#Kari’s MCU January Quickie
jewels2876 · 5 years
Sweet Dreams
A/N: This is my first piece based on an aesthetic  - I blame @until-theend-oftheline  ha!
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 977
Warnings: death by fluff
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The forecast called for at least a foot of snow; Chris was grateful he had stocked up on groceries and necessities when he got back in town before everyone else made their mad dashes. He stood in his kitchen, watching the snow drift down lazily, taking a bite of the grilled cheese sandwich he had made. The storm wasn’t supposed to start until later in the evening but Chris still gave himself a mental note to check the pile of firewood sitting by the fireplace. As he ate into his sandwich his mind wandered, thinking about the last set he was on in LA. He missed the warmth and the sun, but Boston was still his home, his heart. All too soon the sandwich was devoured; he shook the plate over the sink to dust off the crumbs before placing it in the dishwasher.
He lumbered from the kitchen into his den, seeing a nice high pile of wood. He smiled to himself as Dodger padded along behind him. Chris reached down and scratched the dog behind the ears for a minute before putting a small wood pile into the fireplace and lighting it. It took a few minutes to light; the flames laid low while Chris stoked the wood into the previous embers. Dodger chuffed at the growing warmth and threw himself in front of the fireplace to take a nap. Chris chuckled at the dog and reached down to rub his back. “Good idea buddy,” he said softly.
Chris sat down on the brown leather couch; he moved some of the throw pillows his decorator had insisted on out of his way, tugging on the extra large fuzzy throw that was hanging off the back of the couch. The throw covered his feet up to his neck; Chris smiled to himself as his head settled on one of the pillows. The growing fire bathed him in a soothing warmth and before long he was fast asleep.
“Seb, what are you doing in my dreams man?”
“I’m here to point out all the stuff you missed dude,” Seb smirked at him and led him around the Avengers set. “Like that. How do you forget about the random hookups between coworkers?”
Chris cringed as he watched Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Debicki making out. “Ewh! Ok that didn’t really happen; I just read something in a trashy magazine that SPECULATED about them. Isn’t she married?”
The scene changed and Sebastian suddenly changed into Bucky, missing left arm and all, and started speaking to Chris in the Wakandan language. “Seb, you know never I learned that! Speak English!” Sebastian as Bucky turned to Chris and started reciting all of his lines from Infinity War over and over. Chris groaned in annoyance.
The snow was still drifting down, sticking to the ground but not yet a nuisance. You had reminded a sleepy Chris that you needed to run a few errands before the real storm hit; you pulled the SUV into the garage with a sigh. Not that you didn’t enjoying running errands, but when people were acting like it was Armageddon and not another winter storm in Boston it was a little tiring. You grabbed two of the bags in the row of seats behind you and headed into the kitchen.
The scene changed again. Chris held a baby in his arms, bright blue eyes and light reddish blonde curls aglow. He made cooing noises at the baby, while another child played at his feet. The playing child looked up at him with a grin, minus a couple of teeth. “Robert, where’s your sister hiding?” Chris heard a giggle coming from a nearby closet. He held the baby against his chest with one arm while he slowly opened the closet door. The giggles increased in volume. “Daddy you founded me!” The little girl’s beaming smile were outmatched by the bright blue eyes sparkling, looking just like his.
“Babe?” you called upstairs. No response. You tiptoed quietly upstairs and hid the small bags in your closet. You’d wait to show him tomorrow, when you could be snuggled up, kissing and touching, You went back down the stairs towards the his office in the front of the house. “Babe?”
“Baby girl, why were you hiding?” Chris closed the door to the closet and bent low to eye his daughter. He shifted the baby from one arm to the other; he reached out and wrapped his other arm tight around his daughter in a big hug. She giggled and squirmed at the kisses he dropped on her cheeks, nose and forehead. “Daddy!”
“Babe?” you found him curled up on the couch in the den. His dark eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks, his smile bloomed across his face. One arm was tucked into his chest and the other was dangling off the back of the couch. Dodger lifted his head to acknowledge you; you took the treat out of your pocket. Dodger reared up and barked once in approval at the treat. Chris shot up. “Huh? Dodger? What?” He heard a low chuckle and rubbed one eye with his hand as he turned towards your frame in the doorway. “Hey,” his voice grumbled. “When did you get back?”
You tossed Dodger the treat and walked in, taking a seat on the edge of the couch. You smiled and ran your right hand through Chris’s hair as your left cupped the side of his face. You kissed him softly before laying your head in the crook of his neck. “Just a few minutes ago. You looked awfully happy with your nap. Dreaming about something good I hope?”
Chris smiled to himself, his left hand rubbed your back. His right hand laid gently on your stomach. “Something amazing.”  You kissed him softly again, thinking about the twin onesies you had hiding in your upstairs closet.
Tag list: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @starksmile @lokiandbuckyaremine @ticklikeabomb @thenormreedus @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl @lilyrosebae @after-avenging-hours  @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @lionheo04 @bitsandbobsandstuff  @dewy-biitch @readitandweepfics @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @sarahivi @4theluvofall @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senorita-stucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus @theoneanna @lilybellsworld @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @xxloki81xx @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @crazybutconfidentaf @patzammit
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Missing - WinterWitch
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: All the flangst
A/N: This is for @until-theend-oftheline MCU January Quickie Challenge. The fic is inspired by her lovely aesthetic above. Enjoy!
WC: 1117
“Where is she?” Wanda yelled as she used her power to toss the Hydra agents against the side of the hallway they were in.
“I don’t know.” Bucky’s voice was clipped and full of the worry he felt at that moment. He shot two of the agents Wanda had thrown to ensure they stayed down.  “I haven’t seen her since we entered the building.”
“She’s not responding on the comms.”
Bucky flicked a glance over to see Wanda’s eyes blown wide with fear. “I know. I know she’s not.” He all but growled the response and grabbed the nearest agent to take out some of his aggression. After another flurry of action, everything was suddenly very still and quiet. As he panted and tried to catch his breath, he pressed on the comm in his ear. “Does anyone have eyes on Y/N?”
Wanda moved to his side and wrapped her arms around his waist as she pressed her face into his shirt. She trembled against him and he put one arm around her to keep her close. Another couple of minutes and everyone had responded in the negative as to your whereabouts. 
Bucky clenched his teeth together causing a muscle to tic in his jaw. This wasn’t like you. Sure, you did your own thing, but you never went silent. And you always let someone know where you were. You also normally stayed close to him or Wanda. No, he didn’t like this at all.
Wanda was a mess and Bucky didn’t know what state she would have been in had he not been there. Truth was, he wasn’t sure he was much better off but he was better at hiding it. “What’s our play here, Steve?”
There was a stretch of silence. “Let’s regroup outside at the rendezvous point. If she’s not there, we’ll coordinate a search. Odds are she’s just having an issue with her comms, so let’s keep our heads until there’s a reason to panic.”
“Yes, sir.” Steve’s words might have been addressed to the entire team but Bucky knew they were intended for him and Wanda. The two of them moved toward the entrance, shifting position so they were holding hands. He kept glancing over and would occasionally squeeze her hand when the look in her eyes became too painful.
His heart sank when they arrived at the meeting point and there was no sign of Y/N. He heard a gasp from Wanda and saw tears welling in her eyes. Tugging her toward him, he tucked her into his side. “Tell us what to do, Steve. I need to find our girl.”
Sympathy flooded Steve’s eyes, but Bucky didn’t want sympathy. He wanted his Y/N. Cap started to divide the team up and give them different areas to search. He’d only just begun when an explosion tore through the base, making them all rock on their feet. He spun taking Wanda with him and fell to his knees as the sheer enormity of the devastation overwhelmed him. No one could survive something like that.
His vision swam as tears flooded his eyes. Beside him, Wanda screamed—a haunting sound none of them was likely to forget any time soon. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly hoping she could find some sort of comfort from him, but he had little to give.
The two of them rocked in their pain. This was supposed to be a simple mission. In and out they’d been told. Instead, their Y/N was gone forever. Without Wanda by his side, there was no way he’d be able to survive this. Given the deep grief they so obviously shared, they just may perish together at any rate.
“Bucky.” Steve’s voice was soft, nudging for his attention. Bucky ignored it. He didn’t want the comfort of his oldest friend right now. He didn’t deserve it. He should never have left the facility without her.
“Bucky.” He was louder this time, more firm. Bucky still ignored him.
Suddenly, Steve’s big ape hand was on his head and turning it so he faced a different direction. A silhouette framed against the flames moved in their direction. He’d know that stride anywhere. A relieved laugh escaped him and he scrambled to his feet.
Wanda fell away from him in confusion until she followed the trajectory he was on. This time her gasp was a happy one and her tears were full of joy.
You were grinning by the time Bucky reached you and swept you up into his arms. The motion made you grunt and he quickly put you back on your feet. His eyes ran over you checking for injury. Blood ran down the side of your face, but the cut on your forehead appeared to be mostly superficial. You pressed a hand against your side. “Ribs.”
Wanda reached the two of you before he could respond and threw her arms around you, causing you to grunt again. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she exclaimed and started to pull away.
Your arms wrapped around her back to stop her. “You’re fine. Just don’t squeeze too hard.” Your eyes found his. “You too, Barnes. Get over here.”
The three of you just held each other for a long moment, silently acknowledging how different things could have ended.  Finally, you separated to head back to the others. You walked in the middle, their hands entangled with yours. “Hey, Cap,” you said by way of greeting when you stopped in front of Steve.
“Y/N. Good to see you.” The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Thought we’d lost you there for a second.”
Your nose scrunched up as if you’d smelled something bad. “Comms blew. I could hear you guys but no one could hear me. I completed my mission.”
He took in the burning rubble behind you. “I see that. Good job, Y/L/N. Load up, you three. Your can finish your reunion on the jet.”
“Please don’t,” Tony said and you turned to look at him with an arched brow. “I am young and impressionable, Y/N. There are some things I won’t be able to unsee.”
You snorted a laugh and Bucky rolled his eyes before sweeping you up into his arms to carry you the rest of the way. You’d complain but you were acutely aware of how much you’d scared him. Both of them. Wanda kept her grip on your hand. You took your seats at the back of the jet. Tony took a seat directly across from you and Bucky looked at him as he placed his hand on your thigh. “You want to keep that unsullied mind of yours, Stark, I suggest you find somewhere else to sit.”
Marvel:  @evyiione @gabriellewritermua @reblogger-not-a-blogger @youclickedthislink 
All the Things: @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @laneygthememequeen @collette04 @shatteredabby
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averyrogers83 · 5 years
What If
Author’s Notes: This is for @until-theend-oftheline #Kari’s MCU January Quickie.  Sorry this seems rushed and not very well written. Hope you like it anyway. Any feedback would be much appreciated.  This is all made up I don’t know Chris Evans personally and written for enjoyment only.  
Title: What If
Author: @averyrogers83
Summary: Chris x Reader (College AU)
Warnings: Fluff filled story with Chris x Reader
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The two of you met when the two of you were in your second year at Harvard, at a frat party of all places.  You were never one to party due to your heavy course load; even in high school you would rather spend your time study then partying, but your roommate and best friend Drew convinced you that you needed to take a study break and have some fun, in which you reluctantly agreed.
You dressed in your favorite purple button up, black jeans, and leather boats that had just the right amount of heel to give a few more inches yet you could still walk in them.  You weren’t looking to catch anyone’s eye, but you wanted to look decent and not like a slob.
You ran into a few people you had class with, but didn’t really know and talked to them for a few minutes before scoping out the rest of the party and that’s when you saw him.  Chris was standing in the corner with a couple of his buddies and surrounded by a bunch of sorority girls vying for their attention.  It was sad really watching those girls throwing themselves at the guys.  You knew Chris from your chem class, he always seemed to be surrounded by girls there too.
You had to admit you couldn’t blame them, he was definitely hot.  Blondish-brown hair, ocean blue eyes that you could drown in, and those muscles.  You couldn’t  keep yourself from steeling glances when he wasn’t looking just so you could admire his bulging biceps, wondering how they would feel wrapped around you.
You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t realized that he had somehow escaped the hoard around him until he was close enough that you could smell him.  He smelled of sweat and beer with a hint of musk.  You tried to take your mind off of the close proximity of his body to yours, but was failing so miserably that you gave up.
The rest of the party the two of you spent it alone talking about the classes you were taking, movies, music and anything else that came to mind.
From there the two of you seemed inseparable, finding reasons to spend time with each other.  First just to study for your chem exams, which then turned into getting coffee together.  Eventually your relationship evolved to dinner and movies, walks in the park, working out at the gym together till eventually the two of you were spending most nights in either your room or his.  By the time graduation day rolled around you and Chris had been dating for two years and were on the verge of finding a place together and making plans to spend the rest of your lives together.
To think that what if your best friend hadn’t insisted that the two of you go to that frat party two years ago, you wouldn’t be there now with the love of your life.
@until-theend-oftheline @patzammit
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Kari’s MCU January Quickie Masterlist
I had a rush of fics the past week. Thank you so much to all that decided to play along. I am blown away by your creativity! Remember to check out my February quickie under my challenge page on my blog y’all :D 
Go read these amazing fics and leave the authors some love!
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Chris Evans x Reader
Sweet Dreams by @jewels2876
Long Distance by @acreativelydifferentlove
Coming Home by @blacktithe7
What If by @averyrogers83
Always Have a Place to Stay by @queen-of-the-avengers
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Thor Odinson x Reader
So much for tradition by @becs-bunker
Sif Knows Best by @thatfanficstuff
Your Wish Is His Command by @queen-of-the-avengers
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The Witch and the Soldier by @docharleythegeekqueen
Starting Over by @until-theend-oftheline
Winterwitch x Reader
Missing by @thatfanficstuff
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Sif Knows Best - Thor
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Pairing: Thor x Reader
Warnings: nope
WC: 586
A/N: This is for @until-theend-oftheline January Quickie Challenge. The fic was inspired by her lovely aesthetic above.
The ringing of steel as swords clashed together filled your ears and had you grinning. It had been a long time since you’d seen any sort of real battle and you were the type that thrived on it. The creatures you fought had multiple eyes which allowed them to see anyone flanking them without having to turn their head. And they used their extra arm to their advantage by equipping multiple weapons.
It might have struck fear into a weaker army, but you were one of the warriors of Asgard. All it meant for you was that the battle might last a little longer. As you lopped an arm off your opponent, Sif jumped on his back and drove her sword into his skull. She hopped off and grinned. “Your boyfriend’s running late.”
You arched a brow and scoffed. “He is not my anything. We have discussed this.” You stepped past her to block the blow from a three hammer wielding foe. The weapons bounced off your shield and you shoved it forward to put more space between the two of you. You thrust your blade forward, smiling in satisfaction when it slipped into the flesh at his side.
Sif spun to slice into the side of another enemy’s knee. It howled as it dropped to the ground, unable to support itself on its remaining good leg. “And I have told you that Thor is smitten with you.”
A sound of disbelief came from you as you removed your opponent’s head from his shoulders. “That’s why he won’t shut up about that Midgard scientist.”
Sif raises her sword to pierce the heart of the creature on the ground when electricity shoots amongst the enemy, dropping most of them where they stood. You sheath your sword and turn to find Thor and Loki walking across the far side of the field. “He always ruins all our fun,” you murmur.
Sif’s laugh draws the attention of both princes. Thor’s face lights with a smile as he shifts to head in your direction. “Told you,” your friend teases before making herself scarce.
“Lady Y/N,” his voice booms as he comes to a stop in front of you. “A battle well fought as always.”
His smile faded at your mild reception, though it was so subtle you would have missed it had you not known him so well.
“We were beginning to think you weren’t going to make it,” you said when the silence stretched too long for your liking.
“I was on Midgard when Heimdell summoned me. I came as soon as I could.”
You hummed and walked toward where the others were gathered. “You were with your lady then?” You don’t know why you ask other than you like to constantly remind yourself he’s not yours.
He falls into step beside you and his hand wraps around your wrist to pull you to a stop. You glance up to find his blue gaze studying you. “There is only one lady I wish to call mine and she most certainly was not on Midgard.”
“Oh.” Your heart races and you consider asking if he means you or someone else but you’re afraid of the answer.
“For Odin’s sake, just kiss her already.” Sif’s shout comes from too far away and your face heats at the thought of everyone hearing her.
Thor’s smile widens into the carefree grin you love so much. “Who am I to deny the Lady Sif?” he asks and before you can respond, his lips are on yours. 
Marvel:  @evyiione @gabriellewritermua @reblogger-not-a-blogger @youclickedthislink 
All the Things: @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @laneygthememequeen @collette04 @shatteredabby 
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