#Katni News
rareluvs · 7 months
Could you write a super duper fluffy Katniss x reader fic? <3
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in dreams (katniss everdeen x gn! reader)
summary: while rebuilding twelve, katniss goes hunting, a routine that she has been slowly starting again, more so to help heal her mind. there, she meets you, and she feels something growing in her chest. as your relationship blooms, katniss looks back.
cw: fluff, sfw, gn! reader, florist! reader, katniss needing a long rest, three year relationship (one year as friends), flowers are a love language i fear, mentions of prim it's bittersweet, this was written while half awake, inspired by in dreams by sierra farrell, oneshot, gawd i hope this is fluffy enough, buttercup bittersweetly mentioned, can i get an amen for katniss being sleepy?
katniss wakes up before you do, like always, even after two years of being together. today, her mind is hazy for a few moments with the warmth that your body brings as you're cuddled together in the bed.
that is, before she remembers that today is prim's birthday, and the three year mark since she met you. while you sleep peacefully, cheeks flushed and hair covering your face in small strips, katniss allows herself to gently tuck the strands threatening to be swallowed by your parted mouth behind your ear. she can't help but smile, a soft, tired, one. how you slept was something that katniss loved, and sometimes when she has her nightmares, and you are so deep in dreams, just looking over and touching your cheeks repeatedly until you blink sleepily, or until her heart rate calms, brings her a sense of comfort she never thought possible again.
with you, you never push for her to talk about her trauma unless she starts the conversation, and she loves that about you. you are the balm that soothes her, much like the kinds her mother used to use on her patients.
katniss shifts a little to bring her lips to your forehead, and turning on her side, taking a hand and stroking up and down your arm. you always tease her for not wanting to admit she enjoys affection and admittedly, she does, but you're one of the only people that she will truly let spoil her rotten with it.
as her mind drifts, she remembers when the two of you first crossed paths.
it was in the beginning of trying to gather people to help rebuild twelve, what could be salvaged, and katniss remembers how lost she felt as she looked at a buck, arrow pointed, but shaking. it had been prim's birthday and all katniss could see where her eyes when she looked into any animal nowadays.
your voice had rang out softly, "i want to apologize to you." katniss had lowered her bow in shock, turning around. had she been so lost in her mind that she hadn't noticed your footsteps? more than likely.
katniss remembers your soft eyes, and she's sure she must have looked worn and trying not to be rude and snap at you for interrupting her thoughts. "apologize for what?" she says finally, and you take a step closer, as if approaching a wild animal. katniss couldn't fault you, really, because that is what she felt like.
"for wanting to introduce myself. i know you must be tired of meeting new people and then having to either let them go or lose them. and i want to apologize for that, and i know you have a right to be distrustful. but.."
katnis was struck dumb. she felt raw in that moment, and it wasn't a feeling she liked, but your presence drew her in. the way the morning light filtered through the trees and you looked half human, half angel, made her chest stir with something. more than surprise and anger at you being so straightforward, katniss felt seen.
"but?" she asked slowly, cautiously, eyes scanning your face.
you smile softly. "i want to be your friend, katniss."
katniss knew that she was in love with you, when she went to your family's shop after a few months of dating, a year of knowing each other, and you had come over to her, stroking her hand sweetly and guiding her somewhere, with a little glint in your eye.
"i've been waiting for these all year, katniss, and now that they're here, i wanted to show you." you had practically beamed. your voice when you're happy and containing a little giggle at the ends, she thinks, is sweeter than any song she would ever sing.
"what is it?" katniss feels her lips twitching upwards, something she found herself doing more often now that she spends her days hunting and coming home to have you spend the nights when you can, wrapped in your gentle arms. arms that katniss places kisses upon as she drifts off. arms that make her feel better on the days she is trapped in her mind. she can already feel her face turning soft pink as you show her to a flower arrangement.
primroses and buttercups.
buttercup, the fleabag, had kicked the bucket a few months after prim's death. you hear from katniss about it and while she says he was a pain to her, in the quiet of the night, when the two of you are wrapped up underneath blankets, katniss remembers telling you about him.
"i was so mad at prim for bringing him home i tried to drown him," she admits sleepily, as you hold her hand tenderly as you kiss her closed eyelids. "not only did i have another mouth to feed, but prim was so good with animals while i was forced to kill them so we could eat. i had wanted a pet before prim was old enough, and i guess i was a bit jealous." she has whispered, feeling lighter after letting the words slip out.
you hadn't judged her, you had just nodded, and kissed all over her face until she drifted back to sleep, whispering soothing words into her ears.
when katniss had heard you say that you loved her, passing by her in the hallway of her house, she had grabbed your hand and pulled you back to her, eyes sesrching yours and hugging you so tenderly you melted. "i love you too." she had whispered quietly into your hair, and you made a whispered vow to help katniss to realize you wouldn't disappear if she tells you about her feelings. not if you had any say. you would go kicking and screaming, you had told her, smiling brightly, all teeth and pink cheeks. to say she felt her heart race would be an understatement.
currently though, katniss is staring at you with her gray eyes, and she wonders if prim sent you. because to her, you are an angel, something so good could have only been given to her by prim's loving hands. your hands lovingly touch her black braid, the one you had done in the soft and early morning after soothing katniss' fear from nightmares by kissing her brow over and over, holding her to the point where she was getting hot and you had laughed when she started squirming.
"i was thinking, we could plant them, or scatter some of the petals by the lake and maybe in the woods? the wind could make the petals travel farther, and i think prim would like having her memory spread in places you'll always go back to see," you start, rambling and katniss cannot take her eyes off of the flowers. "then i was going to help you with dinner tonight, and afterwards, we can just lay together, and talk. or just cuddle in silence. how does that sound?"
katniss wants to cry, honestly.
she steps closer, and bring her lips to yours sweetly, never getting tired of the warmth that spreads through her body when you kiss back just as eagerly.
"it sounds amazing. thank you." katniss whispers, cupping your face and laying her forhead against yours. you, in turn, smile lovingly, and close your eyes. "maybe in the future, we can get a cat?" you joke playfully.
katniss opens her eyes and scowls so fast when you look at her, you burst out into laughter. "i'm messing with you, sweetheart." you giggle, kissing her softly, pecking her bottom lip over and over until the scowl is gone (she was never truly angry. she never could be, with you).
later on that night, the two of you stand by the lake, watching the last of the petals carry into the breeze, soft and warm. katniss takes your hand slowly, a tired but small smile on her features. "prim would have loved this, i wish you could have met her." she says softly, melancholic but craving your touch.
"who knows? maybe she sent me to make sure you would be okay." you reply, laying your head on her shoulder, and katniss can't help but admire your features. how could you read her mind?
"you know, i'm starting to really believe that." katniss whispers, and she places a kisses to the top of your head, soft warmth in her cheeks. "i love you." she hears herself whisper, the lake quietly rippling.
a sweet giggle. a melody, she thinks.
"i love you too, katniss."
a single primrose and buttercup petal dance in the wind, in front of her eyes, and katniss finds herself smiling.
cheeky little duck and fleabag, she thinks, and as if on cue, the two petals are softly carried away, intwertwined forever and she realizes she is at peace with that in this moment, and kisses your head again, closing her eyes to sit with the person she is healing for, getting better for.
katniss laughs quietly, as if she shares a secret with the flowers, and mutters a silent thanks to the wind.
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m4gp13 · 1 year
I have just realized that in their confrontation, the army of Kronos looks like heroes fighting for freedom.
a the Camp of half—bloods are Villains defending the current despotic regime of power.
Yes, that's what makes the TA so interesting to view from their perspective.
To them, they look just like Katniss and the rest of the Hunger Games rebels fighting back against the capital and if PJO was a YA dystopian, that would have been the story. Ethan and Luke deciding to turn against Kronos is virtually the same thing as Katniss deciding President Coin is no better than Snow and turning against her but in PJO instead of everyone saying "Fuck both of you, everyone sucks we're doing our own thing" they went with kicking out the new evil people to stick with the old evil people.
It makes Al's insistence on being the hero and his "Heroes never die, right?" line make so much sense, because why wouldn't they have seen themselves as the heroes?
Luke Castellan 🤝 Katnis Everdeen
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batwingsrosa · 5 months
The ballad of songbirds and snakes- a tragedy
(I have only started to read the book and will not address it here. I will only be talking about the movie. I will not take Coriolanus‘s inner monologue into account here.)
The hunger games/The ballad of songbirds and snakes is almost the most tragic of the movies to me.
There is something so … heartbreaking and tragic about seeing little Coryo become the Snow we new from the other movies.
It‘s like we are in Tigris shoes.
We watch a little boy grow up. We watch a little boy who had to witness his neighbour eating his maid‘s leg during a war in order to not starve to death.
We see a little boy who is orphaned due to the war.
We watch a little boy grow up.
Grow up to be a monster.
Another thing that is so incredibly tragic is that you know the ending to his story.
You know what he will eventually become.
And still, i think, many of us viewers found ourselves rooting for him at some point.
I was rooting for him. For him and Lucy Gray.
Against all odds i wanted him to find his own happy ending.
The ending was inevitable.
And still i wanted him to choose a different path.
I still believed in his humanity. In his goodness.
As Lucy Grey says: „There is a natural goodness built into us all.“
Almost until the very end of the movie i thought he might be able to choose a different path.
When i watched this movie i saw something unbelievably tragic.
I witnessed how trauma and a destructive society can kill a soul.
I saw a soul decay before my eyes.
I witnessed the moral decay of a human being.
I saw how all the goodness and kindness that was still left in him was erased for good.
How a soul chose to erase itself.
We see a little boy who has to fight to survive.
We see a teenager who fights the evil inside him.
Who tries to not succumb to it.
We see a boy who loses the fight within himself.
And of course all of it is tragic. The games are tragic. Katnis story is tragic. All of it is.
But the most tragic thing for me to witness was to see the goodness and humanity that is built into us all be reduced to nothing but ash.
To witness the death of a soul.
„There is a natural goodness built into us all.
You can either cross that line into evil, or not.
It is our life‘s work to stay on the right side of that line.“ - Lucy Gray Baird
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lunarpxels · 1 year
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My new ranger, Katnys ~
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kats4you · 2 years
my intro | kats4you
hi! this is just a silly little introduction. katnis is an anonymous persona of mine, so i can keep my cringey tumblr account private. dni if you actually know me (pretty please.)
-> my account is completely multifandom. it’ll be super cluttered with my personal stories and requests (which are open!)
; requesting rules
-> i’m new to tumblr so sorry if my stuff is a bit shit… yeah
-> lastly, my account will probably have some not cool topics on it. be warned
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Congrats on 8k!!! Can I request ships for the boys and leverage please? I'm 5'6, hourglass with extra minutes as I like to say with natural auburn hair and even when i dye my hair it stays within the red spectrum.
I love writing, music and im tip toeing my way into archery. Pretty decent at baking, love full moons and thunderstorms. Playlist ranges from heavy rock to rap with pop and country sprinkled in. Dark sense of humor at times but always down to support someone if they need a shoulder and will fight for someone I care about. If I call someone a dork it is the highest term of endearment and I end up accidently calling most people honey or babe (thanks to being a southern girl that accent bleeds through with every word lol) firmly believe in the saying to be nice first because if you're an a-hole first no one believes the nice.
I hope you like the :)
They are under the cut
The Boys:
I ship you with Hughie.
Hughie is so kind and adorable, that he is drawn to your kind soul, and also attracted to your more bad ass side when it comes out.
Runner Up: Butcher (I think I shipped you with him before but I can't remember lol. Either way both work for you)
Hughie absolutely melts when you call him honey or babe, especially with the accent, he LOVES it.
Hughie likes a broad spectrum of music as well, so he always enjoys the various artists you recommend, and he likes to recommend you his favorites as well.
If you were a supe, I think you would have an ability related to electricity. Like maybe you could create/alter electric currents (you could make your own lightning storms in your hands and stuff)
He is too afraid to try archery himself, but he thinks it's awesome that you are interested in it. And he enjoys the various nicknames he can call you. Katnis, Legolas, Arya, etc.
If you ever bake anything for Hughie, he is SO happy. And he will always try to return the favor. Though he is not the best at baking, so everything he makes always looks or tastes a little off, but its the thought that counts right?
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I ship you with Hardison.
Hardison is a giant dork, and would find you intimidating, hilarious, and also the kindest person he knows. He was head over heels instantly.
Runner Up: Quinn (my slept on bae honestly)
Hardison digs that you love so many different types of music, and is often introducing you to new styles.
He tries to get you to play video games with him all the time. And whenever you do, he hypes you up the whole time. (He is also a bit competitive)
He loves your curves, and is always wanting to cuddle and hold you. He is fine with PDA, but he respects your boundaries (depending on how you feel with PDA yourself)
Hardison doesn't bake, but he will gladly and gratefully eat anything you bake for him.
The two of you often go on random spontaneous dates. He will always drive you guys there in Lucielle. Your dates range from arcade dates, dinners, movies, festivals, etc. Anytime something cool is going on nearby, you two will make it into a date-night.
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agarwaldomestic · 4 hours
Packers and Movers in Rewa, 8262850044.
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pristine24 · 3 days
Six railway cops suspended over beating of woman, her grandson in MP’s Katni | India News - The Indian Express
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market research survey in Myanmar
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Ramakrishna Paramhans Ward,
PO mangal nagar, Katni, [M.P.]
    2nd Floor, Above KBZ Pay Centre, between 65 & 66 street,
 Manawhari Road Mandalay, Myanmar
Phone     +95 9972107002
Statistical surveying assumes a critical part in understanding purchaser conduct, market patterns, and contest in any industry. Market research surveys are essential for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition and make well-informed decisions in the context of Myanmar, a rapidly changing market with increasing opportunities and challenges. This article investigates the meaning of, market research survey in Myanmargives experiences from a new study led by AMT Statistical surveying, and gives suggestions for organizations working in this powerful market climate.
# Prologue to Statistical surveying in Myanmar
With regards to figuring out purchaser conduct, inclinations, and patterns, statistical surveying assumes a critical part. In Myanmar, a country with a quickly developing business sector scene, directing thorough statistical surveying is fundamental for organizations to settle on informed choices. By get-together important experiences through overviews and information investigation, organizations can fit their items and administrations to meet the particular necessities of Myanmar's different shopper base.
## Understanding the Market Scene
Myanmar's market scene is dynamic and different, with a developing economy and an inexorably educated populace. Businesses must keep up with the latest market trends and consumer preferences in order to stay ahead of the curve as the country continues to open up to foreign investment and trade. Directing statistical surveying reviews is an essential method for acquiring a more profound comprehension of the way of behaving and needs of Myanmar's shoppers, assisting organizations with recognizing open doors for development and development.
# Significance of Directing Statistical surveying Studies
Statistical surveying studies are important devices for organizations hoping to acquire an upper hand in Myanmar's clamoring market. By gathering information straightforwardly from purchasers through reviews, organizations can accumulate bits of knowledge that illuminate their essential dynamic cycles. From recognizing arising patterns to understanding consumer loyalty levels, statistical surveying reviews give organizations significant data that can shape their advertising procedures and item improvement drives.
## Advantages of Statistical surveying for Organizations
The advantages of directing statistical surveying studies are huge. By understanding shopper inclinations and conduct, organizations can fit their items and administrations to successfully address the issues of their main interest group. Additionally, market research surveys assist businesses in identifying new market opportunities, assessing levels of customer satisfaction, and assessing the efficacy of their marketing campaigns. At last, statistical surveying engages organizations to settle on information driven choices that drive development and outcome in Myanmar's serious market climate.
# Outline of AMT Statistical surveying Organization
AMT Statistical surveying is a main market research survey in Myanmar, known for its creative exploration philosophies and wise examination. AMT Market Research has a team of knowledgeable researchers and analysts who specialize in providing individualized research solutions to assist businesses in navigating Myanmar's market landscape's complexities.
## About AMT Statistical surveying
AMT Statistical surveying is focused on conveying excellent examination benefits that convey significant experiences to clients across different enterprises. From market division and customer conduct examination to contender profiling and pattern determining, AMT Statistical surveying offers a complete set-up of exploration administrations custom-made to meet the novel requirements of organizations working in Myanmar.
# Strategy Utilized in the Review
Statistical surveying reviews led by AMT Statistical surveying utilize a powerful philosophy that guarantees the exactness and dependability of the information gathered. Through a mix of information assortment strategies and testing techniques, AMT Statistical surveying accumulates significant experiences that empower organizations to settle on informed choices and drive development in Myanmar's dynamic market climate.
## Information Assortment Procedures
AMT Statistical surveying uses different information assortment strategies, including on the web studies, phone interviews, and in-person center gatherings, to accumulate bits of knowledge from an assorted scope of respondents. By utilizing a diverse way to deal with information assortment, AMT Statistical surveying guarantees that the exploration discoveries are complete and delegate of Myanmar's shopper populace.
## Examining Strategies Utilized
Notwithstanding information assortment strategies, AMT Statistical surveying utilizes complex examining techniques to guarantee the legitimacy and unwavering quality of the examination discoveries. AMT Market Research produces research results that provide businesses looking to thrive in Myanmar's competitive market landscape with actionable insights by carefully selecting samples that are representative of the country's diverse demographic and psychographic profiles. **Key Findings and Insights from the Survey** Alright, let's get into the juicy bits of what this survey found in Myanmar. From the reactions accumulated, it was perfectly clear that a critical piece of the populace inclines toward tea over espresso. This disclosure might actually stir up the refreshment market in Myanmar. Besides, the study showed a developing interest in eco-accommodating and reasonable items, pointing towards a change in shopper conduct towards additional naturally cognizant decisions. Businesses looking to capitalize on this burgeoning trend may benefit from these insights.
**Suggestions for Organizations Working in Myanmar**
On the off chance that you're a business working in Myanmar, these study discoveries ought to be exactly what you wanted to hear. A goldmine of data can direct your essential dynamic cycles. For example, knowing that the interest for eco-accommodating items is on the ascent, you should consider patching up your item contributions to line up with this change in purchaser inclinations. By adjusting to these experiences, organizations can remain on the ball and keep an upper hand in the Myanmar market.
**Key Dynamic In view of Review Results**
Presently, how about we chat straightforwardly. Equipped with the bits of knowledge from this overview, organizations ought to outfit to pursue key choices that will show them the way to progress in Myanmar. Whether it's tweaking your promoting efforts to feature your eco-accommodating drives or acquainting new tea-put together items with underwrite with respect to the drink pattern, each move ought to be an insightful one in light of the review results. The key here is to coordinate these discoveries into your dynamic cycle and steer your business in the correct heading.
**Suggestions for Future Statistical surveying Initiatives**
Looking forward, it's vital for organizations to keep putting resources into statistical surveying drives to remain receptive to advancing shopper inclinations in Myanmar. One proposal is lead more top to bottom examinations on the particular variables driving the shift towards eco-accommodating items. Also, investigating the tea market further and understanding the subtleties of shopper conduct towards tea could uncover more open doors for development. Businesses can remain adaptable and flexible in the face of a changing market landscape by continuously gathering insights through market research.
**End and Outline of Review Results**
More or less, the market research survey in Myanmar   led by AMT Statistical surveying has given significant experiences that can shape the methodologies of organizations working in the area. From the strength of tea as a favored drink to the rising interest for eco-accommodating items, the study discoveries offer a guide for organizations to effectively explore the market. By utilizing these bits of knowledge, pursuing vital choices, and remaining proactive with future examination drives, organizations in Myanmar can situate themselves for practical development and outcome in the consistently advancing business sector. In conclusion, businesses operating in Myanmar can gain a deeper understanding of the market landscape and make well-informed strategic decisions by using surveys from market research. The experiences accumulated from these reviews can assist organizations with adjusting to changing shopper inclinations, recognize valuable learning experiences, and remain cutthroat in a quickly developing business sector. By utilizing the discoveries and suggestions from statistical surveying drives, organizations can situate themselves for progress and flourish in the unique business climate of Myanmar.
Oftentimes Clarified some things (FAQ)
1. Why is statistical surveying significant for organizations in Myanmar?
2. How might organizations profit from the discoveries of statistical surveying studies led in Myanmar?
3. What are some typical obstacles encountered during market research in Myanmar?
4. How might organizations guarantee the precision and unwavering quality of statistical surveying information gathered in Myanmar?
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gajjarequipments · 22 days
Compact Concrete Batching Plant in Madhya Pradesh
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Gajjar Equipments Private Limited provides a Compact Concrete Batching Plant in Madhya Pradesh. Our recent installation of the Compact Concrete Plant GCP-30 in Badnawar, Madhya Pradesh. Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Gajjar Equipments Private Limited is a manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Asphalt Mixing Plants, Concrete Batching Plants, Wet Mix Macadam Plants, Bitumen Pressure Distributors, Bitumen Decanters, Road Sweeping Equipment, Material Handling Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Storage Systems, Pavement Mixing Plants. Available Models of Compact Concrete Batching Plant Like GCP-24, GCP-30, GCP-45, GCP-60, GCP-75, and GCP-90. With the new GCP plant, GAJJAR introduces a concept for a linear and transport-optimized concrete mixing facility. This versatile plant is suitable for use as a concrete filling station, a compact yet powerful option for the ready-mixed concrete industry, or for supplying concrete to the precast concrete sector. All components, including the mixer platform and linear bins, are pre-installed and connected, allowing for rapid setup. The plant’s design features an unfolding and erection process that significantly cuts down on connection and installation costs. Features: Capacity range: 24 m3 to 90 m3 Easy to transport and install Option of no foundations, soil compaction of 250 kN/m² is sufficient Plug & Play – Plants' electric and pneumatic components are completely pre-installed Short assembling times Expandable aggregate storage Advantages of Compact Concrete Batching Plant: Space Efficiency: Designed to occupy minimal space, these plants are perfect for projects with limited site area. Mobility: Many compact batching plants are mobile, enabling easy relocation to various project sites, which is particularly beneficial for short-term or multi-location projects. Quick Installation and Setup: Engineered for rapid assembly and disassembly, these plants minimize downtime and enable quicker project commencement. Cost-Effective: Their smaller size and efficient design lead to lower initial costs and reduced operational expenses compared to larger plants. High Efficiency: Compact batching plants produce high-quality concrete efficiently, maintaining consistent mix quality and adhering to project specifications despite their smaller size. Reduced Labour Costs: Automation and streamlined processes reduce the need for manual labor, leading to significant cost savings. Enhanced Control: Equipped with advanced control systems, these plants ensure precise measurement and mixing of materials, resulting in consistent concrete quality and minimized waste. Gajjar Equipments Private Limited provides Compact Concrete Batching Plant in Madhya Pradesh including locations like Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Ujjain, Sagar, Dewas, Satna, Ratlam, Rewa, Katni, Singrauli, Burhanpur, Morena, Khandwa, Bhind, Chhindwara, Guna, Shivpuri, Vidisha, Chhatarpur, Damoh, Mandsaur, Khargone, Neemuch, Pithampur, Narmadapuram, Itarsi, Sehore, Betul, Seoni, Datia, Nagda, Shahdol. For more information about our compact concrete batching plant or to request a quote, please contact us today. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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dainiksatik · 28 days
MP के Katni में Dalit दादी-पोते को पुलिस ने पीटा, Chandrashekhar ने CM से साफ-साफ कह दिया
कटनी (Katni) में दलित दादी-पोते की पिटाई का मामला बुधवार को एक दम से सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो गया. संबंधित मामले में चार लोगों को ऐसी सजा दी गई है.. MP latest News In Hindi: मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh) के कटनी (Katni) में दलित दादी और पोते की पिटाई का मामला प्रदेश समेत देशभर में चर्चा का विषय बन गया. इस मामले में जीआरपी पुलिस पर कई गंभीर सवाल खड़े हुए हैं. कांग्रेस समेत तमाम नेताओं ने इस घटना…
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novumtimes · 2 months
Rains Lash MP; More In Store On Friday Says IMD
Last Updated: July 25, 2024, 23:51 IST Heavy to very heavy rainfall and thunderstorms with lightning is very likely to occur at isolated places of MP on Friday, the IMD said. (File Image/PTI) The sluice gates of some dams were opened to manage the water level, officials said Rains in several parts of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday caused water-logging, while the India Meteorological Department forecast heavy to very heavy rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning on Friday as well. The sluice gates of some dams were opened to manage the water level, officials said. Some videos circulating on social media showed flooded drains. In Katni district, railway staff patrolling flooded tracks were seen guiding the driver of a locomotive. “Satna and Ratlam districts received 88 millimetres and 80 mm rainfall, respectively, between 8.30 am to 5.30 pm on Thursday. Bhopal received 25.6 mm from 8.30 am to 8.30 pm,” according to IMD’s Bhopal Centre. “Heavy to very heavy rainfall and thunderstorms with lightning is very likely to occur at isolated places of MP on Friday,” the IMD said. (This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – PTI) News Desk The News Desk is a team of passionate editors and writers who break and analyse the most important events unfolding in India and abroad. From live upd…Read More Source link via The Novum Times
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petnews2day · 6 months
Amit Shah in MP, Biden to host Philippines, Japan leaders... Top news today – Firstpost
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Amit Shah in MP, Biden to host Philippines, Japan leaders... Top news today – Firstpost
Union Home Minister Amit Shah. PTI File It’s Thursday. And it’s going to be a busy one for news. Union home minister Amit Shah will be visiting Madhya Pradesh’s Mandla and Katni districts to campaign for Lok Sabha elections. US president Joe Biden will hold the first three-way summit with the Philippines and Japan leaders […]
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radikalrags · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Voodoo Vixen Katnis Raining Cats Dress Size Medium NWT.
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newswatchindia · 8 months
The skeleton of a tribal farmer missing for 5 months was found, created a stir!
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Madhya Pradesh News: Shocking news has come out from Katni district of Madhya Pradesh, a male skeleton was found in the forest of Amradad in Katni, due to which a sensation spread in the area. As soon as the police got information about the matter, the police team reached the spot.
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soft-blankets108 · 9 months
Here I introduce my first ever watch through of the hunger games. These notes contain all four movies (not including the prequel because I watched that first in theatres). They’re very much made directed at my friends so I’m mainly just bookmarking them.
Thoughts while watching the hunger games
Movie 1: The Hunger Games
1. I already know who dies so no surprises there
2. Are there only white people in this goddamn movie???
3. Gale is weird
4. What the fuck did Gale do to get his name in there that many times?? Is that just how it works??
5. Peeta(?) seems sweet
6. I know him and Katniss know each other but I don’t know how they know each other
7. The drunk(?) guy seems like a dick but in the way he’ll have a redeemable character arc later on
8. I agree with a random tweet I saw now where they were talking about the importance of Katniss’s role in district 12, how she was honoured because she hunted not because she volunteered
9. Katniss hasn’t even been in the hunger games yet and she’s already traumatized. Who did this to her?
10. Movie ends rather abruptly, I assume because that’s how the book ends
11. The actual games were interesting but I hope they go more into the political side of things (I know they do)
12. Rue’s death was sad but I already knew how she died so nothing new I guess
13. I didn’t know the other guy from district 11 saved Katniss, that’s pretty cool, lessens the divide between districts
14. Peeta was alright, I can see them trying to set up a love “triangle” between gale him and Katniss but I don’t actually like Gale so I don’t care
15. Weirdly enough I like the romance aspects in the movie outside of the relationship with Gale because it’s leaves the audience and the characters questioning what parts of their relationship is real and what is acting
16. Why doesn’t every tribute get their own mentor??? That’s how it worked in the prequel movie. Wonder what changed.
17. I like them calling the Capitals bluff, two victors or no victors
18. The first two or three hunger games movies are apparently leaving Netflix on January 20th (weird time) so glad I decided to watch it now I guess
19. It did feel like there was a bit of explaining throughout the movie like this is what these berries are and the weird wasps. I appreciate it and don’t at the same time.
Movie 2: Catching Fire
1. I’m surprised Katniss even wants to pick up a bow again. But it makes sense that she still hunts.
2. Uhg. Gale is back.
3. Did I mention I didn’t like Gale?
4. Was there a district 13 in the prequel?
5. Oh my god shut the fuck up snow 🙄🙄🙄
6. “This is sacred ground” in reference to the victor village. Ma’am that looks like a dumpster fire.
7. Break because they’re testing the fire alarms in my dorm and I can’t hear shit
8. Cinna, the wardrobe guy. I did not know his name before this moment
9. How often do the hunger games happen? Once a year? Every four years like olympics?
10. “Almost thought that kiss was real”. What the fuck Peeta
11. The…. Mayor(?) of district twelve and Haymitch seem to have the weirdest relationship. They hate each other. They’re coworkers. They seem to get along sometimes?
12. Effie! That’s her name.
13. Okay Peeta and Katniss are kinda cute
14. I’m a lesbian and I would date Peeta what the fuck is Katniss doing thinking about Gale
15. Rue :((((
16. Good for district 11, sad for that guy
17. God Katniss couldn’t sound more like she was reading off of cards
18. Sewing the seeds of rebellion I see
19. Still don’t like Gale even if he is pro-rebellion. He’s just kinda an asshole.
20. Dude this is just like star wars
21. Peeta is a sweetheart
22. NOTHING IN THIS MEDICAL SITUATION IS CLEAN! It’s a miracle Gale doesn’t have like 300 types of infection by now
23. Who’s letting white men over 80 be in charge?? (This is about snow) dudes old as fuck. Reminds me of someone
24. I agree with Haymitch “you could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy” like yes king go off (said to Katniss about Peeta)
25. Big fan of Peeta being the damsel. “Peeta has to survive, we have to do everything we can to save him” << Katniss
26. Haymitch does seem like a pretty cool guy, the first movie did him dirty
27. Quit kissing Gale girl!!!! You could do so much better
28. Wow what a surprise that Katniss is the female tribute! I’m glad they went through the process of pulling her name anyway, I only wish they had a big bowl with a bunch of pieces of paper with her name on it. Really would build suspense lol
29. I wish to be a non binary person in the hunger games universe. I think it would be funny.
30. Effie is weird. Delusional and also kind of nice?
31. Hey I know that guy
32. I think the horse in this scene is my new favourite character
33. I love Peeta he’s so cool
34. This is the most awkward elevator ride I’ve ever been a part of
35. How and why is there a picture of Rue there?
37. Effie looking Katniss dead in the eyes and saying “you would have been the most beautiful bride” is so fucking rude. Way to be confident in her skills
38. They removed the chairs from the interview stage like no more standing you did it once
39. Cinna is cool and awesome. There is no way he’s alive by the end of this
40. As someone trained in CPR that fucker is not pushing hard enough on Peeta’s chest, break some ribs man
41. NOT a fan of the blisters they have from the fog. I guess they aren’t fans either
42. Oh good they’re gone just like that
43. Katniss really chose the least good weapon, what happens when she runs out of arrows? I think the only thing worse might be throwing knives
44. No one deserves Peeta, what a sweetheart
45. I like that all the disasters or whatever chase then inwards towards the cornucopia
46. Interesting that they take the bodies out of the arena now
47. Big fan of the jabberjays I like the uses for them
48. Knowing that they both live is confusing (Peeta and Katniss)
49. I like the girl who sharpened her teeth for this, she’s cool
50. I like that we’re actually getting to know the game master for this run
51. Oh my god Gale 🙄🙄🙄
52. Are there no countries outside of panam??? Like at all?
53. Well that was fun, end of catching fire
Movie 3: Mockingjay Pt. 1
1. Interesting opening
2. Soundtrack has been pretty good throughout the movie
3. Where is my boy. I know he’s in the capital but where is he.
4. I Don’t Trust The Rebellion
5. I agree with Katniss about Peeta
6. I kind of hope we see Peeta’s POV from w/in the capital, not because he’s my favourite character but because that would been a great scene. If it’s not in the movie I know there’s some fanfic about it somewhere
7. I like that they’re showing Katniss’s struggles with mental health, adds a sense of realism that would otherwise be missing from the story
8. I wish they had shown more people with physical disabilities, like you’re telling me none of the victors that were chosen had lost an arm or an eye or something
9. Very cool scene in District 12, very tragic but I like how they did the scene
10. Where’s Haymitch at
11. President Snow shut the fuck up challenge
12. I’ve seen this scene before with Peeta on the monitor giving an interview. Better with context lol
13. Rebels were quick to call Peeta a traitor despite the fact that they all know the capitals media is manufactured to portray what they want the audience to see. Of course it’s propaganda.
14. Gale > “maybe he was forced” of fucking course he was?! The fuck? Do they think Peeta is just chatting and supporting the people who nearly got him and Katniss killed for fun??
15. “And my sister gets to keep her cat” ha saw that one coming lol
16. Effie! I kind of like her
17. Can’t believe I actually Haymitch. He at least wouldn’t lie to Katniss
18. I think Effie looks better like this than in her ridiculous outfits
19. God Gale looks so awkward while Katniss and Effie are talking. His face nooooooo
20. Cinna :((((((((((((( fuck
21. What the fuck is this propaganda it’s so stupid
22. She’s not the best actor maybe
23. Haymitch!!!
24. I like BeeTee
25. The absolute audacity the rebellion president has to say that Katniss is an untrained civilian
26. FOGGY NELSON!?!??!??! He can’t fucking speak?!? I must destroy the capital. Foggy my boy what have they done to you
27. They’re gonna bomb that hospital.
28. I’ve seen this speech before
29. I don’t like the rebellion. I want the capital overthrown but Karl Marx is occasionally right and they give me the wrong vibe
30. You always forget how big moose are until you see them. That might be a reindeer.
31. Poor Peeta. I miss him. God he looks terrible. :(
32. The guy from supergirl is also in the filming group. Did they say they wanted sidekicks only? Only in superhero tv shows
33. Oh I like the hanging tree song this is cool
34. The dam blowing up is awesome, I like how they used the song for the scene
35. Can president snow be dead yet
36. Peeta no!!!!!!!! I support his rights and wrongs
37. Awwwww Prim. She went back for the cat. I would’ve gone back for Monte I understand
38. Prim’s gonna be a doctor!!! You go girl! She definitely will live!! (She’s gotten too much character development in this movie)
39. Finnick :(((( (I keep calling him Fennec in my head)
40. How long has district 13 been underground? When were they bombed?
41. Oh the white roses! I kind of love that, it’s really cool. In a snow is sinister and good (bad?) villain
42. Peeta better not die I will kill people.
43. With half an hour remaining (plus credits) I see where you both were coming from, liking it and not liking it
44. I just kind of feel bad for Finnick
45. WHAT
49. There’s no way the squad rescuing Peeta succeeds.
50. Finnick really is just talking shit about the president on tv love that for him. He’s not even reading from a script this is just years of anger lol
51. Katniss going “president snow can you hear me” just sounds like the beginning to the most awkward zoom call imaginable
52. President snow reminds me of Count Dooku
53. Katniss :(((((((
54. God I hate the president (rebel edition) she’s so manipulative with everything she says
55. I’m like 90% sure she’s evil
56. Something is not right with Peeta. He looks so hurt and sad and starved. And he’s trying to kill Katniss but go off king idk
57. Peeta no my boy what did they do to my boy my sweet boy
58. All presidents shut the fuck up challenge
59. I like the POV camera angles in this series, they’re very good
60. Is Peeta the guy from five nights at Freddy’s or is that someone else?
61. Overall I did enjoy the movie, it gave the story time to breathe that it desperately needed, a break from most of the action while still keeping it interesting.
Movie 4: Mockingjay Pt. 2
1. Prim!!! I like that they sent her in, Katniss’s family is his family in a lot of ways
2. My boy no :( “she’s a monster, she’s a mutt”
3. The president has bad vibes (rebellion edition) Katniss > “you’ve seen what I can do. Send me to district 2” and her just saying “yes I have” is weird and creepy
4. Shut up about the stupid love triangle bullshit!!! Gale there’s no way you can ever been the one Katniss chooses
5. Gale saying “I don’t think they used any rule book when they highjacked Peeta” in defence of bombing medics and wounded soldiers on the other side is just admitting you’re willing to resort to snow’s level of cruelty
6. I think this is my new favourite way to watch movies, taking notes
7. Also their military force is called the Nut?? Really snow couldn’t come up with anything better than the nut???
8. Gale seems more evil in this movie, just saying I could tell from the beginning. “No one who supports the capital is innocent” Gale what the fuck are you on, your girlfriend(?) childhood best friend literally spoke speeches in support like the fuck
9. I like Katniss’s speech here, when she has a gun to her head she makes her best speeches truly
10. She ain’t dead you fools, she just gets injured every five seconds. Like seriously can this girl stay out of medical for five minutes
11. Snow just really loves poison huh?
12. Johanna is kind of funny, I like her she’s wrong when she says nobody likes her
13. I was scrolling through tumblr and I have never been more into the theory that Peeta is the one more similar to Lucy Gray. They both have that same charisma and kindness.
14. I hate how they’re using Katniss, like they really don’t care what she wants
15. Wedding is cute! Do chairs not exist in district 13?
16. Effie’s dresses up again, I wonder where she got such fancy clothes from
17. I would simply notice someone sneaking around a hanger bay filled with bombs. I’m just better.
18. She’s very bad at being anything close to sneaky, literally getting a crowd to form around her
19. More people of colour in these more recent movies
20. Finnick!!!! In the march on the capital
21. All Katniss wants to do is murder why can’t she murder. It’s just frustrating that she keeps being forced into propaganda when she doesn’t want to be in it
22. One (or more) of these pod things will be triggered, they’ve spoken about them too much for them to not be
23. I like that Gale is trying to help her even though he has no clue what she’s doing
24. Why is Peeta here :( he shouldn’t be in an active war zone he still looks tiny
25. Katniss is not good at lying “I wouldn’t be shooting Peeta, I’d be shooting a capital mutt” like sure girl whatever you tell yourself
26. I like this commander guy, he seems awesome. No I don’t know his name
27. Poor Peeta my guy has been through so much. I feel like he still will try and kill Katniss though. That feels too much like an open thread in the story.
28. Convenient that those pods run out of fuel or whatever
29. Boggs :((( (I learned his name)
30. Foggy Nelson my love looks so awkward in the background of all of these scenes
31. I’m surprised no one slipped on the oily marble staircase, maybe it’s sticky? Or like tar?
32. Okay it’s fucking hilarious that they’re doing the stupid little cannon montage for people who “died” in war against the capital. It’s absolutely ridiculous and so on brand
33. Foggy Nelson my boy no, good for you for coming up with a plan but this feels like a death sentence
34. I saw snows collapsed body on that desk and felt really joy for a moment until he woke up like an asshole
35. Isn’t there something about getting strings of bows wet? Or getting bows wet in general? I feel like I learned that that’s bad for them at some point
36. Dude imagine if they had AI generated images to show Peeta. How fucked up would that be.
37. Imagine the one week you’re in the hunger games you get your period, not only are you most likely going to die but you have to be on your period too. Like that’s fucked
38. What the fuck are those things. They look like little aliens I was expecting something that looked vaguely like an animal
39. Oh no she’s gonna run out of arrows! Seriously she needs to learn how to use another kind of weapon.
40. Peeta is such a damsel
41. Finnicks like for sure dead :((( I miss him already
42. Katniss kissing boys left and right goddamn
43. “Stay with me.” “Always.”
44. Oh no Foggy’s brother died! :(((( (I don’t know his characters actual name).
45. Just under an hour left on the runtime and we’re breaking for lunch
46. Okay let’s do this last hour (I have cookies)
47. It’s funny how both Gale and Peeta think the other is the more significant one to Katniss.
48. She has collapsible arrows!!!! Why didn’t anyone tell me?!
49. They seriously didn’t even put like any makeup on them to sneak into the mansion? Also their outfits should have more colour to properly blend into the crowd
50. Very cool action shots that was great. In the run up to the mansion
51. All that work for nothing huh?
52. I wonder what medic symbol they use to avoid violating the Geneva conventions
53. I miss Finnick
54. SNOW SHUT THE FUCK UP CHALLENGE (this is about snow talking about Prim)
55. I only kind of wish Peeta was here to say one last fuck you to snow (see earlier point about Lucy Gray) but I’m also glad he isn’t because he isn’t in danger lol
56. I love that Haymitch is clearly picking up on the same bad vibes that Katniss is in the scene with the last victors and the interim president
57. Oh my god kill yourself coin, I get why Katniss murders her now she’s just another snow
58. Haymitch votes with her! Besties!
59. I don’t like how coin pronounces Panem. Pen-em
60. Yes kill her ass!
61. Oh Paylor!!!! She’s awesome big fan I hope she wins the election that’d be fun
62. Omg Haymitch and Effie! I knew I picked up something about their relationship
63. Poor cat and poor Katniss :((
64. Awww the letter from Annie is so cute. She’s a sweetheart
65. Yay for democracy!
66. I like how Katniss curls up against Peeta, just makes herself at home in his bed because it implies they’ve done this a hundred times before <3
67. Peeta only asks real or not real questions to Katniss which I think shows how much he trusts her even when he’s not fully himself
68. The ending is very cute! I like that the little boy has the same hair as Peeta
69. The end :) final thoughts: uh I did like them which I always knew I would. I think I didn’t watch it earlier because of 1) lack of interest, just wasn’t really relevant in my life I guess and 2) don’t like going into something knowing that half the characters die y’know? I combated that by looking up who dies before watching the movie. Happy I watched it, maybe I’ll read the books? I don’t not want to read them but I’ll have to find them first lol. I think I got a pretty unique perspective having seen the prequel first and none of the others, it’s interesting to see how even after Lucy Gray is gone, her music lives on. And just the little bits and pieces where you can see references to her and snow’s past.
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