Archfey Merlin continued
The people that saved her were Liam a werewolf fighter that was a reincarnation of a farmer she knew in her youth, Enid a fey eladrin ranger with a golden eagle companion, Morris a fey eladrin artificer and later warlock who was Enid's brother, Orn a LeShay wizard and Elaine fey eladrin a druid who was cursed to stay in her fox form but can cast spells and speak in that form and is often mistaken for Enid's companion. While she wanted to do good things Merlin could be wild, unpredictable and ruthless so they questioned if they should have freed her but quickly became allies and friends with her. Kannoth and Nathaer tried to regain her loyalty and she manipulated them to regain her freedom to leave later destroying the flower. They do not trust each other but are at a truce. They fear she will once more tear open the land and bring the sky down on them. She kept Mithrendain as it belongs to her but the lords in charge would still be in power as it had not been a city when she left. Over the course of sixty years she learned modern language and recreated her own domain in Karasuthra of the beastlands. She lives in a hollow mountain with over sixty windows and have a cave system full of crystal and a river that flows into a lake. She also went to the feydark and learned that the Tanwen survived and had a population of around fifteen thousand and seven hundred. She spoke to Eilistraee about opening the seal but she was worried about how the city would react. Merlin then decided to travel faerun after visiting the non magical earth for a few years.
Edit: Zhudun implied that she saw the end of everything (which was true) and that she would have a hand in it as at the time they had seen her destructive capabilities (which may or may not be true).
Edit: I think she would have opened up a small portion eventually and allowed the Tanwen to trade and interact with Mithrendain before she left. While keeping it small and location mostly unknown to people outside both cities.
Edit: The relationship between Merlin and Eilistraee was not very genuine at the any point and they were friends, then later not as close due to their relationship.
Edit: The water from the river is rumored to have strong magic and healing properties.
Edit: There is 127 years between when she wakes up and current time.
Edit I was thinking that she died shortly after Kannoth as some of his allies would not rest until they found her so she tricked them into thinking she was gone, but she reincarnated quickly to a couple from the volcanic region. She is still the child of Mystryl and Bahamut . She still has bright blue mouth and flesh as well as the iris of her eyes but she is shorter and only a little taller than most humans closer to six feet seven inches tall and she has a dark purple complexion with red, orange and yellow scales and patterns and blonde hair with a few orange streaks and a lot of red streaks, most likely in a ponytail with braids. Her knew parents are aware of what she is and was and have a complicated relationship with it though they did agree to watch over her reincarnation before she died they worried about her at times. Her reincarnation is currently 125 years old and does have memories of her past self. One of her grandparents is a Tanwen the rest of her reincarnated family are Tanwyllt.
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thebronzemanticore · 4 months
Prince Kannoth in all his glory
Boosty reward from Liina, this time I've asked for the vampire archfey prince, Kannoth!
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goatanarchy · 2 years
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Kannoth. Ruler of Cendriane.
An eladrin vampire archfey npc from the 4th edition of D&D.
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tomepact · 2 years
so laid out by court, here are the Major Players of the feywild from my campaign setting
The Lady of Summer, the Gleaming Queen Titania
The Green Lord of the Hunt Oberon
Verenestra, the Oaken Princess
Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools
Poludnica, the Lady Midday
Star Delightful, the Unicorn Handmaiden
Ser Ulstan
The Prince of Hearts
Ivellios, the Royal Enchanter
The Queen of Air and Darkness
The Harbinger of Winter
The Three Brothers: The Collector, The Inspector and the Caretaker
Grandmother Baba Yaga
The Prince of Frost
Lord Kannoth, the Nightsworn
The Maiden of the Moon
Emmantien, the Elder Treant
Eshebala, the Foxborn Spy
Alfhilde and Ragna (Winter Eladrin + Displacer Beast)
Razcoreth, the Whispering Wyrm
Viktor Mazan of the Brokenstone Vale
Lord Elias of the Inland Sea & Lady Siobahn of the Depths
Yvaldin, the Many Masked One
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faebhaal · 8 months
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"Did you know there's a vampire lord in the Feywilds? Kannoth. An archfey of the Unseelie court."
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His presence does little to disturb her task at hand. Lovingly teeth are being extracted from one of the skulls of her latest kills. Her father's whispers have died down, her hunger sated. For now. It won't last however. Nothing ever does.
"Legend says he turned himself into vampire when some necromancy went awry. Now he's the patron of the undead and serves as an archmage in the court." Ithaca turns to look at Strahd, a single tooth held up as if showing him. But in the blink of an eye and slight glow, it's transmuted into a piece of gold. Fool's gold. "You ever been to the Wilds?"
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papertriangle · 2 years
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Curse of Strahd Kitbashing pt3
So, previously, I was bouncing what to do with some of the Fey elements I want to bring in to augment the story. I had not one but two Archfey to pick from - Kannoth, a vampiric fey who survived the collapse of his city (with necromancy) and now serves as the court mage of the Unseelie from his city of the dead; and Neifion, a general of the Queen of Air and Darkness who resides on both the Feywild and the Shadowfell, and whose body is a mix of both man and bat, but has been imprisoned within his castle by a permanent artificial sun. I don't think I can do both. Originally, I was planning on Kannoth; after booting the Dark Powers, I'd have no need for the Amber Temple, and I could plop his city in its place. Or at least, a gateway to reach the city, if nothing else. I planned to force a connection between him and the Dusk Elves to perhaps justify the curse he placed on Strahd, and overall I was just interested in this necromancer vampire-fey. However, I've gained a bit of appreciation for the Dark Powers and the Shadowfell. While I'd still like to implement the Feywild, I also want to rock the Domains of Dread and the Dark Powers. And for that, Neifion, the imprisoned bat who's got influence in both, would serve me better. In addition, as he's imprisoned, this both informs his relationship with the rest of the realm (he, *too*, is a prisoner of this massive jail cell), and also conveniently keeps him out of the picture for much of the game so I can focus on Strahd (bonus: one of my players **already has a pact to help bust Neifion out,** so he was always going to play a minor role but now this just fits so well) One of the main reasons I wanted to include the Fey in the first place was because I wanted to play up Strahd's punishment; it already felt like the kind of karmic prank-punishment an insulted Fey might give someone who's slighted or wronged them. But an angle I never considered was that, for all his faults and his evils, Strahd legitimately protects his lands. Or, protected his lands, in older editions - from the Dark Lords of other Domains of Dread, and the Dark Powers. An angle that's been apparently dropped for the 5e version adds a lot more depth to Strahd's character - he's not just the BBEG, he's a lot more complicated than that. Strahd 100% deserves a stake to the heart no matter what. But even as he makes his world miserable, he also actively protects it from guys who'd make it even *worse,* and it'd be a shame to forget that. An interesting point of conflict for the party, or at the very least a neat detail. With Kannoth completely gone, with nothing left representing him on the board, that's just Neifion, the Dark Powers, and... do I need anything else? I'll have to answer the question of how this Neifion and this Strahd got imprisoned, but I'll have to do so later. For now, it's 2:15, and I need sleep. But I think I need to fill a Jailor role. I also think I'd like a copy of an older-edition Ravenloft book, so I could learn more about what I heard.
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diableriepervert · 3 years
Aw fuck i accidentally made the coolest npc for the campaign im writing, i put so much into him but i just know i wont be able to properly utilize all the backstory i gave him
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news24fresh · 4 years
Hindi short film ‘Ghar Se’ takes a hard look at violence against women
Hindi short film ‘Ghar Se’ takes a hard look at violence against women
  Ghar Se, a Hindi short film by an all-Malayali crew, speaks up against sexual abuse and shows the perpetrator’s mother and wife helping the survivor to bring the culprit to justice.
In the 9.32-minute-film directed by Mridul M Nair, Ambika Rao plays the mother, Nimisha Sajayan the wife and Dinesh Prabhakar the husband. Mridul, who made his début as filmmaker with the Asif Ali-starrer,
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Archfey Merlin story
Mystryl and Bahamut had a child and named Her Merlin. They took her to a non magical land in hope that she would grow up with a understanding of life outside of the realms many were used to. Merlin was disguised as a human and later used her own magic to change into a human boy and later forgetting how she was born. When Merlin was young their mother was traveling with them and lost then a kind man helped them and allowed them to stay at his house. Mystryl proclaimed them family before she left. Later in life Merlin lived in Camelot and while shapeshifting into various different ages created a legend. After Arthurs death Merlin relearned the past and revealed herself to Guinevere. The queen accepted this and became her first warlock, they were like sisters. Through family she learned that the man who helped her mother was the knight Percival's father though Percival was not as keen to have a familial bond. Slowly rising hostility with the church and Gwen's second husband drove Merlin to seek out the realms of Magic at time using the name Lillian which was given to her by Gwen. Merlin learned how to use her magic to travel though time telling no one due the how volatile it was. She traveled mostly through what is now the feywild and tried to be allies with every archfey she met. Eventually she made her way to Cendriane and was offered Mithrendain if the helped lord Kannoth build it into the biggest city in the feywild, she accepted. Kannoth had a wife who was a dark elf vampire named Nathaer Everhzynge who had dark purple red hair. Mithrendain was a fortress at the time and she often fought in his wars as a trusted ally as a show of loyalty despite being a archfey of her own now, she did this thinking it would keep his loyalty. Eventually all her time magic tore a hole through the realms and there was now a entrance to the feydark in the middle of Mithrendain. She refused to tell how it happened and people started to grow weary of her. She began a affair with Eilistraee and conspired with her to create a new race. They mixed their tears of happiness with their magic and created the Tanwen. Eventually they decided that they would end their relationship but stay friends and allies because they both would never wish to lose each others friendship and would not under mine their platonic love. The Tanwen passed though the hole through realms between the feydark and Mithrendain as well as keep the existence of it secret from the fomorians. Seeds of distrust were being sown to Kannoth and Nathaer by a star named Zhudun who had unknown goals. In battle she was known to take out large armies so swiftly they did not know if they would be able to defeat her so they wondered if Zhudun would help. He gave them a terrible prophecy for Cendriane. Nathaer and Kannoth wanted her dead but then thought that it would not be bright to get her parents wrath so they asked Zhudun how to imprison her. He gave them a spell that would put her into a sleep in a weak sate for ever as time would not pass in the room she was in as long as it was sealed. He would return for what he was owed. She knew something was wrong when she saw them and they gave chase. she was caught and brought deep into the vaults below Cendriane and put into a sleep in a room with a door that was sealed and hidden so that she may never leave. Kannoth carried a lily with a long stalk as a weapon which the scent of would break her curse as well as open the door. Later during the crown war Cendriane fell and all its people disappeared as Zhudun glowed in the sky. They did not regret this decision because of the danger she posed. The hole in Mithrendain was sealed to keep the feydark and monsters from there out, though almost none knew of the existence of the Tanwen. She was written out of history in the feywild and was only a rumor of a monster that was so evil it was unspeakable in the vaults. Eventually she was released many thousands of years later by a group of people.
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coffeecup-homebrews · 3 years
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The Feywild and its Courts
This is how I imagine the Feywild looking in my homebrew world- a continent with four seasonal courts, each ruled by an Archfey. The oceans around the continent quickly give way to mists that end up bringing any ships right back where they started. Lore below the cut!
The Seelie Courts
The courts of Spring and Summer both fall under the rule of Titania, Queen of the Seelie Court and the Summer Court. She rules from her throne in Senaliesse, and is generally considered to be one of the most amiable Archfey to make deals with. As Titania is the Summer Queen first and foremost, she oversees the activities of the Summer Court, which is one of the mot classically ‘faerie’ of the courts. Eladrin and other fey roam freely, and Titania’s fore keep out thos of the Unseelie Court and other dark realms. 
The Spring Court is ruled by Verenestra the Oak Princess, one of Titania’s children. She has her bower of silver trees within Astrazalian, City of Starlight, so named for it’s location on the Sea of Stars. In addition to Verenestra, Titania’s son Hyrsam holds some power in the Spring Court, mostly as a trickster spirit. The Spring Court is known for their celebrations, revels, and merriment, and it’s one of the best places to find faerie wine. Mortals can typically traverse this court safely, though should be wary of trickster fey. 
The Seelie Courts are typically very generous towards mortals, and show particular favor towards those of elven descent. Though all faerie courts tend towards chaos, the Seelie Courts are generally the more lawful of the two. Typical denizens of these court include nature fey such as dryads and nymphs, as well as Spring and Summer Eladrin fey. 
The Unseelie Courts
Autumn and Winter comprise the Unseelie Court, ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness, Titania’s sister corrupted by a dark artifact. She rules over both courts as Empress from her seat at Cathair Mordrache, though she takes little interest in the day to day affairs of the courts themselves. These courts are less hospitable to mortals, but those of elvish (especially drow) descent have some favor with the Queen and have an upper hand in bargaining with Unseelie Fey.
The Autumn Court currently stands without a ruler, and it has for the past century. Taking a throne of the Archfey is no easy feat, and the thrones accept only those who they find worthy, and thus far none that have attempted it have been deemed worthy to lead the autumn court. By now, the Empty Throne has become a joke between the noble fey that inhabit the Autumn court, and they delight in tricking people into taking the throne, which usually leads to their death. The Court itself has two sides- that of decadent nobility and courtly politics and that of the wilds. The wilds of the Autumn Court are frequented by the Wild Hunt, a hunt in which beasts are not the only prey.
The Winter Court is desolate, an endless tundra and mountain range of white snow and ice. The cold-hearted Prince of Frost rules over this land from the only truly habitable area-the Vale of Long Night. The Prince is known for making warlock pacts with even those inside the Feywild, a group known as Long Night Scions. The Winter Court has an affinity for dragons- especially white dragons which roam freely across the court. Woe be upon a mortal who enters the Winter Court without an invitation.
Ynys Lleuad
These Isles are the Isles of the Moon, end they are unaffiliated with either court. These isles are enveloped in endless night, and thus are a haven for shadow fey, drow elves, and other creatures of the night. The Archfey that rules these isles is Lord Kannoth, an eladrin vampire that has existed since the fall of Cendriane in the war between the gods of the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine. Ynys Lleuad has a connection to the Material Plane’s Underdark and to the Shadowfell.
The Twrs (Tors)
There are three Twrs in the Feywild- Twr Cyfnos (the Dusk Tor) Twr Diwrnod (the Dawn Tor) and Twr Nawn (the Noon Tor). Each of these towers are more akin to vertical cities- enormous floors of wood and silver in which all manner of fey live. These spaces are unaligned to the courts, but they are also open to members of every court, so it is no safer to be there than anywhere else in the Feywild. Twr Nawn is special, as it serves as a neutral meeting place for all the Archfey, and it is where all matters of state are discussed. It’s one of the few areas in the Feywild that is a dead zone of magic, to ensure that all negotiating parties are on equal footing. No one knows how, when, or why these towers were constructed, but it is suspected that either the Seldarine pantheon, the Three Fate Goddesses, or both had a hand in their construction. 
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projectchaal · 2 years
Chapter 4
I set the film in the 1920’s of Kerala, my hometown. The story revolves around Kunjan, a teen Theyyam artist. Arya comes from an upper-class society. World in which these two kids grow is completely different. The world I was imaging in these stories is the place where I grew up. It was surrounded by vast paddy fields. Connecting all these paddy fields were these long winding stretches of water bodies called “Chaal”. The title of our short film. These were meant for irrigation as paddy requires a lot of water. I remember me and my brother playing in the paddy fields making boats made of leaf. In 2020, the script was ready.  
Set in 1920, under British colonial control in Kerala, India. Kunjan, a teenager from a marginalized society sees Arya for the first time when she moved into his village with her family. Their interactions resulted in a strong bond between them. Kunjan devised a way to communicate with Arya by sending leaf boats over the Chaalu (stream) that runs between their homes. Their growing friendship was noted and opposed by Arya’s father, Kannoth Moothavar. Not knowing the consequences Kunjan invited Arya to celebrate the annual harvest in the Kaavu (Sacred grooves). When Kannoth Moothavar and his guards learned of this, they went to Kaavu and thrashed Kunjan mercilessly. Kunjan's life was forever changed after this.
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campaignsoftheworld · 5 years
Bridgestone - Eyes on the Road
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Serviceplan Middle East and Bridgestone worked with the Dubai Police, Nasser Bin Addullatif Alserkal and RTA on a potentially life-saving health check campaign, designed to offer free health screenings to UAE truck drivers and consequently improve fitness and road safety. The campaign Bridgestone Eyes on the Road is launched with a film directed by Nixon Freire out of Hanzo Films. The motivation is to encourage 1,000 truck drivers to have a health check-up. The check-up stations will be positioned at truck stops where drivers park up to rest on long journeys, position across major highways of the UAE in Sharjah, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. As well as a health check-up, drivers will be able to play computer games linked to fitness and mobility skills and have refreshments. Credits Campaign: Eyes on the Road Advertising Agency: Serviceplan, UAE Executive Creative Director: Akhilesh Bagri Associate Creative Director: Victor Farias Senior Account Manager: Alba Arteaga Account Executive: Laith Alemailat Managing Director: Natalie Shardan Director/ Dp: Nixon Freire Hero: Sukhjinder Singh Production House: Hanzo Films Executive Producer: Hijaz Moosa Producer: Yanny Sanchez Offline Editor: Neda Zag Online Editor: Shibish Kk Music/Sound Fx: Sonido Antro Music And Audio Producer: Lucas Duque Music: Daniel Lopes Sound Design: Cuca Cunha Colour Grading: Cassi Umetsu / The end post First AD: Faizal Amin Line Producer: Siyad Kannoth Tags: United Arab Emirates, Automotive, Public Interest, NGO, Bridgestone, Dubai Police, Serviceplan, Health, Fitness, Film, Driver, Truck, Health Check Campaign, Eyes on the Road, Road Safety Campaign, Serviceplan Middle East Read the full article
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Curse of Strahd Kitbashing, Part 2
guess I should start titling these things maybe Anyways, it's a lovely day to start drafting up a roadmap. Starting off - Death House. We're skipping it. Hooray. At least for an intro mission. As it is, it feels unconnected to the rest of the plot. It's a grueling and unfun slog for low-leveled characters, and acts as a brick for the entire story, just a hurdle that needs to be overcome.
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So, Baron Vargas, right? Burgormaster of Vallaki, throws constant festivals in an egotistical attempt to lift Barovia's gloom? There's an untapped resource in the region he's not using: Adventurers. Sure, they may not be the most common things to come in on the Old Svalich Road, and their stories always end in death. But they always leave stories - whether legends, tales, or mere rumors, they leave something to talk about. Some good deed or feat that inspires hope. So, what if the good Baron were to, say, get the idea to make them into a guild? Getting a lot of famous and capable individuals all rounded up in Vallaki is sure to be a net boon for the city and **never backfire**. In either case, a proper Adventuring Guild needs a proper Guildhouse - and wouldn't you know it, but there's a haunted house on the edge of town that's just the perfect size. Bonus points, for my game specifically at least, I can use the catacombs of the Death House to help sow seeds of the new Fey story, perhaps someone was sacrificing to Kannoth (to absolutely no avail) to try and "appease" the Unseelie who placed the curse on the land. (Still unsure if it was just Kannoth by himself, or maybe a group of Fey. Kannoth rules the ruined city of Cendriane, which has since left the Material Plane; perhaps Barovia was near where Cendriane fell? I need to replace the Amber Temple anyways...) Whatever the case, at the very least, I get to enjoy the fear factor when my poor players realize they've stumbled into the Death House. Mwahahaha!
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rajashekarabb · 7 years
Tributes to Kannoth Karunakaran, Congress leader, five time MP and Union Minister. http://pic.twitter.com/LHEQIAmq6b
— Congress (@INCIndia) December 23, 2017
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