#Kanaya Maryam♦️Karkat Vantas
Hollywood had it wrong. The end of the world can be a slow thing. It never happens all at once.
Revolution, War, Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - No Sburb Session, Violence, Character Death, Apocalypse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Blood and Gore, Genocide, Alternia is Terrible, Canon-Typical Violence, Mutual Pining
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can you please explain quadrents (specifically moirailegince? i see alot of people dont seem to get it and id love to have a post to link back to when i explain it instead of having to go through homestuck)
Ah, tackling the big one first.
Homestuck itself has its own explanation of quadrants, which starts on Page 2392. However, I'll take a stab at simplifying the explanation here, although I may take direct quotes from the comic.
Humans have only one form of romance. And though we consider it a complicated subject, [...] it is ultimately a superficial slice of what trolls consider the full body of romantic experience. Our concept of romance [...] is still just [...] a single, linear concept.
(I guess I will be taking direct quotes from the comics.)
This concept of human love is generally represented with the symbol <3, or ❤️. However, trolls, in keeping with the Midnight Crew's full set of playing card theming, have four different types of romance, to fit the four suits.
<3/♥️, Hearts; <3</♠️, Spades; c3</♣️, Clubs; and <>/♦️, Diamonds.
This creates 4 Quadrants of romance, a term that is often used to refer to love and romantic entanglement.
Here, Nepeta's helpful diagram shows how these quadrants are related.
Hearts, the Flushed Quadrant, and Diamonds, the Pale Quadrant, are grouped as "Red Romance". These are the quadrants more associated with what we would possibly call positive feelings.
Meanwhile, Spades the Caliginous Quadrant (often called "Pitch"), and Clubs, the Ashen quadrant, are grouped as "Black Romance", more associated with negative feelings (to a degree, the divide isn't as simple as that.)
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Furthermore, Hearts and Spades are Concupiscent Quadrants, and Diamonds and Clubs are Conciliatory Quadrants. These terms relate to the purpose of these quadrants within troll society: Concupiscent (which has meanings of sexual desire) Quadrants are related directly to the reproductive cycle of the troll species. Meanwhile, Conciliatory (meaning to placate of pacify) Quadrants, quote:
"would be more closely likened to platonic relationships by human standards"
Note: this does not make them necessarily platonic relationships in troll society. Pale and Ashen relationships remain romantic, and there may possibly also be sexual elements (not that these are shown or implied in the comic, nor will they be theorised upon here).
The comic makes it clear that while many parallels can be drawn between troll romance and certain human relationships (for example, "frenemies" or "QPRs"), these relationships are different from troll ones, as trolls are driven by primal forces to engage in their 4 types of romance, in the same way we do with our one (This is, of course, a gross oversimplification of the vast spectrum of the human experience of attraction and possible lack thereof, but it's a fair rough analogy.)
Let us now move on to the first and easiest to understand quadrant:
♥️: The Flushed Quadrant
The Flushed Quadrant is (almost) exactly the same as human romantic and/or sexual attraction. For our purposes, ♥️=❤️.
While the trolls have no concept of marriage, and don't generally use the terms boyfriend/girlfriend, the term for a partner in the Flushed Quadrant is a Matesprit, meaning the two trolls have formed a Matespritship.
The given example within Homestuck canon at the time of a Matespritship was Dad Egbert and Mom Lalonde. Several other well known examples are Rose Lalonde and Kanaya Maryam, Latula Pyrope and Mituna Captor, and Jade Harley and Davesprite (during the Yellow Yard trip, before John's 15th birthday). Many others exist, as well as flushed crushes (Kanaya Maryam for Vriska Serket, Nepeta Leijon for Karkat Vantas, etc.)
Note: Humans can take part in Quadrant relationships outside of the Flushed Quadrant, though some trolls thought this impossible.
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Next, we explain
♠️: The Pitch (Caliginous) Quadrant
The simplest explanation of Pitch is always "romance, but with hate instead of love". People often find that hard to understand, but it's a trope that appears throughout media. One of the best examples I've found is LEGO Batman and LEGO Joker in the LEGO Batman Movie.
However, it's much more than simply "hate love". A Kisemesistude is more akin to a fierce arch-rivalry, with a troll competing against their Kismesis to outfox, outsmart, or simply defeat them.
The given example for a Kismesistude is Jack Noir and the Black Queen. Another example is Vriska Serket and Eridan Ampora's black romance, which fell apart before they started the game, Marquise Spinerette Mindfang and Orphaner Dualscar's Kismesistude, which they were mimicking, or Terezi Pyrope and Gamzee Makara's relationship in the pre-retcon timeline.
Note: no successful Kismesistudes exist within the main body of Homestuck: Vriska broke things off with Eridan and likewise Mindfang with Dualscar, and Gamzee was physically and mentally abusing Terezi. All canon kismesistudes have either not budded, or ended with one of the two Kismesis dumping the other, or attempting to kill them. (John and Terezi doesn't count in this case, as its continuation only exists in the Epilogues, a dubiously canon source.) This does not, however, mean all Kismesistudes are doomed to fail.
There are also numerous Pitch crushes, such as Eridan Ampora on Rose Lalonde, Gamzee Makara on Dave Strider (or possibly the Insane Clown Posse, it's unclear) and the aforementioned John Egbert for Terezi Pyrope and vice versa.
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Now, it wouldn't be a Homestuck post without an Intermission (possibly the first of several!)
🪣: The Bucket Intermission
I'll keep this short.
Flushed and Pitch pairings can, through undescribed processes, produce a combination of genetic material, which is then collected in a Filial Pail (bucket) by Imperial Drones to be fed to the Mother Grub, who then makes all the baby trolls from the gametes, probably.
Hussie also wrote a short paragraph about dominant and recessive genes which makes me think they know less about dominant and recessive genes than the writers of Metal Gear Solid, but that's not that important right now.
If a troll is unable to provide suitable generic materials, they will be culled by the drone, meaning finding concupiscent quadrantmates is a key goal for a troll's survival.
Anyway, back to romance, with
♣️: The Ashen Quadrant
The clubs symbol notably has 3 circles, which relates to the way this relationship (the most misunderstood one, in my experience) works.
Clubs relationships, or Auspisticisms, are formed when a third troll sees a pair involved in a feud, and decides to step in to mediate, becoming their Auspistice. The purpose of an Auspistice is not the mediate and grow a Pitch relationship, as it's often portrayed, but in fact prevent it from developing.
This is because trolls often feud with each other, causing possible Kismesistudes, but (conventionally) troll romance is monogamous in-quadrant, and having two or more Kismesis would be considered infidelity in conventional troll society, as well as that too many Kismesistudes can increase danger in troll society, and mis-matched rivalries can cause trolls to be stuck in relationships they do not like.
An Auspisticism is often defined by the attraction specifically of the Auspistice *toward* the rival pair, and their wish to mediate them. This is known as an Ashen Crush, much like above Pitch and Flushed Crushes.
Examples of known Auspisticisms within canon Homestuck are Kanaya Maryam between Vriska Serket and Tavros Nitram, Doc Scratch between Spades Slick and Snowman (though Scratch's intervention was more driven by accomplishing his own goal of having Slick kill Snowman), and Jade Harley between Bec Noir and the Peregrine Mendicant in [S] Collide, though this ended in failure.
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Next, let's move onto
♥️🔁♠️: Quadrant Vacillation
Another known occurrence within troll society and its romantic framework is the Vacillation of two trolls between multiple quadrants. While canon only gives examples of Flushed/Pitch Vacillation, it's stated that this is but the most common type of Vacillation.
This occurs because troll relationships are incredibly malleable. To quote from the comic again:
In many cases, one party will have red feelings while the other has black. But it will often be the case that one party's feelings will swap to match the other's, since there is no quadrant which naturally accommodates such a disparity. But thereafter, it's not uncommon for the two to toggle between red and black in unison now and then. These scenarios naturally result in both red and black infidelities.
This is stated to be a key reason for the existence of the Ashen and Pale quadrants, to prevent such infidelities. Auspistices are intended to be able to stabilise these turbulent relationships, but failure to uphold this role can lead to more instability and chaos within the mixed relationship.
Equius Zahhak and Aradiabot are shown as the key example of Vacillation, caused by Aradia's distain of the former for his rudeness and the fact he planted a chip inside her robot body that would make her love him, and Equius's attraction to the latter paired with his somewhat fetishisation of the caste system (a story for another time). Vriska Serket and Tavros Nitram's relationship is also mentioned, with Vriska's continued mimicking of Mindfang pushing her to meld Tavros into a fitting Matesprit, while at the same time expressing distain for his unwillingness to broach a relationship, and his wimpish behaviour. This is also further complicated by Tavros genuinely being attracted to Vriska, but too scared of her to commit to a relationship, and their Auspistice Kanaya Maryam's flushed crush on Vriska also, leading to her slacking her duties so to speak.
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And now, we move onto the final quadrant, the specifically requested one:
♦️: The Pale Quadrant
Pale relationships are called a Moirallegiance, in which two trolls are Moirails. This quadrant can be liked to soulmates, but with a more platonic (yet still romantic) lean.
Moirails, also called Palemates, exist with the purpose to calm down and pacify their Pale partner. Trolls are (said to be) inherently an angry, violent species, with some being dangerous to themselves or society if left alone. Pale attraction exists for a troll of such tendencies to find a partner who can pacify them (positively), and for even-tempered trolls to seek out those who would benefit from their assistance.
A perfect Moirallegiance is said to consist of two trolls who mutually pacify and assist each other, whose emotional profiles fit together well, helping them to form other relationships in different quadrants with ease.
Moirallegiance is often confused by trolls for platonic friendship, and vice versa, and furthermore, Flushed attraction may be confused for Pale. The Flushed quadrant is said to be "more red" than the Pale one by Eridan Ampora, and likewise the Pitch quadrant "blacker" than the Ashen one, as one might expect from their describing colours.
The most well known Moirallegiance in Homestuck would of course be Meowrails, Nepeta Leijon and Equius Zahhak. Others include the Draconian Dignitary and Bec Noir, Karkat Vantas and Gamzee Makara, and Feferi Peixes and Eridan Ampora (although Eridan held a Flushed crush for Feferi, similar to the one Kanaya held for Vriska during her Moirallegiance with her).
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Finally, the an important thing that Moirail can do for their partner, in cases of both dire need of calming down, and a lighter gesture of aid, is the Shoosh Pap, performed by Karkat Vantas to Gamzee Makara to calm him down from his murderous rampage at the end of Act 5 Act 2. Karkat says:
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You would think this is everything, and it almost is, but Hussie's explanation forgoes one particular part of troll romance that is only later elaborated on by Karkat:
♥️♠️♥️♠️: Group Vacillation
You see.
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Do you get it?
I think the diagram is clear enough.
Ok, we're done here.
Edit: it is worth noting that this system of quadrants is actually quite limited, both in terms of actual occurrences in the comic, and how it is often portrayed in fanfiction and fanworks, as (due to its time of writing) does not take into account polyamory in the same quadrant.
Edit 2: Redrom also has nothing canonically related to "pity". Saying "I pity you" to a Moirail or Matesprit in place of "I love you" is not a normal thing for trolls; it's based in a model that exclusively Karkat Vantas came up with and talks about, because of his repressed emotional state; he believes there can only be two emotions, hate and pity, and all other emotions are derived from the two. It's not an accurate representation of the workings of troll romance, only a reflection of his state within the comic.
If you want to know *all* about *all* canon examples of *all* four quadrants, or explanation of the other species's versions of romance, those will have to come at a later date. I could also probably make diagrams. But that will have to do for now, I'm afraid. If you find any inaccuracies that aren't about the spelling of Moirallegiance, (trust me, even the comic doesn't know how to spell it), please let me know! I can also probably answer any questions or clarifications in any reblogs, asks, or replies, but they won't necessarily be this extensive.
(Oh and also if anyone wants me to explain that one gif from the section, I can do that too. You know the one.)
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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John Egbert from Homestuck is an autistic omnisexual gay vincian sapphic nonbinary loserboygender genderwind breathaspic person with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and ae/aer pronouns, and he's matesprits with Vriska, Rose, Roxy, and Dirk, moirails with Dave, and kismeses with Terezi!
Dave/Dove Strider is an autistic bisexual asexual redgender bigender person with ADHD, PTSD, and DID who uses he/him, they/them, and she/her pronouns, and he's matesprits with Nepeta, Terezi, Jade, Davesprite, and Jake and moirails with John and Vriska!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic transfeminine grimgender eldritchgender lightaspic mallgothix catgender demiromantic demisexual lesbian with tics who uses she/her, he/him, and light/lights pronouns, and she's matesprits with Kanaya, Jade, and John!
Jade Harley is an autistic transfeminine sparkledoggender pupgender sciencegender spaceaspic kidcoric tbhgender bi lesbian with ADHD and narcolepsy who uses she/her, they/them, fur/furs, woof/woofs, and 💕/💕s pronouns, and fur's matesprits with Aradia, Karkat, Rose, and Dave!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic bisexual catgender voidaspic ultrapinkgender fluffyhousecatgender wizardic nyancatic techgender nonbinary with with ADHD, high empathy, and depression who uses she/her, cat/cats, they/them, nya/nyas, pu/pur, fae/faer, 💖/💖s, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns, and she's matesprits with John, Calliope, and Jane and moirails with Hal!
Dirk Strider is an autistic gay transfeminine robogender rainbowdashalfosic 2b2tgender urbanlegendaesic person with tics, depression, BPD, and DID who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, it/its, digi/digit, and zero/zeros pronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta, Karkat, and John!
Jane Crocker is a transmasculine cakegender sweetgender lesbian with BPD, depression, and ADHD who uses she/her and he/him pronouns, and she's matesprits with Roxy, Calliope, and Jasprosesprite!
Jake English is a transfeminine hopeaspic genderskull gay man with depression who uses he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns, and he's matesprits with Dave and Gcatavrosprite!
Aradia Megido is an autistic genderdead ghostcoric cemeterygender crypdostaesic fossilgender ghostgender gxrl with depression, ADHD, and anxiety who uses she/her, ghost/ghosts, they/them, and fossil/fossils pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Jade, and Feferi!
Tavros Nitram is an autistic bisexual demisexual transfeminine nonbinary fairygender faikepic troll with ADHD, PTSD, and anxiety who uses any pronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta!
Sollux Captor is an autistic bisexual bigender beegender honeyobstric gamergender genderbee mellowapis panapisgender honeycoric beesproutaen troll with bipolar disorder who uses she/her, he/him, and any bee-themed pronouns, and he's matesprits with Kanaya, Aradia, Karkat, and Nepeta!
Karkat Vantas is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary greygender urbanlegendaesic quadragender romcomhypic trollthing with anxiety, PTSD, and DID who uses she/her, he/him, ♥️/♥️s, ♦️/♦️s, ♠️/♠️s, and they/them pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Nepeta, Terezi, Vriska, Feferi, Davepetasprite^2, and Dirk and moirails with Kanaya!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transmasculine catgender nyancatic catscenecoric gendernuisance meowzeric weirdkidgender 2010scringic sillycatboygender cringecatgender sparklecatgender eurowildcatheric gay guy with ADHD, high empathy, tics, and DID who uses he/him, mew/mews, meow/meows, fur/furs, fluff/fluffs, cringe/cringes, purr/purrs, kit/kits, and paw/paws pronouns, and he's matesprits with Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Terezi, Gamzee, Dave, and Dirk, moirails with Equius and Vriska, and kismeses with Eridan!
Kanaya Maryam is an autistic transfeminine vampiregender vampirigender vampgothic autivampgender lesbian with depression and OSDD-1a who uses she/her, vamp/vamps, and fang/fangs pronouns, and she's matesprits with Sollux, Vriska, and Rose and moirails with Karkat!
Terezi Pyrope is an autistic blind transmasculine sillygender crayongender arcadegender dragongender scenix lesbian with ADHD and depression who uses he/him, silly/sillies, she/her, and it/its pronouns, and it's matesprits with Karkat, Nepeta, and Dave and moirails with Vriska!
Vriska Serket is a visually impaired transfeminine nonbinary 8gender spidergender spidercoric pirategender fembitch lesbian with low empathy, depression, and BPD who uses she/her, spid/spider, and 8/8s pronouns, and she's matesprits with Karkat, Kanaya, and John and moirails with Terezi and Dave!
Equius Zahhak is a gay transfeminine horsegender demiboy who uses he/him or any pronouns, and he's moirails with Nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is an autistic bisexual clowngender clowncoric circuscandyic malumclown clownstimmic clownthing with ADHD, depression, and tics who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her and clown-themed neopronouns, and she's matesprits with Nepeta and moirails with Feferi!
Eridan Ampora is an autistic bisexual transfeminine sealifeous fishgender princessgender watergender wizardgender troll with ADHD, BPD, and depression who uses she/her, they/them, and occasionally he/him pronouns, and she's matesprits with Feferi and kismeses with Nepeta!
Feferi Peixes is an autistic transmasculine sharkgender sharkfriendic sharkplushic princessgender nighswimsharkic demigender lesbian with high empathy and ADHD who uses he/him, shark/sharks, and she/her pronouns, and he's matesprits with Aradia, Karkat, and Eridan and moirails with Gamzee!
Davepetasprite^2 is an autistic nonbinary PLURgender catcrowic rainbowcoric scenix sparklefurgender catgender crowgender cutoughix catnipgender verdeorangic gaybian with tics, ADHD, high empathy, PTSD, and DID who uses it/its, meow/meows, crow/crows, and they/them pronouns, and it's matesprits with Karkat!
Jasprosesprite^2 is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary catgender lesbiangender wizardic catgirlgender lesbian with tics who uses she/her, kitty/kitties, and it/its pronouns, and kitty's matesprits with Jane and moirails with Fefetasprite!
Davesprite is an autistic bisexual crowgender birdgender crowsproutaen orangegender corvidgender orangeflavorin boy with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him and crow/crows pronouns, and he's matesprits with Dave and Jadesprite!
Gcatavrosprite is an autistic demiromantic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary catgender sprite with ADHD, PTSD, and anxiety who uses any pronouns, and they're matesprits with Jake!
ARquiusprite is an autistic bisexual robogender horsegender sprite with tics and depression who uses it/its and he/him pronouns!
Erisolsprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary depriflux sprite with ADHD, BPD, bipolar disorder, and depression who uses it/its, she/her, and he/him pronouns, and it's kismeses with Fefetasprite!
Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transmasculine catgender genderfin catgirlgender lesbian with high empathy, ADHD, tics, and DID, and it's kismeses with Erisolsprite!
Jadesprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine pupgender girl with ADHD and narcolepsy who uses she/her, they/them, and woof/woofs pronouns, and woof's matesprits with Davesprite!
Tavrisprite is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary bisexual lesbian with depression and PTSD who uses any pronouns!
Auto-Responder/Lil Hal is an autistic agender robogender queer boy with depression and BPD who uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and it's moirails with Roxy!
Calliope is an autistic plural intersex transfeminine greengender magicgender nonbinary demisexual lesbian with PTSD and ADHD who uses she/her, they/them, and it/its pronouns, and she's matesprits with Roxy and Jane!
Caliborn is an autistic plural intersex transmasculine gay guy!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Homestuck/Hiveswap Masterlist
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Platonic! Jake English + Roxy Lalonde with darling who makes dolls (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Aradia + Sollux with Troll! Darling (Matesprits ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Meenah + Mituna sharing you (Matesprits ❤️- Rivalry/Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Feferi Peixes/Eridan Ampora with Human! Darling (Matespritship ❤️/Moirallegience ♦️ - Rivalry/Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept (Pale/Moirallegience ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Dave + Dirk with Musical Troll! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
John Egbert👻
- Yandere! John Egbert with Troll! Darling (Romantic/Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dave Strider💿🗡
- Yandere! Dave Strider Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Dave Strider (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jade Harley⚛️🐺
- Yandere! Jade Harley Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dirk Strider/Bro (Pre-Scratch) 🗡🧢
- Yandere! Bro Strider Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Roxy Lalonde (Post-Scratch) 🐈🧣
- Missletoe - Yandere! Roxy Lalonde Short - Winter Event Request (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dirk Strider (Post-Scratch) 🧢
- Take It Slow - Yandere! Dirk Strider Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Dirk Strider Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Lil Hal 💻🧢
- Yandere! Dirk Strider with Oblivious! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Lil Hal Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kankri Vantas ♋️
- Yandere! Kankri Vantas with Human who doesn't mind him talking (Matesprit ❤️/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Karkat Vantas ♋️
- Yandere! Karkat Vantas with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Karkat Vantas Prompt 10 (Matesprit ❤️/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Karkat with Strong Lowblood! Darling (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tavros Nitram ♉️
- Yandere! Tavros Nitram with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Mituna Captor ♊️
- Yandere! Mituna Captor Concept ♊️ (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Sollux Captor ♊️
- Yandere! Sollux Captor Concept (Matesprit ❤️/Moirail♦️/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Nepeta Leijon ♌
- Snowy Day - Yandere! Nepeta Leijon Short - Winter Event Request (Matesprit❤️/Moirail ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Porrim Maryam ♍️
- Yandere! Porrim Maryam Concept (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kanaya Maryam ♍️
- Yandere! Kanaya Maryam ♍️ with Darling who makes clothes (Matesprit ❤️/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Aranea Serket ♏️
- Yandere! Aranea Serket with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Vriska Serket ♏️
- Consequences - Yandere! Vriska Serket with Lowblood! Darling Short (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Horuss Zahhak ♐️
- Yandere! Pale! Horuss Zahhak ♐️ with "Alien"! Oblivious! Darling (Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Equius Zahhak ♐️
- Yandere! Pale! Equius Zahhak ♐️ with Lowblood! Darling who likes machines (Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Equius Zahhak ♐️ with Highblood! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kurloz Makara ♑️
- Yandere! Kurloz Makara Concept ♑️ (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Kurloz Makara with Lowblood! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gamzee Makara ♑️
- Yandere Alphabet - Gamzee Makara ♑️ (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Gamzee Makara ♑️ with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Moirail! Gamzee Concept (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Cronus Ampora ♒️
- Last Straw - Yandere! Cronus Ampora ♒️ Short (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cronus Ampora Concept (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Eridan Ampora ♒️
- Yandere Alphabet - Eridan Ampora ♒️ (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Eridan Ampora ♒️ with Fem! Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Eridan Ampora with Extrovert! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Meenah Peixes♓
- Yandere! Meenah Peixes feeling pitched for a Human (Pitch/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Calliope/Caliborn 🪢💀
- Yandere! Calliope + Caliborn Concept (Flushed ❤️/Pitched ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Calliope + Caliborn (Attempted Matesprit ❤️/Caliginous ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Pale! Polypa Goezee + Pale! Mallek Adalov Prompt 59 (Poly-Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Xefros Tritoh 🏏
- Yandere! Pale! Xefros Tritoh Concept (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Vikare Ratite 🚀
- Yandere! Vikare Ratite Quadrant Vacillation (Matesprit ❤️/Kismesis ♠️/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Charun Krojib 🎨
- Making Art - Yandere! Charun Krojib Short (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Lanque Bombyx 🍸
- Yandere! Moirail! Lanque Bombyx (Moirail/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Stelsa Sezyat 💼
- Trollian Holiday - Yandere! Moirail! Stelsa Sezyat Short - Winter Event Request (Pale/Moirails ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tagora Gorjek 💰
- Yandere! Moirail! Tagora Gorjek with Lowerblood! Darling (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Zebruh Codakk 🦓
- Yandere! Zebruh Codakk with Troll! Darling who feels pitched (Matesprit ❤️/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Karako Pierot 🤡🔪
- Yandere! Platonic! Karako Pierot with Lowblood! Darling (Possible Pale♦️/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Homestuck^2 sucks for Kanaya, so I’d like a oneshot where Reader consoles Kanaya after she learns that Rose was cheating on her, please.
Karkat can be here too (just because i like Kanaya ♦ Karkat). it would give a poly Kanaya ♦ Reader ♦ Karkat.
Thanks to advance!
So, I haven't read Homestuck^2. I'm not sure I want to read it, so I have no idea what exactly is going on there. However, I hope this oneshot turns out to be good
♍️ Kanaya Maryam ♦️ Reader ♦️ Karkat Vantas Oneshot You deserve better ♋️
You brought a tray into the room with three cups of hot, delicious-smelling tea on it. You and Karkat came to Kanaya shortly after she called you. The reason for this was in Rose. Kanaya found out that the girl she had red feelings for for so long was cheating on her. Karkat was very angry about it and you tried your best to support Kanaya. You, just like Karkat, wanted to say a lot to Rose, but now it was more important to be near Kanaya. Karkat wanted to say something again, but you interrupted him by handing him a cup of tea. You handed another cup to Kanaya and sat down next to her.
"Kanaya... If we can help you in any way, just say..."
"Thank You (Y/N), I Am Grateful To Both Of You For Being Near"
You understood that there was not much you could do in this situation, but you wanted to at least give her moral support and help her gain the determination to break off this relationship. You gently hugged her.
"You deserve the best and Karkat and I will be there to help and support you"
Karkat nodded in agreement and took Kanaya's free hand in his.
"Thank You Both For Being With Me..."
Kanaya couldn't hold back her tears and started crying, putting the cup on the table. You hugged her, realizing that now more than ever she needed your support and care.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Masterlist Beta trolls 3
♋️ Karkat Vantas ❤️
Karkat Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Well, if you won't do it, I will
Little troll in a box
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Mage of Space
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Other KK
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Serenade
♈️ Aradia Megido ☠️
Aradia Megido ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Aradia Megido x goldblood fem!Reader headcanons Comfort
♉️ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Tavros Nitram ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
♊️ Sollux Captor 🐝
Sollux Captor ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
Sollux Captor ♥️ Reader headcanons Bad dream
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Mage of Space
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Video games
♌️ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Nepeta Leijon ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
♍️ Kanaya Maryam🧵
Kanaya Maryam ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Kanaya Maryam x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
♎️ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Terezi Pyrope ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
♏️ Vriska Serket 🎱
Vriska Serket ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
male!Vriska Serket x human fem!Reader headcanons Tsundere
♐️ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Equius Zahhak ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Equius Zahhak x Reader headcanons Serenade
♑️ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Gamzee Makara ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Mage of Void
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Rage player
♒️ Eridan Ampora 🪄
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Eridan Ampora ♥️ limeblood!Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora ♥️ Reader headcanons Alternative style
♓️ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Feferi Peixes ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Serenade
Feferi Peixes x witch of mind!Reader headcanons Illusion
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
Heads Up this is gonna be super fucking long sorry
John Egbert is an autistic omnisexual gay achillean sapphic nonbinary loserboygender genderwind breathaspic person who uses he/they/aer who has ADHD and he's matesprits with vriska, rose, roxy, and dirk, moirails with dave, and kismesis with terezi!
Dave/dove Strider is an autistic bisexual redgender bigender asexual person who uses he/they/she who has ADHD and PTSD and hes matesprits with nepeta, terezi, jade, davesprite and jake and moirails with john and vriska!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic demiromantic demisexual transfem grimgender eldrichgender lightaspic mallgothix catgender lesbian who uses she/he/light who has tics and she's matesprits with kanaya, jade, and john!
Jade Harley is an autistic transfem sparkledoggender pupgender sciencegender spaceaspic kidcoric tbhgender bi lesbian who uses she/they/fur/woof/💕 pronouns who has ADHD and narcolepsy and furs matesprits with aradia, Karkat, rose and dave!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic bisexual catgender voidaspic ultrapinkgender fluffyhousecatgender wizardic nyancatic techgender nonbinary girl who uses she/cat/they/nya/pur/faer/💖/🍭 pronouns who has ADHD, high empathy and depression and shes matesprits with john, calliope and jane and moirails with Hal!
Dirk strider is an autistic transfem robogender rainbowdashalfosic 2b2tgender urbanlegendaesic gay person who uses she/they/he/it/digi/zero pronouns who has tics, depression, and BPD and shes matesprits with nepeta, karkat and john!
Jane Crocker is a transmasculine cakegender sweetgender lesbian who uses she/he pronouns who has BPD, Depression and ADHD and shes matesprits with roxy, calliope and jasprosesprite!
Jake English is a transfeminine hopeaspic genderskull gay man who uses he/she/they pronouns who has depression and hes matesprits with dave and gcatavrosprite!
Aradia Medigo is an autistic genderdead ghostcoric cemeterygender crypdostaesic fossilgender ghostgender gxrl who uses she/ghost/they/fossil pronouns who has depression, ADHD and Anxiety and shes matesprits with sollux, jade and feferi!
Tavros Nitram is an autistic transfem bisexual demisexual nonbinary fairygender faikepic person who uses any pronouns who has ADHD, PTSD and anxiety and shes matesprits with nepeta!
Sollux Captor is an autistic bisexual bigender beegender honeyobstric gamergender genderbee mellowapis panapisgender honeycoric beesproutaen person who uses she/he and any bee-themed pronouns who has bipolar disorder and hes matesprits with kanaya, aradia, karkat and nepeta!
Karkat Vantas is an autistic transfem nonbinary greygender bisexual urbanlegendaesic quadragender trollthing who uses she/he/♥️/♦️/♠️/they pronouns who has anxiety and PTSD and she's matesprits with sollux, nepeta, terezi, vriska, feferi, davepetasprite and dirk and moirails with kanaya!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transmasculine catgender nyancatic catscenecoric gendernuisance meowzeric weirdkidgender 2010scringic sillycatboygender cringecatgender sparklecatgender eurowildcatheric gay guy who uses he/mew/meow/fur/fluff/cringe/purr/kit/paw pronouns who has ADHD, high empathy and tics and hes matesprits with Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Terezi, Gamzee, Dave and Dirk, moirails with equius and vriska, and kismesis with eridan!
Kanaya Maryam is an autistic transfem vampiregender vampirigender vampgothic autivampgender lesbian who uses she/vamp/fang pronouns who has depression and shes matesprits with sollux, vriska and rose and moirails with karkat!
Terezi Pyrope is an autistic blind transmasculine sillygender crayongender arcadegender dragongender scenix lesbian who uses he/silly/she/it pronouns who has ADHD and depression and its matesprits with karkat, nepeta and dave and moirails with vriska!
Vriska Serket is a vision impaired transfeminine nonbinary 8gender spidergender spidercoric pirategender fembitch lesbian who uses she/spid/8 pronouns who has low empathy, depression and BPD and shes matesprits with karkat, kanaya and john, and moirails with terezi and Dave!
Equius Zahhak is a transfeminine horsegender gay demiboy who uses he/any pronouns and hes moirails with nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is an autistic bisexual clowngender clowncoric ciruscandyic malumclown clownstimmic clownthing who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her and clown neopronouns who has ADHD, depression and tics and shes matesprits with nepeta and moirails with feferi!
Eridan Ampora is an autistic transfem bisexual sealifeous fishgender princessgender watergender wizardic person who uses she/they and occasionally he/him pronouns who has ADHD, BPD and depression and shes matesprits with feferi and kismesis with nepeta!
Feferi Peixes is an autistic transmasculine sharkgender sharkfriendic sharkplushic princessgender nighswimsharkic demigender lesbian who uses he/shark/she pronouns who has high empathy and ADHD and hes matesprits with Aradia, Karkat and Eridan and moirails with Gamzee!
Davepetasprite^2 is an autistic nonbinary PLURgender catcrowic rainbowcoric scenix sparklefurgender catgender crowgender cutoughix catnipgender verdeorangic gaybian who uses it/meow/crow/they pronouns who has tics, ADHD, high empathy and PTSD and its matesprits with karkat!
Jasprosesprite^2 is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary catgender lesbiangender wizardic catgirlgender lesbian who uses she/kitty/it pronouns who has tics and kittys matesprits with jane and moirails with fefetasprite!
Davesprite is an autistic bisexual crowgender birdgender crowsproutaen orangegender corvidgender orangeflavorin boy who uses he/crow pronouns who has ADHD and PTSD and hes matesprits with Dave and Jadesprite!
Gcatavrosprite is an autistic transfem bisexual nonbinary demiromantic catgender person who uses any pronouns ADHD, PTSD and anxiety and their matesprits with Jake!
ARquiusprite is an autistic bisexual robogender horsegender person who uses it/he pronouns and has tics and depression!
Erisolsprite is an autistic bisexual transfeminine nonbinary depriflux person who uses it/she/he who has ADHD, BPD, bipolar disorder and depression and its kismesis with fefetasprite!
Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transmasculine catgender genderfin catgirlgender lesbian who uses it/he/she who has high empathy, ADHD and tics and its kismesis with erisolsprite!
Jadesprite is an autistic transfem bisexual pupgender girl who uses she/they/woof pronouns who has ADHD and narcolepsy and woofs matesprits with Davesprite!
Tavrisprite is an autistic transfem nonbinary bisexual lesbian who uses any pronouns who has depression and PTSD!
Auto-Responder/Lil Hal is an autistic agender robogender queer boy who uses he/it pronouns who has Depression and BPD and its moirails with Roxy Lalonde
Calliope is an autistic transfem demisexual greengender magicgender nonbinary lesbian who uses she/they/it pronouns who has PTSD and ADHD and shes matesprits with Roxy Lalonde and Jane Crocker!
Sidenote: Please use the gay man flag when I say gay, and the omni gay man flag for john
Hii can you add that dirk, nepeta, dave, davepetasprite, fefetasprite and Karkat have DID, kanaya has osdd-1a and that calliope and caliborn are plural to the really really long homestuck request with almost every character?
Hiyo! Person who req'd the homestuck req with the kids, beta trolls, sprites, hal and calliope! Can you add that Karkat is romcomhypic?
Hii i just realised caliborn isn't in my request (all the beta trolls all the kids some of the sprites hal and calliope) can you add that caliborn is an autistic intersex transmasc gay guy? Also can you add that calliope is intersex?
0 notes
"Why is this shitfuck pan-rotting pile of artifact-ridden, glitchy, nonsensical sewage that can barely pass itself off as a movie somehow a thoughtful criticism on the global rise of authoritarianism and well-put commentary on how young working class males are forced into the military? What the actual fuck? Why do none of the other reviews mention this?"
Aka famous movie director "D Strider" pays Karkat to review his shitty movies, and Karkat grows increasingly alarmed that they actually mean something under all of the mind-numbing bullshit. Meeting Strider, the biggest douchebag in the world, does not help. Also he keeps meeting this annoyingly smart human kid and his awkward/obnoxious but very hot guardian. These two things are entirely unrelated.
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They come to you one night, together, your past and your legacy hand in hand.
Written for HSWC Main Round 3. The theme was "Taboo".
Religious Content, Alternate Universe, Pale Romance | Moirallegiance, Taboo, Illustrated
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With the help of Dirk, Dave escapes Bro by getting into a college way the fuck away from Texas, but they both know that won't be the end of it.
Dave has some baggage, but misery loves company and Sollux is a disaster. A disaster deep in rivalmance with the reigning hot mess herself, Roxy Lalonde.
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After a while of just being post apocalyptic people just eventually have relationship drama and, you know, space pirates and the ever present threat of death. Normal young adult things, you know?
Alternatively a vague meditation on why relationships end and why obsessing over things isn't a great idea.
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They came to this isolated colony at the edge of human territories in search of reprieve, a way of putting their broken family back together again. Instead the Strider-Lalondes find themselves in an insular society operating on antiquated rules, and in the middle of an awkward political standoff with their violent alien neighbors.
In an attempt to stop unchecked bloodshed between the two settlements, an arranged marriage is proposed. As the children of the most influential woman in the colony, Dave and Rose have very little choice but to shoulder the responsibilities of their position.
But in politics, as well as life in general, few things are as they first appear. It quickly becomes apparent that both sides might’ve gotten more than they bargained for in the exchange, leaving a variously traumatized bunch of young soldiers and a mismatched group of would-be troll rebels with the task of settling their interpersonal issues and learning to work together. There is far more at stake than just their lives.
[Space opera fic with arranged marriage elements, updates at least once every month. 3 guesses on which is the slow burn couple, no price.]
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Masterlist Beta trolls 2
♋ Karkat Vantas ❤
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Bad friend
Pregnancy 2
4 grubs
That sounds like you and me right there
Karkat Vantas♦️Reader headcanons Cattier
Monster under bed
Third party
Come out into the light
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Rogue of light
Blind date
No one has ever kissed them better, so I'm doing it now
It tastes better this way
Valentine's day
Some time later
New Year's Eve
Hot Chocolate
Special gift
I will never hurt you
Games in the snow
Swap bodies
Who did this to you?
Angel and demon
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Notebook
Valentine's day
Past lives
Meet in a dreambubble
Beach find
Soaked through
Knight and dragon
Happy Birthday
Escape from the lab
Karkat Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Heinoustuck
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Experiencing a hard time
Karkat Vantas x male!Reader headcanons Hard time
♈ Aradia Megido ☠
Aradia Megido x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Aradia Megido x human fem!Reader headcanons Goth
Night on the beach
Indoor amusement park
Aradia Megido x fem goldblood!Reader headcanons Nepeta's help
Aradia Megido x troll fem!Reader headcanons Dating
♉ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Tavros Nitram x fuchsia!Reader headcanons Red feelings
♊ Sollux Captor 🐝
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Loud and outgoing
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Prince of heart
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Develops feelings
♌ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Nepeta Leijon x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Nepeta Leijon x Reader headcanons Witch of light
Line without a hook
♍ Kanaya Maryam🧵
Kanaya Maryam x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Kanaya Maryam♦️Reader headcanons DOOM
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Male!Terezi Pyrope x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Artist
Vriska Serket x shorty!Reader headcanons
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Jealousy
Male!Vriska Serket x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
♐ Equius Zahhak🥛
Equius Zahhak x Reader headcanons Pining for you
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Best moirail
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Toddler
♒ Eridan Ampora 🪄
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Pining for you
I love you, no matter how you look
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Overprotective
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Designer
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human!Reader headcanons Rogue of life
Rogue of Spase
Eridan Ampora x rustblood knight of space non-binary! Reader headcanons Dating
Eridan Ampora x seadweller male!Reader headcanons Inhabitant of the Depths
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Toddler
Eridan Ampora ♠️ human rage player!Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Sleepy
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Pining for you
Male!Feferi Peixes x human fem albino!Reader headcanons Like the ancestors
Male!Feferi Peixes ♦️ purpleblood fem!Reader headcanons Descendants
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Masterlist Beta Trolls
♋ Karkat Vantas ♥️
Clear blood
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons AU Red string
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Calm Down
Royal blood
Karkat Vantas x like him! Reader headcanons
Escape attempt
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Dave's twin sister
Leader stuff
Kill or be killed
Karkat Vantas x human ftm! Reader headcanons Random Player
Crab dad
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Grub for a week
Condesce returns
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Jealousy
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Commander
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Shirt
Karkat Vantas x fuchsia male! Reader headcanons Runaway
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Impress
Sappy romance novels
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Mage of Blood
Trickster! Karkat Vantas x Immune! Reader headcanons
Rise as equals
How long
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Like Kankri
♈ Aradia Megido ☠
Not alone anymore
Aradia Megido x purpleblood! Reader headcanons
Aradia Megido x Reader headcanons Haunted house
Aradia Megido ♦️ Reader headcanons DOOM
God, I swear Iam in love with you
♉ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Tavros Nitram x bronzeblood! Reader headcanons
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Help
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Confession
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Brain ghost
Tavros Nitram x Reader headcanons Wings
♊ Sollux Captor 🐝
Sollux Captor ♦️ Reader headcanons
Computer help
Sollux Captor x autistic fem! Reader headcanons Witch of nature
♌ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Nepeta Leijon x shapeshift fem! Reader headcanons
Nepeta Leijon x Reader headcanons Shipping wall
♍ Kanaya Maryam 🧵
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Confession
All The Things She Said
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Discomfort
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Vriska Serket x human fem! Reader headcanons
Vriska Serket x almost blind fem! Reader headcanons
Vriska Serket x fem! Reader headcanons Cuddle
Vriska Serket x Reader headcanons Prince of heart
♐ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Equius Zahhak x Reader who hides emotions
Equius Zahhak x human! Reader headcanons Chivary
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons
Gamzee Makara x shorty! Reader headcanons
Grub for day
Gamzee Makara x seadwellar! Reader Headcanons
You're dead to me you piece of shit
This isn't your fault
♒ Eridan Ampora 🪄
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Jealousy
Jealousy of Fef
I love you
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Anniversary
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Feeling loved
Eridan Ampora x shorty clingy genderfluid! Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora ♠️ transmasc catboy! Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Why Eridan
Strong feelings
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Shirt
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Period
It's always been you
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons First kiss
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Due
Eridan Ampora x Reader headcanons Cattier
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Feferi Peixes x human! Reader headcanons Thief of time
Red for you my little cuddle fish
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Black blood
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Can't swim
Feferi Peixes x candy red!Reader headcanons Heir of Rage
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Masterlist Multiple Characters
Karkat Vantas ♥️ Reader ♦️Terezi Pyrope headcanons
Mituna Captor ♥️ Reader ♥️ Latula Pyrope headcanons
Terezi Pyrope ♥️ human fem! Reader ♥️ Vriska Serket
Eridan Ampora ♥️ Reader ♦️Sollux Captor headcanons
Karkat Vantas x Reader x Gamzee Makara headcanons
John Egbert and Dave Strider in college headcanons
John Egbert x Reader x Dave Strider headcanons College life
Jane Crocker x Roxy Lalonde headcanons
Karkat Vantas ♦️ Reader ♥️ Dave Strider Oneshot Kiss
Dirk Strider x Jake English x prince of mind male! Reader headcanons
Ms.Paint ♥️ Reader ♥️ Sn0wman headcanons Sick
Karkat Vantas ♥️ Reader ♥️ John Egbert headcanons
John Egbert ♥️ Reader ♥️ Dave Strider Oneshot Video game date
Kankri Vantas ♥️ Reader ♥️ Mituna Captor
Marquise Spinneret Mindfang ♥️ Reader ♥️ Dualscar headcanons
Alpha Dave ♥️ Reader ♥️ Bro Strider Oneshot Competition
Karkat Vantas x Reader x Sollux Captor Oneshot It's what I was taught
Karkat Vantas ♥️ Reader♦️Sollux Captor headcanons
John Egbert x Rose Lalonde x Dave Strider x Reader Oneshot School project
John Egbert x Rose Lalonde x Dave Strider x chubby!Reader Oneshot Up, Down, Touch the Ground
Dirk Strider x ticklish!Reader x Jake English headcanons
John Egbert x Rose Lalonde x Dave Strider x Reader Oneshot What doesn't kill us makes us stronger
Karkat Vantas ♥️ Reader ♥️ Sollux Captor headcanons
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite headcanons
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite headcanons Get a kiss
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite headcanons Rogue of blood
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite headcanons Cuddling
Dave Strider ♥️ fem!Reader ♥️ Bro Strider Oneshot Bro's girlfriend
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite Oneshot Surprise kiss
Jake English ♥️ Reader ♥️ Davesprite Oneshot Surprise kiss for you
John Egbert x Rose Lalonde x Dave Strider x Reader Oneshot I could hear them in my sleep
Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Dad jokes
John Egbert x Rose Lalonde x Dave Strider x ftm!Reader Are you a girl?
John Egbert x Reader x Davesprite Oneshot Nest
Bro Strider x Reader x Mom Lalonde headcanons
Dave Strider♦️fem!Reader ♥️ Gamzee Makara Oneshot Don't talk about what the goat did!
Kanaya Maryam ♦️ Reader ♦️ Karkat Vantas Oneshot You deserve better
Eridan Ampora ♣️ Reader ♣️ Feferi Peixes headcanons
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Quadrant Tag Database
Eridan Ampora♥️Sollux Captor
Eridan Ampora♥️Rose Lalonde
Eridan Ampora♥️Feferi Peixes
Eridan Ampora♥️Dirk Strider
Eridan Ampora♥️Karkat Vantas
Eridan Ampora♥️Original Character
Calliope♥️Jade Harley
Sollux Captor♥️Gamzee Makara
Sollux Captor♥️Aradia Megido
Sollux Captor♥️Feferi Peixes
Sollux Captor♥️Karkat Vantas
The Disciple♥️Alpha Jade Harley
Jake English♥️Dirk Strider
Tyzias Entykk♥️Stelsa Sezyat
Hal♥️Equius Zahhak
Jade Harley♥️Aradia Megido
Jade Harley♥️Dave Strider
Alpha Rose Lalonde♥️Kanaya Maryam
Rose Lalonde♥️Kanaya Maryam
Roxy Lalonde♥️Tavros Nitram
Gamzee Makara♥️Tavros Nitram
Gamzee Makara♥️Feferi Peixes
Terezi Pyrope♥️Karkat Vantas
Vriska Serket♥️Original Character
Alpha Dave Strider♥️Karkat Vantas
Dave Strider♥️Karkat Vantas
Dirk Strider♥️Karkat Vantas
Dirk Strider♥️Equius Zahhak
Karkat Vantas♥️Equius Zahhak
Equius Zahhak♥️Original Character
Cronus Ampora♦️Calliope
Eridan Ampora♦️Sollux Captor
Eridan Ampora♦️Jake English
Eridan Ampora♦️Feferi Peixes
Mituna Captor♦️Kurloz Makara
Sollux Captor♦️Aradia Megido
Sollux Captor♦️Aradia Megido♦️Tavros Nitram
Sollux Captor♦️Tavros Nitram
Sollux Captor♦️Terezi Pyrope
Sollux Captor♦️Dave Strider
Sollux Captor♦️Karkat Vantas
John Egbert♦️Dave Strider
John Egbert♦️Dirk Strider
John Egbert♦️Karkat Vantas
Alpha Rose Lalonde♦️Alpha Dave Strider
Rose Lalonde♦️Vriska Serket
Roxy Lalonde♦️Dirk Strider
Nepeta Leijon♦️Dave Strider
Nepeta Leijon♦️Equius Zahhak
Gamzee Makara♦️Tavros Nitram
Gamzee Makara♦️Karkat Vantas
Grand Highblood♦️The Signless | The Sufferer
Kanaya Maryam♦️Karkat Vantas
Aradia Megido♦️Tavros Nitram
Tavros Nitram♦️Dave Strider
Terezi Pyrope♦️Vriska Serket
Dave Strider♦️Karkat Vantas
Eridan Ampora♠️Sollux Captor
Eridan Ampora♠️Vriska Serket
Eridan Ampora♠️Karkat Vantas
Calliope♠️Rose Lalonde
Sollux Captor♠️Roxy Lalonde
Sollux Captor♠️Dave Strider
Jane Crocker♠️Feferi Peixes
John Egbert♠️Karkat Vantas
Hal♠️Karkat Vantas
Jade Harley♠️Vriska Serket
Rose Lalonde♠️Kanaya Maryam
Nepeta Leijon♠️Kanaya Maryam
Nepeta Leijon♠️Dave Strider
Kanaya Maryam♠️Terezi Pyrope
Aradia Megido♠️Vriska Serket
Aradia Megido♠️Dave Strider
Feferi Peixes♠️Vriska Serket
Terezi Pyrope♠️Karkat Vantas
Alpha Dave Strider♠️Dad
Dirk Strider♠️Karkat Vantas
Sollux Captor♣️Aradia Megido
Gamzee Makara♣️Original Character♣️Original Character
Eridan Ampora♣️Kanaya Maryam♣️Vriska Serket
Karkat Vantas♣️Dirk Strider♣️Karkat Vantas
Quadrant Vacillation
Flushed-Caliginous Vacillation
Terezi Pyrope[♥️♠️]Karkat Vantas
Dirk Strider[♥️♠️]Karkat Vantas
Pale-Caliginous Vacillation
John Egbert[♦️♠️]Karkat Vantas
Quadrant Blurring
Flushed-Pale Blurring
Sollux Captor♥️~♦️Karkat Vantas
Alpha Dave Strider♥️~♦️Karkat Vantas
Dave Strider♥️~♦️Karkat Vantas
Flushed-Caliginous Blurring
Sollux Captor♥️~♠️Roxy Lalonde
Sollux Captor♥️~♠️Dave Strider
Terezi Pyrope♥️~♠️Vriska Serket
Alpha Dave Strider♥️~♠️Karkat Vantas
Flushed Crushes
Eridan Ampora♥️->Karkat Vantas
Sollux Captor♥️->Karkat Vantas
Hal♥️->Equius Zahhak
Nepeta Leijon♥️->Karkat Vantas
Pale Crushes
Sollux Captor♦️->Eridan Ampora
Pitch Crushes
Feferi Peixes♠️->The Condesce
Terezi Pyrope♠️->Karkat Vantas
Karkat Vantas♠️->John Egbert
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