dndcharacteridea · 9 months
Mushroom Man Archfey Warlock
If you ever want a good underdark/feydark warlock background and you love mushrooms, have I got the patron for you: Psilofyr. He's insane, nice enough, and is an archfey. He sometimes needs folks to go take care of the rebel versions of him that pop up and will give warlocks powers to do so
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The Tanwen
The Tanwen were created by Merlin and Eilistraee. They had a physical appearance a lot like Merlin. They had shade of dark blue and purple skin with opalescent scales and swirled on their shin with patterns that were not always perfect and sometimes broken as well as serrated ears and blue-purple coloration on the inside of their mouths. However they had pink flesh and were also elves. Their eyes could see in the dark of the caves as well as in the sun and came in many colours but not red, pink or black. They can reverie and sleep. In a small garden in a corner of their civilization has a artificial sun that shines for nine hour then dims until it is no longer visible than reignites after fifteen hours of dark. It was a gift and its existence allows them to adjust to a bright light. The area they live in is large but has many small passageway to enter and leave to access it so it is very difficult to find. There are lush forests in the area they live in and many under ground rivers and streams. The type of forest changes as they travel as their are forests in the feydark that do not need the sun and forests that can grow in the sun, they are similar. Around four thousand and five hundred of them moved into a different region with a lot of volcanic activity and have a paler purple coloration compared to the others and their markings and scales are red, yellow and orange in colour. These people are referred to as the Tanwyllt. They like Merlin had both a larynx and a syrinx and could make multiple sounds at once this made their language and music very complex. Merlin tried to bring many technologies and science form the non magical world to her people as well as teaching them magic and battle strategy and Eilistraee brought them music, art, her blades and dance. The mixed everything and have are a very smart society. Their most common fashion was of knee length skirts with dye, calf length boots and shirts that only covered their chests with many beaded necklaces. They did wear dresses, pants and shirts that covered their midriff but it was not as common. Their armor often had crystals on it. Crystal were often used as decoration as well as in architecture they were hunk from vines and woven into branches, jewelry and turned into beads. Larger crystal were often used as platforms and supports. Food was foraged and hunted similar to how it would be on the surface though they must stay clear of primal mud as it will kill them with prolonged exposure. Some of them mixed bloodlines with early drow who were of varying shade of grey skin and hair with stretched bark like skin that was glassy and looked painful and pale pink eyes, the children were brought with the drow and eventually the drow had the appearance they have now. The Tanwen refer to their civilization as Tanacetum.
Edit: I thought to make the original drow have skin on their backs like a glass frog that would be see through in direct light like the sun.
Edit: I thought that the scales could be ingredients for magic and a recessive genetic trait. Most Tanwen have them.
Edit: They all have the innate ability to shapeshift similar to changelings and they have true polymorph as well.
Edit: They use shapeshifting and true polymorph to stay hidden and defend themselves in the feydark.
Edit: They mostly have white hair though many have red, yellow or orange hair especially in the volcanic region.
Edit I thought that they could all have wings similar to the yi-qi and have the fur/feathers that matched their hair colours.
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int9 · 7 months
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A striking portrait of my spores druid Durge, Nihilas Fey-Branche, by @lorandesore! 🍄💀
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thistle-spores · 8 months
I need to come up with an archfey patron for Vilesi'ith.
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cleric4vampire · 3 months
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You're in my web now / I've come to wrap you up tight till it's time to bite down
(alternative title: you're part of a fringe feydark-based cult of lolth. one of your fellow members tells you the cult leader wants to see you in her inner sanctum. you get there and she gives you this look. wyd)
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weaver-z · 1 year
my dnd character is an undead warlock and his patron is named "the weaver" (technically the weaver of lies) and it's like this super evil manipulative feydark Thing so every time i see your username that's what i think of
Oh yeah, that's just my day job. Don't worry about it. <3
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snowberry-pie · 7 months
thinking. kit and astarion in the feydark
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drowsydraws · 2 years
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something silly from the gang’s brief stint in the Feydark.
from DM side of things? BOY was the goblin market a ton of fun. hope the crew explores more of the feywild/feydark some day 🧚‍♂️💜✨
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faebhaal · 2 months
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"Did you know the Feywild has it's own version of the Underdark? Appropriately named the Feydark." It's a struggle to uncork the healing potion with just one hand, and her pride refuses the idea of asking for help.
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Top is ripped from the bottle with the aid of her teeth --- teeth that have easily ripped meat and flesh from bone. The hand that's being unused looks like it's touched hot metal; scorched and burned. A result not obtained from fire but touched the barest hint of iron. "From what I remember there's even a drow city there. Irith Tal."
There's a hiss when the red liquid touches her skin. Yet as soon as it does, it goes straight to work. "Seeing the myconid colony in the Underdark reminded me of..." her sentence trails off. The word home almost slips from her lips. It doesn't feel exactly like the correct term to employ.
She gives a shrug before drinking what contents of the bottle weren't poured onto her wound.
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Archfey Merlin continued
The people that saved her were Liam a werewolf fighter that was a reincarnation of a farmer she knew in her youth, Enid a fey eladrin ranger with a golden eagle companion, Morris a fey eladrin artificer and later warlock who was Enid's brother, Orn a LeShay wizard and Elaine fey eladrin a druid who was cursed to stay in her fox form but can cast spells and speak in that form and is often mistaken for Enid's companion. While she wanted to do good things Merlin could be wild, unpredictable and ruthless so they questioned if they should have freed her but quickly became allies and friends with her. Kannoth and Nathaer tried to regain her loyalty and she manipulated them to regain her freedom to leave later destroying the flower. They do not trust each other but are at a truce. They fear she will once more tear open the land and bring the sky down on them. She kept Mithrendain as it belongs to her but the lords in charge would still be in power as it had not been a city when she left. Over the course of sixty years she learned modern language and recreated her own domain in Karasuthra of the beastlands. She lives in a hollow mountain with over sixty windows and have a cave system full of crystal and a river that flows into a lake. She also went to the feydark and learned that the Tanwen survived and had a population of around fifteen thousand and seven hundred. She spoke to Eilistraee about opening the seal but she was worried about how the city would react. Merlin then decided to travel faerun after visiting the non magical earth for a few years.
Edit: Zhudun implied that she saw the end of everything (which was true) and that she would have a hand in it as at the time they had seen her destructive capabilities (which may or may not be true).
Edit: I think she would have opened up a small portion eventually and allowed the Tanwen to trade and interact with Mithrendain before she left. While keeping it small and location mostly unknown to people outside both cities.
Edit: The relationship between Merlin and Eilistraee was not very genuine at the any point and they were friends, then later not as close due to their relationship.
Edit: The water from the river is rumored to have strong magic and healing properties.
Edit: There is 127 years between when she wakes up and current time.
Edit I was thinking that she died shortly after Kannoth as some of his allies would not rest until they found her so she tricked them into thinking she was gone, but she reincarnated quickly to a couple from the volcanic region. She is still the child of Mystryl and Bahamut . She still has bright blue mouth and flesh as well as the iris of her eyes but she is shorter and only a little taller than most humans closer to six feet seven inches tall and she has a dark purple complexion with red, orange and yellow scales and patterns and blonde hair with a few orange streaks and a lot of red streaks, most likely in a ponytail with braids. Her knew parents are aware of what she is and was and have a complicated relationship with it though they did agree to watch over her reincarnation before she died they worried about her at times. Her reincarnation is currently 125 years old and does have memories of her past self. One of her grandparents is a Tanwen the rest of her reincarnated family are Tanwyllt.
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umbralrosa · 4 months
Baldur's Gate Headcanon:
Forbade Magics:
Sakuyoru was born attuned to magic like all her mother's predecessors – except she was born a Spellfire, and required education very early in life as to not cause chaos in Evermeet, or anywhere else she may wander.
All things healing and protecting came from her mother, and other druidic spells came from others in the Grove – it was only a small part of arcane knowledge contrast to the devastating and chaotic variants instructed under her father. He knew all things magic-oriented, and opted to force her mind with all the knowledge he had. Spells and incantations unfit for mortal control, any and all relics had their information and use divulged, and accompanied runes to bring absolute devastation when applied. All common magic was first, then the uncommon, and the rare or unknown last. While some of these were via scrolls, majority came from inherent wizardry, and necromancy was what she was best at. It had to be expected that some magic of this degree was not instructed nor known to mortals for a safety reason – as it is fatal for mortals to learn from Aberrations, and she was unfortunate to be lucky enough to be an oddity not all mortal.
It was because of this knowledge, all of this arcane wisdom and utility taught under her father, that she does her utmost to not use magic at all – she didn't feel like herself, felt like a true monster when casting something as simple as Fire Bolt. Druidic spells were the only exception – as it felt more natural to use those spells – but using magic regardless held that remnant feeling of disdain. To use ones taught by him, she knew they were abnormal and destructive – even the most simple of spells became flexible for multitudes of purposes, and he favored foul play.
She feels that using magic will give him some kind of swell of pride, some kind of way to tell her he was right, and that everything he did to make her know and understand was reasonable. She had to be trained in the Feywilds to keep the chaos at a minimum, and she was often sent into the Feydark to make an example for him to assess.
There was no such thing as failure nor mistake in his tutelage. He held great expectations of her the moment she was born, and she had to grow up with the assumption she had to meet every one of them. Even in physical combat, where she was expected to cover herself in close quarters than solely use distant casting.
Sakuyoru is a walking arcane powerhouse, can use it to sustain herself in emergency circumstances if she absolutely must, and it's because of this that she can be readily pinpointed by even the most novice of magic users in a vicinity. Should she use magic at all? It can be felt by everything, and often it drew in the worst individuals and entities wanting a piece of it.
In her adulthood, she was always summoned to Sorcerous Sundries for potential hiring as an instructor, to try and get some kind of information from her as someone who knows too much – particularly if texts were of anything of aberration-origin, for her to translate. Something she always denied.
If you ever ask her to use magic, she will tell you she's forbidden to do so. It's something she will only use if the situation is so dire to require it, and even if it would be efficient in the most simple of things – will refuse.
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cleric4vampire · 1 month
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Here are some of my WIP Tavs:
Soluwae, a Lolthsworn Drow cleric. I've spoken about her a bit before; she's the leader of a fringe Lolth cult that exists in the Feydark. (Spoiler - she will eventually wiggle out of Lolth's stranglehold and reclass as an Open Hand monk.)
Ardent, fiend warlock pacted to Glasya, Princess of the Nine Hells (daughter of Asmodeus) and Lord of Malbolge. Classic story of a warlock hopelessly in love with her patron, patron only sees warlock as a tool, etc. This isn't Ardent's natural appearance; she was born with reddish copper skin, black horns, and glowing red eyes. Upon accepting the pact, Glasya changed Ardent's appearance to her liking. (Ardent is an Asmodeus tiefling, so this was basically Glasya going, "Sorry, dad, this one's mine.") Ardent has a snake familiar; I like to imagine that in a tabletop setting the snake turns into her preferred weapon, a scourge.
Ilenri, a Lythari barbarian-cleric of Selûne. (Wolfheart, of course.) Her clan/pack is very reclusive by design, located somewhere in the region where the Silver Marches meet the Spine of the World. Ilenri serves as a sort of "head cleric" or spiritual guide to the clan, which worships an earlier version of Selune. (Some say more primitive; they would say more true-to-form.) (Since obviously there is no Lythari race in the game, I'll be playing her as a Wood Elf)
Also cackling rn because I just realized they are all lesbians lmao I did not purposefully group them together for that reason, I swear
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moon-o-magic · 8 months
In my homebrew setting the Underdark + Shadowfell are the same location but the Underdark are where portals are opened between it and the Material Plane (named so due to incorrect belief that the Underdark was underground) and the Shadowfell is deeper in. Which is why I mixed them up.
The Feydark is where the Shadowfell and Feywild intersect and instead of cancelling out make a horrible simultaneous positive / negative energy field.
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snowberry-pie · 8 months
need more feydark content. For Me.
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getetteroo · 3 years
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Somewhere in the Feydark amongst a patch of glowing flowers a small pixie is perched upon a big pile of trinkets. It’s said he preforms miracles for people people who bring him things that peak his interest. 
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fithragaer · 2 years
Damn that was a dnd session
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