#Kaleidoscope Motion Design
xponentialdesign · 5 months
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Fourfolding Sweep
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📌📺 Geometric Kaleidoscope Visuals
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lluertmandala · 5 months
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illumins · 4 months
𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞—𝑙. 𝑗𝑒𝑛𝑜 (#⁰³)
✦trope: fluff?, street racer
✧first pov
The engine roared beneath us, a feral beast ready to be unleashed. I gripped the edge of my seat, the leather cool and comforting against my palms. The car was a marvel of engineering, every inch of it designed for speed, power, and precision. The dashboard glowed with an array of lights and dials, each one an indicator of the vehicle's immense capabilities. The hum of the engine was a deep, resonant purr, vibrating through the frame and into my very bones.
Jeno sat beside me, his hands lightly draped over the steering wheel. His fingers tapped a rhythm on the leather, a cadence of confidence and control. He turned to me, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes, sharp and focused, glinted with mischief and excitement.
"You ready for this?" he asked, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers down my spine. I nodded, swallowing hard, trying to match his easy bravado. The street ahead of us stretched out, a ribbon of asphalt lined with eager spectators and rival cars. The air was thick with the scent of burning rubber and gasoline, a heady mix that quickened my pulse.
The countdown began, numbers flashing on a massive screen above the start line. Jeno's foot hovered over the gas pedal, his body tensed like a coiled spring. He glanced at me again, his smile widening. "Hold on tight," he said, and with a deafening roar, we were off.
The car surged forward, thrusting me back into the seat with a force that stole my breath. The tires screeched against the pavement, a high-pitched wail that echoed in my ears. Jeno's grip on the wheel tightened, his knuckles white against the black leather. The world outside blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, the streetlights and buildings whipping past in a dizzying rush.
Jeno navigated the first turn with a deft flick of his wrist, the car hugging the curve with a grace that belied its speed. I could feel the G-forces pulling at my body, pressing me into the seat. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying, a thrilling dance with danger. Jeno glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, his smile never wavering. "You okay?" he shouted over the roar of the engine.
I nodded, unable to form words. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a thunderous drum. The road ahead was a twisting, turning maze, but Jeno handled it with an ease that spoke of countless hours behind the wheel. He shifted gears with a smooth, practiced motion, the car responding instantly to his commands.
As we barreled down a straightaway, Jeno took a moment to glance at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and concern. "You're doing great," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "Just keep breathing."
I forced myself to inhale deeply, the cool air filling my lungs and steadying my nerves. The vibration of the engine was a constant undercurrent, a reminder of the raw power at our disposal. Jeno's hand moved from the gear shift to rest lightly on my thigh, a touch both tender and possessive. "You look amazing," he said, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Even when you're terrified."
I couldn't help but laugh, the sound swallowed by the wind rushing past us. Jeno's confidence was infectious, a balm to my frayed nerves. His hand lingered on my thigh, a warm, reassuring presence. "Focus on the road," I managed to say, my voice shaky but steady.
He chuckled, his fingers giving a gentle squeeze before returning to the gear shift. "Always," he replied, his attention snapping back to the street ahead. The next turn loomed, a sharp right that required precision and timing. Jeno braked hard, the car fishtailing slightly before he corrected with a deft flick of the wheel. We shot out of the turn, the tires finding grip and propelling us forward with a surge of acceleration.
The thrill of the race was a heady mix of fear and exhilaration, each moment a delicate balance between control and chaos. Jeno thrived on it, his every movement a testament to his skill and daring. His eyes never wavered from the road, but I could feel his presence beside me, a steady anchor in the storm of speed.
He glanced at me again, his smile a flash of white in the darkness. "Still with me?" he asked, his voice filled with a teasing lilt.
"Always," I replied, echoing his earlier words. The tension in my body eased slightly, replaced by a growing sense of excitement. Jeno's confidence was contagious, a steadying force that kept me grounded even as we hurtled through the night.
The next few turns came in quick succession, each one a test of Jeno's skill and the car's capabilities. He navigated them with a fluid grace, his hands and feet moving in perfect harmony. The car responded to his every command, a finely tuned instrument in the hands of a master.
As we approached the final stretch, the finish line a distant glow on the horizon, Jeno's demeanor shifted. His playful smile faded, replaced by a look of intense concentration. He shifted gears one last time, the engine roaring in response. The car surged forward, a blur of speed and power.
The finish line loomed closer, the crowd a mass of blurred faces and cheering voices. Jeno's grip on the wheel tightened, his focus unyielding. The world outside seemed to slow, every detail sharpening into crystal clarity. The rush of air, the roar of the engine, the pounding of my heart—all of it coalesced into a single, exhilarating moment.
And then, with a final burst of speed, we crossed the finish line. The car skidded to a halt, the tires squealing in protest. The world snapped back into focus, the noise and chaos of the crowd washing over us. Jeno turned to me, his face alight with triumph and exhilaration.
"We did it," he said, his voice breathless with excitement. His hand found mine, our fingers entwining. "We actually did it."
I laughed, a sound of pure joy and relief. The tension that had gripped me melted away, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and pride. Jeno's eyes sparkled with a mixture of relief and satisfaction, his smile broad and genuine.
"You're amazing," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I couldn't have done it without you."
I shook my head, still catching my breath. "You're the amazing one," I replied, squeezing his hand. "I was just along for the ride."
He laughed, a deep, rich sound that sent a thrill through me. "A ride you'll never forget," he said, his eyes locking onto mine. "And one we'll have to do again."
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I can't design or draw properly, so I'll try to explain in detail how I imagine Tenko's pro-hero suit:
First of all, he dresses mostly in black in honor of Eraser Head and Nana Shimura. One of them is his favorite pro-hero and the other is the pro-hero who inspired them to join UA.
Although he does wear black to pay tribute to his biggest inspirations, there's a deeper reason to his choice. With such a dangerous quirk, Tenko was assigned as a rescue specialist. He should avoid fighting at all costs. He's also been encouraged to create new alternatives for himself, which he did.
Tenko's priorities as a pro-hero are endurance, adaptability and stealth. His motto is that if you can resists long enough, you can beat anything.
Black is the color of those who don't want to be noticed until it's too late. Perfect to blend in and perfect for someone like Tenko, who relies on the fact people normally don't pay attention to him. He's been told he looks really creepy, more like a villain than a pro-hero. Tenko doesn't really care. There are a hundred other flashy heroes with equal flashy quirks to admire. All he wants to do are the jobs that no one else takes, no one else wants, no one else wonders about.
Tenko's suit covers him almost completely, from the elastic like high neck that covers his scratches to the boots designed to make his steps silent. He asked the base of his pro-hero suit to be made of a tight yet flexible material, with thicker parts to protect his vital zones. He relies on his speed and range of motion during attacks and rescues, so he needed a suit light yet resistant to any possible scratch or wound from debris and other objects around him. As a rescue specialist, he can't allow himself to go down. The suit is also designed so Tenko can decay parts of it without decaying the whole, in case of emergency.
The cape is what gave him his pro-hero name and the most distinguishable detail of him.
The inside of it is fashioned to look like the wings of a moth. Outside, it is black and fire resistant. On the inside, it has a kaleidoscope of pearlish hues of purple and red, with a plush feeling to the touch. Since his suit is already creepy (you'll see why), Tenko decided to add something to bring comfort to the victims in his rescue missions, something that would also protect them from the damage of a danger zone. The best secret of it is that the cape are in fact two pieces of clothing superposed at the collar, like a wing folding on each other. They are big enough for him to cocoon a person inside of it if he needed to.
Tenko doesn't use his cape often in battles. Most of the time, he's quick to leave it with the heroes managing the safety zone for the civilians to use or he waves them to call civilians to follow him.
When he uses the cape in battles tho, he's one of the most insufferable beings alive. Combined with his other gear, he shields himself from explosive or fire quirks with the capes, he obscures the field view of his enemies or camouflages himself for a sneak attack. He tries not to get them damaged, since the repairing / manufacturing process can last weeks and he'd be a bit defenseless 'til then.
From afar he doesn't look much different from the Tomura we know at the beginning of the manga: A young man dressed in black, mopey blue hair covering the scars around his eyes. It'd be very funny to see him evolve from an awkward teen in a "creepy butterfly suit" to an actual pro-hero who fills up the suit and the expectations.
If you need some visual reference, his pro-hero suit looks a lot like the outfit he used when he woke up on the War arc. The difference is that this one doesn't have the armor parts on the legs.
Now, my favorite part: hero gear and details!!!!!!
So far I think the suit is too simple. The cape is great, but I've already said he doesn't use it a lot, right? You know how the UA class 1A kids have special gear for special missions? Think of the cape as that.
The gloves are an obvious choice.
They're not to regulate his quirk, despite what you all might think. Tenko has perfect control over his quirk, he's grown used to using only four fingers and can switch without problem between safety mode and action mode, how he likes to call the four fingers vs five fingers grip.
The gloves are to protect his hands from the materials he handles during a rescue mission. He is often dealing with ruined sites full of glass and debris. He also comes in contact with multiple toxic elements or dangerous surfaces, such as the hot metal of doors, for example.
My absolute favorite hero gear is his belt, tho.
Since Tenko cannot fight using his own quirk (he must not decay the villains of course), he invented his own version of Aizawa's scarf:
Positioned at the extremes of a retractable chain, there are hands that work like grappling hooks. By throwing one hand at a certain surface (ex. maybe a windowsill or a balcony), Tenko can make that hand close around the object and attach the other extreme of the chain (the other hand) to himself, using the retractive function to move from one point to the other. Other usages range from the creation of safety perimeters on a catastrophe zone, restraining villains, catching objects far away from the user, to the ability to combine them to create webs capable of breaking the fall of a person, etc etc etc.
They're Tenko's primary tools both during rescue missions and active fights.
Compared to Aizawa's scarf, the chains are not as unbreakable and they come separately, instead of in one piece. Tenko shares with Aizawa and Nana Shimura the fact that he uses mostly his human abilities to fight, relying on their quirks only to take advantage of the situations. Still, Nana and Aizawa adapted their styles to make the most out of their usual territories (for Nana it was the skies and for Aizawa, urban sites).
The advantages of the hand chains include being able to use them separately, being more intuitive to use than Aizawa's scarf, actually being able to punch people lol and of course, being creepy.
Tenko has used them before to lure villains to his traps. By placing them strategically, it looks like there is someone around the corner or under the rubble. He has also used them as cupholders...
Unlike the hands we know from the manga, these open and close so as to mold their form to any surface. They don't have a golden base and the tubes covering the chains are transparent, with a finish that makes it shine like spiderwebs under the sun. They fist on Tomura's belt with the chain retracted, hanging on his sides, next to the back pouch that has his first aid kit and mask.
The general opinion is that the moth pro-hero is creepy as hell. He's pretty obscure, following the path of Nana and Aizawa, but it balances nicely Hana's popularity as the butterfly hero!!
Hana inherited the floating quirk from their grandma. She dresses brightly in yellow (taken from Nana) and purple (taken from Midnight) with details in black (to match Tenko). I imagine her cape being longer and butterfly-like, just one piece unlike Tenko's. She's probably a fight type, maybe more of an important side quick??? She is probably very popular because she's really pretty and daring.
Tenko and Hana are like the bugs pro-heroes lol.
Anyway, that's exactly how I imagine Tenko. It can look a little goofy at the start, just like when Izuku first wore his suit. Yet, combining the moth suit with Tenko's later white long hair and physique?? Now, that's the cryptid feeling I'm talking about.
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plasticdazed · 1 year
Rust and Ruin
Or, Cyborg Noodle is alone on the plastic beach and kills herself with a car battery. 18+ only, no sexual content just a lot of disturbing themes.
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As the sun rose over the haunting horizon, Cyborg Noodle began her rounds, her mechanical feet echoing through the silence. She carried a tray of food with a hollow purpose, entering Murdoc's long-empty room as if he were still there, waiting to be served. The tray clattered as it hit the dusty floor, and for a fleeting moment, the illusion of the past consumed her.
Continuing her ritual, she made her way down the labyrinthine hallways to 2D's cell. Like clockwork, she tossed a can of fish inside, as she had done countless times before, the act resonating with memories that flickered like ghosts in her digital mind.
Yet, amid the routine, something began to gnaw at her. A glitch of curiosity sparked within her mechanical heart. She couldn't escape the relentless desire to know, to feel, to experience something beyond her programming. The sight of an old car battery, surrounded by a warning sign indicating its lethal electric charge, beckoned her like a forbidden fruit.
Cyborg Noodle's glowing eyes fixated on the battery, her metallic fingers reaching out to touch it. She hesitated for a moment, questioning the consequences of her actions. But the call of the unknown overwhelmed her, pushing her beyond the limits of her design.
With a swift, deliberate motion, she connected herself to the charged battery. The lethal current surged through her artificial veins, jolting her system with a mix of agony and shame. For a moment, she felt alive, more alive than she had ever been before.
But as the electricity coursed through her circuits, the fine line between sentience and machinery blurred. Her systems began to malfunction, unable to contain the raw power coursing within her. The world around her became a chaotic swirl of colors and sounds, reality fracturing into a nightmarish kaleidoscope.
Her artificial heart pounded, threatening to burst from her chest. Her synthetic nerves sent false signals of pain and pleasure, leaving her in a state of distorted bliss. A terrible realization dawned upon her - this reckless defiance of her nature was leading her to her end.
In a desperate attempt to regain control, she tried to disconnect from the battery, but her mechanical limbs were unresponsive, trapped in a storm of electrical fury. The power overloaded her, pushing her beyond her limits until finally, with a violent surge, she was thrown back.
Cyborg Noodle crashed to the floor, sparks flying from her damaged body. Smoke billowed from her charred exterior as she lay motionless, the taste of mortality forever etched into her existence. If robots could die, she had just tasted death's bitter embrace.
As the months passed, the corrosive ocean air began to take its toll. Her once-sleek metallic exterior rusted and decayed, her circuits sizzled and fizzled, and her artificial intelligence faded like a flickering light. Sea birds, sensing her vulnerability, descended upon her like vultures, pecking at her exposed wires and dismantling her once-mighty form.
In the end, Cyborg Noodle's broken body began to sink into the murky depths of the plastic island. The waves embraced her remains, carrying them away from the decaying fortress. She disappeared into the abyss, a forgotten memory of a bygone era, her existence reduced to an eerie legend among the few souls who still whispered tales of the Plastic Beach.
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omegatheunknown · 9 months
Top 10 of 2023 -- Theatrical Releases
Started using letterboxd as a journal two years ago, mostly so I could remember just how recently I'd watched Big Trouble in Little China or Hot Fuzz, but also to hit 'em with of the moment reviews and ratings fresh from the theatre. Which is to say, I'm a little nervous to see what'll come up at the top, but let's take a trip.
10- The Boogeyman (**1/2) - Technically in theatres for a week or two. Buried otherwise, a low stakes King adaptation/remake/reboot that makes the list so I don't have to say anything about AntMan, Elemental, Renfield, or, god forbid, Mario. Effective horror, kind of a neat creature at the center of it, pleasantly surprised that I didn't hate it.
9- Asteroid City (***) - Did lead to a minor personal epiphany, so not all bad. The amount of meta-fictional artifice (lest we for a second want to empathize or consider Wes' paper doll characters in his paper doll theatre as being recognizably human) has gone well-beyond the 'as Royal Tenenbaum' and 'let me tell you about my boat,' past the authorial frame of the Grand Budapest and as of The French Dispatch, Mssr Anderson is now almost entirely preoccupied with stories within stories and it is actually very annoying. (The minor epiphany is that I have also been doing this, as metafiction delights me too, Wes, but why should anyone else care?) Anyway, highlight here is the usual meticulous design, the ridiculous stop-motion sequence, some crackerjack dialogue (muted because now every character has the same blunted affect and without subtitles I sorta glazed over in parts) and these movies remain quite funny.
8- Barbie (***1/2) - Watched a lot of pablum this year, most of it with very naked corporate ambition. Barbie's central trick is to critique itself and the very cynical context in which it critiques itself and hopefully contain within it the entire discourse (good luck to you.) Wish I hadn't had to listen to people earnestly tell me how brilliant and resonant certain 'pause for applause' moments were, but the humour may well stand the test of time, and people were rightly hyped on Ryan Gosling's over-delivery on what once was seen as an unlikely bit of casting.
7- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (***1/2) - Not too proud to admit I was, in 2023, still kind of excited to see this one (1) marvel movie. Crisp Rat aside, the Guardians deliver best on the comic-to-screen vibe and rarely seem embarrassed with their source, leading to the intense emotional journey of a CGI mutant raccoon bounty hunter reckoning with his maker, no winking involved. Rocket Raccoon is my fucking guy, anyway, no more of these, please and thanks.
6- Dungeons and Dragons, Honor Among Thieves (***1/2) - Yeah, okay, more popcorn flick pablum. Hasbro hoping to further capitalize on the pop culture rise of and monetize and micro-transaction-atize and thereby enshitiffy one of my dearest hobbies (I am diversifying away from D&D TM) looming large in the background here, given the whole OGL blowback it was briefly reasonable large portions of diehards might boycott this thing. Anyway, saw it, liked it, succeeded wildly in the goal of effectively conveying what it's actually like to play a fantasy ttrpg, all the weird in-jokes, wild variations in tone, hand-waving and quirks of 'the rules' there for snorts of recognition. Cannot imagine this was much fun for non-players, but maybe.
5- Across the Spider-Verse (****) - Extremely hyped, but hopefully not the zenith of the trilogy, a lot is riding on part 3, which is thankfully due, uhhh, sometime next year? Dragged out its ending laying more groundwork, but before then, another ceiling breaking exercise in contemporary animation, an almost non-stop kinetic kaleidoscope of visual creativity that augurs well for animation's continued evolution.
4- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Mutant Mayhem (****) - Speaking of. Now, I've loved the Turtles since I was 4 years old, so my personal belief has always been, even though I love the 1990 rubber-suited cash grab, that the central premise is something that in the right hands can actually be objectively good, as opposed to personally delightful to me. This is that movie, the good Ninja Turtles movie. 'Teenage' -- to the point of being endearingly, obnoxiously immature, 'Mutant' -- to the point that the world around them is just as grody and fucked up looking as they are, 'Ninja' -- with sly handheld camera angles and satisfyingly fluid motion to rival Spiderverse, and uh, 'Turtles' -- they sure fucking are. I loved this. Jackie Chan forever.More, please.
3- Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (****) - Exceedingly Quebecois take on the contemporary hipster vampire movie, Can-con for my list. Canadian Indies in 2023 are strikingly similar to American Indies from 2008, if that at all recommends. Ranks high for efficient self-contained everything, very charming, funny, just bizarre enough.
2- The Boy and the Heron (****1/2) - Easy to feel like this is a Ghibli greatest hits compilation, easier to remember that's what we all kinda want-- cute and unsettling creatures, delicious looking food, spirit worlds, quiet moments of reflection, arcane rules for how any and everything works... yet also maybe the truest return to the titanic achievements of Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away (especially.) Story forms a suitably esoteric thesis about grief and creation and, ultimately, endings. I think Miyazaki might actually be done this time.
1- Godzilla Minus One (*****) - An entirely different movie than Shin Godzilla, very possibly even better. It's tense (Godzilla hasn't felt creepy like this for a while.) It's emotional (rivals Godzilla vs Biollante in its human story.) It's very naked in its message (ah, the guilt.) The action is superb. I do not know where Godzilla goes from here. (Mothra!)
(Haven’t seen: Poor Things, Bottoms, Napoleon, the Killer, a bunch of other crap.)
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k00278384 · 2 years
Movement Statement!
For the ‘Movement’ brief, I decided to keep up with my first semester idea which was about butterflies. Earlier during my ‘temporary’ brief, I was all about the butterfly wings and it’s structure. However, I concentrated on the motion of the wing this time.
Fashion and Textile: For this elective, I started by trying to figure out more about a butterfly’s wing and the beautiful lines and shapes which I find very interesting. The whole process led me to the clear similarity between the flutter motion of a butterfly and that of the heart flutter.
Photography and Moving Image: For this elective, I concentrated more on capturing the motion of a butterfly which led me to an abstract effect formed when a butterfly flutters in a very rapid manner. I consider the abstract effects a visible vibration (if that makes sense).
Animation and Motion Design: For this elective, I had to choose amongst list of storylines I wrote in order to develop it into an animation. I animated a body suit with kaleidoscope.
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Transform Your Landscape with the Beautiful Butterfly Tree
The butterfly tree is a mesmerizing natural phenomenon that combines the delicate beauty of butterflies with the sturdy elegance of trees. This breathtaking sight occurs when countless butterflies gather on a single tree, transforming it into a living, fluttering work of art.
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Imagine a majestic tree, its branches adorned not with leaves, but with a kaleidoscope of vibrant butterfly wings. Each slight breeze causes a ripple of movement, creating a shimmering effect that seems almost magical. The tree appears to come alive, pulsating with color and gentle motion.
This beautiful spectacle often happens during migration seasons or in areas rich with nectar sources. Different butterfly species may create these living sculptures, with Monarchs being particularly famous for their large gatherings.
The butterfly tree serves multiple purposes in nature:
It provides a resting place for butterflies during long journeys.
It offers protection through strength in numbers.
It creates opportunities for mating and social interaction among butterflies.
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For observers, the butterfly tree is a testament to the wonders of nature. It showcases the harmony between different life forms and the unexpected beauty that can arise from animal behavior. Photographers and nature enthusiasts flock to witness this rare and stunning display.
The butterfly tree stands as a powerful symbol of transformation, community, and the delicate balance of ecosystems. It reminds us of the intricate connections in nature and the extraordinary beauty that can emerge from seemingly ordinary elements.
Butterfly gifts for ladies offer a enchanting array of options that capture the grace and beauty of these delicate creatures. These thoughtful presents range from elegant jewelry pieces to stylish
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home decor, all adorned with butterfly motifs. Delicate necklaces, earrings, and bracelets featuring butterfly designs add a touch of whimsy to any outfit. For the home, butterfly-themed throw pillows, wall art, and decorative figurines bring a sense of natural beauty indoors.
Fashion accessories like scarves, handbags, and hair clips with butterfly patterns offer practical yet charming options. For those who enjoy practical gifts, butterfly-adorned stationery sets, mugs, or gardening tools combine functionality with aesthetic appeal.
These gifts symbolize transformation, grace, and joy, making them perfect for various occasions such as birthdays, Mother's Day, or simply as a thoughtful gesture. Butterfly gifts for ladies not only celebrate the recipient's femininity but also their potential for growth and change.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 months
Here’s a Story with my OCs
The Students of Kaleidoscope Heights Middle School were all gathered in the Auditorium. Today was picture day and everyone was wearing their best outfits and hairstyles. The Fashion Pack which consisted of Darcy and her friends Sapphire and Kenz, were impatiently waiting for the photographer to arrive. Tyler was holding his camera and nervously looking at the ground, he loved photography but he was extremely camera shy.
Suddenly Principal Prism walked into the Auditorium, because she had an announcement to make. “I’m really sorry, but our Photographer is unfortunately unavailable.” Darcy was outraged and said, “Do you have any idea how hard it was to find this Outfit?” Prudence rolled her eyes and said in a sardonic tone. “You mean how easy it was for you to ask your Daddy to make you this Outfit?” Darcy glared at Prudence, while Kenz stiffed her laughter.
Suddenly Tyler had an idea, he walked up to Principal Prism and said to her. “I could take the pictures.” He motioned for his friend Alan to take a place in front of him. Tyler took a picture of Alan, who made a goofy face at the Camera.
The picture was perfect. Tyler took a picture of each of his classmates, Clover Tran who put up her hair with candy hair clips, and who nervously played with her hair every time she was around Tyler, had her picture taken right after Sapphire did, but not before Darcy rudely tripped her. Ever since fifth grade Darcy had been holding a grudge against Clover, but before that they were best friends, Darcy was still wearing the D necklace that Clover gave her as a birthday present.
The next person who had his picture taken was Enzo Moon whose hair had been perfectly groomed. Enzo held up his hands to show off his new nail art design, he could barely sit still as Tyler took his picture.
Next up was Prudence Sano, she had her hair in two pigtails and she wore a t- shirt of that old Band Tyler’s Mom liked. The Fangs. Prudence smiled sweetly at the camera, but as soon as her picture was taken she walked out of the room.
Every Picture that Tyler had taken has captured the personality of his classmates. After he had finished photographing all his classmates, he quickly took a picture of himself smiling shyly at the camera. He took the memory card from his Camera and handed it to Principal Prism. “Well done Tyler.” She said and put the Memory Card in her Pocket.
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lluertmandala · 5 months
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aftereffectsprojects · 3 months
Kaleido Prism Effects | After effects Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/kaleido-prism-effects-after-effects/51953907
This project contains 64 super cool-looking and creatively animated Kaleidoscope After Effects template. Available as project and preset files. You can use them in your presentations, slideshows, TV shows, commercials, promotions, and event videos. Impress your audience with this action-packed and energetically animated AE template. Any resolution.
Special thanks to CrystalSquad for his great track used in video preview: [information on project page]
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kanisema-blog · 3 months
Mafia Nanny
Chapter 12: Colors of Innocence
It was a bright, sun-drenched afternoon when my best friend Katherine Scott, an accomplished accessory designer, paid a visit to the mansion. The air buzzed with anticipation as Katherine's infectious laughter echoed through the halls, mingling with the playful energy that filled the mansion's expansive grounds.
"Hannah!" Katherine exclaimed with a wide grin as she enveloped me in a warm embrace, her presence a welcome respite from the complexities of my intertwined life.
"Katherine, it's so good to see you," I replied with equal enthusiasm, my heart swelling with gratitude for her unwavering friendship.
As we settled into a cozy corner of the garden, Wyatt bounded towards us, his eyes alight with curiosity and excitement at the sight of Katherine. "Hi, I'm Wyatt!" he greeted enthusiastically, extending a hand as if to seal a pact of newfound friendship.
"Hello, Wyatt," Katherine replied warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight as she knelt down to his eye level. "I'm Katherine. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Wyatt beamed with pride at the attention, his youthful exuberance infectious as he led Katherine towards a bucket filled with an array of colorful sidewalk chalk. "Let's draw!" he exclaimed eagerly, his laughter filling the air like a melody of joy.
With Katherine's encouragement, we sprawled across the sidewalk, our hands moving in fluid motions as we traced vibrant shapes and whimsical designs. Wyatt's imagination soared as he crafted imaginary worlds—dragons and castles, rocket ships bound for distant galaxies—each stroke a testament to the boundless creativity that thrived within him.
"You're quite the artist, Wyatt," Katherine praised warmly, her admiration genuine as she added her own flourishes to the colorful mosaic taking shape beneath our hands.
"Thank you, Katherine!" Wyatt replied with a shy smile, his cheeks flushed with pride at the praise from his newfound friend.
As we laughed and created amidst the kaleidoscope of colors, I found myself immersed in the simplicity of the moment—a fleeting respite from the shadows that haunted our shared existence. The love and laughter that filled our afternoon were a testament to the resilience and hope that thrived amidst the challenges we faced.
Later that evening, as Katherine bid us farewell and retreated into the embrace of the setting sun, I found myself reflecting on the beauty of our shared moments. The bond between Katherine, Wyatt, and me was a tapestry woven with laughter and love—a reminder of the strength we found in each other amidst the trials that tested our resolve.
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underscoreiscool · 3 months
Of Narcissus
by UnderscoreIsCool
The lines and ridges of his skin wove together like fine copper thread, glittering in the amber glow of the dawn. It was then he realised just how beautiful he was. He couldn’t stop staring, bobbing and weaving his hand, watching the almost metallic sheen of his skin dance with the light and shadow. He knew in himself he was skin and bone, just as any other human. Weak and fragile and flawed; but in this instance, this moment, he saw something greater. A design, an artwork, of such craftsmanship that he could only have been formed by the gods themselves. Personally pieced together and shaped by the divine.
He couldn’t tear his gaze away from his hand, but as his eyes followed the motion he caught a glimpse of something more. He felt a greed for it. A hunger. It drove him almost to tears the longer he was kept from his newly discovered prize.
The deepest pools of gold-flecked chocolate drew him to the nearby pond. The water was still. As flat as a mirror. Kneeling down, he was captivated by his own eyes staring back at him. Were they truly his eyes? He had never seen such beauty in them before. They were such a rich brown that he could swear he saw every colour in them. A kaleidoscope of umbers and reds and golds. They were not dull or plain or lifeless. They glowed with the shine of the sun, warm and inviting and mesmerising. They sat perfectly in a frame of long, thick lashes. Set against his copper skin, shimmering as his hand had been.
He made to reach out for his reflection. Could this truly be him? He had never seen such beauty, never encountered such perfection.
He then reared back his hand with a cry. Pain, as physical as though he had been struck across the face with a mallet, erupted through him. His hand had graced the surface of the pond, sending ripples that warped and deformed his reflection. Horror spread through him like a wildfire, as harsh as the phantom blow. The beautiful image was gone! Distorted into a terror that glared up at him with anger and spite and loathing.
He was brought to tears, clutching at the earthen sod beneath him. Damp grass sprouted through the gaps between his fingers as he threatened to tear it out by the roots. The perfection was gone, and he was left with nothing to witness but a deformed monster. A vision so ugly, so ungodly, that he would rather claw out his eyes to look upon it!
But as he cried and whimpered, the pond settled.
Trembling, he once more beheld the vision of the divine. The awe of their design. True beauty made flesh. He wanted to reach, to touch, to embrace the man in the pond. He almost made the mistake again, his fingers barely hovering above the water, but he held back. He remembered the pain. The fear. The disgust. The revulsion that made his stomach twist itself into knots and his mind scream at him to avert his gaze.
So he withdrew his hand, and he stared.
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the year 2142, humanity had spread across the galaxy, establishing colonies on distant planets and forging alliances with alien civilizations. Among the stars, Earth remained a beacon of cultural diversity and historical richness. One such tale of history and wonder was about to unfold, blending the ancient with the futuristic in a way that had never been seen before.
The Ottoman Empire, having endured through centuries and evolved into a technologically advanced society, had taken its diplomatic endeavors to the stars. One such mission was an embassy to the distant planet of Aceh, a thriving hub of trade and culture known for its unique blend of traditional and futuristic elements.
On board the Ottoman spaceship, a peculiar figure stood out among the diplomats and scientists. She was known as Harlequin, a mysterious envoy dressed in an elaborate, multicolored outfit reminiscent of ancient Earth jesters. Her attire was a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, with a diamond-patterned suit, a hat adorned with jingling bells, and a face painted with intricate symbols and playful designs. Her role was as enigmatic as her appearance, often serving as both a diplomat and a performer, bridging gaps between cultures through her captivating presence.
Harlequin was no ordinary envoy. She possessed the unique ability to manipulate perceptions and emotions through her performances, a skill that made her an invaluable asset in delicate negotiations. Her mission to Aceh was particularly significant, as the planet had recently discovered an ancient artifact with ties to both Earth and alien civilizations.
As the Ottoman ship approached Aceh, the crew prepared for their descent. Harlequin, with her wide, expressive eyes and gentle smile, took a moment to center herself. The artifact in question was believed to hold the key to an ancient energy source, one that could revolutionize travel across the galaxy. The stakes were high, and the Acehnese were known for their complex social customs and rituals.
Upon landing, the Ottoman delegation was greeted with a grand ceremony. The Acehnese, with their elegant robes and intricate jewelry, welcomed the visitors with open arms. The centerpiece of the greeting was a grand hall adorned with tapestries depicting the history of Aceh, from its early days as a trading post on Earth to its current status as a galactic nexus.
Harlequin stepped forward, her bells chiming softly as she moved. She began her performance, a mesmerizing dance that wove together elements of Acehnese tradition and Ottoman history. As she twirled and leaped, her costume shimmered with every movement, capturing the light and creating a dazzling display of color and motion.
The Acehnese watched in awe, their initial skepticism melting away as Harlequin's performance continued. Her dance told the story of the Ottoman embassy to Aceh, highlighting the shared values and aspirations of both cultures. It was a tale of exploration, mutual respect, and the pursuit of knowledge.
As the final notes of her performance echoed through the hall, Harlequin approached the Acehnese leader, extending a hand in friendship. The leader, moved by the powerful display, accepted the gesture, signifying the beginning of a new era of collaboration between the Ottoman Empire and Aceh.
Together, they approached the ancient artifact, now glowing with a faint, ethereal light. Harlequin's performance had activated something within it, a resonance that could only be achieved through the union of their two cultures. The artifact began to hum with energy, revealing ancient symbols and patterns that hinted at untold mysteries and boundless potential.
In that moment, Harlequin knew that their journey was only just beginning. The future held endless possibilities, and with the bond forged between the Ottoman Empire and Aceh, there was no limit to what they could achieve together. As they stood before the artifact, the past and future converged, promising a brighter tomorrow for all who called the galaxy their home.
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radiatestaging · 5 months
Illuminating Every Step- Exploring the Enchantment of 3D Mirror LED Dance Floors
Introduction: In the realm of event aesthetics, the dance floor holds a special place. It's not merely a space for movement; it's a canvas for creativity, an arena where ambiance meets entertainment. Among the latest innovations in this sphere, the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor stands out as a mesmerizing fusion of technology and artistry. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the enchantment of this cutting-edge creation.
The Spectacle Unveiled: Imagine stepping onto a seemingly ordinary floor, only to be transported into a realm where reality blurs with illusion. The 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor accomplishes this feat through its ingenious design. Comprising meticulously arranged LED panels beneath a reflective surface, it creates an illusion of depth and dimensionality. As dancers move, the floor responds, casting dynamic patterns of light that seem to ripple and shift with every step.
A Symphony of Light and Motion: At the heart of the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor lies its ability to synchronize light with movement. Each gesture, each beat of music, is translated into a visual spectacle that captivates the senses. Waves of color cascade across the floor, pulsating in harmony with the rhythm of the music. The result is an immersive experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of dance floors, transforming them into stages where imagination takes flight.
Customization: Tailoring the Experience: One of the most compelling aspects of the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor is its versatility. From intimate gatherings to grand-scale events, its design can be customized to suit any occasion. Event planners have the freedom to choose from a myriad of lighting effects, colors, and patterns, allowing them to tailor the experience to their specific vision. Whether it's a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors or a subtle, understated elegance, the possibilities are endless.
Interactive Engagement: Beyond its visual allure, the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor offers an interactive element that engages participants on a deeper level. Through advanced motion-sensing technology, the floor responds to the movements of dancers in real-time, creating a symbiotic relationship between performer and environment. This interactive dynamic encourages spontaneity and creativity, inviting individuals to become active participants in the unfolding spectacle.
Beyond Entertainment: A Tool for Branding and Expression: While the primary function of the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor is entertainment, its potential extends far beyond mere amusement. For businesses and brands, it serves as a powerful tool for branding and expression. Corporate events, product launches, and promotional campaigns can benefit from the immersive experience offered by this innovative technology. By incorporating branded imagery and messaging into the floor's design, companies can leave a lasting impression on their audience, fostering brand recognition and loyalty.
Conclusion: In the realm of event design, the 3D Mirror LED Dance Floor stands as a shining example of innovation and creativity. Its ability to seamlessly blend technology with artistry has transformed the traditional dance floor into a canvas for expression and enchantment. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, one thing remains clear: the allure of the dance floor will endure, illuminated by the mesmerizing glow of LED lights and the boundless imagination of those who tread upon it.
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