#Katekyo Himan Reborn!
strawwritesfic · 1 year
Takeshi Yamamoto x Female!Reader: But Uh-Oh Those Summer Nights [Ch. 5]
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Summary: “Summer lovin’ had me a blast / summer lovin’ happened so fast.”
Challenge: “10 Summer Events” by someone on Lunaescence Archives.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: T (Sexual humor; sexual dialogue; summer vacation; comedy; fluff; eccentric grandparents; Grease references; Takeshi & Hayato & Tsuna; Takeshi & Hayato & Tsuna & Reader; Reborn & Tsuna; Reborn & Reader; Original Character & Reader)
Pairings: Takeshi Yamamoto/Reader
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Master List
Chapter 5: Summer School
You heaved the 751st sigh of the day, blinked, and hoped that the ceiling you’d been staring at would somehow transform into something more interesting when you opened your eyes. No such luck. It was just as off-white and textured as it had been all morning and the better part of the afternoon. Better try again, then:
Your companion tore the paper in his hands once more.
“Don’t you dare start that again!” Hayato snapped.
You rolled onto your side to peer over the edge of your mattress. There Hayato sat on the floor, his back against your bed and a crumpled magazine between his fists. He glared at you, but you hardly noticed as you went back to staring at the ceiling. 
“I’m bored,” you said.
“So suck it up. You don’t need to annoy me with your constant whining.”
“I’m sorry, Hayato, but whose house are you at today?” Your question was met with silence. “That’s right. Mine. So if anyone should be sucking it up, it’s you.”
“Shut up! I wouldn’t be here if–”
“If Tsuna and Takeshi weren’t at school, and if Tsuna hadn’t asked you to keep me company. I know. You’ve told me a thousand times.”
“And you’ve groaned a thousand times!” 
You sighed again, and heard the paper tear even further.
“Are you two still up here sitting?” asked a new voice from the doorway.
“No, Grandma,” you answered in a monotone. “We’re having a rave. Can’t you see all the flashing colors and our glow sticks? Wee.”
“Did I ask for an order of sass, young lady?” Your grandma sauntered into the room, raising her eyebrows in what she clearly thought was a stern manner.
“Not sass. We’re using our–” You stuck your arms out in front of you and made a rainbow with your hands “–imagination.” 
She smirked at Hayato. “Really? Your friend doesn’t look like he’d be endowed with anything that great.” 
“What the hell?!” said Hayato. “I’ll have you know–”
“Summer school will be out soon. Why don’t you go meet your friends?” your grandma said, smoothly cutting Hayato off before he could really begin his tirade. “And tomorrow perhaps look into something a little more exciting than imaginary sass raves, hm? You don’t want to be rude to your guest, [Name].” 
You sneaked a glance in Hayato’s direction and found him grinding his teeth together. Never a good sign. Before he could threaten to blow up your grandmother, you sat up and slid off the bed.
“Good idea. Thanks, Grandma,” you said as you tugged on Hayato’s arm. 
He shot you a disgusted look, but got to his feet. 
Your grandmother grinned at him again as she left the room. “No problem, dear. Have fun with your friends.”
“Will do,” you called after her. “Bye!”
Walking to Namimori Middle School did not turn out to be much more enjoyable than sitting in your room. No sooner had you exited your grandmother’s home than did you and Hayato start bickering again. 
“She’s right that you shouldn’t be rude, but she shouldn’t either!” he shouted before you’d even left the block.
“It’s her house!” you replied.
“Well, I didn’t want to go over to her house!”
“We didn’t invite you anyway! Tomorrow you can just hang around in Tsuna’s attic all day like you usually do!”
“Fine! That’s what I wanted to do today!”
 “Great! Can we just go pick up the guys now?”
“I could pick up the Tenth without your help! I was going to anyway!”
“Too bad. I’m coming along.” 
You folded your arms across your chest, looking at Hayato through narrowed eyes. He took a deep breath as if to continue berating you, but finally spun around and marched off toward the middle school.
“Tch. Do whatever you want, woman,” he said as he lit up another cigarette. “At least you can get that Baseball Idiot off of my hands.” 
The pair of you walked the rest of the way in stony silence. When you arrived, Hayato found a wall to lean against a wall while he smoked. This bored you rapidly enough that you soon wandered in through the gates in search of friendlier faces.
You’d never seen Namimori before. It seemed nice. Not too different from the school you attended back home, actually. Checking your watch, you saw that you still had twenty minutes to burn before Tsuna and Takeshi got out of class...assuming Hayato hadn’t lied to you, of course, and that wasn’t assumption you were willing to make. Either way, you didn’t feel like spending that time with him when the heat had him so grouchy. The campus looked otherwise empty. Why not take the opportunity to explore a Japanese middle school? 
Doing your best to ignore the oppressive heat, you set out across the grounds. You really were just wandering, peeking around corners, craning your head to look towards the roof. Every so often, you thought you saw a bulky boy in a dark jacket standing alongside the pavement or near the gate or on top of the building, but whoever he was (or they were), the figure melted away before you could get close enough to speak to them.
At last, it grew too hot for you to continue looking around. The moment you spotted a door to inside, you pulled it open and quietly slipped into the beyond. You felt much, much cooler, but the silence disquieted you. Although the overhead lights were on, the first floor was empty. No matter how far you cocked your head to one side, no matter how hard you listened intently for the noises of a nearby class, you heard absolutely nothing to indicate anyone at Namimori was alive. 
“Okay. That’s not at all creepy,” you muttered.
When no one, not even a mysterious strange boy with a pompadour, answer you, you set off down the hall. Goosebumps slowly crawled up your spine and across your arms. Every few steps, you would whip your head in one direction in attempt to catch Reborn spying on you, but you saw no sign of him at all. All you saw were rows and rows and rows of lockers nearly identical to the ones at your own school, and the occasional sign written in hiragana.
You came to an abrupt stop after a few minutes of this. “You know what? I think I will go back and wait with Hayato. Maybe he’s lonely,” you announced to the empty hallway. 
Then you broke into a sprint across the rest of the hallway and burst out of the doors in the back of school. 
“Oh, sh–”
“Going somewhere, herbivore?” 
You froze as a familiar voice came from behind you. Now that you knew enough about Kyoya to be scared, you certainly were, but you also knew enough not to let him know just how terrifying he was.
“I already told you, I don’t just eat plants,” you sighed, attempting to sound put off rather than terrified. “I’m not a chipmunk, you know, or a rabbit. Eep!” you squealed as two rounded points of metal pressed into your back. Perhaps putting up a façade of being annoyed had been the wrong choice. If you’d acted like a coward, maybe he would have lost interest.
“You ran away last time, herbivore, and I’m interested in seeing what exactly you can do,” Kyoya said. “If that baby is interested in you, it’s fit for me to be interested, too.”
“Reborn is interested in Tsuna. He’s no good at fighting.”
“No.” You could almost hear the smirk in Kyoya’s voice. “But he and his friends are good for biting to death.”
“H-Hey now. Let’s be reasonable. I didn’t do anything wrong last or this time. I gave you the money I owed you, and it’s not like I have the rest on me. Now I’m just waiting for my friends to get out of–”
“You are not a student at this school, and yet you were wandering the halls. Do you have an escort? No? Trespassing will get you bitten to death.” 
You gulped as he prodded you again with his tonfa. If you screamed, would Hayato come running? You didn’t trust him enough to try. Tsuna and Takeshi were probably out of class by now, and he would be too busy fussing over his precious Tenth to bother. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, herbivore?” Kyoya asked.
“I do,” came a voice you had not expected to hear. “She’s with me.”
Kyoya spun around to look at the person that had come to your rescue. You turned quickly as well, rubbing the sore spots on your back. Takeshi stood there, smiling just as cheerfully as ever in the face of Kyoya’s cold, blank stare.
“Hn. See to it that she doesn’t break any more school rules, or I’ll bite her to death, and you with her,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” Takeshi said, still smiling. 
And then Kyoya was gone. You exhaled gustily as you wiped the sweat from your brow and tripped toward Takeshi.
“He’s gone. Thank goodness.” You peered in through the windows to make doubly sure that Kyoya  was not lurking inside, ready to pounce the minute you were left alone again. Then you looked up at Takeshi and grinned. “Thanks for rescuing me again. I owe you another one.”
“Ahahaha. That’s okay,” Takeshi said. The two of you headed toward the gates--the correct direction this time. “I’m just glad I could get to you in time. You shouldn’t be wandering around alone with Hibari on the prowl, but I guess Gokudera forgot to tell you that.”
“Yeah, sure. He forgot.” You made  mental note to shove Hayato’s cigarette up his nose the next chance you got. “But how did you get there so fast?” “I saw you out the window, and I saw Hibari coming to harass you. The minute the teacher released us, I made sure to come get you.”
“Oh. Well, thanks again.”
You almost asked him why he’d gone to the trouble. Almost. But doing so ran the risk of tackling a subject you weren’t ready to yet, especially knowing that the simplest answer was that Takeshi didn’t want Kyoya to beat you to a bloody pulp. He probably had a good idea you weren’t carrying around those freaky explosive darts Reborn kept forcing on you.
“No problem!” 
Then he stopped walking. He looked suddenly abashed. Your heart hammered in your chest. 
“I guess I just didn’t want him to hurt you,” he admitted.
Oh, was that all? You really didn’t need to tackle that subject now. You laughed, a quiet, embarrassed chuckle. “You three really are strange about protecting your friends. This mafia roleplay stuff is crazy.”
“No, I mean--well, yeah, but--” Takeshi laughed nervously himself, rubbing the back of his head and closing one eye in a sort of prolonged wink. “I didn’t want him to hurt you because you’re my friend, but I also kind of like you like you.”
 “Oh!” was all you said as you felt heat blooming in your cheeks. You looked at the ground and scuffed a patch of dirt with your shoe. Trust Takeshi of all people to get into what you’d been so afraid to begin with. None of this felt quite real. Perhaps you were suffering heat stroke? But you took the plunge and said,  "I kind of like you like you, too.”
“Really?” You looked up at the change in his voice. No longer anxious, he had gone right back to grinning in his usual manic way. “That’s great!” He took a few steps away and then smiled back at you. “Come on! Let’s go get Tsuna and Gokudera.”
And just like that, the confession was over. You felt a little relieved on two counts: One, your crush wasn’t in vain. Two, nothing was about to change between you and your group of summer friends. The only thing you had to worry about was the inevitable end of that summer. But for the time being, you could push that aside. Takeshi’s hand was waiting for you to take before you ran with him to join the rest of your group--and whatever they had in store for you would be sure to chase any fears you had far from your mind, just as he had so easily chased away Kyoya.
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tetsorous · 7 years
Top 5 anime in my opinion: D-Gray.Man, One piece, Haikyuu, Naruto, Katekyo himan reborn
This is a surprisingly hard question LOL. But anyways, in no particular order: Haikyuu!!, Naruto, Death Note, Attack on Titan, Mirai Nikki, Death Parade and Anohana (cried like a baby) it's more than 5 oops, but I recommend watching them!! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
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morhath · 8 years
fics I may actually do something with at some point/am doing something with:
not the fortunate ones--Katekyo Himan Reborn--super long and involved AU--have written a few pages and have a really involved outline
the Imperial Radch fic I am actually committed to for a fic exchange--I’ve got a mental outline and have started research because LUCKILY I have the books with me because they’re my favorites
the i n c r e d i b l y niche crossover (I’m not saying fandoms)--have written a few lines, decent outlining, need to hammer more details out
hilariously niche Voltron AU--literally came up with it today while talking to someone--wrote like 2.7k words just now, have only vague plans, need to do some research on the thing I’m crossing over with because I don’t have the books with me
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sleepybulbasaur · 11 years
Reblog if you want a khr valentine's day card
and I'll send one to you if your submit box is open based on which character you like the most. Cause I love you guys <3
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dirkystrider · 12 years
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sleepybulbasaur · 11 years
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This is the part when me and my sister screamed
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ryosukekominato · 12 years
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For Izaya and Hibari's birthday (last 4th and 5th of May) C:
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ryosukekominato · 12 years
DinoHiba (D18) RP in Spanish!
In spanish, así que en español todo (?)
Dino-mun y yo llevamos haciendo RP en Tuenti desde hace más de seis meses, pero como Tuenti es cada vez más incómodo, hemos decidido movernos a Tumblr.
Empezaremos desde cero aunque llevemos tiempo desarrollando la historia, así será más interesante y fácil de seguir, porque tenemos muuuchos headcanons  ´w`
No me enrollo más~
Dino Cavallone: http://dinobuckinghorse.tumblr.com/
Hibari Kyoya: http://needledcloud.tumblr.com/
Cualquier personaje más, sea OC o canon, será bienvenido C:
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lightsout777 · 10 years
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lightsout777 · 10 years
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