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Nach dem Urlaub ist vor dem Urlaub
Zehn Gründe, um 2024 eine Reise nach Karlstadt am Main einzuplanen   (DJD). Save the date: Mit diesem Hinweis wird man von Freunden und Verwandten ganz frühzeitig über ein bevorstehendes Fest, etwa eine Hochzeit oder einen runden Geburtstag, informiert. Die Gäste können sich dann lange auf das Ereignis freuen und werden sich für diesen Tag nichts anderes vornehmen. Genauso sollte man es auch beim…
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rooms24-erfahrungen · 2 years
Hotel in Karlstadt schnell finden – Rooms24
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Buchen Sie jetzt das beste Hotel in Karlstadt! - Rooms24
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lemon-russ · 13 days
SO I wanted to share some heresy but Tumblr hates fun, so I have had to put it elsewhere.
BUT I got obsessed with this fic of @the-raven-lady 's Elias getting railed by and trying to eat @mothiir 's Isaiah. Turning them in my brain like a microwave.
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FULL VERSIONS Here and Here (some blood)
(Edit- changed links to twitter bc the internet hates fun. Made a whole twitter just for this lmfao ill use it for future heresy)
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
"Ich war die Erste" – Adelheid Schmidt-Thomé liest und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick über ihr Buch - Hörbahn on Stage
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “Ich war die Erste” – Adelheid Schmidt-Thomé liest und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick über ihr Buch – Hörbahn on Stage Lesung Adelheid Schmidt-Thomé(Hördauer ca. 30 min) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/HoS-Schmidt-Thome-Lesung-upload.mp3 Gespräch zwischen Adelheid Schmidt-Thomé und Uwe Kullnick (Hördauer ca. 49…
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start-with-words · 2 months
ECCLESIASTICAL (adjective) - relating to the Christian Church or its clergy.
These circumstances allowed Luther's colleagues back at the university, Andreas Karlstadt and Philip Melanchthon, to implement ecclesiastical reforms in the city of Wittenberg. Among their changes were marriage for clergy and making the sacrament of the Lord's Supper more accessible to the laity.
- Calvinism: A History, p. 18
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swanqueeneverafter · 1 year
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Chapter 1.
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Many Years Ago. (Two men ride their horses quickly through the countryside in the pouring rain. Crossing a long stone bridge, the two men reach the town of Karlstadt.) Karlstadt. (The men are stopped at the gates by guards.) Guard: “Halt! State your business!” Jacob: “Monsieur, we're looking for food and lodging.” (The guards look to each other and then let the two riders pass.) Guard: “On your way then.” Wilhelm: “Thank you, Sir.” (The men ride on into the walled town. They pass by a former soldier begging for money.) Soldier: “A little something, sir? Help an old soldier. Help an old soldier, sir. (Jacob leans down and tosses a gold coin to the man:) Oh, thank you. Thank you, sir. God bless you, sir.” (Reaching the stables, they come upon a young man touting for business.) Young Man: “Groom your horses, sirs?” Wilhelm: “Do you know the mayor of this town?” Young Man: “Only groom for the best, sir.” Wilhelm: (Hands him a letter:) “Then give him this.” Young Man: (Reading the wax seal on the letter:) “The Brothers Grimm?” Wilhelm: “Every second counts.”
Town Hall. (The people of the town are gathered to hear testimony of a miller who is suspected to have encountered a witch.) Old Miller: “The witch comes in the dead of night, when the moon is well-hid. She comes out of the darkest, coldest blackness. (He screams, causing the townsfolk to gasp in surprise:) Her cry would freeze the very blood in your veins.” Wilhelm: “You were right to send for us. How many here have seen her?” Mayor: “Everyone who lives by the old mill stream has seen her. It was a hundred years ago. The miller's wife was burned at the stake for witchcraft, and they tossed her charred bones into the river.” Jacob: (While writing all of this down:) “Ancient law dictates that her remains should have been sealed in a mirror-lined box.” Mayor: “Ah, well, for nights thereafter children saw her walk the riverbank, beckoning them to her.” Jacob: “And a good many did. The mill witch of Karlstadt.” Wilhelm: “Yes. (Pats his brother on the back:) We know the legend.” Miller’s Daughter: “Then you believe us?” Wilhelm: “Why, I'd believe anything you choose to tell me, my lady.” Old Miller: (Stands, shakily:) “Come to my mill. Such ungodly horrors! Such banshees screeching. And if you dare set eyes upon...” Mayor: “Shut up! Give him his medicine. (The Miller turns to his daughter who hands him a bottle:) Brothers Grimm, we're at our wit's end. What can you do for us?” Wilhelm: (While writing, distractedly:) “It's difficult. Jake?” Jacob: “When you burn a witch, her soul burns eternally, so the exorcism of witches requires a very special method.” Wilhelm: “And expensive.” Jacob: “Only an arrow of innocent tears, that is child's tears, shot directly through the heart can put out that fire.” Wilhelm: (Whispered:) “That's the theory. This is no ordinary witch.” Mayor: (Also whispered:) “But we've got no one else to turn to. Can't you help us? (The brothers look to each other, then Wilhelm places a piece of paper before the Mayor. Gasps:) How much?” (The Mayor looks helplessly out to the concerned faces of the townsfolk before shaking Wilhelm’s hand in reluctant agreement.) Wilhelm: “You're doing the right thing.” Mayor: “I hope so.”
Chapter continues on AO3... https://archiveofourown.org/works/50457079/chapters/127485394
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meghan-lomanya-kink · 2 months
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Rest in Peace, Doctor Ruth !
Karola Ruth Westheimer died 12.7.2024
4.6.1928 born in Karlstadt am Main
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france-cinema · 10 months
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L'année dernière à Marienbad avec Delphine Seyrig, film d'Alain Resnais, 1961.
Synopsis : Dans un château de bohême transformé en hôtel, des gens vivent dans une atmosphère feutrée. Ils sont là pour se reposer, et tout autre bruit que quelques paroles chuchotées est proscrit. Un homme s’attache à une femme et tente de la persuader qu’ils ont eu une aventure, l’année précédente, à Marienbad. Il lui a laissé un an de réflexion et il est maintenant temps pour elle de partir avec lui. La jeune femme affirme n'avoir « jamais été à Frederiksbad ». Ce pouvait être alors ailleurs, « à Karlstadt, à Marienbad, à Baden-Salsa ».
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c-etait-ailleurs · 2 years
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Alain Resnais - L'Année dernière à Marienbad
« Dans un grand hôtel de luxe, un homme tente de convaincre une femme qu'ils ont eu une liaison l'année précédente, qu'il lui a laissé un an de réflexion et qu'il est maintenant temps pour elle de partir avec lui. La jeune femme affirme n'avoir “jamais été à Frederiksbad". Ce pouvait être alors ailleurs, "à Karlstadt, à Marienbad, à Baden-Salsa" » (Wiki)
Non je ne vois pas qui vous êtes
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world-of-news · 19 days
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Den goldenen Herbst im Fränkischen Weinland erleben
Seniorinnen und Senioren können von Karlstadt aus die Ferienregion erkunden   (DJD). Für Seniorinnen und Senioren war der Herbst schon immer die beliebteste Reisezeit. Die Hitze des Sommers ist deutlich angenehmeren Temperaturen gewichen, die Natur erstrahlt in leuchtend bunten Farben, es ist noch lange hell. Die Jahreszeit lädt vor allem zum Wandern oder Radeln ein. Den goldenen Herbst kann man…
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rooms24-erfahrungen · 2 years
Hotel in Karlstadt schnell finden – Rooms24
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Suchen Sie ein Hotel in Karlstadt? Wenn ja, dann haben Sie Glück! Karlstadt ist eines der beliebtesten Reiseziele in Europa, und als solches gibt es eine große Auswahl an Hotels. Aber bei so vielen Optionen kann es schwierig sein zu wissen, wo man anfangen soll. Keine Sorge, – wir sind hier, um zu helfen. In diesem Blogbeitrag geben wir Ihnen einige Tipps, wie Sie das perfekte Hotel für Ihren Karlstadt-Urlaub finden. Wir werden darüber sprechen, worauf Sie in einem Hotel achten sollten, wo Sie nach Hotels suchen und wie Sie verschiedene Hotels vergleichen können. Am Ende dieses Beitrags sind Sie ein Experte für die Suche nach Hotels in Karlstadt... Weiterlesen
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buggie-hagen · 4 months
If now I seek the forgiveness of sins, I do not run to the cross, for I will not find it given there. Nor must I hold to the suffering of Christ, as Dr. Karlstadt trifles, in knowledge or remembrance, for I will not find it there either. But I will find in the sacrament or gospel of the word which distributes, presents, offers, and gives to me that forgiveness which was won on the cross. ~Martin Luther, AE 40:213-214
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Hörbahn on Stage: Gunna Wendt liest aus "Waren wir doch Teile voneinander - Geschichten von berühmten Schwestern" und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick über ihre Liebe zum Schreiben
Hörbahn on Stage: Gunna Wendt liest aus “Waren wir doch Teile voneinander – Geschichten von berühmten Schwestern” und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick über ihre Liebe zum Schreiben
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hörbahn on Stage: Gunna Wendt liest aus “Waren wir doch Teile voneinander – Geschichten von berühmten Schwestern” und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick über ihre Liebe zum Schreiben Lesung Gunna Wendt (Hördauer ca. 27 min) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/HoS_Gunna-Wendt-Schwestern-Lesung-upload.mp3 Gespräch zwischen Gunna Wendt und Uwe…
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petergwaelod · 5 months
Martin Luther, Atheism, Secularism and Individualism.
Martin Luther, without realising it, gave us 3 -isms. Atheism, Secularism and Individualism. He was the first to give us the idea of thinking for yourself- not being told- a profound scepticism against the religious tradition. Luther’s great argument is sola scriptura, if it's not in the Bible, get rid of it. The logical implication of that is why only scripture? Why not get rid of scripture as well? And essentially that is the kind of the end point that Protestant countries arrived at. The process of the reformation logically ends with atheism, which is why so many prominent atheists and humanists sound so Protestant. They are evangelical, eg Richard Dawkins.
Luther would be scandalised to see what has happened. He was very angry when 2 of his faithful followers Karlstadt and Müntzer took things much further than he wished, even though they remained within what we would recognise as Protestantism. Karlstadt, an early supporter of Luther, went on to press for more extensive reforms in theology and church life. Müntzer believed that the Bible states that all people are equal- an inspiring message to those who lived as peasants. After the Battle of Frankhausen Luther published a tract entitled “Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants”
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