m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
i know some people may see this and disagree, but honestly, i don’t care- lip was not at all at fault for not calling the cops on kash and some people need to stop acting like he was evil for not doing so. while i do think he should’ve, my main issue with it is that we always acknowledge that ian was a child at the time, but never seem to mention lip’s only a year older. the person who should’ve called the cops was linda, the adult who instead of placing the blame on kash, placed it on ian. and with ned, it should’ve been fiona or jimmy-steve, also adults, and in fiona’s case, an adult who had a parental role in ian’s life (even if she wasn’t yet legal guardian) and instead brushed the situation off as “just sex” and dumbed it down to it all being about ned being gay. lip knew it was wrong and was extremely upset both times it happened, and expressed his guilt for not calling the cops on kash. would it have been good if lip had called and kash was arrested? absolutely. but do i think he was obligated to as a child and bad for not calling? no. that should’ve never happened in the first place and while i understand where people are coming from when they express their disappointment with lip for not doing anything about it, i still don’t feel like lip was the one who should’ve been forced to handle that situation. leave that to the adults.
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kash karib when i show up to his house with a gun 😱😱😱😱😱😱😳😳😳😳😳😣😣😣😣
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theglitternet · 1 year
Society has moved beyond the need to rank Ian Gallagher’s exes. It’s always the same, because how could you rank
Love of his life
Guy he cheated on
Guy who cheated on him
Nonce who shot the love of his life
in any other order
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theartofcolehart · 16 days
Haruka Karibu 🦌 Day 793
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themoonandthedogstar · 9 months
i know Kash is a bad person but the mount of casual racism towards him in season 1 is so 😟 i’m just saying i’m surprised nobody called him a paki
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perplexed-angel · 3 months
It's always the most random characters who end up in my dreams. The night before last, Yvonne from Shameless ownder two shops in my local shopping centre. A couple months ago, Victor Henriksen was just on my road for some reason.
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fern-pajamabrain · 1 year
dormir o escuchar plena, esa es la cuestión
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
so obvs some things change in the republikang romano AU, but I think the most Huh one is that crasso never marries his dead brother's wife, but she lives in his house and he's raising her kids, but because he never marries his dead brother's wife, he never gets married in this AU, and it's creating. a kind of. subtext.
it's also an ancestral home, so you're like. well. that essay on death in ancestral/family homes. is applicable here. except it's more like your brothers and father got murdered in the living room while they made you watch. and now you watch the news here.
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trisfant · 1 year
Sahabat yang lebih karib dari pada seorang saudara.(Amsal 18:24)
Amsal 18:24 Ada teman yang mendatangkan kecelakaan, tetapi ada juga sahabat yang lebih karib dari pada seorang saudara. Tidak memiliki seorang teman menunjukkan keadaan kehancuran yang menyakitkan. Di sisi lain, seorang teman sejati bukanlah perolehan yang biasa. Itu sebuah berkat Tuhan. Ikatan persahabatan sejati sering kali lebih erat daripada ikatan alamiah. Persahabatan antara Daud dan…
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
“season 1 ian was his happiest era!” and then they will show you a photo of him smiling at his 40 year old boyfriend
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just remembered the ‘forbidden fruit’ line. what the fuck seriously
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aestherin · 2 years
fake news kayo, ako talaga endgame ni yn #aikayn4ver!!!!
omg yn harem??🫣
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theartofcolehart · 6 months
Haruka karibu 🦌Day 628
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do you know of any fic where lip actually reports kash for being a pedo? I remember in the episode where the neighbourhood goes to beat on the new neighbourhood sex offender but when they find out that she's a woman, they decide to leave her alone and lip tells ian that he wished he report kash. I know etharized against that sky has kash being reported but was wondering if there was any fic where lip does the reporting. thanks for all the great work you guys have been doing!!
Hey! We all looked for something like that but found nothing :( There are some fics with Lip talking about it to Ian later in canon, like in And that's the thing about Illicit affairs.., but no reporting. 
If anyone knows a fic like that, do tell!
P.S.  And thank you for your nice words <3
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anamon-book · 2 years
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演劇ぶっく FEB. 1995 NO.53 演劇ぶっく社 表紙=苅部園子 特集「創作現場を知りたい」
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david-cross10 · 2 years
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