#Katie Sugden
sugdensdingle · 1 month
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bobbie-robron · 2 months
Irresistible from the beginning…
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123star3456 · 5 months
i do lol at double standards between Rob and Andy, Rob gets grief about being a cheat but Andy also cheated on Katie and then Chrissie too what makes it worse he sees what Robert cheated on them did and he plays the good guy to cheat too, why Katie forgave him and took him back is bizarre, esp as he beat up the woman he cheated and replaced her with etc. why is Andy this good guy and Robert terrible person Andy not much better than Robert, in fact he more violent than Robert
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buddiebeginz · 9 months
So I'm doing a rewatch of old emmerdale eps and I'm in the 2015 eps right now and I spotted this:
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it looks like they took a pic of Ryan when he was younger and stuck it on a pic of Karl 😂
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Round 2
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thebewlaybrothers · 23 days
Rbert comes back and Andy is fuming. Cannot stand the sight of him, wants nothing to do with him. And then as soon as Katie on the basis of multiple points of proof accuses Rbert of general assholery, Andy is like omg :(((( stop ruining my family :((((( I’m leaving you, love of my life who is way out of my league >:((((. Incredible commitment to not believing women
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rossxdemelza · 2 years
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thelovetheystole · 2 months
Two more rather long thoughts.
1) Asking an actor a 'what if this new pairing would become as popular as Robron, would you be cool with that' kind question...
Is there any better way to jinx a possible upcoming Aaron pairing before the first scene even airs?
2) How is this one guy going to make the Sugdens relevant in the village again? Ok, he has the name and the dna. But he doesn't have the roots, aka the Trauma.
By trauma, I mean Sarah sr. and Katie, who are just ghosts he'll never know or understand. What Jack did to Robert is only known to Aaron, if the show even chooses to remember at this point.
John's mother is dead, so they can't even bring her in for any reason at all down the line. Jack has been dead for decades. Andy and Robert and their perfectly flawed historic relationship - gone. Even Jack's number 1 champion Diane is gone.
If John has half siblings on his mother's side, they won't be Sugdens. If John has kids somewhere out there, I doubt they are adults, and we already have a Sugden teen/young adult the show doesn't use in Sarah. Then there are Jack and Seb, who they clearly aren't interested in bringing back.
If John eventually gets in a serious relationship with Aaron, he'll basically become a Dingle, because that's the family Robert had most 'family scenes' with after becoming official with Aaron, and Andy had left. Dingle Christmas. Dingle wedding traditions. Dingle mother-in-law. John doesn't even have 'a Diane' of his own.
How will it cement the Sugdens back in the village? I really hope there's more than this.
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damnitiloveyou · 3 months
You would have thought the show would have wanted to make a new love interest as far away from anything to do with Robert as possible in order to try and get people to forget Robron/Robert and give them the best chance of getting the audience to take to it, but they literally have done the opposite and created a clone of Robert which is only going to remind the characters and audience of him even more and make this new guy constantly look inferior and second best in comparison. Such a strange choice from the producers, a recast would of made more sense if they still wanted everything to be connected to Robert. But then again nothing they do makes any sense I guess lol!.
Robert as a character is a role the show has been trying to fill since Ryan left. His absence is noticeable. Robert is the perfect kind of soap character because you can do so many different things with a character as complicated as he is. They tried to create their own version and none of them have worked. They also have to do something with Aaron.
We've been laughing for years now about the complete ineptitude of the current team in charge. They're not capable of creating an interesting character. They have to rely on someone else's groundwork. Which is why not just doing a recast is so bizarre. They're clearly going for Robert. They changed a few things and gave him a different mother, added a military background and made him gay instead of bi. They made him gay so they can pair him up with Aaron period. That is the only reason they did that. They have no idea what else to do with Aaron. I love that he's a Sugden. They never should have systematically erased them from the show in the first place. But they're not solely responsible for that. Everyone that came before them did the same thing. I have no idea what higher up became so enamored with the Dingle family that the show just wasn't allowed to bring in anyone not connected to them in some capacity, but I hope they've finally got their fill because there's entirely too many of them for one show. So the fact they're trying to remember the original family is great. I'm sure they're hoping to get lucky enough that Danny and Oliver (I think that's the guys name?) will have enough chemistry to sell it. But the truth is it's weird. It's icky weird (although I guess when you think about it it's basically a redo of the Andy/Robert/Katie triangle, and the same thing Robert did with Chrissy and Rebecca. So maybe it's just a Sugden thing). The audience is absolutely going to find it weird and they're going to have to address it. Which is why I said in a different answer that they may as well lean into their similarities and have Aaron admit, at least in the beginning, that what he's attracted to are the things that remind him of Robert. I will hate it. Hate it. Hate it. But the audience will definitely be comparing the two characters. They're not going to be able to avoid that. Which, again, is why I don't understand why they didn't just do the recast.
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sugdensdingle · 4 months
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Robron + 18th birthdays
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bobbie-robron · 5 months
Who’s enough?
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123star3456 · 6 months
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buddiebeginz · 9 months
Have you all seen this article? I'm mostly focused on the part of it where they're going off talking about how many people Rob has killed. Why do some people insist on always painting him as the villain? 😒
Rob’s next victim was Max King. He and Max had planned to leave the village together, both desperate for a new start. But when they were going, Max changed his mind and asked Andy to drive him to the station instead.
Furious, Robert drove straight towards Andy. Max panicked and grabbed the wheel and the car went off the road and crashed. Robert managed to rescue Andy, but Max was killed.
Max's death was both Andy and Rob's fault neither one of them wanted to get out of the way in the road essentially playing chicken which resulted in the crash that killed Max. And worse Rob was the one who got most of the blame and ended up banished from the village and everyone he knew for it.
When Robert met Aaron, it was clear he would do anything to keep their relationship secret. When Katie found out the truth, and threatened to tell Chrissie, Robert pushed her through a rotting floor and poor Katie crashed to her death.
Katie's death was an accident and you can tell by the way Rob reacts afterwards he never intended for her to die. He was angry with her and he pushed her (which he shouldn't have) but there was nothing to prove he knew she would fall through the floor and die.
Later, Paddy Kirk raised suspicions about Rob’s behaviour, and wrote Chrissie an anonymous note to say her husband was cheating. Robert soon worked out who was to blame and left Paddy to die in a grain pit. Luckily Andy rescued him in the nick of time.
Obviously it was awful what Rob did to Paddy but again I don't think he was intending to kill him. He was angry and scared the affair would be found out and decided to teach Paddy a lesson. I think he also regretted it right after he did it because as soon as Paddy fell unconscious into the pit he shut the grain off and was about to jump in and save him (you see him start to take his jacket off) and he only leaves when he hears Andy show up.
Robert was also indirectly involved in more deaths thanks to his bitter divorce from Chrissie.
Chrissie set fire to Robert’s car during an argument and though they thought they’d put out the flames, the fire actually spread to some gas canisters. The explosion caused a helicopter to crash on to the village, killing Val Pollard and Ruby Haswell.
This is such a leap to say Rob was in any way responsible for those deaths and the crash. Chrissie's actions were on her even if they were motivated by her anger towards Rob. It was also Rob who saved Adam that day pulling him from the burning car.
I know this is just a dumb article but I love Rob and I can't help but defend him. I don't agree with every dumb thing he's done but he's not some horrible monster. A lot of the really bad stuff he even did in the run of the show was when he was scared and running from his own feelings for Aaron (and men in general) and not wanting people to find out about the affair.
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Round 1
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Sometimes I remember that Ryan Hawley auditioned first for the role of Pete Barton. Imagine what we would have lost if Katie Oates hadn’t seen his potential to take the role of Robert Sugden.
But then also I imagine a scheming cunty Pete Barton. He would have changed the whole direction of the show 😂
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okay, so this post will most likely be the equivalent of me talking to a brick wall because i honestly don't think anybody who follows me will have a clue what i'm on about but it's been rattling around in my brain since the first moment i watched saw and it just has to come out so i'm doing it here.
so, when i first saw lawrence in saw, my mind immediately thought of robert sugden from emmerdale (a british soap). i honestly just think it was the blue shirt and blonde hair that prompted the connection. like, look:
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(also, can we just take a moment to appreciate how pretty robert is?)
anyway, this also got me thinking about aaron and robert if they ended up in a saw trap. like imagine john rocks up to emmerdale and he comes across these clowns? especially if it was during the affair era oh my lord. he would have an entire catalogue of reasons for putting them in a trap. like you've obviously got the affair as reason number one, but then you've got the fact that robert killed katie and then got aaron to help cover it up. you've got the fact that during all this aaron literally thought about killing himself. you've also kind of got the reason of robert not valuing other's lives due to the amount of people he's used, crossed or deceived, etc.
anyway, now we have the case of how they would react when they wake up in the trap. i feel like aaron would definitely be the one panicking and rob would just be there telling him to calm down. maybe after the tapes have been played they'd just start fucking bickering over who's fault this is. like aaron would probably turn around and say something along the lines of "none of this would've even happened if you'd just admit that your gay."
and then robert would spend the next ten minutes trying to convince aaron that he's not gay (he's not gay, he's bi so he's not exactly lying) and that it's not his fault they've ended up here. it's the fault of the lunatic that put them there.
anyway, i'm tired now and i don't really want to continue this further. so if by some miracle, anyone did happen to read this, i hope this brief look inside my odd little brain was entertaining. thank you. :)
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