C. United win in 2015, the 10 total goals tied for second-most in a game in MLS history.
United won on their first ever trip to Utah in 2005 – a 3-1 win at Rice-Eccles Stadium – and haven’t won there again. Real are 7-0-2 at home in the series since, including a 1-1 draw at Rio Tinto Stadium in the last meeting between the teams there, July 1, 2016.
Colorado Rapids vs. New York Red Bulls, 9 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Rapids suffered a third consecutive defeat, falling 1-0 to Sporting Kansas City at Children’s Mercy Park on Saturday evening.
The Red Bulls once again dominated their cross-river rivals, defeating New York City FC 4-0 at Red Bull Arena on Saturday afternoon.
Kaku scored for a second consecutive match, now with three goals on the season, and also added a pair of assists, his second straight two-assist game. Kaku played a role in six consecutive Red Bulls goals over the last two games.
The Red Bulls won the lone meeting between the teams, a 1-0 victory last March 11 at Red Bull Arena, their first win in the series since 2012. The Rapids had won two of the four matchups in between, with two draws.
The Rapids have won five of the last six meetings between the teams in Commerce City; the Red Bulls haven’t won in Colorado since 2007.
The Rapids have never won in Harrison; their last away win in the series came in 2009, a 3-2 victory at Giants Stadium. The Red Bulls have won three of the six meetings at home since, with three draws.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Portland Timbers vs. Seattle Sounders FC, 4 p.m. ET (ESPN)
The Timbers won their third game on the trot after a five-game winless stretch to open the season. Diego Valeri scored the game’s lone goal from a free kick for a win against the San Jose Earthquakes at Avaya Stadium. Valeri has a goal and/or an assist in each of the past five games (3 goals, 3 assists), involved directly in six of the Timbers’ 11 goals in that span.
Stefan Frei was credited with two saves in recording the shutout in the goalless draw with Columbus Crew SC at CenturyLink Field. It was the first clean sheet of the season for Frei; he led MLS with 13 shutouts last season.
The teams met three times a year ago in league play, with Sounders FC coming away with the lone victory, a 1-0 victory May 27 in Seattle. The teams played to a pair of draws, once at each ground – a 2-2 result June 25 at Providence Park, and a 1-1 tie Aug. 27 at CenturyLink Field. The teams also met in the U.S. Open Cup fourth round, with Sounders FC taking a 2-1 win.
This meeting will be the 100th all-time between the clubs. Since their first meeting in 1975 in the old North American Soccer League, Seattle have won 50 times and Portland have won 35, with 14 draws. In Major League Soccer league play, Sounders FC have won nine matches, the Timbers have won five, and six have been draws. The Timbers won both meetings in the MLS Cup Playoffs.
Sounders FC are now 7-0-3 all-time at home in regular season games vs. Portland – though the Timbers did win there in the 2013 MLS Cup Playoffs.
Orlando City SC vs. Atlanta United, 6 p.m. ET (FS1, TSN)
Orlando City SC extended their winning streak to a club-record six games, coming from behind for a 3-1 win against Real Salt Lake at Orlando City Stadium on Sunday afternoon. Dom Dwyer scored his sixth goal of the season – all coming over the six-game winning run – while Sacha Kljestan added his fourth assist of the season; he has two goals and four assists in the six-game span.
Ezequiel Barco scored his first goal in MLS, netting the opener in Atlanta United’s 2-1 win vs. Chicago. Barco was making a third consecutive start.
The teams met three times a year ago in Atlanta United’s inaugural campaign – and the expansion side did not lose to their neighbors to the south. ATLUTD claimed one victory – a 1-0 win in the first meeting between the teams, July 21 at Orlando City Stadium.
The teams played to a pair of draws, both in Atlanta – a 1-1 result July 29 at Bobby Dodd Stadium, then a 3-3 deadlock Sept. 16 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Los Angeles Football Club vs. New York City FC, 8:30 p.m. ET (FS1)
New York City FC suffered their second defeat in the last three games, both away from Yankee Stadium, falling 4-0 to the New York Red Bulls in the first Hudson River derby of the season at Red Bull Arena on Saturday afternoon.
Carlos Vela collected his fourth assist of the season in LAFC’s 1-1 draw with FC Dallas on Saturday afternoon – the sixth time in eight matches he’s recorded a goal and/or an assist. Vela played a part of half of LAFC’s 18 first goals (five goals, four assists).
This is the first meeting between the clubs. A year ago, NYCFC won both first encounters with the expansion class of 2017, both by 3-1 scorelines – May 7 vs. Atlanta United, and June 29 vs. Minnesota United FC.
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – May 7, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
New York Red Bulls vs. New York City FC | 2018 MLS Match Preview
May 2, 20181:12PM EDT
New York Red Bulls vs. NYCFC 2018 MLS Regular Season – Week 10 Red Bull Arena — Harrison May 5 – 1:55 pm ET WATCH: ESPN, MLS LIVE on DAZN (in Canada)
Looking for MLS LIVE? It’s now on ESPN+. Sign up for a free trial!
The NY Derby heats up again Saturday afternoon, and this might be the most anticipated crosstown clash yet, with both New York City FC and the New York Red Bulls sporting young, dynamic and deep squads in 2018.
After losing the first four derby matches, New York City FC have won three of the last five (1L-1D). The draw last August was the first in the rivalry’s history in league play, per Opta.
New York Red Bulls
The Red Bulls (4-3-0) won their first road game in 2018 league play Saturday, defeating the LA Galaxy, 3-2, to hand the hosts their third straight defeat at StubHub Center.
Bradley Wright-Phillips had a pair of assists, setting up Danny Royer for his first MLS goal of 2018 and Florian Valot’s goal early in the second half that put the visitors in front 2-0.
After the Galaxy rallied to level, Kaku struck from the penalty spot to secure all three points. Wright-Phillips and Kaku were named to the MLS Team of the Week presented by Audi for Week 9.
“We’ll be really fired up and really ready for a massive challenge for us at this point in our season, and a chance for us to prove to ourselves that we’re a good team and that we’ve made progress and that we’re ready for big challenges,” Red Bulls coach Jesse Marsch said. 
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: D – Kyle Duncan (ACL surgery); QUESTIONABLE: D – Connor Lade (ankle sprain)
Projected Starting XI (4-2-3-1, right to left) GK: Luis Robles — Michael Murillo, Aaron Long, Tim Parker, Kemar Lawrence — Tyler Adams, Sean Davis — Florian Valot, Kaku, Danny Royer — Bradley Wright-Phillips
Notes: Last Saturday’s victory marked the first time in his 146 career MLS appearances that Wright-Phillips recorded multiple assists in a match. … Last weekend marked the fifth time this season that the Red Bulls have scored 3+ goals in a league match. They did so seven times in the 2017 regular season.
New York City FC
Led by David Villa, NYCFC (6-1-2) bounced back from their first loss of the season to hand FC Dallas their first defeat of 2018, winning 3-1 Sunday night at Yankee Stadium. Villa, who along with fullback Ben Sweat was named to the MLS Team of the Week presented by Audi, struck for a brace, including his historic 400th career goal for club and country on a 36th-minute penalty kick.
Villa also helped set up a goal by Jesus Medina just three minutes after kickoff, and added a 69th-minute insurance goal as NYCFC moved back on top of the Supporters’ Shield table with 20 points.
“It’s always good to win the game before the derby,” NYCFC coach Patrick Vieira said after the match.
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: M – Alex Ring
International duty: None
Injury Report: QUESTIONABLE: M – Ismael Tajouri-Shradi (hamstring)
Projected Starting XI (4-2-3-1, right to left) GK: Sean Johnson — Anton Tinnerholm, Alex Callens, Maxime Chanot, Ben Sweat — Alex Ring, Yangel Herrera — Jesus Medina, Maxi Moralez, Jo Inge Berget — David Villa
Notes: Villa scored his 400th and 401st professional goals for club and country last weekend. It was his 15th brace since joining MLS, three more than any other player. … The Cityzens’ 3-0 loss at Portland snapped a streak of 11 consecutive MLS away matches with a goal (inc. playoffs). They have not been shut out in back-to-back league road games since Oct. 30, 2016-Mar. 4, 2017 (22 games since).
All-Time Series
Overall: New York Red Bulls 5 wins, 21 goals … NYCFC 3 wins, 11 goals … 1 tie
At New York: Red Bulls 3 wins, 9 goals … NYCFC 1 win, 5 goals … 1 tie
Last meeting at New York: New York Red Bulls 1, NYCFC 1 (Aug. 25, 2017)
Referee: Kevin Stott Assistant Referees: Brian Poeschel, CJ Morgante 4th Official: Sorin Stoica VAR: Mark Geiger
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MLSsoccer.com News
New York Red Bulls vs. New York City FC | 2018 MLS Match Preview was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS – April 30, 2018
USA Today Sports Images
April 30, 20184:27PM EDT
This Week in MLS – April 30, 2018
Villa vs. Wright-Phillips: Top goal scorers square off in New York Derby
NYCFC’s Villa blazing into rivalry after 400th finish
Academy focus, young internationals take center stage in New York
Clubs target additional roster splash before close of Primary Transfer Window
MLS Week 10: Match Notes
Villa vs. Wright-Phillips: Top goal scorers square off in New York Derby
Over the past three-plus seasons, two players who have combined for 130 regular-season goals will take the pitch against one another Saturday afternoon. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, New York City FC forward David Villa (67 goals) and New York Red Bulls striker Bradley Wright-Phillips (63 goals) rank No. 1 and 2, respectively, in goal scoring since the start of the 2015 season – Villa’s and NYCFC’s first MLS campaign. They will be the clear focal points when they square off at Red Bull Arena.
How to Watch: New York Red Bulls vs. New York City FC – Saturday, May 5 (1:55 p.m. ET) – ESPN / ESPN Deportes
David Villa, NYCFC
Bradley Wright-Phillips, NYRB
Sebastian Giovinco, TOR
Kei Kamara, VAN
Ignacio Piatti, MTL
Wright-Phillips is the MLS record holder for most goals over a four-season span, tallying 85 goals from 2014-17. He also has feasted against NYCFC’s defense, posting an impressive 10 goals and one assist in nine matches during the regular season. In the six matches in which Wright-Phillips has scored a goal in this series, the Red Bulls hold a 5-1-0 record.
Spanish legend Villa is making a run at Wright-Phillips’ consecutive four-year goal-scoring record. Villa’s 67 goals since 2015 have been accrued with 25 regular-season games remaining in 2018. He already ranks No. 4 on this list. In the New York Derby, Villa has tallied four goals and an assist in nine games. Villa did not record a goal or an assist in the first four games of the series (NYCFC went 0-4-0 during this span), but in the five games since, NYCFC has posted a 3-1-1 record, highlighted by Villa’s first MLS hat trick on Aug. 6, 2017, for a 3-2 victory. The Red Bulls lead the all-time series 5-3-1.
NYCFC’s Villa blazing into rivalry after 400th finish
After NYCFC captain David Villa surpassed the 400-goal mark for club and country last week, all eyes will be on the Spanish superstar for an encore performance on May 5 against crosstown rivals the New York Red Bulls. As Spain’s all-time leading scorer, a World Cup Champion, and the 2016 Landon Donovan MLS MVP, Villa’s illustrious career has made regular waves on a global soccer scene, charting 11 professional seasons with 20 or more goals, and among only Lionel Messi (Argentina/Barcelona), Cristiano Ronaldo (Spain/Real Madrid), Luis Suarez (Uruguay/Barcelona), and Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Sweden/LA Galaxy) as current players with 400 combined finishes.
Villa was NYFC’s first signing in club history. He became the first MLS player to post consecutive 20-goal campaigns with 22 scored in 2016 and 23 in 2017, and the club has a 32-11-9 record when Villa has found the back of the net.
A breakdown of David Villa’s goals can be found here.
Academy focus, young internationals take center stage in New York
When New York City FC and the New York Red Bulls square off in Saturday’s New York Derby, the matchup will have a distinct youth flavor. Between the increased focus on developing academy players and signing top youth internationals, both clubs will rely heavily on standout young performers this season.
The Red Bulls reliance on Homegrown Players is long documented, with 19-year-old U.S. National Team midfielder Tyler Adams the latest academy product to break out for both club and country. A strong run to the semifinals in Concacaf Champions League while managing positive performances in MLS play was boosted by depth provided by former academy players such as Sean Davis, Alex Muyl, Derrick Etienne, Jr., and 17-year-old Ben Mines. Along with newly signed 23-year-old Designated Player Kaku, the Red Bulls have thrived off the solid performances from these young standouts.
New York City FC last week unveiled its new state-of-the-art training facility Etihad City Football Academy which will house both first team and academy training. Over the past year, NYCFC has signed two academy players to first team contracts – 17-year-old James Sands and 15-year-old Joe Scally – both of whom have featured for the U.S. U-17 National Team. Top young international signings are also paying dividends for the club as 20-year-old Paraguay National Team midfielder Jesús Medina is tied for the league-lead with five assists, while 20-year-old Venezuela National Team midfielder Yangel Herrera has played in all nine matches this season.
Clubs target additional roster splash before close of Primary Transfer Window
The Primary Transfer Window closes at 11:59 p.m. CT Tuesday (12:59 a.m. ET Wednesday), meaning clubs have less than 48 hours to look for an additional roster splash. The window has drawn some significant late signings in the past, and last week included impactful movement from the Houston Dynamo. On Thursday, Houston acquired Swedish defender Adam Lundqvist – a 24-year-old who represented Sweden’s 2016 Summer Olympics squad and was signed using Targeted Allocation Money. Last Monday, the Dynamo signed 2013 FIFA U-20 World Cup midfielder Luis Gil, 24, on loan from Liga MX’s Querétaro FC, by trading their 2019 MLS SuperDraft fourth-round selection to Real Salt Lake for his MLS rights. Time will tell if Lundqvist and Gil can provide the same effect as other notable late Primary Transfer Window signings such as 2015 MLS Cup winner Fanendo Adi of the Portland Timbers (signed in 2014) and former Columbus Crew SC midfielder and 2008 MLS Cup MVP Guillermo Barros Schelotto (signed in 2007).
2018 Transfer Window Dates:
Primary Transfer Window: Feb. 7-May 1
Secondary Transfer Window: July 10-Aug. 8
Roster Freeze Date: Sept. 14
MLS Week 10: Match Notes
Friday, May 4, 2018
Toronto FC vs. Philadelphia Union, 8 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
Toronto FC put an end to a two-game losing slide, but still saw themselves hauled back into a 2-2 draw with the Chicago Fire at BMO Field on Saturday afternoon. Jonathan Osorio and Victor Vazquez scored their first league goals of the season.
The Union put an end to a five-game winless streak, winning for the first time since the season opener in a 3-2 victory against D.C. United at Talen Energy Stadium. Borek Dockal scored his first MLS goal.
The teams met twice a season ago. They reached a 2-2 draw on March 11 at Talen Energy Stadium, before TFC took a 3-0 win on Aug. 23 at BMO Field.
Toronto FC has a seven-game undefeated streak alive in the league series, over the past three seasons. The Union have not defeated TFC since a 2-1 win on Sept. 6, 2014, at BMO Field. The teams also met in the Knockout Round in the 2016 MLS Cup Playoffs, with TFC claiming a 3-1 win at BMO Field.
Sebastian Giovinco has scored in six of the past eight meetings between the teams (league and MLS Cup), with six goals and two assists in that span.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Montreal Impact vs. New England Revolution, 1 p.m. ET (TVA Sports, ESPN+)
The Impact suffered their fourth consecutive defeat, falling 4-1 to Atlanta United at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Saturday afternoon. The losing run is tied for the third-longest in the club’s MLS history.
The Revolution put an end to a brief two-game winless run, getting the game’s lone goal from Teal Bunbury for a win against Sporting Kansas City at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening. Bunbury has four goals on the season, all coming over the past five games.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Andrew Farrell scored his first goal as a professional, and the Revolution also got goals from Teal Bunbury, Diego Fagundez and Wilfredo Zahibo as they rolled to a 4-0 win on April 6 at Gillette Stadium.
The Revolution have won the past five meetings between the teams, over the past three seasons, snapping a five-game undefeated streak for the Impact in the all-time series and also ending a three-game Montréal winning run.
The Revs have won the past two meetings in Montréal. The Revolution have also won the past three meetings at Gillette Stadium, their first home wins in the series in Foxborough since Sept. 13, 2014.
New York Red Bulls vs. New York City FC, 2 p.m. ET (ESPN)
The Red Bulls followed a defeat with a victory for the third time this season, knocking off the LA Galaxy 3-2 at StubHub Center on Saturday evening. Kakú converted a late penalty kick to seal the win, after setting up the opening two Red Bulls goals.
David Villa scored the 400th and 401st goals of his career for both club and country, netting twice as NYCFC took a 3-1 win at home against FC Dallas on Sunday evening. Villa joined Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimović and Luis Suarez as current players with at least 400 goals.
The teams met three times a year ago, and NYCFC won twice, winning the season series for the first time in the rivalry. NYCFC won the first time ever at Red Bull Arena in a 2-0 victory on June 24. Then, David Villa hit for his first career MLS hat trick, overcoming a Bradley Wright-Phillips brace to give NYCFC a 3-2 victory at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 6. The teams reached a 1-1 draw Aug. 25 in Harrison.
The Red Bulls have still won five of the nine meetings all-time in league play, with a 21-11 goal differential, also winning a fourth-round matchup 1-0 in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup last year. Included in that was a 7-0 Red Bulls win on May 21, 2016 at Yankee Stadium, the victory matching the largest margin of victory in MLS history (and the seven goals by the Red Bulls their club record).
Red Bulls striker Bradley Wright-Phillips has scored 10 goals against NYCFC, scoring in six of the games, with two goals in a game on four occasions. Wright-Phillips’ 10 goals in nine meetings is the third-best by one player against a single opponent in MLS history.
Minnesota United FC vs. Vancouver Whitecaps FC, 3 p.m. ET (CTV, TSN, ESPN+)
MNUFC put an end to a four-game losing streak, coming back for a 2-1 win against the Houston Dynamo at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday evening. Darwin Quintero scored his second MLS goal; he has a goal or an assist in each of his three MNUFC appearances.
Whitecaps FC snapped a three-game losing slide, defeating Real Salt Lake 2-0 at BC Place on Friday evening. Cristian Techera scored his first goal of the season and Anthony Blondell netted his first for Whitecaps FC and in MLS.
The teams met twice in Minnesota United’s inaugural campaign. They reached a 2-2 draw in their first meeting ever, June 24 at TCF Bank Stadium, then Whitecaps FC rolled to a 3-0 win on Sept. 13 at BC Place.
Seattle Sounders FC vs. Columbus Crew SC, 4 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Sounders FC weren’t able to build upon their first win of the season, falling 1-0 in dramatic fashion to the Los Angeles Football Club in the opening of Banc of California Stadium on Sunday evening.
Crew SC put an end to a four-game winless run, getting a late winner for a 2-1 victory against the San Jose Earthquakes on Saturday evening at Mapfre Stadium.
Crew SC won the only meeting between the teams a year ago, a 3-0 victory on May 31 at Mapfre Stadium. It was just the second win ever for Crew SC against Sounders FC on their home ground; Seattle won three of the first four meetings all-time in Columbus, with one draw.
Sounders FC won the last meeting in Seattle, a 1-0 victory on April 30, 2016, at CenturyLink Field. The victory ended a two-game winning streak in Seattle for Crew SC, the first home win for Sounders FC in the series since a 6-2 victory on Aug. 27, 2011. The home team has won the past two meetings in the series, after three consecutive victories by the away side.
Los Angeles Football Club vs. FC Dallas, 4 p.m. ET (Univision)
LAFC won the opening match at Banc of California Stadium in dramatic fashion, getting a free kick goal in stoppage time from Laurent Ciman for the only goal of the game against Seattle Sounders FC on Sunday evening.
Ciman has scored four goals in his MLS career, scoring each of the past two weeks directly from free kicks, his only two free kick goals in the league.
FC Dallas saw their undefeated start to the season come to an end – the final team to lose in MLS this season – following a 3-1 road defeat to New York City FC on Sunday afternoon. FCD had started the year with three wins and three draws.
The teams are meeting for the first time ever, the first of two meetings this season, both coming within the next month.
Chicago Fire vs. Atlanta United, 8:30 p.m. ET (TSN, ESPN+)
The Fire ended their two-game road swing with a win and a draw, scoring a dramatic equalizer deep in stoppage time for a 2-2 result with Toronto FC at BMO Field on Saturday afternoon.
Bastian Schweinsteiger scored his first goal of the season – the fourth of his MLS career – then set up the equalizer from Alan Gordon, which was the eighth goal scored in stoppage time in his MLS career.
Atlanta United extended their undefeated streak to seven games in a second consecutive win – the longest unbeaten run in their MLS history – with a 4-1 victory against the Montréal Impact at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Saturday afternoon.
Kevin Kratz scored a pair of goals directly from free kicks, the fifth player in MLS history to score twice from free kicks (since 2003, when records are available) – the first ever to do it after coming off the substitutes’ bench.
The teams split their two meetings last year in Atlanta United’s inaugural season, each winning by shutout at home. ATLUTD took a 4-0 win on March 18 at Bobby Dodd Stadium. Then the Fire returned the favor with a 2-0 win on June 10 at Toyota Park.
Houston Dynamo vs. LA Galaxy, 8:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Dynamo weren’t able to build upon their first victory in five matches, falling 2-1 to Minnesota United FC at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday evening. Alberth Elis scored for a second consecutive game, now with four goals this season.
The Galaxy suffered a second consecutive loss, falling 3-2 to the New York Red Bulls at StubHub Center on Saturday evening. Zlatan Ibrahimović set up both goals, now with three goals and two assists since coming to the Galaxy, a part of every goal when he’s been on the field since his March 31 debut.
The teams met twice a year ago, drawing on each occasion – a 2-2 tie on June 17 at StubHub Center, and a 3-3 result on Sept. 27 at BBVA Compass Stadium.
The Galaxy have come away with points on their past three trips to Houston, winning there twice in 2016, their first wins ever at BBVA Compass Stadium. The Galaxy’s last win in Houston had come in 2010, at Robertson Stadium. The Dynamo had won four consecutive home games in the series.
The Galaxy had won three consecutive meetings at StubHub Center before the draw last year. Their win on May 22, 2015 in Carson was LA’s first league victory against the Dynamo since May 25, 2011, ending a five-game league winless run in the series. The Dynamo had won four consecutive league meetings between the teams before a 1-1 draw March 21, 2015.
Sporting Kansas City vs. Colorado Rapids, 8:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. The Rapids held a two-goal lead after just eight minutes, but Sporting eventually leveled terms through a Diego Rubio goal in stoppage time to leave the teams in a 2-2 deadlock on March 24 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park. Sporting was only the sixth team in MLS history to gain a win or a draw after falling behind by two goals in the first 10 minutes of a game, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
Sporting saw their seven-game undefeated streak put to an end, falling 1-0 to the New England Revolution at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
The Rapids suffered a second consecutive loss, Orlando City SC coming back for a 2-1 win at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday afternoon. Dominique Badji scored his fifth goal of the season, sitting in a tie for third place in the MLS Golden Boot standings.
The Rapids had won the past four meetings between the teams in Commerce City before the draw earlier this season – three in a row by 1-0 scorelines – their first home wins in the series since 2009.
The Sporting victory in the first meeting last year on April 9 ended a five-match Rapids winning streak in the all-time series, and a two-game Colorado winning streak at Children’s Mercy Park – the Rapids’ first two wins in Kansas City since the 2002 season.
San Jose Earthquakes vs. Portland Timbers, 10:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Quakes saw their winless streak extended to six games with a second consecutive defeat, falling 2-1 to Columbus Crew SC at Mapfre Stadium on Saturday evening. Danny Hoesen scored his third goal of the season for the lone Quakes tally.
The Timbers return to action after winning for a second time this season in a second consecutive home match, rolling to a 3-0 win against then-undefeated New York City FC on April 22 at Providence Park. Fanendo Adi scored for a second game in a row while Sebastian Blanco netted his fourth goal of the season.
The teams met three times a year ago, the home team winning on each occasion. The Quakes won twice at Avaya Stadium – a 3-0 win on May 6, and a 2-1 triumph on Sept. 30. The Timbers claimed a 2-0 win in the only game at Providence Park, on June 2.
The Quakes have never lost to the Timbers at Avaya Stadium in four meetings all-time, winning the past three, the victory on March 13, 2016 their first victory in the series since 2013, snapping a five-game winless streak. The Timbers’ 2-1 victory on Oct. 4, 2014, in Santa Clara is the only one by a visiting team in the all-time league series.
The Timbers have never lost to the Quakes at home in their MLS history. The Timbers have won seven of 10 meetings between the teams in Portland (with three draws), including the last five meetings there.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Orlando City SC vs. Real Salt Lake, 5 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Orlando City SC won for a fifth consecutive match – equaling the club’s record in MLS play set in their inaugural season of 2015 – coming back for a 2-1 win against the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday afternoon.
Sacha Kljestan set up the first OCSC goal with his third assist of the season, now with 87 assists in his MLS league career, in sole possession of ninth-most all-time. Kljestan has a goal and/or an assist now in five consecutive matches.
RSL suffered a third consecutive defeat on the road, falling 2-0 to Vancouver Whitecaps FC at BC Place on Friday evening. Real head coach Mike Petke started a back four of Nick Besler (24 years old), Justen Glad (21), Brooks Lennon (20) and Pablo Ruiz (19) – the second-youngest back line in MLS history.
Orlando City won 1-0 last year in the only meeting between the clubs, June 30 at Rio Tinto Stadium – the first victory by either club in the all-time series.
The first two matchups between the clubs both ended in draws. The clubs first reached a 1-1 draw at Rio Tinto Stadium on July 4, 2015, then played to a 2-2 result March 6, 2016 at Camping World Stadium, Orlando City netting two goals in stoppage time to secure a share of the points.
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – April 30, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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