#Kasumi Sakuya
hajimariwaquartet · 5 months
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someone's a big fan
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] Petals and a Letter | BE.MINE ver. SAKUYA - Part 3
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Izumi: Good morning.
Sakuya: I’ll do my best!
Sakuya: Huh, Kasumi-san?
Kasumi: Ah, Sakuya-kun and Director! G-Good morning!
Izumi: So you’re here too, Kasumi-san.
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Kasumi: I-It’s not what you think, I’m just…!
Kasumi: I happened to come to the editorial office of “BE.MINE” for an errand, and they asked me if I wanted to take a peek at Sakuya-kun’s photoshoot since it was nearby.
Kasumi: So it’s not like I said I wanted to come here or anything…!
Izumi: (Well… even if it was because she was invited, I’m pretty sure she just came purely to see Sakuya-kun’s photoshoot.)
Sakuya: I see. It’s reassuring to have you here, Kasumi-san!
Kasumi: Sakuya-kun… you really are such a kind boy…
Sakuya: No, that’s not…! I really do mean it.
Staff: We’re all ready. Sakuma-san, please come this way!
Sakuya: Okay, pleased to be working with you!
Kasumi: Good luck, Sakuya-kun!
Izumi: …Sakuya-kun was a little nervous about today, but thanks to you, I think I saw his shoulders relax just a little bit, Kasumi-san.
Kasumi: Eh, really?
Izumi: Really. So thank you for coming to see him.
Cameraman: Alright then, why don’t you just lie down there first, Sakuma-san?
Sakuya: Okay!
Cameraman: First, close your eyes… Like that, and now slowly open them.
Sakuya: …
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Sakuya: …Good morning.
Kasumi: Eh! Good morning…!
Staff: Ahaha, Hinamori-san has already replied!
Kasumi: Well, who wouldn’t respond to something like that…!?
Izumi: Fufu, I get how you feel, Kasumi-san.
Kasumi: Right!?
Sakuya: Thank you so much, Kasumi-san!
Kasumi: S-Sakuya-kun… you’re welcome…!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: It sure was surprising to see Kasumi-san walk into the studio.
Sakuya: Yeah. But it’s thanks to her that I was able to relax a bit.
Izumi: Yeah, you looked really relaxed to me, and all of your expressions were really good.
Sakuya: It’s such a relief to hear you say that, Director.
Sakuya: Actually, I asked one of the teachers at the daycare how she feels when her husband wakes her up.
Sakuya: She said it made her heart race at first, but now that they’re family, it makes her feel a lot more calm.
Izumi: I see.
Sakuya: And it was thanks to Citron-san and the others, that I also realized that I shouldn’t get too caught up on the word “boyfriend” in my case.
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Sakuya: I thought it would be better for me if I imagined being woken up by my family instead.
Sakuya: So I tried to imagine being woken up by everyone in Spring Troupe and you, and surprisingly, the pictures turned out to be really calm and gentle.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Wasn’t that difficult?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Wasn’t the situation this time difficult for you?
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Sakuya: To be honest, I was having a really hard time getting it right at first…
Sakuya: When I practiced with Tsuzuru-kun and Citron-san, they kept telling me that I was way too stiff for a boyfriend.
Izumi: Really? If it was that hard for you, you could’ve told me and I could’ve talked to the editorial department about getting you a different situation.
Sakuya: No! It was a situation that they thought of specifically for me…
Sakuya: I wanted to do my best since they were pictures people would be happy to see!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: Me too?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: You imagined me too?
Sakuya: Of course. Because you’re an important member of my family, Director!
Sakuya: Imagining you might’ve even been what gave me the most strength.
Izumi: Huh?
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Sakuya: Ah…!
Sakuya: No, wait, um, I didn’t mean that in a weird way or anything…!
Izumi: Y-Yeah. It’s okay.
Sakuya: Sorry about that…
Izumi: It’s okay, really. I’m happy to hear you say that we’re family, Sakuya-kun.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: You had a really calm, gentle, Sakuya-kun-like expression on your face that I’m sure your fans will be happy with.
Sakuya: I’ll be really happy if that’s the case!
Sakuya: When the magazine releases, I wanna do an Inste live to share all my thoughts and feelings on it with my fans!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
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skateboarding-poet · 2 years
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mxchiiruu · 2 years
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lil act 3 doodle while i get through my “I have forgotten how to draw” phase <3
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animemakeblog · 3 months
“Momentary Lily” The Opening Theme, First Promo
The opening theme and first promotional video of GoHands's Momentary Lily television anime series were unveiled via the show's official website. The debut of the anime is slated for January 2025.
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cherryblossomangelle · 6 months
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Who wants to see the poster I made for my imaginary Mankai production of Mamma Mia???? Starring Kasumi as Donna, Sakuya as Sophie, Syu as Sam, Hiro as Harry, Zen as Bill, Sakyo as Rosie, and Azuma as Tanya :)
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A3! Tsukioka Tsumugi | R - Nomadic Bartender | Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Help from Tsumugi-sensei / 1
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Tsumugi: “At first, I could make a living as a hunter, but I can’t maintain seven children with it—” Tasuku: Huh? Are you reading the script here?  Tsumugi: Ah, Tasuku.  Tasuku: …Want me to join you?  Tsumugi: Do you want to?  Tasuku: Yeah. I wanted to review the parts I did in today’s practice.  Tsumugi: Then, please do. Ehm, from this line here—.
Tasuku: Why don’t we leave it here for today?  Tsumugi: Sure. Thank you for joining me, Tasuku.  Tasuku: Thanks to you too.  Tsumugi: Reading the script made me feel like the story for this time is fascinating. Tsumugi: As expected of Tsuzuru-kun, he added surprises to the setting for my character, Hunter. Tasuku: He even has seven children.  Tsumugi: Exactly.   Tsumugi: But that means I have to prepare to play a father-like role. Tasuku: A father… that’s unexpectedly difficult.  Tsumugi: But playing a role I haven’t experienced before— Tasuku: It’s the best part about acting. 
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Cafe employee: Thank you for your visit.  Tsumugi: We ended up staying until the closing hour. I hope we didn’t bother the employee…  Banri: It’s alright. That’s their job, after all.  Sakuya: —  Banri: Huh? Isn’t that Sakuya?  Sakuya: Tsumugi-san, Banri-kun! Nice to see you! Tsumugi: Good evening, Sakuya-kun. Are you coming back from the daycare?  Banri: Do you always come back at this hour?  Sakuya: Actually, one of the teachers wasn’t feeling well and took a temporary break. So we are a little short-handed at the moment…  Sakuya: That’s why I stayed helping until late today.  Tsumugi: I understand… It must be hard.  Sakuya: The daycare principal and some others are looking for someone to help there, but they haven’t found any…  Banri: Well, the short-term makes it quite hard.  Sakuya: But the teacher will return soon, so I will do my best until then!  Tsumugi: —  Tsumugi: —So Sakuya-kun.  Sakuya: Hm?
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Sakuya: Everyone, can you listen to me for a moment?  Child A: O~kay!  Child B: What is it~, Sakuya-sensei?  Sakuya: You see, there’s someone I would like to introduce to you.  Sakuya: …Please, come in!  Tsumugi: It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Tsumugi Tsukioka and I will be with you for a while.
Help from Tsumugi-sensei / 2
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Tsumugi: You can call Tsumugi-sensei. I hope we can get along well.  Child A: Tsumugi-sensei!  Child B: Let’s get along!  Sakuya: Then, why don’t we start playing with Tsumugi-sensei?  Children: Okay!  Tsumugi: (I feel a bit nervous… about working in the daycare.)
- Flashback starts - Tsumugi: … So Sakuya-kun.  Sakuya: Hm? Tsumugi: Can I be appointed to help in the daycare?  Sakuya: Eh?! Tsumugi… you want to do it?  Tsumugi: My role for the next play is a father of seven children.  Tsumugi: So I thought I might get a clue about how to play my role if I interact with the little children in the daycare…  Banri: Oh, that makes sense.  Tsumugi: Of course, I don’t want to do it only for my role study— Tsumugi: I’ll do my tasks diligently because I want to help in Sakuya-kun’s part-time job. Tsumugi: —What do you think?  Sakuya: Someone as kind and reliable as Tsumugi-san might be totally welcomed!  Banri: Yeah, I agree. They can trust everything will go well with Tsumugi-san.  Tsumugi: Then… Sakuya: Yes. I will talk with my superiors about it! - Flashback ends -
Tsumugi: (I’ll do my best not to cause trouble for Sakuya-san or the superiors.)  Sakura: Tsumugi-sensei, let’s play~!  Kaede: Over here, Tsumugi-sensei!  Tsubaki: We have a lot of toys~.  Tsumugi: (The last name in their name tag is “Hinamori”… Which means they are Kasumi-san’s daughters.) Kaede: What do we do today?  Sakura: I want to do origami!  Tsumugi: Fufu, sounds good. Then, let’s fold them together.  Tsubaki: Hmm, like this… and then this!  Tsumugi: Wow, amazing! It’s a lop-eared dog.  Sakura: Do one too, sensei!  Tsumugi: Okay, I will try to make something.  Tsumugi: Like this then this… and, I finished.  Tsubaki: What is it, sensei?  Tsumugi: We draw a face here, then add hands and legs… look, his name is Sankaku-kun.  Tsubaki: So cute~!  Child A: Eh, I want to see.  Child B: It’s true. So cute!  Child C: Tsumugi-sensei, make one for me too!  Tsumugi: Okay. Hm, we fold here, and then we do this… okay, here you go.  Child C: Thanks!  Child B: Tsumugi-sensei is so nice~.  Child A: I want my father to be like Tsumugi-sensei.  Tsumugi: Ahaha… thanks, I guess?
Child A: Goodbye, Tsumugi-sensei!  Tsumugi: Goodbye. Kasumi: Huh? Tsumugi-kun?  Tsumugi: Kasumi-san! Good evening.  Kasumi: What are you doing here, Tsumugi-kun?  Tsumugi: Some things happened, and I’ll be helping here for some time. Kasumi: I see! Did my girls give you any trouble?  Tsumugi: None, they were very good children. I’m a new face, and even so, they have been nice to me.  Tsumugi: When I was playing with them, I thought it was Kasumi-san’s care that made them grow as kind children. Kasumi: Eeh? I will be embarrassed if you directly tell me something like that!  Kaede: Yawn…  Tsubaki: Papa, Kaede-chan is sleepy.  Kasumi: I see, let’s go home fast then.  Tsumugi: Then, thank you for everything.  Kasumi: No, no, thanks to you!  Tsumugi: Goodbye, Sakura-chan, Kaede-chan, and Tsubaki-chan.  Sakura: Goodbye, Sakuya-sensei and Tsumugi-sensei.  Sakuya: Goodbye!  Tsumugi: …  Sakuya: What’s wrong, Tsumugi-san?  Tsumugi: …Nothing.  Tsumugi: It’s just that the back of a true father is sturdy, don’t you think?  Sakuya: …Yes, I think the same!
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months
Act 12
Episode 11: Each of Our Depatures
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
Taichi: Well, I'm off then!
Juza: Same.
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Izumi: Take care.
Omi: It's only a little bit, but I've put some pre-made side dishes and dessert in the fridge, so please feel free to eat them.
Izumi: Thank you!
Banri: See you later, Director. I'll be in touch.
Izumi: Yeah, see you.
Masumi: I'm staying too.
Tsuzuru: Then there'd be no point to any of this.
Izumi: We went over this extensively yesterday.
Masumi: ...Then video call me daily. 24 hours a day.
Itaru: Scary.
Tsuzuru: You're sticking to her even more closely than when we're in the dorms.
Izumi: Everything will get back to normal in no time.
Muku: It's only for now.
Kumon: It'll be like going on summer vacation.
Kazunari: Totally. It’s a little sad, but it'll all be okay!
Misumi: Until then, I'll keep looking for triangles!
Yuki: See you soon.
Tenma: Be careful while you're alone.
Izumi: I will. See you soon!
Itaru: Since Sakyo's curfew decree no longer holds, I'm free to do all-nighters.
Izumi: Please don’t overdo it!
Chikage: Call me if you need anything.
Azuma: You can contact me even if you don't need anything.
Guy: You are always welcome to come to the bar.
Izumi: Got it!
Sakyo: Alright, I’m counting on you. If you ever feel like you're in danger, call me anytime.
Izumi: Roger that.
Homare: Well, I'll be off then. I'll make sure to write plenty of poems while I’m back home. I look forward to performing them for you.
Homare: Hisoka, please do make sure to keep a record of your marshmallow intake so you don't run out of them.
Hisoka: ...I know. I'll just find some new marshmallows.
Izumi: Let me know if you find any.
Tsumugi: I'm off. Thanks for looking after the dorm.
Izumi: Leave everything to me. Take care.
Tasuku: When I get home, I'll try to reflect on myself so that I can face the play with a new mindset.
Izumi: Sounds good!
Izumi: (The dormitory suddenly feels so quiet with everyone leaving one by one.)
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Banri: Disbanding?
Tenma: Are you serious?
Izumi: Not at all. But, considering everything, I think this is the best way to go.
Izumi: If we all work together, I'm sure we won't lose to Amadate.
Izumi: But I definitely don't want to put everyone in danger.
Izumi: That threatening e-mail demanded that the troupe be disbanded, right?
Izumi: So I thought it would be a good idea to have everyone move out of the dorms and pretend that the troupe has been disbanded.
Sakyo: If rumors of disbanding get out, even Amadate might be fooled by it.
Izumi: If we all work together and gather enough materials to corner Amadate in the meantime, we might be able to resume our performances with peace of mind.
Izumi: Honestly, because of this situation, I want all of us to be together. I don't want us to fall apart.
Izumi: But we have to break up for everyone's safety for now.
Izumi: Even if we live in different places, I believe that we'll all continue feeling the same way.
Sakuya: Izumi...
Izumi: What will you do now, Itaru and Chikage?
Itaru: I can't relax at my parents' house because my older sister is there, so I'll just rent a monthly apartment for a while.
Chikage: For me, well, I have a lot of places available to me.
Itaru: Will Sakuya be staying with you?
Chikage: I have a place I can prepare for him.
Citron: I'll be living in a hotel for a while, so you can stay with me!
Itaru: As expected of a celebrity.
Tsuzuru: My house is small and noisy, but I can arrange for a place to sleep.
Masumi: There’s plenty of rooms at my place. You don't have to come though.
Itaru: Then why even bother pointing that out.
Sakuya: Thank you very much. But I’ve already decided where to go, so I’ll be fine.
Chikage: Is that so?
Izumi: Where will you be staying?
Sakuya: Kasumi was the first to invite me, so I'm planning to stay with him for just one night.
Izumi: For one night? What about after that…?
Sakuya: I've been seriously thinking over what I can do and what I wanted to do until I stepped on stage as Saku again.
Sakuya: So I thought about going on my first ever solo trip before the performance, but I gave up on doing it because there wasn’t much time.
Sakuya: Besides, I also have homework that you gave me, Izumi!
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Tsumugi: I agree, as Izumi said, it might be best to pretend to break up.
Sakyo: If we want to be safe, that's the way to go.
Izumi: Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind, I have some homework for you.
Izumi: While you're away from the dorm, I want you all to think about what your life would be like if you hadn't joined Mankai Company.
Izumi: Then compare that hypothetical life with the life you have now and the life you want in the future.
Izumi: After finding your reason why you want to stand on the Mankai stage as a member of this theater company, I hope you all come back.
Muku: That's...
Izumi: Of course, I haven’t given up on our future performances or the Fleur Award.
Izumi: But, in this current situation where we're at our lowest, I don't know for sure when we will be able to perform together again.
Izumi: I don't want to leave everyone in a dark situation where the future is uncertain.
Izumi: That's why I want each of you to step away from the company and reconsider your reasons for wanting to remain in the company.
Izumi: If everyone comes back after doing that, I'm sure the new Mankai Company will become a theater company stronger and more united than ever before.
Izumi: Of course, no matter what conclusion you reach, I will support that answer.
Izumi: So, please...
Juza: Got it. I'll take this opportunity to face myself again.
Azami: It could be a good opportunity.
Sakuya: After hearing your words, I felt like I could finally face my hometown, which I’ve been afraid to confront for so long.
Sakuya: I am sure that now is the time for me to set off on my journey. I'm not afraid anymore because I know you will be here waiting for me.
Izumi: I see...
Izumi: (When I think back to during our debut performance when he played as Romeo, he was terrified that his place would be taken away from him. He has grown up a lot since then.)
Izumi: I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey. Please be careful.
Sakuya: Look forward to seeing your souvenirs! I’ll be off!
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Kabuto: (I never imagined my old man would resort to such extreme measures... He's truly a scary opponent.)
*Phone rings*
Kabuto: ...
Aoshi: "Hey Kabuto, what’s your deal with skipping today's regular practice without permission?"
Aoshi: "Are you just sleeping at home again?"
Kabuto: I can't show up to practice for a while. Starting tomorrow, you'll be in charge in my place.
Aoshi: "What? Wait, what's that supposed to mean—"
Kabuto: And don't come near my room for a while.
Aoshi: "...Is there a problem?"
Kabuto: That concludes any business talk.
Aoshi: "Okay, okay. I get it. You won’t explain. At least I understand the situation regarding practice."
Aoshi: "However, since you're the poster boy of Hyakka Theater Company, it'll be troublesome if you don't come back soon."
Kabuto: I'm sure even my old man understands my value as a commodity.
Aoshi: "...Seems like this is related to Mr. Amadate after all. Please keep your parent-child conflicts in moderation."
Kabuto: You should be saying that to him instead.
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Kabuto: (I’ve left the affairs of the theater company to Aoshi, but what should I do moving forward...?)
Kabuto: (It's likely my old man already knows that I tried to leak information to Mankai Company.)
Kabuto: (Since I don’t have all the necessary information yet, it feels like I’m being misled, and because of that, there’s a possibility that my movements will become restricted.)
Kabuto: (How can I contact Mankai Company without leaving any traces behind...?)
Subordinate: Mr. Kabuto.
Kabuto: …!
Subordinate: Will you come with me peacefully? I don't wish to be rough with you.
Kabuto: ...Tch.
Subordinate: Please hand over all of your devices.
Kabuto: … It’s just this.
Subordinate: Now then, this way please.
*thank you guys for your patience. Hopefully I’ll have a regular update schedule for everything by tomorrow!
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maze-of-my-design · 1 month
persona fun facts :o? can be from any game!
totally not copy-pasted from dms FUN FACTS BRIGADE (also i cut it in half with a readmore bc its. a lot)
Ann is the tallest girl among the Phantom Thieves, santing at 5'5! (In my head she is taller than Ren but shh)
If you take the thieves to darts, the worst player in the gang is surprisingly not Morgana, but Sumire! Don't ask me how she's worse than a cat!
In P5 (including royal), Ann is the only romance option to directly say "I love you" to the protagonist without cutting herself off* (and, i'm half sure, she's one of the few direct kisses a protagonist receives in a persona game) and honestly? good for them ily ann im so gay for her *Sumire says it too, even before being romanced, but it's not a complete "i love you", per se. She stutters through her confession and Ren has to finish it for her because she's so flustered, which is pretty cute i'll be real but in terms of Saying it, it technically doesn't count.
Sho Minazuki (yknow, the guy from the arena games) was originally meant to be the protagonist for P5! This is massively implied in ending dialogue for the Arena games, as well as how similar the two look if you, like, dye his hair black. Also if you recall the original Femc for P5 with the neon red hair…
Sumire lives with her dad, that much is obvious, but the Royal artbook reveals she also lives with her grandma and her mother!
Among all the non-party-member confidants in P5 (including royal), only 5 find out Ren's identity as a Phantom Thief through something else other than a mementos request. These are Maruki, Yoshida, Sojiro, Mishima, and Sae
The Featherman series is a Power Rangers style anime that airs in the inner universe of the series. Contrary to what the Dancing games make us believe, There's always only 5 Feather soldiers that are part of the main crew: Pink Argus, Red Hawk, Black Condor, Yellow Owl, and Blue Swan. These names, however, are sometimes interchanged between "generations" of the show.
Actually lemme go on a tangent (you asked for fun facts you're GETTING fun facts) There are three generations of the Featherman show to date: OG Featherman (persona 2), Featherman R (Persona 3), and Featherman V (P4 and the Arena games). There's actually a change in the naming semantics every new generation of Featherman. For example, take this excerp from the wiki: "Red Eagle (from Featherman), Feather Hawk (from Featherman R and/or Neo Featherman), Feather Red (from Featherman V)" So in P2, the naming convention is "[Color] [Bird name]", in P3 it's "Feather [bird name]" and in P4 it's "Feather [color]"
Ok tangent over don't ask me how i know so much about a fictional series from a fictional game JSVGEFVR more fun facts
Sumire actually has the biggest amount of portrait sprite variations, since it includes her Kasumi and her Sumire sprites. She deserves it tbh, fashion icon
Another Sumire fact! Did you know Maruki "transformed" sumi into her sister on her birthday? I sure did! Fuck you Maruki!! Uninvited from MY birthday party for sure
Sumire, piror to the third semester, is only ever called by her last name, Yoshizawa, by everyone aside from Ren, Morgana and Futaba. This is a very a subtle way to show something's up with her and i gasped when i first found out about it.
Ok fine enough P5 facts have a P3 fact. It's kinda well known im pretty sure but Makoto Yuki's barrage of official names include, also, Sakuya Shiomi from the stageplay. Sakuya means "blossom" or "bloom". Hey do you recall that he dies in March 5th? yknow, when spring starts? Cherry trees. you get it
Back to P5, Tactica reveals that Haru used to indulge in chopping firewood when she was younger. Her dad didn't like that for her, but he never tried to stop her. This probably leads to her having an Axe as part of her Phantom Thief artillery.
Did you know Fuuka and Futaba actually become friends in the Dancing games? They sadly don't remain friends after losing their memories post-game but Fuuka knew her as Alibaba, and Futaba knew her as Lucia :) I hope they became friends online again
In the jazz jin in Royal, Futaba reveals that the retro console you use to play games was hers, and that she'd sold it to the shop in Yongen. Also apparently the busted laptop you buy there was Haru's! (fact also revealed in the Jazz Jin)
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imasallstars · 1 year
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Information regarding the first IJIGEN FES 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 9th and 10th of December 2023. This first fes will feature three branches of IDOLM@STER performing with four branches of Love Live!
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Asami Takano (Frederica Miyamoto), Yuki Nakashima (Yuuki Otokura), Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Honoka Inoue (Nanami Asari), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia), Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka), Ru Thing (Syuko Shiomi), Teru Ikuta (Natalia), Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Momo Asakura (Serika Hakozaki), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku), Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama), Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa), Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki Shimamura), Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Amina Sato (Arisu Tachibana), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Natsumi Haruse (Kaoru Ryuzaki), Misaki Kuno (Nina Ichihara), Yuri Komori (Koharu Koga), Mina Nakazawa (Yukimi Sajo), Maki Hanatani (Kozue Yusa) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Aimi (Julia), Miku Itou (Yuriko Nanao), Ibuki Kido (Kana Yabuki), Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayama), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Rikako Yamaguchi (Rio Momose) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya), Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa), Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi), Rina Kawaguchi (Luca Ikaruga), Haruna Mikawa (Hana Suzuki), Rena Ozawa (Haruki Iketa)
DAY 1&2
AQOURS (LOVE LIVE! SUNSHINE!!)  Anju Inami (Chika Takami), Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Nanaka Suwa (Kana Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Shukai Saito (You Watanabe), Aika Kobayashi (Yoshiko Tsushima), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Aina Suzuki (Mari Ohara), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa) NIJIGASAKU SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Aguri Ohnishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maede (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashia), Akari Kito (Kanata Konoe), Coco Hayashi (Setsuna Imura), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune), Shu Uchida (Mia Taylor), Akina Homoto (Zhong Lanzhu).  Support Member: Hinaki Yano (Yu Takasaki) Liella! (LOVE LIVE! SUPERSTAR!!)  Sayuri Date (Kanon Shibuya), Liyuu (Keke Tang), Nako Misaki (Chisato Arashi), Naomi Payton (Sumire Heanna), Nagisa Aoyama (Ren Hazuki), Nozomi Suzuhara (Kinako Sakurakoji), Akana Yabushima (Mei Yoneme), Wakana Okuma (Shiki Wakana), Aya Emori (Natsumi Onitsuka), Yuina (Wien Margarete), Sakura Sakakura (Tomari Onitsuka) HASUNOSORA SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Nirei Nozomi (Kaho Hinoshita), Kokona Nonaka (Sayaka Murano), Nina Hanamiya (Kozue Otomune), Kotoka Sasaki (Tsuzuri Yugiri), Kanna Kan (Rurino Osawa), Kona Tsukine (Megumi Fujishima)
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [R] Fluttering Vacation Night (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Masumi: …
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Kasumi: Ah, he’s here. Masumi-kun. Over here, over here!
Masumi: …!
Kasumi: Great to see you. You didn’t get lost on your way here?
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Masumi: No. I’ve come here before for a show.
Kasumi: Oh, you've acted in this lounge? Please tell me all about it—. Err, that’s not it. I’m here to talk about love with Masumi-kun today!
Masumi: I’d like some advice from you, the love master.
Kasumi: Ahaha. That title is too much for me, but I’m delighted if I can be of help. You know, I was thrilled when Sakuya-kun sent me a message… But I never thought he’d tell me that you, Masumi-kun, wanted to talk about love with me!
Masumi: …I heard you were the one who made this reservation.
Kasumi: Right. When I heard, I made the reservation right away. Fufu, it’s been a long time since I’ve had such an exciting afternoon tea.
Waiter: Welcome, I believe you have a reservation? Please come this way.
Kasumi: Ooh~, the role of a noblewoman! That sure sounds interesting. I’m really happy just hearing about it like this! Thank you for sharing your story.
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Masumi: No problem.
Kasumi: Well then, let’s get to the main topic now.
Masumi: Kumon and I are going participate in an upcoming photoshoot at a night pool that Tenma is doing for a job. The pool will be reserved for us, so we’ll be free to enjoy ourselves after the photoshoot. Director is also going to come along that day as a chaperone.
Kasumi: That’s amazing! It’s nice she gets to enjoy summer even if she’s chaperoning for work.
Masumi: I’m sure it’ll be fun playing with her in the night pool, even just for a little while.
Kasumi: Fufu, I see. So you’re saying you want to have fun together with Director.
Masumi: Exactly.
Kasumi: If you ask me… in that case, how about splitting up into pairs and racing using a big swim ring? It’ll be natural teaming up as a pair and that competitive factor will get your heart thumping!
Masumi: …
*writes down notes*
Kasumi: Also, if the night pool is aimed towards adults, then there are bound to be spots that serve stylish cocktails, right? If you request it, they’ll make an original image cocktail for you.
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Masumi: An imagine cocktail?
Kasumi: You tell them about someone’s personality and characteristics and they’ll craft a drink with colours and flavours that match that image. Of course I’m sure you can order a non-alcoholic drink as well.
Masumi: I’ll give her an original drink inspired by “my feelings for Director” as a present…
Kasumi: Wow, that sounds wonderful!! The idea of giving it to her as a present is sure to hit!! It will be so romantic explaining which parts represent her! Ah, but it might be better purposely keeping it to yourself? You can express your secret feelings through the cocktail…!
Masumi: I’m sure that will make an amazing present. You really are the love master.
Kasumi: That’s not true…! I’m really just a love junkie, that’s all.
Kasumi: *Sigh*~. We talked a lot! The second half basically sounded like I was going off about my own wild fantasies though. I hope it was alright…?
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Masumi: It helped a lot. I’ll find a way to implement your ideas.
Kasumi: Wonderful! I know you have work to do, but have lots of fun after you’re finished, alright?
| next
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A3! reading club: act one (chapter 1-6)
(cw: talking about parental neglect and abuse, orientalism, one mention of suicide)
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Hey, ten out of twelve isn't bad, all things considered! This very well could have gone down in October. Also, since it's February (March if you wanna be generous), does that mean everyone in Harugumi's slightly younger than their Year One ages now? Ack, timelines are confusing.
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Izumi casually talking about how Yukio neglected her and following it up with "well, it was probably because he loved this theater so much!" is. Oh, girl. No wonder she snapped when Sakyo suggested he'd abandoned Mankai, because if he hadn't loved it, then why did she have to go through with that?
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I'm not versed enough in Japanese particles but I recognize "daijoubu" and Tsuzuru watching this trainwreck unfold and saying something along the lines of "are you guys, like, okay?" is extremely funny.
Then we get to Sakuya and Masumi's family situations, which. From a meta perspective, it makes sense to want to give your minor protagonists the freedom that having parents limits. That's why the trope of "young protagonist in kid's spec fic media is conveniently an orphan" is so common. (was? I think it's becoming less common now.) The problem lies in the lack of willingness to follow through with the emotional conflict it creates, or resolve said conflict in a satisfying manner. Sure, I'm assuming they weren't starved or physically abused, but being treated like a burden when you're a child is still fucking traumatizing! Basically I think Izumi Sakuya and Masumi should start a union. And I'm glad later chapters go the reasonably more toned-down route of "my parents have a reasonable amount of trust in me to make these kinds of decisions".
Also, can we talk about Sakuya and Masumi, because they're one of my favorite brotps here. The way Sakuya appoints himself as Masumi's surrogate big brother? He's so eager to potentially share a room with him ;-;. (personally I hc that Ms. Sakuma was expecting another child before the accident or whatever killed them, so Sakuya's been a big brother without a younger sibling all this time </3)
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Wow, that doesn't sound like a metaphor for anything! You're right, Izumi, why would you go the easy route of taking something prepackaged and guaranteed when a bunch of wildly different spices can create a delicious meal if you know how to utilize them right?
Am I grasping at straws here. Probably.
The little ka-ching sound effect is adorable.
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Tsuzuru, I'd think "antagonist" should be near the top of the list...also, there's plenty of plays that have been pulled off with two or three actors. Just put on "night, Mother" or something. (Joking. Don't look up night, Mother if you're sensitive to themes of suicide.)
"Tsuzuru, you picked this troupe because it had a dorm, right? ...Then maybe our best bet is to focus on more people in your shoes."
"People in my shoes? In other words...."
"The homeless?"
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he's literally doing the 😔 face i'm on the floor.
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HE'S HERE! Funny how Izumi's right about Citron not being a regular tourist right off the bat. He may not be from another troupe, but he's definitely "in character" right now.
Also, oof. Citron's my second fave in Harugumi after Sakuya, but it's glaringly obvious how much of his character is rooted in orientalism. Sure, maybe it's an act, but why is he talking about how "shameful" showing skin is when his top is (conveniently for us) THAT low-cut.
On another note, I know people have pointed out his distaste for pig's feet as evidence for headcanoning him as Muslim, but I haven't seen anyone point out how he calls Veludo Way a "mecca" of theatre. Like yeah, mecca can just mean hub, but...why didn't they just say hub? Words Have Connotations. I'm not saying this coding is good or bad, it's just a neutral observation.
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AND HERE'S THIS BASTARD (affectionate)
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Oh, Kasumi! (insert pointing reaction pic bc I've run out of photo space.) It's Kasumi, guys! :D
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jujumin-translates · 7 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [R] Keeping Your Love All to Myself | Sakuya-kun’s Love Life!?
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Sakuya: Hmm… What should I get the Director for White Day?
Sakuya: (I want to give her something she’ll be happy with, but there’s so many things to choose from.)
Sakuya: (Huh, is that Kasumi-san over there?)
Sakuya: Kasumi-san, hello!
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Kasumi: Hello, Sakuya-kun! Never thought I’d run into you here.
Sakuya: Same here! Are you out shopping too, Kasumi-san?
Kasumi: No. I just finished doing an interview and I’m on my way back to the publisher.
Sakuya: Ah, I see…! I’m so sorry to hold you up like this while you’re working!
Kasumi: Fufu, don’t worry about it. I was planning on taking a break and taking my time getting back.
Kasumi: Anyway, about what you just said… you’re in the middle of doing some shopping right now, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Yeah, I am, but…
Kasumi: …But something is troubling you?
Sakuya: Huh, how’d you know!?
Kasumi: I could tell just by looking at your face. Feel free to confide in me, I’m always willing to talk things out with you, okay?
Sakuya: …Thank you so much! Well then, is it okay if I talk to you about it a bit now?
Kasumi: Yes, of course!
Sakuya: Actually, I’m worried about getting a gift for someone dear to me for White Day.
Kasumi: I see, White Day is coming up, isn’t it?
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Kasumi: …Wait, someone dear to you!?
Sakuya: (Huh? The Director has always looked out for me, so she’s someone dear to me, right?)
Sakuya: Yeah. But I’ve looked at so many different stores, but I still don’t know what to get…
Kasumi: Your face is so serious, Sakuya-kun… That person must be really important to you.
Sakuya: Of course!
Kasumi: So in other words, this is about your love life…!
*Wind blows*
Sakuya: Huh? What was that? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that because of the wind…
Kasumi: No, it’s nothing! Anyway, this means you have to put all your heart into picking something out.
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Sakuya: Yeah!
Kasumi: Right… I think it’s pretty standard to give sweets in return, but I think something like a handkerchief would also be nice to get…
Kasumi: If they’re a busy person, something like bath salts or hand cream could be a good idea around this time of year.
Sakuya: Ah…! That reminds me, she did mention that her skin has been feeling a little dry lately!
Kasumi: Then I think hand cream would be just the thing! It looks gorgeous and I think it’d be the perfect thing to give in return.
Kasumi: Right, right, there’s a new hand cream that just released that smells like sakura and it’s really popular with women right now…
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Thanks to you, I was able to decide on something to give her! And thank you so much for telling me about the store that sells the hand cream, Kasumi-san!
Kasumi: Fufu, you’re welcome. I’m glad I was able to help you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Well then, I think I’m gonna head off right away!
Kasumi: Head off… to the store that I told you about?
Sakuya: Yeah! If it’s a popular hand cream, then I need to get there as soon as I can or it might sell out.
Kasumi: But will you be okay on your own? Do you want me to come with you?
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Sakuya: Thank you for your concern. But I’ll be fine!
Kasumi: I see. Well then, take care, okay?
Sakuya: I will! Thank you so much for your help today, Kasumi-san!
Kasumi: …
Kasumi: (I’m still worried though, since it’s a little complicated to buy high-end cosmetics. I’ve still got some time before my break is over…)
Kasumi: Alright, I’ll go and check in on him just a little bit!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: I’m here…
Sakuya: (I don’t come to places like this very much, so I’m a little nervous, but…)
Sakuya: (I think this is the store that sells the hand cream Kasumi-san told me about.)
Sakuya: Excuse me. I came here to buy a hand cream that smells like sakura…
Store Worker: The new product that was released last week, correct? Excuse me for asking, but did you make an online reservation, sir?
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Sakuya: Huh, reservation?
Store Worker: Yes. That item has become very popular, so most people come here after making a reservation…
Sakuya: I-I see!
Sakuya: I’m sorry, I didn’t make a reservation… Do you have to make one in order to buy it?
Store Worker: No, if there are any left in stock in the store, we’ll be able to give one to you.
Store Worker: Would you please wait here a moment while I go check?
Sakuya: Yes! Of course!
Kasumi: (Way to go, Sakuya-kun! Please let there be some in stock…!)
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Azami: Hm? Is that Kasumi-san?
Yuki: What are you doing sneaking around like that?
Kasumi: Azami-kun and Yuki-kun!? Umm, well, about that…
Sakuya: Huh? That voice… Kasumi-san?
Kasumi: S-Sakuya-kun!
Sakuya: And Azami-kun and Yuki-kun too… Are you three shopping together?
Yuki: I don’t know what Kasumi’s doing, but Azami and I came to check out the new high-end cosmetics.
Kasumi: Right, right, I just bumped into them by chance. I just… had something important to attend to.
Sakuya: I see! Ah. Kasumi-san, I was able to get the hand cream!
Kasumi: Really? I’m glad!
Sakuya: Me too. It seems like it’s really popular, but the store worker told me they had just one left in stock…
Sakuya: Now I’ll be able to properly give her a gift in return for White Day. Thank you so much, Kasumi-san!
Kasumi: (Aaah, Sakuya-kun’s shining smile…! It seems like he’s really happy to have gotten the hand cream.)
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Kasumi: …So precious.
Azami: Okay, seriously, what the hell’s going on?
Yuki: Right? I don’t know either, but I think we should just stay out of it…
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taichissu · 1 year
time for a new poll tournament because i'm bored!
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who was the driver of the down with cis bus?
vote now!
the tournament tag is #dwct
please remember that it is all for fun, please do not take this tournament too seriously (and feel free to send your opinions and propaganda)
individual polls:
citron vs izumi
masumi vs juza
kazunari vs tsumugi
banri vs kasumi
zen vs muku
yuzo vs tsuzuru
homare vs hisoka
tasuku vs misumi
azami vs tenma
matsukawa vs syu
kumon vs itaru
sakyo vs chikage
sakuya vs yuki
guy vs omi
yukio vs azuma
hiro vs taichi
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assortedviolets · 1 year
A3! Spotlight Event Translation;
「Hanasaki Academy & Ouka High School」
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One day at Nadeshiko Publishing. With the success of the previous Web Spotlight, Kasumi would like to put the spotlight at Mankai Company once again.
In the issue, they want to write about how the relationship between the troupe members was born in order to discover the secret on how they can create such wonderful scenery on stage.
It does not matter whether the people involved are from the same troupe or not. So the first article will focus on six people: Sakuya, Masumi, and Banri, who attended Hanasaki Academy; and Tenma, Juza, and Taichi, who attended Ouka High School.
Hanasaki Academy;
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Ouka Highschool
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
A3! Web Manga Directory
List of A3! web manga chapters and character appearances.
223 - What Are You Talking About...? (ft. Tenma, Azami, Tsumugi, Azuma)
224 - Look Up (ft. Chikage, Misumi)
225 - Celebration! (ft. Kumon, Banri, Omi)
226 - Sleeping Pose Art (ft. Tsuzuru, Kazunari)
228 - Lucky Boy (ft. Sakuya, Itaru, Misumi, Sakyo)
229 - Driver's License (ft. Banri, Taichi, Tasuku, Azuma)
230 - Way of Calling (ft. Kumon, Sakyo, Sakoda)
231 - Excitement! 5th Anniversary (ft. Tenma, Yuki, Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Kumon)
233 - Cupid of Love? (ft. Tsuzuru, Taichi, Omi)
234 - Movie-Watching With Care (ft. Citron, Sakyo, Azami, Guy)
235 - What Kind of Person is Amadate Kabuto? (ft. Banri, Matsukawa, Kabuto, Aoshi)
236 - Dismal Mistake (ft. Masumi, Kazunari, Tsumugi)
237 - Can't Have Peace (ft. Tsuzuru, Itaru, Citron, Homare, Haruto, Shift, Madoka)
238 - Derailment (ft. Matsukawa, Rento)
239 - Omi's Photography Class (ft. Omi, Tsumugi)
240 - Masumi's Birthday! (ft. Sakuya, Masumi, Tsuzuru, Itaru, Citron, Chikage, Kazunari)
265 - Fishing (ft. Sakuya, Kumon, Omi, Sakyo, Guy)
266 - Pictures (ft. Tenma, Kazunari, Banri, Azami)
267 - Not Even For Educational Purposes? (ft. Sakuya, Muku, Sakyo, Azami)
268 - Their True Form Is... (ft. Taichi, Azuma)
269 - Appliances Are Great (ft. Sakyo, Matsukawa, Kamekichi)
270 - Sumi's Shop (ft. Misumi, Guy)
271 - A Present for Omi! (ft. Taichi, Omi)
272 - Guy's Hopes (ft. Tsuzuru, Guy)
273 - Bad at Lying (ft. Misumi, Tsumugi, Tasuku)
274 - Aniki's Birthday Plans (ft. Sakoda, Ichiro)
275 - Can't Do Mornings! (ft. Kasumi, Hiro, Zen, Syu)
276 - Beards Come in All Forms (ft. Banri, Taichi, Omi, Matsukawa, Rento)
277 - All Chapters Unlocked! (ft. Sakuya, Tenma, Yuki, Banri, Omi, Sakyo, Homare, Azuma)
278 - Well-Prepared Means No Worries (ft. Juza, Tasuku)
279 - Wait Your Turn (ft. Masumi, Tenma, Kumon, Taichi, Omi)
280 - New Year's Exhaustion (ft. Itaru, Tsumugi)
281 - The Book of Homare (ft. Citron, Chikage, Muku, Omi, Homare)
282 - The Magic of a Kotatsu (ft. Tenma, Yuki, Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Kumon, Hisoka, Azuma)
283 - Celebration☆6th Anniversary! (ft. Banri, Juza, Taichi, Omi, Sakyo, Azami)
284 - On His Palm Lies... (ft. Kumon, Hisoka)
285 - With the Wrong Person (ft. Masumi, Chikage)
286 - Guy's Data Bank (ft. Citron, Muku, Guy)
287 - Tasuku's Lively Birthday (ft. Kazunari, Azami, Tasuku)
288 - Pictures Together (ft. Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Banri, Kamekichi)
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