ahogedetective · 4 years
@feebledetective testified: " SHUICHI SAIHARA. " Seiji smacked him, a wonderful way to say good-morning to his beloved brother. He seemed very ... upset though. He didn't even hesitate to show Shuichi an empty small plastic box. " Did you ate my l-last strawberries? " Menacing.
“Auhh!” Whenever Seiji said his full name like that, he fears. “G-Good morning, Sei-ow!!” He cups his cheek, whining. “Wh-What was that fo... oh...”  He knew he was in for it, now... stepping back slowly, he nods his head. “Y...Yes... b-but!! I’m going shopping today and was going to buy you a new container of them, h-honest! Since you ate a few yesterday, I figured y-you wouldn’t mind if I... ate one....?”
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killersmash · 4 years
@feebledetective:   1, 4, 10 and 12 if you haven't answer em already!! UwU
Ask Saishii About Hoshi .
1 .  Everything. KHksskh.. But if I had to pick one in particular, it’s how he’s lost his whole family tbh. And not just like only his parents, it’s literally everyone. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... that kinda thought is frankly? Pretty terrifying. I don’t know how I would live through something like that, 
4 . “ Make your life known. “
10 .  Everything. But in all seriousness, there’s a lot of him that I like! His design slaps, his writing is great, his voice is lovely, his personality?? Amazing. Real talk, I could ramble a lot about why I love Hoshi so much, but there are a lot of positives and very few negatives.  I have a google doc here if you’d be interested in that long answer.
12 .  His refusal to just... accept things. It’s a depressing trait definitely, and sometimes even an irritating one, but it’s also pretty comical trying to see how many hoops this man will go through for even the simplest of things. You wanna hang out with him? Gotta spend 10 minutes in a debate because in fact, you unironically love his company and just wanna spend time with him even though he’s a murderer and a bad person and ya ya ya. This man would deadass call you daft for trying to treat him like a human being, and it’s very miserable to think about.... but also pretty funny from just how absurd it sounds.
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kibokill · 5 years
"Talk about Hinata" uvu
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”there’s a lot to say…” a light, quiet sigh. he smiles through gritted teeth, choosing his next words very wisely. “hinata hajime is… someone complex. someone i haven’t thought very highly of, for a long time.”
he’s met hinata three seperate times now, every occasion having its own particular flavor of misery to it. there’s many versions of the boy stored in his memory, examined through and through, almost crystal-clear, breathing copies. he’s come to discover both the strenghts and weaknesses of these hinatas, how they think and talk, how they spend their free time. it’s perculiar, difficult to admit, difficult to think about, and yet… no matter how unrecognizable the world makes him or how drastically he’s changed, he feels like there’d still be something anchoring him to this one, lone individual.
the first version he met was one he pulled a weapon on, foolishly. the unsuccessful gunshot in return stayed in his memory, bothered him, caused him to seek the mysterious figure out. each new piece of information he found out about kamukura further built a tower of reverance and hate for him.
“he’s also someone i admired.” worshipped, idolized, despised. really, he can go on.
the second was a friend. an emotional, confused wreck who didn’t know what he was getting himself into. there was nothing eccentric or mysterious about this boy– average in his thoughts, his words, the way he’d tap his foot whenever he was getting impatient. with a presence like an impulsive young flame, piercingly blunt and burning, he was so refreshing to be around.
only now can he feel a pang of regret when remembering how he treated this version of hinata. to fill the gaps in his delusions, he concluded this hinata was a liar, that every ounce of trust and admiration he felt for the boy was gained only through sick manipulation on his end. finding out the truth was like a punch to the face, and he was determined to make his treacherous friend feel the exact same.
the third was a saint, despite all the odds.
hinata hajime was once a weak, heavy-hearted teenager hated by the world, balanced on two legs yet feeling like he’s going to fall any second. he kept getting knocked to the ground, pressured into decision after decision, traumatized and belittled all in the pursuit of finally being able to call himself worthwhile. the killing game felt like a final blow of sorts, after which there would be nothing left in his stead.
yet he came back, a piercing light shining even brighter than ever. a guide of sorts for the remnants, despite never thinking of himself that way. this version of the boy was the version that saved komaeda’s life, faced the truth without hesitation, survived every hardship that was ever thrown at him. still stubborn as ever, this hinata is intent on living and keeping everyone around him alive, no matter how painful or difficult. it’s worthy of reverance, even envy.
“or… still admire.” the truth is that he’d drop and bow to him if he was asked– but, he guesses that’s a bit too much. hinata is his equal, his friend, no matter how shocking it feels to be able to call him that. “but i think we all do. he’s helped us all out of a truly dark place. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to repay him for such a thing.”
talk about someone.
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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thankfulness for feebledetective : Shout out to @feebledetective who is a sweetheart that has such an amazing take on Shuichi and such creative ideas for his pregame self as well as amazing writing in general!
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steelheir · 5 years
《 @feebledetective​ | one-liner starter 》
    If it weren’t an emergency, the swordwoman would probably never stand at the doorway of another classroom, scouting out through the students who were leaving for after-school activities. If she could only catch the one she needed . . .
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    ❝Oh! Excuse me!❞ she had to push away a couple of students to get to her target, praying she wouldn’t miss him, ❝excuse me, are you Saihara Shuichi? The detective boy?❞
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ahogechef · 5 years
Cue Seiji hugging Kyou from behind, resting his head against her shoulders before planting a soft kiss on her neck. He's a bit needy again, he wants her affection from her!
“Ah…” Kyou was at the kitchen counter, looking through the cabinets to see what she wanted to snack on when she felt Seiji hug her from behind. The kiss to her neck makes a small, but happy sigh escape her, Kyou going to rest her hands on top of his.
“Seiji….” She nuzzles her head against his in turn, turning it a bit so she can plant soft pecks to his forehead. “Hey there, you..” She murmurs softly.
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liarsadvocate · 5 years
@feebledetective liked for a starter in the pokemon au! 
“ You can’t run from meee! ”
The remaining distance to their new destination was quickly eliminated by a race towards either the next pokemon center or food stand. Ouma and his trusty partner had come a long way and now that this foreign city had come into sight, both were high on energy and excitement. His Zorua, who had lovingly received the name Buttons when they started their journey years ago, was superior in speed in its current form, but Ouma was a fantastic competition. 
However, when Buttons crossed another path of the park they had reached, a curious sight came into view ー an unfamiliar pokemon caught its attention, one it had never seen before. Fascinated by the strange Umbreon, Buttons circled around it until it had taken in all the details and transformed once more to match its appearance. Aside from a few minor distinctions it was a pretty good Umbreon copy and could fool anyone who was unsuspecting.
But when Ouma spotted the two similar pokemon in the same place, he had no trouble racing right at his partner. 
“ Got’cha! ”, was the only warning cry Buttons received before Ouma tackled it and sent both of them to the ground. In a matter of seconds, Ouma lay on his back with his hair disheveled and a row of wheezing giggles escaping him as Buttons placed affectionate little licks on his cheek. Despite his complaints that they were “ yikes ” and “ gross! ” Ouma seemed to enjoy himself. He had already forgotten about the other pokemon that was the source of this commotion. 
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blankpercent · 5 years
@feebledetective​ said: 9, 22, and 23 uwu
《 find out more about my muse! | open 》
9. - sense of humor?
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    ❝I got a great sense of humor!❞ no he doesn’t, ❝I was once called the Japanese John Mulaney by a friend if that’s a credential.❞ Said ‘friend’ said so very sarcastically when Sou failed to deliver a punchline, he still gracefully took it as a compliment.
22. - favorite animal?
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    ❝I choose cats since it’s a no brainer for me ––– I lived most of my life surrounded by them,❞ when he still lived with his parents he never remembered having less than two cats at a time, making it impossible for him not to be a cat person.
23. - favorite bird?
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    ❝Crows are cute!❞ he chirped out the first species of avians he could think of, ❝owls are pretty neat too.❞
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subserviiient · 5 years
feebledetective replied to your post: Anzu, you should wear a playboy bunny costume as a...
[ that’s summ guro imagery right there ]
[ rhgjkhkgeh i should tag it as that shouldn’t i- ]
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ahogedetective · 4 years
@feebledetective​ testified: [ I'm lowkey nervous to reblog reblog-chains because I don't wanna spam my blog//leave anyone out bUT I DO
SHHH, YOU ARE FINE!! THANK YOU DOVELYYY, ILU!! That really makes me happy to hear!! And you best believe I will always love following ur wonderful blog, too~
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ultimctepoet · 5 years
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( 詩 ) -          
        ❝ Actually, I haven’t written anything at all... I’m on a break. ❞
   She sounded so nervous to admit that, as if people were expecting her to    work, but she didn’t apologize, this was something that the poet needed,    && although it took her so long to realize that; Nazumi was putting her work    aside for now && just focusing on herself more.
        ❝ Haven’t wrote anything in almost a week. ❞
                                                 @feebledetective​   /   closed
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thornedpromise · 5 years
《 @feebledetective​​ | Seiji | one-liner starter ✿ 》
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     ❝Excuse me mister . . .❞ carefully approaching the other person on the bus stop, hoping she didn’t startle the older teen who didn’t seem too threatening at first glance, ❝. . . would you by chance know if any of the buses here can take me to the city center?❞
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
Talk about Shumai, Souda! >,3c
Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person! ll Accepting
@feebledetective / @ahogechef ( dragging you into this madness )
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🔧- “Ah! My little sleuthing buddy! Kinda low energy at times, but someone’s gotta drag him out of bed, right? Geez- you’d think with the school giving us all the food we could ever ask for, it’d be easy to get him to eat? Right? Stubborn little dude, but I like that about him...same type of drive that makes sure he doesn’t give up on a case until it’s solved! I can’t really look at the grisly stuff to help him out, though...makes my stomach turn upside down.”
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“You know what I think he needs to cheer himself up, though? The guy should totally get himself a girlfriend! Maybe that cute blonde chef he’s always spending time with? Like, come on...I see the way he looks at her...” 
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steelheir · 5 years
@feebledetective​ said: ‘ you don’t get enough sleep. ’
《 sleepy-sheepy starters ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) | closed 》
    A light chuckle escaped her lips, as it was truly an understatement. Sara’s exhaustion has reached the level of being able to taste colours and hear the electricity in the walls ––– but this was final weeks for her as she binged her studies right before her tests, barely being able to push a few more hours of sleep into her packed schedule.
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    ❝I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine . . .❞ as repeating a lie didn’t make it true, the repetition of this meaningless-by-now phrase didn’t make things better for the swordswoman, ❝we have only three tests left, I’ll sleep after those.❞
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ahogechef · 5 years
@feebledetective !!!
Walking by herself at night never really bothered Kyou. She was a pretty strong girl, and wasn’t one to be easily intimidated if someone tried to mess with her. Still, she’d rather just make it on home without any problems. Unfortunately; tonight was not one of those nights, as a couple of thugs stopped her in her tracks to hit on her. Of course, she completely ignores them and was about to continue walking... until one of them grabbed her wrist, threatening that she’d better say something.
Irritated, she snatched her wrist away and shoved the guy back. She wasn’t going to try to hurt them, but when they tried cornering her into the ally... she decided they wasn’t going to leave her alone until she personally did something about it, hence why she started fighting them. Even if there was two of them against her, she managed to still knock them out with a few good punches and kicks.
Though, she wasn’t able to do it completely unscathed, since they had been able to land a few punches to her as well. Her head was throbbing and her body felt sore, notable bruises on her cheek and arms. “Ugh...” A groan, she picked up her bag, walks out of the ally... and that’s when she almost bumps into Seiji.
“-?!” Tensing, he was the last person Kyou wanted to bump into right now; only because of how she’s looking right now, and the fainted guys behind her that were her doing. “S...Seiji?? What are you doing out he-nngh!” She cups her forehead, hissing in pain. “I...I’ll talk to you tomorrow, j-just go...” She at least didn’t want Seiji being out here at this time of night, either.
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melatoninburst · 5 years
[ let Shanice and my parasite sona interact one day it's gonna be a very chaotic interaction uwu ]
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[ YES!!! we should have them interact !! :D It’d be so chaotic and it’d be the best thing ever! ]
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