sisuchan-400 · 5 years
New Specie!
Hello Everyone! Is me Anny! And I am here today to show you all a new specie I made! The rules to make an oc of these will be at the end! Do not worry, nothing too strict!
The Kalingles
Basic info:
The Kalingles are a mysterious species, so it is hard really say how and when their species appeared, some theories say that they are spirits that were born right from the shadows, who made them, no one knows thought.
Many people try to get close to them to study the, better, ending up however, coming home terribly hurt or not even coming back home. Some researchers say that their population is not made only by pure bloods.
The Kalingles do not live in packs as many would think, but they all live in separated villages that are a lot into medieval style. The Kalingles population does not only grow when they make offsprings, but it also grows when normal humans or monsters get infected by their influence. When their influence gets the better on the human being, this one will start to be scared of other humans/monsters and will take a lot of time to build again trust between them and their families, however, if the family does not manage to keep them, they will run away into the nearest forest, searching for the first village where to integrate in.
The “influenced” Kalingles never forget their families and homes, and sometimes they have the feeling of coming back, but they also have the feeling of staying away from other humans, creating an hard situation for them.
The clothes of the Kalingles are made by their own magic and power, at one year of age, the pure Kalingles generate a wolf skull as face, as they in the first year, are literally faceless. The influenced Kalingles on the other side, generate a mask to cover their appearance, so it cannot be considered their faces, usually the influenced Kalingles cover their face until their mask get regenerated again, in case they lost them.
It is possible for two different classes to have an offspring, as the child grows and depeloves the qualities of only one class of the two parents. It is possible as well for influenced Kalingles to have an off spring with pure Kalingles
All the classes of the Kalingles:
The Kalingles were all selectionated and distincted into classes, by apparence, Powers and abilities. In all classes, all the Kalingles in their normal form, depelove ears out of their hair, meaning that they ears are covered by hair, like they are made of hair. Also in every class, the spirit form turns the wolf skull mask that the Kalingle is wearing into its face, meaning they can’t take it off until they come back into normal form
-The Night Callers:
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The night callers are the most common class of the Kalingles, they are named “Night Callers” due their black colors, usually they are nice towards other Kalingles and distant to other form of lives eccept wolves and any canines. Their spirit form is the one of a wolf of the sizes of an average wolf, their fur during the transformation remains black, with only a few streaks of color of the same color of their hair in their normal form. For example is a Kalingle has brown hair, in their spirit form they will have brown streaks of color in the are around their ears and maybe neck. They are usually calm and chilled, with a enough long temper but a close heart to many, so their interaction with others may take time before something can grow.
Their limbs are usually a dark black.
The Night callers can chose if enter another class or remain Night Callers. In case they will enter another class, they will have to train to enter that class.
Their clothes have this look
(Note: their coat tails resemble their pirit form’s tail, like in all classes)
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(Back of the coat -lifted-)
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Their powers are:
Transformation into spirit form
Can totally blend into shadows
turn into a dark black silhouette
Acute smell
Acute hearing
(Pequliar) Can duplicate their body and create false copies of them that disappear when they get touched or the original gets attacked.
-The Terrible Shadows:
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The Terrible Shadows is the most feared class from all the researchers. The Terrible Shadows are really quick Kalingles, who usually are not taller than 1,10 meters, so the researches call them also the “Dwarf Kalingles”. The Terrible Shadows are not many considering is rare find dwarf humans, so usually the Terrible Shadows are short monsters or short pure Kalingles. In their spirit form, their fur actually has the same color of the hair of their normal form, so if a Kalingle, in their normal form, has light brown hair, their fur in their spirit form will be light brown. Their fur is also way messier and their tails are way longer than the other Kalingles. They are usually isolated and prefer being left alone with others of their class, so most of their time are considered mean and aggressive towards others. Get their trust is the hardest achievement that you can think of.
Their limbs are usually a very dark green and their spirit form is as big as an adult cheeta.
Their clothes have this look, also their tail coats are the longest of all
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(Back Coat -lifted-)
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Their powers are:
Acute smell
Acute hearing
Can blend into Shadows
Extreme agility and speed
(pequliar) Crawl on any surface
Transformation into spirit form
-The Blue Nightmares:
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The Blue Nightmares are the “mages” of the Kalingles. A Blue Nightmare is a Kalingle who is a master of magic, they are extremely able with dark magic and usually they use their spells to keep the villages hidden by the sight of other beings. The Blue Nightmares teach to their apprentices how to defend themselves and their kind, and they never mind to teach something to “inflounced” Kalingles, they will be more than honored to do that as they do not see influenced Kalingles as different.
The Blue Nightmares Enjoy quietness and peace, so usually they are not aggressive but they are very whise and calm, so they barely react aggressively to anyone. In their spirit form, the color rule is the same as the one of the Night Callers, however, their fur is more curly and their tails are slightly longer than the ones of the Night callers.
Their limbs are usually a very dark purple and their spirit form is slightly bigger than the average wolf.
Their clothes look like this
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(Coat Back -lifted-)
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Their powers are:
Acute hearing
Acute smell
Can blend into shadows
Full shadow powers control
Transformation into spirit form
(Pequliar) they can walk on water
-The Red Tails:
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The Red Tails are really rare and there is only one per village. They are the “veterans” of the other Kalingles, and they simply keep order in the villages with the help of the Terrible Shadows. The Red Tails are extremely strong and they can destroy a car into pieces if they charge one. The Red Tails usually use their strength to protect other Kalingles from dangers of from other hostile Kalingles, also the Red Tails do not all act as the alphas of their villages, so if there would be the need to move, they will need the approval of all the Kalingles of the village, in case they will chose to stay, the Red Tails will prepare themselves to protect the village.
The Red Tails are usually neutral, and mostly apathetic, however, deep inside, researchers got to know that they are actually big sweethearts that care for everyone and do not see any Kalingle as different. When a Red Tail will have an offspring, they will isolate themselves to take care of it along with their mate, but they will not stop doing their work.
In their spirit form, the fur rule is the same one as the Terrible Shadows, however, their tails are really short, that short that they result as a fluffy bon. Their size is the one of a baby rhino.
I will post their clothes into another post due limit images.....
Their powers are:
Acute smell
Acute hearing
Turning into spirit form
Blending into shadows
(Pequliar) Extreme strength
Rules for ocs!
If you are making a breed, make the offspring of just one class, and have the powers of only that class!
Credit me when making an oc for this
You must not be undertale related, so you can make all the human ocs or pure blood ocs you want
You can turn your oc into a Kalingle
No neon pelts, if your character is a monster or has dyed hair, please tone down the colors until they are dark enough
Respect the descriptions of all the Classes, so if you want to make a Terrible Shadow, you will most likely want them to be short and rude, not tall and calm
You can give a rip to the rule and make a specific Kalingle of a specific class, with a different behavior, like a easily bothered Blue Nighmare, a more sweet Terrible Shadow. You can do it! Just, try to keep the rest of the behavior kinda similiar to the usual one of the class.
If you have any ask, just tell me!
Do not see Kalingles as an Undertale Specie, they are an actual original specie, but in this post I simply portaied it in the Undertale universe, so feel free to make Kalingles out of the Undertale fandom!
Have fun! And tag me as credit!
Tagging my friends here
@roxaspikachu (it is me Roxa! Anny!)
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sisuchan-400 · 5 years
Hello guys! This is an amino I made where we will do fantasy rps and where people can share their original species! Me and my friend @roxaspikachu are already moderating all for future members! If you could please join as it would help us grow this community!
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sisuchan-400 · 5 years
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Maybe I need to stop drawing them- since I had a bunch of doodles, I got them all togheter-
Now before chu all ask, I do not see Astaron and Atlas as best friends, actually, I think their friendship would be the most difficult ever, considering Astaron is anti social (if I do not remember wrong), while Atlas is not anti social, but has trust issues. So yes, it would be complex
Zeki and Astaron belong to @fluttersdreams
Also yes, Atlas can crawl on surfaces with ease, however he does not do it often- and no, the pic with Atlas and the Kalingle is not canon..... who knows....
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Mmh what is this- owo
I love this boy so much-
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