#Keep Your Chin up Depressive Detective ! ( Shuichi )
heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@ahogedetective​ ll Makoto SC ( No longer Accepting )
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🍀 “Oh..Saihara...I’ve got a favor to ask, if you’re not busy.” Makoto had a black cat in his arms - something fitting for him, he supposed. Though the cat didn’t look like it was in terrible shape, he could feel some of it’s bones easily. 
“I found this guy not too far from the school gates...I think he might have lost his owner...he’s a little too tame with me to be feral...think you can help..?”
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(Have A little snippet of what is now considered a past conversation between Kokichi and Shuichi. It’s the night before Kokichi started going to class. If anyone wants me to do snippets of Kokichi meeting each character for the first time just send in an ask!  ~Mod Kokichi)
Shuichi steps into his room, another long day of classes and nosy friends behind him. He sighs exhaustively and sits on the edge of his bed, hunching over. A moment of quiet passes as the detective relaxes enough to find his words. "Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day you'll be joining me in my classes... How are you feeling?" He doesn't bother addressing the kitsune by name, there was simply no need. Shuichi knew the other was there and awake.
Kokichi poked his head and upper body out of the void. he crossed his arms against the floor, resting his his chin on his arms as he looked at the detective. “You know when you talk like that people are gonna think you talk to yourself Shu~” He smirked then shrugged his shoulders. “What’s there to worry about? It’s not like I am being graded like you losers.” 
The Kitsune moved to put a finger to his chin tilting his head in a thinking motion. “Now that I think about it... I have never gone to a school before.” He then moved his finger to right above his lip with a smirk. “I mean when the orphanage found me they tried but I never went~ It sounded soooooo boring and I had better things to devote my time too. Besides I learned everything I know from my fellow kids, the streets and my past animal pals.”
The detective sighs, "Some people already think that." It was a slight exaggeration, collage pupils have probably never thought that. Shuichi continues, "Ah- but, you haven't been around more then a few people for a long time now, right? Just as long as you're prepared for that..."
Shuichi finds the energy to shuffle through his briefcase to pull out a notebook, he finally looks in the kitsune's general direction as the male extends it towards Kokichi. "I-I can give you a run-down of my classes as we move between them tomorrow, but I wrote them all down in this; what you do with the notebook is up to you." And then, rather hesitantly adds "S-some of these might uhm, interest you, as scary as the idea sounds..."
Kokichi pursed his lips slightly before lowering his ears slightly letting a bit of his true feelings. "Y-You want honesty? I really don't know. Guess I am a little worried. Maybe. It has been awhile..."
Seeing the notebook held out to him the kitsune crawled out of his little hole to sit right in front of Shuichi. He took the note book and looked it over. It was just a plain red notebook. Nothing really special about it.
Opening it he looked at what the detective wrote. He already saw few classes that sounded interesting enough to keep his attention. "A quick run down tomorrow might help. Maybe." He spoke without looking up from what he was reading.
Shuichi nods, "Y-yeah." The kitsune seemed to be placing some amount of trust in him and that sort of jumpstarted the detective's anxiety, but damnit now is not the time!
He finds his eyes drifting down to the other's hands, mindlessly looking at them, "Let me know if you need to step out of a class for a bit. My professor's already know you'll be with me a-and that you're, um... Different, i-in this case." Shuichi can't help but grimace at his use of the word different. And now, clean up the verbal mess you just made-
"They don't know anything more though, so don't worry about that, okay?" The detective back-peddles. "S-sorry, im probably not doing a good job of preparing you..." He sighs, lowering his gaze to the floor, resting his face in a hand.
Kokichi nodded "Okay. I know. They told me that all the professors know I'm not an actual student here. But to treat me like I was one unless you stepped in or something goes wrong with- No, Encase the bird comes. I always have to deal with the bird. Noone else should have too."
Kokichi panicked slightly seeing the other get depressed suddenly. "H-Hey, Your doing fine! This is new to you just as much as its new to me. B-But I guess you are helping. Maybe..."
"The bird..." The words carry like lead on his tongue, but Shuichi nods slowly. Just keep going along with it. "Y-yeah. I'll do my best, Oma-kun." He gives a small grin he hopes is encouraging. The male glances over to the small clock and the grin fades, "I'll- no, we'll need to be up by 7:30..." The detective yawns softly.
Kokichi nodded and gave a faint smile. He looked at the time and winced slightly. "If that's the case then sleep is needed." He crawled back over to his void to slide back into it. Luckily he was already in his sleep wear: a galaxy themed shirt stolen from Kaito.
Shuichi nods and stands once the kitsune was back in the void, changing out of his day clothes and throwing on an old T-shirt. He grunts, laying down on his bed; thoughts continuing to spin in his head. If he's going to be by me now, then I should just... "Uhm... K-kokichi-kun?" The male tries out casually addressing the other.
Kokichi froze in his void at hearing Shuichi use his actual name. A small blush dusting his cheeks. He just calls out from inside the void, voice muffled and slightly distorted "Yes Shu?"
"...Yea, N-Night shu!"
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
👀(btw i rly love ur wips theyre so lovely)
Eee thank you so so much! That makes me so happy! :3
This WIP is a fake date scenario that I failed to finish for a prompt. (sorry person who asked for it, but here it is super late in all of it’s partially completed glory. >_
Fake Date
Shuichi Saihara had a problem.
He had lied. He had lied to his best friends in the entire world and he was too much of a coward to back out of the lie at this point. So here he was, outside of Kokichi Ouma’s door, about to ask the ultimate supreme leader a favor that would surely lead to Shuichi owing him for a long long time.
But it would be worth it, Shuichi reasoned as he knocked on the door. Almost immediately it swung open.
“Oh wow, Mister Ultimate Detective’s knocking at my door? What, did you finally pin me for all those pesky crimes I’ve managed to get away with?” Kokichi smirked as he leaned against the frame, “Well I gotta say, I’m innocent! I would ­­never break the law, honest!"
Shuichi sighed, already regretting his decision, “Ah. No. It’s nothing like that…although I think we should come back to that conversation at a later time… But I…” Shuichi felt the words escape him.
“Eh?” Kokichi’s eyes and smile widened, “Ooooh what is it? Did my beloved come to confess his love to me after allllll this time?”
“No it’s not that either!” Shuichi shouted as he flushed red. He then lowered his voice to a whisper, “Can I come inside to talk to you?”
Kokichi moved away from the doorway with a wink, beckoning Shuichi inside, “Anything for you, Shuichi!”
Once inside, Kokichi bellyflopped on the bed, his chin resting on his hands as he listened like an excited child.
Shuichi, on the other hand, nervously twiddled his thumbs as he tried to prepare an eloquent way to word his request, “I’ll…just say it. Would you…well…pretend to be my date?”
“Huh?” Kokichi’s face contorted and head tilted in genuine shock, “Your date?”
Shuichi sighed, “Okay…so here’s the thing. Kaede and Kaito keep setting me up with all of their friends, which don’t get me wrong, is nice and all, but I’m kind of… sick of it. So, yesterday when they mentioned a friend of theirs that they wanted me to meet, I kind of said I was seeing someone…”
Kokichi’s expression was now blank, but he motioned for Shuichi to continue.
“So now I’ve been roped into a triple date with Kaito and Maki, Kaede and Rantaro, and me and my mystery partner…”
Kokichi blinked a couple times, “Why are you asking me?”
Shuichi sighed, “You’re the best liar, Kokichi. You’ll be able to make it believable. I know it’s a pain, but…just pretend to be my date. I’ll…do anything. Please.”
Kokichi immediately broke back into a smirk, “Oh I see… so what you’re saying is that you’ll owe me! Well I gotta say you practically begging me is a real turn off. So I think I’ll decline!”
Shuichi’s face fell and he hung his head, “I…see, well if that’s the case then-”
“Neeheehee! That was a lie of course! I can’t see my beloved looking so depressed and desperate like that without helping him! Gimme the deets, Shumai, and I’ll be there!”
Shuichi beamed as he pulled the surprised supreme leader into a quick hug, “Thank you so much Kokichi! And seriously, I will owe you. I just…thank you!”
After providing the details and plan, Shuichi raced out the door smiling.
Kokichi waved goodbye, immediately sinking to the ground as the door closed. He leaned against the door, head resting on his bent knees.
I finally get to go on a date with Shumai…and it’s a lie. How…poetic. Is karma real? Because if so they’re a bitch.
It made sense that his first and possibly only date with the detective he’d been pining after for so long, would be fake. It made sense that Shuichi would ask him, as the navy haired detective was a logical guy and asking a liar to help with a lie made the most logical sense. If Shuichi had known the extent of Kokichi’s feelings, he never would have asked him, because Kokichi’s beloved detective just wasn’t that type of person. He just wasn’t that cruel.
But fate is, I guess.
Shuichi pulled the olive turtleneck sweater over his head, the casual comfort of wool strange compared to his usual stiff uniform for school and his internship at the detective’s agency. He couldn’t help but feel nervous, which was understandable given the circumstances, but his nervousness felt uncomfortably similar to first date jitters.
Calm down, Shuichi. This isn’t real. Kokichi doesn’t like you like that anyway.
Shuichi shook his head.
So stop overthinking!
He glanced at the mirror, fixing his hair, (except for the one piece that insisted on standing straight up) and then made his way to the meeting place.
Kokichi was the first thing Shuichi saw as he entered the pumpkin patch, and he couldn’t help but allow his breath to hitch for a moment. He had never really seen Kokichi in casual clothes, but as the boy sat on the hay bale, his bright pink oversized hoodie clashing in all the right ways with his light blue leggings, he had never looked more stunning. He turned his head, noticing the detective openly staring his way, and his face broke into a large grin. He jumped off the bale of hay, sauntering over, his usually unruly plum colored hair tied back into a loose ponytail. As he neared the detective, Shuichi noticed his hair was pinned by several bright pink and yellow bobby pins. Kokichi was picturesque and the absolute definition of colorful, and Shuichi knew he just had to tell him how absolutely gorgeous he looked.
“Your clothes… They’re… nice…” Shuichi mumbled as his face flushed crimson, mentally punching himself for his utter lack of eloquence. He decided staring at the ground was his best course of action now.
Kokichi just giggled in return, “Aww is my date too embarrassed to look at me? Well you can’t go getting all shy now, Shumai! Not if you wanna sell the lie!”
Oh yeah. This isn’t a real date.
Shuichi cringed at how fast he was able to forget his purpose for being here. He forced himself to look the supreme leader in the eyes, “S-sorry. You’re right, Kokichi.”
“Now c’mon Mister Detective!” Kokichi lilted as he curled an arm through Shuichi’s, “Your friends think you’ve been dating the mystery person for a while now riiiight?”
Shuichi tensed at the physical contact. “Y-yes, I told Kaede we’ve been on a few dates.”
“Well then you have to relax a little bit, Shumai! You can’t be so nervous or else they’ll get suspicious. So c’mon, just calm down, okay?”
Shuichi nodded and forced himself to relax into the touch a little bit. Kokichi grinned at his progress.
“There you go! You’re doing great. Now let’s just have fun, okey dokey?”
Shuichi was surprised at how soothing and reassuring the talk with Kokichi had been, “T-thanks Kokichi. That was really nice of you.”
Kokichi snickered at the compliment, “Well of course! Supreme leaders have to be really great at peptalks! How else do you think we get our lowly subordinates to do all of our dirty work?”
Shuichi sighed at that, rolling his eyes at the still laughing leader.
And just like that a sweet moment was ruined. I don’t know what I expected. Well at least I don’t feel nervous anymore.
“Shuichi!” A feminine voice called out and Shuichi was instantly stiff again.
“Kaede…” Shuichi muttered to himself as the two turned around.
Kaede, Rantaro, Kaito, and Maki waved smiling, but the smiles seemed to falter as they realized who Shuichi’s date was.
“Hey…guys,” Shuichi said sheepishly.
“Uh hey sidekick! So… this is the guy you’ve been dating?” Kaito wondered aloud as Maki glared behind him. Rantaro and Kaede whispered something to one another and grinned at the two standing before them.
“Y-yep…” Shuichi murmured, “Sorry for not telling you.”
Maki continued to glare as she bluntly asked, “Why.”
“Why on earth would you date that gremlin?” Maki gritted her teeth.
“Aww is Maki-roll jealous? Are you secretly in love with me?” Kokichi cackled as Kaito held Maki back.
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heart-ruled-moved · 6 years
@feebledetective ll Junko SC ( No Longer Accepting ) 
🧸 - Her possessions needed to be well maintained. Though they’ve been reduced to nothing more than her tools; it’d be a shame for any of them to cease functioning when she needed them. As beautiful as it was to see them bend and break under the weight of their own hatred and hopelessness with the world...she couldn’t exactly have them catatonic.  
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“Shuichi-kun...” She muttered, acting like it was hard for her to form a smile as she gently runs a hand through his hair “You can’t stay in bed all day...come on honey...do you want to at least eat lunch with me?”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@overthinkex ll  Tenko SC ( Hope’s Peak AU )
🌸 She’d been avoiding the life outside her dojo more than she should. Ever since a few days ago, she had hadn’t really show her face around the school. She had the ever-lasting problem of still not being able to fit in with society, despite all her training in Neo-Aikido. 
It’s too much noise. Too much stimulation from devices she didn’t understand that hurt her head and made her feel sick. How was she supposed to get used to it? The people, the endless amount of new things...it only served to wind up her frustrations, and she took it out on the dummies provided to her in her ‘lab’ rather than risk hurting someone else around her. Maybe it was the responsible thing to do, given that she was apparently no less dangerous now...
She landed on her feet, hand catching itself on the mat as the sound of a knock and an opening door caught her off her groove. Her eyes narrowed, clearly unhappy with seeing it was a male at her doorstep.
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“...Come here to make fun of me? Typical.” 
She had already made up her mind about his intentions before he had even said anything. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 6 years
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( Wanna get into the habit of tagging threads with characters involved so here’s a few of them on display 
Lemme know if you want one for your character and you’re not on here, OCs included of course! ) 
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@truthuncovered​ ll SC for Shuichis 
🌸 It’s without any warning that she decided to grab him by the scruff of his collar, not even finding it in herself to make her exaggerated cries of enthusiasm. She was too much of an emotionally charged person to think straight at the best of times, and it was even more apparent now as she moved to slamming him against the floor in a pin. 
Her eyes flashed with hatred and disgust as she put one hand on his shoulder, other hand raised in a fist aimed directly for his face. Everything she’s been taught to do, all the values she had continued to follow.... 
Her hand faltered. Quivering in the air before she could land the blow. There it is again- that pesky feeling of self-doubt caught in her throat, and she let out a loud cry of frustration as she let her hand collide with the solid floor instead.
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“S-saihara-san. Tell me....tell me it’s all a lie. Tell me that you don’t steal girls panties when you get close to them. Tell me you’re different from all those perverts. Please.” She was practically pleading him, hardly caring that she had hit her hand hard enough to make her knuckles bleed. 
Asking to be lied to....just how desperate was she? This was starting to become pathetic. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@truthuncovered ll from here
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        ❝ chabashira-san, a-are you sure about this ? ‘ feet tremble as you approach the edge of the raised platform, stomach turning the somersaults that your master had asked you to perform. the world disappears into the abyss that lies below you, until your vision is filled with green tatami ( who knows what could be lying beneath it ? ) your heart twists in a web of nerves, trying to shake free of their bonds, but they keep spreading, threatening to take over your entire body…
            breathe. chabashira may be callous at times, but she wouldn’t just let you fall to your death. & if somehow you can nail this, perhaps she may see you as something more than another menace. ( you’ve gotten hints before, but there’s a part of you that wants more evidence so you could be absolutely sure. )
           slowly, you raise your head, keeping your gaze focused ahead of you. you jump off the platform, chains rattling from the loss of weight, as you try to align your feet with the ground…
           only to fall flat on your face, ahoge mere millimeters from the dummy you almost crashed into. nice.
🌸 “Of course I am!” The Aikido Master’s confident chirp resonated from below him, hands curled into fists of enthusiasm as her excitement grew to see him go about his first attempt. Truth be told, she’d never had the chance to have an activity with a kid her age like this - much less teach them. Funny that it should happen now, in the middle of all this....but it was better late then never! She had to get Shuichi in a place where he’d be able to defend himself! 
“Just don’t think about it! You’ll do great, Saihara-san!” She waved her arm, cheering him on as he took his leap of faith. 
- That smile didn’t last long, though. Even if Tenko had never been formally taught most of what she knew, she had failed enough times to get where she was today to know what it took to be in a dangerous position. Her heart thumped in her chest, and even if there’s a mat well enough equipped to handle the fall, the instinct to protect someone in danger was too powerful for her to control. 
Scared he was going to fall head first, she made a rapid dash towards where he was falling towards, arms stretched out to catch him.
“W-watch it!” she attempted to make something like a  frustrated growl, but her voice was much too lined with concern to really get that across. 
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“Don’t use me as a landing cushion, you menace!” - Just ignore the fact that she was holding him for a second or two longer than she needed to in order to make sure he wasn’t hurt. Or that she bothered to bend down before dropping  him close to the mat : a fall that likely wouldn’t hurt a toddler.
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@feebledetective ll From here
– Truthfully, he just left his dorms to get something to drink, then return to his dorms as soon as possible. Honestly, he was having troubles trying to sleep again, so he thought he could at least try to drink something that might help a bit.
Just as he was walking, he almost got startled upon hearing some footsteps, but really, he shouldn’t be too alarmed. He doesn’t even leave his dorms a lot, so he wasn’t sure just who would be out at this timing. It seemed like it was non-other than Tenko!
  …Wait. Tenko?
No, that didn’t seem right at all. He could have sworn he saw her dead. She was declared dead. What was she doing here? Stopping right on his tracks, he tried to register what was going on. This had to be a hallucination of some sort.
  " …T-Tenko-sa– “
His words were soon cut the second he felt her hand around his neck. It felt almost sudden, and just by looking at her eyes, it was clear that she wasn’t so happy to see him. Sweat begins to form from his forehead as he froze, slightly trembling, he wasn’t sure what he was even supposed to do in a situation like this. All he could feel right now is complete confusion and fear.
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” Ch-Chabashira-san– Wh-What are y-you–?! “ –
🌸 She had  enraged at the idea that had been anchored to this world with only the ability to watch. The evening let her form as little more than something akin to a wisp, seeing the world through blurred eyes and hearing muffled voices. The trail of her murder and any sentiments they might have expressed were lost on her - not that she cared. In her mind, the events of what had happened were clear : Shuichi, Korekiyo, and Kokichi....they had all plotted against her. Why else would they have helped put her in that cage? Tell her not to make a sound until the ceremony was over? She was determined to make them pay.
The dead hours of the night and the growing rage gave her what she needed - a power she didn’t yet understand as her spectral body solidified. Her feet only occasionally touched the floor - withering and fragile as they were blown by the drafts in the halls. 
But her hands were solid enough. At least, enough with the boiling anger built up inside of her as she saw him. One of her hands reached for his throat, no longer following any of the practices of Neo-Aikido with its throws or pins to the floor. Her wrath was primal - far beyond any of that as she closed her hand tighter around his neck, pushing and aiming to slam him against the nearby wall as she growled in an unearthly tone.
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Her free hand held onto his shoulder with an icy grip, glowing eyes piercing through the darkness.
“Why did you kill me?!  How could you?! I trusted you!”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@truthuncovered ll Semi-Plotted
🌸 What was he planning? Tenko didn’t like this situation in the least. If she’d come here into the library, it was because she expected she’d be alone when she tried to advance her studies. She still hadn’t quite gotten used to the idea that she was living among other people, and she was sure it showed. That and...well, her complete inability to be around technology. Flinching when the lights were turned on, looking wide eyed at the televisions and the fact that she hadn’t been seen using the phone she’d been given once. 
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Her glare towards her classmate only intensified with time, shoulders tense as she waited for him to reveal whatever corrupt reason he had for coming here. Being alone here with a girl? There was no way this could be good. What perverted thoughts were running through his head? 
All logic dictated she should just strike first after what she’d been taught, but this wasn’t the streets of Japan at night....
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@truthuncovered ll  Tenko SC ( Hope’s Peak AU )
🌸 It’s only been a day or two since she had moved into her dorm at Hope’s Peak - and there was no end to the amount of things the Aikido master had never before within this building alone. Growing up in the mountains, far away from civilization or electricity...it was proving to make this whole experience pretty overwhelming to her. She’d never really had trouble sleeping before, and even if she knew it was due entirely to her nerves, it didn’t stop the fact that it was making things far worse for her.
She’d already forgotten what these electric lamps were this morning ( being more used to candlelight or ones that ran on oil ), and the flicker of a dying light-bulb in the library  had startled her into knocking it over in her paranoid, sleep deprived state. She’d just started thinking about the best way of going about it when...
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“Hey, degenerate! Watch where you’re stepping!” She takes the other student by the arm, pushing him back gently enough that he wouldn’t fall over with how she almost sees him step on the shards of broken glass. The consequences of what she’d just done didn’t hit her until moments later, to which she let out a growl of frustration.
“Ah- g-geez! What did I do that for? Touching a degenerate male like you...t-this is exactly the type of thing my master warned me about! Now whatever energy I had this morning is bound to be sapped away because I tried helping you...” 
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